ADVERTISING KIT - A Better Lemonade Stand...that helps entrepreneurs build, launch and grow their ecommerce store. At A Better Lemonade Stand entrepreneurs find all the tools, resources,

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Page 1: ADVERTISING KIT - A Better Lemonade Stand...that helps entrepreneurs build, launch and grow their ecommerce store. At A Better Lemonade Stand entrepreneurs find all the tools, resources,


Page 2: ADVERTISING KIT - A Better Lemonade Stand...that helps entrepreneurs build, launch and grow their ecommerce store. At A Better Lemonade Stand entrepreneurs find all the tools, resources,

Welcome to A Better Lemonade Stand, an online ecommerce incubator that helps entrepreneurs build, launch and grow their ecommerce store. At A Better Lemonade Stand entrepreneurs find all the tools, resources, guides and products they need to grow a successful and sustainable online ecommerce business. Founded in 2012, A Better Lemonade Stand has grown over the years to serve 100,000 entrepreneurs monthly, and it is now one of the largest, most active communities of ecommerce entrepreneurs in the world.

We’re glad you could join us.

We’re always looking to partner with the best services and publications that are relevant to our community. If you think you have what it takes to offer innovative, industry leading services to our online ecommerce incubator, we’d love to hear more.

Within our community you’ll find hard working individuals dedicated to building, launching and growing their own businesses. These entrepreneurs are primarily in the beginning stages of their entrepreneurial journey and are looking for reliable information to guide them on their way.

Interested in partnering with A Better Lemonade Stand to help make ecommerce better for entrepreneurs? Please contact us through our contact form with your proposal or ideas, click here or email Richard directly at [email protected].

Page 3: ADVERTISING KIT - A Better Lemonade Stand...that helps entrepreneurs build, launch and grow their ecommerce store. At A Better Lemonade Stand entrepreneurs find all the tools, resources,

Who is Our Audience? Our audience comes from all walks of life and are all at different stages of building, launching and growing their ecommerce businesses. Majority of our audience are truly passionate about the products that they sell and have invested much of their own resources into their businesses already. Our audience comes to A Better Lemonade Stand for the comprehensive resources that they know will guide them along the best path for their businesses, as they know the resources are tried, tested and true.

Advertising on A Better Lemonade StandThe community of A Better Lemonade Stand users are always excited to use and learn about new products and resources to help better their businesses. This community is lead by the passion and drive to deliver quality businesses, and to do that they need quality resources. Thousands of entrepreneurs visit A Better Lemonade Stand monthly to get the scoop on the most innovative tools and resources for their business, and when we find those resources we can’t wait to share them with our audience.

If you have what it takes to provide quality tools and resources to a driven and passionate audience of hardworking ecommerce entrepreneurs, we’d love to work with you. We advertise only the best to our audience to make sure they’re truly getting the right tools to help them build, launch and grow their ecommerce businesses.

Page 4: ADVERTISING KIT - A Better Lemonade Stand...that helps entrepreneurs build, launch and grow their ecommerce store. At A Better Lemonade Stand entrepreneurs find all the tools, resources,


Page 5: ADVERTISING KIT - A Better Lemonade Stand...that helps entrepreneurs build, launch and grow their ecommerce store. At A Better Lemonade Stand entrepreneurs find all the tools, resources,

37.2 %

62.8 %



Age Range

0%18 - 24 25 - 34 35 - 44 45 - 54 55 - 64 65 +





Page 6: ADVERTISING KIT - A Better Lemonade Stand...that helps entrepreneurs build, launch and grow their ecommerce store. At A Better Lemonade Stand entrepreneurs find all the tools, resources,

28.3 %

71.7 %

New Visitors

Returning Visitors

1. United States

2. United Kingdom

3. Canada

4. Australia





Page 7: ADVERTISING KIT - A Better Lemonade Stand...that helps entrepreneurs build, launch and grow their ecommerce store. At A Better Lemonade Stand entrepreneurs find all the tools, resources,

Do They Currently Have an Ecommerce Business?

How Much Our Audience Spends to Start Their Ecommerce Business:

38 %62 %

“I currently have an ecommerce business.”

Nearly $0

$501 - $1000

$2501 - $5000

$10,001 - $20,000

“I am planning/working on my business.”

$100 - $500

$1001 - $2500

$5001 - $10,000

$20,001- $50,000

47.2 %

2.8 %9.7 %

5.6 %

5.6 %

2.8 %6.9 %

19.4 %

Page 8: ADVERTISING KIT - A Better Lemonade Stand...that helps entrepreneurs build, launch and grow their ecommerce store. At A Better Lemonade Stand entrepreneurs find all the tools, resources,

The Platform they Currently Use for their Ecommerce Business:

Are They Truly Passionate About the Products They Sell and the Market They Serve?

20 %

80 %










52 %

10 %

28 %

5 %

4 %1 %1 %

Page 9: ADVERTISING KIT - A Better Lemonade Stand...that helps entrepreneurs build, launch and grow their ecommerce store. At A Better Lemonade Stand entrepreneurs find all the tools, resources,

Their Biggest Struggle as an Ecommerce Entrepreneur?

Finding the Right Product to Sell

Branding / Graphic Design

Building Traffic

Building a Beautiful Online Store

Conversion Optimization

Motivation & Community Support

36 %36 %

10 %

8 %

5 %

5 %

Page 10: ADVERTISING KIT - A Better Lemonade Stand...that helps entrepreneurs build, launch and grow their ecommerce store. At A Better Lemonade Stand entrepreneurs find all the tools, resources,

How Much They Spend Monthly on Apps to Run/Market Their Ecommerce Business (Not Including Ecommerce Platform or Hosting Fees):

31 %

21 %

13 %

21 %

4 %4 %

3 % 3 %$0 - $20/month

$51 - $100/month

$201 - $500/month

$1001 - $2500/month


$21 - $50/month

$101 - $200/month

$501 - $1000/month

Page 11: ADVERTISING KIT - A Better Lemonade Stand...that helps entrepreneurs build, launch and grow their ecommerce store. At A Better Lemonade Stand entrepreneurs find all the tools, resources,


Page 12: ADVERTISING KIT - A Better Lemonade Stand...that helps entrepreneurs build, launch and grow their ecommerce store. At A Better Lemonade Stand entrepreneurs find all the tools, resources,

Advertising Options

Ad Creative Specifications

A Better Lemonade Stand offers one option for advertising and that is a complete blog takeover. The advertisement will be featured in three central positions on every blog post: the top, bottom and sidebar locations. The minimum term for any advertising agreement is three months.

Please refer to the image on the right for advertisement spot locations:

• JPEG or PNG File format• 75KB maximum file size• Static images only• Ad link

** Please note that we reserve the right to deny ad creative if it’s obnox-ious, tacky, misleading, or if we feel that it doesn’t match the audience. In such cases, you’ll be asked to offer alternative ad creative, or be issued a full refund. All advertising links will have the “nofollow” attribute added to them as per Google guidelines. **

Page 13: ADVERTISING KIT - A Better Lemonade Stand...that helps entrepreneurs build, launch and grow their ecommerce store. At A Better Lemonade Stand entrepreneurs find all the tools, resources,

Ad Sizes

Ready to Get Started?

Images for ads must be delivered in the following dimensions:

If you’re interested in advertising with A Better Lemonade Stand or interested in the current advertising rates, please contact Richard directly:

[email protected]

TOP AD - 2021 x 188

SIDEBAR AD - 700 x 583

BOTTOM AD - 2021 x 521