‘ER’ VERBS Reviewing how to conjugate ER verbs in the present tense

‘ER’ VERBS · ER verb conjugation Rules •ER verbs are conjugated following these rules –Step one: Remove the ER to get the stem of the verb (example: Parler -> Parl) •The

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‘ER’ VERBSReviewing how to

conjugate ER verbs in the present tense

What are ER verbs?

• ER verbs are a group of verbs where the infinitive ends with the letters ER


–These rules help you to know how to conjugate ER verbs with all subjects even when seeing the verb for the first time

ER verb conjugation Rules

• ER verbs are conjugated following these rules–Step one: Remove the ER to get the

stem of the verb (example: Parler -> Parl)• The stem of the verb remains the same for

all subjects!

–Step two: Add the correct ending to the stem of the verb that agrees with the subject of the sentence


• The ending for ER verbs are as follows– Je ____ e Nous ____ ons

–Tu ____ es Vous ____ ez

– Il _____ e Ils _____ ent

–Elle/on ___ e Elles ____ ent

• These are the endings you add to the stem after removing the ER–Example: Je parle : Nous parlons


• Here are some other ER verbs

• Quitter= to leave

• Entrer = to enter

• Arriver = to arrive

• Écouter = to listen

• Regarder = to watch

• Travailler = to work

• Étudier = to study

Other ER verbs continued• Poser (une question) = to ask (a ?)

• Passer (un examen) = to take a test

• Rentrer = to return (go back)

• Habiter = to live

• Chanter = to sing

• Danser = to dance

• Rigoler = to have fun / joke around

• Aimer = to like/love

• All of these verbs follow the ER verb conjugation rules

Vowels and the subject Je

• The subject je become j’ in front of a verb that starts with a vowel–Example: Étudier…conjugated with je ->


–Example: arriver…conjugated with je -> j’arrive

• Je is the only subject where this occurs…all other subjects remain the same–Tu arrives….NOT t’arrives!!!!


• When saying you don’t do something put ne before the conjugated verb and pas after

–Example: Je ne chante pas = I don’t sing

–Example: Vous ne dansez pas = You don’t dance

Acheter and Préférer

• Verbs like acheter and préférer have spelling changes in the stem for some of the forms but the endings remain the same.

J’achète je préfère

Tu achètes tu préfères

Il / elle achète il/elle préfère

Nous achetons nous préférons

Vous achetez vous préférez

Ils/ elles achètent ils /elles préfèrent

GER and CER verbs

• Verbs ending in GER and CER have a spelling change in the NOUS form only

–Manger = to eat

• Je mange …… nous mangeons

–Commencer = to begin

• Je commence …… nous commençons