ADVANCED DAT A-STRUCTURES & ALGORITHM ANALYSIS Dr. Sukhamay Kundu Computer Science Dept, Louisiana state University Baton Rouge, LA 70803 [email protected] Spring 2011 (copyright@2010 , @2011)

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Dr. Sukhamay Kundu

Computer Science Dept, Louisiana state UniversityBaton Rouge, LA 70803

[email protected]

Spring 2011

(copyright@2010 , @2011)

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Makes Computations Faster:

• Faster is better. (Another way to make computations faster is touse parallel or distributed computation.)

Three Basic Computation Steps:

Computation = Sequence of Computation Steps

(1) Locate/Access data-values (inputs to a step)(2) Compute a value (output of a step)(3) Store the new value



Program: Algorithm + DataStructure + Implementation.

• Algorithm

− The basic method; it determines the data-items computed.

− Also, the order in which those data-items are computed (andhence the order of read/write data-access operations).

• Data structures

− Supports efficient read/write of data-items used/computed.

Total Time = Time to access/store data + Time to compute data.

Efficient Algorithm = Good method + Good data-structures(+ Good Implementation)


•? What is an efficient program?

•? What determines the speed of an Algorithm?

•? A program must also solve a "problem". Which of the three partsalgorithm, data-structure, and implementation embodies this?

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Problem: Compute the average of three numbers.

Tw o Methods: (1) aver = (x + y + z)/3.(2) aver = (x/3) + (y/3) + (z/3).

• Method (1) superior to Method (2); two less div-operations.

• They access data in the same order: ⟨x, y, z, aver⟩.• Any improvement due to data-structure applies equally well to

both methods.

Data structures:

(a) Three variables x, y, z.

(b) An array nums[0..2].

− This is inferior to (a) because accessing an array-item takesmore time than accessing a simple variable. (To accessnums[i], the executable code has to compute its addressaddr(nums[i]) = addr(nums[0]) + i*sizeof(int), whichinvolves 1 addition and 1 multiplication.)

− When there are large number of data-items, naming indi-vidual data-items is not practical.

− Use of individually named data-items is not suitable when avarying number of data-items are involved (in particular, ifthey are used as parameters to a function).

A Poor Implementation of (1): Using 3 additions and 1 division.a = x + y; //uses 2 additional assignmentsb = a + z;aver = b/3;

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Hardware limit:

• Physical limits of time (speed of electrons) and space (layout ofcircuits). This limit is computation problem independent.

From 5 mips (millions of instructions per sec) to 10 mips is animprovement by the factor of 2.

One nano-second = 10−9 (one billionth of a second); 10 mips =100 ns/instruction.

Software limit:

• Limitless in a way, except for the inherent nature of the problem.That is, the limit is problem dependent.

Sorting Algorithm A1: O(n. log n) timeSorting Algorithm A2: O(n2) time

(n = number of items sorted)

A1 is an improvement over A2 by the factor


n. log n=


log n= → ∞ as n → ∞.

• O(n. log n) is the efficiency-limit for sorting Algorithms.

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Analytic Method:

• Theoretical analysis of the Algorithm’s time complexity.

Empirical Methods:

• Count the number of times specific operations are performed byexecuting an instrumented version of the program.

• Measure directly the actual program-execution time in a run.

Example of Instrumentation:

Original code: if (x < y) small = x;else small = y;

Instrumentd code: countComparisons++; //initialized elsewhereif (x < y) small = x;else small = y;

Question:•? What is wrong with the following instrumentation:

if (x < y) countComparisons++; small = x; else small = y;

•? Instrument the code below for readCount and writeCount of x:

if (x < 3) y = x + 5;

•? Show the new code when updates to loopCount is moved outsidethe loop:

for (i=j; i<max; i++) loopCount++;if (x[i] < 0) break;

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1. Instrument the code below to count the number of Exchanges(numExchanges) and number of comparisons (numComparisons)of the array data-items. Show the values of numExchanges andnumComparisons after each iteration of the outer for-loop for theinput items[] = [3, 2, 4, 5, 2, 0].

void crazySort(int *items, int numItems) int i, j, small,

for (i=0; i<numItems; i++) //put ith smallest item in items[i]for (j=i+1; j<numItems; j++)

if (items[i] > items[j]) //exchangesmall = items[j]; items[j] = items[i];items[i] = small;

(a) If we use "i < numItems − 1" in place of "i < numItems"in the outer for-loop, do we still get the same final result?Will it affect the execution time?

(b) Is the algorithm in the code more closely related to inser-tion-sort or to selection-sort? In what way does it differfrom that?

2. For numItems = 6, find an input for which crazySort will givemaximum numExchanges. When will numExchanges be mini-mum?

3. Give a pseudocode for deciding whether three given line seg-ments of lengths x, y, and z can form a triangle, and if so whetherit is a right-angled, obtuse-angled, or an acute-angled triangle.Make sure that you minimize the total number operations (arith-metic and comparisons of data-items)?

4. Given an array lengths[1..n] of the lengths of n line segments,find a method for testing if they can form a polygon (quadrilateralfor n = 4, pentagon for n = 5, etc).

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SOLUTION TO SELECTED EXERCISES:1. void crazySort(int *items, int numItems)

int i, j, small,numComparisons=0, //for two elements in items[]numExchanges=0; //of elements in items[]

for (i=0; i<numItems; i++) //put ith smallest item in items[i]for (j=i+1; j<numItems; j++)

numComparisons++; //keep it hereif (items[i] > items[j]) //exchange

numExchanges++;small = items[j]; items[j] = items[i];items[i] = small;

printf("numComparisons = %d, numExchanges = %d\n",

numComparisons, numExchanges);

After the comparison and exchanges (if any) for input items[] = [3, 2, 4, 5, 2, 0].

i=0, j=1, items[]: 2 3 4 5 2 0i=0, j=2, items[]: 2 3 4 5 2 0i=0, j=3, items[]: 2 3 4 5 2 0i=0, j=4, items[]: 2 3 4 5 2 0i=0, j=5, items[]: 0 3 4 5 2 2numComparisons = 5, numExchanges = 2i=1, j=2, items[]: 0 3 4 5 2 2i=1, j=3, items[]: 0 3 4 5 2 2i=1, j=4, items[]: 0 2 4 5 3 2i=1, j=5, items[]: 0 2 4 5 3 2numComparisons = 9, numExchanges = 3i=2, j=3, items[]: 0 2 4 5 3 2i=2, j=4, items[]: 0 2 3 5 4 2i=2, j=5, items[]: 0 2 2 5 4 3numComparisons = 12, numExchanges = 5i=3, j=4, items[]: 0 2 2 4 5 3i=3, j=5, items[]: 0 2 2 3 5 4numComparisons = 14, numExchanges = 7i=4, j=5, items[]: 0 2 2 3 4 5numComparisons = 15, numExchanges = 8i=5, j=6, items[]: 0 2 2 3 4 5numComparisons = 15, numExchanges = 8

This is more closely related to selection-sort, which involves at most oneexchange for each iteration of outer-loop. #(Comparisons) is still Cn

2 .

2. Triangle classification pseudocode; assume that 0 < x ≤ y ≤ z.

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if (z < x + y) zSquare = z*z; xySquareSum = x*x + y*y;if (zSquare == xySquareSum)

right-angled triangle;else if (zSquare > xySquareSum)

obtuse-angled triangle;else acute-angled triangle;

else not a triangle;

3. Condition for polygon:

• The largest length is less than the sum of the other lengths.

• The lengths [2, 4, 5, 20] will not make a quadrilateral because20 /< 2 + 4 + 5 = 11, but the lengths [2, 4, 5, 10] will.

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Pseudocode #1:

1. Create all possible permutations p of 0, 1, 2, ⋅⋅⋅, n − 1.

2. For each p, apply crazySort and determine numExchanges.

3. Collect these data to determine numPermutations[i] = #(permuta-tions which has numExchanges = i) for i = 0, 2, ⋅⋅⋅, Cn

2 .

4. Plot numPermutations[i] against i to visualize the behavior ofnumExchanges.

Pseudocode #2: //No need to store all n! permutations.

1. For (i=0; i<Cn2 ; i++), initialize numPermutations[i] = 0.

2. While (there is a nextPermutation(n) = p) do the following:

(a) Apply crazySort to p and determine numExchagnes.

(b) Add 1 to numPermutation[numExchanges].

3. Plot numPermutations[i] against i.

Note: We can use this idea to analyze other sorting algorithms.


•? If p is a permutation of S = 0, 1, 2, ⋅⋅⋅, n − 1, then how to deter-mine the nextPermutation( p) in the lexicographic order? Shownbelow are permutations for n = 4 in lexicographic order.

0123 0312 1203 2013 2301 31020132 0321 1230 2031 2310 31200213 1023 1302 2103 3012 32010231 1032 1320 2130 3021 3210

↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓

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Characteristics of Good Pseudocode:

+ Shows the key concepts and the key computation steps of theAlgorithm, avoiding too much details.

+ Avoids dependency on any specific prog. language.

+ Allows determining the correctness of the Algorithm.

+ Allows choosing a suitable data-structures for an efficient imple-mentation and complexity analysis.

Example. Compute the number of positive and negative items innums[0. . n − 1]; assume each nums[i] ≠ 0.

(A) Pseudocode: 1. Initialize positiveCount = negativeCount = 0.2. Use each nums[i] to increment one of the counts by one.

Code: 1.1 positiveCount = negativeCount = 0;2.1 for (i=0; i<n; i++) //each nums[i] ≠ 02.2 if (0 < nums[i]) positiveCount++;2.3 else negativeCount++;

(B) Pseudocode: 1. Initialize positiveCount = 0.2. Use each nums[i] > 0 to increment positiveCount by one.3. Let negativeCount = n − positiveCount.

Code: 1. positiveCount = 0;2. for (i=0; i<n; i++) //each nums[i] ≠ 03. if (0 < nums[i]) positiveCount++;4. negativeCount = n - positiveCount;


•? Why is (B) slightly more efficient than (A)?

Writing a pseudocode requires skills to expressan Algorithm in a concise and yet clear fashion.

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Idea: Successively find the ith smallest item, i = 0, 1, ⋅⋅⋅.Algorithm Selection-Sort:

Input: Array items[] and its size numItems.Output: Array items[] sorted in increasing order.

1. For each i in 0, 1, ⋅⋅⋅, numItems-1, in some order, do (a)-(b):

(a) Find the ith smallest item in items[].

(b) Place it at position i in items[].

Finding ith smallest item in items[]:

• Finding ith smallest item directly is difficult, but it is easy if weknow all the kth smallest items for k = 0, 1, 2, ⋅⋅⋅, (i − 1).

• It is the smallest item among the remaining items.

• If we assume that items[k], 0 ≤ k ≤ (i − 1), are the kth smallestitems, then smallest item in items[i..numItems − 1] = ith smallestitem. This gives the pseudocode:

(a.1) smallestItemIndex = i;(a.2) for ( j = i + 1; j<numItems; j++)(a.3) if (items[ j] < items[smallestItemIndex])(a.4) then smallestItemIndex = j;

Question: In what way (a.1)-(a.4) is better than step (a)?

Placing ith smallest item at position i in items[].

(b.1) if (smallestItemIndex > i) // why not smallestItemIndex ≠ i(b.2) then exchange items[i] and items[smallestItemIndex];

"What" comes before "how".

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1. Which of "put the items in right places" and "fill the places byright items" best describes the selection-sort Algorithm? Shownbelow are the steps in the two methods for input [3, 5, 0, 2, 4, 1].

Put the items in Fill the placesright places with right items

1. [2, 5, 0, 3, 4, 1] [0, 5, 3, 2, 4, 1]3 moved to right place 1st place is filled by 0

2. [0, 5, 2, 3, 4, 1] [0, 1, 3, 2, 4, 5]2 moved to right place 2nd place is filled by 1

3. [0, 5, 2, 3, 4, 1] [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]0 already in right place 3rd place is filled by 2

4. [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5] [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]5 moved to right place all places filled properly

5. [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]all items in right places

Note that once an item is put in right place, you must not changeits position while putting other items in proper places. It is forthis reason, we make an exchange (and not an insertion) when wemove an item in the right place. The insertion after removing 3from its current position in [3, 5, 0, 2, 4, 1] would have giv en [5,0, 2, 3, 4, 1] but not [2, 5, 0, 3, 4, 1] as we showed above.

2. Which input array for the set numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 requiresmaximum number of exchanges in the first approach?

3. Give a pseudocode for the first approach.

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Problem: Find the position of rightmost "00" in binString[0..(n-1)].

1. Search for 0 right to left upto position 1 (initially, start at positionn-1).

2. If (0 is found and the item to its left is 1), then go back to step (1)to start the search for 0 from the left of the current position.

Three Implementations: Only the first one fits the pseudocode.

(1) i = n; //= length of binStringdo for (i=i-1 ; i>0; i--)

if (0 == binString[i]) break; while (1 == binString[--i]); //has a bug; find it

(2) for (i=n-1; i>0; i--)if (0 == binString[i]) && (0 == binString[i-1])

break; //inefficient but works

(3) for (i=n-1; i>0; i--) //bad for-loop; body updates iif (0 == binString[i]) && (0 == binString[--i])

break; // works and efficient


•? Show how these implementations work differently using the bin-String: ⋅⋅⋅000111010101. Extend each implementation to returnthe position of the left 0 of the rightmost "00".

•? Instrument each code for readCount of the items in binString[ ].

•? Which of (1)-(3) is the least efficient in terms readCount?

•? Give a pseudocode to find rightmost "00" without checking allbits from right till "00" is found.

It is not necessary to sacrifice clarityfor the sake of efficiency.

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1. BinStrings(n, m) = x: x is a binary string of length n and mones, 0 ≤ m ≤ n. The strings in BinStrings(4, 2) in lexicographicorder are:

0011, 0101, 0110, 1001, 1010, 1100.

Which of the pseudocodes below for generating the strings inBinStrings(n, m) in lexicographic order is more efficient?

(a) 1. Generate and save all binary strings of length n inlexicographic order.

2. Throw away the strings which have numOnes ≠ m.

(b) 1. Generate the first binary string 0n−m1m ∈ Bin-Strings(n, m).

2. Successively create the next string in Bin-Strings(n, m) until the last string 1m0n−m.

Which of the three characteristics of a good pseudocode hold foreach of these pseudocodes?

2. Give the pseudocode of a recursive Algorithm for generating thebinary strings in BinStrings(n, m) in lexicographic order.

3. Give an efficient pseudocode for finding the position of rightmost"01" in an arbitrary string x ∈ BinStrings(n, m). (The underlinedportion in 10110011100 shows the rightmost "01".) Give enoughdetails so that one can determine the number of times variousitems x[i] in the array x are looked at.

4. Given a string x ∈ BinStrings(n, m), give a pseudocode for gen-erating the next string in BinStrings(n, m), if any.

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• Create a few general examples of input and the correspondingoutputs.

− Select some input-output pairs based on your understandingof the problem and before you design the Algorithm.

− Select some other input-output pairs after you design theAlgorithm, including a few cases that involve special handlingof the input or output.

• Use these input-output pairs for testing (but not proving) the cor-rectness of your Algorithm.

• Illustrate the use of data-structures by showing the "state" of thedata-structures (lists, trees, etc.) at various stages in the Algo-rithm’s execution for some of the example inputs.

Always use one or more carefully selectedexample to illustrate the critical steps

in your method/algorithm.

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• Let E = average #(condition evaluations). We count 1 for evalua-tion of both x and its negation (¬x).

Example 1. For the code below, E = 3⋅5.

if (x and y) z = 0;else if ((not x) and y) z = 1;else if (x and (not y)) z = 2;else z = 3;

Value of z #(condition evaluations)0 2 (x = T and y = T )1 3 (x = F , ¬x = T , and y = T )2 5 (x = T , y = F , ¬x = F , x = T , and ¬y = T )3 4 (x = F , ¬x = T , y = F , x = F)

Question:•? Show #(condition evaluations) for each z for the code and also the

av erage E:

if (x)if (y) z = 0;else z = 2;

else if (y) z = 1;else z = 3;

•? Give a code to compute z without using the keyword "else" (or"case") and show #(condition evaluations) for each value of z.

•? Show the improved form of the two code-segments below.

(a). if (nums[i] >= max) max = nums[i];(b). if (x > 0) z = 1;

if ((x > 0) && (y > 0)) z = 2;

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• What is Sorting? Explain with an example.

• Why do we want to sort data?

• What are some well-known sorting Algorithms?

• Which sorting Algorithm uses the following idea:

Successively, find the smallest item, the second small-est item, the third smallest items, etc.

• Can we sort a set of pairs of numbers like (1,7), (2,7), (5,4),(3,6)? What is the result after sorting?

• Can we sort non-numerical objects like the ones shown below?

Strings: abb, ba, baca, cab.

Binary trees on 3 nodes (convert them to strings to sort):

Flowcharts with 2 nodes (convert them to trees or strings to sort):


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1. Give a more detailed pseudocode (not code) for sorting using theidea "put the items in the right places". Determine the number ofcomparisons of involving data from items[0..numItems-1] basedon the pseudocode. Explain the Algorithm in detail for the inputitems[] = [3, 2, 4, 5, 1, 0].

2. Write a pseudocode for insertion-sort. Determine the number ofcomparisons of involving data from items[0..numItems-1] basedon the pseudocode; also determine the number of data-movements (i.e., movements of items from the items-array) basedon the pseudocode. Explain the Algorithm in detail for the inputitems[] = [3, 2, 4, 5, 1, 0].

3. For each of the sorting Algorithms insertion-sort, selection-sort,bubble-sort, and merge-sort, show the array after each successiveexchange operation starting the initial array [3, 2, 4, 5, 1, 0].

4. Some critical thinking questions on selection-sort. Assume thatthe input is a permutation of 1, 2, ⋅⋅⋅, n.

(a) Give an example input for which the number of data-movements is maximum (resp., minimum).

(b) In what sense, selection-sort minimizes data-movements?

(c) Suppose we have exchanges of the form e1: items[i1] anditems[i2], e2: items[i2] and items[i3], ... , ek−1: items[i(k-1)]and items[ik]. Then argue that the indices i1, i2, ..., ikform a cycle in the permutation. Note that the exchangeoperations ei may be interleaved with other exchanges.

5. Is it true that in bubble-sort if an item moves up, then it nevermoves down? Explain with the input items[] = [3, 2, 4, 5, 1, 0].

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Binary Search: Assume N = numItems = 15 = 24 − 1.

A[0] A[2] A[4] A[6] A[8] A[10] A[12] A[14]

A[1] A[5] A[9] A[13]

A[3] A[11]


#(Nodes atthis level





#(Compar.per node)





A[0] < A[1] < A[2] < ⋅⋅⋅ < A[14]

• Number of comparisons for an item x:

If x were A[6], then we would make 4 comparisons:x < A[7], x > A[3], x > A[5], and x = A[6].

Total #(Comparisons) = 1×1 + 2×2 + 3×4 + 4×8 = 49;Av erage = 49/15 = 3⋅3.

• General case (N = 2n − 1): Total #(Comparisons) =


i=0Σ #(compar . per node at level i)×#(nodes at level i)

= 1×1 + 2×2 + 3×4 + ⋅⋅⋅ + n×2n−1 = 1 + (n − 1)2n

= 1 + [log(N + 1) − 1]. (N + 1) = O(N . log N )

Av erage #(Comp.) = O(log N )

A simpler argument:

• Max(#Comp) = n and hence average ≤ n = O(log N ).

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Heap: A special kind of binary-tree, which gives an efficientO(N . log N ) implementation of selection-sort.

• Shape constraints: Nodes are added left to right, level by lev el.

− A node has a rightchild only if it has a leftchild.

− If there is a node at level m, then there are no missing nodes atlevel m − 1.

• Node-Value constraint: For each node x and its children y, val(x)≥ val(y), val(x) = the value associated with node x.

Example: The shape of heaps with upto 7 nodes.

Questions: Which of the following is true?

(1) Each node has exactly one parent, except the root.

(2) Each node has 0 or 2 children, except perhaps one.

(3) The leftchild node with no brother has the maximum height.

(4) The properties (1)-(3) define a heap.

Example. Heaps with upto 4 nodes and small node-values.

1 2



1 2


2 1


2 3



3 2



3 1


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Array-structure for Heap of 12 nodes:

A[7] A[8] A[9] A[10] A[11]

A[3] A[4] A[5] A[6]

A[1] A[2]


• A[3] ≥ A[7], A[8] • A[1] ≥ A[3], A[4]• A[4] ≥ A[9], A[10] • A[2] ≥ A[5], A[6]• A[5] ≥ A[11] • A[0] ≥ A[1], A[2]

A[0] = maxA[0], A[1], ⋅⋅⋅, A[11]A[1] = maxA[2], A[3], A[5], A[6], A[11]⋅⋅⋅

Parent-Child relations in the Array:

• Not dependent on values at the nodes and does not use pointers.

leftchild of A[i] = A[2i + 1]rightchild of A[i] = A[2i + 2]


1. Show all possible heaps with 5 nodes and the node values 1, 2,3, 4, 5.

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Tw o Parts in Heap-Sort: Let N = numItems.

• Make the input-array into a heap.

• Use the heap to sort as follows:

− Exchange the max-item at root A[0] with A[N − 1].

− Make A[0. . N − 2] into a max-heap: each child-value < par-ent-value.

− Exchange the next max-item (again) at A[0] with A[N − 2].

− Make A[0. . N − 3] into a heap and so on, each time workingwith a smaller initial part of the input-array.

Example. Part of the heap-sorting process.

4 5 0

6 2 1 3

7 8


4 5 9

6 2 1 3

7 8

0Exch(9, 0);A[0] = 9, A[9] = 0

4 5 9

6 2 1 3

7 0

8Exch(0, 8)to make heap

4 5 9

6 2 1 0

7 3

8Exch(0, 3)to make heap

4 8 9

6 2 1 0

7 3

5Exch(8, 5);A[0] = 8, A[8] = 5

4 8 9

6 2 1 0

5 3

7Exch(5, 7)to make heap

4 8 9

5 2 1 0

6 3

7Exch(5, 6)to make heap

7 8 9

5 2 1 0

6 3

4Exch(7, 4);A[0] = 7, A[7] = 4

7 8 9

5 2 1 0

4 3

6Exch(4, 6)to make heap

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MakeHeap, using the recursive AddToHeap: n = numItems.

• nums[(n − 1)..(n − 1)] is an heap.

• For i = n − 2, n − 3, ⋅⋅⋅, 1, 0, make the tail part nums[i..n − 1] intoan heap by adding nums[i] to the heap nums[i + 1..n − 1].

AddToHeap(i, numItems): //call for i=numItems-1, numItems-2, ..., 01. If (nums[i] have no children) stop. //2i+1 > numItems-12. Otherwise, do the following:

(a) Find index j of the largest child-items of nums[i].(b) If (nums[ j] > nums[i]) then exchange(nums[i], nums[j])

and call AddToHeap(j, numItems).

MakeHeap(numItems): //make nums[0..(numItems-1)] into a heap1. If (numItems = 1) stop.

//nums[i] has no children if i > numItems/2 - 1.2. Else, for (i=numsItems/2 - 1; i≥0; i--) AddToHeap(i, numItems).

HeapSort, using recursion and AddToHeap:

• Implements Selection-Sort.

• Uses Heap-structture to successively find the max, the next max,the next next max and so on, filling the places nums[n − 1],nums[n − 2], ⋅⋅⋅, nums[0] in that order with the right item.

HeapSort(numItems): //sort nums[0..(numItems-1)] by heap-sort1. If (numItems = 1) stop.2. Otherwise, do the following:

(a) If (this is the top-level call) then MakeHeap(numItems)(b) Exchange(nums[0], nums[numItems-1]),

AddToHeap(0, numItems-1), and HeapSort(numItems-1).

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UNDERSTANDING MakeHeap(numItems)

Input: nums[] = [3, 2, 4, 5, 1, 0] is not a heap; n = numItems = 6.

5= a[3]



2a[1]= 4a[2]=


a[i] for nums[i], in short.

2 1 0

3 4



MakeHeap(6): Makes 3 calls to AddToHeap as shown below:

(1) AddToHeap(2,6): max-child index j = 5;nums[5] = 0 >/ 4 = nums[2], do nothing

(2) AddToHeap(1,6): max-child index j = 3;nums[3] = 5 > 2 = nums[1], exchange(2, 5);calls AddToHeap(3,6); //does nothing

2 1 0

5 4


(3) AddToHeap(0,6): max-child index j = 1nums[1] = 5 > 3 = nums[0], exchange(3, 5);calls AddToHeap(3, 6); //does nothingwe get the final heap as shown on top.

Question: How can you modify AddToHeap(i, numItems) to elimi-nate some unnecesary calls to AddToHeap?

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UNDERSTANDING HeapSort(numItems)

• Shown below are the recursive calls to HeapSort, calls to Make-Heap and AddToHeap, and the exchange-action, for sorting input[3, 2, 4, 5, 1, 0].

• Each node shows the input-array to its action, which is a function-call or the exchange operations.

• We only show the initial part of the array of interest at each point.An item is shown as marked by overstrike (such as 5/ for 5 in 3rdchild of root-node) before it is hidden away in remaining nodes.

• Calls to AddToHeap resulting from MakeHeap(6) are not shown.




[0,3,4,2,1,5/ ]AddToHeap(0,5)



[1,3,0,2,4/ ,−]AddToHeap(0,4)



[1,2,0,3/ ,−,−]AddToHeap(0,3)



[0,1,2/ ,−,−,−]AddToHeap(0,2)



[0,1/ ,−,−,−,−]AddToHeap(0,1)


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1. Implement the following functions; you can keepnums[0..(numItems-1)] as a global variable.

void AddToHeap(int itemNum, int numItems)void MakeHeap(int numItems)void HeapSort(int numItems)

Keep a constant NUM_ITEMS = 10.

(a) First run MakeHeap-function for the input nums[0..9] = [0,1, ..., 9], and show each pair of numbers (parent, child)exchanged, one pair per line (as shown below), during theinitial heap-formation. These outputs will be generated byAddToHeap-function.

(parent, child) exchanged: nums[4]=5, nums[9]=10⋅⋅⋅

(b) Then, after commenting out this detailed level output-state-ments, run HeapSort-function. This time you show succes-sively the array after forming the heap and after exchangewith the root-item (which puts the current max in the rightplace). The first few lines of the output may look like:

Successive heap array and after exchange with root-item:[9, 8, 6, 7, 4, 5, 2, 0, 3, 1][1, 8, 6, 7, 4, 5, 2, 0, 3, 9][8, 7, 6, 3, 4, 5, 2, 0, 1][1, 7, 6, 3, 4, 5, 2, 0, 8]⋅⋅⋅

(c) Repeat (b) also for the input [1, 0, 3, 2, ..., 9, 8].

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Cost of Adding a Node x:

• It may cause at most changes to the nodes along the path from xto a terminal node.

adding this nodex to the heap

terminal node

• The particular shape of an n-node heap means:

The shape of a heapon n = 6 nodes

− At least n/2 nodes are terminal nodes (no work for these).

− The number of nodes on a path from root to a terminal node isat most log2(n + 1).

• Each change takes at most a constant time c (finding largest childand exchanging the node with that child).

• Total cost of adding a node ≤ c.[log2(n + 1)−1] = O(log n).

• Total for all nodes ≤ n. O(log n) = O(n. log n).

A better bound O(n) for Total Cost: Assume 2m−1 ≤ n < 2m.

• Total cost ≤ 1.(m − 1) + 2.(m − 2) + 4.(m − 3) + ⋅⋅⋅ + 2(m−2).1 =O(n).

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Computing max, next max, next next max, ⋅⋅⋅:• Each takes one exchange and one re-heap operation of adding

nums[0] to the heap (of size less than the previous one).

− This is O(log n).

• Total of this phase for all nodes: n. O(log n) = O(n. log n).

Total for Heap-Sort:

• Initial heap formation: O(n).

• Rest of heap-sort: O(n. log n).

• Total = O(n) + O(n. log n) = O(n. log n).

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Car-Repair Scheduling:

You hav e a fleet of N cars waiting for repair, with the estimatedrepair times rk for the car Ci , 1 ≤ k ≤ N . What is the best repair-schedule (order of repairs) to minimize the total lost time forbeing out-of-service.

Example. Let N = 3, and r1 = 7, r2 = 2, and r3 = 6. There are 3! =6 possible repair-schedules.

Repair Repair Total lostSchedule completion times service-time

⟨C1, C2, C3⟩ 7 7+2=9 7+2+6=15 31⟨C1, C3, C2⟩ 7 7+6=13 7+6+2=15 35⟨C2, C1, C3⟩ 2 2+7=9 2+7+6=15 26⟨C2, C3, C1⟩ 2 2+6=8 2+6+7=15 25⟨C3, C1, C2⟩ 6 6+7=13 6+7+2=15 34⟨C3, C2, C1⟩ 6 6+2=8 6+2+7=15 29

Best schedule: ⟨C2, C3, C1⟩,lost service-time = 2 + (2+6) + (2+6+7) = 25

Worst schedule: ⟨C1, C3, C2⟩,lost service-time = 7 + (7+6) + (7+6+2) = 35.


•? Show that the total service-time loss for the repair-order ⟨C1, C2,⋅⋅⋅, CN ⟩ is N . r1 + (N − 1). r2 + (N − 2). r3 + ⋅⋅⋅ + 1.rN .

•? What does this say about the optimal repair-order?

•? If ⟨C1, C2, ⋅⋅⋅, CN ⟩ is an optimal repair-order for all cars, is ⟨C1,C2, ⋅⋅⋅, Cm⟩ an optimal repair-order for Ci , 1 ≤ i ≤ m < N?

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Algorithm OptimalSchedule:

Input: Repair times ri for car Ci , 1 ≤ i ≤ N .Output: Optimal repair schedule ⟨Ci1

, Ci2, ⋅⋅⋅, CiN

1. Sort the cars in non-decreasing repair-times ri1≤ ri2

≤ ⋅⋅⋅ ≤ riN.

2. Optimal repair schedule ⟨Ci1, Ci2

, ⋅⋅⋅, CiN⟩, with total lost-time =

N . ri1+ (N − 1). ri2

+ (N − 2). ri3+ ⋅⋅⋅ + 1.riN



1. Give #(additions and multiplications) needed to compute r1 +(r1 + r2) + (r1 + r2 + r3) + ⋅⋅⋅ + (r1 + r2 + ⋅⋅⋅ + rN ). (You may wantto simplify the expressions first.)

2. How much computation is needed to find the lost service-timesfor all schedules?

3. What is the optimal car-repair order for the situation below, wherea link (x, y) means car x must be repaired before car y?

A: 3

B: 4

C: 2

D: 1

E: 7F : 5

G: 6The number next to eachcar is its repair time.

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Problem: Given a set of points Pi , 1 ≤ i ≤ N (≥ 2) on the x-axis,find Pi and P j such that |Pi − P j | is minimum.







P4, P6 is theclosest pair.

Application:If Pi’s represent national parks along a freeway, then a closestpair Pi , P j means it might be easier to find a camp-site inone of them.

Brute-force approach: Complexity O(N 2).

1. For (each 1 ≤ i < j ≤ N ), compute dij = distance(Pi , P j).

2. Find the pair (i, j) which gives the smallest dij .

Implementation (combines steps (1)-(2) to avoid storing dij’s):besti = 0; bestj = 1; minDist = Dist(points[0], points[1]);for (i=0; i<numPoints; i++) ////numPoints > 1

for (j=i+1; j<numPoints; j++)if ((currDist = Dist(points[i], points[j])) < minDist)

besti = i; bestj = j; minDist = currDist;


•? Give a slightly different algorithm (a variant of the above) and itsimplementation to avoid the repeated assignment "besti = i" in thenested for-loop; it should have fewer computations. Explain thenew algorithm using a suitable test-data.

•? Restate the pseudocode to reflect the implementation.

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P4, P6 is theclosest pair.

The New Method:

• The point nearest to Pi is to its immediate left or right.

• Finding immediate neighbors of each Pi requires sorting thepoints Pi .

Algorithm NearestPairOfPoints (on a line):

Input: An array nums[1: N ] of N numbers.Output: A pair of items nums[i] and nums[ j] which are nearest

to each other.

1. Sort nums[1. . N ] in increasing order.

2. Find 1 ≤ j < N such that nums[ j + 1] − nums[ j] is minimum.

3. Output nums[ j] and nums[ j + 1].


• Sorting takes O(N log N ) time; other computations take O(N )time.

• Total = O(N log N ).

A geometric view sometimes leadsto a better Algorithm.

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• Scores x1 < x2 < ⋅⋅⋅ < xN for N male students Mi in a test, andscores y1 < y2 < ⋅⋅⋅ < yN for N female students Fi .

• Match male and female students Mi↔Fi′ in an 1-1 fashion thatminimizes E = Σ(xi − yi′)

2 (1 ≤ i ≤ N ), the squared sum of differ-ences in scores for the matched-pairs.













The possible relative positions of xi’s and yi’sexcept for interchanging xi’s with yi’s.

Brute-force method:

1. For each permutation (y1′, y2′, ⋅⋅⋅, yN ′) of yi’s, compute E for thematching-pairs xi ↔ yi′.

2. Find the permutation that gives minimum E.

Question: How many ways the students can be matched?

Complexity: O(N . N !).

• Computing N ! permutations takes at least N (N !) time.

• Computing E for a permutation: O(N ); total = O(N . N !).

• Finding minimum takes O(N !).

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(1) The matching x1 ↔ y1, x2 ↔ y2 giv es the smallest E for N =2 in each of the three cases.

(2) The same holds for all N > 2: matching ith smallest x with ithsmallest y gives the minimum E.


•? How can you prove (1)?

•? Consider N = 3, and y1 < y2 < x1 < y3 < x2 < x3. Argue that thematching xi↔yi give minimum E. (Your argument should be ina form that generalizes to all N and to all distributions of xi’s andyi’s.)

Pseudocode (exploits output-properties):

1. Sort xi’s and yi’s (if they are not sorted).

2. Match Mi with Fi′ if xi and yi′ have the same rank.

Complexity: O(Nlog N ) + O(N ) = O(Nlog N ).


1. Is it possible to solve the problem by recursion (reducing theproblem to a smaller size) or by divide-and-conquer?

Every efficient Algorithm exploits some propertiesof input, output, or input-output relationship.

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2-3 Tree:

• An ordered rooted tree, whose nodes are labeled by items from alinear ordered set (like numbers) with the following shape con-straints (S.1)-(S.2) and value constraints (V.1)-(V.3).

(S.1) Each node has exactly one parent, except the root, andeach non-terminal node has 2 or 3 children.

(S.2) The tree is height-balanced (all terminal nodes are at thesame level).

(L.1) A node x with 2 children has one label, label1(x), with thefollowing property, where TL(x) and TR(x) are the leftand right subtree at x.

labels(TL(x)) < label1(x) < labels(TR(x))

(L.2) A node x with 3 children has two labels, label1(x) <label2(x), with the following property, where TM (x) is themiddle subtree at x.

labels(TL(x)) < label1(x) < labels(TM (x))< label2(x) < labels(TR(x))

(L.3) A terminal node may have 1 or 2 labels.

Example. Some small 2-3 trees.

1 1,2 2

1 3min numberof labels = 3


1,2 4,5max numberof labels = 5


1 3 5min numberof labels = 5


1,2 4,5 7,8max numberof labels = 8

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k1, k2 k4

k8, k11

k6, k7 k9, k10 k12

k1 < k2 < k3 < k4 < k5 < k6 < k7 < k8 < k9 < k10 < k11 < k12

Searching for a value k9 ≤ x ≤ k10:

• Compare x and the values at the root: k5 < x; branch right

• Compare x and the values at the right child: k8 < x < k11; branchmiddle

• Compare x and the values at the middle child: k9 ≤ x ≤ k10; if x =k9 or x = k10, the value is found, else x is not there.

Role of Balancedness Property of 2-3 trees:

• Ensures optimum search efficiency.

B-tree and B+-tree:

• These are more general form of 2-3 trees, which are the maindata-structures used in databases to optimize search efficiency forvery large data-sets. (We talk about them later.)

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Shapes of 2-3 Trees (with different M = #(terminal nodes)):

M=1M=2 M=3


M=5 M=5 M=6 M=6

Adding 1 to an empty tree:


Adding 2: Find the place for 2, and add if there is space.

1 1, 2add 2

Adding 3: Find place for 3, split if no space adding a parent node.

1, 2 1, 2, 3add 3


1split 3

Adding 4: Find the place for 4 and add if there is space.


1 3


1add 4 3, 4

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Adding 5: Find place for 5, split if no space adding a parent, andadjust by merging.


1 3, 4


1add 5 3, 4, 5


1split 3



2, 4

1merge 3 5

Adding 6: Find place for 6, and add it if there is space.

2, 4

1 3 5

2, 4

1add 6 3 5, 6

Adding 7: Find place for 7, split if no space adding a parent, adjustby merging, and if no space, then split by adding parentagain.

2, 4

1 3 5,6

2, 4

1add 7 3 5, 6, 7

2, 4

1split 3 5



2, 4, 6


1 3 5 7



1 3


5 7 split

Question: Show the results after adding 1.1, 2.3, and 1.2.

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1. How many ways the 2-3 tree on the left can arise as we build the2-3 tree by inputting 1, 2, 3, 4 in different order. What were the2-3 trees before the 4th item were added? Show that the two 2-3trees on the right arise respectively from 48 and 72 (total = 120 =5!) permutations of 1, 2, ⋅⋅⋅, 5.


1,2 4


1,2 4,5


1 3 5

2. Show the minimum and the maximum number data-items that canbe stored in 2-3 trees with 5 and 6 terminal nodes. Show thelabels in the nodes (using the numbers 1, 2, 3, ⋅⋅⋅) for both cases.

3. What information we can store at the nodes of a 2-3 tree toquickly find the key-value of the ith smallest item? Explain theuse of this information to find the 9th item in the 2-3 tree below.


20, 288

3, 4 9 16, 18 21, 25 30

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Topo. Sorting (ordering):

• List the digraph’s nodes so that each link goes from left to right.

• This can be done if and only if there are no cycles in the digraph.



An acyclicdigraph.

C A C B ⟨A, C, B⟩

AC B ⟨C, A, B⟩

Tw o topo.orderings:



CA digraph

with a cycle.

Any linear arrangement of the nodes willhave at least link going from right to left.

No topological ordering.

• The topological orderings = The schedules for the tasks at nodes.


•? Show all possible topological orderings of the digraph below with4 nodes A, B, C, D and two links (A, B), (C, D). If we addthe link (A, D), how many of these top. ordering are eliminated?


•? Is it true that each acyclic digraph has at least one source-nodeand at least one sink-node? Is the converse also true? For each"no" answer, giv e an examples to illustrate your answer.

•? What is the maximum number of links in an acyclic digraph withN nodes? What is the number if we allow cycles?

•? Show all possible acyclic digraphs on 3 nodes (do not labelnodes).

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1. Choose a node x which is currently a source-node, i.e., all its pre-ceding nodes (if any) have been output,

2. Repeat step (1) until all nodes are output.





Example. Shown below are possible choice of nodes x and a par-ticular choice of x at each iteration of step (1).

A, B B, C C, D, E D, E E F GA B C D E F G

Relevant Data Structures:

• A stack to keep track of current source-nodes.

− A node x enters the stack when it becomes a source-node.

− When we remove x from the stack, we delete the links fromit, add new source-nodes to the stack (if any), and output it.

• Keep track of inDegree(x) = #(links to x) to determine when itbecomes a source-node.

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inDegree(y) =outDegree(y) =source-nodes =

sink-nodes =adjList(x) =

number of links (x, y) to ynumber of links (y, z) from yx: inDegree(x) is 0z: outDegree(z) is 0adjacency-list of node x

adjList(D) =adjList(G) =

⟨F , G⟩empty-list

Source nodes = A, B,Sink nodes = C, G.

Stack = nodes with current inDegree(x) = 0 and not yet output.

Stack (top Node xon right) Selected Nodes and their initial or reduced inDegrees

A: 0 B: 0 C: 1 D: 2 E: 1 F: 2 G: 2⟨A, B⟩ B − 1 1 0 2 2⟨A, E⟩ E − 1 1 − 1 2⟨A⟩ A − − 0 0 − 1 2⟨C, D⟩ D − − − − 0 1⟨C, F⟩ F − − − − − 0⟨C, G⟩ G − − − − − −⟨C⟩ C − − − − − − −


1. Show the processing in the Topo-Sorting algorithm after addingthe link (G, A), which creates one or more cycles in the digraph.(Remember the algorithm stops when the stack become empty.)

2. Show in a table form the processing of the digraph above using aqueue instead of a stack in the topological-sorting Algorithm.Use the notation ⟨A, B, C⟩ for a queue with C as the head and Aas the tail. If we add D, the queue becomes ⟨D, A, B, C⟩; if wenow remove an item, the queue becomes ⟨D, A, B⟩.

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A; 20

Nodename &outDegree


B; 21C; 02D; 33E; 14F ; 15G; 06H ; 07

[2, 3]

Adjacency-list of nodeindices;array-size = outDegree(x)

[3, 4]null[5, 6, 7][5][6]nullnull

typedef struct char nodeName[MAX_LENGTH];int outDegree,

*adjList; //array size = outDegree//*linkCosts; array size = outDegree


Adjacency Matrix Representation:

• This is not suitable for some of our algorithms.

A B C D E F G HA 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0B 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0D 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1E 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0F 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0G 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0H 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

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Computation of inDegrees:

1. For (each node i) initialize inDegree(i) = 0;2. For (each node i and for each j in adjList(i)

add 1 to inDegree( j);

Initialization of stack: (stack = array of size numNodes)

1. Initialize stack with nodes of indegree zero;

Selection of a node to process:

1. Select top(stack) and delete it from the stack;

Processing node i:

l. Add node i to output;2. For (each node j in adjList(i)) do the following:

(a) reduce inDegree( j) by one;(b) if (inDegree( j) = 0) add j to stack;

Algorithm TopSort():

Input: An acyclic digraph, with adjLists representation.Output: A topological ordering of its nodes.

1. Compute indegrees of all nodes.

2. Initialize the stack.

3. While (stack is not empty) do the following:

(a) Let i = top(stack), delete it from stack, and add it totopOrder-array;

(b) Process node i;

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• Each link (x, y) of the digraph is processed exactly twice.

− All links are looked at once in computing the indegrees.

− All links are looked at the second time in course of the stackupdates; specifically, when we remove x from the stack, welook at all links (x, y) from x the second time.

• We look at also each node x exactly 2*inDegree(x) + 2 times.

− First time, in initializing inDegree(x) = 0.

− Then, exactly inDegree(x) many times as it is successivelyupdated by adding 1 till it reaches the value inDegree(x).

− Then, another inDegree(x) many times as it is successivelyupdated by subtracting 1 till it becomes 0.

− Finally, when it is taken out of the stack.

Fact:all xΣ inDegree(x) =

all xΣ outDegree(x) = #(links in the digraph).

Example. For the digraph on page 1.43, the two sums are

0 + 0 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 2 = 9 and 2 + 2 + 0 + 3 + 1 + 1 + 0 = 9.


• Since each of the operations listed above takes a constant time,total computation time is O(#(nodes) + #(links)).

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1. Implement a function topologicalSort() based on the algorithmTopSort. It should produce one line of output as shown below.

stack=[0 1], node selected = 1, topOrder-array = [1]stack=[0 4], node selected = 4, topOrder-array = [1 4]

• Use a function readDigraph() to read an input file digraph.datand build the adjacency-list representation of the digraph.File digraph.dat for the digraph on page 1.43 is shown below.

8 //numNodes; next lines give: node (outdegree) adjacent-nodes0 (2) 2 31 (2) 3 42 (0)3 (3) 5 6 74 (1) 55 (1) 66 (0)7 (0)

• In topologicalSort(), use a dynamically allocated local arrayinDegree[0..numNodes-1]. Compute inDegrees by

for (i=0; i<numNodes; i++) outDegree = nodes[i].outdegree;adjList = nodes[i].adjList;for (j=0; j<outdegree; j++)

inDegrees[adjList[j]]++;orfor (i=0; i<numNodes; i++)

for (j=0; j<nodes[i].outDegree; j++)inDegrees[nodes[i].adjList[j]]++;

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1. Given an ordering of the nodes of an acyclic digraph, how willyou check if it is a topo. ordering? Give a pseudocode andexplain your algorithm using the acyclic digraph on page 1.43.

2. How can you compute a topo. ordering without using inDegrees?(Hint: If outDegree(x) = 0, can we place x in a topo. ordering?)

3. Modify topological-sorting algorithm to compute for all nodes y,numPathsTo(y) = #(paths to y starting at some source-node).State clearly the key ideas. Shown below are numPathsTo(y) andalso the paths for the digraph

→G on page 1.42.


x Paths

A 1 ⟨A⟩ //trivial path from A to A, with no links.B 1 ⟨B⟩C 1 ⟨A, C⟩D 2 ⟨A, D⟩, ⟨B, D⟩E 1 ⟨B, E⟩F 3 ⟨A, D, F⟩, ⟨B, D, F⟩, ⟨B, E, F⟩,G 5 ⟨A, D, G⟩, ⟨A, D, F , G⟩, ⋅⋅⋅, ⟨B, E, F , G⟩,


(a) If (x, y) is a link, what is the relation between numPath-sTo(x) and numPathsTo(y). What does it suggest aboutwhich of them should be computed first?

(b) How will you compute numPathsTo(y) in terms of allnumPathsTo(x) for x: (x, y) is a link to y?

4. Modify your algorithm to compute numPathsFromTo(x, y) =#(paths to node y from node x) for all nodes y to which there is ≥1 path from x (which may not be a source-node). Explain thealgorithm for x = A and y = F using the digraph shown earlier.

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Precedence Constraint on Repairs:

• Each link (x, y) means car x must be repaired before car y.

A: 3

B: 4

C: 2

D: 1

E: 7F : 5

G: 6The number next to eachcar is its repair time.

Possible Repair Schedules:

• These are exactly all the topological orderings.

• Two repair-schedules and their lost service-times:

⟨A, B, C, D, E, F , G⟩: 3.7 + 4.6 + ⋅⋅ + 6.1 = 96⟨B, A, C, D, E, F , G⟩: 4.7 + 3.6 + ⋅⋅ + 6.1 = 95


•? What is the optimal schedule?

•? What is the algorithm for creating optimal schedule?

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An Acyclic Digraph of Task Precedence Constraints:







The Acyclic Digraph for Representing Schedules:

• Each node represents the tasks completed.

• Each path from the source-node ∅ to the sink-node ABCDEFGgives a schedule.































• The number of these paths gives #(schedules) = #(topologicalorderings).






























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Expression-Tree: It is an ordered tree (not a binary tree).

+x∗3 + 2


x 3


√ √ x2 + 9

+ x2 + 9

^x^2 = x2

x 2


x∗3 + 2 − √ x2 + 9 = ((x∗3) + 2) − √ x2 + 9

• Each non-terminal node gives an operator; also, associated witheach node is the expression corresponding to the subtree at it.

• The children of a non-terminal node give the operands of theoperator at the node.

• The terminal nodes are the basic operands.

Evaluation Method:

• The children of a non-terminal node are evaluated before evaluat-ing the expression at a node.

• This requires the post-order traversal of the tree:

Visit the children from left to right, and then the node.

Post-fix form (corresponds to post-order traversal):

x 3 ∗ 2 + x 2 ^ 9 +√ −

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Processing Method: Stack is initially empty.

• Processing an operand: add its value to stack.

• Processing an operator: remove the operands of the operator fromthe stack, apply the operator to those values, and add the newvalue to stack.

• The final value of the expression is the only item in the stack atthe end of processing.

Example. If x = 4, then x 3 ∗ 2 + x 2 ^ 9 + √ − equals 9.

Top of stack is the right in the notation ⟨⋅⋅⋅⟩.

After item After itemprocessed processed

Stack Stack

⟨4⟩ x ⟨14, 4, 2⟩ 2⟨4, 3⟩ 3 ⟨14, 16⟩ ^⟨12⟩ ∗ ⟨14, 16, 9⟩ 9

⟨12, 2⟩ 2 ⟨14, 25⟩ +⟨14⟩ + ⟨14, 5⟩ √

⟨14, 4⟩ x ⟨9⟩ −


1. Show an infix expression that give rise to the post-fix expression"x 2 3 x ∗ ∗ + 2 / 15 +"; make sure that you use proper parenthe-ses as needed, but no unnecessary ones. Show the stacks in eval-uating this post-fix expression for x = 5.

2. Show the stacks in converting your infix expression in Problem#1 to the post-fix form (using the method on next page).

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Input: x∗3 + 2 − sqrt(x ^ 2 + 9) (’^’ = exponentiation)Output: x 3 ∗ 2 + x 2 ^ 9 + sqrt −

• Stack has only operators, including function-symbols and ’(’.

• Operator priority: +, − <⋅ ∗, / <⋅ ^ < function-names.

Conversion Method: Initially, stack is empty.

• Processing an operand: Output it.

• Processing ’(’ or a function-symbol: add it to stack.

• Processing ’)’: remove everything from stack upto the first ’(’and a function-symbol below it, if any; ’(’ is not added to output.

• Processing an operator ’op’:

− While ((stack ≠ ∅) and (top(stack) ≥ ’op’)), remove top(stack)and output it. (See next page.)

− Then add ’op’ to stack.

• If end of input, output every thing in stack.

Item Itemproc. proc.

Stack Output Stack Output

⟨⟩ x x ⟨−, sqrt, (⟩ (⟨∗⟩ ∗ ⟨−, sqrt, (⟩ x x⟨∗⟩ 3 3 ⟨−, sqrt, (, ^⟩ ^⟨+⟩ + ∗ ⟨−, sqrt, (, ^⟩ 2 2⟨+⟩ 2 2 ⟨−, sqrt, (, +⟩ + ^⟨−⟩ − + ⟨−, sqrt, (, +⟩ 9 9

⟨−, sqrt⟩ sqrt ⟨−⟩ ) +, sqrt⟨⟩ −

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Left Association:

• x − y − z means (x − y) − z but not x − (y − z).

• Post-fix form of x − y − z is x y − z −.

Post-fix form of x − (y − z) is x y z − −.

Right Association:

• x ∧ y ∧ z means x ∧ (y ∧ z) and not (x ∧ y) ∧ z, where "∧" is theexponentiation operation.

The post-fix form of x ∧ y ∧ z is therefore xyz∧∧ instead ofxy∧z∧.

• x = y = 3 means x = (y = 3), i.e., y = 3; x = y; instead of x =y; y = 3;.

Likewise, x += y += 3 means x += (y += 3), i.e., y += 3; x +=y; instead of x += y; y += 3;. Here, ’+=’ is the operator.

• Post-fix form of x = y = 3: x y 3 = =.

Processing Right Associative Operator ’op’:

• For conversion to post-fix form, we replace the test (top(stack) ≥’op’) by (top(stack) > ’op’).

Processing Assignment Operator "=" in Post-fix Form:

• In processing the post-fix form "y 3 =", we do not put the value ofy in stack (as in the case of processing "y 3 +").

• Other special indicators (called ’lvalue’ are added).

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typedef struct int id;char flag, name[14];double val;

IdName;typedef struct ListNodeDummy

IdName idName;struct ListNodeDummy *next, *prev;

ListNode;ListNode x;

Number of Bytes for Basic Types:

• size(int) = 4, size(char) = 1, size(double) = 8.

• size(x) = 40, not 4 + 1 + 14 + 8 + 4 + 4 = 35.




5 byteswasted

val next prev

• An actual address allocation of the components of x:

x = 268439696x.idName = 268439696

x.idName.id = 268439696x.idName.flag = 268439700x.idName.name = 268439701

x.idName.name[0] = 268439701x.idName.name[1] = 268439702x.idName.name[13] = 268439714

x.idName.val = 268439720x.next = 268439728x.prev = 268439732

• Start-address(x) is a multiple of 8; because displacement(val) =24 within x, start-address(val) is a multiple of 8.

• It makes start-adrress of id, next, and prev multiples of 4.

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typedef struct int id;char flag, name[14];double val;

IdName;typedef struct ListNodeDummy

IdName idName;struct ListNodeDummy *next, *prev;

ListNode;ListNode x;

ListNodestart=0, end=39numBytes=40

idNamestart=0, end=31numBytes=32

idstart=0, end=3numBytes=4

flagstart=4, end=4numBytes=1

namestart=5, end=18numBytes=14

[0]start=5, end=5numBytes=1

[1]start=6, end=6numBytes=1

[13]start=18, end=18


valstart=24, end=31


nextstart=32, end=35


prevstart=36, end=39



1. Give a pseudocode for determining start-address, end-address,and numBytes for all nodes of an arbitrary structure-tree.Assume you know the type of each terminal node and you havethe structure-tree. (Hint: Your pseudocode must indicate: (1) theorder in which the start, end, and numBytes at each node of thestructure-tree are computed. and (2) how each of these is com-puted based on values of various quantities at some other nodes.)

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5 −4

Paths from A to E and their lengths(1) ⟨A, C, E⟩; length = 2+3 = 5(2) ⟨A, C, D, E⟩; length = 2+1+1 = 4(3) ⟨A, C, G, E⟩; length = 2 + 5 − 1 = 6

• w(x, y) = length (cost or weight) of link (x, y); it can be negative.

• Length of a path = sum of the lengths of its links.

• LongestPathFromTo(A, E): ⟨A, C, G, E⟩; length = 6.


• Critical-path/critical-task analysis in project scheduling.

• Assume unlimited resources for work on tasks in parallel.

• The new acyclic digraph for critical-path analysis:

− Add a new "end"-node and connect each sink node to it.

− The length of each link (x, y) = time to complete task x.

A: 3

B: 4

C: 2

D: 1

E: 7F : 5

G: 6

The number next to eachcar is its repair time.









1 end



The digraph for critical-path analysis.The longest-path: ⟨B, E, F , G, "end"⟩.

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5 −4

Tr ee of Longest Paths From startNode = A:

• First, we can reduce the digraph so that the only source-node isthe startNode.















5 −4

• The tree contains one longest path from startNode to each node xwhich can be reached from startNode. (It is not a binary tree oran ordered tree.)

• To obtain the reduced digraph (which is a must for the algorithmgiven later to work properly) we can successively delete source-nodes x ≠ startNode and links from those x.


•? Show the reduced digraph to compute longest paths from node B;also show a tree of longest paths from node B.

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• We actually don’t delete any nodes/links or modify adjaceny-lists.

• We pretend deletion of a link (x, y) by reducing inDegree of y.















5 −4

Reductions for statrtNode = A:• inDegree(D) = 2 − 1 = 1• inDegree(E) = 5 − 2 = 3• inDegree(F) = 2 − 1 = 1

Algorithm ReduceAcyclicDigraph(startNode):

Input: An acyclic digraph in adjacency-list formOutput: Reduced indegrees.

1. Compute indegrees of all nodes.

2. While (there is a node x ≠ startNode and inDegree(x) = 0) do:

if (x is not processed)then for each y ∈ adjList(x) deduce inDegree(y) by 1.


• Use a stack to hold the nodes x with inDegree(x) = 0 and whichhave not been processed yet. Initialize stack with all x ≠ startN-ode and inDegree(x) = 0.

• We do not modify the adjList(x) of any node, and thus thedigraph is actually not changed.

• The longest-path algorithm works with the reduced indegrees.

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Array Data-Structures Used:

d(x) = current longest path to x from startNode.parent(x) = the node previous to x on the current longest

path to x; parent(startNode) = startNode.inDegree(x) = number of links to x yet to be looked at.

Stack Data-structure Used:

• Stack holds all nodes to which the longest-path is known, butlinks from which have not been processed yet.

Algorithm LongestPathsFrom(startNode):

Input: An acyclic digraph in adjacency-list form and startNode.Output: A tree of longest paths to each x reachable from startNode.

1. Apply ReduceAcyclicDigraph(startNode).

2. Initialize a stack with startNode, let d(x) = −∞ and parent(x) = −1for each node x with indegree(x) > 0, and finally let d(startNode)= 0 and parent(startNode) = startNode.

3. While (stack ≠ empty) do the following:

(a) Let x = top(stack); remove x from stack.

(b) For (each y ∈ adjList(x)) do:

(i) If (d(x) + w(x, y) > d(y)), then let d(y) = d(x) +w(x, y) and parent(y) = x.

(ii) Reduce inDegree(y) by 1 and if it equals 0 then add yto stack and print the longest-path to y from startNode(using the successive parent-links) and d(y).

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5 −4

StartNode = A.

For each node y, inDegree(y) and (d(y), parent(y))Nodex A; 0 C; 1 D; 1 E; 3 F ; 1 G; 1 H ; 2

(0, A) (−∞, ?) (−∞, ?) (−∞, ?) (−∞, ?) (−∞, ?) (−∞, ?)


⟨A⟩ A 0+2>−∞(2, A)1 → 0

⟨C⟩ C 2+1>−∞ 2+3>−∞ 2+5>−∞(3, C) (5, C) (7, C)1 → 0 3 → 2 1 → 0

⟨D, G⟩ G 7 − 1 > 5 7 − 4 > −∞(6, G) (3, G)2 → 1 2 → 1

⟨D⟩ D 3+1≤61 → 0

⟨E⟩ E 6+1>−∞ 6+2>3(7, E) (8, E)1 → 0 1 → 0

⟨F , H⟩ H

⟨F⟩ F

• We can use minus the sum of all positive link-weights as −∞.

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1. Show the complete executions of RreduceAcyclicDigraph(B) andLongestPathsFrom(B) in the suitable table forms.

2. How many times a link (x, y) is processed during the longest-pathcomputation and when?

3. What can change as we process a link (x, y) and how long does ittake to all those computations?

4. Why is it that the longest-path to a node y cannot be computeduntill all remaining links to y (after the digraph reduction) havebeen processed? (For example, we must look at the links (C, E),(D, E), and (G, E) before we can compute the longest-path toC?)

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1. Develop a function void longestPathsFrom(int startNode). (Use−Σ|w(x, y)|, summed over all links (x, y), instead of −∞.) Showthe following outputs for startNode B using the example digraphdiscussed.

(a) Print the input digraph, with node name, nodeIndex, node’soutDegee in parenthesis, adjacency-list (with weight of thelink in parenthesis) in the form:

C, 2 (3): 3(1), 4(3), 6(5)

Put the information for each node on a separate line. Thereshould be an appropriate header-line (like "Acyclic digraph:node name, nodeIndex, outdegree, and adjList with link-costs").

(b) Show the successive stacks (one per line) every time it ischanged during the digraph reduction process. As usual givean appropriate heading before printing the stacks. Use thenode names when you print the stack.

(c) Next, when the longest-paths are computed, for each link(x, y) processed, show the link (x, y); also, if there is achange in d(y) then shown the new d(y) and parent(y), andwhen inDegree(y) becomes 0 show the final values of d(y)and parent(y). For example, for startNode = A, the process-ing of the links (C, E), (G, E), and (D, E) should generateoutput lines

link (C, E): d(E) = 5, parent(E) = Clink (G, E): d(E) = 6, parent(E) = Glink (D, E): d(E) = 6, parent(E) = G, final value

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int factorial(int n) //n >= 0 if ((n == 0) || (n == 1))

return(1);else return(n*factorial(n-1));


3*2 = 6


2*1 = 2




1. Show the call-return tree for the initial call Fibonacci(4), giventhe definition below; also show the return values from each call.Is the resulting tree a binary tree? If not, what kind of tree is it?

int Fibonacci(int n) //n >= 0if ((n == 0) || (n == 1))

return(1);else return(Fibonacci(n-2) + Fibonacci(n-1));

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Problem: Given the coordinates (xi , yi) of the nodes vi , 1 ≤ i ≤ N ,find the minimum transmission-power that will suffice toform a connected graph on the nodes.

• A node with transmission power P can communicate with allnodes within distance r = c. √ P from it (c > 0 is a constant).

• Let rmin be the minimum r for which the links E(r) = (vi , v j):d(vi , v j) ≤ r form a connected graph on the nodes. Then, Pmin =(rmin/c)2 gives the minimum transmission power to be used byeach node.










5,2 v7



The links E(1) corresponding to P = 1/c2


1? What is rmin for the set of nodes above? Giv e an example to showthat rmin ≠ max distance of a node nearest to vi: 1 ≤ i ≤ N. (Ifrmin were always equal to the maximum , then what would be anAlgorithm to determine rmin?)

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Problem: Find the best grade-assignment A, B, C, etc to the stu-dent-scores xi , 1 ≤ i ≤ N , on a test. That is, find the bestgrouping of the scores into classes A, B, ⋅⋅⋅.

Interval-property of a group:

• If xi < xk are two scores in the same group, then all in-betweenscores x j (xi < x j < xk) are in the same goup.

• Thus, we only need to find the group boundaries.

Example. Scores of 23 students in a test (one ’×’ per student).


| | | |×

76| |




| |×



| |××


C(78.9) B(87.5) A(92.9)A bad 3-grouping

C(76.2) B(83.4) A(92.9)The best 3-grouping

Closest-Neighbor Property (CNP) for Optimal Grouping:

• Each xi is closest to the average of the particular group containingit compared to the average of other groups.


1? Give an application of such grouping for weather-data, say.

2? Find the best 2-grouping using CNP for each data-set below. Dothese groupings match your intuition?

| |××

| |×××

| |×××××

| |×××××

| |×××××

| |×


| |×

| |×

| |×××××

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Main Library








Algorithm#1 FindBuildingA:

1. Go to Main Library.

2. When you come out of the library, it is on your right.

Algorithm#2 FindBuildingA:

1. Go to the north-west corner of Quadrangle.


1? Which Algorithm has more clarity?

2? Which one is better (more efficient)?

3? What would be a better Algorithm?

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Algorithm GenerateRandomTree(n): //nodes = 1, 2, ⋅⋅⋅, n

Input: n = #(nodes); n ≥ 2.Output: The edges (i, j), i < j, of a random tree.

1. For (each j = 2, 3, ⋅⋅⋅, n, choose a random i ∈ 1, 2, ⋅⋅⋅, j − 1)and output the edge (i, j).

Successive Edges Produced for n = 3:

• j = 2: the only possible i = 1 and the edge is (1, 2).

1 2 3

• j = 3; i can be 1 or 2, giving the edge (1, 3) or (2, 3).

1 2 3 1 2 3

Cannot generate the tree: 1 2 3

Always test your Algorithm.


1? Does the above Algorithm always generate a tree (i.e., a con-nected acyclic graph)? Show all graphs generated for n = 4.

2? How do you modify GenerateRandomTree(n) so that all treeswith n nodes can be generated (i.e., no one is excluded)?

3? Why would we want to generate the trees (randomly or all ofthem in some order) - what would be an application?

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TREES GENERATED BY GenerateRandomTree(4)

1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4After addingsecond edge

1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

Only 6 different trees are generated, each with degree(4) = 1.

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

21 3 4After addingfirst edge


1? Does the following Algorithm generate all trees on n nodes?What is the main inefficiency in this Algorithm?

1. Let E = ∅ (empty set).

2. For (k = 1, 2, ⋅⋅⋅, n − 1), do the following:

(a) Choose random i and j, 1 ≤ i < j ≤ n and (i, j) ∉ E.

(b) If (i, j)∪E does not contain a cycle (how do you testit?), then add (i, j) to E; else goto step (a).

2? Give a recursive Algorithm for generating random trees on nodes1, 2, ⋅⋅⋅, n. Does it generating each of nn−2 trees with the sameprobability?

3? Do we get a random tree (each tree with the same probability) byapplying a random permutation to the nodes of a tree obtained byGenerateRandomTree(4)?

4? Give a pseudocode for generating a random permutation of 1, 2,⋅⋅⋅, n. Create a program and show the output for n = 3 for 10runs and the time for 10 runs for n = 100,000.

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Pseudocode is a High-Level Algorithm Description:

• It must be unambiguous (clear) and concise, with sufficient detailsto allow

− correctness proof and.

− performance efficiency estimation

• It is not a "work-in-progress" or a "rough" description.

Describing Algorithms in pseudocode formsrequires substantial skill and practice.

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Problem: (1) Input (= given)(2) Output (= to find)

Algorithm Design

Pseudocode: (1) Key steps in the solution method(2) Key data-structures

• Choose a proper solution method first and then select a data-struc-ture to fit the solution method.

Exploit Input/Output Properties:

− Exploit properties/structures among the different parts of theproblem-input.

− Exploit properties/structures of the solution-outputs, which indi-rectly involves properties of input-output relationship.

Method of Extension (problem size N to size N + 1, recursion)Successive Approximation (numerical Algorithms)Greedy Method (a special kind of search)Dynamic Programming (a special kind of search)Depth-first and other search methods

Programming tricks alone are notsufficient for efficient solutions.

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Problem: Given an array of N numbers nums[1. . N ], computepartialSums[i] = nums[1] + nums[2] + ⋅⋅⋅ + nums[i] for 1≤ i ≤ N .

Example. nums[1. . 5]: 2, -1, 5, 3, 3partialSums[1. . 5]: 2, 1, 6, 9, 12

• There is no input-structure to exploit here.

Tw o Solutions. Both can be considered method of extension.

(1) A brute-force method.

partialSums[1] = nums[1];for (i=2 to N ) do the following:

partialSums[i] = nums[1];for ( j=2 to i) add nums[ j] to partialSums[i];

#(additions involving nums[. ]) = 0 + 1 + ⋅⋅⋅ + (N − 1) =N (N − 1)/2 = O(N 2).

(2) Use the property "partialSums[i + 1] = partialSums[i] +nums[i + 1]" among output items.

partialSums[1] = nums[1];for (i=2 to N )

partialSums[i] = partialSums[i − 1] + nums[i];

#(additions involving nums[. ]) = N − 1 = O(N ).

• The O(N ) Algorithm is optimal because we must look at eachnums[i] at least once.

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Problem: Given a binary-matrix vals[1. . M , 1. . N ] of 0’s and 1’s,obtain counts(i, j) = #(1’s in vals[. , . ] in the range 1 ≤ i′≤ i and 1 ≤ j′ ≤ j) for all i and j.


vals =













counts =













• Since vals[i, j]’s can be arbitrary, there is no relevant input prop-erty/structure.

• The outputs counts(i, j) hav e many properties as shown below;the first one does not help in computing counts(i, j).

counts(i, j) ≤

counts(i, j + 1)

counts(i + 1, j)counts(1, j + 1) = counts(1, j) + vals[1, j + 1]counts(i + 1, 1) = counts(i, 1) + vals[i + 1, 1]

counts(i + 1, j + 1) = counts(i + 1, j) + counts(i, j + 1)− counts(i, j) + vals[i + 1, j + 1]

Not all input/output properties may beequally exploitable in a given computation.

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1. Let counts(1, 1) = vals[1, 1]; compute the remainder of first rowcounts(1, j), 2 ≤ j ≤ N , using counts(1, j + 1) = counts(1, j) +vals[1, j + 1].

2. Compute the first column counts(i, 1), 1 ≤ i ≤ M , similarly.

3. Compute the remainder of each row (i + 1 = 2, 3, ⋅⋅⋅, M), from leftto right, using the formula for counts(i + 1, j + 1) above.

Exploiting the output-properties includes choosinga proper order of computing different parts of output.

Complexity Analysis:

We look at the number of additions/subtractions involvingcounts(i, j) and vals[i′, j′].

Step 1: N − 1 = O(N )Step 2: M − 1 = O(M)Step 3: 3(M − 1)(N − 1) = O(MN )Total: O(MN ); this is optimal since we must look at each

item vals[i, j] at least once.

Brute-force method::

1. For each 1 ≤ i ≤ M and 1 ≤ j ≤ N , start with counts(i, j) = 0 andadd to it all vals[i′, j′] for 1 ≤ i′ ≤ i and 1 ≤ j′ ≤ j.

Complexity: #(additions) =M



j=1Σ ij = (


i=1Σ i)(


j=1Σ j) = O(M2 N 2)

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Problem: Given an array of numbers nums[1. . N ], find the maxi-mum M of all Sij = Σ nums[k] for i ≤ k ≤ j.

Example: For the input nums[1. . 15] =[−2, 7, 3, −1, − 4, 3, − 4, 9, −5, 3, 1, −20, 11, −3, −1],

the maximum is 7 + 3 − 1 − 4 + 3 − 4 + 9 = 13.

Brute-Force Method:

• For ( j = 1 to N ), compute Sij , 1 ≤ i ≤ j, using the method of par-tial-sums and let M( j) = max Sij : 1 ≤ i ≤ j.

• M = max M( j): 1 ≤ j ≤ N.

Question: What is the complexity?

Observations (assume that at least one nums[i] > 0):

• Eliminate items equal to 0.

• The initial (terminal) −ve items are not used in a solution.

• If a solution Sij uses a +ve item, then Sij also uses the immediate+ve neighbors of it. This means we can replace each group ofconsecutive +ve items by their sum.

• If a solution Sij uses a −ve item, then Sij uses the whole group ofconsecutive −ve items containing it and also the group of +veitems on immediate left and right sides. This means we canreplace consecutive −ve items by their sum.

Simplify Input: It is an array of alternate +ve and −ve items.

nums[1. . 9] = [10, −5, 3, −4, 9, −5, 4, −20, 11].

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Another Observation: There are three possibilities:

(1) M = nums[1].

(2) nums[1] is combined with others to form M . Then we canreplace nums[1. . 3] by nums[1]+nums[2]+nums[3].

(3) nums[1] is not part of an optimal solution. Then we can throwaw ay nums[1. . 2].

• A similar consideration applies to nums[N ].

Search For a Solution for nums[] = [10, −5, 3, −4, 9, −5, 4, −20, 11]:

(a) 10 or solution from [8, −4, 9, −5, 4, −20, 11]or solution from [3, −4, 9, −5, 4, −20, 11],

i.e., 10 or solution from [8, −4, 9, −5, 4, −20, 11].(b) 10 or 8 or solution from [13, −5, 4, −20, 11]

or solution from [9, −5, 4, −20, 11],i.e., 10 or solution from [13, −5, 4, −20, 11].

(c) 10 or 13 or solution from [12, −20, 11]or solution from [4, −20, 11],

i.e., 13 or solution from [12, −20, 11].(d) 13 or 12 or solution from [3] or solution from [11].(e) Final solution: M = 13 = 8 − 4 + 9 = 10 − 5 + 3 − 4 + 9.


•? Is this a method of extension (explain)?

•? Can we formulate a solution method by starting at the middle +veitem (divide and conquer method)?

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Algorithm MAX_CONSECUTIVE_SUM: //initial version

Input: An array nums[1. . N ] of alternative +ve/-ve num-bers, with nums[1] and nums[N ] > 0.

Output: Maximum sum M for a set of consecutive items.

1. Let M1 = nums[1].

2. If (N >= 3) then do the following:

(a) Let nums[3] = nums[1] + nums[2] + nums[3] and let M2 bethe solution obtained by applying the Algorithm to nums[i],3 ≤ i ≤ N .

(b) Let M3 be the solution obtained by applying the Algorithmto nums[i], 3 ≤ i ≤ N . (M3 is the best solution when none ofnums[1] and nums[2] are used.)

else let M2 = M3 = M1.

3. Let M = max M1, M2, M3.


•? Characterize the solution M2 (in a way similar to that of M3).

•? How does this show that the Algorithm is correct?

•? How do you show that we make 2(N+1) / 2 − 1 recursive-calls for aninput nums[1. . N ]?

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[10, −5, 3, −4, 9, −5, 4, −20, 11]solution = M = max 10, 13, 11 = 13

M1 = 10 [8, −4, 9, −5, 4, −20, 11]solution = M2 = 13

[3, −4, 9, −5, 4, −20, 11]solution = M3 = 11

⋅⋅⋅ ⋅⋅⋅ ⋅⋅⋅

M1 = 8 [13, −5, 4, −20, 11]M2 = 13

[9, −5, 4, −20, 11]M3 = 11

⋅⋅⋅ ⋅⋅⋅ ⋅⋅⋅ ⋅⋅⋅ ⋅⋅⋅ ⋅⋅⋅


•? Complete the above call-tree, examine it carefully, identify theredundant computations, and then restate the simplified andimproved form of MAX_CONSECUTIVE_SUM. How manyrecursive-calls are made in the simplified Algorithm fornums[1. . N ]?

•? Let T (N ) = #(additions involving nums[i] in the new Algorithmfor an input array of size N ). Show that T (N ) = T (N − 2) + 2 andT(1) = 0. (This gives T (N ) = N − 1 = O(N ).)

•? Let T (N ) = #(comparisons involving nums[i] in the new Algo-rithm for an input array of size N ), Show the relationship betweenT (N ) and T (N − 1).

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Let M( j) = max Sij : 1 ≤ i ≤ j; here, both i, j ∈ 1, 3, ⋅⋅⋅, N.

Example. For nums[] = [10, −5, 3, −4, 9, −5, 4, −20, 11],

j = 1 j = 3 j = 5 j = 7 j = 9S11 = 10 S13 = 8 S15 = 13 S17 = 12 S19 = 3

S33 = 3 S35 = 8 S37 = 7 S39 = −2S55 = 9 S57 = 8 S59 = −1

S77 = 4 S79 = −5S99 = 11

M( j) 10 8 13 12 11


M(1) = nums[1].M( j + 2) = max M( j)+nums[ j + 1]+nums[ j + 2], nums[ j + 2].

M = max M( j): j = 1, 3, ⋅⋅⋅, N.

Pseudocode (it does not "extend a solution" - why?):

1. M = M(1) = nums[1].

2. For ( j = 3, 5, ⋅⋅⋅, N ) let M( j) = max nums[ j], M( j − 2) +nums[ j − 1] + nums[ j] and finally M = max M , M( j).

Complexity: O(N ).

#(additions involving nums[]) = N − 1#(comparisons in computing M( j)’s) = (N − 1) / 2

#(comparisons in computing M) = (N − 1) / 2

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• For 1 ≤ i ≤ j ≤ N , Si, j = S1, j − S1,(i−1); here S1,0 = 0 for i = 1.

• If Sij = M , then S1,(i−1) = min S1,(i′−1): i′ ≤ j.
















Solution Method: There are three steps.

1. Find (i − 1)’s which can possibly give maximum Sij .

- Find the successive decreasing items m0 > m1 > m2 > ⋅⋅⋅ > mn

among S1,i−1, i = 1, 3, ⋅⋅⋅, N . (That is, mk is the first partial-sum < mk−1 to the right of mk−1; m0 = 0 = S1,0.)

- For each mk , let ik be corresponding i, i.e., mk = S1,(ik−1).

2. For each i = ik , find the associated j = jk .

- Let Mk−1 = max S1, j : ik−1 ≤ j < ik = S1, jkfor 1 ≤ k ≤ n; let

Mn = max S1, j : j ≥ in.

3. Let M = max Mk − mk : 0 ≤ k ≤ n.

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A Slightly Larger Example.

nums[i]: 10 −5 3 −4 9 −5 4 −20 11 −6 10 −17 14i, j: 1 3 5 7 9 11 13

S1,i−1: 0 5 4 8 −8 −3 −10mk : m0 m1 m2ik : 1 9 13

S1, j : 10 8 13 12 3 7 4

Mk : M0=13 M1=7 M2=5jk : 5 11 13

i1 = 1, i2 = 9, i3 = 13j1 = 5, j2 = 7, j3 = 13

M = max 13 − 0, 7 − (−8), 4 − (−10) = 15 = Si2, j2= S9,11.


•? Why can’t we call this method a "method of extension"?

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Characteristics of Pseudocode:

± Shows key concepts and computation steps of the Algorithm,avoiding details as much as possible.

− Av oids dependency on any specific programming language.

+ Allows determining correctness of the Algorithm.

+ Allows choice of proper data-structures for efficient implementa-tion and complexity analysis.

Example. The pseudocodes below for computing the number ofpositive and negative items in nums[1. . N ], where eachnums[i] ≠ 0, do not use the array-bounds. The pseu-docode in (B) is slightly more efficient than the one in(A).

(A) 1. positiveCount = negativeCount = 0;2. for (i=0; i<n; i++) //each nums[i] > 0 or < 03. if (0 < nums[i]) positiveCount++;4. else negativeCount++;

1. Initialize positiveCount = negativeCount = 0.2. Use each nums[i] to increment one of the counts by one.

(B) 1. positiveCount = 0;2. for (i=0; i<n; i++) //each nums[i] > 0 or < 03. if (0 < nums[i]) positiveCount++;4. negativeCount = n - positiveCount;

1. Initialize positiveCount = 0.2. Use each nums[i] > 0 to increment positiveCount by one.3. Let negativeCount = numItems − positiveCount.

Writing a pseudocode requires skills to expressan Algorithm in a concise and yet clear fashion.

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Problem. Compute the size of the largest block of non-zero itemsin nums[1. . N ].

Pseudocode:1. Initialize maxNonZeroBlockSize = 0.2. while (there are more array-items to look at) do:

(a) skip zero’s. //keep this(b) find the size of next non-zero block

and update maxNonZeroBlockSize.


i = 1; maxNonZeroBlockSize = 0;while (i <= N)

for (; (i<=N) && (nums[i]==0); i++); //skip 0’sfor (blockStart=i; (i<=N) && (nums[i]!=0); i++);if (i - blockStart > maxNonZeroBlockSize)

maxNonZeroBlockSize = i - blockStart;


•? If there are m non-zero blocks, then what is the maximum andminimum number of tests involving the items nums[i]?

•? Rewrite the code to reduce the number of such comparisons.What is reduction achieved?

•? Generalize the code and the pseudocode to compute the largestsize same-sign block of items.

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(a) Create a few general examples of input and the correspondingoutputs.

− Select some input-output pairs based on your understandingof the problem and before you design the Algorithm.

− Select some other input-output pairs based on your Algo-rithm.

Include a few cases of input that require special handling interms of specific steps in the Algorithm.

(b) Use these input-output pairs for testing (but not proving) correct-ness of your Algorithm.

(c) Illustrate the use of data-structures by showing the "state" of thedata-structures (lists, trees, etc.) at various stages in the Algo-rithm’s execution for some of the example inputs.

Always use one or more carefully selectedexample to illustrate the critical steps

in your method/Algorithm.

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• We hav e N switches[1..N ]; initially, they are all "on".

• They are turned "off" and "on" in a random fashion, one at a timeand based on the last-off-first-on policy: if switches[i] changedfrom "on" to "off" before switches[ j], then switches[ j] is turned"on" before switches[i].

• Design a data-structure to support following operations:

Print: print the "on"-switches (in the order 1, 2, ..., N ) in timeproportional to M = #(switches that are "on").

Off(k): turn switches[k] from "on" to "off"; if switches[k] isalready "off", nothing happens. It should take a con-stant time (independent of M and N ).

On: turn "on" the most recent switch that was turned "off";if all switches are currently "on", then nothing happens.It should take a constant time.

Example: Shown below are some on/off-operations (1 = on and 0 =off).










0Off(3): 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1

0Off(5): 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1

0On: 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1

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Assume: If #(on-switches) = m and 0 < m < N , then there arem+1 switches that can change their on-off status. One ofthem is arbitrarily chosen with equal probability tochange its on-off status.

State-diagram for N = 4: state = #(on-switches).

4 3off: 1

on: 1/42

off: 3/4

on: 1/31

off: 2/3

on: 1/20

off: 1/2

on: 1

At state m = 2:Prob(a switch going from "on" to "off") = 2/(1+2) = 2/3.Prob(a switch going from "off" to "on") = 1/(1+2) = 1/3.

Analysis: Let Ek = Expected time to reach state 0 from state k.

• The following equations follow from the state-diagram:

(1) E4 = 1 + E3

(2) E3 = (1 + E2).3/4 + (1 + E4).1/4 = 1 + 3. E2/4 + (1+E3)/4i.e., E3 = 1 + 2/3 + E2

(3) E2 = (1 + E1).2/3 + (1 + E3).1/3 = 1 + 2. E1/ 3 + E3/3i.e., E2 = 1 + 2/2 + 2/(2.3) + E1

(4) E1 = 1 + 2/1 + 2/(1.2) + 2/(1.2.3) + E0

i.e., E1 = 1 + 2/1 + 2/(1.2) + 2/(1.2.3) because E0 = 0

• Thus, E4 = 1 + (1+2/3) + (1+2/2+2/6) + (1+2/1+2/2+2/6) = 91


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A Covering-Problem: D is a document with N pages.

• D[i] = 1 means page i of the document contains one or moreoccurrences of a keyword; we say page i is non-empty. Other-wise D[i] = 0 and we say page i is empty.

• m = Maximum number of references allowed in the index for thekeyword. Each reference is an interval of consecutive pages; theinterval [k, k] is equivalent to the single page k.

• We want to find an optimal set of reference page-intervals PI =I1, I2, ⋅⋅⋅, Ik, k ≤ m, where I j’s are disjoint, ∪ I j , 1 ≤ j ≤ k,covers all non-empty pages, and |∪ I j | is minimum.

Example. The solid dots below correspond to non-empty pages.For m = 3, the optimal PI = 2-6, 12-12, 15-20. Thereare two optimal solutions for m = 4 (what are they?) andone for m ≥ 5.

2 6 12 12 15 20N=20

Solution by Greedy Elimination:

1. Scan D[1. . N ] to determine all 0-blocks.

2. If (D[1] = 0), throw away the 0-block containing D[1].

3. If (D[N ] = 0), throw away the 0-block containing D[N ].

4. Successively throw away the largest size 0-blocks until we areleft with ≤ m blocks.

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• ∪ I j need not cover all non-empty pages.

• Maximize Val(PI ) = #(non-empty pages covered by ∪ I j) −#(empty pages covered by ∪ I j) = |∪ I j | − 2.#(empty pages cov-ered by ∪ I j).

Example. Let D[1. . 20] be as before.


• For m = 1, the optimal PI = 15-20, with value 6 − 2.1 = 4. (Forthe original problem and m = 1, optimal PI = 2-20.)

• For m = 2, there are two optimal solutions: PI = 2-6, 15-20 orPI = 4-6, 15-20, both with value 3+4 = 7.


• Finding an optimal PI is now considerably more difficult andrequires a substantially different approach. (This problem can bereduced to a shortest-path problem in a digraph.)

A slight variation in the problem-statement mayrequire a very different solution method.


•? What is the connection between this modified keyword-indexproblem and the consecutive-sum problem when m = 1?

•? What are some possible approaches to modify the solutionmethod for m = 1 for the case of m = 2?

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Problem: Find minimum and maximum items in an arraynums[1. . N ] of distinct numbers where the numbers areinitially increasing and then decreasing. (For nums[] =[10, 9, 3, 2], the increasing part is just 10.)

Example. For nums[] = [1, 6, 18, 15, 10, 9, 3, 2], minimum = 1 andmaximum = 18.


1. minimum = min nums[1], nums[N ].

2. If (nums[N − 1] < nums[N ]) then maximum = nums[N ].

3. Otherwise, starting with the initial range 1. . N and position 1, doa binary search. In each step, we move to the mid-point i of thecurrent range and then select the right-half of the range if thenumbers are increasing (nums[i] < nums[i + 1]) at i and otherwiseselect the left-half, until nums[i] is larger than its each neighbor.

4. Maximum = nums[i].

Complexity: #(comparisons involving nums[]) = O(1) for minimumand O(log N ) for maximum.

• This is better than O(N ), if we do not use the input structure.

Question: How will you use the input structure to sort the numbersnums[1. . N ]? How long will it take?

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i=1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 N=21

iteration #1,increasing, go →

iteration #3,increasing, go →

iteration #6,increasing, go →

iteration #2, decreasing, go ←

iteration #4, decreasing, go ←

iteration #5, decreasing, go ←


Test for "increasing" at i: nums[i] < nums[i + 1]

• Strictly speaking, this is not a successive approximations becauseat (i + 1)th iteration we may be further away from the maximumthan at kth (though we are closer to the maximum at (k + 2)thiteration than at kth iteration).

• To compute maximum by the principle of extending the solutionfrom the case N to N + 1, we would proceed as:

(1) If (nums[N + 1] > nums[N ]) then max = nums[N + 1].

(2) Otherwise, apply the same method to nums[1. . N ].

This can take N − 1 = O(N ) comparisons for nums[1. . N ].

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Balanced be-string: b = begin or ’(’ and e = end or ’)’.

x = b b e b b e e e b e b e

The unique matching of each b toan e on its right without crossing

A matching with crossing

• For each initial part (prefix) x′ of x, #(b, x′) ≥ #(e, x′), withequality for x′ = x. In particular, x starts with b and ends with e.

This means every b has a matching e to its right, and converselyev ery e has a matching b to its left. (Why?)

Tw o basic structural properties:

(1) Nesting:

If x is balanced, then bxe (with the additional starting b and end-ing e) is balanced.

(2) Sequencing:

If both x and y are balanced, then xy is balanced.

All balanced be-strings are obtained in this way starting from λ(empty string of length 0).

Question: If x1 and x2 are balanced be-strings, x = x1 x2, and n(x)= #(matchings with or without crossing for x), then howdo you show that n(x1 x2) = n(x1)n(x2)?

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• The children of each node are ordered from left to right.

Tw o different ordered rooted trees; as unorderedrooted trees, they are considered the same.

• The ordered rooted trees have the same two structural characteris-tics of nesting and sequencing as the balanced be-strings:

− The subtrees correspond to nesting, and

− The left to right ordering of children of a node (or, equiv-alently, the subtrees at the child nodes) corresponds tosequencing.

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balString(T ) = λ

T1 T2


balString(T ) = bx1e. bx2e. ⋅⋅⋅. bxk ewhere xi = balString(Ti)

Example. Build the string balString(T) bottom-up.

bbeebebe = b. be. e.b. λ . e.b. λ . e

be = b. λ . eλ λλ


•? What would be wrong if for the one-node tree we takebeString(T ) = be (instead of λ)?

•? How will you show that balString(T1) ≠ balString(T2) for T1 ≠ T2,and that balString(T ) is always balanced?

•? How will you show that for every balanced be-string x there is atree T with balString(T ) = x?

#(ordered rooted trees with (n + 1) nodes)

= #(balanced be-strings of length 2n) =1. 3⋅⋅⋅(2n − 1)



(n + 1)

• For length = 2n,#(balanced be-strings)

#(all be-strings)→ 0 as n → ∞.

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(i) A binary tree T .


b b

e e b e

e b

e e

(ii) After adding a child "e" for eachnull-pointer (or missing child) andlabeling each original node as "b".

beString(T ): Delete the rightmost e of the pre-order listing of thelabels b and e in the extended tree.

For the above T , the pre-order listing gives bbeebbe-beee and beString(T ) = bbeebbebee.


•? If n = #(nodes in T ), then how many news nodes are added?

•? What is the special property of the new binary tree?

•? In what sense the pre-order listing bbeebbebeee is almost bal-anced? How will you prove it?

•? How is beString(T ) related to beString(T1) and beString(T2),where T1 and T2 are the left and right subtrees of T ?

•? How is the notion of nesting and sequencing accounted inbeString(T )?

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Problem: Compute all balanced be-strings of length N = 2k ≥ 2.

Example: Input: N = 4; Output: bbee, bebe.

b/ b/ b/ b/ b/ b/ b/ e/ b/b/e/b/ bbeeb/ e/b/b/ bebe b/e/e/b/ b/e/e/e/e/ b/b/b/ e/b/b/e/ e/b/e/b/ e/b/e/e/e/ e/ b/b/ e/e/b/e/ e/e/e/b/ e/e/e/e/

Only 2 out of 2N = 16 strings of b, e are balanced.

Idea: Generate all 2N be-strings of length N and eliminate theunbalanced ones.

Algorithm BRUTE-FORCE:

Input: N ≥ 2 and even.Output: All balanced be-strings of length N .

1. Generate all strings of b, e of length N .

2. Eliminate the be-strings that are not balanced.


• O(N . 2N ) for step (1).

• O(N ) to verify balancedness of each be-string in step (2).

• Total = O(N . 2N ).

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Idea: Generate only the balanced be-strings using their structure.

(1) Structure within a balanced be-string

(2) Structure among balanced be-strings of a given length N .

Ordered-Tree of Balanced be-strings: For N = 6.

bbbeee bbebee bbeebe bebbee bebebe

bbbe. e bbeb. e bbee. e bebb. e bebe. e

bbb. . e bbe. . e beb. . e

bb. . . e be. . . e

b. . . . e

This structure is suitable to compute all balanced be-strings of a given lengthby recursion, where the recursive call-tree follows the above tree-structure.

• The string at a non-terminal node is the part common to all bal-anced be-strings below it.

• The children of a non-terminal node correspond to filling the left-most empty position by b or e.

• A node has a single child = b if number of b’s and e’s to the leftof the position are equal; a node has a single child = e if all b’sare used up.

• Otherwise, it has two children (one for b and one for e).

• Terminal nodes are balanced be-strings in the lexicographic (dic-tionary) order from left to right.

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General Idea:

(1) Recursive Algorithm; each call generates a subtree of the bal-anced be-strings and prints those at its terminal nodes.

(2) The initial call starts with the be-string having its first position =’b’ and the last position = ’e’.

Data-structure: beString[1. . N ]Initial Parameters: beString

Initial Pseudocode for GenBalStrings(beString):

1. If (no child exist, i.e., no blanks in beString), then print beStringand stop.

2. Otherwise, create each childString of beString and call GenBal-Strings(childString).

Additional Parameters: firstBlankPosn (= 2 in initial call)

First refinement for GenBalStrings(beString, firstBlankPosn):

1. If (firstBlankPosn = N ), then print beString and stop.

2.1. Let numPrevBs = #(b’s before firstBlankPosn) and numPrevEs =#(e’s before firstBlankPosn).

2.2. If (numPrevBs < N /2), then beString[ firstBlankPosn] = ’b’ andcall GenBalStrings(beString, firstBlankPosn+1).

2.3. If (numPrevBs > numPrevEs), then beString[ firstBlankPosn] =’e’ and call GenBalStrings(beString, firstBlankPosn+1).

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Additional Parameters: numPrevBsSecond refinement:GenBalStrings(beString, firstBlankPosn, numPrevBs):

1. If (firstBlankPosn = N ), then print beString and stop.

2.1. Let numPrevEs = #(e’s before firstBlankPosn).

2.2. If (2*numPrevBs < N ) then beString[ firstBlankPosn] = ’b’and call GenBalStrings(beString, firstBlankPosn+1, numPre-vBs+1).

2.3. If (numPrevBs > numPrevEs), then beString[ firstBlankPosn] =’e’ and call GenBalStrings(beString, firstBlankPosn+1,numPrevBs).

Implementation Notes:

• Make beString a static-variable in the function instead of passingas a parameter.

• Eliminate the parameters firstBlankPosn and numPrevB by mak-ing them static variable in the function, and use the single param-eter length.

• Eliminate the variable numPrevEs (how?).

• Update firstBlankPosn and numPrevBs before and after eachrecursive call as needed. Initialize the array beString when first-BlankPosn = 1 and free the memory for beString before returningfrom the first call.

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//cc genBalBeStrings.c (contact [email protected] for//comments/questions)//This program generates all balanced be-strings of a given//length using recursion. One can improve it slightly to//eliminate the recursive calls when "length == 2*numPrevBs".

01. #include <stdio.h>

02. void GenBalBeStrings(int length) //length > 0 and even03. static char *beString;04. static int firstBlankPosn, numPrevBs;05. if (NULL == beString) 06. beString = (char *)malloc(length+1, sizeof(char));07. beString[0] = ’b’; beString[length-1] = ’e’;

beString[length] = ’\0’; //helps printing08. firstBlankPosn = numPrevBs = 1;09. 10. if (length-1 == firstBlankPosn)

printf("beString = %s\n", beString);11. else if (2*numPrevBs < length) 12. beString[firstBlankPosn++] = ’b’;

numPrevBs++;13. GenBalBeStrings(length);14. firstBlankPosn--; numPrevBs--;15. 16. if (2*numPrevBs > firstBlankPosn) 17. beString[firstBlankPosn++] = ’e’;18. GenBalBeStrings(length);19. firstBlankPosn--;20. 21. 22. if (1 == firstBlankPosn)

free(beString); beString = NULL; 23.

24. int main()25. int n;26. printf("Type the length n (even and positive) ");

printf("of balanced be-strings: ");27. scanf("%d", &n);28. if ((n > 0) && (0 == n%2))

GenBalBeStrings(n); GenBalBeStrings(n+2); 29.

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Example. Black pixels belong to objects; others belong to back-ground. Let B = Set of black pixels.

(i) An image I . (ii) An approximation R.

• R covers |R − B| = 18 white pixels (shown in grey).

• R fails to cover |B − R| = 29 black pixels.

• Val(R) = 29+18 = 47.

R = The rectangular approximation.B∆R = (B − R) ∪ (R − B), the symmetric-difference.

Val(R) = |(B∆R)|, Value of R.Val(∅) = |B| = 65; Val(I) = #(white pixels) = 115

Question: Is there a better R (with smaller Val(R))?


1. Suppose we fix the top-row rt and the bottom-row rb ≥ rt ofR. How do you convert the problem of finding an optimal Rto a maximum consecutive-sum problem?

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Problem: Find the pixels in the first quadrant belonging to thecircular arc of radius N centered at (0, 0).

Example. Shown below are the binary images for N = 6 to 8.

N = 5, 6 N = 7 N = 8

Each circular arc is entirely containedin the pixels representing the circle.

Some Properties of Output:

(1) The lower and upper halves of the quadrant are symmetric.

(2) The lower-half has at most 2 pixels in a row (why?).

(3) For radius N , there are at most (2N − 1) pixels in the firstquadrant.

Notes on Designing An Algorithm:

• Exploit the output-properties (1)-(2) to find the required pix-els; we need to use only integer operations.

• Some pixels that are not in the final set will be examined.

Complexity: O(N );

Brute-Force Method: Complexity O(N 2).

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Meaning of O(n):

• The class of all functions g(n) which are asymptoticallybounded above by f (n) = n, i.e.,

O(n) = g(n): g(n) ≤ c. n for some constant c and all large n

− c may depend on g(n); c > 0.

− "all large n" means "all n ≥ N for some N > 0"; N maydepend on both c and g(n).

Example. We show g(n) = 7 + 3n ∈ O(n).

We find appropriate c and N , which are not unique.

(1) For c = 4, 7 + 3n ≤ 4. n holds for n ≥ 7 = N .

(2) For c = 10, 7 + 3n ≤ 10.n or 7 ≤ 7n holds for n ≥ 1 = N .

A smaller c typically requires larger N ;if c is too small, there may not exist a suitable N .

(3) For c = 2, 7 + 3n ≤ 2. n holds only for n ≤ −7, i.e., thereis no N . This does not say 7 + 3n ∉ O(n).

Each linear function g(n) = A + Bn ∈ O(n).

Example. We show g(n) = A. n2 ∉ O(n).

For any c > 0, A. n2 < c. n is false for all n > c/A and hencethere is no N .

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• The class of all functions g(n) which are asymptoticallybounded above by f (n) = n2, i.e.,

O(n2) = g(n): g(n) ≤ c. n2 for some constant c and all large n

− As before, c may depend on g(n) and N may depend onboth c and g(n).

Example. We show g(n) = 7 + 3n ∈ O(n2).

We find appropriate c and N ; again, they are not unique.

(1) For c = 1, 7 + 3n ≤ n2, i.e., n2 − 3n − 7 ≥ 0 holds for n ≥(3 + √ 9 + 28)/2 or for n ≥ 5 = N .

(2) In this case, there is an N for each c > 0.

Example. We show g(n) = 7 + 3n + 5n2 ∈ O(n2).

We find appropriate c and N .

(1) For c = 6, 7 + 3n + 5n2 ≤ 6. n2, i.e., n2 − 3n − 7 ≥ 0holds for n ≥ 5 = N .

(2) For c = 4, 7 + 3n + 5n2 ≤ 4. n2, i.e., −n2 − 3n − 7 ≥ 0does not hold for any n ≥ 1. This does not say7 + 3n + 5n2 ∉ O(n2).

Each quadratic function g(n) = A + Bn + Cn2 ∈ O(n2);g(n) = n3 ∉ O(n2).

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(O1) The constant function g(n) = C ∈ O(n0) = O(1).

(O2) If g(n) ∈ O(n p) and c is a constant, then c. g(n) ∈ O(n p).

(O3) If g(n) ∈ O(n p) and p < q, then g(n) ∈ O(nq).

The pair (c, N ) that works for g(n) and n p also works forg(n) and nq.

(O4) If g1(n), g2(n) ∈ O(n p), then g1(n) + g2(n) ∈ O(n p).

This can be proved as follows. Suppose that g1(n) ≤c1. n p for all n ≥ N1 and g2(n) ≤ c2. n p for all n ≥ N2.

Then, g1(n) + g2(n) ≤ (c1 + c2). n p for all n ≥ max N1,N2. So, we take c = c1 + c2 and N = maxN1, N2.

A similar argument proves the following.

(O5) If g1(n) ∈ O(n p) and g2(n) ∈ O(nq), then g1(n)g2(n) ∈O(n p+q).

Also, max g1(n), g2(n) ∈ O(nq) assuming p ≤ q.

Question: If g1(n) ≤ g2(n) and g2(n) ∈ O(n p), then is it trueg1(n) ∈ O(n p)?

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MEANING OF g(n) ∈ O( f (n))

O( f (n)) = g(n): g(n) ≤ cf (n) for some constant c and all large n

= g(n):n → ∞

lim supg(n)

f (n)= U < ∞.

|U c = U+ε, ε > 0

→ Only finitely manyg(n)

f (n)are on rightAll other


f (n)are on left ←

• We sometimes write g(n) is O( f (n)) or g(n) = O( f (n)), byabuse of notation.


(1) 7 + 3n = O(n) since lim supg(n)

n= lim sup

7 + 3n

n= 3 < ∞.

(2) If g(n) ≤ 7 + 3log2n, then g(n) = O(log2n) since lim sup


log2n≤ lim sup


log2n+ 3

= 3 < ∞.

(3) If g(n) = 7 + 3n + 5n2, then g(n) = O(n2) since lim supg(n)


= lim sup




n+ 5

= 5 < ∞.

(4) g(n) = 2n ∉ O(n p) for any p = 1, 2, ⋅⋅⋅.

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• We say g(n) ∈ Ω( f (n)) if

n → ∞lim inf


f (n)= L > 0 (L maybe +∞)


f (n)> L − ε or g(n) > (L − ε ) f (n) for all large n

i.e, g(n) ≥ cf (n) for some constant c > 0 for all large n.

• We also write in that case

g(n) is Ω( f (n)) or g(n) = Ω( f (n)).


(1) g(n) = 7 + 3n ∈ Ω(n) ∩ Ω(1), but g(n) ∉ Ω(n2).

(2) g(n) = 7 + 3n + 5n2 ∈ Ω(n2) ∩ Ω(n) ∩ Ω(1), but g(n) ∉Ω(n3).

(3) g(n) = log2n ∈ Ω(1) but g(n) ∉ Ω(n).


•? If g(n) ∈ O( f (n)), then which of the following is true: f (n) ∈O(g(n)), f (n) ∈ Ω(g(n)), and g(n) ∈ Ω( f (n))?

•? If g(n) ∈ Ω( f (n)), can we say f (n) ∈ O(g(n))?

•? State appropriate rules (Ω1)-(Ω5) similar to (O1)-(O5).

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• We say g(n) ∈ Θ( f (n)) if g(n) ∈ O( f (n)) ∩ Ω( f (n))

Question: Why does g(n) ∈ Θ( f (n)) imply f (n) ∈ Θ(g(n))?


(1) g(n) = 7 + 3n + 5n2 ∈ Θ(n2), but not in Θ(n) or Θ(n3).

(2) If log2(1 + n) ≤ g(n) ≤ 1 + log2n, then g(n) = Θ(log2n).

Question: If g1(n) = Θ(n p), g2(n) = Θ(nq), and p ≤ q, thenwhat can you say for g1(n) + g2(n) and g1(n)g2(n)?

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• log2 n• g1(n)




• 3n + 7• n + log2 n

• n3

• 2n

• g2(n) • g3(n)

• n2

g1(n) =

log2 n, for n even

n, for n oddg2(n) =

log2 n, for n even

n2, for n odd

g3(n) =

log2 n, for n even

n3, for n odd


•? Place the boxes for Ω(n2) and Θ(n2) in the diagram above.

•? Now, place the function g4(n) =

n1.5, for n even

n2.5, for n odd

Always give the best possible bound using O or Ωnotation as appropriate, or give the exact order using Θ.

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⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅ Θ(n) ⋅⋅⋅

⋅⋅⋅ Θ(n2) ⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅ Θ(n3)





• There are infinitely many Θ( f (n)) between Θ(1) and Θ(n)above; for example, we can have

f (n) = n p, 0 < p < 1f (n) = (log n)p, 0 < pf (n) = logm(n), m = 1, 2, ⋅⋅⋅

• For each Θ( f (n)) between Θ(1) and Θ(n), Θ(nk . f (n)) isbetween Θ(nk) and Θ(nk+1) and vice-versa.

• O( f (n)) =g(n) ∈ O( f (n))

∪ Θ(g(n))

• Ω( f (n)) =g(n) ∈ Ω( f (n))

∪ Θ(g(n))

Question: Why don’t we talk of O(1 /n)?

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Algorithm AInput x Output f (x)

Four (3+1) Basic Questions on an Algorithm:

(1) What does A do − inputs, outputs, and their relationship?

(2) How does A do it − the method for computing f (x).

(3) Any special data-structures used in implementing themethod?

(4) What is its performance?

• Time T (n) required for an input of size n (measured insome way).

If different inputs of size n require different computationtimes, then we can consider:

Tw(n): the worst case (maximum) timeTb(n): the best case (minimum) timeTa(n): the av erage case time

• Similar questions on the use of memory-space.

Since the amount of memory in use during the time T (n)may vary, one can also talk about the maximum (andsimilarly, the minimum and the average) memory overthe period T (n).

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1. Show the first quadrant for N = 9.

2. Is it true that the circles obtained in this way for various N ≥1 hav e no pixels in common?

3. Is it true that they fill-up all the pixels?

4. Give an efficient Algorithm in a pseudocode form using theproperties/structures identified above to determine the pixelson the circle of radius N . It should use, in particular, onlyinteger arithmetic. How many pixels do you test (not all ofwhich may be part of your answer) in determining the firstquadrant of the circle?

5. Show that the number of pixels on the perimeter of the circlein the first quadrant is 2N − 1. (Hint: if there are many pix-els in a column as is the case on the right side of the firstquadrant, then there are many columns with few pixels as isthe case on the left of the first quadrant. Note that if we bentthe line i + j = N slightly, then it takes 2N − 1 pixels tocover it.)

6. How will you create the three dimensional image of the sur-face of the sphere of radius N in a similar way? (Each pixelis now a small cube.)

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Ignore language-specific issues (such as "and" vs. "&&").

1. if (nums[i] >= max) max = nums[i];

2. if (x and y) z = 0;else if ((not x) and y) z = 1;else if (x and (not y)) z = 2;else z = 3;

3. if (x > 0) z = 1;if ((x > 0) && (y > 0)) z = 2;

4. for (i=1; i<n; i++)if (i < j) sum = sum + nums[i]; //sum += nums[i]

5. for (i=0; i<n; i++)if (i == j) items[i] = 0;else items[i] = 1;

6. for (i=1; i<n; i++)for (j=1; j<n; j++)

diff = nums[i] - nums[j];if (i ≠ j) sumOfSquares += diff*diff;

7. for (i=1; i<n; i++)for (j=1; j<n; j++)

if (i == j) A[i][j] = -1;else if (M[i][j] >= M[j][i]) A[i][j] = 1;else A[i][j] = 0;

8. for (i=0; i<3*length; i++)printf(" ");

9. for (i=0; i<10; i++) char stringOfBlanks[3*10+1] = "";for (j=0; j<i; j++)

strcat(stringOfBlanks, " ");if (...) printf("%s: %d\n", stringOfBlanks, i);else printf("%s: ...", stringOfBlanks, ...);

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Introductory Material:

• (1) Solution method before Algorithm - necessary & sufficientcondition in rectangle inclusion


• (1) Review and close look at some sorting Algorithms.

• (1) Sorting non-numerical things (strings, trees, flowcharts,digraphs)

• (1) Some non-trivial application of sorting.

• (2) Heap-data structure for efficient implementation of selec-tion-sort.

---------------------- Quiz #1 ----------------------------------

• (1) 2-3 trees: a generalization of heap.

Application of Stack: Topological Sorting:

• (1) Sorting nodes of an acyclic digraph. and finding all topo-logical sorting.

• (1) Counting the number of topological sorting.

• (1) Converting an infix-expression to a postfix-expression usinga stack and evaluating a postfix-expression using stack.

• (1) Finding longest paths

---------------------- Quiz #2 ----------------------------------

• (1) Longest increasing subsequence

• (2) Depth first search and depth first tree

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Minimum Weight Spanning Tree:

• (2) Finding minimum weight spanning tree

Shortest and Longest Paths:

• (1) Find all acyclic paths and cycles from a node (undirectedgraph)

• (2) Finding shortest paths - Dijkstra; connection between short-est and longest paths

---------------------- Quiz #3 ----------------------------------

• (2) Finding shortest paths - Floyd

String Matching:

• (2) String matching

Huffman tree:

• (1) Prefix free coding and Huffman tree

---------------------- Quiz #4 ----------------------------------

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Jan 12

• I am Kundu. I want this course to be a rewarding and enjoyableexperience for you so that you have a renewed sense of confi-dence in and love for computer science. This also means that Iexpect you to put a lot of effort, a full 120%.

• One of your goals for being here, I believe, is that by the end ofthe semester you want to become a good/expert programmer interms of using proper data-structures and Algorithms, and youare ready to compete with other CS graduates from any otherUniversity in US or elsewhere.

• Good programmers write good (efficient and clear, not just pro-grams that somehow produce the right output) programs, butwhat goes into a good program?


GOODSolution Method


GOODData Structure



Good Implementation:

• Good choice of names for variables, functions, parameters, andfiles.

• Good choice of local and global variables.

• Good choice of conditions for branch-point and loops.

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• To do all these good selections, you need to know someexample of good Algorithms and their implementations. (Weindeed learn from experience.) In this course, we are goingto: (1) learn a number of interesting Algorithms and (2) prac-tice solving some new problems using those Algorithms andtheir variations.

Difference between a good program/software and a good product:solves a useful problem and good interface.

• Giv e some example problems that the students will be able tosolve by the end of semester

− Take them from MUM-lectures; minimum energy nodesto form a connected sensor network

Let rmin be the minimum r where the links E(r) =(vi , v j): d(vi , v j) ≤ r form a connected graph on thenodes.




3,1 v4

3,2 v5

4,3 v6

5,2 v7

5,1 v8

The links E(1).

− Question: What is rmin for the set of nodes above? Giv ean example where rmin ≠ max distance of a node nearestto vi: 1 ≤ i ≤ N. (If rmin always equals the maximum,then what would be an Algorithm to determine rmin?)

− Find the largest number of points Pi = (xi , yi) that can beroped in with a rope of length L.

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Some Critical-Thinking Questions On Selection Sort:

For the questions below, it suffices to consider the input to be apermutation of 1, 2, ⋅⋅⋅, numItems.

•? Is it true that the number of upward data-movements arealways the same as the number of downward data-movements?

•? If we know that n of the data-items are out of order, what isthe maximum and minimum number of data-movements?Show the example inputs in which this maximum and mini-mum are achieved.

•? In what sense the Selection Sort minimizes data-movement?

•? How many data-comparisons are made in finding the ithsmallest item? What is the total number of data-compar-isons? Does it depend on the input?

•? Suppose a series of related exchanges are of the formitems[i1] and items[i2], items[i2] and items[i3], ... ,items[i(k-1)] and items[ik]. Then argue that the indices i1,i2, ..., ik form a cycle in the permutation. Note that theexchange operations in the different cycles may be inter-leaved.

An Example of Creative Thinking Related to Selection Sort:

•? If we view Selection Sort as a way of "filling the places by theright items", then give a high level pseudocode of an Algorithmthat fits the description "finding and putting each item in theright place".

•? Can you think of another variant of selection-sort?

In bubble sort is it true that if a data-item moved up, then it is nevermoved down? How abot if we interchange "up" and "down" in the

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above sentence?

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• Concept of Sorting

− An example: ⟨7, 2, 6, 1⟩ becomes ⟨1, 2, 6, 7⟩ after sortingin increasing order. Lexicographic ordering of bat, but,cap, happy, life.

Sort names in a printed voter/airline-passenger list toquickly locate if a given name is in the list. (For elec-tronic copy, it is not necessary to sort it; a binary searchlist is more suitable.) The words in a dictionary aresorted as are index-words at the end of a book.

− How do you define the sorting problem?

Given a set of n things t j , 1 ≤ j ≤ n ⋅⋅⋅, which aremutually comparable in some way (i.e., there is alinear order among them), find the arrangementas in: t1 < t2 < ⋅⋅⋅ < tn, i.e., find the smallest item,the second smallest item, and so on.

− Strings have linear ordering among them (the lexico-graphic ordering), they can be sorted: but < cat < cup <heavy < life.

− What kinds of things cannot be sorted? If there is no lin-ear ordering as in the case of subsets of a set. For S1 =a, b and S2 = b, c, we have both S1 and S2 ⊂ S = a,b, c but S1 /⊂ S2 and S2 /⊂ S1. Thus, S1, S2 cannot besorted under the subset-relation. (Indeed, we can simplydeclare that S1 < S2 is the sorting, but others need notaccept this.)

− What is an application (distinction between "use" and"application").

Jan 14:

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• How do we compute the partial sums d1, (d1 + d2),(d1 + d2 + d3), ⋅⋅⋅, (d1 + d2 + ⋅⋅⋅ + dn) most efficiently?

• How would we modify the code below to count the num-ber of time the condition C is evaluated and likewise readand write counts of x and y (use variables xReadCount,xWriteCount, etc)?

... ...if (C) z = 0; if (x < 3)else z = 1; y = x + 5;... ...

• Discussion on the program below for generating succes-sive binary string and its variations with numOnes (seethe other file binString-prog.t).

− The successive calls to NextBinString(3) produces000, 001, 010, 011, 100, 101, 110, 111, and NULL.

− The next binary string of 0110001011 is 0110001100,and its next is 0110001101.

− Pseudocode:

1. Find the rightmost 0 (finding from right is faster since most change take place on the rightside).2. If (0 is found) then make that 0 to 1 and all 1’s to its right 0.3. Otherwise stop.

− The two key issues needed to develop the Algorithmare (this is true for this case, and the case where thenumber of 1’s is fixed and also in the case generatingnext permutation):

(1) where do we start making the change, and(2) what is the change

This abstraction ties together all three next-item gen-eration Algorithms.

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− NextBinString program//use this function with same length repeatedly to generate all binary strings of that length//until the return value is NULL; only then use a different length, if desired, or use the same//length to repeat the cycle.char *NextBinString(int length) //length > 0 static char *binString=NULL; //arraySize=length+1; 1 for end-of-string to help print binStringint i;if (!binString)

binString = (char *)malloc((length+1) * sizeof(char));for (i=0; i<length; i++)

binString[i] = ’0’;binString[length] = ’\0’;

else for (i=length-1; i>=0; i--) //find position of rightmost 0

if (’0’ == binString[i]) break;if (i >= 0) //update binString

binString[i] = ’1’;for (i=i+1; i<length; i++) binString[i] = ’0’;

else binString = NULL; //reset for next call of NextBeString

if (binString)

printf("binString: %s\n", binString);return(binString);

− Pseudocode for finding the next binary string of given length and number of ones.

1. Find the rightmost 01 (finding from right is faster since most change take place on the rightside).2. If (found) then make that 01 to 10 and all move 1’s to its right to rightmost places.3. Otherwise stop.

• Show a pseudocode and a piece of C/Java-code for finding the rightmost "00" in a binaryS-tring[0..(length-1)]. Keep things as clean and efficient as possible.

1. Find rightmost 0.2. If (the previous item is 1), then go back to step (1) and start the search from the left of the current position.

The implementation below, is cleaner than the one following it in terms of logic and is equally effi-cient.

i = length;do for (i=i-1 ; i>0; i--)

if (0 == binString[i]) break; while (1 == binString[--i]);

for (i=length-1; i>0; i--) //warning: body of for-loop updates iif (0 == binString[i]) && (0 == binString][--i]) break;

1. Bonus: Let R(W , H), where W ≥ H > 0, denote a rectangle with width W and height H . How will youdetermine if a rectangle R1(W1, H1) can be placed completely inside another rectangle R2(W2, H2), and ifso how can you find at least one an actual placement (there can be more than one ways to place R1 insideR2). (Note that the problems of placing a circle inside a rectangle and of placing a rectangle inside a circleare easy.) First, show that if D1 = D2, where Di is the length of the diagonal of Ri , then the only way R1

can be placed inside R2 is R1 = R2, i.e., W1 = W2 (and hence H1 = H2).

2. Homework: Consider again the car-repair problem, where now we hav e two repair-men. Suppose wehave four cars C1, C2, C3, and C4 with the repair-times 7, 2, 6, and 1 respectively. Show all possiblerepair-schedules (who repairs which cars and in what order) which has the minimum total lost-servicetime; the person who repairs C1, call him A and call the other person B.

− What do you think (guess) is the general rule for creating the best repair-schedule?

− If there are 2n cars and two repair men, what is the number of optimal repair-schedules?

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3. Homework: How to compute the successive permutations of 1, 2, ⋅⋅⋅, n in the lexicographic order?

Given two permutations p = (p1, p2, ⋅⋅⋅, pn) and q = (q1, q2, ⋅⋅⋅, qn), we say p < q if for the leftmost posi-tion i where pi ≠ qi , we hav e pi < qi . The lexicographic ordering of the permutations for n = 3 is

(1, 2, 3) < (1, 3, 2) < (2, 1, 3) < 2, 3, 1) < (3, 1, 2) < (3, 2, 1)

For n = 9, what is the first permutation p that starts with (4, 3, 1, 9, 6, ....) and what is the one next to it,and the one next to that? Also, what is the one previous to p? Show the pseudocode for computing thepermutation which is next to a given permutation ( p1, p2, ⋅⋅⋅, pn).

Jan 21

• Discuss homework problems for NextPermutation(numItems), two-person car repair scheduling, rectangleplacement, and programming of NextBinString(length, numOnes).

• The Algorithms for NextBinString(length), NextBinString(length, numOnes), and NextPermuta-tion(numItems) have the following common form although they differ in the details of each of the threesteps.

1. Find the rightmost place where a change occurs.2. Make the change at that place3. Make the change to its right.

• Problem random generation of a binary string of length n:

1. Save all the strings in a file.2. Create a random number 0 ≤ k < numStrings.3. Select kth string.

Problem too much time to compute all of them and too much storage to save. Better approach

Compute successive bits of the string with suitable probability.

• Algorithm for random permutation;

1. For (each 0 ≤ i < numItems) choose randomly an item from 0, 1, 2, ⋅⋅⋅, n − 1which is different from previous items.

An implementation (very inefficient):

1. permutation[0] = random()%numItems;2. for (i=1; i<numItems; i++) 3. do item = random()%numItems;4. for (j=0; j<i; j++)5. if (permutation[j] == item) break;6. while (j < i);7. permutation[i] = item;8.

Better idea: keep track of remaining items and choose one at random from the remaining items.

• Homework+Program: Find a better way and compare the average number of times random() is called forgenerating 106 cases of random permutations for numItems = 50. Also, show the details for numItems = 4and 5 different runs of RandomPermutation(4), show the sequence of random items generated by the brute-force method as each new permutation[i] is determined, the final permutation, and the counts of random()in each case.

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• A variation of car-repair problem that can be solved in the same way: we have customers lined up in a shopto get some service, and we want to serve them in a way that reduce their total weight time.

Now we can introduce some probability that a customer may leave at any time based on an (say) exponen-tial distribution, i.e., a customer leaves within a time period t with probability 1 − x t and the probability x t

that he does not leave (where x = e−λ for some λ > 0, i.e., 0 < x < 1). Then what is the best order-of-ser-vice to maximize the profit, i.e., the amount of service that can be provided.

− If we have just two customers with d1 = 2 and d2 = 6, then the processing order ⟨C2, C1⟩ is optimalwith the expected extra return [8x6 + 6. (1 − x6)] − [8x2 + 2. (1 − x2)] ≥ 0 for all 0 < x = e−λ < 1.

• If you have two repair-men, then what is the optimal distribution of the work between them for the di-val-ues 2, 6, 7, 11, 13?

• A generalization to the case of a precedence constraints among the tasks.

Suppose I have 6 pieces of tools A, B, ⋅⋅⋅, F in my machine shops which need repair. Also, some of thetools themselves are needed to repair some of the other tools as shown below; here, tool A is needed torepair both the tools C and D (as indicated by the links (A, C) and (A, D) respectively). The number nextto each node is the time needed to repair that tool.

A:3 B:4

C:2 D:1 E:7

F :5

Here two of the many possible repair-sequence are: ⟨A, B, C, D, E, F⟩ and ⟨B, A, C, D, E, F⟩.

Here, the best repair-sequence is: ⟨A, C, B, D, E, F⟩.

You always repair the tool which has no precedence constraint (i.e., is not waiting for some other tool to berepaired) and which has the smallest repair time.

Set of tools ready for repair A: 3, B: 4 B: 4, C: 2 B: 4 D: 1, E: 7 E: 7 F : 5Best choice A C B D E F

• Homework: Find 5 different repair-sequences and the associated total lost-time for each of them. Howmany repair-sequences are there?

− How do you compute the number of possible repair-sequences for a general precedence digraph;




























− We can use a shortest-path computation on the digraph below to get the best repair-sequence. The link(Si , S j) connecting node Si to S j corresponds to the repair job for tool Tk ∈ S j − Si , and the cost of thelink is dk .(N − |S j |), which is the total contribution to the delay for repair of the remaining N − |S j |tools.

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Below each node we show the shortest-path length from the node ∅.



15A: 3.5=15



B: 4.5=20



B: 4.4=16

A: 3.4=12



C: 2.4=8


28E: 7.4=28



C: 2.3=6

B: 4.3=12ABD


D: 1.3=3



E: 7.3=21

A: 3.3=9



D: 1.2=2

C: 2.2=4



E: 7.2=14

C: 2.2=4



E: 7.2=14

D: 1.2=2



E: 7.1=7

C: 2.1=2

D: 1.1=1


53F : 5.1=5



F : 5.0=0

C: 2.0=0

• What is the basic assumption in sorting: there is a linear order among the items to be sorted.

− We hav e seen linear ordering og numbers, strings, and permutations.

− Can we use the linear order of binary strings of length 3 to provide a linear order on subsets of a, b,c? What happens if we associate a with the leftmost bit, b with middle bit, and c with rightmost bitand map 010 → b, 101 → a, c, and so on giving

c < b < a < b, c < a, c < a, b < a, b, c.

• Following is a pseudocode for Insertion-sort Algorithm, where we have used recursion; here, numItems =#(items to be sorted) = size(input array). Here, you know nothing of the final result until the very end.

1. If (numItems = 1) then stop.2. Otherwise, sort the first (numItems-1) items from the input and insert the last item.

For the initial input array [7, 2, 6, 1], the recursion proceeds as follows:

[7, 2, 6, 1]

[7, 2, 6]

[7, 2]



→ insert 2 in [7]: [7, 2] → [2, 7]

[2, 7]

→ insert 6 in [2, 7]: [2, 7, 6] → [2, 6, 7]

[2, 6, 7]

→ insert 1 in [2, 6, 7]: [2, 6, 7, 1] → [2, 6, 1, 7] → [2, 1, 6, 7] → [1, 2, 6, 7]

Lots of data-movements: [7, 2, 6, 1] → [2, 7, 6, 1] → [2, 6, 7, 1] → [2, 6, 1, 7] → [2, 1, 6, 7] → [1, 2, 6, 7].

Worst case: 1 + 2 + 3 + ⋅⋅⋅ + (n − 1) =n(n − 1)

2, arising for input [7, 6, 2, 1]; same for the number of com-

parisons. Best case: #(data movements) = 0 and #(comparisons) = n − 1.

Indeed, you can use a for loop:

1. For (i = 1 to numItems − 1)insert nums[i] among nums[0..i-1] so that nums[0..i] are sorted.

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Insertion: pseudocode and implementation (where steps (1)-(2) are combined):

Pseudocode: 1. Find the position 0 ≤ j ≤ i for nums[i].2. If ( j < i) then move items in nums[ j. . (i − 1)] one position right (save nums[i] before this)

and place nums[i] in position j.

Implementation: 1. for (j=i-1; j>=0; j--)2. if (nums[j+1] > nums[j]) break; //>=3. else interchange nums[j+1] and nums[j];

• Selection Sort: Here, you do know part of the final output at the intermediate phases (unlike insertion-sort).This is iterative from the output point of view while insertion-sort iterative from an approximation view-point). The recursive form below applies recursion after some preliminary computation (cf. insertion-sort)

1. If (numItems = 1) do nothing.2. Otherwise, Find the largest item and interchange it with the items[numItems-1], if necessary,

and then apply the method recursively to items[0..numItems-2].

For input array [2, 7, 1, 6], the recursion proceeds as shown below.

[2, 7, 6, 1]→ max-item = nums[1] = 7→ after interchange [2, 1, 6, 7]

[2, 1, 6]→ max-item = nums[2] = 6→ (no interchange) [2, 1, 6]


[1, 2, 6]

→ [1, 2, 6, 7]

Few data-movements here: maximum of 1 per each recursion’s own direct computation. Worst case: n − 1.

The number of comparisons is always (n − 1) + (n − 2) + ⋅⋅⋅ + 3 = 2 + 1 =n(n − 1)


• Merge sort:

1. If (numItems == 1) do nothing.2. Otherwise divide input into two equal (or close to equal) halves (first half size ≤ second half size).

and sort each part.3. Merge the two sorted part.

Show with an example of 8 items that merging may take longer if we divide into 2/3 and 1/3 parts insteadof into 1/2 and 1/2.

An extreme case of this division into first n − 1 and the last item gives insertion sort.

• Homework. For the input nums[0..3] = [7, 2, 6, 1], show the sequence of successive value-pairs comparedin the insertion-sort Algorithm (instead of writing the pair as (nums[0], nums[1]), write (7,2) and not (2,7)). Also, show the whole nums-array every time some data-movement takes place in the array. In whatinput situation, we have the maximum number of data-movements (give an example for an array of 5items)? In what input situation, we have the maximum number of comparisons (give example)?

• Homework. Give a recursion-based pseudocode (not C-code) for insertion-sort. Imagine that you aredoing this to develop a program later for the function InsertionSort(int *nums, int numItems). Show thesuccessive calls that will be made for the initial input nums[0..3] = [7, 2, 6, 1].

• ONUS. Use the above piece of code to create a function GenRandomPermutation(int numItems), whichprints all the successive random items generated and putting a ’*’ next to an item when it becomes part ofthe permutation (you can put all the values of item in a line). It should also count the total number of

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random numbers generated in creating a random permutation. Show the detailed output for 5 calls to thefunction for numItems = 4. Finally, show the average value of count for 5 calls to the function fornumItems = 100000 (don’t show the details of random items generated for these permutations).

• Homework: Show a similar pseudocode for a recursive form of Selection-sort Algorithm and show itscall-return tree and the computations for the input [7, 2, 6, 1].

Feb 09

• 2-3 tree: An ordered rooted tree, whose nodes are labeled by items from a linear ordered set (like numbers)with the following properties (T.1()-(T.3) and (L.1)-(L.3). Shown below are few small 2-3 trees.

1 1,2 2

1 3

min numberof labels = 3


1,2 4,5

max numberof labels = 5


1 3 5

min numberof labels = 5


1,2 4,5 7,8

max numberof labels = 8

(T.1) Each node has exactly one parent, except the root

(T.2) It is height balanced: all terminal nodes are at the same distance from the root.

(T.3) Each non-terminal node has either 2 children or 3 children.

(L.1) A node x with 2 children has one label, label1(x), with the properties:

labels(TL(x)) < label1(x) where TL(x) is left-subtree at x,label1(x) < labels(TR(x)) where TR(x) is right-subtree at x

(L.2) A node x with 3 children has two labels, label1(x) < label2(x), with the properties:

labels(TL(x)) < label1(x) where TL(x) is left-subtree at x,label1(x) < labels(TM (x)) < label2(x) where TM (x) is middle-subtree at x

label2(x) < labels(TR(x)) where TR(x) is right-subtree at x

(L.3) A terminal node may have one label or two labels.

• Example of 2-3 trees with different number of terminal nodes:

#(terminal-nodes)= 1

#(terminal-nodes)= 2

#(terminal-nodes)= 3

#(terminal-nodes)= 4

#(terminal-nodes)= 5

#(terminal-nodes)= 5

#(terminal-nodes)= 6

#(terminal-nodes)= 6

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Feb 11

• How many ways can the 2-3 tree on left can arise? There are 12 ways, i.e., 12 possible input sequences(permutations of 1, 2, 3, 4) that gives this 2-3 tree. The only other 2-3 tree with the labels 1, 2, 3, 4 isalso obtained in 12 ways, covering 12 + 12 = 24 = 4! permutations of 1, 2, 3, 4.


1,2 4

• It came from a 3 node 2-3 tree (of the same shape) − why? The 3-node 2-3tree can be only one of the fol-lowing, and by adding 2 to the first tree and 1 to the second tree we get the above tree.


1 4


1,2 4

add 23

2 4


1,2 4

add 1

• How many ways we get the first 2-3 tree above? there are 6 ways, i.e, from 6 different permutations of 1,3, 4 and they all come from 3 different one-node 2-3 tree.

• Homework: Show all possible structure of 2-3 tree with 5 terminal nodes and 6 terminal nodes. Also,label the nodes of each with the numbers 1, 2, 3, ⋅⋅⋅ for the case of minimum number of data items in thenodes and also for the case of maximum number of data items in the nodes.

• Homework. Show that the following 2-3 trees arise from 48 and 72 (total = 120 = 5!) permutations of 1,2, ⋅⋅⋅, 5. In each case, they come from a 3-node 2-3 tree.


1,2 4,5


1 3 5

• Homework. What additional information we could at each node of 2-3 tree if we want to quickly find thekey-value of the ith smallest item? Show how you will use that to determine the 9th item in the following2-3 tree (k1 < k2 < ⋅⋅⋅).



k1, k2 k4

k8, k11

k6, k7 k9, k10 k12

• How to choose the probability for successive bits in the binary string of length n and numOnes m?

Probability Problem

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1. Prob(0) = 1/2 for each position All binary strings of a given length2. Prob(0) depends on position n′ = remainingLength, Binary strings of a given length and numOnes

and m′ = remainingNumOnes (prob(0) = Cn′−1m′ /Cn′

m′)3. Depends on position n′ = #(remaining symbols) Permutations

prob(s) = 1/n′ for each remaining symbols

The case of length n = 4, numOnes m = 2, and numStrings N = 6:

string: ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅(n=4, m=2, N=6)

string: 0 ⋅ ⋅ ⋅(n=3, m=2, N=3)

prob = 1/2

string: 0 0 ⋅ ⋅(n=2, m=2, N=1)

prob = 1/2

string: 0 0 1 1prob = 1

string: 0 1 ⋅ ⋅(n=2, m=1, N=2)

prob = 2/3 ⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅

string: 1 ⋅ ⋅ ⋅(n=3, m=2, N=3)

prob = 1/2 ⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅

Feb 18 CA: circle at (0,0) CB: circle at CA+(x,0); line -> from CA to CB chop CC: circle at CA+(x/2,-y); line-> from CA to CC chop # CA: circle at CA+(x2,0) CB: circle at CA+(x,0); line -> from CA to CB chop CC:circle at CA+(x/2,-y); line -> from CC to CA chop "(i) The three acyclic digraphs on" "n = 3 nodes and 2links." at CC.s-(0,z) # CA: circle at CA+(x2,0) CB: circle at CA+(x,0); line -> from CB to CA chop CC: circleat CA+(x/2,-y); line -> from CC to CA chop # CA: circle at CA+(x2+x,0) CB: circle at CA+(x,0); line -> fromCA to CB chop CC: circle at CA+(x/2,-y); line -> from CA to CC chop; line -> from CB to CC chop "(ii) Theacyclic digraphs on" "n = 3 nodes and maximum number links 3." at CC.s-(0,z)

• Giv en an acyclic digraph, finding #(paths from x to y).

Method #1: Assume that we have computed indegree of each node.

(1) Initialize the stack by adding each source-node to it.

(2) For each node z, initialize p(z) = #(paths from source-nodes to z) = 0. Also, initialize p(x) = 1.

(3) Do the following until indegree(y) = 0:

(a) Let z = top(stack); remove z from stack.

(b) For each node w in adjList(z), reduce indegree(w) by 1 and if indegree(w) = 0 thenadd it to stack. Also, add p(z) to p(w).

• Homework. Show in the table form how the topological sorting would proceed on the same digraph withthe nodes A, B, ..., G (which we looked at before Mardi Gras holidays) when we use a queue instead ofa stack to keep the current nodes of indegree 0 that have not been processed yet. (This might give a differ-ent topological sorting/ordering than the one using a stack.)

Suppose we write a queue in the form <A, B, C>, where C is the head of the queue and A is the tail. Thenadding D to the queue would give <D, A, B, C>, D being the new tail. If we want to take an item of thequeue out, then we have to take the head-item C out and this would make the new queue <D, A, B>.

Your table should show the queue (with head on right and tail on left), the node selected, the updated inde-grees, and the new topological ordering. This is similar to the table we made using the stack for topologi-cal ordering.

Depth-First Search

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• Depth-first search of a graph and its applications:

(1) finding an xy-path,(2) finding if the graph is connected,(3) finding a cut-vertex,(4) finding a bicomponent, etc.

• Giv en any spanning tree of a connected graph and having chosen any node as the root, the non-tree edgescan be classified as back-edges and cross-edges.

− If there are no cross-edges then we can think of the tree as a depth-first tree.

− If there are no back-edges then we can think of the tree as a breadth-first tree. (This is also the tree ofshortest paths from the root, with 0/1 weights for the edges; some of the cross edges may representalternative shortest paths.)

− If we disregard the ordering of the children of a node, then there is just one df-tree and one bf-tree foreach choice of root node.

− Thus, all but n + n spanning trees are neither df-trees and nor bf-trees.

− A df-tree is a bf-tree if and only if the graph has no cycles.

• Connected graph: there is a path between any pair of nodes x and y (y ≠ x).





(i) A connected graphon nodes A, B, ⋅⋅⋅, E.




(ii) A disconnected graphon nodes A, B, ⋅⋅⋅, F.

• Homework. Is it true that "if there is path from some node z to every other node, then there is a pathbetween every pair of nodes"? Why is this result important (in determining connectivity of a graph)?

• Cut-vertex x:

removal of x and its adjacent edges destroys all paths (one or more) between some pair ofnodes y and z; we say x separates y and z.

In this case every path from y to z has to go through x, and thus #(acyclic path from y to z) = #(acyclicpaths from y to x) × #(acyclic paths from x to z).

• B and C are the only cut-vertices in the first graph; the other graph has no cut-vertex.

• Homework. What is the minimum edges that need to be added to the first graph so that it has no cut-ver-tex.

• Depth first search of a connected graph:

(1) Depends on the start-vertex and the ordering of nodes in the adjacency-list of nodes.(2) Produces an ordered rooted tree, with root = start-vertex; it is called the depth first tree.

The children of a node are ordered from left to right in the order they are visited.(3) Each non-tree edge creates a cycle in the graph.(4) Each edge (x, y) of the graph is visited twice:

once in the direction x to y and once in the direction y to x.

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GH A/1

B/2 H /8

C/3 E/5

F /6



Stack (top Current df Edge back/tree andon right) node label processed visit#

⟨A⟩ A 1 (A, B) tree, visit #1⟨A, B⟩ 2 B (B, C) tree, visit #1

• Cross-edge and back-edge:There are no cross-edges in the df-tree; each edge joins a a node with a parent or with an ancestor.(x, y) is a back edge if dfLabel(x) > dfLabel(y) and y ≠ parent(x)

• The start-vertex is a cut-vertex if and only if it has more than one child.

• Homework. Show in a similar table form the result of depth first processing when each adjacency-list isordered in the reverse of alphabetical-list.

• Homework. For the graph below, show all possible depth-first trees that may arise if we change the stat-vertex and order the adjacency list in different ways.

• BONUS Consider the depth-first tree shown above. Show the maximum possible number of back edges.Is there any cut-vertices if all those edges are present in the graph?

Mar 09

• Algorithm DepthFirstTraverse:

Use the following local data structures and variables in the function. (You could add parent-information tothe structure GraphNode if the depth-first tree is to be used later for some other purpose.)

lastDfLabel: 0 initially; it is incremented by one before assigning to a node.dfLabels[0..numNodes-1]: each dfLabels[i] = 0 initially.

nextToVisit[0..numNodes-1]: each nextToVisit[i] = 0 initially; nextToVisit[i] giv es the posi-tion of the item in adjList of node i that is to be visited nextfrom node i, i.e., the next link to visit from node i is link (i,j), where j = nodes[i].adjList[nextToVisit[i]].

stack[0..numNodes-1]: initialized with the startNode; recall that this gives the path inthe depth-first tree from the root to the current node.

parents[0..numNodes-1]: parents[i] is the parent of node i.

Pseudocode: //it has a little bug; find this out as you create the program and test it, and then fix the bug.

1. Initialize lastDfLabel, dfLabels-array, parents-array, nextToVisit-array, the stack; also, let parent[cur-rentNode] = currentNode (or -1).

2. While (stack ≠ empty) do the following:

(a) Let currentNode = top(stack); update lastDfLabel and let dfLabels[currentNode] = lastDfLabel.

(b) If (nextToVisit[currentNode] = degree[currentNode]) then backtrack by throwing away top ofstack and go back to step (2).

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(c) Otherwise, let nextNode = the node in position nextToVisit[currentNode] in adjList of currentN-ode, and update nextToVisit[currentNode].

(c) [Classify the type of the link (currentNode, nextNode) as follows

(1) tree-edge: if dfLabels[nextNode] = 0; in this case, let parent[nextNode] = currentNode andadd nextNode to stack.

(2) back-edge: if (dfLabels[nextNode] < dfLabels[currentNode]) and (nextNode ≠ parents[cur-rentNode])

(3) second visit: otherwise.

• Program. Create the function DepthFirstTraverse(int startNode) and show the output for the graph con-sidered in the class with startNode 0 = A and startNode 1 = B. Create your datafile using the format weused for digraph, except that now node j will appear in the adjacency list of i if i appears in the adjacencylist of j; keep the adjacency lists sorted in increasing order. For a graph, inDegree(i) = outDegree(i) =degree(i) for each node i. The function DepthFirstTraverse should produce one line of output for each linkprocessed, and a separate line from backtracking and every time stack is modified. A possible output maylook like:

stack = [0], node 0, dfLabel = 1link = (0, 1), tree-edgestack = [0 1], node = 1, dfLabel = 2link = (1, 0), 2nd-visitlink = (1, 2), tree-edgestack = [0 1 2], node = 2, dfLabel = 3link = (2, 0), back-edgelink = (2, 1),‘2nd-visitbacktrack from 2 to parent(2) = 1stack = [0 1]⋅⋅⋅

Mar 11

• 3rd quiz.

• Breadth first traversal of a connected graph

Breadth first Depth firstbreadth-first spanning tree (BFT) depth-first spanning tree (DFT)

rooted ordered tree rooted ordered treetree-edges and cross-edges tree-edges and back-edges

cross-edges limited to levels differing by ≤ 1 back-edges between levels differing by ≥ 2no backtracking backtracking

whole tree need to be maintained backtracked nodes can be deleted from the treeBFT tree tends to be "wide" DFT tends to be "tall"

each edge visited twice each edge visited twiceO(|E |) O(|E |)

Mar 16

• Computing all paths in a graph from a start-node (reset dfLabel(x) = 0 when you backtrack from x ≠ start-node and reset the nextItemSeenFromAdjListToProcess(x) at the beginning of adjList(x)).

(1) For x ≠ start-node, #(occurrences of x in the new dfTree) = #(acyclic paths from start-node to x).

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(2) P = #(path from i to j in Kn) = (n − 2)!1 +






3!+ ⋅⋅⋅ +


(n − 2)!

≈ e(n − 2)!.

(3) #(occurrences of a node i in the new dfTree(1)) = P, except for i = 1 = root.(4) #(tree edges in the new dfTree(1)) = T (n) = (n − 1)P = (n − 1)T (n − 1) + (n − 1), with T (1) = 0 and T (2) = 1.

This gives, T (n) = (n − 1)! + n(n − 1) / 2 = O((n − 1)!) for n ≥ 2.

• Check if there is a hamiltonian cycle by depth first search

• Compute the number of topological sorting.

• Minimum spanning tree by Prim’s Algorithm.

Mar 18

• Minimum weight spanning tree of a weighted graph.

− Number of trees on n nodes is nn−2, too large to create them, find their weights, and choose the mini-mum.

− Need a more direct way.

+ Start with a spanning tree and keep modifying it when its weight cannot be reduced any more.

+ Build a spanning tree slowly by adding a edge to an existing tree so that it ends up with a MST.

• The first approach:

1. Build a spanning tree T (start at any node and do a depth-first traversal).

2. Sort the edges in increasing (non-decreasing) link weights: e1, e2, ⋅⋅⋅, em.

3. For each edge e1, e2, ⋅⋅⋅ do the following:

(a) If ei is not in the current spanning tree T and its weight is the not least weight in the cycle Cin T + ei , then add ei and remove the maximum weight link in C.

Problem: takes too much computation for detecting the cycles for various ei (although each time we candetect the cycle in T + ei).

• Homework. If ei = (xi , yi) where will you begin depth-first search of T + ei to detect the cycle?

• Pseudocode for second approach: Prim’s Algorithm.

1. Choose a start-node x0 and let T consists of just this node.

2. Repeat the following n − 1 times:

(a) Add a new node xi (i = 1, 2, ⋅⋅⋅, n − 1) and connect it to T via an edge (xi , yi), where yi ∈ Tsuch that this is the least cost edge connecting T to the outside.

Selecting xi and (xi , yi):

1. For each xi ∉ T , find the best link (xi , yi) connecting xi to T .

2. Find the link with minimum weight among all (xi , yi). This gives both xi and (xi , yi).

Mar 23

• Homeworks.

1. Show in a table form (as indicated below) the steps and the trees in Prim’s Algorithm; here, the secondcolumn shows the starting node. Note that once a node is added to T the column for that node for theremainder of the table will not have any entry (indicated by ’−’ below). Use the following input graph.

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A B1


4 2








Node Best link connecting current T to nodes not in T and weight of that linkaddedto T A=startNode B C D E ⋅⋅⋅A −⋅⋅⋅ −⋅⋅⋅ −⋅⋅⋅ −⋅⋅⋅ −

2. What effects do we have on an MST (minimum weight spanning tree) when we reduce each link-weight by some constant c (which might make some link-weights < 0)?

• Program:

1. Write a function PrimMinimumSpanningTree(startNode) to construct an MST for a weighted graph.The output should show the following, with #(output lines) = #(nodes in the connected input graph).

(a) The start-node.

(b) For each successive line, a list of the triplets of the form (xi , yi , w(xi , yi)) for each node xi

not in the current tree T , where (xi , yi) is the current best link connecting xi to T .

Follow this by the node selected for adding to T .

Pseudocode for processing the links from the node x added to T :

1. For each y in adjList(x) do the following:

(a) If y is not in T , then update bestLinkFrom(y) = x if w(y, bestLinkFrom(y)) >w(y, x).


(a) Use an array bestLinkFrom[0..(n − 1)], where n = #(nodes), and initialize each bestLink-From[i] = −1 to indicate that the best link is not known. For the start-node, let bestLink-From[startNode] = startNode.

This is the array that is returned by the function.

(b) Use another array inTree[0..(n − 1)], with inTree[i] = 1 meaning that i is in T and = 0 other-wise.

(c) The input-file graph.dat now should give the link weights as indicated below, where eachitem in the adjacency-list is followed by the link-weight in parentheses.

0 (3): 1(1) 2(4) 4(1) /for node A = 0 in the graph shown above

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• Questions on Prim’s Algorithm:

− When do we process a link (x, y)?

− What does the processing of (x, y) inv olve?

− What is the complexity of processing (x, y)?

− What is the complexity of Prim’s Algorithm?

− What is the main data structures needed for implementing Prim’s Algorithm?

• Shortest paths in a weighted digraph, with w(x, y) ≥ 0 for Dijkstra’s Algorithm.

Apr 01

• Longest path in a acyclic weighted digraph (weights can be −ve):

− Comparison with Dijkstra’s shortest-path algo.

+ Unlike Dijkstra’s algo, we need to look at all incoming links to y before we can find a longest-pathto y.

+ It process a link (x, y) only after it finds a longest path to x

+ Subpath of a longest-path is also a longest-path between its end points.

− It has complexity O(|E |), similar to topological sorting Algorithm.

− It is in many ways similar (with some variation) to topological sorting.

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• Pseudocode for longestPath(startNode).

It use following array data-structures:

d(x) = current longest path to x from startNodeparent(x) = the node previous to x on the current longest path to x; parent(startNode) = startNode

indegree(x) = number of links to x not yet looked at; it changes during the Algorithm

1. Preprocess the input digraph to make the startNode the only source-node:

(a) Compute indegree(x) for each node x.

(b) Initialize a stack with all source-nodes, if any, which are different from startNode (whichmay or may not be a source-node).

(c) While (stack ≠ empty) do the following:

(i) Let x = top(stack); remove x from stack.

(ii) For (each y ∈ adjList(x)) reduce indegree(y) by 1 and if it equals 0 then add y tostack.

2. Initialize a stack with startNode, let d(x) = −∞ and parent(x) = −1 for each node x with indegree(x) >0, and finally let d(startNode) = 0 and parent(startNode) = startNode. (You can take −∞ to be a num-ber which is minus of the sum of absolute values of all link-costs.)

3. While (stack ≠ empty) do the following:

(a) Let x = top(stack); remove x from stack.

(b) For (each y ∈ adjList(x)) do:

(i) If (d(x) + w(x, y) > d(y)), then let d(y) = d(x) + w(x, y) and parent(y) = x.

(ii) Reduce indegree(y) by 1 and if it equals 0 then add y to stack and also print thelongest-path to y from startNode using the successive parent-links and print thecost of this path.

• Program. Develop a function LongestPath(int startNode) and test it with the digraph below. Show theoutput in a reasonable form (you have seen enough examples of proper outputs) for startNode = A. In par-ticular, every time d(y) for some node y is updated, print a separate line of the form "d(3) = 2, parent(2) =0" to show the new d(y) and its parent. (You can start with your topological sorting program and modify itappropriately.)













5 −4

• Homework. Show the details (in the table form) the computations in Prim’s Algorithm to construct anMST for the graph on the nodes shown below (given next to each node vi are its x and y coordinates in theplane), where the link (vi , v j) has cost equal to the Euclidean distance between vi and v j . Assume thestart-node is v1. (Most of you did not do this problem right in the Quiz.)

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3,1 v4

3,2 v5

4,3 v6

5,2 v7

5,1 v8

• Find a suitable acyclic weighted digraph so that if we compute the longest between some pairs of nodes ofthis digraph then we will get the longest increasing subsequence (LIS) for the input sequence <4, 1, 3, 8, 5,7, 13, 6>. Your method for constructing the digraph must be general enough that it will can be used forany input sequence for finding an LIS. Show your digraph, the longest path in your digraph, and the asso-ciated longest increasing subsequence.

Apr 15

• Huffman tree/Huffman code: assigning prefix-free codes to a set of symbols with given probabilities.

− Alphabet Σ = a non-empty finite set of symbols; word is a finite non-empty string of symbols in Σ.

− Code(x) = code of symbol x ∈ Σ = a binary string; code(x1 x2⋅⋅⋅xn) = code(x1).code(x2)⋅⋅⋅code(xn).

− Example. Let Σ = A, B, C, D, E.

A B‘ C D E Prefix-property

000 001 010 011 100 code(AAB) = 000000001; yeseasy to decode

0 01 001 0001 00001 code(C) = code(AB) = 001; nonot always possible to uniquely decode

1 01 001 0001 00001 yes1 10 100 1000 10000 no

− Some requirements:

1. Each binary string has at most one possible decoding.2. It should be possible to do the decoding from the left, i.e. as the symbols are received.

− A sufficient condition for both (1)-(2) the that the codes satisfy prefix property:

No code(x) is the prefix of another code(y) for x and y ∈ Σ.In particular, code(x) ≠ code(y).

− A code with prefix-property can be represented as the terminal nodes of a binary tree with 0 = label(leftbranch) and 1 = label(right branch).









0 1 1


10 0

0 1 0 1

0 1

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• Homework. Consider the codes shows below.


000 001 011 10 110

(a) Arrange the codes in a binary tree form, with 0 = label(leftbranch) and 1 = label(rightbranch).

(b Is it true that the codes has the prefix-property? How do you decode the string 10110001000?

(c) Modify the above code (keeping the prefix property) so that the new code will have less averagelength no matter what the probabilities of the symbols are. Show the binary tree for the new code.

(d) What are the two key properties of the new binary tree (hint: compare with your answer for part (a))?

(e) Give a suitable probability for the symbols such that prob(A) < prob(B) < prob(C) < prob(D) <prob(E) and the new code in part (c) is optimal (minimum aver. length) for those probabilities.

Apr 20

• Floyd’s Algorithm for shortest-path computation for all (xi , x j) node pairs.

− The digraph may have -ve link costs; in that case, Dijkstra’s Algorithm cannot be used.

If there is a cycle with -ve cost, then shortest-paths between nodes in the cycle are not defined.

− Total complexity is O(N 3) for all node-pairs, which is comparable to O(N 2) for shortest-path from afixed start-point to all other nodes in Dijkstra’s Algorithm.

− Number of path-lengths computed = O(N 3), one corresponding to the computation ofF k−1(i, k) + F k−1(k, j) for each 1 ≤ i, j ≤ N and 0 ≤ k ≤ N .

Per node pair (i, j), we compute O(N ) = N + 1 path lengths including the path ⟨xi , x j⟩.

This means most of the loop-free e(N − 2) xi x j-paths are not looked at.

• F k(i, j) = the shortest xi x j-path length where only intermediate nodes are x1, x2, ⋅⋅⋅, xk.

(1) F0(i, j) = c(xi , x j)(2) F k(i, j) = min F k−1(i, j), F k−1(i, k) + F k−1(k, j)(3) F N (i, j) = the final shortest xi x j-path length.

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• How will you create a sorted list of the key in a 2-3 tree? Preorder traversal where at a node withone label you do

list-left-subtree, list-node-label, list-right-subtree

and for a node with two labels do

list-left-subtree, list-first-node-label, list-middle-tree, list-second-node-label, list-right-subtree

• What is the connection between variance and the sum (ai − a j)2, summed over all 1 ≤ i, j ≤ n for a

given collection of numbers ai?

• Find the next binary string of a given length n.

• Homework Find the smallest pair of numbers from nums[1..n] whose average is closest to 0.

• Homework Find three numbers from nums[1..n] whose standard deviation is minimum.

• Syntactic and semantic organization of data and operations.

data organization(syntactic/semantic)

homogeneous non-homogeneous


linear(array, linked-list)

stack queue


graph anddigraphtree





2-3 tree(search





− Lists and arrays are of homogeneous data-units, where that data-unit can be any thing (homoge-neous or not).

This covers the case of lists of pointers to different classes in a common hierarchy in C++because all those pointers are in a sense considered of the same type, namely, a pointer for thetop record in the hierarchy.

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operation organization(within a function)

syntactic(= flowchart) semantic

iterative divide &conquer





• What doe the following equal to247801×7125 − 247801×7025

• How do you represent an arithmetic expression like a − b * 3 and (a − b) * 3, how do you build the tree,and how do you systematically simplify (bottom-up) it for given values of the variables a and b?

a *

b 3


a b


• What do you call a tree of the type shown below?


2 6

1 3


• Why do we call it binary? What is a non-binary tree − have we seen any yet? Why do we call it a search-tree?

• So how would you define a binary search tree?

• What is the main use of such a tree?

• Can you label the nodes of the binary tree below with the numbers 1, 2, ⋅⋅⋅, 8 to make it a binary search-tree? Is the labeling unique?

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• Show two different inputs that can give rise to this tree? How many inputs are there?

• What are the most basic elements that we compute?numbers, strings, images (colors and positions of dots), other displays (strings and images).

Each of them may have different meanings; number = age, weight, salary, temperature, height of a binarytree, length of a string.

• What is an Algorithm?A finite sequence of basic computation-steps and three other operations:

inputs, outputs, and control-flow.

• What are the steps in computing the average of three input numbers a, b, and c.

• Are there different ways (Algorithms, methods) of the computing average?

• In how many ways can one method be better than the other?time-wise, memory-wise, simplicity-wise.

• Algorithm Design: organizing computations for maximum efficiency and the best solution.

• In-Class: Give an Algorithm for new International Students to go to Allen Hall from Student Union.

• Since computation needs data, organization of data for efficient access becomes important.

• Consider a program P using the data-organization on the left below. If we replace the data-organization bythe one on the right, do we have to make any change in P? Is there then any reason to prefer one to theother? (Yes, the left one takes 4 + 3*8 = 28 and right one takes 3*(4+8) = 36) Why?

typedef struct typedef struct char grade, grade2, grade3; char grade;double score, score2, score3; double score;

First; char grade2;double score2;char grade3;double score3;


• How many different structure definitions are there involving three chars and three doubles that would givedifferent memory mappings? How many of them give total size 36 bytes (note that every structure addressbegins at a multiple of 4 bytes and is of size a multiple of 4 bytes)?

• This course will emphasize data-structure concepts and their applications in efficient program develop-ment.

− Data Structure for better efficiency (linked lists of different kinds, trees) and better organization of datafor visibility and naming (struct-construction).

− Want clear program, with pseudocodes; main-functions is to primarily call other functions and set val-ues of global variables.

− Use for-loop when the control variable is updated in a regular fashion.

• Write the code for firstPositiveItemIndex(int *items, int numItems); if there are no positive items then itreturns -1.

1. look at items[0], items[1], ... and stop as soon asa positive item is found.

2. if found then return index of the itemelse return -1.

for (i=0; i<numItems; i++)if (items[i] > 0) break

if (i < numItems) return(i);

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else return(-1);

What is an alternate way of writing the if-then-else statement? (replace "break" by "return(i)")

• Modify it so that each call will find the successive positive item’s index, and call the new function nextPos-itiveItemIndex; if we call it after it returns -1, then it should again restart the cycle by finding the first posi-tive item’s index. Note that if there is any change in items or numItems, then the search will start withitems[0]. Should we find all the positive items and save it in a separate array?

− The complexity of computing partial sums of items[.] and items[.][.].

• Measuring efficiency via instrumentation of InsertionSort.

− Need to generate random permutation or all permutations. How to do it?

1. Find the term to be increased, find the new value, and adjust values to its right.

2. Repeat the above till the sequence is ⟨n, n − 1, ⋅⋅⋅, 3, 2, 1⟩

− Measure average number of comparisons and data-movements

• Finding a subset of m ≤ n items from a list of n (distinct) items which are most closely packed, i.e., havesmallest variance.

Jan 14

• Acyclic digraphs, source-nodes, sink-nodes, and topological sorting, pseudocode.

Homeworks: how many ways can you top-sort; tree of all possibilities (not a binary tree); draw the tree with all ter-minal nodes placed on a line with equal spacing between them.

− each node of the tree shows the nodes that can be laid off (including the the most recent child to be created).

− each link of the tree shows what is being laid off.


b c


e f


• Input file design.

• Program: Write a program to obtain topological sort.

Jan 19

• Comparison of tree and digraph (digraph instead of graph because direction of links being a common feature betweenthem).

Rooted Tree T Digraph G

1. Made of nodes and directed links Made of nodes and directed links2. For n nodes, #(links) = n − 1 For n nodes, 0 ≤ #(links) ≤ n(n − 1)3. Children C(x) of node x Nodes N +(x) that are adjacent from x

− C(x)∩C(y) = ∅ for x ≠ y − this need not hold− Terminal node x has C(x) = ∅ − Sink node x has N +(x) = ∅

4. Unique parent par(x), except for root |N −(x)| can be arbitrary− Root-node x has no-parent − Source nodes x has N −(x) = ∅

5. Has no cycle For acyclic digraph, #(links) ≤ n(n − 1) / 2− Unique path from root to all nodes − #(paths between two nodes) ≤ e(n − 2)! for acyclic digraphs

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− Minimum connectivity from root to all nodes6. Subtree T (x) at a node x Subdigraph G(x) of nodes reachable from x7. S(x) = x, strong component of x Strong component S(x) of x can be as large as G

− Merging each S(x) into a node gives an acyclic digraph8. Already transitively reduced Need not be already transitively reduced.

Jan 21

Jan 26

• Iterative solution: When the solution has many parts, and we compute each part in the same way on a slightly differ-ent part of the original input-data, part of which might be modified in the computation of previous parts.

− Sorting by iteration:

1. Find ith smallest items among S −1st, 2nd, ⋅⋅⋅, (i − 1)th smallest element2. Repeat (1) for n − 1 times, where |S = n.

Bubble-sort is an iterative method, which finds successive largest number, where on completion of the ith itera-tion, more than i items might have properly placed.

It is a refined implementation of the above pseudocode in some sense, but it may perform too many exchanges forsome inputs.

Insertion-sort can be thought of as an iterative (but more appropriately as a recursion) based on the size of theinput-data:

1. Successively sort first i items, 1 ≤ i ≤ n.

Iterative-approximation is a technique common numerical analysis (such as finding roots), where iterations are per-formed until some error limit is obtained.

• Recursion is different in that the computation of ith call may not be over before starting the (i + 1)th call, and eachcall might compute more than one part of the final solution.

• In depth-first, shortest-path, and longest-path, the basic unit of processing is a link (x, y).

Depth-first: (x, y) is process after processing all (x, y′) where y′ < y in adj-list(x).Shortest-path: Same as above, with the additional restriction that process all links at

x before processing links at another x.Longest-path: Same as above, but the selection of successive x is different.

• Consider static and dynamic features for comparing Algorithms, unlike comparing concepts (using only static fea-tures).

Static features: (1) Concepts used, basic computations performed in different iterations (recursions).(2) Conditions for selecting a unit input element for processing(3) Complexity(4) Structure of outputs produced: tree, lists, paths, etc.(5) Structure of and constraints on input (Floyd vs. Dijkstra).(6) Presence of pre-processing (simplifying input to a standard form, as in longest path)

Dynamic features: (1) Iterative vs. recursive.(2) In which order, certain elements are processed.(3) Finite-state model and their comparisons

• Computing Science is part of Computer Sc, the latter could include both software and hardware. Data-struc-ture is part of Algorithms, which is part of Software and the latter includes also programming skills.

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Theory ofComputation

Algorithm andData Structure

ProgrammingLanguage Software


• Each student introduces him/her-self by stating the name, year, major, where are you from?

• In-Class: Describe in (≤ 10) lines a program that you had written and are proud (were excited) about it.

− Did you state what the input is? How about the output?

− A name for your program? How long is the program?

− What language was used?

• Homework: Give a short description (< 5 lines) of a programming problem that you would like to be able tosolve by the end of this semester? Maybe you have seen something in action and you wondered how to do thatsort of things?

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Problem. Compute the size of the largest block of non-zero items in nums[0. . n − 1].

Example. The underlined part is the largest block.

[2, 0, −1, 3, 1, 0, 0, 5].


1. Initialize maxNonZeroBlockSize = 0.2. while (there are more array-items to look at) do:

(a) skip zero’s. //keep this(b) find the size of next non-zero block and update maxNonZeroBlockSize.


i = maxNonZeroBlockSize = 0;while (i < n)

for (; (i<n) && (nums[i]==0); i++); //skip 0’sfor (blockStart=i; (i<n) && (nums[i]!=0); i++);if (i - blockStart > maxNonZeroBlockSize)

maxNonZeroBlockSize = i - blockStart;


•? If there are m non-zero blocks, then what is the maximum andminimum number of tests involving the items nums[i]?

•? Rewrite the code to reduce the number of such comparisons.How much reduction is achieved?

•? Generalize the code and the pseudocode to compute the largestsize same-sign block of items.

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Problem: If C1 and C2 are two circles of radii r1 and r2, thenwhen can we place C1 inside C2?



If C1 can be placed inside C2, then can we place it sothat the centers of C1 and C2 coincide?


•? If S1 and S2 are two squares with sides of length r1 and r2, thenwhen can we place S1 inside S2?





•? If S1 can be placed inside S2, then can we place it so that thecenters of S1 and S2 coincide?

•? If we have a square and a circle, then when can we place oneinside the other? (Can we make their centers coincide in thatcase?)

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• Let R1 = (W1, H1) and R2 = (W2, H2) be two rectangles, whereWi = width(Ri) ≥ height(Ri) = Hi . When can we place R1inside R2, and if so then how can we find an actual placement?

R1(1.4, 0.7)

R2(1.6, 1.0)

(i) Two of the infinitely many waysof placing R1 inside R2.

R3(2.0, 0.3)

(ii) R3 cannot beplaced inside R2.


1? What is an application of the rectangle-placement problem?

2? What is a necessary condition for placing R1 inside R2?

3? What is a sufficient condition for placing R1 inside R2?

4? Do these conditions lead to a placement-Algorithm (how)?

Generalization of Rectangle-Placement Problem:

• Find a placement that maximizes R1∩R2.

Placing a triangle ∆1 inside another triangle ∆2:

• Triangles are more complex objects than rectangles (why?).This makes the triangle-placement problem more difficult.

• What are some special classes of triangles for which the place-ment problem is easy? Find the placement condition and a par-ticular way of placing.

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• If a property P implies a property Q, then

− Q is a necessary condition for P, and

− P is a sufficient condition for Q.

Example. Let P = "The integer n is divisible by 4".

• Consider the two conditions below, where n1n2⋅⋅⋅nk = n:

Q1: "The last digit nk of n is 0, 2, 4, 6, or 8".Q2: "The integer n′ = nk−1nk comprising the last two digits of

n is divisible by 4". (Thus, n′ = n if n < 100.)

• Clearly, P implies Q1 and P implies Q2; so, each of Q1 and Q2is a necessary condition for P.

• Howev er, only Q2 implies P; Q1 does not imply P (for exam-ple, let n = 6 = nk , which makes Q1 true and P false).

Thus, only Q2 is a sufficient condition for P.

If Q is both necessary and sufficient for Pthen P is both necessary and sufficient for Q.

(P and Q are equivalent.)

Question: Are Q1 and Q2 above equivalent?

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For the case on right, the dashed rectangle R1 can be slightlyrotated and still kept inside the solid rectangle R2.


1? Which of the dashed rectangles has the larger area? Can one ofthem be placed inside the other? Justify your answer.

2? Derive the necessary and sufficient condition for placing R1inside R2 for the following cases:

(a) R1 can be placed inside R2 without tilting.

(b) R1 must be tilted to place inside R2.

(c) R1 can be placed inside R2 in essentially only one way asin the lefthand case in the figure (a special case of (a)-(b)).

4? If R1 can be placed inside R2, is it true that we can make theplacement so that their centers coincide? Explain your answer.

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For the case on right, the dashed rectangle R1 can be slightlyrotated and still kept inside the solid rectangle R2.

From similarity of triangles, we getx


H2 − y




W2 − x


By comparing the length of the diagonals, we getW 2

1 + H21 ≤ W 2

2 + H22 .

We also have H21 = x2 + y2.


1. Show that the largest square inside R2(W , H) is R1(H , H).

2. If we know that D1 = D2, where Di is the length of the diagonalof Ri , then what is a necessary and sufficient condition hat R1can be placed inside R2.

3. Give an example of R1 and R2 such that D1 < D2 and still R1cannot be placed inside R2

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Substring: Given a string x = a1a2⋅⋅⋅an, each x′ = ai1ai2


where i1 < i2 < ⋅⋅⋅ < ik , is a k-substring of x.

For x = abbacd , x′ = bcd is a 3-substring but x′ = dcis not a 2-substring.


•? How many ways can we form k-substrings of a1a2⋅⋅⋅an? Whendoes all k-substrings (0 < k < n) become the same?

•? When do we get the maximum number of distinct substrings?

Projection: If we keep all occurrences of some k-subset of thesymbols in x (in the order they appear in x), then theresulting substring is a k-projection of x.

Example. For x = aabcacbbadd , which is made of four symbolsa, b, c, d, we get 6 = C(4, 2) many 2-projections asshown below. Note that xab = xba, xac = xca, etc.

xab = aababba, xbc = bccbb,xac = aacaca, xbd = bbbdd ,xad = aaaadd , xcd = ccdd .


•? Give the string y made of the symbols b, c, d which has thesame 2-projection as x above, i.e., ybc = xbc, ybd = xbd , and ycd

= xcd .

•? Give an Algorithm to determine the string x from its 2-projec-tions. Explain the Algorithm using x = aabcacbbadd .

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Problem: Generate all (n, m)-binary strings, with n − m zerosand m ones. There are six (4, 2)-binary strings:

Binary strings: 0011 0101 0110 1001 1010 1100Associated integers: 3 5 6 9 10 12

An Algorithm AllBinaryStrings(n, m): //n=length, m = numOnes

1. For (i = 0, 1, 2, ⋅⋅⋅, 2n − 1) do the following:

(a) Convert i to its binary-string form s(i) of length n.

(b) Print s(i) if it has exactly m ones.

Problems with AllBinaryStrings(n, m):

• It is very inefficient when m = n/2. For n = 4 and m = 2, it gen-erates 16 strings and throws away 16-6 = 10 of them.

• It does not work for n > 32 (= word-size in most computers).


1? What are some difficulties with the following approach (0 < m< n) and how can you get around them:

Start with the string 1m, then add one 0 in all possible ways,then for each of those strings add one 0 in all possible ways,and so on until each string has n − m zeroes. until all zero’s areadded (e.g., 11 → 011, 101, 110).

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Examples of Successive (10,5)-Binary Strings:

A (10,5)-binary string: 0100111100Next (10,5)-binary string: 0101000111Next (10,5)-binary string: 0101001011Next (10,5)-binary string: 0101001101

⋅⋅⋅ ⋅⋅⋅The last (10,5)-binary string: 1111100000

A necessary-and-sufficient condition for string y = next(x):

(1) The rightmost "01" in x is changed to "10" in y.

(2) All 1’s to the right of that "01" in x are moved to the extremeright in y.

Algorithm for Generating next(x) from x:

(1) Locate the rightmost "01" in x and change it to "10".

(2) Move all 1’s to the right of that "10" to the extreme right.

Moving 1’s To Right: ⋅⋅⋅0111111000 → ⋅⋅⋅1000011111

• numOnesToMove = min(numEndingZeros, NumPrevOnes − 1)


1? What happens when there is no "01"?

2? How will you generate a random (n, m)-binary string, i.e, withwhat probabilities will you successively determine the bits xi ofa random binary-string x1 x2⋅⋅⋅xn? Giv e the probabilities forsuccessive bits in 01101 (n = 5 and m = 3).

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1. Scan the binary string from right-to-left to find the rightmost’1’.

2. Continue right-to-left scan till you find the first ’0’.


1? Why is right-to-left scan is better than left-to-right scan tolocate the rightmost "01" (for our application)?

2? Does the following code find the rightmost "01"?

for (i=length-1; i>=1; i--)

if ((1 == binString[i]) &&

(0 == binString[i-1]))


Explain with an example binary string how the above codewastes unnecessary comparisons of the items in binString[].Describe the situation that makes the performance of the secondcode worst.

3? Give a piece of code corresponding to the pseudocode aboveand which does not have the inefficiencies of the code above.

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1. Write a function nextBinString(int length, int numOnes) that can be called againand again to create all binary strings in the lexicographic order with the givenlength and number of ones. Choose a suitable return value to indicate when the lastbinary string is created. Use an array binString for the binary-string, and usedynamic memory allocation.

Your main-function should call nextBinString-function again and again. It shouldrun for large values of length (= 100, say) and all 0 ≤ numOnes ≤ length.

First, test your program for length = 6 and numOnes = 2 and 3.

Now modify nextBinString-function to count #(reads) from and #(writes) into thebinString-array as you generate each binary string. Call these counts numReadsand numWrites. The output should look like the following; show the average num-Reads and average numWrites upto 2 digits after the decimal point.

binString numReads numWrites----------------------------------000111 0 6001011 ... ......111000 ... ...----------------------------------averNumReads = ... averNumWrites = ...

Submit the paper copy of your code and the outputs for length = 6 and numOnes =2 and 3..

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0101 0110 1001 1010

0011 010 -(1,1)-binStrs

011 -(1,0)-binStrs

100 -(1,1)-binStrs

101 -(1,0)-binStrs


00 - -(2,2)-binStrs

01 - -(2,1)-binStrs

10 - -(2,1)-binStrs

11 - -(2,0)-binStrs

0 - - -(3,2)-binStrs

1 - - -(3,1)-binStrs

- - - -(4,2)-binStrs

Pseudocode for RecAllBinStrings(n, m):

1. If top-level call, then create the array binString[0..n − 1] and letstrLength = n.

2. If (n = m) or (m = 0), then fill the last n positions in binStringwith 1’s or 0’s resp., print binString, and return;

otherwise, do the following:

(a) Let binString[strLength − n] = ’0’ and call RecAll-BinStrings(n − 1, m).

(b) Let binString[strLength − n] = ’1’ and call RecAll-BinStrings(n − 1, m − 1).


1? Let W (n, m) = #(total write-operations into binString[]) forgenerating all (n, m)-binary strings. Give the equation connect-ing W (n, m), W (n − 1, m), and W (n − 1, m − 1). ShowW (n, m) for 1 ≤ n ≤ 6 and 0 ≤ m ≤ n in Pascal-triangle form.