ADVERT Jess Britton

Advert 3 powerpoint

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Page 1: Advert 3 powerpoint


Jess Britton

Page 2: Advert 3 powerpoint
Page 3: Advert 3 powerpoint
Page 4: Advert 3 powerpoint
Page 5: Advert 3 powerpoint

For this advert I wanted to find an image that looked like Irn Bru bubbles, and

use it as the background and put the can in middle as the focus. The first image

was one of the images that I was going to use for this advert, but I kept getting

images that wouldn’t have worked because people wouldn’t have known what it

is. The second image is the closest image that I could find that resembled the

drink, so I decided to use this, but it still didn’t work. I tried to get the image

that I produced of the can to blend in with the background image, but I couldn’t

get them to work. It might be a better idea to use the image from the

background and only place it behind the can, so it looks like the drink itself. I

would also produce a better background image.