ADVERTAINMENT System within the REALM Summary Overview Overview of Advertainment within the REALM immersive environment: – A ‘World-First’ concept / experience that addresses the needs, desires, hopes, dreams, passions and practical/functional support people require to advance their lives, skills, careers, income, health & wellbeing, creative expression and other areas. Reecting key communicators of this ethos and oering – using the most advanced semantic 3.0 mechanisms – will naturally attract huge audiences in specic / vertical markets as well as general audiences seeking ‘the next big thing’. Commercial participation in the forms of involvement, contribution of resources, products, services, opportunities and interactions that support Realm participants will provide unique marketing exposure for companies & corporations of all sizes. – An organic attraction and adoption with excitement and expectation from web-related industries, organisations, media & reporting agencies, technical and communication-based enterprises, as well as specic industries that create their own REALM – (eg, genetic research students, vintage motorcycle restoration club, rose-gardeners association, experimental music project) and myriad others – that virally spread to others with matching proles. – A carefully planned launch event / ongoing campaign with ‘magnetic’ branding elements, unique attractors (eg, major sponsor / advertiser giveaways), VIP/Celebrity participation (eg David Bowies’ latest ‘secret’ album release), online & on land events, key collaborations (eg, university research projects with business sponsorship), and other ‘showcase’ elements. – A ‘managed’ viral proliferation campaign using semantic systems such as Sentiment Engine to ‘seed the marketscape’ of relevant industries and networks with positive drivers / incentives / evangelism for people to discover and experience the Realm. Semantic and related technologies are available with companies eager to provide these services. More description to follow. The opening statement “Redening outdated & outmoded approaches to marketing, advertising, promotion, sponsorship, market research & data collection, incentives, gamication, education & learning, innovation, monetisation…” is distilled into the following components: 1. Marketing Redened: the proliferation of the idea, concept, experience and benets of Realm will elevate ‘viral sharing’ to a new level of exponential measurement. This will occur because, not only will Realm provide a new kind of experience (combining interest, passion, discovery, friendship, work, play, sharing, monetising, rewarding etc) in one ‘space’, but also that EVERY CONFIDENTIAL DOCUMENT ©2016 Zen Joseph Player. All rights reserved

Advertainment Overview

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ADVERTAINMENT System within the REALM – Summary Overview

Overview of Advertainment within the REALM immersive environment:

– A ‘World-First’ concept / experience that addresses the needs, desires, hopes, dreams, passions

and practical/functional support people require to advance their lives, skills, careers, income,

health & wellbeing, creative expression and other areas. Reflecting key communicators of this

ethos and offering – using the most advanced semantic 3.0 mechanisms – will naturally attract

huge audiences in specific / vertical markets as well as general audiences seeking ‘the next big

thing’. Commercial participation in the forms of involvement, contribution of resources,

products, services, opportunities and interactions that support Realm participants will provide

unique marketing exposure for companies & corporations of all sizes.

– An organic attraction and adoption with excitement and expectation from web-related

industries, organisations, media & reporting agencies, technical and communication-based

enterprises, as well as specific industries that create their own REALM – (eg, genetic research

students, vintage motorcycle restoration club, rose-gardeners association, experimental music

project) and myriad others – that virally spread to others with matching profiles.

– A carefully planned launch event / ongoing campaign with ‘magnetic’ branding elements,

unique attractors (eg, major sponsor / advertiser giveaways), VIP/Celebrity participation (eg

David Bowies’ latest ‘secret’ album release), online & on land events, key collaborations (eg,

university research projects with business sponsorship), and other ‘showcase’ elements.

– A ‘managed’ viral proliferation campaign using semantic systems such as Sentiment Engine to

‘seed the marketscape’ of relevant industries and networks with positive drivers / incentives /

evangelism for people to discover and experience the Realm. Semantic and related technologies

are available with companies eager to provide these services. More description to follow.

The opening statement “Redefining outdated & outmoded approaches to marketing,

advertising, promotion, sponsorship, market research & data collection, incentives, gamification,

education & learning, innovation, monetisation…” is distilled into the following components:

1. Marketing Redefined: the proliferation of the idea, concept, experience and benefits of Realm

will elevate ‘viral sharing’ to a new level of exponential measurement. This will occur because, not

only will Realm provide a new kind of experience (combining interest, passion, discovery,

friendship, work, play, sharing, monetising, rewarding etc) in one ‘space’, but also that EVERY

CONFIDENTIAL DOCUMENT ©2016 Zen Joseph Player. All rights reserved

ADVERTAINMENT System within the REALM – Summary Overview

ACTIVITY can be linked to, tracked for and rewarded by companies offering specific products &

services to that specific audience – from a single person to a group or collective, a team or class,

a club, church, school or village – and any possible combination where INTEREST, PASSION and

EXPRESSION are aggregating. Thus, the ways, means, methods, and marketing effectiveness

within the Realm hinge on a captivated audience driven by the strongest motivators after

survival – the need to create, to express, be connected & accepted.

2. Advertising Redefined: the original models driving advertising have not changed in over 100

years. In short, the perpetrated message is ‘BUY THIS THING NOW’ if you want to be sexy, cool,

accepted, functional, perfect etc. This fundamental sentiment (and necessarily invasive

methodology) has been refined into a science and crafted into an art – but the fundamental

premise is WRONG! Advertising in the Realm will enjoy a complete re-tooling – from a

manipulative, and more often than not, misdirected invasion of privacy to – an intelligent, useful,

informative, entertaining format that delivers ONLY the products, services, opportunities and

offerings that interest each individual (in the Realm), including different ‘personas’ defined by

individuals / groups / collectives etc.

Realm Advertising will harness all aspects of traditional advertising that can be applied to a new

(tested and proven) model termed ‘Advertainment’, as well as become part of a ubiquitous

‘stream of relevant information & resources’ delivered to a persona / individual / group involved

in projects and endeavours where commercial sponsors can provide value through their product

/ service / brand offering, and receive significant benefits / profits in return.

Complementing a tested & proven ‘front-end’ mechanism offering variable levels and degrees of

engagement, interaction and reward, Realm has the ability to TRACK EACH persona / individual /

group / collective (PIGC) in REAL TIME through Michael MacKay’s proprietary ‘C4i dashboard’ –

back end’ mechanism.

Each PIGC is empowered and enabled to describe the precise products / services / opportunities

/ brands they wish to form value-relationships with (note absence of ‘SELLING/BUYING’

concepts). Chosen products, services, opportunities and brands become linked elements in a

vast databank of information on EACH PERSON, including their dreams, hopes, ambitions, goals,

needs, desires, wants, expectations, experiences, choices, preferences, fears, concerns, issues,

etc… as well as lifestyle characteristics such as sexy, cool, hip, conservative, classic, artistic,

techie, methodical, flamboyant, generous, careful, adventurous, ego-driven, etc.

CONFIDENTIAL DOCUMENT ©2016 Zen Joseph Player. All rights reserved

ADVERTAINMENT System within the REALM – Summary Overview

Add to this complex layers of PREFERENCE SELECTION (this wine, this computer, this car, this

publication, this dress, this vacation, etc) within the Advertainment System, and also add

ENGAGEMENT STYLE (fast responder, logical vs. impulsive, drive to win, drive to share, drive to be

seen/loved/recognised etc), and other semantic elements, and one begins to perceive the power

of the new Advertising System being described. See below for details on ‘Advertainment’

functionality, features & benefits.

For Advertisers of any size, Realm offers a totally fresh, completely non-invasive and super-

effective mechanism by which they can:

a) define, refine and FIND specific audiences seeking their products, services and opportunities

b) engage in a RELATIONSHIP of mutual support, participation, profile, exposure, promotion

c) realise exponentially higher ROI for super-targeted markets with ‘primed’ customers/clients

d) gain exponentially deeper information/understanding on each relevant PIGC

e) improve product/service offerings with PIGC feedback, involvement, endorsement

f ) provide better products and services at more competitive prices, with ‘market-driven’ intel

g) incentivise and reward PIGCs for involvement, purchase, usage, evangelism, referrals etc

h) provide dynamic, fun, engaging ways to promote their brand (eg, ads with game elements)

i) further points available

A recommended pricing matrix will be developed to reflect current industry standards and

certain Realm advantages for Advertising involvement.

3. Sponsorship Redefined: Sponsorship has traditionally focused on ‘brand exposure’, which was

elevated to new dimensions with extreme sport / surf by companies like Quicksilver, Billabong

and Red Bull. A further extension of this trend has been championed by GoPro, the sport-camera

company that gives away a complete set of products EVERY DAY. The exposure, value and

goodwill gained by this ‘generous’ sponsor strategy, combined with providing a highly popular

platform and kudos for ‘Best GoPro Video of the Week’ is historical. In the Realm proposition,

Sponsorship may assume a multitude of high-profile associations, not only with PIGCs, but also

PROJECTS, EVENTS, OFFERINGS, ACTIVITIES occurring online & on land.

A recommended pricing matrix will be developed to reflect current industry standards and

certain Realm advantages for Sponsorship participation.

CONFIDENTIAL DOCUMENT ©2016 Zen Joseph Player. All rights reserved

ADVERTAINMENT System within the REALM – Summary Overview

4. Redefining Market Research: like advertising, market research has been undergoing a

metamorphosis in order to survive and remain a relevant industry. In short, the problem is a

fundamental assumption of MANIPULATING information to provide advertisers and promoters

with ‘market intelligence’ in order to more effectively SELL their products & services.

In the Realm, this position and motivation is irrelevant because PIGCs willingly convey their

needs, wants, preferences, etc – and promote / share / refer such products & services to their

associated Realm networks, as well as others outside Realm. In addition, a proprietary method

called Dreamographic Profiling allows PIGCs to describe (using online forms or more embedded

info-gathering mechanisms) not who they ARE, but who they DREAM of being – with products,

services, opportunities & brands that support these persona qualities. From previous tests using

this system (Hypertainment Campaign, NZ 2000), combined with Prize Selection, a remarkable

amount of personal data was gathered without any invasion of privacy (permission-based).

A recommended pricing matrix will be developed to reflect current industry standards and

certain Realm advantages for Market Research.

If PIGCs are convinced that companies, corporations, ad agencies & promotional firms are

authentically SUPPORTING their dreams, ambitions, goals & objectives etc – and that by doing so

these companies gain public profile, market-share, free evangelists and increased transactions,

why would they choose an outdated and clearly less effective approach?

5. Defining Advertainment: Advertainment™ (aka ADgames™ & EDgames™) was pioneered by Zen

Joseph Player way before the internet commercially existed. In the mid 1980’s, Zen (then VP

Marketing for Design Center in SF), experimented with “game-like elements within advertising

formats” in newspapers, magazines, promotions, on radio, television and (training) videos – with

impressive results. In general, depending on the type of product, audience, complexity, media

exposure and other factors, advertisers consistently experienced between 200% – 500% increase

in response and subsequent sales.

Zen proved the effectiveness of Advertainment in subsequent ‘world-first’ campaigns in the USA,

Singapore, New Zealand and Australia – samples & results can be provided.

CONFIDENTIAL DOCUMENT ©2016 Zen Joseph Player. All rights reserved

ADVERTAINMENT System within the REALM – Summary Overview

The core proposition and methodology driving Advertainment is a psychological adaption

termed ‘Selective Cognition’. Selective Cognition states that if a person/mind (P/M) is given a

suggestion / command to “count all the red balloons”, and if there is a recognised / desired

reward involved, the P/M will indeed do this.

Conversely, if a command is given to “count all the red balloons”, a P/M is literally UNABLE to

count any blue balloons at the same time! Thus, attention may be predictably influenced and

directed to give attention and respond to key elements within an advertising or marketing

message – including brand, appearance, function, features & benefits of the product/service

being promoted – that ENGAGE a Person/Mind in more enjoyable and beneficial ways than

traditional ‘passive’ advertising formats allow.

Further, an original ‘Interactive Equation’ at the heart of the Advertainment System is comprised

of 3 fundamental components: Entertainment, Information and Reward. Regardless of the

product, service, item, offering, subject, category, audience, age, market, media etc, when used

skillfully in certain percentages, this ‘TRIAD’ architecture is extremely effective in stimulating the

3 essential components leading to actions or transactions in the case of items for sale etc.

A summary of this interaction indicates that:

– ATTENTION is captivated

– ATTENTION is converted into RESPONSE

– RESPONSE is converted into timely ACTION / TRANSACTION

7. Structure & Application of Advertainment System

The Advertainment System functions seamlessly across all media, including traditional (TV, radio,

print, display) as well as current, emerging and future mobile and media devices.

The fundamental equation states that ‘when elements of ENTERTAINMENT, INFORMATION are

REWARD are applied to a promotional communication, with mechanisms to facilitate access,

interaction and reward, a measurable increase in a) attention, b) absorption, c) comprehension,

d) adoption and e) response results.’

Depending upon the inherent nature and ‘Measurement of Psychological Value’ (MPV) for each

semantic unit as defined by a persona, individual, group or collective, the Advertainment ‘triad’ is

adjusted for maximum response – for both advertiser/sponsors and participants in the Realm.

CONFIDENTIAL DOCUMENT ©2016 Zen Joseph Player. All rights reserved

ADVERTAINMENT System within the REALM – Summary Overview

With semantic capabilities enabling the System to be informed by vast amounts of information,

an effective ‘weighting’ toward any subject-metric is possible. For example, relevant subject

matter designated by ‘fast cars’, customer types (rose gardeners), and industry or sector-related

(fashion). This simplified diagrammatic view represents an exponentially expanded system,

capable of ‘learning, knowing and predicting’ each person’s interests, precise needs and

preferences, related products / activities / information and of course – social circles!

The Advertainment System is fully scalable, from simple DIY tools & templates to specialist

services (like graphic designers & web builders), all the way from small to medium and global

agencies handling new start-ups and multi-billion dollar accounts. The Realm becomes the first

global environment to interlink and activate a vast array of ENTERTAINING content,

INFORMATIVE resources and generous REWARDS, that over time builds an entirely new

relationship between commercial enterprise and relevant consumers.

Based on a long period of collaboration between Michael MacKay and Zen Joseph Player, with

complementary IP being contributed, there is every indication that a ‘world first’ Advertainment

Engine can be built, launched and leading the industry before any other similar enterprise.

CONFIDENTIAL DOCUMENT ©2016 Zen Joseph Player. All rights reserved

ADVERTAINMENT System within the REALM – Summary Overview

8. Monetizing Advertainment:

Advertainment and its various derivatives (EDgames for Educational & Learning sectors,

ADgames for numerous gamification markets), combined with Dreamographic Profiling, 4Ci

Data-tracking, Contextual Search and Sentiment Analysis offers an advertising proposition that

surpasses ALL OTHER OPTIONS available today. It provides a degree of connection,

communication, interaction and response-generation that the world’s most progressive Ad

Agency Execs only vaguely dreams of – but can’t believe it could exist!

With over 30 years experience testing and proving the ‘Interactive Equation’ and principles, and

with contributed IP supporting the development of an ‘Advertainment Engine’, Realm becomes

the world authority in this new sector, with multitudes of simultaneous campaigns that

showcase the System – resulting in further adoption and revenue generation.

9. Summary of Revenues from Advertainment

Fees derived from Agencies, Corporations, Media firms, Creative groups for:

– Data collected, analysed, interpreted for campaign use

– Licensing & certification fees (ie authentication, secure transaction etc)

– Campaign development, marketing strategy, tech support etc

– Product add ons – advanced or 3rd party tools, templates, palettes, plugins, apps

– Delivery of EIA (Effective Increments of Attention) per second / item / campaign

– Incremental fees for commercial transactions (sale, trade, exchange, valuation)

– other fees to be determined

Fees derived from individuals, groups, collectives, institutions, organisations for:

– Premium levels of participation / access to information, entertainment, rewards

– Apps to design / construct / operate more advanced Advertainment campaigns

– Training & support for advanced / professional Advertainment providers

– Data collected, analysed, interpreted for research or commercial use

– other fees to be determined

CONFIDENTIAL DOCUMENT ©2016 Zen Joseph Player. All rights reserved