Alexandra-The Killer Door

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This is my story about a family who finds a old legend to be true then they come into trouble. See what can happen during the tales of the Gillerson's...

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Once there was a tale, a tale of the killer door. The killer door would only come out every 300 years and choose a certain house that would be the home for halloween and he would trap anyone who would come in, who knows what would happen next. Find out what will happen through-out the tale of the Gillerson’s... One day, the Gillerson’s were going to go trick-or-treating and Andy and Lilly were getting ready in their rooms, Lilly was curling her long hair and trying to !x her contact lenses while Andy was playing with his mask, Andy’s birthday was coming and he was turning 7 while Lilly had just gone to high school, at least kinda! Mom was calling for Lilly and Andy to come down and put on their shoes while dad was in the toilet. “Honey, I’ll be there in a moment, just got to put on my turtle out!t!” Dad yelled. Andy and Lilly came down the stairs and called down Wolfy, Wolfy is a siberian husky who is still learning how to play ball and you just can’t resist those cute blue eyes. When they all got out the door, they noticed no one was trick-or-treating, no candy corn, no skittles, no yummy food, nothing was happening. Wolfy had felt a tingle in his belly, he knew something was wrong. He would always trust his instinct and every time it told him where to go, it always turned out in the right place.

The gillerson’s found a little house, it was mysterious and quiet, Andy and Lilly went to go inside and investigate... They got to the mysterious home, going in quietly, mom suddenly became worried and then...“STOP!!” mom yelled.

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It was too late, they had already gone in. The doors locked behind them, A loud screech came from behind, they were trapped in the house... Mom, dad, and Wolfy ran right into the house, the door opened and once they got in...“SNAP” the doors closed and they were trapped to. The Gillerson’s tried to call for help but no one could hear, mum tried to call the police and there was no wi-!, all there was left was to explore the house. While the Gillerson’s explored the house, Andy saw something coming from behind... “RUN!!” Andy screamed, “What is it dear?” mum said, “It’s...It’s a Zom...Zom...” “Andy tell us!” Lilly yelled across the other-side, “It’s a ZOMBIE!!!” Andy yelled as he ran across the main room. Lilly found mum and dad in the bedroom watching the broken T.V. as the episodes of a cooking show fades away. While Andy was running away from the zombie, Lilly tried to !nd him on the second "oor but then she heard something downstairs, she saw Andy running away from the zombie, Lilly rushed down, took Andy’s hand and ran

upstairs into the bedroom and locked the door. “Andy, why didn’t you just stay still!” replies Lilly. “If I stayed still I wouldn’t even have my BRAIN! You wouldn’t even see me, by now I would be lying dead cold on the "oor!”

“Stop !ghting, I don’t care if you would’ve gotten eaten but all that matters now is that your both safe, now stop !ghting!” Mum said angrily. Mum and dad were laying on the bed for a while sleeping in peace with Andy and Lilly until... BOOOO! a ghost popped out

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of the wall, leaving a creepy noise while the family was away from the wall. Wolfy came upstairs and had an idea but !rst, they had to !nd safety. So they went to the basement and started talking. “Whats the plan?” Andy asks. “I know, lets go through there.” Lilly replies. “That tiny hole! it wont even !t all of us through, it would only !t wolfy.” Mum cries. “Guys, I think something’s behind us.” As Andy slowly backs off. “Im coming for you...” “What was that?” “I think it was the killer door” Lilly cries. “No that’s impossible...Is it?” Dad says. “Could it be? Mum whispers. “Uh? Guys, I think we should go now.” Andy said while he ran away

“AHHHH! RUN!” Mum yells. “Wolfy, hurry! he’s right behind you!” Andy yells. The Gillerson’s were in trouble, they couldn’t hide and they couldn’t run, they started to wonder why everyone wasn’t going trick-or-treating...When they !nally got to a safe spot, Andy asked: “Is everyone ok?” “Yep”The other replied.

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“What are we going to do now?” Dad asks. “I have an idea! Wolfy can go through that hole and try to !nd help!”Lilly replied. “Ok...I GUESS that would be safe?” Mum says. “Just let him go, he might be young but he needs to become strong”Andy whispers. “Ok.”Mum says worried. “Hey Wolfy, go through that hole so we can !nd help, be a good boy and be brave and strong!” Andy says. “Ruff-ruff” Wolfy replies. While Wolfy was going through the hole, Andy and Lilly found a different room, there was a bright light coming through that door. “Should we go check it out?” “Ok! It must be our way out, lets go get mum and dad!” Andy replies happily. Only minutes later, Wolfy found something to, it lead to the same room Andy and Lilly saw, but this time, Wolfy was on top of it. Wolfy barked and barked until he became tired. At the same time, Andy and Lilly just found mum and dad going the other direction. “Mum, dad we found something you might like!” Andy yelled. “Really, lets go.”

Mum and dad were acting different, they weren’t talking so much, they didn’t even talk at all, they even covered their

faces with hats! Something was wrong with them.Andy and Lilly whispered to each other. “Andy.” “Yeah sis” “Do you think something is wrong with them bro?” “Of course they aren’t our real parents, don’t you see, they have cords sticking out of their butts, duh. I know where they could be!” “Where!” “Back where the bedroom with the creepy ghost was!” “Lets go!” While Andy and Lilly are trying to !nd mum and dad, Wolfy was wondering

‘Andy, where are you? And what are you doing? Am I in the ducks? Wolfy was scared staying by himself, he was still learning how to play fetch. He barked and barked until he saw Andy and Lilly again, he didn’t know what

they were talking about but he was sure it was important, he wanted to bark, but he also wanted to listen to what they were saying. He carefully and quietly heard: “Which way was it bro?” “I think it was this way.” “Ok, lets try that way”Wolfy understood what they meant, he followed them through the ducks, into the

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little room where he went through the hole. He saw mum, dad, Lilly, and Andy, He jumped out of the hole very happily and barked and licked Andy until he was tired. He noticed mum and dad looked different, they were more tired the just a while ago, they looked sick, very sick. Wolfy thought:‘Why do they look sick? Did the killer door do something to them? Is it a trick?’ Lilly and Andy felt weird, they became nauseated, Lilly and Andy didn’t know what was happening, and fell to the !oor, laying silently. Only Wolfy was ok, it was really silent, Wolfy even tried to wake them up! But they laid silently on the !oor. Moments later, mum and dad woke up, Wolfy was surprised, it took a long time, it even took and hour for them to wake up, Suddenly, Andy and Lilly wake up, the whole family saw Wolfy, they had no idea of what happened but suddenly Andy remembered everything. He explained to mum, dad and Lilly what happened and they were back on track! After that, Wolfy, Lilly and Andy was brining them to the bright room and told mum and dad: “We found this room while you became nauseated and we wanted to show you this.” Lilly said. “Yeah and we think it could be our way out, Lets go.” “Wait, I’m not done with you...mwa ha ha!!” “Uh oh, he’s coming back! Lets make a run for it!” Andy screams. They all ran into the bright room, suddenly, BAM! A gun shot came right past Andy, it was a trap! They all turned

around, and saw the killer door? They saw the man with the gun, he was tall, but had short hair.

“Hey, who are you? This is a toy gun by the way.” the man asked.

The man had the exact same voice as the the killer door, Andy wondered: ‘Is he the killer door? Is he just copying the killer door? Andy was confused and so Was Lilly. “What are you doing here?” “We got lost and we can’t get out!” Mum said. “Come follow me, you might get lost but you will "nd the way out!” “Ok” Mum replied worried. While they were following the man. They came through a dark hallway, it was short and it looked like the entrance of where they came. They could see a window and it was bright, they must have been in the house for a long time. They looked through a window, the window was broken, it lead to a door that could be their exit, at least for real!

They opened the door, slowly going through, right after that door, there was another door, and another and another until they saw a cof"n... They wondered who’s cof"n is this, it had a name carved onto it, it said: Here lies the legend, then legend of the kil... It ended. They wondered why it stopped, was it because it is old? Is it just like that? “Look at the date, right now it is 2093, it’s so old!” Andy says.

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“Yeah, why is it like that if it looks so new, mum do you know why?” Lilly asks. The cof!n date said: 1269-1753, the cof!n date looked so new, but how is it made in 1269? Maybe it’s because they changed the cof!n or painted it? Maybe it was because the man kept in in good condition? Is it because it is FAKE? The family was unsure who or what is in the cof!n and why does it look new and fresh, like it was just made, the family an the man

stayed in the room wondering around the room with the little, white cof!n and they waited and waited... “It moved!” The man yells. “It didn’t, now lets go to sleep, we’ve been wondering around for a long time.” Mum replies. They all fell asleep slowly, and quietly, only Wolfy was awake... he was tired but he stayed up. The clock was ticking outside the room and the light’s were "ickering like a door opening and closing, Wolfy was feeling sleepy, he fell down and went to sleep quietly... Suddenly, the cof!n started to open, it was quietly rising up, the Gillerson’s woke up and so did Wolfy, they saw the giant object moving, they stayed still, for a short while then the object, grabs them like toys, they all screamed for help, but no one answered except... The man, the man who helped the Gillerson’s. He grasped Lilly’s hand and pulled with all his might, the object threw him away. “BAM!” Outside the

door was a army, a army of death, Lilly looked under the cof!n and saw a hole. “Guys, come here, I found a way out!”

They all saw the hole and through the hole were some ladders.They climbed onto the ladder as quickly as they could. Wolfy was lucky, he didn’t need to walk down but mom wasn’t, she had to carry him. When they got down, there was a chest at the end of the hall, there was a faint light with something laying under it, it was a sword, the sword of Fracuytuth.

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Dad went there, picked it up, slowly carrying it, he whispered to Andy “ Lets use this to kill the object, good?” “Ok dad!” Andy replied. Wolfy loved the idea, He tried to run up the ladders. They slowly walked up the ladders and lifted up the cof!n, but

apparently the army blocked it up. They pushed and pushed, !nally, they got out and the object was going out of the house. Dad was so tempted to get the object. “Sling” The man was killed, but that was not the point and he wasn’t that helpful. “Dad, do it!” Lilly yelled.He did it. The object fell. It was laying there, like a feather “Yay! you did it!” Andy yelled. “ Wow.” Mum replied. Dad had killed the object, the Gillerson’s "ipped it over, and saw a sign, the sign said: “If managed to kill the Killer Door, put it back in the cof!n as soon as possible.” They !nished reading the sign, they slowly put it back in the cof!n, leaving the room, they got out of the giant home. “Is that the real The Killer Door?” Andy asked. “Yes it was, yes it was.”

All thats left to do is go trick-or-treating, everyone was !nally ready, and all the lights were back on “ Lets go trick-or-treating now...” Mum says. “Ok, lets go to our neighbors !rst.” Dad replies. They Gillerson’s were happy, and so was everyone in the town of Ashlinger Ville...

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