Spring 2006


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Spring 2006 “I climb whenever and wherever I can. I’m passionate about it. International business students travel the globe in North Carolina , though, but I’m planning my first trip soon.” Alumni Correspondents: Rachel Moyle Beanland (2003) Michele Marple Thomas (1992) Susan Nesbitt Ward (1990) Student Correspondents: Anne Almers (2007) Beth Murff (2006) Emily Stanek (2008) insights and experiences Alumna calls on professor 11 years after their first class by Susan Nesbitt Ward (1990) ... a brain

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Spring 2006


AHA! is the official newsletter of the Associa-tion of Honors Alumni and is published twice yearly for alumni of the South Carolina Honors College by the South Carolina Honors College.

Managing Editor: Carissa Hansford

Copy Editor: Susan Nesbitt Ward (1990)

To reach us: 803-777-8102 or [email protected]

Alumni Correspondents: Rachel Moyle Beanland (2003) Michele Marple Thomas (1992) Susan Nesbitt Ward (1990)

Student Correspondents: Anne Almers (2007) Beth Murff (2006) Emily Stanek (2008)

06137 University Publications 04/06

A promising documentary is making its mark

4 Career changers share insights and experiences

7Alumna calls on professor 11 years after their first class


AHA! Contents

DHA winner Dickson learns, teaches “thinking well”by Susan Nesbitt Ward (1990)

Although he might dispute it, Michael Dickson is the kind of guy described by the great and powerful Oz when he’s granting the Scarecrow’s wish.

“Back where I come from,” the Wizard says, “we have universities, seats of great learning, where men go to become great thinkers. And when they come out, they think deep thoughts and with no more brains than you have. But they have one thing you haven’t got: a diploma.”

Dickson (1990), the 2005 Distinguished Honors Alumni award winner, has a couple of diplomas and a brain. And as a professor in USC’s Department of Philosophy, think-ing deep thoughts, and encouraging his students to do so, is part of his job description.

His family moved around some when he was growing up, but Dickson attended high school in South Carolina and came to the University as a Carolina Scholar. After sampling several traditional majors, he says, he eventu-ally decided on the Baccalaureus, which he describes as

“the Honors College’s ‘interdisciplinary, design your own degree’ major. When I was a senior,” he said, “I decided that I was going to go to grad school in philosophy, so I also completed the course work for my philosophy major.”

... a brainDickson admits when he came to USC, he was not serious about academics. But something about his courses and professors captivated him.

“In certain courses—nearly all of them in the Honors College—the professors placed the emphasis on think-ing well, not on thinking the right thing,” he said. “It is important to think the right thing—after all, we all want to believe the truth, don’t we? But learning to think well ultimately, I believe, serves the purpose of thinking the right thing better than cramming one’s head full of truths.

“Another way to put this point is: these courses taught me to be an intellectual optimist, to believe that if I think carefully and well, I have a decent chance of thinking the right things. And of course the same goes for others—and as long as you believe that the same goes for others, you will also maintain a healthy respect for the thoughts of others who appear to be thinking carefully, even if they happen to disagree with you,” Dickson continued.

“I climb whenever and wherever I can. I’m passionate about it.

I climb with friends, or strangers, or anybody who will climb with me.

I have climbed all over the U.S. and in Europe. I still have not climbed

in North Carolina , though, but I’m planning my first trip soon.”

A fantastic philosophy

International business students travel the globe9


“All of that—thinking well, striving for the truth even when it is hard, and respecting the thoughts of others who appear to be engaged in the same strug-gle—is, I take it, at least part of what it means to ‘pur-sue the life of the intellect,’” he said.

Dickson went straight from USC to grad school, earning a Ph.D. at Notre Dame in 1995. He was a nondegree student at Cambridge University during this period as well. During his grad student career, he taught at Notre Dame, Cambridge, and even Carolina, while his fiancee, now wife, Misty Hollis-Dickson (1990, master’s 1994) was finishing a master’s degree. But he doesn’t recall an “aha” moment when he decided to pursue teaching. “I loved teaching at Notre Dame, and I knew that, given my career choice, I better love it or get out. I didn’t get out,” he said.

... a heartAfter earning his Ph.D., he spent several years teach-ing at Indiana University, and while there, Dickson also was involved teaching adults reading and some math through a volunteer program called VITAL.

“Teaching an adult how to read is quite different from teaching college students in several ways,” he said. “For one, these adult students are uniformly extremely motivated. I wish I could say the same for all college students, but alas, it is not so.

Dickson: “Have the nerve to trust”As Distinguished Honors Alumni award winner, Dickson was invited to

speak at the AHA Homecoming Brunch in October.

One of the best things that a university can do for its students

is to trust them. Professors have no particular reason to trust

students—indeed, experience tells us that such trust will often

be rewarded with wrongdoing or negligence of some sort. But

without trust in students nonetheless—one is tempted to call it

“faith”—we are at best force-feeding our students, not educating

them. Trust in students comes in many forms. A scholarship is an

expression of trust. Teaching something that will not “be on the

test” is a kind of trust.

One of the greatest virtues of the Honors College at USC is that

it trusts its students. When I was a student in the Honors Col-

lege, I was permitted, as a freshman, to take a senior seminar. The

dean at the time—not to mention the professor in the course—

had no reason to believe that the worst (frequent and naive dis-

ruption, followed by failure) would not happen.

And yet they showed faith in me, and as a result, I had an intel-

lectual experience that changed the course of my college career.

As a junior, the Honors College sponsored me (and others) to

do original research with professors on campus. Again, there

was, and is, little reason to believe that this research will suc-

ceed—I had zero experience—and many reasons to believe that

it will fail. And sometimes it does fail. But I learned because I was

trusted, both by the Honors College and by the professor, who

gave me a job to do without dictating how it should be done.

Trust is difficult. It is easier to control students’ education than it

is to trust them to learn. But the irony is that controlled educa-

tion is not education in the first place. Trust in students is there-

fore an essential part of a good education. It is, alas, missing more

often than it is found in a college career. But students of the Hon-

ors College are lucky, because for them, it is found more often

than missing.

“Another difference is that most of the adult students are carrying some shame with them about not being able to read or do simple mathematics. One has to work very hard to let them know that you do not look down upon them, or somehow disvalue them. On the other hand, ‘shame’ is not a word that comes to mind when I think of most of my college stu-dents,” he said.

“There is an important similarity, though, and that is that both those adult students and college students generally respond better to being treated as adults than to being treated as children,” Dickson con-tinued. “Treating them in this way is harder then one might think because there is an inherent asymmetry in the relation-ship—you (the teacher) know something that they (the students) don’t.

“Automatically, that asymmetry puts you in a position of power, and rightly so, but it also means that, as a teacher, you must work very hard to exercise that power in an appropriate way, and not in a way that will come across as disrespect, supercil-iousness, or lack of interest in what, or how, the student thinks,” he said. There’s no place like home: Michael Dickson with wife Misty Hollis-

Dickson (SCHC 1990) and children Samuel (left), Muireall, and James

... a homeDickson says he considers his most significant accom-plishment the still ongoing rearing of three children—Samuel, age 5, James, 3, and Muireall, 1—with Misty. They have been married 12 years, and they returned to live in Columbia in 2004.

Nominations are currently being accepted for the 2006 Distinguished Honors Alumni award. Alumni, staff members, and friends of the Honors College may nominate candidates for the award; nominees are asked to submit supporting materials. Up to two winners are recognized each year. Each winner receives an engraved memento and a piece of Honors College sportswear as a reminder of the honor. To nominate a candidate, contact the director of alumni affairs at [email protected] or 803-777-2187. SCHC graduates from the Class of 1996 and earlier are eligible.


Thought, planning

bring career-change success

by Beth Murff (2006)

I always thought that by the time I graduated college I would have it figured out. After all, I’ve had 22 years to think about it. But to my dismay, graduation looms at the end of the semester, and I still don’t know what I want to do with my life. I’m afraid I’ll take a job I’ll end up hating just to have a paycheck. I’m worried that I’ll never find a direction for my life.

I’m learning, though, that few people have it all figured out upon graduation. Many of you vividly remember the dilemma of finding your first job. But finding the right career is a concern that affects more than just recent graduates. Often, that first job does not turn out to be the one that fulfills you—your “forever job.” But you suspect it may be quite difficult to completely change careers, especially now, since you may have a family and mortgage to take into account.

The good news is that it can be done! It may take quite a bit of time and effort, but it is possible to find a career that you love, even if it means a radi-cal change in direction. I may not know yet what career I’ll pursue, but I’ve learned from these Hon-ors College alumni that it’s never too late to find a job that fits.

Danny DorselThe search for fulfillment

When Danny Dorsel graduated from USC in 1995 with a degree in mechanical engineering, he wasn’t completely sure what he wanted to do. Deferring his admission to graduate school for a year, Dorsel vol-unteered as a teacher at a mission school on St. Vin-cent island in the Caribbean. He got more than a suntan from the experience—it also sparked his love of teaching.

After returning to the U.S., Dorsel completed a master’s degree in environmental engineering at Virginia Tech.

He then accepted a management consulting job with Pricewaterhouse (now PricewaterhouseCoopers). “I

really enjoyed my two years with them,” he said, “but it was not fulfilling on a personal level. I wanted to wake up and be excited about going to work. We work such a large portion

of our lives that I wanted my job to fulfill me spiritually, personally, and financially.”

That was when he made the decision to teach. “During my time at the mission school, I came to appreciate the good that could be accomplished through teaching.” Now working at Cardinal Newman School in Colum-bia, S.C., Dorsel loves his job. Since he chose to work at a private school, he did not have go back to school for any additional train-ing before entering the classroom. Also to his advantage, Dorsel had no debt, so he was free of the financial con-straints that prevent many people from changing careers.

“At the beginning, I gave up a very lucrative job for one that required a lot of hours and not a lot of pay, but the rewards you get from being in education are such that it would be hard to put a monetary value on them,” Dorsel said. It was initially hard for some to understand why he would make such a change. “Any questions were quickly answered when my family and friends saw how much happier I was.”

Dorsel started as a classroom teacher at Cardinal New-man and is now interim principal. “Unfortunately, the demands of the position don’t allow me to be in the classroom on a regular basis,” he said. “However, each month we have a drawing and whichever teacher’s name is drawn, he or she receives a day off and I will go in and teach for them.” Dorsel finds it very fulfilling to work at a place that focuses on the formation of the whole child. “Every day you can look back on your day and realize you made a difference in someone’s life.”

Jennifer BakerFrom employee to self-employed “I always knew that I wanted to be involved in the world of lobbying and politics because I had watched my father in that world, and I thought it was fascinat-

ing,” said Jennifer Baker, a 1995 graduate and political science major. One of the firms where she interned during college hired her immediately after graduation to provide strategic communications counsel to companies involved in environmental cleanups. “I was able to jump right into the government relations world,” she said.

After five years with that firm, Baker worked in public affairs and crisis com-munications with WorldCom. She then spent two years at the U.S. Marine Corps head-quarters as a legislative affairs specialist. When Baker was ready to change jobs again, her father was looking for help managing the client load at his own lobbying firm, especially since he was considering retirement. She offi-cially became a partner in his firm, The Laurin Baker Group, LLC, in January of 2005. “I am earning owner-ship in the business based on our profit every year so that ultimately I will buy him out and he will retire,” she said.

Baker admits that there are plenty of challenges involved in being a partner in her own lobbying firm, such as blending work styles with her father and learning to be

her own boss. It has also been a challenge for her to learn the financial and account-ing sides of running a small business—espe-cially at tax time. Additionally, Baker now has to worry about whether they will get enough business to pay monthly bills and still make a profit. She also has to purchase her own health insurance, which is generally provided when working for someone else.

For her, though, all of the extra stress that comes with self-employment is more than worth it. “It’s satisfying to know that you’re responsible for the win or loss for the client.

Working for yourself is rewarding in a way that working in a corporate or bureaucratic structure can never be. For better or worse, I’m in charge of my schedule and where the company goes in the future.”

Danny Dorsel enjoys time off with wife, Whitney

Jennifer Baker now owns a lobbying

firm with her father

Tips from survivorsIf you are considering a change in career, or even just starting off, here’s some advice:

“If you don’t like what you’re doing, change now; don’t wait. The amount of time you have to change only decreases the longer you put it off. Take the calculated leap, and something will work out—but don’t quit your job until you have secured another one.” —Danny Dorsel (1995)

“Talk to everyone you can think of who might be able to tell you about a career or job choice. I can’t stress enough the importance of networking with other professionals to give you a sense of what you need to focus on.” —Jennifer Baker (1995)

“I suppose it behooves one to analyze a career choice as closely as one can. Then pray hard.” —Gene Godbold (1989)


The 10 worst mistakes career changers can makeAccording to career resource Web site monster.com, career changers should avoid the following pitfalls:

Don’t look for a job in another field without some intense introspection

Don’t look for “hot” fields unless they’re a good fit for you

Don’t go into a field because your friend is doing well in it

Don’t stick to possibilities you already know about

Don’t let money be the deciding factor

Don’t keep your dissatisfaction to yourself or try to make the switch alone

Don’t go back to school unless you’ve done some test-drives in the new field

Be careful when using placement agencies or search firms

Don’t expect a career counselor to tell you which field to enter

Don’t expect to switch overnight

For those contemplating self-employment, Baker suggests starting with a financial cushion. “That way, if you have a bad month or two, you won’t have to worry about paying the bills immediately.” She also suggests considering whether you are the type of person who is driven to meet deadlines without them being assigned by a boss. “Like with anything else, the more you research it and talk to others that are self-employed, the better off you are in making an informed decision about whether self-employment is for you.”

Gene GodboldChanging priorities“I wanted to be a biochemist and geneticist since I was about 14 years old, after I read a science fiction novel by Ben Bova,” recalls Gene Godbold. He is now a biochem-ist, but he had to transition from academic research to teaching to professional research in order to find a career that was both fulfilling and financially sufficient to meet his family’s growing needs.

Godbold graduated in 1989 with a chemistry degree. Undeterred by a “nasty” case of salmonella that he acquired collecting samples for research in Roy Wuthi-er’s lab at USC, Godbold went on to receive his doctorate from the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill. He then spent four years at the University of Virginia, where he completed a postdoctoral fellowship in infectious dis-eases at the school of medicine.

The next two years Godbold spent in visiting professor-ships at the University of Alabama in Huntsville and the College of William and Mary. “I always enjoyed learn-ing and presenting science more than actually doing it—a failing more common among scientists than one might think—and I figured that I would be better suited to teaching and directing undergraduate research than try-ing to make it doing research in a basic science depart-ment of a medical school.”

As he was applying to teach at various schools for the following year, Godbold began to reconsider where he wanted to go with his career. He felt that his teach-ing had improved and that he had learned a surprising amount while teaching the courses, but he recognized that “there would be a point of diminishing returns” in what he would continue to learn while teaching under-graduates. He also had a greater concern: “I had, at this point, five sons and a wife to support. And sala-ries at small colleges are not, frankly, all that great.”

“Fortunately,” he said, “I was saved from false choices by either divine providence—my explanation—or sheer dumb luck.” Godbold received a job offer from a friend who happened to be the manager of the regional office of Battelle Memorial Institute, a nonprofit research and development contracting company headquartered in Columbus, Ohio. “The pay was gratifyingly better than academia—we could afford to buy a house!—and the job turned out to be an excellent fit for me.” Godbold was

promoted from research scientist to principal research sci-entist in 2005. He does open-source data collection and analysis on various biomedical topics.

“The chief factor was, honestly, to properly provide for my family,” Godbold said of his career change. After he met his wife, SCHC alumna Kristen (Hyer) Godbold (1989), and had children, he found that his personal priorities changed drastically. (He and Kristen now have seven children!) “Now, rather than trying to fill some manufactured ambition in my psyche, I just try to fulfill my responsibilities. Taking care of my family and work-ing and playing with my boys is immensely satisfying to me. My job is a good job, but it’s just a job. I work to live; I don’t live to work.”

A roadmap for helpIf you are like me, you know how helpful the USC Career Center is to undergraduates. What you may not know is that their services are still available to alumni on a fee basis. “About 50 percent of the traffic I get is people wondering, ‘What else can I do?’” said Sandy Tomes, the career counselor for alumni.

Most people today will have three to five different careers in their lifetime, and up to 10 different jobs. “It’s no lon-ger like the old adage ‘work 30 years for one employer and then retire with a plaque and a gold watch,’” said Tomes. The Career Center can provide you with the guidance and resources to help you make your career change, whether you’re interested in returning to school for something entirely different, or just finding out what areas of your field may suit you better.

Service packages are available for alumni, like the Gamecock Special. It includes two and one-half hours of career counseling, the Myers-Briggs Type Indica-tor, the Strong Interest Inventory, and access to career software and resources, all for $120. Carolina Alumni members receive a 10 percent discount. For more infor-mation, visit www.sc.edu/career and click on “Alumni” or call 803-777-7280 for an appointment.

Users can also click on “Web resources” on the Career Center homepage for free access to an index of career-

related links.“The Career Center Web site really can be a one-stop-shop for alumni, as we will link them to the best resources out there,” said Vicki Hamby, career counselor for liberal arts and honors students. Well-known resources like monster.com and careerbuilder.com are listed on the “Top Sites” page. In Ham-by’s opinion, however, job-searchers will fare better by using more spe-cific sites, like the nonprofit or gov-ernment sections to search by sector, or the “S.C. jobs” or geographical sec-

tions to search by location. The “Jobs by College and Major” section is useful as well. There, you can search for jobs in publishing on the Arts and Sciences/English page, or jobs in television or public relations on the jour-nalism page. “As employees get older and more focused on what they are looking for, their job-search strategies and resources should become more sophisticated and spe-cific to parameters they have set,” said Hamby.

Another career exploration resource for alumni is HAP, or Honors Alumni Profiles. HAP contains detailed career profiles of alumni, including advice, tips, and contact information. The HAP database is online at www.sc.edu/career/honors/hap.html.

I would like to say that all of this makes me less fearful of the uncertainty beyond my upcoming graduation. It doesn’t. But I do know that it’s OK if it takes me a while to figure out the right career for me—after all, it took Danny, Jennifer, and Gene a while, and they even had an idea of what they wanted to do when they graduated. I’m also glad to know about some of the resources that will be available to guide my career journey in the com-ing years. But I’m determined not to settle for less than a career that I love—and I’ll be sure to send in a “Class Note” once I’ve found it!

Beth Murff is an English major from Boiling Springs, S.C. She readily admits that she never had a solid career direc-tion in college. Murff’s pending graduation and job search sparked her interest in this story. At press time, she was still searching, but was focused on non-profits or Americorps. “Whatever I do,” she said, “it needs to be a job with a pur-pose. I know that I won’t be happy otherwise.”

Four of the seven Godbold children; they inspired Gene Godbold to make a change

1. 2.3. 4. 5. 6. 7.8.9.

10. Source: http://change.monster.com/


Paying tribute: Dr. Ed Maddenby Anne Knight (1998)

A well-dressed youngish guy walked into our honors poetry class, leather satchel in hand, and we all thought he was one of us. Turns out he was the professor. Ed Madden taught us to be objective yet compassionate, themes further underscored in the AIDS and Literature course I took with him a few years later. I reveled in the freedom he gave us to consider complex and politicized issues of identity. Very young and very green, I was grappling on a personal level with the same ideas

and concerns Professor Madden was introducing in class: What experiences have made me into the person I am? What about this particular piece of writing resonates with me? What do I care about beyond myself and the life I know? Of all my courses in the Honors College, it was those with Ed Madden that made me question what I thought I knew.

Now, 11 years after my first class with Dr. Madden, I gave him a call.

AK: I wanted to ask about your relationship with your students and what you want them to take from your lessons.

EM: Two difficult questions. Well, I love it when students risk saying something even when they know it won’t be “right.” I also like knowing my students personally, know-ing what motivates them, learning from them. I try to pull out the material that makes it local, makes it real, makes it more than just poetry.

AK: That’s what I really liked about the classes I took with you.

EM: I get tired of the misperception that poetry is about emotions. Oscar Wilde said bad art is rooted in sincer-ity. One exercise I do in my class requires students to write on a slip of paper a secret from their past. They then draw someone else’s secret out of a hat and they have to write a poem in the first person about it, as if it were their own secret. They learn that they can write about deeply personal things and still care about craft and how language works. They get some distance from the material that might otherwise be too personal.

AK: What are you teaching now?

EM: Survey of British Literature, 1800 to the Present, and a poetry workshop. These are two of my favorite classes. I am also very busy organizing the Irish Studies Conference in late February. And I’ll be taking a group of Capstone Scholars to Ireland in May for two weeks of touring to study cultural representations of Ireland.

(Some 500 freshmen make up the inaugural class of USC’s Capstone Scholars, a community of high-achieving students who, their mission statement says, are “engaged in a culture of inquiry that fosters both personal discovery and a sense of community.”)

AK: Any other recent projects?

EM: I am working now with Riverbanks Botanical Gardens as a poet-in-residence. We’ll have lectures and workshops, and there will be a writing contest. The theme is “the language of flowers.” I’m a gardener, too, so I love working out there.

And my chapbook, Signals, recently won the S.C. Poetry Initiative contest. (Chapbooks are informal short manu-scripts, usually self-published, that might include poems,

songs, stories, or even recipes.) Signals is a collection of all-new poems, most about my own personal engagement with S.C. poetry and history.

Academically, I have an essay in the first book to be published about two 19th-century poets who wrote under the pen name Michael Field. I’m proud because I began researching them in grad school and they were fairly unknown then, but are now included in the Norton Anthology.

I am also receiving a Legacy Award from the Human Rights Campaign (N.C./S.C. Chapter). They created the award for someone with a history and record for work for the betterment of the lives of gays and lesbians in the state. I was stunned when I got the phone call.

AK: You have been very involved in the community.

EM: A lot of what drives the work I do is a combination of knowing where I came from and where I want to be. I grew up in what I’d almost call a 19th-century family on a farm in rural Arkansas. We were a large extended family, very connected to the land, and very supportive of each other. Even though I don’t fit in that community anymore—not just because I’m gay, but because I’m an English professor—I really value that sense of community. I loved the Honors College class I taught on community—themes of exclusion and inclusion and how to deal with the difference.

AK: You’ve been at USC for about 11 years now. Thinking back, is there anything that surprised you?

EM: I don’t know if I would say “surprised” exactly, but when I moved here, I was struck by how open the students were. I’m also pleased that sexual orientation is finally included in USC’s discrimination policy. It was proposed over 10 years ago, but it wasn’t until (President) Andrew Sorensen took office that it was added to University pol-icy. You want to be a university that provides protection to everyone, where people won’t worry that they’ll be harassed or fired if they come here. ... It says a lot about the kind of university that USC wants to be.

Anne Knight

Ed Madden

What is HAP?HAP is a searchable online database containing career profiles of honors alumni who have volunteered to provide helpful career advice and information to AHA members and SCHC students.

HAP is not a job placement service or job board, but it is a great way to learn about careers and to make connections with SCHC alumni.

How do I participate?Simply visit www.sc.edu/career/hon-ors/hap.html and enter the keycode hap123 to create your profile.

Is my information safe?Only e-mail addresses will be displayed to users.

The Honors Alumni Profiles data-base is growing steadily. Many thanks to the 75 alumni who entered a career profile between January and March 2006. While HAP has already grown into a wonderful career resource, we need more profiles!

Please log on to the HAP database to create your profile.

HAPH o n o r s A l u m n i P ro f i l e s



Please visit www.sc.edu/career/honors/hap.html


If you would like to “Pay tribute” to your favorite professor in a future issue of AHA!, please contact Carissa Hansford at [email protected].


the bridge, they were skeptical of the motives of Hogue’s crew coming into town with cameras.

Waring also doubled as the project’s still photographer, taking more than 1,500 photos. Her photography was used in the creation of promotional materials for the film. She also worked with a programmer to create a Web site that Hogue calls “the public face of Promises Made.”

Hogue considers Waring’s start-to-finish producing experience “invaluable.” She said, “Lauren is an out-standing example of what can happen when undergradu-ates engage in research with a mentor. I predict Lauren is going to be a very impressive filmmaker, at least in part

because of what we provided at USC. We can create a unique atmosphere of learning for more Honors College undergraduate students, given the support necessary.”

Waring plans to pursue a career in film production after graduating in May 2006. “I enjoy bringing a project together and being a part of both the artistic side and the business side,” she said. She is looking into graduate school but says she would postpone school if necessary to follow the success of Promises Made.

For more information about Promises Made and to view a trailer for the film, visit www.cas.sc.edu/art/promisesmade.htm.

Honors student recognized for documentary Promises Madeby Anne Almers (2007)

Kudos to senior media arts major and Honors College student Lauren Waring for her work as coproducer of the documentary film Promises Made. Among other honors, the film was featured at the Hawaii Interna-tional Conference for the Arts and Humanities and at the fifth annual African-American/International Film Festival in Columbia. The film has also been selected to air on the Emmy award–winning ETV program Southern Lens this fall.

Promises Made chronicles the controversy surrounding a bridge, promised more than 70 years ago to the res-idents of the rural S.C. communities of Lone Star and Rimini, but never constructed. The nine-mile connector would provide the towns, isolated from one another and the world by a swamp at the headwaters of Lake Marion, access to now-distant basic amenities and with the potential for renewed economic growth.

The predominantly black communities of Lone Star and Rimini became isolated in the 1930s when the dam that would create Lake Marion—and electricity for more than 90 percent of rural South Carolina—was constructed. When the lake filled up, the communities were cut off. But, residents say, at the start of the electrification project they were promised that a bridge would be built to relink them to civilization.

Seventy years later, residents still await their bridge. Opponents say spending an estimated $80 million to benefit so few is a waste and that the bridge will

compromise the remote beauty and biodiversity of Upper Santee Swamp.

The issue is complicated by the fact that in 1968, S.C. Governor Robert McNair signed a bill into law approving construction of the bridge. Also, some claim that opposition to the project is tinged with racism. U.S. Congressman James E. Clyburn, D-S.C., who is featured prominently in the film, says in a statement on his Web site: “Issues of race prevented this bridge from being realized for more than 50 years.”

The purpose of the documentary, say its creators, is to give these issues a fair hearing. Promises Made tells both sides of the story, featuring interviews with Congressman Clyburn, 82-year-old Lone Star resident Missy Curry, and local business owner and naturalist Jim Kelly.

Honors student Waring worked on the film as assistant producer to media arts professor Susan Hogue. “Lauren had what I needed in a producer: talent, initiative, intel-ligence, the ability to listen, and quite a wonderful way of working with people,” Hogue said.

Hogue first became interested in the story after reading about “the bridge to nowhere.” She then saw a Dateline NBC: Fleecing of America segment that gave a brief report on the issue. The report claimed that South Carolina was spending a large amount of money to ruin a swamp “for nothing.”

“I wanted to see what people on both sides of the issue were so upset about, and where ‘nowhere’ was,” Hogue said. After visiting the towns and getting to know the residents, she said, “I found how incorrect it is to charac-terize people and their homes as nothing and nowhere.”

Waring participated in the film’s two-year produc-tion process from beginning to end. She was not only involved in research and production but also in network-ing to make connections for the film. Waring said the hardest part was gaining the trust of the residents. While the majority of the residents seemed to be in support of

Lauren Waring



From left: Kim Emswiler (media arts 2004), Professor Susan Hogue, and Lauren Waring

Pack’s Landing in Rimini, S.C.

Filmmakers interview a resident


SCHC author notesby Michele Marple Thomas (1992)

Historian, SCHC alumnus, and author David Godshalk (1986) recently talked to AHA! about his book, Veiled Visions: The 1906 Atlanta Race Riot and the Reshap-ing of American Race Relations.

MT: Can you tell us what inspired you to look deeper into this time in our history?

DG: When I began my research, the 1906 Atlanta race riot appeared to mirror the broader historical cur-rents of an era that historians have often described as the “nadir” of American race relations. The riot was one of many white massacres of African Americans that occurred in the South during the early 1900s. On the first night of violence, approximately 10,000 white men surged through Atlanta’s downtown and attacked innocent black men and women. At dawn, at least 20 African Americans lay dead, and hundreds more were injured.

What began as a typical racial massacre, however, quickly escalated into a racial war. In coming days, African Americans successfully defended their neigh-borhoods from further white violence. Many city res-idents now feared an escalating spiral of white attacks and black counterattacks. Leading whites became convinced that interracial dialogue offered the only way out of a bloody impasse and public relations

fiasco. In the riot’s aftermath, Atlanta’s black and white elites established a unique tradition of interra-cial cooperation that has lasted for nearly a century. I eventually came to understand that a study of these interracial efforts could offer new insights into the possibilities and limits of interracial understanding and social change in 20th-century America.

As my research continued, I became fascinated with the ways in which blacks and whites responded to the riot and its violence. Walter White, who guided the NAACP between the 1930s and 1950s, traced his own racial awakening to his experiences during the violence and grounded his civil-rights program on lessons learned in Atlanta. Margaret Mitchell also remembered the 1906 riot as a defining moment in her life. Martin Luther King Jr.’s father wrote about the riot in his autobiography. Many of America’s most influential black intellectu-als and activists—includ-ing Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. Du Bois—came to view the incident as key turning point in American history.

MT: How much has changed in the South in the 100 years since the riots?

DG: The South and America have undergone striking social and political changes since 1906. The sacrifices made by civil-rights activ-ists have diminished the open expression of white racist stereotypes and ameliorated many of the most

blatant forms of racial discrimination. Since the 1960s, the enforcement of civil-rights legislation has offered women and minorities enhanced job opportunities and has compelled employers to adopt fairer and more transparent hiring practices. Civil-rights lawsuits and voting rights legislation have made Southern governments more democratic, not just for African Americans but for all citizens.

Since the 1970s, however, new developments have undermined this progress. In recent years, there has been a sharp increase in wealth inequality in Amer-ica and the South. White flight to segregated sub-urbs and residential areas has diminished the impact of desegregation. In the past 20 years, public educa-tion facilities throughout the country have become increasingly segregated, especially in urban areas. African-American and Latino students are much more likely than their white counterparts to attend overcrowded and underfunded schools.

David Godshalk is the chair of the History-Phi-losophy Department at Shippensburg University and tells us he is working on a new book proj-ect, examining the “vibrant black intellectual and artistic community that flowered in Atlanta during the 1890s and early 1900s.” For more information about Veiled Visions search for it on Amazon.com. You can also reach David via e-mail at [email protected].

Are you published? We’d like to hear about your book or article. E-mail [email protected].

Dr. Doug in the surf at Hilton Head with daughter Hannah Ruth, born in

December 2004

“Dr. Doug” Williams returns to teaching, research; leaves legacy of experiential learningDr. Doug Williams, associate dean of the Honors Col-lege, will step down June 30 at the end of his third term of service to the college. Williams will return full time to the Department of Geological Sciences and to the Marine Science Program, where he has main-tained joint appointments since joining the Honors College in 1998. Williams will continue his research in paleoclimatology (the study of past climate change), supervise master’s and doctoral students, and teach undergraduate courses in marine science and global environmental change.

Peter Sederberg, retired dean of the Honors College, brought Williams on board nine years ago to turn their shared vision of experiential learning into a tangible pro-gram for Honors College students. Together they devel-oped research-based learning, the college’s ongoing and successful effort to integrate aspects of the research uni-versity experience into undergraduate learning.

“Doug is an inspirational teacher,” said Sederberg, “and a catalyst for the development of transformational

graduate education is highly innovative and will change the character of education in the Honors College.”

After eight busy years, Williams is ready to take a breather. “Change is a good thing. Eight years is a long time to be in any one position, and I just felt that with

the new dean, the timing was appropriate for me to leave and for him to have the opportunity of bringing in someone new with new ideas and new perspective,” he said.

“All I can really say is what a blessing it has been to serve as associate dean in the Honors Col-lege,” he said. “I will treasure the interactions I have had with stu-dents and staff over the years. I have made some wonderful friends with honors students, many of

whom still stay in touch. Heartfelt thanks to Peter Sed-erberg for planting me in the rich soil of the Honors College and allowing me to grow.”

For more information about Dr. Doug’s projects, visit: www.msci.sc.edu/marsci/index.html schc.sc.edu/gopolar/ schc.sc.edu/earthfestival/

programs like undergraduate research teams, research-based learning courses, (and) undergraduate research journals.”

In addition to developing RBL programs, Williams, or “Dr. Doug” as his students call him, has served as an academic advisor, teacher, and mentor to hundreds of Hon-ors College students. He put his experiential learning philoso-phy into practice, leading under-graduate students on expeditions to eastern Siberia’s Lake Bai-kal and to northern Russia’s Lena River. He served as faculty advi-sor to the online undergraduate marine science research jour-nal MarSci, and he directed Go Polar!, an educational partnership between the Honors College and Columbia’s EdVenture Children’s Museum. His latest effort involved guiding honors students to create new experiential learning opportuni-ties for elementary school children, including the Earth Festival. (For more information, see links below.)

“Doug is one of the most creative undergraduate edu-cators I’ve ever met,” said Honors College Dean Davis Baird. “His work on integrating research into under-

David Godshalk


Students who took IBUS 443 Doing Business In Europe in May 2005 stopped in Paris, among other places.

From left are Bob Ellison, Chris Floyd, Jeff Holmes (SCHC 2007), and Steven Niedringhaus

International business students to study in Europe, Africaby Emily Stanek (2008)

While many students will be relaxing and taking it easy this May, two groups of international business students will be traveling through Europe and Africa, participating in two intense Honors College May-mester courses designed to give students an edge in the global business world.

The class, International Business 443 Business in Europe, will travel to London, Paris, Prague, and Brussels. The goal is to give students firsthand knowledge of the busi-ness climate in Europe and develop in them an understanding of the cultural and socioeconomic diversity there.

“The course is a prac-tical, involved way of learning as opposed to just classroom experi-ence,” said Dr. Tatiana Kostova, associate professor of interna-tional business and creator of the course. “It creates long- lasting knowledge.”

For a week, students will prepare for the trip from home through readings, discussions, and group projects posted on the Internet. Then from May 16 to 26 the group will be in Europe attending lectures and visiting financial businesses and other institutions, including Lloyd’s of London and the European Union.

International Business 490 Business in Africa is new to the curriculum this year and will have a slightly different flair. Taught by Dr. Robert Rolfe, professor of international business, it aims to give students an understanding of how globalization is affecting Africa while examining challenges to Kenya’s economic development and analyzing the impact of ecotour-ism on local communities. From May 14 to 25 the class will travel to Nairobi, Mount Kenya, Lamu, and Maasai Mara. Sites to be visited include the Nairobi National Park, the Tea Plantation, and the Coca-Cola Company. Five lectures during the spring semester will help students prepare for the trip.

Although the courses are international business courses, honors students who are not international business majors can take them for honors elective credit. The courses are part of an effort by the Hon-ors College to enhance learning through outside-the-classroom experience. A plan is being developed to include this style of learning—whether study abroad, community service or internships—in the require-ments to graduate with honors.

“All of our students should get experience of some sort,” said Davis Baird, dean of the Honors College. “It’s one thing to learn in a classroom that Eastern European culture is different from American culture. It’s another thing to encounter it firsthand.”

Kostova’s international business course was first offered last May. “Europe is a very important region

for international busi-ness, and I wanted to teach a course on the European environment, but I thought that going there and see-ing the places would be much more effective,” she said.

Most of the students enrolled in the 2005 Maymester course were rising junior and senior international business students. Of the 16 students who partici-pated, six were honors students given a sti-pend from the Honors College for the course. Students taking the 2006 classes will also be subsidized.

Stefana Kornicer, a sec-ond-year international business hopeful and Honors College stu-dent, said she took the Europe class last year to get a true perspec-tive on what foreign

businesses are like. The trip allowed her to see his-tory in the making. “I loved learning about the Euro-pean Union—how Europe is unifying and everyone is so excited. I was there to see the European Union thriving!”

The undergraduate international business major in the Moore School of Business was established in 2003 and has consistently been ranked as the leading pro-gram in the nation. Only 50 students are admit-ted to the program each year, and 20 percent of the total number of international business majors are in the Honors College. Both Maymester courses count toward the study-abroad requirement for interna-tional business majors.

Baird leads the wayThe Honors College deans were featured prominently in the Feb. 17 issue of The Chronicle of Higher Education, in a full- page advertisement selling—what else?— honors education at USC.

What else is the new dean of the Honors College up to?

Davis Baird, who began his tenure as dean in July 2005, has one order of business to fill right away: hir-ing a replacement for Associate Dean Doug Williams, who will step down from his position in the college June 30. “We will miss his creative energy—and will need to find someone who can fill this gap,” said Baird.

Baird has also dedicated a good deal of time and energy to reorganizing the administrative structure of the college. His efforts have resulted in the hiring of a new administrative assistant, Peggy Breeland, and the search—ongoing at press time—for a director of development.

An Honors College progression requirement also is in development. Currently students are not required to take a minimum number of honors courses. Under the new policy, students would need to acquire a minimum of 27 honors credits by the end of their third year. Approval by the Faculty Senate is pending.

Stay tuned for a complete update on the activities of Davis Baird and the leaders of the college in the next issue of AHA!, in fall 2006.

Dean Davis Baird (center) leads the way, with associ-

ate deans Leslie Sargent Jones and Jim Burns at his side

This advertisement appeared in the Feb. 17 issue of The Chronicle of Higher Education.


ica in Hyde Park, N.Y., with an asso-ciate degree in bak-ing and pastry arts. He says: “I have since returned to Columbia and am underemployed.” [email protected]

Daniel W. Hayes (1994, USC School of Law 1997) was elected partner of the law firm Sowell Gray Stepp & Laffitte, LLC. He lives in Columbia.

Erin Martin (1994) see Krista Nichols, below.

Krista Nichols (1994) returned to her home state (who knew!) of Indiana in August 2005. She began a job as an assis-tant professor in the Departments of Bio-logical Sciences and Forestry and Natural Resources at Purdue University. She stud-ies fishy things, using genomics to under-stand the genetic basis of complex life histories in fishes. She feels fortunate to have landed a position at the same school as husband Michael Zanis, who is an assistant professor in the Department of Botany and Plant Pathology. The couple met as grad-uate students at Washington State University. They earned their doc-torates in 2002, and in 2004 were married by the Reverend Erin Martin (1994). They completed their postdocs out West: Krista in Seattle at NOAA Fisheries and Michael in San Diego at UCSD. Together at last in Indiana, they are settling into their quiet country home, and enjoy fly-fishing together in their spare [email protected]

Ashlie Bagwell (1995) says, “It’s an elec-tion year, so that means I have a new job.” She is the political director for Doug Dun-can’s campaign for governor in [email protected]

Eva (Imperial) Chessick (1995) served the Eau Claire Community Health Centers as the lead provider at Ridgeway Family Practice in Fairfield County for two years before deciding to try something differ-ent and to expand her medical experience. She is now the company physician for Elec-trolux in Orangeburg, S.C. She sees Elec-trolux employees and their families with the goals of maximizing treatment of their

practice primarily involves general liti-gation, with a focus on law enforcement defense. In 2004, he married Dolly Justice. They live in the Shandon neighborhood in [email protected]

Garry D. Malphrus (1989, USC School of Law 1993) has been sworn in as an immigration judge for the Arlington, Va., Immigration Court. Malphrus is one of more than 200 immigration judges in 53 immigration courts throughout the nation responsible for conducting formal admin-istrative proceedings to determine whether foreign-born individuals who are charged with violation of federal immigration law should be removed from the United States. Prior to his appointment, Malphrus was associate director of the White House Domestic Policy Council. He also served on the U.S. Senate Judiciary Subcommit-tee on the Constitution. He is a member of the S.C. Bar.

1990sJodie McLean (1990) is president and chief investment officer of Edens & Avant, a 220-employee, $2.5 billion commercial real estate company with corporate offices in Columbia and regional offices in Boston, Washington, D.C., and Atlanta, and 160 neighborhood shopping properties on the East Coast from Boston to Miami. She lives in Columbia.

Mark W. Smith (1992) is the author of New York Times best seller The Official Handbook of the Vast Right Wing Conspir-acy: The Arguments You Need to Defeat the Loony Left (Regnery 2004) and the soon-to-be released “Disrobed: The Secret Weapon Conservatives Can Use to Recapture the Courts and Defeat the Left’s Assault on America” (Crown Forum-Random House June 2006). A trial attorney, Mark is a partner at Kasowitz, Benson, Torres & Friedman LLP in New York City and frequently appears on the Fox News Channel and MSNBC as a political and legal [email protected]

James “Jimmy” Story (1993) is a for-eign service officer for the U.S. Department of State. He is the regional environmen-tal officer for South America, based at the U.S. embassy in Brasilia, Brazil. He says, “I travel extensively and would love to meet up with SCHC folks if they happen to be anywhere in South America.”[email protected]

Travis Lee Weatherford (1993) gradu-ated from the Culinary Institute of Amer-

1970sJohn Matt Dorn (1976) graduated from the University of Chicago with a Master of Arts in Divinity in December [email protected]

1980sJohn C. Bradley Jr. (1983, USC School of Law 1986) was elected partner of the law firm Sowell Gray Stepp & Laffitte, LLC. He lives in Columbia.

D. Mark Husband (1983, MA 1984) was promoted to colonel in the U.S. Air Force in October 2005. He is a systems opera-tions analyst conducting independent cost estimates of major defense acquisition pro-grams in the Office of the Secretary of Defense in the Pentagon. He recently com-pleted a tour of duty as squadron com-mander of the 426th Air Base Squadron in Stavanger, Norway, providing full service support to the 200 U.S. military personnel and family members stationed there. Mark and wife Debbie have four children and live in Alexandria, [email protected]

Elizabeth “Liz” (Lucas) Reynolds (1987) has been awarded the professional insur-ance designation chartered property casualty under-writer by the American Insti-tute for CPCU. The Ameri-can Institute for CPCU is an independent, not-for-profit educational organization that confers the CPCU designation on persons who complete eight rigorous courses and national examinations and meet its eth-ics and experience requirements. Liz is the director of public affairs for Indiana Farm Bureau Insurance, headquartered in India-napolis, Ind.

Robby Garfield (1989) has become a part-ner with the Columbia law firm of David-son, Morrison & Lindemann, P.A. His

CPCU designee Liz Reynolds

CIA grad Weatherford burning meringue

Nichols fishing in Washington state

medical conditions and providing preven-tative health maintenance and screenings. She says, “I hope to continue stomping out cardiovascular disease one patient at a time through patient education, and to enable patients to take more ownership and responsibility in their own health care.” She also works part time at the Thompson Student Health Center on the USC cam-pus. Eva and husband Christopher Ches-sick and will celebrate their two-year wedding anniversary in April. [email protected]

Danny Dorsel (1995) married Whitney Gatling on Jan. 7, [email protected]

Teresa Wilson Florence (1996, USC School of Law 1999) was excited to return to USC on June 1, 2005. She works in the Office of the President as coordinator of government and community [email protected]

Peter G. Siachos (1997) is an attorney practicing corporate litigation in New York and northern New Jersey. He married Margaret Anne Florence of Charleston on Aug. 27, 2005. They live in Hoboken, [email protected]

Gita Chakrabarti (1999) joined New York business strategy and consulting firm Bain & Co. in October 2005. She com-pleted her MBA from the University of Chicago in 2004 and took a year off to live and travel in Latin America and South-east [email protected]

Aubrey K. Jenkins (1999) writes the weekly column “Single in the City” for columbiatunes.com, a Web site developed by The State newspaper that highlights music, fashion, and relationships.

2000sKatherine Trexler Etheridge (2000) lives in Durham, N.C., with husband Kevin (USC 1999). She received her doctorate in molecular cancer biology from Duke Uni-versity in December 2005 and is continu-ing her postdoctoral studies at [email protected]

Reid T. Sherard (2000, USC School of Law 2004) is an associate of Nelson Mullins Riley & Scarborough LLP. He practices in Greenville in the areas of business litigation and employment law. Reid also serves on the University of South Carolina Board of Visitors and the Young Carolinians steering committee of the



South Carolina Historical Society. In summer 2005 he embarked on a 28-day trip across the United States. You can read about his journey at [email protected]

Muhammed Yousufuddin (2000) married Tasneem Shabbir Ebrahimji on July 29, 2000. He then began a doctor-ate in chemistry (emphasis on inorganic chemistry and chemical crystallography) at the University of Southern California, which he completed in December 2005. In January he joined the Research Collab-oratory for Structural Bioinformatics at Rutgers University as a research associate. There he helps manage the Protein Data Bank, which provides a variety of tools and resources for studying the structures of bio-logical macromolecules and their relation-ships to sequence, function, and disease. His wife (who attended USC but trans-ferred to UC-Irvine) is a quality specialist at RadPharm in New [email protected]

Jill Marie Stuerke (2001) married Michael Justin Munn on Oct. 8, 2005. They reside in Albany, Ga.

K. Brian Trauth (2001) is working on his MBA at HEC School of Management in Paris, ranked 11th in the world by the Wall Street Journal and 19th by The Econo-mist. Prior to enrolling at HEC, he worked for General Electric and Accenture. He travels frequently on the weekends, is improving his French, and is enjoying his days back in school before returning to the working world. He would love to meet up with any old friends coming through Paris. [email protected]

Brad Walters (2001) is a copy editor at The Washington Post and serves as a con-tributing writer for the newspaper’s Sun-day Source, a weekly entertainment section targeting Generation Y readers. Most recently, Brad attempted in an interview to coerce longtime The Price Is Right host Bob Barker into admitting when he might retire. (The answer? “I’ve been doing it ‘one more year’ for the past 12 years.”) [email protected]

Meghan Ramsey (2002) married James “Gabe” Clegg of Orangeburg, S.C., on Aug. 20, 2005. Clegg is the former ser-vice manager of Honda-Kawasaki-Yamaha of Orangeburg. They recently moved from Charleston to southwestern Germany, where Meghan is an engineer with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers at Ramstein Air Force Base. She manages multimillion-

dollar construction projects for the gov-ernment’s Military Construction Program. Her husband is pursuing his bachelor’s degree in business while working on [email protected]

Douglas McCartha (2002) will begin life as a resident in orthodontics at the Medical College of Georgia in July 2006, follow-ing graduation from the MUSC College of Dental [email protected]

Martin Caver (2004) is a field organizer at People of Faith Against the Death Penalty, a nonprofit organization based in Carrboro, N.C. People of Faith Against the Death Penalty works to educate and mobilize faith communities to support the abolishment of the death penalty in the United States.

Katie (Spurrier) Quertermous (2004) married Grant Quertermous on June 18, 2005, in Columbia. She is a sec-ond-year graduate stu-dent in math-ematics at the University of Virginia. They reside in [email protected]

Graham Culberston (2005) and Hilary (Schramm) Culbertson (2005) married on June 18, 2005, in Wichita, Kan. Graham hails from Charlotte, N.C., and Hilary is from Andover, Kan. They met during the McNair Scholar interview weekend before beginning their freshman year at Carolina. Graham is pursuing a master’s degree in English at UNC- Chapel Hill; Hilary does public relations for UNC-Chapel Hill’s Information Technology Services Department. They live in Chapel Hill.Graham: [email protected]: [email protected]

Kathryn Vignone (2005) is working on a doctorate in science and technology studies at Cornell University. Her signif-icant other, Antonio de Ridder (2005), is working on a master’s degree in French and Italian at the University of Indiana-Bloomington. After graduating from USC in May, they spent six weeks traveling in Europe and visiting Antonio’s family in Belgium.Kathryn: [email protected]: [email protected]

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Class notes and photos may be submitted online. Visit schc.sc.edu and click on “Alumni.”

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Katie and Grant Quertermous

Wishful thinkingOn Feb. 10, undeterred by sunny skies and temps in the 60s, Frosty the Snowman made an appearance on the Horseshoe in front of McKissick. Crafted of genuine snow by anonymous perpetrators, Frosty embodied what was on everyone’s mid-semester mind: just one snow day—please?


Students of DistinctionWhen international business major Marisa Niperts (2007) studied abroad during spring semester 2005, she also became a recording artist. While studying Portuguese and busi-ness in Brazil, Niperts cowrote a song that was recorded and sold to appear on the soundtrack for Malhacao, a Brazilian soap opera. Other artists on the CD include Jennifer Lopez, Missy Elliott, Maroon 5, Kelly Clarkson, and 3 Doors Down. Niperts is studying abroad in Sweden during spring semester 2006 and in Portugal next summer.

Abbie Isaac (theater 2006) is making a difference to other USC students through drama. Isaac made her directorial debut with USC Lab Theater’s October 2005 production of Lysistrata by Aristophanes. All ticket proceeds will fund undergraduate scholarships. Isaac’s most recent project was assistant-directing a Theatre South Carolina production of Buried Child by Sam Shepard, which ran Feb. 17–26 in Longstreet Theatre.

A new tutoring program founded by SCHC students is men-toring children in Columbia’s Waverly neighborhood. A group of SCHC students, including Thomas Scott (Baccalau-reaus 2006) and Ashley Kolaya (international studies 2006), formed Carolina Outreach Programs and Services (COPS) in 2005. Since then, Mark Godfriaux (business 2008) and Dori Enderle (business 2008) have coordinated volunteers and homework center activities, and Hannah Dykes (women’s studies 2008) helped establish a Girl Scout troop.

A COPS volunteer assists a student Abbie Isaac directs actors in Lysistrata

Marisa Niperts soars in Brazil

Association of Honors AlumniSouth Carolina Honors CollegeUniversity of South CarolinaColumbia, SC 29208


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