Amir Jama`at: Lal Khan Malik Chief Editor: Naseem Mahdi English Editor: M. Nadeem A. Siddiq Urdu Editor: S.H.Hadi Contributing Editors: Farhan Khokhar Dr. Ijaz Qamar Assistant: Hana Malik Manager: Mubashir Khalid Graphics Layout: Farhan A. Naseer Ilyas Khan Printing: Jamnik Graphics Web Magazine: Muzaffar Ahmad Photography: Ajaz Khan Muzaffar Ahmad Farhan Nasir The official publication of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama`at Canada ISSN 0229 5644 1. Ahmadiyya -- Periodicals. I. Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam Canada. BP195.A34 1972 297.8605-20dc CANADA POST SECOND CLASS MAIL Mail Registration No: 40026877 Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama`at Canada Inc., 10610 Jane Street, Maple, ON L6A 3A2, Canada Tel: 905-303-4000 Fax: 905-832-3220 - [email protected] The Ahmadiyya Gazee Canada is published by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama`at Canada. The editors of the Ahmadiyya Gazee Canada shall be solely responsible for all errors or omissions contained in the publication herein of the writings of the Promised Messiah as or any of his successors ra , as well as the summaries of the sermons or addresses of Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih V ab . Articles published in the Ahmadiyya Gazee Canada reflect the views of their respective authors and may not reflect the views, beliefs and tenets of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama`at Canada. Pearls of Wisdom Selection from the Holy Qur’an and Ahadith p.2 Writings of the Promised Messiah as p.3 Guidance from Khalifatul Masih V ab Summary of Friday Sermons p.4 Articles The Promised Messiah as and the Victory of Islam p.16 The Philosophy of the System of Khilafat p.21 Inauguration of Masjid Noor, Bangladesh p.26 Report of CKA Celebration p.27 Table of Contents Ahmadiyya Gazette Canada An Educational and Spiritual Publication Volume 38 - No. 5-6 - May/June 2009 WWW.AHMADIYYAGAZETTE.CA Current Issues - Archives - Contribute - Register - Contact

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Amir Jama`at: Lal Khan MalikChief Editor: Naseem MahdiEnglish Editor: M. Nadeem A. SiddiqUrdu Editor: S.H.HadiContributing Editors: Farhan Khokhar Dr. Ijaz QamarAssistant: Hana MalikManager: Mubashir KhalidGraphics Layout: Farhan A. Naseer Ilyas KhanPrinting: Jamnik GraphicsWeb Magazine: Muzaffar AhmadPhotography: Ajaz Khan Muzaffar Ahmad Farhan Nasir

The official publication of the Ahmadiyya MuslimJama`at CanadaISSN 0229 56441. Ahmadiyya -- Periodicals. I. Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam Canada.

BP195.A34 1972 297.8605-20dc

CANADA POSTSECOND CLASS MAILMail Registration No: 40026877

Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama`at Canada Inc., 10610 Jane Street, Maple, ON L6A 3A2, CanadaTel: 905-303-4000 Fax: 905-832-3220 - [email protected]

The Ahmadiyya Gazette Canada is published by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama`at Canada. The editors of the Ahmadiyya Gazette Canada shall be solely responsible for all errors or omissions contained in the publication herein of the writings of the Promised Messiahas or any of his successorsra, as well as the summaries of the sermons or addresses of Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih Vab.

Articles published in the Ahmadiyya Gazette Canada reflect the views of their respective authors and may not reflect the views, beliefs and tenets of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama`at Canada.

Pearls of WisdomSelection from the Holy Qur’an and Ahadith p.2Writings of the Promised Messiahas p.3

Guidance from Khalifatul Masih Vab

Summary of Friday Sermons p.4


The Promised Messiahas and the Victory of Islam p.16

The Philosophy of the System of Khilafat p.21

Inauguration of Masjid Noor, Bangladesh p.26

Report of CKA Celebration p.27

Table of Contents

Ahmadiyya Gazette Canada An Educational and Spiritual Publication

Volume 38 - No. 5-6 - May/June 2009

WWW.AHMADIYYAGAZETTE.CACurrent Issues - Archives - Contribute - Register - Contact

Page 2: Ahmadiyya Gazette Canada

Sayings of the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa


Excerpt from The Holy Qur’an

Pearls of Wisdom

Hadhrat Irbah ibn Sariahra relates:

The Holy Prophet made a moving address to us and we said: Messenger of Allahsa this sounds like a farewell admonition, then tell us some more; whereupon he said:

“I adjure you to be mindful of your duty to Allah. and to hear and obey even if a black slave is put in authority over you. Those of you who survive me will serve much contention. At such time hold fast to my practice and the practice of my rightly guided successors. Hold on to it by your hind teeth, and beware of innovations, for every innovation is error.

Gardens of the Righteous - On the Obligation of Obedience to the Holy Prophetsa

52. The response of the believers, when they are called to Allah and His Messenger in order that he may judge between them, is only that they say: 'We hear and we obey.' And it is they who will prosper.

53. And whoso obeys Allah and His Messenger, and fears Allah, and takes Him as a shield for protection, it is they who will be successful.

54. And they swear by Allah their strongest oaths that, if thou command them, they will surely go forth. Say, 'Swear not; what is required is actual obedience in what is right. Surely, Allah is well aware of what you do.'

Chapter 24 Al-Nur Verses 52 - 54

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3Pearls of Wisdom

Excellence of Obeying the Holy Prophetsa

At the stage of perfect understanding, Islam does not remain a mere phrase, but all its reality that we have described is achieved and the human soul prostrates itself humbly before Divine Unity. Thereupon, from both sides it is announced: Whatever is mine is Thine. That is to say, the human soul cries out and confesses: Lord whatever is mine is Thine; and God also speaks and conveys the good news: O My servant, the heaven and earth etc. that are with Me are with Thee also. This stage is indicated in the verse: Say: O my servants who have committed excesses against your own selves despair not of the mercy of Allah, surely Allah will forgive all sins. (Holy Quran, 39:54) In this verse instead of: O servants of Allah; the Holy Prophetsa was commanded to say: O my servants. This verse was revealed in this form so that God Almighty might convey the good news of limitless mercies and might comfort those who are broken-hearted in consequence of their sins. Thus, Allah the Glorious desired to exhibit a sample of His mercies and to make it manifest to what extent He honours His faithful servant with special favours. By adopting the form: Say: O my servants; God in effect said: Look at My beloved Messenger and see at what high rank he has arrived through his perfect obedience to Me that now all that is Mine is his. He who desires salvation should become his servant. That is to say, he should obey him so perfectly as if he was his slave. Then whatever sins he might have committed will be forgiven him.

The word ‘abd in Arabic idiom also means slave as it is said: ‘A believing slave is better than an idolater.’ (Holy Qur’an, 2:222)

In the verse to which we have drawn attention, it is indicated that he who desires salvation should establish the relationship of a slave with this Prophet. That is

to say, he should not step outside his commandment and should consider himself bound to his obedience as a slave is bound and he would then obtain salvation. One pities those benighted souls who bear such rancour towards the Holy Prophetsa that they consider that names like Ghulam Nabi, Ghulam Rasul, Ghulam Mustafa, Ghulam Ahmad and Ghulam Muhammad, amount to associating the Holy Prophetsa with God, whereas the verse indicates that these names are a means of salvation. As ‘abd implies that a person so named should refrain from every kind of freedom and self-direction and should be completely obedient to his master, therefore, the seekers after truth have been urged that if they wish to attain salvation they should adapt themselves to this condition.

Perfect following demands that devotion and full obedience which is conveyed in the expression ‘abd. The verse: Say: O my servants; means in effect: Say: O my followers, who are involved in sins, despair not of the mercy of Allah; for Allah, through the blessing of your following me, will forgive all your sins. If the word ‘servants’ in this verse is construed as meaning the servants of Allah, the meaning of the verse is perverted for it cannot be true that God Almighty would forgive all idol worshippers and disbelievers without their believing in and following the Holy Prophetsa. Such an interpretation would be contrary to the express directions of the Holy Qur’an.

A’ina-e-Kamalat-e-Islam, Ruhani Khaza’in, Vol. 5, pp. 186

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Guidance from Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih Vab

Guidance from Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih Vab

Divine Attribute of Al-Hadi (The Guide)Summary of Friday Sermon delivered on February 6th, 2009

According to Arabic lexicon, Al Hadi (the Guide) is the one who teaches spiritual knowledge so that people come to acknowledge His Rububiyat, the manifestation of the divine grace of forming, nurturing and sustaining all creation through the attribute of Rabb-ul-Alameen (Lord of the Worlds). The attribute of Al Hadi manifests itself when people have forgotten or reject Allah’s Rububiyat, namely, when human beings begin to claim divinity for themselves, some begin to worship graves, and some world powers consider themselves to be omnipotent. At this time, Allah manifests his divine powers to demonstrate that He is the sole Rabb-ul-Alameen.

According to the Promised Messiah (as), throughout history, humankind forgets its status vis-à-vis Allah, and it forgets or rejects the true concept of Allah. It is at these times, when darkness has descended upon humankind, that Allah appoints an Imam to dispel the Satanic forces which have overwhelmed humanity. This Imam leads those who are rightly

guided and he triumphs over those who oppose him.

The triumphs of this Imam are achieved through Allah’s Rububiyat. Through His Rububiyat, Allah as Al Hadi displays signs of the truth of the Imam by vanquishing his enemies. This display of signs serves as guidance for those who are rightly guided and to stem the rising power and influence of those who seek to create disorder and misguidance.

Prior to the advent of the Promised Messiah (as), Christianity’s efforts to weaken Islam in India were meeting with mounting success and Christian missionaries were triumphantly forecasting the impending disappearance of Islam from India altogether. However, with the advent of the Promised Messiah (as), these successes not only stopped but were reversed and Islam made a quick resurgence. Christian missionaries made the same efforts in Africa. However, by their own admissions, it has been the work of the Ahmadiyya Jama’at that has disrupted any further progress.

According to the Promised Messiah (as), when one is completely obedient to the Holy Prophet Muhammad (sa), tremendous beneficence flows causing one to be rewarded with Allah’s love. When this complete obedience advances to the stage of supreme excellence (a stage where no deficiency remains in the self), then Allah begins to speak to such a person granting them knowledge of the Unseen.

This phenomenon of direct communication with Allah and His revealing knowledge of the Unseen is prophethood. Indeed, how could it be that the Muslim ummah is referred to in the Holy Qur’an as “the best people raised for the good of humankind” (3:111) and who have been taught the prayer “guide on the right path, the path of those on whom Thou hast bestowed Thy blessings” (1:6-7) and yet be deprived of the greatest spiritual blessing, namely, prophethood?

The minds and hearts of Muslims need to be released and freed from the enmity against the Promised Messiah (as) which they have been taught by the mullahs. Only then

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can they properly reflect upon the prayer for guidance contained in Sura Fatihah (1:1-6-7) and receive the guidance which Allah promises.

The Holy Qur’an states,

“Pray unto me, I will answer your prayer.” (40:61)

Daily, we pray to Allah for guidance by repeatedly reciting the Sura Fatihah. As we regularly witness the acceptance of prayers, how could it be that the spiritual guidance prayed for in 1:6-7 can never be accepted by Allah? If the Sura Fatihah is recited earnestly and honestly, keeping in mind Allah’s promise to hear and accept prayers, then a Muslim must also believe in the acceptance of the prayer of Sura Fatihah, which includes the bestowal of prophethood to the chosen people within the Muslim ummah. If one believes that Allah would never accept such a prayer and thus will not send an Imam and guidance for the ummah, then such a person’s belief is tantamount to alleging that Allah has lied.

The Muslims ummah of today needs to ponder over and reflect upon their present condition and realize that, rather than persecuting the Ahmadiyya Community, they should instead turn to Allah and seek His guidance. While the persecution of the Ahmadiyya Community continues, no matter how great the effort, Ahmadis will never be eliminated.

The persecutors have now taken to targeting children. Currently, they falsely accuse Ahmadi children of inscribing the name of their beloved Holy Prophet Muhammad (sa) on the walls of a washroom.

Such accusers are deprived of any spiritual insight. Only they can stoop to making such accusations as they possess no awareness of the station of the Holy Prophet (sa) let alone that of the accused children. Even the youngest of Ahmadi children cannot fathom such an indecency against the Holy Prophet (sa) because they have been blessed by being the recipients of the teachings of the Holy Prophet (sa) through the Promised Messiah (as), something which the accusers have not experienced and thus cannot fathom.

An important point of clarification is required out of a point that was raised during the Lajna UK Refresher Course. During that course, that statement was made that non-Ahmadis agree with Ahmadis on every point except for the prophethood of the Promised Messiah (as). This is an incorrect statement and may mislead Ahmadis who are trusting of others and may lead some to doubt whether the Promised Messiah (as)

was in fact the recipient of divine revelation.

The Promised Messiah (as) claimed to be a prophet in the same manner as earlier prophets of Allah. If such a claim is incorrect, so too is his claim to be the Promised Messiah. As the Holy Prophet (sa) stated that there would be no prophet between him and “Isa ibn Maryam” (meaning the Promised Messiah), and as the Holy Qur’an states that Hadhrat Isa (as) is no longer alive, then that Promised Messiah must be a person from within the Muslim ummah and a prophet. Ahmadis should be clear regarding the claims of the Promised Messiah (as) and not allow themselves to succumb to fear and inferiority complexes. Ahmadis must speak the truth even if some do not like to hear it.

In the Khutba Ilhamiya (Revealed Sermon) and in the book Kishti Nuh (Noak’s Ark), the Promised Messiah (as) explained the meaning of the Holy Qur’an 1:6-7. He established the excellence of Islam and the Holy Prophet (sa) over all religions

The Muslims ummah of today needs to ponder over and reflect upon their present condition and realize that, rather than persecuting the Ahmadiyya Community, they should instead turn to Allah and seek His guidance. While the persecution of the Ahmadiyya Community con-tinues, but no matter how great the effort, Ahmadis will never be


Guidance from Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih Vab

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and prophets, respectively. As the Shariah of the Holy Prophet (sa) and his spiritual beneficence are to last until the end of time, the Promised Messiah and Mahdi had to emerge from amongst the Muslim ummah.

In Zaruratul Imam (The Need for the Imam), the Promised Messiah (as) stated that as worldly civilization requires leadership, so too does spiritual life. Therefore, one who seeks guidance and blessings of those who have been guided to the right path (1:6-7) is also seeking the attainment of Allah’s choicest spiritual blessings, which includes having an Imam and following him. Therefore, belief in Sura Fatihah entails praying for and following the Imam of the age. Further, the Promised Messiah (as) declared, “I am that Imam of the age.”

To state that the Promised Messiah (as) merely made claims and people believed in them is incorrect. The Promised Messiah (as) was also supported by heavenly signs to support his claims.

The Holy Qur’an states,

“And as for those who strive in Our path, We will surely guide them in Our ways.” (29:70)

If Allah can guide non-Muslims through 1:6-7 and 29:70, then why would he also not guide Muslims?

During one of the MTA programmes, a non-Ahmadi Muslim scholar telephoned and made certain statements to Imam Rashid Sahib and Momim Sahib. The scholar accused Ahmadis of misquoting certain Hadith. An MTA crew went to visit with him to

record all of his statements which will be aired on MTA soon. He had much to say. According to this scholar, the life of Ahmadiyyat lies in the death of Jesus (as) and he thus wishes to dispute this belief of ours. However, what this scholar fails to understand is that the concept of the death of Jesusas does not confer life upon Ahmadiyyat, but rather, it confers life upon Islam. By attempting to slay Ahmadiyyat, he is doing nothing else but killing Islam. Indeed, Ahmadiyyat is nothing but the true Islam.

The Holy Qur’an states,

“He [Allah] it is Who has sent His Messenger with guidance and the religion of truth that He may make it prevail over all other religions.” (48:29)

Allah also revealed the above verse to the Promised Messiah (as) while also revealing to him that it would be through him that the prophecy contained in it would be fulfilled. Allah granted the Promised Messiah (as) with spiritual knowledge and insight as well as the ability to guide people. He was granted visions and revelations and had conferred upon him the title of Mahdi. He was also granted the ability to provide spiritual healing through the religion of truth and was thus given the title Isa ibn Maryam (Jesus son of Mary). Such is the station of the one commissioned by Allah who is the Mahdi and Messiah who was sent by Allah for the revival of Islam.

May Allah enable the world to

accept the Promised Messiah (as) and may He enable us to continue to put his teachings into practice. May we never stumble from the right path that we tread and may we continue to walk towards the destination which leads to the pleasure of Allah. Ameen.

Funeral Prayers in absentia:1. Khatam un Nisa Sahiba – She passed away at the age of 78. She was a dedicated volunteer for Lajna Imaillah who lived a simple and contented life. She is survived by two sons and two daughters. Both of her sons are Waqfeen a Zindagi. 2. Saleema Begum Sahiba – She passed away at the age of 88. She was the daughter of Hadhrat Dr. Hashmatullah (the physician of the Promised Messiah (as)) and the mother of Abdul Manan Shaheed. She bore the martyrdom of her son with great fortitude. 3. Afifa Sahiba – She passed away at the age of 65. She was Indonesian, a Moosia and dedicated to prayer. She suffered from lung disease. She is survived by two sons and two daughters. 4. Mirza Akram Sahib – He had just turned 40 and was killed during a robbery in his shop in Pakistan. During the robbery, he was shot several times and in this sense, he was a shaheed (martyr). He was very active and fearless in tabligh (propagation) work and was exemplary in his financial sacrifices and general service to the Jama’at. He is survived by a young family with children aged 7 to 15.

May Allah grant all of the deceased with elevated stations in Paradise and may He grant steadfastness to their family members. Ameen.

Guidance from Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih Vab

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In the previous Friday Sermon, Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih V (ab) made reference to the commentary of the Holy Qur’an 1:6-7 by the Promised Messiah (as). His commentary demonstrated how this verse contains the prophecy regarding the advent of a Messiah who would arise from amongst the Muslim ummah that all Muslims will be required to accept him as the Imam of the age. He advised all Muslims to reflect upon these verses for therein lies the secret to the restoration of the honour and glory of the Muslim ummah.

According to Hadhrat Musleh Maood (ra), the word huda (guidance) possesses three connotations: (1) to indicate the way to the path, (2) to physically lead one to the path and then let the person proceed on their own, or (3) to physically lead one along the path all the way to the desired destination. The siraat (path) in 1:6-7 is a path which leads to piety and allows for one to progress successfully. Upon reciting this prayer, one cannot sit idle. Rather, one must strive to progress in both spiritual and worldly matters.

Humankind undertakes great efforts to progress in worldly matters. This prayer encourages such efforts. Allah draws humankind’s attention towards seeking His bounties, not renouncing them through monasticism and ascetism. Allah encourages the acquisition of worldly knowledge. However, this prayer requires that just as much effort be given to progressing

spiritually and to attaining spiritual knowledge and blessings.

According to the Holy Qur’an, spiritual guidance comes only from Allah. The Holy Qur’an states,

“Surely, Allah’s guidance alone is the guidance.” (2:121)

When one invokes the Holy Qur’an 1:6-7, one supplicates to Allah that all of his or her matters are conducted in a satisfactory and correct manner such that he or she is able to progress spiritually. The prayer in 1:6-7 is also a collective and communal prayer whereby an individual strives to be in accord with his or her community. Therefore, this prayer should also be invoked collectively so as to foster communal goodwill and harmony. This prayer encourages individual success as well as communal harmony.

The Holy Qur’an states,

“But as for those who follow the guidance, He [Allah] adds to their guidance, and bestows on them their righteousness.” (47:18)

The fact that we recite the Sura Fatihah, particularly verses 6-7, several times throughout the Salat is an indication that it is central to the Salat itself. Indeed, this prayer applies to all individuals regardless of spiritual status or grade and provides unlimited blessings. Anyone who invokes

this prayer with devotion and sincerity will be blessed.

The Holy Qur’an states,

“And whosoever believes in Allah, He [Allah] guides his heart aright.” (64:12)

“And if you obey him [the Messenger (sa)], you will be rightly guided.” (24:55)

According to this last verse, obeying the Holy Prophet Muhammad (sa) is a pre-condition to receiving Allah’s guidance.

According to the Promised Messiah (as), treading along the right path means treading the path of virtuousness and moderation in order to attain and realize the “middle way” and Allah’s Unity. Virtuousness does not lie in negligence or excessiveness. Forgiveness on all occasions is unwarranted and excessive, while never extending mercy is overly harsh. Achieving the correct balance through moderation is the right path which Muslims should tread.

The Promised Messiah (as) stated that the “right path” is the path of truth, veracity and wisdom. The prayer “guide us in the right path” refers to living piously, in perfect obedience to Allah and achieving the purification of one’s self. With respect to Allah, the community and the individual, one strives to tread on the right path (a) intellectually, and (b) practically.

With respect to Allah, treading the

Meaning of “Guide Us on the Right Path”Summary of Friday Sermon delivered on February 13th, 2009

Guidance from Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih Vab

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right path intellectually means to strive to emulate Allah’s divine attributes. Practically, it means to obey Allah with sincerity, to not associate partners with Him and to be absorbed in love for Him.

With respect to the community, treading the right path intellectually means to recognize that all of humanity is Allah’s creation which means to deal with all people with humility while also recognizing our common mortality. Practically, one must trust in Allah and strive to live virtuously and correctly with sincerity and while shunning sin and wrongdoing. Living in such a manner is a practical manifestation of Allah’s Unity vis-à-vis the community.

With respect to one’s self, personally, to tread the right path intellectually means to be conscious of the evils of arrogance, malice, jealousy and injustice, and recognize that only Allah is free from flaws. Practically, one must strive to overcome all evils and put virtue into practice. Living in such a manner is a practical manifestation

of Allah’s Unity vis-à-vis one’s self. Living as such allows one to free one’s self from everything save Allah and to become completely absorbed in love for Him and in His Being.

The personal manifestation of Allah’s Unity is different from the communal manifestation as the former is not readily visible to others and is only achieved after much spiritual effort.

According to the Promised Messiah (as), the invocation of the prayer “guide us on the right path” purifies one from the tendency to associate partners with Allah. The practice of worshipping of saints and requesting the prayers of certain dubious personalities are examples of associating partners with Allah. All Ahmadis should avoid such practices.

The Promised Messiah (as) stated that another name that Allah has given for Islam is isteqamat (steadfastness) and the prayer in 1:6-7 is also a prayer for Allah to grant us steadfastness. Steadfastness is humanity’s

highest quality or attribute (Ism e Azm) and through it one can achieve spiritual excellences.

Each Ahmadi should strive to tread the “right path” according to his or her capacity and continue to pray for it. When praying for it, all Ahmadis should not only pray for themselves but should also pray for all Muslims as well as all of humanity, invoking Allah’s attributes Rab (Lord), Rahman (Most Gracious) and Raheem (Ever Merciful) through which He nurtures all creation. The prayer in the Holy Qur’an 1:6-7 is a prayer for the guidance of all humankind.

Today, it appears as if humanity is heading towards another world war scenario. Therefore, all Ahmadis should pray for the safety of Ahmadis, other Muslims and all of humankind. As Ahmadis are the true believers and members of the community of the Promised Messiah (as), they should strive towards bringing about pious personal changes and devoting themselves to prayer. May Allah enable all of us to do so. Ameen.

Guidance from Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih Vab

Each Ahmadi should strive to tread the “right path” according to his or her capacity and continue to pray for it. When praying for it, all Ahmadis should not only pray for themselves but should also pray for all Muslims as well as all of humanity, invoking Allah’s attributes Rab (Lord), Rahman (Most Gracious) and Raheem (Ever Merciful) through which

He nurtures all creation.

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Allah addressed the Promised Messiah (as) as Jaree Ullah (one who is appointed by Allah Himself). From childhood, the Promised Messiah (as) was inclined towards a love of Allah, the Holy Prophet Muhammad (sa) and Islam. He studied all of the world’s religions and constantly endeavoured towards rationally proving Islam’s superiority over all of them.

Prior to the advent of the Promised Messiah (as), Christian missionaries and Hindu pandits were succeeding in their hostile opposition to Islam. Upon the publication of the first volume of his book Braheen e Ahmadiyya, in which he defended the excellence and perfection of the Holy Qur’an and the Holy Prophet Muhammad (sa), the Promised Messiah (as) became the focus of the attacks of the opponents of Islam. The Promised Messiah (as) continued his defense of Islam by publishing a series of pamphlets which he stated were written in his capacity as the Mujaddid (Reformer of the Age). His book and these pamphlets caused a serious stir amongst the enemies of Islam, and they began to direct their hatred and attacks at him personally.

Around this time, the Promised Messiah (as) went on his chilla (spiritual retreat) in order to devote himself to praying to Allah to grant him the strength and ability to defend Islam and the Khatam-an-Nabiyeen (Seal of the Prophets)(sa). The chilla took place in the house of Hadhrat Sufi Ahmad Jaan (ra) in Hoshiarpur. He was accompanied by three of his

companions and arrangements for his accommodation were made on the top floor of the house. As the Promised Messiah (as) was not to be disturbed for 40 consecutive days, only one of his companions was to deliver food to him and was to do so in silence. During those 40 days of devotion to prayer and supplication, the Promised Messiah (as) received many revelations from Allah.

On February 20, 1886, upon the completion of the chilla, the Promised Messiah (as) published a pamphlet containing one of the prophecies he received from Allah during those 40 days, namely, the prophecy of the advent of the Musleh Maood. As a result, on this date, the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community celebrates the fulfillment of this prophecy each year.

The context of this prophecy is that, at the time it was received, the Promised Messiah (as) was praying for the ways and means to defend Islam. Allah’s response was to grant him the prophecy of the advent of a Musleh Maood.

The words of the prophecy of the advent of the Musleh Maood are as follows:

“I confer upon thee a sign of My mercy according to thy entreaties and have honoured thy prayers with acceptance through My mercy and have blessed this thy journey. A Sign of power, mercy and nearness to Me is bestowed on thee, a Sign of grace and beneficence is awarded to thee, and thou

art granted the key of success and victory. Peace on thee, O victorious one. Thus does God speak so that those who desire life may be rescued from the grip of death, and those who are buried in the graves may emerge therefrom, so that the superiority of Islam and the dignity of God’s Word may become manifest unto the people and so that truth may arrive with all its blessings and falsehood may depart with all its ills; so that people may understand that I am the Lord of Power and do what I will and so that they may believe that I am with thee, and so that those who do not believe in God and deny and reject His religion and His Book and His Holy Messenger, Muhammad the chosen one, on whom be peace, may be confronted with a clear Sign and the way of the guilty ones may become manifest. Rejoice, therefore, that a handsome and pure boy will be bestowed on thee. Thou wilt receive an intelligent youth who will be of thy seed and will be of thy progeny. A handsome and pure boy will come as your guest. His name is Emmanuel and Bashir. He has been invested with a holy spirit, and lie will be free from all impurity. He is the light of Allah. Blessed is he who comes from heaven. He will be accompanied by grace which shall arrive with him. He will be characterized by grandeur, greatness and wealth. He will come into the world and will

Prophecy Regarding the “Promised Reformer” Summary of Friday Sermon delivered on February 20th, 2009

Guidance from Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih Vab

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heal many of their ills through his Messianic qualities and through the blessings of the Holy Spirit. He is the Word of Allah, for Allah’s mercy and honour have equipped him with the Word of Majesty. He will be extremely intelligent and understanding and will be meek of heart and will be filled with secular and spiritual knowledge. He will convert three into four. It is Monday, a blessed Monday. Son, delight of the heart, high rank ing, noble; a manifestation of the First and the Last, a manifestation of the True and the High; as if Allah has descended from heaven. His advent will be greatly blessed and will he a source of the manifestation of Divine Majesty. Behold a light cometh, a light anointed by God with the perfume of His pleasure. He will pour His spirit upon him and he will be sheltered under the shadow of God. He will grow rapidly in stature and will be the means of procuring the release of those held in bondage. His fame will spread to the ends of the earth and people will he blessed through him. He will then be raised to his spiritual station in heaven. This is a matter decreed.”

After receipt of this prophecy, the Promised Messiah (as) foretold that the birth of the Musleh Maood would take place within 9 years. Soon after the announcement, his daughter, Ismet, was born but she passed away. Later, a son, Bashir I was born, but he too passed away. The opponents of the Promised Messiah (as) raised great uproars at the passing of each of these children.

Despite this, the Promised Messiah (as) repeated that the fulfillment of the prophecy would take place within 9 years and stated that he had since received numerous signs about the impending fulfillment.

Today, we are witnesses that the prophecy of Musleh Maood was indeed fulfilled such that both the biological and spiritual progeny of the Promised Messiah (as) are spread throughout the world whereas the opponents of the time of the Promised Messiah (as) have all vanished.

In the above prophecy, reference is made to a “guest”. The Promised Messiah (as) stated that this reference was to a boy who would die in infancy and thus referred to Bashir I. As a result, the reference to the Musleh Maood begins with the words “He will be accompanied by grace which shall arrive with him.”

Hadhrat Musleh Maood (ra) was born on January 12, 1889 and was named Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmood Ahmad. The world is a witness to the fulfillment of this prophecy and the immense glory

which accompanied it. On March 23 of the same year, the Promised Messiah (as) fulfilled Allah’s command to take the bai’at (pledge of allegiance) from his followers.

The Khilafat of Hadhrat Musleh Maood (ra) spanned a period of 52 years during which the Jama’at spread past the boundaries of India. It is impossible to recount all of the glories of this term of Khilafat in this sermon.

The announcement that he was indeed the Musleh Maood was

not made until 1944 when Allah informed him of this fact.

The following are some of the views of prominent non-Ahmadi scholars regarding him:

Maulwi Sami Ullah Khan Farooqi wrote that the prophecy of Musleh Maood should be read repeatedly and then whether it was fulfilled or not should be mentioned.

Arjand Singh, a prominent newspaper editor, referring to the Dur e Sameen (poem by the Promised Messiah (as), wrote that the attributes of a “son” mentioned

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therein were astonishing and surely borne out of spiritual insight.

Maulwi Zafar Ali Khan wrote that people should note how ‘Mirza Mahmood’ was unmatched in his knowledge of the Holy Qur’an and the fact that he possessed a community of members who are ever-ready to sacrifice everything for their faith.

Hassan Nizam Dehlvi, a journalist, wrote that although Hadhrat Musleh Maood (ra) often suffered form ill-health, his ailments never hindered his practical achievements such that he was an “expert warrior of the pen” in both political and religious matters.

The superior knowledge of the Holy Qu’ran was also acknowledged by Allama Niaz Fatehpuri and Allama Daryabadi.

Hadhrat Musleh Maood (ra) initiated the movement for the independence of Kashmir. This movement eventually resulted in the granting of independence for a section of Kashmir and thus resulted in the fulfillment of he prophecy “procuring those held in bondage”. This contribution was publicly acknowledged by Abdul Majeed Salik and Syed Habib.

The knowledge to be attained by the Musleh Maood was to be

provided by Allah Himself. Such knowledge was not be regarding science and mathematics, but rather, it was to be knowledge of the Holy Qur’an and religion generally. The prophecy also refers to the granting of knowledge of the Unseen directly from Allah so that his divine connection to Allah could be proven.

Allah granted prophecies to Hadhrat Musleh Maood (ra) through dreams. Two such dreams informed him of two major world events. In one dream, Allah disclosed to him the exact number of airplanes needed for Britain’s defense, namely 2,800, during World War II. Soon afterwards, it was announced that the US sent 2,800 airplanes to Britain. In another dream, Hadrat Musleh Maood (ra) foresaw the abdication of the King of Belgium.

The purpose of celebrating Jalsa Musleh Maood is to periodically revive our faith and remember that our aim and objective is to strive to establish the truth of Islam which was the very purpose of the advent of Hadhrat Musleh Maood (ra).

It deserves to be noted that Jalsa Musleh Maood is not celebrated on his birthdate or on the date of his passing, but rather, marks the date of the announcement of the

revelation from Allah pertaining to him. As a result, this Jalsa draws our attention to the progress of Islam and inspires us towards action rather than mere reflection.

In one country where Jalsa Musleh Maood is being celebrated, it was discovered that the local Majlis Ansarullah were holding some sports events in conjunction with the traditional programme. As sporting events are not appropriate for Majlis Ansarullah functions, they were advised to cancel such programmes and to be more careful in the future regarding the planning of their agenda. They were instructed to focus their attention on the propagation (tabligh) of the message of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (sa).

Guidance from Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih Vab

The purpose of celebrating Jalsa Musleh Maood is to periodically revive our faith and remember that our aim and objective is to strive to establish the truth of Islam which was also the purpose of the advent of

Hadhrat Musleh Maoodra.

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“Thereby does Allah guide those who seek His pleasure on the paths of peace, and leads them out of every kind of darkness into light by His will, and guides them to the right path.” (Holy Qur’an 5:17)

Allah sent the Holy Prophet Muhammad (sa) during a time of spiritual darkness. Also, Allah stated that, after the Holy Prophet (sa), darkness will descend again and Allah will raise a devout servant of the Holy Prophet (sa) from amongst the latter ones (akhireen) to re-present true Islamic teachings to the world.

To promote peace and provide spiritual guidance, Allah sends His chosen servants in every age. People possessing pure souls recognize these chosen servants and follow them. The following sermon shall highlight examples of how certain pure and righteous people were guided by Allah to the truth.

At the time of the Holy Prophet (sa), Hadhrat Tufail bin Amr (ra) was a wise poet. He belonged to the Dos tribe of Yemen. He was visiting Mecca when the local Quraish warned him to stay away from the Holy Prophet (sa) whom they accused of inciting disunity and discord within families, and of being a magician who bewitched people

with his mesmerizing words.1 Upon hearing the accusations of the Quraish, Hadhrat Tufail (ra) resolved to avoid the Holy Prophet (sa). He even went to the extent of stuffing his ears with cotton lest he hear and succumb to the words of the Holy Prophet (sa).

One day, Hadhrat Tufail (ra) visited the Ka’aba at the time that the Holy Prophet (sa) was performing his salat (ritual prayers). During his salat, he was reciting verses of the Holy Qur’an. Upon hearing these verses, Hadhrat Tufail (ra) was impressed with their beauty. As he considered himself to be a sensible man, he decided to listen to the Holy Prophet’s (sa) recitations and then make an independent judgment.

When the Holy Prophet (sa) completed his salat and began his way home, Hadhrat Tufail (ra) decided to follow him. When the Holy Prophet (sa) was about to enter his home, Hadhrat Tufail (ra) called out to him. He explained that he had been warned to stay away from the Holy Prophet (sa) but upon hearing the beauty of the verses recited during the salat, he desired to hear more. The Holy Prophet (sa) obliged him by reciting more verses of the Holy Qur’an and by explaining to him the teachings of Islam. Hadhrat Tufail (ra) was so moved that he accepted Islam then and there.

As Hadhrat Tufail (ra) was the chief of his tribe, the Holy Prophet (sa) asked him to convey the message of Islam to them. In response, Hadhrat Tufail (ra) requested the Holy Prophet’s (sa) prayers for

success as well as for a sign. When Hadhrat Tufail (ra) returned to his tribe, as he rode towards them, his forehead began to glow. He prayed that the sign be shown elsewhere as well. As a result, his horse-whip also began to glow. Several members of his tribe witnessed this phenomenon.

The next day, upon meeting his father, Hadhrat Tufail (ra) stated that he was severing his ties with him as he had accepted Islam. His father asked him to explain to him the teachings of Islam. Hadhrat Tufail (ra) instructed his father to first bathe. When his father did so, Hadhrat Tufail (ra) provided his explanation. Hadhrat Tufail’s (ra) father was deeply moved and accepted Islam. Hadhrat Tufail’s wife similarly accepted Islam. However, the rest of the tribe remained opposed to Islam.

On his next journey to Mecca, Hadhrat Tufail (ra) requested that the Holy Prophet (sa) curse the Dos tribe. Instead, the Holy Prophet (sa) raised his hands and prayed, “O Allah, grant guidance to the tribe of Dos.” Hadhrat Tufail (ra) returned home and continued to convey the message of Islam. Evidence of the acceptance of the prayer Holy Prophet (sa) regarding the Dos tribe was provided when, after the migration to Medina, Hadhrat Tufail (ra) moved to Medina bringing 70 families from the Dos tribe with him. Hadhrat Abu Huraira (ra) was amongst these migrants.

Interestingly, after the Holy Prophet(sa) was rejected by the

Those Guided on the Right Path Summary of Friday Sermon delivered on February 27th, 2009

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people of Taif and the angels offered to punish them, instead, the Holy Prophet (sa) prayed that they and their future generations receive guidance.

During the time of the Promised Messiah (as), as a sign for those who opposed him, Allah sent the plague. Despite assurance from Allah that the members of his Jama’at would receive protection from the plague, nevertheless, the Promised Messiah (as) implored Allah to spare humanity from the suffering of the plague. Such is the tendency of prophets – instead of praying for vengeance, they pray that people receive guidance and mercy.

Prior to Hadhrat Maulvi Raheem Ullah (ra) becoming one of the sahaba (companions) of thePromised Messiah (as), he was a firm believer in the Unity of Allah. He considered most of the people he had looked to for spiritual enlightenment as guilty of shirk (associating partners with Allah). Due to his piety, he was blessed with the receipt of many waking visions of the Holy Prophet (sa) and other prophets. On one occasion, he beheld a vision regarding the advent of the Promised Messiah and Imam Mahdi. After performing istikhara prayers, Allah provided him with a vision of a palanquin descending from the sky. When he looked inside the palanquin, Hadhrat Maulvi Raheem Ullah saw the Promised Messiah (as). Upon experiencing this vision, Hadhrat Maulvi Raheem Ullah proceeded to the Promised Messiah (as) to take the bai’at at his hands.

During the Khilafat of Hadhrat Musleh Maood (ra), Christianity

was ascendant in Fiji and Christians were anxiously awaiting the impending second advent of Jesus. While Bashir Khan was considering converting to Christianity, in a dream he beheld a person who instructed him to come to his senses and that the second advent of Jesus had already been fulfilled but by a non-Christian. Having received knowledge of the establishment of a Jama’at in Fiji, Bashir Khan sought out its missionaries and eventually took his bai’at.

Also during the Khilafat of Hadhrat Musleh Maood (ra), Fatullah of Sierra Leone experienced an extraordinary dream. In his dream, he was tending to a grassy patch outside of a Maliki village mosque. In the dream, he experienced fatigue and decided to rest under the shade of a nearby tree. While under the shade, he beheld a man walking towards him holding both the Bible and the Holy Qur’an in his hands and asking to see the Imam of the mosque. He then beheld the man instructing the Imam on the proper method of salat. The next day, Fatullah related this dream to his friends. A week later, while taking a break from gardening under the shade of a tree, Fatullah saw a man approaching him who resembled exactly the man whom he beheld in his dream the week before. Even his clothing was identical. This man was Al Haaj Maulana Nazir Ahmad, an Ahmadi missionary, who greeted him and inquired about accommodation. Al Haaj Maulana Nazir Ahmad was taken to a guest house and within a few days, Fatullah had accepted Ahmadiyyat.

Although these last two examples are from decades ago, Allah

continues to guide people to Ahmadiyyat, the true Islam.

In 2004, an Algerian experienced a dream in which he was taken to see the Holy Prophet (sa). Upon meeting him, the Algerian noticed an olive-skinned gentleman sitting next to the Holy Prophet (sa). The Holy Prophet (sa) introduced the olive-skinned gentleman to him as a nabi (prophet) of Allah. In 2008, the Algerian came across a photograph of the Promised Messiah (as) and recognized him as the one from his dream who sat next to the Holy Prophet (sa).

Hallah, an Egyptian lady, experienced a dream in which she beheld Imam Mahdi and his Jama’at walking on water. When she expressed her desire to join them, she was told that they would collect her on their return journey. After experiencing this dream, she studied Sufism but was unsatisfied. One day, while sitting at home and watching television, she came upon MTA’s Al-Arabiyya programming. During this programme, she saw a photograph of the Promised Messiah (as) and recognized him as the Imam Mahdi she had beheld in her dream.

Rodrigues, a small island off the coast of Mauritius, is predominantly Catholic. On this island, an Ahmadi missionary visited a Christian family of a young man. The young man’s maternal grandmother stated that she knew the message of Ahmadiyyat to be true. The reason why she knew this was that, earlier, she had experienced a dream regarding this which she had relayed to her entire family. On his second trip to visit the family, the Ahmadi missionary

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brought the Holy Qur’an and other religious literature with him. On his third trip, he brought bai’at forms with him. Upon seeing the forms, the maternal grandmother’s eyes swelled up with tears because, just the night before, she had experienced a dream in which she had beheld these exact forms. Her and her entire family joined Ahmadiyyat. Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih V (ab) visited Rodrigues and noted that Ahmadiyyat, the true Islam, is spreading nicely there.

Recently, in the United States, five people of Latino ethnicity joined Ahmadiyyat. Amongst them, was a Catholic lady. While she did not practice Catholicism, she always believed in God and frequently prayed to Him. When she had fallen ill, she prayed for God to

restore her health. She beheld a vision in which she saw the image of the Promised Messiah (as). She touched the image and supplicated for healing. That very day, she recovered from illness. Later, when she had an opportunity to meet an Ahmadi Latina, she beheld a photograph of the Promised Messiah (as) and recognized it as the same image she had beheld during her vision.

In Bulgaria, a woman accepted Ahmadiyyat, but her husband

would not. Although he attended the UK Jalsa Salana with his wife, he continued to resist converting. Suddenly, to her surprise, he had expressed his desire to become an Ahmadi. When his wife inquired as to why, he explained that he had just experienced a dream in which he beheld Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih V (ab) rushing towards him saying, “You do not come to us so I have come to you.”

Similar experiences by people from Kuwait, Moscow, Burkina Faso, Norway and Bosnia were related by Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih V (ab). Such incidents are countless in number, some of which have been related during Jalsa Salana addresses. They demonstrate that Allah continues to guide people to Ahmadiyyat as a sign of

the truthfulness of the Promised Messiah (as). May Allah continue to guide the world as well as assist us to remain on the path of guidance. Ameen.

Although the Centenary year has passed, the Centenary prayers should be invoked even more than before. The instruction to recite them throughout the Centenary year was in order to ensure their invocation as a regular practice in our lives.

The Holy Qur’an 3:9 is a prayer for guidance:

“O Lord, let not our hearts become perverse after Thou hast guided us, and bestow on us mercy from Thyself, surely Thou alone art the Bestower.”

This prayer was included in the Centenary prayers for guidance.

Another prayer for guidance is the prayer of the Holy Prophet (sa) during the Battle of Uhud:

“O Allah, grant guidance to my people for they do not know me.”

As Allah also taught this prayer to the Promised Messiah (as), the members of his Jama’at should also invoke it. In particular, as opposition to Ahmadiyyat is mounting in Pakistan, the people of Pakistan should invoke this prayer often. May Allah have mercy and compassion on the perpetrators of persecution. Ameen.

In Pakistan, while human life appears to be of no value anymore, Ahmadis are martyred solely

Guidance from Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih Vab

Although the Centenary year has passed, the Centenary prayers should be invoked even more than before. The instruction to recite them throughout the Centenary year was in order to ensure their invocation as a regular practice in our lives.

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because they have accepted and recognized the Imam of the Age. Two days ago, while standing at a bus stop, an Ahmadi murabi was shot in his legs by unknown persons driving by in a motorcycle. May Allah grant him a full recovery and grant sense to the nation. Not only are the leaders of the nation dishonest, but they are also controlled by the mullahs. May Allah have mercy on them. Ameen.

Absentia funeral prayers:

1. Mubashir Ahmad (Karachi) was martyred on February 22. He is survived by two sons and a daughter. His widow is an Ahmadi convert – may she remain in Allah’s care. Ameen.

2. Munir Hamid (Philadelphia, USA), an eminent elder and African American Ahmadi passed away on February 21. He was a sincere Ahmadi who had taken bai’at at the age of 15. He was the first Qaid of Khuddamul Ahmadiyya USA and the Sadr of the Philadelphia Jama’at for over 30 years. At the time of his passing, he was a Naib Amir of the USA Jama’at. His parents were not Muslim and his mother was a practicing Christian. He was one of ten children but he was the only one who was religious. At the time of his bai’at, there was a requirement that the bai’at form be attested by a family elder. Although his mother refused to attest the form, she had acknowledged that he was her only religious child. He wrote to Hadhrat Musleh Maood (ra) and the reply he received changed his life. Whenever he mentioned the name of the Holy

Prophet (sa), his eyes would swell with tears. He loved the Promised Messiah (as) and his Khulafa. Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih V (ab) had met Munir Hamid and found him to be most courteous. He had met him while en route to attend the Bangladesh Jalsa Salana. Prior to returning to the USA, they met again. Due to ill health, Munir Hamid was unable to attend the USA Jalsa Salana. Had Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih V (ab) understood the full extent of his illness, he would have surely visited him at his home. He is survived by his widow, two daughters and a son. He was of those who were guided by Allah to Ahmadiyyat.

3. Saeeda Yusuf, wife of Kamal Yusuf, passed away on February 25 after a long battle with cancer. She lived in the Scandinavian Jama’at and possessed a tremendous love for Khilafat. She is survived by her husband, two daughters and a son.

4. Bashir Ahmad Sialkoti and his wife Amtul Hai, each passed away a few days apart from each other. They were the parents of Zahoor Sahib (Private Secretary’s Office). They were both devoted and sincere people. They were amongst the first settlers of Rabwah. They are survived by one daughter and five sons.

May Allah elevate the spiritual status of each of the above. Ameen.

Endnote:1. Interestingly, similar accusations

are leveled against the Promised Messiah (as) by the mullahs of today. Indeed, the Pakistan National Assembly proceedings of 1974 have not been released for fear that people will discover the true beliefs of the Ahmadiyya Jama’at.

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The following essay was awarded first place in the 4th Annual Ilmi Rally – Essay Writing Competition held on January 20, 2009. The author is a student of Jamia Ahmadiyya Canada.

The advent of the Promised Messiahas took place at a time when the entire Muslim nation was in a state of darkness. All of the grandeur, wealth, knowledge and wisdom that had lead Muslims through the past thirteen centuries had vanished and now they had neither a kingdom nor a place of refuge in the world. On all fronts, Islam was being attacked by all religions. Muslims themselves had caused enough trouble to Islam before others had a chance to attack it. Maulawis, among other things, were abrogating verses of the Holy Qur’an; under Christian influence they were declaring that Jesusas was alive in heaven; and they were unable to reply to false allegations levied against the Holy Prophet of Islamsa. As for the general population of Muslims, they detrimentally and blindly followed their Maulawis. In this state of frailty, who was to save Islam? Which hero would grasp the falling hand of the doomed nation before it hit the ground? Who would guide the Muslims to the great victory

promised in the Holy Qur’an? So far, no one seemed either capable nor equipped to lead the dissented and adrift Muslims. However, there was still a bright ray of hope for Islam – a divine light that drew closer and closer as Muslims drew further and further away from Islam. That divine ray of hope was the advent of the Promies Messiah of the Latter Days. After clutching the falling flag of Islam, he would lift it so high that it would prevail over all other flags of the world – this was a matter that was decreed, and it would soon be fulfilled. Finally, the fateful hour dawned upon the world and Hadrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas of Qadian was divinely appointed the Promised Messiah and Imam Mahdi for all of humankind.

“The one, whom the night and day awaited, appeared;

The riddle was solved and the matter was enlightened.”

With the advent of the Promised Messiahas, the era of the victory of Islam began, and now, a century after his passing, under the guardianship of his Khilafat, Islam is

seen to be prevailing over all other religions, in exact accordance to the prophecies of the Holy Qur’an and the Holy Prophetsa.

What is meant by the victory of Islam?

Before we delve into discussing the topic at hand, it would be beneficial to first understand what the term “victory of Islam” means. Many people surmise that when the victory of Islam takes place, the entire world will have entered the fold of Islam, and all other religions will have been vanquished. As glorious as this concept may appear to Muslims, however, it is highly unlikely that the entire world

The Promised Messiahas and the Victory of IslamFurhan Ahmad Hamza Qureshi

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enter the fold of Islam as this would appear to be inconsistent with the history of previous nations. Allah the Almighty states in the Holy Qur’an:

“Alas for humankind! There comes not a Messenger to them but they mock at him. Have they not seen how many generations We have destroyed before them, and that they never return to them?” (Holy Qur’an 36:31-32)

According to this statement of the Holy Qur’an, prophets are always looked at with disdain by at least a part of their nation. Such nations are punished for their mockery and rebellion against God and made a sign for those who are to come afterwards. The same occurred with Islam. When the Holy Prophetsa began his mission, he and his followers were cruelly persecuted. Slowly, however, the tide turned and there came a time when roughly twenty years later, and after having migrated from Mecca, he returned to his hometown with ten thousand companions and conquered it peacefully. At that time, despite the dominance of the new Muslim government, there still remained a small population

of disbelievers in Arabia who remained as such for a relatively long period of time. Therefore, the “victory of Islam” does not necessarily mean that everyone in the population will convert to Islam, although we pray that they will. The victory of Islam means that the only worthy, logical, rightly guided and honourable religion will be Islam such that the flaws of all other religions will be as apparent as the sun on a bright day.

Victory of Islam Foretold in the Holy Qur’an

Allah the Almighty, the Knower of the Seen and the Unseen, has grandly foretold the victory of the true religion, Islam, in the Holy Qur’an. He states,

“Allah has decreed: Most surely I will prevail, I and My Messengers.’ Verily, Allah is Powerful, Mighty.” (Holy Qur’an 58:22)

Thus automatically, in accordance to this divine decree, every messenger of Allah is granted

victory. Nonetheless, since the Holy Prophet of Islamsa is the Seal of the Prophets and the purpose of creation of the world, thus it is also necessary that his religion, the religion that God Himself has perfected2, must prevail over all other religions. As the Holy Prophetsa is the Seal of the Prophets, Islam is the Seal of the Religions. Hence, this reality has been mentioned in the Holy Qur’an three times, in three respective chapters, in the following words:

“He it is Who has sent His Messenger, with guidance and the Religion of truth, that He may make it prevail over all other religions. And sufficient is Allah as a Witness.” (Holy Qur’an 48:29)3

In the Holy Qur’an 58:22, Allah the Almighty states that all of His messengers prevail. However, in the Holy Qur’an 48:29, He states that this final victory will be achieved by a Messenger of Islam

Allah has decreed: Most surely I will prevail, I and My Messengers.’ Verily, Allah is Powerful, Mighty.

-The Holy Qur’an Chapter 58 Luqman Verse 22

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whose victory will constitute the victory of all of Allah’s Messengers. As truth must always prevail over falsehood, Islam must prevail over all other religions since they have all been falsified and corrupted. For this reason it is evident that the final victory belongs to Islam. The question which then follows is when will this victory occur? The Promised Messiahas stated,

“Since the period of the prophethood of the Holy Prophetsa extends to the Day of Judgment and he is Khatam-ul-Ańbiya’, God did not so design that mankind should be united in one faith during his lifetime, for this would have marked the end of his era, and one could be led to think that since the task that had been assigned to the Holy Prophetsa had been completed, his prophethood had also come to an end. God, therefore, left the unification of mankind and their acceptance of one faith for the latter part of the prophethood of Muhammadsa, which will also be the time of the approach of the Day of Judgment. For this purpose God appointed a deputy from among this very Ummah, who was named the Promised Messiah and also Khatam-ul-Khulafa’. Thus the Holy Prophetsa stands at the beginning of his prophethood, and the Promised Messiah stands towards the end of it.... All scholars who have preceded me are agreed that this universal triumph would be achieved in the time of the Promised Messiah.”5

Therefore the age of the victory or

triumph of Islam is in fact the age of the Promised Messiahas. It is a great favour of Allah upon us that He decreed that the final victory of Islam is to take place in the Latter Days, under the blessed leadership of the Promised Messiah and Imam Mahdias.

Prophecies of the Holy Prophetsa Regarding the Victory of Islam

In the Hadith, much light has been shed regarding the second advent of the Promised Messiah and his duties, responsibilities and tasks. The consistent theme throughout these Hadith is that the express purpose of the advent of the Promised Messiahas is to bring about Islam’s ultimate victory.

The Holy Prophetsa explained that, when the Promised Messiahas arrives, the Muslims will have become an unfortunate and straying nation. The Holy Prophetsa stated,

“There will come a time upon mankind when nothing will remain of Islam except its name, and nothing will remain of the Qur’an except its words. Their mosques will apparently be occupied but void of guidance. Their scholars will be the most evil of creatures under the canopy of the sky; from them will all mischief sprout and towards them will it return.”6

It would be during that era, when faith will have virtually disappeared, that the Promised Messiah would descend and revive Islam. In another Hadith, the Holy Prophetsa placed his hand on the shoulder of a Persian companion, Hadhrat Salman al-Farsira, and said,

“Even if faith were to ascend to the Suraya, a person from these

people will return it to earth.”7

The person referred in this Hadith is the Promised Messiah, Hadrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas of Qadian who was of Persian descent.7 According to this Hadith, the victory of Islam cannot take place until the advent of the Promised Messiahas, who must first re-establish the faith before it conquers the hearts of humankind.

If, for sake of argument, it is said that the absolute victory of Islam took place in the blessed era of the Holy Prophetsa, which it did in some regards, then the question arises: why, then, would Islam have vanished after this victory? Isn’t victory that monumental achievement after which the victor should have no threat of defeat? Victory is not the name given to a temporary achievement in which the victor is still prone to defeat. Victory is final and all-encompassing and as such, the victory of Islam should be far above all other worldly and spiritual victories. How could Islam have prevailed if it had vanished from the face of the earth? Thus it was necessary that the Promised Messiahas – the second manifestation of the Holy Prophetsa – appear on earth and bring back Islam from the Suraya so that its beauty is once again shown to the world and so that it may conquer the hearts of humankind once and for all. And so he did.

Once, while prophesying the establishment of Khilafat in Islam, the Holy Prophetsa said,

“Prophethood will remain among you as long as Allah wills. He will then cause it to end. Then a Khilafat will be

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established in the footsteps of prophethood which will last for as long as Allah wills. He will then cause it to end. Kinghood will follow which will inflict great pain and misery on its subjects. Its rule will last for as long as Allah wills. He will then cause it to end. After this, tyrannical monarchies will follow. Their rule will last for as long as Allah wills. He will then cause it to end. Then, the Khilafat will be re-established in the footsteps of prophethood. [Thereafter the Holy Prophetsa was silent.].”

The final words of this Hadith are worthy of note. The fact that the Holy Prophetsa prophesied the re-advent of Khilafat in the Latter Days is an indication that Islam’s final victory is to come at the hands of the Khilafat which is to succeed the Promised Messiahas. The silence of the Holy Prophetsa means that through this Khilafat, the victory of Islam will be final and complete such that all the false and corrupted religions will be vanquished.

The Victory of Islam according to the Promised Messiahas

The Promised Messiahas wrote extensively on the victory of Islam which is to take place in his era. In his commentary of the relevant verse from the Holy Qur’an, Promised Messiahas stated,

“‘He it is Who sent His Messenger with guidance and the religion of truth, that He may make it prevail over every other religion, even though the idolaters may dislike it.’ [Holy Qur’an 9:33] The meaning of ‘messenger’ is one who has been appointed and sent –

one who has appeared for the help of the religion of Islam. The core of this prophecy is that God, Who has raised this appointed one, has said this so that through the appointed one’s hands the religion of Islam is granted victory over other religions. From the very beginning, it is thus necessary that this appointed one and his community be oppressed but the victory will take place at the end and this religion will be granted victory over all other religions through this appointed one and all other nations will be destroyed after a clash with manifest truth.”10

Therefore, according to this quotation of the Promised Messiahas, the final victory of Islam will take place through him and his community.

At the moment, while the situation may be difficult and the task impossible, the Promised Messiahas has given us the glad tidings that after all of the oppression and persecution, his community will prevail and usher in Islam’s final victory.

The following quote from the Promised Messiahas is sufficient for summarizing this subject,

“Spiritually, the victory of the religion of Islam, which is founded upon confounding arguments and illuminating proofs, is destined to take place through this humble one either during his life or after his death. Even though the religion of Islam has always been prevalent due to its truthful evidences, and even though its enemies have been disgraced

and dishonoured since the very beginning, however its victory over different sects and nations demanded the advent of such a time that would all countries of the world united, due to the opening of different avenues.11

According to the Promised Messiahas, the era of the final victory of Islam is to be an era where the world would be seamlessly interconnected and united, just as it is today due to the wide membership in the United Nations, globalization and a wide-array of technological advancements (such as the telephone, internet and satellite television). Therefore, all should be assured that the time for the victory of Islam is nigh.


In conclusion, the verses of the Holy Qur’an and the prophecies of the Holy Prophetsa all identify the era of the Promised Messiahas as the era of the victory of Islam. The Promised Messiahas commented on this truth in many of his books, a very small sample of which has already been presented. The victory of Islam is decreed, and thus shall happen. We have been blessed with the divine favour of having been born in the blessed era of the Promised Messiahas, so if not us, then our progeny will indeed witness the actual fulfillment of the prophecies and divine promise regarding the victory of Islam –

“Our Lord, give us what Thou hast promised to us through Thy

The Promised Messiahas and the Victory of Islam

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20 Title

Messengers; and disgrace us not on the Day of Resurrection. Surely, Thou breakest not Thy promise.”(Holy Qur’an 3:195)

“O my Lord, show me the glory and grandeur of this religion; vanquish all false religions – this is my prayer.”12

Bibliography1. The Holy Qur’an with English

Translation – Hadhrat Maulawi Sher Ali (translator); © 2004, 3rd edition, Islam International Publications Ltd.

2. Hadeeqatus Saliheen – pp. 892-902; Hadhrat Malik Saifur Rahman (compiler); © 2003, 3rd edition, Nazarat Nashr-o-Isha’at Sadr Anjuman Ahmadiyya Qadian.

3. Tafsir Hadrat Masih Mau’ud Vol: 4 – p. 253; Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadianas; © 2004, 2nd edition, Nazarat Nashr-o-Isha’at Sadr Anjuman Ahmadiya Qadian.

4. Tafsir Hadrat Masih Mau’ud Vol: 7 – p. 356; Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadianas; © 2004, 2nd

edition, Nazarat Nashr-o-Isha’at Sadr Anjuman Ahmadiyya Qadian.

5. The Essence of Islam: Vol. 4 – pp. 73-74; writings of Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadianas; © 2006, 1st edition, Islam International Publications Ltd.

6. Durr-e-Thamin – pp. 66, 104; Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadianas ; © 2004, 2nd edition, Nazarat Nashr-o-Isha’at Sadr Anjuman Ahmadiyya Qadian.

7. Masih aur Mahdi: Hadhrat Muhammad Rusulullah ki Nazar Mein – pp. 25-75; Hafiz Muzaffar Ahmad; © 1998, 1st edition, Islam International Publications Ltd.

8. Hayaat-e-Tayyiba – p. 1; Hadhrat Sheikh Abdul Qadir; © 2001, 2nd edition, Nazarat Nashr-o-Isha’at Sadr Anjuman Ahmadiyya Qadian.

Endnotes1. Durr-e-Thamin, p. 672. Holy Qur’an 5:4. 3. Also see Holy Qur’an 9 :33 and

61 :10.4. Holy Qur’an 17:82.5. Chashma-e-Ma‘rifat, Ruhani

Khaza’in, vol. 23, pp. 90-91; in reference to The Essence of Islam, Vol. 4, pp.73-74

6. Mishkat, Kitab-ul-‘Ilm

7. Bukhari, Kitab-ut-Tafsir Sura Jumu’ah

8. Hayaat-e-Tayyiba, p.19. Masnad Ahmad bin Hanbal, Vol. 5,

p. 342, no. 1793910. Siraj-e-Munir, Ruhani Khaza’in,

Vol. 12, pp. 36-37; also see Tafsir Hadrat Masih Mau’ud, Vol. 4, p. 253

11. Brahin-e-Ahmadiyya, Ruhani Khaza’in, Vol. 1, pp. 498-499, sub footnote; see also Tafsir Hadrat Masih Mau’ud, Vol. 7, p. 356

12. Durr-e-Thamin, p. 104

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21The Philosophy of the System of Khilafat

This following is the text of a speech delivered by the author on Jalsa Khilafat Day celebrated on May 27, 2006 at Baitul Hamd Mosque, Mississauga.

In my speech, I will focus on how Khilafat began after the passing away of the Promised Messiah (as) and how it became a source of unity, guidance and blessings for us all. The Holy Qur’an states,

Allah had promised to those among you who believe and do good works that He will surely make them Successors in the earth, as He made Successors from among those who were before them; and that He will surely establish for them their religion which He has chosen for them; and that He will surely give them in exchange security and peace after their fear: They will worship Me, and they will not associate anything with Me. Then who so is ungrateful after that, they will be the rebellious. (Holy Quran 24:56)

According to this verse of the Holy Qur’an, when Allah makes successors in the earth, feelings of fear and insecurity transform into feelings of peace and security. How does Khilafat give us security and peace of mind? Why is Khilafat

necessary to give us feelings of security? Will this security be assured to us forever?

The purpose of the institution of Khilafat is to bring people closer to Allah. Allah sends prophets to remind people that Allah is the Ultimate Reality and one should completely devote one’s self towards Him. After the prophets complete their mission, the challenge is to maintain the unity of the community and to keep it on the right path. This task requires a leader who possesses firm faith and exemplary righteousness. The Khalifa is that leader, elected but actually chosen by Allah.

According to the Promised Messiah (as), citing the Holy Qur’an, the Ahmadiyya Jama’at shall possesses Khilafat until the end of time. He stated as follows:

“[T]till the end of time, you will have spiritual life and material vision from God and the people of other religions and nations will receive this light from you and with this spiritual life and this material vision, you will be able to invite others towards Islam. Such ability in you, in other words is the spirit of Khilafat.”1

Hence Khilafat is the source of tabligh (propagation), talim (education) and tarbiyyat (moral training) in the community.

The fundamental function of Khalifa is to carry on the message and mission of the prophet being succeeded into the future without losing the spirit of this message and mission. This task is facilitated when the community is united and strong behind its Khalifa.

Preservation of Message & Unity of the Community

Think of your sports team or a department in your company. When a great captain in your hockey team or an excellent manager in your company suddenly departs, we feel sadness and anxiety regarding who will become our next leader? Will that leader be able to successfully lead our team or department against the competition?

There is always a fear that someone will use this opportunity for their own selfish gains. But once a good captain is chosen and the team unites under his leadership, the fear is replaced by a peace of mind.

Now imagine the passing away of a messenger of Allah. How would a community feel? How did Muslims feel when the perfect human being,

The Philosophy of the System of KhilafatAtif Mir

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22 The Philosophy of the System of Khilafat

the Holy Prophet Muhammad (sa), passed away from this world? How did Ahmadis feel when the Promised Messiah (as) passed away? When a messenger passes away, it is not just sadness of separation that the community faces, but also the fear of whether the community is ready or capable to continue carrying forth the message of the messenger to the world.

Another fear is that we might remain unified and thus succumb to division and petty squabbling internally, and hence fail to protect and preserve the message of the messenger, let alone convey it. However, as the message of a prophet is the message of Allah, Allah ensures it will continue to spread by appointing a Khalifa to carry out this task. By taking the helm of leadership of the community, the Khalifa maintains its unity.

As stated by Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih IV (rh), and harmony are necessary for the teachings of Islam to be practiced. For example, praying 5 times a day in the mosque requires an imam (prayer leader) to be present. Standing behind an imam is a demonstration of unity among the people. That is precisely why the Holy Qur’an emphasizes the praying in congregation. According to Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih IV (rh), if an imam is such a necessary figure for daily prayers in a mosque, then he must also be necessary for the basic survival and progress of the entire Muslim ummah (community) generally.

According to Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih II (ra), a Khalifa has two primary objectives:

1. to safeguard the community

from contamination of any kind; and

2. to unify and provide guidance to the membership through his leadership.2

When the community is united under the leadership of the Khalifa, all the individual talent, skill and passion of the members of the community are channeled and coordinated by the Khalifa, thereby facilitating the quicker and easier success of the community and the achievement of its goals.

Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih I (ra), arranged for the education of the community by establishing religious newspapers and schools. Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih II (ra) continued this task. Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih III (rh) established libraries and schools in Africa. Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih IV (ra) founded MTA for the spiritual training of Ahmadis and for tabligh to all of humanity. All these great achievements required vast human resources. Therefore, these tremendous successes can only be achieved when the membership is united behind the Khalifa thereby mobilizing to allow his vision to come into reality.

The Continuous Need for Khilafat

If Islam has already been perfected for us as our religion, then why would we need anything else to allay our fear and insecurity? When we have the Holy Qur’an, the Hadith and the books of the Promised Messiah (as), why do we need a Khalifa to turn our fear into peace? To answer these questions, we must first understand human nature.

The Promised Messiah (as) stated

that, according to the Holy Qur’an, humans are born in the state of nafse ammarah. What is nafse ammarah? Nafse ammarah is the state of soul whereby a man’s soul incites him towards evil in order to pull him away from his moral and spiritual growth and perfection. The second state of one’s soul is nafse lawwama which is entered into when man begins to reproach himself for his actions, and he strives to discard evil and educate himself regarding religious teachings. In this state, man tries to live his life in accordance with higher moral principles but has no yet achieved complete success. The third state is nafse mutmainnah which is the “soul at rest”, or the state whereby man has overcome all of his weaknesses and he is granted personal communion with Allah.

According to this description of the 3 stages of the soul, some men live like animals, some live like angels, while others are in the middle. Those who are in the middle strive to stay on the right path, but sometimes they slip. It may be argued that most of us are in the middle – we know the difference between right and wrong, but due to our moral weaknesses and succumbing to worldly temptations, we occasionally make incorrect choices and err. That is why the Holy Qur’an tells us to “continue to admonish, for admonition always helps.”(87:10)

Through his Friday sermons, the Khalifa continuously admonishes us in order to keep us on the right path. Indeed, after listening to each Friday sermon of Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih, do we not feel spiritually renewed and ready to continue striving to overcome our moral weaknesses?

According to modern Western

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23The Philosophy of the System of Khilafat

philosophy, humans possess the rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. In other words, humans are free to choose their destiny, build their own future and choose a purpose that suits them. Islam teaches us that our freedom must be exercised in a manner which seeks the pleasure of Allah. The constant guidance and admonishment of the Khalifa ensures that we are reminded of this.

In our material lives, most of us succeed only when we are constantly admonished. Parents and teachers remind us that we must study hard if we want to excel in school. Counselors remind us that if we want good jobs we must develop required skills. All who care about us constantly admonish us. Therefore, Allah has appointed a Khalifa to admonish us in order to ensure our spiritual success in this life and the Hereafter.

Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih II (ra) stated that under the Islamic system of government, Khalifat is separate from the state. Under the Islamic system, there will be a head of state who will take care of political, social and economic matters. The system of Khilafat will be a parallel structure whose sole job will be to provide spiritual guidance to the people as well as to the state. Therefore, Khalifa serves a crucial function in the affairs of society by providing a constant means of guidance and admonishment on moral and spiritual matters both on us as individuals as well as on our governing institutions.

Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih I (ra) used the example of our solar system. All planets revolve around

the sun. Nature tells us that having a central leadership for any organization is necessary. The Companions of the Holy Prophet (sa) all marched forward in spiritual and worldly matters thanks to his leadership. Despite the fact that we have the Holy Qur’an, the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (sa), Muslims are victims of humiliation. This is all due to one reason and one reason only – they lack an Amir whom they must all obey.3

Will Khilafat Continue Forever?

The Holy Prophet Muhammad (sa) prophesied the following regarding Khilafat:

“Prophethood shall remain among you as long as Allah shall will. He will bring about its end and follow it with

Khilafat on the precepts of prophethood for as long as He shall will and then bring about its end. A tyrannical monarchy will then follow and will remain as long as Allah shall will and then come to an end. There will follow thereafter monarchial despotism to last as long as Allah shall will and come to an end upon His decree. There will then emerge Khilafat on precept of prophethood.”4

After making this statement, the Holy Prophet (sa) said no more thereby indicating that the re-emergence of Khilafat will endure uncorrupted and uninterrupted. Based on history, we know that the Khulafa-e-Rashideen were in fact replaced by a tyrannical monarchy

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and monarchical despotism, in that order, making the prophecy absolutely and credible from that perspective. In this age, we have now seen the re-emergence of a Khilafat which is unique in that it emerged also on the precepts of prophethood. Therefore, this Khilafat shall endure. This interpretation is supported by the words of the Promised Messiah (as) in his book Al-Wasiyyat in which he stated that, after his passing away, the second manifestation of Allah will remain with us forever.

However, in Al-Wasiyyat, the Promised Messiah (as) issued the following warning,

“Don’t expect that Allah will help you; even if you have the slightest consideration of worldliness in your affairs, all your worship is useless. If you do so, you are following Satan and not Allah. In that situation, you will only be like an insect on the earth and soon you will perish like an insect. Thus there will no God in you and God will be happy to wipe you out.”5

Allah has granted us with the blessings of Khilafat. However, it is up to us whether we benefit from it or not. Remember, the blessings alone will not take us to our destination. That is why Allah has

said this in the Holy Qur’an:

“But as for those who follow guidance, He adds to their guidance, and bestows on them righteousness suited to their condition.” (Holy Quran 47:18).


Imagine a bird flying in the wind. When birds fly, the wind sometimes blows in the opposite direction and slows the bird down. Occasionally the wind does blow in the direction of the bird’s flight. Think of yourself as a bird and think of the wind as the blessings of Khilafat. The blessings in itself do not make us fly. We have to fly on our own and we have to fly in the right direction. That is, we have to fly towards our spiritual goals. Only then, the winds of the blessings of Khilafat will help us to fly faster and smoother. The blessings of Khilafat are a favourable wind for us as individuals as well as for the Jama’at as a whole but these blessings can only be realized by us when we remain united under the guidance of the Khalifa and strive in obedience to his admonitions. The Promised Messiah (as) stated:

“Bai’at is only a seed. The seed can’t become a fruit unless the soil is prepared and regularly watered and fertilized and constantly protected by the

farmer. Unless a farmer does all these things he can’t hope to reap the crop. Thus the crop will only belong to the one who remains a complete and whole time farmer.”6

Bai’at is only the beginning and the final outcome of the journey depends upon how we take care of the seed and transform it into a rich crop. The manual for our journey us the Holy Qur’an and the model of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (sa), as interpreted by the Promised Messiah (as), but our guide through our spiritual journey is the Imam of the time, namely, the Khalifa appointed by Allah for this task.

May Allah continue to guide us to become the strong hands of Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih so that we continue to receive the blessings of Khilafat. Ameen.


1. Tafseer Surah Maryam to Surah Ankabut by Hadhrat Masih Maud (as) (Page 291)

2. Khutbat- e- Mahmood, page 4213. Hayat- e- Nur. 1st ed. , page 643-

644)4. Masnad Ahmad bin Hanbal.

Mishkat, Bab alanzar wa altahzeer, vol. 5, page 404

5. Al-Wasiyyat. Rohani Khaza’in, vol. 20, page 9

6. Malfoozat. 4th ed. vol. 4, page 29

The Philosophy of the System of Khilafat

“Bai’at is only a seed. The seed can’t become a fruit unless the soil is prepared and regularly watered and fertilized and constantly protected by the farmer. Unless a farmer does all these things he can’t hope to reap the crop. Thus the crop will only belong to the one who remains a complete and whole time farmer.”

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25Award of Exceptional Recognition

Mr. Tariq Saeed and Mr. Michael McHale with Chief of Police Calgary

Rick Hanson, Chief of Police Calgary presenting award to Mr. Tariq Saeed of Calgary North West Jama’at

Award of Exceptional Recognition of an

AhmadiOn March 7, 2008, a woman was making a cash deposit into an Automated Teller Machine (ATM) in a downtown Calgary building when she was assaulted from behind by a man demanding her money. The startled woman threw her money into the air as she was forced to the ground by her assailant and kicked in the ribs.

While the man was collecting the victim’s money from the floor, the victim ran, screaming for help to her husband, who was waiting nearby in their car.

Two concerned citizens, Mr. Michael McHale and Mr. Tariq Saeed were both driving in the area when they saw the victim running from the building, crying for help. They then saw a man running from the building. Simultaneously, the two men recognized what must have transpired. They exited their vehicles and began to chase the suspect on foot. Meanwhile, the victim’s husband called the police.

The fleeing man attempted to board a city bus but Mr. McHale stepped in front of the bus, signaling the driver not to leave. The offender exited the bus and continued to flee on foot.

Eventually, Mr. McHale, Mr. Saeed and the victim’s husband were able to overtake the man and surround him until police arrived on the scene and were able to arrest him.

In recognition of their selfless actions in coming to the aid of a fellow citizen, Mr. Michael McHale and Mr. Tariq Saeed were presented with an Award of Exceptional Recognition.


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26 Inauguration of Masjid Noor, Bangladesh

On May 22, 2009, in Fatullah, Narayanganj, Bangladesh, approximately 20 km from Dhaka, Masjid Noor was inaugurated. To mark the occasion, Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih Vab issued a special message in which he prayed that this mosque spread the light (noor) of the true Islam to its surrounding communities and that it be a continuous source of social peace and harmony. As the real beauty of a mosque is not its architecture, but rather, its congregation, Hadhrat Sahibab advised the worshippers of this mosque to remain ever-attached to it. The worshippers should strive to practice and convey the teachings of Ahmadiyyat, the true Islam, and to remove all misconceptions and misunderstandings regarding it. A special request for prayers was made on behalf of Majlis Ansarullah Bangladesh for their efforts in building the mosque during the Khilafat Centenary.

Masjid Noor’s first adhan was

delivered by Mohammad Ibrahim Hussain. Some verses of the Holy Qur’an’s Sura Noor were recited by Maulana Abdul Aziz Sadiq Sahib (retired Murabi Silsila and Qaid Tarbiyyat Nau Mubayin, Majlis Ansarullah). The Ansarullah pledge was led by Ahmad Tabshir Chaudhry (Sadr, Majlis Ansarullah). Silent and Friday prayers were led by Mubashir ur Rahman (Amir Jama’at Bangladesh). In the afternoon, a lecture entitled Seerat e Rasul (as) (Life of the Messenger (as)) was delivered by Maulana Abdul Awwal Khan Chaudhry (Missionary-in-Charge and Naib Amir Jama’at Bangladesh). By the grace of Allah, the celebrations were well-attended by the various Jama’at and auxiliary office-bearers as well as by the

general membership.

Masjod Noor is a two-storied structure consisting of 2,600 square feet, and can be further expanded as needed. It is housed on 3 bighas of land owned by the Bangladesh Jama’at. It possesses one dome and 5 minarets, representing the five Khulafa of the Ahmadiyya Jama’at. The structure also possesses 100 arches, representing the 100 years of Ahmadiyya Khilafat.

May Allah bless Masjod Noor and all those who strove financially and logistically to achieve its construction. Ameen.

Majlis Amila` of Ansarullah Bangladesh with National Ameer Mobasher ur Rahman & Missionary Incharge

Abdul Awwal Khan Chowdhury

Inauguration Silent Prayer

Masjid Noor

Inauguration of Masjid Noor, Bangladesh

Photos by: Ahmad Tabshir, Bangladesh

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27Report of CKA Celebrations

Report of CKA CelebrationKhalid Iqbal Qureshi, Secretary CKAC Canada

On May 27, 2008, the Worldwide Ahmadiyya Muslim Community celebrated the centenary of the divine establishment of the holy institution of Khilafat. To mark this occasion, the year 2008 was designated for “Centenary Khilafat Ahmadiyya Celebrations” during which events were

held to celebrate this blessing. All CKA events fulfilled both spiritual and ceremonial celebratory mandates.

The primary purpose of the CKA Celebration events was to encourage the establishment or re-establishment of a personal connection of the members of the Ahmadiyya Jama’at with Khilafat-e-Ahmadiyya. This would be achieved by highlighting the divine ordinance regarding the establishment of Khilafat in the Ahmadiyya Jama’at and reviewing its divinely-assisted history, and by encouraging each member to continue to pray for its success. Given that the victory of Islam is to be achieved at the hands of Khilafat -e-Ahmadiyya, the secondary purpose was to utilize the CKA Celebrations for tabligh purposes as the subject of the importance of the institution of Khilafat is central to conveying the message, teachings, aims and objectives of the Ahmadiyya Jama’at.

In furtherance of the spiritual mandate, beginning in October 2007, encouragement to offer extra voluntary prayers (nawafil), fasting and the memorization and invocation of a series of prayers provided to us by

Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih V (aa) began to be publicized. In furtherance of the ceremonial celebratory mandate, throughout the year, the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at Canada (AMJC) initiated 49 plans.

The following were some of the initiatives and highlights of the CKA Celebrations:

1. The “Spiritual Preparedness Plan” was given by Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih V (aa) and its implementation was encouraged and its progress was monitored by AMJC.

2. The National Wasiyyat Dept. achieved its target of converting 50% of AMJC’s Chanda Aam payers into Moosian.

3. Since January 2003, 55 of the Nau Moba’een (new converts) had been lost from the system of Jama’at. Although the National Department for Nau Muba’een was to re-assimilate 55% of them back to Jama’at, by the grace of Allah, it did so with 80% of them. On the 3rd day of Jalsa Salana Canada, (48) Nau Muba’een were blessed with the opportunity to meet Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih V (aa). In addition, Nau Muba’een “Appreciation Days” were successfully held on February 2, 2008 and May 4, 2008.

4. Five Friday Sermons were delivered on the topic of “Importance and System of Zakat” which served as reminders to the members of the Jama’at regarding their Zakat obligations.

5. In June 2008, the National Department of Talimul Qur’an & Waqfe Ardhi published the 5th Edition of “Basics of Religious Education.” A total of 10,000 copies were printed.

6. The collection of 278 Urdu letters of the Promised

Khalid Iqbal Qureshi

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Messiah (as) entitled “Maktoobat Vol. 5 Part 3” were assigned to AMJC for English translation, and all have now been successfully translated.

7. In Bradford, Ontario, 250 acres of land was purchased for the future development of Jalsagah, Jamia Ahmadiyya and Maqbarah Moosian. Development plans are in the process of being submitted to the township for approval.

8. In Peace Village, two “Guest Houses” were built. During the visit of Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih V (aa), these guest houses were utilized by his entourage.

9. Centenary Khilafat Ahmadiyya (CKA) Souvenirs were made and distributed to special guests and friends of the Jama’at at all events or when visiting with them. A complete set of souvenirs was sent as a gift package from Canada Jama’at to 14 large Ahmadiyya Jama’ats around the world.

10. A mobile exhibition trailer (which houses religious literature, audio, video and large information billboards and posters) was dedicated and will travel to remote towns to assist tabligh efforts. The billboards and posters serve as a mobile exhibition for use at interfaith symposia or other Jama’at events. They include the following:

• Life and character of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (sa)

• Life and character of the Promised Messiah (as) and the Khulafa-e-Ahmadiyyat (ra).

• Teachings of Islam and Ahmadiyyat

• The Institution of Khilafat in Islam.

• Humanitarian Services offered by the Ahmadiyya Jama’at

• Profiles of Hadhrat Sir Muhammad

Zafarullah Khan (ra) and Dr. Abdul Salam

• “Love for All, Hatred for None” banner

11. The Ahmadiyya Gazette Canada published a commemorative edition to celebrate the Khilafat Centenary. Each of Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya, Majlis Ansarullah and Lajna Imaillah published Khilafat-themed editions and will be publishing commemorative editions soon.

12. The first draft of the book, “History of the Ahmadiyya Jama’at Canada” is now complete and is expected to be published soon.

13. A commemorative postage stamp entitled “100 Years of Khilafat” was released in May 2008. 5000 stamps were printed. The limited quantities of the stamp are for sale at Jama’at book stalls.

14. Auxiliary Organizations had organized essay writing, speech and quiz competitions as follows:

Essay Writing Competition:

Topic: “The System of Khilafat”

Total Essays received = 21 [Majlis Ansarullah = 6, Khuddamul Ahmadiyya =11, Lajna Imaillah = 4]

The prizes to be distributed were as follows:

• 1st Prize – Complete set of Roohani Khaza`in + $1000 + Certificate of Merit

Report of CKA Celebrations

250 Acres Jalsa Gah, Bradford

Calligraphy by Ch. Hadi Ali sahib

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29Report of CKA Celebrations

• 2nd Prize – Complete set of Tafseer Kabir + Haqa`iqul Furqan + $500 + Certificate of Merit

• Appreciation Prize – Complete set of Anwarul `Uloom + $300 + Certificate of Merit

The winners, announced on May 27, 2008, were as follows:

(a) Majlis Ansarullah

1st Prize – Hadi Ali Choudhry

2nd Prize – Mushtaq Ahmad Shaiq

Appreciation Prize – Abdul Latif Khan

(b) Majlis Khuddamul-Ahmadiyya

1st Prize – Farhan Iqbal

2nd Prize – Shakoor Ahmad Baloch

Appreciation Prize – Faran Rabbani

(c) Lajna Imaillah

1st Prize – Rafia Sadiqa Khalil

1st Prize – Atia tul Hamid Shaikh

Appreciation Prize – Mubashra Mahmood

Appreciation Prize – Afsheen Hamid

Speech Competitions

Organized by the Auxiliary Organizations during their Ijtima`at programmes.

Quiz Competitions

Organized by the Auxiliary Organizations during their Ijtima`at and Talim programmes.

Khuddamul Ahmadiyya had organized the Final Quiz competition during Khilafat Day program on May 27, 2008 held at Baitul mosque, Maple, Ontario.

Syllabus Examinations

Markaz had assigned the following 3 books as the syllabus:

(1) “Al-Wasiyyat” by the Promised Messiah (as)

(2) “Nubuwwat and Khilafat” (a collection of lectures by Jama’at scholars)

(3) “The Truth about the Split” by Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih II (ra)

Examinations were conducted in local Jama’ats by the Auxiliary Organizations.

15. On March 14 and May 26, Lajna Imaillah hosted two Musha`irah events at Baitul Islam Mosque. On May 24, Majlis Ansarullah hosted a Musha`irah event held at the marquee on the grounds of the Baitul Islam Mosque. The themes for each of these events was “Khilafat”. Over 1000 people attended these events. Special presentations by poets were made by Jamil-ur-Rehman (Holland), Mehdi Ali (USA) and Nasir Ahmad Parwazi (Canada).

16. Members of Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya performed Waqar-e-`Amal at mosques and prayer

Khilafat Jubilee Banquet - Toronto

Jalsa Seerutun Nabi (sa) March 20, 2008

Jalsa Muleh Mau’ud(ra) Feb. 20, 2008

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centres across Canada. In addition, 210 Khuddam performed 2 hours of community service (clearing garbage and trash from city streets) beginning at 3:00 am on New Year’s Day – January 1, 2008.

17. Homeowners were encouraged to plant trees and flowers and beautify their lawns and properties to commemorate the Khilafat Centenary. In Peace Village, awards were distributed for the best landscaping. The National Zirat Department maintained the landscaping of the Baitul Islam Mosque, Jamia Ahmadiyya, the Missionary In-Charge’s residence and the Peace Village guest houses. Local Zirat Secretaries did the same for their local mosques and mission houses.

18. MTA Canada is preparing to release a DVD recording of the various celebrations and events held in Canada throughout the Centenary Khilafat year.

19. The following addresses of Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih V (ab) were printed in booklet form for tabligh distribution purposes:

• “Freedom of Speech and Tolerance in Islam”

(Baitul Futuh Mosque (UK), March 25, 2006).• “Restoring World Peace” (Baitul Futuh Mosque

(UK), March 24, 2007)• “The Ahmadiyya Muslim Khilafat – Essential

Guidance for a Troubled World” (Hilton Conference Centre (Toronto), June 25, 2008)

• “For All Mankind Till the End of Time” (Baitun Nur Mosque, Calgary Canada, July 5, 2009)

20. The National Tabligh Department prepared and printed a pamphlet entitled “Islam: Religion of Peace”. The publication of this pamphlet was approved by Markaz UK. The number of pamphlets printed is the highest for any publication in Ahmadiyya Jama’at history.

21. The National Tabligh Department organized a National Tabligh Day. A full report of this day was provided in a previous Ahmadiyya Gazette Canada.

22. The National Isha’at Department received the following books which were distributed to local Jama’ats:

Report of CKA Celebrations

Khialfat Jubilee Banquet - Sydney, NS

Jasla Khilafat Jubilee - May 27, 2008 Inauguration of Baitul Afiyat Scarborough

CKA Banquet held in Ottawa, ON

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From Qadian: Arabic = 514, English = 1504, Urdu = 14452 Total = 16,470

From London: Bengali = 100, English = 3100, French = 4925 Total = 8,125

23. The following Ijlas were convened with the theme “Institution of Khilafat Ahmadiyya”:

• Jalsa Musleh Mau`ud (ra) held on February 20, 2008 with over 4500 attendance

• (2) Ijlas Seerat-un-Nabi (sa) were held on March 20 and December 15, 2008 with almost 7,000 attendance in each session.

• Jalsa Masih Mau`ud (as) held on March 23, 2008 with almost 7000 attendance

24. On May 27, 2008, members of the Jama’at gathered across Canada for Tahajud and Fajr prayers and to listen to the live relay of the address of the Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih V (aa). Members gathered in mosques, community centers, mission houses and homes across the country. The day was widely covered by the mainstream media, including coverage for the first time by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) which began its coverage with the Tahajud prayers at the Baitul Islam Mosque and continued it throughout the day. CBC relayed its coverage through television, radio

and the internet throughout the day. Extensive coverage was also provided by OMNI News as well as other media outlets.

At the Baitul Islam Mosque, Khilafat Day celebrations took place from May 24 to 27. These celebrations included:

• Educational, religious & sports competitions organized by the auxiliary organizations

• Fun Fair for children.

• The annual “Run for Vaughan” marathon to raise the funds for the Vaughan hospital. The marathon consists of a 10 km run or a 3 km walk. Almost 400 people participated.

The following were the winners:

10 Km Run:

1st Prize: Mario Iozzo (22 years old)

2nd Prize: Ishfaq Ahmad (18 years old, Brampton Jama’at)

3 Km WALK:

1st Prize: Lal Khan Malik (President, AMJC.)

2nd Prize: Usman Mangla (Peace Village Jama’at)

25. The following cities and towns officially declared May 27th as “Khilafat Day”:

1. City of Vaughan, Ontario

2. Town of Newmarket, Ontario

3. Town of Whitechurch-Stouffville, Ontario

4. Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury, Ontario

5. City of Prince Albert, Saskatchewan

6. City of Ottawa, Ontario

7. City of Edmonton, Alberta

Report of CKA Celebrations

Silent Prayer on Khilafat Jubilee

Khilafat Jubilee Banquet - Montreal

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8. Regional Municipality of Halifax, Nova Scotia

9. City of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

10. Town of Grand Falls-Windsor, Newfoundland and Labrador

The following Mayors delivered messages of congratulations:

1. David Miller, Mayor of Toronto

2. Frank Scarpitti, Mayor of Markham

The following legislatures delivered messages of congratulations during their legislative sessions:

1. Parliament of Canada

2. Parliament of Alberta

3. Parliament of British Columbia

4. Parliament of Ontario

5. Parliament of Saskatchewan

6. Proclamation presented by NDP opposition House Leader of Edmonton-Strathcona in parliament on June 2, 2008

26. On June 23, 2008, the Khilafat Jubilee Bicycle Journey from Ottawa to Toronto began. The following participated in the bicycle journey from Ottawa to Toronto travelling almost 400 km over 4 days arriving at Baitul Islam Mosque on June 26 to attend Jalsa Salana Canada (Toronto):

Mubashar Tariq – Ameer Qafila (Ottawa)

Mazhar Chaudhry – Organizer (Ottawa)

Faheem Affan – Team Leader (Ottawa)

Awais Mehmood (Ottawa)

Fawad Khan (Ottawa)

Gulzar Ahmad (Ottawa)

Amar Choudhry (Montreal)

27. Jalsa Salana Canada (Toronto) and Jalsa Salana Western Canada (Calgary) were held on June 27-29 and July 4-5, respectively. Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih V (aa) graced both events with his presence.

28. On July 4, the Baitun Nur Mosque, Calgary was officially inaugurated with the Friday prayer service and the delivery of the sermon by Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih V (aa).

29. Over the course of the year, the following CKA Banquets were organized by the following Jama’ats:

Date Jama’at Guests Jama’at Members

Total Guests

June 1 Saskatoon 155 75 230June 4 Edmonton 104 196 300June 25 Toronto 520 230 750July 5 Calgary 900 3700 4600

Oct. 25 Vancouver 95 120 215Oct. 27 Ottawa 169 88 257

Nov. 5 Newfound-land 81 9 90

Nov. 9 Nova Scotia 107 28 135

Nov. 27 Montreal 184 76 260

Note: The (2) Main Centenary Banquets held in Toronto and Calgary were blessed with the presence of Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih V (aa).

Report of CKA Celebrations

Amir sahib presenting Education Awards on Khilafat Jubilee

Khuddam from Ottawa Khialfat Jubilee Bicycle Journey

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On June 25, 2008 the Centenary Banquet was held at Hilton Hotel, Markham, Ontario. The keynote speaker was Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih V (aa) and he spoke on the true concept of Jihad (holy struggle) in Islam. The event was attended by over 700 guests consisting of representatives of all levels of government, faith and community leaders, academics, media and professionals.

On July 5, 2008 the Centenary Banquet was held in calgary at Baitun Nur mosque premises. Prime Minister Stephen Harper attended the inauguration of the mosque and delivered a message in which he stated that the Ahmadiyya Jama’at represents the “true and benevolent face of Islam” and that Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih V (ab) is a “champion of peace”.

30. “Jalsa Religious Founders’ Day” was organized by the following Jama’ats:

The common topic was “Founders of Religion as Role Model to Society”

• Weston South on August 27, 2008

• Peace Village Center on October 21, 2008

• Saskatoon on November 2, 2008

• Calgary North East on November 12, 2008

• Brampton Center on November 16, 2008

• Windsor on November 22, 2008

• Ottawa on November 22, 2008

• Toronto Central on November 27, 2008

• Surrey West, B.C. on December 2, 2008 (held at Abbots Ford)

• Surrey East, B.C. on December 3, 2008 (held at Chillowack)

• Toronto East on December 7, 2008

31. 27 Khilafat-themed banners (4’ x 20’) were designed, prepared, and were used in all during CKA programs. On these banners are multi-coloured calligraphy text-styles in Arabic, Urdu and English. Some of the banners contain quotations from the Khulafa-e-Ahmadiyya in praise of Canada. The art calligraphy was prepared by Chaudhry Hadi Ali sahib.

32. A few additional events were also acknowledged:

• Inauguration of a wind mill installed at

Report of CKA Celebrations

Members of Jama’at gathered after Tahjud Prayers on Khilafat Jubilee Day

Police Officers attend Khilafat Jubilee Events CKA Banquet held in Ottawa, ON

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Bradford property by Hazdhrat Khalifatul Masih V (aa) on June 30, 2008.

• Inauguration of the enclosed langar khana cooking facility on June 26, 2008

• Purchase of a new office facility for Lajna Ima’illah Canada on Ahmadiyya Ave., Peace Village

• Inauguration of the Ahmadiyya mosque in Scarborough on November 29, 2008

• Canada Day celebrations by Atfal and Nisirat on July 1, 2008.

Memories of the CKA Celebration will remain in the minds and souls of each Jama’at member for years

to come. By the grace of Allah, through the CKA Celebration events, many non-Ahmadis and non-Muslims gained a tremendous familiarity with Islamic terminology and the phrase, “Love for All, Hatred for None,” thereby allowing for a lasting favourable impression of the Ahmadiyya Jama’at in their hearts and minds.

During the year, the members of the Jama’at offered tremendous sacrifices, both with their time and financially.

Special thanks and gratitude to respected Lal Khan Malik sahib (Amir Jama’at Canada), the entire membership of the National Majlis Amila Canada,

National CKA Committee, CKA Supporting Team, the Sadraan of the Auxiliary Organizations, the Regional Umaraa, local Jama’at Presidents and the countless volunteers across Canada.

May God Almighty accept all of our humble efforts and cover our short-comings with His kindness, affection and blessings. Ameen.

National CKA Committee Canada1. Lal Khan Malik (Chairman)2. Naseem Mahdi3. Abdul Aziz Khalifa4. Kaleem Ahmad Malik5. Mubarak Ahmad Nazir6. Muhammad Ashraf Arif7. Mohammad Tariq Islam8. Mirza Mohammad Afzal9. Dr. S. M. Aslam Daud10. Shafqat Mahmood11. Shahid Mansoor12. Mian Nadeem Mahmood13. Mian Rizwan Masood14. Irfan Ahmed15. Amatul Rafiq Zafar16. Khalid Iqbal Qureshi (Secretary)

Report of CKA Celebrations

Tabligh Banner Displays

Sports events held in Vancouver, BC

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35Report of CKA Celebrations

Khilafat Jubilee Gift Bags

Guests at CKA Banquet, Saskatoon,SK CKA Banquet held in Saskatoon SK

CKA Banquet Held in Saskatoon, SK

CKA Baquet held in Edmonton, AB

CKA progam in Vancouver, BC

Guests at CKA Banquet Held in Edmonton, AB

CKA Banquet held in Ottawa, ON

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Hudhur’s Arrival in Canada 2008

Guests Board Khilafat Flight to Toronto, Canada

Photos by: Ajaz Khan, USA Members of Jama’at waiting for Hudhur’s arrival at Toronto, Canada Airport

Continental Airlines issued a special Khilafat Flight Boarding Pass, the flight number was also assigned as “K2008”

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Hudhur’s Arrival in Canada

Photos by: Ajaz Khan, USA

Hudhur’s Arrival in Canada 2008

Guests Board Khilafat Flight to Toronto, Canada

Photos by: Ajaz Khan, USA Members of Jama’at waiting for Hudhur’s arrival at Toronto, Canada Airport

Continental Airlines issued a special Khilafat Flight Boarding Pass, the flight number was also assigned as “K2008”

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Hudhur’s Arrival in Peace Village

Photos by: Ajaz Khan, USA

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Glimpses of Canada Day Celebrations

Photos by: Muzaffar Ahmad, Ajaz Khan, Farhan Nasir,

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Glimpses of Jalsa Salana

Canada 2008

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Jalsa Salana

Ashraf Arif Missionary

Lal Khan Malik Amir Jama’at Canada

Naseem Mahdi Missionary Incharge Canada

Mukhtar Cheema Missionary

Hadi Ali Chaudhary Missionary

Mirza Abdus Samad Ahmed Majlis Karpardas Rabwah

Abdul Majid Tahir Add. Wakil ul Tabshir - London

Canada 2008

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Some Dignitaries at Jalsa Salana Canada 2008

Hon. Jason Kenny Minister of Citizenship and Immigration

Armand La Barge Chief of Police, York Region

Jean Augustine Fairness Commissioner, Ontario

Frank Scarpitti Mayor of City of Markham

Hon. Judy Sgro Liberal - MP – York West

Hon. Rahim Jaffer PC - MP, Edmonton Strathcona

Susan Fennell Mayor of City of Brampton

Hazel McCallion Mayor of City of Mississauga

David Miller Mayor of City of Toronto

Hon. Gurbax Singh Malhi Liberal - MP – Bramlea-Gore

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Some glimpses of Jalsa Salana Canada 2008

Top: Tribal leaders of Ghana attend Jalsa Salana Canada 2008

Award of Alm-e-Inami Presentation by Members of Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya Canada

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Khilafat Jubilee Banquet 2008

Hudhur meeting with Armand La Barge Chief of Police, York Region

Hudhur meeting with Hon. Dalton McGuinty Premier, Province of Ontario

Photos by: Muzaffar Ahmad, Ajaz Khan

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Inauguration of Baitun Nur Mosque - Calgary

Hudhur addressing the audience at the opening of Baitun Nur Mosque Calgary

Stephen Harper, Prime Minister of Canada meeting with Hudhur at the Inauguration of Baitun Nur Mosque

Dave Bronconnier, Mayor of Calgary presenting Hudhur a traditional gift of Hat

Baitun Nur Mosque – Calgary, Alberta

Photos by: Muzaffar Ahmad, Ajaz Khan

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Some glimpses of Centenary Khilafat Ahmadiyya 2008

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Attention:Writers, Designers, Photographers The Ahmadiyya Gazette, the official publication of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama`at Canada, wants you!

We, at the Ahmadiyya Gazette, seek writers who can conduct thorough research, write in a clear and concise manner, honour deadlines and produce articles that enhance readers' knowledge and insight into Islam- Ahmadiyyat, other faiths and issues facing society.

We especially seek writers who can provide insight into their particular expertise or field of study from an Islamic or general religious or educational perspective.

Also, we seek graphic designers and web developers who know that magazine design must be tasteful, artistic, simple and professional, and who are creative and can assist us with layout and design.

Last but not least, we seek photographers and photograph collectors. The Ahmadiyya Gazette not only wants your photographs of sacred sites, historical events and holy personages, but we also want you to take and share your pictures of the various Jama`at events across Canada as well as from your personal travels.

We look forward to your participation in the Ahmadiyya Gazette – the magazine for and by you!

Mubashir Khalid Manager, Ahmadiyya Gazette Canada [email protected]

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Translating the Writings

of the Promised Messiahas

The Promised Messiahas requested that his followers translate his books and convey them to the entire world. Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih Vab has renewed this request. Will you respond to their call in order to gain the pleasure of Allah?

Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih Vab has requested that those who can assist in the endeavour to translate the writings of the Promised Messiahas should please come forward to dedicate some of their time for this most noble and blessed effort.

• Can you translate Urdu into English? If so, please prepare a sample translation of the first pages ofIzala-a-Auham (Ruhani Khaza’in, Volume 3).

• Can you assist with proofreading or typesetting?

• Are you willing to devote your time for any other services that will assist this noble effort?

Please submit your name, contact information and any translation samples to the attention of:

Lal Khan Malik, Amir, Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at Canada 10610 Jane StreetMaple, Ontario, L6A 3A2Canada

Jazakumallah Ahsanal Jaza!

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In the Name of Allah, The Gracious, The Merciful

Centenary Khilafat Pledge

I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah. He is one and has no partner. And, I bear witness that Muhammadsa is His servant and His Messenger.

Today, on the completion of 100 years of Khilafat-e-Ahmadiyya, we take oath by invoking the name of Allah the Exalted and pledge that we shall continue to strive, until the final moments of our lives, for the propagation of Islam and Ahmadiyyat and the name of the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa, to the corners of the world. For the completion of this sacred duty, our lives shall remain dedicated to the sake of Allah and His Holy Prophetsa and, by offering sacrifices in ever-increasing measure, we will

keep the standard of Islam flying high in every country until the end of time.

We also affirm that we will continue to endeavour, until our last breath, to safeguard and strengthen the system of Khilafat and shall continue to advise keep on advising our generations to remain attached to Khilafat and benefit from its blessings so that Khilafat-e-Ahmadiyya may remain until the end of time, and the dissemination of Islam’s message may continue through the Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam, until the end of time, and the banner of the Holy Prophetsa may fly higher than all other

banners of the world.

O God! Please enable us to fulfill this pledge.

Amen, Amen, Amen!

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