Akakor - The Legend of the Ugha Mongulala (Part II) By: Ana Débora Goldstern From: http://www.cyberspaceorbit.com/Ugha.html “These pyramids and the city of Akahim were located in the mountain range of Parima, in the mountainous system of the Gurupira, in the sources where the Padauiri river is born (that is affluent of the Black River). Its location is near the border with Venezuela and the territory is considered by the Brazilian government of “national security”. The pyramids are of quadrangular base and the most elevated it must have between 100 and 150 meters of height. The others are of smaller dimensions. The Roldao archaeologist Pires Brandao observed that “the pyramids by their form are identical to the discovered ones in Mexico”. The photos published by the Veja magazine show other constructions covered by low vegetation.” // “the Brazilian expedition could photograph pyramids from about four kilometers of distance but, it was impossible to them to come near to them nor to the ruins of the left city of Akahim since they could not lay way through the dense jungle by lack of laborers. Pyramid of Akahim. Veja magazine 01-08-79

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Akakor - The Legend of the Ugha Mongulala (Part II)

By: Ana Débora Goldstern

From: http://www.cyberspaceorbit.com/Ugha.html

“These pyramids and the city of Akahim were located in the mountain range of Parima, in the mountainous system of the Gurupira, in the sources where the Padauiri river is born (that is affluent of the Black River). Its location is near the border with Venezuela and the territory is considered by the Brazilian government of “national security”. The pyramids are of quadrangular base and the most elevated it must have between 100 and 150 meters of height. The others are of smaller dimensions. The Roldao archaeologist Pires Brandao observed that “the pyramids by their form are identical to the discovered ones in Mexico”. The photos published by the Veja magazine show other constructions covered by low vegetation.” // “the Brazilian expedition could photograph pyramids from about four kilometers of distance but, it was impossible to them to come near to them nor to the ruins of the left city of Akahim since they could not lay way through the dense jungle by lack of laborers.

Pyramid of Akahim. Veja magazine 01-08-79

“The Brazilian expedition as guide assures to have had the Indian Tatunca Nara whom, not only took to them until the place where the pyramids were located but that continued until the northwest, following the crests of the Mountain range of Gurupira, until arriving at the environs of the ruins of hidden average a lost and left city between the thickness of the forest. In her they could observe countless mouths of caverns among rocks of the adjacent place.

Apparently, according to later testimonies, the city already had been Vista by civilian and military pilots of the Brazilian Air Force that flew over the region. A etnólogo that accompanied to them, Ryoku Yuhan (1), reached the conclusion, after to have examined “from distant spot” the city, from which the ruins had great similarity with constructions of incaico style and must

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have an antiquity of “hundreds of centuries” (). It even pointed the possibility that such ruins corresponded to those of Eldorado, so looked for by the Spaniards. This about to 180 city was located kms. of the place where the pyramids were located.”

The discovery of pyramids of the Amazon, offered to the history of Akakor an extra publicity him. It truncates Nara, increased his credibility between the investigators, who really intuited after their story a source.

“In addition to these powerful cities, the Old Parents erected three sacred religious enclosures: Salazere, in the high zones of the Great River; Tiahuanaco, on the Great Lake: and Manoa, in the elevated plain of the South. They were the terrestrial residences of the Old Teachers and a place prohibited for the Ugha Mongulala. In center a gigantic pyramid rose, and extensive stairs lead until the platform in which the Gods celebrated ceremonies unknown by us. The main building was surrounded by pyramids smaller and interconnected by columns, and beyond, on created hills artificially, other buildings decorated with laminae were located that shone.

The priests count who with the light of the rising Sun the cities of the Gods seemed to be in flames. These broadcast a mysterious light, that was reflected in snow-covered mountains. ”/“Also the religious enclosures are a mystery for my town. Their constructions are testimony of a superior, incomprehensible knowledge for the humans. For the Gods, the pyramids not only were residence places but also symbols of the life and the death. They were a sign of the sun, the light, the life. The Old Teachers taught to us that there is a place between the life and the death, the life and the anything, that is subject at the same time different. For them, the pyramids supposed a connection with the second life”.

With the news in first flat one, Däniken decided on a new expedition, which did not prosper either. Single it reached after an oral story of Ferdinand Schhmidt (2).

Arrived at the point more under the greater cataract, in the one than our old camping was nailed, we stood in twenty minutes of march through the forest before the rocky wall that was to climb. We reached the point upper, than it was populated with many varieties of cactus, and that it offered huge a panoramic one made the west. From I could here photograph three pyramids and the immediate mountainous chain with the old ruins of Akahim. From now on we directed ourselves together in direction towards the cataract, through the forest, and to little distance of the border. It had suddenly before us, supported in a tree, a Indian.

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Hidden pyramid in the weeds of the forest amazónia.

Between him and we a small depression mediated. Tatunka stopped and exclaimed “Branches”. The Indian directed itself Tatunka ago and both were embraced. Branches had black hair that fell to him on shoulders, Lucia a tape braided in the forehead, quite dark era of skin, but it knew clearly, green eyes. Of the right ear a small chain in drop form hung to him, with some figure and a decorated outer rim.

Branches were the head of the troops of the Mongulala and were there with their soldiers, who hoped above. Branches noticed Tatunka that the priests of their tribe had decided their marriage with the princess who had been assigned him already many years ago (3). Later Branches asked to him for the writer (Däniken), since the Mongulala hoped to be with him, instead of with Ferdinand Schmid. As Tatunka had to return to marry with the princess, Schmid had to choose between continuing single he with Branches and their soldiers or throwing for back and returning: The Swiss knew that as soon as was left kilometers to reach Akahim, the city where the technological relics of the Gods were hidden. Schmid was in a dilemma. Branches and their soldiers as much did not give guarantees him by their life in their trip to Akahim like in the return to Manaos. It, with certain weighs osadía, insisted on going to Akahim. It thought that, after so long and laborious way by a jungle where it rained abundantly most of the time, being to a pair of passages of the objective as much awaited time it could not fail to take advantage of that opportunity that, perhaps, was the last one.

Pero Tatunka said to him that it was scared to return single to the civilization. It argued that, if it returned without Schmid, the targets - and in special the own Däniken-, would want to know of his whereabouts and Tatunka was asked if they would believe the word of a Indian. Schmid thought that if gave a letter him for Erich von Däniken the problem was resolute. But the Indian did not see it clear. If it gave to the letter to the targets these them they could think that he wrote it pressed by threats. Of this form, Schmid did not have more remedy than to return with Tatunka to Manaos.”

Resigned, the Swiss caught the alert signal, leaving from return to his country.

Other investigators disregarded “the signals”, and continued looking for the underground cities. The majority disappeared in the amazonian forest.

Macabre list:

1977: A young North American obsessed with Akakor arrives at Cuzco, to try to organize an expedition that leads it towards the zones unknown of of the Southeastern of Peru. He contracted a guide so that he accompanied it until the sources by the Yaco River, where hoped to meet itself with a “native” who would take it city to the hidden. Was never seen more it with life.

1980: John Reeds, another missing North American. A letter was found within its properties where it declares to be to two days of Akahim. In the same one there are praises towards Tatunca Nara. Nevertheless against desires of this internal single one in the forest.

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1983: Herbert Wanner. Swiss citizen. Disappeared and found died. He had contact with Tatunca Nara. Interrogated he denied any implicancia.

1986: Christine Heuser. German investigator of the AAS (4). Step four weeks with Tatunca Nara. One thinks that it had a romance with the leader of the Ugha Mongulala. Until today it appears like disappear.

In the distance, Karl Brugger observed the events that followed one another and planned their return in silence, which took shape in 1981. Accompanied by Tatunca Nara, he tried to convince a film director, Orlando Senna so that he produced a documentary video on Akakor.

Senna refused to participate, arguing: “that was not given the conditions of security for an incursion to so inhospitable zones” (5).

When in 1984 the death of the journalist happens, a new chapter begins to be written in the intrincate and enigmatic history of Akakor.

Until that then ones too serious objections against the figure of Tatunca Nara did not exist, but all that changed, when from Germany it spread that the native in fact was a citizen of that country with a past like convicto.

Günter Hauck, so its true name, appeared in the police archives disappeared German like from the 15 of February of 1968, date, in which it approached a boat to go to Rio de Janeiro. From there, its sign was lost.

The file also mentioned, that during his estadía in prison was known with the nickname of Tatunca Nara.

Single the data of the date, was enough to demolish one of the first detected incongruencias of the story that Tatunca told Karl Brugger. It was impossible that its proclamation of prince of Akakor was viable in 1968, considering that its enter South America took place at that same time.

In the middle of the controversy, another subject left to light. It was denounced that the later days to the death of Brugger, the German consulate entered its department and all the deprived documentation of the journalist took.

What was happening.

Versions arose about a new book that Brugger thought to publish to the brevity. According to his close friends, the journalist trusted, that she was working in one more a controversial hypothesis about the subject of the underground cities, and that to know itself, would cause sensation. Also he spoke, on incursionar in the Nazi subject and its explorations in the South American jungle, because he said to tell on unpublished documents that they would guarantee his investigation (6).

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These affirmations he comes off himself, that Brugger never lost the hopes to find the cities lost. We can suppose, that he was conscious of the true identity of Tatunca Nara, but even so, the native continued playing a fundamental role in the layout of his history. Perhaps Brugger, did not believe necessary to make public a detail that put in risk the credibility of its book, and on the other hand, until his last days it had the certainty that Tatunca did not lie.

But he did not lie, does not explain the failure of all the undertaken expeditions, including the one of the own Brugger. However, in the train of conjectures, what is what it hides after Akakor. And, so that that sudden interest in the Nazi factor.

Let us see.

During the Chronicle writing of Akakor, Tatunca Nara told to Brugger an intriguing history. It referred, which in 1936 Sinakaia, prince of his town by those years, it took part in the assault from Santa Maria, Brazilian town located in the high zones of the Negro River. The Ugha Mongulala, assassinated to great part of the occupants, excepting, to four women who were made prisoners. A nun of German nationality only survived, Reinha, that later resigned to its habits and it married with Sinkaia. Of this union Tatunca Nara would have been born.

Four years later, in 1941, the new princess started off as ambassador in a secret trip for Germany. A year later, Reinha returned with some leaders German. An alliance between towns settled down both. The agreement contemplated that Akakor, it would receive two thousand soldiers German to teach to the Ugha Mongulala the handling of powerful arms, and that in return, these last ones, were committed to construct great fortifications and to gain new cultivateable earth. “But the most important part in the agreement, established that the Germans would disembark in the Brazilian coast and would occupy the most important cities. The soldiers of the Ugha Mongulala would support the campaign by means of fast incursions on the towns of the located Barbarian Targets inside the country.

After the awaited victory, Brazil would be divided in two territories: the soldiers German would demand the provinces of the coast; the Ugha Mongulala would be satisfied with the region on the Great River that had given by the Gods 12,000 years them before.”

According to Tatunca the soldiers German had a trip route that allowed them to enter the South American Continent without problems.

“The departure point constituted a German city called Marseilles. One said to them that its destiny was England. Once on board of the ship, that could move under the water like a fish, he was to them revealed his authentic destiny. After traveling during three weeks by the Eastern ocean, they arrived at the mouth of the Great River. Here it gathered a smaller boat to them, than it transported them until the high zones of the Negro River. In the last part of its trip they were accompanied by explorers of Ugha Mongulala. The passage until the great Cataract located in the border between Brasilo and Peru made it in canoes, and from twenty hours of way were only necessary here to arriving at Akakor. Altogether the trip of the soldiers German lasted five moons.”

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For 1945 two thousand soldiers German were living in Akakor. The conclusion of the Second War interrupted the original plan. Before the impossibility to return to Germany, the soldiers chose to settle down themselves with the Ugha Mongulala.

In this point of its book, Brugger, paid much attention and decided to look for historical registries that they gave handle to the version offered by Tatunca.

It wrote:

“The operations in South America of the German secret associations less numerous and were not well founded. Already in 1938, a German submarine recognized the inferior zone of the Amazon. Her crew made an investigation geographic and made contact with the enemy with the German colony in Manaus. She also made the first historical film on the Amazonia, that still is conserved in the archives of Eastern Berlin. The photographic material made public demonstrates that the interest of the investigators was much more there of the mere collection of personal data. Other operation, that is documented in the archives of the Brazilian Air Force, was the trip of the boat of the S.S. Carolina in June of 1943 from Maceió to Belem. It only can imagine which were the orders of the audacious German freighter. The force Brazilian area thought that German transported a shipment of secret arms for agent and attacked the boat without success. Plus this explanation, Vista retrospectively, seems probable little. Never some in the area of Maceió was not German colony nor either facilities of the Brazilian forces. There are numerous references on secret operations of the Third Reich in Brazil. Eyewitnesses affirm to have observed the disembarkation of submarines German in the coast of Rio de Janeiro. A journalist of the Brazilian magazine Reality and even discovered in Mato Grosso a German colony, composed apparently exclusively of old members of the S.S.

“According to the Chronicle of Akakor, 2,000 soldiers German arrived at the capital from ugha mongulala between 1940 and 1945. The departure point of this secret operation constituted Marseilles. Between its members they were A. Jung de Rastatt, H. Haag de Mannheim, A. Schwager de Stuttgart, and K. Liebermann de Roth. Women and children accompanied the last group. The contact had been facilitated by a German misionera sister of the station of Santa Barbara. An investigation of the data contained in the Chronicle of Akakor provided the evidence of which the four mentioned soldiers were given by dead in 1945. According to received information of the amazonian diocese, the misionera station of Santa Barbara was attacked and destroyed by wild tribes Indians in year 1 936. Between the numerous ones died were several German nuns.

“Considering the technical preparations that the disembarkation of 2,000 soldiers German would have required, the data are insufficient. But the operations of the secret commandos German during World War II could be verified in the cases in which they had been organized by the Abwehr. The documents on the activities of the foreign division of the Socialist National Party or secret associations of the type of the Ahnenerbe either never were registered or burned. Technically, the disembarkation of 2,000 soldiers German could have been possible. The predilection of Hitler by hidden sciences must to him have been urgent to make contact with the enemy with a “Selected Town”. * The biographer of Hitler, Rauschning, characterizes to the “Führer of the Great German Empire” of the following way: “The plans and the political actions

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of Hitler can solely be included/understood if one knows his deeper thoughts and has experienced its conviction of the magical relation between the man and the Universe”.”

We agreed with Brugger, that as much the Abwehr, as the Ahnenerbe, counted on means necessary to imply themselves in an operation of this spread.

The Abwehr, was the German intelligence service that began to work in 1866. During World War II Canaris was directed by Rear admiral Wilhelm (1887-1945) (7). Besides to be in charge of intelligence, the Abwer, developed tasks of espionage, counterintelligence, security, activities of sabotage and subversion. In South America they were concentrated in tasks of naval and marine intelligence. Many countries of the continent that got along with the Germans, lent a valuable collaboration to the Nazi cause.

Some biographers maintain that Canaris was “the creator of a denominated plan Z-Plan, a plan, to continue the war, in case that militarily Germany lost. Also a denominated organization “Die Kette” created (8), to continue the war from outside Germany if the territory were invaded and whose symbol was a German eagle on a black Sun. As much Z-Plan as the organization Die Kette was not conceived with aims to short or medium term, but to last by several generations”.

A confirmed hypothesis does not suggest Canary, who was friend of the general Franco, “obtained the peninsula of Jandia (Fuenteventura) in the Canary Islands by their contribution in the civil war, supposedly it was a secret base of submarines who would be discovered after the war, where the Germans would use it as escape route, supplying and scale course to other secret bases in South America and Antarctica. This called residence Villa Winter would be of General Gustav of the German intelligence service to which the native ones of the island would call “Don Gustavo”. This base would be construída under high secret on natural caves and cavern that would communicate as well with the camouflaged residence that would serve as bunker and observing point of the coast.”

Is suggestive the mention of South American bases. Could have established some in Brazilian territory. No, if we thought that this country declared the war to him to the Axis in 1942, complica factor that any action of that nature. But the possibilities are open and they are not possible to be discarded.

As second option we have to the Ahnenerbe.



Ryoku Yuhan, is the pseudonym adopted by Jose Alair gives Costa Pires, who changed its name when becoming to the buddhism.


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The boat of the captain Schmidt was shipwrecked, losing important filmic material that it revealed indications of Akahim Rumors that circulated around Manaus, indicated to Tatunca Nara as the person in charge of the failure, attributed to his erratic behavior that throughout the passage looked for to boycott the mission.


According to Däniken, “Tatunca related later explained Schmidt who could not return to Akahim since he did not want to make specific that marriage, because he was already maritally united in Manaus with a white woman; however, it says to him that it can follow Branches until the city, but it does not guarantee to him can return someday to the “civilization””.


Ancient Astronaut Society. Founded by Erich Von Däniken on 1973.


“Senna Interviewed person by the magazine “Critical moment”, in the number of June of 1982, showed that he did not make the expedition because the own Tatunca did not guarantee any security to him, since there was to cross very inhospitable regions, with thousands of native still on military against any invader that approached. The then project is in the anything.


“One commented that Karl was going to make public in the days next to his murder, photos and shootings that proved that there was an establishment of the Third Reich in the high part of Negro River”.


In 1940 it was promoted Admiral. From the Abwerh it organized the German aid to General Francisco Franco during the Spanish Civil War. Later it would be accused to integrate a network of conspiradores to kill Hitler. In 1945 it was committed in the concentration camp of Flossenburg, where a little was executed before finishing the War to it. Recent investigations, suggest their halting and later death, was in fact one screen of camouflage to turn aside the attention of the allies. Canaris would have continued with his operations from the secrecy.


“The chain”.



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The expedition and disappearance of Percy Fawcett in the Amazon in 1925


The expedition and disappearance of Percy Fawcett in the Amazon in 1925 never have been clarified, and the enigma follows still on to the present time. They have been shuffled all type of hypothesis around his disappearance but it is known very little of his life and what imposed to him in so tenacious form to continue until the last moment in the search of that Lost City, the mysterious Z of its sleeplessness, that stops some students can be the entrance to Akakor or a lost civilization that it does not want to have contact with anybody of the outer world. Encontró really the city of its dreams and remained in her a

traverse of the years? Cruel was assassinated by the Murcegos Indians in the forest? Who was really Fawcett? So far we must say that Fawcett was an initiated and mystical person par excellence, somebody defined it as “that

it took the esoterismo in the blood and the soul ". His brother Edward Douglas collaborated with Helena Blavatski in his famous book “the Secret doctrine” and was charter member of the Teosófica Society. Percy Harrison Fawcett was founding of the Royal Geographical Society of London and between its prominent friendships the legendary Sir counts. Arthur Conan Doyle. He was born in 1867 and 1901 January of house, but this was not impediment to follow its personal search, still more between its many trips, that gave a very special vision him of the life, learned topography and also it had a son who would be born in Ceylán in 1903.Sus restlessness took it to Bolivia when only Argentina in those years had clear perhaps borders and in that trip it found that enchantment of South America that “hooked it totally”. He is as well as after World War I he finished convinced that its life had to be in South American earth, even transfer like first passage to Jamaica totally where he took to his family. He was convinced that Great Britain and all Europe were a continent in decay and without much that to offer to him; in more than an occasion he commented between his friendships often obtaining a lack of understanding and surprise between these. Fawcett was convinced that a Lost City of the Amazon existed somewhere, but when its idea began to take form and more force than ever are when the experience arrived at its ears from so ......


Francisco Fox that he relates that in 1743 he had access to a Lost and not registered City when was with its men looking for the lost Mines of Muribeca. Fawcett had the opportunity to read a revealing document that is in the National Library of Rio de Janeiro, under the clause of Section

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Written by hand, rare works. The document this made by Canon J. of the C. Barbosa who describes yet details the expedition of this gentleman of Raposo name since this one sent the news to him to the Virrey Don Travelling Luis of Carvalho Menezes de Athaide. It did not receive

answer of the Virrey nor is no test that the Portuguese monarchs have taken some measurement and since then he was lost in the time, also that of Francisco Fox never the more was known. Completely convinced Fawcett that this one such Franciso Fox had had the privilege and the luck to find the City Lost obsessed in such a way that, from the same moment to have knowledge of this document inside its head I create the roots for a definitive expedition that gave light to the enigma of one you totally take care of stranger for the world civilized of then. Fawcett in addition supported its ideas in figures of ceramics and other objects that had gathered in their trip by the North of Chile and coverall in an image of near 10 inches of stop that was given by Sir H. Rider to him Haggard, image that had been found in Brazil and that it had a figure with a plate in the chest with a great number of characters. More of once Fawcett it was expressed on the matter of this figure: “I create firmly that it comes from

a lost city ".


Fawcett maintained that that figure had the characteristic to transmit electrical current by the extremities whenever was touched, even resorts for its explanation to the Science of the Psicometría very little well-known in the West, which transmitted remote images and messages, according to some Eastern scholars of those times. Between the beliefs or the convictions of Fawcett it is the existence of a race of giants that would have lived previously in the Earth and which they would have reached superior knowledge and created a great technological civilization. On the matter it said: “Tiahuanaco was constructed like Sacsaihuaman and great part of Cuzco by a race that manipulated ciclópeas rocks and that carved them to fit so perfectly that it is impossible to introduce a leaf of a knife between his junctions. Contemplating these ruins it is not difficult to believe in the tradition that it relates that they were raised by giants”. Taking into previous account, and having like the detonating that arrived at the knowledge from Fawcett the existence from the document from Canon J. from the C. Barbosa, their beliefs and convictions were transformed into obsessions and is as well as it decides to go to look for that Lost City, that it denominates like the Letter Z., and that surely would give many answers him to its restlessness.

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The document in himself speaks to us that a certain Francisco Fox that started off with 18 colonos and that after many misfortune, beyond a marshy zone were with dentated mountains. Once surpassed these mountains they observed plains beyond and more virgin forest. An indigenous outpost was sent who returned saying to have found all the vestiges of a completely solitary city. That night the expeditionary ones of Fox did not sleep of sense of expectancy. The other day the expedition entered the city. Firstly they observed an enormous ciclópea structure of 3 slab arcs enormous, similar to those of Sacsaihuamán. At the top of the central arc inscriptions spent by the time were seen totally not known. It existed a street surrounded by buildings of two floors, with stone blocks without junction nor mixes, of an incredible perfection. The expedition of Fox lowered the scared street and simultaneously astonished. They arrived at a species of seat where in center there was a colossal column of black stone and on her the efigie of a man with a hand resting in the hip and the other aiming at the North. Obeliscos carved in the corners of the four sides of the seat gave a power and majesty air to the inexplicable place. In one of those flanks it was raised I magnify building that was possibly a palace. The figure of an adolescent was carved to the main entrance with characters and inscriptions similar to those of Old Greece. Following the street sunk cracks and ruins were observed that all the impression of being gave consequence of a great earthquake of long ago. Also a species of monastery with fifteen aposentos could be observed that communicated with a central lobby. Was a gold currency. In one of the faces it showed a efigie of

a young person made kneel and in the other an arc, a crown, and instruments not known. According to later studies of the described thing by Fox he is deduced that he did not have idea where one was, since according to his story one moved 50 miles more down and one was with an identified river and I cannot descry “two white men in a canoe”. After long months in the forest he appeared by Paraguassu.

Fawcett read all this adventure of Francisco Fox and document of other people and students reaching the conclusion who the description of Fox was of the famous Lost City which they have looked for so many explorers, although also was convinced that that lost city did not exist single but there were many more. Its imagination adornment still more when in 1907 Fawcett received the confession of an administrator of a dependency of rubber collectors, of French origin that confessed to him: “My brother raised by the Tahuamanu in boat and a day heard say that they were near the white Indians. Of unexpected he and their men were attacked by savages, white, completely good looking, of red hair and blue eyes and that fought like demons, and when my brother killed to one of them the others recovered the corpse and fled with him, people say that such Indians do not exist who are racially mixed but who they have seen it think of different way”. All these stories and experiences went away joining and gave a structure of the later performance of Fawcett in their expeditions. One of the most dangerous adventures than was called on to him to live to Fawcett happened in 1913 and according to his own words it happened the following thing: As soon as my Manley friend arrived from La Paz, we took leave and we started off for the Brazilian border. We crossed the region of

Yanaiguas Indians who sometimes attack the travellers but not we ran into with no. In the low forests, beyond San Ignacio, we walked six days followed through bathed of mud and water. We passed the stay San Diego, soon the Forest San Matías *Villa Bella*. After rowing 11 days by the Meuqens river, we were with Baron Erland Nordenskiold; who in company of his valiant

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wife investigated the tribes Indians of the Guapore. To twelve miles towards the East there were hills that the Baron considered imprudent to visit, is safe that there there are wild tribes - observed all speak of great and velludos cannibals. I ed ***reflx mng myself and I affirmed: soon we will know it because we go there. Loaded of heavy bulks we left the Mauqens river and days later we arrived at pastosas plains, the first hills of two Sera Precis.

Later we entered a forest and three weeks later we arrived at a wide way that denoted much transit. Savages - I said and we directed ourselves by the new way. After several plantations we arrived at sure were two cabins in beehive form. While we observed left a boy cobrizo color with a nut in the hand and an axe in the other. It was squat and it begun to hammer the rind. The veil of the time had been run for me, to reveal an aspect of the distant past, a glance to prehistory. The nut was divided, the boy sent gruñido of satisfaction and the seed in the mouth lay down.

Fawcett whistled and noticed great uproar in the tribe and moments later it was surrounded by the men with arcs and arrows. Finally they had accepted our friendship and the same head shared our food. Shortly after I knew that this era the town of the Maxubis, I believe that this town like many others of Brazil descended from one more a higher civilization. In one of its villages there was a dangerous man of blue eyes who was not an albino. They adore to the sun and one or two men has the obligation to greet all the dawns to the Sun with musical voices. It was the music of a developed town, not of savages. They had names for all planets and called to the Turn-Turn stars, peculiarly suggestive - Sun affirms to Fawcett- with the Viracocha of the Incas to the God. In all sense they indicated a state superior more than evolution to the savagery. The Maxubis warned to us on the Maricoxix, tribe of cannibals who inhabited more to the North. This story contributed by he himself Fawcett gives an idea us as it went developing within the explorer who a supercivilization lived in a Lost City between the enormous jungle of the Amazon, still more when in 1920 in the farm of Colonel Hermeregildo Galvao, told that a head him

Indian of the Nafaqua tribe, whose territory was between the rivers Xingu and Tabatinga, assured to know the city that lived the Indians who spoke of illuminated houses with stars that never are extinguished. Fawcett when it listened to this affirmation of this Colonel affirmed sharply:

“This was first but not it last time that I heard speak of the permanent lights, found in old houses by that forgotten civilization. This means discovered by the old ones not yet have been redescubierto by the scientists nowadays”. A series of anecdotes, compilation of stories exists one more and inquiries made by Fawcett that guarantees the existence of this Lost City that was found by Francisco Fox in 1743. The descriptions did not let add themselves at the time to a infinity of mysterious cities where they inhabited Indians who had white skin blond hair even described themselves to them with blue eyes. Other stories spoke that in the region of Congugy had been mysterious descriptions on rocks, which was certain and that until they have nowadays not been deciphered. Also a history arrived at ears of Fawcett from a old one that years back following the track of an ox that had become lost found suddenly in a seat of a great city. There it saw in center the statue of a high man and the old one totally outside himself fled from the place. In order to still more guarantee the existence of a Lost City between the jungle, Fawcett also paid attention to a story in the stay of Nose Gives Gloria. In this history it was spoken of a mestizo of the Peixe river that was lost in the forest of Serra Geval, to the East. It raised a hill and it saw, when arriving, a plain with a city with entrance of arc forms. Also east mestizo

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expressed to have seen people in the city which made him stop to approach her. All these histories and legend that at the time of Fawcett continuous and was described by many people caused that perhaps unconsciously Fawcett entered in its interior and that was in the way to find a civilization lost. Often it was expressed on the Olmeca civilization that was perhaps a so old race that they had had the contact with a race of giants since their ancestors boasted themselves to have destroyed the last one of the Earth giants. Also with the toltecas that identified like a strange race when analyzing their physical characteristics: blue eyes, cobrizo color of skin, fine characteristics, etc., which towards seeing as a transplanted town him that place whose origins are not known.


According to words of the own Fawcett the expedition divided from the called Camping Dead Horse located 11° 43 " the South and 54° 35 " Or. would visit in first instance the Stone Tower, stony monument of not known origin that was a species of taboo for the near tribes since according to indigenous stories this stone emitted strange lights at night. Soon one would follow by the Xingu river and the Araguaya and would follow by the bed of this river until the North 10° South latitude. Happening through Santa Maria de Araguaya thence Tocatins in Pedro would be cross a river Alonso. The way would be registered under the parallels 10° 30 " and 11° until the high land in the states of Goyaz and Bay, region totally unknown and inhabited by wild tribes in those years. Fawcett thinks that in this site already it is possible to find some vestiges of cities that are not known until the moment (year 1925) and possibly are the city that found the called personage Francisco Fox in 1743. The location of this city would be 11° 30 " the 30 South and 42° " the West. Another son of called Fawcett Brian, years later making inquiries with people related to the forest and he himself Brazilian Government assured with certainty that these coordinates were mistaken and was impossible to accomplish the mission under these guidelines, and much less in nine days as she had programmed the expedition of Fawcett. Airplanes that flew over this region at no moment even detected in the last years vestiges of left cities. Jack the son who accompanied Fawcett describes in his newspaper of trip a series of events that gives a little us light referring to the difficult thing that was being the expedition.


Jack besides to gather several anecdotes and but stories, in reference to a super civilization that would inhabit these remote earth, where describes “noises of machines identified like rockets”, “skeletons of giant animals not known” “pumps rising to the skies and soon falling to the forest”, “prehistoric constructions”, etc., also she speaks to us of the famous illuminated cities with lights which never they extinguish themselves, although recognizes that they do not agree with the parallels and coordinates that they took. The incognito and the mystery of this expedition go off

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when it is known that he himself Fawcett left writing that were not made managements to look for them until year 1927 in case of not having the news of the expedition, in addition had sold all its rights to one American editorial. More mystery is added when it is managed to determine by experts who the coordinates given by Fawcett were impossible since he himself had realized his error. In this point it is shuffled the possibility years later that he himself Fawcett did it of deliberately

with total knowledge of its error with an aim not yet determined. These hypotheses reinforce more when to both years of their disappearance their son smaller Brian and an American journalist of Diostto last name, manages to manage an expedition to know to something more respect to this disappearance. These new managements reach surprising conclusions. It is determined with certainty that indeed those coordinates are impossible Made Fawcett on purpose? Also it was managed to detect that the porteadores that the expedition took had deserted since Fawcett in its two last letters sent by these same porteadores had expressed to the camping of Dead Horse. The porteadores expressed that in a point that do not know to determine where it was, Fawcett it dismissed them and it gave back to his place of origin, wanting to remain single with his companions of expedition, the eight mules and the dogs that took. Perhaps wise Fawcett clearly where was? Of course, that the two last letters speak that one of the expeditionary ones, Rimell, had been bitten seriously by the garrapatas and the wounds had been deteriorated seriously, but Fawcett in spite of showing preoccupation altogether does not stop of its mission and the expedition either. Diostto journalist and the smaller son of Fawcett in year 1928 manage to contact with some wild tribes and manage to see medallón in one of the children of a cacique; medallón that belonged to Fawcett, since “SILVER Cº” said in reverso. Also they manage to determine another object of Fawcett, a coffer that surely took with him. The observation of these details makes us think that Fawcett gave them in order to gain the friendship of the heads of the tribes, or who the expedition suffered a worse fate when being with the terrible tribe of the murcegos that were cannibal.

Aside from all these conjectures it is left the mystery of so that Fawcett reason it dismissed its carriers that were essential to achieve the success of the mission, and so that treatment to deceive with coordinated false its true location. In the later years to 1927 the testimonies of people are innumerable who said to have found with English being delirious in the neighborhoods of the amazonian forest claiming to be Fawcett, but no of these testimonies had an accurate confirmation of their relatives. In addition during the later years also they appeared several sensitive people that they said to have received telepathic messages of Fawcett. In these messages it expressed to be alive and without problems of no type. The passage of the years still on the mystery of this expedition follows, and now that the Amazon will be crossed by you cold freeways can that give certain facts to us which they have remained during many hidden years in its entrails, and also arise the Lost City that as much dreamed Fawcett and that gave its life to find it.

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According to Tatunca Nara, three cities still inhabited without discovering exist. They are called Akakim, Akakor, and Akanis (names that translated would mean

Two strength one, Strength and Strength three respectively. Indeed the Indian head spoke that before arriving at Akakim, one of the cities of its ancestors, was a mountainous chain and three hidden pyramids by the weeds and the exuberante vegetation. Time later these were discovered

pyramids by a Brazilian expedition that commanded an archaeologist of Brändao last name, and who previously had suspected itself “to zancadillar”

the foreign expeditions.


Between the many existing legend of “white men” who live in the Amazon in a City until now unavailable, it is not possible to be let mention the history gathered by Ferninand Schmid, pilot of Swissair airlines, that in the city of Manaus, last enclave civilized before entering the jungle, to him a native approached which she identified herself like Tatunca Nara, head of the Ugha Mongulala. This native related to him that by years 1939 its town received the visit of about 3000 Germans that when the War finished were and they megred with the people of its tribe. The symbol of the esvástica one was common between the natives and interchanged mutual knowledge, also that secret and treasures that this tribe kept by centuries, in return the Germans gave a new technology him to apply in case of being discovered. This fantastic story I arrive at ears from the journalist Karl Brugger, who reunited all the antecedents of the case in a called book “Chronic of Akakor”. In order to verify these histories several expeditions were programmed where she was even tie Erich Von Däniken, but always happened unfortunate facts that they gave by the ground with all the attempts. The mystery enlarges when the greater diffuser of Akakor, Karl Brugger dies assassinated day 3 of January of 1984 in streets of Rio de Janeiro and it is discovered that in his chest it had tattooed an equal turtle to which it had Tatunca Nara. Single we have left to think that the German could make some pact with the Indian head to enter itself in the mystery of Akakor.


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Many histories of old natives, the same histories of Tatunca Nara and even narrations of bandéiras (recolectores of rubber) of century principles, have been confirmed with time or, at least, they have demonstrated to have a true and sustainable base to investigate. For example: In April of 1973 organization FUNAI discovers a tribe of white Indians in the high zones of the Xingú river. In the month of May during a work of investigation in the Fog Tip, the border guards made contact with the enemy with Indians who were directed by women. In June of 1973, several indigenous tribes were seen in the region of Acre, that until then was free assumption “of Indians”. The exposed reasons above indicate to us that still this forest of the Amazon is no this whole to us which hides in its strangers. Time to the time.

22:52 Written down in Mysteries/Enigmas | Permalink | Commentaries (4) | Enviar to email | tags: Percy Fawcett, UGHA MONGULALA, mysteries, enigmas

Magazine Investigation - Akakor, the legend of the Ugha Mongulala… the Society of studies for the old history of the spirit (Deutsche… Their mentors was Henrich Himmler (2), Herman Wirth (3) and Walter Darre (4). …

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