CdW Intelligence to Rent -2016- In Confidence [email protected] Al-Qaida chief Ayman al-Zawahiri The Coordinator 2016 Part 4-1-Syria-23 "According to the information from civilians, [a] unit of Jabhat al-Nusra terrorist grouping (more than 80 militants) has arrived in Idlib province from the territory of Turkey," the Russian military said. The UN special envoy for Syria has estimated that 400,000 people have been killed throughout the last five years of civil war, urging major and regional powers to help salvage a crumbling ceasefire. Explaining that the death toll was based on his own estimate, Staffan de Mistura said on Friday that it was not an official UN statistic. "We had 250,000 as a figure two years ago," said de Mistura. "Well, two years ago was two years ago." The U.N. envoy, Staffan de Mistura, said the talks will continue until Wednesday as planned, but said the two sides are “extremely polarized,” casting doubt on the ability to salvage the talks aimed at finding a political solution to the five-year conflict. “Know your enemy and know yourself and you can fight a hundred battles without disaster” ― Sun Tzu, The Art of War CdW Intelligence to Rent Page 1 of 17 14/09/2022

Al-Qaida chief Ayman al-Zawahiri The Coordinator 2016 Part 4-1-Syria-23

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CdW Intelligence to Rent -2016- In Confidence [email protected]

Al-Qaida chief Ayman al-Zawahiri The Coordinator 2016 Part 4-1-Syria-23

"According to the information from civilians, [a] unit of Jabhat al-Nusra terrorist grouping (more than 80 militants) has arrived in Idlib province from the territory of Turkey," the Russian military said.

The UN special envoy for Syria has estimated that 400,000 people have been killed throughout the last five years of civil war, urging major and regional powers to help salvage a crumbling ceasefire. 

Explaining that the death toll was based on his own estimate, Staffan de Mistura said on Friday that it was not an official UN statistic.

"We had 250,000 as a figure two years ago," said de Mistura. "Well, two years ago was two years ago."

The U.N. envoy, Staffan de Mistura, said the talks will continue until Wednesday as planned, but said the two sides are “extremely polarized,” casting doubt on the ability to salvage the talks aimed at finding a political solution to the five-year conflict.

The al-Qaida branch in Syria, Nusra Front, and its more powerful rival, the Islamic State group, are not part of a cease-fire. The Nusra Front is deeply rooted in the areas in northern Syria controlled by opposition forces, complicating the oversight of the truce.

Documents seized in the raid that killed a top ISIS oil executive last year have revealed details on how the terror group ran its $1million-a-day oil operation.Paperwork reviewed by the Wall Street Journal shows ISIS oil man Abu Sayyaf had a job not unlike other oil executives - except he was also faced with issues like factoring slave ownership into salary negotiations, and repairing oil wells damaged in U.S. airstrikes.  A U.S. State Department official has said that more information was obtained from the documents seized in the raid against Abu Sayyaf than from 'any Special Forces operation in history.' Spreadsheets retrieved in the raid showed ISIS's total natural resource

“Know your enemy and know yourself and you can fight a hundred battles without disaster”― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

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revenues in the six months that ended in February 2015 amounted to $289.5 million - and Abu Sayyaf's operation in the Deir Ezzour and al-Hasakah provinces in north-eastern Syria contributed to 72 percent of those revenues, the Journal reported. Abu Sayyaf, a Tunisian who had his headquarters in the al-Omar field in Deir Ezzour, was known as a fearsome boss, who would threaten to relocate workers to oil fields in Iraq, where bosses were thought to be even worse, said Ibrahim, a 36-year old former oil worker interviewed by the Journal.But other means of intimidation were much more sinister, Ibrahim said:'You go to work and you find someone beheaded.' 

Subsequent to fierce battles with rebel groups, militant fighters of the Islamic State (ISIS) were able to control several key areas in Syria’s northern province of Aleppo, local sources reported on Saturday. “Daesh has advanced in the region despite Turkish heavy shelling on its positions on the outskirts of Tel Hussein and Biraghida near the Syria-Turkey border,” Zein told ARA News, using an acronym for ISIS.

AhlulBayt News Agency - The so-called Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) launched another large-scale offensive in the east Damascus countryside after their last assault was repelled by the Syrian Armed Forces and Free Syrian Army (FSA) just ten days ago. ISIS began their large-scale assault by storming the Syrian Arab Army’s (SAA) checkpoints outside the Tishreen Power Plant near Tal Dakwah; this resulted in a fierce battle on Saturday afternoon that pushed well into the evening hours.

GENEVA (Sputnik) — Moscow is basing its Syrian strategy on the fact that the al-Nusra Front terrorist group is operating near Aleppo and urges the United States to share any information indicating otherwise, Permanent Representative of Russia to the UN Office and Other International Organizations in Geneva Alexey Borodavkin said on Tuesday.

"We are building on the fact that the al-Nusra Front is fighting Syria's armed forces near Aleppo. If someone has differing information, which is exact, with coordinates, then we once again request you to share it with us. Tell us where West-supported opposition forces that are observing the ceasefire are. If this is done, then of course, these groups will not be hit, as has been promised by Russia many times," Borodavkin told Sputnik.

"The Syrian armed forces, backed by the Russian Aerospace Forces, strike those they consider terrorists and those considered terrorists by the UN Security Council in accordance with Resolution 2254. This resolution clearly states that the al-Nusra Front and Daeshe are terrorist groups," Borodavkin said.

Borodavkin stressed that the Syrian army is fighting only these two groups."If among Daesh or al-Nusra militants there are representatives of the groups that are part of the High Negotiations Committee [opposition delegation], then we can only regret that. We recommend these groups to immediately stop all contact and cooperation with al-Nusra and Daesh, announce it publicly in accordance with existing procedure, and join the cessation of hostilities," he reiterated.

The UN no longer keeps track of the death toll due to the inaccessibility of many areas and the complications of navigating conflicting statistics put forward by the Syrian government and armed opposition groups.

The pro-government forces are advancing in the province of Homs, Syria. On April 21, the clashes are observed near the Arak village and T3 Airport with no confirmation that the SAA was able to take these sites. Earlier, the Syrian forces took control of the Brigade 550

“Know your enemy and know yourself and you can fight a hundred battles without disaster”― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

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CdW Intelligence to Rent -2016- In Confidence [email protected]

base and launched an opration towards the ‘Antar Mountains.Russian experts have completed clearing Syria’s city of Palmyra of mines and explosives set by ISIS militants, the head of the Russian Army’s engineering unit, Yury Stavitsky, reported on Thursday. In total, 2991 explosive devices, including 432 makeshift bombs, have been defused. Since April 2, Russian engineers with the help of Uran-6 robots have cleared 234 hectares of land, 23 kilometers of roads and 10 architectural objects.

MOSCOW (Sputnik) — Al-Nusra Front jihadist group continues focusing its powers northwest of Syria’s Aleppo city and in northeastern parts of the Latakia province, the Russian Defense Ministry said Sunday. “According to information received from civilians, Jabhat al-Nusra [al-Nusra Front] terrorist group continues concentrating its forces to north-west of Aleppo and in northeastern regions of the Latakia province,” the ministry said in a daily bulletin posted on its website.

US Army Col. Steve Warren, the spokesman for Operation Inherent Resolve in Iraq, was asked whether Russian airstrikes on Aleppo, the current epicenter of the war, meant that Moscow was preparing to end the cessation of hostilities (CoH) agreement between government forces and the opposition signed on February 29.Warren responded that it was "complicated" because al-Nusra "holds Aleppo" and is not party to the agreement.Warren said of Russia: I'm not going to predict what their intentions are. What I do know is that we have seen, you know, regime forces with some Russian support as well begin to mass and concentrate combat power around Aleppo. ... That said, it's primarily al-Nusra who holds Aleppo, and of course, al-Nusra is not part of the cessation of hostilities. So it's complicated.

AhlulBayt News Agency - An Iranian minister said on Saturday that the so-called Islamic State has been hatching "plots and conspiracies" against Iran from its de facto capital Raqqa in Syria and has made several attempts to send "terrorist teams" into Iran.Intelligence minister Mahmoud Alavi said in an interview with Lebanese television station al-Mayadeen that if Iran had not fought terrorism in Syria and Iraq it would have had to do so in Iran, justifying its continued role in the Syria conflict as a matter of national security.The Iranian minister went on to say that the “plot against Syria” began when Damascus sided with the Lebanon's resistance movement Hezbollah on the Israeli aggression on Lebanon in July 2006. “ISIS has attempted, several times, to send terrorist teams inside Iran,” Alavi further said, adding that the attempts were foiled and “all those terrorists were either annihilated or arrested during the past months.”

AhlulBayt News Agency - Over the past 40 days, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) has conducted a massive offensive in eastern Homs which effectively had government troops wrestle the cities of Palmyra and Qaryatayn from ISIS fighters. Now, the SAA – spearheaded by the Tiger Forces and Major General Suheil al-Hassan – have reached the outskirts of the oil-rich region at Arak in the deserts of central Syria, thereby slicing far east through ISIS heartland. Furthermore, government soldiers have also pushed north of Palmyra over the past week, thus capturing the Mazar mountain, Brigade 550 Army Base, the Hajjana Storage Area, Abar al-Umi village and several checkpoints along the roadLong-term, these northern government advances could have the SAA link up with their comrades at al-Ithriya in southern Aleppo, thereby cutting off a huge ISIS controlled area between Salamiyah and Palmyra.

“Know your enemy and know yourself and you can fight a hundred battles without disaster”― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

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However, the SAA’s Military High Command insists upon capturing the mountainous areas south of Palmyra as to prevent future ISIS attacks on Qaryatayn and secure the right flank for the upcoming Deir Ezzor offensive along the M7-Highway.While many government soldiers are still held up around an isolated rebel enclave in northern Homs (marked in green on the map), this does not seem to halt the SAA from gaining further ground inside the oil rich ISIS-held regions in eastern Homs.

Drifting back to warBoth the partial ceasefire and peace talks are breaking downApr 23rd 2016 |

HOW long is a piece of string? That is about as good a response as there can be to the question of when the “cessation of hostilities” in Syria, partial though it was, will be deemed to have broken down entirely. The fighting has abated to a surprising and welcome degree since the ceasefire came into force on February 27th. But violations are now on the increase, which suggests that a new crisis has begun.Since the first week in April the Damascus-based regime of Bashar al-Assad has been bombing areas south of Aleppo. They have got away with this in part because the opposition there is dominated by Jabhat al-Nusra, al-Qaeda’s affiliate in Syria, one of the terrorist groups excluded from the ceasefire, along with Islamic State (IS). But recent air strikes have also hit civilian areas there and beyond. On April 19th bombings by Mr Assad’s forces killed 50 people in two towns in Idlib province, including one that is known for its resistance to extremist groups.Opposition violence has risen too. On April 18th a group of rebels announced a new offensive in response, it said, to government attacks. That was followed by reports of rebel assaults in Latakia province, a regime stronghold. Rebel mortars and snipers killed at least 16 people in Aleppo over the weekend, according to the Syrian Observatory, a monitoring group.Not surprisingly, this has put the kibosh on peace talks in Geneva, which got under way again only this month. The High Negotiations Committee (HNC), the body representing the non-jihadist Syrian opposition, said on April 18th that it was stepping away from the table over the rising violence and also because of the unacceptable proposals for a political solution in the country being discussed.

“Know your enemy and know yourself and you can fight a hundred battles without disaster”― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

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CdW Intelligence to Rent -2016- In Confidence [email protected]

These ideas, dubbed “dumb” on Twitter by Robert Ford, a former American ambassador in Damascus, include putting in place three vice-presidents from the opposition to serve under President Assad. Like parliamentarians and other civilian officials, Syria’s deputy presidents have no power compared to that of the president and his security forces.  Indeed, the flaw in both the ceasefire and the political talks is that they duck the main problem: that it will be hard to find peace in Syria with Mr Assad still in charge. America and the UN have become willing to compromise on Mr Assad’s fate in order to concentrate on IS, despite ever more evidence of industrial-scale torture by the regime, including sodomy, burning using welding torches, and castration that is being documented by the Commission for International Justice and Accountability, an independent investigative body working on Syria.Russia, which backs Mr Assad, and America, which nominally backs the opposition, are trying to put things back on track. Both say they will put pressure on the parties to abide by the ceasefire. Both want to see a broader deal, and now. Not only has the war dragged on for five ghastly years, but the American administration will soon change. American and Russia co-operation rests largely on the relationship between John Kerry, the current secretary of state, and his Russian counterpart, Sergey Lavrov.Still, Russia is hardly helping. American officials told the Wall Street Journal that Russia is moving artillery units back to the north of Syria, where some Iranian forces have also returned, suggesting preparations to resume fighting.The rebels are being squeezed not only by the regime, but also by IS, which is not party to the partial ceasefire. Despite setbacks, such as the loss of Palmyra, IS continues to capture some new territory. It has taken land north of Aleppo, close to the Turkish border, including camps for displaced Syrians. Médecins Sans Frontières, a medical charity, says 35,000 have fled and a total of 100,000 Syrians are trapped between the fighting and the Turkish border, which for months has been closed to all but a few. Peace is as vital as ever, but seems no easier to achieve.

24 April, Russian combat engineers, clearing the Syrian city of Palmyra of explosives left behind by Islamic State jihadists, have discovered and defused “one of the largest jihadist arsenals” of more than 12,000 explosive devices."The warehouse was well-disguised and discovered through the use of special equipment, brought by Russian engineers to Syria,” General Igor Konashenkov, Defense Ministry spokesman, told reporters. “They have removed more than 12,000 explosive objects, including large-caliber mortar mines, artillery shells, as well as anti-tank mines and anti-personnel landmines, from the terrorists' cache." He stressed that this is "one of the largest ammunition depots from which improvised explosive devices and bombs were used by Islamic State [IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL] for terrorist attacks not only in the province of Homs but in other areas of Syria just as well." "Worthy of note is that the discovered arsenal contained about a thousand electronic detonators and home-made radio-controlled detonators used for equipment of improvised explosive devices," Konashenkov said, adding that the cache was neutralized, with explosive devices cleared and taken to a safe place for disposal.

Islamic State gains ground from al Qaeda in Syria’s Yarmouk refugee campBY THOMAS JOSCELYN | April 23, 2016 | The Yarmouk refugee camp in the Syrian capital of Damascus has witnessed fierce battles between the Islamic State and Al Nusrah Front in recent weeks. Multiple reports say the

“Know your enemy and know yourself and you can fight a hundred battles without disaster”― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

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CdW Intelligence to Rent -2016- In Confidence [email protected]

Islamic State has been gaining ground from Al Nusrah, which is an official branch of al Qaeda’s international organization.Yarmouk was once home to more than 100,000 Syrian and Palestinian refugees. Its current population is far less, but it is difficult to find a precise estimate. Earlier this month, the UN warned that the fighting between the rival jihadists has only added to the humanitarian crisis for those refugees who remain. The Syrian government also launches airstrikes in the area as well.“The continuous, highly intense fighting is not only causing civilian casualties and fatalities, but has also acutely aggravated shortages of food and clean water for the approximately 6,000 civilian families residing inside Yarmouk,” Chris Gunness, a spokesman for the UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), said on Apr. 14. UNRWA has regularly attempted to supply food, hygiene products and blankets to the residents of Yarmouk and nearby camps, but its mission has been interrupted by the heavy fighting.The Islamic State began its new push in Yarmouk on Apr. 7. Multiple factions have clashed there since 2012, but the so-called caliphate saw an opportunity to advance and took it. An offensive by the Islamic State a year earlier, in April 2015, fizzled after local militant groups and Al Nusrah thwarted its expansion. Abu Bakr al Baghdadi’s organization has controlled turf inside the camp since then, but the situation was essentially a stalemate. That has changed in recent weeks, with Al Nusrah losing turf.Amaq News Agency, which is part of the Islamic State’s prolific media machine, released the infographic seen on the right on Apr. 14. It says the Islamic State controls 30% of Yarmouk and 70% of the nearby “Palestine Camp.” The infographic also indicates that 15 Al Nusrah Front fighters defected after Baghdadi’s men announced amnesty for any jihadists who left the al Qaeda branch’s forces. Amaq refers to Al Nusrah as simply “Al Qaeda,” which is accurate. The group is openly loyal to al Qaeda emir Ayman al Zawahiri and staffed with veteran jihadists throughout its ranks.Amaq has regularly reported on Al Nusrah’s (al Qaeda’s) alleged defections and losses since then, with 10 al Qaeda fighters purportedly defecting on Apr. 18. Five more al Qaeda jihadists reportedly defected on Apr. 23, with the Islamic State killing three men who refused to switch sides.Amaq has also been eager to trumpet al Qaeda’s loss of ground. A headline from the media outfit on Apr. 7 read: “Islamic State fighters take control of the Juwrat ash-Sharibati neighborhood and parts of the Yarmouk Camp, south of Damascus, after clashes with al Qaeda.” That same day, the media arm reported: “Breaking | Islamic State fighters take control of the Arubah checkpoint seperating Yalda [another area] from the Yarmouk Camp in Damascus after clashes with al Qaeda.”Another headline on Apr. 11 said: “Renewed advance by Islamic State forces at the expense of al Qaeda fighters in Yarmouk Camp in Damascus, capturing new positions.”It is often difficult, if not impossible, to fully verify Amaq’s claims. But independent reporting indicates that the Islamic State has the upper hand in the current battle.“Daesh [Islamic State] has chased Al Nusra[h], its former ally in the Yarmouk camp, from 90 percent of the territory it controlled,” Anwar Abdel Hadi, who heads the Palestine Liberation Organization in Damascus, told Agence France-Presse (AFP).Estimates provided to both AFP and Newsweek suggest that the Islamic State has between 2,000 and 3,000 fighters in Yarmouk and the nearby area. Al Nusrah is believed to have far fewer fighters in the camp, perhaps only a few hundred. Local witnesses also told Newsweek that both sides are beheading their jihadist rivals during the vicious conflict.Should the Islamic State be victorious, Baghdadi’s men will have a new safe haven in Damascus. On Apr. 20, Amaq released a short video documenting the areas of Yarmouk

“Know your enemy and know yourself and you can fight a hundred battles without disaster”― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

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CdW Intelligence to Rent -2016- In Confidence [email protected]

that have fallen under the Islamic State’s control. The images, some of which are included below, show a sparsely populated area ravaged by war. Thomas Joscelyn is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Senior Editor for The Long War Journal.

Syrian jihadist group Sham al Islam appoints new leaderBY BILL ROGGIO | April 22, 2016 | [email protected] | @billroggio

Harakat Sham al Islam, a Moroccan-founded group allied with al Qaeda and other Syrian jihadist organizations, appointed a new leader after its previous emir resigned due to “his health and work-related issues.” The jihadist group, founded by former Guantanamo Bay detainees, is listed by the US government as a specially designated global terrorist entity, and is known to operate a training camp in Syria.Harakat Sham al Islam, or the Islamic Movement of Syria, issued a statement on its Twitter account on April 20 that announced the resignation of Abu Talha al Andalusi and the appointment of its new emir, Abu Muhammad al Baydawi. In addition to having served as the emir of Harakat Sham al Islam, Andalusi is also a deputy leader of the Ansar al Din Front, a coalition of jihadist groups that are primarily comprised of foreign fighters.“After a year and a half as the emir of the Harakat Sham al Islam and the deputy general officer of the Ansar al Din Front, and due to his health and work-related issues, Abu Talha al Andalusi submitted a request to be relieved from his responsibilities,” according to a translation of the statement that was obtained by The Long War Journal. “The shura council [central governing body] gathered to discuss this matter. It was agreed to appoint brother Abu Muhammad al Baydawi, as the emir of Harakat Sham al Islam.”It is unclear if Andalusi’s resignation also means that he is no longer a senior deputy in the Ansar al Din Front. If so, it is likely that he has been replaced by his successor, Baydawi.Founded by Guantanamo detaineesHarakat Sham al Islam was founded in 2013 by Ibrahim bin Shakran, Ahmed Mizouz, and Mohammed Alami, three Moroccans who were captured in Afghanistan after the US invasion in 2001, detained at Guantanamo Bay, and then released to the custody of the Moroccan government in 2004. Bin Shakran was released despite an assessment by Joint Task Force Guantanamo that identified him as a “high-ranking member” of the theological commission of the Moroccan Islamic Combatant Group, an al Qaeda-affiliated terrorist organization.The Moroccan government inexplicably released the three jihadist leaders sometime in late 2004. Bin Shakran and Mizouz immediately retuned to jihadist activities, were

“Know your enemy and know yourself and you can fight a hundred battles without disaster”― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

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CdW Intelligence to Rent -2016- In Confidence [email protected]

arrested and convicted of supporting terrorism in 2007, and then freed from prison after serving short sentences.Bin Shakran, who is also known as Abu Ahmad al Maghribi, Abu Ahmad al Muhajir, and Brahim Benchekroune, led Harakat Sham al Islam up until he was killed while fighting alongside the Al Nusrah Front, Ahrar al Sham, and Muhajireen Army during an offensive against Syrian forces in the coastal province of Latakia earlier this year. [See LWJ report, Former Guantanamo detainee killed while leading jihadist group in Syria, for more details on Bin Shakran.] Alami, one of the group’s cofounders, was killed in Syria in August 2013. Mizouz is still thought to be active within Harakat Sham al Islam.The US government added Harakat Sham al Islam to its list of specially designated global terrorist entities in September 2014.Part of a jihadist coalition that is linked to al Qaeda Harakat Sham al Islam is known to have operated at least one training camp in Syria. In December 2014, the Ansar al Din Front released photographs of Harakat Sham al Islam fighters training in Latakia. It is unclear if the camp is still in operation.The Ansar al Din Front is an alliance of four jihadist groups that was formed in 2014. Its constituent groups included the Jaish al Muhajireen wal Ansar, Harakat Sham al Islam, Al Katibah al Khadra, and Fajr al Sham. Al Katibah al Khadra folded into Jaish al Muhajireen wal Ansar, which has since openly sworn allegiance to the Al Nusrah Front.The Ansar al Din Front fights alongside the Al Nusrah Front, al Qaeda’s official branch in Syria, and is closely allied to the global jihadist group. In early February 2016, the Ansar al Din Front issued a formal statement that mourned the death of its “brother,” Harith al Nadhari, a top sharia official in Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula. Nadhari was killed in a US drone strike on Feb. 5. [See LWJ report, Rebel coalition in Syria mourns al Qaeda official killed in US airstrike in Yemen.]“We have been mired in grief upon receipt of the news of martyrdom of our brother, Sheikh Harith Bin Ghazi al Nadhari, in an oppressive crusader shelling of Muslims in general, and of the mujahideen in particular,” the group said, according to a translation obtained by The Long War Journal.The Ansar al Din Front also lamented the death of Abu Firas al Suri, a senior al Qaeda leader and member of Al Nusrah Front’s executive shura. The US killed Abu Firas in an airstrike earlier this month. The Pentagon stated that Abu Firas was a “legacy al Qaeda member” who “fought in Afghanistan in the 80s and 90s and worked with Osama bin Laden and other founding al Qaeda members to train terrorists and conduct attacks globally.” Bill Roggio is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Editor of The Long War Journal.

Regards Cees***A Minnesota man, accused of being a recruiter for the Islamic State (Isis), wanted to open up a jihadi people-smuggling route from Syria, through Mexico and into the US, to conduct attacks, court documents claim. Guled Ali Omar from Minneapolis has been accused by prosecutors of conspiring with a group of men to join the fight with Daesh (Isis) to carry out attacks on US soil.The suspected jihadist is standing trial with three other men. According to court documents he told one of the defendants he had "found a means of reaching Syria by going through Mexico". He allegedly went on to explain that "defendants will be able to tell ISIL (an alternative name for Islamic State) of the route so that ISIL can send fighters into the United States via that route to mount attacks."

“Know your enemy and know yourself and you can fight a hundred battles without disaster”― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

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When Will the Saudi Regime Stop Killing Syrians?By Nedal NaissehGlobal Research, April 24, 2016Levant TV 19 April 2016

The Syrian High Negotiations Committee is Saudi-made. Some reports show that Saudi Arabia’s intervention and support for terror in Syria are nothing compared to the estimated tens of billions of dollars spent by the Saudi regime to topple Syrian president Bashar Al-Assad by recruiting terrorists and purchasing weapons needed for the five-year war on Syria.Most of the leaders and high-ranking figures of the so-called Syrian Opposition are living with their families in Saudi Arabia. Dozens of them stay in five-star hotels in the kingdom and abroad at the Saudi Intelligence Organisation’s expenses. The 200.000-euro gift awarded to each one who attended the recent Riyadh Conference was published and admitted by HNC members themselves and reported by news agencies.Add to that salaries, among other facilities which are secret or concealed, all this boils down to: killing Syrians and destroying Syria. In fact, there are two kinds of external support to terrorists in Syria. One is financial provided by Saudis, Qataris, UAE, Kuwait and to some extent previously, some western countries. The second is logistic, which is securing and facilitating the flow of mercenaries, foreign fighters and terrorists entering Syria from all over the world.Among the facilities are the 900-km open borders with Turkey in the north. The borders are under direct supervision of Erdogan and his security organisations, whereas in the south, terrorists enter through Jordan, Eastward Iraq, and to a lesser degree in the West, Lebanon. All this is financially covered by Saudia Arabia’s petro-dollars.Therefore, the participation of terrorists, such as Jaysh Al Islam, in peace talks depends primarily on the US attitude and support. As you know, this faction is an indispensable terrorist tool of one of the main players and powers given the plot to destroy Syria. It is Saudia Arabia which invested tens of billions of dollars in terror projects and spurred on tens of thousands of mercenary fighters into Syria, naming them ‘Syrian Rebels’ at times and ‘Freedom Fighters’ at other times. In the process, the Saudi regime resorted to the power of its own media the world over.

“Know your enemy and know yourself and you can fight a hundred battles without disaster”― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

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Thus far, Jayshu al Islam has showed up in Geneva through their representative Mohamad Alloush.” As a member of the Syrian internal opposition delegation to Geneva 3 conference, I personally complained to Mr. Stephan De Mistura about the presence of the terrorist leader Alloush at the peace talks. The event took place during our second meeting with the UN special envoy. I told de Mistura: ” How come the top diplomats of the UN receive killers and terrorists in UN buildings?”. I carried on saying: “This will affect the credibility and reputation of the International Organization. Alloush had burned little children alive inside the ovens. He also threw some others from high buildings, caged civilians as human shields in metal framed open air prisons on buildings roofs, beheaded people, raped little girls and shelled civilians with mortars in Damascus. Moreover, he is responsible for shelling the Russian Embassy in Damascus, along with his late terrorist brother Zaharn Alloush, a Saudi Sharia University Graduate, who was killed later by a Syrian army air-raid.”The United States, along with its allies, excluded this faction from the terror Jordanian-prepared list, and he is there because of the American-Saudi coverage, as has been the case with all other terrorists who are landing in, and taking off, from European airports, under direct coverage, sponsorship and knowledge of the EU security forces. The latest Brussels’ attacks revealed horrible data regarding this collusion.Many leaks and reports show that most of these Jihadist and Islamic factions are American-made tools to invade and destabilize other countries as a new way of war tactics called proxy war without using their US and western soldiers on the soil. They mainly remind us of the late Osama Bin Laden as the most famous CIA Jihadist agent. This also brings to mind another version of this intervention in South America in the eighties. The plot was known then as “Contras”.At this point, it makes no difference whether or not this horrible faction, Jaysh Al Islam, admitted using chemical weapons or even nuclear ones given that the operator and the security council members are the same. I believe that it is incumbent on the international community, particularly the superpowers Russia and China, to act and protect humanity. The original source of this article is Levant TV

“Know your enemy and know yourself and you can fight a hundred battles without disaster”― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

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