Court In .. I I Kf..- .' I '1 "'( .1 Ij " ( I >I "\ \ I 1_ \ I L \ \ .1 'I I \II I" .;.;" ( V'l' ",.\ , Sederwall Loses First R'Gund (I'ili U HE .ON PAl;F2) 1.. , (f O.lUttll 'lelUtJ In d e pe nd entS i no e1905 tUeU n VOLUME # r03, NuMBER 3 I THURSDAY,AU.GUST 7.,2008 CARRIZOZO. NFWMFXIC© RR3l) 1 J, .\<1 (kp;II' ... \, IT L I" i-' .( 'r I ,I, .. :! .1 I" '" " l' ., I 'Jl .:"t ,IVIOJ\I J 'J\C)f .ff f,( ,\' [I ;11', I 11 " t II ,\,.,"11 .. 1 I·.. ' .I" r.MOHE ON PAGf 3)· r 'I , r 111\..'."1 I', li.1 \ 11'111 "1:'11' j,l, I" i'" !>"hITe " ,-' .,. I, ', 1\\ \'1 e ..... l"<.. '. ' I' " '" '. , It IIi I a .... ( I'll "",. f,j, .tl(·;d.t:""rTJlh(. ," I ," "" i:""'" 'H ,j I '\:1'" I \I nl' ., ,t", rl,l J )(', Cltd:lCl 1'1'1' 1,1,.1' \\'illxcd ;:11 ·II·f., .., i' "'1 Ij' ",,,.,) I'\ \' I, 'I" 1 It' I rio "!, I' .. or ,t I, l. 1 ,l \." 1"\ I r 1 IIit:( '" r' ,,', I j '. I:" , 1,( II (I" 1,1 1 I'll '\ l(,d I c. II l :1)', I ,II '. l ' I ' .' ,I ,, I I' .. I' ,. I' I l It III .f I I t I 'i .. I' J 1 I' I h:-t"...... I. \.11"\(, : L,( I t 1.1 (: .• '111/.-,"/,1 i.i·"I/ •. I 'h· .11 "till hI) j-( '. •" I", Il; , .. " 1,,, J Hll,.fn (, i'.llIl\ '\1,',111 11 ( L'llIC! III HI' " j, ,'I ,1'1' !"" r t'cd h\ lilli' ,. ',' \ JlI," 1('" ... , I"" '.", .lll I', ':I I I .'"" ,nlll1)!, I '11\,' "'-.,q;lI . ,., 12"/\\ 1111111 .ITI' l I", I (::111"1.71'/<' \.1\ 1:1'1:111'<... 111,1 Picl< up Orders 8 am-12 Noon Mon .. thru Fri., LB. c County. RoadCre,ws are Scrambling After Flood /" P,ll f I( (' 11',.(/;:.1(' Illle"ill "1I1,1\ f{,'l,t<! I )e- 1',;lllllll'ITl' \\I'd'CI:"',llCl'Pl'(' n h\l",.'- Ilq(l"d ,1:lIn; II! t:d 111;\tl·" ,!lid eli Iv crt \\,I",h,"lfl "': Ill .... 1.,1 ftLTy!n"illg d.lli "I' II! 1111('d daft1agc 111'( '1,','1 ... :trl'lJ\ !ll!-,h\.\:ltcr ,·t I! n:.n:: L' h\ (' \,,'; ll .... · .:1 t" , . ';/.', •.:Id ,lcp.I'nnjenl.'."lfpc.:rin Il'rr-!crll \Ihl-'n frL'rJl:ll\(kr \\ .,1'''' "llt .." I.' II .1 lIt:' \'\ :\.\ (irk I li.).-' "J\ I hL" .t" , .... '" I,·, H.,n Illl I 'Ikl,:' Ie:" I.,' dt I\ .• 1'1 ,I r L" ,.1.... ,t' a I I, ,'l l. hi" \.' v," Ik Lillo. ('d ;\ h, 'Ill 11'1<" .• I , : k ,1 :,', I' ',I If I ... L" ;.t II d:l! Ic' i !., l' il.lllldlllg.ll!.1 :ind a h:JII ag" .. \.\ c'.\ cgllla 11 .agrcc- rllL'IlI\>; Ilh ttw "pre,,1 ,,"et"\ ice' II' .I11.1lnLililr"H,l \U7 upl() tht' J<:lJlHl\C'1I", "'Ianl"".·· 11.,"Iri;lrldvr"ald 1>'11 11iC"<.hl\ "11 l',1( \\a"hed .,IUI ntHII\ r 'oJ .11 \.dlll I I; t:-' I hen l l( .di Ih,'!C""'Ic'l" .:'1 1,,1 "t la"'r'lL'r" , '11 till: ".111<'.1 '" I ,h' I' r I h" r IV er I h.;.1 , " )[11 d f1 t I ( I II, IlL' .... ;11'1 ' \\'l' ... ahl1ul 14 h' q Jt" d II r i ll!-,- [he iTl .,·.d 'Il!l' '1 I ,",,\111 .Ih'1l11 I;;() .\,Ir.d" ('1 n.ad 1.' 1 'l'll hCL .1 I 11 r""': r" I\ liT 1l'ii ... ;I .... .• , 'h, 1·0 l' ... nil l'If I L' ',til-! 1d I!:e I 0. ........ ,f ... I' '","\\ <" h;id 1\>,,1' depul Ie'> "I r'.t(Hkd 111 llier.c·all d,l\ "':.lifl- ,LI... .Ind "'IJfld:1\ IlIElli:," I f,,:nl.f!1'lt'/ ·",.lld .. \\ C I IH' 'Jr, If I I, '" ''\'1, 'nti:1 \.1 hat \\ ,'lir 'th·,.,1 pn.'rtly hc<.. i}u"e d I hC':lIuper",that '-'H'IC in ,here." he Ifcrn"lridcr :1""" nq''lot1l'O [hll 11<., had a,"r<..'\,,, .... ",\r1",ng I "(.'[1 fll' ( ,j Ii ...., III d I .1 hout fl<'" .... ,UI1V 11111": l ·,'ne '-' ;1" , Ilh h .. d,"".'" he ;.,aid ,,111 h \., th,,:d.lfll;!l'.C lhen: ,\. ,I,.dlbed h;. .l J,'ggl<d lrd 'e'", thaI I"ned Ihe ...."a!crt') ... .11 V Ire"''' rat l1"all11 d II,', 1 II If"" ,>.f iT" ... \ .. \,\c ,I 1 .... 1.. hil I 1 '-'.;\ .... IHllll<, "\.(TlIn'·ll'r,\fe c- d:li (rcck .Inc! \.111..,h,l'lh,IIJ fl',d.,I,..\tIJh ..Tt\' a" I'.""",11.c(1 "1,1 <'l"nr"It'I(.·I!, "iJ I!.tll ( Ii ,I ,.- ( "1 I. T'T .1 II. I r.e " , d C 1.1'1 '" \,>;,' rt" ;I I .1 n\ Icdl, 'r .1 fTII. .'I n I II ph ('I c'" l kt 11.·lllde,;,.II,,1 Ill" lll"\ ,11 Ihl' H, '.IFill I .Il \. ..... " \. ... "rl-..'11.1-" In 11111T1 I II (. r i "II nil ,\1 "1111<1 .\ nrulL'c '-"·\1" lfll',lcd t,\ I '" j ,I' ,'j' () Ii I 'I' I ;, 'I , ; "" IH t., , •. , t r 1. \ I ,., \ "l.t r "h ' ( .• I i-I I Najar \.11", •. 1 '; 'IIl(, r'Yr, '\ I !, .1 I'll" I ""f I' L .. II'11 Jill I I, I' d, II,' " I.. III I ,,'t', ., , j, "'''. ' 'I r" i "I n d I ,IL'IP1" 11,\ I .. ",j 1",lllk ,Ii",,, p,IfI.I., 11','llc, "j ,1,1,',\, I,!,' .11 "i"l ,1 t"1 [11 ," I .111 II i\ .. i 1 1 rr "1 1 'r C" I I l-t. :I"r J"; i. ! r t I I '0"" I. 1.,'( 1<",1111 !llll''''1 ) 'I'd H tllh "J t'llllfix .ICII""1 ,",' '. I'l t ',hc'" '" 1:1,"' "'H)"·,I \",I'i\\I' k .,11 ,"(I" t 'f l: ·;t'., t f '.'., t, ,. T I"'!.' , 1' i Call Leroy for Orders 6148-2821 PEACHES FOR .SALE Albertas -Rangers -Redhavens Ilot 011 tllr' In',',!,· ,,11 "\>.1 I ri T f, it ,l(jrl,"l )', :.,ll"1 jlJ ,[ .lflrl.\ II: .1 1 j !' ,I 'j I' III Jt f, I ,. J IT ' 11,Ipt'" ; , r' [?;,trt),H.l Totllrllrrfl', ()f TpXd'" ()IrSI{Jpt(,,(j I 1 I ""' r,·, I' :.tt y.' " IIJCKy.1 ,1\1' n.ltl 11f',ftln' (1",H1 Up ('ftOll', 111 tlleRlvl" FK: 1111', F J T',II. '01 Fi' I' rtf)' lID,,:,,' Ii! .• T'I'IIIlClll'. ""11'l1l1ll'l 'IIII).\!' ·,11 :1" F-.;\} fJI" ·,I'·'i"I.I "j' I' it. 'I F' ':'1 r, P ,I I' , Ii' 1 11 II' 11 () r) d Illqt IH" f' . ,\ II' ·1, I J d 'q I'''' t 'I' i II "I.'", d! ,;','" '" " q ", I' ,." :t I 'f· ! I j 1., ,11 rei L It t.1 "j ! I"L' It .. I ., I ," .I'·f : II I FLOOD LADY I il,' I;: ,\.11,' I iI" I, ,. ,.1 lL.ltlh, ,l'II!", :.111 ".i,' ,.,',,',,' ,1'." ( 1/ j( r I" 'I J n.l.1 I , '. ,.I , I n.l .... 11fip.1ll·'" r" If·,l' \l'l'II· "'-,.1/,1 re- IJ l' (. h III l" II" ( 'l!' 1'1.11 ' " 1 'I II \. I Ih <"11l" l" I "II,,,, ,I ;uHj',lrpr!ll"'''''d'' ,', 1,1'ILII",:1 '''\llh .I·"le ,·,1 " In.I·I., 'c 1:ll" ·r!· '.p-"lidl'l, elil,,1 \,,111 hl"!tC,'n !l1" .... c-.;tlll·t'l\·d,1I1,[l c l"cd't·\,1 1"1\ I ha IT·,·, ,.1111[' III Il i 11,1, ,',,' .J "Cl 1111 \. (' d II t'l III I \. It' I l \\ h y,,;ulcnhHtl'i.: , .... ,.l/d. '\\ \J.l·n \\ (: \.\ (Ore "ferl L'l I 'II I I h(' 11,,,,,I I I I I · t [II," f 1.1 I' 1)111:,·: I I" Lt, .. R Dad run ne 'r Foo.dBan It IS M () bi I eFa 0 d Pantry Responds to Rui'doso Flood I I I , .,

archives.lincolncountynm.govarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications/LINCOLN... · •In Court.. I I Kf..-~!" .' I '1 "'( .1 Ij " ( I >I "\\ I 1_ \ 'q-,~ _~Llrl:S

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Page 1: archives.lincolncountynm.govarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications/LINCOLN... · •In Court.. I I Kf..-~!" .' I '1 "'( .1 Ij " ( I >I "\\ I 1_ \ 'q-,~ _~Llrl:S


I I Kf..-

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.1 'I I \II I" .;.;"

( '\I',"~1/1 V'l' ",.\ ,Sederwall Loses First R'Gund

(I'ili U HE .ONPAl;F2)

~1..,(fO.lUttll 'lelUtJ

In d e pe ndentS i no e1905




.\<1 (kp;II'... \ , IT L I" i-' .( 'r I

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f,( ,\' [I ;11', I

11 " t II ,\,.,"11 ..1 I·.. ' .I"



'I , r 111\..'."1

I', li.1 \ 11'111"1:'11' j,l, I" i'" !>"hITe" ,-' .,. I, ' ,1\\ \'1 e ..... l"<.. '. '~" I' " '" '. , It IIi I a .... ( I'll

"",. f,j, .tl(·;d.t:""rTJlh(.

," I ," "" i:""'" 'H ,j I "'~' '\:1'" I\ I nl' ., ,t", rl,l J )(', Cltd:lCl

1'1'1' 1,1,.1' \\'illxcd ;:11 ·II·f.,.., i' "'1 Ij' ",,,.,) I ' \ \ ' I, 'I" 1 It' I rio

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I 'h· .11 "till hI) j-( '. • " I", Il; ,.. " 1,,,J Hll,.fn (, i'.llIl\ '\1,',111 11( L'llIC! III HI' " j, ,'I ,1'1'

!"" r t'cd h\ lilli' ,. ',' \ JlI,"


... , I"" '.", .lll I', ' : I I I .'"",nlll1)!, \\1'~'Il' I '11\,' I"~"'-.,q;lI . ,., 12"/\\ 1111111 .ITI' l I", I

(::111"1.71'/<' \.1\ 1:1'1:111'<...111,1

Picl< up Orders8 am-12 NoonMon .. thru Fri.,LB.


County. RoadCre,ws areScrambling After Flood

/" P,ll f I ( (' 11',.(/;:.1('

Illle"ill ~. "1I1,1\ f{,'l,t<! I )e­1',;lllllll'ITl' \\I'd'CI:"',llCl'Pl'('

,I~;IIn h\l",.'- r~'J1;urin~ Ilq(l"d,1:lIn; II! t:d 111;\tl·" ,!lid eli Iv crt\\,I",h,"lfl "': Ill .... 1.,1 ftLTy!n"illgd.lli "I' ~ll·iq II! 1111('d daft1agc111'( '1,','1 ... :trl'lJ\ !ll!-,h\.\:ltcr,·t I! n:.n:: L' h\ (' \,,'; ll .... · .:1 t" ,

. ';/.', •.:Id ,lcp.I'nnjenl.'."lfpc.:rinIl'rr-!crll \Ihl-'n frL'rJl:ll\(kr\\ .,1'''' "llt .." I.' II .1 lIt:' \'\ :\.\ (irk I li.).-'"J\ I hL" .t" , .... '" I,·, H.,n Illl I 'Ikl,:'

Ie:" I.,' dt I \ .• 1'1 ,I r L" ,.1.... ,t' a I I ,,'l l. hi"\.' v," I k Lillo. ('d ;\ h, 'Ill 11'1<"

.• I , • • • ,'c~ .~. : k ,1

:,', '~J' I' ',I If I ... L" ;.t II d :l! Ic' i !., l'il.lllldlllg.ll!.1 \~ccl.. :ind a h:JIIag" .. \.\ c'.\ cgllla 11 .agrcc­rllL'IlI\>; Ilh ttw "pre,,1 ,,"et"\ ice'II' .I11.1lnLililr"H,l \U7 upl()tht' J<:lJlHl\C'1I", "'Ianl"".··11.,"Iri;lrldvr"ald 1>'11 11iC"<.hl\"11 l',1( \\a"hed .,IUI ntHII\r 'oJ .11 \.dlll I I; t:-' Ihen l l( .di fl¥<ln~rIh,'!C""'Ic'l" .:'1 1,,1 "t la"'r'lL'r", '11 till: • ".111<'.1 '" I ,h' I' r I h " r IV e rI h.;.1 , " )[11 d f1 t ~l' I ( I ~ II, IlL'.... ;11'1 ' \\'l' ...\.'r~(',j ahl1ul 14h' q Jt" d II r i ll!-,- [he iTl .,·.d 'Il!l' '1 I

,",,\111 .Ih'1l11 I;;() .\,Ir.d" ('1 n.ad1.' 1'l'll hCL .1 I 11 r""': r" I \ liT 1l'ii ... ;I ....

~ .• , 'h, 1·0 l' ... nil l'If I L' ',til-! 1d I!:e I0. ........ ~

,f ... I' '","\\ <" h;id 1\>,,1' depul Ie'>

"I r'.t(Hkd 111 llier.c·all d,l\ "':.lifl­,LI... .Ind "'IJfld:1\ IlIElli:,"I f,,:nl.f!1'lt'/ ·",.lld .. \\ C ~\11

I IH' 'Jr, If I I, '" ''\'1, 'nti:1 \.1 hat\\ ,I~ ,'lir 'th·,.,1 pn.'rtly hc<.. i}u"ed I hC':lIuper",that '-'H'IC in

,here." he '-,~lid

Ifcrn"lridcr :1""" nq''lot1l'O[hll 11<., had a,"r<..'\,,,....",\r1",ng

I "(.'[1 fll' ( ,j Ii ...., III d I .1 houtfl<'" .... ,UI1V 11111": '~J.Ii·al l ·,'ne '-' ;1", Ilh h .. d,"".'" he ;.,aid

,,111 h \., th,,:d.lfll;!l'.C lhen:,\. ,I,.dlbed h;. .l J,'ggl<d lrd'e'", thaI I"ned Ihe ...."a!crt')

... .11 V Ire"''' rat l1"all11 d II,',1 II If"" ,>.f iT" ... \ .. \,\c ,I 1.... 1.. hil I 1'-'.;\ .... IHllll<, "\.(TlIn'·ll'r,\fe c­d:li (rcck .Inc! \.111..,h,l'lh,IIJfl',d.,I,..\tIJh ..Tt\' a" I'.""",11.c(1"1,1 <'l"nr"It'I(.·I!, "iJ I!.tll ( Ii

,I ,.- ( "1 I. T'T .1 II. I r.e " ,d C 1.1'1 '" \,>;,' rt"; I I .1 n \ Icdl, 'r .1 fTII..'I n I I I ph ('I c'"

l kt 11.·lllde,;,.II,,1

Ill" lll"\ ,11 Ihl' H, '.IFill I .Il

~""" \. ..... " \. ... "rl-..'11.1-" In 11111T1I II (. ~ r i "II nil ,\1 "1111<1 .\ nrulL'c


lfll',lcd t,\I '" j ,I' ,'j'

( ) Ii I 'I' I ;,

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" I.. III I ,,'t', ., , j, "'''. ' 'I r" i "I n dI ,IL'IP1" 11,\ I..",j 1",lllk ,Ii",,,p,IfI.I., 11','llc, "j ,1,1,',\, I,!,' .11"i"l ,1 t"1 [11 ," I .111 II i \..

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t 'f l: ·;t'.,

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,. T I"'!.' , 1 ' i l~'

Call Leroyfor Orders6148-2821

PEACHES FOR .SALEAlbertas -Rangers -Redhavens

Ilot 011 tllr' In',',!,·

,,11 "\>.1 I ri T f, it

'~TI' ,l(jrl,"l )',

:.,ll"1 jlJ ,[ .lflrl.\ II: .1 1



, I 'j I' III Jtf, I ,. J IT '

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[?;,trt),H.l Totllrllrrfl', ()f ll,~)LJock, TpXd'" ()IrSI{Jpt(,,(j I 1 I ""' r,·, I' :.tt y.' "

IIJCKy.1 ,1\1' n.ltl 11f',ftln' (1",H1 Up ('ftOll', 111 tlleRlvl" FK: 1111', F J T',II. '01 Fi' I'

rtf)' lID,,:,,' Ii! ,~.• ,(.~. T'I'IIIlClll'. ""11'l1l1ll'l 'IIII).\!' ·,11 :1" F-.;\} fJI" ·,I'·'i"I.I "j'

I' it. 'I F' ':'1 r, P ,I • I' , Ii' 1 11 II' 11 () r ) d Illqt IH" f' . ,\ II' ·1, I J d 'q I'''' t 'I' i I I "I.'",

d! ,;','" '" " q ", I' ,." :t I 'f· ! I j 1., ,11 rei •L It t.1 "j ! I"L' It .. I ., I ," .I'·f : I I I


I il,' I;: ,\.11,' I iI" I, ,. ,.1lL.ltlh, ,l'II!", :.111 • ".i,' ,.,',,',,',1'." (1/ j( r I" 'I Jn.l.1 I , '. ,.I ,I n.l

.... 11fip.1ll·'" r" If·,l' \l'l'II· "'-,.1/,1

re- IJ l' (. h III l" II" ( 'l!' 1'1.11 ' " 1

'I II \. ~( I I h <"11l" l" I "II,,,, ,I;uHj',lrpr!ll"'''''d'' ,', 1,1'ILII",:1

'''\llh .I·"le ,·,1 " In.I·I., 'c 1:ll" ·r!·

'.p-"lidl'l, elil,,1 \,,111 hl"!tC,'n!l1" .... c-.;tlll·t'l\·d,1I1,[l c l"cd't·\,11"1\ Iha IT·,·, ,.1111[' III Il i 11,1, ,',,'

. J "Cl 1111 \. (' d II t'l III I \. It' Il \\hy,,;ulcnhHtl'i.: , .... ,.l/d. '\\ \J.l·n\\ (: \.\ (Ore "ferl L'l I 'II I I h (' 11,,,,, I



I· t [II," f 1.1 I'

1)111:,·: I I"Lt, ..

RDad run ne'r Foo.dBanIt IS M () bi IeFa 0 dPantry Responds to Rui'doso Flood





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o ("tl',~. r rr \ If., ,u, ._~~iJ.:.I

Emergen.cy Hot(in~

for Flood VictimsThe PubU" Re81Jljil;on

't.·O'mmission has, estabhshed,

~p~~~:'~~:'~'~Qt~n~~1~ri:~:and.FEMA assistance for'\~lloodiltg. That numb.er' ls: t,..,866.9 f3-WI L

Tbciy, iiJ-sp 'r¢;QPltttT!cHjd: ,..<

,c'heck- y.oul' ho:rneo'W,ners: 1:n.-''$lJ:ra:n~e' 'witl:( ')fQP-t:. l'(j~l;lJ ~...,,se-nl; :if~ you have' que,s:tions':r:e:g:'~r:qin;g_(,h:¢: polj:c){ :~:llU: ih~.PRe hot hne - (-886-913­nil 1'; if'you' ha've, O:o:od, -fo:.':fi:n:'a~F~' t'\1e ;¢:t!jjtu:~:t fo,~ ':fJ:J!n.~:a claim ..s 1-800-63K 66.<0..'FBMA [)i,i,~as't~r:' tnfotm~ti'tj~r'\'i, 'available af '1-800.462­'9029.

derwall L08eS~~t'G',ehHnu~d from Page i>;

tipt :rrt.t; pl'l:l'p,UJ' 't<elt'l~~y,.};haJ 1t~l;J,uJdh:c 'mQt',Cj 'fa"lr' to POtr*:t:lt ,( l:f 'tt'f«;:,tTr ;Or).' '(b~,' OJl flQ (/'

A,.,t;Ii,;prrlirlig to :R<o;Sje~. Jud.'ge, l'u n -jf¢:V1,'ev.:.tr4. fh~''SlAl;ul~,'tl1J:i;t,rc:q,yrr~',,, m'tU-p:r ,paH;y 'C:~tl~,n~-titue:.. us -fi'h!:' 'Atl;rnln,~t1'Jilg:_p,e:ti­:t!'QU7 a;'Ii):cl ,~t~(ed<th:a:,t :heLfeu,trt:1ofh4",'lang.ua:ge. 'to b.e: a,mb!8,l;J­'~:t4::tt I :I:i~t -arjaJX'!iii ~:of;@.m:b(g:p"l.ty p;, C);nc' oJ: lhe ,r.eqUl,rern:enb,"t;\M'liJ'¢~:$'ltry"to: hi;\':iI,¢: :tJi-tt- ;C:bt{i;1:Sh Ink h,e')i!ond the· slalut:es and'~;ry m ~d,~t'J~J:rn_:i:tj,e (t:i:¢J_:~1?:e'pHj~rf'tb:,nXmn,~ wI the leg:l:slafQ..r,s~f{:o,,".c ~\:l;X.pttfhl:e-(j:.

_, -<J:' Ij.¢ j:lJ:d:~1; ~:,a:d¢ it f!t&;d1.o,gt~!ll.f ~-b_c Ie:gf& I:afurc, ~e~ ,1,Iy. ~.jd_~t:l I, lh:l~!'i'P '~cl?u.blrY,i,pl'S ,_~n~l ):em.I,n:::Tuls, to baMe: :t'Qi :IHe' ._D,ntll11,tl";I'a:~i:ng pe't:iHo-nt'~ )i,Gs'e'~u.l(L '·"S';{A. b~t):~'i!J::>_c_ they' ;a,t~r-~,Jt: r'C\qulre-d 10~ l'herO""s, ;'1;1'0

'~?'if!Jt!J 'iN'/:il¢'¢J'j{:" .tlr():'b::r~:n"f;It ":C1Hl'lp<}TX :~n: the :;e:.Iear ,Ian-

~"'YHPIf I iJt il'f~: i'.,"t'a~t,(jt¢! l;i)jd thr-;j\~.d'!2It:.' pnit.ti)' mus:.~h :s:a'i:d ttr@(,,'i{~ ~~~, ;.rch.Jt.~tL J--fc Siug:ge:!i.'te'drh'aI ):t;1dgg {,I-qU, Wa-$; .$¢;tl;ing.'t~ p tl'Hf- ,(,~a'<;r,t' 'l~lr ~: _h~rih$-,~¢­'f~ IrQ tb~, Nl,{~, ,1'ytc-.x:lCO, ,S.u~

:pnatEt:, <. ",(O),lJ ret :(1 i 'b:.etc '::t' :c1ea't~,rr'iY!\!;"fJitlZ':I:tf.l-;i-vr~ ,~lfdt~ lAW,

-" -J h:!f~ j udg:~, round tha't the':~~'t;l'ch:lr}, {)f' ~ttt[e'Ji; ()fflq~

:j)'f'i.d the ttJ.C'r~~!); Qft~'~~' :&a'v;e,(SCgC'f'y,:::ull ,wrong 'a'uvice' ,amj''l:b}(l' 'he 'it'J itfd 'tiP<iH~" .t-~e' ,;it,d:",":j(;¢....~ ,f{\ liS,e' tsa.i.d. "'hut' the'JU-fJ-gt; {I r:,,-1 i: ;',aid ihai It.-¢' .\i.t~t""'·lJ ll~, M,ali., Ii ItitU;(J.(O,~ t.:S:,~clC:rW4Anl'>,JJ;t l(l]cl htll,; c' ,knp'wo,:'"

j '):,tin tJ,~~<nl. t1'r<;,' ~',t-et,o"t:'rl:e.¥rt!f',rtf~e'r1.[i:ng I ~i'n~':,(,.)'ln ('7Q,u,n1y'and, -th~ 1C,t'1,lH:1'f-) dC:rk "s,tlffi:o:¢::,;<t~1 r':d l"tlrlr.r,,;fr t'furl,,; 1IN'C¢K. that!;.,-~~krv~01 f 'i\~~;tk o:.r'fc. licn:tcn'c.e:l:r')'In .\ )fl~' 't;rttLu,t'¢' and r»hfr"~

p'tl ,L'll;{d 'it:h f ~u_,,'thui an" ca:ncfi,~:t.h:d:","l-y :H,lte rc(p:ti't'-cq :ttl :J1'Je11.( ~J.U n;'iJjJ.t}~, pj::tj~ku'1s, ,\·'th~:

Jq~!lC -,...tiil '~')O:U ,ro -W'I'1Qrrg;,'und th'tJ:' 1l'tnc,r: ~b,h,g4h~jU;dge:st;t,i-d 'i",·,t-hal tlJ be;st (one st'at-,Mt."',,~ ),~ .,unhig.iJu:UN~'~,t;h~ a(t'!jr",hL"~ '''';~I i'd,.- '

{l'r~, ,n1 :,1 'b'tt 'i8rd that J.U:Q~J:In 1I tftl.c:-r:ptCfc,td, \h~ int¢;tlt ,oftire 'r,L",~,i,',J;Ju)r:s,'.to' be that'-Cian~'diJ:Hfe:,~ 'r1Il'1iiJli:g f<;if; :¢Qu~r"l)'nHi':t.: l:.' Hi' i\- l:i.tlttl'IU) ·,eJ:~Afitn:i.am:, 't'\,(1' r~q.u·lr:c.d {,n :file-, nOm'I-'

• ... " .... AUGUST?, 2<108-· P~GE l



TI.Ull<NI""V. "1'IHIs'1" '14{' n:r:.n.l'<'t'l" 'W\m,ull'T-l"", t-'I:uhKL:'ti-U:p,fn,,f' ,1J:tfGfh S",",'lHol '1-\-otJN':r, Hj ,P,fil


W~: ."N t;S:Uj\'~',", '1\,,11;(,; IJST l3,f n-b'H1,-i1 S,,'h<:R\1 f{otl,t"j: 6:-Of) fl-':1JL

k'JRl'f ANIl 'I"IIIRI~THU~S()AYSItw p-n:::,,,,C,fll~ltI'VIJ tnl.Jttl' ~.t-al:c, ":;'n,g,l fHte:r J> 'oH rqc' iii' '11~ (l r~l:H>;'.u.­

-V'd I,il!t~ HaH 't-r:O'!.:ii ~(J "iLIij).- 'I'H, IZ 1,1:i,;'M,I'!:L

);\ f'1'UJLU1~B r,ff, ,!1r.. flfr.i"'1rnW!1~ .ri( V:t!."lO

:I1.ulD0,80:J lVBW'l"lJKXlCO

Jf,',lU<t:I): :~,,,,"t!lItJ)i\'¥ :():F ,J'-:A f" let J~1'ONT,1IA.rIJ,C;r1-t;l:it[T Jxp;ion p~x..J'-fq 1', ''''l';~T&.t:ng the, J)"ar;tLnurn iJ'tmL

!1'lt:~:t~ fit.t):" no: ?oJ.,!'U 1ft W'u;Jl..: 1;iH:;g:iJ :ffa-,f"- 'If-; r·'llrr'ILlJ./f,t:

, ' '''''T't t:F~;SJ>.A;\;"*,1 , ,'(: '1.(f!)J'lif-t1 ;PXtbtl,l;:, I Hir'!l;i!5' '~l:':c.r'!i~ __hpkJ,1 'r,c;;flilmJt hour at I 'P m

, 4:!K,tJ)-n!: ~,J'H')/:J;¥!,l,lH:\J~ :6" ~ti 'Xl In i( "iifrlw ~,l(-t:i l' i:r",t {tHP.!,hl'1 11J'.r:£hJ,:t:lr'p,.~~h.lp;Ylft.J:J

;$,,~'~n :l!J)'",.v'~ A (I (,~.1 ~'S,'I ?(; ll:iJll; 1': p 'I )'H), 111;'(: an-.l7U/tl,,g a.,nl, Il ( r 2 :ndH'i1. " HH hch l.r:y;

,l.tH:uFl' Il:l'd~lS' 'f'" ""-~bl,t'~brj-c piJ;:k:u!,~" ,r;:hJ.J;l: OJ1 'o,,'t',r't::et h)' 8, .1 ('rljl'U;:1.11:'<., ~llUnja>" i\ l)).tU"'1 9'

,M,OJijfU'§\ Y., A'1',J,(,U l'}!i'T • "1{ t.J'rHl.l,fU: (, "h~Jiil,_"bl;i(A,":( t: ·:l~'n'l!n'l:;f,~v. u:: "'Jl p;';J1.,l ,OJ:!; '¢ ih I t.or \. "c !-1J;l,:'J

(' ,,,H:t 1;r,~'1,1',,1;" ,I n,j\ n (·.1'H.ln~ j I «~.o! p:"iT,i ,,' rL~,>d:i.tf(hilcd '['PI UI r,:r 1'i'I,}'''I,dH'):, A,:(Jjif"tJ''1t: /"2 '!JJ,);~ 'Itl· MJlf:},i~'il~i1:l I 'Cj;I#-H~' :l1J:1lHNJ'

,,'';''''!:If.J.:'"r:(;.°di.:c ur -t "I:(~·.... ;j '-<

J-,I'tv lte,,'Pl11'l:fl'l..'I,t'I;I :1'''~!-.ii1f\ •I:t,· ! '';!,l1.\t,p',hi :( ~l'lJHJ), tm t!it'tflJi- m,lt~i;ill:P;~ i' l ) II ,\, ";,;i4',~tt' II! I ,il,I1l"'j·xhl; I ).[nn~I 'itt, n;:JW l;',,'i:l ..,. ~,pt""'j;..l;.'T, itt 1· '(to'

,Il' J'i1 f Hj'- )IiJu;':ilf;lJ'i,d'il: l+H!X BiH J'Jl?Hllt:I'lJ'·'-r\1f ~r:l'l~{J>'-Ll 'I'·h,c,po,:'""k",'/ \s (jJ Tn!' r 1r l,ft '.I ~amnln ,t!.r",--C"f'Ii,-,'S, i rYg t:hci.J1.i;.l,}d fh t-,H:'rll 'h'l LII h~tl (, IU~ Jit'l'drtvd... l 10 :\-\;j U.'pJ:iti.cnf ,n,t- :ttl.!; ",p,c~juJ ":.:LO'",h,H;ll)

'''n r.:tip)\.:~! .,' JtiJH:~;' I~"r •~( "tit r,/~,1r:-1\ ,( ,1:11UU,I'-r"'J" H'l-~ \ml!nc,r:t;:L~ t:2' m .tlll fit: 11 nu ~'t11th,- '" ~


f<,utd,\"~{~ \"1 ntUtit: (·';Ll.l'IU'''''.i I ,;,1:' ~H p:,,ll)! I;.li'Hi'''~i Vl'lkjJ!,tfJ:·dt-rt:(iJ.r:J;~:''it'O p:t.iY

;t, jJp IBm V] rh1ikl;:' l 'Hlm",·'t1 fr <ttl p- Jrt



FROM $39,900

• I

IApproximutdy 30 minutes away is Ruidoso, for quaint shops, restaurants. performing arts, horse.

r;.u:ing. great powder ~kiing. LaH Veg.;'Il'; quality & style ca;sirio with shows e.nds'O much Moret




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AUgUst 29,

$eptembei' 5, "' .

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~ineuln~otutt~ ~¢Wai" " .,'U&P$ 3134dO " . - . . . ..'

-The UnDG/" GGunty /v,,'ws" Ii IftIblllN!d ThUfI.r;1~ ~,;rCJ9.i?tnif81 Au., earf1~~~, "':Ni'w ""nlcl> Bd::rBl, S.-cOlOdclul, Plr$'l.,p~i1 ... Cardlllll>bN8W, Mli.ico-, . " --. .POS"tMAS7ER: Sl!ni1 .-ildrus cll;MWU fa UNC(ll'N C llNTY mws..,l'.D; Dra_r4$9:'CamrOll>. NM 811301 ' , " , ,

ruth harnrncH'tl;l, and' p&U!r -aiJulf,at

SU8$CRfP'TIONRAteS-: copubrh,hllotS . ,~.~,.""":'.':"""'.;

IN COUNTY: I·Y,,,,u $30.00 12,Yoll',.. $55:00 '.IN'STATE IflMl: 1-V...ar Sil3',01l12·Vo$ra ntOQ ,', . < " .', '.'

OUT-SIDENM;Vr.-art3i',t1012.YIlloII~$B9.0D ,,"', "'.' ' .... , :..-•.:: .

.::\.:~ -"'\., :.-" .. ; ",~" '.'', .....,.,'. ,·····'8l111,,"~~-II'.:: '."

;;:'. ..,."......,,~- ,:< ,,:.::->..,: : ,:., ,;'.,: .. , ,j,yJiffHriUJi'TIond".. . '.

",... "., ~'.- ·'.;~h~::,rip~r'· ;ei~vStiQh~ :;~{ - .,','':, Liniipln: .G;ounty..-seenj,· to" b~ ,~:

,,'. '; ::, "$t;:.tU!Jg. ·90ntlnued.::h~YY .:a.~'.'mounts of ramfall"fts·a result,' '.',"

"': ,of tti~ 'I:i,ufrician,e' ·c'orl(~nti9ris· '. "::.,,.',,, '. ,,' 'moving' aetqsS ·the 'Q\llf,:of ""

-- .':' 'Me'X.l'co in'to:':ea'sten:f Texas~:.. " ',,.' Tilt}' ,ino~stUre ;:i$ .:brO,yght. jn;' .. '

'..' ;'. "~'" ,,'.>" , ' .o.ff· d.ie".ou:J:f: of Iy1~Kic;o;::a,; . ". ",,', ."I'M GOING TO t;.lvtt TH/Sfjci~$e'To vOUR... MUTI."e:'R ... i;',s' :Fe:e;T·ctossnortheastenFM"":.co•..•.HIT THe:. (;ROU,ND SO Hir81>THIl:r'R/P//'i HIM JS.c:..II(Jj;HAVfN'A·=&irf,,~~~~~~~lt~~o~ .... :1l>OWLING ALI,.£Y IN YouR1l>'RAllvAt...L.:pl\vr<c· .• ' ' .• .i··· .• ..... '. pe.,lod.so~time·i;'lh~higher .

.•.. ...• . ".:.' .' • ...•... . .......•.~....' . 'P!'!.'.' s ..t!il(_.·".'.:'.' ·..·e.le".lianS OftlreSaetamen~o... : .L."":''_ ........'-~----'-'-J' :___.....--:__.......;,_,.-'---...;.......,.-~.;;....:.'1__-...;,.;,....;,;,.;..J .. anctcapita,n Moimtair'ts.. " ."..::'

~ ,:'«".' " '.' '.:' .,'..The', '(o,rec~st; foi' ~he'-'l:ip.: ::' '-:/--"""--~:-- ......~~...........,.....,. -+......,,··...·~.,..............~..,:.............'7··"..,:.....;,..........."'" ·t~\f!Nt';i~&~f~~~b';,"nte:. ... ......•...

. of 'rajnf~lr f"r ..II of Linooln '. . .,.,~.

,.' 'GOUI!1Y,\ Ex:~ct )aw:e( ~h~r'r'·.. , .--: o()rmal ;.daytt,me .. tem.pera... ,.::iu,..,.;Jilgh 7!)sto .,nid·8()s.. .

.' ':~'. 'hlgh.time,t¢l1lpe!~~4re~.l~ ~h~~,: '··.. 5-0s.at·alI,elt;evat,ions... ' . '.

'.' "Due tQ.:.tl'le,'pri,bt flooding', c,o·ndi~h~n.s lah~e: 'p'6rtions." ~f

· .J,;..:incoln"Nlu,i6nal, Forest and·'" ' .., '.' .... , ,.', ' .... "'. ,- , . ",',:., '. _ ....aIIilo.st'all'p-ftlW··!ish:-irigde;s:.,-··

, SANTA FE -.- AUg~'st:, youtlf .. ·neve't< meet ,a,'. finer~ :,~~fore .r:~l~r.-J:l1~g, ~ Capita!".:' ,tjnaticins ~re c.urrentl,Y olos,e(;lhas~'l always just 'beyn the group of.people.·Thc;y have t~,re,stl!'1.'p,ea~~-,:>,':" ,'.' .. ··"c,:·. ·-tothepubUc, " .-' '.-": ." ""'.

,. dog days of summer. G'rant- kept .their Kielpnsa Fes~iva:L.· .A~n hme'.'Yh~fll:?ea'~~ .... 'Fcu;ecasffor Catrlzo~o'.the,·,' ..cd. many Europe-a'ns take the: But they all spea,k EnglIsh. ,:are,' be~ng ,,:tr~pq':lIUzed',' an(,t, .. h.igh··pl~ii'!'s.of.tt!1c'ol~ Cb.iio7.:"month offand travel. Mostly. ~ ~ (\L50 In August",New r~lqcat~~.thra~ghol:l~"'"!he "ty'a.o.a the.HQtldq Valley:they're looking for someplace Mexlc,,:s ?Wn Sl!'0~ey. Bear· :..W¢s.t . for:· dutppster~Qi~5,na ·:Today. Thursday~ August"7.., ..cooler. . .be~~me, ~\!~.l1a.tIO~.s .';fQ~:SC .":, an~ .,pa;nlry ,,i·al.~~>,~rt:lp'~ey ". ", the'219th:9ay,of2008.' . ,

. 'But maybe theyre fire preycnttQt:l" sy~bol ': ~n. .1"CJ!lal.ns, die:' :o:nl)' h.onora,bl~. ". Sxp,ect" ·isola~e.d, showers' '.also cummemorati-ng, the .I 944.,-Re~c.ucc;l. from..~ f~rest, b(l:ar·:rol~,rnQ.de.J.'·,Yes~"Yogl. .and ~thu.liderstorrJi,s· <partly'travels of one of their own.- fir~ 'near Caplt~u"'l•. 8n;'ok,ey "'.B~r,h~s fans.bl,ltwl1o::W0l.!1d '.. ' c;:)-oiiqy.:..with 'a'higJ<ri~ar8Sj .Christopher Columbus. who' :qu~ckJ1b:epatne a,s~r R~C":~t', .,YQU~nit~~1;" .ta;~~:,.h<?me W~~?", .·¢~lm,. "wjnd .b~~Qmmg ,e~st.set out to sail the ocean blue· a ~In:'e whrm Fo.res~Ji("epre- . yOlJ,. ",' "'.' .. ~'.-", ,,',', . oetWC:;~Q.5:al.1q, lO..mph,. withon August 3. J492. v!'ntloo' ,was, a. -Il"lJl)~r'".Wt;)I:ry·., . ~J-n~key ~s the stron~.. ,.:a' faJrcbaoce ofptec;pitati.o·n,.

We know now that 51.nee :fl"lo:st ~bl~~bodt(,'d:.men .. ,~lle~t tYJ?c, ~ho ntv.ertheless ""hight:' A very'good""chance of'Chris wasn't the on1y person were ':Vorkins' m".~.~r'~4lr.ef-. I~' a ,gt::e~_t-.~Jl1m,~mcator., .10 --showers, and. thtinderst6~:'lls~'who 'figured the world had to . foJ:t. , ".-.; ,":'. , '. :" fa~t~' :he~ ,c;hd hl$: ,Job. $,0 '",:e~J.. "m.ostly' ',cloudy~. 'with 'a .IQw: ,',be round. The only question , . ':, " Toaddt(),theanxl,et:y~ .. 0l:lr ,:n,allon. began. te:>, rCflhze, around 61.. east·. wind ·be... ·",as how far he'd have to ~apan,had co~e up. with. the', t~;:t-t: ,co"!pt.~l~·}ire.·s"ppres;.,· . 'tween 5 'and 10 inph~ . ," __ ..travel to get to Indiq; and go Ideaof,l1tUl~h,"g.li~lIeboJ1].l>s:-,~1~n:hl;ld.ltsd<.?wns!de~Sin.o~ ..' ",Prida ~ Au' ust 8.;:' .'into the tca trading·'business. to gas,!>~I.loo~s:nnd.raun~hlOg·,:.e.Ytqo~lrallm:stnde.. a.~mlt-:.- . ' "A :v.eryYgo61:c:6~~·e of.'

Many Europeans will them Into WInds they, hoped .tlng .'l}ow t.hat. ,forest ,fi~s, . showers .and' '~h1,lnderstQrms~followCoiumbus' basiccour- wO!Jld carry tJ.1e:Jill:.. to, ..',~he· som~tlm,es .serve ~ ,natLir~5 , ,:'mostlY oloudy, ).vith .a'"highse this August al'ld c.nd up in Unrted.Slates~A few~,ctuaJly'. hou,~~~cep.er·:i, • . " near'8S"night: A g~od,ch.an--,America for some tmding of made It. aer'!ss ,al1~ start~H ",' 8.0 let s,glve a .~he~~ ce 'of showers'and., thund:et-'their own .- their expensive, .fores~ .,tires 'In,' o.ur cp,a'shl~ for our ~m()key:,,,.Bear."Hes 'stonns, m9sdy'cloudy~,witha',Euros for our cheap goods. mountalOs." . ',. " som~or'l:¢: ,.who has"ah.yay~ .low around 60~ . ; ,0, .' ',,,,':

It's a blessing for our ccon- Smokey'caughton 1il5-. tnflde,,:Us proud. No aile ever '~S' t1:l'd A" 9 .omy. Anyone who has been ,no Qther:mltional masc£ofev,er "!ode" negative .ad~ abQut 'A f:" ~nay,c' ,~gf~h' ".wherc l(lurists are the past six has~ Remember, ,Woodsy·' htm.,He l1ever,wascalled.a,. d hJ~, an,e 0, s pwers,.months. knows the per<:e-nt~ Owl. the c~ash,test,du:mmi.es spow~.o:fT.:although he. o~c.a,:,,: .:an, t I.U1~e.rst~l!Os. most~,.ase of foreigners IS much ~nd McOruff.. the.c;ri,me,.qog "s~of1al1y had;bouts ofbeins,' .~I~tlY~:I~o~Sygc~:ci:SoC.hlghcr -than usual. In a trench coat'l;,Mayb~you Strumpy in his old, ~e. But. 'showers ana thunderstorms' J

Speakinij of foreign- don't. They a~c~'t ,.exa.cUy .t, 'at h:a'p:pens:~,o'all.Q ,~. -' '" n1¢stly cloudy.. ,with 'ii '10*ers. August also IS the month ~ck stat's.· ", ~. .' Oh. and ~nhke ~s.o around 61 'when Congress passed its .mattY other rock stars. ,he S d' A . tofirst bill restricting irrtmigro- BJ.lt Smokcycaptured never had' to' trundle Dff to "up flfi;"" ugust' ..tion. Congress squeezed that our imaginations., .He ,has ... rehab. A fall"', c an.ce .of sho,":,ersune in on August 3. 1882 beeno'mcialJ)'recognizedby' So'youmightwantto "pd thu"9erst0f!l1S. most&:before leaving on its recess an act ofCongre:ss•He'~been bake a -little birthday,cake to . C.o~d'y. "",lth a high near.8 ~to escape the August heat in put o~ a postage· sta~p and honor Smokey this month. nhg .t. A" 7JQO~ chance ofWashington. bcen In several' mOVH;~s. He But you migfit skip ,lhe 64 5 o")ers'rn ,t un~ersfonns.

There had been peri- got to rel;lre to the National 'candles. He might not ap- most ~ c oudy~ With a lowd· b' C P ,. urounu 60.o te uproars a out lmmlgra- Zoo in WaShington. D.. ,rove. Monday. August· I I

tion Since the 18205. Some A fair chance of showers'r,eople worried that the Irish. and thund~tstorms. mostlytahans and Germans would New'" M'e''XI"C' 0·...·D·e·c·la·re.·d oloudy. with a high near 90,overrun our country~ refuse night: A good chance' of

to learn our language. refuse ' ',' , ",.- " ' " ' showers and th~nderstonns,

to adopt our customs and Drou..•gh.·t Oi.•5·.a.·..s··ter.· ·Are·a. mostlX cloudy, with a lowtake our jobs. And even arouo<1.59. " '. 'worse. they y,;'flrrC Catholic. U.S. Senator J¢ff(l3inga", ranchers. I am pleased the 'Tuesday. August 12· .,

But bur~eoning man ·announced that' 31 "or federal ~ov¥.f1lm:enti~mak- A fair ·cliance of showersAmerican industries kept New Mexico~s__ 33' counties' ','. ing low...mterest loans aVf;lil- "~;an:d' thunge~tof!l:ls~ ,rn.ostlythem coming. They needed havebeen'desigriah;q.·~di~ able to help New MexlCP" c!oud.Y"wlth,a,bl.8h,~ear87.:their manual labor. And saste't 'due 10 'losses calised.- producers get back on theIr' .. :: mgh.t...A good.. ch~nc,e., ofst.lmehow. we weren"t losing by, a droug"twhich, L1¢gari' feet.",o.Bingaman said~ ,s~ower~ anel thu.l1gerst~~s1.(lur language. custo-ms or last Oclpp,-er; Lincolri Cotiri- There wete·1'1o croP'~sses :~os.tly.. cloudy" ~Jth" ~. JQW "jobs. . I" ..-s on'e of·the 31 'cou'n" 'n L01c Alamos Coun y' and~ aroulla 57,.. . .' .. By the 1880s. 'how- "f Yv.... ,,'''' I .' , --Fore'cast'-r(jr~J{uidosd, Cap'r...

ties desigmated' a di'$ast.er..;· . there ore It wasiaexcluded d C dever. Eastern, Europeahs • ~... . :... ·~a.n 'an ,orona .an, most of",Farmers and.randher:s are C'bolacoun'a'$ eSfc.Jnation h H dstartedcom,ing. Andtheone-s •. "b' ~ <. b...: t.¢ on 0 VaUeY~.. " .',who weren't Catholic~ were, now eligible, tp, ,. e ,.conS:i:c;J.::':'''' -as a prlmatY Isaster area IS . Today Thursday' ,August 7: ,Jews. I grew up, in a commu- -- ered .for.low interest, ~mer~, ,stlll.p~el1Qi~g,~4t i~s 'eli~ib'!e' "',," the,2·t.9th day ~t2o.08: .. ". ''l'Iit)' that was largely ~astern .ge!1C)": IdP,nS .froiA: ~h~,;Fann.~ ,for <;lis~s~r<~a:id ,S1f;l~~ '1t :',~S" ':',' ",,$csttered. snowe(s.:, aridEuropean. " . Setv-lc:e: Agen~y,' ,w~lc:h :18: .c~:m~~;g~ol1~",to.. ~9untJ.~~, ~~~t .. thU~~er~~orms~", trta~!ily",!-tft.er"

, The Southern, P~ciflc 'Part'O(the'U.S. DeParttn.en.t .. :.weJ;'~';~e~slgnafed.:, ,: ,:'~, .' .-", __ ." tJ9on.',partJy. c!()udy~' wlth.8 .Rail Road creilted the ·town ofAgnQultlir¢·(USDA)/'.. '. ,,:. For n;tfQnnatu)J;1 'ca1)t~9t, tugh ,near 77; .caJtrl",wind' b¢~of Demlng and brought ,in ··~EKterided.dr(,ught·cot1di:..."~" .~~.r' .lo9'at)~'S~' .. o~c,~",<?r. ·c.orriii1.~.·~a;st.betw~el'l' 5<~r-d·'-'Eastern European farmerS to .ti.ohs' 'can hnve'o'ljevci$tating c'. yislt,:,the-(ol1Q~lng"w¢b.$l,te': ,19.'tnpfl.. g?q4•.chatrCe:o-fpi;'e~·provide n'e~h food. Their d,," eirects ':10 th". !.iveHhood 'Qf !I11p:(l;w,\,w;fsa;uscl,,·gOY(J:'e,plt"li(>nj • 'light: . A'. gQ/ldsc;endants have remained.' Ol:Jf ,,~ate'$ : farm-e::rs ",arid ·SAlstateof.f~pp'?my:stat,e=;t:r.,¢fia.nce.'ot'showers:,and,th~h':'

.n'l~area=hfin1e~"!,bj"or::ltl.·c(erstorms, ··.mostly·. ;,104d)',;",·.nding~t()ptc",landtllll ". ' ..W!tha lc,w....roona 54,. east

., .' ". ~ ." .. ' . wmdb,,\we.en 5 and 1() i.t1Ph.· • Fnd.y,Aullost 8 ..•. .'

. . ... '. A very good'chance of . ".,,", '.'sh~wers 'attcf tftunderl;totri1s... mostly oloudy, 'with a'hlgli. . near ,74~ ,riight':,A' fair' chance , .. ',<'pf' '.showers.- 'and~, ,iburider-

, '..st9ryn$~,'.(nQ~tly 9Iotidy;:Wi~~ a',,'":,IoW'arouhd 52'. "

, "·','sa:ttirc.iky,c-August'9 ',A ,fair 'Zhat1<:ie, 'of showers'

.!ivI0fttiol\iPAGln'n. . ',' "


-J. '-.i.e,i



• 4 C, 4,i

Identity Theft Can Be Traumati(:By Ruth HarnFnond I .' I

( 'mrtccn people arc in the throes ofdistress after theilfllHlUlH:CITH:n( )c .. lcrda)- that c,n:dit t:~rd rn~mb.ers hadbeen ~Iolcn. 1'401 just a f(:w hut u.pparcnlly th~ n"umbcr. isin the rniliii.ms iffl\ll hillioJ1s. 'fhe result t:ould he worsethan irnaginahle. J\ccoruing to rel"()rts~ the charges to theindivh.Jllul ;:KLounl .. (,;ollid he in ..mall a.mounts instead ofheing in" hugL: hUlTlongous Ulno.un'ts. Wh~ll that meumi isthHt pcoplc muslmakc ">lIre all c.;hargcs'arc l~gitimatc,

Pcrhup" )(IU make l,;crtain (lilly h:gitimate charges areon your Hl.':l:ounl hut Pluyhc not. -SOIne people glance atlhe halancc. figure it i!'> c1use unu cJ()tl'rsc.:rutiniie the hUI.I hos!.; \vlm do lind. di ..crcpnm:ic·" might he traumatized.

A n:cenl local .. iLlIutil.lll h~l" rcop1c .....'ondcring. Mpncywus removed frol1l II hunk m:count [lnd the situation 'w~:->

rt.=rortcJ IIJ1 111 cu i •.Ht.= I) . I lu'Wc\- er, it could he two weeks urmorc heforc the flllmc)- i... repaid to the proper aceo·un\.

Somehuw this is confusjng. I hJ\:o\ can money be takenillegally out of it personal account immed'iately. but thel:ulprit m... us-c orthe Inoncy thran untold length of timehefore it must hI.' repaid'! If a person steals an item froma ~tllrc chargc~ arc usually filed quickly. Why is moneytaken illegally from u hunk account different than theft'?

I :xpccting the lu", lo be equal might not be correct atthi ... lime, hUI rncunwhilc jt is traumatic to know trn.t thissltuation cun aild did happen right here at home., If this isidentity theft.. we all need help. Ifsomeone can get moneyfrom your w,:collnl that eu!)ily something is very wrong.

f he report" arc thut people should shred everythingthat has a numher on it. Apparently a cros~ cut shredder.is necessa,'y in ...tead (lfu ... hrcddcr that shreds straigh.t. If)OU have a "mId hurning st{>'l. e you might bum things but'/vltat ahoul the ushes that fly out the chimney'? Is there achance that identity thieves will usc those burnt ashes?

The next thing is what to do about your add-ress andphone nUlllhers. Will it he saf'C to keep them as it.'! Jfnot.what do you do w protect yourseU'! An unsolicited phonecall ~tartcd the local theft situation from a bank account.()ur question is why this national company had access to~\ per!ionnl hank uccount number. Nn answers have beengi,"cn hut hank otlicials insist it shouldn't have happened.

Instead ofuoing cvcrything computerized. how aboutgoing buck to the good old days when it was people. l'I'otmachincs making lhe decisions? Checks could bc cashed,\ ithout the clcclronk g.i.t:mos on the bottom. Back thenif there was a prunlem v.. itll your bank account a personcould and would .... ork \" ith you to arrive at an agreement.

Nowadays most call!oO arc answered by machines. andit takes mucho patience to get a real human being and itusually involves a long. wait whilc punching in numbers.

Oetting calmed do.... n aller an ups-cuing situation contake time, until then the entire fiasco can be traumatic.



CALL: 575-6-48-2333

{Cpntlllued from Page 21

AdJudkallln.R)-an Culdmm.< 'R·07·1."!"'i .Rnhcrt Martine .... ('R-1l4 111,1 Ill.:!("harle.... ran"-"; ('RO 1-1.:'·tAnd) (i()n.r~.,lc".<·R-(l7-n7

ScnhmcinJ:JUe"\- I d".trlJ~. ('}( ·CI7· I RBllr\- Durham;( ·}(.{n-UPWade WJlI",;<·R-()7-.::'OI

f 011 P 111 1'1':,1 '''.'l·1 ( "I1Il"'\1lchacl (·omchu... ('R-llR-lll.111..1," Slall~ccr(·({flR-ll(.I 1,lrTell Smllh. ( R-OR-I.::'hIl.ulan I (.· ...Ier. CR-nR.:',-l·\n.lrca flaJ'd. CR-OR-I ~ \r.l\wr ""·ard. CR·200R··1QI J.t'".d I mdl'oerg;( 'ROR-I I.:'\ q. t .. ( ICln'~II(.·", C' f{08- I .'·1

1',\,1'" I 'ayadihl cRnH·119I "nil' \\-hilC'.('R-OR-I14I \t"I:-n f',·na. (·H.-OR,I07I ,Hh__ 1.1fo}<I. (·R-08·' .111(.1\. 1\;ITl'la. C'R-08-1;!'QI \ "1111 ( ·l·r .. ante". C· R -OR~ 1<)r IllII.th\ I ""'er:CR-OR~ I 1R

( ,n'~ (·ar....'I1CR~OR-l .~ 1I ,IT<l \\ 1111;1111'0. CR-08-110I\dTJ.," n,,'rrcr;\ CR-08-1 J.JJ,'lm Kl'mudl,,·l·R~08_1.1."

hJuardll I lore..l R·08-120Billl J \\hltl(lcJ...C"R·08·117

.:' .00 p m Arturo ('annona; CR-:!007-1 q4 (Mtn!Su_ppr("<.;<;)( rhomp:;on Beauyais)

1 no 1'.01. D,,\id Clarke v. Janet CliIT; DM-2005-.Q6(AlimonyI ....llc~ )(1 e ...')- Ilal1wl.:lI, Yarbro)(Krafl)

I hurs-day. August 7Judge \Vilson - Small Crt Room

. Jud.!iie Parsons - elP M-eetingR 10 a III In... M .JR~_O()8-06 (Bench Trial)(Burson'Mitchell)

11110 a. m. Ja\-l("n Chaver; CR-200R-OQ (Mtn'Su~prrc<;"}(A!·lc~.Rose)tPcndingMin resel)

1 15 p.m. I!miah Sanchez; CR-2007-182 (Mtn/Su...[:'lpre<:~)(AFh!'\ Rnse)

.:! 3D· p,m. Joshua Siocks: CR~2008-81 (!VJtn'Su­rpres'-l(AU,,'") MllI..'hdl)(Stipulafcd Coot forthc<'lming. )

Court Calendar


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During the first _seven ballots: a~ theconvention . in Baltimore Van' Buren .had am.~o:i-ity of.lhe delegates'. votes. J:lut, due to .. the .stz;-eh'gth Of~wis Cass.ofMichigan, h~.coutdnotget the two-thirds vote required by party .nlles.Aftet th~. seven$ pallot tht::. southern: delegates'$c;cured"a ·reces$: and 'held a caucus.. .

, They decided totally' behindih~ defeatcd\ T~Jjn~sse~ - .governor wh~" '!las ~"·right·~. on'· *he

slavery 'question and ·who eiljoyed the:;· fiieni:lshipbfJacksol'.1~ . .

BeyoildPolk'sHopes.' ..' . ' '.. ,Polk had,no hOpe' of"lSeing..the J.':"esidentiak.

tl~l1'iriee'but lie had made it known that he Wouidc'accept the vice presidency, On the,'e\ghthba1Iot-the .southerners· $'prang' their surprise .-'.din"didate' .and' iheNew .YQrk.<lelegates . withdrew .Van' .Burett"s. name, 0", the, next'roll "lilithI>}'. swung to .Pplk, o.th"r states full owed llfld .when.'the ,ninthballot ended .th~ first "d~k hQrsetl itl convention'histor)i:~ a,tn~ Who hadn't been:mentioned for 'tlie "'.

.. ~onor~"_ ·,24 ". ·h.; ,·ours. ·prev~oiisiY~'· had" be~n :... 'U1tllflimously nominated, .: .... . ,.' ' ..

: : Of course; the ·Whigs :were deligbted to have ..''.. .~. ·.:1rlO...liOaylt·. as ~ ~pP?:ne.rif for.··.th~i:r: cttiJ.di<;t~te~~. '.

." H"nryC!ay. Bul. tIlelr Jubdatlon :was premature..... .!"pr.c';lay, the Ketttuck,an, angered' the Sol1!h by , .': pus~yfoot~ng:o~'t4-e que~t~o~ of.~nexi~g'T.exas; ..thereby addIng shiVe ,terrItory, and the" neW·


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Page 6: archives.lincolncountynm.govarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications/LINCOLN... · •In Court.. I I Kf..-~!" .' I '1 "'( .1 Ij " ( I >I "\\ I 1_ \ 'q-,~ _~Llrl:S


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(MORE ON'. PAqE 8.-1.

,'. .'. ..' .~it~~~:·~J.~R~" ..' , .... . .

.. ' But the political situation· during tp~' 1l;cxt .flve years c)latige;drillthat. Whenthe'Oe.mCJcratiCconvention <ipene<;l in Baltimore on June 1.18~2•·the, ..leading. cm:t-didates: ': ~'ere L~~is': C~s.s .'of-,Michigan,-, James'.Bucl1anan of .P~n'!lsylyaOia8Ild;'S(ephen A. Douglas.oflUinois.. I·or 28 baHoL'hone .of. these' 'men Was· able". to sccur~ ·the.'ncccssa:ry··· t·wa-thirds, .mujori~Y. _Th~~' the'-c<ipvenrio'o ,decided it~~d ..bett~T :·t:util, to ~ ~~~candidate who had t.aken no :p.art 1.J.1. ·tlw, slavery'dispute, and had thc:re.forc incurred no" bittet, ''enmities. in',other words.:a '·'nobody." ' ..

. . 'Some' O"f the M'ain delegates suggq:stcd, theex-.seninor '·from.;.th~i:r ncighb?rin~'stute. "S~~Franklin Pierce was tr-ottc:d oUf· as a dark-horse...'received- IS votes on ,the 29th .ballot and gait1t:d"steadily until the 48th; when' he ·received 55, By.that time ii was apparent. that. the ballu wagonwas ··o.n its way· and the· dclegat.es hastny cUmcdon. ~

.On the 49th' ballot Pierce received 282 of .he288 voles: .

The Whigs- n'ominated Gen_ Winfield Scott.hoping that ,1I~ld Fuss and Feathers" cou"td repeatthe victory· of that other hero of the MeXican war.."Old Rough and Ready" Taylor. But the Democ­rats' yo~ng Mexican war general swept the elec­tion field with 254 electoral votes to Scott's 42.

Pierce tried for renomination in 1856 but wasdefeated and vanished from the political scen~

First RepUblican'Dark Itorse'

Thus' far the Democratic pa~y had been theone which $upplied ,1I4,ark 110rse" ·candidates. Blltbeginnittg in 18'16 theRepublicanst,?okt~eirturn..In t!\at year James G. Blamewas·theltlog.calcan-··didate and in the eady balloting of the coi1V<:ntion:in 'Cinginna:ti he, Was ,within 30 'votes '-of vi~tory.However~ the -"Man From'· Maine!' ·had his enemies,whQ',wer.e determ'ined to- blo:ck his' rtoh1in~tiorL .

. ;' ,Ainopg die ~Tfav.odte'so'ns'~.' who' ~ete trailing,alo~g. q'n. c:;oillplimetttary votes :w~s Rutherford :B,~

.: Hay~s of, Ol1io"'a lawyer. who· .became a major- .general in-theUition army; thettretur/t"d:home. to

...serVe. tW(i. 'terms- J~. corigress 'sri,cl,·-thi"ee,:.:,tettns M:go'V¢mor '-J)f.. hi$,:. native state.·' 'He. ,was' s:c~rd:llY'

.. ' ktloWn ~ut$id<' the borders <if Ohi", andduring.th", ".,'is.pin:t&{ ,Contest betV\:'ee:n..BIa{neT$, partisans-and. ~-is. .. '

...,>~riefufes.-,no, c;ine 'J:!ai'd i'r)ti'¢h','attentiou., tq Haye~." :.6-1 '.'vptes.·, ", .•... .... Roscoe Col1kling of New Y<'>rk l1adthesup-..Port or tl,ll'l.N"w Y(>rk aitd ~i1nsl'l,\,al)i.. ael"lI;,tesbut When ·it'.bi\cam" apparent dint Cotlkllng.had nochance te, beat~lainethe Peril1sylVanil1ns began'iothi"oWiheir 's,uPpor! to Ohio's favorite sfin: This\ltai"ted a 'swing'Wl1ichcarriedthe ''!3uckel'e '''dark .hots.el1·t.o.-victo'tJ'~by .384;v:ote~:t" 13,1~,inel'$ 3'51.'. ..'.'0:. the demacratsnominated:Samuel X: TildeiI Of

New Y<irk' art<! in. the election it·seemed thatTilden had Won. Then· <iecurte'!. the famouS inci-. . ,'." " ..' ., . ;, . . '. .','


;'" "",. ,",



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,::'.~:.'.. rl7: ~·.>:·:r:~.;··:·,'• ~.~A. SVJJSCRIP110rf' ~'-..'ft.:!:!!'!! .l'~I!'S,t:1!!-E

WeatherRep0 rt.-'-,·.~---'-

(Can't. .frQmPa1@4) .'and thunderstorms, 'mostlycloudy~ with a 'high near 78.night: A fair chance ofshl)w~.ers and thiJnderstonns, most­ly cloudy, witl;l's' low around .53. . .

Sunday, Augtlst 1(1 .A fair chance. of showers

and thundersto'rms... 'mostlycloudy, with a ltigh near 79,night~A fair chanc~ofsh,oW'" .ers and thunderstorms... most­ly cloudy, with a low around53. .

Monday, A_ugust 10A fail" chance of showers

and thundetstonns.. mostlycloudy.. with a high near 80.night: A fair chance ofsl1ow­ers and thunderstoi'1t1s, most­ly cloudy~with a low'ar(.lund52.

Tuesday,. August II ,A fair cHance :of showers

and. thunderstorms, 'Mostly,cloudy. \viUla high rtear 79.·'night:. A lIoodChance l'lfshowcrs anCl thunderstonn's·~mostfy .:cloudy,. with a JoW.arouh<L5 I • ,

The abbv~ i,nformation,wastaken' from' 'the NationalWe~ther Seryice." We~site.,:For. up ~o.date,we~ther...g~~www.$rh~noaa.gov/abqt.on

_ the,j"rjtetrieL 'TlHs,webslte .is...'-up~daied .eye"ry:tciur:hQul'}t•..

The New. Me,,,col-1lgh~.,ways pepartitie'tit:h~.$ de.Y~l~:.oped,/, neW toll lTeenurnberf(;)i:,'up':to thc"hour t'O:ilc,l,coP""striJctiorisl ..c'on~iUon:,s ,infor-: .'mati6n~ Just: dial 5'1 '1'., YoU.. ,HstentcithffQptiofi$,; Y~·u·cJtn '-:.8"t:4p·to!h"mili\lte iii depth'·.'?0J!stJ;1.ictlon. ·up'hrtes.byJog~· .g. ng· .·i.n .. t-o

. www..tih.1l.~ads..com "(or "any.area ()'fthe'state~'., .. ' ",' . ,

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9:30 a.m.10:301l.m.

. 9:30 am.11:00 a.m.

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.9:00 a.m.

10:001.m.., ,1 1:00 8m

6: 30 p.m.

, • 2:00p.m.

.. 12:30 p.m,

..2~I:fp.m-.. '.'" ., 3:1S-P.m,

. Sunday 9:30 am.,.


TEARY AIEllO, Pastol' B49·ijl05'Ancho.

WOlshipSunday'SchOlll ., ....• , ..

Cl11.utll:b Community Church

Unilld Mlltllodililt Church••

JOHANNA ANDERSON, Pastor1000 D Ava. 648·28931 648·2848CarTllolO. NM 8830'

Sunday Sdlool IAII AgulWorship Serviell " ,.,,:. .ChOir Praf:llcl (luesdlyl .Umted MethoDflt Women

Every 3rd Wednesday. _FellowshIP Dmner on

4th Sunday 01 Monlh

MEL GNATKOWSKI. Pastor 1648-2530Ph...oe-354·2044Capitan {South on Hwy, 481

Sundav SCholll .Worship SeMel

TONY SCACCIA, MInister849 1402

Second Sunday 01 Each Monlh

fir"l aaptifl Church,gl.C,orolla

Insurance ExchangeCarrizozo Branch

.[0 VI~SON. Pasta' linter denominatiMall514 Smokey Bear Blvd,. Capitan, NM

Sunllay SchoolSun-dilY MommEr Worship.

Chrjst Community hllOWfhlp

Rf'v.d Canon Pett>r SanCll3'.son;Prit'\t-ln-Charlj(!-Carller of f A"'ll and S"u:ch, Canirozo, tiMPh 50&257·2356

Holy Euchati!1

CAPIT AN:Adull Sunday School . 8:301.m.WDrshr.p SelVlca .. 9:15 a.m.Children's Sunday School 9:30 ••m.Fellowshr.p lImo 10~15 '.m.Adull Sunday School 11:00 I.m..ChOI1" Practice rTuudayl .. , .... , .• ,7:00 p.m.fellowshtp Dinner Evely Third SundayHandmajdem (Ecumenical Women's Group)hT ..Ad 3rd TuesdilV . . .. .9:30 liI.m.

LESLIE fARWOOD. Minislet5th a. lincoln 1336-4827

Sunday Bibl. Study. . . . , ..••10:00 a.m.WorJ!tip Service .............•.. 11:00 un.Evening War,shfp , , . _.... _, , .•..•• 6.110 p.m.WednllJd:lV Bible Study , ..•.•...• .6:00 p.m.

Trinity Soutbar" a.pllst Church

CAL WES·.. Putor 1849·1975Sunday School. . _. _ . 10:00 11m.Worship Sef¥U:e, , , .. ,... 11:00.:m.Wednesday Bibilli Study , . , ..• ' ••7;00 p.m.FelloWJhip DlrIner , , 1st sundarot.Month

SUrdl~ .Sunday School for alliges , . . .• , . 9:30 I.m.Morning, Wotship .. , , ... , . , , .• , . ,'0:31:1 I.m.

Children'$ Church, . , , ,10:46 ••m.Evenino Worship ..... , , . , , .. 6:00 p.m.·W.dnasd.ir.y;Tllet't dinner Ind gamlls. ... . .••.. 6:00 ,.m.Teen Biblt Study ..........•!oOO p.m.Fnlver Meeting. , ti:OD p.m.

9.. ?H~'f.(


Gl1Ip hllliWShlp ChUl~h

51. MaUhllS Epi*c::opil ChC!rcb .

6,00 p In

830 a m

500 p_m100 p.m.

8-30 am10:30 a m.. 1,30p.m,

9'30 a In

SIItPil 0 m10 S5 a m600prn


" '.'

1030am.8·00 p m

900 am10'00 am

10,00 a InII aoam,

..•. , I:OO-a.m.

lOOOIl_m6 BO pm

10·001.m,11:00a m

. .1:15 p.m,.......7;00 p.m.

WorshIpSunday s..:hool

RICk HUTCHINSO'., Pasl.,r I 336 8032South......sl Corn' of HwV 48 & 37 JuncllonBelwU'n Run:lo J and C.pllan. NM

SundilVSunday School lor aD allesMommll WorshIp ilnd

Chlldrt!n-, Chll/'ch .family WorshiPWednesdayCommuml)' dinnerAduh clauls. Youth games and sludy,

Ktds Klub 1 30 P m

TOM POINOEXTER, Minister 354-3135Ave Cat 121h. CI"lzOIO, NM

Sundby SchoolWorshIp Se~vil:a

EVl!IIinll WorshipWednes(by Bibla Study

Whil. 0 ... Community OhurchNo n·dlnlmlnational

Sunday W,orship Service ..

Anllus Church of tha N.ZIr8nl'SerVlng All of Lincol' Coumy' .

Sa"tll Rita Catholic Community

fR fRANKLIN, PUIOr213 Such, CarrtlOlo, NM, 6482853


Capltln Sacred Hear1Carrizozo San,. Rita

--SUNOAY;Capl1an 5attel! Hear1Ca~zo Santi RltllCorona 51. Theresa

HAYDEN SMITH, Putor314 IOlh AYe. Cilrmozo, NM648 2968lChu'chi or 648·2107

Sunday SchoolWorship Sen-ie.Sun EvemnllWudnesday, Sept Aprd


CII"UUZ'" AU8mbl! of God

Cornor I Jlh 8< C lIV.Ba.bara Bndlly._PaSlo,Chlldrl"·. Mlmnry and"u,.ery AVIIllllbl1

War.hlp Serv;c;oYOUTh Sarvica

Jerry, &Lanita Rasak

LaGrone funeral Chapel

Church of Ch.ill,

Ancho Commuoity Prnbytlriln Church:

Nagai Pnshytari811 C!;lurch:6 W ~B...·lEWIS, Partor

Sunday School.Worship

Corona Uniled Prllsbvt.,18n Churllh,Sunday School 10 00 a InW1J1sh1P II OU am

Fir~1 Sllpt'lt Church


LINCOLN COUNTY NEWS '.' .... , ..~: • 0' i'\UJ;UST 7, 2008,-- PAGE6'--', " ..

tures and not apply a ditlcr­ent Jaw to a different pcr~on .that· also requires petitionsignatures. The court's deci­sion was thut tlnf)' onC' ofthem ""as required to get pe­tit!"n . sipnatury..... · r'uquas~t1d.., J hIs panlcu·Jar statutewas umended in 1996. Be­fore 1996. there wa'> rcallyno way yOll could read thestatute a!'> requiring majorparty cand'kJatc,> ttl file peti­tion signatures to 'get on theprimury bu·llot," Ft!'.-Iua ..aid.···f he stated Ic:gisla-tive inttm­tion (If the hill that wentthrough 'the legislature iJl the1996 session wm. clarHyingthat candidates l"i.l[ countyoffice do not nL:ed to file pe-.tition signature ..... hut the lan-


Se-derwall Loses FirstiRound'-,-,--·',~"""~'~.,~". . .

(CQntJnu~d from p;aqe ,2>

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I WOULD LIKE MY AD TO RUN(Check appropl'iate box,for number of weeks)m [!J' GJ


1 ;or

-'-'-""'"~="'"""'--'--." ", ',..;,'.:...,'"".'-'---'~....,.:£ *.* .Aifd 1,0 cents per Wbtd··:f.of.·eacti.· word\·.,ver 2.:0. ) ", . .', . . .. ' ' '. : . . .. ' .

Your Name: -'-_-'-_-'-_-'-__-'-_'_,-._'_-'--'--'-4q

Address; --------~----'-----:---------~;i~~City/State:'_- ...-~_---"e-.-_ ___"___"_ Zip: -----o"""JH

JAN PERRYClerk ofthe' District CourtBy: Gloria LaMay~ Deputy

06~302JJMartin.Sc:oll & Donna.P4S2067

Published in the Lincoln County News onAugust 7, 14 and 21, 2008.

PUBLIC NO'nCENOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the regu­tarfy scheduled Council Meeting has beenrescheduled to Monday, August It, 2008 at6.00 .•PM, 'City Hall Confetertce Room."'Carrizozo, New Mexico due to' the AnnualMOn.ieipal Leagpe Conference in Clovis.·~i.bJished ~n.the··Lin£oln'Couttfy.N~ws on."TbuJ"$day, AUgust '1, 2008. ' ,

, .' -


O~vemjng Body of the Yiliage of Capitan,New Mexico wiU hold a public nearing inconj~Dc'lio,n with the regularly scheduledmeetmg tm Tuesday", August 12, 2008,beginning at 6:30 PM at the Village HallMeeting Room of the Village of CapitBn.The pUblic hearing is conceming" the foU­-owing:

1. Ordinance 2008._ Flood DamagePrevention Ordinance .. an ordinancedesigned to minimize .flood loss.es.2. Ordidance 2008- An Ordinance·Granting Otero County 'Eleetrfc­Coopel1'tive, Inc.• its Successors andAssigns, the :Righi aml,Fratl.chise toTransmit and Distribute Electri¢a:lEnergy in the Village ofCa~itan,MM,'and Use the Streets Right~()f..W~Y$ ..


~ ., . NOTICE is hereby ·given that on ~~n'; 18,"'700&:'CaroUrr~ Mu:CoY"flled applie8tio.n numbered T.... . 41 02..POD3 ,wjth tht= State,:ei~hleer fOr Pertitift,Q Changt::. Locat~olt of WeB withlri the Tt.il~ro~a .' ..

':' UndeJ:groU,n,d W8.U!"r J;3aslrt i~.Lhico1.n:,Co~nty. ~y abandol)Jng usc o.fwetl-T-4102Ibcatcd in the," .SW~NW!4 .. ofSectiol1 Sf 1"(j'wnsl1ip 9 SQuth. Ran$.E; 11 East NMl'M, latitude 3~d j3m' 21.8$ &JoSd 42.it1 31.3s and "\>.5' c:ontinuinjl the diversion-o!'3 licte relet of gr'outld water or the historical 'bt=r'lcfic::iaI use whichevetls less from:a 't'eplaccmeitt w~t1 dtillr!d fa a depth of 120 fc:et ,,!-l1d t'itt~d.with 6.inch t:JlSing and located irl the SW!4NWlA.. ofSection Sf To.wnship 9 s.outh. tt-;mge-')3 Has~ -

. '.. NMPM.lathlj.de.33et·3~m'~1.85,&.-·1ClSd4~ 3.1~;J-Qn 1~ I;lcrc- of land. oW,tte:o:by the a~Ii1i~.antfor". the epntinued ddin~stic.an"d'.re.btled;'pu.i:Po-ses air ot'V"'hich i$ .o~atec;J.,within said '~e~t~olt5; .

.. Proposed; ch,ange'location6(we11 site ".r..4102~PO~3. ean bc'(ound:at 1 Dry Gulch Road. Nogal'.. ''NM..The, old well will'be 'pllJgg(!d;-: '., '... '. ':.' :.' "",., . .:

. .' , '. ., ... ". . : .., .:. .. - . ' , ..,' . " . .' . '. '. .Any person. lh;m: or. cOl)Wration or 9.t~l"entityhaying 1i;~dfn~ to' file objections ,of'protests shall.

.' d6 so .in wt.i~ii1g'(lc"i~tt!i~ ·si"gned an~ .ihel!Jj1e;'~he:wrlter:·.s complete' name' and ~ai1idS addJ:"C~$). .-'r'he objection 10' t~~ 4ppr~vld of thE!! p.pplic~niOt1: (1) ir-im:I?a:i,ttnerit~ You must ·spe~if!.ei1.ltyid.entify .

. -:yq~"r W,Rter ,rights.; artd/ot. (2) It;public :welfare orCdn~~li6t)ofwflter Withirnhe state orNew.1\1ex.~o...y()U must r;;l1aw »Jti 'Yit,t be'~~bstarit~a~I,Y ~:f'te~tc;d" "?"he. ~ritt~n protest ~u~.t.b~ llIed.. ~,n '.,trlpticate. ;W~th the State englneer.,1.680 Uick,ory ~op Suite JI,J,.aS_Ct'Q~(lg.. NM 88"905 Within tep (to)

.day~ ..ft~t theddte llftbe last publication.of this Notice. ':Facsimiles (.f~;'tes) '!/VH)' be:aeei:p(Cd u II.

valid'protest bS lo:ng 118 die' bard copy is $ei1t"within ~4..hours bfthe:fa<:"sftni1e.. Mailing.postmark' •,:'. '-will be.ulil:!!d to va:lidate the 24..hoittptiriod.- Prdt~s~ l!.att b~"faKed t.o S7S.S.24~16.0.· lfno v41i9,,' ." . ·pi'Otes. or objection is filed. th"e S~t~ E:nglnee't Will'ev~ll1atl; the :ai'~licati6hhi accorchirlt:e wJih '

.,SeCdons;7::t...z..16f1~:S-6arid1.2~t2~3. ,'.' ... , ... ,' .... '. .,

,~~blis~~d'.~n,Jh,e.L~.~~O~~~~~Dty~~w.,on.J~';~,~;.~.t.;" ~~d ~U~d~t7~ !O~8.... ' .






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FUIl-tiriJe Worl¢fsahd :Wot!<Your OiNtlSchedule .. .'. ·.··Per. Diem Health.Care, WO'rkersW:antedDirectCar~Te¢h;;idansWorkln<i'\1ome,$ettln!J; .Warl, Your Own Solledul.e. ". .' . •.. .... ,....Good. work ",,'thieS, exee:llentreferenees; a'oid .•lluni:lrual it}' ii, tit!.l$t. . ,..AlI";llpHcantlif ,nustbe 21ye"rsotail~or older, rhustbi.. able tq,pass dru- .'glalCO'hof screehirl\1,h'eaIUl exam'antl'b<ick,grOund chec~;. '.' .' '.. '. . '.

, . ", •. , Newl-loriZotis OeveIOlltl1elltaIGeriter," . . .' ...648"23'79,810.'10 Avenue,.carrlzozp, New,Mexlco'88301 ..'. . il,ri.eliua1<lppOrlOUnltyemp,loye( .

·2tc/jI3~.8n ','

..... : VACANCyj.Jotfc£'CapitairMl;nlcl"iofschools '.,EinplaYrU~ntVa'caa~Y:CVS'taD!.4N.' ..

. Hi9hs~i\ooiDipli)maq(G'e:D " '. ..,Must 'Pass a,aCk9rc'lll.ntlClle,*

'Mllst:Pass ·PIly'sic.alExam.. .' 'Armlh,ati6,,:Deadl1nl'i, U.ntn F'illi!d

For detaH~d ihfo..ri."tioll anci"ppi;catiori pleas~ eilllCounty R.oad 515-354-asoo ·or!doWnloa,t·frorn w~bpag"at.

, wWw.caplt.mO!~12~nm.iJ5 .. . .,. .',.,,' .

Crews . _~ *'*."*',* ~',,~.;',*,,:~.~ ,~',:.~':,* *.~,~' *~:* * ~·~.*~~PL8fr:,-"·.'." ' . " . , . ',.', '

(Con't.fromP.:,ll ' .' '.' .' .. . '. ."We archeing reimbursed ELSlEi:SFLAMlSC"A~B~Oil,.l:D.8Ui<l:QERS/

by the F\>rcst Service for...,- ·HQMEMADE;EMCtI'l-AIJAS.,ANDIiURRll'OS"pairs dorie to the Bonito Lake HOl'»OQS;. SAND,\ilI'ICHES;·FRESR.sAlAD$,road. whlcb is estimated at ICE CRl;AM,'SHAKES,.FL.OATSAND':SODAS. ".d~~~tt k'j;nl,;'~o~g~~th::,:t:~;'I'~~ CARRI.ZOZOJ380@$4'~ ~"S'TlJSSOOH; ..,out they're going to fulTd,us .'LocAI.:. BU:SINf'S.S,DELtVERY: 6>4'i!l/"';:ioo .tor the. man huurs and equip.. ' t(n:':..mCl~I;'~ ~()unty' road' de'pa~.. .' '*''-,*' * *;:*,.~ *,::".. * •. ~ ';'.• :~.'~',. * *: "",*>,:."' "-...., .""......,.:~ui~~~:st~aM~~k~~bl~IW~~~' "HOU'SE FOR.'·$.ALE::'·j ,200·~q.:ft..h~n1<? 'o/t';("~' acres.oft.a. ' .:.. NICKEL, ·&·,D1M E'··, '~.:larger capaCity culverts, but Ave",.:,ca~.J~z~.:Recp.tIi~ly ,r.emod~le.d•.; new rqof, '~I(;hng;,,. . VA'A:D',S.ALE .,' '

h: ·eJe,ctne -service und ,'ca~et~ Three 'bedroom~. two. batn~: ..Casa 'Manana'~~l~~C ~~ft ab~~h:~~ d~ii~~~d haridip'op ~cce$Sibl'e~'goo.;'. '!-'ell,~Ith3'acre:root,wa~tr!,Si:tts '. 'Ap.a..trrie"t~ ':,

an.Q~lty,wqter~r,d,sew~r.119.t"Ses,t;)K .. 9reat;mo}lntaln v.lews . .from AI uquerque. ·That artd.good'.·lo~a.tion.• AppraJs.ed at.$c.?0.,OOO.-asklng $82~OQQ.. , ·c.atYi:Z(J~D~·work will begin as soon as Possible ,owner: ,finance. With ·10 perc~f1t down~. Cont8<;:( .' 9:00'·c;1n:ftil.- you buy all-·.p(l~~ibIc ufil."Tthe culverts are Cathie Eisen 'at 575"937,..632·L " .. ' . .." . .. . .. o.·ur sfuffl--. .. 'rece.ived. '. . . , .. . . ,Tfil-June12. . -

Hernandez said that some '. Help .-us ,Iandscifpe!'culverts that washed out ... '.,. .. '* ~Io .. .,. .•. *: :••.' ,'Ir':' '. (Doriatio'ns'an3'were those that had been.re.. wefcome)placed (lver the last two years . , '. . 2~pJ8J7''';14'

and were d-(luble the size, of NO'neE' OF 'EM:P'Li:piMEN'T;' * * *.* 'M.*.*- '* * *:.*'~~ ~~~~ih:~ ~ai~vi;:~' \:~;,~ , The Rockirt9 Horse Di:lycare a.nd' P're,I(' is 'now 'A· FINE..GIFT' FORthis lime, even though we accepting appfications fOr ·Full time and Part ' -SOME'

~hinn~ i~~i~~'I~~t,~iA~~~n~n:; lime workers to 'work .with ,ihe infants and ONEsaid. "You never can esti. toddlers. We are also ta-r~ing applic'ations for sub-matc the power orwater:' stltute teacherS. You must pass .a criminal' back..

Some of the pn>bIems that ground check to work with .chtldren.' 'loti can picklead lo thc destruction ofcul- up applicatfo.ns-':at 'the d?\-ycal'"e or ·for more infor-verts stems from people dis- . mation call 648-2802~pnsin~ of yard waste in thebar dItches along the road­wa)'·s. Hernandez sll~gested.'·What's happening IS that alot ofdebris that is in the barditches. debris that has beencleaned up by homeownersin the Cedar Creek area aridle.ft in the boUom Qf thecreek. rs washed into, the cuJ':verts and plugs them u.p/~Hernandez said. ··It's -not' agood place to dump' that de-hrls:' he said.

, During the most s'"eirioushours of.the flood·tf:lg. wh~·the cpunty. ,roa~, .crews »-erc.workuig to, .rebulld the n;Jf!9ito rescu~stranded camp;ets,mthe Bomto·area.. a ,-SoOltp '·Oredepartment crew gpt a truckstuck -in'the high-flt.1od:watersand the.road workers used aroad grader to 'save that truckaswell,Hernaridezsai&'.··We ,used a grader iti'~four feet of.water to hook onto that trLJckand bring it· tco safety:';Her?,ande:i $ai~1. ·'The>;:,wo'uld ,have lost the truck,,1f'we hadn~t been a.ble tQ·pul1.i.t,out." he added:

fwo Electric Coo 5....to8enefiUrom38,Millionfeder,81~an·

u.s. S·enator:Jeft."-S:ingil:... ',­man announced. -iha.t' :two: :New' Mexico' electtical'coop". ':e,ra'tives ha~:e:been a-pp.rov~d.. 'for fcderal.- gQvel'"T1~elit 'I0R;ASfrom the U:S.,Departtnent of ..

· A,gric:ultl,lre"s ~u'ralDeve:ldp-.,:'mCf:1t P:r<?gr~i1'1 ... ':". '..

'"T h.e Central New, .Mexl.co ~ ,Electr,ic;al COQperati·ve,· I'nc:'- -,'has been .. app'roved '. for" ~ ..$:?7.6 tr)il1ion loan to e~pan-d '.service to' 1,558 new COn....·sumers. f-:u·'!di"rig,vf.i H. be',u:se~··.to conStruct ~,4:.l. Tl111-€:s o.fn~wdistributiori...line·,J 12mil~sc;;>fihipt'ove4 distriqu~io.n, lines:,com,;trtdcJ"th,rec miles.of.new ,,'tran~mis:Sjo,n hnes ~n'd:rnake'"other sys~em irhpr;ov'erri-ents'~The' 'co~op' serves' 'cLlstQmers .in -BernaH,l.Io.·' Chave's, .·pe '.'Baca. -:(Juadalupe,." L.iriccil,n,.San ,Miguet, SantaFi;'Socor":ro '-and T.o'rrance' COllflti~s...'

The 3'o'uth-we:s:tem., Electric'Co0p,erati.ve, . whic~, ,s'er~?e..sfhird,in8~' Quay. and', -UnIOn

· c(mn-tles. has' heen 'approved,fbr a· $1'-0.67 rriill-i·on '·Io'on.Funding 'wH.1 b'~' used to ex-

~ pnnd scrv"C,es t6 '240 :'.Ilewconsumers. ,and' wi 1.1 be, usedtq ~n,$u:uct'7.S l1liles.o.f.riew·dlsfi'ibuHon line, ·roqke 1m·, 'provem~nts'to'nine rriHes of'distribution line, cons.~ruct IS'

· 'miles, of, new. transm:issiol1 :'lines and make'bther: sy-st¢mimprqv-entcots. ".':",

"'The loans appr:oved willhelp· expand eJe~trh::a,l, ~er­vices to more New Mexj ..,cans:' Bingamnh- $aid.


R. B. HA y,.~s

I\llhough I Ja-,;l,.:S ...... <1 ... /lilt a !!rca1 lJ"n:sjJl..'nt. he\\.;1-.; prllhuhly nie h~·<;t or lJw "dark hors\,.'s."I)cl:laring that "he scnc... lllr..; PiJ11:'-- PL·"t \.... 1'10 scn ......sIllS ctlllllin hcst." 11<1\-'(''''; ~.",~' th...' l,.'olJJ1tr) nnmlministratlon \Io,-,Iw..,h ...~·t ;1 hl~h 111.lrk for future"uarb. horse" jlN,: ... idl,.·l1h ttl IQ til L·qLlill.

I Ill..' Il, .... ,11 Ihl,.· ... \,.· \".1" ,-1111,1111,'1 l\uLk,,')e . .latnes:\ ( ••uIIL·ld Sl..·\,:Urlll!-' an L·,!.tK·,ltlull h~ hi ... o\vn err-­lll'1 .... he hCl,,'illllt" .I lcal,:hL·' <ll1d \''''t ... (.'!L·\".'tL'U to the()h'll Sl....·lliite \\h1I.-h he II.·ft.·11l IXC,l hI hL'l.:omL' the)- tlungcst hllgaulI.:r.~eIlL'rul 1ll the t ilion HrIUy. I It:cmnc nut HI tht: \-\-0.1:-. a 1l1.l1ol'-t-! ...·llel,d anJ ""as senttil L·Il11rr..: ..... \\-,!l .."-\'" hI" prill' II'_d (\htlll.."till-1l \\;HI'"

hi .. Itl~,i1I:-- I" Hl;llll ..·

JA:tJF.s J\. (;:,\RI·'JI I J)

I h ...· I KXlI Rl..'ruhilL·,Hl l..' 11'11 \ l..'ntH '11 \\" .. <l!-!atn uhattk hL·I\,"I.·~'11 (·onb.1iIl!-! .Illd HI.lIlIl..' hill this timethL' ""'il......... Yllrk k,HJL'f \\a .. 11'\ Inc tn "'L·cHrl..· a third!L'rm Illr .... I~";' ... l..·" S ('I,lIlt· \llht'u!lh (ir~lIlt h..'uBI<.1I111...· In 11ll..' \Illill!! lrllm thL' fir ..1 h.l1hlt. ('tlnklin~

u'uld tH,;t 1111\ .. 1l..·1 ur qUlh.: l..·lltlugh \-010.: .. ttl ....L'l..·urcIlll..· 11011\111.111011 lor till' .." I" ..· ... l,ktlt

(idrll\,'ld "' .... rrl.: .....'111 ,It the l..·llln ..·nthHl a ... till..'k.llkr III Ih ..· (>hlp dL'lq.~.ltlllll pkdgl..·d tll John.... lwrm.lll I k 111~I ...k th...· "'pL·l..'",·11 rl;Ktng Sh~'rnlan's

Tl,1l11l' 111 1l,11l1'Il;tl'llll .ll1d_ .... II tl,rnl,.·d (Hll. sue­l'L'\,'lkd 11\ nplllltl;lIlll!-! hllll"l·11 b:-- tilling it. 1'01'\\ hell It hal,.',lllll· apr.It'L·1I1 thill lh"ltlll'!" (irant norHI,llnl' l'tluld \\ ill. tht: l'pll\ l'nlu,;n IUl"lwtl til a ~'Ilnl­

pn 1IlllsL'L·andld.llL·(hl th~' .14th h.tihl. (,.It Ill,ld '·L"..·L'I\l·d 17 'HltCS,

I k 11lll"dtald~ prOIl.:sted Ihat Ill..' "'a ... IIK'fL' in theltl1L'rests or Shl'nllnn hilt Ih ...• l'h,UI'llldn ruled hiln(lut PI" onkr and lhl' h.llhtlllt~ prpl,'l'l'\,ktl ()/1 lht.;·~hth hall\11 hI ..' hn.:;\1.,. 1,'.1111 ..' 1111,' HIaJ11l' anti SI'll..'r:'111<1n h'rL·L· ... "'\\lIng PL"!111ld (i.HJidd .~nJ he ,""'asIlpminatl..·d \\-ilh .'9() \ (ltl..·S h' (.ir.l1lt's 'll(l (i~lrficld

l·i.\SIJ-o., Jdl...ak'd the I k'nlnl..'r.ll",,· nl,lminc~'. Gcn_\\ lIlikld Sl·llt! 11,1Ill'od, but his ..... ~Irl'cr as President\\as L·ut ... hort h~ the hulk1 df'l disapoilll~d o ....fh::c-.... l·l·1-. ...·(. ('harle~ J \ illltL"illL Sq~IL'lllhl'r 19. 1HX I, allllk flh,;rL' than ...i, nhlllth-.; .lrt",'1" hl' iI'lll ~·ntered the\\'hile Ih'llSC,

1"111," stor~' (d' thl.· fifth "darb.. !l(lrSt.''' Pn:skhmt isSll i'Cl:cnt and Sll l~lIl1illa.. tIl 1ll11S1 :\tlleril,,'ans as totK'eu nnl)- hrief nH..'nIIOil hen:. I"hc.~ 1920 Rcpubli­ean 1..'011\ cntion \ ... a!' in (·hi..:aptl a flght oct\vcen(rL'n I conard \\·001.1 und (i-(H "mnk (1. [.(l\..,dcri ofillinOiS for the nomination

rhen fnll1.l\,"ed thl..· Ihl\.. ·I"IllH';lI~ night ennfer­encc in a "smokelilled hOld rool11" and the next'duy Senator \\-'arrl,il (, Ilarding. an ()hio "fav('ritc'son. " \\ as se leclcd H!' the 110011i 111..'('.

{Contir.l'.J~.Q fJ(JJ~H P9g~ 6]

dent (If' the contcsted ck<..:tor,d \ ('tc~ of ,H()ri~-a.

~~ I "(lUisiana and South (·anllina. the appolntlnent hycongn.:~s 01 an L·k·eloral 1..<l11\llll~.... i\l11 and its R to '7vole in fu,"or of f lu}cs. ~tI alltltlH:r "<.I"r).;. hOPiC"went to lill..' \\'hll~' I louse hut 1h~'rc an: thosi-' \.\-ho... till hdic,"c that Ill..' had Ill"t till..' L·h..· ...~lion heron: thL""dcctoral ~lJnlllllS"Hlll'",_"'llte "L'nt hllll there.,


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