Aerosol and Climate Modeling- BHallier (NASA)

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  • 8/6/2019 Aerosol and Climate Modeling- BHallier (NASA)


    Aerosol and ClimateModelingA summary of existing aerosol and cloud chamber

    research facilities, factors that influence aerosol

    behavior, current aerosol modeling capabilities and

    shortfalls, and requirements for a state-of-the-art NASA

    research facility to model aerosol effects on climate


    Current global circulation models have resolutions too large to accurately

    estimate how climate change will affect our planet. As we spend valuable time

    estimating future climate properties with inaccurate models, we are approaching

    a critical tipping point where we must choose to act and save our planet, or

    continue our current path to self-destruction. The Intergovernmental Panel on

    Climate Change estimates a 4-11 degree rise in temperature by 2100. This

    temperature rise will melt arctic and polar sea ice displacing 1/3 of the human

    population, cause warming and acidification of the ocean leading to the extinctionof countless species, and feed numerous feedback loops which will ensure

    continued warming of the planet. In order to save our planet we must

    comprehensively research and understand the factors that influence our climate.

    This packet summarizes the capabilities of existing research facilities, as of 2010,

    that attempt to quantify the effects of aerosols on our climate, factors that

    influence aerosol behavior, methods to improve GCM and RCM accuracy, and the

    capabilities that a NASA aerosol facility will need to investigate the properties of

    aerosols that are essential to accurately forecasting our Earths future.


    Bradley Hallier



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    Aerosol and Cloud Chamber Research


    This section details the majority of facilities that focus on aerosol research around the world. Manyof the research facilities below have multiple chambers for aerosol study with different capabilities.

    Each chambers known research capabilities are listed. Some research facilities have more than one

    aerosol research chamber, and some facilities are grouped under their sponsoring program.

    1. DOE Facilities at Pacific Northwest National Lab Atmospheric Research Chamber

    Aerosol formation and transformation Role of aerosols as condensation nuclei Aerosol processes associated with anthropogenic, biogenic, and biomass burning


    Ice Nucleation Chamber

    Artificial clouds under precisely controlled temperature and super saturation conditions Isolation of particles from aerosol to study ice nucleation Portable to study ambient aerosols

    2. UC Riverside Atmospheric Process Lab Aerosol formation and evolution in the troposphere Consists of two 90 m3 reactors No cloud process abilities Supported by EPA

    3. DRI Ice Physics Lab Static diffusion chamber Ice nucleation and electrification studies Produces study on ice habits on glass fiber Not highly subscribed

    4. DRI Storm Peak LabSTORMVEx

    Location: 3220 m high mountain in Colorado Equipment for airborne cloud research

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    Will study situ cloud and precipitation property measurementsISPA

    Studies effects of pollution aerosols on snow growth by riming and snowfall amounts onthe ground

    Results have implications for water resources in the inner mountain west Supported by Nevada, NSF, DOE

    5. NASA GRC Particulate Aerosol Lab (SE-11) Provided aerosol and ice particle measurements during recent ACCRI tests Flow through chamber (N2) Pressure: Sea level to 50,000 ft Temp: Ambient to -70C Humidity: 0-100% (RHi) Chamber Velocity: 0.5 to 3 m/s 3 Windows and panel for probe insertion Capability for exhaust introduction Studied effect of soot and sulfuric acid on ice formation

    6. Leipzig Aerosol Cloud Interaction Chamber Investigates physical and chemical processes in the polluted troposphere Flow through chamber Flow tube 1-10 m in length Temp: -40C min Used for CCN studies

    7. AIDA Location: Germany Size: 4 m diameter, 7 m high, 84.5 m3 Pressure: 0.01 to 1013 hPa Temp: 183K to 323K Uses air as working fluid Ice saturations achieved by expansion Wall temperature actively controlled

    Used for both IN and CCN studies Many techniques for generating test aerosols Location: Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Capability for addition of instruments

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    8. National Institute of Radiological Sciences Location: Japan Volume: 25 m3 Radon-aerosol chamber Temp: 278-303K Humidity: 30-90% Pressure between inside and outside of chamber can be negative Particle Concentration: 108-1010 m-3

    9. Institute of Chemistry and Dynamics of the Geosphere (ICG) Volume: 260 m3 Studies reactions of the surface of aerosols Uses high resolution FTIR spectroscopy to track gas concentrations Equipped with a scanning electrostatic classifier

    10. ARM Mobile Facility (AMF) Tracks interaction between clouds and aerosol particles Measures optical, chemical, physical, and cloud activation properties equipped with many additional inlets to enable additional equipment to be added Condensation Nuclei Counter Multiple-Supersaturation Cloud Nuclei and Condensation Nuclei Counter Particle/Soot Absorption Photometer

    11. Meteorological Research Institute Cloud Simulation Chamber Location: Tsukuba, Japan 1 pressure vessel and one temperature vessel Volume: 1.4m3 Pressure: 1000 to below 30hPa Temp: 30 to -100C Chamber Velocity: 0 to 30 m/s Studies cloud formation and ice properties

    12. Colorado State University

    Continuous Flow Diffusion Chamber Studies ice formation on aerosol particles Some funding from NASA

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    13. Energy Research Center of the Netherlands Location: Netherlands Used to study the cloud activation of ambient aerosol Very high flow rate (30m3/min) Uses forward scattering spectrometer probe for measuring cloud droplet number


    Uses high-flow cascade impactors for chemical characterization of aerosol Compared the number of cloud droplets created in clean marine air vs. polluted marine


    14. Vector GmbH Bremen Aerosol Chamber Location: Germany Volume: 9 m3 Used to study -Pinene ozonolysis in the presence of ammonium sulfate or sulfuric acid

    seed particles

    15. Oak Ridge National Lab Environmental Sciences Division Mission: (1) investigation of particle behavior in the atmosphere and industrial

    workplaces, (2) interactions of engineered and anthropogenic pollution particles with

    biological systems, and (3) development of advanced instrumentation and

    measurement methodology

    Relation to Jaguar (largest existing supercomputer) [see below] Funding sources include DOE and DOD

    EUropean Supersites for Atmospheric Aerosol Research


    1.Aspvreten Research Station (ASP): Location: About 80 km south of Stockholm at the Baltic coast Determines the physical and chemical properties of the aerosol and contains additionalmeteorological instruments as well as basic instrumentation for gaseous compounds

    Measures particle size distribution from 10 to 500 nm Particle mass in two fractions, PM10 and PM 2.5 Particle mass, carbonaceous material (Organic Carbon, Elemental Carbon) Black Carbon, soot Meteorological conditions Tracks air pollution levels over time

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    2. Zeppelin Research Station (ZEP): Location: Svalbards west coast, 474m above sea level in an undisturbed Arcticenvironment

    Owned by the Norwegian Polar Research Institute and is used mostly by the NorwegianInstitute for Atmospheric Research

    Performs studies on the atmosphere, snow and ice properties, and Earths energybalance

    3. BEO Moussala Research Station (BEO): Location: High mountain in Bulgaria away from pollution Equipped with meteorological instrumentation, O3 and NOx concentration equipment,devices for radio aerosol research, X-ray florescence analysis, neutron and gamma


    Run by the Bulgarian Academy of Science

    4. Cabauw Experimental Site for Atmospheric Research (CBW): Location: An agricultural area in the western part of The Netherlands Has a variety of air masses around from clean maritime to continental polluted Measures land atmosphere interaction and cloud, aerosol and radiation interaction Also measures aerosol properties, aerosol optical depth using a CIMEL sun photometer,and aerosol extinction and backscatter profiles using a backscatter lidar

    Run by KIMI

    5. Finokalia Research Station (FKL): Location: SE Mediterranean away from local sources of pollution Air is representative of synoptic scale atmospheric composition Equipped with in-situ meteorological instrumentation as well as continuousmeasurements of gaseous (O3, CO, NOx, and NOy), particulate (optical properties, chemical

    composition, mass, and mass size distribution) and wet deposition

    Location has frequent dust events which is ideal for studying the interaction of gaseouscompounds with heterogeneous surfaces (like dust and sea-salt)

    Run by the Environmental Chemical Processes Laboratory

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    6. Harwell Research Station (HWL): Location: Harwell, United Kingdom Used as a rural station representative of large scale air masses affecting SouthernEngland

    Equipped with in-situ meteorological instrumentation as well as continuousmeasurements of gas phase (O3, NOx, SO2) and particulate (mass concentration, size

    distribution, chemical composition) pollutants

    Run by University of Birmingham

    7. High Altitude Research Station Jungfraujoch (JFJ): Location: Jungfraujoch, Switzerland Located far from local pollution sources; well suited to determine the background abovea continental area

    Equipped with a full suite of gas phase components (measures both situ and columnproperties), and aerosol measurements are performed by PSI

    The station is within clouds 40% of the time, making it well suited for cloud-aerosolinteraction study

    Run by the International Foundation High Altitude Research Stations Jungfraujoch andGornergra

    8. JRC-Ispra Atmospheric Research Station (JRC): Location: JRC-Ispra, Italy Located tens of kilometers from local sources of pollution and is representative of theregional polluted background

    Equipped with in-situ meteorological instrumentation along with continuousmeasurements of gaseous, particulate (optical properties, size distribution, chemical

    composition) species

    Will use LIDAR in future Run by the Institute for Environment and Sustainability of the EC - DG Joint ResearchCentre

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    Modeling Methods and Capabilities

    This section was intended to describe the modeling capabilities of current and developing aerosolmodels. Due to limited time this section was stopped in order to work on more pertinent issues in

    this paper. Although this section is far from complete, it was still included because it may be added

    to at a later time.

    1. GOddard Chemistry Aerosol Radiation and Transport (GOCART): Uses the assimilated meteorological fields of the Goddard Earth Observing System DataAssimilation System

    Has a resolution of 2 deg latitude by 2.5 deg longitude or 1 deg by 1 deg, and 20-55vertical sigma layers Incorporates Sulfur (from EDGAR data), dust (8 particle sizes), OC and BC (estimatedfrom global fire counts), sea-salt (determines from wind speed)

    Tracks transport, chemistry, dry and wet removal, optical thickness

    Aerosol TypesThis section covers the major natural and anthropogenic aerosols present in our atmosphere.


    Mineral Dust:

    Mineral dust is composed of soil particles that have entered the atmosphere usually due

    to wind (Earth Gauge, n.d.). The origin of 94% of Earths mineral dust aerosols is the northern

    hemisphere (Earth Gauge, n.d.). Mineral dust is usually composed of metal oxides (e.g. iron

    oxide, aluminum oxide, and magnesium oxide) and clays and carbonates (e.g. calcium carbonate

    or limestone) (Earth Gauge, n.d.). The length of time that dust particles are present in the air

    depends on their size and the meteorological conditions in their environment. Large particles

    tend to undergo dry deposition more quickly than smaller particles because of their larger mass.

    There are many methods that aerosols such as dust are removed from the atmosphere, one

    being wet deposition. When precipitation occurs in the atmosphere, water can collect the dust

    aerosol and deposit it on the ground. Mineral dust in the atmosphere can cause droughts, snow

    melt, ocean cooling, and fertilization of algae in the ocean in addition to localized warming of

    the atmosphere (Earth Gauge, n.d.).

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    Sea Salt:

    Sea salt aerosols are the largest contributors to global-mean clear-sky radiative balance

    over oceans and can have measurable effects upon cloud radiative properties (Mahowald,

    Lamarque, Tie, & Wolff, n.d.). Ice core samples show 2-5 fold changes in surface sea salt

    deposition between glacial and interglacial periods, which supports the idea that the climate is

    very sensitive to these aerosols (Mahowald, Lamarque, Tie, & Wolff, n.d.). Sea salt entrainment

    into clouds is equivalent to surface winds cubed meaning that small changes in wind conditions

    can affect salt aerosol concentrations (Mahowald, Lamarque, Tie, & Wolff, n.d.).

    Oceanic Organic Matter:

    As waves break, they release saltwater aerosols containing highly enriched organic

    matter (OM) (Zhou et al., 2008). As OM travels into the atmosphere, it reacts photochemically.

    OM is likely an important source of reactive aerosols including OH radical and hydroperoxides

    (Zhou et al., 2008). The importance of OM released by the ocean lies in that it has a substantial

    impact on tropospheric chemistry including ozone formation, oxidation processes, sulfur cycles,

    radiation balance, and climate. Oceanic organic matter is not currently incorporated into models

    (Zhou et al., 2008).


    Dimethylsulphide (DMS) is a considerably large contributor to CCN numbers over the

    ocean. DMS is released by planktonic algae in sea water which then enters the atmosphere and

    oxidizes to form a sulphate aerosol (Charlson, Lovelock, Andreae, & Warren, 1987). DMS is an

    important feature in the CLAW hypothesis which states that as oceans warm, phytoplankton

    growth increases which causes an increase in DMS and in turn causes more CCN to form leading

    to increased cloud albedo and cooling. Recent research done by MIT has found that

    dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) attracts certain microbes which then consume it and

    release DMS into the atmosphere (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2010). MITs findings

    suggest that microbes are involved heavily in the oceans sulphur and carbon cycles.


    Sulfate, Nitrate, Ammonium:

    Sulfate particles are a large component of anthropogenic aerosols. It is believed that

    sulfate and its associated cations make up to 60% of aerosol mass with a diameter of less than

    2.5 m (Penner et al., 1994). The effects of Sulfate, Nitrate, and Ammonium in the atmosphere

    are direct backscatter of solar radiation, changes in cloud albedo, and changes in cloud lifetimes

    due to modification of CCN numbers (Penner et al., 1994). More data is required to more

    accurately estimate the effects of water-soluble inorganic species (i.e. ammonium nitrate); they

    are not currently included in models (Penner et al., 1994). SiO2 must also be studied to better

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    understand the effects of its fine particles downwind from coal-burning regions such as Asia

    (Penner et al., 1994).

    Condensed Organic Species:

    Sources of organic aerosol species include combustion and atmospheric oxidation of

    certain gaseous precursors such as aromatics, cyclic alkenes, and long chain aliphatics (Penner et

    al., 1994). The unspeciated organic fraction of the aerosol in rural areas is roughly 24% of the

    aerosol mass under 2.5 m in diameter, of which 70% is estimated to be anthropogenic and a

    result of combustion (Penner et al., 1994). Concentrations of organic aerosols appear to be

    higher in remote ocean locations of the northern atmosphere than in the southern hemisphere,

    but it is unknown what fraction of these concentrations is anthropogenic (Penner et al., 1994).

    The radiative effects of organic species are very similar to those of Sulfate which are brought

    about by modification of CCN behavior and backscatter of solar radiation (Penner et al., 1994).

    Black and Elemental Carbon:

    BC and EC are the primary light absorbing anthropogenic species. Knowledge of the

    impact and distribution of BC and EC on regional and hemispheric scales is small when

    compared to our knowledge of sulfates (Penner et al., 1994). Characterization of the

    distribution of these carbon species is challenging because they originate from incomplete

    combustion and have numerous sources which have varying emission levels (Penner et al.,

    1994). The effects of carbon in the atmosphere include direct localized heating of the

    atmosphere due to absorption of solar radiation. Absorption of solar radiation in the upper

    atmosphere causes a cooling effect on the lower atmosphere, causing changes in the vertical

    temperature profile of the atmosphere (Penner et al., 1994). Variations in vertical temperature

    profiles cause convection currents which can then alter processes such as the transfer of heat

    from the surface to the atmosphere (Penner et al., 1994). Circulation models and precise

    calculation of the radiative effects of EC and BC are deficient due to lack of observational data

    (Penner et al., 1994). A high priority must be put on measuring the emission of carbon from

    locations in Europe due to the lower grade of fuels and lower combustion efficiency levels than

    in the United States (Penner et al., 1994).

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    Factors That Influence Aerosol BehaviorThis section details factors that influence aerosol lifecycle and behavior in addition to aerosol

    dynamics. The factors listed below, obviously, do not include possibly numerous factors that we do

    not know about.

    Altitude:Altitude is an important factor that influences aerosol behavior in the atmosphere and cloud

    formation. Certain cloud types are associated with certain particle sizes which tend to collect at specific

    altitudes. Low altitude (< 70,000 ft) cirrus clouds average particulate sizes of 30-300 microns usually

    originating from thunderstorm blow off (Davis, 8/26/1988, p. 1). Nacreous clouds (75,000 ft) average 1

    micron particle sizes originating from mountain waves (Davis, 8/26/1988, p. 1). Noctilucent clouds

    (260,000 ft) average .1-10 micron particle sizes which tend to appear at high latitudes during the

    summer (Davis, 8/26/1988, p. 1). Meteoric dust (all altitudes) averages .01-20 microns (Davis,

    8/26/1988, p. 1). And aerosols (65-75,000 ft) average .1 microns from events like volcanic eruptions and

    sulfate emissions (Davis, 8/26/1988, p. 1).

    The size and distribution of aerosols and particulates in the air is important because they have

    the ability to degrade LF, cause erosion, and increase the temperature of the atmosphere (Davis,

    8/26/1988, p. 1). The altitude of these particles dictates where these effects will occur (i.e. atmospheric

    heating or LF degradation).

    Moisture (Humidity):Humidity in the atmosphere impacts the optical properties of aerosols, their ability to serve as

    CCN and IN, and the length of time that they are present in the atmosphere. As humidity rises, aerosols

    serve as nucleation points for clouds, which can either lead to precipitation, or a cloud that is highly

    reflective and unable to precipitate. If precipitation occurs, a majority of the aerosol will be removed or

    transported to a lower level of the atmosphere through the falling water or ice.

    If precipitation does not occur, because the available volume of water is spread over too many

    points of nucleation to reach a mass large enough to precipitate, the cloud composition will consist of

    very small, reflective droplets which have a high albedo. Highly reflective clouds and water vapor are

    important because along with aerosols they reflect 80% of incoming solar radiating back to space (U.S.

    Department of Energy Office of Science, 2010, pp. 11-12).

    Temperature:Temperature is the driving force for thermophoresis, which is an aerosol transportation method.

    Thermophoresis is driven by temperature gradients in a gas medium. The effect of the process inaerosols smaller than the gas mean free path (less than 0.066 m) is the movement of aerosol particles

    from the warmer side of the gradient to the cooler side ("Thermophoretic Force and Velocity," n.d.). In

    larger particles the process is similar, but more complex because the particle has its own temperature

    gradient in addition to the surrounding temperature gradient. The result of both particle gradients is

    supplemented in the fact that particle movement is also influenced by the thermal conductivity of the

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    surrounding air and particle. As a large particle moves from the warmer side of the gradient to the

    cooler side (as small particles do), the particles with high thermal conductivities will lose velocity quickly

    due to their quick loss of energy through conductivity, but as a particle with low thermal conductivity

    moves into the cooler side of the gradient it maintains its velocity through its resistance to loss of energy

    due to quick heat transfer ("Thermophoretic Force and Velocity," n.d.).

    Radiation:Radiation affects aerosol characteristics by causing differential heating in the atmosphere which

    leads to air currents that have the ability to transport and disperse aerosols over large areas. In

    addition, radiation can manipulate the formation and lifetime of clouds. Aerosols have an albedo effect

    which reflects a great deal of solar radiation. Black Carbon is an important aerosol that opposes the net

    cooling effect of aerosols. Black Carbon absorbs radiation instead of reflecting it which results in

    warming. The presence of black Carbon on ice or in the atmosphere causes a decrease in the reflectivity

    of radiation and causes the atmosphere to heat (U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science, 2010, pp.


    Surface Chemistry:The surface chemistry of an aerosol determines how it reacts in the atmosphere

    with other aerosols and particles. Surface chemistry affects the chance of agglomeration

    and whether it can dissolve in water or other liquids. Surface chemistry may be modified by

    incoming UV radiation. Ozone is important in the creation of OH radicals which are essential

    in the oxidation process of a number of particle species in the atmosphere (Moortgat, 2001).

    In simple terms, as Ozone undergoes photodissociation due to UV radiation, OH is formed

    which then reacts with particles oxidizing them and thereby removing them from the

    atmosphere (Moortgat, 2001). [It should be noted that photodegradation and reaction with

    OH radicals are known to be the main degradation processes of carbonyl compounds

    (Moortgat, 2001).]

    Particle Production:Aerosol dynamics influence the growth and development of aerosols in the atmosphere.

    Starting as a gas, unstable, quick moving molecules collide with each other forming small clusters. As

    the clusters continue their erratic movement, governed by the dynamics of their environment, they

    continue collisions and grow to a larger size. Through the process of collisional growth, the particles are

    now coagulated molecules. If the atmosphere in which the clusters are present is at a high temperature,

    the clusters may bond together in the process of sintering to form large stable particles, or if heat is not

    high enough to sustain sintering, the clusters will grow into larger agglomerates through condensationalgrowth.

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    Dynamics:Understanding aerosol dynamics is essential in modeling the life cycle of clouds. Known factors

    that play into aerosol dynamics are:

    Vertical Air Motions:

    Vertical air motions transport aerosols through the layers of the atmosphere andare very important in cloud life cycle. In order to have realistic models of vertical air

    motions in the atmosphere more information must be collected to understand the behavior

    and speed of the currents. The effects of energy fluxes and radiation on air motions must

    be quantified (U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science, 2010, pp. 19).


    Entrainment is the uptake of environmental air into clouds. Entrainment affects the

    velocity and buoyancy of convectional updrafts, controlling the upward movement of

    clouds. The entrainment process is not well understood, and is difficult to observe. Water

    vapor and humidity are important in the entrainment process. For accurate modeling ofentrainment in the atmosphere, extensive knowledge of humidity levels is required (U.S.

    Department of Energy Office of Science, 2010, pp. 19).

    Convective Initiation:

    Convective initiation is a process that transports clouds and their accompanying

    aerosols. It marks the beginning of the cloud life cycle where many cloud producing

    processes converge. Convective initiation poses a challenge to incorporate into GCMs

    because it is associated with many other processes, including gust fronts and troposphere

    thermodynamic structure, which still need more investigation to understand (U.S.

    Department of Energy Office of Science, 2010, pp. 19-20).


    Agglomeration is a crucial phenomenon between aerosol particles that must be

    thoroughly understood to create an accurate GCM. As particles move, they often collide

    with other particles which can lead to the formation of a larger particle through adherence

    (Huang, Lin, & Wang, 2007). Particle size has important impacts on the properties of the

    aerosol particle (e.g. optical depth and heating potential), which is why GCMs must

    incorporate this dynamic process. As particles grow their ability to serve as CCN and IN

    changes which in turn can completely alter the degree to which other factors such as

    electrostatics, temperature, radiation and atmospheric turbulence have on the aerosol.

    Atmospheric Turbulence:

    Atmospheric turbulence causes aerosol particles to cluster in areas of low

    vorticity (Collins & Keswani, 2004). This effect has important effects on aerosol

    processes because high concentrations of aerosol particles in a small area greatly

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    increases the particle to particle collision rate and in turn allows for a higher rate of

    agglomeration. Similarly, the process of water droplet agglomeration in clouds,

    which leads to precipitation, occurs because of turbulence within the cloud (Shaw,


    Important Info: Turbulence causes formation of small-scale droplet

    inhomogeneities, and it also increases the relative droplet velocity. In addition, the

    turbulence affects the hydrodynamic droplet interaction. The latter increases the

    rate of droplet collisions. These effects are of a great importance for understanding

    of rain formation in atmospheric clouds. In particular, these effects can cause the

    droplet spectrum broadening and acceleration of raindrop formation (Elperin,

    Kleeorin, Liberman, Lvov, & Rogachevskii, 2007).

    Electrostatics:Most aerosols have some degree of an electric charge which affects their

    behavior. Aerosols can attain a charged state through direct ionization, static

    electrification, electrolytic effects (liquids of high dielectric constant exchange ionswith metals), contact electrification, spray electrification, frictional electrification,

    collisions with ion, diffusion, and field charging (Ahmadi, n.d.). Electrostatics can

    cause aerosol particulates to diffuse or condense into a small area, increasing the

    chance of particle on particle collisions and agglomeration. Furthermore, Aerosol

    electrostatics can influence the effects that other forces like temperature gradients

    and electromagnetic radiation can have on the aerosols behavior (Ahmadi, n.d.).

    Electrostatic effects on aerosol travel: Violent disruption of a liquid surface

    - such as occurs when seawater droplets are created by the breaking of waves or the

    bursting of the thinning, roughly hemispherical bubble-films created when air

    bubbles rise to the ocean surface: or when air bubbles burst at the surface of lakes,ponds and other stretches of water - is accompanied by significant electric charging

    of the huge numbers of droplets so produced (Latham & Wick, 2002). The resulting

    charge, which usually affects droplets from 0.1 to several micrometers, is great

    enough to overpower the force of gravity and allows to droplets to rise into the

    atmosphere (Latham & Wick, 2002). This process is an extremely efficient

    mechanism of injecting biological aerosol into the atmosphere (Latham & Wick,


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    How to Improve Climate Modeling

    Presently, global climate modeling does not completely incorporate all the vital interactions

    between aerosols, clouds, and the dynamics of the atmosphere. Important factors which influence

    aerosols such as atmospheric turbulence, electrostatics, and feedback loops are not understood well

    enough to create accurate high resolution models. Existing GCMs have resolutions greater than 100 km

    and error factors too high to allow true regional climate models. In order to generate usable GCMs that

    will help us estimate the future effects of pollution on our climate, we have to comprehensively

    understand all the influencing factors that affect clouds, aerosols, and atmosphere dynamics.

    To create regional climate models (with accuracies of a few kilometers), models must include

    circulation characteristics, boundary-layer dynamics, surface atmosphere coupling, radiative transfer,

    and cloud microphysics (Bader et al., 2008). Regional models must have clearly defined regional scales

    and the ability to incorporate the effects of phenomena (e.g. tropical storms, effects of mountains, jet

    circulations, and ocean-land interaction) (Bader et al., 2008). The knowledge gained through

    incorporating the effects of these phenomena will be beneficial for GCMS as well, because the data

    acquired from the RCMs can be integrated into GCMs, improving their accuracy (Bader et al., 2008).

    No single model appears best through observations because different models display superior

    performance depending on the location examined (Bader et al., 2008). Using a number of models

    together may yield the best and most accurate estimation results.

    Tradeoffs exist between regional and global climate models. While GCMs coarsely simulate

    atmospheric events over large areas, they lack the ability to accurately look at a regional scale. At the

    same time, an RCM can, for the most part, accurately track events on a small regional scale, but up

    scaling may lead to event extremes that are over exaggerated (Bader et al., 2008). For these reasons,

    GCMs and RCMs must be used collectively to estimate atmospheric events and properties.

    Characteristics of a NASA Facility

    In order to produce climate models that can estimate the future characteristics of our climate,

    more data must be collected to better comprehend how aerosols affect cloud properties and the earths

    energy budget. Current aerosol and cloud chamber facilities study:

    Aerosol properties Aerosol formation and transformation Role of aerosols as condensation nuclei Effects of aerosols on ice nucleation Effects of soot and sulfuric acid on ice formation Physical and chemical processes in the polluted troposphere

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    Land-atmosphere interaction and cloud, aerosol, and radiation interactionThe most advanced aerosol research facility, Aerosols Interaction and Dynamics in the

    Atmosphere, is located at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology in Germany. AIDA has a chamber with a

    4m diameter and 7m height. It has a temperature range of 183K to 323K, and a pressure range of 0.01

    to 1013 hPa. AIDA is used primarily for the study of IN and CCN studies and has many methods forgenerating test aerosols. It also has the capability for a wide range of instruments.

    A future NASA facility would need a large enough volume to study the effects turbulence and

    convection on aerosols. Additionally, incorporation of electrostatics would be necessary. Factors that

    should be studied at the new facility:

    Effects of radiation on aerosol particles Effects of convection currents on aerosol growth and development Effects of turbulence and electrostatics on aerosol behavior and agglomeration Effects of entrainment of aerosol particles into clouds on the cloud life cycle Effects of bio-aerosols on aerosol behavior and their radiative effects Evolution of aerosol particles relating to the many forces that act upon them (e.g. radiation,

    turbulence, reaction with other aerosols)

    The new NASA facility would need to study the above and calculate their influence on more well

    understood topics like aerosol effects on CCN and IN. In order to develop practical GCMs all aerosol

    influences must be quantified in relation to each other.

    Current Computing Power (for modeling)

    Computing power is expected to be 108

    better in 20 years. Currently supercomputers are

    running at petaFLOPS but soon they will have the ability to run at the exaFLOPS level, the level necessary

    to computationally generate higher resolution regional GCMs. The 2 most advanced supercomputers

    currently are listed below:

    1. Oak Ridge National Laboratory (Jaguar)

    Built by Cray Inc. Capable of performing at 1.75 petaFLOPS Cores: 224162 Rmax= 1759.00 TFlops Rpeak= 2331.00 TFlops Relation to ORNL Environmental Sciences Division (See Aerosol Facilities Above)

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    2. National Supercomputing Centre in Shenzhen (Nebulae) Built by Dawning Capable of performing at 1.271 petaFLOPS Cores: 120640 Rmax= 1271.00 TFlops Rpeak= 2984.30 TFlops

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