Advant 800xA | Advant OCS | Bailey Infi 90 Bailey Net 90 | Contronic | Master | Procontic Procontrol | Taylor MOD 30 and Mod 300 Distributed Control Systems for Industrial Automation ABB Product PDF Presented by – DCScenter.com For Product Needs: Email: [email protected] Call: 1-800-793-0630 Fax: 919-324-6602 http://www.DCScenter.com

Advant 800xA | Advant OS | ailey Infi 90 ailey Net 90 ... · PDF file2 ABB Within ABB’s new family of integrated software and hardware solutions – collectively known as Industrial

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Advant 800xA | Advant OCS | Bailey Infi 90 Bailey Net 90 | Contronic | Master | Procontic

Procontrol | Taylor MOD 30 and Mod 300

Distributed Control Systems for Industrial Automation


Product PDF Presented by – DCScenter.com

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MOD 300 Enhanced with IndustrialIT

The Enterprise Management & Control Systemfor Optimizing Process & Business Operations

DCS Center


Within ABB’s new family of integratedsoftware and hardware solutions –collectively known as Industrial IT – theMOD 300 and Advant OCS with MOD 300Software Control Systems position customersto optimize process, plant and enterpriseoperations. While reaping the benefits of theinnovative, enhanced Industrial IT strategy,customers will retain both the processsecurity and the value of their new orexisting MOD 300 system.

MOD 300 Software enhances the real-timesharing of knowledge between related,but divergent, enterprise operations.Fully equipped with an integrated setof decision-making tools, Industrial ITenhancements make it possible for real-timeinformation to be shared – and its valuecompounded – throughout an organization.The result is better and faster decisions thatoptimize company assets, whether people,raw material, process, or infrastructure.

Open Architecture forSeamless IntegrationIndustrial IT applications are designed tobe used as stand-alone or integrated solutions,enabling the flexibility to implement therequired functions today and the agilityto add on as needs evolve. ABB’s diligentuse of open standards simplifies the taskof interfacing with existing automationand information systems, while the provenMOD 300 progression ensures an additionallayer of established investment protection.

The Evolution Continues…Industrial IT is the latest installment ona greater than 20-year commitment thatABB has honored with its DCS users.The company’s pledge of Evolution throughEnhancement ensures that future advancesin system technologies will not compromisethe customer’s current investments. Whileother vendors may talk about investmentprotection, ABB’s proven program is trulyunique in the industry. From the introductionof the MOD 300 System in 1984, througheach of the evolution steps Advant OCS withMOD 300 Software in 1992, to the introduc-tion of Industrial IT in 2000, this commitmenthas been maintained by providing gracefulmigration from one system to the next.

A Global LeaderToday, Evolution through Enhancement hasexpanded to include the latest products andservices from the world’s largest automationsupplier; including instrumentation, analyti-cal devices, meters, robotics, drives, motors,machines, manufacturing execution systems,and control products and systems. Backedby common Industrial IT technology andindustry specific expertise, ABB’s automationportfolio provides the seamless link betweenprocess and business management to deliverknowledge-based solutions.

Reaching New Levelsof Productivity

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Making real-time business decisions toprevent or limit process upsets requires aconsistent infrastructure for data, operations,configuration, and maintenance across theentire enterprise. The foundation of thisconsistent infrastructure is ABB’s AspectObject™ technology provided by the AspectIntegrator Platform (AIP) component. EveryIndustrial IT software product is basedupon the AIP component. MOD 300 fully

Two Decades of Enhancementsparticipates in an integrated Industrial ITenvironment by leveraging the full power ofthe Aspect Object technology by employingan open, enterprisewide architecture thatsupports a seamless communications fabric toevery level of control – from field I/O to plantwideand multi-plant systems. MOD 300’s essentialsecurity and proven availability at the controllevel are integrated with enterprise networkstrategies for total enterprise communication.

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The scalable MOD 300 architecture allowsfor easy integration of ABB Industrial ITcomponents, such as Operate IT, ProduceIT, Inform IT, and Optimize IT. In addition,non-traditional control system functionalareas, such as field device management andPLC controls, simply “plug-and-produce” inthe MOD 300 architecture via other ABBIndustrial IT components, such as EngineerIT and Control IT.

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ABB’s MOD 300 enhanced with Industrial ITsolutions reach beyond the traditionalboundaries of control systems to supportthe platform, application and professionalservice needs of total enterprise manage-ment and control.

MOD 300’s span of open control provides asecure foundation with robust, but flexible,regulatory and sequence control. Solutionscontinue through the full range of higherlevel management and advanced controlfunctions to include: production manage-ment, maintenance management, simulation,historian, and information management. Theintegration of these powerful features isachieved through MOD 300’s integrated“Aspects” architecture.

MOD 300 enhanced with Industrial ITdramatically improves enterprisewide pro-ductivity through four powerful, integratedclasses of products:

Advant Controller 460 and S800 I/OControl Products – a comprehensive set oftraditional process, regulatory and sequencecontrol services and I/O interfaces

AdvaBuild Engineering Tools – an integratedsuite of engineering and maintenance toolsdesigned to support the complete automa-tion project, including planning and dataacquisition, configuration management,library management, commissioning, andoperation

Operate IT/Process Portal andAdvaCommand – a range of consoleproducts for accessing and viewing datafrom multiple operating environments, fromprocess control and I/O to plant and enter-prise information

Inform IT Plant Optimization andInformation Management Solutions – apowerful suite of products and services forplant management and control focused onincreasing asset utilization and on optimalmanagement of plant capacity andhistorical data.

Powerful Toolsfor Enterprise Management and Control

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Plant Optimization& Information Management

Engineering, Operation& Maintenance Tools

Operator Consoles

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Control Products

MOD 300 control software is designed towork together as an integrated system. Aglobal database ensures that informationneeds to be entered only once and thatmultiple copies of the same information donot reside in different subsystems. Applica-tion programs such as control algorithms,operator interface, and information manage-ment all act upon one set of data.

Unlike other controlsystems, the user is notrequired to know whichsubsystem to accesswhen retrievinginformation.

High PerformanceControllersAdvant Controllerscombine high processingcapacity with flexible software tocreate a powerful control systemenvironment. Advant Controllers benefitfrom the global database and three powerfulcontrol languages: CCF, TCL, and TLL.Existing Model B and SC Controllers canalso co-exist on the same network and sharedata in a seamless manner.

The Advant Controller 460 can be config-ured for 1:1 redundancy and has a high-speed processor that allows many functionsto execute in a single controller module.

Advant Controllers can beconnected to existingTaylor Remote I/O(TRIO), S100 I/O whichcan be configured forredundancy, and S800 I/Oa state-of-the-art modularremote I/O system.

Real-TimeControl ApplicationsMOD 300 software provides three powerfulcontrol languages. Configurable ControlFunctions, Taylor Control Language, andTaylor Ladder Logic provide optimal imple-mentation approaches in the areas ofcontinuous control, discrete device control,supervisor control, sequential and batch

control, and high speedinterlock logic control.

Applications developedin other MOD 300subsystems can beexecuted on the AdvantController. The ability tomix, match, and executethese control strategiessimultaneously offersuncompromising versatil-ity to meet today’sprocessing requirements.

Configurable Control Functions (CCF) is andeasy to configure, function block structuredcontrol language. It is particularly powerfulin the application of continuous processcontrol, discrete device handling and alarmdetection. CCF has an extensive library offunctions and is configured through a menu-driven software package using a fill-in-the-blank approach.

Taylor Control Language (TCL) is a struc-tured high-level procedural language. Theprogrammable flexibility of TCL is ideallysuited for batch control, recipe manage-ment, batch reporting, process scheduling,supervisory control, and process start-upand shutdown.

Taylor Ladder Logic (TLL) is used for highspeed process interlocking and controllogic. TLL provides industry standard ladderlogic control processing, reducing the needto purchase stand-alone programmablecontrollers.

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Engineering Tools

AdvaBuild Version 3 engineering toolsprovide you with a familiar MicroSoft basedenvironment. AdvaBuild 3 adds openness,improves performance, reduces compile andinstall times, and provides a usefulJournalling function.

AdvaBuild 3 supports all MOD 300 databaseconfiguration, CCF, TCL, TLL, and RDPapplications such as Console Config,PageBuilder, PCConfig, and Loopfcm.MicroSoft Windows navigation and singlescrollable pages with direct attribute selec-tion and easy copy/paste - drag/dropoperations provide you with greater engi-neering mobility. It also provides modernbackup and restore capabilities.

External administrative functions are pro-vided for project administration, load/savefunctions, and Journal enabling. The ControlBuilder includes navigator, templet and On-line Builder functions. Both the TCL and TLLBuilders contain active revision control(RCS), and the TCL Builder has a new TCLCompile/Link Status feature.

The Client/Server architecture allows up tofour concurrent users in the Control Builderfor database development and all databasechanges are locked when a compile isperformed.

The new Journalling feature tracks objectactivity and ties to revision control. AllEntries are time and user stamped andJournal size is limited only by the availabledisk space.

Migration from your existing Multibus DataProcessor or AdvaBuild UNIX software issimple, through the use of ASCII TransitionFiles included in AdvaBuild Version 3.

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AdvaCommandAdvaCommand provides operator softwarethat complements the inherent functionalityof the control system with operator directedfeatures and functions. These versatilefeatures and functions are ergonomicallydesigned to facilitate process monitoring,control, fault mitigation, and optimization.They offer more than just a way for opera-tors to interact with machines. They providesystem users with expanded dynamic accessto all plantwide or enterprisewide informa-tion through open system connectivity.

Operate IT Process PortalOperate IT Process Portal is a feature rich,web-enabled operator interface designed asa native Windows-based product. A man-aged Windows workplace within a webbrowser environment supports its users withintuitive navigation and compatible integra-tion with other ABB and third party web-enabled applications, allowing users toefficiently access and monitor informationflow through the control system, the pro-cess, the plant, and the entire enterprise.

Providing the versatility needed to meet everchanging operational and process needs,Process Portal supports custom navigationaltoolbars and user profiles for definingappropriate workspace behavior. ProcessPortal supports the full spectrum of plantand enterprise personnel needs includinggraphical user interface, process data collec-tion, storage and analysis tools, and anadvanced alarm management system. Aspart of an open system, Process Portalembraces OPC™ to provide a standardinterface method with third party devices,and incorporates OPC client and OPCserver connectivity.

Operator Interface

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Aspect ObjectsOperate IT Process Portal provides all ofthe traditional operator functionality such asevent and alarm management, and customgraphic displays. Through the use of ABB’sunique Aspect Object™ technology, ProcessPortal provides integrated information accessand sharing, intuitive navigation and efficientengineering. An Aspect Object represents aphysical or logical part of the automationinstallation, such as a valve, pump or actualbatch, but also process units or combina-tions of hardware units. All information, oraspects, belonging to those objects is struc-tured in functional windows called aspectviews. Examples of aspects are historicaldata, process signal data or technicalspecifications.

Operators gainthe advantage ofsingle-click accessto information-richaspect views…

ERP interfaces

PDF technicaldocumentation

Data tags

Word documentation

CAD specifications

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Data Management

To achieve true enterprise automation, MOD300 enhanced with Industrial IT componentsgo beyond traditional process control totightly integrate both control and manage-ment functions from the plant floor to theexecutive staff. To achieve this increasedspan of control, ABB offers a suite of plantmanagement and control products, rangingfrom plant information management to plantoptimization applications.

The new suites of plant management andcontrol products improve enterprise produc-tivity by:

• Providing secure, tightly integrated baseregulatory and sequential controls

• Scaling advanced control across a range oftechnologies

• Facilitating process information propaga-tion throughout the enterprise

• Providing for both adaptive and predictivedecision support practices

• Supporting E-commerce and B2B strate-gies with real-time enterprise data

• Imparting protected web access when andwhere appropriate

Advanced Control for IncreasedEfficiencyAdvanced control packages provide opti-mum production management solutions.From multi-variable control applications atthe controller level to enterprise spanningPavilion solutions, Industrial IT delivers afoundation for advanced control techniquesin real-time. Backed by industry specificexperience and know-how, Industrial ITadvanced control applications designed toinsure that plants will operate more efficiently,profitably and competitively.

Inform IT Enterprise HistorianInformation management is essential forunderstanding asset performance anddesigning procedures for optimizing assetsover their life cycles.

Enterprise Historian collects, stores andretrieves historical process and business datafrom control and related systems, andtransforms that data into meaningful infor-mation. This helps you to map out a planto achieve significant Key PerformanceIndicator (KPI) improvements. Itscomprehensive views of historical andprocess data help you to run your plantmore efficiently, enabling you to make moreinformed production decisions.

From the project design to the implementa-tion phase, Enterprise Historian helps yourun your plant smarter and more profitablyby facilitating efficient engineering, fromconfiguration to system administration tomaintenance. A single historical solution anddatabase is used for both process controland information management, eliminatingduplication of engineering effort.

Enterprise Historian offers extensive report-ing and data exchange capabilities to meet awide variety of reporting requirements.Regularly scheduled reports, as well as adhoc reports can be generated easily in theformat you specify.

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Produce IT BatchProduce IT Batch provides batch productionmanagement solutions, delivering unsur-passed batch-to-batch consistency, qualityand productivity. These measurable resultsare achieved through an unmatched leveland scope of batch control integrated withscheduling, electronic batch records, HSI,history, and controllers. Whether a processis manual, automated or both, Produce IToffers solutions for stand-alone environ-ments or for integrated operation with ERP,DCS, etc.

Optimize ITOptimize IT’s advanced optimization solu-tions address the need for real-time eco-nomic optimization in the multi-period,multi-plant enterprise.

Asset Optimization includes integration offield instruments to the control system viafieldbus protocols, maintenance triggers,interfaces with maintenance managementsystems, documentation management, andaudit trails

Process Optimization provides the meansto create and manage process models thathave been optimized using a range ofsolutions. This allows users to addressyield accounting, waste, safety, regulatorycompliance, and economic issues

Dynamic Simulation and Training assistsoperator training and certification and aidswith design validations

Supply Chain Optimization includes inte-grated planning, scheduling and utilizationalgorithms and decision tools for productionof specified component quality and quantityto support E-commerce requirements

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As a leading global provider of industrialasset and optimization services for powerand automation systems, ABB maintains aunique position to offer innovative anddiverse solutions for improved facilityperformance and effective maintenancesystems management. With an unparalleledscope of automation products, systems andservices, we provide performance-basedservice packages that increase production,reduce maintenance costs and improvereturn on existing assets.

Asset Management ServicesABB Asset Management Services movebeyond a cost-cutting approach, offeringcustomized performance-based servicesfocused on a specific need, an entire assetclassification or complete plant maintenanceresponsibility. Optimizing asset managementthrough outsourcing designed to deliverimproved operation and maintenanceeffectiveness, helps to deliver a lighterbalance sheet and increased cash flow,while providing maximum value andprofitability.

Asset Management ServicesConsulting Services

- Plant Performance Benchmarking- Performance Improvement Delivery- Cultural Change Management- Sustainable Maintenance Excellence- Shutdown Excellence- Safety, Health & Environmental Excellence

Total Equipment Management

- Motor Condition Monitoring- Drive Management- Rotating Machine Management- Instrumentation Management- Control Systems Management

ABB Full Service

- ABB Full Service™ Partnership Agreements- Single Shutdown Contracts- Multiple Shutdown Partnership Agreements

Product And SystemServicesA wide variety of services are availablelocally providing total system as well astailored user support. From completemanagement services to just-in-time techni-cal support, ABB offers unequalled servicesfor power and automation systems. Ourdiverse industry and application knowledgeacquired through a strong global presencecan benefit your operation through im-proved overall performance, increaseduptime and reduced costs.

Product and System ServicesCustomer Support Services

- Hardware/Software- Contract & Demand- Web, On-line & Remote Services- Telephone Services- Upgrades, Expansions & Modifications

Training Services

- ABB Product Training- Process & Application Training- General Technology Training- Training Contracts- Training Assessment Programs

Parts & Repair Services

- Parts Services- Reconditioning & Repair Services- Version Management- Legacy Product Support- Parts Management Support

Application Services

- Installation & Commissioning- Product Application Services- Product Environmental

Adaptation Support- Process Application

Services- Product Migration


Global Support & Services

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Evolution ServicesStepUpStepUp Programs provide a cost effectivemeans to migrate to the latest ABB productsand help position your automation systemfor new technology as it becomes available.

This allows you to continuously evolve yoursystem to higher levels of control, operations,information management, and connectivity.

SoftCareThe SoftCare software management programcontinuously provides you with immediateaccess to the latest productivity enablingsoftware. In keeping your software current,SoftCare positions you for the constantlychanging industry and IT standards byproviding constant enhancements, betterintegration, and more efficient support.

Conversion ServicesIn development of new products, it hasalways been ABB’s philosophy and commit-ment to provide an evolution path for theinstalled base. We continue with that commit-ment by providing conversion and interfaceservices that assist in graceful migration.

These services help simplify the evolutionprocess, reduce engineering cost, reduceinstallation time, and reduce risk.

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ABB Inc.29801 Euclid AvenueWickliffe, Ohio 44092Phone: +1 440 585-8500Fax: +1 440 585 8756www.abb.com/controlsystems

Copyright © 2003 by ABB Inc. All rights to trademarks reside with their respective owners.

Specifications subject to change without notice. Pictures, schematics and other graphics contained hereinare published for illustration purposes only and do not represent product configurations or functionality. Userdocumentation accompanying the product is the exclusive source for functionality descriptions.





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ABB GmbHDudenstraße 44-46, D-68167Mannheim, GermanyPhone: +49 (0) 1805 266 776Fax: +49 (0) 1805 776 329www.abb.com/controlsystems

For additional information,visit us on the Internet at www.abb.com/controlsystems

ABB ABSE-721 59 Västeras, SwedenPhone: +46 (0) 21 34 2000Fax: +46 (0) 21 13 78 45www.abb.com/controlsystems

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