All 2009 OAsis Newsletters

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  • 8/3/2019 All 2009 OAsis Newsletters


    OAsis January 2009918-632-0199

    Tulsa Green CountryIntergroup

    4815 S. Sheridan, #111Tulsa, Oklahoma 74145

    2009 IG Board/Committees

    Chair: Priscilla L. 402-8183Vice Chair:Rec. Sec:Treasurer: Amelia A. 344-5039Rep/Del: Priscilla L. 402-8183Rep/Del: Amelia A . Alternate: Sally D . Web:Tape Library: Kim W . Pop : Pat A .Newsletter:Prof. Outrch:Office Mgr: Evelyn Lifeline Rep: Kelly D .

    Fundraising:12 Step Within:Young Peoples:Names in red to be voted onat January IG meetingJanuary 10 th .

    Step 1We admitted that we were

    powerless over food - that our lives had becomeunmanageable.Tradition 1 Our common welfare should

    come first; personal recovery depends upon OA unity.Concept 1The ultimate responsibility

    and authority for OA world services reside in the collective conscience of ourwhole fellowship.

    Coming EventsJan 19, 2009 OAs 49 th BirthdayFebruary 28, 2009Unity DayApril 3-4 2009 Region IIIAssembly & ConventionOklahoma City, OKApril 24-26 Spring RetreatCamp Wa-Sha-SheBartlesville, OKMay 4-9 2009 WSO ConferenceAlbuquerque, NMAugust 26-29, 2010U OA WSC & 50 th Anniv.Los Angeles, California

    Happy 2009!Despite the gloom and doom being reported daily, we in OA havemuch to be happy about. Where else can we find those who thinklike we do about food? Best yet, where can we find a Powergreater than ourselves that can restore us to sanity! (What! Me

    insane!!) Tulsa Green Country Intergroup looks forward to abusy year starting with Unity Day in February, then the RegionIII Assembly in Oklahoma City in April, and the Spring Retreat atthe end of April which promises to be the best ever. It will be aMurder Mystery Weekend. Doesnt that make you shiver justthinking about it! Dont miss any of the fun, excitement, fellowshipand recovery takin and recovery taking place in OvereatersAnonymous. Anonymous! ( Be there or be square.) Editor

    Help Wanted Positions Available Intergroup has several openings for anyone wishing to boost their program by becoming involved in service. As a person who USED to have absolutely NOintention of doing OA service, here I am as Chair!

    How the heck did that happen? Wellmy program began to be sort of wishy-washy. You know the feeling.So I prayed to my Higher Power for help. Suddenly

    I had this overwhelming desire to work on the OAsis, then I chaired a spring retreat, AND I was selected to attend WSO 2008 in Albuquerque when the other delegate couldnt attend. My Higher Power was doing for me what I was unwilling to do for myself. Service has put my focus on my OA program and recovery.

    Overeaters Anonymous is a fellowship of individuals who,through shared experience, strength and hope, are recovering

    from compulsive overeating. From the OA Preamble

    This is a disease, but there is a daily reprieve. Lifeline 2003

    Step 1 Prayer

    God, grant me the serenity to accept

    the things I cannot change, courage to change the things

    I can, and wisdom to know the difference.

  • 8/3/2019 All 2009 OAsis Newsletters


    January Intergroup Mtg.will be held on Jan. 10 @9:45 @ OA office

    January 2009 Page 2

    Notes from December 2008 Intergroup meeting:

    A new chair was elected while the remainder of theelections were postponed until the January IG Mtg.

    Priscilla L was voted chair.

    Discussion was held on theupcoming lease renewal. A

    committee was formed to research the different possibilities. Amelia A.,Sally D., & Priscilla L.

    agreed to check with the management and report at next meeting.

    Karen B. has agreed to chair Februarys Unity Day& already has nifty ideas.

    What all of us have in common is thatour bodies and minds seem to send ussignals about food which are quitedifferent from those a normal eaterreceives. Page 2

    This mental obsession was somethingwe couldnt be rid of by our unaidedhuman will. Another power, strongerthan ourselves, had to be found to relieveus of it, if we were to stop eatingcompulsively and stay stopped. Page 3

    We hid from our pain by eating, so wedidnt learn from our mistakes; we nevergrew up. Page 5

    Support LifelineLifeline is OAs meeting on the go.

    Give service to this meeting by subscribing to Lifeline.Subscribe to Lifeline for yourself, a friend, a newcomer, alibrary or a doctors office.

    Lifeline OAs Magazine**********************************************This announcement was directly lifted from my December copy of the Lifeline. If you do not currently subscribe, I urge you to consider a 1 year subscription. Thispublication is for our fellowship, by our fellowship and contains insights fromboth successful and struggling OAers (just like us!). There are old issues at theIntergroup Office on top of the bookshelf in the main meeting room. Help yourself and discover how this publication will aid your program. Editor

    Quotes from OA 12 & 12Step 1


    5:05pm til 6pm onSundays at the

    Intergroup Officestarting January 4 th .

    Food for Thought

    Forgiveness is having given up all hope of having had a better past Anne Lamott

    Going To Meetings without Going to MeetingsI am a person who sometimes has a problem making it to meetings. Since theyare so important to my recovery I have discovered several ways to get a meetingin when I cant make it to the meeting room. Here is what I do:

    - Have a meeting by yourself by reading Lifeline. I heard someonesay that Lifeline was a meeting in a book. In fact it really is severalmeetings in a book.

    - Have a meeting by yourself by listening to a Podcast . I have found,quite by accident, that there are HUNDREDS of meetings on the web. Istarted out by googling overeaters podcasts, and OvereatersAnonymous podcasts. I also found many podcasts at my Itunes store bysearching for the same keywords. When I use Itunes I can subscribe tomany podcasts and will receive updates as they come available. I canlisten to these podcasts on my computer; download them on to my Ipodof mpeg player, or burn a CD. I now have a meeting ANYTIME I needone which is almost always. Right now I am on my way to doing a 60-60(sixty meetings in sixty days). I can accomplish this with the podcasts.

    - Have a meeting by yourself by reading O.A. Literature. I canremember the time when there was hardly ANY O.A. literature available.Now we have many books and pamphlets to read.

    - Have a meeting by yourself by writing. There is something aboutsqueezing my feelings out of my fingertips and onto the keyboard orpaper that helps me recover.

    - Call someone in the program when you can. I have always foundpeople willing to listen and willing to share.

    Jon from the Tuesday Noon Group

  • 8/3/2019 All 2009 OAsis Newsletters


    I would like you toknow that I amgoing to be the neweditor of the Oasis.God called me to dothis, although Ihave never doneanything like thisbefore. Just trying

    to do the next rightthing in my life.

    I would love to hearany ideas or opin-ions that you wouldlike to see added.

    This newsletter isfor everyone, so I

    want it to be useful

    to you each month!My email can be

    found on the back of this issue.

    There is a JOT section that can befound in the news-letter this month. Itis simply a place toreflect. If you enjoy

    writing, go ahead!! If you dont, maybe trysomething new! It isfor your own recov-ery, there are noright or wrong an-swers!!!

    Keep your recoveryfirst to make it last.

    Thanks, Melisa


    Unity Day Workshop!!

    Hardesty Library-

    8316 E 93rd St (SMemorial & 93rd)

    Saturday - Feb. 28:

    9:15 A.M. 4 P.M.

    COST for Workshop:

    A suggested $5 donation is allthat is needed!!!

    LUNCH will be from 11:30-1.NO Potluck, brown bag it or goout!!

    For more information, callKaren B. at 492-7606.

    Been called to service

    April 3-4 2009Region III Assembly &ConventionOklahoma City, OKApril 24-26Spring RetreatCamp Wa-Sha-SheBartlesville, OKMay 4-9 2009WSO ConferenceAlbuquerque, NMAugust 26-29, 2010OA WSC & 50th Anniv.

    Tulsa Green Country Intergroup4815 S. Sheridan #111Tulsa, Oklahoma

    February 2009At last I found I was notalone anymore.

    The OA Lifeline, 1967

    2nd Step. Came to believethat a Power greater thanourselves could restore usto sanity .

    2nd Tradition. For ourgroup purpose there is butone ultimate auth ority aloving God as He may ex-press Himself in our groupconscience. Our leadersare but trusted servants;they do not govern.

    2009 IG Board/CommitteesChair: Priscilla L. 402-8183Vice Chair:??? Rec. Sec::??? Treasurer: Amelia A. 344-5039Rep/Del: Priscilla L. 402-8183Rep/Del: Amelia A. 344-5039Alternate: Sally D. 396-3770 Web: Karen B. 492-7606Tape Library: Kim W. 742-3816Pop: Pat A. 250-1981Newsletter: Melisa G. 734-5321Prof. Outreach:??? Office Mgr: Evelyn 406-4783Lifeline Rep: Kelly D. 902-1170Fundraising:??? 12 Step Within:??? Young Peoples: Stephanie 809-0707There are still spots available!!!!

    ~Second Step P rayer~Heavenly Father, I know in myheart that only you can restoreme to sanity. I humbly ask thatyou remove all twisted thoughtand addictive behavior fromme this day. Heal my spirit andrestore in me a clear mind.


    Recovery in the OA program,besides teaching me how to eat,

    how to be abstinent, and how tobe sane one day at a time, hasenabled me to plan and followthrough, and do things-Lifeline,March 1998 Always one must ask, What is the best and most

    loving thing I can do? --As Bill Sees It

    True comfort is to be found inthe balance and sanity of absti-

    nence. So deep and pure is thiscomfort that it is well worthwhatever trouble or pain I mighthave to pass through to attain it.-For Today

    Man's main task in

    life is to gi ve

    bir th to himself.

    Erich Fromm

    Don' t gi ve up tryin

    g to find your way


    Bu t do remember

    tha t some times i t

    takes bending to a v

    oid breaking.

    Ka tinka Hesselink

  • 8/3/2019 All 2009 OAsis Newsletters


  • 8/3/2019 All 2009 OAsis Newsletters


    April 24-26Spring RetreatCamp Wa-Sha-SheBartlesville, OKMay 4-9 2009WSO ConferenceAlbuquerque, NMAugust 26-29, 2010OA WSC & 50th Anniv.Los Angeles, California

    Tulsa Green Country Intergroup4815 S. Sheridan #111Tulsa, Oklahoma

    APRIL 2009At last I found I was notalone anymore.

    The OA Lifeline, 1967

    4th Step.Made a searching andfearless moral inventory of ourselves.

    4th Tradition.Each group should beautonomous except inmatters affecting othergroups or OA as a whole.

    2009 IG Board/CommitteesChair: Priscilla L. 402-8183Vice Chair:??? Rec. Sec::??? Treasurer: Amelia A. 344-5039Rep/Del: Priscilla L. 402-8183Rep/Del: Amelia A. 344-5039Alternate: Sally D. 396-3770 Web: Karen B. 492-7606Tape Library: Kim W. 742-3816Pop: Pat A. 250-1981Newsletter: Melisa G. 734-5321Prof. Outreach:??? Office Mgr: Evelyn 406-4783Lifeline Rep: Kelly D. 902-1170Fundraising:??? 12 Step Within:??? Young Peoples: Stephanie 809-0707There are still spots available!!!!

    F o u r t h S t ep P ray er

    Dear God, It is I who has made mylife a mess. I have done it, but I

    cannot undo it. My mistakes are mine& I will begin a searching & fearlessmoral inventory. I will write down my

    wrongs, but I will also include thatwhich is good. I pray for the strength

    to complete the task.


    Murder Mystery WeekendSpring Retreat 2009

    April 24, 25, 26 (Fri, Sat, Sun)Camp Wah-Shah-SheBartlesville, OKCost $80 up to April 21 after$100Registration Forms can befound online or at the of-fice!!!!!!


    EVERY BIND THE SOUL. Henry Van Dyke

    Sometimes the process of doing Steps Four and Fivebrings to our awareness more than our character

    defects. Sometimes we uncover old traumas...Untilwe begin to deal with them, some of us found thatour abstinence was precarious or we continued tofeel unhappy, even while we were abstaining andworking the Steps. -12 & 12, Pgs. 50-51.

    Become addicted to constant and never ending self improvement.Anthony DAngelo

    Happy the man when he has not the defects of his qualit ies.Isaac Disraeli

    A person shows what he is by what he does with what he has.Unknown

    A 4th Step Experience

    I just started my step 4 a few days ago. I wont say I fully understand the process or have great grasp of all the finer points of this step or even the whole program. Thats why I havsponsor who is guiding me thru the steps and I am grateful for that.

    I do understand that the 4th step is about clearing away anger and resentments from the paI had a first hand experience with the burdens of my past coming back to haunt me and it jshowed me how important this 4th step is.A few months ago I wrote a letter that was never intended to be sent, it was just atherapeutic letter to get out all my emotional negativity that I was feeling at that momentout.However, instead of throwing the letter away or burning it I hid the letter.Then the person that it was written to accidentally found it and read it. This situation causso much turmoil for both of us and I felt terrible.It hit me today that this is the same problem that has always been going on for me. I holdonto my emotional baggage just like I held onto that letter and in the end it will always co

    back to haunt me and cause pain to those around me no matter how well I hide it or howdeep down I put it. It will always come back unless I throw it away. Unless I really get ridit.That is the importance of the fourth stepgetting rid of negative feelings of the past and being able to move on with out the past coming back to hurt you over and over.I think God had him find that letter to show me the importance of working the program.Also, on a positive note, because of the drama and pain the finding of the letter caused hestarted going to al anon which I am so grateful for.Even though I thought everything in my life had come to an end and my relationship wasover and everything was terrible I held onto my higher power and things turned out to not be as bad as I thought they were and good things came from them. AA Big Book

    When you sugar coat the truth, itonly leads to truth decay . Unknown

  • 8/3/2019 All 2009 OAsis Newsletters


  • 8/3/2019 All 2009 OAsis Newsletters


    OAsis June 2009918-632-0199

    Tulsa Green CountryIntergroup

    4815 S. Sheridan, #111Tulsa, Oklahoma 74145

    2009 IG Board/Committees

    Chair: Priscilla L. 402-8183Vice Chair:Rec. Sec.: Linda T. 625-5094Treasurer: Amelia A. 344-5039Office Mgr: Evelyn 406-4783Rep/Delegate: Priscilla L.Rep/Delegate: Amelia A.Alt. Delegate: Sally D. 430-8922Web: Karen B. 492-7606Tape Library: Kim W. 742-3816Young People: Steph F. 809-0707Pop: Pat A. 250-1981Lifeline: Kelly D. 902-1170


    Vice-ChairFundraising12 Step WithinOAsis newsletter

    Prof. Outreach

    Step 6

    Were entirely ready to haveGod remove all thesedefects of character.

    Tradition 6

    An OA group ought neverendorse, finance or lend theOA name to any relatedfacility or outsideenterprise, lest problems of money, property, andprestige divert us from ourprimary purpose.

    Concept 6

    The World Service BusinessConference has entrustedthe Board of Trustees withthe primary responsibilityfor the administration of Overeaters Anonymous

    Thank you, Melisa G. for your timeand effort on the OAsis. You will bemissed as editor. You provided afantastic service. Sometimes lifeust throws us a curve ball!

    This is a disease, but there is a daily reprieve. Lifeline 2003

    Step 6 Prayer from AA BigBook, pg


    God, help me to becomewilling to let go of all the

    things to which I still cling.Help me now to be ready to

    let You remove all thesedefects, that Your will and

    purpose may take theirplace.

    The Bond of Fellowship is Strong and Growing!

    Take a quick glance to the left and notice that almost all of theavailable Intergroup service positions are filled! HOORAY!!

    There is a new meeting on Sunday afternoons that has enjoyed greatattendance from the very first, and, I hear, that attendance is up in other OAmeetings also. We need each other, thats for sure.

    AndOA sponsored a booth at a health fair held for the employees of Direct TV at 21 st & Sheridan on June 4th. It was a success with many

    pamphlets and meeting lists given away. Thanks to Judi P. who organized theevent in record time and thanks also to members Stephanie F. and Jon S. whohelped man the table. And behind the scenes helpers, too. WHOO HOO!!

    The next event on our OA calendar is scheduled for the very firstweekend in August. Actually, it will start on Friday night, July 31 st with a potluck supper. Our Region III Trustee will share her recovery story. She hasbeen a member of OA for 25 years. On Saturday, August 1 st there will be aworkshop about the foundations of our program. This will build upon ourconvention from last year, The Building Blocks of Recovery. Look for aflyer with more details soon.

    Right after Labor Day on September 11 th , 12 th & 13 th will be the Fall

    Retreat. YOU DO NOT WANT TO MISS!!!!Hosted by Karen B. with help from the Sunday5 x 5 meeting, this promises to be a fantastic and

    fun filled weekend fun-filled weekend. Pat A. will be, once again,preparing abstinent meal preparing abstinent meals (I hope) and there

    will be a murder mystery to solve. More will berevealed


    Quotes from OA 12 & 12Step 6

    because saying were entirely ready and beingentirely ready are two very different things. Page 53

    A willingness to change is the essence of StepSix. Page 57

  • 8/3/2019 All 2009 OAsis Newsletters


    Next Intergroup Mtg.will be held on June 13th@ 9:45 @ OA office

    June 2009 Page 2

    Notes from May 2009 Intergroup meeting:

    Come toot your horn at Intergroup!!

    Discussion continued about fundraising ideas

    to help increase our prudent reserve.

    Fall Retreat is scheduled for September 11 th thru13 th at Cam Wah-sha-she

    in Bartlesville, OK. The 5 x 5 group is considering

    chairing the event.

    After discussion, it wasvoted that there will not

    be a 7 th Tradition taken at the intergroup meetings

    The cost of placing a door between the rooms

    at the intergroup officewill be researched.

    The Region III Trusteewill be asked to come to

    Tulsa to hold a workshopin either October or

    August. Karen B. or Linda T. is willing to host

    her in their homes.

    Spring Retreat was attended by 6 people and they had a wonderful


    Groups are having good attendance.


    July 31 st & Aug 1st th Pot luck & Foundationsworkshop @ Resurrection Church

    Sept. 11 th -13th Fall Retreat, Camp Wa-sha-sheBartlesville, Oklahoma

    Oct 16 th -18 th Region III Fall AssemblyAlbuquerque, NM

    Nov. 14 th IDEA Day (International DayExperiencing Abstinence)

    Overheard at the WSC, Albuquerque:

    OA ACE AbstinentCompulsive Eater

    There are no big deals,

    onl bi deal makers

    Excerpt from OAs new book: Seeking the Spiritual Path

    I came into OA to feel good, and, of course, I thought thatlosing weight would help me feel good. I know no one who says, Ifeel good; I think I will change. No, we all feel bad aboutourselves and our lives and that is why we are willing to change.We all believe that by losing weight we will feel better. Yet, one of the saddest days of my life was when I reached my goal weight andrealized that nothing had changed except my weight. I was stillthe same person I had always been, and I would always findsomething to justify feeling bad if not the weight, then somethingelse. I was addicted to feeling bad and I used my weight to justifythat feeling..

    When I first read the Big Book, it struck me that nowhere does

    it talk about physical recovery, except as a result of Godsintervention which comes from living the Twelve Steps. While wehave a threefold illness, we have only a spiritual recovery; thephysical and emotional recovery comes automatically because of Gods will for us.

    I am no longer in charge of the results of my life, only whatfootwork I take. The physical recovery, both from my disease of compulsive overeating and my disease of cancer, is in Godshands.

    The physical recovery is his choice; the spiritual mine. Anonymous from Seeking the Spiritual Path, pages 33-34

    TO ACCESS VIRTUAL MEETINGS:Go the Overeaters Anonymous Website at . On the main page inthe upper right quadrant, second line, it will say telephone or online meetings.Click on this link and then follow the instructions.Also on our own website there is a link to the virtualspeakers site of the Los Angeles Intergroup. Rozanne S. is listed!

  • 8/3/2019 All 2009 OAsis Newsletters



    A Tiger and Its Prey

    We often talk in a meeting about how our disease stalksus while we're in recovery. Wecan walk for weeks, months oryears along the path of recov-

    ery, but we need to remember that our disease is keeping pace with us, just out of sight. And it has the advantagesince it knows us better thanwe know it. It knows ourpatterns of behavior in both

    celebration and sorrow in myfamily these involved food. Itknows just the right time towhisper a half-truth in my headwhen I'm struggling in the pro-


    My best defense against the tiger in the woods (the diseasein my life) is OA. When I amworking my program, keeping in contact with my HP, going to

    meetings, calling my sponsordaily - basically walking theOA walk the whispers of mydisease fall on deaf ears. Staying on the path

    Is my only chance against the disease of compulsiveovereating.

    Contributed by Karen B.

    Oasis Newsletter

    Special points ofinterest:

    An often over-looked conceptof self-supportapplies to serviceas well asfinances.

    Stay on the OApath

    Keep comingback. It works ifyou work it, andyoure worth it.

    Recovery isnt amystery. Attenda workshop July31 & August 1.

    special events, be a sponsor,contribute an article for theOasis...the list goes on and onand it doesnt cost anything!

    Sources:1Seventh Tradition of OA.2Region 3 Website (paraphrased).3The Twelve and Twelve of Overeat-ers Anonymous, pg. 168.4The Twelve and Twelve of Overeat-ers Anonymous, pg. 163.

    Contributed by Judi P.

    Every OA group ought tobe fully self-supporting,declining outside contri-butions. 1

    Where does the money go?Have you ever wondered whereyour money goes after you dropit in the basket? Your contribu-

    tion helps make sure there is aplace for compulsive eaters tomeet and share their recovery.Rent, telephone, recoveryevents, maintaining the Web-site, keeping updated meeting and phone lists and publishing

    the newsletter are all paid forby our weekly contributions. 2

    OA never requires a contribu- tion. Members may attendmeetings for free for as long as

    they like. However, many of ushave found that a financialcontribution, no matter how

    small, supports our recovery.When the basket comesaround, do we keep in mind

    how much we might be spend-ing if we were out bingeing,instead of attending OA? Do weremember all the money wespent on weight-loss programs

    that did not work? 3

    When OA was established 49years ago, the suggested dona-

    tion was $1. A candy bar was anickel. Stamps were 3 cents. Adollar will not buy as much as it

    did then. Today, a donation of $3 or more is suggested. 2

    When the treasury grows be-yond a prudent reserve needed

    to meet short-term expenses,groups pass along these funds

    to their intergroups, regionsand World Service Organiza-

    tion. 4

    Its not just about donating dollars. An often over-lookedconcept of self-support applies

    to service as well as finances.Volunteer to lead a meeting, go to intergroup meetings, help at

    Did you know that 7th Traditiondonations made by check

    to OA are tax deductible? Your check stubs are your receipts.Many members are now writing checks for their 7th Tradition!

    The Seventh TraditionJuly 2009 Volume 1, Issue 1

    Inside this issue:

    Workshop 2

    Retreat 2

    Region III Conven-

    tion & Assembly


    Intergroup 3

    Meeting Notes 3

    How to join OA 3

    Basic Information

    about OA


    Changing Chairs 4

  • 8/3/2019 All 2009 OAsis Newsletters


  • 8/3/2019 All 2009 OAsis Newsletters



    July 11, 20099:45 a.m.

    at OA Office

    The OA Tulsa Intergroup is aservice body of OvereatersAnonymous that carries themessage of OA to greater Green Country.

    This group is comprised of aBoard, Standing CommitteeChairs and Meeting Repre-sentatives.

    Monthly meetings providemembers with such serviceopportunities as:

    WebsiteMeeting Lists Literature RetreatsWorkshopsCommunity Outreach

    members may attend one

    meeting a week while othersprefer to attend more oftenwhen such opportunities areavailable.

    The kindly reminder, Keepcoming back, is based on theexperience of most OAers whofind that their recovery sufferswhen they stay away frommeetings too long.

    No one joins OA in the usual

    sense of the word. There are nomembership applications to befilled out. Once we have heardabout OA and believe we havean eating problem, we simplyattend local OA meetings of ourchoice.

    It might be noted that OAmembers dont have to a ttendany set number of meetingsduring a given period. Some

    For more Frequently AskedQuestions (FAQs) about OA,

    Another excellent source of information is

    Next Intergroup Meeting

    How does an individual join OA?

    Meeting Notes

    Finishing up OA's Abstinence book some time in

    July. The next book is OA's

    Seeking the Spiritual Path .

    Hope you can join us!

    Seeking the Spiritual PathBook overview

    More than 70 stories of spiritual discovery compiledfrom Lifeline magazine.Explores such topics as thesearch for a Higher Power,spiritual experiences beforeand during the program, toolsfor spiritual growth and theperspective of agnostics andatheists. Softcover; 144 pages.

    Sunday5x5 Meetingat OA Office

    5:05 pm

    Volume 1, Issue 1

    Patience and

    diligence, like

    faith, remove


    William Pennfrom For Today

    Send a representativefrom your group to thenext Intergroup. Anyonecan attend and learnmore about OA.

    I put my handin yours andtogether wecan do whatwe could neverdo alone.

    Page 3

  • 8/3/2019 All 2009 OAsis Newsletters


    Since coming to OA in January 2009, I havelearned volumes about myself. Perhaps themost significant thing I have learned is that ICAN change. Albert Einsteins definition of insanity says it all. Insanity: Doing thesame thing over and over again and expect-ing different results.

    Recently, I decided to change something as trivial as where I sit each day. I realized Ihad worn a groove in my couch where I sat

    to meditate and journal in the morning,where I sat in the evenings when I got home,and where I sat for endless hours watching mindless and mind numbing TV shows.

    So, I moved to the chair outside on my patioin the morning. Then, I moved to the kitchen

    table in the evenings. Sometimes, I dont sitat all, but stand or walk...just doing some-

    thing totally different.

    It seems like such a silly change, but it does

    seem to be working. My focus is to keepmoving. I realized that although my home isquite small that there were days and weeks

    that I had never ventured into other parts of the house. I would spend my days andnights sitting in that one chair, in that oneroom.

    Moving around has given me a new andbright perspective. I enjoy looking out thewindows at new surroundings. I even boughta bird feeder and am beginning to enjoy all

    the activity of the various birds that visit my

    back yard.I still have a long road ahead of me to reachsanity, but by making just this one smallchange has opened the door toward morechange and more healing for me.

    Im glad I have learned that I really canchange, even if it is just changing chairs!

    Contributed by Donna H.

    Ive learned that I reallycan change...even if it is

    just changing chairs!

    2009 IG Board/Committees

    Priscilla L., Chair ....................... 402-8183

    Linda T. Recording Secretary ... .625-5094

    Amelia A.,Treasurer .................. 344-5039

    Evelyn,Office Manager .............. 406-4783

    Priscilla L., Rep. Delegate .......... 402-8183

    Amelia A.,Rep. Delegate ........... 344-5039

    Sally D., Alt . Delegate ............... 430-8922

    Karen B., Web ........................... 492-7606

    Kim W., TapeLibrary .................. 742-3816

    Stephanie F., Young People ....... 809-0707

    Pat A., Pop ................................ 250-1981

    Kelly D.,Lifeline ........................ 902-1170

    Judi P, Acting Public Information 728-3186

    Donna Ham, Acting OAsis News.628-0381


    Vice Chair

    Fundraising 12 Step Within

    Professional Outreach

    OAsisBasic Information about the OA Fellowship

    Excerpt taken from

    The first OA meeting was held in 1960 in Los Angeles, California.Since that time it has grown to about 6,500 meetings in over 75countries about 54,000 members.

    The OA program offers physical, emotional and spiritual recovery for those who suffer from compulsive eating. Members find recovery onall three levels by following a Twelve-Step program patterned afterAlcoholics Anonymous. Members who recover through the TwelveSteps find that yo-yo dieting is a thing of the past. They no longer wish

    to return to eating compulsively.

    Changing Chairs

    Were on the web!

  • 8/3/2019 All 2009 OAsis Newsletters


    Handwritten note found in theback of Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions book, officecopy:

    At first the character defects we see are theemotions, but later we look at the living patterns whichcause the emotions. Tochange the defects, changethe living patterns.

    Inside this issue:

    Poster 2

    The Promises 3

    Fall Retreat 3

    Foundations Workshop Recap 4

    What My Sponsor Means To Me 4

    Intergroup Board/Committees 4

    Thanks To My Higher Power

    I had used over the counter sleeping aids for sev-eral years. At a recent doctors visit, I mentioned

    that I was tired of waking up tired and she sug-gested I try to stop the pills to see what wouldhappen. Long story short last night, after going

    to bed without a pill, I asked my Higher Power towake me at 7:00 a.m. the next morning which isunheard of for me. I awoke at 5 minutes until7:00 a.m. this morning, wide awake and alert!!Thank you, God.


    August 2009

    Volume 1, Issue 1

    OAsis Newsletter

    Progress Requires Willingness, Prayer & Footwork

    Program has taught me that I can't behappy all the time - life is difficult - inprogram or out of it. I was really hopingthat eternal happiness was in the prom-ises of the program somewhere, but it'snot. Believe me, I checked. So I'm set-tling for progress and an improvement inmy attitudes, beliefs and behaviors - ingeneral a major overhaul of who I have

    been for decades into what my HigherPower intended me to be all along.

    This progress requires willingness, prayerand footwork on my part. Movingthrough the steps, using the tools - basi-cally walking the walk as it were. Onearea that can trip me up is thinking that Idon't have to make all the amends on myamends list. If I balk at making amendsto people for past and even current be-havior, I'm not going to be able to keepthe recovery I've received. The earlyfounders of AA believed amends to be ascritical as carrying the message in 12Step calls.

    I spent so much energy in the past ra-tionalizing away my personal responsibil-ity that my "own up to it" muscle wasdefinitely atrophied when I arrived inprogram. Like Wonder Woman's magicbracelets that deflected bullets, my skillat dodging personal responsibility wastruly awe inspiring.

    It's possible that this defense mechanismwas necessary early on in my life when itkept me off the radar as much as possi-ble from the alcoholics and dysfunctional

    people who were raising me. But itmorphed from survival tool into a crutchand then into a handicap as I grew intoadulthood. My 20s and 30s found mereacting to situations in a negative, non-productive way in personal and work re-lationships.

    Doing a 4th step helped me to learnabout the character defect of rationaliza-tion that fueled my avoidance of respon-sibility. Steps 5-9 are designed to notonly help me with that character defect,but also to "clear away the wreckage of the past" as described in the AA BigBook. Making amends are a critical lynchpin in clearing away that wreckage of mypast.

    One of the gifts I received in the processis that I now have the trust of thosearound me. They trust me not to hurtthem with rationalizations of why it's notmy fault but theirs. They love the factthat they're not the target for quickbursts of anger or lashing out because Isee them as wrong and myself asright. Gone too are my self pity partiesthat made everything they did to comfortme wrong and inadequate. Today I am apositive part of the world aroundme. Welcomed into my family and theirlives, a welcome employee atwork. Without those amends, none of this would have been possible.

    Grateful Recovering CompulsiveOvereater, Tulsa, OK

    Tulsa Green Country Overeaters Anonymous

  • 8/3/2019 All 2009 OAsis Newsletters


    Page 2 OAsis Newsletter


    Post on a bulletin board near you.

  • 8/3/2019 All 2009 OAsis Newsletters


    If we are painstaking about this phase of our development we will be

    amazed before we are halfway through.We are going to know a new freedom and a new happiness.

    We will not regret the past nor wish to shut the door on it.

    We will comprehend the word serenity and we will know peace.

    No matter how far down the scale we have gone, we will see how our experience can benefit others.

    That feeling of uselessness and self-pity will disappear.

    We will lose interest in selfish things and gain interest in our fellows.

    Self-seeking will slip away.Our whole attitude and outlook upon life will change.

    Fear of people and of economic insecurity will leave us.

    We will intuitively know how to handle situations which used to baffle us.

    We will suddenly realize that God is doing for us what we could not dofor ourselves.

    Are these extravagant promises? We think not.

    They are being fulfilled among us - sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly.

    They will always materialize if we work for them.

    The Promises

    Join Inspector E. Z. Peasy in theTown of Perfection and hopefully

    take some of the mystery outof your program Fall Retreat at Camp Wa-Sha-She

    September 11-13, 2009

    Download flyer, registration form and more information at :

    Fall Retreat, Sept. 11-13

    Theres a rhythm to our program because theres a rhythm to life


    Page 3 Volume 1, Issue 1

    Control is not one

    of the promises. Voices of Recovery,

    July 27

    Humility Not thinking less of myself, but thinking of myself less.


  • 8/3/2019 All 2009 OAsis Newsletters


    I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be.

    Douglas Adams

    12 Traditions Of OA Examined at Workshop

    All the planning paid off. The Foundations Workshop on

    July 31 and August 1 hosted by the Tulsa Green Country

    Intergroup was a success. Wanda S., our Region III Trustee

    led those in attendance through the 12 Traditions of Overeaters

    Anonymous. After a potluck supper on Friday night, Wanda shared her recovery story. Then, we had a full day of fellowship

    on Saturday.

    2009 IG Board/CommitteesPriscilla L., Chair ................................. 402-8183Linda T., Recording Secretary ............ 625-5094Amelia A., Treasurer ........................... 344-5039Evelyn, Office Manager ...................... 406-4783

    Priscilla L., Rep. Delegate .................. 402-8183Amelia A., Rep. Delegate ................... 344-5039Sally D., Alt. Delegate ......................... 430-8922Karen B., Web ..................................... 492-7606Kim W., Tape Library .......................... 742-3816Stephanie F., Young People ............... 809-0707Pat A., Pop ........................................... 250-1981Kelly D., Lifeline .................................. 902-1170Judi P. Public Information .................. 728-3186Donna H., Oasis newsletter................ 628-0381VACANCIES:Vice Chair Fundraising 12 Step Within

    Professional Outreach

    Tulsa Green Country Overeaters Anonymous

    Were on the Web!

    ting well. She gave me theconfidence to move forward

    instead of remaining in myisolation.

    She listens to me when Imready to talk, she doesnt judgeme, but she doesnt let me getby with anything either. Shehonestly cares about me. Sheknows where I am in my recov-ery because shes been there.

    Her gift of time to serve asmy sponsor is one of the mostmeaningful parts of myrecovery.

    Thank you, dear sponsor, for saying YES!


    It took me a while to get upenough nerve to ask someoneto be my sponsor. When thatperson explained to me thatthey were already sponsoringtoo many people, I almost didntget up enough nerve AGAIN toask someone else. However, if Ihadnt, I probably would still beback at square one with myrecovery.

    After selecting another sponsor candidate, I took that next stepand asked again. She said,Yes. It was just one word, butit was sweet music to my ears.More than that, though, it wasthe first step on my way to get-

    What My Sponsor Means To Me

  • 8/3/2019 All 2009 OAsis Newsletters


    Inside this issue:

    Twelfth Step Within Day 2

    Abstinence Definition Amended 2

    Fall Retreat 3

    Twelve StepsPrinciples Learned 4 Newcomers Welcome! Overeaters Anonymous offers a program of recovery from compulsive eating using the TwelveSteps and Twelve Traditions of OA. Worldwidemeetings and other tools provide a fellowship of experience, strength and hope where membersrespect one anothers anonymity. OA charges nodues or fees; it is self-supporting throughmember contributions.

    Unlike other organizations, OA is not just aboutweight loss, gain or maintenance; or obesity or diets. It addresses physical, emotional and spiri-tual well-being. It is not a religious organizationand does not promote any particular diet. If youwant to stop your compulsive eating, welcome toOvereaters Anonymous.

    September 2009

    Volume 1, Issue 1

    OAsis Newsletter

    Step 9: Made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so wouldinjure them or others.

    OA Melts IceI spent this past weekend with my 14-year- old daughter. Im a divorced father

    and havent lived with my daughter forfive years. The first year after the divorceI made many mistakes as a parent yelling, comparing and having a girlfriendfrom hell. I hurt my daughter, and byyears end she put up a wall to protectherself from me.

    I hit bottom later that year and joined OAshortly thereafter. For the last fouryears, I have worked the OA programand moved through the Steps. Early inOA I continued to make mistakes withmy daughter, such as commenting on

    her food choices. Other OA memberssuggested I talk only about myself. OAtaught me that this is a program of at-traction and that I was taking care of herby taking care of myself. I turned my willand life over to Gods care.

    I saw my daughter infrequently for thenext three years as she went through

    changes and had large resentments to-ward me. I spent most of my time beingwith my son. I was getting better in OA,and my son told my daughter about thewonderful times he spent with dad. Whiletalking to her by phone the last severalmonths, I detected a softening of hervoice. Feeling the time was right, Ireached out to her and we began spend-ing time together. She sensed thechanges in me, and the walls startedtumbling. My daughter is now in my lifeagain.

    This past weekend I did my Ninth Stepamends to her. We were both emotional,and she was so moved she started tocry. When I finished, she said she lovedme and we hugged. She said it was the

    best thing that happened to her thatweek, one of the worst weeks of her l ife.A friend of hers had cut her wrists, andshe found another friend drinking to thepoint of toxic shock. She talked openly

    Continued on page 4

    Tulsa Green Country Overeaters Anonymous

    For an honest,balanced view of myself, I take a few moments in

    which I free my mind of

    everything except Gods love for me.

    For Today (p. 153)

  • 8/3/2019 All 2009 OAsis Newsletters


    Page 2 OAsis Newsletter

    December 12 designated

    Twelfth-Step-Within Day

    Celebrated on December 12 (12/12) each year toencourage OA service boards, meetings and in-dividual members to reach out to those withinthe Fellowship who are stillsuffering from compulsive eat-

    ing behaviors.

    Send the World Service Or-ganization (WSO) your ideasfor activities and events tocelebrate Twelfth-Step-WithinDay. WSO will post them inupcoming issues of A StepAhead and Lifeline.

    I got here (desperate,eating compulsively)

    by doing things on my own. I stay here

    (abstaining) by fostering

    relationships with my Higher Power

    and OA members.

    Voices of Recovery

    (p. 97)

    I c a n t; G o d c an ; I t h in k Il l le t G o d .

    Th e T w el v e S te p s a nd T w e l ve

    T r a d it i on s o f Ov e r ea t er s

    A n o ny m o us (p .19 )

    Next Intergroup Meeting

    Sat. September 19, 2009 - 9:45 OA Office

  • 8/3/2019 All 2009 OAsis Newsletters


    WSBC Policy 1988b (amended 2002,2009) defines abstinence and recovery asfollows:

    Abstinence in Overeaters Anonymous isthe action of refraining from compulsiveeating and compulsive food behaviors.Spiritual, emotional and physical recoveryis the result of living the OvereatersAnonymous Twelve-Step program.

    Abstinence Definition Amended

    Join Inspector E. Z. Peasy in theTown of Perfection and hopefully

    take some of the mystery outof your program

    Fall Retreat at Camp Wa-Sha-She September 11-13, 2009

    Download flyer, registration form and more

    information at :

    $100 Must pay in full by Sept. 9(No registrations or payments will be

    accepted at the retreat.)

    Fall Retreat, Sept. 11-13

    The OA program, the people and God are all there for me, loving me fat or thin, abstinent

    or compulsively overeating. Can I do

    any less for myself?

    For Today (p. 226)

    Page 3 Volume 1, Issue 1

    Every time I pick upthe phone to call my sponsor or an OA friend, each time I take up my pen to

    write, I move myself along the path of

    freedom, awareness,acceptance, love, and


    Voices of Recovery (P. 91)

    Relapse is not contagious, but recovery is.

    Twelfth-Step- Within Handbook(p. 5)

  • 8/3/2019 All 2009 OAsis Newsletters


  • 8/3/2019 All 2009 OAsis Newsletters


    For TodayMaking a list of my worstfaults and the problems eachof them creates in my lifetoday helps me see what Ican do to change.

    AmendsOnce I got into the programand began to work thesteps, I made amends for myactions and laid that part of my past to rest.(from Abstinence, pg. 152)`

    *******************The JourneyBecause of all of you inthe Fellowship and thetwelve steps , I am living

    the exciting and meaningfuexistence I dreamed of for slong. It is a journey that calast a lifetime. Granted, it imore di cult to go forwardthen to fall back, but all theenergy is worth it. For witheach step, the view is betteand the air is fresher, and thbrightness that illuminatesthe path reaches straightinto the soul with warmthand sustenance no foodcould ever give.(from Lifeline Sampler, pg

    **************Serenity PrayerGod grant me the serenityto accept the things I cannochange, the courage tochange the things I can andthe wisdom to know thedi erence.

    Before you take that rst!

    **************Contact UsO ce Phone: 918-632-0199


    vereaters Anonymous haso opinion on outside issues;ence the OA name oughtever be drawn into publicontroversy.


    he moral deteriorations atten-ant on a false and shallow life

    e among the most pitiablerongs that mortals su er.Nathaniel Hawthorne

    t one time I needed to makegood impression, put up acade that said everythingas ne. Thats all I had, acade. Today I have more,

    ut sometimes I still play theame, If it looks good, it isood.

    hank God, there is a part of

    my consciousness that is notimpressed by appearances.I may try to silence it withdistractions but it forces meto look at the truth. Onceagain, the tenth step bringsincredible relief. It feels goodto plan to correct myself,

    to make amends wherepossible.(from For Today, pg. 382)


    Taking Daily Inventory12 Steps & 12 Traditions............. Page 87

    In taking daily inventory, we seek tobecome increasingly aware of our true

    motives and emotions.Our purpose is not to stir up negative

    feelings and guilt, but to continue alongthe path of progress and to recognize

    those areas of our lives in which progressis being made.

    Step 10ontinued to take personal inventory and when we wererong, promptly admitted it.we are to experience permanent recovery from compul-

    ve eating, we will have to repeat, day after day, thections that have already brought us to so much healing.rom Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions, pg. 83)

    Tulsa Green Country Overeate rs Anonymous Monthly Newsletter

    October 2009


    Were on the www.tulsaoa

    SeptembersFall Retreat Attendeesenjoying time on thebalcony.

    View Video: 2009 Fall Tulsa

    Green Country OA Retreat

  • 8/3/2019 All 2009 OAsis Newsletters


    Idea DayOAers as Pilgrims

    International Day ExperiencingAbstinence

    Tulsa Green CountryOvereaters Anonymous

    November 149 am to 3 pm

    Resurrection Church4308 S. Fulton, Tulsa

    Registration: $5Lunch: Bring Potluck Dish or $5

    * Workshop

    * Fellowship

    * Sharing

    * Silent auction/raffle(bring an OA or holidayrelated item)

    IDEA DAY is a World Service event which encourages OA members worldwide to begin or reaffirm their

    abstinence from compulsive overeating. Bring a friend for this day of fellowship which will include:

    Questions or to volunteer for service, contact:Judi P at 728-3186 or email at [email protected].


    Consend aciDolesto el Erostrud

    AndreMolobSectetTulsa Green Country Overaters Anonymous Monthly Newsl

  • 8/3/2019 All 2009 OAsis Newsletters


    workshop is not advertisedas an OA gathering, themembers have the right toinvite (or not invite) anyonethey choose.

    If someone in yourmeeting were having abirthday party or wedding,

    for example, some OA mem-bers may be invited andothers may not. The onesnot invited may feel left outor rejected, but it is not a Traditions issue. It is life onlifes terms, and sooner orlater during our recovery journey most of us haveto work our Steps aroundfeeling rejected and left out.

    If workshop members arenot aware that other mem-

    bers feel left out, you might

    speak with the workshopmembers and let them know The bottom line, however,and the direct response toyour question is that if thisnot a registered OA activitythe workshop does not haveto honor the OA Traditions

    --Members of the Board of Trus provided the answer to this questi

    (From Lifeline magazine, March/April

    **************Tenth TraditionSince our members come from

    many areas and many backgroundwe naturally have many shades ofopinion represented. This couldcause dissent and controversy.But we nd that we can maintainunity without sacri cing personalfreedom of thought. We are free tbelieve in and work for any causewe choose--outside OA. Within O

    we are concerned only with themessage of recovery. Other issueshowever worthy, have no place inan OA meeting.

    Nor will OA as a whole endorseany party, religion, therapy,nutritional reform, or other cause.Our sole business is to carry thetwelve-step message to the compusive overeater who still su ers.We cannot a ord to let anythinginterfere with this objective.


    tep 10eps Ten, Eleven and Twelvee called the maintenanceeps because they enable to maintain our physical

    bstinence, emotional sobri-y, and spiritual well-being

    ach day that we practiceem for the rest of our lives.

    rom A Guide to the Twelve Steps

    r You and Your Sponsor, pg. 14)

    ******************radition Ten Q&A:

    ome members in our OA

    eeting formed a Twelve-ep workshop by invitationnly. Members have found e workshop very helpful,

    nd only people with good covery receive invitationsjoin. Each time the work-

    hop starts at Step One, itsembers invite a few othersjoin, but they have never

    nnounced the workshop at e regular meeting. Somegular-meeting members

    el left out and rejected.

    I feel this violates OATraditions, but I would liketo know for sure.

    Tradition Ten statesthat OA has no opinion onoutside issues. There is adi erence between an OAactivity and an activity

    attended by OA members.If this workshop is not aregistered OA meeting, itis technically an outsideissue, even though onlyOA members attend. If the

    The Tools of Recoveryn working Overeaters Anonymous Twelve-Step program of ecovery from compulsive overeating, we have found that number of tools are available to assist us. We use these

    ools on a regular basis, to help us achieve and maintainbstinence.

    The Tools of Recovery:*Plan of eating





    Tulsa Green Country Overeaters AnonymousMonthly Newsl

  • 8/3/2019 All 2009 OAsis Newsletters


    2009 IG Board/CommitteesPriscilla L., Chair 402-8183Linda T., Recording Secretary 625-5094Evelyn, Office Manager 406-4783Priscilla L., Rep. Delegate 402-8183Sally D., Alt. Delegate 430-8922Karen B., Web 492-7606Kim W., Tape Library 742-3816Stephanie F., Young People 809-0707Pat A., Pop 250-1981Kelly D., Lifeline 902-1170Judi P., Public Information 728-3186Donna H., OAsis Newsletter 628-0381VACANCIES:Vice Chair TreasurerFundraising12 Step WithinProfessional Outreach

    Next OA IntergroupMeeting

    SaturdayOctober 10, 2009

    9:45. amat OA Office

    Interested in serving as an Intergroup BoardMember or Committee Chair?Let us know... TreasurerVice ChairFundraising12 Step WithinProfessional Outreach

    An annual meeting shall be held in the monthof November for the election of officers.

    Use the Tenth Step Long ago I read a Lifeline story inwhich the author believed OA memberswho slipped or relapsed did not work

    Step Ten regularly. I have come tobelieve that is true. Had I used the TenthStep, the attitudes and behaviors thatled to my using food would not haveprogressed to the point of relapse. As anOA member suggested in a Lifelinearticle, I make a three-column inventory(positive, negative, gratitude). Thenegative column is in the middle,purposely flanked by the positive andgratitude columns.

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    July 16 & 172010


    Chair needed

    Celebrated on 12/12each year to encourage

    OA service boards, meet-ings and individual

    members to reach out tothose within the Fellow-ship who are still suffer-

    ing from compulsiveeating behaviors.

    December 12, 2009Twelfth-Step-Within Day

    Tulsa Green Country Overeaters Anonymous Monthly Newsl

    OAsisNewsletterOctober 2009

  • 8/3/2019 All 2009 OAsis Newsletters


    Try StretchingShould I stay or should I

    go? I decide the next day.After mulling it over for threedays, i was still undecided. Iwas now awake, it was 3:00a.m. and was going over thesame arguments, pro andcon, in my mind. I was afraid

    Id reach no peace about thisdecision.I decided to read some

    program literature-- For Today and Voices of Recovery . Ilooked up topics that seemedrelevant to my situation--indecision and fear. Combingeach reading for an answer,for th e answer, brought nopeace, because my thinkingwould take over and get back into the ceaseless, torturous,

    yet ridiculously non-imaginative and predictable

    fear based thoughts. It wasby then around 5:00 a.m. anI had to call my potentialemployer that morning to lethim know my answer. I felttrapped. Making up my mindwas simply too much for me

    That thought was appar-ently the one I needed toaccept, because at that poinI realized that the only thingleft was to get on my kneesand talk to my HP, requestin

    help in making this decisionI did just that, simply anddirectly, and got back intobed, knowing making theright decision was out of my hands. I lay back andstretched, feeling goodsnuggling under the blanketAs my body released tensiowith each stretched muscle,as I yawned and breatheddeeply the answer wasrevealed. My HP o ered methis opportunity because itwas time for me to stretch, tcome out of my contracted,compacted sense of self andto enlarge my sense of theworld around me. At that,I knew my answer and waspeaceful.

    Anonymous from former Tu

    Tradition 11ur public relations policybased on attraction ratheran promotion; we needways maintain personal

    nonymity at the level of ess, radio, lms, television,

    nd other public media of ommunication.

    ******************the blind lead the blind both

    all fall into the ditch.

    The Bible: Matthew From diets to designs forving, I looked for direction

    anyone and everyone whoppeared to have solutions

    my problems. But instead answers I found new--andmetimes worse--problems,

    nd in the end I lost a littleore of what self-esteem I

    ad.I found independencehen I came to Overeatersnonymous. The self-honesty

    this program teaches enablesme to trust my perceptionsand listen to my feelings. Iam no longer attracted topeopled who would haveme believe they know whatsbest for me. My Higher Poweris the only source from whichI seek such knowledge.(from For Today, p. 25)

    *******************For TodayIf I dont know which way togo, I turn the problem overto God in steps three andeleven, completely con dentthat the answer will come.I may discuss the matterwith my sponsor and otherswhom I trust, but I givemyself time to learn whatGod would have me do.

    Daily Prayer & Meditation12 Steps & 12 Traditions Page 98

    OAs who have made prayer andmeditation a regular part of their

    lives have found a resource forhealing and strength which cannot

    fail. Sponsors, OA friends, meetings,and literature are wonderful sources

    of help for us.

    Step 11ought through prayer and meditation to improve our onscious contact with God as we understood Him, prayingnly for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry at out. OA we share a belief that we can each recover throughiritual relationship with a Power which is greater than

    urselves alone.

    rom Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions, pg. 91)

    Tulsa Green Country Overeate rs Anonymous Monthly Newsletter

    November 2009


    Were on the www.tulsaoa

  • 8/3/2019 All 2009 OAsis Newsletters


    Idea DayOAers as Pilgrims

    International Day ExperiencingAbstinence

    Tulsa Green CountryOvereaters Anonymous

    November 149 am to 3 pm

    Resurrection Church

    4308 S. Fulton, TulsaRegistration: $5

    Lunch: Bring Potluck Dish or $5IDEA DAY is a World Service event which encourages OAmembers worldwide to begin or reaffirm their abstinencefrom compulsive overeating. Bring a friend for this day of fellowship which will include:

    Questions or to volunteer for service, contact: Judi P at 728-3186 or email at [email protected].


    * Workshop* Fellowship* Sharing* Silent auction/raffle(bring an OA or holidayrelated item

  • 8/3/2019 All 2009 OAsis Newsletters


  • 8/3/2019 All 2009 OAsis Newsletters


    Next OAIntergroup


    November 21, 20099:45. am

    at OA Office

    Celebrated on 12/12 eachyear to encourage OA service

    boards, meetings andindividual members to reach

    out to those within theFellowship who are still

    suffering from compulsiveeating behaviors.

    December 12, 2009Twelfth-Step-Within Day

    Contact UsO ce Phone: 918-632-0199

    2009 IG Board/CommitteesPriscilla L., Chair 402-8183Linda T., Recording Secretary 625-5094Evelyn, Office Manager 406-4783Priscilla L., Rep. Delegate 402-8183Sally D., Alt. Delegate 430-8922Karen B., Web 492-7606Kim W., Tape Library 742-3816Stephanie F., Young People 809-0707

    Pat A., Pop 250-1981Kelly D., Lifeline 902-1170Judi P., Public Information 728-3186Donna H., OAsis Newsletter 628-0381VACANCIES:Vice Chair TreasurerFundraising12 Step WithinProfessional Outreach

    An annual meeting shall be held in the month of November for the election of officers.

    November Nominations! Please contact Priscilla, Linda G., or Donna H. if you are interested in serving inany of the following positions.

    Board Members:Treasurer -- 2-year termVice-Chair -- 1-year remaining termDelegate 1 -- 2-year termDelegate 2 -- 1-year remaining term

    SecretaryWebmasterCommittee Chairs:OAsis Newsletter -- 1-year termPublic Information/Professional Out-reachLiterature ChairYoung Peoples Chair12 Step Within ChairLifeline ChairPop/Water

    July 16 & 172010


    " Summer Camp 2010"Chair: Priscilla

    Share your summer campmemories as a child. If you

    didn't get to attend summercamp, share something thatyou longed for thought you

    might have missed.


    November 2009

    Tulsa Green Country

  • 8/3/2019 All 2009 OAsis Newsletters


    In Gods Hands

    My depression deepenedunbearably, and nally itseemed to me as though Iwere at the very bottom of the pit. For the moment,the last vestige of my proudobstinacy was crushed.

    All at once I found myself crying out, If there is aGod, let Him show Himself!I am ready to do anything,anything!

    Suddenly the room lit upwith a great white light.It seemed to me, in theminds eye, that I was ona mountain and that windnot of air but of spiri t wasblowing! And then it burst

    upon me that I was a freeman. Slowly the ecstasysubsided. I lay on the bed,but now for a time I was inanother world, a new worlof consciousness. All aboume and through me therewas a wonderful feeling oPresence, and I thought tomyself, So this is the Godof the preachers!

    As Bill Sees It,


    What lies behind us anwhat lies before us aretiny matters, comparedto what lies within us.

    Ralph Waldo Emers

    Tradition 12nonymity is the spiritualundation of all theseaditions, ever remindings to place principles beforeersonalities.rom Twelve Steps and Twelveraditions, pg. 199)


    Noble be man,Helpful and good!

    or that aloneets him apart rom every other reature

    On earth.

    Johann Wolfgangvon Goethe

    One person helping anotheris a practice as old ashumanity. Help is not tellinganother what to do, or evensuggesting it. Help is beingthere for someone; to shareexperience, to lend support,to do what needs to bedone when a friends burdenbecomes crippling. I needthe awareness to keep myego, my advice, my good in-tentions out of anothers life,even though they appear inthe guise of help. If I wantto help others develop theirown strengths and realizetheir full potential, I cannotdo it by telling them what todo.(from For Today, pg. 246)


    Meditate On TWhen we look back, we realize that thethings which came to us when we put

    ourselves in Gods hands were better thananything we could have planned

    Tulsa Green Country Overeaters Anonymous Monthly Newsletter

    December 2009


    Were on the Web!

    tep 12aving had a spiritual awakening as the result of theseps, we tried to carry this message to compulsive over-

    ters and to practice these principles in all our a Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions, pg. 99)

  • 8/3/2019 All 2009 OAsis Newsletters


    BlessingsGalore Abstinence, pg. 157-158

    Recently I had an opportunity to

    serve as the leader for an OA meetingI attend. To prepare for my pitch, Iwrote a list of the many blessings Ihave come to enjoy in my two yearsof recovery in OA. The list is long andgrowing daily. Here are some of myfavorites:

    Tulsa Green Country Overeaters Anonymous

    I have learned that in all situa-tions and circumstances, myattitude determines my experi-ences. I am blessed with thepower of choice; an attitude

    of gratitude is the one thatserves me best.

    I have made a commitmentto be good to myself, whichincludes eating well-balancedand abstinent meals, expressingmy feelings readily, making timeeach morning for meditation andprayer, and regularly attendingOA meetings. Ive rede ned mystandards for myself, and nowaim for progress, not perfection.I feel good about myself!

    I have a steadily improving relation-ship with my Higher Power. Whatwas once a fear- lled and unpredict-able association is now a lovinginteraction. I am learning the joys of prayer through daily meditation andthe Serenity Prayer.

    I have lost forty pounds andam still losing. For the rsttime in my life I have hopefor staying thin as long as Icontinue to live the steps anduse the tools.

    I enjoy unconditional accep-tance as an OA member, and, inturn, my acceptance of othersboth in and out of OA has risendramatically.

    My relationships with myhusband and children areourishing in the sanity of


    Ive learned its okay to dependon others. I cant work thisprogram alone. I need my H.P.,my sponsor, and my many OAfriends who share their love andexperiences of recovery.

    Taking life one day at a timeand turning matters over toH.P. steadily removes fear andworry from my life. Im learningto distinguish between thosethings that are my responsibiltyand those that are not.

    Bad times help me to grow,and they pass in time.

    Blessed with priceless serenity Ihave truly experienced freedonfrom the bondage of eatingcompulsively. Each day I becomemore aware of the plentiful bless-ings in my life. OA has helpedme to enjoy the adventure of living. Thanks to this twelve-stepprogram, my life is memorable,not miserable.

    Ive redefined my standards for myself,and now aim for progress, not perfection.I feel good about myself!


  • 8/3/2019 All 2009 OAsis Newsletters


    Tulsa Green Country Overeaters Anonymous

    his mind, he said, which wasthat of a chronic alcoholic.I had the answer now tothe question of why I wasstill unhappy though thin,

    and barely hanging on toabstinence. I was no longerfat, but I had the mindof a chronic compulsiveovereater.

    Was there, then a solution?There was--and is--even

    for the alcoholic given up ashopeless by Dr. Jung. Thisman still lives, and is a freeman says the Big Book. Hecan go anywhere on thisearth where other free men

    may go without disaster,provided he remains willingto maintain a certain simpleattitude.

    What is this simple attitudeand how is it attained?

    Questioned by hisalcoholic patient, Dr. Jungreplied that, from time totime, there were occasionalrecoveries from alcoholism. These were a result of vitalspiritual experiences whichhe termed phenomena.What seemed to take place,according to the pioneeringpsychotherapist, were hugeemotional displacementand rearrangements. Ideas,emotions and attitudes...aresuddenly cast to one sideand a completely new setof conceptions and motives

    begin to dominate them.The alcoholics who ban

    together to form AlcohoAnonymous did not waitsuch phenomena to occu

    by accident. They createa twelve-step program ctaining a set of principlewhich, when followed,bring about the spiritualexperience described byJung.

    So my salvation wouldnot happen on a physicalevel, I now realized. Whad to change was my sof mind. That had beenmy problem all along: m

    thinking--the ideas andfeelings that de ned mypersonality.

    I did not have to gure how to go about changinmy state of mind, nor dihave to leave it to chancI had before me a speciprogram of recovery, anI needed to do was to beliving it.

    What joy it has been toknow nally what a spiriexperience is and how works! And it does wofor me. Slowly, step bystep, God is taking overlife, and my state of minchanges.

    The symptom was physthe illness was emotionathe recovery is spiritual


    When I began attendingOvereaters Anonymousmeetings almost ten yearsago I really didn't want todo anything. I wanted to eatas I always ate and still loseweight.

    I was told that it wouldntwork that way, however, andwhat I really had to strive forwas a spiritual recovery.

    Being an atheist I foundthose words abhorrent. Iheard them as an injunctionto become religious in someway.

    As was my usual pattern,I ignored such suggestionsand joined what I call theOA diet c lubbers. I lost 75pounds and kept it o bysheer ego, willpower andself-centeredness. I attendedmany meetings, spoke atmarathons and retreats andthought I was practicing theprogram.

    In reality, however, I wasas obsessed with food andkeeping my weight down

    as I ever was, perhaps evenmore. Food was my Godand seemed to doom meto a life of white-knuckledabstinence.

    Finally, I couldnt standit any longer. I had heardabout hitting bottom interms of both overeatingand weight gain, but hereI was, abstaining and thinand feeling no better andperhaps even worse.

    I had run out of excuses formy misery. I could not blamemy unhappiness on myfatness anymore. Life was notworth living, and if this waswhat Overeaters Anonymouso ered me, then what wasthe use?

    I kept hearing those words,spiritual experience. Yet Isaw no burning bush, heard

    no words from anything Icould construe as God. Iknew only that I was moreunhappy than I had everbeen. I had come to OAbecause I thought beingthin would make me happy.OA had failed.When I spoke to my spon-

    sor, he said that OA does notfail if we are in the programrather than just talking abouthow to lose weight. Beingin the program, he told me,meant living within theprinciples of the twelve stepsand I could learn how to dothat by reading the textbook called Alcoholics Anonymous.

    For once, I followed direc-tions and eventually cameto the chapter titled, ThereIs A Solution. What solutionwere they talking about, Iwondered. I thought beingfat was my problem, andhadnt that been solved? Then, in the same chapter,I read about a certainAmerican busine ssman who

    had consulted the great psy-chiatrist, Carl Jung, for hisalcoholism. After a period of treatment, the man believedhe had learned so muchabout the way his mindworked that he was cured.But he was soon drunk againand returned to the doctor,who now told him that hehad the mind of a chronicalcoholic.

    For the rst time, I began

    to understand my problem.I realized that the doctorsnext words to the alcoholicapplied to me: I have neverseen one single case recover,where that state of mindexisted to the extent that itdoes in you.

    Dr. Jung had not told theman there was anythingwrong with his body. It was

    The Recovery Is Spiritual

  • 8/3/2019 All 2009 OAsis Newsletters


    2009 IG Board/CommitteesPriscilla L., Chair 402-8183Linda T., Recording Secretary 625-5094Evelyn, Office Manager 406-4783Priscilla L., Rep. Delegate 402-8183Sally D., Alt. Delegate 430-8922Karen B., Web 492-7606Kim W., Tape Library 742-3816Stephanie F., Young People 809-0707

    Pat A., Pop 250-1981Kelly D., Lifeline 902-1170Judi P., Public Information 728-3186Donna H., OAsis Newsletter 628-0381VACANCIES:Vice Chair TreasurerFundraising12 Step WithinProfessional Outreach

    December 2009OAsis Newsletter

    Lifeline: New look, added value!

    Beginning in November, Lifeline will sport a freshnew look, complete with a more contemporarygraphic design, full-color photos and illustrations,and higher quality paper. Readers will also seeadditional space for stories and a regular sectionfeaturing humor. The Datebook section will moveto the OA Web site, which will enhance the timeli-ness of OA event postings.

    1 Year, 10 issues $23.002 Years, 20 issues $44.003 Years, 30 issues $63.00

    December 12 Twelfth-Step-Within Day

    Celebrated on December 12 (12/12) each yearto encourage OA service boards, meetings andindividual members to reach out to thosewithin the Fellowship who are still suffering

    from compulsive eating behaviors.


    2010 January 16 OAs Birthday (third Saturday of January)

    February 27, 11:30 a.m. PST Unity DayThis day recognizes the strength of the Fellow-ship worldwide. On the last Saturday in Febru-ary, at 11:30 a.m. pacific standard time, OAmembers pause to reaffirm the strength inher-ent in OAs unity.