Air Blast Circuit Breaker 1

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  • 7/24/2019 Air Blast Circuit Breaker 1



  • 7/24/2019 Air Blast Circuit Breaker 1


    These type of breakers employ air blast as the

    quenching medium.The contacts are opened by air blast produced

    by the opening of blast valve. The air blast cools the arc and sweeps away the

    arcing products to the atmosphere. This rapidly increases the dielectric strength of

    the medium between contacts and preventsfrom re-establishing the arc.

    So the arc is extinguished and the ow ofcurrent is interrupted.



  • 7/24/2019 Air Blast Circuit Breaker 1


    ClassifcationTypes of "ir blast circuit breaker

    #$%. "xial-blast type#!%.&ross-blast type#'%.(adial-blast type

  • 7/24/2019 Air Blast Circuit Breaker 1


    1) Axial-blast type:-

    )n which the air-blast is

    directed along the arc path as

    shown in *ig.


  • 7/24/2019 Air Blast Circuit Breaker 1


    )n which the air-blast is

    directed at right angles to the

    arc path as shown in *ig.

    Types o Air blast circuitbreaker

    2)Cross-blast type:-

  • 7/24/2019 Air Blast Circuit Breaker 1


    )n which the air-blast is

    directed radially as shown

    in *ig

    Types o Air blast circuitbreaker

    (3)adial-blast type:-

  • 7/24/2019 Air Blast Circuit Breaker 1


    1) Axial blast Air blast circuitbreaker

  • 7/24/2019 Air Blast Circuit Breaker 1


    The fixed and moving contacts are held in closed position with the help of spring pressure.

    There is an air reservoir connected to the arcing chamber through an air valve. The air

    valve control the flow of air into the arcing chamber. The valve is closed under normalconditions.

    When a fault occurs a tripping impulse is produced which causes opening of the air valve.

    Since the air valve connects the air reservoir and the arcing chamber, a high pressure air

    enters to the arcing chamber.

    This air pushes away the moving contact against the spring pressure. The moving contact

    is separated and an arc is struck. At the same time high pressure air blast flows along the

    arc and takes away the ionised gases along with it. Conseuently the arc is extinguished

    and current flow is interrupted.

    The contact seperation reuired for arc extinction is very small generally !".#$ or so %.

    This small gap may sometimes inadeuate clearence for the normal sevice voltage.

    Therefore an isolating switch is included as a part of this C&.

    This switch opens immediately after the fault interruption to provide necessary clearence

    for insulation.

    Axial blast Air blast circuit breaker

  • 7/24/2019 Air Blast Circuit Breaker 1


    2)Cross-blast air breaker

  • 7/24/2019 Air Blast Circuit Breaker 1


    When the moving contact is withdrawn, an arc is struck between the fixed andmoving contacts. The high pressure cross'blast forces the arc into a chute

    consisting of arc splitters and baffles.

    The splitters serve to increase the length of the arc and baffles give improved

    cooling. The result is that arc is extinguished and flow of current is interrupted.Since blast pressure is same for all currents, the inefficiency at low currents is


    The final gap for interruption is great enough to give normal iusulation clearance

    so that a series isolating switch is not necessary.

    Cross-blast air breaker

  • 7/24/2019 Air Blast Circuit Breaker 1


    The risk of fire is eliminated.

    The arcing products are completely removed by the blast

    The growth of dielectric strength is so rapid that final contact gap needed for arc

    extinction is very small. This reduces the si(e of device.

    The arcing time is very small due to the rapid build up of dielectric strength between


    )ue to lesser arc energy, A&C& are very suitable for conditions where freuent

    operation is reuired

    The energy supplied for arc extinction is obtained from high pressure air *

    independent of the current to be interrupted



  • 7/24/2019 Air Blast Circuit Breaker 1


    Air has relatively inferior arc extinguishing properties.

    Air blast circuit breakers are very sensitive to the variations in the rate of

    restriking voltage.

    Considerable maintenance is reuired for the compressor plant which

    supplies the air blast .



  • 7/24/2019 Air Blast Circuit Breaker 1


    The air blast circuit breakers are finding wide applications in high voltageinstallations. +aority of the circuit breakers for voltages beyond ""- k

    are of this type.

