Advert Questionnaire By Zara Yaffe

Advert questionnaire

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Page 1: Advert questionnaire

Advert Questionnaire

By Zara Yaffe

Page 2: Advert questionnaire

Do you use both shampoo and conditioner for your hair, or just one?

• The results from the advert research showed that most people, 41 out of 48, use both shampoo and conditioner. This is over 85% of people that answered the questionnaire. This would therefore show me that I should advertise for both shampoo and conditioner, not just one or the other. I should show the effects of using both shampoo or conditioner in my advertisement to encourage those watching to buy both of the products.

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Do you choose the type of hair product you use due to the scent?

• The answers to this question show me that there are only 4 more people that do buy due to the scent than do not. Therefore, if I did use the scent factor in my advertisement, it would not deter people from buying the product. I think I should show the scent in this advert I will create as many people, 22 out of 48, would buy this product if it smelt nice. This shows me that if it did smell horrible, 45% of the people who answered my questionnaire would not buy the product I am going to advertise.

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Do advertisements persuade you to buy particular hair products?

• The results gained from this question show me that adverts on the whole do not have a big effect on those that purchase the product being promoted. To change this and persuade someone to want to buy a product due to my advertisement, I would have to make an advert that would make someone want to buy what I am promoting. I would have to use effective techniques in order to sell my product the best way I can in under a minute. 37 people out of 48 said either adverts do not have an effect on whether they’re going to buy the product, or the adverts neither have an effect or do not have an effect.

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Which shampoo/conditioner do you use?

• I asked those taking the questionnaire to tell me which hair product they use. Some people in this response box put answers that were clearly not answering the question and so these would be disqualified from my questionnaire. 7/44 answers showed me that 7 people use Herbal Essences. This shows me that this could be the hair product I make an advert for as it would appeal to the most people. 7 out of 44 people also use Head and Shoulders. I could therefore either make an advertisement for either Herbal Essences or Head and Shoulders as this is what the people who answered my questionnaire use most. I wouldn’t want to make an advert for Dove, for example, as only 1/44 people use this. If people don’t use it already then it’s difficult to persuade them to use it just from an advert that is less than aminute long.

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Who is your favourite celebrity to have been in a hair product advert?

• I asked on my questionnaire for a ranking of their favourite celebrities to have been in hair product adverts. Beyoncé came in first place; I think this is due to celebrity status as she is loved for many different things, such as her music and beauty. Therefore, I wouldn’t have thought that the best thing about her would be a television hair advert. This is celebrity endorsement to encourage those watching to buy a product due to the celebrity in the advertisement. In last place came Joe Hart. I think that this is because it was mainly girls I asked to answer the questionnaire and therefore someone in football, typically, would not be as popular. I would use someone with good looks in my advertisement to show how clean and beautiful the hair product I will be promoting can make you.

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