June 2012 Bishop’s Cleeve Parish Council Minutes for Full Council

Agenda Pack for Full Councilbtckstorage.blob.core.windows.net/site9670/Minutes...Financial reports for year ended 31.3.2012- Budget to Actual comparison. Cost centre Budget 2011/12

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Page 1: Agenda Pack for Full Councilbtckstorage.blob.core.windows.net/site9670/Minutes...Financial reports for year ended 31.3.2012- Budget to Actual comparison. Cost centre Budget 2011/12

Emma Tilley Echo

Gloucestershire Echo St James' House St James' Square


June 2012 Bishop’s Cleeve Parish Council

Minutes for Full Council

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AGENDA ............................................................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.

Police Report: ................................................................................................................................................................. 6

Report from the Chair of the Council- May 2012 ........................................................................................................... 7

Dates for diary ................................................................................................................................................................ 8

Financial reports for year ended 31.3.2012- .................................................................................................................. 9

Annual returns for the year ended 31.3.12 .................................................................................................................. 12

Minutes of the Annual Meeting of Bishop’s Cleeve Parish Council held on the .......................................................... 18

Minutes from Planning & Environment Committee meetings ..................................................................................... 21

Minutes of Sports field Committee .............................................................................................................................. 26

Minutes of Amenities Committee ................................................................................................................................ 27

Minutes of Facilities Committee Meeting .................................................................................................................... 29

Minutes of Allotment Committee Meeting .................................................................................................................. 31

Minutes of Community Well being Committee ............................................................................................................ 32

Cheque Payment List .................................................................................................................................................... 34

Correspondence from Cleeve Common Board of Conservators .................................................................................. 37

Borough Council new Plan information ........................................................................................................................ 39

Library Consultation information ................................................................................................................................. 40

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Bishop’s Cleeve Parish

Council MINUTES Councillors attended the Meeting of Bishop’s Cleeve Parish Council on

the 7th June 2012 at the Parish Council Offices at 7.30pm- Welcome by Chair

of Council

1. No Members of the public attended to address the Council.

2. Attendance of Parish Councillors as Councillor P Lightfoot (chair), Councillor

G Jackson (vice chair) Councillor A Lightfoot Councillor G Matthews Councillor P

Badham Councillor P Richmond Councillor P Taylor Councillor J Peake Councillor

K Peake Councillor R Stayt, Councillor B Hall Councillor B Lewis Councillor A

Reece Councillor A Robinson Councillor M Cooper Councillor D Lewis Councillor

F Beattie Councillor L Drake Councillor Mackinnon Councillor A Shakespeare.

Borough Councillors East, Hillier Richardson & Bird and County Councillor Jones

also attended

3. Apologies received from Borough Councillor Healey. Non attendance

recorded as Cllr M Cooper.

4. Councillors were invited to make a Declaration of interests of matters on

the agenda. Cllr Badham declared an interest in the Community Well Being

Committee report (chamber of Commerce) and Cllr Beattie declared an interest in

Tithe Barn matters.

5. Police Report noted as attached. Apologies received from PCSO Jones who

was unable to attend. Council asked Clerk to inform Sgt Holt that it is disappointed

that no representative has attended for 2 meetings.

6. Council invited the Borough Councillors to present their written reports.

Borough Councillor Mackinnon distributed a written report. Council Noted

proposed Code of Conduct changes not yet available.

7. Council invited County Councillor Jones to present his written report.

Community well being committee to be asked if it wishes to respond to Library


8. The report of the Chair of Council for May 2012 was noted.

9. Council noted dates for diary June to July 2012.

10. The Council noted the financial statements as presented

11. Council authorised the Chair of Council to sign the annual return as


12. Council noted the report from the independent internal auditor

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13. Council noted Chairs and Vice chairs of committees have been elected as

shown on schedule attached.

14. Council decided that any Councillor is eligible to be elected for outside


Council confirmed election of Councillor Stayt to represent the Parish Council on

the Rooftop Housing Group

15. Council confirmed the election of Councillor Richmond to represent the

Parish Council on the Chamber of Commerce Events committees

16. Council confirmed the election of Chair of Council and Councillors A

Shakespeare and B Hall to represent the Parish Council at the PACT (police and

communities) meetings

17. Council confirmed it wished to seek a volunteer rather than elect 1 Councillor

from the Community well being Committee to represent the Parish Council at

the Town and Parish Council seminars organised by TBC

18. Council confirmed the election of Councillor Richmond to represent the

Parish Council at the Chartered Parishes meetings.

19. Council confirmed election of Councillors P Lightfoot and Cllr Mackinnon

to represent the Parish Council on the Wingmoor Farm Liaison Committee

20. Council confirmed election of Councillors B Lewis, A Shakespeare and P

Lightfoot to represent the Parish Council on the Cleeve Conservators board. It

was noted Cleeve Conservators board members would need to be a trustee.

21. Council confirmed election of Councillor Drake to represent the Parish

Council on Transition Cleeve

22. Councillors confirmed election of Councillor Reece to represent the Parish

Council on the Tithe Barn Management Committee – It was noted that the

Councillor needs to become a Trustee. Councillors should ensure that they are

informed as to the implications of being a Trustee.

23. Council agreed for accuracy the minutes of the previous meeting held May

2012. Paragraph 37 was amended by deletion of text as it did not relate to any

decision made.

24. Council were asked for any Matters arising for information purposes only.

Council noted that letter was sent to TBC chief Executive regarding the Tesco car

park entrance as instructed.

25. Council noted the draft minutes for all Committee meetings held during

May 2012. Councillor B Lewis left the meeting at 20.23pm.

26. Council approved the Cheque payment list as shown.

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27. Council noted that the Caterpillar plan is now at the Butterfly stage. Two emails have been sent inviting all Councillors to take part in the Community Led Plan process by supporting the Community Wellbeing Committee on 10th June 2012. 28. Council noted correspondence from Cleeve Conservators as attached. 12 Councillors indicated that they wished to attend. 29. Council noted correspondence has been received by the Chair and Vice Chair of Council from a member of the public unhappy with a decision of the Sports field Committee. A reply has been sent by the Chair of Council. The correspondence does not fit the criteria of the Complaints policy of the Parish Council. 30. Council considered request from Golden Circle Luncheon Club for s137 donation. Current balance of s137 budget is £1400. Last grant given to Golden Circle Luncheon Club was in 2010 in the sum of £195. Council wished to make a donation of £200 subject to the Clerk receiving the latest accounts. 31. Council approved wording of resolution to be forwarded to GAPTC, requesting it to be put forward at GAPTC annual meeting with regard to Dependants Allowances for Parish Councillor. 32. Council noted the annual report has been approved by Community Well being Committee and has been sent for distribution. Electronic copies will be available on the website. A copy has been distributed to all Parish Councillors. 33. Council noted information from TBC regarding new Borough Council Plan 34. Council noted information regarding Library opening Hours consultation. Community wellbeing committee to discuss official response on behalf of BCPC. 35. Council were asked for any other business for information purposes at the discretion of the Chair. Borough clearing of watercourse on Finlay Way noted. Parish garden red, white and blue Jubilee planting received positive comments. Tithe Barn appearance after alterations. Phase 3 almost completed Cemetery appearance referred to Borough Councillors Cleeve Colts awarded FA Community Club award. Annual tournament 23rd June at Sports field Phone boxes conditions in Village- Community Well being committee Pictures in Council Chamber to be considered by Facilities Committee

Date of next meeting noted as 5th July 2012

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Police Report:

Crime Comparison Statistics For Parish Council

produced by Gloucestershire Constabulary for PCSO Dee Jones 249076 on 23MAY12

As you can see by the figures crime is down again this month compared with the same time last year.

Watchword has been actively used to pass on message when crimes have occurred and the use of the quarterly NHW coordinators meetings, has really engaged enthusiasm in the scheme.

Period : 01MAY2012 - 22MAY2012 Compared With 01MAY2011 - 22MAY2011

HO Band HO Category







+/- % Crime








+/- % Detect


Violence Assault with injury 1 2 -1 (50.00%) 0 0 0 0.00%

1 0 1 0.00% 0 0 0 0.00%

Burglary Burglary dwelling 2 1 1 100.0% 0 0 0 0.00%

Burglary Burglary non dwelling 1 0 1 0.00% 0 0 0 0.00%

Burglary Attempted Burglary non dwelling 0 1 -1 0.00% 0 0 0 0.00%

Theft Theft in a dwelling 1 2 -1 (50.00%) 0 1 -1 0.00%

Theft Theft of pedal cycle 1 2 -1 (50.00%) 0 0 0 0.00%

Theft Shoplifting 1 1 0 0.00% 0 1 -1 0.00%

Theft Theft/unauth taking m/veh 1 0 1 0.00% 0 0 0 0.00%

Theft Other theft/unauth taking 0 2 -2 0.00% 0 0 0 0.00%

Fraud Other fraud 1 0 1 0.00% 1 0 1 0.00%

Fraud Fraud by False Representation, 1 0 1 0.00% 0 0 0 0.00%

Fraud Fraud by False Representation, Other Frauds

0 1 -1 0.00% 0 0 0 0.00%

Criminal damage

Criminal damage -dwelling 1 4 -3 (75.00%) 0 2 -2 0.00%

Criminal damage

Criminal damage -non dwelling 2 1 1 100.0% 0 2 -2 0.00%

Criminal damage

Criminal damage -vehicles 1 6 -5 (83.33%) 0 0 0 0.00%

Drugs Drugs 0 1 -1 0.00% 1 1 0 0.00%

= 15 24 -9 (37.50%) 2 7 -5 (71.43%)

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Report from the Chair of the Council- May 2012

21/05/12 Cleeve Conservators

Attended Executive meeting which discussed future options following the resignation of our

Conservation Officer + progress on renewal of Golf Club lease to TBC + potential changes to Chair /

Vice Chair roles.

22/05/12 Cleeve Conservators AGM

I was re-elected as Vice Chair for a further year.

28/05/12 Community Plan Questionnaire

Attended workshop with Cllrs Alan Shakespeare and Ann Lightfoot which put together a draft of

the questionnaire for the next stage of developing the Community Lead Plan. Will need lots of

councillors to get forms filled out during the Summer Street Fair on 10th June.

Pete Lightfoot


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Dates for diary

Thu 7 Jun 19:30 – 22:00 Full Council meeting - Council chamber

Sun 10 Jun 12 noon to 4pm Community Engagement – All Councillors during Street Fair

Thu 14 Jun 18:30 – 19:30 Planning and Environment Committee - Meeting room 1

19:30 – 21:30 Amenities committee - meeting room

Thu 21 Jun 19:30 – 21:30 facilities committee - meeting room

Thu 28 Jun 18:30 – 19:30 Planning and environment committee - Meeting room

19:30 – 21:30 community well being committee - meeting room

Thu 5 Jul 19:30 – 22:00 Full Council meeting - Council chamber

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Financial reports for year ended 31.3.2012- Budget to Actual comparison.

Cost centre Budget 2011/12

Actual 2011/12


Allotment income (5250) (5174) Allotment expenditure 5250 5174

Community building income

(17012) (27182) includes grant income

Community building exp 17012 27182

Sports field income (22350) (25989) Sports field expenditure 42115 52009 Insurance premium, Heating

repairs, utility costs above budget

Net sportsfield cost to council

19765 26020

Parish office income (3579) (1620) GCC cut back, use by councillor supported groups foc

Misc income (308) Highways and amenities (a) 6950 6009 Includes dog bag income

Democracy and Community (b)

3000 2900

Playground costs © 11816 12307 Grass cutting extra cut Watercourses costs 7000 4035 No remedial works needed

Public open spaces 0

vandalism 3000 60 Youth provision 26500 15358 Agreed to carry balance


Grants and donations (d) 17000 17810 Council agreed to pay more to s142 than budgeted for

Salary costs 78262 77858

Council, insurance and professional costs

24100 16876 Insurance now allocated to main cost centres

Office/admin costs (f) 31160 37903 Extraordinary repairs to fountain & jubilee seating and planting

Bank and loan costs 250 503

Capital costs –playground 15000 15480 Total expenditure (excludes reserve provisions)

240224 231191 Balance to reserves £9033

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Annual returns for the year ended 31.3.12

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Report from Independent Internal auditor

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Schedule of elected Chairs & Vice Chairs of Committees

Committee Chair Vice Chair

Allotment P Lightfoot J Peake

Amenities A Lightfoot F Beattie

Community Well being P Taylor F Beattie

Facilities P Taylor A Reece

Planning and Environment A Lightfoot G Jackson

Sports field P Taylor A Reece

Finance and Employment P Lightfoot -

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Minutes of the Annual Meeting of Bishop’s Cleeve Parish Council held

on the 3rd May 2012 at the Parish Council Offices at 7.30pm- Welcome by Chair of Council

1. Election of Chair of Council. Nominated persons having secured a proposer and

seconder was Cllr P Lightfoot who was duly elected

2. Election of Vice Chair of Council. Nominated person having secured a proposer

and seconder was Cllr Jackson who was duly elected

3. Co-option of new Councillors – 2x Grangefield Ward ( Mr Lewis and Mr Reece)

and Ix St Michaels Ward( Mr Robinson), having applied for co-option and meeting

the criteria set out by the Council were co-opted by the Council.

There was a short break for relevant papers to be signed and co-opted members to take their places.

4. Members of the public who attended were invited to address the Council.

Mr Habgood, Mr Averiss and Mr Stansborough, (allotments) and Michelle

Roberts (follow up from last meeting re sign on Evesham Road, hedging on

Two Hedges Road and traffic in Crown Drive during “GE Aviation” road


5. Attendance of Parish Councillors recorded as Councillors’ P Lightfoot, A

Lightfoot, D Lewis, M Cooper, L Drake, A Mackinnon, G Matthews, J Peake, K

Peake, P Richmond, A Shakespeare, P Taylor, B Hall, R Stayt, G Jackson, B Hall,

A Reece, A Robinson, B Lewis (after co-option) (18)

Also attending were A Reece, A Robinson, B Lewis who later joined the

Council following Co-option. Borough Councillor East and County

Councillor Jones also attended

6. Absences recorded as Cllr Badham & Cllr Beattie.

7. Councillors were invited to make a Declaration of interests of matters on

the agenda.

8. Police Report noted as attached. PCSO Jones did not attend. Council

formally expressed its displeasure at the lack of information accompanying the


9. Council agreed they wish to invite the Borough Councillors to present a

written monthly report.

10. Council agreed they wish to invite the County Councillor to present a

written monthly report.

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11. The report of the Chair of Council for April 2012 noted.

12. Council noted dates for diary May to July 2012. A Report for 2012/13

meeting dates has been distributed separately.

13. The Council confirmed the adoption of the existing standing orders and

financial regulations with an amendment of committees increasing to 9

members. There are no other amendments as recommended by the Finance

and Employment Committee –(see page 21 and 53 of Council information


14. Councillors confirmed election of 9 Councillors for the Amenities

committee from G Matthews, R Stayt, L Drake, F Beattie, A Lightfoot, P

Lightfoot, K Peake, A Robinson and M Cooper (9)

15. Councillors confirmed the election of 9 Councillors for the Community Well

being committee from Councillors’ Taylor, Beattie, A Lightfoot, P Lightfoot, A

Shakespeare, J Peake, B Lewis, B Hall and D Lewis (9)

16. Councillors confirmed election of Councillors for the Planning and

Environment committee from G Jackson, A Lightfoot, P Lightfoot, K Peake, A

Reece, D Lewis, A Robinson , B Lewis and M Cooper (9)

17. Councillors confirmed election of the Facilities committee as Councillors’

L Drake, A Shakespeare, A Reece, P Richmond, A Mackinnon, P Taylor, A

Robinson (7)

18. Councillors confirmed the Allotments Committee as Councillors’ Jackson, A

Lightfoot, P Lightfoot, L Drake, A Shakespeare P Richmond, P Taylor, B Stayt and

J Peake (9)

19. Councillors confirmed the Sports field Committee as Councillors’, P

Lightfoot, P Badham, B Hall, P Taylor, A Reece, P Richmond, K Peake, B Lewis

and M Cooper (9)

20. Council confirmed the appointment of Clerk as Responsible Financial

Officer for the 2012/13 Council year

21. Council confirmed election Cllr Jackson as Responsible Financial

Councillor for 2012/13

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22. Council noted that there were no proposed changes to cheque signatories’

for the Bank Accounts. Existing signatories are Cllr P Lightfoot, Cllr A Lightfoot,

Cllr G Jackson Cllr G Matthews and Cllr A Shakespeare and the Clerk.

23. Council noted the list of insurance cover –

24. Council noted the list of Risk assessment schedule –

25. Council noted the Fixed Asset schedule – value of astro £1 to be

discussed with auditor

26. Council authorised membership of GAPTC for the coming 12 month period

27. Council confirmed the Council’s Complaint procedure (see page 67 of

Council information booklet)

28. Council confirmed the Community Engagement strategy (see page 65 of

Council information booklet).

29. Council confirmed the Equalities Policy (see page 87 of Council information


30. Council confirmed the Councillor and Staff training policy (see page 88/89

of Council Information booklet)

31. Council confirmed the Information Availability policy (see page 119 of the Council Information booklet) 32. Council agreed for accuracy the minutes of the meeting held April 2012

33. Council discussed any Matters arising for information purposes only.

Dangerous pot holes in entrance to Car Park entrance letter to be done ASAP by


34. Council noted the draft minutes for Committees meetings held during April 2012

Planning Committee- requested to look at New Homes Bonus correspondence,

Recreation committee & Amenities Committee

35. Council approved Cheque payment list as shown.

36. Council agreed the Finance and Employment Committee recommendation that

a) report be prepared considering Succession Planning for key staff and b) review of Caretaking role and responsibilities 37. Council agreed the Finance and Employment Committee decision that the

Council acted fairly and lawfully in setting the Allotment rent for 2012/13- see report (13 agreed and 5 abstained) Council were asked for any other business for information purposes at the discretion of the Chair.

Planning and recycling committee to discuss blue recycling Lamp post bin outside post office to be discussed at amenities committee. meeting closed at 21.20

Date of next meeting noted as 7th June 2012

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Minutes from Planning & Environment Committee meetings

Held at 6.30pm on Thursday 24th May 2012.

Public Session- one member of the public attended representing Home Farm

Equestrian Centre (application on agenda)

1. Attendance from AL, PL, GJ, KP, ASR, BL, AR, DL

2. Apologies noted from MC (arrived at18.38)

3. Minutes of meeting held on 10th May 2012 –agreed

4. Planning Applications consideration given as attached summary

5. Decisions made by TBC/GCC – noted

Planning Matters:

6. Councillors noted Comparo Homelands 2 submission relating to NPPF

has been received.

7. Councillors noted withdrawal of application re:11/00632/FUL regarding

vehicle/cycle links being replaced with S106 agreement

8. Committee noted information regarding asbestos within 12/00213/FUL

(Rooftops garages) has been forwarded to TBC.

9. Committee agreed response to draft conservation area appraisal as

comments to be emailed to clerk before 5th June for committee approval at next

meeting. It was noted that the Library does not have hard copies. Committee to

write asking for a hardcopy to be sent to the Library/Parish Office

10. Committee noted road name for Homelands 1 phase 2 are:

Sunrise Avenue, Washpool Road and Gotherington Lane.

Environmental Matters

11. Committee noted information on recycling incentive scheme information


12. Committee noted email has been sent to George Hill asking that new homes

bonus fund be passed on to local communities.

13. Councillors agreed response to TBC draft housing and homeless strategy as

comments to be emailed to clerk before 5th June for committee approval at next


14. Committee agreed response to public consultation on Javelin Park

Closing date 6th July 2012. Comments to be emailed to clerk before 5th June for

committee approval at next meeting. Committee noted drop in sessions are

being held in Quedegley and Hardwick.

15. Dangerous wall- Committee noted that Email correspondence continuing.

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16. Committee considered Christmas recycling dates and agreed a letter to be

sent stating that the period is too long between collections of food waste,

landfill and recycling.

Highways Matters

17. Committee noted road closure - Royal Oak street party – 5th June 2012

18. Committee noted confirmation letter from TBC that entrance library car park

has been resurfaced at Tesco’s cost. Land remains in ownership of TBC at

present time.

Any Other Business

Committee noted Cllr M Cooper has been reserved a place on the GRCC

community approach to reducing traffic speed event.

Committee noted comments for Hunting Butts appeal missed the deadline.

Committee noted that for the previous council year, the planning committee opinion

differed on 2 occasions.

The meeting closed at 19.25pm

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Planning applications received

Our ref

Date recd num address Details bcpc

517 30/04/2012 coal research establishment

125 dwellings noted

518 08/05/2012 Tesco 4 additional car parking spaces observations Ctte noted that work has already been carried. Letter to be sent on this matter

519 08/05/2012 Tesco Installation of Hello feature and upgrade to 4 trolley bays


520 09/05/2012 Tesco Installation of timber clad welcome wall adjacent to lobby entrance


521 09/05/2012 Tesco car park pole mounted signage, tablet signs, window vinyls gantry signage and ATM sign

Observation Letter to go asking for signage at roundabout to remain as soon as previous one

522 10/05/2012 2 Meads Close 1st floor side ext Cllr Peake declared an interest. support

523 16/05/2012 19 Haycroft Close single storey (Resubmission 415 BCPC supported original. Permission given) support

524 11/05/2012 Homefarm, Brockhampton lane

extension to ménage & relocation of existing parking area


525 17/05/2012 The parish of Bishops Cleeve and other parishes

street trading license application noted

526 17/05/2012 Ontic Engineering Cleeve Business park

Retention of 1xexternal illuminated sign and erection of 1x proposed external sign


Planning Decisions TBC/GCC



Date recd House


Address TBC Decision BCPC Decision

504 15/05/2012 6 Snowshill


Permit Support

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Bishop’s Cleeve Parish Council – Planning & Environment Committee

attended a meeting held at 6.30pm on Thursday 10th May 2012.


1. Election of Cllr A Lightfoot,Chair & Cllr Jackson as Vice Chair. Cllr M Cooper

acted as Chair for the meeting.

Public Session- 2 members of public (Mr and Mrs Drake spoke regarding 32 The


2. Attendance from, KP, AR, DL, AR, MC, BL

3. Apologies noted from AL, PL, GJ.

4. Minutes of meeting held on 26th April 2012 –agreed

5. Planning Applications received for consideration

Site Address TBC Ref No./ Submit Date

Proposal BCPC ref no.

BCPC response

15, Oakfield Road

12/00438 2 storey side extension & single storey rear extension

512 support

14, Meadow Way

12/00457/FUL Single storey rear conservatory

513 support

20, Evesham Road

12/00112/LBC Re-roofing, new boiler flue, ground drainage, replacement infill panel on E elevation, insulation to flat roof

514 support

41, Oakfield Road

12/00468/FUL New dormer window/velux & replacement garage

515 support

39 Snowshill Drive

12/00376/FUL Proposed new dwelling

516 objection

6. Decisions made by TBC/GCC- noted

Address Ref No. BCPC response

BCPC ref no

TBC decision

Homelands Farm/Green Park 11/00663/OUT Object 452 Refuse

7. Other Planning matters for Consideration

New Homes bonus –update given. Clerk to write to TBC to ask for update.

Email from Fiona Hasley re: TBC draft housing and homelessness strategy

2012-16 (incorporating strategies for housing renewal and empty homes).

Clerk to email link for committee to consider and bring back to next meeting.

Committee would like a spreadsheet to show reasons for approve/refuse &

comparison data.

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8. Environmental matters for consideration

Letter and DVD from Nigel Riglar, Gloucester County Council, regarding

Gloucestershire Waste Core Strategy – post examination changes. Cllr Lewis

will email information to committee members to bring their comments back to

next committee meeting.

Email correspondence from Julie Rose at TBC – update report on surface

water management plans- distributed.

Blue bin recycling over Christmas. To be put on next agenda.

Recycling incentive scheme by TBC- Clerk to find out more details and bring

to next meeting.

9. Highways matters for consideration

Email invitation to Community approach to reducing traffic speed. Committee

members to contact assistant to book 2 places – first come first served.

Plan of The Lea, Bishops Cleeve, and footpath construction update noted

Explanation of system for Glos Highways /County Councillor Liaison

meetings including Print out of data,

10. Other information noted

09/00612/OUT Stoke Orchard residential dwellings. Section

106 already agreed noted

12/00186/APP – from TBC planning officer – Reserved matters planning app for development of 125 dwellings on coal research establishment, Stoke Road, Stoke Orchard- bring comments to next meeting.

Email from local resident re: building on Crown Drive. noted

Email from resident re: dry stone wall damage in centre of Bishops Cleeve.

Correspondence has been forwarded to Borough Councillors as per Clerk’s request. Clerk to follow up with enforcement re dangerous structure,

Email from housing office at svhs re: removal of walnut tree at

2 The Poplars. Noted

Any Other Business – street map to be put in planning box

meeting closed at 7.28pm

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Minutes of Sports field Committee

Members of the Sports field Committee attended the Sports field Committee

meeting held at 7.30pm in the Parish Office on Wednesday May 9th 2012

1. Election of Chair and Vice- Chair of Committee –cllr Taylor and Cllr Reece were

duly elected

2. Public Session took place including representatives from Users of the sports


3. Attendance recorded as Councillors’ P Badham, B Hall, P Taylor, A Reece, P

Richmond, K Peake, B Lewis and M Cooper

4. Absences to be recorded – Councillors’ P Lightfoot

5. Committee noted that the Power to act in relation to this Committee comes from

LGA 1976 s19- namely to provide and manage playing fields and power to

provide buildings for use of clubs having athletic, social or recreational


6. Committee agreed minutes from April 2012 meeting of recreation committee

7. Committee confirmed continuation of management plans and policy for sports

field as contained in Councillors information booklet

8. Committee confirmed continuation existing watercourse management strategy

as agreed in October 2011

9. Committee agreed Clerk to continue actions for the 2 leased parcels of land

from TBC

10. Committee considered proposal from Cheltenham North Rugby Club for long

term lease of pitch and separate changing rooms – Finance Officer will inform

Committee of the VAT rules regarding the sports field.

11. Equalities Policy noted

The Parish Council must in the exercise of its functions, have due regard to the

need to eliminate discrimination, harassment, victimisation and advance equality

of opportunity by tackling prejudice and promoting understanding in protected

characteristics of age, disability, gender, maternity, race, religion, and sexual


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Minutes of Amenities Committee

Members of the Amenities Committee attended the Amenities Committee meeting

held at 7.30pm in the Parish Office on Thursday May 10th 2012

1. Election of Chair – Cllr A Lightfoot and Vice- Chair of Committee Cllr Beattie

2. Public Session – Cllr Richmond attended but did not wish to address committee

3. Attendance to be recorded from Councillors’, R Stayt, L Drake, F Beattie, A

Robinson and M Cooper

4. Absences to be recorded – A Lightfoot, P Lightfoot, K Peake, G Matthews

5. Committee noted that the Committee has the Power to act in relation to

a) Power to contribute towards expenses of cemeteries Open Spaces Act 1906,

ss9 and 10 & Parish Councils and Burial Authorities (Miscellaneous

Provisions) Act 1970, s1.Local Government Act 1972, s.214

b) Power to provide and maintain bus shelters Local Government (Misc

Provisions) Act 1952, s.4 & Parish Councils Act 1957,3 s.1

c) Power to deal with ponds and ditches Public Health Act 1936, s.260

d) Power to provide roadside seats and shelters Parish Council Act 1957

e) Power to provide Litter Provision of receptacles Litter Act 1983, ss.5, 6

f) Power to acquire land or to provide recreation grounds, public walks,

pleasure grounds and open spaces and to manage and control them Public

Health Act 1975, s.164 & Local Government Act 1972, Sched.14 para.27)

g) Power to use decorative signs to inform visitors Local Government Act 1972,


h) Power to maintain, repairs, protect and adapt war memorials War Memorials

(Local Authorities' Powers) Act 1923, s.1; as extended by Local Government

Act 1948, s.133

6. Committee agreed minutes from April 2012 meeting of Amenities committee

7. Committee confirmed acceptance of management plans and policy for amenities

are as contained in office procedures and policy booklet

8. Committee noted existing watercourse management strategy for watercourses

in playing fields –as per SLA agreed by Committee 2011 for 4 years.

9. Equalities Policy noted

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The Parish Council must in the exercise of its functions, have due regard to the

need to eliminate discrimination, harassment, victimisation and advance equality of

opportunity by tackling prejudice and promoting understanding in protected

characteristics of age, disability, gender, maternity, race, religion, and sexual


Any other business considered at the discretion of the Chair for information

purposes only.

Picnic benches follow up

Suggested committee make site visits.

Meeting closed at 19.59

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Minutes of Facilities Committee Meeting

Members of the Facilities Committee attended the Committee meeting held at

7.30pm in the Parish Office on Thursday May 17th 2012

1. Election of Chair took place and Cllr Taylor was elected and Cllr Reece was

elected Vice- Chair of Committee

2. Equalities Policy noted

The Parish Council must in the exercise of its functions, have due regard to the

need to eliminate discrimination, harassment, victimisation and advance equality

of opportunity by tackling prejudice and promoting understanding in protected

characteristics of age, disability, gender, maternity, race, religion, and sexual


3. Public Session – Mr Cooper attended

4. Attendance recorded as Councillors’, A Shakespeare, A Reece, P Richmond,

P Taylor, A Robinson

5. Absences recorded – apologies received from Cllr Mackinnon& Cllr L Drake

6. Committee noted that the Committee has the Power to act in relation to

Community Building – LGA 1976 s19 & LGA 1972 s133

Parish Office-LGA 1972 s133

Maintenance of parish properties LGA 1984 s8

Facilitate bases for children and young people in the village LGA 1976 s19

Recreational facilities –LGA 1976 s19

Promotion of Arts, entertainments and local crafts. LGA 1972 s145

7. Committee agreed minutes from March 2012 meeting of Premises committee

8. Committee noted facilities information and booking form booklet accepted by

committee on 15/3/12 (see website /copies available from office)

9. Committee noted existing management plan as delegated to Clerk on day to

day basis for community building , parish office & parish garden

10. Committee authorised contract cleaning of the parish office as per original

management plan and in line with community building. Three tenders have been

received in the sums of £151, £141 and £168. The committee agreed to go with

the same company as Community Building in the sum of £141 per month

Cllr Drake attended at this point- Committee were asked by Street Fair

Committee to make available the Parish Office, Parish Garden and

Community Building on Sunday 10th June. The Proper Officer of Council has

drawn committee’s attention to minutes of January 2012 with regard to Health

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and Safety issues. The Clerk is not able to authorise use of the Council’s

premises without specific instruction of the committee in this instance due to

three breaches of H & Safety & conditions of hire which have been agreed

by Christmas Light Committee representatives as having happened in their

emails to Councillors in advance of this meeting.

11. Committee Agreed (booking clause 12) it needs a copy of the Risk

Assessment within 14 days of this meeting. The Committee stated that the

maximum occupancy needs to be monitored by their organiser. It is understood

that the room will be used empty. If the Risk Assessment is not received the

booking is to be cancelled. The Parish Council Public Liability insurance to be

included Free of Charge. The Clerk to inform BCPC insurance company.

The Committee were also advised that the Community Well being committee

are being asked to use the Parish Office on the same day for public

consultation event for the Community Lead Plan (caterpillar plan) and

therefore the Parish Office will not be available on the day. Committee

agreed the Street Fair Committee may use the gardens providing no heavy

equipment is placed on the grass areas.

12. Committee were asked to consider update of s106 expenditure as provided

by Clerk at meeting however the information has not yet been received. Move

forward to June 2012 meeting.

13. Any other business will be considered at the discretion of the Chair for information purposes only.

Cllr Richmond commented that in his opinion the planting of the garden did

not meet the policy as agreed.

Councillors can request matters to be put on the agenda for discussion at future

meetings by emailing Clerk at least 8 days before the date of the next meeting.

Meeting closed at 20.11pm

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Minutes of Allotment Committee Meeting

Minutes of the Allotment Committee meeting held at 7.30pm in the Parish Office on

Wednesday May 23rd 2012

1. Election of Chair took place and Cllr P Lightfoot was elected and Vice- Chair of

Committee took place and Cllr J Peake was elected

2. Public Session – none attended

3. Declaration of interests took place

4. Attendance recorded as Councillors’ L Drake, P Taylor, A Lightfoot, P Lightfoot,

A Shakespeare, J Peake, P Richmond & B Stayt

5. Apologies recorded as Councillor G Jackson & Councillor J Peake 6. Committee noted that the Committee has the Power to act in relation to provide

allotments under Allotment and Smallholding Act 1908

7. Committee agreed minutes from February 2012 meeting of Allotment committee

8. Committee noted no plot holder has failed to renew Tenancy Agreement.

9. Committee noted that there are 5 empty plots and no residents on waiting list.

10. Committee made a policy decision on long term empty plots that in future.

Notice board poster to be done. Clerk to use best economical method for weed


11. Committee noted management policies as delegated to Clerk – agreed October

2011-as attached

12. Equalities Policy was noted

The Parish Council must in the exercise of its functions, have due regard to the

need to eliminate discrimination, harassment, victimisation and advance equality of

opportunity by tackling prejudice and promoting understanding in protected

characteristics of age, disability, gender, maternity, race, religion, and sexual


Any other business will be considered at the discretion of the Chair for information purposes only.

Councillors can request matters to be put on the agenda for discussion at future meetings by

emailing Clerk at least 8 days before the date of the next meeting. Cllr Peake arrived.

Impact of rain during April Date of next meeting Letter sent to plot holder re rent was distributed Meeting closed 20.01pm

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Minutes of Community Well being Committee

Members of the Community Wellbeing Committee attended the Committee meeting

to be held at 7.30pm in the Parish Office on Thursday May 24th 2012

1. Election of Chair took place – Cllr Taylor was elected and Cllr Beattie was

elected as Vice- Chair of Committee –

2. Public Session – Cllr Cooper and Cllr Richmond attended

3. Attendance to be recorded from Councillors’ Taylor, F Beattie, A Lightfoot, P

Lightfoot, A Shakespeare, J Peake (19.33), B Lewis, and D Lewis

4. Apologies received from B Hall

5. Committee noted that the Committee has the Power to act in relation to

i) Power to provide Website- LGA 1972 s142 j) Power to provide Newsletter – LGA 1972 s142 k) Power to promote Tourism –LGA 1972 s144 l) Power to provide /promote Christmas lights LGA 1972 s144 m) Power to support Citizen Advice Bureau LGA 1972 s142 n) Power to spend money on Crime prevention methods LGRA 1997s31 o) Power to provide youth activities – LGA 1976 s19 p) Power to provide grants for recreational facilities LGA 1976 s19 q) Power to provide grants for Arts and Theatres LGA 1972 s145 r) Power to take part in the Quality Parish and Town Scheme -LGA 2003 s) Power to make subscriptions to local government associations LGA 1972

s143 t) Power to facilitate the discharge of the Council’s functions LGA 1972 s111 u) Power to provide basic Parish Council allowances LA Members allowances

(England) regulations 2003 si 2003/1021 part 5

6. Committee agreed minutes from March 2012 meeting of Community

engagement committee

7. Committee noted SLA for youth provision are as attached – additional holiday and ongoing evening provision for Pecked Lane has been agreed and is in process of being finalised 8. Committee does not wish to take part in GRCC vibrant Village of the Year

competition for 2012 but wish earlier notice for 2013. Clerk to bring information to next meeting. Cllr F Beattie to lead project.

9. Committee considered grant – (power to promote tourism Act –LGA 1972 s144) to provide temporary signs directing visitors to Church Road shops via recently reopened pathway from Tesco Car park. Request for £80 from local business. Clerk to ascertain planning regulations and if alleyway is going to close, ascertain level of support from business community and bring back to next meeting. Invite businessman to attend next meeting.

10. Committee approved annual report for distribution during June 2012. 11. Committee approved questionnaire style for Caterpillar plan. Examples have

been on the meeting room display boards since the public workshops in April.

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Top 5 options to be offered 2 sides of A4 – Working group to attend session to devise questionnaire. Committee delegated power to working group to publish.

12. Committee agreed next stage of consultation for Caterpillar Plan. It has been advised that every household should receive a copy of the questionnaire. The Committee will hold a public engagement session at the time of the street fair in the parish office. Full Council to be invited to take part. Distribution to be agreed at next Committee meeting.

13. Committee considered application for grant towards Street Fair - Power to promote Tourism –LGA 1972 s144. It was noted that invitation to Councillors to be involved at committee stage has been made. Invitation to take part in the autumn presentation evening. Street Fair Committee has also asked for Parish Office and Garden to be made available to Street Fair. The Facilities Committee have offered the community building and the parish garden subject to acceptable risk assessment to be approved by the BCPC insurance providers. The Street Fair has declined the offer of the Community Building. Cllr Cooper and Cllr Richmond spoke as members of the public. Committee agreed £500 towards the cost of the stalls, accounts to be sent to the Parish Council as soon as possible and the Committee does not envisage grants being available in future years in light of the current economic hardships.

14. Committee noted that TBC have asked if we have any suggestions for a

suitable location for a 18 stand Italian market (preferably free of charge). The

chamber of Commerce has been approached by TBC but the project has not

made progress. The Clerk has forwarded the email to the Tithe Barn for

consideration. The Sports field would be recommended and the Clerk to offer

the Sports field subject to planning regulations. The Committee would also offer

the Parish Garden if TBC can organise other venues close by.

15. Equalities Policy noted The Parish Council must in the exercise of its

functions, have due regard to the need to eliminate discrimination, harassment,

victimisation and advance equality of opportunity by tackling prejudice and

promoting understanding in protected characteristics of age, disability, gender,

maternity, race, religion, and sexual orientation

Any other business will be considered at the discretion of the Chair for information

purposes only.

Website update.

Councillors can request matters to be put on the agenda for discussion at future

meetings by emailing Clerk at least 8 days before the date of the next meeting.

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Cheque Payment List

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Correspondence from Cleeve Common Board of Conservators

Dear Clerks,

Thank you for electing officials as members or co-opted members of Cleeve Common Board Of Conservators. We

value their contribution and commitment to the management of this wonderful local Area of Outstanding Natural


I have attached the Annual Report and Guide for Local Authorities for your interest and wider circulation.

We would be delighted to encourage councillors to find out more about the activities on Cleeve Common and how

our work may have scope to deliver aspects of Parish and Local Plans.

Following our AGM we would like you to ask councillors if they would be interested in attending an informal

information evening at Cleeve, including a tour and ending with a chat to Board Members and staff over drinks and a

finger buffet. This is proposed for late August/early September.

Many thanks

Janet Page (Clerk to Cleeve Common Board of Conservators)

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Correspondence from Golden Circle Luncheon Club

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Borough Council new Plan information

New Council Plan, new challenges ahead

May 2012 marks the launch of a new Council Plan for Tewkesbury Borough Council. We have evaluated

and refreshed our priorities to provide new momentum and focus. The Council Plan 2012-16 was

approved by Full Council on 15 May 2012 and sets out how our new priorities will be delivered whilst

ensuring our vision and values are achieved.

Our vision: “Tewkesbury Borough, a place where a good quality of life is open to


Our values: Everything we do is aimed at delivering our vision but the way we deliver services is

equally important to us. We have therefore adopted a set of values which we will apply across all of our

activities. We are a council that;

Puts customers first.

Is positive about working with others.

Values our employees.

Our priorities

To deliver our vision and values and provide focus we have established five priorities. We will;

Use resources effectively and efficiently.

Promote economic development.

Improve recycling and care for the environment.

Provide customer focussed community support.

Develop housing relevant to local needs.

The Council Plan is a dynamic document and the priorities within it will be monitored on a regular basis to

ensure our vision and values are achieved. The Council Plan 2012-16 is available to download from our

website in colour and printer friendly formats, both full and summary versions are available:


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Library Consultation information

Dear B Holder – Clerk to Bishops Cleeve Parish Council.

From Monday 28th May 2012 we began consulting the public on library opening times across the county. We will be

rolling the consultation out in three phases as detailed below. You will see that we intend to begin consulting about

the opening times at Bishops Cleeve Library as part of phase two, commencing 6th June, and I have attached a proof

copy of the questionnaire for your information.

When the consultation goes live, people will be able to give us their views by:

Picking up a questionnaire at the library – it can be returned to any Gloucestershire Library

Completing the questionnaire on line at www.gloucestershire.gov.uk/libraries2012. This webpage will also

include access to online opening times questionnaires for at all the libraries listed below.

Opening Times Consultation

Phase two (6th

June – 27th







Bishops Cleeve

Up Hatherley



We provide updates about the consultation in Members Matter but please do not hesitate to contact me if you have

any concerns.

Rebecca Dazeley

Group Manager, Tewkesbury Grouping

Tewkesbury Library

Sun Street, Tewkesbury

Gloucestershire GL20 5NX

Tel: 01684 274707

Email: [email protected]