5 th STHK Advanced Adult Airway Management Update Multidisciplinaryfacultyapproach Review of updated difficult airway trolleys and DAS algorithms of 2015 AFOI set-up Opportunities to practice ’hands-on’ training in: - Frontof neck access (CICO) - Fibreopticguided intubation through supraglotticairwaydevice using Aintree Intubation Catheter - Indirectvideo laryngoscopy Free of charge All grades of anaesthetists, intensivists, ODPs (ODAs) and critical care staff welcome RCOA and DAS CPD points/approvalawaited To apply or for further details, please contact Nina Jain - [email protected] Thursday 23 rd May 2019, 1pm – 5pm Anaesthetic Office, Whiston

Airway Management Update Adult...5th STHK Advanced Adult Airway Management Update Multidisciplinary faculty approach Review of updated difficult airway trolleys and DAS algorithms

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Page 1: Airway Management Update Adult...5th STHK Advanced Adult Airway Management Update Multidisciplinary faculty approach Review of updated difficult airway trolleys and DAS algorithms

5th STHKAdvancedAdultAirwayManagementUpdate



Opportunitiestopractice’hands-on’trainingin:- Frontofneckaccess(CICO)

- FibreopticguidedintubationthroughsupraglotticairwaydeviceusingAintree

IntubationCatheter- Indirectvideolaryngoscopy



Toapplyorforfurtherdetails,pleasecontactNinaJain- [email protected]

Thursday23rd May2019,1pm– 5pmAnaesthetic Office,Whiston