AIRS 2009 Work Plan ( Updated May 20 th ; grey highlight indicates changes since April update) This document contains the goals and objectives of AIRS for 2009 as approved by the AIRS Board. Over the course of the year, additional projects emerge and are added to the work plan. The yellow highlight shows activities that have occurred during the year to date. Responsibility Objectives/Deliverables and Status Board/Executive Committee Chair: Jamie Moore Georgia Sales, Richard Stahl, Tim Sylvia, Roberto Armijo, Faed Hendry Overall objective To exercise the powers of the Board when the Board is not in session, except those powers that the bylaws of the Board require to be exercised by the Board itself. To oversee the strategic planning process, responsibility for which is delegated to the Vice President/President Elect. To coordinate activities of AIRS Committees Staff support: Charlene Hipes and Clive Jones To monitor the performance of STAT against contractual responsibilities and to update the Board on results (including conducting membership customer service surveys in March and October) Status/Activities: Customer services survey were distributed in late April. Report currently before Board for review. To assess AIRS staffing requirements and existing structure in accordance with financial resources, member needs and Board objectives Status/Activities : Time has been set aside during the Board Meeting to discuss the structure and our options.

AIRS 2007 Work Plan – Draftww.airs.org/files/public/AIRS_WorkPlan_2009MayUpdate.doc · Web viewMembers: Bernice Hutchinson, Debby Thornton, Kim Gates, Nancy Findeisen, Robert McKown,

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AIRS 2009 Work Plan (Updated May 20th; grey highlight indicates changes since April update)

This document contains the goals and objectives of AIRS for 2009 as approved by the AIRS Board. Over the course of the year, additional projects emerge and are added to the work plan. The yellow highlight shows activities that have occurred during the year to date.

Responsibility Objectives/Deliverables and Status

Board/Executive Committee

Chair: Jamie Moore

Georgia Sales, Richard Stahl, Tim Sylvia, Roberto Armijo, Faed Hendry

Overall objectiveTo exercise the powers of the Board when the Board is not in session, except those powers that the bylaws of the Board require to be exercised by the Board itself. To oversee the strategic planning process, responsibility for which is delegated to the Vice President/President Elect. To coordinate activities of AIRS Committees

Staff support: Charlene Hipes and Clive Jones

To monitor the performance of STAT against contractual responsibilities and to update the Board on results (including conducting membership customer service surveys in March and October)Status/Activities: Customer services survey were distributed in late April. Report currently before Board for review.

To assess AIRS staffing requirements and existing structure in accordance with financial resources, member needs and Board objectivesStatus/Activities: Time has been set aside during the Board Meeting to discuss the structure and our options.

To develop new contract with STAT by December 2010 (begin discussing issues earlier)Status/Activities:

Staff support: Charlene Hipes and Clive Jones

To encourage and facilitate the continued development of 211US in partnership with the United Way of America, the 2-1-1 Leadership Council and all 2-1-1 providers.Status/Activities: AIRS President, Vice-President, Board members and staff attended the 2-1-1 US Day on the Hill. AIRS continues to contribute as a vigorous partner, taking the lead on the 2-1-1 Annual Call and Problem/Needs Count, the MOU between 2-1-1 US and the 2-1-1 state organizations, coordinating the monthly 2-1-1 state directors teleconferences,

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the financial aspects of the Calling for 2-1-1 Bill as well as being a major contributor to the campaign to pass the Bill and various other activities (such as the 211.org web site that AIRS maintains and the 211us.org web site).

To continue partnership with United Way of America in relation to 2-1-1 and other initiatives.Status/Activities: See above for detail concerning 2-1-1. We are also leading the activities for the AIRS/UWA Disaster Alert Team. During the Conference period, there will be an informal meeting with UWA to discuss a new and possibly more formal MOU.

Staff support: Charlene Hipes

To address any issues relating to AIRS name, logo, trademark, copyright.Status/Activities: Not applicable to date

Staff support: Charlene Hipes

To ensure that all legal requirements for non-profit corporate registration are undertaken:

D&O Insurance (February) General Liability Insurance (February) Corporate Tax Filing (May without extension, November

with extension) Annual Incorporation Report to Arizona Corporate

Commission (October)Status/Activities: D&O Insurance policy has been renewed and General Liability coverage is still under investigation.

Staff support: Charlene Hipes and Clive Jones

To explore research possibilities that demonstrates the value of I&R and the impact of AIRS members.Status/Activities: AIRS has contracted with Mark Neuffler of Integer Research and Consulting to complete a research initiative, a high-level “scan” of AIRS and the I&R environment. A working group of the Board was created and a detailed survey was tested and then issued in mid-May. A presentation of the initial findings and /or premises will take place at the AIRS AGM in Reno.

Board Development Committee

Chair: Tim Sylvia

Overall objectiveTo select and place for nomination at the annual business meeting of the membership or by previous correspondence to the membership, a slate of candidates to fill vacancies occurring on the Board.


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Staff support: Charlene Hipes

To enhance Board and Committee recruitment through the implementation of recommendations from AIRS Executive Committee and Board.Status/Activities: Board Development Committee has established a slate of new Board members for approval to the AIRS membership

Human Resources Committee(The Executive Committee will absorb the functions of the Human Resources Committee)

Overall objectiveTo oversee implementation of recommendations on current personnel issues and to address issues related to staff recruitment, training, evaluation and support, and contract employees.

Resource Development Committee(The Executive Committee will continue to absorb the functions of the Resource Development Committee)

Overall objectiveA standing Resource Development Committee shall be appointed by the president. It shall have the responsibility for identifying potential sources of revenue for AIRS and training other members of the board in fund development.

Staff Support: Charlene Hipes and Clive Jones

To monitor federal grant project opportunities (with input from Public Policy Committee and Matz Blancato & Associates)Status/Activities:

To complete project that pursues foundation and other grant support for AIRS credentialing activities. This involves completion of Patricia Jordan’s contract that commenced in later 2008. Status/Activities: Meetings have been held with NWAIRS to finalize budget and activities for the proposal to the Gates Foundation

Public Policy Committee

Chair: Richard StahlMembers: Joan Phelps, Kathleen McHarg, Linda Daily, Lucinda Nord, Roberto Armijo, Steve Nagel

Overall objectiveTo develop a national presence for AIRS that develops Federal relationships and enhances the potential to secure major funding on behalf of AIRS members.

Staff Support: Charlene Hipes

To maintain at least 2 non-Board members as volunteers, drawing particularly from any members of the Affiliates Council and 2-1-1 Leadership CouncilStatus/Activities: Complete

Staff support: Charlene To implement terms of 2009 contract with consultants to include


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Staff support: Charlene Hipes

deliverables/initiatives and timeframes. Also to develop contract for 2010 Status/Activities: Regular meetings plus a bi-monthly Public Policy Report is distributed to members.

To identify key legislation and departments relevant to I&R and to develop relationships with staff, politicians and other national organizations (with input from other AIRS Committees where required)Status/Activities: Committee working with AIRS Affiliates in support of the Calling for 2-1-1 Bill.

To identify key areas on which position statements need to be created and to develop concepts on how to create those policies and quickly make those decisions when required. Status/Activities: Established a public policy liaison within each Affiliate to facilitate feedback on ideas and implementation of decisions

Staff support: Charlene Hipes

To maintain or develop relationships with national associations (AAS, ALA, CAN, Contact USA, FEMA, NACCRRA, n4a, NENA) whose members provide specialized I&R or related work (with communication to other AIRS Committees). Status/Activities: Working with NENA as part of the NESIC collaboration; also confirmed our table at the Aging Conference in Minneapolis in partnership with MN AIRS; presented at 311 Customer Satisfaction Conference on AIRS Certification; contacted US Census regarding being a national partner; also responded to a FEMA request for feedback on disaster standards that included 20 letters of support from members.

To assist in the passage of the I&R Resolution and plan related activities for at the national and local level. Status/Activities: The Resolution has been re-introduced into Congress, although because of the immediate nature of the Calling for 2-1-1 Bill, this has been the priority

Begin planning efforts and identify related costs for hosting a Day on the Hill in 2009. Status/Activities: Deferred to avoid clashing with the 2-1-1 specific events but AIRS and AIRS members participated in those activities

Marketing/ Overall objective


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Membership Committee

Chair: Nancy Findeisen

Members: Mel Favor, Sharon Doner, Cathleen Kelly, Hannah Newton, John Plonski, Tim Sylvia

To provide input to the Board of Directors and guidance to the staff on internal and external communications, organizational image, and marketing of products and services.

Staff support: Clive Jones/Charlene Hipes

To maintain at least 2 non-Board members as volunteers, drawing particularly from the Affiliates Council if possibleStatus/Activities: Complete

Staff support: Charlene Hipes, Moayad Zahralddin, Sharon Galler and Clive Jones

To generate gross membership revenue of $300,000 with an approximate breakdown of 570 members at $50; 240 at $250; 200 at $350; 240 at $500 and 10 at $750 for a total of 1,260 members Status/Activities: As of mid-May, gross revenue of $288,000 with 541 members at $50, 96 at $250, 125 at $350, 364 at $500, and 15 at $750, for a total of 1,141 members

To conduct 2 mailings or contacts (via email, fax and/or mail) to AIRS members each monthStatus/Activities: Averaging about 3-4 a month (ease of doing this has increased with new member database software)

To conduct I&R salary survey update for members (April).Status/Activities: Complete

Staff Support: Clive Jones To market accreditation to non-accredited 211 agencies and to other possible agenciesStatus/Activities: Main marketing activity following Conference

Staff Support: Charlene Hipes/Clive Jones

To promote Affiliate conferences and to share their content/programs; and when requested by the Affiliate, ensure that Board members or staff are able to attend. Status/Activities: Specific web page set up to promote Affiliate conferences. Also, through Affiliates Council, publishing a handbook on creating successful conferences

Staff support: Clive Jones To update Products and Service Price List (February)Status/Activities: Complete

Staff support: Charlene Hipes

To promote use of Tele-Interpreters service amongst AIRS members Status/Activities: Successfully negotiated security of existing contract for members with new company following the takeover


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of Tele-Interpreters by Language Line

Staff support: Charlene Hipes/Clive Jones

To complete Annual Report (June)Status/Activities:

Staff support: Clive Jones To maintain new AIRS web site with view to having “News” feature change on home page every month.Status/Activities: Incomplete

Staff Support: Dick Manikowski/Charlene Hipes/Clive Jones

To ensure that the annual edition of the AIRS Journal is published electronically in 2009. Status/Activities:

Staff Support: Charlene Hipes and Clive Jones

I&R ToolkitTo ensure that best practices information is secured from the Accreditation review process and to implement the process to update the contentStatus/Activities:

To evaluate future of 211 ToolkitStatus/Activities:

Staff Support: Moayad Zahralddin, Clive Jones

ABCSsTo promote ABCs to non-members and to those members who are outside of the higher membership tiers at a base price of $450 for an electronic/print version, for a total value of $6,500.Status/Activities: Publication of latest edition resulted in many agencies moving to the Enhanced level, also conducted some bulk sales in response to external inquiries. Achieved revenue target for 2009

Staff Support: Hannah Newton and Charlene Hipes

AIRS NewsletterTo produce and distribute 11 editions of the AIRS newsletter and advise on content (focus on news, membership information and human interest stories)Status/Activities: Ongoing … all newsletters completed on schedule to date

To secure newsletter advertising to the value of $500Status/Activities:


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Standards Committee

Chair: Faed Hendry

Members: Beth Wick, Cathleen Kelly, Anne Forgoros, Fred Koss, Georgia Sales, Linda Daily, Randy Nicklaus, Bob McKown, Charlotte McHenry

Overall objective The Standards Committee shall establish Standards which define the expected practices within the field of I&R and provide guidelines that communities or other jurisdictions can utilize in developing an I&R program. This is an umbrella committee as the Accreditation and Certification Committees are essentially sub-Committees of Standards. The Standards Committee is a “closed” Committee as per the recommendations of the Hamm Report.

Staff Support: Charlene Hipes

To maintain at least 2 non-Board members as volunteers, drawing particularly from the Affiliates Council if possibleStatus/Activities: Complete

Staff Support: Charlene Hipes/ Clive Jones

To monitor feedback on 6.0 version of the Standards. (It is always likely that some small revisions will be needed to create a 6.1).Status/Activities: Promotion of new edition took place at beginning of year, responded to several questions from members to clarify certain points but not yet encountered any reasons for amendments

To explore the process of having the AIRS Standards accepted by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI)Status/Activities: Currently exploring process in more detail. Meeting scheduled with Mike Hamm to discuss. AIRS is now a member of ANSI.

Accreditation Commission

Chair: Bob McKown

Members: Debby Thornton, Georgia Sales, Lynne Engel, Roberto Armijo, Micki Thompson

Overall objective The Accreditation Commission shall utilize the Standards established by the Standards Committee to develop and implement a formal detailed accreditation process. The Accreditation Commission shall develop and maintain a comprehensive policy and procedure manual for the accreditation program. The Accreditation Commission shall establish standards at a quality level that is appropriate for supporting broad improvements in I&R programs without presenting unrealistic barriers for future potential applicants in terms of compliance issues.

Staff Support: Charlene Hipes

To maintain at least 2 non-Board members as volunteers, drawing particularly from any members of the Affiliates Council


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who are with Accredited agenciesStatus/Activities: Complete

Staff Support: Charlene Hipes

To complete 20 accreditation applications Status/Activities: 11 Complete to-date, 8 pending with confirmed dates for visit.

To acquire 24 new/renewing applications with a revenue target of $103,000Status/Activities: 1 new application, 18 due for re-accreditation.

To recruit and train 6 new onsite review team membersStatus/Activities: 13 individuals have been invited to become reviewers. A meeting will be held at the Conference to confirm participation.

Staff Support: Charlene Hipes

To review and amend the accreditation process and criteria in accordance with the next version of the Standards, and in particular the concept of a ‘weighted’ scale of compliance.Status/Activities: Planning meeting being organized; funding also being sought to cover costs

Certification Commission

Chair: Cathleen Kelly

Members: Anne Fogoros, Dana Long, Debbie Fagin, Edwina Reddick-Scott, Georgia Sales, Jacky Roddy, Joseph Amoroso, Maurine Strickland, Roberto Armijo, Stephanie Norrick, Bernice Hutchinson

Overall objectiveThe Certification Commission shall utilize the Standards established by the Standards Committee to design, implement and maintain a formal detailed Certification process. The Certification Commission shall develop and maintain a comprehensive policy and procedure manual for each Certification program. The Certification Commission shall utilize national benchmarks for professional certification programs as well as quality benchmarks desirable for certification programs relied upon by external stakeholders.

Staff Support: Clive Jones To maintain at least 2 non-Board members as volunteers, drawing particularly from the Affiliates Council if possibleStatus/Activities: Complete

Staff Support: Clive Jones /Maria LeDoux

To acquire 800 new applicants and 800 applicants for re-certification Status/Activities: As of March 31st, we have had 280 new applicants and 245 applications for re-certification.


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To administer 80 examinations Status/Activities: To date 55 examinations have been scheduled for 2009

To administer the Certification Program according to the documented processes and principlesStatus/Activities: Ongoing

To assess on an ongoing basis evaluation comments, exam performance and Scantron question historyStatus/Activities: Evaluation details examined for end of 2008 and continuing successful implementation of online evaluations

To undertake a detailed survey of Certificate holders to see changes from 2007 survey.Status/Activities: Scheduled for September

To implement the recommendations of the Hamm report on the Certification Program and to price, prioritize and schedule other anticipated recommendations such as undertaking job task analyses, blueprints of job element requirements, question-writing workshops, etc. with ultimate goal of NCCA accreditation as detailed below:

To develop a comprehensive marketing plan for the entire certification program with specific strategies, projects, timelines and budgets. This plan should include a specific mission for the certification program.Status/Activities: Marketing plan complete. Need to develop mission statement

To complete a psychometric-led CIRS-A Job Task Analysis and create 3 new CIRS-A examinations with psychometrically-approved cut scores.Status/Activities: JTA session for Reno just before the AIRS Conference

During (or in preparation for) the CIRS-A Job Task Analysis, there should be an assessment of whether the credential could be expanded to reflect the ‘disability’ (e.g. CIRS-A/D) or whether the “D” element really constitutes a separate credential that requires a different process.Status/Activities: Part of the JTA process


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To create a revised question bank of CIRS questions and create 3 new CIRS examinations with psychometrically-approved cut scores. Status/Activities: Question bank of about 340 new questions reviewed and edited; and input into new question bank file. Cut score meeting held in mid-May. Final aspect involves creation of exams with equal cut scores and their validation by another group working by teleconference.

To review our Policy & Procedure Manual to ensure it covers all aspects of the certification programs such as detailed policies and procedures on test development, test administration, appeals, discipline, non-discrimination, disclosure of certification status information, accommodation policies, and records retention requirements.Status/Activities: Process underway through Certification Commission

To review the financial reporting to include all direct and indirect costs of the certification program and also track income derived from other sources that might reflect Certification needs.Status/Activities:

To develop a practice exam once the new CIRS examination question bank is completeStatus/Activities: Pending this, we have created an online practice test of 70 CIRS-related questions taken from the ABCs of I&R

Affiliates Council

Chairs: Cathleen Kelly, Joan Phelps

Staff Support: Charlene Hipes, Moayad Zalhraddin

Overall objectiveTo work with the AIRS Affiliates to help shape, inform and carry out the AIRS mission at the local level in order to support and build excellence in the profession of I&R/A. AIRS Affiliates (Affiliates) are membership organizations representing comprehensive and specialized information and referral providers within a defined geographic area.

Staff Support: Charlene Hipes

To monitor the implementation of our 3-year MOUs for Affiliates. Status/Activities:

To support the efforts for the creation of new AffiliatesStatus/Activities:


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To hold monthly Affiliate meetings in order to provide effective two-way communication within I&R movementStatus/Activities: Ongoing

Taxonomy Committee

Co-Chairs: Kathleen McHarg, Jan Leibovitz Alloy

Members: Anne Fogoros, Carolyn Counterman, Deborah Woods, Dick Manikowski, Georgia Sales, Jennifer Miller, Jennifer Hampson, John Allec, Jennie Pollak, Lael Tryon, Noreen Stackpole, Tylee Smith

Overall objectiveTo guide AIRS in managing the partnership with 211 LA County for the Taxonomy of Human Services. To provide coordinated support to the Taxonomy Editor on issues relating to the development of the content and structure of the Taxonomy. To articulate issues related to the Taxonomy as a common language for human services and to educate the members of AIRS regarding the importance of the Taxonomy as a standard for field.   To seek endorsements from other organizations. To work with and support 211 LA County on issues relating to the long-term sustainability for the development and dissemination of the Taxonomy.

Staff Support: Clive Jones To maintain at least 2 non-Board members as volunteers, drawing particularly from the Affiliates Council if possibleStatus/Activities: Complete

To complete the MOU between AIRS and 211 LA County and implement its terms and conditions.Status/Activities: Complete

To explore whether any branches of the Taxonomy need to be restructured.Status/Activities:

To identify and promote best practices on the organization and options for public searching of online resource databases. This may include organizing a ‘think tank’ session to discuss the evolution of future needs and how the Taxonomy can meet them.Status/Activities: Draft document created to provoke discussion and possible testing. Over 50 agencies requested copy and there has been one offer to implement as a case study

To assess the Taxonomy training needs of I&R specialists who search resource databases.Status/Activities: Committee members reviewed section in ABCs of I&R to confirm applicability


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To assess the Taxonomy training needs of resources specialists and to develop materials to meet those needs.Status/Activities:

To work with Affiliates to provide more opportunities for Taxonomy training.Status/Activities: Informed Affiliates of willingness to find ways of achieving this. Letter sent to all Affiliate Presidents. No specific request has arrived but presumably awareness of issue has increased

To promote the Taxonomy listserv with an aim of increasing the number of members by 10% (currently 620 as of Dec 31st 2008).Status/Activities:

To extend peer support system (by region and by software) that would allow people to have their indexing reviewed and feedback provided – look at some way that activity could be rewarded to ensure it is ongoing and supported by the monitoring agency (e.g. reduction in Taxonomy subscription; extra discount on AIRS Conference, etc.)Status/Activities:

Conference Committee

Chair: Mary Damsgaard Vice Chair: Joan Phelps

Members: Bernice Hutchinson, Debby Thornton, Kim Gates, Nancy Findeisen, Robert McKown, Sharon Doner, Saundra Bond

Overall objectiveTo plan and implement the annual AIRS conference each year in conjunction with partners (currently NASUA and the military). To maintain the Conference Manual. To develop a core curriculum for the conference and to provide oversight at each conference to ensure the quality of presentations.

Staff Support: Sharon Galler To maintain at least 2 non-Board members as volunteers, drawing particularly from the Affiliates Council if possibleStatus/Activities: Complete

Staff Support: Sharon Galler and Charlene Hipes

To produce conference brochures to promote the event Status/Activities: Registration brochure distributed. Web site updated with specific information. Conference brochure finished. Complete


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To have 650 registered for the Reno conference with an overall total revenue figure of $335,000Status/Activities: Current registration around 450

To attract 140 registrants to Intensives.Status/Activities: Current registration around 85

To secure Conference sponsorship, advertising and exhibit revenue to the total of $31,000Status/Activities:

To secure contract for 2010 conference. Status/Activities: Contract signed with Rochester, New York. Complete

To identify site for 2011 conferenceStatus/Activities:

Training Committee

Chair: Rosanna Thoms

Members: Barbara Manning, Bernice Hutchinson, Cathy Nellis, Kathy Edler, Keith Lavery-Barclay, Patt Harvey, Sharon Doner, Sharon Russell, Shye Louis, Steve Nagel, Tim Sylvia

To explore and implement training options for AIRS members in order to improve the quality and consistency of available I&R training.

Staff Support: Clive Jones To maintain at least 2 non-Board members as volunteers, drawing particularly from the Affiliates Council if possibleStatus/Activities: Complete

Staff support: Clive Jones To explore AIRS acquiring own Webinar application Status/Activities: Application identified (gotowebinar), waiting until after Conference

To complete 4 Webinars over course of the yearStatus/Activities: See above

To conduct a member survey on training needs in February (to include a list of Conference and other items to see how they are rated)


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Status/Activities: Complete

To monitor AIRS Online Training through course registrations and evaluations, and make program adjustments as required, with a 2009 target of 1,200 registrations and for each course to have 75% of evaluations clearly stating that they agreed with the statements ‘The material in the course was relevant to my job’ and ‘The course met the learning objectives’.Status/Activities: Will collect stats after the 6-month period

To review all AIRS online training modules (should be around 15 by start of 2009) and to make changes to ensure that material continues to be relevant and that it reflects the new AIRS Standards. Status/Activities: Complete

To complete two new online training courses. Status/Activities: Three online courses developed towards the end of 2008, went through their final stages in 2009 -- Resource Database Style, I&R Customer Service and Serving Military Personnel and their Families

To review online courses produced by EL in 2009 for inclusion in AIRS portal (June and December)Status/Activities: June review complete with several new courses currently being added

To develop training tracks and workshops for the 2009 AIRS ConferenceStatus/Activities: About 90 workshops set. Complete

To begin process to develop training tracks and workshops for the 2010 AIRS ConferenceStatus/Activities:

To obtain feedback on the 2009 version of the ABCs around September with a view to addressing enhancements and required changes, and making a revised version available in early 2010. Status/Activities:

To work with the AIRS Affiliate Council to provide support and content suggestions for local/regional conferences.Status/Activities: Ongoing


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Finance Committee

Chair: Roberto Armijo, Treasurer

Members: Jamie Moore, Jeri Shumate, Maurine Strickland

Overall objectiveThe Finance Committee shall develop the budget for the approval of the Board. The committee shall provide up to date financial information to the Board on a regular basis. The Executive Committee shall address reimbursement requests for matters not addressed in the annual budget.

Staff support: Charlene Hipes

To assess actual expenditures and revenue against budget targets (particularly in the first months of membership) and to oversee STAT financial work regarding correct coding, etc.Status/Activities: Ongoing

To ensure annual financial review is conducted in a satisfactory fashion.Status/Activities: There was an audit in 2008, so this year it will be a review. Per the Board policy to do a full audit every other year.

Friends of AIRS

Chair: Sharon Doner

Members: Edwina Reddick-

Overall objectiveTo establish and administer an endowment fund for AIRS where the principle is restricted for investment only and the income is used to provide Conference scholarships or other benefits for AIRS members.

To raise revenue for Friends of AIRS through annual special event and other fundraising and to ensure that members are aware of the program and application process that provides Conference scholarships or other benefits for AIRS membersStatus/Activities: 2 scholarships were awarded for the 2009 Conference and the Friends of AIRS Silent Auction will happen at the Conference.


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Disaster Committee

Chairs: Larry Olness and Trisha Ferrell

Member: David Smith, Debby Thornton, Faed Hendry, John Plonski, Shirley Walker, Gary Lever, David Sisk, Linda Daily, Chris Juette

Overall objectiveTo oversee disaster related activities, coordinate training efforts, maintain liaisons with national organizations active in disaster

To maintain at least 2 non-Board members as volunteers, drawing particularly from the Affiliates Council if possibleStatus/Activities: Complete

Staff Support: Charlene Hipes

To develop a disaster-track for the 2009 AIRS ConferenceStatus/Activities: Complete

To continue to participate on CAN and its Committees and to communicate with the AIRS Technology Committee on common issuesStatus/Activities: Ongoing

To continue to support and build awareness for the AIRS/UWA Disaster Response Team.Status/Activities: 8 new members were recruited and the there will be a full –day training held in Reno.

To work with the Affiliates to provide training and increased capacity/coordination for I&R disaster activities.Status/Activities: To complete membership of NVOADStatus/Activities:


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Technology Committee

Chair: Marianne Galleon

Members: Bill, Brakin, Carolyn Keyser, Kathy O’Connor, Mary Hogan, Steve Parker

Overall objectiveTo ensure the I&R field has access to information on technology that improves access to service and enhances its ability to serve inquirers efficiently and effectively while preserving the level and quality of its core services. “Technology” includes telephone systems, telephony, telecommunications, I&R software packages, directories on diskette and self-service mechanisms such as automated attendants/interactive voice response systems, fax-on-demand, community kiosks and searchable I&R databases on the Internet.

Staff Support: Clive Jones To secure at least 2 non-Board members as volunteers, drawing particularly from the Affiliates Council if possibleStatus/Activities:

Staff Support: Clive Jones To develop a Technology training conference track for 2008Status/Activities: Complete

Staff Support: Clive Jones XMLTo ensure that AIRS members are aware of the new, stable version of the AIRS XSD 3.0, and to discuss the future of the XSD with the major I&R vendors.Status/Activities: Initial promotion complete. There is a session on this being held during the Conference

To complete a contract to development an independent online validation application of the AIRS XML.Status/Activities: Online validation application complete. Ready to promote To adjust national Style Guide in the light of the final changes to 3.0 of the AIR XSDStatus/Activities: Document reviewed and changes/questions before consultant for comment