Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation 333 East Lancaster Avenue, #414 Wynnewood, PA 19096 (866) 333-1213 www.AlexsLemonade.org Dear Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundaon Event Host, 1 Cancer Facts/Talking Points Sheet 1 Lemonade Event Adverser 1 Family/Group Discussion Sheet 1 “Checks Payable” Sign 1 Event Host Informaon and Donaon Sheet 1 Pre-paid Return Envelope 1 Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundaon Banner 1 Pad of “Thank You for Your Donaon” lemons 1 Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundaon Poster We also have printable materials on our website (www.AlexsLemonade.org/downloads), including fliers to adverse your event, coloring pages, donaon container signs, paper lemons, extra literature, a How to Hold Your Own Stand instruconal packet and much more. Also, be sure to use the fundraising page you created when you registered your event! Two Ways to Make Your Giſt Go Further! Your employer can mulply your giſt to ALSF to make your donaon go further! 1. Did you know that your employer may have a Matching Giſt Program that could boost your charitable contribuon? 2. Many employers recognize their employees’ volunteer efforts as part of a Dollars for Doers program. These programs award grants to the charitable organizaon where their employees volunteer. ***Check with your company’s Human Resources Office to see if they offer either of these programs (if not, you may want to ask your company to start a program!). Your Human Resources Department should provide you with an applicaon for you to complete and send to ALSF along with your donaon. As always, if you have any quesons about the materials enclosed in this packet, please do not hesitate to call us at (866) 333-1213 or email Cara Salladino at [email protected]. Thank you for helping cure childhood cancer and best of luck with your fundraiser! Thank you for your support, The Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation Staff It is with great enthusiasm that we have created this packet of materials to support your fundraising efforts. Thank you for parcipang and raising crical funds to help children with cancer. In your ALSF “fundraising kit,” you will find the following items to assist you in preparing for your event: Thanks to all our sponsors. THE GREAT ATLANTIC & PACIFIC TEA COMPANY

Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation

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Page 1: Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation

Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation333 East Lancaster Avenue, #414Wynnewood, PA 19096(866) 333-1213www.AlexsLemonade.org

Dear Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation Event Host,

• 1 Cancer Facts/Talking Points Sheet • 1 Lemonade Event Advertiser• 1 Family/Group Discussion Sheet • 1 “Checks Payable” Sign• 1 Event Host Information and Donation Sheet • 1 Pre-paid Return Envelope

• 1 Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation Banner • 1 Pad of “Thank You for Your Donation” lemons• 1 Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation Poster

We also have printable materials on our website (www.AlexsLemonade.org/downloads), including fliers to advertise your event, coloring pages, donation container signs, paper lemons, extra literature, a How to Hold Your Own Stand instructional packet and much more. Also, be sure to use the fundraising page you created when you registered your event!

Two Ways to Make Your Gift Go Further!Your employer can multiply your gift to ALSF to make your donation go further!

1. Did you know that your employer may have a Matching Gift Program that could boost your charitable contribution?

2. Many employers recognize their employees’ volunteer efforts as part of a Dollars for Doers program. These programs award grants to the charitable organization where

their employees volunteer.

***Check with your company’s Human Resources Office to see if they offer either of these programs (if not, you may want to ask your company to start a program!). Your Human Resources Department should provide you with an

application for you to complete and send to ALSF along with your donation.

As always, if you have any questions about the materials enclosed in this packet, please do not hesitate to call us at (866) 333-1213 or email Cara Salladino at [email protected]. Thank you for helping cure childhood cancer and best of luck with your fundraiser!

Thank you for your support, The Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation Staff

It is with great enthusiasm that we have created this packet of materials to support your fundraising efforts. Thank you for participating and raising critical funds to help children with cancer. In your ALSF “fundraising kit,” you will find the following items to assist you in preparing for your event:

Thanks to all our sponsors.




Page 2: Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation

1. It is estimated 12,500 children in the United States and over 240,000 children worldwide develop cancer every year.

2. Approximately 2,500 of those children diagnosed in the United States will not survive.

3. Cancer is the leading cause of death by disease in children under the age of 15 in the United States. It is the second leading cause of death overall, only behind accidents.

4. On average, 35 children and adolescents are diagnosed with cancer every day in the United States.

5. 1 in every 330 Americans develop cancer before the age of twenty.

6. On average, one in every four elementary schools in the United States has a child with cancer. The average high school has two students who are current or former cancer patients.

7. Among the 12 major types of childhood cancers, leukemias and cancers of the brain and central nervous system account for more than half of the new cases in the United States.

8. 80% of children show that cancer has spread to distant sites in the body at first diagnosis. Only about 20% of adults with cancer show evidence that the disease has spread at the time of diagnosis.

9. The causes of most childhood cancers are unknown. At present, childhood cancer cannot be prevented.

10. On average, childhood cancer treatment lasts at least two years; and current treatments cause side-effects that can last a lifetime.

11. Childhood cancer research is vastly underfunded. Currently, the National Cancer Institute gives only 4% of its grants to childhood cancer.

12. With each day, and each dollar, we get one step closer to Alex’s dream of finding a cure for ALL childhood cancers.


Help Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation fund research and awareness.

It’s leading us to a cure!

12 reasons why we raise funds for childhood cancer research!

Page 3: Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation

We want everyone to help spread the word about Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation, so here are some talking points for kids:

Who is Alex?

What kind of cancer did Alex have?

How much money has Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation raised?

How can I find out more information about Alex or Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation?

What is the mission of Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation (ALSF)?

How does ALSF raise funds and where does the money go?• Donations to ALSF come from several sources, including: devoted volunteers who host Alex’s

Lemonade Stand fundraisers, special events, partnerships with businesses and corporations, and individual donations made directly to the foundation.

• The funds raised go toward fulfilling Alex’s dream of finding a cure for childhood cancer by funding research projects all across the country, creating a Travel Fund to assist families who need to travel for treatment and providing resources for all children and families as they fight childhood cancer. (We encourage you and your stand visitors to visit our website for a complete list of all projects currently being funded: www.ALSFgrants.org.)

How much money goes to fundraising and administrative costs?• We are proud to report that the fundraising and administrative ratio combined is approximately 15%.

What should I tell stand visitors who want to host a stand or fundraising event?• Encourage your stand visitors to get involved by holding a stand or event anytime, any-

where! Tell them why you became involved and how easy and rewarding hosting an event can be. Direct them to check out our website www.AlexsLemonade.org.

• To raise money and awareness of childhood cancer causes - especially research into new treatments and cures; and to encourage and empower others, especially children, to get involved and make a difference for children with cancer.

• Alex had neuroblastoma – a cancer of the nervous system that occurs in infants and young children, and is rarely found in children older than 10 years.

• ALSF has raised more than $45 million through the support of people all over the country.

• You can go to www.AlexsLemonade.org.

Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation frequently asked questions

Is Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation a Registered non-profit?• Yes, ALSF is a Registered 501(c)3.

• Alexandra “Alex” Scott (1996-2004) had cancer, and at the age of 4, she decided that she wanted to hold a lemonade stand to raise money to help other children with cancer.

Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation333 East Lancaster Avenue, #414, Wynnewood, PA 19096 | www.AlexsLemonade.org | (866) 333-1213

Page 4: Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation

What is Cancer?Cancer is a group of many related diseases that all have to do with cells. Cells are very small building blocks that make up all living things, including the human body. There are billions of cells in each person’s body and they work together in a controlled way to keep us healthy and strong.

Cancer happens when cells grow too quickly and are not controlled by our bodies – these cells, called cancer cells, won’t stop growing unless something is done to stop them. If they continue to grow out of control, they can hurt the normal cells that are supposed to be in our bodies and then the person can get very sick.

Why do kids get cancer?

When a person under the age of 18 gets cancer, it is called childhood or pediatric cancer. In the United States, about 12,000 children every year are found to have cancer.

Doctors do not know why some children get cancer. They do know that children can’t “catch” cancer from someone else – it is not contagious. So, if you know someone with cancer, you should not be afraid to be around them – you can play and talk to them just like anyone else.

Although most children with cancer will get better, cancer is a very serious disease and doctors have to work very hard to find the right ways to get rid of cancer in children. So, when a child gets cancer, the doctors will give special cancer medicines or have the person get a special surgery to remove the cancer cells. Most of the time, the cancer goes away and does not come back! Sometimes the cancer does not go away and the child gets sicker and even dies. This is what happened to Alex Scott, the little girl who started Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation.

How to talk to kids about Alex and cancer.

What can kids do to help?

Because not all kids with cancer get better, the doctors are still working hard every day to find new medicines and ways to get rid of all cancers in kids – they call this doing research to find a cure. This research can take a lot of time and cost a lot of money.

Alex was just a kid, but she knew that there were kids with cancer, just like her, that were not getting better from their cancer. She decided she could do something to help those kids by selling lemonade in her front yard. Her idea was that if she could give the doctors the money from her lemonade stand, they could work faster to find ways to make kids with cancer better.

Other people, especially kids, were so amazed that a little girl with cancer would sell lemonade to help find a cure for other kids, that they started selling lemonade too! Pretty soon, kids all over the country and the world were having their own lemonade stands and sending the money to Alex so she could help doctors make kids with cancer better.

Alex died when she was eight-years-old, but with the help of kids all over the country selling lemonade, she had raised more than $1 million to make sure other kids with cancer had a chance to get better.

Today, kids all over the world keep Alex’s stand going by holding their own lemonade stands and sending their money to Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation. The great news is that because of all of this lemonade stand money, more kids are getting better from cancer every day!

Hooray for Alex and all the kids helping to make sure all kids with cancer get better!

Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation333 East Lancaster Avenue, #414, Wynnewood, PA 19096 | www.AlexsLemonade.org | (866) 333-1213

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Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation333 East Lancaster Avenue, #414 | Wynnewood, PA 19096 | (866) 333-1213


Page 7: Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation

Stand donations should be sent in the form of a check or money order, made payable to Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation. PLEASE DO NOT SEND CASH! All donations should be sent to Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation within two weeks of your fundraising event.

If you choose to send in a personal donation, kindly do so in a separate check, money order or bank check. Keep stand donations separate from any personal donations, so that we can send you a tax receipt.

Please use this to send in the donations from your stand. If you have any questions about sending in your proceeds, please call our office at (866) 333-1213 or email Cara Salladino at [email protected].

Thank you, The Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation Staff

Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation333 East Lancaster Avenue, #414, Wynnewood, PA 19096 | www.AlexsLemonade.org | (866) 333-1213

(Please send donations in the form of a check or money order - NO CASH)

How to Submit Collected Donations

Stand Host Information and Donation Sheet

Event Host Name: Event Number:

Date of Event: Total Donation Enclosed:

Would you like us to recognize the fundraising efforts of a child by sending a Certificate of Appreciation?

The Name to go on the certificate:

Address of where to send certificate:

Any additional comments:

(please circle one) Yes No

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Page 11: Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation

Since Alex held that first stand, the Foundation bearing her name has evolved into a national fundraising movement, complete with thousands of volunteers across the country carrying on her legacy of hope. To date, Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation, a registered 501(c)3 charity, has raised more than $45 million toward fulfilling Alex’s dream of finding a cure, funding over 200 research projects nationally.

Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation (ALSF) emerged from the front yard lemonade stand of cancer patient Alexandra “Alex” Scott (1996-2004).

I n 2 0 0 0 , 4 - y e a r - o l d A l e x a n n o u n c e d t h a t s h e w a n t e d t o h o l d a l e m o n a d e s t a n d t o r a i s e m o n e y t o h e l p f i n d a c u r e f o r a l l c h i l d r e n w i t h c a n c e r .


AT Achildhood cancer

Donate Today at www.AlexsLemonade.org