Advice and Assistance Developing and Existing …...Advice and Assistance Inventory of Emerging and Existing Actuarial Associations * denotes that another association in the country

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Page 1: Advice and Assistance Developing and Existing …...Advice and Assistance Inventory of Emerging and Existing Actuarial Associations * denotes that another association in the country

Advice and Assistance

Developing and Existing

Actuarial Associations


Page 2: Advice and Assistance Developing and Existing …...Advice and Assistance Inventory of Emerging and Existing Actuarial Associations * denotes that another association in the country

Advice and Assistance Inventory of Emerging and Existing Actuarial Associations

* denotes that another association in the country already is a Full Member of IAA** associate membership to be confirmed by Council, October 2010

Non-Member (pages 2-11)Africa Asia Europe Latin America ROWAngola Bangladesh Albania Belize Baharain

Burundi Bhutan Armenia Bolivia Bermuda

Mauritius Mongolia Azerbaijan Costa Rica Jordan

Mozambique Uzbekistan, Belarus Ecuador Saudi Arabia

Senegal Vietnam Isle of Man El Salvador

Sudan China Kosovo Nicaragua

Tanzania Tajikistan Kyrgyzstan Peru

Togo Kyrgyzstan Portugal* Uruguay

Tunisia Spain* Venezuela

Uganda Tajikistan


Associate Member (pages 12-17)Africa Asia Europe Latin America ROW

Benin Azerbaijan**Bosnia and Herzegovina Argentina* Georgia

Cameroon Bangladesh Kazakhstan Chile Turkey

Ghana Mongolia** Luxembourg Colombia

Nigeria South Korea Macedonia Mexico*

Zimbabwe Sri Lanka Moldova Panama

Tanzania** Romania



Full Member (pages 18-22)Africa Asia (cont.) Europe (cont.) Europe (cont.) ROW

Côte d'Ivoire Malaysia Finland Serbia Australia

Egypt Pakistan France Slovakia Caribbean Nations

Kenya Philippines Germany Slovenia New Zealand

Morocco Singapore Greece Spain (Col.legi) Russia

South Africa Thailand Hungary Spain (Instituto)

Asia Europe Iceland Sweden USCChinese Taipei Austria Ireland Switzerland Canada

Hong Kong Belgique Italy United Kingdom (Institute) USA (ASPPA)India Bulgaria Latvia United Kingdom (Faculty) USA (AAA)

Indonesia Croatia Lithuania Latin America USA (CAS)

Israel Cyprus Netherlands Argentina USA (CCA)

Japan Czech Republic Norway Brazil USA (SOA)

Japan Denmark Poland Mexico

Lebanon Estonia Portugal Puerto Rico

Page 3: Advice and Assistance Developing and Existing …...Advice and Assistance Inventory of Emerging and Existing Actuarial Associations * denotes that another association in the country

Developing and Existing Associations ReportOctober-04-10

5:36:14 PM

Country Region of the World

Name of Association Membership Status Admission Date

Membership Application

Invitation to upgrade


Date of Invitation

Date of Last


Angola Africa no association a. Non-Member

Status Notes:

Bursary recepient ICA 2010.

Burundi Africa no association a. Non-Member

Status Notes:

Bursary recepient ICA 2010

Mauritius Africa no association a. Non-Member 01/05/2006

Status Notes:

Information kit sent on January 5, 2006. Trying to encourage them to form an Association.

Bursary recepients ICA 2010

Mozambique Africa no association a. Non-Member

Status Notes:

Bursary recepient ICA 2010.

Senegal Africa no association a. Non-Member

Status Notes:

November 12, 2009: Ignacio del Barco Martinez reported, during the Africa Subcommittee Meeting, on the Senegal Initiative conducted by Spain and Portugal. This project is to train actuarial educators in Europe for Senegal.

Sudan Africa no association a. Non-Member 06/01/2007

Status Notes:

Mohamed Mahmoud Awad requested assistance in March 2007 to develop the actuarial profession in Sudan. Information kit sent on 3rd May 2007. An association has been formed in June 2007 in Sudan.

Bursary recepient ICA 2010.

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Country Region of the World

Name of Association Membership Status Admission Date

Membership Application

Invitation to upgrade


Date of Invitation

Date of Last


Togo Africa Association des Actuaries Beninoise

a. Non-Member

Status Notes:

Bursary recepient ICA 2010.

Tunisia Africa no association a. Non-Member

Status Notes:

Bursary recepient ICA 2010.

Uganda Africa The Actuarial Association of Uganda ( T A A U)

a. Non-Member 06/01/2007

Status Notes:

Interested in formaing an association. Contact is Mr Kilmameri Ivan, of the Uganda Insurance Commission.Bursary recepient ICA 2010.

Zambia Africa no association a. Non-Member

Status Notes:

In the process fo developing an association. Will apply for associate membership in the IAA once established (no date given for this reference).

Bursary recepient ICA 2010

Bhutan Asia no association a. Non-Member

Status Notes:

Bursary recepient ICA 2010.

China Asia China Association of Actuaries

a. Non-Member 05/01/2009

Status Notes:

The IAA Secretary General, Mr. Yves Guerard represented the IAA at the launch of the CAA on 9th May 2008 in Beijing. Mr Churtis Huntington has been designated by the Accreditation Committee to liase with the CAA to ensure that the requirements for Full Membership of the IAA could be met as soon as possible.Bursary recepient ICA 2010.

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Country Region of the World

Name of Association Membership Status Admission Date

Membership Application

Invitation to upgrade


Date of Invitation

Date of Last


Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan

Asia no association a. Non-Member

Status Notes:

No Actuaries in these countries yet. One interested person in Uzbekistan.

Vietnam Asia Vietnamese Society of Actuaries

a. Non-Member 01/01/2007

Status Notes:

President of the newly formed VSA is Ly Than Nhon. Information package of the IAA was sent in January 2007.Bursary recepient ICA 2010.

Albania Europe Albanian Actuarial Association

a. Non-Member 10/01/2009

Status Notes:

Albania is moving towards formalizing an actuarial association and has requested assistance. Recent contact with Albania through ICA 2010 Bursaries application process and through direct contact with Bob Conger.

Albania has established an actuarial assocation, its website can be found at www.actuaries.org.al. (10-02-01 VS)Bursary recepient ICA 2010.

Armenia Europe Institute of Actuaires of Armenia

a. Non-Member 11/01/2006

Status Notes:

Mr Arkadi Khachatryan was bursary recipent for the Congress in Paris. Invitation sent on May 4, 2006.Contact from Mr. Astghik Ararktsyan in November 2006. Central Bank fo Armenia has embarked on the formation of the Institute of Actuaries in Armenia.Bursary recepient ICA 2010.

Belarus Europe Belarussian Actuarial Society

a. Non-Member 05/04/2006

Status Notes:

Invitation letters sent on November 11, 1999, October 14, 2003, and May 4, 2006. President of the Belarussian Actuarial Society Professor Gennady Medvedev was a bursary recipient for the Congress in Paris.Bursary recepient ICA 2010.

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Country Region of the World

Name of Association Membership Status Admission Date

Membership Application

Invitation to upgrade


Date of Invitation

Date of Last


Isle of Man Europe no association a. Non-Member 24/07/2000

Status Notes:

E-mail sent to Gary Boal on May 8,2000 inquiring about the status of the actuarial profession in Isle of Man. Response indicated that they were not interested in joining the IAA, given members belong to other member associations.

Kosovo Europe no association a. Non-Member

Status Notes:

Bursary recepient ICA 2010.

Kyrgyzstan Europe no association a. Non-Member

Status Notes:

Bursary recepient ICA 2010.

Portugal Europe Associacao de Actuarios Profissionais (AAP)

a. Non-Member 03/29/2005

Status Notes:

A second Portugese association - AAP was formed in April 2005. Contact is Luis Portugal, President of the new Association. The Instituto dos Actuarios Portugueses is already a full member.

Spain Europe no association a. Non-Member 06/01/2006

Status Notes:

Spain is considering creating another association and it would likely apply for Full Membership.

Tajikistan Europe no association a. Non-Member

Status Notes:

Bursary recepient ICA 2010.

Belize Latin America

no association a. Non-Member no application

Status Notes:

Need Contacts

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Country Region of the World

Name of Association Membership Status Admission Date

Membership Application

Invitation to upgrade


Date of Invitation

Date of Last


Bolivia Latin America

Asosiacion de Actuarios de Bolivia

a. Non-Member 04/08/2008

Status Notes:

August 2008: Javier A. Pomier -- primary contact to discuss the possibility of creating an actuarial association in Bolivia.Bursary recepient ICA 2010.

Central America

Latin America

Asociacion Actuarial Centroamericana (inactive)

a. Non-Member 01/02/2005

Status Notes:

Association is inactive

Costa Rica Latin America

no association a. Non-Member 04/05/2006

Status Notes:

Indicated in March 2003 they were working towards establishing an association and hope to join the IAA shortly. May 4, 2006: invitation letter sent to Mr. Oscar Roldan

Ecuador Latin America

Unknown a. Non-Member 20/04/2006

Status Notes:

Ecuador has an association, but its name and current status is unknown. Rodrigo Ibarry-Jarrin was a bursary recipient for ICA 2006. April 13, 2006: invitation letter sent; April 20, 2006: he responded by saying he will into at the documents.Bursary recepient ICA 2010.

El Salvador Latin America

no association a. Non-Member

Status Notes:

Bursary recepient ICA 2010.

Nicaragua Latin America

no association a. Non-Member

Status Notes:

Contact is Carlos Alberto Neira. Invitation sent to the Instituto Nicaraguense Seguridad Social on May 5, 2006.

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Country Region of the World

Name of Association Membership Status Admission Date

Membership Application

Invitation to upgrade


Date of Invitation

Date of Last


Peru Latin America

no association a. Non-Member 10/01/2009

Status Notes:

A group of Actuaries is working on developing an education program that complies with the IAA syllabus. Eduarado Melinsky of the Latin America Subcommittee is in contact with them.Their aim is to form an actuarial association.Bursary recepient ICA 2010.

Uruguay Latin America

no association a. Non-Member

Status Notes:

Bursary recepient ICA 2010.

Venezuela Latin America

no association a. Non-Member

Status Notes:

Bursary recepient ICA 2010.

Baharain ROW Middle East Association a. Non-Member

Status Notes:

Nothing seems to have happened on this and Ibrahim Muhanna and Chris Daykin have little expectation of any activity in the near future.

Bermuda ROW No Association a. Non-Member no application 04/01/2010

Status Notes:

The Bermuda Monetary Authority (BMA) is considering the establishment of an actuarial association in Bermuda. Discussions are continuing with the BMA regarding potential interest in encouragin the developmet of a local association. It was noted that virtually all actuaries in Bermuda are expatriates and belong to an association in their home countries.

Jordan ROW No association a. Non-Member

Status Notes:

University of Amman has established an actuarial diploma program and the regulator is keen to get an actuarial profession established. However, it is difficult to find people of the right calibre to achieve necessary qualification.

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Country Region of the World

Name of Association Membership Status Admission Date

Membership Application

Invitation to upgrade


Date of Invitation

Date of Last


Saudi Arabia ROW no association a. Non-Member 08/01/2008

Status Notes:

August 2008- in the process of estabishing an association. Information sent to David Clarke and Peter Morgans.

Benin Africa Association des Actuaires Beninois

d. Associate Member


Status Notes:

Bursary recepient ICA 2010

Cameroon Africa Institute of Actuaries - Cameroon

d. Associate Member

2007 08/03/2008

Status Notes:

Sent infomation on Full Membership requirements.

Bursary recepient ICA 2010

Ghana Africa Actuarial Society of Ghana d. Associate Member

1996 2009

Status Notes:

Bursary recepient ICA 2010

Nigeria Africa Nigeria Actuarial Society d. Associate Member

2000 2009 01/10/2009

Status Notes:

NIS contacted both the A&A and Africa Chairs seeking assistance in October 2009.

Bursary recepient ICA 2010

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Country Region of the World

Name of Association Membership Status Admission Date

Membership Application

Invitation to upgrade


Date of Invitation

Date of Last


Tanzania Africa Actuarial Society of Tanzania (AST)

d. Associate Member


Status Notes:

January 2007, information kit sent to Sandeep Chavda. An association is about to be registered.

Bursary recepient ICA 2010.

Associate Membership acceptance to be confirmed by Council during its meeting in Vienna, October 2010

Zimbabwe Africa Actuarial Society of Zimbabwe

d. Associate Member

1999 2009

Status Notes:

Bursary recepient ICA 2010.

Bangladesh Asia Actuarial Society of Bangladesh

d. Associate Member

Status Notes:

President of the Actuarial Society of Bangladesh is Mr. A.K.M Elias Hussain. The Association has been registered under the Society's Registration Act -1860 by the government of Bangladesh. Invitation sent on June 25, 2007.Bursary recepient ICA 2010.

Mongolia Asia Society of Actuaries of Mongolia

d. Associate Member

Status Notes:

New Association, establised in November 2008. Managing Director is Mr. Gantulga Donorov. E-mail : [email protected] recepient ICA 2010.

Associate Membership acceptance to be confirmed by Council during its meeting in Vienna, October 2010

South Korea Asia Institute of Actuaries of Korea (IAK)

d. Associate Member

1996 applied as Full Member

2009 14/10/2009

Status Notes:

April 2009: Letter was issued and on-site assistance was provided to IAK.October 2009: The IAA meit with IAK to discuss their membership status at the East Asian Actuarial Conference 2009. Updated in formation is expected from IAK to complete its Full Membership Application.

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Country Region of the World

Name of Association Membership Status Admission Date

Membership Application

Invitation to upgrade


Date of Invitation

Date of Last


Sri Lanka Asia Actuarial Association of Sri Lanka

d. Associate Member


Status Notes:

Bursary recepient ICA 2010.

Azerbaijan Europe Azerbaijan Actuary Association

d. Associate Member

Status Notes:

Association has not been established.Bursary recepient ICA 2010.

Associate Membership acceptance to be confirmed by Council during its meeting in Vienna, October 2010

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Europe Akuarsko Drustvo d. Associate Member

2002 2009

Status Notes:

Bursary recepient ICA 2010.

Kazakhstan Europe Actuarial Society of Kazakhstan

d. Associate Member

2001 2009

Status Notes:

Bursary recepient ICA 2010.

Luxembourg Europe Association Luxembourgeoise des Actruaires

d. Associate Member


Status Notes:

October 2006, expressed an interest to upgrade to full membership.

Macedonia Europe Macedonian Actuarial Association

d. Associate Member

2006 2009

Status Notes:

Bursary recepient ICA 2010.

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Country Region of the World

Name of Association Membership Status Admission Date

Membership Application

Invitation to upgrade


Date of Invitation

Date of Last


Moldova Europe Asociatia de Actuariat din Moldova

d. Associate Member

2007 2009

Status Notes:

Bursary recepient ICA 2010.

Romania Europe Asociatia Romana de Actuariat

d. Associate Member

2005 2009

Status Notes:

Submitted full membership application in January 2007. Does not meet Education Requirement.

UK Europe Channel Islands Actuarial Society

d. Associate Member


Status Notes:

Functions effectively as a regional society iof the Institute of Actuaries. Not a separate professional body and will not be applyng for full membership.

Ukraine Europe Ukrainian Actuarial Society d. Associate Member

2001 2009

Status Notes:

Argentina Latin America

Instituto Actuarial Argentino

d. Associate Member

1996 2005

Status Notes:

IAArg most likely to remain an associate member. The Consejo is the Full Member and the Instituto does not have a professional role.

Bursary recepient ICA 2010

Chile Latin America

Instituto de Actuarios Metematicos de Chile

d. Associate Member

2006 05/01/2009

Status Notes:

Oct 21,2008 - sent info on full membership requirements and it is in progress.Possible pilot project with Latin America sub committee. A representative from the CONAC (Mexico) will assist the Chilean association during its transition to full membership requirement.

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Country Region of the World

Name of Association Membership Status Admission Date

Membership Application

Invitation to upgrade


Date of Invitation

Date of Last


Colombia Latin America

Asociacion Colombiana de Actuarios

d. Associate Member

1996 2009 19/02/2010

Status Notes:

Bursary recepient ICA 2010.

November 2009: Ignacio del Barco Martinez reported to the Latin America Subcommittee on the progress of the Colombia initiative to establish a train-the-trainer program in the country. This is a Spain/Portugal joint effort. Ignacio will be in Colombia in mid-February 2010 in relation to this project

Mexico Latin America

Associacion Mexicana de Actuarios, A.C

d. Associate Member

1996 2005

Status Notes:

This assoication would like to remain an associate member, wince it is a part of CONAC, and CONAC is a full member.

Panama Latin America

Associacion de Actuarios de Pamana

d. Associate Member

2007 2009

Status Notes:

Bursary recepient ICA 2010.

Georgia ROW Association os Actuaires and Financial Analysts

d. Associate Member

2000 2009

Status Notes:

Bursary recepient ICA 2010.

Turkey ROW Turkiye Aktuerier Dernegi d. Associate Member


Status Notes:

March 2009 - Representative from the Eesti Aktuaaride Liit (Estonia) provided assistance.May 2009 - Incomplete Full Membership application was submitted.October 2009 - Outstanding documents were requested to complete the application process.

Côte d'Ivoire Africa Institut des Actuaires de Côte d'Ivoire

g. Full Member 2005

Status Notes:

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Country Region of the World

Name of Association Membership Status Admission Date

Membership Application

Invitation to upgrade


Date of Invitation

Date of Last


Egypt Africa Egyptian Society of Actuaries

g. Full Member 2000

Status Notes:

Bursary Recepient ICA 2010

Kenya Africa The Actuarial Society of Kenya (TASK)

g. Full Member 2010 08/01/2010

Status Notes:

April 2009: Expressed interest in upgrading to Full Member status. Secretariat requested they they submit a Full Membership Application.September 2009: TASK submitted a Full Membership Application with supporting documentation. Botht he Accreditation Committee and Education Committee are reviewing the application in order to make a recommendation to Council during the Hyderabad Meetings.November 2009: Council accepted Accreditation's recommendation to accept TASK as a Full Member Association pending required changes to be ratified at TASK's AGM in December.January 2010: TASK reported to the Accreditation Committee that AGM was postponed until January 21, 2010; TASK will report back to the IAA as soon as changes are ratified at the AGM.January 27, 2010: TASK

Morocco Africa Association Marocaine des Actuaires

g. Full Member 2008

Status Notes:

Bursary recepient ICA 2010.

South Africa Africa Actuarial Society of South Africa

g. Full Member 1996

Status Notes:

Chinese Taipei Asia Actuarial Institute of Chinese Taipei

g. Full Member 1996

Status Notes:

Hong Kong Asia Actuarial Society of Hong Kong

g. Full Member 1999

Status Notes:

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Country Region of the World

Name of Association Membership Status Admission Date

Membership Application

Invitation to upgrade


Date of Invitation

Date of Last


India Asia Institute of Actuaries of India

g. Full Member 1996

Status Notes:

Bursary recepient ICA 2010.

Indonesia Asia Persatuan Aktuaris Indonesia

g. Full Member 2006

Status Notes:

Bursary recepient ICA 2010.

Israel Asia Israel Association of Actuaries

g. Full Member 1996

Status Notes:

Japan Asia Japanese Society of Certified Pension Actuaries

g. Full Member 1999

Status Notes:

Japan Asia Institute of Actuaries of Japan

g. Full Member 1996

Status Notes:

Lebanon Asia Lebanese Association of Actuaries

g. Full Member 2002

Status Notes:

Malaysia Asia Persatuan Aktuari Malaysia Country: Malaysia

g. Full Member 2003

Status Notes:

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Country Region of the World

Name of Association Membership Status Admission Date

Membership Application

Invitation to upgrade


Date of Invitation

Date of Last


Pakistan Asia Pakistan Society of Actuaries

g. Full Member 2005

Status Notes:

Bursary recepient ICA 2010.

Philippines Asia Actuarial Society of the Philippines

g. Full Member 1998

Status Notes:

Bursary recepient ICA 2010.

Singapore Asia Singapore Actuarial Society

g. Full Member 2003

Status Notes:

Thailand Asia Society of Actuaries of Thailand

g. Full Member 2008

Status Notes:

Austria Europe Aktuarvereinigung Österreichs (AVÖ)

g. Full Member 1996

Status Notes:

Belgique Europe Institut des Actuaires en Belgique

g. Full Member 1996

Status Notes:

Bulgaria Europe Bulgarian Actuarial Society g. Full Member 2007

Status Notes:

Croatia Europe Hrvatsko Aktuarsko Drustvo

g. Full Member 2005

Status Notes:

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Country Region of the World

Name of Association Membership Status Admission Date

Membership Application

Invitation to upgrade


Date of Invitation

Date of Last


Cyprus Europe Cyprus Association of Actuaries

g. Full Member 1996

Status Notes:

Czech Republic

Europe Ceská Spolecnost Aktuárù g. Full Member 1998

Status Notes:

Denmark Europe Den Danske Aktuarforening

g. Full Member 1996

Status Notes:

Estonia Europe Eesti Aktuaaride Liit g. Full Member 2001

Status Notes:

Bursary recepient ICA 2010.

Finland Europe Suomen Aktuaariyhdistys g. Full Member 1996

Status Notes:

France Europe Institut des Actuaires g. Full Member 1996

Status Notes:

Germany Europe Deutsche Aktuarvereinigung e. V. (DAV)

g. Full Member 1996

Status Notes:

Greece Europe Hellenic Actuarial Society g. Full Member 1996

Status Notes:

Hungary Europe Magyar Aktuárius Társaság

g. Full Member 2000

Status Notes:

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Country Region of the World

Name of Association Membership Status Admission Date

Membership Application

Invitation to upgrade


Date of Invitation

Date of Last


Iceland Europe Félag Islenskra Tryggingastærðfræðinga

g. Full Member 1996

Status Notes:

Ireland Europe Society of Actuaries in Ireland

g. Full Member 1996

Status Notes:

Italy Europe Istituto Italiano degli Attuari

g. Full Member 1996

Status Notes:

Latvia Europe Latvijas Aktuaru Asociacija g. Full Member 2003

Status Notes:

Bursary recepient ICA 2010.

Lithuania Europe Lietuvos Aktuariju Draugija

g. Full Member 2008

Status Notes:

Bursary recepient ICA 2010.

Netherlands Europe Het Actuarieel Genootschap Country: Netherlands

g. Full Member 1996

Status Notes:

Norway Europe Den Norske Aktuarforening

g. Full Member 1996

Status Notes:

Poland Europe Polskie Stowarzyszenie Aktuariuszy

g. Full Member 2002

Status Notes:

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Country Region of the World

Name of Association Membership Status Admission Date

Membership Application

Invitation to upgrade


Date of Invitation

Date of Last


Portugal Europe Instituto dos Actuários Portugueses

g. Full Member 1996

Status Notes:

Serbia Europe Udruženje Aktuara Srbije g. Full Member 2007

Status Notes:

Slovakia Europe Slovenska Spolocnost Aktuarov

g. Full Member 2005

Status Notes:

Slovenia Europe Slovensko Aktuarsko Drustvo

g. Full Member 2002

Status Notes:

Spain Europe Col.legi d'Actuaris de Catalunya

g. Full Member 1996

Status Notes:

Spain Europe Instituto de Actuarios Españoles

g. Full Member 1996

Status Notes:

Sweden Europe Svenska Aktuarieföreningen

g. Full Member 1996

Status Notes:

Switzerland Europe Association Suisse des Actuaires

g. Full Member 1996

Status Notes:

United Kingdom

Europe Faculty of Actuaries g. Full Member 1996

Status Notes:

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Country Region of the World

Name of Association Membership Status Admission Date

Membership Application

Invitation to upgrade


Date of Invitation

Date of Last


United Kingdom

Europe Institute of Actuaries g. Full Member 1996

Status Notes:

Argentina Latin America

Consejo Profesional de Ciencias Económicas de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires

g. Full Member 1996

Status Notes:

Brazil Latin America

Instituto Brasileiro de Atuária (IBA)

g. Full Member 1996

Status Notes:

Bursary recepient ICA 2010.

Mexico Latin America

Colegio Nacional de Actuarios A. C.

g. Full Member 1996

Status Notes:

Puerto Rico Latin America

Academia de Actuarios de g. Full Member 2002

Status Notes:

Australia ROW Institute of Actuaries of Australia

g. Full Member 1996

Status Notes:

Caribbean Nations

ROW Caribbean Actuarial Association

g. Full Member 2008

Status Notes:

New Zealand ROW New Zealand Society of Actuaries

g. Full Member 1996

Status Notes:

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Country Region of the World

Name of Association Membership Status Admission Date

Membership Application

Invitation to upgrade


Date of Invitation

Date of Last


Russia ROW Russian Guild of Actuaries g. Full Member 2008

Status Notes:

Bursary recepient ICA 2010.

Canada USC Canadian Institute of Actuaries/Institut Canadien des Actuaires

g. Full Member 1996

Status Notes:

United States USC Conference of Consulting Actuaries

g. Full Member 1996

Status Notes:

United States USC Society of Actuaries g. Full Member 1996

Status Notes:

United States USC American Academy of Actuaries

g. Full Member 1996

Status Notes:

United States USC American Society of Pension Professionals & Actuaries

g. Full Member 1996

Status Notes:

United States USC Casualty Actuarial Society g. Full Member 1996

Status Notes:

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