Adrian Almanza Thesis 2011

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3d geologic modeling of the bakken formationmontana

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    Adrian Almanza

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    A thesis submitted to the Faculty and the Board of Trustees of the Colorado School of

    Mines in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of

    Master of Science (Geology)

    Golden, Colorado



    Adrian Almanza


    Dr. J. Frederick Sarg

    Thesis Advisor

    Golden, Colorado



    Dr. John D. Humphrey

    Professor and Head

    Department of Geology

    And Geological Engineering

  • iii


    The Bakken Formation of the Williston basin is a oil resource play that was

    named the largest continuous oil accumulation in the lower 48 states by the United

    States Geological Survey (USGS) in 2008. Although extensive the Bakken does not

    have uniform properties throughout its areal extent. Identifying areas with porosity,

    permeability, and fractures that permit highly productive wells is essential to commercial

    petroleum recovery. The Elm Coulee Field is a giant oil field in Eastern Montana that

    exhibits some of these critical reservoir properties. Geological modeling of these

    reservoir properties provides a greater understanding of reservoir performance, and aids

    in exploration and development of the Bakken Formation.

    The Bakken Formation in the Elm Coulee Field consists of three members: an

    upper shale, middle silty dolostone, and lower shale. The Elm Coulee Oil Field is a

    stratigraphic trap with a pinch-out to the southwest and a diagenetic facies change in the

    northeast. The primary reservoir is the silty dolostone of the Middle Bakken Member.

    The purpose of this research is three fold: (1) complete an examination of the

    reservoir properties of the Bakken petroleum system in Elm Coulee field; (2) construct a

    three-dimensional geologic model that will show the distribution of the different facies

    within the Bakken Formation and their reservoir properties; and (3) build a fracture

    model and integrate it with the matrix porosity model. This study uses digital logs, core

    data, petrographic thin sections, XRD analysis, DSTs, production data, and Petrel

    software to characterize the Elm Coulee Field. Six cores are used to calibrate physical

    properties to digital well logs, and core descriptions were used to construct detailed

    facies maps.

    The study correlates the core lithofacies to digital well logs resulting in maps of

    the facies and the calculation of their associated thickness throughout the study area.

    The data was then used to build a structural geomodel in Petrel software. The

    geomodel is located in the central part of Elm Coulee in the congressional land blocks:

    Township 53 Range 56, Township 57 Range 56, and Township 53 Range 58 of Richland

    County, Montana. The structural model shows a thick Middle Bakken in the study area

    with a thinning to the north, south, and west. The Lower Bakken Shale is absent in the

    southern half of Richland County and the Upper Bakken Shale covers the entire study


  • iv

    With the structural model in place, the digital well logs were used to distribute

    petrophysical properties of the Middle Bakken throughout the Petrel model. The data

    revealed that the reservoir is located in a northwest trend in the southern half of Richland

    County. The petrophysics shows that the best reservoir properties are associated with

    Middle Bakken faces B and C. Facies B and C have a high percentage of dolomite which

    has the best reservoir properties (i.e., higher porosity and permeability). These data

    were then used to build a matrix reservoir model.

    The study also constructed a fracture model for Richland County. The Elm

    Coulee fracture model was derived from seismic and production trends. The model uses

    regional fracture trends to establish a fracture fabric. The regional fractures are oriented

    to the northeast and have a spacing of approximately 1,250 feet (ft). An orthogonal set of

    fractures are spaced 2,500 ft apart in the northwest direction. Production data allowed

    for the detection of what is interpreted as fracture swarms. The swarms are oriented in

    the maximum principal stress direction of N60E and have an approximate spacing of

    25,000 ft.

    The fracture model was combined with the matrix model to develop a dual

    porosity model. This results in a combined model that has both fracture and matrix

    reservoir properties that can be used in simulation. The dual porosity model reflects the

    production in the study area, and the best reservoir properties align with the best

    estimated ultimate recovery (EUR).

  • v


    ABSTRACT ...................................................................................................................... iii

    TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................................................................... v

    LIST OF FIGURES .......................................................................................................... viii

    LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................................ xv

    ACKNOWLEDGMENTS .................................................................................................. xv

    CHAPTER 1 ...................................................................................................................... 1

    INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................... 1

    CHAPTER 2 ...................................................................................................................... 4

    GEOLOGIC OVERVIEW ................................................................................................... 4

    2.1 Tectonics ..................................................................................................................... 4

    2.2 Stratigraphy ................................................................................................................. 4

    2.2.1 Lower Shale ............................................................................................................. 6

    2.2.2 Middle Member ........................................................................................................ 7

    2.2.3 Upper Shale ............................................................................................................. 7

    2.2.4 Source Rocks ........................................................................................................... 8

    2.3 Key Previous Work ...................................................................................................... 8

    2.4 Purpose and Objectives .............................................................................................. 9

    2.5 Methodology .............................................................................................................. 10

    CHAPTER 3 .................................................................................................................... 11

    FACIES INTERPRETATION AND CORE DESCRIPTIONS ........................................... 11

    3.1 Methods .................................................................................................................... 11

    3.2 Facies Descriptions ................................................................................................... 14

    3.2.1 Lower Bakken Shale. ............................................................................................. 14

    3.2.2 Facies A. Intraclastic-Skeletal Lime Wackestone .................................................. 14

    3.2.3 Facies B. Bioturbated Silty Dolostone .................................................................... 16

    3.2.4 Facies C. Rhythmic Laminated Sandy to Silty Dolostone ...................................... 16

  • vi

    3.2.5 Facies D. Fine Grained Quartz Rich Sandstone .................................................... 16

    3.2.6 Facies E Silty Dolostone ........................................................................................ 16

    3.2.7 Facies F Fossiliferous Wackestone ....................................................................... 16

    3.2.8 Upper Bakken Shale. ............................................................................................. 21

    3.3 Depositonal Model .................................................................................................... 21

    3.4 Core Descriptions ...................................................................................................... 23

    3.4.1 Brutus East Lewis 3-4 (Sec. 3-T24N-R57E) .......................................................... 23

    3.4.2 RR Lonetree Edna 1-13 (Sec. 1-T23N-R56E) ....................................................... 26

    3.4.3 Foghorn-Ervin 20-3 (Sec. 20-T23N-R58E) ............................................................ 26

    3.4.3 Jackson Rowdy 3-8 (Sec. 3-T26N-R51E) .............................................................. 27

    3.4.4 Vaira 44-24 (Sec. 24-T24N-R31E) ......................................................................... 28

    3.4.5 Williams 1-4 (Sec. 4-T23N-R55E) .......................................................................... 29

    3.5 Mineralogy and Diagenesis ....................................................................................... 29

    CHAPTER 4 .................................................................................................................... 36

    SUBSURFACE WELL LOG INTERPRETATION ............................................................ 36

    4.1 Methods .................................................................................................................... 36

    4.2 Structural Cross Section ........................................................................................... 36

    4.3 Stratigraphic Cross Section ....................................................................................... 39

    4.4 Structure Maps .......................................................................................................... 39

    4.5 Isopach Maps ............................................................................................................ 39

    CHAPTER 5 .................................................................................................................... 55

    PETROPHYSICAL ANALYSIS AND RESERVOIR PROPERTIES ................................. 55

    5.1 Core Properties Analysis ........................................................................................... 55

    5.2 Conventional Well Log Analysis ................................................................................ 56

    5.3 Drill Stem Tests ......................................................................................................... 71

    CHAPTER 6 .................................................................................................................... 73

    FRACTURES .................................................................................................................. 73

  • vii

    6.1 Production Data. ....................................................................................................... 73

    6.2 Other Available Data ................................................................................................. 74

    6.3 Seismic Mapping in Billing Nose an analog for a local fracture fabric of the Elm

    Coulee Field. ................................................................................................................... 74

    6.4 Micro Seismic Study Elm Coulee Field. .................................................................... 78

    6.5 Results ...................................................................................................................... 79

    CHAPTER 7 .................................................................................................................... 83

    3-D GEOLOGICAL MODELING ...................................................................................... 83

    7.1 Modeling in Petrel ..................................................................................................... 83

    7.3 Fracture Properties ................................................................................................... 88

    CHAPTER 8 DISSCUSSION .......................................................................................... 92

    8.1 Structural-Stratigraphic Model ................................................................................... 92

    8.2 Porosity Model ......................................................................................................... 93

    8.3 Permeability Model .................................................................................................... 93

    8.4 Fractures Model ........................................................................................................ 94

    8.6 Production Data ........................................................................................................ 95

    CHAPTER 9 CONCLUSIONS ......................................................................................... 98

    9.1 Conclusions ............................................................................................................... 98

    9.2 Recommendations .................................................................................................... 99

    REFERENCES CITED .................................................................................................. 100

    APPENDIX A CORE DESCRIPTIONS ...................................................................... 104

    APPENDIX B STRUCTURAL CROSS SECTIONS ................................................... 112

    APPENDIX C STRATIGRAPHIC CROSS SECTIONS .............................................. 118

    APPENDIX D LIST OF WELLS USED IN PETREL MODEL ..................................... 123

  • viii


    Figure 1.1 Location Map, Elm Coulee Field, Richland County, Montana (Heck et

    al.,2004). ........................................................................................................................... 1

    Figure 1.2 Structure contour base of Mississippian (from Sonnenberg and Pramudito,

    2009). ................................................................................................................................ 2

    Figure 1.3 Digital log and core locations for Elm Coulee Field. ......................................... 3

    Figure 2.1 Location of major structural provinces or orogeny (Williams et al; 1991) ......... 5

    Figure 2.2 Major Paleozoic structural lineaments. (Brown and Brown, 1987). .................. 5

    Figure 2.3 Schematic west-east cross section across the Williston basin (from

    Sonnenberg and Pramudito (2009) after Meissner, (1978)).............................................. 6

    Figure 2.4 Well log signatures of the Bakken Formation. (from Sonnenberg and

    Pramudito., 2009). ............................................................................................................. 7

    Figure 3.1 Green dots mark the locations of cored wells used in the Elm Coulee study. 13

    Figure 3.2 Bakken lithofacies. ......................................................................................... 15

    Figure 3.3 Lower Bakken Shale. The black and white scale bar segments are one

    inch (from Alexandre, 2011). ........................................................................................... 17

    Figure 3.4 Middle Bakken Facies A. The black and white scale bar segments are one

    inch (from Alexandre, 2011). ........................................................................................... 17

    Figure 3.5 Middle Bakken Facies B. The black and white scale bar segments are one

    inch. Dark blebs are Helminthopsis burrows (from Alexandre, 2011). ............................ 18

    Figure 3.6 Middle Bakken Facies C. The black and white scale bar segments are one

    inch (from Alexandre, 2011). ........................................................................................... 18

    Figure 3.7 Middle Bakken Facies D. The black and white scale bar segments are one

    inch (from Alexandre, 2011). ........................................................................................... 19

    Figure 3.8 Middle Bakken Facies E. The black and white scale bar segments are one

    inch (from Alexandre, 2011). ........................................................................................... 19

    Figure 3.9 Middle Bakken Facies F. The black and white scale bar segments are one

    inch (from Alexandre, 2011). ........................................................................................... 20

    Figure 3.10 Upper Bakken Shale. The black and white scale bar segments are one

    inch (from Alexandre, 2011). ........................................................................................... 20

    Figure 3.11 North American Paleogeographic Map Late Devonian, 360 Ma (Modified

    from Blakey


  • ix

    Figure 3.12 Bakken depositional model. Facies are labeled according to their position

    on the model. HST (highstand systems tract), LST (Lowstand systems tract), TST

    (transgressive systems tract)(from Simenson, 2010 modified from Smith and Bustin,

    1996). .............................................................................................................................. 23

    Figure 3.13 Brutus East Lewis 3-4-H core description (from Alexandre, 2011) .............. 25

    Figure 3.14 RR Lonetree, gamma ray, porosity, and permeability and XRD analysis. ... 31

    Figure 3.15 Jackson Rowdy, gamma ray, porosity, and permeability and XRD

    analysis. .......................................................................................................................... 32

    Figure 3.16 Brutus East Lewis cross plot of bulk density and XRD precentage of

    dolomite and calcite (limestone). The colors refer to the depth of the Middle Bakken.

    The red is at 7,636 ft and the dark blue is 7,6578 ft. Data shows that a high

    precentage of dolomite corrospons to a bulk density of 2.63 g/cm3 and has a calicte

    signature of 2.68 g/cm3 . ................................................................................................. 33

    Figure 3.17 RR Lonetree Edna, cross plot of bulk density and XRD precentage of

    dolomite. The colors refer to the depth of the Middle Bakken. The red is at 10,376 ft

    and the dark blue is 10,408 ft. The data shows an average bulkdensity of 2.63 g/cm3

    where there is a high precentage of dolomite. ................................................................ 34

    Figure 3.18 Average bulk density map of the Middle Bakken. The average dolomite

    signature (2.63-2.66 g/cm3) is observed in the southern half of the study area. The

    calcite signature 2.68-2.69) g/cm3 is seen in the northern and western parts of the

    study area and are considered diagenetic pinch outs of reservoir properties. ................ 35

    Figure 4.1 Locatoin map of digital wells. Yellow squares mark digital well


    Figure 4.2 Location map of structural and stratigraphic cross sections. Top Bakken

    structure map contour interval is 200


    Figure 4.3 Structural cross section G-G'. The Bakken (purple), Three Forks (Green),

    and Birdbear (Orange) are formation tops correlated across the study area. The track

    on the left is gamma ray (red) and the right track is resistivity


    Figure 4.4 Stratigraphic corss section G-G'. The dark gray is the Upper and Lower

    Bakken shales, the light gray is facies E and F, the light red is facies B and C and the

    purple is facies A.41

  • x

    Figure 4.5 Thickness map of the Middle Bakken Member (facies A,B,C,D,E, and F).

    Contour interval is 2.5 feet. The thickness ranges from 5.5 feet to 52 feet in the study

    area. The Middle Bakken Member thins to the north and east and pinches out to the

    south and west. ......................................................................................................... ..42

    Figure 4.6 Structure Map Upper Bakken Shale. The structure map shows a dip to the

    east. The contours interval is 100 ft. ............................................................................... 44

    Figure 4.7 Structure Map Three Forks. The structure map shows a dip to the east. The

    contours interval is 100 ft. ............................................................................................... 45

    Figure 4.8 Structure Map Nisku (Birdbear) The structure map shows a dip to the east.

    The contours interval is 100 ft. ........................................................................................ 46

    Figure 4.9 Thickness map of the Upper Bakken Shale. Contour interval is one foot

    (0.30 meters). The thickness ranges from 4.5ft to 13ft in the study area. ...................... 47

    Figure 4.10 Thickness map of the CSM F facies. Contour interval is one foot (0.30

    meters). The thickness ranges from 1.5 ft to five feet in the study area .......................... 48

    Figure 4.11 Thickness map of the CSM E facies. Contour interval is one foot (0.30

    meters). The thickness ranges from 1.5 ft to 7.5 ft in the study area .............................. 49

    Figure 4.12 Thickness map of the CSM C facies. Contour interval is two feet (0.61

    meters). The thickness ranges from 2.4ft to 17ft in the study area ................................. 50

    Figure 4.13 Thickness map of the CSM B facies. Contour interval is one foot (0.30

    meters). The thickness ranges from seven feet to 27 ft in the study area ....................... 51

    Figure 4.14 Thickness map of the CSM A facies. Contour interval is one foot (0.30

    meters). The thickness ranges from 1.5 ft to eight feet in the study area ....................... 52

    Figure 4.15 Thickness map of the Lower Bakken Shale. Contour interval is one foot

    (0.30 meters). The thickness ranges from 1.5 ft to six feet in the study area .................. 53

    Figure 4.16 Thickness map of the Three Forks. Contour interval is ten feet (three

    meters). The thickness ranges from 1.5ft to five feet in the study area ........................... 54

    Figure 5.1 Porosity and Permeability cross plots. The Foghorn and Lonetree Wells

    have good logarithmic regression line correlation. The Brutus and the Jackson Rowdy

    well have poor logarithmic line colorations. The former two wells are situated in a

    dolomitic setting as indicated by bulk density and XRD analysis. ................................... 57

    Figure 5.2 Middle Bakken porosity and permeability crossplot (from Enerplus core

    data) ................................................................................................................................ 58

    Figure 5.3 Photomicrograph showing examples of nonreservoir (A) and good

    reservoir (B)..60

  • xi

    Figure 5.4 Foghorn Ervin Core Data: gamma ray (GR), bulkdensity (ROBH),

    neutron porosity (NPHI), water saturatoin (Core Sw), oil saturation (Core So),

    Porosity, Permeavility(Core Kmax). Log templates constructed in Prism module of


    Figure 5.5 Brutus East-Lewis Core Data: gamma ray (GR), bulk density (RHOB),

    neutron porosity (NPHI), water saturation (Core Sw), oil saturation (Core so),

    porosity, permeability (Core Kmax). Log templates constructed in Prism module of

    Geographix. ..................................................................................................................... 62

    Figure 5.6 Lonetree-Edna Core Data: gamma ray (GR), bulk density (RHOB),

    neutron porosity (NPHI), water saturation (Core Sw), oil saturation (Core so),

    porosity, permeability (Core Kmax). Log templates constructed in Prism module of

    Geographix. ..................................................................................................................... 63

    Figure 5.7 Jackson Rowdy Core Data: gamma ray (GR), bulk density (RHOB),

    neutron porosity (NPHI), water saturation (Core Sw), oil saturation (Core so),

    porosity, permeability (Core Kmax). Log templates constructed in Prism module of

    Geographix. ..................................................................................................................... 64

    Figure 5.8 Viara Core Data: gamma ray (GR), bulk density (RHOB), neutron porosity

    (NPHI), water saturation (Core Sw), oil saturation (Core so), porosity, permeability

    (Core Kmax). Log templates constructed in Prism module of Geographix. ................... 65

    Figure 5.9 Williams Core Data: gamma ray (GR), bulk density (RHOB), neutron

    porosity (NPHI), water saturation (Core Sw), oil saturation (Core so), porosity,

    permeability (Core Kmax). Log templates constructed in Prism module of

    Geographix. ..................................................................................................................... 66

    Figure 5.10 Facies C and B average porosity map of the Elm Coulee Field. The Best

    porosity is found in the southern half of the study area........67

    Figure 5.11 Jackson Rowdy, the thick red lines in the Porosity and PERM tracks are

    the calculated average porosity (PHIA) and permeability (Perm). ................................. 68

    Figure 5.12 Foghorn Ervin, the thick red lines in the Porosity and PERM tracks are

    the calculated average porosity (PHIA) and permeability (Perm). ................................. 69

    Figure 5.13 Middle Bakken SoPhiH Map indicating most petrophysicaly prospecitve

    areas of Elm Coulee field...70

    Figure 5.14 Horner plots of Elm Coulee Wells ................................................................ 72

    Figure 6.1 First year cumulative production .................................................................... 75

  • xii

    Figure 6.2 First year cumulative production and Operators ............................................ 75

    Figure 6.3 Initial production trends with a N60E Bias. This bias data trend highlights

    the fracture swarms that are interpreted in the study area .............................................. 76

    Figure 6.4 Minimum curvature attirbute map, Bakken horizon (from Angster 2010).

    Interpreted fractures are on the right


    Figure 6.5 Summery of micro seismic observations (from O'Brien, Larson, & Parham,


    Figure 6.6 Micro seismic production traces and fracture height data. The average

    fracture height was 290 ft. Radioactive tracer show zonal isolation averaged

    approximately 1200ft (O'Brien, Larson, & Parham, 2011). .............................................. 79

    Figure 6.7 Fracture lengths versus fracture spacing. The logarithmic plot shows the

    power log relationship between the production, seismic and micoseismic data used

    in the fracture model. ...................................................................................................... 81

    Figure 6.8 Conceptual fracture model. The fracture swarm trends in the blue ovals

    and are spaced ~4.75 miles or 25,000ft apart. The swarms have the greatest

    influence on the fracture fabric. The green lines reflect the regional fracture fabric that

    are oriented with the maximum principal stress and have a spacing of ~1,250ft this

    was seen in both the micro seismic and Bicentennial seismic survey. The oranges

    lines show the orthogonal spacing of fractures that are spaced ~2,500ft apart. ............. 82

    Figure 7.1 The red box is the outline of the Petrel model and shows the location of

    the digital wells used to distribute petrophysical properties. ........................................... 84

    Figure 7.2 Petrel geo-model structural model and geo-cellar grid. The mapped

    horizons are the Three Forks, Bakken, and Lodgepole Formations. .............................. 85

    Figure 7.3 Middle bakken porosity distributioin. 3D view looking north. Purple is low

    (0.0%) and red is high


    Figure 7.4 Middle Bakken permeability distribution. 3D view looking north. Purple is

    low (0.001mD) and red is high (0.1mD) log scale ........................................................... 87

    Figure 7.5 Localized fractures derived from Centennial seismic and the micro-seismic

    study from Enerplus. The dominant fracture trend is the northeast orientations (blue

    polygons) and the orthogonal northwest fracture set is represented by the purple

    polygons. ......................................................................................................................... 88

  • xiii

    Figure 7.6 The figure shows the relationship of the two fracture patterns 1. regional

    fracture pattern (purple polygons) and 2. contoured first year cumulative production

    data, cropped from figure 6.3. The contoured interval is 2000 barrels of oil. Orange is

    18,000 barrels and the blue is 4,000 barrels of oil.89

    Figure 7.7 Localized fractures derived from Centennial seismic and the mico-seismic

    study from Enerplus. The fractures have been related to the first year cumulative

    production data and have varying degrees of fracture


    Figure 7.8 Oblique view highlighting the fracture variability in the fracture model. The

    blue lines are the northwest fractures and the red lines area the northeast


    Figure 7.9 Dual porosity model. Model shows the matrix model combined with the

    fracture model creating a dual porosity model. ............................................................... 91

    Figure 8.1 Diagram of the integrated geomodeling workflow showing the different

    component models .......................................................................................................... 93

    Figure 8.2 Initial first year cumulative production vs. Operator. The data does not

    show any definite production trends associated with individual


    Figure 8.3 EUR well data. The graph shows the EUR production trends (>6%porosity+

    fractures, >6%porosity-fractures,

  • xiv

    Figure A4 RR Lonetree-Edna 1-13 Core description (from Alexandre, 2011) ............... 107

    Figure A5 Foghorn-Ervin 20-3-H Core description (from Alexandre, 2011) .................. 108

    Figure A6 Jackson Rowdy 3-8 Core description (from Alexandre, 2011) ..................... 109

    Figure A7 Vaira 44-24 Core description (modified from Pramudito, 2008) ................... 110

    Figure A8 Williams 1-4 Core description (modified from Pramudito 2008) ................... 111

    Figure B1 Structural cross sections A-A`. The Bakken (Purple), Three Forks (Green)

    and Birdbear (Orange) are formation tops correlated across the study area. The

    track on the left is gamma ray (red) and the right track is resistivity (black). ................. 113

    Figure B2 Structural cross sections B-B`. The Bakken (Purple), Three Forks (Green)

    and Birdbear (Orange) are formation tops correlated across the study area. The

    track on the left is gamma ray (red) and the right track is resistivity (black). ................. 114

    Figure B3 Structural cross sections C-C`. The Bakken (Purple), Three Forks (Green)

    and Birdbear (Orange) are formation tops correlated across the study area. The

    track on the left is gamma ray (red) and the right track is resistivity (black). ................. 115

    Figure B4 Structural cross sections D-D`. The Bakken (Purple), Three Forks (Green)

    and Birdbear (Orange) are formation tops correlated across the study area. The

    track on the left is gamma ray (red) and the right track is resistivity (black). ................ 115

    Figure B5 Structural cross sections E-E`. The Bakken (Purple), Three Forks (Green)

    and Birdbear (Orange) are formation tops correlated across the study area. The

    track on the left is gamma ray (red) and the right track is resistivity (black). ................. 116

    Figure B6 Structural cross sections F-F`. The Bakken (Purple), Three Forks (Green)

    and Birdbear (Orange) are formation tops correlated across the study area. The

    track on the left is gamma ray (red) and the right track is resistivity (black). ................. 116

    Figure B7 Structural cross sections H-H`. The Bakken (Purple), Three Forks (Green)

    and Birdbear (Orange) are formation tops correlated across the study area. The

    track on the left is gamma ray (red) and the right track is resistivity (black) .................. 117

    Figure C1 Stratigraphic cross sections A-A`. The dark gray is the Upper and Lower

    Bakken Shales, the light gray is facies E and F, the light red is facies B and C and

    the purple is facies A. .................................................................................................... 119

    Figure C2 Stratigraphic cross sections B-B. The dark gray is the Upper and Lower

    Bakken Shales, the light gray is facies E and F, the light red is facies B and C and

    the purple is facies A. .................................................................................................... 119

  • xv

    Figure C3 Stratigraphic cross sections C-C`. The dark gray is the Upper and Lower

    Bakken Shales, the light gray is facies E and F, the light red is facies B and C and

    purple is facies A. .......................................................................................................... 120

    Figure C4 Stratigraphic cross sections D-D`. The dark gray is the Upper and Lower

    Bakken Shales, the light gray is facies E and F, the light red is facies B and C and

    purple is facies A. .......................................................................................................... 120

    Figure C5 Stratigraphic cross sections E-E`. The dark gray is the Upper and Lower

    Bakken Shales, the light gray is facies E and F, the light red is facies B and C and

    purple is facies A. .......................................................................................................... 121

    Figure C6 Stratigraphic cross sections F-F. The dark gray is the Upper and Lower

    Bakken Shales, the light gray is facies E and F, the light red is facies B and C and

    purple is facies A. .......................................................................................................... 121

    Figure C7 Stratigraphic cross sections H-H`. The dark gray is the Upper and Lower

    Bakken Shales, the light gray is facies E and F, the light red is facies B and C and

    purple is facies A. .......................................................................................................... 122


    Table 1. List of cored wells used in study. ...................................................................... 12

    Table 2. Summary of service company DST results, compared to average core

    permeability data (Sorenson well is in close proximity to the foghorn well and,

    Bahl well is close to the Lonetree well.71

  • xvi


    I would like to express my deep gratitude for all those that have made this

    possible. First and foremost I would like to thanks my parents who have been my

    biggest supporters and have provided me with love and encouragement to live to my

    best potential. I would like give thanks to my advisor Rick Sarg and my committee

    members Steve Sonnenberg and Hossein Kazemi for all their invaluable impute and

    mentorship. I like to thank NETEL for providing funding for my thesis. Finally I would

    like to thank my fellow cohorts of geology whose struggles, triumphs and most

    importantly friendships helped my own journey.

  • 1



    The Devonian-Mississippian (~350 million ma) Bakken Formation is the largest

    continuous US oil accumulation assessed by the USGS. The Elm Coulee field is one of

    the first discovered fields and currently produces over 50,000 barrels of oil per day

    (Figure 1.1). The Bakken Formation consists of three members: an upper shale, middle

    silty dolomite, and lower shale. The middle member is the main reservoir and consists

    of six identified facies, from the base of the member upward: facies A,B,C,D,E, and F.

    The two primary reservoir facies are B and C. They are characterized by a bioturbated

    silty dolostone and a laminated silty dolostone respectively. The Bakken reservoir rocks

    are characterized overall by low porosity and low permeability.

    Figure 1.1. Location Map, Elm Coulee Field, Richland County, Montana (Heck et al.,2004).

  • 2

    Elm Coulee is located in Richland County, Montana in the southwest part of the

    Williston basin (Figure 1.2). In the study area, the Middle Bakken interval is the thickest

    in the middle of Richland County, and this thick trends in a northwest and southeast

    direction. This unit thins in the northeast and southwest directions. In the study area,

    there are six wells that have core data, and approximately 400 wells with digital logs.

    The digital logs have good areal coverage in the field area, but are sparser in the

    northeast portion of the field (Figure 1.3).

    Figure 1.2. Structure contour base of Mississippian (from Sonnenberg and Pramudito, 2009).

  • 3

    Figure 1.3. Digital log and core locations for Elm Coulee Field.

  • 4



    2.1 Tectonics

    The Bakken Formation was deposited in the intracratonic Williston basin, which

    formed in the Late Cambrian time (~500 ma). The Williston basin is thought to have

    been formed by two major tectonic events. The first event was Precambrian

    convergence of the Churchill Hinterland and the Superior Province, which formed the

    Trans-Hudson Orogen (Figure 2.1). This newly created province was then subject to

    uplift and erosion from thermal expansion, resulting in three kilometers of overburden

    removal (Crowely, 1985). In the late Precambrian (~1000 ma), rifting of the ancient

    North American plate created a series of major basement faults that now control the

    structures and geometries of the Williston basin (Gerhard, 1990).

    The second major tectonic event occurred during Late Paleozoic (~300 ma)

    (Antler and Ancestral Rocky Mountains orogenies), in which plate collision from the west

    realigned the deformation, and reactivated these deep-seated lineaments (Figure 2.2).

    These were overprinted by the Laramide Orogeny in the latest Cretaceous (~60 ma) and

    early Tertiary forming the structural features seen in the basin today.

    2.2 Stratigraphy

    The total preserved stratigraphic fill of the Williston basin is approximately 16,000

    feet (ft). The sediment infill is characterized by cyclic deposition of clastics and

    carbonates that range in age from Cambrian to Quaternary. Subsidence and tectonic

    basin reconfiguration are the primary influences facilitating sediment infill. The

    Cambrian strata are the result of Paleozoic seas that transgressed over the Williston

    Basin, depositing sandstones, shales and shallow water carbonates. The Cambrian is

    overlain by an unconformity that represents a sea level drop. The Ordovician to Silurian

    strata mirror the basin geometry and are characterized by carbonates and anhydrites

    (Vigrass, 1971).

  • 5

    Figure 2.1. Location of major structural provinces or orogeny (Williams et al; 1991)

    Figure 2.2. Major Paleozoic structural lineaments. (Brown and Brown, 1987).

  • 6

    From Silurian to Devonian time, structural movement along the Trans-Continental

    Arch caused a major unconformity and a seaway reorientation to the north. The

    Devonian-Mississippian strata were deposited in this restricted basin and are

    characterized by transgressive-regressive cycles. The strata that were deposited are

    composed of carbonates, evaporites, and organic-rich shales. At the end of

    Mississippian time (~320 ma), the basin experienced an additional reorientation that

    occurred from the west.

    The focus of this study is the Bakken Formation, which was deposited from Late

    Devonian to early Mississippian time (~374-330 ma). In Montana, the Bakken is

    uncomformably deposited on top of the Devonian Three Forks Formation. The Bakken

    consists of three members: the lower member is an organic-rich shale; the middle

    member is a silty dolostone; and the uppermost member is an organic-rich shale (Figure

    2.4). The Bakken is overlain by the Lodgepole Formation. The Lower and Upper Bakken

    Shales are considered source rocks for the Middle Bakken Member, Lodgepole

    Formation, and Three Forks Formation. The Elm Coulee field forms a stratigraphic trap

    by onlap of the middle Bakken strata to the northwest, northeast, and southwest

    (Sonnenberg and Pramudito, 2009) (Figure 2.3).

    Figure 2.3. Schematic west-east cross section across the Williston basin (from Sonnenberg and Pramudito (2009) after Meissner, (1978)).

    2.2.1 Lower Shale

    The lower shale ranges from siltstone to organic rich mudstone, and is dark gray

    to brown in color. The shale is burrowed and contains fossil fragments. The lower shale

    changes laterally from high resistivity and high gamma ray shale in the north, to lower

    resistivity and lower gamma ray siltstone in the south (Sonnenberg and Pramudito,

  • 7

    2009) (Figure 2.4). The lower Bakken Shale is areally limited and pinches out to the west

    and southwest in Elm Coulee Field (Figure 2.3).

    2.2.2 Middle Member

    The Middle Bakken Member is gray to buff, dolomitic fine-grained siltstone. The

    middle member has ripple laminations, planar laminations, bioturbation and soft

    sediment deformation. This interval is interpreted to be deposited in a tide-dominated

    coastal environment. The middle member has a distinctive log signature (Figure 2.4).

    The upper silty dolostone facies has a clean, low gamma-ray signature and the

    bioturbated dolostone facies has a coarsening-upward log signature (Sonnenberg and

    Pramudito., 2009).

    2.2.3 Upper Shale

    The upper shale is an organic rich, finely laminated, black to fissile, and slightly

    calcareous source rock. The upper shale has disseminated kerogen throughout, and

    shows a slight thickening toward the northwest. High gamma ray and resistivity

    signatures are characteristic of this shale (Figure 2.4).

    Figure 2.4. Well log signatures of the Bakken Formation. (from Sonnenberg and Pramudito., 2009).

  • 8

    2.2.4 Source Rocks

    These shales are thermally mature at varying depths in the Williston basin. In

    those places where the geothermal gradients were highest, hydrocarbon generation

    occurred at depths of about 7,700 ft; and in areas with lower geothermal gradients,

    generation occurred at depths of 10,000 ft (Price et al., 1984). Based on conodont color

    alteration index values, Hayes (1985) also confirmed that the Bakken shales were

    capable of oil generation at depths between 7,500 and 10,000 ft.

    Though the Bakken was rapidly buried during the Mississippian, subsidence was

    not enough to initiate oil generation until about 100 million years ago during the

    Cretaceous. Then in the later part of the Cretaceous, once oil generation began and

    pressures built up, a continuous phase oil expulsion occurred (Dow, 1974; Webster,

    1984; Nordeng, 2009).

    2.3 Key Previous Work

    Petroleum geology of the giant Elm Coulee Field, Williston Basin (2009), by

    Stephen Sonnenberg and Airs Pramudito, is a comprehensive summary of the Elm

    Coulee field, and describes the stratigraphy, organic richness of the shale, and

    properties of the Middle Bakken Member. Furthermore, it analyzes the porosity and

    permeability of the middle member, and the distribution of the facies in the Elm Coulee

    Field area. The paper also explains that the thickening of the Bakken in the Elm Coulee

    area is a direct result of salt dissolution from the Prairie Formation, which created extra

    accommodation space for the thickening of the Middle Bakken member in Richland


    Late Devonian and Early Mississippian Bakken and Exshaw Black Shale Source

    Rocks, Western Canada Sedimentary Basin: A Sequence Stratigraphic Interpretation, by

    Mark Smith and Marc Bustin (2000). The authors state that the Bakken and Exshaw

    formations are time equivalent petroleum systems. They interpret three distinctive

    system tracts: a transgressive systems tract, a lowstand systems tract, and a second

    trangressive systems tract for the Middle Bakken member.

    They also interpret a sequence boundary between the lower and middle member

    of the Bakken Formation. They describe the Middle Bakken as a shallow marine deposit

  • 9

    that is characterized by an average upward increase in grain size, upward thickening in

    sandstone beds, and an upward decrease in bioturbation.

    Petroleum Geology of the Bakken Formation Williston Basin, North Dakota and

    Montana, by Fred Meissner (1978). Meissner discusses the maturity of the Bakken

    Formation and its relation to petrophysical properties. Meissner also examines the

    overpressure in the Williston basin, and makes an interpretation on the origin and

    migration of hydrocarbons from overpressured cells. Meissner states that areas with

    mature oil-generating source rocks generally are overpressured, which has the potential

    to fracture host and or adjacent rocks.

    2.4 Purpose and Objectives

    The purpose of this research is three fold: (1) to complete an in-depth

    examination of the reservoir properties of the Bakken petroleum system in Elm Coulee

    field; (2) to construct a three dimensional geologic model that will show the distribution of

    the different facies within the Bakken Formation and their associated reservoir

    properties: and (3) build a fracture model and integrate it with the matrix porosity model.

    Since porosity and permeability are highly dependent on the reservoir facies

    distribution, the knowledge of such properties will be useful in locating drilling targets,

    and in predicting the most efficient way to develop the field. Porosity can be both matrix

    and fracture in nature, and in Elm Coulee, matrix porosity and permeability, enhanced by

    natural fractures, will be key in identification of reservoir sweet spots. Furthermore, the

    construction of a reservoir model will facilitate identifying key production areas, and aid

    in forecasting and developing secondary recovery techniques. To maximize the potential

    of the Elm Coulee Field, a proper understanding of trap, seal and reservoir heterogeneity

    is critical. Ultimately, the findings of this research may be used as an analog for similar

    Bakken fields and play types that produce from tight reservoirs.

    The specific plans of this research are to:

    1) Understand the lateral and vertical facies variation within the Bakken Formation in the

    Elm Coulee Field;

    2) Correlate core data to the digital log data and distribute these properties throughout

    the field;

  • 10

    3) Build a reservoir model that displays these properties, and provides information on the

    depositional history of the Elm Coulee Field;

    4) Use production data, drill stem tests, micro-seismic, 3D seismic and published

    literature to identify fractures in the Elm Coulee Field. Key producing areas in Elm

    Coulee Field can be found using traditional reservoir properties, and sweet spots can be

    identified using production trends. It is hypothesized that the best production is

    associated with fractured areas. This study will build both a matrix and fracture

    distribution model.

    2.5 Methodology

    The research was conducted using core data, X-ray diffraction (XRD) data, and

    digital log data. The geologic model was built using the geologic software: Petrel,

    Geographix, and Prism log analysis. The study has six cores that were used to identify

    facies, fractures, and reservoir properties (Alexandre, 2011). These cores where then

    used to correlate approximately 400 digital logs in the Elm Coulee area. The cores were

    also used to identify potential baffles and barriers that contribute to the heterogeneity of

    the Elm Coulee reservoir facies. The well logs were used to construct structure and

    isopach maps in the Elm Coulee Field, as well as to identify petrophysical properties.

    The well log data will all be spatially referenced and depth calibrated to be imported into

    Petrel 3D reservoir modeling software.

    The reservoir model focuses on the Middle Bakken Member in the Elm Coulee

    Field, and the core properties were used to construct a reservoir model in Petrel. This

    model identifies the distribution of facies and their reservoir properties, as well as the

    vertical and lateral changes in the Middle Bakken Member. Reservoir pressure was

    determined from drill stem test data in the study area. Production data from IHS was

    evaluated to help identity the best producing areas, as well as to assist in history

    matching and fluid recovery rates for the Petrel model.

  • 11



    Richland County has a number of vertical conventional cores through the Middle

    Bakken, but only six cores were available for this study. Two of the cores were

    previously studied and interpreted by Pramudito (2009) and four new cores were

    interpreted and added to the CSM Elm Coulee database (Alexandre, 2011). The core

    data is spatially located across the study area (Figure 3.1). The core data was used to

    determine facies distributions and rock properties.

    The core dataset for this study includes four primary cores in Richland County

    that were donated by Enerplus Oil and Gas Corporation (Jackson Rowdy 3-8, Township

    26 North, Range 51 East, Section 3; Brutus East Lewis 3-4-H, Township 24 North,

    Range 57 East, Section 3; Foghorn-Ervin 20-3-HILD3, Township 23 North, Range 58

    East, Section 20; RR Lonetree-Edna 1-13, Township 23 North, Range 56 East, Section

    1). Two other cores were used to compliment and compare to the Enerplus core data

    (Vaira 44-24, Township 24 North, Range 54 East, Section 24; Williams 1-4, Township 23

    North, Range 55 East, Section 4). These two cores are located at the United States

    Geological Survey (USGS) Core Research Facility in Denver, Colorado. (Table 1)

    shows a summary of the cores used in this study. The cores were studied and used to

    identify facies and their associated properties such as porosity and permeability.

    Each Enerplus core has approximately 30 core plugs taken at one foot intervals.

    The plugs are used to determine porosity and permeability. The core plugs were thin

    sectioned and had X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis run on them. The supporting data

    was then used to quantify grain texture, fractures, digenesis and mineral composition.

    3.1 Methods

    Cores were described (Alexandre, 2011) (Pramudito, 2008) for their lithologic

    characteristics, variations in mineral composition, grain size, fossil and trace fossil

    associations, diagenetic features and sedimentary structures. Grain size was measured

    using hand lens and petrographic thin sections.

  • 12


    le 1

    . Lis

    t of core

    d w


    used in s


  • 13

    Figure 3.1. Green dots mark the locations of cored wells used in the Elm Coulee study.

    Petrographic thin sections and XRD data were used to determine mineral

    composition. Sedimentary structures such as laminations, lag deposits and disturbed

    bedding helped determine depositional environment.

    The presence of calcite and dolomite minerals was determined with the use of

    XRD data and petrographic thin sections. The presence of dolomite could also be

    observed in thin sections in the form of dolomite crystals with rhombic shapes. XRD

    analysis measured the mineral percentages contained in the middle member. The

    Middle Bakken facies B and C with a high percentages of dolomite had the best

    reservoir rock.

    To map the facies and paleoenviormental interpretations, core data was

    correlated to well log data. The well log data was used to construct cross-sections

    across the study area. A series of structure and isopach maps were constructed to

    display the areal distributions and thicknesses of the Middle Bakken facies.

  • 14

    3.2 Facies Descriptions

    A facies is a body of rock characterized by a particular combination of lithology,

    physical and biological structures that exhibit an aspect different from the bodies of rock

    above, below, and laterally adjacent (Walker, 2006). Core observation, petrographic thin

    sections, and XRD were utilized to help with facies interpretation.

    One of the most important features for facies identification was fossil

    identification, and both trace fossils and fossil fragments were instrumental in

    determining facies boundaries (Alexandre, 2011).

    The six cores used in this study all exhibit similar facies characteristics and

    petrophysical properties. The Middle Bakken interval has six distinct facies that were

    identified based on sedimentary structures, fossil content, textures and mineral

    composition. The Middle Bakken has a facies designation from the base upwards of

    lithofacies A,B,C,D,E, and F (Figure 3.2) (CSM 2010). These facies are summarized in

    the following sections. The identified facies correlate well with gamma ray, neutron and

    density log properties. The average core plug data from Enerplus was used for matrix

    properties values.

    3.2.1 Lower Bakken Shale.

    The lower shale is an organic rich mudstone, and is dark gray to brown in color.

    The shale is burrowed and contains fossil fragments including brachiopods and crinoids

    (Figure 3.3). The lower shale is areally limited and pinches out to the west and

    southwest in Richland County. Thin sections reveal that this facies has micro fractures

    that are generally cemented by calcite and pyrite. Core data reports indicate an average

    porosity of 3.1%.

    3.2.2 Facies A. Intraclastic-Skeletal Lime Wackestone

    Lithofacies A is composed of a silty clay-rich wackestone (Figure 3.4). The

    facies is characterized by abundant fossil fragments consisting of brachiopods and

    crinoids. Some cores have a low to moderate amount of bioturbation in the form of

    horizontal burrows. Pyrite is present in the form of wisps and nodules (Alexandre,

    2011). Petrophysical logs show an increase in

  • 15




    . B

    akken lithofa



  • 16

    gamma ray values that generally are assumed to be associated with an increase in

    organic material (Pramudito, 2008). The thickness of the interval averages four feet.

    The average porosity is four percent and average permeability is 0.12 md.

    3.2.3 Facies B. Bioturbated Silty Dolostone

    Lithofacies B is composed of a highly bioturbated silty dolostone (Figure 3.5).

    The facies is characterized by a high amount of bioturbation. The primary trace fossils

    are helminthopsis burrows. There are rare occurrences of thin laminations and

    brachiopod fragments. The clay content decreases toward the top of this interval. The

    thickness of the interval averages 15 ft. The average porosity is six percent and the

    average permeability is 0.1 md.

    3.2.4 Facies C. Rhythmic Laminated Sandy to Silty Dolostone

    Lithofacies C is composed of a laminated silty dolostone (Figure 3.6). The facies

    is characterized by the rhythmically bedded laminations. The types of lamination

    observed in the facies are parallel, wavy, and cross laminations. There is a low amount a

    bioturbation observed in this facies. The thickness of the interval averages seven feet.

    The average porosity is six percent and the average permeability is 0.06 md.

    3.2.5 Facies D. Fine Grained Quartz Rich Sandstone

    Lithofacies D is composed of dolomitic fine-grained sandstone (Figure 3.7). The

    types of lamination observed in the facies are parallel, wavy, and cross laminated. The

    facies is very thin, averaging less than one foot. This is below the resolution of the digital

    curves and is not mapped in the field area. This facies is combined with facies C when

    mapping across the study area.

    3.2.6 Facies E Silty Dolostone

    Lithofacies E is composed of a laminated to bioturbated silty dolostone (Figure

    3.8). There are wavy discontinuous laminations observed throughout this interval. The

    thickness of the interval averages 2.6 ft. This is not a major reservoir facies in the

    Middle Bakken.

    3.2.7 Facies F Fossiliferous Wackestone

    Lithofacies F is composed of fossiliferous dolomitic to lime wackestone (Figure


  • 17

    Figure 3.3. Lower Bakken Shale. The black and white scale bar segments are one inch (from Alexandre, 2011).

    Figure 3.4. Middle Bakken Facies A. The black and white scale bar segments are one inch (from Alexandre, 2011).

  • 18

    Figure 3.5. Middle Bakken Facies B. The black and white scale bar segments are one inch. Dark blebs are Helminthopsis burrows (from Alexandre, 2011).

    Figure 3.6. Middle Bakken Facies C. The black and white scale bar segments are one inch (from Alexandre, 2011).

  • 19

    Figure 3.7. Middle Bakken Facies D. The black and white scale bar segments are one inch (from Alexandre, 2011).

    Figure 3.8. Middle Bakken Facies E. The black and white scale bar segments are one inch (from Alexandre, 2011).

  • 20

    Figure 3.9. Middle Bakken Facies F. The black and white scale bar segments are one inch (from Alexandre, 2011).

    Figure 3.10. Upper Bakken Shale. The black and white scale bar segments are one inch (from Alexandre, 2011).

  • 21

    The beds contain brachiopods found as articulated shells or fragments. There is fair to

    moderate bioturbation observed. The thickness of the interval averages 2.6 ft. The

    facies is generally hard to detect on wire line logs do to its thin nature and its proximity to

    the high radioactivity of the overlying Upper Bakken Shale.

    3.2.8 Upper Bakken Shale.

    The upper shale is an organic rich mudstone, and is black to dark brown in color

    (Figure 3.10). The Upper Bakken Shale is areally distributed throughout the Elm Coulee

    Field. The facies has micro fractures that are generally cemented by calcite and pyrite.

    The upper shale has disseminated kerogen throughout, and shows a slight thickening

    toward the northwest. High gamma ray and resistivity signatures are characteristic of

    this shale. Core measurements show an average porosity of 1.7%.

    3.3 Depositonal Model

    The Bakken Formation was deposited in a restricted basin during a time of

    relative sea level rise (Webster,1984; Price,1985) (Figure 3.11). The lower and upper

    organic rich shales are interpreted to be deposited in a stratified water column. The

    anoxic bottom waters allowed for the preservation of high amounts of organic matter, an

    absence of bioturbation and the formation of pyrite. (Webster,1984; Price,1985).

    The depositional model for the Middle Bakken in Richland County is an offshore

    marine carbonate bar complex (Sonnenberg and Pramudito, 2009) The carbonate bar

    complex is interpreted to be deposited in accommodation that was the result of the

    dissolution of the underlying Prairie salts (Sonnenberg and Pramudito, 2009)

    Facies A,B, and C are interpreted to have been deposited in a highstand systems

    tract (HST) (Figure 3.12). Facies A is interpreted to be deposited in an offshore marine

    environment. The facies does not have any wave or current features. There is a very low

    amount of bioturbation, Facies B is interpreted to be have been deposited in a lower

    shoreface environment. This facies has a high amount of bioturbation from deposit

    feeders and shows little to no wave or current features (Simenson, 2010). Facies C is

    interpreted to have been deposited in the intertidal environment, and is characterized by

    laminated silty dolostone. The top of Facies C marks the end of the HST.

    Facies E is interpreted to have been deposited in a lower intertidal environment.

    There is fair to moderate amount of bioturbation and some current and tidal features.

  • 22

    Facies F is interpreted to have been deposited in an offshore subtidal environment due

    to an increase in clay content. There are also abundant fossil fragments concentrated in

    thin layers, that are interpreted to be storm deposits. Facies E and F are interpreted to

    have been deposited during a transgressive systems tract (TST) (Figure 3.12).

    Figure 3.11 North American Paleogeographic Map Late Devonian, 360 Ma (modified from Blakey 2005).

    Williston Basin

  • 23

    Figure 3.12. Bakken depositional model. Facies are labeled according to their position on the model. HST (highstand systems tract), LST (Lowstand systems tract), TST (transgressive systems tract)(from Simenson, 2010 modified from Smith and Bustin, 1996).

    3.4 Core Descriptions

    Cores were examined using hand lens, petrographic thin sections and aided by

    the use of digital well logs, XRD and core plug sample analysis. Two core wells, (Vaira,

    Williams), were previously studied by Pramudito (2009). A comprehensive analysis of

    the four Enerplus Oil Corporation cores has been completed Alexandre (2011), and the

    following descriptions are a brief summary of this work. The facies found in these key

    well cores were used to define layers in the geologic model.

    3.4.1 Brutus East Lewis 3-4 (Sec. 3-T24N-R57E)

    The Brutus Lewis 3-4 well is located in the north-east area of the Elm Coulee

    Field. The cored interval is 10,372-10,435 ft and contains both of the Bakken Shales and

    six of the Bakken facies: A, B, C, D, E, and F (Figure 3.13).

  • 24

    The lower shale is an organic rich mudstone that is dark brown in color. The

    shale has thin millimeter sized laminations. The facies has microfractures that are

    generally cemented by calcite and pyrite.

    Facies A is composed of a silty clay rich wackestone that is light gray to gray.

    There are fossil fragments that consist of brachiopod and crinoid fragments. There is a

    fair to moderate amount of bioturbation in the form of horizontal burrows. Pyrite is

    present in the form of wisps and nodules.

    Facies B is composed of a silty dolostone that is gray to light brown. Facies B

    has a high amount of bioturbation. The primary trace fossils are helminthopsis burrows.

    There are rare occurrences of thin laminations and brachiopod fragments.

    Facies C is composed of a laminated silty dolostone that is light gray to light

    brown. Facies C is characterized by the rhythmically bedded laminations. The types of

    lamination observed in the facies are parallel, wavy, and cross laminated. There is a low

    amount a bioturbation observed in this facies.

    Facies D is very fine grained sandstone that is light brown. This facies is quartz

    rich. There are millimeter sized laminations with some minor amount of bioturbation

    found in Facies D.

    Facies E is composed of a laminated to bioturbated silty dolostone that is gray to

    light brown. There are wavy discontinuous laminations observed throughout this


    Facies F is a fossiliferous dolomitic to lime wackestone that is dark gray to

    brown. There are sporadic laminations found through the section, and fair to moderate

    bioturbation is observed.

    The upper shale is an organic rich mudstone, and is black to dark brown in color.

    The shale has millimeter sized laminations, is slightly burrowed, and contains minor

    fossil fragments. The upper contact is sharp with the overlying Lodgepole Formation.

  • 25

    Figure 3.13. Brutus East Lewis 3-4-H core description (from Alexandre, 2011)

  • 26

    3.4.2 RR Lonetree Edna 1-13 (Sec. 1-T23N-R56E)

    The Lonetree Edna well is located just east of the central part of Elm Coulee

    Field. The cored interval is 10,362-10,421 ft and contains only the Upper Bakken Shale

    and three of the Bakken facies: A, B, and C (Figure A4).

    Facies A is composed of a silty clay-rich wackestone that is light gray to gray.

    The facies has abundant fossil fragments that consist of brachiopod and crinoid

    fragments. There is a fair to moderate amount of bioturbation. Facies A is the base of

    the Bakken Formation and sits unconformably on the Three Forks Formation.

    Facies B is composed of a silty dolostone that is gray to light brown. The facies

    has a high amount of bioturbation. The primary trace fossils are helminthopsis burrows.

    There are rare occurrences of thin laminations and brachiopod fragments. Clay content

    decreases near the top of the facies.

    Facies C is composed of a laminated silty dolostone that is light gray to light

    brown. Facies C is characterized by the rhythmically bedded laminations. XRD data

    indicates that the amount of clay content increase near the top of Facies C.

    The upper shale is an organic-rich mudstone that is black to dark brown in color.

    The shale has millimeter sized laminations, the occasional burrowed interval and

    contains fossil fragments. The upper contact is conformable with the Lodgepole


    3.4.3 Foghorn-Ervin 20-3 (Sec. 20-T23N-R58E)

    The Foghorn Ervin 20-3 well is located in the south-east area of the Elm Coulee

    Field. The cored interval is 10,487-10,546 ft and contains the Upper Bakken Shale and

    five of the Bakken facies: A, B, C, E, and F (Figure A5).

    Facies A is composed of a silty clay-rich wackestone that is light gray to gray.

    This facies has abundant fossil fragments that consist of brachiopod and crinoid

    fragments. There is a fair amount of bioturbation and some horizontal burrows. Facies A

    forms the basal unit of the Bakken Formation, and sits uncomformably on top of the

    Three Forks Formation.

  • 27

    Facies B is composed of a silty dolostone that is gray to light brown. The facies

    has a high amount of bioturbation. The primary trace fossils are helminthopsis burrows.

    Facies B tends to have less clay content toward the top.

    Facies C is a laminated silty dolostone that is light gray to light brown. This facies

    has cross and wavy laminations and some minor bioturbation is observed.

    Facies E is composed of a laminated to bioturbated silty dolostone that is gray to

    light brown. The facies is more bioturbated at the base and has a few laminations

    toward the top.

    Facies F is a fossiliferous dolomitic to lime wackestone. The facies is dark gray to

    brown, and abundant brachiopod fragments are found throughout this facies.

    The upper shale is an organic-rich mudstone, and is black to dark brown in color.

    The shale has millimeter-sized laminations which become less frequent toward the top.

    The upper contact is conformable with the Lodgepole Formation.

    3.4.3 Jackson Rowdy 3-8 (Sec. 3-T26N-R51E)

    The Jackson Rowdy 3-8 well is located in the north-west area of the Elm Coulee

    Field. The cored interval is 7,627-7,683 ft and contains both of the Bakken shales and

    six of the Bakken facies: A, B, C, D, E, and F (Figure A6).

    The lower shale is an organic rich mudstone, and is dark in color. The shale has

    thin millimeter sized laminations. The facies has micro-fractures that are generally

    cemented by calcite and pyrite.

    Facies A is composed of a silty clay rich wackestone that is light gray to gray.

    The facies has abundant fossil fragments that consist of brachiopod and crinoid

    fragments. There is a low to fair amount of bioturbation that increases toward the top of

    the facies.

    Facies B is composed of a silty dolostone that is gray to light brown. The facies

    has a high amount of bioturbation. The primary trace fossils are helminthopsis burrows.

    There are rare occurrences of thin laminations and brachiopod fragments.

  • 28

    Facies C is composed of a laminated silty dolostone that is light gray to light

    brown. The facies is characterized by the rhythmically bedded laminations. There is a

    low amount a bioturbation observed at the base of this section.

    Facies D is very fine-grained quartz-rich sandstone that is light brown. There are

    millimeter sized laminations found in Facies D.

    Facies E is composed of a laminated to bioturbated silty dolostone that is gray to

    light brown. The laminations are discontinuous to wavy, and become more rare toward

    the top of the interval where the bioturbation increases.

    Facies F is a fossiliferous dolomitic to lime wackestone that is dark gray to

    brown. Brachiopods fragments are observed in this facies, and there is a fair to

    moderate amount of bioturbation.

    The upper shale is an organic-rich mudstone, and is black to dark brown in color.

    The shale has millimeter sized laminations, is burrowed, and contains fossil fragments.

    There is some pyrite nodules observed in the upper shale.

    3.4.4 Vaira 44-24 (Sec. 24-T24N-R31E)

    The Vaira well is located in a central part of Elm Coulee Field. The cored interval

    is 9,998-10,035 ft and contains the Upper Bakken Shale and three of the Bakken facies:

    A, B, and C (Figure A7).

    Facies A is composed of a silty clay-rich wackestone that is light gray to gray.

    The facies has abundant fossil fragments that consist of brachiopod and crinoid

    fragments. Bioturbation is moderate to low in this interval.

    Facies B is composed of a silty dolostone that is gray to light brown. The facies

    has a high amount of bioturbation. The primary trace fossils are helminthopsis burrows.

    There is a higher amount of bioturbation toward the base of the interval.

    Facies C is composed of a laminated silty dolostone that is light gray to light

    brown. The facies is characterized by the ripple and parallel laminations. There is a

    higher amount a bioturbation observed at the base of this section.

  • 29

    The upper shale is an organic-rich mudstone that is black to dark brown in color.

    The shale has millimeter sized parallel laminations. The upper contact is conformable

    with the Lodgepole Formation.

    3.4.5 Williams 1-4 (Sec. 4-T23N-R55E)

    The Williams well is located in a central part of Elm Coulee Field. The cored

    interval is 10,047-10,072 ft and contains the Upper Bakken Shale and three of the

    Bakken facies: A, B, and C (Figure A8).

    Facies A is composed of a silt-rich wackestone. The facies is light gray to gray.

    The facies has abundant fossil fragments that consist of brachiopod and crinoid

    fragments. Bioturbation is low to absent in this interval.

    Facies B is composed of a silty dolostone. The facies is gray to light brown. The

    facies has a high amount of bioturbation. The primary trace fossils are helminthopsis

    burrows. There is a higher amount of bioturbation toward the base of the interval.

    Facies C is composed of a laminated silty dolostone. The facies is light gray to

    light brown. The facies is characterized by the ripple laminations. There is a higher

    amount a bioturbation observed at the base of this section.

    The upper shale is an organic rich mudstone, and is black to dark brown in color.

    The shale has millimeter sized parallel laminations.

    3.5 Mineralogy and Diagenesis

    Analysis of the mineralogy and diagenesis of the Elm Coulee Field is critical

    component of reservoir quality. The reservoirs with the best reservoir characteristics

    tend to be high in dolomite, and low in calcite and clay minerals. The process of

    dolomitization is the key process in developing reservoir quality rock. Dolomitiztion is the

    exchange of calcium ion with magnesium ion in carbonate rocks. The volume of the

    magnesium ion is less than that of a calcite ion so the exchange can increase the pore

    spaces in carbonate rocks up to 13%.

    The importance of dolomite was noted in core studies (Figures 3.14 and 3.15).

    The high percentages of dolomite corresponded with high porosity and permeability

    values. To identify dolomite in non-cored wells,a series of cross plots were made. The

    plots compare the percentage of dolomite seen in the XRD data with bulk density well

  • 30

    log values. The results of this study indicate that the dolomite signature is between 2.63

    g/cm3 and 2.66 g/cm3 (Figure 3.16 and 3.17). The calcite is 2.8-2.9 g/cm3 on the bulk

    density curves (Figure 3.17).

    The average bulk density in Facies B and Facies C was mapped across the

    study area (Figure 3.16). The trends on the map highlight that the dolomitic signature

    was found in southern parts of the study area. These areas tend to have the best

    porosity and associated production in Richland County. There are diagenetic pinch-outs

    of the dolomite facies to the northeast and northwest of Richland County (Figure 3.18).

    These pinchouts may also act as diagenetic traps that are a result of poor reservoir

    quality in the key facies.

    In addition to having better matrix porosity and permeability, the dolomite tends

    to be more brittle and thus more susceptible to the tectonic stress in the study area.

    These stresses can cause fractures in the rocks and can contribute to reservoir quality.

  • 31

    Figure 3.14. RR Lonetree, gamma ray, porosity, and permeability and XRD analysis. The well log data shows good porosity and permeability corresponding to areas with high amounts of dolomite and low amounts of calcite and chlorite.

  • 32

    Figure 3.15. Jackson Rowdy, gamma ray, porosity, and permeability and XRD analysis. The well log data shows good porosity and permeability corresponding to areas with high amounts of dolomite and low amounts of calcite and chlorite.

  • 33




    6. B


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    re is 2

    .68 g


    3 .

  • 34

    Figure 3.17. RR Lonetree Edna, cross plot of bulk density and XRD precentage of dolomite. The colors refer to the depth of the Middle Bakken. The red is at 10,376 ft and the dark blue is 10,408 ft. The data shows an average bulk density of 2.63 g/cm3 where there is a high precentage of dolomite.

  • 35




    8. A





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  • 36



    Digital well logs were acquired for 421 wells in the Elm Coulee study area (Figure

    4.1). All of the wells are vertical penetrations. The wells were selected on the

    availability of resistivity, gamma ray, and density-neutron logs. All of the digital logs were

    obtained from TGS Geological Products and Services. There are six wells that had

    conventional cores that could be used to compare with the digital logs. Wells that did not

    penetrate the Bakken Formation were not used in this study. Strata from the Devonian

    Three Forks to the Mississippian Lodgepole formations were identified and used in

    subsurface mapping. Using well log signatures, a series of cross sections, and structure

    and isopach maps were constructed.

    4.1 Methods

    The well logs were loaded into Geographix geologic mapping and correlation

    software. Petrophysical log signatures of gamma ray and density-neutron porosity were

    compared to the six Elm Coulee whole cores to enable Bakken Formation facies

    correlation. The Upper Bakken Shale, Lower Bakken Shale, and Middle Bakken A, B, C,

    E and F facies were mapped over the Elm Coulee Field. The underlying Three Forks

    Formation and the Nisku (BirdBear) Formation were also mapped.

    Formation Tops were picked in the 421 wells and used to construct a series of

    northwest-southeast and northeast-southwest cross sections (Figure 4.2). Isopach and

    structure maps were constructed to determine the areal distribution of the individual

    Bakken facies. The maps also exhibit the overall geometry of the Elm Coulee Field seen

    in the mapping of the major units.

    4.2 Structural Cross Section

    Eight structural cross sections were constructed across the Elm Coulee Field

    area, cross sections A-A ,B-B, and C-C are oriented in the northwest-southeast

    orientation. Cross sections D-D, E-E, F-F, G-G, and H-H are in a northeast- southwest

    orientation (Figures 4.3 and B1 through B7). The structural cross sections are used to

  • 37




    . L

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  • 38

    map TVDSS

    contour interval is 200ft.




    . Location m

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    rval is



  • 39

    determine the geometry of Elm Coulee Field. The top formation picks are used to

    generate depth calibrated structural surfaces that will be used in Petrel.

    4.3 Stratigraphic Cross Section

    Eight stratigraphic cross sections were constructed across the Elm Coulee Field

    area, cross sections A-A, B-B, and C-C are oriented in the northwest-southeast

    orientation (Figures 4.4 and C1 through C8). Cross sections D-D, E-E, F-F, G-G, and

    H-H are in a northeast southwest orientation. The stratigraphic cross sections helped in

    mapping of the individual Bakken facies and their log character across the field. The

    thickness of the individual facies and their areal extent are displayed in a series of

    isopach maps. The total Middle Bakken isopach shows a thick orientation in the

    northwest in the middle of Richland County (Figure 4.5).

    4.4 Structure Maps

    Structure maps were made on the top of the Upper Bakken Shale, Three Forks,

    and Nisku (Birdbear) formations (Figures 4.6 through 4.8) . All three fromations are

    present in the digital logs selected for this study. The maps show a dip to the southeast.

    The maps do not show any major fault features, however, there are some contour

    anamolies that may suggests subtle tectonic activity. These anomalies are present as

    bends and noses in the contours. There is also a change in dip in the north-west portion

    of the study area.

    4.5 Isopach Maps

    Isopach maps were constructed for the Bakken facies and the Three Forks

    formations. The Bakken Formation is divided into seven facies (Figures 4.10 through

    4.16). The mapping of the Bakken facies helped to determine areal extent and

    depositional thickness of the producing formations in the Elm Coulee Field. The top of

    the Bakken formation was used as a stratigraphic datum. This was used because its a

    conformable surface with overlying strata, and is areal extensive across the study area.

    The depocenter for the Bakken Formation in the study area has a northwest to southeast

    orientation across Richland County (Pramudito, 2008). The Bakken Formation ranges

    from 5.5ft to 52ft thick with an average thickness of 36ft in the study area (Figure 4.5.)

  • 40




    . S


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  • 41

    light gray is facies E and F, the light

    red is facies B and C and the purple is facies A.




    . S




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  • 42

    ). Contour

    interval is 2.

    5ft. The thickness ranges from 1.5ft to 5ft in the study area




    . T



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  • 43

    The Lower Bakken facies pinches out to the south of Elm Coulee Field. The

    Lower Bakken Shale is only found in the northen parts of the field area (Figure 4.15).

    Facies A, B and C thicken in the middle of Elm Coulee, and thin to the north and pinch

    out to the south.

    The E and F faices are found restricted to the northern parts of the study area,

    and thicken toward the center of the basin. The Upper Bakken Shale extends over the

    total study area and thins toward the south. The Three Forks Formation ranges in

    thickness from 80ft to 180 ft. This formation thins to the southwest. Pramudito (2008)

    suggested that the southern portion of the study area was preferentially uplifted