Jake Corona Thuy Ly Evan Punong bayan Technology and Protest


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Page 1: Akira

Jake Corona

Thuy Ly







Page 2: Akira

Jake Corona: Storyline, Major Themes

Thuy Ly: Overview, Technical Aspect, Cultural Aspects

Evan Punongbayan: PowerPoint, Introductions to film and Text, Characters, Movie Clip

Page 3: Akira

Manga SeriesThe movie, Akira, is based on a Japanese manga series created by Katsuhiro Otomo. Manga are simply comic books that correspond to a Japanese style, which originated in the mid-1900s. Part of manga's popularity is the diversity to attract any kind of audience. The Akira series ran from 1982-1990, and totaled more than 2000 pages. Like most popular manga, an animated version was created. While working on the manga, Katsuhiro Otomo agreed to an anime adaption which was created in 1988. Otomo was the director, writer, designer, and illustrator for the anime movie. With his creative control, he focused primarily on the first half of the comic book series.

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InspirationOtomo absorbed many influences in his life, which inspired the making of Akira. Otomo held a fanatical love for movies since he was a child, where he would often travel over three hours on a train to a bigger city in Japan to watch films. Bonnie and Clyde (1967) and Five Easy Pieces (1970) were two big inspirations in making Akira. He was also deeply impressed with the cityscape of New York, where he and his wife went on their honeymoon. His impression on New York was easily translated with his imagination of Neo-Tokyo. Katsuhiro Otomo is a big fan of the animated robot show Tetsujin 28-go. His love for the show resulted in naming his Akira characters similarly to the Tetsujin 28-go characters.

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Technical Aspects

Akira was created with approximately 160,000 animation cels. Everything was completely hand-drawn and hand-painted. It was also the first anime to incorporate lip-synched dialogue along with different facial expression for the characters. Akira is one of the most fluid and detail animation of all time.

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Storyline: Beginning

The film begins with a nuclear blast that destroys the city of Tokyo in 1988. The story takes place 31 years later, 2019, after World War III in the city of Neo-Tokyo. It's a city of neon lights, technology and science inhabited by corrupt politicians, street gangs, and revolutionist groups. Kaneda is a leader of a biker gang called the Capsules made up of misfits including his best friend Tetsuo. While wreaking havoc throughout the city, the Capsules run into a rival biker gang that causes more havoc. During this chase between both biker gangs, Tetsuo collides with an odd looking boy. Unfortunately for Tetsuo, he becomes a secret experimental project known as Akira and is taken away with the kid by the government.

Bike Scene – Click to Play

Opening Scene- Click to Play

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Storyline: Middle

Tetsuo is not feeling well. Along with the blaring headaches echoing the name "Akira", he has some gruesome hallucinations of the earth crumbling and his guts spilling out. Kaneda, on his way to save Tetsuo, runs into a group of anti-government activists who are looking to disrupt the AKIRA project and see what dark secrets the government are hiding. Kaneda and the activists agree to work together. The odd looking boy in the accident turns out to be an Esper, a child with psychic powers. In fear of Tetsuo's growing abilities, the Esper children unsuccessfully attempt to kill him. Realizing the powers he holds, Tetsuo prepares to create chaos on the world that has oppressed him. Tetsuo eventually discovers the location of Akira and is eager to find out what he is and hoping it can make his headaches go away.

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Tetsuo is meek, anxious, and is often quick to anger. His unstable personality is a result of the pain he suffered as a child: abandoned by his parents and resented by society. When Tetsuo discovers his telekinetic abilities, he displays more of his stubbornness and naivety. The more he discovers his newfound abilities, the more he ignores the warnings of his strange, uncontrollable powers. Tetsuo uses his powers by causing massive damage throughout Neo-Tokyo. Tetsuo's feelings towards the mistreatment he felt throughout his life was his overwhelming purpose to seek destruction.

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KanedaKaneda is the leader of the gang of bikers known as the Capsules. He is arrogant, confident, carefree, and defiant. He shows no respect for people outside of his gang, especially authorities. His friends would describe him hot-headed, but loyal. Kaneda is willing to defend and fight for all of his friends. His main objective in the movie was to help Tetsuo, but upon hearing the news of Tetsuo's malicious crime of killing a mutual friend, Kaneda intends to kill Tetsuo.

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The Espers and Akira

The Espers are a trio of close psychic children who have been been part of a secret government project designed to acquire their psychic powers. Although the Espers are children, their bodies take on a wizened appearance due to the special drugs designed to inhibit their psychic growth. They are all selfless and caring, and they often look out for each other.

Akira is also a young child recruited by the government for his psychic powers. He befriended the other Espers, but his powers were so much greater. His great powers destroyed the original Tokyo. As a result, Akira was taken by the scientists and was dissected to discover the cause of his sudden psychic growth. Akira is described as "the ultimate form of human evolution, and the consequences of humans trying to evolve too early by taking biological shortcuts.” Throughout the film, Tetsuo's quest is to find Akira.

Page 11: Akira

Storyline: EndUsing his powers Tetsuo kills anyone who tries to stop him from finding Akira, who is located in Neo-Tokyo's Olympic Stadium. When Tetsuo finally discovers Akira, he could only find his dissected body parts housed in individual canisters. A disappointed Tetsuo is confronted by Kaneda who is angered by the news of his friend's death caused by Tetsuo. Kaneda unsuccessfully attempts to defeat Tetsuo. However, Tetsuo is in great pain due to his intense powers. Unable to control his powers any longer, Tetsuo's body begins to morph into a giant mutation. The three Espers arrive at the stadium to awaken Akira which triggers a giant explosion. Kaneda wakes up after experiencing the childhood memories of Akira and Tetsuo. In the darkness, a big bang is initiated with a voice speaking out, "I am Tetsuo."

Kaneda vs. Tetsuo – Click to Play

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Cultural Aspects: Cyberculture

In the 1980s, Japanese society begin to revolutionize information by using technology to speed up data exchange. This Lead to Cultural Anxieties. Japanese citizens were concerned that this new society would turn into a controlled society. Writers begin to predict the impact by creating cyberpunk genre such as Akira. Japan expansion into an information society transformed its economic & social structures. In 1998 Japan’s Internet market was the second largest in the world.

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Cultural Aspects: Post-War

After WWII, Japan was faced with economic tragedy dealing with inflation and unemployment rate. The future of Japan was unclear and citizens were worried about the problem with nuclear weapons. Japan was struggling to control and maintain its

own nation. Eventually, Japan financially recovered due to the significant impact of the Japanese government.

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Theme: Corruption of Power

There is corruption within the government of Neo-tokyo and Nezu is the ringleader. Nezu is a parliament member who is also the leader of the terrorist resistance movement against the government, but he has allegiance with neither. He does this so he can have all the power if the rebellion is successful. When things start falling apart, his avarice kicks in and tries to leave the city with a briefcase full of money.

Tetsuo is also an example of the corruption of power. He was a weak character who often relied on Kaneda and his friends to protect him from harm. Tetsuo admired Kaneda, but his aspiration is also a bit of jealously. When Tetsuo realizes his newfound powers, he denies any help for he could protect himself now. His hunger for more power caused him to lose his control over his powers, which resulted in his destruction.

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Theme: Rebellion

A key theme is rebellion against society. Rebellion runs rampant in the streets of Neo-tokyo, resulting in an intense amount of violence at all levels of human interaction. Throughout the movie, rebellion is seen from criminal acts of juvenile delinquency to gunfights and to military and paranormal confrontation. The Capsules, led by Kaneda, generally don’t care about anyone and they wreak havoc on innocent bystanders. In numerous occasions, they are disrespectful to authorities and adults in general. Then, there are the members of the Resistance movement. They are a group of people who believe the government is up to no good, so they stage numerous terrorist attacks to disrupt the government’s plans.

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Theme: Technology

Technology is the source of all the catastrophe happening in Neo-Tokyo. The original Tokyo was first destroyed because of Akira’s extraordinary powers. His powers were a government project conducted by scientists. Tetsuo’s powers were also a result of a secret project. The government wanted control over Tetsuo’s powers, so he could be used as a human weapon. As a result, the combination of Tetsuo’s abuse of his powers and the government’s insistence to control it destroys Neo-Tokyo. Akira and Tetsuo embodies the fear of technological weaponry and the inability to control what we create.

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Akira Parallel to Japan

Akira is a film that tries to present the postwar society of Japan. It uses current experiences in Japan to predict the future that contains advance technology. Akira portrays a tale about government corruption and power that leads to civilian rebelling. It also showed Japan’s cultural concern and economic growth. The film outcome about Japan demolishing due to technology is fictional instead, it strengthen Japan’s society.

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Works Cited"Adolescence and Evolution in Katsuhiro Otomo’s Akira (1988)." Culturbia. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Feb. 2013.

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Babcock, Joseph. "Ready to Explode: Exploring the Cyber-Culture and Cyber-Fear of Japan in Anime." Duke University. Thompson Writing Program, 2004. Web. 3 Feb. 2013.

Brouillette, Sydney. "AKIRA: The Corruption of Power." Sydney Brouillette- The Anime Blog. N.p., 8 Sept. 2011. Web. 21 Feb. 2013.

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