CAJUN ADVENTURE: The Case for the Missing Birds A NOVEL BY 1 | Page

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CAJUN ADVENTURE:The Case for the Missing Birds


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This book is a work of fiction, none of the characters are based on real people, none of the events described ever occurred.

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This book and all my books are dedicated to my wonderful husband of40+ years. I thank him for taking me on adventures all

over the world. Then bringing me back to hishome state so I could have an adventure in Cajun Country!


Louisiana lies within the gulf portion of the Coastal Plain, which is a natural region of the United States. The Mississippi Alluvial Plain in Louisiana extends from the Louisiana-Arkansas border in the north to the Gulf of Mexico in the south. This area of marshes and swamps is home to a wide variety of animals and birds. Louisiana is the southern terminus of the Central and Mississippi Flyways. More than one-half of the species of birds in North America are residents in the state or spend a portion of their migration there. Species of migratory waterfowl are the most abundant.

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Birds such as the blue heron, snowy egret and American egret are protected in wildlife preserves.

EGRET is a type of 'heron', a large bird that is usually associated with beautiful white flowing plumage. They especially have long, soft plumes on the lower parts of their backs during the breeding season. The 'great egret', is about 40" tall and is the only species native to both America and Eurasia; it nests from Southern Canada through Central and South America. Two other egrets native to the Americas are the abundant small snowy egret about 24" tall and the uncommon reddish egret about 29" tall. All types of egrets were nearly exterminated because hunters indiscriminately slaughtered the adult birds during the nesting seasons for their valuable plumes, mainly used in the millinery trade in the early part of the 20th century. Federal legislation has been enacted to ensure their perpetuation.

These birds feed on small fish and critters they can catch by wading in the shallow banks of the rivers and streams of their habitat. If this food supply is taken away they will leave and find food elsewhere.

Victoria Sullivan is an ornithologist and is in Louisiana for a very specific reason, related to the egrets and more precisely the great egret 'Casmerodius albus' or great white egret. She is doing her master's thesis on the resurgence of the egrets back to their native habitat. Since they have been declared as federally protected, their numbers have been steadily increasing. Victoria has become familiar with this area over the years, having grandparents from New Orleans. She always enjoyed visiting them when she was little, especially enjoying the visits to the Audubon Memorial, the plantation home once occupied by John James Audubon. At a very young age she fell in love with those paintings and the romance of wildlife. That love has continued to this day, thus her field of study and her decision to use her master's thesis for further research.

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Chapter 1

The sun was just beginning to climb into the cloudless sky over the river. But the tall redhead wasn't aware of the sight she made, her hair glowing in the sun as if it had a life of its own. She was walking, head down, along the hard-packed trail to the stream. She was so caught up in her thoughts that she hardly noticed the ever-present mosquitoes buzzing around her. "Why should the birds suddenly take flight in such huge numbers?" she asked herself. She knows they have always made their homes along the rivers and in the marshes and swamps of the Gulf Coast. Once after an unusually rainy week, she remembers seeing the elegant white egrets walking along the side of a road. The water table in the delta area is so high, that flooding can

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cause the bayous to overflow, coming up on the roads. It was an amazing sight and one of the reasons she was back here.

These beautiful birds have, throughout history, drawn people to them. Starting with the Egyptians and their sacred Ibises. The Ibis is a very similar bird, and being so highly regarded they were also mummified and placed in the tombs of the Pharaohs, along with their images in golden statues encrusted with jewels. 'Enough musing,' she thought to herself, 'back to the present, what is driving the egrets away?'

Just then she reached the edge of the slough, here is where the birds feed, with their long necks down, seining in the shallow water for small fish. Quietly she nears the water, looking for any of the birds she has been watching. She has become so familiar with the birds that she has started naming them. There was 'Queenie' and her mate 'Leo'; 'Satch' and 'Mo'; and several others. But after spending some time in the area she was noticing fewer of the graceful birds along the shoreline.

Suddenly she senses she is not alone; she could feel someone else in the tall brush. Immediately she was fearful it was a poacher knowing there is still a market for the highly prized feathers in Europe. Raising her hands, she pulls apart the tall grasses and searches the riverbank. Nothing upstream, turning she looks downstream. Standing among the grasses was a man. Silently she observes him, he was holding his camera, with an impressive telephoto lens, snapping pictures of the birds. Seeming to be unaware of her presence she continues to study him. His good looks caught her attention and from her vantage point she can tell he must be quite a bit taller than she; he has blonde hair which is in sharp contrast to his healthy tan. He seems to be near her age, as far as she could tell, and he boasted a fit physique.

Lowering his camera, he turns and looks directly at her, "Morning. I hope you're enjoying the view."

Victoria was too shocked to immediately answer...she stutters, "Sssorry, I didn't mean to stare at you. I just didn't know anyone else was around here." She was mortified she had been caught admiring him. Well I guess looking didn't do any harm...as long as you don't get caught.

"Oh?" blushing he continued "No, I meant the birds. They are especially active early then again at dusk." He answered with a cockeyed grin. "You new around here?"

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"No, well yes, well not really," Victoria stammered, "I spent many summers here as a girl, and I especially liked watching the birds. Now I'm back studying the egrets."

"Really? I'm here studying the birds also. Excuse my bad manners, my name is Brian Townsend." He was steadily approaching so he could now reach out to shake hands with her.

Extending her hand to meet his, she felt an actual electric shock when their hands touched, "Oh" , exclaimed Victoria. Then to cover it she cleared her throat, and introduced herself, "I'm Victoria Sullivan."

"So do your friends call you Vicky?" he responded, all the while admiring her in return.

"No, my name is Victoria," she answered rather stiffly, "do you photograph wildlife for a living?"

"Actually I'm an illustrator. I've been hired to do a series of paintings of the indigenous waterfowl of the southern part of Louisiana and Mississippi. What about you?" All the while looking at Victoria, appreciating the view. He was so absorbed in taking in her lovely features he almost missed what she was saying. Thinking to himself he could get lost in those deep emerald green eyes...

She was just concluding..."so that's why I chose this area for my field of study."

"I'm sorry, why was it...?"

She felt slightly offended that he wasn't paying attention to her, it was his question..."sorry, I didn't mean to bore you. I guess I do have a tendency to carry on about the egrets."

"You aren't boring in the least, you were speaking of the egrets", then wracking his brain, he recalled she spoke of 'grandparents in New Orleans'. So are you staying over in New Orleans or around here?" Hoping she was staying near.

"Actually I'm staying in a cabin here on the river. It's really rustic, at least compared to accommodations in town or in New Orleans, but I wanted to be close to the river." Then she couldn't help but ask, "how about you? Here too?"

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"Yup, I've got a cabin probably more rustic than yours. Rented it from some friends of my dad. I guess it's more of a hunting place for the guys than a real home, but it's good enough for me."

She was thinking to herself, I hope he's here for a while longer...he seems very nice. Perhaps he could take some photos of the egrets for me; a professional photograph or two would be a nice addition to my report. Then she realized he was speaking...

"Yes, it's great here, except for the bugs. At night it's so quiet you can actually hear the mosquitoes taking aim at you."

They both laughed to break the tension that was somehow building up.

"You heading back to the road, or staying here for a while?"

"I guess I'll head back. How about you?" Victoria realized she detected an accent, "Are you from around here, I hear some southern accent?"

"You have a good ear, I tried to lose it years ago, but I guess being back brings it out again. And, yeah I'm going back to the road," and he grasped her elbow to help her over some rough spots in the grasses.

She felt that spark again, just his casual touch was enough...then she told herself she was imagining it...it was childish. She continued, "So you were from around here?"

"No, not really, I lived upstate closer to Tennessee. But the south is the south and there is a distinct speech pattern, I guess. I now call Oregon home. Just as beautiful, but in a much different way."

"I'm from Washington, DC, grew up there and just stayed. I'm finishing up my studies at Georgetown, then I hope to find work in the field of ecology."

"Sounds like you know where you are going. That's good. I just like to live in the moment; right now I'm painting birds. Next month I may be back home painting trees. Who knows?"

They had now reached the main road, feeling nervous, Victoria started to leave, "well, I had better let you get back to your work." She started heading downstream toward her place, then turned back, "Oh, say, since we are kind of doing the same things, have you noticed many egrets here?"

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"I haven't really been looking, but if you like I'll keep an eye out and let you know. How can I get in touch?" He couldn't believe his luck that he had an opportunity to ask.

"I'll give you my cell number. Could you kind of keep track of how many you see? I came down to study the resurgence in their population, but now it seems there are fewer than when I was here last. I can't imagine what the cause of that could be."

"Sure, I'd be glad to." And I'd like to keep track of you too if I get a chance, he thought to himself.

"That would be great, see you." This time she waved then turned to head back down the road.

'You can count on it.' thought Brian. "Yes, I'm sure we'll meet again." he called after her.

Victoria turned back for a final wave. Then forcing her mind to concentrate on where she was walking, she tried to forget those dark blue eyes looking out of the ruggedly handsome face. "I guess there could be worse neighbors. I hope we meet again."

Chapter 2

"All right, tell all." laughed the jovial voice over the phone, "you never could fool me, Brian."

"Who? I don't know to whom you could possibly be referring", was the innocent response.

"Enough, I've been your closest friend for more years than we can remember. I'm sure she's tall, has long legs....am I getting warm?"

"I hate it when you do that...OK, OK, Ken, you're close. But she's just someone I met briefly here on the river."


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"So, she's doing some kind of research about the egrets in the marshes. The thing is, the reason I called, it's coming very close to what I'm doing down here. She's studying the egrets, and she's noticed their population declining. They're moving further south from their regular habitat, she says. You know what that could indicate...just what we're looking for too."

Ken responds more soberly, "Could that be a problem? Could your cover be blown?"

"I doubt it, I'm just the guy who's on assignment to paint waterfowl. But she did ask me to take note of how many birds I see. That did catch my attention. Could she be here undercover too? Perhaps another agency checking up on us?"

"Now you're starting to sound paranoid. But, no, I doubt that. It's just a coincidence."

"A coincidence?"

"Kind of a weird one, I'll admit, but I'm sure that's all it is. Now stop." Changing the subject, "What does she look like?"

"She's really striking looking, but also seems very intelligent. I enjoyed talking with her. Her family, grandparents anyway, are from New Orleans. Interesting, huh?"

"Does she have the southern accent so lacking in your speech?"

"No, and I'll have you know I have a 'slight accent' to quote Vicky."

"That's her name? Sounds 'perky' if you ask me. So...you going to see her again?"

"Vicky is not the least bit perky. And yes, we'll probably run into each other again, this is a small town."

"Well, keep in touch. By the way, in all your painting in the field, have you learned anything?"

"Oh, yes, I'm glad you reminded me. I've sent some samples off to you. I did a preliminary field test here and it came back with a high concentrate of chloramines. We'll have to see where that leads us."

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"Sounds good to me. I'll get back to you with any results we find. Keep up the good work. And don't daydream too much!" and with that Brian could hear his friend laughing as he clicked off the phone.

Brian remained seated in the comfortable leather chair pulled up to the large window. This was his favorite place to sit because it afforded a wide view over the surrounding low country. The cabin was placed on a small rise so the view was down to the slough and the wider river beyond. The sun sparkled off the Chatahoochee River at mid-day. 'It really is pretty country here,' thought Brian, 'I can see why Vicky would want to return', he thought of her as Vicky only because she had made such a point that her friends called her Victoria. In his mind he didn't just want to be a 'friend', he saw much greater potential. He had noticed her long slender fingers too, no engagement or wedding ring there, it didn't mean that she wasn't attached, but it did mean that there was nothing permanent, at least to his way of thinking.

Continuing on that train of thought he imagined showing her his view from the porch stretched across the back of the cabin. The split railing and porch were probably the nicest features of the rustic abode. He could have her over for dinner one night and they could have after-dinner drinks showing her the stars. One thing could be said for a rural area, when night fell it was pitch black, in that inky blackness a billion stars could be seen. He knew in the summer the Milky Way was clearly visible.

Then he thought about her being familiar with New Orleans, having spent time there as she was growing up. One thing that had appealed to him when he was offered this assignment was the proximity to New Orleans and the restaurants. It was an area of the country he had not visited previously and was anxious to sample all the foods that the Gulf Coast had to offer. He was a bit of a connoisseur when it came to food...and some of his favorite wines came from France, although in fairness he had his favorites from California and Oregon, too.

New Orleans was just the place to experience it. Definitely a dinner at Antoine's was called for; then he started recalling the names of other restaurants he had been told about - The Commander's Palace, Court of Two Sisters, Pat O'Brien's for the famous drink, a Hurricane. It was a gourmand's fantasy land!

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On the other side of the road and down a ways, Victoria was on the phone with her best friend, Laurel. She had called to check on her cat, Mandy. Fortunately the cat was very fond of Laurel and, she learned, had not appeared to miss her mistress in the least! So much for the loyalty of felines, but she guessed she was going to be pleased to see her once she got back home.

"So, go on...who is this mysterious man you saw?"

"Laurel, he's not in the least mysterious...he just happened on me or I happened on him, I don't really know, but we met on the riverbank. He was taking pictures and I was looking for the egrets."

"What was he taking photos of? There isn't much to see, is there other than the wildlife, alligators come to mind too."


"Whatever. You still didn't answer my question."

"He said he was on assignment to photograph then paint the local waterfowl. He didn't say who had hired him, but I'd love to see his work. Wonder if he ever painted an egret?"

"Enough, what does he look like?"

"Tall, probably over 6', I had to look up at him. I would say he is handsome, he has thick blonde hair, kind of tousled, not perfectly cut..."

"So he's definitely not like Martin?" Laurel asked hopefully. She never did like that man and was hoping this trip and in particular this man would gat Martin out of her mind once and for all time.

"As far away as you can get," Laurel was pleased to hear that, "and he's very nice, he has deep blue eyes, a good tan, like he spends time outdoors, and he must work out. He does have a good physique," Victoria added.

All that sounded very promising to Laurel, "How long did you spend with him? You certainly noticed a lot - especially for someone not out looking.""

"Actually I surprised myself by noticing so much. I was drawn to him, you know? Kind of crazy really."

"Where's he from?" Laurel thinks to herself 'hopefully it was somewhere near Washington, DC.'

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"He's from Oregon, at least that's where he lives now...apparently grew up somewhere north of here, near the Tennessee border."

Well, that wasn't even close to DC, but Laurel continued, "I'd say you listened as well as looked. How much time did you say you spent together?"

"At least I listened. He kind of zoned out on me and didn't hear all I said..."

"Sweetie, you can go on, especially about those birds of yours. Although if that's what he's doing there too, I would have thought he would have paid attention to what you were saying."

"At that point I was talking about New Orleans. Since he's staying here maybe we can eat in the City. I'd love to go to those places I visited when I was a kid. They're the kind of restaurants you need to enjoy with someone."

It was sounding even better, "Seems like you're making plans...why not wait for Martin to visit?" She couldn't resist needling Victoria.

"I doubt if he'll come down. You know, I don't know if I want him to. Las time I spoke with him he was still furious at me for leaving...then he said he thought he was going on assignment. As usual I'm the last to know. Like you so often tell me, it's time to step back and take a long look at things." Was she trying to convince herself it was OK to see Brian? No, she didn't think so.

"Really? You are finally listening to me. Yaa hoo...she has seen the light! Some kind of boyfriend, I'll bet Brian would keep you closer."

"That's enough, Laurel! Give Mandy a kiss for me, and thanks for being such a good friend. I'll call again soon."

With that Victoria hung up her phone. It was only a little past noon, and since she had forgotten to eat breakfast in her hurry to get to the river first thing, she was ready for lunch. Because it was such a beautiful spring day, she decided to dine 'al fresco' on the porch. After preparing her tuna sandwich, and grabbing a bag of chips and a bottle water, she made herself comfortable on the old redwood chaise lounge. Curling her long legs on the seat she settled down into the lumpy chair pad that had obviously outlived its usefulness. She sighed in contentment, yes, she was really glad to be back.

Then her mind drifted back to the stranger, well not exactly a stranger, at least she knew his name and what he was doing down here. He was an

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artist, what could they possibly have in common. And, he wasn't exactly her type, she always went for the more buttoned-down corporate type. Like Martin. Well, maybe that wasn't a good example. But that seemed to be the type she was always attracted to. Brain was at the other end of the scale; I'll bet he even drives a beat up old pickup truck. He's probably one of the basic good-old-boys. Well there was more to life than good looks, she had learned the hard way. That was why she concentrated on the sturdy, dependable types now. And Martin was certainly that, but if he were just a little more spontaneous! Must be her French background coming out...she remembered how her granpere and granmamma would just take off for an adventure, maybe a visit to her family or take off back to France to see friends and relatives.

Shaking her head she wonders just what it is that she does want? Martin was the secure, partner for life type of personality, isn't that what she decided she wanted? So what was the problem? Well, it's good she decided to get away for a while she didn't tell Laurel, but Martin had been livid that she was coming down here. He saw no reason for her to do it. He actually said in the heat of an argument that she had played at having a career long enough and it was time to settle down. That was where they differed. Maybe a month away would bring things into the proper perspective. She wished her Granmamma were still alive, she would know what to do.

OK, that's enough lolling around, time to do something. It was too late to go back to the river, Victoria decides the cabin needs a good cleaning. After putting a CD in player and locating scrub brushes and cleaners, Victoria sets about to clean the place within an inch of its life.

"What a great stress reliever." Nodding while standing in the kitchen admiring how everything looks better, "I should have done that sooner. I feel better."

After cleaning herself up too, she decides the kitchen looks too good to mess up, at least tonight. 'I can go to town to pick up something for takeout.' Fried chicken sounded good so she heads to the local market, they make the best. As she is pulling into the driveway, she notices Brian coming out the door and heading to his car. 'OK, let's see if my theory holds, does he get into a pick up?'

Brian walks across the parking lot, and unlocks the door of an old station wagon, and in her way of thinking that is the same as a pickup. 'Ah ha, just as I thought!' she confirms to herself. Behind her someone honks, he's

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trying to get into the driveway that she had inadvertently blocked. Coming out of her thoughts, she looks around...the honking has brought attention to her, and Brian waves to her as he exits the parking lot. She is mortified, slowly pulls into a parking spot and stops. I'll bet he's also conceited, he'll probably think I was looking at him. I'll just have to avoid him that's all. That decided, walks to the store front, and the automatic doors open. Upon entering her senses are on high alert, the smells of cooking food and Cajun spices are wonderful. Order made and picked up she returns to the car with a bucket of chicken, with all the sides included.

"Some for tonight and some for tomorrow she rationalizes. I'll hit the road early and take lunch along." Thinking that if she keeps busy she won't think of him.

Chapter 3

It was several days later before the two met again, not that they hadn't been thinking of each other in the meantime.

Victoria leaves her place early each morning, taking a different route on the river, always keeping tallies of the bird sightings. But when she slowed for lunch or just a quick rest, her mind returned to the handsome painter. She daydreamed about dining in the best restaurants in the French Quarter. Perhaps she would even show him her grandparents' home. Now no longer owned by the family, but kept up beautifully by the new owners. So as time passed she had convinced herself if they were destined to meet again, they would.

Not surprisingly, those exact same thoughts were going through the mind of Brian Townsend each morning as he left his cabin. His trips up and down the river were for a much different reason. He was searching for the source of the pollution in the river. The locals had suspected for a long time that

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there were polluters upstream, but couldn't find anyone, so they had called on the federal government to investigate. Thus Brian had been given the assignment and using his favorite cover, he became the photographer/painter. When times changed, and he was able to leave the agency, he planned to become a full time painter and photographer. He had made more than enough money with his investments and tried to live frugally so he would be able to retire and still live very comfortably. Life was too short not to be doing something he loved. And he was beginning to believe he needed someone to share that life with him. He wished he could see the redhead again, Vicky seemed worth pursuing. But if fate meant them to meet again, they would.

Early one morning, a few days after meeting Brian, Victoria is driving her newer model Range Rover into town to do some much needed shopping. She had neglected this shopping excursion for too long. She had gotten so wrapped up in the bird count it wasn't until she ran out of some necessities that she decided it was time to get the chore done. At the end of her dirt road she pulls onto the paved road that leads into the closest town, Mansfield, Mississippi. What once was a farming community is now largely populated with people displaced by Katrina. There are many who just haven't moved back to New Orleans and are happy just where they are. Since the town is just across the lake from New Orleans, it is largely populated with the working population with an easy commute to town.

The drive is what movies are made of, the lovely old oaks, draped in their 'angel wings' as Victoria called the Spanish moss when she was a little girl. Each bridge affords a view up a slough thick with mangroves and other trees indigenous to the swampy land. Shortly she reaches the outskirts of town.

Because of the influx of people, the shopping is just as varied as at home. There are the usual grocery stores to choose from, but Victoria remembers a small, locally owned shop that specializes in home-style Creole and Cajun foods. It had been so long since she had a really good Cajun meal she decided to stop in. The thought of spending the day creating a great pot of gumbo sounded too good to pass up. She was so engrossed in the recipe she almost missed her turn, and quickly maneuvered a left turn in front of an oncoming station wagon. Fortunately the other car saw her in time and slamming on his brakes was able to avoid an accident.

Victoria realized just how close she had come to having an accident, waved a thank you and proceeded to pull in and park at Boudreaux's Cajun Foods, her

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destination. Right behind her the station wagon slid to a stop and a very agitated driver flung his door open...

"It's you..." they said in unison.

"I'm so sorry, I was daydreaming and almost missed my turn. I should have gone around the block..."

"I was probably driving too fast, but at least I was able to stop...so no harm, no foul. Where are you headed?"

"Right here...it's been years since I've been here, but I'm glad to see it's still open. I had a craving for some good old fashioned Cajun food."

"They have it ready to go?"

"Hardly, but they do have the ingredients. I thought I would make a pot of gumbo. I like to simmer it all day so I thought I would get an early start."

"You cook too? I'm impressed."

"Why shouldn't I? I was taught by my granmamma to not only cook Cajun, but also French, country style."

"I've been dying to try some southern food, and I love French cooking. How about I buy the fixings and you show me how to cook your gumbo? I'll even do the dishes."

"You mean you've never tasted Cajun or Creole, and you're living so close to New Orleans? Shame on you...it's some of the best food in the world." She was secretly thrilled he had asked.

"We just never came down here when I was going up. Pretty much stayed up north." That was a close call, thought Brian, I've got to be more careful around her in the future. Even if she is the most delicious thing I've ever seen, I've got to keep my guard up. If Ken heard about this he'd tease me for weeks. "So what do you say...deal?"

"Sure, why not. It's much more fun to have company than eating alone. Come on, let's get started."

Sighing in relief, Brian realizes she didn't catch the slip, or maybe he just getting too good at this job. Then again, another clue, 'she doesn't like eating alone', so she isn't seeing anyone around here.

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Grabbing a wicker basket, which Victoria passes over to Brian, she starts finding all the ingredients until the basket is almost overflowing. With many of the ingredients she consults Brian as to how hot he likes his food. He assures her nothing is too hot. She continues picking all her favorites to make this delicious soup/stew.

The last item is the fresh, spicy sausage which Boudreaux's is known for. As she nears the butcher counter, Mr. Boudreaux recognizes her as the grand-daughter of his old friends and greets her like a member of the family.

"Miss Victoria, what a surprise to see you. How long have you been here? Are your parents down too? I was so sorry to hear about your grandfather's death a few years ago, I know you must miss them both."

He had finally run out of steam and she was able to answer his questions. She related what she was doing here, where she was staying and the present condition of her parents, both of whom were in fine health.

Eying Brian, Mr. Boudreaux asks, "is this your young man? Please introduce us."

"Oh, I'm sorry, this is Brian Townsend. But he's..."

Mr. Boudreaux interrupts the introduction, "I'm so pleased to meet you Mr. Brian...you know I've known this little girl since before she was born. Her grandparents and my parents were neighbors back in the 'Veaux Carre' - the French quarter. This is how she learned to be such a wonderful southern cook, she learned from the best. You are very lucky to have her."

"With that endorsement, I do feel very lucky," responds Brian, winking at Victoria, "Vicky is fixing gumbo for dinner, so I'm sure it will be wonderful."

"Excuse me, you know I'm right here and can hear you both!" She was becoming very embarrassed and afraid Brian was too, she needed to straighten out the misconception. "Mr. André, thank you for the compliment, and yes, I did learn from the best. But Brian is not my 'young man'."

"Then he should be. Anyone who can appreciate good cooking and having a career too is very special. Grab him. Now I imagine you will be wanting hot sausage," then looking at Brian, he asks, "you DO like hot sausage, right?"

"Of course, the hotter, the better."

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Concerned that since Brian has not had Cajun food before he might be a little too courageous regarding the heat of the food. Victoria suggests that they try the milder sausage, no point in burning his mouth so he can't taste anything.

"If you must, but it'll just not be the same, you know my dear."

Nodding, Victoria agrees and taking the neatly wrapped sausages, adding them to the other ingredients, declaring the shopping finished.

Chivalrously, Brian takes the basket and bows to Victoria to proceed him to the checkout counter. After more introductions to Mr. Boudreaux's daughter-in-law, who is also the cashier, the food is paid for and carefully packed into the woven sacks Victoria brought with her.

Once they reach their cars, and bags are stowed in the rear, Brian asks "What time is dinner?" Then he teases, "Do we dress for dinner or not? Do you have a dress code?"

"Well if I can get this on soon it should be edible by 7:00. And yes, I usually dress, I think the sheriff would frown on you driving in his county undressed," she teases back.

Bowing he adds, "of course you are correct about the Sheriff," carrying on the joke, "Should I bring wine?"

"No, I brought some with me, so have enough for tonight." She climbs behind the wheel, preparing the leave.

"Thanks for being such a good sport about dinner tonight. I hope I'm not putting you out."

"Not at all, it'll be fun." I'm very pleased, she thinks to herself.

"I'm glad your pleased," Brian responds.

Victoria is flustered; 'did I say that out loud?' she asks herself.

They both start speaking at once, "Oh I guess..."

"I need directions..."

They both laugh and the tension is broken, Victoria continues, "I'm off Springdale Road, you know where that comes into the main road?" Brian nods, " Go east on Springdale until you see a fork in the road and take the

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right one, it turns into a dirt road, then you see a white sign "THE CABIN" lettered in green, guess that's the name of the place, really original! Anyway it's the only sign on the road so you turn left there and follow the road to the end and my place. You shouldn't get lost. See you at 7:00."

"I'm looking forward to it, see you then."

Victoria looks in the rear view mirror, she sees Brian wave then make a U turn and return to the main road. 'probably going to work down by the river,' she thinks to herself. She decides she deserves a day off from walking along the riverbank in the mud. Besides, she needs time to not only tidy up the place, but herself too.

For some reason Victoria can't keep from smiling and humming. After putting on her favorite jazz CD's she assembles the gumbo and puts it on to simmer. Then looking around the cabin, she decides she has got to tackle the dust that settles on every surface. She's discovered that when you live on a dirt road there seems to be dust constantly in the air. Before long the place is immaculate, not that it will stay that way for long.

Then, since she hasn't entertained since she moved in, she has to scour the cupboards for enough dishes and wine glasses to set the table. The dishes are stacked on the upper shelves, as she's reaching to pull them down, she thinks to herself 'it's a good thing I'm tall, any shorter and I would need a ladder. Wonder whose idea it was to put them up there in the first place. Probably a man!'

The wine glasses are eluding her, where would those be kept? After searching the upper cabinets she decides to try the bottom ones. Kneeling on the freshly cleaned floor, on hands and knees she looks into the very back of a corner shelf, "Sure enough, wouldn't you know it, in the very back! Yes, definitely a man was in charge of this...I will have to rearrange everything. Well, at least I've found enough for tonight."

She's so used to Mandy being with her it seems natural for her to be talking out loud. Once the dishes and glasses are scrubbed and made to sparkle the table is set. Even an old lace tablecloth has been found in the dining room dresser. It's perfect, the white lace lets the dark wood, that she scrubbed to a gleaming finish, shine through.

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Standing back and looking at the table, Victoria decides it needs some color, so taking a jelly jar she found in the cupboard, she goes out to the yard to see what she can find. This time of year it's overrun with wildflowers of every color, so she picks a very country looking bouquet for a centerpiece. She stands back to admire her handiwork and suddenly realizes she has less than two hours to make herself presentable.

Deciding that a bubble bath would be a well deserved treat, she draws herself a steaming bath, scatters in some bath salts in the old claw foot tub. Sliding into the water and relaxing against the back she feels herself drifting, all thoughts floating away, including the pressures of her final year of education. Then she touches on thoughts of Martin. Quickly she pushes that aside and returns to emptying her mind. There is enough time tomorrow to think of those things. As Scarlet O'Hara famously once said!

Bringing herself back to reality, she can just see the clock in the adjacent bedroom, she has daydreamed away a whole hour and the water has grown tepid. 'Brian will be here before I know it...'

At exactly 7:00 PM there is the sound of a car on the gravel road, the headlights sweeping the walls. Flying into the darkened bedroom, Victoria peeks out the window to see Brian climbing out of his station wagon...and he's got flowers.

Quickly Victoria grabs the vase from the table, running out to the rear porch, putting it in the center of the redwood table. A quick glance in the mirror she goes to answer the knocking at the front door.

Opening the door, she takes in the most handsome man Victoria has ever seen; he almost takes her breath away. He's exchanged his typical attire of cutoffs and t-shirt for a neatly pressed polo shirt tucked into knife-creased Bermuda shorts and Top Siders on his feet.

Grinning, Victoria says appreciatively, "You look quite the GQ model, Brian."

Smiling and taking in her peasant skirt and blouse, straw sandals on her feet, he nods, "As do you." He notices she has somewhat tamed her bronze hair by pinning it up. She looks luscious in his eyes, "Here, these are for you." as he hands her the flowers. "I hope you like wildflowers, they came from the garden at my place, they seemed to fit the occasion."

"They're wonderful, I'll put them on the table for a centerpiece," as she proceeds to search for another jelly jar. Not finding one she settles for a

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white enamel pitcher. She fills it with water and places the flowers in it, then puts it in the middle of the table.

She points to the bottle of wine she has opened and left on the counter, "care for a glass of wine before dinner?"

"Yes, if you will join me," she nods in agreement and Brian pours two glasses, handing one to her. As their hands touch, she feels that electric shock. Quickly looking up at Brian she realizes he felt it too. His eyes have suddenly gone dark and kind of dreamy.

To cover her discomfort, she suggests they sit on the porch to have their wine. Leading the way through the living room, out the glass door, Victoria pulls up two chairs. They both settle in.'

"Dinner will be ready soon."

"The wine will whet our appetites. We can eat when we finish," answers Brian, then leaning back he makes himself comfortable.

"Dinner has been simmering all day, so the flavors should be just right. I think that is one of the secrets to cooking with spices, like Cajun. If you mix all the flavors there won't be one that overpowers."

"You amaze me. Here I thought you were a modern girl, career and all, and you can talk about mingling flavors in cooking. I'm grateful to your grandmother for teaching you about this Creole cooking.

"Thank you, kind sir."

"Tell me what it was like growing up here."

"When I visited them we always had cooking lessons. Granmamma said if I wanted to eat good food I had to be able to make it, that way I would appreciate it more...all the little nuances that it takes to make a perfect dish. It was fun; they made a game of it. When we ate out, I would have to figure out the ingredients of whatever we were eating. I still find myself doing that to this day. I guess cooking is my favorite hobby."

"We'll have to try that some time. You know, I was thinking of going into New Orleans in the next week or so, care to join me?"

"I'd love to." Then seeing that both their glasses are nearly empty, "looks like we're just about out of wine, shall we dine? I hope you like it."

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Opening the door for her to enter, Brian responds, "I'm sure I will love it."

Victoria takes the big old enamel pot off the stove and puts it on the counter. After letting it cool for a few minutes, she generously serves both dishes. They join the rustic bread already on the table and their wine glasses. Brian pulls her chair out for her, and after refilling their glasses, he sits down himself. He raises his glass and toasts to dinner.

Then before Victoria can say anything he takes a hearty helping, he has now had this first taste of gumbo.

"I was going to suggest you taste it first, just to see that it's not too hot...oh well, too late."

Smiling, Brian is chewing when suddenly his face turns bright red. He is chewing faster and faster, then swallowing and gasping, "water, water, oh my God!" Then gulps some wine.

Hurrying to the kitchen, Victoria pours a glass of milk and brings it back, "here, drink, it'll help put out the fire."

After taking several quick swallows she can tell he is feeling slightly better.

"That's amazing. I didn't know milk could put out the fire like that."

"Yes, it works. That's why I stopped and got some milk just in case."

One more swallow and the normal color is starting to return to his face. Smiling sheepishly Brian says, "I have to admit, I was trying to be macho back at the store. I can eat Mexican food, but that's nothing like this. What's in it?"

"It's the combination of spices in the seasoning along with the spiced sausage. Glad we didn't go for what I call the atomic-flavored sausage!"

Sitting down again, Victoria watches Brian warily taste the food. "Mmmm, it's still hot but much better in small doses. Guess that was kind of stupid of me", he laughingly admits.

Giggling, she adds, "I'm glad you can laugh at yourself, it was pretty funny. At least there is no lasting damage done."

"I don't think so, I can still breathe. I guess I'll take my Creole and Cajun food mild. Do they serve it that hot in New Orleans?"

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"Heavens no, not all food is hot. Besides most of the restaurants cater to tourists so they make it on the mild side. We could always try true Cajun down on the Gulf. That's where the locals go."

They go back to eating, Brian seems to be adjusting to the hot food. "Maybe later, after I've acquired a taste. So how long are you planning on staying?"

"I have some vacation time coming and with my research time I've got about 3 months, more or less. How about you?"

"I should be able to wrap things up in about a month. I've been here for a couple of weeks already. I like to photograph my subjects and the surrounding landscape then combine them into sketches. I still like to be near what I'm drawing for a while, just to check accuracy. The real work begins when I get back home. I paint on a very large canvas and that's when the truth comes out."

"It seems to me that would be the really hard part. As they say, staring at the blank canvas, then making the first stroke."

"Well, I start in the background and move forward. I do what we call a 'cartoon'...kind of a sketch on the canvas to block out where things will go, then start filling in. It works for me."

"I just realized I forgot to put on some music. What do you like; I've got a variety? One of the pleasures I gave myself when I came down here was my CD collection"

"I don't suppose you have any jazz, I love Dixieland. That's one of the pleasures I have...listening to the great old-time musicians. I've never been to Preservation Hall in the French Quarter, but it's on my bucket list."

"Just so happens most of my music IS jazz. See what you think."

Soon a jazz saxophone fills the room. They are both enjoying the music, letting it wash over them. The remainder of the meal is spent enjoying the food, wine and music.

When Brian finally has his fill he smiles contentedly, "Perfect ending to a perfect dinner."

Victoria picks up the dishes, stacking them on the sink. Returning to the table, "would you like an after dinner drink? I have some 'Grand Marnier'."

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"Sure, can we adjourn back to the deck again?"

"I'll bring the glasses out, go ahead and make yourself comfortable."

Brian goes back out to the porch, he notices several candles stuck in odd jars and some short, fat ones on saucers. Then he eyes a fireplace lighter on the deck railing and starts lighting them. By the time Victoria brings their drinks out, Brian has created a warmly lit oases in the inky black night.

"You know, it never ceases to amaze me, it can still get so dark outside of cities. Without the ambient light, it's pitch black here." Then looking up Victoria breathes in deeply the fragrant sweetness of the garden and feels the soft warm air gently caressing her skin.

Brian notices, "you sound contented. Everything is so much slower here you can actually relax. Although it's a slower pace than where you're from, it's not just the same, is it?"

Nodding, Victoria agrees, "Maybe it's the weather, the heat and humidity force you to slow down, especially if you're not used to it. You just can't move fast here."

They sit down on the wooden swing set in a corner of the porch, letting it sway gently, and for a little while they sit back companionably. Each enjoying the music in the background, the millions and millions of stars overhead and the remains of the warmth radiating from the earth. They seem to be lost in their own thoughts, Brian is just enjoying Victoria's company, thinking this could be the start of something...Victoria is wondering what it is about Brian that attracts her.

As Victoria leans back, she lets her head rest against Brian's shoulder, he lets his arm slip down to her shoulder. He's thinking of how nice this is, no pressures of a first date, just feeling comfortable with her.

Suddenly Victoria realizes what she's doing. Yes, this is nice, yes this feels very comfortable, but I've got to deal with Martin first. This isn't right, I should feel this way about Martin. Probing further she realizes she hasn't felt this way about Martin for a long time. Or, did I ever feel this way? I'll worry about that later, she sits up, adjusting her skirt and the mood is broken.

"What did you say?" asks Brian.

"I didn't say anything, did I?"

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"I thought I heard 'I'll worry later.' Is something wrong?"

"No, it's just been a long day..."

"I totally understand. Living out here you kind of become used to getting up with the sun and going to bed at dark. Speaking of living here, aren't you a little frightened out here, so far away from town and even any neighbors?"

"I was in the beginning, but you do get used to it I guess. Besides I haven't heard of any problems, have you?"

"No, but let me give you my phone number, just in case. I would feel better."

"That's very thoughtful of you. I appreciate it since I really don't know anyone here."

Brian writes his cell phone number on the back of his business card and hands it to her. "I don't suppose you want me to help with the dishes?" he asks, looking hopeful that she will say no.

"Of course not, maybe next time." Now where did that come from? 'Am I being awfully forward', she thinks to herself.

"No not forward, and it's a deal!"

Is she losing her mind - he can answer what she is thinking? Better wait until he leaves before I think anything else.

They walk to the front door together, he has companionably put his arm over her shoulder. When they reach the door, before she can open it, he leans down to give her a kiss. She starts to pull away but he puts his hand behind her neck and cups her head, giving her a sweet kiss, at once light but also full of promise.

"To next time." he says, and giving a quick wink, walks to his car. He waves as he pulls away down the driveway. It is so dark out she can see his headlights all the way to the main road. Then she goes inside, gently closing the door and leaning against it. She hugs her thought to herself as she wraps her arms around her waist. I'm afraid, he's too wonderful to be real, but oh, he is soooo nice!"

Ignoring the kitchen, she blows out the candles, turns off the lights and decides to have a quick wash up before falling into bed. As she dresses in her shorty cotton pj's she is still glowing from that kiss. With a hint of a

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smile on her face she curls up under the covers and relives the evening. 'I feel so comfortable with him, but what is it about him answering my unasked questions? I guess he is different from any other man I've met, and he seems so open. Maybe he is a country boy but he's nice. Then smiling, she drifts off to sleep. But it's not a dreamless sleep...

She is in the French Quarter, it's the old days, she's sitting in her grandmother's patio, surrounded by the riot of flowers that are always blooming there - so real she can smell them. She looks over to the back of the house as the back door opens "Granmamma, why didn't you call me, I could have brought that tray out for you. Is that lemonade? Mmmm, and cookies, too? You always spoil me. Here, at least let me pour for you."

Taking up the pitcher she pours out two glasses, and after handing one to her grandmother, she starts to sip from her glass.

"What is it you want, child? Are you unhappy?"

"No, of course not, Granmamma, I'm just confused."

"It's about that young man, isn't it? He could be the right one, you know. Don't be like your mother and marry the one you think is proper, marry for love...like I did."

"What are you saying..?"

"I'm not saying anything, your parents have a very good life and are quite suited, very contented. I just think you have more of me in you and won't settle for contented. You need more spice, more spontaneity!"

"That's amazing. I was just thinking that. Martin is a nice man, but kind of a ...."

"Stick in the mud, wouldn't you say?"

"Well, he's got a good job, he's considerate..." her voice drifting off. "I seem to be making excuses for him. It shouldn't be that way, should it?"

"Only you can answer what is right for you, but it seems to me you should think more about it before making any kind of a decision. I like this new man, Brian. He's handsome, and very nice too. He does seem to set you on fire!"

"Gram! Really!"

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Suddenly Victoria is brought from her dream. Rubbing her eyes, trying to wake up, she realizes she's had a conversation with her grandmother about things happening now. What is that? It can't be...she's been gone almost 10 years.

Then looking around the bedroom she sees a scarlet camellia on her bedside table. That is her granmamma's signature flower. Lifting the delicate flower to her lips, she kisses it and puts it on the pillow beside her, and drifts back to sleep, whispering, 'Night Gram'.

Chapter 4

Early the next morning the ringing phone awakens Victoria...groggily she answered by mumbling a greeting.

"So," a bright and chipper voice comes through the phone, "I'm dying to hear, what happened last night? You said you would call, you didn't. So give and leave out none of the details."

"Laurel, do you have any clue what time it is? Yes, of course you do, you're calling from work, right?"

"Why do you do that? Answer a question with another question and don't give me an answer. Well, this time you won't get away with it. I'm going to keep asking until I get answers."

"We had gumbo like I told you I was going to cook," then she started giggling, "he thought he was being so macho saying he loved 'the hotter the better'. Even the milder sausage I bought just about brought him to his knees! His face turned 5 shades of red before I got some milk down him."

"Poor baby, but you're famous for your gumbo. You changed the recipe for him?"

"Well, I had a feeling he'd never had our southern cooking, and you know how hot Cajun can be, so I thought..."

"I'm not chastising you, just surprised. You didn't do that for Martin, you let him learn the hard way."

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"Martin is so much more in control, you know? Like he knows everything, which I guess is pretty much true, but sometimes I do get sick of it, so I let him get a taste of his own medicine, that's all."

"But Brian isn't in control?"

"Well, yes, but it's just that he is so much more...open -that's the word - he even admitted to acting macho about the sausage, that he thought he should act like the hot flavor was manly, or some such nonsense. But the point is, he actually admitted it, and we laughed over it. I've never met someone so open...he even likes the same jazz I do. Can you believe it? I can only listen to my CD's in MY car because Martin hates jazz."

"So, what else? Did he like dinner? Did he kiss you? Did you tell him about Martin - of course not - I think you are starting to really like this guy."

"If I didn't know better I'd think you sent this guy for me to meet so I would break off with Martin."

"Mmmm, what a good idea, wish I had thought of it first! OK, give with the details of last night."

"He was really sweet, he arrived with flowers picked from the garden at his place, beautiful wildflowers. We had a quiet dinner and after-dinner drinks on the porch. Just sat and looked up at the stars. It's incredibly beautiful here, so clear and dark, you can see the sky forever. Then he kissed me good night and left."

"Whoa, he did kiss you. So, did sparks fly?"

"Kind of...oh, I don't know...I think I would like more, he's so gentle. I've never met anyone like him before."

"That's the first warning sign...I'm so glad you decided to take a leave and go down there. I know your parents thought Martin was the one, but after all, they're not marrying him, you are."

"I know you're right, you've been right all along. Who would have thought I could meet someone this fast. But, Laurel, something happens whenever we touch hands. I feel a spark, and I think he does too. What does that mean?"

"Wow, I've read about that in romance novels, but never heard of it really happening. You think he feels it too?"

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"Yes, both times I looked up and saw something in his eyes, like he recognized it in me. I've never thought that kind of thing was real, but I think it is."

"I'd say be glad. It seems like a sign of some sort. Anything else?" Laurel knew Victoria wasn't telling her everything, she could tell it in her voice.

"OK, yes. Sometimes when I'm with him and thinking to myself, mostly about him, he answers my thoughts. Like it as said out loud. What do you think of that?"

"He can read your mind too? That's wild. What does he say?"

"He just answers my question, or asks why I asked it. At first I thought I was going crazy, but I know at least once I didn't say a word, and he answered."

"Sounds like a movie...or...maybe you're soul mates. I've read about that sort of thing, it does happen, you just feel comfortable with someone you just met. I would guess this is similar. You're so close you can easily read each other's minds."

Victoria mulls over the words, 'soul mates', "I guess that could be. The next steps have to be slow, I don't want to rush into anything...and who's to say he wants to rush into anything either."

"Yup, that's right, too. So what's on for today?"

"I'm going for a long hike along the river bank. Maybe take a swim if I can find a clear place. Although it's only April, it's getting warm, looks like it might be an early summer. What about you?"

"Same old, same old, go to work, come home, talk to Mandy, have dinner and watch TV with her. I miss you, but that is the place you need to be now. Take care, talk to you soon. Love you."

"You take care too, I do miss you, love you, bye for now."

After a long luxurious stretch, Victoria crawls from bed. She puts on her coffee and goes to shower and get ready for the day. It does feel like it's going to be a warm one. Refreshed and dressed for a hike, she grabs her French coffee press, full of coffee with chicory, and a mug and goes out to the porch to enjoy it and plan her day. Breathing in deeply, she can distinguish the different smells of damp earth, flowers just opening to the sun, even the river nearby. Things are so much MORE here, she thinks to

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herself. The weather is more intense, the flowers' fragrance richer and the waters more alive with living things, good and bad. Maybe it's the humidity that brings out everything, but it is much different than up north.

These thoughts lead her to wonder if perhaps she should just abandon what she's been trying to do and move south. The summers can't be that much hotter and wetter than DC. And the winters can be cold but not so bitter, certainly not as long as DC. It is definitely something to think about...am I burned out from going to school, or is it life in general. I guess everyone things like this at times. I can't just run away, but I can make every minute count while I'm down here. And with that thought in mind she gets up and makes herself another cáfe au lait to help her plan her day.

At that very minute, Brian is once again on the phone with Ken, who also is trying to pry information about last evening..."so how was it? Is she a good cook? Did you kiss her good night? When are you going to see her again?"

"Are you taking a breath now? You sound like my mother, at least how she would be if I had told her about Vicky. OK, the evening was very nice, she cooked that gumbo I've heard about. It was great, but way too spicy for my tastes, and she says she toned it down! I can't wait to eat in New Orleans, if last night was any sampling. Yes, I would say she is a very good cook, and she likes jazz, not that new stuff but she has CD's of the old stuff..."

"Same ones you have?"

"Yes, seems like. Amazing, huh? And I feel comfortable with her, like we've known each other for a long time. It's nice."

"Sounds nice. Not everyone get a chance to feel that way, and you've had it twice now." After a guilty pause Ken continues, "sorry, I didn't mean to bring that up, it's just that sometimes I wonder what I have to do to find the right person myself."

"Feeling sorry for yourself, are we? Not like you...what's up?"

"Sometimes I get to thinking, maybe it's about time to settle down and have a family. I look around at other guys my age and I think that's what I want, too. I'm tired of sitting on the sidelines, I'm ready to find someone to share my life with...maybe travel...I don't know."

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"Yes, I know what you mean. I thought Nicole was my forever, but look what happened. Just when you're comfortable, life throws you a curve just to keep you on your toes. You'll know when the right one comes along. Maybe you should come down here, just to check up on my progress. There might be the right one here. They sure grow them beautiful in the south."

Pausing to think that one over, Ken replies, "I may just think about that At least I would have a reason to visit. I'll let you know. So...DID you kiss her?"

"Yes, and it was delicious. You satisfied?"

"Yes, completely. Now to business...any progress, anything new?"

"I'm getting close. Any results from the samples I sent?"

"Not yet, just got them and of course lab time is on a priority basis. I guess we're not high enough priority. Humph...but we'll find out the source and prove to them we can get the job done."

"I think I'll go further upstream today. I have a hunch it's coming from an area around the old plywood mills. I don't know if they are the guilty ones or if it's something nearby, but one things is for sure. I'm going to check out the hermit's hideout."

"Whoa, what hermit?"

"I must have forgotten to tell you. I heard about him in town, there's some kind of crazy hermit living up river on a parcel of privately owned land, right in the middle of the Fed land. He sits on a stream but supposedly he's got the place surrounded with razor wire and electric fences. Now just why would a crazy hermit do that? What's he got to hide? Moonshine...I don't think so. Even for a moonshiner that's overkill."

"My God, it would be the perfect cover. Just be careful, you don't know what other defenses he has."

"I'll let you know what's going on up there. Guess that's all for now. Oh, yeah, think about coming down. I could use the help."

"Will do...check in later."

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Chapter 5

It's well after noon and the heat is just beginning to abate. The tall grasses and reeds are bending in the unseasonable heat. But Victoria, walking back down stream, hasn't even noticed, she is so engrossed in her own thoughts. This morning she made it as far as the branch in the river where the smaller stream joins the Chatahooche River. She's heard there is a hermit living further upstream after the branch. She didn't make it that far today but maybe soon she can take the car as far as she can, then walk in. If he's been there any length of time perhaps he would have noticed the change in the wildlife. There has to be something going on. Maybe she should call her friends at the Fed to see if anything has been reported. 'Better wait and get some more facts,' she reasons.

Just then she comes to a calm place in the river where the water is crystal clear and not too shallow. 'Maybe I could take a quick swim,' she thinks. Looking around she can't see over the grasses, 'so no one else can see over at me. I'll just wade in to my knees, that'll at least make me feel cooler.'

Sitting down on the marshy bank she removes her shoes and socks and wades in the cool water. It feels so good, 'wish I had a swim suit; I'd go for a really long swim.' Suddenly she feels something hitting her leg, letting out a scream of surprise, she tried to move, but she hadn't calculated on just how muddy the bottom was, her feet are stuck in the mire.

"Don't fight it, just calmly pull your feet out one at a time. Then you can walk to shore." It was the now familiar voice of Brian. He was standing on the opposite shore yelling across to her.

"There is something down by my feet, I can feel it."

"Ignore it, just calmly pull your feet out one at a time, you'll be ok," he calmly reassures her.

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So with a fit of courage she didn't really feel, she obeys orders and is soon sitting on the bank, shivering. Brian is just wading ashore on her side of the river, with his shoes and socks held overhead.

"You know that wasn't really smart of you. Haven't you been in the river before?" Brian asked, shaking his head.

"I know, I know, you're right. I just didn't think, my feet were tired. I walked further than I expected and just wanted to cool off."

"You are the one who is supposed to know about this area. By the way, did you see what was at your feet?"

"No, I just had visions of water moccasins or cotton mouths or crocodiles," she said, sounding a little more frightened.

"Probably something harmless, but you shouldn't venture out into the water alone, even I know that!"

"Yes, of course, I just didn't think. Thank you, you really calmed me down enough to make my way out."

"All in a day's work, ma'am. Glad to oblige." Putting on a thick accent, he bowed to her. "So have you got your car here or are you on foot?"

"I'm on foot, I was just kind of wandering upstream. I didn't realize just how far I had gone. But I'm OK, how about you?"

"Got the car about a mile down, care for some company, I was just heading back myself."

"Sure", she replied with a smile that lit up her face. "I'd love company."

And off they set, Brian steering her away from the water's edge, heading for the dirt track that passed for a road.

They spent a companionable time walking side by side, talking about their mutual love of jazz, and how his project was coming along, when...they heard it before they saw it. It sounded like thunder, but the skies were clear. Victoria was the first to speak, "What was that?" they see dust clouds in the distance. "Look, it must be trucks on his road...where would they be going? I've heard rumors about a crazy old hermit up on the smaller stream, but there's no bridge that I know of, so I can't imagine they would be going anywhere else."

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At that point the noise grew louder and a convoy of three semi trucks appeared around a bend in the road, kicking up more dust and rocks. They weren't slowing down for anything and going way too fast for these road conditions.

"Quick, get down in the grass. The way they're kicking up rocks we'll be hit for sure."

They both hit the ground at the same time. Victoria had just raised her head up to see what was going on, when suddenly they heard what sounded like a gunshot and something whizzing overhead. Brian rolled on top of her and carried her with him as they rolled down the bank further away from the road.

"Vicky are you alright? I'm so sorry, I hope I didn't hurt you, but that was a little too close for comfort."

Still feeling a little shaky, not only from the gunfire but she suspected also from the nearness of Brian. She cleared her throat and sat up. "I guess we survived, but what was that all about?"

Brian helped her stand up, then they brushed themselves off. Once again they climbed to the road. Brian, still looking after the long gone trucks, responds, "I don't have the foggiest. But someone certainly doesn't want anyone around. I wonder just what is at the end of this road?"

"As far as I know, nothing. Oh, maybe that's where the hermit lives. I heard stories in town that there is a crazy guy living behind barbed wire. No one seems to know what he is protecting."

"I heard those same rumors, but I thought they were just that...rumors," sighing, Brian continues, "we'd better get back to the car."

"Don't you think we should report this to someone? People can't just go around shooting - that's illegal."

"Maybe in our world, outside of here. in rural America there are still unwritten laws - and the sheriff knows those laws - we don't. No, I think we should just be more careful in the future. I'll do some exploring, maybe make some phone calls..." as his thoughts drift off.

"Ok, Mr. Macho...You make phone calls, you save the world. What makes you think you can find info better than I can? I have friends at the Fed, too, you know."

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"I didn't say the Fed, what makes you think I'd call the Feds?" Brian wonders to himself if he's given anything away. "I'm sorry, but what was that all about?"

Victoria feels contrite, she didn't mean to get upset about what he said, he was probably being protective. "I am sorry, I wasn't yelling at you so much as at someone who has treated me that way in the past. Like I'm incapable of handling anything myself. That's all."

"I just thought I might call friends up north, see if maybe it could be moonshine, that sort of thing."

"Oh, I didn't think of that. I keep thinking that the smaller bird population has something to do with pollution. Like, maybe someone up river is dumping toxins illegally."

"So do you know what is up river?"

"I haven't been that far yet. I would imagine that's where the plywood plant is. They've been there forever, according to the locals. But as far as I know they cleaned up their act years ago and have been model citizens since."

"Well, just don't go wondering around where you might get yourself in trouble. I'll do some checking, like I said, and see what comes up. In the meantime I would feel better if you didn't come up this way again. At least until we find out what's going on, deal?"

"I suppose..."

"It's for your own good for now. OK, let's get to the car, I think it's just a little ways further. I left it in the higher grasses along the river."

So off they set, walking on the edge of the road, out of the grasses, but certainly not down the middle, incase another convoy comes along. There was silence for a while and all they could be heard was the buzzing of the insects near the water's edge, and bees going from wildflower to wildflower. It was spring and the amazing azaleas are just finishing up their spectacular blooms, joining the low growing flowers, creating a colorful show.

"So, tell me, what birds have you painted so far?"

"I've started on a couple of ducks and another of some marsh birds. There is so much details it takes a long time. l may just finish shooting the photos and complete the paintings at home." Thinking that if this case is about to break

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wide open he would be leaving shortly. But he had to make sure Vicky was safe.

Reaching the station wagon Brian helps her into the passenger seat, and climbs behind the wheel.

But he doesn't really want the day to end...so to extend his time with Vicky he suggests, "Say I was just thinking, in town I heard about something called a 'fish house'. Do you know of one we could try?"

"Sure. They are really roadhouses that specialize in deep fried catfish with all the trimmings, served family style, very casual. Which is good because I feel a little grimy. Anyway, some even have a pond in the back where they raise the fish. Can't get much fresher than that."

"That's what I heard. There's supposed to be one off the main road out of town. By the time we get there they should be open, don't you think?"

"Yes, they usually are open by late afternoon."

"So, tell me about the food, what does catfish taste like? I've seen pictures, they're really ugly fish."

"I thought you grew up in the south. Didn't you ever eat catfish?"

"Nope," Brian responds smoothly, "my folks didn't like fish and of course what kid likes fish? I ate tuna with lots of mayo, that's about as exotic as I get."

"You've missed a real treat. For years it was thought to be a 'trash' fish because they're bottom feeders. But the truth is they are a very tender white fish, very mild, almost sweet in taste. The rest of the meal is different variations on deviled crab cakes, corn pone, hush puppies, coleslaw, kind of picnic food."

"Sounds homey and good. Here 's the main road, won't be too much longer now. I'm supposed to turn left, away from town and follow the signs. They said something about being off a small road...and I've learned around here that is code for a dirt road."

"Not always, but you're probably right about this one. It's probably at the front part of an old farm. That's where most of the fish houses have been built. Then pointing out the window, Victoria says, "There's a yellow sign pointing to the right."

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"That must be the one. I hope there are more signs," as Brian negotiates the turn onto the expected smaller road. Fortunately the heat of the day has dried most of the water left from earlier showers. They bump down the road and shortly they see the final sign declaring "Henderson's Fish House". They arrive at a large white farmhouse surrounded by a white picket fence. It looks like it was just plopped down from a movie set; the house appears freshly scrubbed, with white curtains in the windows. There is a gate standing open, inviting guests to park in the graveled lot to the side. Brian drives through, parking next to the only other car in the lot.

"Looks like we'll almost have the place to ourselves," he comments, coming around the car and opening the door for Victoria.

She takes his outstretched hand and 'zap' there it is again! Immediately looking into Brian's eyes she sees recognition there. They're both sensitive to the feeling that this is something special. That little spark when their hands touch is just for them. Smiling, they walk to the door arm in arm.

After being seated at the long, whitewashed table, they look at the board hanging on the wall announcing the daily specials. It's just like Victoria described...fried homegrown catfish, crab cakes, hush puppies, coleslaw and peach cobbler for dessert. When a pretty young girl comes to take their order she merely asks how many platters they want.

"I think we should start with one, then order more if we want. OK with you?" Victoria answers for both of them.

"I'm in your hands on this one." Brian smiles back at the girl," is this your home, miss. It's very nice."

"Yes, sir. My great-granddaddy built this home for his family almost a hundred years ago. We've been on this farm every since. But farming isn't what it used to be, so like many others, we've opened our downstairs to serve dinners. My mamma is a great cook, I know you'll like your dinner." And with that she departs to place their order.

"I guess the south never did get over the depression, did it?" asks Brian, "I mean the rural south. Agriculture is just too tough to make a living unless your mechanized like the large farms."

"Yes, it's a shame, so many older farms are being broken up, kids moving away to the big cities. You really can't blame them, they just want what everyone else wants in this day and age, money and success."

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"There you go again. But I understand what you're saying. Rural America is dying as a way of making a living. The only people who want to live on a farm are the retiring executives who think living on a farm would be 'fun' .

"You're right, I'd forgotten how many people move out to the rural areas to get away from the hustle and bustle, kind of ironic, isn't it?"

Before Brian could answer, the girl, who looked to be in her early teens, was approaching the table with a tray almost as big as she was. She put it down and Victoria's and Brian's eyes widened at the amount of food that was on the platters. The largest contained 2 whole catfish, each looking to be about a foot in length, the corn meal crust is deep fried to a rich golden color. Then there was the basket of hush puppies, along with smaller plates of crab cakes and a bowl of coleslaw. The girl expertly served the platters and put large plates in front of each of them, with utensils and a stack of napkins.

After thanking her, Brian leans over to whisper, "where do we start?"

"Here let me cut off the filets. It doesn't seem quite so large when you cut it into portions. Help yourself to the rest. Victoria expertly filleted the fish with just a fork and a table knife. She gave them each a piece, then proceeded to serve herself from the rest of the dishes.

"Are there bones?" Brian asks cautiously.

"Probably not. But you can cut off a piece and check first."

"I have to eat this without mayo or tartar sauce?"

"What a baby, we can get you some tartar sauce if you like. But try it first, I think you'll like it."

Brian starts tasting the fillet, cautiously checking each piece for bones until he is satisfied there were none. Before he realized it, he had eaten the whole piece and was looking for more. He had sampled the crab cake and declared it 'wonderful' and the hush puppies were 'full of flavor'. He could hardly believe how good the whole meal was.

"But I have to ask, 'hush puppies'? Where did that name come from?"

"Well, as you probably know, the first kitchens weren't inside, but in a separate building, or outside, which is usually the case of frying the fish. So one story goes that when the cooks were preparing dinner, the family dogs would come sniffing around looking for handouts. The cooks would make a

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ball of the cornmeal, quickly frying it and then when cool, toss it to the dogs. Of course now days it has seasonings and other ingredients added."

"Really? That does make sense. Clever those cooks!"

Smiling at his greasy hands and face Victoria asks, "So what do you think of your first catfish dinner?"

"Unbelievable. I'll never turn down fish again. You're right, it is sweet and very mild on the inside and so crunchy on the outside. Care to fillet another one?"

"I really should make you do it. You have to learn some time, but I'll spare you tonight." She once again quickly and efficiently fillets the second fish, handing Brian's plate back to him. He filled up on more of the 'trimmings' and without a word, ate until he had polished off the entire plateful.

Finally satisfied, he wiped his hands and face on the napkins and grinned a huge grin. "Best meal ever!"

"Don't forget the meal comes with dessert," the young waitress reminded them as she was clearing the table. "I hope you enjoyed your dinner."

"Please let your mamma know she is the best cook in the south. Bar none." Brian says, smiling.

"Thank you, she always loves to hear that. Any more fish for either of you?"

"No, we're about done in. But I do want to sample that cobbler, what about you Brian?"

"Yes, I suppose I could make room for a little."

After the dishes are cleared and the still warm cobbler is served up and placed on the table, Brian leans over to Victoria, "if I'd known this food was here, I never would have taken so long to visit. No one back home will believe just how wonderful it is."

Victoria is just starting to taste her cobbler when Brian is finishing up his 'little bit'. "I see dessert met with your approval too."

Groaning, Brian admits the food has done him in. "Now I'm ready for a nap. I think I hurt myself eating this much. But it was worth it."

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Laughing, Victoria is pleased he liked the food. "It's such a part of what this part of the south is, I'm glad you enjoyed it. But you know Mississippi has legendary BBQ places, too. You like jazz so much do you know the legend of Blues guitarist Robert Johnson?"

"Can't say that I do. What does that have to do with BBQ?""

"I'll explain. At the intersection of U.S. Highways 61 and 49, here in the Delta region, there is a marker. It's where Robert Johnson famously sold his soul to the devil for his musical talent, right at that spot. In the nearby town of Clarksdale there is a BBQ spot that has been around since 1924, it's called Abe's Bar-B-Q. It has an historic reputation. So we can try going along the Mississippi Barbecue Trail for other places. We'll make a southerner of you yet!"

"Wow, who knew. You know I think I have heard of that legend, somewhere. How cool is that?"

After sending more compliments to the cook and paying their bill, they're on the road again, retracing their way back to the river. Heading west they are enjoying the last dying fire of the setting sun, throwing its golds, pinks and reds on the clouds along the horizon and spilling onto the tops of the trees growing along the bayous they pass.

"Look at that spectacular sunset," Victoria comments.

"A wonderful end to a wonderful day. I sure didn't know when I got up this morning so much could happen. Thanks for making it special." Brian concludes by leaning over and giving Victoria a quick kiss on the cheek.

Victoria slipped her hand in his and they held hands until he turned onto her road.

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Chapter 6

Victoria couldn't get the incident of the trucks out of her mind. A couple of days later, her car packed with something for lunch and a couple bottles of water, she starts up the river road. She decided she would not really go too far, but if she accidentally stumbled on the crazy hermit's place, she might have a look around. The day was going to be a cool one, the weather has changed from the heat they had been experiencing, to threatening skies. As often happens along the coast, the weather can change quickly. She was thinking about how grateful she was to have her Range Rover. It was a real workhorse and she could go almost anywhere with it. Besides it was so comfortable to drive.

She drove up the dry dirt road, kicking up dust as she went. It had been a while since there had been any measurable rain, and for the Mississippi wetlands it was almost a drought. She was daydreaming about her life growing up, wondering about what her grandmother had said in her dream - if indeed it had been a dream? Then that thought brought her to thinking about her grandmother. She had been a psychic, well known in the neighborhood - she had never kept it a secret. But did that make her able to come to her in her sleep. Was she actually communicating with her? It seemed that way, perhaps she had gotten so far away from that time in her life, she had forgotten what she could accomplish mentally...she jumped to awareness and slammed on her brakes. She was about to run out of road. How could that be, those trucks had come this way. She hadn't noticed any turnoff, but the road definitely ended here. There were large rocks and dense shrubbery, too big for her to get over or around. The only thing to do was turn around, retracing her drive and see if she had missed a turn off.

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Perhaps there was one hidden. Before turning around she parked her car and hopped down, 'I'll just take a quick walk to the end. It didn't seem that anything was hidden up ahead, just more heavy brush. Returning to her car, satisfied she hadn't missed any other roads, she starts to maneuver it into a U-turn, when she heard gunfire. All her senses were on alert, it had come from behind her, behind the rocks. Now she was truly frightened, she gunned the motor and the car responded by leaping ahead. Too fast for this road, she slowed down, starting to drive more cautiously, suddenly there was an enormous flash of blue-white lightening and the thunder boomed immediately. She had been so engrossed she had missed that the sky had been growing steadily darker. Looking around she realized it was an even gray, the storm was directly overhead.

'So it wasn't a gunshot at all, I'm just in the leading edge of the storm.' She comforted herself. Adding, ' it seems like it's going to be a real gully-washer.'

The only thing to do is get back to shelter as soon as I can. But that was easier said than done. The rain was already coming down in sheets...the road becoming a river itself. She carefully picked her way back down the road towards home.

The lightening was flashing and the thunder still coming immediately afterwards...so counting between the two...I'm still in the middle of it, she muttered. To help cheer herself up she started a jazz CD in the player. Instantly the music filled the car and she started to relax. The windshield wipers were keeping up but the rain was like a fire hose aimed directly at the windshield, she had seen this before but every time it is frightening. 'Thank heavens I have the traction to stay on the road'...this would be uncontrollable without 4 wheel drive! Glancing off to her right she could just make out the river, it had turned into a roiling muddy torrent. 'I've got to get away from here, get further inland. The river looks like it might flood its banks before the day is out'.

Then she turned her concentration back to just staying on the road. She had made some progress, but still had quite a ways to go. She didn't realize just how far she had come. 'Well missy, you'd better keep your mind on your driving next time. See where daydreaming can get you...' she chastised herself. 'OK, enough...drive!'

At that moment a great flash of lightening lit up the whole area and off in the distance she could just see the top of a roof. 'Oh, if that's a cabin I might

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just make it there until the storm passes. Or even a barn, anything to get out of this mess.'

Shortly she saw a road that led off toward the river, she had missed it on her way up. It wasn't clearly marked but there appeared to be a house at the end. The house was on a rise, hopefully safe from the rising river.

Making the turn she discovered the road was covered with gravel, much better traction, so she slowed down and eased her way the final distance to the front of the cabin. As she pulled up she noticed the sweep of her headlights across all the windows facing the road. That should make someone aware I'm here, if they're home.

Grabbing her water and lunch sack she made a dash for the front porch, barely missing a large puddle forming at the bottom of the steps. Unfortunately there was no roof over the front door, so all she could do was pound on the door - getting wetter by the minute - and hope someone was at home. No answer. Well she couldn't stay here, perhaps around back there would at least be an awning she could huddle under. She followed the gravel walkway around to the river side, and stepped in the middle of a large puddle at the bottom of the back steps. Losing her footing in the mud, she fell face down into the mud and gravel. Now soaked and muddy she pulled herself up and made it to the stairs to discover an awning over a row of windows and a large glass door overlooking the porch. She could see through the house, no lights on, but that could only mean the power was out, or maybe no power here.

She tried the door and it opened easily. Turning to sit on one of the outside chairs she pulled off her muddy shoes and left them by the door, then shed her socks and muddy coat on the chair. She let herself in, calling out to see if anyone was home. No answer, she ventured further in and found herself in a rustic kitchen, open hearth facing both the kitchen and another room on the other side. There was still enough light to see candles in stands on the counter, looking further she found matches on the mantle. Lighting one of the candles she held it high and discovered although rustic the place was very tidy. Then to her amazement as she was making her way to the living room she discovered an easel. Several photos were tacked to a board leaning up against the mantle, with a quick intake of breath she realized just where she was...Brian's cabin. Should she leave? Maybe he would be upset with her breaking in, well not really breaking in, the door was unlocked. She couldn't go back into the rain, and it would be stupid to just sit in her car

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waiting for the rain to stop. Besides it appeared he wasn't even here. Maybe he was caught in the rain too and wouldn't return until after she left. She liked that thought and decided she should dry herself off. Then maybe she could poke around...see some of his paintings.

Taking the candle, she found the bathroom. As she undressed she was dismayed to discover she was soaked to the skin. 'Well, nothing to do but get a fire going in the fireplace and dry myself and my clothes off.' Next, find something to put on in the meantime. In the closet she found some warm flannel Pendleton shirts. Just the thing to warm her she thought as she shrugged into a red plaid one. It was about the size of a night shirt, well at least she was covered. Now to get her clothes dried.

She found a box of kindling with a couple of small logs beside it. She laid the fire, retrieved the matches and soon she had a fire going. She brought a chair from the kitchen to arrange her clothes on to dry...hopefully before Brian came home.

Before settling down herself, her curiosity got the better of her, she picked up the candle and walked over to look at the photographs. Standing on the raised stone hearth, she looked up at the board. She saw photos of various birds, some nothing more than a quickly taken snapshot but some looked positively professional. Birds in their natural habitat, with just the right light highlights on their feathers. 'He is very talented"...then she turned to look at the painting on the easel. Brian was painting a marsh duck, just over the water's surface, coming in for a landing with wings spread. It was just sketched but she could tell it would be wonderful. Looking further she saw two more paintings on the walls. I see why he was hired for this job.

Feeling chilled away from the fire, Victoria returned to the old leather sofa across from the fire, settled in and pulled the quilt folded over the back, to tuck around her. She was feeling warm and sleepy. It had been a tough morning, or was it afternoon, she had lost track of time...

Startled, Victoria was instantly awake, and blinking, trying to remember just where she was. Then it dawned on her, she was in Brian's cabin...and he was standing over her, dripping. He must have just come in.

"It's OK, you're in my cabin, safe and sound from the storm."

Jumping up, she quickly ordered "go get those wet things off. I'll put them by the fire and you can get warm. The weather sure turned fast." He still didn't move.. "go on with you, you need to change."

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"I was just admiring the view. Do I have to leave?" he said, mockingly looking her up and down, "you sure fill my shirt better than I do."

With that she picked up a wet towel from the chair and tossed it at him.

"I'm going!" Laughing all the way to the bedroom and bath beyond. While he was gone she tested her clothes to see if they were dry yet, no such luck. With this humidity it could take hours to dry. She would have to stay in the shirt...but it seemed to cover more when she was by herself.

"Well, at least I can make us some coffee...or hot chocolate." she said aloud as she busied herself in the kitchen. At least the stove was gas, not wood, that would have been a little too rustic.

By the time he came out of the bedroom in fleece sweats, the coffee was perking on the stove, "coffee ready in a minute."

"I'm surprised you got that thing working, I'm not very domestic and burn everything. I have an electric kitchen at home and can do much better there."

"Not much to it."

"I brought you some wool socks, you shouldn't be running around in bare feet. Go ahead, sit down and pull them on. I'll pour us some coffee. You want milk too, your coffee o lsy? Is that how you pronounce it?"

"It's café au láit, the last word is pronounced 'lay''.

"Pretty soon I can start throwing around French with the best of them, or is that Creole?"

"No, it's French. And to answer your question, yes, I do take cream. Thanks for the socks. You're right, it seems colder out from under the quilt."

"Come on, sit back down on the sofa, I'll tuck the quilt around you." Reaching over he handed her the mug of hot coffee. "Now, explain how you found my place. By the way I'm glad you did. But you shouldn't have been out in this weather to start with."

"It really wasn't bad when I started out, but I got a little farther than I planned." Then settling in, she leaned over to Brian, "Here is the funny part, I actually would have come looking for you sooner or later. I accidentally

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drove to the end of the road...the other dirt road ends at dense shrubbery and rocks scattered around. It just ends."

"That's curious, I haven't been to the end yet. Are you talking about the road that runs parallel to the main road?"

"Yes, I was there. Then, when I started to turn around to go back, I heard something like a gunshot, but I think it may have been thunder, it was really cracking right overhead. Anyway, before I knew what was happening it was pouring in torrents and I was having a hard time staying on the road. There was a flash of lightening and I saw your roof, so here I am."

"Are all your days occupied with such excitement? I don't think I could keep up if they are."

"Usually I lead a very quiet life. It's just since I've been down here that things are happening. Like Gram said...I guess I need some stimulation - she called it spice - in my life."

"I think you've had enough spice for today. Say, what are your plans for tonight? Care to take potluck with me? I'm sure you can make something from the cans in my pantry."

"I do feel kind of hungry. Say, what time is it anyway?"

"About 4:30, why?"

"I forgot to eat, I was driving and looking, then the storm. Let's see what we have on the menu for tonight."

After not much time or bother Victoria had delicious aromas drifting out of the kitchen, spices and onions mixing together. She was simmering some chili and making cornbread from scratch. "thank heavens you have the essentials, just need to combine them."

"I don't know how you do it. You should be a chef." Looking over at her he saw she was blushing prettily. "I mean it, Vicky, you cook as well as any of those fancy guys on TV or at the restaurants."

She noticed how he said her name. She usually hated being called 'Vicky' but it sounded right coming from him. Maybe it was the way he said it, but either way she was not bothered. She called from the kitchen, "how about pulling the kitchen table in there for dinner, in front of the fire."

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"I've got a better idea, why don't we just picnic on the quilt in front of the fire? At lot less work and much cozier."

"Sounds like fun. Have any wine? I wonder what goes with canned chili?"

Chuckling, he answered, "I should think a hearty red would be recommended."

Laughing, Victoria agreed and pulled down two glasses from the open shelves above the sink. "just a few minutes more for the cornbread. I'll start loading up this tray if you'll bring the plates and glasses. Oh, yes, and the wine."

"I'm at your service. The quilt is spread, ready for the picnic. We shouldn't have any problem with ants either, I told them to eat somewhere else tonight."

Giggling she said, "I feel like I'm drunk already and I haven't even taken a sip." as she handed Brian the tray and sat down on the quilt, her feet under her.

"I have to confess, you make me feel that way too," Brian whispered as he put the tray away from them.

"I can't wait any longer, dear Vicky. I've wanted this from the very first moment I saw you." With that said he lowered her to the quilt, placed just a light kiss on her lips...then she was wrapping her arms around him and returning the kisses.

"Mmmmm" was all she could say. He tasted like fresh soap; after-shave and very manly. He grew bolder and his kisses deepened. The promise from the first kiss was fulfilled and even more. She felt his hands under her shirt; he was touching all the right places. Soon she was gasping in sheer delight and she boldly raised his sweatshirt...running her hands up his back. He froze momentarily, then melted into her arms, he too sighing.

They were kissing and touching and pulling at clothing, tossing it every which way. Finally touching flesh to flesh. He showed such care and sensitivity...she had never felt this way before. "I feel as if I've searched my whole life for someone like you, and I feel as if I have known you forever."

"I guess it was destined for me to find your cabin. I'm glad I did," and she gave him one more long, lingering kiss.

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Slowly raising himself up on one elbow, she reached over for their dinner. Pulling a plate towards him, he lifted a fork and giving her a sample of their dinner. "Meals should always be eaten this way, don't you agree?"

Laughing, she agreed, "where's the wine? My turn to serve you."

Chapter 7

Much later, after dinner was finally eaten - cold - and the wine was enjoyed - warm - Victoria and Brian were lying on the sofa by a big, roaring fire. After showering they were both wearing pairs of his sweat pants and shirts. Brian is on his side, looking down at her with his head on one arm of the old sofa, Victoria is on her back next to him, their feet entwined. "I meant to tell you, you are a fine artist. You didn't really say what kind of art you were doing, but these paintings are wonderful. How will they be used?"

"Thank you. They're going into a brochure for a company based here in the south. They want to emphasize that they're committed to protecting the wildlife."

Those two on the wall should be in a gallery somewhere. I've seen some not nearly as good selling for thousands in DC galleries. Have you ever thought of an exhibit? You know, a gallery in New Orleans could be interested too. Maybe we should look into that, what do you think?"

"I'm very flattered you think so. But I really don't take myself seriously and I don't mistake myself for a great artist."

"Hmmm, I still think you could make a lot of money with your paintings."

"Is making a lot of money so important? I enjoy painting, and I'm good enough to get paid to paint, but I don't want to be a slave to anything. I'm sorry, I don't mean to sound ungrateful that you think I could make a living doing it, but I am happy painting my style, my speed. I didn't mean to preach but I think people get carried away working only for the money."

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"No, no, you don't have to apologize...I see what you mean." Victoria replied thoughtfully, "I can see why Granmamma likes you so...uh er, she would have liked you. You think the same way she does...did."

"I wish I could have met her. If she's responsible for how you turned out, I would like to thank her."

Smiling to herself, she replied, "somehow I think she knows."

Looking out the large windows overlooking the river Brian notices the storm has blown itself out. The clouds are parking and stars are beginning to twinkle in the blackness between the remaining clouds. Rising, Brian pulls Victoria into his arms, gives her a kiss, then pulls her by the hand to the window. "Look out there, that immense blackness and those twinkling stars. When I see that, I realize just how small we are. There are universes that we can only dream of. So when we talk about money, I just don't see the importance of it."

"I guess you're right. I just never thought of it in those terms before. I was brought up to work hard and make the most of yourself. And that is done by buying the best of everything. But looking at things in your context it doesn't seem so important."

"It took me a long time to realize that was the right way to think. I'm down here to think some things through, too. I've reached a stage in my life where I want to make some changes. I want to return to simpler things...the stresses are just not worth it anymore."

"What can be so stressful in painting? If you could make a living at it then you should continue."

"I wasn't referring to the painting. Soon, not right now, but soon I can tell you more about myself. But for now, trust me that I can't tell you everything that I want to. Does that make sense."

"I believe I must trust you. For some strange reason, without logic, I do. So I'll wait for an explanation."

They wrap their arms around each other and Brian leads the way to the bedroom with its soft comforter. They leap into bed and dive under the covers. Soon they are keeping each other warm as much as the down comforter is.

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Chapter 8

Dawn is slowly breaking over the eastern horizon and the marshlands surrounding the little cabin at the end of the gravel road. Outside the birds are just waking up, but inside no one is stirring. The two people in the big bed are still much as they had fallen asleep, as if they couldn't get close enough, even as they slumber on.

Outside the cabin are two men, quietly moving from window to window. They want to know who lives in this cabin and who it is that owns the Range Rover. Their boss called last night and was very upset. It had been their job to keep all strangers away from his laboratory and not once but twice these people had been too close for comfort. A driver returning from a run had seen the station wagon on the road, near the turnoff; the other car had been seen yesterday, warning shots had been fired at the woman driving it. But the storm had broken just then, so either way she had left. But would she return? They had to find out who they are and make sure they stay away.

"What do you think?" the larger man whispered, "they just tourists or are we gonna have to use force to keep them away?"

"Beats me. Let's get the plate numbers on both cars and see what we turn up. You can bet it's no accident that they arrived together."

"I'll grab photos of the cars and plates. Then let's get outta here before they wake up." They're off through the tall grasses before anyone realizes they had been there.

Sometime later the phone rings in the living room, Brian stumbles out of bed to answer before it wakes Vicky, "yeah, who is it?"

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"What a friendly greeting, and how are we today?"

"Oh, Ken, sorry...my God what time is it?" he asks, looking around at the full sun beaming through the windows.

"Your time, about 11:00 AM. So what's up, sunshine, you overslept, huh? Any reason for that?"

"We had a terrible storm yesterday and Vicky had to stop here for shelter. She was caught out on the road and I was closer than her place."

"I'll bet shelter isn't all she sought, old boy!"

"Lay off, you don't know anything about her..." and with that Brian turned and saw Vicky standing in the bedroom door. She look deliciously tousled, fresh from sleep. Groaning inwardly, he completely forgot he was on the phone. "If you keep this up we'll never leave the house", he comments to her.

"Who is on the phone, and do they really need to know that?"

"Oh, OH, Ken...sorry...um can I call you back, something..."

"Go ahead, seems you're distracted anyway. Talk to you later."

Without looking down Brian turned off his cell phone and dropped it on the sofa. Walking toward Vicky his smile grew, "I was starting to think you were a dream, but here you are. And looking even more beautiful in the morning."

"Ummmm, you don't look so bad yourself, for first thing. Then looking around she too realizes that it isn't first thing, closer to noon, "What time is it?"

"I just asked that, apparently we overslept some. It's going on 11:00."

"Oh no, Laurel will be furious with me. I was supposed to check in with her this morning. I'll bet she's having cat fits that I'm not home."

"Who's Laurel? Any why should she care? Just tell her you got caught in the storm. That's what I told Ken."

"Yes I heard. And who IS Ken?"

"You first, Laurel?"

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"My best friend, she's taking care of Mandy for me while I'm gone. We check in on each other almost every day. Now your turn."

As she is waiting for him to answer she goes into the kitchen to get some coffee perking.

"Ken is my best friend, and we kind of work together. He checks up on my progress and me. Who's Mandy?"

"Oh, she's my kitty, and after Laurel, she's my best friend, we've been through a lot together."

The coffee was soon steaming, Victoria pours two cups and after handing Brian his, she says, "I have something to say..." sighing, she proceeds, "one of the reasons came down here was to sort out my life. I'm kind of in a relationship, but it's not working...at all. Then my gran...never mind that part, you wouldn't understand, I don't even understand" sighing she continues, "...but what I'm trying to say is last night was very special to me. You are a wonderful person, thank you."

Taking her in his arms, and holding her tight he kisses the top of her head, "you are a very special person to me. Never let anyone tell you any different. Last night was something rare, and I want more...OK?"

Sighing again, she breathed out, "Yes, oh yes," after hugging him and giving him a peck on the nose, she turns away and starts to busy herself in the kitchen. "Hey, what about your promise to clean up?"

When there was no response, she looked around the corner and discovered she was talking to empty space. She also noticed the cell phone was gone. 'must have been important...' She then turned back to the dishes and finished cleaning up. Still feeling very relaxed, she pours herself another cup of coffee and goes out to the deck.

Barely out the door, her eyes immediately go to the large muddy footprints. They appear to have come up the stairs, continue under the windows, then return to the stairs. Another, smaller set, accompanied those prints. Running back inside, she slams the door and heads back into the bedroom, calling for Brian the whole way.

He was just concluding his conversation with Ken when he heard her, she didn't sound normal, sounded scared, "I'll get back to you, something is going on, bye."

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"What is it?" Brian answers as he's going out the door he runs into Victoria running to him. She threw her arms around him and hung on, seemingly for dear life.

Putting her away from him so he could look down into her face, he asks again, "what is it? Are you hurt? Speak to me." He couldn't believe the fear he sees in her eyes.

Mutely she grabs his arm and proceeds to lead him into the living room, out the door to the deck. Since he was watching her, he didn't immediately see the foot prints. She points with her free arm, "who did this. I'm scared...there were people her last night or this morning. Who are they?"

"My God. I haven't a clue. l I don't even know anyone down here. One thing is for sure, they aren't too bright or they would have noticed they were tracking mud all over. They might as well have shouted."

"Now I think is a good time to call the police. We can't ignore people tromping around your property. What if they want to steal your paintings?"

"I seriously doubt that. Probably just wanted to check out what I have in the house. Not enough for them to come back and steal anything, I wouldn't think."

Brian doesn't say to Victoria, but he has a gut feeling who these two might have been. It has something to do with the pollution upriver. It could mean he's getting close, and he's making them nervous. He's got to get Vicky out of the way, talk to Ken and proceed with his investigation, he has taken too much time already. He hopes he hasn't let too much on to Vicky, and hopefully she won't be silly enough to try to investigate on her own. That could prove dangerous, to her and possibly to him, too. He wasn't willing to risk her for a job, not after Carrie...

Still holding her, "What are your plans for the rest of today? Are you going to the river?" Brian casually asks Vicky.

"I'm not sure. It's very nice here...what are your plans?"

"Well, as good as staying here sounds, I do have to make a living. Time is running short, so I'd better get dressed, call Ken back and hit the road. You know, you never gave me your phone number. Do that and I'll call you when I'm back this afternoon. Maybe we can get together tonight?"

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Walking over to her purse, Victoria gets a card and writes down her cell number, "the best way to get me is the cell, I usually have it with me. Here's the number. By the way, I don't have your number either."

Brian takes the card, finds his wallet and puts it in, then hands her a card which has his numbers on it, "Hum, Brian Townsend - Nature Photographer & Artist. I like that. Did you design it?"

"No, actually Ken did. He's a man of many talents. Now, I hate to rush you but I've got to get going". Taking her in his arms he hugs her and gives her a lingering kiss. "Now, make me a promise, you won't try to investigate these footprints or the activities that may be going on at the end of the road. Promise?"

"Yes, I promise. But you should know I like a good mystery as much as the next person. Are you going to investigate?"

"I won't but I do have friends that will."

After they're both dressed, he walks her to her car, gives her one last kiss, "that will have to last until tonight. Be careful, OK?"

"Of course, I have a date tonight that I can't break. You take care too."

She carefully drives down the road as Brian stands watching her leave. For some reason he feels pressured to move fast, he has a feeling that things are just about to break wide open.

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Chapter 9

"I think we should start applying pressure. I'm going to need some backup ASAP. Say, why don't you come down. We make a great team and you can meet Vicky. She knows all about you, it's the perfect opportunity. Besides, you'll meet sooner or later, might as well be now. You can coordinate the investigation."

"Yeah, right. Let me see what I can do. I'll put in your request immediately. By the way, finally got those lab reports back, everything tested positive for what we thought; plus a lot more we didn't even know about. It's like they are processing most of the toxins known to exist. What kind of a maniac would be doing that and release it into the environment?"

"A canny one, who thinks he is above the law. I have a theory about the road and especially about that caravan of trucks we saw. I'm going up there today, but much more carefully than before. They'll never know I was there. As soon as you can, let me know what's happening. Hope to see you soon."

"I'll do my best, and you take care too, sounds like they play hardball. Don't get too close until we get some backup."

"Sure, I'll wait for the army before I storm the gates! See ya."

Further up the road the two men are reporting to their boss, "just a small cabin, but both cars were there. Guess they're married or something. We didn't see anything suspicious, looks like one of them takes pictures and paints. Don't know what the other does. Maybe it's him and she's just his wife."

"I still don't like it. Why do they keep coming around? That was a damn fool stunt Frank pulled, shooting at them that way. It only brought suspicion down on us. He's been dealt with, so just make sure you don't make the same kind of mistake or you'll learn the same lesson. Understood?"

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"Sure boss. What do ya want us to do now? Follow them?"

"No, let's let them make the first move now. Then we'll take it from there. You two hang around here, check on the cameras and see if we've had any more visitors."

"You got it, let's go Freddie," the taller one - and obviously the leader - says to his companion.

"Sure Keith, whatever you say," replies Freddie.

About an hour later Brian is on the road, he's driven his car as close as he thinks is safe, and hides it in the grasses along the side of the road. Eying the still wet soil he wonders if he's going to have trouble getting it out. 'Oh well, I'll just have to call for help. I've got a legitimate reason to be here,' he thinks as he pulls out his camera case, puts the phone in the side pocket and slings it over his shoulder.

He starts walking on a diagonal toward the side, an area he thinks may not be fenced. If he approaches from another direction, he thinks to himself, perhaps they won't be guarding it as closely as the front. It's worth a try anyway. As he is walking he is taking care to observe where he is in relation to the road. He also is stopping occasionally to take snap shots of birds as he nears them. This really is a good cover, excuses for the camera equipment, excuses to be in the area at all. It's just lucky I can paint too.

He smiles as he thinks back to last night. I told Vicky things I was afraid to say to Ken, I actually told her I was thinking of making a change in my life. I didn't realize until I verbalized it, that it made so much sense. I'm getting too old to play cops and robbers, let the younger guys pursue the bad guys for a change. I've made my name, it's their turn. Perhaps she's right; I could make a living at painting. Wonder if she would like to be my agent? I'll bet she would make a good one; she sure speaks up for what she believes in.

Suddenly Brian is realizes he's reaching his goal. Crouching down to survey which way to go, he closely checks all the trees; sure enough, there is a surveillance camera hidden in the limbs right above an electric fence. It is making an arc around this area. 'Man, this is really sophisticated. Must be something they really don't want known.' He continues to think to himself, 'if

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I shoot out one of the cameras it'll bring them running. I'd better go further to the other side, see if the place is surrounded by surveillance.'

As quietly as possible he continues angling to the north, following the electric fence at a distance he figures is out of range of the cameras. Every so often there is another camera. 'They all seem to be scanning the same arc,' he thinks to himself, 'so if we have to come back we can time their pattern'. After continuing on he reaches the furthest eastern boundary where the fence turns directly north. From this position there is fencing as far as he can see in the distance. 'A couple of good photos for proof, then it's back to the car. I don't need to stir up any trouble today, I'll wait for Ken.'

As far he knows he's been successful in avoiding detection. Reaching his car he hops in and with luck is able to drive quietly away. Once back to his cabin he calls Ken to report his discoveries. Then, after pouring a glass of wine he thinks about Ken's comment of looking for the right girl. 'I wonder what Vicky's friend Laurel is like. Maybe she would be just the one for him. It also sounds to me like he's ready to retire too. I'll find out more tonight.'

Further down the road Victoria is on the phone..."OK, you won't tell me where Martin is, but you've got to listen to me. I'm outside of New Orleans in Mississippi...there are strange things going on here." She is interrupted by someone arguing with her on the other end of the line..."I don't care about that, I'm telling you you've got to look into this. Please, birds are leaving the area, I know there are toxins here, people will be next if they haven't already been affected, they will be. Do you want that on your conscience?"

Listening to the reply, and not liking what she is hearing, "What do you mean 'leave it alone', does that mean someone is already on this? Tell me."

After listening once again, she sighs, "Yes, I hear you, but I don't understand. I was SHOT at, people are sneaking around after us." Further argument, "Fine, I'll just give up, is that what you want to hear?" Then..."OK, I see, then just please tell Martin to call me. And yes, it is very important or I wouldn't have called." Further discussion on the other end..."you're the Feds for God sakes, if you can't do something, who can?"

With that she hangs up, or rather slams down the phone. Feeling totally frustrated, she doesn't know what to do, so she starts pacing. She could call

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Laurel, but she'd be at work and it wasn't the kind of thing to discuss in front of the people she worked with...'I could call Brian...no, he said he would call me when he got back. I'll just have to wait for someone to call me back. I hate this!

Guess the only thing to do is make dinner. After going through the few cookbooks she brought with her she comes up with a recipe that sounds good and that might appeal to Brian. She will have to make a quick trip to town to pick up the chicken and a few other things. She's dressed quickly and out the door in less than ten minutes. As she slows to make the turn onto the main road she glances in the rear view mirror...there is a car following her. It is not new, or flashy but she's never seen it before on this road. Lecturing herself, 'now I'm getting paranoid. Cars are allowed to drive without necessarily following me. Get a hold of yourself.' Making the turn to the paved road she follows it for a couple of miles and pulls into one of the larger markets.

Filling the cart with the necessities, and some not so necessary, she heads to the check out. She's been to this market before and is recognized by the friendly checker who chats with her while she's checking her out. "Looks like you're having a good dinner tonight, enjoy."

Victoria waves bye to her then replies to the young man offering to help her with her bags, "I think I can still load up the groceries, but thanks anyway." She makes quick work of loading up the bags and heads out of the parking lot, toward home.

Once on the main street she glances in the rear view mirror and thinks she recognizes the car as the one that followed her into town. Looking more closely, trying to make out the license number it seems to be smeared with mud, or at least heavily splattered. Trying to keep her car on the road and keeping an eye on the mirror she decides to take a different route home. 'I'll test if I'm truly being followed.' She smiles to herself at her cleverness.

Turning off into a residential section in the outskirts of town she keeps making turns and sure enough the car is keeping her in his sights. Not on her bumper but within visual distance.

'OK, now what do I do?' she breathes deeply to calm herself, then remembers hearing if you think you're in trouble you should drive to the local police station. Nodding with decision, Victoria gets herself out of the maze of residential streets and heads up main street to where she thinks the city hall

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and police department are located. As she nears the building, the car turns off and she's the only car on the road. 'I don't believe in coincidences. At least not that much.' Now she's torn, should she stop and talk to the police? She really has no proof and no plate number. She'd probably be wasting her time and theirs. Once again, she makes a turn and retraces her route out of town and back to her place. She's now wary and keeps a look out for the older blue sedan from earlier. If there is any sign of it she certainly won't lead them home, but all is clear. She's also a little upset that this detour took longer than she had planned, now she's in a hurry to start dinner.

Just as she's putting dinner in the oven, the phone rings, "Hi, lovely lady, did you miss me today?"

"Of course, so much so that I'm presently cooking dinner for you. We won't have to go out and I don't have to share you with anyone else."

"I just don't believe you. That was what I was thinking, but I didn't want to ask. Seems like you're doing all the cooking and I should pay you back with a nice dinner in town. One of these days I will."

"I'm sure we'll get around to that one of these days, too."

"I'm glad you planned dinner in, I need to talk to you. When will it be ready?"

"It's just simmering, so whenever you make it I'll put on the finishing touches, serve the salad and we'll eat. But why so serious, anything wrong?"

"With you, never. But it'll wait...see you in about 45 minutes."

"Sounds perfect, I'll have the wine poured and the jazz on. Maybe light a fire, too."

They hang up and Victoria takes a look around, good thing she got herself ready earlier and the house is picked up. She pulls out the wine she has chilling, opens it to decant until Brian get there. She checks the sauce, turns it down to low so it won't over cook, the rice she's steaming will be ready by then. Salad is already in a chilled bowl, waiting for the dressing. All is ready.

Putting on a jazz CD, she sits on the sofa to relax, inhales the lovely aromas coming from the kitchen. Settling in, she starts to rehash the events of the day. She needs to decide whether or not she should tell Brian about the car

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incident in town. She decides to see what happens tonight. If it seems right, she will.

Almost to the minute she hears the station wagon pull up to the house. Pouring a glass of wine for each of them, she walks to the front door. Opening the door to Brian she hands him his glass.

"Perfect picture...greeting the master after a long day in the field!" Leaning over to give her a deep kiss, then he takes a sip of the wine. "Can we talk first or is dinner ready?"

"Sounds serious, you have me worried. Tell me what's on your mind then we'll eat." She leads him to the sofa where they sit down facing each other, holding hands in the space between them.

"It's not that serious, but it seems I'm going to have to fly out to meet the client. I told you he wanted to see the work, and the progress. Well, he's moved up the deadline, so I have to get moving and finish. But first he wants the paintings I've finished, then I'll send off the others as soon as I'm through. So, it's serious because I have to leave you and I don't want to, but that's all."

"I'm so relieved. I pictured all sorts of things wrong. But if he wants you to finish, wouldn't it be easier to stay here than waste time flying around the country? I mean that's not really clear thinking, is it?"

"Maybe not to you and me, but to him it's what he wants. Clear or not."

Looking down at her hands, she replies, "Mmmm, I really wish you didn't have to go." Still wondering if she should tell Brian or not. He seems preoccupied, so perhaps not. I'm not really sure anyway.

"Why so long faced. It's only for a couple of days. Is anything wrong? You haven't been up the road again have you?"

"No of course not. It's nothing. I still don't understand but I guess there is nothing I can do about it..."

"Whoa, what don't you understand? What car?"

"Nothing at all. I'm just glad everything is OK with you. So, now, are your ready for dinner, suddenly I'm starving."

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"I'll let you get away with it for now, but later you're going to have to explain."

"Deal, now sit down, I'll serve you." She dishes out the chicken and rice entrée and the salad, sets the plates down, the wine is already on the table.

"Some pot luck," Brian says admiringly, "what is this, Creole?"

"Of course , silly. It's Poulet a la Diable straight from my Granmamma's cookbook."


"Literally, deviled chicken, but that doesn't sound too exotic."

After gingerly tasting, Brian declares the chicken a hit. Did you put spices in it? I can taste something, but not as hot as the last time."

"Yes of course, chicken is very bland if you don't. I used cayenne, and a Cajun spice mix, but just enough for flavor. I'm glad you like it."

They continued to dine on the delicious dinner and finished up the bottle of wine.

Brian admits he's going to miss her, "It's a little hard in the beginning of a new relationship to be apart, you want to spend all your time together, I understand. But it can't be helped, Vicky. And I promise I will get back as soon as I can."

Brian is the first to rise, "I'm cleaning up the dishes this time, I'll even wash." Before Victoria can answer he's scooped up the dishes and heads to the kitchen. Placing the plates on the old-fashioned tile counter, set with octagonal black and white tiles, he looks around. Spotting an apron he ties it around his slim waste and proceeds to fill the sink with warm water, making loads of suds. As he washes and she dries, they chat companionably about the weather, his paintings, and what she did all day, just like to married folks.

When all was dried and put away, Brian scoops her up and carries her to the sofa, "I want so much to spend the night with you. Please say you want me to."

"Oh, Brian," she sighs, "you know I do. I don't even want you to leave tomorrow."

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That makes him so happy, he smothers her face and neck with kisses. "You are almost all I thought about today. I'll miss you, too." They stop talking, concentrating on pleasing each other with kisses and caresses. When they are both completely satiated they lie back tightly wrapped together.

Brian is the first to speak, "I never want to lose you, Vicky. Please promise you'll take care of yourself, stay away from those thugs up the road. Promise?"

Surprised at his intensity, Victoria immediately promises, "Of course if that's what you want."

"It is what I want."

"But, why did you call them thugs? Do you know something more?"

"Um, no, not really. It's just that they seem like thugs, what with the shooting and all. Something is going on, that's what it feels like to me."

"That's exactly what I've been trying to tell everyone, but no one will listen to me!"

"What do you mean, everyone?" Brian asks, sitting up and pulling her with him. He pulls the afghan from the back of the couch to wrap around them both.

"Oh, I didn't tell you...I called some friends in DC, I wanted someone to investigate what's going on. I know they're the cause of the birds leaving the area."

"And what did your 'friends' say?" He asks cautiously.

"Basically, to back off and leave it alone. My friend is out of town so I couldn't talk to him, but I talked to his coworkers." Then taking a deep breath, she continues, "Oh Brian, I have a confession to make. I'm sort of... well kind of... I maybe... or was in a relationship. That's whom I tried to call. And he's one of the reasons I'm down here. I had to get away to think things through. He's so controlling...even wanted to tell me what car to buy. Well, I just went and bought my baby. I've always wanted a Range Rover...my money, my choice.

"I'm so glad I decided to get away...because if you hadn't I wouldn't have met you. Now I know I was right to leave. Please say you forgive me for not telling you sooner." She had finally wound down.

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Looking down into those troubled green eyes, Brian declares, "of course I forgive you. I didn't think you had never known anyone else," then continuing, "who is he that you thought he could have helped with the problem here?" half fearful to hear her answer, he knew it would hurt if it was someone he knew.

"His name is Martin Hamilton. He works in DC, he's an attorney, but he works for one of the federal agencies, so I thought he might know someone who would have some pull. I guess that was silly."

Brian slowly repeats the name, "Martin, I see." Then recovering quickly, he continues..."No, you're not silly, you're just trying to get a wrong straightened out."

"That's just what I told them, but they didn't want to listen, told me they had things under control. Whatever that means."

Continuing to play the role of an outsider, "Probably some of their bureaucratic nonsense, you know how those politicos are." Brian realizes he's going to have to face the truth sooner or later. He just hoped she would understand he was doing what he had to do right now. He would make it up to her, and very soon.

"You don't have to tell me, I'm sick of them."

"That's enough about other people, let's get back to us. I care for you very deeply. I can't believe it happened so quickly, but that is the truth. Please, just remember that. And stay safe and sound for me while I'm gone."

She leaned into him, gave him a welcoming kiss. "We'll deal with all that stuff later, but for now..."

They were once again in their own world.

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Chapter 10

Late in the afternoon of the next day, after Brian had flown off, Victoria hears a helicopter flying overhead, and it sounds very low. 'That's odd. I've never heard one flying around here before'...without thinking she runs outside to see what's going on - thinking to herself it could be a brush fire, or some other emergency.

Cupping her hands over her eyes to see better in the glare of the late afternoon sun, she can make out at least two men in a helicopter, flying very low over the area, then hovering over her house before quickly flying away. Remaining outside, she wonders what that was all about, then shaking her head, she turns to go inside. That's when it hit her...the helicopter was looking for a specific place...hers! She doesn't know how, but she just knows that's what's going on. First the truck shooting at them, then she realizes it WAS gunfire, then the footprints, then the car in town...now this. She has stuck some kind of nerve and they're looking for her and possibly Brian, too.

"Something is going on, I just don't know what...but we should take care."

She is completely unsettled, has no appetite, she just continues pacing around the house, afraid to go outside. Then she makes a decision, when her friend Laurel is home she will call her, just making idle chatter but it will make her feel better.

But, Laurel being Laurel, immediately figures out something is on Victoria's mind...and she's not saying what. "Come on, come clean, what's the real reason for this call? I'm a big girl, I can take it."

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"Oh, it's nothing like that. I guess I might as well tell you, I'm so frustrated I could scream. I've apparently seen something that I shouldn't have; I've been shot at, well Brian and I were shot at, well I was shot at alone too. Then someone came to his house when we were asleep..."

"Whoa, what do you mean 'when WE were asleep? I think you neglected to give me some details of your last few days."

"Oh, Laurel, that's part of the frustration. He's so wonderful, kind, considerate, good looking, and he likes me for me, not for my money or my job or anything else. He thinks I should be a chef, can you imagine?"

"Yes, of course, I've been telling you that for years. Keep your birds as a hobby, but cook and make people happy. That's a rare gift. OK, now back to business...he cares for you so what's the problem? Martin? You weren't happy when you left, seems to me your decision is made on that score.

"Yes, I'm afraid you're right about that. I guess that's a good thing. But what am I going to do about the river? I called Martin's office as a matter of fact, looking for him since he supposedly has all sorts of connections, but they told me he's out of town. I argued with them, I'm surprised you didn't hear about it, being in the same building. Anyway I tried to tell them something should be done, all they could say was "back off", or words to that effect. I just don't get it. They're supposed to be protecting the area and they don't even care enough to investigate."

"Maybe they are investigating and they don't want you messing around in their case."

"I never thought of that! But I haven't seen anyone around here. Lord knows this place is small enough that strangers are noticed."

"Maybe it's Brian! Wouldn't that be a hoot! No really, maybe it's someone who's been there for a while, so he or she wouldn't stick out. What do you think?"

Pausing to think that over, Victoria replies, "It is possible I guess. I hadn't considered that, but I still want to know what's going on. I just know it's something illegal."

"Maybe you'd better wait until Brian gets back. Then there'll be two of you."

"The helicopter wasn't buzzing his house, it was over mine."

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"Wait just a minute, there was a helicopter over your house, when?"

"This afternoon, low enough for me to see at least two people in it. I was just..."

Laurel impatiently interrupts her, "I don't care what you're thinking, and believe me I do know what you're thinking, leave it alone. I mean it."

"OK, I don't understand why you're getting so upset with me. I just wanted to find out what was going on, you sound just like Brian, he made me swear not to get involved while he was gone."

"I'm liking this guy more and more. I think things have gotten out of hand. I almost think you should come home now."

"I will not. I've got Brian to think of now. I'm not going to miss the chance to see if he's the right person for me. I think he is and I believe that's how he feels too. So, NO, I won't leave now. Perhaps after he comes back. But not now."

"I understand what you're saying, but think about it. You have promised him, and I don't think you should break a promise, do you? You say you care for him, then keep that promise and wait until he gets back."

"Yes, I guess you're right."

"You swear to me?"

'Yes, I swear to you I will not stick my nose into this business until Brian gets back."


Then changing the subject, she has to talk about something else that has been on her mind. "Oh Laurel, I just know he's the right one. We are so good together. I just have one problem, he doesn't care much about money. He drives an old beat up station wagon for heaven's sake. When I tried to talk him into exhibiting his paintings, he said he doesn't care if he's sells them or not. Besides where could we live? He wouldn't fit into DC and I don't think I could live in Oregon, I'm too used to the fast pace of the East."

"Doesn't sound like a problem to me. You go where he wants you to and do what you can wherever you land. As long as you two are together, that seems like the most important thing. Don't you agree?"

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"Yes, yes of course you are right. I hate it when you make so much sense. You always do that to me, but thanks for being there and making me see what I'm usually to stubborn or blind to see myself. Ok, I'll do what you say and I do promise. By the way, does Mandy miss me at all?"

"Of course she misses you, but you know she is far too superior to let anyone see that. Except I have caught her looking out the front window when she hears a car that sounds like yours. I'll give her a kiss for you. Now get some sleep, things will look better in the morning anyway."

"Thanks for everything. Love you, bye."

Victoria decides to have a long, lovely bubble bath to relax, just to get the kinks out, then to bed. It's getting late, she will just have to wait and see what tomorrow brings.

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Chapter 11

Upriver it's not too late...Keith and Freddie are meeting with their boss. Keith is explaining, "So it's like we said. There it is, big as life this Range Rover parked at another house. It's probably the only one of those in county. Anyways, it's not at the guy's house so maybe that's her house and they're not married' or nothin'. But having 'sleep-overs', hahaha. " Freddie joins in the laughter.

But the boss is not amused. "You two have to find out what's going on. I'm not paying you to fly around the county and not get any firm proof of who these people are. I can't believe that they just stumbled on our location. My sources say that there is someone here from inside, looking to shut us down. And you know what that means; we have some very unhappy clients. Do you know what that means?"

"Yeah, boss. It's bad news, huh? Okay, what should we do?"

"I had her license plates checked and she's from DC alright. Seems she's an ornithologist,"

"I don't get it Boss, what do glasses have to do with us?"

"No, no, you still don't get it. She's a bird watcher - works for a museum in Washington. I wonder if that's a cover, maybe she's the one from the Feds and he's just a front. That reminds me, what's up with him?"

"Don't know. His car is gone. No trace of him at his place or hers. Maybe they had a fight?"

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"You read too many romance books. I know they're tied together. Maybe if we get her, he'll come to us. Then we can put a stop to all this snooping and get our jobs finished."

"This is sure a good racket you stumbled on, boss. Who'd a thought people would pay to process their toxic waste. With just a little bit left over and poured down into the stream, great gimmick." Keith says admiringly.

"It's no gimmick, as you say, it took a lot of research and working the angles before I came up with this scheme. Perfect location, too. Right between plywood mills, hidden so to speak. Started that rumor of the bootlegging hermit in town too, to keep the locals away. I've invested too much money and time to let some nosey Fed find us out before we're ready to be found."

"What ya mean, found? I thought we don't want to get found?"

"That's the beauty of the system. If they find the plant, and we're gone, they'll destroy it, saving us the work. Taxpayers' money, not ours - brilliant, if I do say so myself. And I couldn't have done it without my friends in DC.

"So boys, you know what to do next. Find the woman, bring her here and let's find out just what it is that she knows. Understood?"

"Yeah, Boss. When you want this done?"

"Tonight wouldn't be too soon. You know where she lives, can you get in thee quietly and get her out?"

"Yeah, I guess. But Boss, what if that boyfriend is there, too?"

"All the better. We'll learn who he is. Maybe having both of them will make each one want to talk to save the other. I like this plan already. So do it."

"Right-O, come on Freddie."

"I'm right behind you, Keith."

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Chapter 12

Victoria got up and took some more sleeping pills. She doesn't usually use them, but she has been so keyed up she can't get to sleep. The first ones she took don't seem to be working. Finally she's able to drift off.

What seems to be not much later she's between sleeping and waking, she thinks she hears noises outside, but the full effects of the pills have now taken hold and she's groggy. Too tired to get up to see what's happening, she rolls over and falls right back to sleep. Shortly, the "boys" have entered the house and succeeded in knocking over several items in the living room and both hit their shins on chairs since entering the house rather noisily through the back. Stumbling, they finally find the bedroom, and to their surprise they can just make out a form in the bed.

"I'd a thought we'd woke her up. We weren't really very quiet." Comments Freddie.

Keith just shushes him and taking up the flashlight he shines it on her. "Just wanna make sure she's the right one." He informs Freddie. "Hey, she's alone, too."

The light shining in her face wakes her up. "What do you want?" Victoria asks, almost slurring her words. She can't make out any faces and isn't really sure what is going on. "Who are you?"

Suddenly she feels very afraid, but she can't seem to make her legs move properly to get out of bed.

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"Keep quiet and things will be all right. Boss wants to talk to you." Answers Keith.

"I'm not going anywhere!" She screams, "who are you?"

"Enough, you are coming with us. Please don't make me hit a lady, but I will if I have to."

Inching back toward the headboard, Victoria is now fully awake, thanks to her adrenalin kicking in, she's also very frightened. Maybe if she keeps them talking she can think of how to get out of this. "Who is your boss and why does he want to talk to me? And why in the middle of the night? I'll go to see him tomorrow, I promise."

"No, he said tonight. He kinda keeps weird hours, so tonight it is. Y'all gonna come peaceful, now?"

As Keith moves closer she can see the full size of him. She also recognizes him as the driver of the car that followed her into town. Perhaps one of the men in the helicopter, too?

Well, it was worth a try, Victoria is starting to feel terrified. She starts to climb out of bed, pulling the covers around her. "Are you at least going to let me dress?" Hoping her bravado would get her through this.

"Oh, sure. Go ahead. We'll just wait here, don't try anything funny, we do have guns you know.""

Nodding, Victoria modestly finishes pulling the sheet around her and goes to her closet to get shirt, pants and whatever else she needs. Taking the clothes into the bathroom she closes the door. Looking around she can't think of a single thing to do. The glass in the windows is small louvers and it would take too long to remove enough of them to escape. Trying to think as she's getting dressed, she decides she would come up with a clue that Brian could figure out. Certainly he'll coming looking for her if she doesn't answer the phone. Okay, now what to do?

Finished dressing, Victoria unlocks the door and steps into the now lit bedroom. "Where are your taking me?" She asks the shorter man, thinking he might just slip and tell her something.

"We told you, Boss wants to see you. You're too snoopy he says." Replies Keith, answering for Freddie.

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"What did I ever do to him? I don't even know who he is."

Ignoring that, Keith proceeds, "he told me to check the bathroom too, to see if you left a message on the mirror or something. I think he sees too many movies, but I gotta look."

Victoria sighs, "then thinks to herself, "I should have thought of that, I watch TV too."

Returning, satisfied, "You ready now? Let's get moving, it's almost sunrise and we gotta get back."

Taking her arm, Keith starts to lead her to the front door. Suddenly Victoria stumbles, kicking a chair that is in her path. She lands on her hands and knees. Searching the floor, she finds what she's looking for, an egret feather. She remembered dropping it yesterday. It floated under the chair next to where she's now kneeling. Picking it up she keeps it hidden in her hand, then straightens up. "Sorry, very clumsy of me."

"Yeah, we had that problem too, you got a lot of furniture."

Victoria drops the feather when she reaches the front entry. Hopefully Brian will see it immediately. Perhaps it will make him think of the house at the end of the road, as that's where Victoria has surmised she is being taken.

Once outside they reach the pickup, Keith shoves her in the passenger side then goes around to the driver's side as Freddie climbs into the seat beside Victoria. He starts the truck, then they're quickly rumbling down the bumpy road, obviously in a hurry. All Victoria can think of is why did she choose to live out here and not in town. Things like this wouldn't happen there.

Hopefully Brian would be back soon and come looking for her - maybe Laurel would try calling her and get worried - maybe Martin would be looking for her. Now she was grasping for straws, but she was just so scared. What are they going to do with her, or what was their boss going to do? She didn't know anything, but could she convince them of that?

Leaning her head on the back of the seat, she closes her eyes, letting out a deep sigh. She just doesn't know what to do. This wouldn't be happening if someone had just listened to me in DC, these thugs wouldn't be here now. As she was thinking, her hands curled into fists. She was furious and frustrated. She hated waiting for Brian to rescue her, she'd just have to keep

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alert and observe. Maybe she could figure a way out herself. And, furious was a good thing, it would keep her alert.

Shortly they came to what appears to be the end of the road, she recognized the fence, rocks and bushes. But in fact it is the main access to...what? By pushing a remote, like a garage door opener, the wall of bushes moves aside and in the headlights she can see the road continues on. So that's how they did it...amazing! As soon as they are clear of the opening, it shuts automatically. They continue down the road.

The sun is just beginning to peek over the horizon, between that and the headlights sweeping the area as they follow the twisting road, she is aware of large metal tanks, and huge pipes running beside the road. She notices all the pipes converge on the building they apparently are heading towards.

"What is this place? What are all these pipes? I don't understand what your boss wants with me."

"Lady, you talk too much. You know we can't answer your questions. Just wait for the boss, he'll talk to you."

They pull up and stop at the front door of the building. Freddie hops down first, then turns to help Victoria down from the truck. Looking around she determines there is no way she can run now, but she can certainly get a feel for the place before she is taken inside, just in case she can slip free. She notices a line of trees on either side of the building. That would be a great place to go for cover and make it back to the road. She files that bit of information away perhaps for use later.

At the bottom of the steps she sees someone standing at the open door, "Is that your boss?"

"Sure is, he must be impatient, he's meeting you at the door." Then directing his next comment to the man standing there..."here she is, Boss."

"It's about time...what took you so long, it's almost day light?"

Victoria tries not to make any sign of recognition, but she knows that voice. She's heard it before...where?

Freddie starts to answer the man, but Keith hits his arm, "Uh, nothing Boss. Just took longer than we thought in the dark. We're here now."

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"All right, bring her in. I think we can accommodate her in one of the lab rooms in the back. Follow me."

"Excuse me, you can't just ignore me like I'm not here," interrupts Victoria. "What do you want to do with me, why have you taken me?"

Her answer is the boss's back, leading the way down the corridor, totally ignoring her.

"Before we go any further, do you have the blindfold? It's time to use it."

She's now blindfolded, "No, please take off the blindfold" She pleads. Pull it off, there is nothing to see, really."

He nods, and the boys remove the blindfold.

Struggling, Victoria yells at the boss, "I have friends you know. You can't just make me disappear, they'll come looking for me."

Then the Boss turns, "We're counting on that, my dear. Please bring her along."

Then her temper flairs, she stops and holds her ground. "I will not follow you, I am not your dear and you will tell me what is going on before I go any further!"

Without pausing, the boss motions for the boys to take her arms, "you will follow me and now. Once we have you in the back there will be time for conversation, I hope a lot of conversation."

"I'll scream." She threatens.

"Go ahead, no one to hear. Why tire yourself out, boys..."

They take her arms and 'escort' her to another door at the end of the hallway. This one is not wooden, but by the dim light it appears to be metal. Once inside she can just make out several chairs and boxes stacked against the wall and almost up to the ceiling. On another wall there are shelves of metal cylinders, they're shining in the dim light. Suddenly the lights are turned on, it takes several moments for Victoria's eyes to adjust to the brightness.

'There are no windows, so no chance to escape that way. "I just have to come up with another plan." She thinks to herself.

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"Okay tie her up on that chair over there," the boss points to a hard-looking wooden chair. "Not the most comfortable, but you're not here for comfort. Perhaps it will make you more inclined to talk."

She is pushed into the chair, lengths of rope are used to tie her arms together, then tied to the back of the chair. Same done to her legs.

"Are you satisfied? What do you want with me?" She is now very upset, and getting more and more frightened. She bites the words out for emphasis.

Pulling up another chair, turning it backwards, the boss sits down with his arms crossed on the back. Looking right into Victoria's eyes he starts, "My name is Victor, you don't need to know my last name. I run this facility, for now. And I too have friends in DC, they help me do my job here. Now, enough about me. "We want to know about you. What have you been doing snooping around here?"

"Nothing, I'm researching the egrets of the marshes. I wandered up the road from where I'm staying to follow where the birds used to have their habitat." Then realizing this must be the cause of the flight of the egrets, she thinks it's wise to shut up at this point.

"Yes, we know your cover as an ornithologist, but what are you really doing here. What has been your assignment?"

"It is not a cover, I truly am studying the birds. Why do you doubt me?"

"Because we learned that DC has sent out someone to investigate the area, and you're the likely candidate." Then turning to the boys, Victor asks, "Where is her boyfriend? I thought you said they were together."

Freddie pipes up, "He wasn't there, and we checked his house, he wasn't their neither."

"Okay, we'll deal with that later. So my dear, just where IS your boyfriend? I thought you two were inseparable."

"What do you know of us..." then it dawns on her that Keith and Freddie were the muddy footprints on the deck. "Oh, you saw us together?"

"Of course, lady. Who'd you think was looking in those windows?" Keith responds proudly.

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Shuddering, she realizes the full import of what is going on. She doesn't want to know any more, the more they tell her the less likely they will release her.

"Cold my dear? Or just afraid?" Before she can answer, he proceeds, "Now back to my questions. l have no patience for lies or procrastination. So I advise you to tell the truth the first time around. Do you understand?"

"Yes, of course I understand. But I have nothing to tell you. I am an ornithologist...I study birds. Right now I'm studying the egrets of the marsh and wetlands. They are very important in learning about the..."

"So I see, you have suddenly realized why you are here. The 'environment' I believe you were about to say. So we come right back to here. Do you know what we have here? Have you figured it out yet?"

"No, of course not. I don't even know where I am for God sakes. I agree with your 'boys', I think you watch too much television."

Looking around to Keith and Freddie, the boss is growing angry, "You boys talk too much, and at the wrong time. I watch too much TV, huh?"

The boys are cowering now, the boss is all powerful, and if they make him mad, they're in for trouble, too.

Victoria realizes she had shifted the attention to the boys, and continues, "Yeah, they think they're smarter than you. They say you don't know as much as they do!"

"Now I think you are going a little too far, my dear. They couldn't think of that by themselves, they're too dumb. They're great for brute strength, but not too much going on upstairs.

"Hey Boss," whines Keith, "that's not fair. We are not dumb. Maybe not as book learned as you are, but not dumb."

"Okay, enough about you two. Back to our guest...Miss...what is your last name?"

'Sullivan, but that won't tell you anything. I'm not from around here. I'm only here doing my studies, and then I'll be leaving in a week or so. The sooner the better for me. And as for you, actually I don't care what you're doing here."

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"Bravo, you said that like you meant it. But we know for a fact that you are looking into what's going on down here. You even wanted the cavalry to come in! Well, that's not going to happen, as I believe you found out. Now, who sent you?"

Stunned that he knew so much about her, she was momentarily speechless. Finally finding her voice, she asked, "Just who are you? How do you know so much? And if you know I tried to 'get the cavalry' as you put it, then you must know I'm not the one who was sent here. And I don't know anything about working for anyone."

"I thought I was doing the questioning. But for your information, as I once before explained, I have friends in high places, shall we say. I think we will just let you think about that for a while. I have things to do and you need to sit and think about your future, what little there is left of it."

Signaling to the boys to follow him, the boss starts to the door, but thinking better of it, he turns and pulling a handkerchief out of his pocket, he starts to tie it around her mouth. Victoria will have none of it, she starts fighting in earnest. "No, there is no reason to gag me, I promise I won't yell. Besides who could hear me?"

Shrugging in agreement, Victor retreats to the doorway, "Have a nice morning, we'll see you later." He turns off the light and when he closes the door she is thrown into almost total darkness. There is a thin sliver of light coming in beside the door, but not enough to make out anything. Feeling totally alone and lost she slumps in the chair.

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Chapter 13

It's now mid-morning the following day. Brian returned earlier than expected and is on the phone with Ken "...I just don't know, she's not at her house, her car is still there but the front door was unlocked and a couple of chairs were knocked over. I can't raise her on her cell phone. Something is terribly wrong."

"Okay perhaps it is time for me to come down there. Sorry to have called you back here on a wild goose chase. But this morning I heard through the grapevine that she's trying to get some attention paid to the river. It's starting to make us look like we aren't doing our jobs."

"I don't even care anymore. What has the agency ever done for me? I care about Vicky more than I thought I could, especially after Nicole. So, come on down! Help me, please."

"You got it...I'll text you my flight info. Plan on tonight at the latest. See ya, keep up the faith."

"See ya, and thanks a heap, I owe you big time on this one."

"You can pay me back by finding someone like Vicky for me. Bye."

Brian still couldn't settle down. He was just too keyed up, he had a nagging feeling something more should be done. He could feel something was going on. "But what?"

Although he wasn't hungry he fixed a sandwich and coffee and sat down to think some more. "God I miss her. I wonder if I could get her to move to Oregon. We could live near my parents and open a restaurant, with bird prints on all the walls. My prints! She wants me to make money with my pictures. We can both relax and live the good life. Ok, Ok, I'm getting ahead of myself. I have to find her first. I know something is wrong."

Restless, he got up and started pacing the room. He tried calling her several more times, but of course, no answer. He was sitting on the sofa, staring at the fireplace when he heard her voice. "The feather, look for the feather." Startled he jumped up, expecting to see her behind him, but he was as alone as before.

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"Wha..what. Am I imagining things? Vicky? Vicky?" Of course there was no answer. Now he sat down again, but with an objective in mind. What did that message have to do with her? He knew it was from her, but....then snapping his fingers he knew..."I've got to get back to her place, something did happen to her and she left a clue for me."

Wasting no further time, he jumped into the trusty station wagon and roared down the road to her place. As he approached, he slammed on the brakes and skidded to a stop, almost on the front porch. Leaping out of the car, leaving the door standing open, he rushes up the steps. He violently opens the door, but there is a feeling of cold air rushing out of a vacant house.

"I'll start a systematic search, I know something will turn up." He starts in the bedroom; looking under the bed, the closet, the bathroom, half expecting to see a message scrawled on the mirror, "You've been watching too much TV pal, that's too obvious." He chastises himself.

Retracing his steps he goes back into the living room, this time looking around more carefully. He notices the rear door is standing partially open. He thought his heart would stop. "My God, something did happen." Now he realizes he has to search more carefully. Sitting down he looks around the room to see if anything is out of place. The phone then rings, jumping up he runs to answer it, "Hello, hello Vicky?"

"No, I'm calling for her. Who are you?"

"This is Brian, do you know where she is?"

"Wait a minute, if you're Brian, what happened to your trip to see buyers?"

"She told you that?" smiling in spite of himself, it pleased him enormously that she told..."wait a minute, are you Laurel?"

"Yes, of course. Now, where is Victoria?

"I don't know, I've been trying to find her all day."

"Let's start over. I think we have a serious problem, we both want to know where Victoria is, but since you're there you should know, not me, right?" Laurel logically concludes.

"I think she left a clue for me so that's why I'm here looking through her house. Laurel, when was the last time you talked to her?"

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"Last night. She was all worked up about that helicopter. It really scared her, and..."

Interrupting, Brian demanded, "What helicopter? What are you talking about?"

"Oh, that's right, that happened after you left. Apparently a helicopter buzzed her house yesterday afternoon, low enough that she could see two men in it. The same ones that followed her into town."

"Now you've completely lost me, two men followed her? Did she tell you I made her promise not to stick her beautiful nose into business she didn't understand? You don't think she could be out searching, do you?"

"No, of course not. I don't believe she would promise you then break her promise. That's not like her. But what is going on now? And why, again, are you there?"

"Her car is here, her house was left unlocked, the rear door was open."

"I've yelled at her about that, she's way too trusting."

"Yeah, tell me about it. But when I was back home I heard her voice."

"So, what did she say?"

"You're so calm about that, doesn't it seem a little odd that I should hear her voice?"

"Of course not. Soul mates are often able to communicate with each other."

"Really? I'm beginning to believe it. Okay, here is what I heard, 'Look for the feather', or something like that. I really don't understand."

"Well it obviously has to do with her precious birds. So look around, see if there are any feathers." Then giggling she imagined a picture of feathers left on a trail instead of crumbs, "Sorry." then she described the image she saw.

"That's it! You're right. Where has she been looking for her egrets but on the road? I told her to stay away from the end of the road...that's where she's gone. But I don't think it was voluntarily. I don't want to scare you, but I found a chair overturned..."

"Enough! I'm on the next flight down, this has gone on long enough. Tell me how to get to you."

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After she declined to have him pick her up, she asked for directions to his house. She promised to drive directly there once she got into town. "I have someone else coming down to help, maybe the three of us can take care of this. See you tonight."

After hanging up Vicky's phone, Brian pulled out his cell phone, no texts. He next called Ken's office for an update on his arrival time.

"Sorry, he's left for the day." His efficient secretary said. "Is this Brian? He said he had to go down there and bail you out. I figured it wasn't jail, so it must be that you're in another sticky situation."

Ignoring the teasing voice, he continued, "So when is he supposed to arrive? Did he say I was supposed to meet him, and where?"

"Nope to all. He caught a shuttle flight out with some other guys from the agency. He said he would pick up a car and meet you at your place later. Sounds like the cavalry is ready to ride again. I haven't seen him this excited for a long time. He really misses the action. But, please take care of him."

" I don't care what anyone says, you're a good girl. Just teasing. If you weren't married I would marry you myself. Thanks, Karen. Bye."

Brian was already feeling better. He now knows where he needs to go and when Ken gets here they'll go up to the end of the road. It was like the cavalry, riding to the rescue of the damsel in distress. Only it wasn't a joke, and Vicky could be in real danger, but it wouldn't be long now. Then he remembered about Laurel coming down too. He decided he should get back to his place. Since Brian was the only one who had been there, he would be the leader, so he had to formulate a plan. Unfortunately, he had never been inside the perimeter, and with those cameras just getting inside could be tricky.

Retracing his steps to the front door he stepped outside. As he turned to close and lock the door he saw a long, downy white feather - an egret feather! She did leave a clue, apparently it had blown away from the door. "Clever girl, my Vicky. She'd make a good agent."

Once again pulling onto his gravel drive, he parked and went inside. He had just enough time to go through some of his pictures. Brian knew he had shot some of the fences, but wasn't sure if he had downloaded it yet. After going through every photo he had shot in the past week, he finally came to the last one, 'it's this one or not downloaded.' Sure enough, the last shot

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was of the entry fence. "Perfect, Ken can see what we have in front of us. Maybe he can get an idea from this."

Brian quickly showered and dressed, it was going to be a long night. Ken should be here shortly, followed by Laurel. "What to do about Laurel? She can't go with us, I'll see what Ken has to say."

Brian had settled down at the table, making a drawing of the road between here and the gate, then what he had discovered when he walked the perimeter; approximate locations of cameras, etc. He was just finishing when the first of his company arrived. Never one to stand on ceremony, Ken opened the door and came in, "Hi honey, I'm home. Did you miss me?"

"Man, am I glad to see you. Come on in, sit down. We got work, it's much worse than I originally thought. I talked to Laurel and a lot happened yesterday when I was 'off meeting my buyers.'"

"Laurel? Oh yes, the one you decided to fix me up with?"

"I did? Right. Well, she's on her way down too. Couldn't stop her with a freight train, so you'll get to meet. But let me tell you what Vicky told her yesterday, the last time she spoke to her."

Brian brings Ken up to date with all the events of the last day, per Laurel. While doing that, he got Ken a beer and they both settled at the table.

"So you see how I feel. They have apparently mistaken the snoop for her, not me. I'll die if anything happens to her. I can't take it again."

I know, Bri, I know. She'll be fine. We just have to find her, she's smart, she'll be okay until we get there. Now, show me what you've got so far."

Shortly they are immersed in various plans. Getting access to the property, plans they had worked on in the past. It felt good to have the help of someone you could trust with your life.

Ken looked up, "What are we going to with her friend Laurel? She can't go along. I guess we'll have to leave her as the 'backdoor'. Sound okay to you?"

"Sure, good idea."

At that point they heard someone knocking at the front door. They had been so intense they hadn't heard a car pull up. Looking out the kitchen window

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Brian saw a very pretty, petite blonde standing under the carriage light beside the door. "It's for you, Ken."

Brian just stood aside and watched as his friend, with a puzzled look on his face, opened the door and saw Laurel. For the first time he heard his friend stutter and stumble over his words. Coming to his rescue, Brian pulled the door open wider. "You must be Laurel. I'm Brian and this bumbling idiot is Ken, he's come down to help me rescue Vicky."

Nodding, Laurel acknowledges them both. But Brian notices her eyes slide back to Ken, apparently she didn't find him too displeasing.

"Come on in, Laurel, Ken. Let's get back to work."

He lead the way back to the table. After putting down her purse, Laurel joined them. She looked over the drawing of the area and smiling, commented, "Victoria said you were an artist, I guess you were in a hurry."

"And she has a sense of humor too!" Brian comments. "Now pay attention, if you're anything like Vicky I can't get you to stay here and wait. Plus we need some back up. So here's the plan..."

After an hour they all felt comfortable with their roles. After protesting that she could shoot as well as any man, Laurel agreed to stay behind near the gate, with the cell phone. If she heard any shooting or saw anything suspicious, she was to call the local sheriff immediately.

Ken and Brian would make an assault on the fence around the side from the main gate, hopefully between the surveillance cameras, so they could break in without being seen.

"Too bad I didn't have a chance to time the rotation of the cameras, but we'll just have to play that by ear."

"I think we should grab something to eat and get packed up. You got the usual assortment of tools, Brian?"

Laurel just stood in the middle of the room, fascinated. "What kind of painter are you, anyway?"

"I'm only a weekend painter, a good cover when I have to get into areas for a period of time. I'm studying the birds, flowers, etc. It's always worked, right Ken?"

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"You didn't answer my question. Just who are you?"

"Yup, you're a friend of Vicky's...just can't leave it alone. I work for the Federal Government. I'm undercover to find the polluters that apparently Vicky stumbled on. Ken is my best friend and my boss."

"You work out of DC? Don't tell me, you're GS9, right?"

"Why do you say that? And what do you know about GS9's?" It is Ken's turn to ask.

"Because I work there too." Laurel replies between bites of a very stale salami sandwich. "Only I don't work in that department, I work with the follow up investigators. We prosecute the bad boys you find. Probably why I didn't know your name. Boy is Victoria going to be steamed when she hears this."

"Why should she care one way or another?"

"Because she kept saying you were so open and honest," Speaking very slowly, as if to a child for emphasis, "She's just getting over a guy who isn't so open and not at all honest. As a matter of fact, she came down here to work things through in her mind. I never liked him, he's a low-life slug if you ask me."

"Would this be Martin Hamilton?"

Ken's eyes about popped out of his head when he heard the name. Turning to Brian, he asked, "What does he have to do with Victoria? Not the boyfriend, I hope?"

"Yep, one and the same. Vicky told me his name, but not her feelings about him, except that I presumed it was over."

"Yes, he's the one she finally ran away from, with some prodding from me." Laurel proudly pronounced. "It took some doing, but she finally saw through him. He's all talk, and a bully, nothing more."

Ken nodded, he liked this girl more and more by the minute. She was very perceptive. Most women fell for Martin's line and his 'old line' family.

"I told her I had something to tell her when we got through here. I'm planning on telling her the truth; I just didn't want her knowing too much for

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her own sake. I guess that proves I was right. If they kidnapped her to find out what is happening here, at least she doesn't know anything to tell them."

"Well, that's enough for now, " Brian continues, "let's get ready to get this plan on the road."

Picking up the bag Ken brought with him, another smaller bag that Brian had and the cell phones, they all walked outside. Having decided to take Ken's rental, they piled in the 4-wheel drive Jeep and headed up the road.

Chapter 14

Victoria is tired and hungry. She doesn't know how many hours it's been since she was brought to his place, but judging from her growling stomach she has missed at least two meals.

"Hey fellas, do you think I could get something to eat and drink? It's been a long day already." Victoria calls out toward the door. She knows the boys are outside in the hallway keeping watch on her. She can just barely make out their conversation as they quibble over their card game.

"Yes, I was just thinking the same thing" yells Keith, "what about you Freddie?"

" Sure, you know me, I can always eat. Want me to go into town?"

"Yeah, I'll just call the boss and let him know. Hold on a minute." Picking up the phone in the adjacent office, Keith punches in the four number

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extension. "No answer, Freddie, guess it's okay to go ahead. Here are the car keys, and drive carefully. Don't want to bring attention to us."

"Sure Keith, I always do, you know that."

"Sure, sure. How about some sandwiches, chips and beer? That sound good Miss Victoria?"

Victoria is amused at the courteous address. He was brought up with some Southern manners! "Sounds wonderful, how about some fruit, too?"

"Sure, got that, Freddie? Go that little shop when you first get into town, they got fruit there too."

Chapter 15

By earlier agreement, Ken pulls the Jeep off the road about a half-mile from the end of the road and parks behind the tall grasses to further camouflage it. "No sense forewarning the enemy of our presence." Was Brian's comment.

Quietly taking out the equipment they thought they would need. Ken and Brian lead the way, not on the road but on the shoulder giving them a place to hide in case someone came on the road. Laurel is bringing up the rear and thinking to herself, "It's a good thing I work out on the treadmill every day. These guys have long legs," as she's almost running to keep up.

When they reach within 100 yards of the gate they stop. After giving Laurel final instructions, she wishes them luck and the two men move diagonally across the vacant field to get nearer the fence, but away from the cameras. They stop and sit down in the dirt to study the actions of the cameras. It

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appears they don't really overlap in their sweeping arc, looks like there is a small area not covered. That's where they would enter. Brian had made the assessment earlier that the fence was indeed electrified along the top, but the actual chain link was not; they would cut their way through there.

Crawling up to the fence and trusting Brian's observation was correct, Ken found what he was looking for in his bag and started to make the first cut with the bolt cutters. It went smoothly, sighing in relief, both men exhale their held breaths.

"Okay, now let's get this done and get through here." Whispered Brian. Nodding, Ken proceeded to cut his way up the fence, alternating links. This had worked many times in the past, and once again it was working, and why shouldn't it, they were professionals.

When the fence was cut high enough to let the two men through, they maneuvered themselves to the other side. Ken proceeded to wire the fence back together. When he was finished the fence looked like nothing had been cut. He had just left a small space at the bottom to cut again to escape. Searching, Brian found a long branch to lean up against the cut, making sure they would find it easily.

While Ken was finishing with the fence, Brian was approaching the buildings, going from tree to tree, trying to stay in the shadows. Ken quickly finished up and met him under a tree. Brian had made an very unpleasant discovery. There was just as much security as outside. Looking at the buildings closely they both saw spotlights on every corner of each building, assuming they were connected to motion sensors they were sunk. They sat down, trying to assess the situation. Brian whispered, "what now?"

Ken pulled out his small binoculars to take a longer look around the area, checking all the buildings they could see from their vantage point. There were five buildings, all made of cement block, all painted white and all one story. They had flat roofs and were surrounded by cement paths that lead from one to the next.

"First we need to know just what goes on in these buildings. Look at them - they're all the same. Almost like an abandoned hospital complex, wire mesh glass windows, ramps up to the doors. Maybe it was an experimental clinic of some sort."

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Impatiently, Brian responded, "I don't care what goes on, I just want Vicky out, safe and sound. I know this lunatic has her. We've got to find where she is."

"Yes, you're right. So how do we get near enough to see inside? Or do you plan to actually go in each building?"

"Don't think we can do that. I see windows set at random around the perimeter of the buildings. Some are lit, let's go take a look, see what's happening."

"How do you plan on getting around the lights?"

"I don't. Whoever sold them this security system really took them. Those lights aren't set up with sensors. Look at the body of the fixture, there is no place for a sensor. And I assume they think there are sensors otherwise they would have the lights on at night. Or maybe they just feel safe enough inside here, they, don't figure anyone can get in. Either way, I say we go ahead tothe first building."

"I'm game if you are." They leave the safety of the shadows cutting across the grass as fast as they can without making any sound. They reach the far side of the first building, come to a halt under the window, with no lights being activated. Brian didn't realize he had been holding his breath the whole time, he exhaled with a rush. Ken was already looking in the darkened window, "nothing going on here, let's move to the next one."

Slowly they make their way around the entire building. "Probably have better luck checking out these buildings in the daylight."

"Don't think that's an option, let's move on."

Once again keeping to the shadows they move to the second building, lights on in this one. If someone is inside they couldn't see out very well and would be visible to the outside. They both looked over the window sill, they froze in silence. It was a laboratory of some sort, it seemed the entire building was one big room filled with huge vats and piping that appeared to be made of stainless steel. There were three people in the room, checking gauges, all were dressed in space suits, the kind used around hazardous material.

"What could they possibly be doing in there?" Brian whispers to Ken.

"I'm not sure, but it appears to be a processing plant of some sort. Did you see the size of the piping, and those are industrial strength filters on each

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vat. I'm starting to get an idea of just what this place is. Those suits aren't being used without good reason. Did you say the guy that shot at you was driving a tanker truck?"

"Yes, like a gas truck, why?"

"Come on, let's get over to those trees so we can talk away from here."

Brian followed Ken to the line of threes near the next building. After they both sat down, Ken continued, "I heard that recently the agency got word there was a scheme for processing toxins, ones that couldn't be dumped or stored legally. If in fact that's what we stumbled on, that could be the reason for the mixed chemicals in the analysis. Ones that wouldn't usually be found together."

"Wow, this is big. We've got to get Vicky out of here, now. Then we need to get this thing shut down. I can't believe someone would do this, it's insane."

"I'll bet it's also very profitable. Underground sources would pay a lot to have someone deal with this stuff for them. This guy maybe even provides pick up service. Amazing."

"Two buildings down, three to do. You want to pick, or shall I?"

"Your turn."

"I choose the one across the walk from the lab. It has lights too."

Single file the two men, dressed in their dark clothing, maneuver their way to the next building. One thing they hadn't counted on was surveillance cameras and microphones mounted outside each building. At the other end of the cameras, in the comfort of his office, the boss has a wall of monitors watching the two men go from building to building. He's not alone, his DC connection is sitting across the desk from him, and they are both enjoying brandy and cigars.

"Little does he know that those roof lights are purely for effect. I think it's about time to reign them in."

His partner was smiling secretly, just waiting for the two men to be caught in their own cleverness. "Fine with me. At this point they know too much to live anyway. Can your 'boys' take care of the problem, or should we get outside help?"

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"I wouldn't rely on them. I have talent right over the river in New Orleans. He can be here in under an hour. It will be simple and easy. But you know, this is the last shipment we can handle. After this we shut down and disappear, the sooner the better. Better get rid of the dame, too."

"What dame?"

"Sorry, I forgot to tell you, had to pick up a woman who was snooping around here. She's an ornithologist of some sort, from Washington. Say maybe you know her. I had her checked out, along with her boyfriend. I think the boyfriend is one of the two outside."

"An ornithologist you say? And she has a boyfriend, and he's one of the guys here tonight? Very interesting. Where do you have her?"

"She won't be a problem. She's tied up in a storeroom in Building #4, no outside windows, so she won't be going anywhere."

"Oh, I think we should let the two heroes find her. Much tidier that way, have everyone in one place. Don't you see?"

Chapter 16

Outside Ken and Brian are just finishing looking around the next building. Same type of laboratory set up, with vats and huge pipes running outside and underground.

Inside the storeroom, Victoria is truly frightened for her life. She has been interrogated all afternoon, but he just won't believe her. The two "boys", as the boss calls them, are really very sweet and try to take care of her, but it's obvious that the boss, whether he believes her or not, won't let her live. She has been fed and allowed to get up and walk around but then put back in the windowless room then again tied up. They have left the door open a crack so she isn't sitting in complete darkness. That would be even worse, she can imagine all sorts of creatures occupying the room.

"Please find me! I'm so scared, please!"

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"Did you hear that?" Brian taps Ken on the arm.

"What are you talking about?" Ken asks, puzzled. "I didn't hear anything."

"I heard Vicky's voice, she sounded so scared, begging me to find her. Oh, we've got to get to her, she's really scared. I think we should go into this building. Okay?"

"Fine with me, but slow down, let's get an idea of what we're up against here." Slowly they approach the next building, some of the lights are on and they can see through the windows in the front doors. Approaching, Ken can see down the hallway - two men sitting at the end of the hallway, looking down. Nodding, Ken comments, "apparently playing cards by the looks of them. They're probably guarding her in that room behind this first one."

Brian agrees, now what? Create a distraction?"

"Sounds textbook, but it usually works, so let's go for it."

"I'll go to the other end of the building and make some noise outside, you go in the front, I'll meet you there. Ready, set, okay". Brian quietly rounds the building until he's next to the rear doors. "Even better," he mumbles to himself. Smiling, he can actually feel her relief.

"What was that? Did you hear something or someone Keith?"

"Didn't hear nothin'. You are just trying to get me to lose. Keep playing."

"There it goes again. I know I heard something outside. I think you should go investigate, Keith."

"Freddie, you trying to get me to lose? I tell you I didn't hear anything, OK?"

"Honest, Keith, I heard something. Someone is out there," pointing to the rear doors.

"Okay, Freddie, let's both go outside and investigate. I'm not leaving you here with my cards. Rising, they both head down the hallway to the back doors. Keith steps back and makes Freddie open the doors first. He goes down the steps and as he's turning to speak to Keith, he's hit from behind and falls at the bottom step. Keith turns, ready to run and is hit in the face with a stunning blow, and falls to the floor.

Before either can completely understand what has just happened, they are tied up and Ken is calling to Brian to join him in the hallway.

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"Good job, it works every time!"

"Yeah, it does, doesn't it? All right, on to Vicky." Brian opens the first door behind where they two were sitting. He is temporarily at a loss, it is so dark in there he needs to take time to have his eyes adjust.

Victoria can just make out his shape in silhouette against the hallway light. "Oh, I knew you would come! Brian, Brian!" She sobs.

Looking around, Brian finds a switch, turns on the light to the storeroom where Victoria has been kept. Now she is the one who is blinded by the light and squeezes her eyes shut. He is by her side in a flash, kneeling down, he caresses her head to his shoulder. "They didn't hurt you did they?"

"No, I'm fine. Actually the two boys have taken good care of me, but their boss is so frightening. I don't know anything, and he's convinced I do."

"I understand. It's okay, I'm here now. Let me get you untied. I'm so sorry this happened, are you sure you're okay?"

"Of course, you are here." She sighs. "I knew you would find me. I just wasn't sure when."

"I'll never let you out of my sight again, I promise, Vicky."

At that point the boys come into the room, hands tied behind their backs and tied together, followed by Ken. "You two can sit down in these chairs."

"They really are harmless," Victoria pleads, "They did take care of me."

" They're not harmless and far from innocent. They're employed by the creep that runs this operation. That's bad enough."

"Tough words for an almost out of work CS9, I would say." A voice booms from the doorway. "Victoria, my darling fiancée, what brings you to this neck of the woods, so to speak?"

"Martin..." Both Victoria and Brian respond in unison, then look at each other questioningly.

"And I see you brought your pal Ken along. I was wondering where you were flying on the shuttle today, old friend! Visiting an aunt...not very original cover story, I must say."

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Victoria is now standing - her mouth open - looking back and forth between the men, "What is going on here, who are you talking about, Martin?"

"Why my dear - let me introduce you to the man who got my job. You remember, the job on active duty, with the Agency. The one that I wanted so badly several years ago. I'm not cut out to be an attorney forever. I should be an agent and HE," pointing to Ken, "is his boss. But I have the last laugh; I'm proving that I can make it as an agent. You were unable to find the polluter down here, but I did. So they have to make me an agent now."

"You are in on this, for revenge?"

"Not for revenge, dear boy. To prove what I can do. I am really very clever, much more than those idiots at the Agency thought."

Looking at Brian, Victoria repeated, "An agent? You are the agent? I was picked up and questioned because you are the agent? How could you lie to me?"

"I told you I had some things to explain when I returned, that was one of them..."

"Although this scene is very touching, I don't really think it is the right time or place for this conversation," Martin interrupts, "We have more important things to do."

First pointing his gun at Ken, then at Brien, "You two get over there and untie the boys, then they can tie you two up. It's time to get this operation shut down anyway. You can be the casualties of a shoot out with the bad guys."

Without thinking, Victoria rushes Martin, hitting him in the stomach, taking him by surprise she knocks him down. While he is still stunned, she yells over her shoulder, "Let's go!" as she heads out the door.

Martin is not the only one stunned, Brian and Ken are also, but quickly recover. After grabbing Martin's gun that clattered to the floor, Brian yells to Ken, "Get her out of here I have some unfinished business to complete. I'll be right behind."

Ken catches up with Victoria as she is exiting the front doors. He grabs her arm and drags her into the woods to stay undercover. "I hate to bring this up but I believe it's time for us to get out of here and back to Laurel."

"Laurel, you brought her into this too?"

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"Not exactly," Replies Ken, "She kind of jumped into it to rescue you."

Nodding, Victoria agrees, "Yes, I'm sure she did. Let's get out of here."

With Ken leading the way, they keep to the trees and shadows, making their way to the cut in the fence, and Laurel.

Meanwhile..."So you are her new boyfriend? I must say I expected her to have better taste than to pick just another agent. You must be terribly good in bed, or something like that. She's in love with me, you know. You only have second hand..."

That was all he was able to say, fist hit jaw and the force thrust Martin into the boxes stored against the wall. Dazed, Martin looks up, "hit a tender spot, did I Brian?"

"You are just what we thought you were when we left you in your position. You aren't worthy of either Vicky or the job. So just let it go. I know about you and her, and I don't need to hear anything more. She is an incredible person and doesn't need anyone like you in her life." Then motioning with the gun, he indicates that Martin should lead the way out the door.

"If you're a good boy and show me the way to the office you may get out of prison in twenty or thirty years. Then you can call the other - what did you call them - employees? Call them into the office, now move." Brian gives him another shove for emphasis.

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Chapter 17

"How could you put yourself in this kind of danger?" Victoria demands of Laurel, "I was so scared, I would have absolutely had a heart attack if I had known you were out here, too."

"Whoa, I did it for you. As soon as I heard you had been taken, I flew down on the first flight and met Ken and Brian. We figured out a plan to rescue you, I might add. I'm rather proud that I could help."

Hugging her for the umpteenth time, "I just can't believe my eyes. I'm so glad to see you," Victoria replies, laughing and crying all at once.

"You should have seen Brian, he was so 'take charge' and ready to do battle to save the damsel in distress." Laurel confides to Victoria. "And you know what else, I like the way he calls you Vicky, it suits you."

"Excuse me ladies, but I just got a call from Brian, he's waiting for the authorities to pick up the whole group, then he'll met us at his place. So let's get out of here while we can, otherwise we'll be here all night."

"Fine with me, but why don't you drop Laurel and me off at my place. I really would like a change of clothes, and a bath wouldn't hurt either. Suddenly I feel very dirty."

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Looking to Laurel, seeing her nod, Ken agrees.

Several hours later, Laurel and Victoria, showered and changed and by mutual agreement they both grabbed a quick nap. They are awake now and quietly talking over hot cocoa. Although it's barely noon they feel like it's still the middle of the night.

"Victoria quit berating yourself. Don't you understand, he couldn't tell you? He didn't know you any better than you knew him. Maybe he was protecting you as well. I know he has deep feelings for you. You didn't see him when he figured out what had happened to you. He was beside himself, thinking it was all his fault. And that he could have caused you harm."

"By the way, in all the excitement, I forgot to ask, where is Mandy? You didn't leave her on her own at your house did you?"

"Of course not. As soon as I had my plans organized I called your mom."

"No way! She doesn't even like cats. And you left Mandy in her care...or lack of it?"

"Slow down. She said she would be happy to take care of her for a few days. And I'll have you know she called Mandy her 'grand-cat' when I took her over there. She had even gone out and bought a new toy for her. Said she would keep it for when she visited."

"What have you done with my mother? That doesn't even sound like her, did you charm her, or put her under a spell?"

"Apparently she wanted to help out. I think it's nice and don't be so hard on her. Just because she liked Martin and wanted you settled down..."

"I'll give her the benefit of the doubt this time. We'll see what the future brings.

"But Laurel, let's get back of Brian. It was his fault that I was taken, you understand, right? He didn't trust me enough to tell me what he was really doing. He probably didn't even tell me his real name. A painter...hah!"

"Okay, enough. You are starting to really irritate me...stop whining and get over it. Did you ever hear anything about Nicole?"

"No, never heard the name."

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"Well, I did. Ken told me she was his fiancée. This was when he worked internationally; 'one of the best operatives in the field' is what Ken call him. Anyway, he was working deep undercover and was betrayed. The opposition took her, tortured her then murdered her. All before he knew about it. He couldn't do anything. Can you imagine the guilt he must have felt and is still living with?"

"My God, I had no idea. He didn't explain why he never married. I just figured he was playing the field. I guess that explains a lot."

To change the subject, Laurel asks, shyly "So, what do you think of Ken?"

"Who? Oh, Brian's boss? He's kind of cute, a bit more buttoned-down than Brian, I guess more agency. Why do you ask?" Victoria answers innocently.

"Just wondering. He's very nice. I've heard of him, as a matter of fact. We work on the same cases, just opposite ends. I'm surprised I've never met him, but I do like him."

Smiling, Victoria answers, "Yes, I do too. Especially if he makes you happy."

Their conversation was cut short by the phone ringing. Victoria answers, then just listens. "I see, hold on." Putting her hand over the phone she turns to Laurel, "Up for dinner in town tonight? Ken and Brian want to take us out."

Laurel grins widely and actually blushes. "I believe that is a yes from both of us. What time?" Listening again, then says, "That sounds great, see you then."

After clicking off the cell phone, she confides to Laurel, "I think we have someone interested in you my dear. I could hear Ken in the background, he can't wait to see you again!"

"Really? Oh, I do like him, what I know of him. I just wish they both were in another line of work."

"Line of work, you call being agents and spies a line of work? It's much more dedicated than that. But you're right, I don't know if I can adjust to that. This taught me a lesson. I wouldn't know what Brian was doing when he was away, and scared he wouldn't come back. No, I don't think I can deal with that."

"Let's forget it for now. Where are we going?"

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"Chez Paul, in the Vieux Carré, New Orleans. It's one of my favorites. Let's dress to the nines!"

"I didn't bring anything dressy. I just packed an overnight bag and caught the plane."

"Not to worry, you can wear something of mine. Damn...you're right, I didn't bring anything either."

Checking her watch, Victoria says, "We've got just enough time to get into town, I'm sure we can find something."

A quick trip into town, the girls are having a ball looking at the dresses that are available in the small town. Surprisingly they found several they both liked.

"What do you think Victoria? You think Ken will like it?"

"I think he would be a fool if he didn't like you in anything you wore. You look great in everything, and I'm sure he thinks so too."

"I'm glad we just chanced on that darling little shop. Who knew they would have so much to offer. I'm loving the dress I bought. Love the color too!"

"I'm just glad that little shop had dress sandals, I was afraid I would have to wear flip flops." Laurel giggles. "What a picture that would make!"

"I have a feeling the boys wouldn't have even noticed. But I do love the shoes."

Three hours later the girls hit Victoria's porch, giggling the whole way. Loaded down with bags and boxes, they barely make it in the door.

"Can you imagine that clerk thinking we are sisters? What a hoot! Well let's get going, we only got an hour and a half before they get here. You want to shower first?" Asks Victoria.

"Sure, then I'll put my face on and get dressed. I'm so excited with that dress I found. Can you imagine that cute store right here in 'lil 'ol Mississippi" Laurel drawls.

"Hop to it. I'll hang up the dresses and make sure there aren't any wrinkles.99 | P a g e

Chapter 18

At precisely 7:30 there is a knock at the front door. Without waiting, Brian opens the door and sweeps a bow, your chariot awaits, ladies..." Then stops mid-sentence, looking at Ken they both have surprised looks on their faces.

Ken is the first to recover, "I must say you two clean up nicely." And laughing continues, "No really, you both look much too beautiful for the two of us!"

Laurel is stunning in a light blue dress, sleeveless with the top fitted, showing off her tiny waist, the full skirt accentuates it even more. Her long blonde hair is pinned up into a traditional twist with wisps of bangs.

Victoria is striking in an emerald green dress, it matches her eyes, making them look even deeper green. She has swept her hair into a tousled up do, with just enough curl around her face to frame it. Her strapless dress with slender skirt accentuates her statuesque height. She also is stunning...they both could be runway models.

Stepping up to Laurel, he bows and offers her his arm to escort her to the car. Brian moves over to Victoria, "Vicky," he breathes in her ear, "You look even more gorgeous than usual. I'll show you just how much, later." Then louder, "Shall we follow?"

Moving toward the door, he pulls her hand through his arm. Turning and locking the door, they are down the steps and climb into the rear seat of Ken's rented Jeep.

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The whole way into New Orleans they chat like they've been double dating for years, comfortable with each other. With Victoria giving expert directions, they are in the French Quarter shortly. The sights and sounds are intoxicating, they drive by Bourbon Street with its loud noise and flashing lights, and it's still early. Things really heat up later at night into the small hours of the morning. Victoria knows the back streets and navigates them near the front door.

Arm in arm they reach the restaurant, set in an old converted house It's one of the original brick homes, blank façade on the front, lacy ironwork on the upstairs balcony and after entering through the porte cochere, or carriage entrance, they enter the garden in the center courtyard. The smells of Creole food are assaulting their senses. The patio is romantically lit with candles and torches.

The Maître 'd checks their names and picks up menus, leading them to an elegantly set table in a corner of the courtyard. As they sit down Laurel looks around noticing vines tumbling over the low wall nearby. "This place is wonderful, so full of character. Just look at those flowers!"

"Yes, it was once owned by friends of my grandparents." Then to Brian she says, "It's a nice surprise to come here once again. It's been so many years..." Then somewhat sadly, "I do miss those days. But Brian what made you think of this place?"

"I don't know, maybe someone whispered in my ear that it was one of your favorites."

To brighten the occasion, Brian suggests champagne to start. He calls the sommelier. After considerable discussion, they agree on the appropriate vintage and it is ordered.

Settling back in their chairs, they are relaxed and look around the lovely old home. Very old brick paves the patio, with two ancient oaks are the center of attention, lit from underneath. There are enormous baskets of flowers hanging from several branches, their fragrance mingling with the jasmine tumbling over the old wooden fence in the last heat of the day.

Laurel leans over to Ken, "I'm so glad it's a nice evening so we can dine outside. Have you ever seen such flowers? I think every kind of plant grows here, and wildly."

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"I've never seen such huge plants. Look over there, I have some of that growing as a houseplant, and here it is five feet tall."

"You have plants? I'm impressed. Any other surprises I should know about?"

"Maybe we'll just find them as we go along. Any I need to know about you?"

Smiling, Laurel shakes her head. She leans over to Victoria and asks, "What do you recommend for us? Any specialties we should know about?"

"Well, you know New Orleans is known for its seafood, so I always had the crab, in some form, and they do a fabulous trout stuffed with lobster." Looking over to Brian, "I hope you'll like this seafood?"

"If you remember correctly, I loved the catfish. The food is one of the reasons I took this assignment, so I'm up for anything."

Ken pipes up, "Why don't we let Vicky order for us?"

"Of course, that's perfect." Brian and Laurel agree, nodding their heads.

"Well, if you're sure, I would suggest Crabmeat New Orleans to start, that's crabmeat in a wine sauce with celery and onions; then the 'Specialty of the House', lobster stuffed trout. It's a very simple dish but exquisite. Salad and a dessert to finish, sound good?"

"My mouth is watering already," replied Brian, just as the waiter approached with the chilled champagne in an ice bucket on a stand.

The wine steward opens the bottle, pouring a small amount into one of the flutes for Brian to sample and approve before serving the rest of the group. Brian takes this ceremony very seriously. After taking the sip he nods his approval.

"It's perfect," he comments to Victoria, "do you want to order now?"

The waiter approaches and she has a conversation in French with him, the rest of the group picking up a word here and there. The waiter is nodding in agreement and smiling, complimenting her in English. Addressing the rest of the table, "You have a perfect hostess, she has picked the best dinner for you." Then turning back to Victoria, "I will bring the appetizer immediately, as you wish." Bowing, he departs to the kitchens.

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They all have their wine poured and Brian holds up his glass to make a toast, "To the most beautiful, wonderful woman I have ever known; and to my best friend and her best friend. I hope we will always be together."

"Here, here" they all chime in, saluting with their glasses and drink to the toast. Setting down her glass, Victoria smiles to Brian, "That was very nice, and I too hope we can all be together."

Picking up her glass again to take a sip, she sees a face she thought never to see again - it's Martin. He's just inside the glass doors looking out to the patio. Victoria jumps when the waiter come up behind her. He hands a folded piece of paper to her.

"Sorry mademoiselle, I was given this note and instructed to deliver it to you."

"That's all right. Thank you." She responds. Then curious, she opens the paper, she quickly reads it and drops it. Brian quickly takes her hand, her face has suddenly turned ashen.

"What is it? Bad news? Let me see." Victoria grabs the note and crumpling it, puts it in her purse.

"It's nothing, really. I'm fine, I guess the champagne went to my head."

"Are you sure, you look very upset. What was in that note, anyway?" he questions her.

"Just a note from someone I used to know here. Just wanting to say hello." Then putting on a smile, she continues, "Ah, here is the appetizer. I'm sure you are going to enjoy it." Inwardly sighing, knowing that if Brian had any idea that Martin was on the loose again he would be off on the hunt.

The waiter serves each person a small ramekin, or casserole, stuffed with delicious crabmeat, topped with butter and bread crumb crust. A large ceramic basket of freshly baked French bread is placed in the center of the table. Brian pours more of the champagne and everyone samples the appetizer. Compliments all around..."delicious...what flavor...amazing, our crab doesn't taste like this...wonderful."

Just as they are finishing the last of the appetizer, mopped with the bread, the next course is served. To Victoria's surprise the previous table waiter is not the one approaching with the copper serving cart. It is a very dear friend.

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"Françoise, I am so surprised to see you. I thought you would be retired by now."

Victoria rises and is immediately crushed into a bear hug and kissed on both cheeks. Taking his hand she turns and introduces him, "Everyone, this is Françoise, the son of my grandparents' best friends. They started this restaurant and apparently he is still running it." Turning to the table, she introduces her friends, all have flowing compliments for the Frenchman.

Bowing, Françoise proceeds to serve the entrée. He makes great ceremony of it, serving up each individual piece of trout, pouring the sauce over it just so and garnishing each plate perfectly with fresh baby vegetables. " Please enjoy, with my compliments. I couldn't allow this child to visit here with her friends and pay for a thing. It is my pleasure. And if I may, I would like to order the remainder of your dinner."

"Of course, who knows better than the chef. Please surprise us. And thank you for your hospitality." Responds Brian.

Bowing once again, Françoise departs inside, leaving the diners to their delicious meal. The delicate flavors of the lobster sauce mingle with the trout, making a very unique taste that is enhanced with the white wine in the sauce. Everyone is savoring each bite.

Brian and Ken speak in unison, "This is the best, I think I have died and gone to gourmet heaven."

Laurel just smiles at Victoria, knowing that this is wonderful, but compared to some of the dishes she has prepared in the past, Victoria can cook as well as her friend.

"I wonder what Françoise has in mind now? Salad should be next, then followed by fruit or fruit and dessert." Comments Victoria.

"I'm glad your friend came by the table, you look much better, I was worried," Brian quietly says to Victoria.

At that reminder Victoria automatically looks to the glass doors and sees nothing. 'He's gone. That was close' she thinks to herself, not noticing Brian is also looking in that direction after seeing her look that way.

Quietly, so only Victoria can hear, he asks, "Who is gone? Who did you see?"

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Victoria registers shock that once again seemingly Brian can pick up her thoughts as though spoken aloud.

"It was just someone I thought I recognized. It's nothing. We'll talk about it later." Putting all thoughts aside except dinner, she continues to dine. No one else around the table is aware of their conversation.

Brian is concerned, and he wonders what could have scared Vicky so. He would get to the bottom of it, if not tonight, then tomorrow.

Ken and Laurel are enjoying themselves too, learning about each other as they are also talking quietly, until they are interrupted by the presentation of a light salad dish.

"Oh how wonderful. This is another house specialty." Smiling, Victoria describes it, "the watercress is grown here, as is the mint. Just wait until you taste the dressing, it is truly heaven on earth."

After they are served and the waiter has departed once again, they all taste the greens. It is a mixture of baby greens, watercress for a peppery flavor and mint leaves to add a refreshing note. There are a few segments of Mandarin orange scattered over the top. The whole plate is drizzled with an orange vinaigrette.

"Just delicious. But what is the dressing? I taste orange, but what else?" asks Laurel.

"I'm not really sure of all the herbs, but I do know they are all grown here. Of course there is the orange in the vinaigrette. Perfect combination of flavors for the greens, don't you think?"

Everyone is too busy tasting to answer. There is just enough bread to dip into the dressing to finish off. "I don't know if I could eat another bite. This has been probably the best meal I have ever eaten." Raves Brian. "We should have come here sooner. I had no idea that this food was so wonderful. Of course I've heard that for years, but assumed it was an exaggeration."

"Not this time. I'm thinking of moving here. But then I would probably have to quit working just to exercise" teases Ken, winking at Laurel.

"I don't know how you do it, Victoria, you never gain and you always eat this stuff, or better still, cook it." Comments Laurel, smiling at her friend. She too, noticed the look that passed over her face when she got that note.

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She's been mulling over what it could possibly be. When she saw Victoria look up to the doorway and turn pale she wasn't quick enough to see who it was, but she knew it was something very real and possibly very threatening. That train of thought lead to one conclusion - Martin. But how could he have been here? Unless he convinced the local authorities that he was innocent. He probably would use his ID badge and tap dance around the truth to get out.

Ken leans over, "what are you frowning about? Not the company I hope?"

"Of course not. Just thinking about something I saw. I'll tell you later," touching his hand. Then putting on a smile, she rejoined the conversation flowing around her. The waiter was just finishing removal of the last dishes onto a tray. Then a busboy dispatched that tray to the kitchens and another tray appeared with bowls and small silver spoons. One placed in front of each person.

"And now, the piece d' resistance ... for dessert, Bananas Foster!" Announces the waiter as the dessert cart is rolled to the table. A large copper chafing dish, with a flame underneath is the star. The waiter proceeds to create the famous dessert, flames and all. When everything is properly flamed a scoop of ice cream is placed in each bowl, with a banana served on top. The warm sauce is spooned over everything. Delicate lace cookies are served on a silver platter placed in the center of the table. "I hope you enjoy this special treat." Once again bowing, he retreats, leaving the diners to admire his handiwork.

Brian is the first to break the spell. "I've heard of this all my life, now I'm finally tasting it."

"You know this dessert was invented here in New Orleans. It is kind of a signature dish, and they believe they make it the best, and it's probably true." Replies Victoria.

"What a finish to a fabulous dinner. I'll never again be able to face my own cooking." Sighs Ken.

"That's not a bad thing, you know. I know you try, but you should leave the cooking to the experts, my friend." Brian good-naturedly kids him.

Brian has ordered after dinner cordials and when they are served, Brian lifts his glass, "To Vicky, thank you for sharing this kinship you have with the people here. We really are lucky to have enjoyed such a meal."

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Agreement and nods all around as each sips the fruit flavored cordials. "A lovely ending to a lovely dinner, darling." Laurel agrees.

Chapter 19

Groggily Laurel awakens to a new day. They got in so late, or early this morning, both she and Victoria fell into bed, hardly saying a word to each other. The past few days have taken their toll. A little more awake she looks around the bedroom, things don't seem right, something is out of place.

"Victoria? Victoria where are you?"

Hearing no response, she pulls herself out of bed and starts looking for her friend. There are no signs of her in the rest of the house. Suddenly she realizes what's wrong. Victoria's clothes are missing from the bedroom. Running back in there, she confirms her fears. There is only the dress from last night - everything else is gone - just gone!

She is becoming more frightened by the moment, what if Victoria has been abducted again? "No calm yourself down. The bad guys are safely locked up. Unless...Martin!

Okay, if she left on her own she would leave a note, she wouldn't just leave me. That starts her searching and sure enough, propped up on the coffee maker is an envelope with "Laurel" written on the front. Grabbing it, she tears open the white vellum, scanning the page she sighs, "at least she's not kidnapped". Wait, she rereads the note ...

Dearest Laurel - I am so sorry to do this to you, but I must. You know that I wouldn't leave you without an explanation if it weren't necessary. Something has happened and I have to leave. I have to get as far away from Brian as I can. I can't explain, but please trust me. I can't go home right now, so I'll be in touch as soon as I'm settled. I know you and Ken are right for each other so take care and enjoy that.

I love you and don't worry, I know what I'm doing.


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Laurel sat down to digest what she had just read. Her first plan of action is to call Ken. Laurel knew he would know what to do, she wasn't sure Brian would be able to accept what Victoria had written. From what she had seen of him, she doubted it, he would probably storm off.

"Hello, who dares to call at this hour?" Demands Brian. "I know it's the middle of the night, so state your business and hang up."

"Morning Brian, it's Laurel. You sound chipper. I hope Ken is in a better mood. May I speak to him?"

Instantly waking up, Brian replies, "Sure, but first let me say Good Morning to the lovely Vicky."

"Oh, sorry" Laurel pauses, "She's in the shower. I just wanted to talk to Ken for a minute. I'll have her call you back, okay?"

"Sure," Then his voice is heard calling off to Ken, "Your lady-love is on the phone."

Shortly Ken answers. "Good morning to you. What gets you up so early, or isn't it early?"

"Morning, Ken. I'm going to talk fast, but you can't let on to Brian that anything is wrong. Just smile, nod or whatever. Please do that for me."

"Sure Laurel, what's up?" Trying to keep the curiosity out of his voice, hoping Brian goes back to bed, which he does. "He's gone now, what are you talking about?"

"When I woke up this morning, Victoria was gone. Her things are gone and I found a note..." After reading the note to Ken, she says, "I don't know what happened, but I do know it has something to do with that note she got last night. I also know she saw someone or something at the same time. It truly frightened her."

"But how could that be? You know her better than anyone, didn't she say anything when you got home?"

"No, nothing. We just talked about what a good time we had and about you guys, but I can't tell you that because you'll get swell heads. Anyway, she said nothing and I forgot to ask. When I did remember I was half asleep. I thought it could wait until morning. Now I wish I had woken her up and asked."

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Hearing the fear in her voice, Ken assures her, "Now, now, honey. It's not your fault. If there is something wrong, and we have to assume there is, we'll have to figure it out. But remember you had no way of knowing she would leave, or what was worrying her."

Ken continued, "The first thing we have to do is talk to the people at the restaurant and see if anyone suspicious was around. Then we need a description of the person who left the note, that's our best clue right now. But I'm wondering, what the tie is to Brian. Why does she have to get away from him? We both know they are in love with each other, right?"

"Yes, she did admit that to me last night, and I'm thrilled for her. Or at least I was, I don't know now. She said nothing of getting in touch with him. Oh, I'm so confused I don't know what to do."

"Let's take this in order. First, Brian has to be told. We can't keep it from him and the more he knows the better he'll behave. Besides, I think she owes him an explanation. Second, he has the quickest mind and can probably solve this faster than either one of us. Third, I'll fill him in as we are getting dressed and we'll be there in under an hour."

"Yes, please hurry."

"In the mean time, look around and see if you can find any clues, take care."

As she was hanging up, she heard Ken blow her a kiss. She hugged that warmth to her. She knew everything would be just fine. They would be able to find Victoria and help her out of whatever problem she thought she was in.

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Chapter 20

Laurel followed Brian and Ken into the restaurant that was just opening for the lunch crowd. She could feel Brian's barely contained rage. She knew he was worried and imagined that Ken had a very hard time convincing him to make a logical search instead of charging off on his white horse to find the damsel in distress, once again.

After asking to see the owner, Françoise, they waited in the charming lobby area. Although no one was in the mood for art appreciation, the surroundings were quaint and typically Creole. Floors paved in brick, leaded glass windows looking out to the courtyard and heavy beams for rafters. The beams and the cream colored walls were noticeably darkened from years of smoke from the fireplace and thousands of pipes smoked over the generations.

Laurel was pulled back to the present when Victoria's friend approached. "Is there a problem? My maître d' said you seemed upset."

Ken stepped forward, shaking his hand, he asked, "Françoise, our friend Victoria seems to have left in somewhat of a hurry and we believe it is linked to a note she received here last night."

"I know nothing of that. But I will find who might know. Wait here, or if you prefer, you may sit in the bar in the courtyard."

"Thanks, we'll take you up on that offer." Replied Ken. He ushered the other two ahead of him to a table in the area to one side of the courtyard. "We're better off talking with his man here, away from everyone. Perhaps we can get more information out of him." After taking look at Brian, "Old friend, we will find her. But your look is enough to scare anyone away. Please try to act a little friendlier. After all this isn't the poor waiter's fault. Apparently he was just delivering a note."

"You're right, as always." Ken saw Brian's jaw relax and his shoulders come down.

At that point the waiter from last evening approached the table, "Messieurs, how may I be of help?"

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"We were wondering about the note you delivered to our friend last night. To the lady that was with us at dinner."

"Of course, I know of whom you speak. But I don't know anything, a man in the lobby pulled me aside and asked me to deliver that paper to the mademoiselle."

"Did he say anything else?"

"No, just that it was urgent. And, please don't tell my boss. He paid me $10.00 to do it. I would get in trouble for taking money for such an errand."

"We don't want to get you in trouble. We're more interested in who he was and where he came from. Have you ever seen him before?"

"No, never. He had an accent like yours. Not southern, not from here."

"Now, we're getting somewhere." Brian comments as he takes over the questioning. "Can you describe the man? Tall, short, dark, fair?"

"But of course, he is tall, like you," nodding to Brian. "He has dark hair, light colored eyes and is dressed nicely. We are to notice that, because we have recently had people who don't know the proper dress code for our establishment."

"Do you suppose if we brought a photo you could recognize him?" Brian smiles to the waiter.

"I imagine this is so. I can only try."

Laurel is the first to rise, extending her hand, she shakes his hand and thanks him profusely for his time. Assuring him they will return. Then turning to the two still seated, she asks, "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

"I don't know..." Ken slowly starts to answer.

Brian is right there with her, '" Of course we just assumed he was still locked up. They let him go! Let's get a photo sent down here with his picture and bring it back. Then we can start a search. This time without the help of the local authorities. When I find him they had better lock him up and throw away the key or I won't be responsible for my actions."

"Martin?" Asks Ken, "It is possible he talked his way out? What happened to the Feds getting him?"

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"My bet is he finessed himself out of jail before the Feds arrived. What I don't understand is what he could have written to Vicky."

"You think he threatened to harm you, Brian? Maybe even tried to blackmail her to go back with him...that would be his style. I always told her he was slimy." Added Laurel.

"You're absolutely right. Let's get a move on, we've got calls to make and texts and photos to get." Ken is up and leading the way to the front of the restaurant.

In a short time they return with a photo of Martin Hamilton, recently of the Agency and more recently a wanted man. After explaining to Washington what they knew of yesterday's occurrences, they were able to get a federal warrant issued locally, and a photo.

Entering the restaurant once again, they return to the table in the bar. Shortly they are able to catch the eye of the waiter and motion him over.

"I can only stay a moment, we are very busy at lunch. What may I do for you?"

"We have the picture for you," As Brian pushes his phone toward the waiter.

"But of course, I believe it is him. The same face, yes, it is him."

"You are sure?" Ken asks, wanting to make sure.

"I am certain, he asked me to deliver the note to the lady."

"That's all we need. Thank you very much," Reaching into his pocket, Ken starts to pull out a $20.00 bill...

"No sir, I will take nothing for helping you. Thank you just the same." Bowing to them he goes back to the bustle of the lunch crowd.

The three friends are both stunned and pleased their hunches proved true. Now what to do?

"I think the first thing is have lunch here and decide our plan of action. Agreed?" Asks Ken.

The other two nod in agreement, and ask a passing waiter for a menu. They order, not really appreciating what they've ordered. While they're waiting they start discussing their plans.

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"Brian, you know that slimy bastard, oh, excuse me Laurel, you know him as well as anyone does."

"That's all right Ken. I've called him that and worse over the last few years he's been hanging around Victoria. I don't think he has any true feelings, I think Victoria was more of a trophy. Her family is certainly a coup for him to marry into."

"Oh, how's that? We never talked about her family."

"Old line, old money, you know the type. Can't hurt having that connection, to someone who is determined to claw his way to the top."

Laurel could see Brian tense up again, she continued, "Brian relax, we'll get him. Victoria didn't fall for him. Why do you think she took this time off. She needed to get away from him and thought this was the right thing to do to split up with him."

Ken has been thinking what she said, "Maybe you know as much as Brian, and from a different perspective. We've got to figure if he's still here or taken off."

Brian jumped in, "I've got to think he's still here. If he did threaten her, he would want to stay around to see if he was successful. He also might try to see her again, if nothing else, to gloat. I would think he would be staying somewhere near, probably in one of the most expensive hotels. What do you think, Laurel?"

"I agree. Also, remember she said she had to get away from you, Brian. I'm thinking he's threatened to harm you if she doesn't leave you."

"You are so right. I would love to see his face if we can find him and I am the one to cuff him!"

"Then, after lunch, let's split up. We all have phones, we can cover more places individually." Ken adds. "Laurel, how about you taking the southern part of the French Quarter, the nicer hotels are there. Brian, you can take the western waterfront area and I'll take the northern part, St. Charles, etc. Agreed?"

"Yes, and we'll meet up in say 2 hours."

The meal was eaten mostly in silence. No one really even tasted the food placed before them, they just ate, thoughts elsewhere. Nor did they

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appreciate the lovely spring day. It was pleasantly warm without much humidity. The scent of the flowers was wafting on the light breeze. They were each in their own private thoughts, and worried about Victoria and furious with Martin. Meal finished, check paid they rise to start their search.

On the way out the front door Françoise approaches the group, "Good luck with your search. I pray nothing has happened to my little Miss Victoria. Please let me know as soon as you can."

All three agree, they will call as soon as they have something. Ken halts in front of the restaurant. "I think we should each have a copy of the photo on our phones. Here let me send it to you both."

"Where do you want to meet?"

"Well the Royale Orleans is just about in the center of the southern part of the City. How about the bar?" Replies Laurel."

"Fine, see you at 4:00." Brian confirms.

"Don't forget, if we find anything, and I mean anything, we are not to move on it. Leave it to the Feds. Remember we are in the right here, we have a warrant and we can get it served once we find him. If either one of you find him, call me and I'll let the Feds handle him. They have agreed to pick him up immediately and this time he won't slip through anyone's fingers. I don't believe he can finesse the Feds so easily." Ken salutes each one and moves off down the sidewalk.

Chapter 21

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At 4:15 Laurel is sitting in the bar off the lobby of the Royale Orleans Hotel on St. Louis Street. The old fashioned floor to ceiling windows face the street and the small park beyond. The sun is flooding the area with warm rays, but Laurel, with a drink in front of her, is unaware of anything but her troubled thoughts.

Her eyes rise to the main lobby doors, scanning the entering patrons, hoping to see Ken coming through the enormous glass and brass doors. She's nervous and worried, she didn't find anything, except the dead end right here at this hotel ...at the last place she looked. She's hoping that Ken has an idea about what to do next. She knows what Brian would like to do.

At that moment Ken approaches from behind her, from the bar entrance at the rear. "Hi ya gorgeous. Can I buy you a drink?" Ken teases as he slides into the chair next to her. In one easy movement he's sitting down and summoning a waiter. After ordering his drink, he looks at Laurel. Seeing the look in her eyes he takes her hand. "Laurel, please don't worry. You know that Vicky is very self-reliant, you told me that yourself. I take it from your expression you didn't have any better luck than we did?"

"What do you mean, we? Oh, Brian didn't call you, huh? Well, I do have news, but it's a cold trail. Actually he stayed right here in this hotel, but checked out last night. They have no forwarding address for him, either. The night manager just confirmed the photo was the occupant of room #525. He checked in two nights ago and 'hurriedly', his word, left last night, about 10:00 PM."

"That would have been right after the time he was in the restaurant." Ken adds, "So if he checked out then, he wouldn't have known what Vicky was going to do. So his message would not have included meeting her here, for instance. I don't get it, why not stay until he knows what her answer is, to whatever the question was?"

"We don't even know what it was?"

"Well I do," adds Brian as he seats himself in the third chair. "I met a taxi driver who took our friend to the airport last night. Do you have any idea just how many taxis are in an area this size? It's amazing."

"How did you get so lucky?"

"I decided to think like the creep he is. Plus your clue, Laurel."

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"What clue? I don't know anything."

"The family thing...that would be important to him. He's so egotistical he would believe he could beat the rap for the pollution. He would want to move into the next level on his rise to fame. If he wants to use that family connection, he would have her meet him in DC. I just figured he would make his move last night, before we were aware of him. I called all the cab companies until I finally was able to fine one who took a fare from the Quarter to the airport after 10:00. Bingo! I found the driver."

The others are stunned, "I'm impressed," Comments Laurel.

"That's why he is our top agent. But you even impressed me on this one Brian. What's next?"

"I would guess we get back to DC. That's where our friend was going, on the 'red eye'. Even paid the taxi driver extra to get him there as quickly as possible. His first mistake...I can't believe he forgot the first rule. Remain anonymous. He tipped the way too much, so he paid attention to Martin. Even described him and was able to identify him by the photo. What an ego, he probably thought it wouldn't matter. Not for him."

"What I'm wondering is if Victoria has returned there. Her car is gone and we have to think she has a head start since we don't know exactly when she left. Do you want me to call her to see?"

"Brian, of course I know you want to talk to her, but her note said not to worry, she would contact me."

"Well, I am worried," Brian snaps, "sorry, but I can't just sit and wait."

"I know that, I'm worried too. How about I call her place first, then her parents, see if they've heard anything."

The guys nod, so she pulls her phone out of the enormous purse she insists in carrying. It's almost bigger than she is. She dials, waits, then speaks into the phone, "Victoria, if you're there, please pick up...Victoria? Okay fine, if you get this message, the three of us are still in New Orleans and very worried. Call me ASAP, I'll be waiting for your call."

Looking up to Brian, she puts her hand over his, "I just know she's okay, don't you feel that too?"

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"Yes, I think I would feel something if she were in trouble. I did once before, but this not knowing is killing me. Where could she be?"

"Excuse me folks, care for another round?" asks the waiter, dressed in the livery of an 18th century plantation, as are all the waiters in the "Plantation Bar".

"Yes, I think we need another round, thank you." Answers Ken for the group. "All right, let's think for a moment. She left late last night or early this morning, we know she would be driving."

"Yes, definitely. She would be leaving her 'baby' behind. She loves that car."

"So since she's driving we have to give her at least another day, even if she's drives straight through."

"But she has a cell phone. Am I losing it? Why didn't I try to call her?" Brian adds, as he grabs Laurel's phone. "I hope she has it on."

After dialing and waiting, voice mail has picked up and he leaves a similar message to Laurel's...but adds, "Please remember I love you. Please come back."

Placing the phone back on the table, he picks up the fresh drink the waiter has just placed at his hand. Sipping he asks, "What do you think, Laurel? Is she headed home?"

"I don't know. Let's have a go at her parents' place, see if they know anything." Once again she picks up the phone and dials, she has better luck with this call.

"Hi Mr. Sullivan, it's Laurel." Then waiting and listening, she replies, "I'm fine, thank you."

"Don't worry him if you don't have to," whispers Ken. Laurel mutely nods she heard him.

"Yes, that's why I'm calling. Oh, she did? What did she say?" Another pause while she's listening. "I see" then Laurel is starting to look agitated, "He did? When?"

"What?" Brian quietly asks, looking worried.

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Laurel puts her hand up to stop him, "I see. Yes, as a matter of fact she's supposed to call me when she gets in, but I couldn't remember if she was going to your place or her condo. What did she tell you?" Another pause, "Right, okay. Yes, she does have to go by and pick up Mandy before going home. Give my love to Mrs. Sullivan. Talk to you soon."

"So..." Brian is more than anxious.

"She called from the road this morning and let them know she was on her way. She said her research is completed and she has some decisions to make about her future."

"What does that mean? Did he explain?" Prods Brian.

"I don't know, he said she didn't really explain herself. Just that she was fine and on her way home. And she would stop by to get Mandy before going to her condo."

"Who the heck is Mandy?" Brian questions.

"She is the brightest, prettiest, sweetest little kitty in the world. I was taking care of her while Victoria was down here. Then when I left to come down too I dropped her off at the Sullivan's. Her mom loves her as much as Victoria does, except that she spoils her too much. At least that's what Victoria says."

"Who was the he? You said he did."

"Oh, Martin, of course. He called the Sullivan's, pretending he hadn't seen Victoria for a couple of weeks and was wanting to know if they'd heard anything from her recently. Mr. Sullivan thought Martin sounded like they had had a fight and he was trying to make up," sneered Laurel, "He thinks he's a good actor, on top of everything else."

"You can say that again, look how he's fooled the Agency for years. Beats me how he could hold himself in character for so long. when he's basically just rotten to the core." Ken says, shaking his head.

"Because he knows the system, so he knows how to outsmart it. It doesn't take that much intelligence; just an incredible ego to believe you can do it. That's what Martin has, an incredible ego." Brian answers. "He's also a pathological liar, so he believes everything he says."

"What about you two? Do we fly home and wait for Victoria to call?"

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"I think that's all we can do for now. Let's get back to the house, Brian. We can collect your things on the way, Laurel, then get to the airport for the first flight out to DC."

"Why don't I call and see if we can get priority booking on a flight? Might as well use the power we have," Says Brian. "I am tired of being one step behind Martin. For once I want to be ahead of him and catch him in the act."

"That's what the plan is, then. We'll talk on the plane and figure out a trap." Rising Ken drops a couple of twenties on the table. It's early evening of a day that has been a typical lovely spring day. The heat is cooling off, but none of them appreciate the beauty, they are all quietly thinking of how they will have their revenge on Martin Hamilton.

Chapter 22

The plane is just touching down at Ronald Reagan National Airport in the outskirts of Washington, DC as the plans are being finalized for the continued hunt and capture of Martin J. Hamilton, formerly of the Agency. All three, flying first class, are luxuriously stretching back in their seats. It's been a

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long day, and night, and into the early morning hours of the next day. They're tired, but also exhilarated that they have decided on their next steps.

The flight attendants have made their way down the aisle, checking that everyone's seat belts are buckled. One attendant smiles at Brian, "Thanks for flying with us. I hope to see you again."

"Do they always flirt with you? Victoria would be scratching her eyes out if that woman had tried that when she was around."

"No one would try if Vicky were around. I wouldn't have eyes for anyone else." Brian quietly replies, sighing, he continues, "I just want to see her safe and sound...and soon."

"You will, you will." Ken confirms.

After toting their carry-on bags to the baggage claim area, the other two friends help Brian get his luggage. He has the most, besides his clothes, he had to pack all his art supplies, which he refused to leave behind. Ken wrangles the assorted bags and shipping containers onto a baggage carrier and they proceed to exit onto the sidewalk.

"My car is here in the short-term lot, I parked close, not knowing how long I would be gone. Wait here and I'll bring it around. No need for all of us to drag this stuff any further than necessary.

As Ken departs, Brian drops his carry-on on top of the heap and rests his arms on the handle. "How do you feel, Laurel? Up for a little more conversation?"

"Sure, what's up?"

"I just don't want to go home right now. Alone. Want an early breakfast?"

"Of course, but let's go to my place. I'll fix something for all of us. By the way," after looking around to see if Ken is back yet, she continues, "Has Ken said anything about me? I mean do you think he could like me?"

"Funny you should ask. Just last week he was saying he wanted to find someone to settle down with. I think you fit the bill perfectly."

"Did he say so?"

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"In so many words. Ken is kind of the strong, silent type. But, yes. Just continue being the person you are and I have a feeling things will work out as you want."

At that moment, Ken pulled up to the curb, and popped the trunk. "What's that Cheshire Cat grin for, Laurel?" Ken teases her, he continues, "Let's get this mess in the car and get going."

"I was just asking Brian if he wanted some breakfast, or is it lunch in this time zone. Want to join us? I'm cooking."

"Sure, you couldn't keep me away."

Brian winks at Laurel as he starts stowing his things in the trunk of Ken's sensible Mercedes sedan. Ken comes around and helps Laurel into the front seat, closing the door, he indicates Brian can sit in the back. Brian winks at Ken and smiles to himself. "Yes, Ken and Laurel are made for each other." He thinks to himself.

Laurel gives expert directions and very shortly they are pulling up to the front of her condo. It's on a narrow side street, off one of the larger streets in residential Georgetown. It's obviously a converted Victorian row house. After letting Brian and Laurel off, Ken finds a place to park nearby and returns to help carry her bag up.

Laurel's unit is the second floor - the entire second floor. There is an old but still efficient elevator which is key driven. Only those with keys can make the elevator stop on their floor. When the doors open both Ken and Brian are awed. The elegant entry is flooded with light, plants and mirrors are mixed in with brass and chrome furniture tastefully arranged against the brightly painted yellow walls.

Seeing their surprise, "I guess you were expecting Victorian furniture, or at the very least antique?"

"Uh, I guess. Yes, but I like it...and you do have some antiques." Ken notes appreciatively, going further into the living room. "You also have wonderful taste in art. Quite a mixture too, from cubism to watercolors of Paris, if I guess right?"

"Yes, I love street scenes, and the provinçial countryside," as she nods a thank you. "I buy what I like, not what will appreciate in value. Luckily some

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of these have appreciated. But I couldn't part with them. Some of them I've had since my first small studio apartment."

"I'd say you've come a long way from a studio apartment. This is wonderful, and so close in." Once again Ken expresses his admiration for this woman. Someone on her own, just like him. She isn't afraid to make a home without needing a spouse to feel complete. But he hoped now she might consider someone in her life.

Brian is standing back, watching the little scenario play out, he can tell Ken's very interested, and he knows Laurel is, so where are they going with this? His move is to leave. They don't need him around, and he needs to get going. The longer he waits the longer it is until he sees Vicky again. Suddenly he's very lonely and only she can take away this feeling.

"Hey guys, thanks for the offer of lunch, but I think I'll just hit the road. I need to grab a nap then put our plans in motion." Brian tells them, and he can see they have already forgotten he was still there. "So why don't I take your car, Ken? I'll unload my stuff and come back later."

"Don't bother Brian, I can drive Ken home. Unless you would rather leave with Brian?" Laurel questions.

"No, of course not. Go ahead, I'll catch up with you later. Just drive carefully, please."

Shrugging his shoulders, Brian replies, "I don't know what you're talking about, I always drive your sensible cars carefully."

"That part is true, you should see him drive his Jaguar, like he's at Le Mans."

Laurel watches the play between the two friends and realizes just how lucky she would be to have someone like Ken in her life, 'those two are just like Victoria and me'. "Fine, miss a wonderful meal, see if I care," she chimes in.

"I'll take a rain check for now" Waiving, Brian catches Ken's well thrown keys, then waits for the elevator to stop on the way down.

Once in Ken's car, Brian heads out of town, to his home in a nearby area of Virginia, almost a suburb of Washington. He pulls up to the lovely Georgian brick home he bought several years before. It is set several acres of beautifully landscaped land. This isn't where he lives all the time, he also has a place in town, but this is home. This is where he grew up, he bought the place from his parents when they wanted to move out west. They

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wanted a more casual life style, and were tired of the hectic pace of the east. It's been the perfect choice, and they couldn't be happier.

Brian stopped, it was like seeing it for the first time ... what will Vicky think of this place? Would she want to live in the suburbs? He can only see her in the small rented cabin. Asking himself, "what kind of place does she have here?"

Thinking again, he realizes perhaps this place is too formal. She's more of a nature girl, "I can see her in a beautiful cabin in the woods, maybe on a lake some place." Then shaking his head, he gets back to the task at hand.

After unloading his mountain of baggage, boxes and the miscellaneous pieces of his life, he drags everything inside, leaving it in the hallway. He's not paying any attention to his surroundings, he just follows the stairs up and into the master suite. Once there, he strips down, takes a quick shower, wraps a towel around his waist and falls onto the bed. He's in a deep sleep almost before his head hits the pillow.

"You would be so good for my granddaughter, I know you would. She needs someone to take care of her. She thinks she can do everything herself, but she needs someone to trust and rely on. You are the one."

Brian is in a small garden, surrounded by the fragrant vines and flowers blooming in profusion. He's sitting on a wrought iron chair in the middle of this garden...and he's holding a glass of lemonade. He's talking to a lovely older woman who is across the table from him. She seems very familiar, looks very much like..of course, she is an older version of Vicky. This must be her French grandmother.

Taking time to look around, he notices the house is similar to the New Orleans restaurant. It's built of old rose-colored bricks, covered with vines and moss.

Nodding, the woman assures Brian, "Yes, she is my granddaughter."

"I didn't realize I spoke out loud. But she looks very much like you. You both are very beautiful woman. Are you the one who taught her to cook? Played those wonderful games with her and taught her her to speak French?"

"Of course. She was a very quick learner from the time she was a baby. I am so proud her of her. And I am so pleased she has found you, if you don't mind my being so bold."

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"Not at all. I'm pleased to have found her myself. I just need to find her again. Do you know where she is? I'm so worried that something will happen to her again."

In a very soothing voice she replies, "Nothing will happen. She is safe for now, but you also know how stubborn she is. In her heart she knows, but she must be shown how much she needs you."

"I'll try..." ringing interrupts the conversation, and suddenly Brian is sitting up in bed. "Where am I?" He asks as he blindly looks around the bedroom. His attention is drawn to the phone on the bedside table as it starts ringing again. Grabbing it, he answers, "What is it?"

"Sorry, did I wake you? I thought you would have had enough sleep by now." Slowly, and groggily Brian recognizes Ken's voice.

"I'm sorry, guess I was sleeping pretty soundly. By the way, what time is it?"

"A better question is what day?"

"Huh, I couldn't have slept a whole day away, could I?"

"Yup, you did. It's Wednesday, old pal, about time for you to have some lunch and I'll fill you in on what has transpired since I saw you last. By the way, why didn't you tell me you were going out to the folk's place? I've been calling your apartment, then finally realized you must be in Virginia."

"Yeah, I just decided I needed to get away. Guess I wanted to hid out for a while, feel safe."

"You probably needed it. Now, back to work. How soon can you get back to the office? We have some interesting information."

"Can you give me a couple of hours? And how about meeting at the Press Club, I'm suddenly starving. I just realized I haven't eaten for a day or so."

"Sure, I'll make reservations, say 3:00? That enough time?"

"Perfect, see you there."

As Ken hung up he realized Brian must be exhausted after driving out to the house, and not eating. He didn't even ask what the 'information' was. Well it would keep a little longer.

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Chapter 23

"How can you do that to Brian? He's worried sick," Laurel is furious.

"I'm not doing it to Brian, I'm doing it because of Brian. Don't you understand? lf I keep away from Brian then Martin will leave him alone.

"No I don't understand. What are you doing? You're going along with that lunatic? He's a wanted felon, don't you know that? What he did is very serious, and the Feds are looking for him."

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"He says it's only their word against his. He's trying to find a lawyer to handle it, sort of a go-between to represent him at the Agency. He thinks he can get off."

"Doesn't that convince you he's crazy? Brian is worried sick because he can't find you. You left without a word to him." Then more gently Laurel continues, "You still care for him, don't you?"

"Oh Laurel, I do love him. With all my heart," Victoria sighs, "But I can't stand the idea of something happening to him because of me. Can't you see that?"

"Yes, I guess so. What do you plan to do?"

"I've told my parents I need to get away. I've kind of hinted that I want to break up with Martin, and asked them not to tell him where I'm going. I think they believe me. Although I have to admit they are not very pleased with me. They think he is perfect. They haven't seen the other side of him, obviously."

"I'm sure they trust you. You've never lied to them before. But where are you going?"

"To my grandparents' cottage on Heron Lake. I just feel like hibernating for a while. I've got to rethink my life and my future."

"You sound so tired. Are you sure you're okay? Want me to come along?"

"No, but thanks for being such a good friend. You've got some things to think about too, don't you? Like for instance, Ken? I don't think he wants you too far away, and I believe you'd miss him too."

"Once again, you're right. I think we're in the beginnings of something special. I've never felt this way before; Brian says Ken feels the same. Oh, I just want the four of us to be together like we were that night at dinner. It was so fun and special."

"I can't guarantee that we'll ever be that way again. It's up to Martin, if they can arrest him and make the case stick, maybe then it'll be safe, I just don't count on it now. Okay, back to what I'm going to do. I've asked my parents not to tell anyone where I'm going, and I'm asking that of you too. Please promise not to tell Brian or Ken. It's for their own safety."

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"Yes, I understand. I don't agree, but I understand. I promise." Laurel sighs as she agrees. "When are you leaving?"

"Soon. I have some things to take care of. I'm not at home, so Martin doesn't know where I am. Also, he doesn't know anything about my other set of grandparents, so he wouldn't know about their place. I'll stay in touch and I'll have my phone with me. I will let you know when I can see Brian again. Take care, I'll see you - Bye."

Hanging up, tears come to Laurel's eyes. They have been best friends for more years than they both can remember. This is the first time they've been so apart, totally unconnected. And it should be just the opposite with their new romances.

"We've got to do something with Martin. I won't let Victoria ruin her life because of him." Laurel promises.

Chapter 24

Victoria has left all her things packed up and in the car. She has briefly stopped by her condo to pick up the necessities for a stay in the country. She has enough kitty food to last a week, so there will be no need to go into town immediately. She just wants to lay low for a while and get settled in. She's both excited and lonely about her decision to travel to her grandparents farm. She's carrying on a conversation with Mandy as she drives, knowing she'll keep her company.

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The Range Rover made quick work of the remote dirt road in rural Vermont. The whole trip, from the time she left Washington to head north, was occupied with thoughts of her future. What would she do now? Was her heart still in ornithology. When she carefully analyzed the past few years, she realized she wasn't truly happy. Yes, she had enjoyed teaching, and she had enjoyed watching her students when they caught the interest and love of birds, but was that enough? She didn't think so. So what was her true passion?

At that weighty question she has reached the turn off the main road. It is a narrow gravel driveway leading to the house. She is thankful it was still daylight since it had been years since she had visited here, but at least the road looked the same. There are large shrubs tumbling over each other, fighting for space along the road, looking just about the same. As were the wild azaleas, the tree peonies and all the other spring-flowering plants, she did remember all the lush gardens. Her father's parents were as avid gardeners as her mother's had been with cooking. She felt regret that she hadn't more time with them. Their love for the outdoors and the native vegetation was something she had missed learning. But there were just so many vacations and the majority were spent in the summer heat of the south. Well, now besides spending some time away from everyone, she could read some of the gardening books in her grandmother's collection here at the cottage. That gave her something to look forward to, and that's just what she needed, she decided as she pulled up to the charming cottage.

It was still painted a soft buttercup yellow with white on all the gingerbread accents. Her grandmother had always been teased about her design for the cottage, but she loved the Victorian style and it had been her dream to live in a fantasy cottage away from all the hustle and bustle of New York. Her grandfather had adored his wife and on their tenth anniversary he had arranged a surprise - this cottage would to be built. He had taken her away for a long weekend and that had been the beginnings of their spending every available moment out at the cottage on Heron Lake. They had even named it "Rainbow Meadow" after all the wildflowers her grandmother had lovingly planted from seed each fall.

It was a family joke, because the "cottage" wasn't one at all. It was a lovely home that any family would have liked to have in the city. It was over 2,000 square feet but cozy at the same time. It had large open rooms, long before the 'open concept' was fashionable. There is a wonderful veranda overlooking the meadow leading to the lake. It even had the mandatory

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Adirondack chairs, painted to match the house. Victoria vowed to find those chairs first thing and set them up so she could relax and read in the coming lazy days of early summer.

But first things first - there was a car to unpack and provisions to take in. At least she had remembered to stop in the nearby village to arrange for the electricity and phone to be turned on. And while in the general store she had stocked up on a few more necessities. After she settled in, she could do more extensive shopping in the larger town some about 25 miles away.

There was a price to be paid for solitude, nothing was going to be close, but that was okay with her, she needed this. Pulling up to a stop at the bottom step of the stairs leading to the front porch, Victoria stepped out of her car and surveyed her surroundings. In the reflected light of the sunset over the lake she was able to make out the flowers starting to bloom on the meadow. She felt instantly at peace. Nothing and no one could bother her here in this place, she was home and safe.

Victoria stirred herself out of her reverie, setting about unloading the car. She had stopped at her condo before leaving town, picking up some small appliances, and enough kitty food and litter to last for a while. All this under the watchful eyes of Mandy. Her kitty knew something was up and when her carrier came out, again, she knew it.

"Now Mandy, my love, I'm not abandoning you. We are going on a trip together. (Victoria had emphasized the word together) and we're going to have a great adventure."

Almost as if she understood, which if someone had asked Victoria she would have insisted that she did understand, Mandy came to her mistress. Victoria bent down and picked up the lovely calico, putting her in the carrier, all the while telling her about the adventures they were going to have. About all the birds and butterflies she could watch. Mandy settleddown and started purring in agreement.

Now that they were at the other end of their trip she and Mandy were ready to stretch their legs and explore their new home. For a feline, Mandy was extremely adaptable and didn't mind new environs. Victoria picked up the carrier, food and water dishes and went up the stairs to the large front door. The key her parents had given her slid into the lock, the door opened on silent hinges. Suddenly Victoria was transported back to her pre-teen years when she had been able to spend time with her paternal grandparents.

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After closing the door, she set down Mandy's crate and released her to start her exploration. Victoria then sat down herself and thought back to that particular summer. She had been twelve, and although there was potential for her future beauty, at that age she was all angles, knees and elbows. She had begged to visit here. She wanted to hide away from the teasing and taunts she received because of being the tallest girl in her class.

She felt so out of place among the cute, petite, blonde classmates at the exclusive boarding school. That summer she started to blossom under the guidance of her grandmother. She would always remember the love she had felt here, safe from the world. "Well", she thought, "that is just what I need now - to lick my wounds, decide the future and forge ahead."

Enough, she forced herself back to the tasks at hand. She still had a car to unload and these detours weren't making the job go any faster. Leaving Mandy to her own devices, Victoria unloaded the remainder of her cargo from the Range Rover. She stacked everything but the food by the front door. There would be enough time tomorrow, or even the next day to sort out what she had brought.

By the meow, Victoria knew Mandy was ready for dinner. So off they went to the kitchen, one long legged redhead and one shorthaired white and calico kitty.

"Since this is our first night in our new home, let's celebrate. You can have a can of oysters with your crunchy food and I'll have a tuna sandwich, and some white wine I think. That should be tasty for both of us, don't you think?"

At that, Mandy jumped up on a chair, supervising the opening of the cans and was rewarded with loving strokes on her back, and a wonderful dinner in her dish. Having finished her dinner in quick order, Mandy was having her daily toilette on the wide sill of the large front window.

Before making her own tuna sandwich, she searched for her stereo system and set it up so she could have her music with dinner. She grabbed the first CD she came across - of course it was the same jazz she had played when she cooked the first dinner for Brian. Sighing, she decided she was just too tired to change it, besides he couldn't stop listening to her favorite music just because everything reminded her of Brian, could she? "Of course not!" She admonished herself.

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Victoria joined Mandy in the living room, sitting on the comfy sofa. It had been placed at an angle so the view wasn't obstructed. She put her paper plate and wine glass down on the lovely old pine trunk that served as a coffee table. Her mind was miles away as she reached for the first half of her sandwich. She was daydreaming for a time when she would be free again...perhaps back together with Brian.

After finishing off the sandwich and wine she leaned back against the soft, downy cushions against one end of the sofa. It must have been several hours later when Victoria jerked awake. "I must have fallen asleep", she said to Mandy who was snuggled into the crook of her arm. Then sitting up she suddenly remembered what she had been dreaming about. She was back in that horrid room, still tied up. Brian had come to save her, but this time Martin was there first and shot him. She sat, tied up in that chair, watching the violence unfold in front of her eyes.

"Oh, no", she screamed, "Not Brian." Martin just laughed - then she had startled herself awake. "I can't continue on this way. No one knows where I am so Martin can't carry out his threat against Brian. He's fine and Martin will be caught, I know Ken and Brian will bring him down."

Because it was easier to turn over and fall back asleep, Victoria did just that. Soon she saw herself sitting on the lawn in one of the Adirondack chairs. She was stretched out and enjoying the sight of the native ducks swimming along the shoreline, looking for food. Her grandmother was with her in the other chair, pointing out the various flowers growing in her meadow. The sun was warm on her legs and so was the gentle breeze. She was just enjoying being there.

Her grandmother leaned close to her, "My darling granddaughter, I have so missed you. I wish you had been able to spend more time with us."

"I was just thinking the same thing, Grammy. I can see I missed a lot not spending more time with you."

"Things will change soon. Trust your instincts, my girl, and you will find what it is you are looking for. I believe in Brian. He seems just right for you. I've seen how he cares for you."

So you know I have to protect him from Martin..."

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As for that protecting him from the other one, is it not the man's responsibility? Things have changed so fast I can hardly keep track, but I do believe you want someone who can take care of himself and you."

"Yes, you're right, of course. But Martin threatened me, and I am the one who has to stay away from Brian. If I do he'll be safe."

"And you think that's what your Brian wants - for you to stay away? I don't believe that for a minute. Don't you want to see him - let things take their course?"

"Yes...but you haven't seen the power Martin has. I've learned he knows enough thugs to handle just about any situation."

"Is that truly what concerns you, or are you afraid to let yourself go and love someone? I realize it is a big commitment, and you can get hurt. But for all wonderful things there is risk, that's what makes it so worthwhile when you succeed. Heaven knows your grandfather was a trial at times, but underneath it all he was a wonderfully considerate man who, Lord love him, he loved me very deeply, as I did him."

"I'm glad you had that kind of love, I wonder if I am capable of that. I haven't been able to find it so far."

"Then it's time for you to find it for yourself."

Suddenly Victoria's eyes opened and she was looking into the huge golden eyes of Mandy. The cat was lying right next to her with her head on Victoria's arm so she could look right at her.

"Was I talking out loud?" She asked the cat, "I have a feeling I was talking to someone..."

At that Mandy jumped down off the sofa, took a long, luxurious stretch then marched to the door, indicating it was time for a walk. Victoria realized she hadn't put out the cat box and Mandy probably did need to go out.

Following suit, after opening the front door, Victoria stretched, then she carried Mandy down to the driveway area and the weed patch next to it. Mandy took her time leaving the security of Victoria. Finally she walked away, investigating the weeds and any bugs she might find.

Victoria turned her attention back to the front porch. Yes, she decided, she would bring out the old porch furniture and make an outside living room just

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as she remembered her grandmother had. She had a memory of spending warm nights seated on a soft cushion on the swing watching the fireflies, before falling fast asleep. She would wake up in the morning in her own bed, knowing her father carried her upstairs long after she had dozed off.

Fixing up the porch would be a priority for today. Nodding at that decision, she called the cat back from her preliminary explorations. Thankfully Mandy came immediately, Victoria held open the ornately decorated screen door. It was painted bright white to match the rest of the trim and was covered with Victorian curlicues and turned posts.

Once inside Mandy took up her spot at the window. Victoria picked up the dish and glass from last night's dinner, walking into the kitchen she put them in the sink. She hesitated at the sink, looking out the large bay window in the adjacent breakfast room. This view was different, it looked back up the road and over the adjoining fields. The fields gave an appearance of a patchwork of wildflowers. She could almost hear the buzzing of the bees as they flew among the colorful petals. She thought to herself, "Grammy's flower seeds must have blown over there too." As if everywhere her grandmother touched was painted with flowers.

"Well, Mandy, I guess we've stalled long enough, we'll eat breakfast, then tackle the unpacking. First, we've got to go upstairs and pick what room we want to have as ours."

Mandy took off at a run, beating Victoria up the stairs. But she was sitting at the top, as if waiting to be told which way to go. Victoria reached the upstairs landing, heading into the first closed door, on the lakeside. The door opened silently, as if someone had just been there. Victoria realized she was holding her breath as the door swung open. Exhaling softly, she entered the room that had been her grandparent's master bedroom. It had the best view, although all the rooms had views. From this one you could see beyond the roof to the meadow, down to the lake and all the way across to the other side. Putting down the hastily packed suitcases, she joined Mandy on the massive pine bed. It had the old fashioned feather mattress - she could still hear her grandmother declaring it 'so much better for the back." It was so soft that as she sat she felt the feathers envelope her, like a cocoon. Getting up again, walking across the wood floor covered with a braided run, Victoria remembered her mother showing her some of pieces of cloth that were in the rug. Many came from shirts belonging to her grandfather and father. Some belonged to her grandmother too. It looked just right against the wide

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boards of the pine. She looked out the dormer window and fell under the spell of the view.

She sat down on the softly padded window seat, and pulled her knees up, resting her chin on them. She remembered sitting just this way when she was a little girl, admiring the view and hoping someday she could live right here.

"Enough, we need to get things done around here." Rising she got to business unpacking her suitcases, putting clothes into drawers of the massive pine dresser. As she pulled drawers open the scent she distinctly remembered as her Grammy's signature fragrance of "Shalimar". It arose to perfume the room. It was as if she were still living here in her beloved home, and welcoming her. She knew she preferred this house over the Manhattan penthouse or the house they rented occasionally at the shore. To Eleanor Sullivan this was her home, where her heart lived. Well, it might just be the perfect home for her granddaughter, Victoria Sullivan.

Since she didn't know how long they would be staying, she hadn't packed a lot, so was able to make quick work of the unpacking. She stowed the two suitcases in the under-eaves storage space.

When she pulled open the angular shaped door, which followed the roof line, she discovered piles of soft, floral patterned cushions. She immediately recognized them as belonging to the porch furniture. The original vibrant colors of the cabbage roses and hydrangeas had faded to a muted, old English look. Just the right look for a Victorian cottage. Her grandmother would be pleased they had survived all these years. She remembered the first summer she had seen them, they looked like a garden on the furniture.

"With some shaking out and vacuuming they'll be as good as new," she told Mandy. "Then we'll sit on the porch all safe and sound. You can watch the ducks and I'll read. Now all we have to do is find the furniture itself."

She tried to remember where she had seen the furniture, it would be either in the garage or the basement. It took several hours for Victoria to haul down all the cushions, air them out on the porch railing, then sweep them off.

She found that the chairs, leg rests and tables had been stacked in the basement, right inside the door. She was able to get them to the driveway. Bringing a bucket from the garage she filled it with soap flakes she had found in the laundry room. After pulling the hose from beside the garage

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she filled the old enamel bucket. Luckily she found a stash of old towels in the laundry room which served her purpose.

"Everything spick and span now." She spoke to the cat who had been watching the washing process from a safe distance, perched on the porch railing. As Victoria went by she scooped up the cat, going in the front door, leaving it open with just the screen closed. The warm spring air smelled fresh and clean, she wanted the whole house to smell that way.

Chapter 25

"Laurel, I'm worried. Haven't you heard from her at all?" She felt so guilty not telling Brian the truth. His feelings were clearly conveyed in his voice, but she had sworn to her friend she wouldn't tell, until she was ready.

"Brian you know I promised her I wouldn't tell you until she was ready. I know it stinks, but a promise is a promise."

"She was okay then, but what about after that. I just want to know she's safe, now, that's all."

"I know. I can tell you she's some place that Martin doesn't even know about. I will tell you, though, she left because of that note from him. Apparently he threatened violence against you and her parents if she didn't leave you." She heard a deep sigh on the line. "Yes, she should have

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trusted you to handle the situation, but she thought everyone would be safer if she just got away."

"Has she always been so pig-headed or do I just bring that out in her?" Brian asks. "I could strangle her myself. Ken and I are trained to handle terrorists, why doesn't she believe we can deal with that worm?"

"Because you are too closely involved? Because it's a personal thing between the two of you? She was afraid you would put yourself in jeopardy trying to save her. She presented a good argument, at least I thought so at the time."

"Possibly. I just wish we could get a lead on him, then you could tell her it's safe. Ken has exhausted almost all of the avenues available to us trying to get a clue of what rock he crawled under. We don't even know if he's still in the States or not."

"Last time I talked to Ken ," Laurel replied, "He said he thought perhaps Martin has numerous passports, and possibly under different nationalities."

"That would be the way he would operate. Who knows what contacts he has and who he can get to help him."

"I'll call Victoria tonight. If she says it's okay I'll let you know where she is, or at least the phone number."

"By the way, doesn't she have her cell phone with her? I've tried that number and it goes straight to voice mail."

"I think she has it in the car for emergencies, but not turned on. But cottage has a phone."

"Cottage? Where IS she?"

"Some place safe and sound and unknown to everyone but her parents. So don't start again. Try turning all the energy and frustration into finding Martin."

"Yes, you're right. Bye."

Laurel hung up the phone, and since she still had another couple of hours at work, she went back to the files. But her mind wasn't on the cases she was reviewing. She was more concerned about Victoria than she admitted to Brian. She sent a quick prayer hoping that would help keep her safe until

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Martin was caught. Shaking her head, she again attempted to get back to work. There were only a few files left. These were the completed cases, she just had to record the outcome and status... suddenly she saw a name and knew...

"That's it, Ken, I swear. Try checking the name Alexander Hamilton. Victoria once told me he thought he was a descendant of Alexander Hamilton, I'll bet that's the name he's using!"

"That's too easy, hon. As a matter of fact so easy none of us thought of it. Good lead, I'll start on it right now. Still on for tonight? I need to get away and relax."

"Of course, see you later."

Hanging up the phone Laurel turned her chair to look out the window. Late spring in Washington could be so beautiful, the rows of cherry trees were in the last stages of bloom. They were visible from every area of downtown. When the wind blew they created showers of pink petals falling onto the well-manicured lawns surrounding the buildings and monuments, including Laurel's building. But she wasn't really seeing the beauty, instead she was seeing Martin's face, ugly and contorted with rage, and it was aimed at Victoria. Laurel was as concerned about her as Brian was. She had seen Martin with Victoria and seen his jealousy. He could truly be frightening when he felt he or his possessions were threatened. Then she thought just how much he must hate Brian, too. He believed Brian had stolen the job he thought was his. There was no telling what he might be planning. She felt in her bones he was still in the area, planning his revenge. Perhaps on both of them. He would relish getting even with an enemy. Now she felt they must keep Brian and Victoria apart until Martin had been caught.

"Tonight I'll tell Ken so he can understand what needs to be done."

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Chapter 26

Evening was falling as Victoria and Mandy were enjoying the last rays of the sun over their lake. Victoria was sitting on one of the chairs on the porch, Mandy on her lap, softly purring. The crickets were tuning up and the last of the butterflies were fluttering over the wildflowers. Night was closing in around the edges of the forest surrounding the lovely cottage. Slowly the tips of the trees were the only thing illuminated with the soft sunset colors. Victoria sighed, it had been a busy day, and she was tired, but it felt good to be physically active instead of mentally drained.

"Well Mandy my girl, we accomplished a lot today, but we've got more to do tomorrow. What do you think? Want to live here permanently?"

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"Meow," replied Mandy, as if saying, "sure, who could want more. Birds to watch and good food, perfect."

"Yes, I think so too." Responded Victoria. She was surprised at herself, because she hadn't really been thinking of living here, but once said, the idea appealed to her. Plenty of room, the house was paid for and had been left to her in her grandparents' will. It had been held in trust by her parents, but with virtually no expenses she could live here. Maybe she would go into town next week, see if there was some kind of job for a little income. Yes, the more she thought about it, she decided it was the best idea she had had for a long time. Then she remembered the condo in Georgetown, "Of course, if I sell that, and invest wisely, we could have our expenses covered."

Excited she jumped from the chair, full of purpose, momentarily forgetting Mandy. When she remembered her she looked around, no kitty in sight.

"Oh, what have I done? Mandy, Mandy, here kitty, here kitty. Where are you?" Now Victoria was nearly in tears and full darkness had fallen. She realized she had forgotten to turn on the porch lamps. Running back to the house she turned on all the outside lights. She flew back outside, letting the screen door slam behind her. The sound in the stillness made her jump. When she reached the steps she saw Mandy sitting on the bottom step, crouched, apparently mesmerized by a moth fluttering near the ground.

Running down the stairs she grabbed Mandy up and hugged her. She knew it would do no good to scold her, she was just acting like a cat. But it had put a fright into her. Mandy was not a country cat, she was a condo cat, and as such had never ventured outside, this was a whole new world for her.

Victoria realized that she should get a collar with a bell, or a harness might be better. She thought also it might be better if she did have some time outdoors, but watched until she became accustomed to this country living. Smiling, Victoria went back up the stairs and into the living room, still holding onto Mandy. The cat was purring in response to the attention.

"You gave me such a fright," She told Mandy as she sat down on the sofa. "You are just going to have to learn about the great outdoors, love. You can have some adventures once you start coming when you are called." She told the cat as she held her to her shoulder. What would she do without Mandy to take care of, and Mandy took care of her as well. She was a wonderful listener and always had a bit of love for Victoria when she needed it.

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"Guess we better get started on dinner or I'll fall asleep right here. Mandy followed her to the kitchen and jumped onto a chair to once again supervise dinner preparations. Her favorite game was to watch the can of tuna revolving in the can opener. Victoria heated up a can of soup, toasted some bread and soon they were both enjoying their evening meal.

When they were finished Victoria tidied up the kitchen. Then turned to lock the front door. As she did, she smiled to herself, her grandparents never locked the doors when they lived here. But times have changed, and we need to be safe. She switched on the porch light and went up stairs to get ready for bed, Mandy right on her heels.

Victoria had practically fallen into bed, she suddenly felt bone-tired. But sleep eluded her. She tossed and turned, until she drove Mandy to jump down and move to the window seat, where she curled up so tightly she covered her eyes and nose with her paws.

"I'm glad one of us can sleep," She whispered to Mandy, "I don't know what's wrong, too tired I guess." She punched the pillow again, trying to get comfortable. She knew it wasn't the bed that was uncomfortable, it was her thoughts that were keeping her awake.

She tried to put Brian out of her mind, but he kept creeping into the edges. She could hear his voice, feel the touch of his hand and the taste of his kisses. That was what she was missing, the closeness of him. She imagined them cuddling together in this large bed, snuggled under the fluffy down comforter.

It was late fall and the last few brilliantly colored leaves were clinging to the maple trees. The view down to the lake was a mixture of summer wildflowers dotted with bright leaves. She was sitting on the window seat, reading a novel, but not really concentrating. She was much more interested in what Brian was doing in the field. He had set up his easel, with canvas, at the edge of the meadow and was starting to sketch the view to the water. She knew it would be a wonderful painting, full of color and life as only he could paint.

She couldn't believe her eyes; her grandmother was standing beside him, they were carrying on a conversation. He didn't seem in the least bit

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shocked that he should be talking to her. She could see his head nodding and his arm raised pointing out something in the distance. She could just make out a family of Canada geese paddling along the shoreline. Occasionally dipping their heads searching for a bit of grass. They were apparently just visiting on their way south for the winter. She knew, without seeing it, that Brian would be painting that scene. She could see it in her mind, as clearly as if she were standing beside him. She smiled to herself in warm pride, he had become a successful painter, well known all over the northeast. His art was shown in all the best nature galleries. He was the premier wildlife painter, she his adoring wife.

"Oh, Brian, how can I live without you?" she sobbed. Then she was brought back to the now. Struggling to sit up as she was fighting the covers she had become tangled in, she wasn't sure what was real and what was still that nightmare, being replayed.

Mandy jumped on the bed and sauntered over to Victoria for a good morning hug. "Now that's what's real, my own sweet girl. Morning sweetness." She cooed to the now purring cat. As she petted Mandy she thought back to what had been a dream. It was the most wonderful dream. It felt right and good. Brian could support them with his painting. He said money wasn't everything. Well, they could live here. Hadn't she already figured out the financial side? Of course, that was the answer. They could live here. They would be safe here. Martin would never find them.

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Chapter 27

"So what do you think? It is the perfect solution, we don't have to worry about Martin, and ...

"I'm sorry, but I think you are forgetting Brian is working for the agency, and not really an artist. Do you think he could put aside his career, with Martin still on the loose?"

"Yes, I do. If he wants to get away, which he says he does. He should grab this opportunity, then I won't have to worry about him."

"I don't really believe that, and I don't think you do either. I just think it's your fear talking. Besides, I don't believe you want to have to protect your man, I think you want someone to protect and care for you.

"Okay, okay, you may be right. But I think I have to talk to him about it. It would solve so many problems."

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"And then there are your parents. What do you think Martin would do to them? You already said he threatened them. If he can't find you he might just use them to get to you."

"Oh, my God! How selfish of me. I completely forgot. I've got to work out something for them, keep them safe. Oh, what am I going to do?"

"What comes to mind is let Brian handle it, after all it is his job to protect people."

"No, right now I want to stay as far away from him as I can, but you could ask Ken, couldn't you? Just ask him not to say anything to Brian?"

"I think you are carrying this fear way too far. It is not your job or responsibility to take care of Brian. I think he would resent that you thought he couldn't take care of himself and you. Wait, I just had an epiphany. What if we all set a trap?"

"What are your talking about?"

"We would have to have Ken and Brian help. But what if we set a trap for Martin? Leak where you are, but they're waiting for him instead."

"Um," Responded Victoria as she thought it over. "That could work, but not here. Set a trap somewhere else. I want to keep him far away from my real life. If he were to escape again, he would know where to look."

"Good point. I hadn't thought of that, what do you suggest?"

"I don't know, talk it over with Ken and see what he thinks. I'll go along with whatever plan they come up with."

"I like it. Talk later."

"Thanks, you are such a good friend."

Laurel then calls Ken, telling about the conversation with Victoria. He agrees it's got to end. He likes the idea of a trap. He suggests Brian's home in Virginia, it's a chance but no one knows the place. The next challenge is to find and contact Martin. He's disappeared, no one seems to have a current phone number. They agree to think about it, Ken will talk with Brian and Ken will call her back tomorrow.

"Night Laurel. I hope we can get back to normal soon. I would like to have a regular date with you."

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Laughing, Laurel agrees. "It would be nice to have a normal life, maybe soon. And I was thinking what a boring life I lived. Bye Ken."

Chapter 28

"Yes, I believe it could work." Brian confides to Ken, as they walk from room to room. "And we'll set it up right here. My house is secluded enough to set up the operation. Victoria can tell him that this is a house she's renting while she's deciding where to go next."

"Sounds kind of deep, but it might just work. Of course we're forgetting something. How do we find him?"

"I think we can, or I should say Vicky can. If she thinks about it she is the clue to where he is. They have a history, and like it or not, she knows things no one else knows."

"Plus that great lead Laurel gave me, the Alexander thing. Something could come of that."

"All right, let's proceed." The two enter the large library at Brian's home and sit down at the massive desk to plan their next steps. After considering all the angles they decide they should involve the Agency in this, after all Martin

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is wanted by them and they have the legal ability to arrest him when he appears.

"So what do you think?" Asks Laurel.

"I think Brian is crazy, but so crazy it will probably work. But, Laurel, why do they think they can find him when no one else can?" Replies Victoria.

"Brian said for you to think about it. Are there things you two shared, places, something that he confided in you?"

"I'll have to think it over. Right off the top of my head I don't know of any place. Perhaps it will come to me. Guess the guys had better start their plans and we'll see what happens."

"I still think you should talk directly with Brian. Please, I think he needs to hear your voice. Don't you want to talk to him, too?"

"Of course. Yes, maybe you're right. I'll call him tonight. Perhaps by then I can come up with something. Where is he staying?"

She gave the number of the Virginia home to Victoria. They chat for a few minutes more, then hang up. Laurel is feeling very pleased with herself. Brian needs to hear from Victoria and then things will work out, she's confident.

"Hey Brian, you're going to get that call you're expecting. Tonight."

Brian enters the living room through the dining room. He's been in the kitchen putting together a passable meal to tide them over while they continue planning the operation. "What? I didn't hear you?"

"Victoria is calling you tonight, Laurel talked her into it."

"She had to talk her into it? That doesn't say much for my appeal."

"Don't go getting all macho. Poor kid, she's scared stiff and thinks it's all her fault. She believes she has to protect both you and her parents. So be gentle with her. I also think Victoria might be to the breaking point, although she is putting on a brave front."

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Brian sighs, "She brought that on herself. Laurel tried to tell her to let us handle it. No one asked her to protect us."

"Let's not argue about this, just be happy you'll be talking to her tonight."

Victoria couldn't wait until evening. After hearing what Ken and Brian had planned, she hung up from Laurel and immediately dialed Brian. She missed him so much, she just had to tell him how much. She couldn't wait any longer.

Brian was so pleased she was too excited to wait. They chatted about what had been happening to each of them since they had seen each other. Both left unspoken it had felt like a lifetime since they had been together. Suddenly Victoria felt herself turn pale...

"Oh, my God! He is at an inn. I just flashed on a picture of him staying at this quaint place well known to 'leaf peepers.' It's...it's not far from me!" She stumbles on.

"Honey, honey," Brian says soothingly, "Don't panic. Now, calmly tell me what you see. Do you know this place?"

"Yes, I believe I do. He mentioned it to me before. He wanted to take me there once..." Victoria stopped, realizing how tactless she had been. She didn't want to hurt Brian. But she had to tell him where she thought Martin was..

"It's okay, I understand. Do you remember the name?"

Brian had left the question unanswered. But Victoria sensed he wanted to know, "No I never went there with him. Or anywhere for that matter. Not that he didn't ask, I just didn't feel the same way. It wasn't right."

"I didn't ask, did I?" Brian smiled to himself, pleased she hadn't been intimate with Martin.

"Don't sound so defensive, I just wanted to clear the air. The place is the Lions Head Inn. It is supposed to be quite historic and famous. I think it was built sometime in the 1700's. Anyway Martin always claimed that connection

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to Alexander Hamilton. He believed that 'his' ancestor had visited there. That's why he is partial to the place."

" Yes, Laurel mentioned that connection with Alexander Hamilton. As far as anyone can tell, it is just wishful thinking. The further we dig the more doubtful it seems that Hamilton is even his true name, if you can believe that."

"No, really? So much for extensive background checks. How did that happen?"

"His charm...apparently he finessed someone to establish a past history for him just before he 'transferred' to the Agency."

"He's not that charming. At least as far as I can see. Okay, enough of him, let's get back to the Inn. As far as I can remember it's located in a town called Hamilton Falls. Can you believe it?!" Victoria paused, then continued. "I don't know how I knew that, but I believe it's correct."

"Good girl, you're doing great. Now, here's the hard part. For this to work you have to convince him you need to see him. Infer that you'll try to work things out with the two of you.."

"You've got to be kidding. I can't act that well. The thought of him nauseates me."

"I know, but I'm afraid it's the only way we can get him to walk into our trap. We've got to get him down here, away from people who could potentially be harmed if we tried to take him there. We need him here where we can control the situation and hopefully take him without any injuries."

"You make it sound so dangerous. Are you going to be exposed?"

"Not if Ken and I can help it. I promise we'll be safe if everything goes as planned. Just do your part to get him here and we'll take over from there. Now, do you think you can handle it? I wouldn't ask if I thought you would be in any danger. You will be perfectly safe up there. By the way, just where is 'up there'. Are you near New Hampshire?"

"Oh no you don't. You won't get it out of me until we're all safe. Then I promise I can't wait for you to get here."

She decided it was time to tell Brian how she felt. He was willing to capture Martin to make her safe, he deserved it.

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Sighing, she started, "Brian, I've missed you so much. I hope you feel the same way. I just want this to be over with so we can..." Her voice cracked.

She couldn't go on, but Brian finished her thoughts " begin the rest of our lives, together. Yes, I want that too. Remember I told you I had something to tell you about myself. You already know about the Agency, but there's more. Much more and it includes you. So hurry, let's get this done. We need to be together, my sweet, sweet girl."

Victoria knew in that moment that Brian was the man for her - forever. She also felt they had been that way before and probably this wouldn't be the only lifetime they would be together. They would spend more lifetimes together.

"All right, what are we going to do?"

"I will call you back shortly. Ken needs to get the four of us on the line together. Then we can work together to plan how to capture the illusive Martin."

After Laurel joined them, and Ken put them all together on speaker phone they worked for a couple of hours. It was decided that the plan would take place in ten days. That would give everyone enough time to have backup manpower at the location. They needed to get the estate safely fortified. With so much land surrounding the house they needed to make sure Martin didn't sneak in.

Finally everyone was comfortable with the plan. They all agreed to check in daily for progress reports. Then Ken and Laurel left the room, allowing Brian privacy to speak to Victoria. He spoke quietly, "Vicky, I promise we'll be together soon. Please take care and let me know as soon as you have contacted him. I love you."

"I love you too, Brian. Take care of yourself. I'll call tomorrow, hope I have news."

They hung up and both were lost in their own thoughts.

Victoria spent the rest of the day smiling a secret smile. She even ventured into town to do some hasty grocery shopping. She couldn't understand why everyone was smiling at her, not realizing she was grinning like a Cheshire Cat at everyone and everything.

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She planned to make the call to the Inn in a few days. She would say just what she and Brian had rehearsed, "I'm sorry I ran away. Just a moment of insanity I guess. Can we meet and talk things over?" Then they lay the trap to get him to Virginia. It seemed easy enough, then why did she feel like a rock was resting in the pit of her stomach? Stage fright?

Chapter 29

Victoria dragged herself from her bed before first light. It had been one long week since she had first talked to Brian and Ken and they had concocted the plan to trap Martin. She and Brian continued to talk every day...it became the bright spot in her afternoons. She had finally relented and given Brian her phone number when he promised to respect her wishes and not see her until the plan was safely concluded with the capture of Martin.

She had spent another restless night, wishing everything were over and done with. Mandy had been so totally disgusted with the tossing and turning she sought her comfort on the downstairs sofa. Victoria came down to find Mandy stretched out on the old quilt, quite content, with her whiskers twitching as she slept. Victoria quietly settled in and stroked the silken fur, and in doing so felt calmer with each stroke. She knew it was the right thing to do, about Brian and Martin. She knew today was the day and had

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resolved that right after breakfast she would make the call to start the ball rolling.

With a cup of freshly brewed coffee in her hand, Victoria sat at the kitchen table watching Mandy eat her breakfast. She wasn't really seeing her kitty, her mind was off somewhere else. She was daydreaming of the times she and Brian would spend together, never to be separated again. And of the time when she would be able to have him meet her parents. She was sure they would like him immediately. Maybe Brian could coax her father to take some time off for fishing. Perhaps they could all travel to Oregon to meet Brian's folks. The phone ringing insistently brought her back to reality.

Hastily walking into the living room she picks up the old fashioned dial phone. "Hello...hello?" Just dead air. "That's funny, no one on the line. Guess it must have been a wrong number. No one knows this number." She says to the room. Then continues, speaking to Mandy, "I've stalled long enough, let's get this show on the road.

Several days ago Brian had gotten the number of the Lion's Head Inn. It was on a piece a paper by the phone. Steeling herself, Victoria dials the area code then the number.

A cheerful voice answers, "Lion's Head Inn, how may I help you?"

Victoria swallowed and managed to squeak out, "Martin Hamilton's room, please..."

"Just a moment." After a pause the voice again on the line, "I'm sorry, we have no one here by that name.

Before the girl could hang up, Victoria corrects herself, "I'm sorry, my mistake. His first name is Alexander, like the famous Alexander Hamilton."

"Oh yes, funny you should say that, that's just what he said too. Let me check. That's what I thought, Mr. Hamilton checked out yesterday."

"Oh no! Did he leave a forwarding address, phone number?" Then once she got going, it was easy to fabricate a whole story. This must be how criminals were born. "It's just that I'm his fiancé and we had a little spat. He went up there to sulk." The words tumbling out without thought.

"Oh, you must be Victoria. Mr. Hamilton told us he had a fiancé, named Victoria."

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That stopped her dead in her tracks. What do I say now? "So you can understand why I want to find him. It was all a misunderstanding. I really do need to speak with him."

"I'm sorry. He did say you might be calling, but left no forwarding information. Too bad you didn't call sooner." The voice had become less cheery as the conversation proceeded, now it was somewhat accusatory. As if it had been Victoria's fault that Martin...or Alexander.. of whoever he was, had left.

Victoria replied coolly, "Then I'll have to try him at home. I'm sure he'll be in touch. Thanks for your time." Before the girl could respond, she hung up.

"Huh, if she only knew, she could have him all to herself."

Mandy raised her head at that, blinked, then put her head back down on her paws, continuing to watch Victoria.

"All right, now what? The only thing to do is call Brian and tell him I failed. We just shouldn't have waited so long, should have just jumped in and..." Victoria left that train of thought unspoken. It would have been impossible to coordinate the whole operation overnight. So it didn't work out, something would.

Victoria settled herself on the sofa, next to Mandy and relaxed herself by rolling her head from side to side and chest to back. She felt better and loosened up. She tried to visualize Martin. No thoughts came to mind. Perhaps she needed something to look at. She opened the back door so she could see through the screen door to the meadow and lake beyond.

Retreating back to the sofa she settled in again. Staring off into the distance she tried to disconnect herself from the present. This would allow her mind to float off in any direction. Something was wrong, as soon as he started to feel as if she were floating away, she was brought back to the present and to this house.

It was now time to call Brian, there was nothing more to be done alone for now.

"You're kidding, just yesterday? I knew it was too easy. Don't blame yourself, it's not your fault, honest."

"I'm glad you feel that way, but I feel totally deflated. I was all ready and then nothing. It's as if he knew."

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"Don't kid yourself. He's clever, in a sneaky sort of way, but not that smart. We'll track him down again. It'll just take more time."

"But I didn't want more time, I want it over, now!"

"I understand, but we don't always get instant gratification. Good news is everything is in place, next time we won't need much lead time. Everyone is on alert. I even got volunteers for the duty, can you beat that? He must have stepped on a lot of toes as he clawed his way up to the top."

After talking for a while more, Brian promises to call later that night. Turning to Ken, "Can you believe our luck, or his I should say."

"I gather we missed him - by a day?"

"Yep, either he's very lucky or has a good sense of something coming. Although doubt that."

"Well you're right about one thing. There are a lot of anxious people ready to take care of him - one way or another."

"Okay, now what? We can't depend on Victoria's 6th sense to find him."

"We can always do a regular sweep of the area, buses, rental agencies, etc. What do you think?"

"A waste of time. He's been gone a day, but my bet is he has a new car of his own, he wouldn't or couldn't rent one in a town that small and can you imagine him on a bus?"

"Hum, definitely not his style. Let's notify everyone that we're on hold for the moment. We'll let them know when we're ready again."

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Chapter 30

Victoria spent a frustrating morning, accomplishing nothing. She tried to forget her failure, but couldn't. Despite what Brian said she knew it was up to her to find Martin. After all, she had found him before, so why couldn't she focus on him now? Several times she sat down and tried to concentrate, to no avail. Then she realized she was trying to force her thoughts, it would never come that way.

Later in the afternoon she decided to take a break and enjoy the outdoors from the porch. Although she had remedied the cat box situation, Mandy still enjoyed her adventures exploring outside. So they both went to sit on the plump padded swing on the edge of the porch. This was their daily afternoon treat and both enjoyed the quiet time. Mandy usually jumped down at some point, stalking a butterfly or chattering at a wayward blue jay. The jays sassed right back at her from a nearby tree and quite a conversation would ensue. Since Mandy was basically still a condo cat, Victoria had no fear for the birds, she sensed the cat was as afraid of the birds as they were of her. They just enjoyed entertaining each other.

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Somehow during their time out this afternoon, while Victoria was idly pushing the swing with her foot, she had drifted off, daydreaming about Brian. But this was enough time to allow Mandy to wander further than usual. She became aware the cat was no longer next to her. Searching the porch, she couldn't glimpse her colorful cat anywhere in her usual spots on the porch or steps.

Fear crept through her. She didn't know why, but she felt something was very wrong. "Mandy, Mandy! Here kitty, here kitty." Then she paused to listen for an answer - nothing. Hurriedly descending the wooden steps she looked right and left, calling once again. Nothing. She chose to go right, toward the driveway side of the house, perhaps Mandy had chosen to hide under the car. Not likely, but maybe. After calling again, nothing. She continued further up the driveway in the direction of the garage. Seeing the big old fashioned sliding barn-style door, she realized Mandy could be in the old garage. The heavy wooden door never closed completely. Perhaps the inquisitive cat had gone further afield and decided to explore out of her normal range.

After calling once again, she thought she heard a faint "meow". Reassured she was on the right track, Victoria hurried up the gravel driveway, calling all the while. The "meows" now sounded slightly distressed, not at all like her perky kitty. Fearing she had gotten herself into some kind of trouble, Victoria flew the remaining distance to the door and slid it open the rest of the way, then ran into the dim interior. There was one side window that was very grimy, Victoria noted, mentally putting it on her 'to do' list. Although it was only late afternoon it seemed much later in the dim garage. She knew there were no lights out here except for the one exterior carriage lamp, and that was controlled from the kitchen. Victoria was trying to cautiously pick her way through what debris was on the floor. Since no car had used the space for some time she couldn't imagine what there was to trip over, but she could make out darker shapes. She continued to call Mandy, but the "meows" had stopped.

Perhaps Mandy was still outside, she thought to herself. Turning around she headed back to the front of the garage and the still open door. The light was streaming in, she could now see various sized boxes and crates strewn around the floor. Obviously someone had been here, not recently by the looks of things, but still someone had been here. Another thing for the list - a padlock for the door.

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Back outside she called for Mandy and heard a faint answer that seemed now to come from the side of the garage. Heading around the other side that faced the street she was so caught up in her pursuit she never saw it coming. She ran face to face into -- Martin!

"Oh...my...God!" Victoria spit out. "Damn you, you scared me half to death."

"I can see that by your face. Nice to see you too, my love."

"What are you doing here?" She demanded, suddenly realizing he was holding her precious cat. Not like someone who knew cats, Mandy was being held away from him, at arm's length and there were claw marks visible on his hands. Well he deserved anything he got, she thought to herself. She snatched the startled cat from him and proceeded to cuddle her to her shoulder. Mandy immediately responded very vocally by yowling and carrying on. It seemed as though she was trying to tell her mistress what a mean man he was to catch her. And how sorry she was and that she would never stray again.

Once again Victoria was caught off guard. Her free elbow was firmly grasped and she was steered toward the house. It was apparent they were not stopping until they reached the front door. When Martin halted them at the closed screen door, he swung the it open and shoved her into the living room. With one motion he slammed closed both the screen and front doors. Eying the key in the lock he proceeded to turn it, locking the door. Then he firmly deposited the key in his pocket.

He turned on her, pushing her down onto the sofa, then sits in the chair opposite. Victoria is trying to keep her composure, stroking Mandy's fur. She will have to have courage for both of them.

Leaning forward, Martin confides, "You know my love, you would be amazed what one can learn from caller ID. For instance, when you called the Inn the switchboard told me your area code and phone number. But that just confirmed what I already knew. I ran a title search for property in this area. I figured it was in your father's family name. Your father told me once about this place. Surprise! You turned up as the present owner. But I was right, it was in the Sullivan family. So you see, you weren't hidden at all. You were in plain sight. At least to someone as smart as me!"

"Really?!? And you were at the Inn? But she said..."

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"Never trust a female, Cyndi was a sweet girl. I happened to be standing there when your call came in." Then he just smiled at her confused expression.

"She fancied herself with a crush on me. After all...the descendant of Alexander Hamilton staying at the Inn. They could hardly do enough for me. Her parents own the place, you know."

Shaking her head to clear it, Victoria could hardly believe what she was hearing.

"So you see, it was very easy for Cyndi to lie for me. She felt she was protecting me from the fiancé who just didn't appreciate the person she let go. Sweet, young things are so impressionable. Were you ever impressionable or were you born older than your years?" He leaned forward and took hold of her chin with his thumb and forefingers, turning her head from side to side. "You always were so serious." Shaking his head, he continued, "Never mind. I don't really care at this point. I am here, and so are you..."

"You know why I called? I wanted to talk to you about the way we left things in Mississippi. We should have at least said good bye or something." Victoria was searching her memory, trying to remember the story she had rehearsed so well. Then her mind involuntarily flashed to Brian. He would know something was wrong when he called and she didn't answer.

"I thought things were left as you wished. Didn't you choose the fair Brian over me? Not all women are taken in by his good looks and polite manners, you know."

"I wasn't taken in..."

"Enough! I don't want to hear about you. I want to tell you something. You never felt I was good enough for you." Martin put his hand up to stop her from speaking. Continuing, "Well, here's a revelation you can share with the invincible Brian. His little sweetie, Nicole, the first fiancé, well I had her too. And believe me she preferred me to him. So now what do you think?"

"I don't understand. I thought she was killed in Europe...some operation gone bad or something."

"Or something." He sneered. Grinning a truly evil grin, he leaned forward to speak as if in confidence. "She wanted me...couldn't live without me. But

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there was dear Brian, he had taken my job so I took his love. Unfortunately Nicole was not the brightest of women. She was going to tell Brian about us. Guilty conscience or some such silly thing. Trouble was, I wasn't supposed to be in Europe...I was on an assignment...oh well, it doesn't matter. I just wasn't supposed to be in Europe. They might have caught on to me much sooner."

Martin was now speaking as if to himself. Replaying events that had gone wrong. Victoria had to lean forward to hear what he was saying.

"She would have blown the whole deal and they would have figured I was behind the operation they were trying to shut down. It's like they say, 'Cops have the best dope'; well 'Feds have the best con operations'. We have the inside track". He concluded smugly.

She sat staring at the man she thought she knew. Yes, she had found out he was really one of the bad guys, but this..."What are you saying?"

"That I couldn't have a loose cannon running around now could I? You must agree with that. Certainly you've learned by now from your new boyfriend what lengths the 'Agency' goes to, to protect itself. So I did what was necessary, to remedy the situation." This was all said in a very mocking tone.

Victoria couldn't believe what she was hearing...was this man so cold blooded he arranged the death of Brian's fiancé? She hugged Mandy even closer and started shaking. Martin immediately recognized how vulnerable she was...and also saw the fear.

"Good, I have succeeded. I have the results I wanted. You're now afraid and believe I am capable of harm. Which of course is just what I wanted. This was what the Agency never understood. They didn't think I was tough enough to be an agent - ha. We'll show them now."

"You did that to prove something?" She asked incredulously.

"That and this. Why else? Of course I had to protect myself too, and she was completely expendable. So two birds, with one stone, as they say."

She sat staring at this man who seriously wanted her to marry him, had pursued her and was a kind man to her. All a front, a sham. How could she have been so taken in? Then she realized not only that she didn't know this man at all, but she feared what would come next. Was she the latest test for the Agency? Revenge for Brian?

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"I see you're wondering why I'm here. It is apparent I'm not going to propose to you again, at least not since you seem to be in love with 'fearless Brian'. So I'll tell you. I need to get out of the country. I have the means to live a long and very wealthy life in Europe, completely under the radar. I can disappear into a small town anywhere and no one will ever find me. But, as I said, I need to get out of the country."

"What's that got to do with me? I can't help you."

"Oh my dear, there is where you are so wrong. Of course you can, you have more power than you imagine. What do you think your Brian would do if he learned that your life is being threatened if I'm not given safe passage? I would imagine he would move heaven and earth to protect you. So don't sell yourself short. He will do whatever it takes. Or do whatever it takes to make it happen."

"Not if it went against the Agency. I wouldn't want him to sacrifice himself for me."

"Nobly spoken, but not true. I'm counting on him to do anything it takes - we'll see who is right."

All during this conversation Victoria had been looking around the room to see if there were any means of escape. The kitchen door was too far, unless she could divert his attention somehow. What to do...could she try? She about jumped out of her skin when the phone started ringing. Suddenly she realized it was Brian, for their nightly call. So much time had passed she didn't realize how late it was. Looking to Martin to see what he wanted her to do, he indicated she should answer.

She leaned over the arm of the sofa and picked up the receiver, "Hello?"

Martin had gotten up and moved next to her on the sofa, then indicated that she should put the receiver between them so he could hear too. After doing that he started smiling, he recognized Brian's voice.

"...so I was wondering what you were doing today, keeping busy? Missing me?'

"Oh, Brian, if you only knew," she sobbed without thinking.

Martin grabbed the phone, "So Brian, old chap, we speak again. It's been a while. Too bad you didn't stay around and talk to that sheriff. He was very

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impressed with my credentials. Couldn't apologize fast enough and of course released me immediately."

"I figured that was what happened. So, what are you doing there? You know if you harm Vicky in any way you will have me on your tail for the rest of your lousy life." Brian retorted menacingly. "And you can believe I'm capable of it. So why don't you leave there, anything we have to say can be done man to man without hiding behind a lady's skirt."

"My, my aren't we the threatening one. What happened to all that training, gone to waste? Don't you know you're never supposed to anger the person holding the hostage?"

Hearing the sharp intake of breath on the end of the line, Martin smiled. He'd hit his mark. "Yes she is my hostage. Now listen very carefully, these are my demands:

1. I want safe passage to the airport in Albany, New York;

2. I want a plane ready to fly me to Europe, I'll specify where when get there..."

Brian interrupted, "You know we have to file a flight plan for any plane departing, especially..."

"Martin interrupted this time, don't give me that. I know you how to handle this, just do as I say. If you do you'll see your lady fair again, if not, well...."

"You have to give us time."

"I know how long it will take. We'll leave here tomorrow morning. I expect no police, so we will have a clear road to the airport. I'll have my cell with me and will contact you when we are nearing the area. I figure by late afternoon we'll be ready to take off."

"You're NOT going to take Victoria with you!" Although Brian was demanding, there also was an edge of panic to Brian's voice. "There is no reason, if we keep our promises. You have to promise to release her to me before you board the plane. Agreed?"

"You're getting too soft Agent Townsend. And not really in any position to make demands. I'll let you know what I'm going to do." And with that Martin hung up the phone. The whole time Victoria was listening to the one-sided conversation she could only imagine what Brian was thinking."

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Ken was sitting frozen on the sofa - unable to move as he listened to Brian's recitation of the phone conversation. He had broken all sped limits to get to his apartment in town. Thankfully Brian was there and not in the country.

At the conclusion he finally found his voice, "That doesn't leave us much time. I know we can change the location of the operation to the airport." Now he was feeling much better, having an opportunity to make decisions and once again take command of the situation. "Okay, here's how it will go. We'll have the plane waiting in a remote area, the men can be in an adjacent hanger..."

"Whoa, wait a minute. Don't forget we've got Vicky's life in our hands, too. I believe he is capable of anything to get his way. You didn't hear his voice. Cold and calculating. We've got to be careful. Keep that in mind when you're plotting your maneuvers. Okay?"

"Of course, I never forgot it for a minute." Then continuing on, "We'll have someone looking out for his car when it enters the airport. Wait a minute. Did he tell us what kind of car he was driving?"

"Never said, guess we can ask when he calls tomorrow."

"Right. I've got to get back and get this ball rolling. You coming?"

"Of course. I'm right behind you.

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Chapter 31

So far it was all going according to plan. The car, now identified as a Lincoln Town Car was entering the south entrance to the International Airport. The agent stationed at the security booth radioed ahead that the car was making the turn, approaching the checkpoint to the freight terminals. The agent on duty was notified and told to check the car when it stopped. Then give the driver directions to the private airstrip adjacent to the main airport.

"May I see your ID, sir?" The polite guard requested, bending down to look in the driver's side window. "I just have to make sure you are authorized to enter this restricted area. You understand, we can't have just anyone entering where we keep the private jets."

"Yes, of course, of course." Martin impatiently pulls his driver's license. He had been told these would be the passwords to let him know all was ready for is arrival. But he was in a hurry, didn't want to take any more time, after all he had a schedule...freedom and wealth were within reach, finally.

After consulting his roster, the guard returned the license. He waived the car through, pointing to the proper fork in the road for Martin to proceed to. Before making the turn, Martin looked around. So far they'd kept their word, not an agent in sight. He was surprised, actually. He had expected that at

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least Ken would try something. But obviously Brian had more pull than he thought. He was only concerned with Victoria. How dare he call her Vicky! That indicated a familiarity he had not reached and it rankled his ego. Well, soon enough he would be the owner of a villa and there would be plenty of women to entertain him.

Back to the present he chided himself.

He made the hard right turn and proceeded down the tarmac to the hangar that appeared to be the furthest from the main airport. The he slowed the car, could this be a trap?

"What's the matter Martin? I don't see anything, they've kept their word."

"Something could be set up here, I'm just being cautious. Don't want anything to happen to you, do we?"

"Just keep your promise to me, leave me in the car when you get on the plane. That's all Brian asked, and it's only fair."

"Fair? We'll see, we'll see." That was the only comment he would make.

Victoria immediately realized he wasn't going to keep his promise. They had an uneventful ride through the southern part of the state and across the border into New York. Not a single out of place cop, not even any local cops or highway patrol. So he should have no reason to renege on his word.

Through the windshield they could see the hangar as they approached the end of the road. Parked next to the silver Quonset-hut building was a large private jet with its boarding stairs in place.

"Must have radioed ahead that we're here. Nice welcome, but I don't see anyone." Then pausing a beat, he continued, "Something is not right."

In the next instant Martin slammed on the brakes and spun the car around so it was sitting broadside to the plane and hangar.

The next events that unfolded were both speeded up and in very slow motion. First Victoria threw open the passenger door and rolled out of the car. Getting off her knees she half ran, half stooped, she was hampered in her escape by her hands being tied. She was aiming toward the safety of the hangar. Her back and knees were burning as she neared her goal.

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But what happened next slowed down...out of the corner of her eye she saw Brian with a group of men, all dressed in black with the Agency letters on their jackets. They were exiting the black interior of the building, converging on the Lincoln. The engine was still running and both doors were now open. From behind the driver's side door she saw Martin in slow motion rise up and take aim, opening fire at the approaching line of men. It was so slow she could see the bullet leave Martin's gun, hitting Brian full on in the chest.

"Ohhhh, nooooo!" was all Victoria could say...then blackness engulfed her.

Chapter 32

It was late afternoon of the following day. Laurel was sitting next to the hospital bed, holding the hand of her best friend. She was very worried. Although no one realized at first that Victoria had been hit in the arm. All attention was on the agency men. It wasn't until the ambulance arrived that they discovered the wound. She was taken to the hospital, where they found her arm had been badly sprained when she had been tied up. Her arm was set to help proper healing. The gunshot was an easy matter, only a superficial wound, but she was still unconscious.

Laurel continued talking to her, believing if she talked long enough she would contact Victoria on some level and wake her up. Her parents had arrived in the evening and stayed until just an hour ago. Laurel had convinced them to take a break and get something to eat. She would stay, assuring them she would call if anything changed.

Everyone was baffled, the doctors couldn't find any reason for the state she was in, not a coma, but her mind had retreated somewhere, dark and distant. Laurel knew why, Victoria couldn't consciously accept that Brian had been killed. She too had seen it with her own eyes and still couldn't believe it. Laurel sat and talked about Mandy and her parents being there. Anything that came into her mind.

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There were voices, first a man's then two women talking. Why wouldn't they leave me alone? Can't they see I just want to sleep - I never want to wake up again.

"Just leave me alone, please." The small voice muttered. Laurel was at the window looking at the bright green leaves she had been describing to Victoria. Laurel turned back to look into the face of her friend. What she saw were tears slipping from behind closed eyes.

"No, darling. We can't leave you alone. You must come back to me, to your parents. We all love you and want you back. Please."

"I don't want to be back. I hate this life, I can't live without..."

"Yes, I know. But you can. You're stronger than that. I know it hurts, but we're all too selfish to lose you too." Laurel decided she'd better stop there, she didn't want Victoria slipping away again by bringing up the death of Brian. It would be hard enough in the future.

"Where am I?"

Smiling, Laurel answered, " Really? I didn't believe people actually said that, I thought it was only in the movies. You were brought to the local hospital, your arm was hit but it was a minor injury but your arm was badly sprained, so the doctors have set it. More seriously you've been unconscious for almost a day. We've been so scared."

Coming fully awake, she looked into the eyes of her best friend. She saw deep pain reflected there. She knew it was what her eyes showed too.

"When is the funeral?" She asked dully, knowing it would be the hardest day of her life. But for Brian's sake she would show up and put on a brave front. His friends and associates would be there to honor him with respect. And his parents would be suffering too, she owed it to them to be strong.

"Day after tomorrow. Ken took care of everything. His parents are flying in tonight." Laurel decided to omit the fact that arrangements had been made for Martin's funeral tomorrow, although who knew how many people would show up for that one.

"If his parents are arriving, I need to get out of here, I want to meet them." Victoria sadly replied. She was thinking of the happy plans she had made for their first meeting.

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"You think you're up to it?"

"Yes, I have to be. So let's get me out of here." In typical Victoria fashion she rose to the occasion, hiding her feelings. She would do her duty to Brian and his parents, and Ken too. But Laurel knew there was a possibility that Victoria would retreat again. She had to make sure that didn't happen.

Chapter 33

There was a grayness outside with a heavy mist as Victoria woke up. It was as if God had joined her in her mourning. She felt disoriented, she knew something was happening today, but what? Looking around she wondered why she was sleeping on a sofa. Then it all came flooding back. Her parents were in the bedroom of her condo. They had decided to stay with her until tonight to help her get through the...oh, how can I get through today?

She felt a hundred years old as she sat up against the soft down pillows on the sofa. She thought to herself, 'how can life still go on? The sun shouldn't shine, birds shouldn't sing. It's not a world I want to live in anymore. The fun has gone out of living.'

"How does anyone get over this?" She begged of her mother as they were sharing coffee at the breakfast room table. Her father was still in the shower so they had a few moments alone.

"I know my darling girl." She said comfortingly, putting a hand over her daughter's. "I know the pain I felt when I first lost your grandmother, then your grandfather so closely behind. It was if they couldn't stand to be separated, even in death. But they did leave me and it hurt. It hurt just as you're hurting now, I'm sure."

"But you had a life with them. Brian and I were just starting out. Oh, Mom, I know he was the one for me. It felt to right, so good, and so strong. It's just not fair!"

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"No, life has never always been fair. But all you can do is carry on, for now. You owe Brian that strength."

"I never had a chance to tell you. I've made a decision about my future. During the time I spent at Gramma's and Gramps cottage I decided to move there. Of course I had included Brian in those plans. But I think it would be best for me now. I just want to get away."

"I think that's smart of you." It was her father's deep voice. He had heard the end of the conversation as he was coming across the living room. He wanted to let his daughter know they would support her in anything she wanted to do. "

"Do you think you want to sell this place and stay there? That could give you some income."

"Yes, that's exactly what I thought." It was the first time they had seen a light come back into her eyes. "I do think I want to live there, at least for the near future. You agree?"

"Anything that makes you feel better will be the right thing to do." And both her parents nodded in agreement.

"So it's settled. By the end of the week I'll be moved and we put this place on the market."

"Let me handle all those details," her father volunteered. "After all we're right here and can oversee everything."

Victoria got up and hugged each of her parents in turn. "Thanks for being here for me, you're the greatest. Now, I guess it's time to get ready. I hate this but it has to be done.

Several hours later the skies had gotten more leaden with a real threat of rain imminent. There were so many at the small section of Arlington that they didn't all fit under the protection of the large green tent. Some were standing further away under their umbrellas. The minister was continuing on, "So we must say our farewells to this well respected man we know as Brian Townsend..."

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Victoria tuned it out. It seemed as if all funeral services sounded the same. This man didn't know Brian, didn't know what a wonderful, loving, caring person he was. Didn't know his sense of humor or his taste in food or the massive talent he possessed. She would truly miss him and she knew it would be for the rest of her life. There was an emptiness that settled in next to the coldness in her heart.

She raised her head and became aware that the minister was just concluding. Looking over to Brian's parents she couldn't read their eyes, they both had on dark glasses. Perhaps they needed that shield to cope, she thought to herself. Then looking behind them she got a shock that made her gasp out loud. So loud that Laurel turned to look at her. Then seeing where she was looking, looked over to Brian's parents too. Standing behind Mr. Townsend was the exact image of Brian, except that this gentleman was probably eighty five to ninety years old.

As the line of mourners was forming, wishing to extend their condolences to the Townsends, Ken approached Victoria and Laurel. Putting his arm around Laurel's waist and tucking Victoria's arm at his elbow, he started to guide them to the line. "Come on, Victoria, I would like to introduce Brian's parents to you. I know they want to meet you. I'm sorry it couldn't have been under more pleasant circumstances."

"You're very kind Ken, and you're taking very good care of me, thanks. By the way, who is that tall gentleman behind Mr. Townsend? He looks remarkably like Brian. As a matter of fact it gave me quite a shock to look up and see him standing there."

"Oh, yes., Of course you wouldn't know him. That's Henry Davenport. He's Mrs. Townsend's father. Although he's 87 he still gets around pretty well."

They had reached the front of the line. Ken made the introductions all around, including Mr. Davenport with the rest of the family. Victoria was very impressed at how well the family was holding up, considering. His mother gave her a warm hug and explained the late arrival of her father. "He refuses to fly, so he had to take the train, almost didn't make the services. But when you get to his age I guess you can do whatever you want."

Tears were welling up in Victoria's eyes and she was afraid she was going to lose it right there. She mumbled something and gave Mrs. Townsend a

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warm hug, then excused herself, walking rapidly away toward her own parents. They were waiting further up the path, closer to their car.

"What now?" Her father asked. "Home, or would you like to stop someplace for a bite to eat?"

"It's up to you, I don't really care either way." Victoria answered dully.

Her parents' eyes met and they nodded, "Then I think we'll stop, your old dad is getting hungry and I think you need something to eat too. I also think we need to talk about the future. Agreed?"

"Of course, Daddy." And with that Victoria climbed into the rear seat of the car, letting herself fall back against the cushioned seat. As the car started up she looked out the window at the scene once again, but all she could see was Brian. It was if she saw his face on everyone, especially his grandfather's.

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Chapter 34

Two months had passed since that tragic day when Victoria's world exploded. She had made the final move to Vermont where she and Mandy took up permanent residence on the lovely lake with the beautiful Victorian cottage. Although she didn't need the money, her father had found a buyer for her condo in record time. An all-cash sale always closes fast so she was set. Still her life felt hollow. She decided she needed something to get her out of the house and her mind working again. She remembered some of the nearby villages with charming stores and small businesses. Perhaps she could find some part time work there. It would be nice to be out in the public again.

With that in mind, she decided to dress a little bit nicer than she had been to run errands in town. She was glad she had thought to bring all her spring and summer clothes with her, putting the rest in storage at her parents' home for the time being. She set about putting herself together. She tucked the navy and white striped top with a large sailor collar into the waist of the simple white linen slacks she had chosen. It was one of her favorite looks and made her feel better. She pulled on slim white thong sandals to complete the look. Stepping back she looked at herself critically. She had lost weight thus her clothes didn't fit as they once had, but she decided the look was good. She pulled her fiery auburn hair into some semblance of order at the nape of her neck, tying it with a navy ribbon.

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"So, what do you think, Mandy my girl? Do I look like someone you would want to hire? I wonder what kinds of jobs are available. Well, we won't know unless we venture out."

With that she went downstairs, Mandy following closely behind. Since that frightening night Mandy had been her shadow, seeking reassurance in Victoria's company. Hopefully she would get over it and once again venture out to play with butterflies and watch the birds.

Victoria grabbed her large purse, got her keys and bent down to give the lovely calico a hug and wave good bye. "Wish me luck." With that she was out the door before she could change her mind. With the door safely locked, a habit she had started after the unfortunate affair, she proceeded on her way up the driveway to her car. She glanced off at the garage and was pleased to think she had tackled the job of cleaning up the place. In a couple more days she could park her car there and protect it from the summer sun. And of course the Vermont winters. Smiling, she was glad she had proven to herself she could cope with being alone. Not that she wanted to, but she could.

After starting up the Range Rover, she carefully backed around to head up the driveway. As she was heading toward the road she glanced toward the field she thought of as her grandmother's meadow. The spring flowers had all but disappeared under the unruly growth of wild mustard and other heat loving flowers. Out of the corner of her eye she caught a glimpse of a man standing in the field, in the distance. That seemed odd since her house was the last on this road. Perhaps there was another road further along that angled toward the lake. She made a mental note to herself to explore further when she had time. Looking back and focusing on the man she could have sworn it was Brian. But that didn't surprise her, she seemed to see him everywhere.

Returning her attention to the road, she started toward town. And perhaps a new job. Victoria had decided the newspaper office would be first. Although it was only a weekly, the local paper seemed to be the heart of the village. As she entered the village by Main Street, a parking space opened up right in front of the newspaper office. "That's a good omen if I ever saw one", and pulled into the vacated spot.

Entering the large two-story brick building, Victoria looked around, she saw an information sign on the counter. Behind a desk was a young lady, perhaps in her late teens, idly doodling on a yellow tablet. Victoria

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approached the counter, clearing her throat to get the girl's attention, nothing. Then she searched for a bell on the counter, none.

"Excuse me, miss. I'm here to see the editor, Mr. MacKenzie. Would he be available?"

The girl jumped at the voice breaking the silence. Looking up she was startled to see someone standing at the counter. "I'm so sorry, I didn't hear you come in. Yes, he's here. Can I give him your name?"

"Victoria Sullivan. Although I doubt he would know my name."

"That's okay, I'll tell him. Just a minute."

While Victoria waited she looked around at the open space behind the counter. It appeared that this building was from at least the last century with its wide planked pine floors and crisp white wainscoting running part way up the walls. She bet there would even be an old letterpress somewhere in the back. But now there were several desks lined up, all vacant but full of papers and each had a desktop computer system on the side.

Just as she was wondering what the previous generations would think of this computerized world, a tall, and very handsome man was walking toward her. Upon reaching the counter he extended his hand, "Hi, I'm Dennis Mackenzie. My daughter said you wanted to see me. How can I help you?"

For a moment Victoria was stunned at how she reacted to this man, and surprised he could have a teenage daughter. Quickly recovering, she put out her hand to return the greeting, "I'm Victoria Sullivan. I was wondering if you would have a moment. I'm new to the area and I thought this would be a good place to start. I'm looking for a job."

Dennis Mackenzie was enjoying the view also. Why would this beautiful young woman choose to move here? She shouldn't be stuck in a small town like this; she should be living in New York, someplace glamorous.

Moving to the half door at the end of the counter, he swung it in and invited her into his office. She followed him as he picked his way between the desks, aiming toward the rear glass door. She was thinking to herself, well at least I'm not seeing Brian in him, he doesn't look at all like him.

After ushering her into a comfortable leather chair facing his desk, he shut the door and went around to sit in his own well-worn leather chair. "Now

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explain to me just what it is you're looking for. Are you a newspaper woman?"

"No, not really. I recently moved out to Heron Lake...the Sullivan cottage. Perhaps you know it, the large yellow Victorian on Portola Road?"

"That's where I know the name. Relatives of yours?"

"Yes, my paternal grandparents. They left the cottage to me and I decided to make it my home. I moved from the Washington DC area. Actually I'm looking for some peace and quiet. I thought since the paper is the center of town, perhaps you might know of a job that would be available. I'm afraid my main interest for the past several years, since college, has been ornithology. But I do know my way around a computer and do some word processing."

"Welcome to our town. If it's peace and quiet you're looking for you've come to the right place. I can assure you of that. Now, I'm afraid we can't compete with Washington salaries, after all this is rural Vermont."

"That's not why I'm looking for work. I need to have something to do with myself. I don't really have any hobbies, and I've cleaned the cottage so many times in the past two months that I've got dishpan hands! But at least it keeps my mind off other things."

"If I may ask, what other things?"

"Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to say that. I just need to work and use my brain before it becomes mush."

Dennis noted a touch of sadness when Victoria mentioned 'keeping her mind off other things'. He was well aware of that feeling. Wasn't that why he spent to many hours at the paper? Yes, they might have some things in common. And perhaps she could help him out.

" Victoria, a thought comes to mind. My daughter is on summer vacation, I'm keeping her here with me so she can help me out. But I'll bet she would be a lot happier if she could be with her friends. This is her last summer before they all go off to college. What if I offered you her job?"

"What does she do? I really don't know too much about the newspaper business."

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"Neither does she." He replies, chuckling. "But seriously, I could use someone to be here, to work the counter. We take ads over the phone and in person, and generally you would be responsible for that and any phone calls that come in with news tips, etc. Sound at all interesting?"

For the first time in a long time, Victoria relaxed, sitting back in the chair. She felt comfortable with Dennis. He seemed very nice and friendly. The work wouldn't be demanding but something that would get her out of the house. Perhaps keep her mind busy also. So with that, she made an instant decision.

"Yes, it sounds great! I think I would enjoy it. When can I start?"

"Wait a minute. Don't you want to know what I'm paying? It's not a lot but I do intend to pay you for your work."

"Whatever you say."

"That's not what you're supposed to say to your prospective employer." He replied teasingly. "You're supposed to be hardnosed and fight for a good salary.""

"Well then, I demand you pay me $5,000 a week...to start." And laughed out loud at the shocked look on his face. "Just kidding. Honestly the money is not my primary interest, but I do think I could enjoy working here. Why don't you surprise me with my first paycheck, okay?"

"If that's what you want. When can you start, would right now be too soon?"

Victoria paused, thinking for a quick moment, then said, "It would be perfect."

Several hours later Dennis came up to the front desk to check how she was doing, "So what do you think, Stephanie? Can she cut it?" He asked his daughter.

"Sure, she's great. We even had lunch together, we shared my sandwich here at the desk." Stephanie was very pleased to have Victoria taking her place. Now she could spend the last days of summer together with her friends before they all left for different colleges. But she also sensed that her father liked this woman, too. And that would be wonderful. She didn't like the idea of leaving him all alone. Now maybe he would have someone to go out with.

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"I think I can handle it," chimed in Victoria. "A couple of days training with Stephanie and I should be ready."

"I didn't even have that long. One more day and you're on your own, Victoria." Retorted Stephanie.

Smiling, Dennis was enjoying the word play between these two women. Stephanie could use someone older around too.

"Perhaps my new employee and soon to become ex-employee would care for a early dinner at Betsy's Place? Any takers?"

"Sounds great, Dad, but a bunch of us are going to the movies tonight. Maybe some other time, all right?"

"Sure, run along and don't be out too late, deal?"

Nodding, Stephanie flew out the door and was gone. "Youth, I don't remember having that kind of energy. So how about you, any plans for dinner?"

"Nope, Mandy will just have to wait for her tuna. I would very much like to have dinner with you. Thank you for asking."

"All right. I just need to shut down things here. If you'll wait a few minutes I'll be ready to go."

After tidying her desk, Victoria goes out the swinging gate and walks around the lobby waiting for Dennis. She is admiring the furnishings, she is sure they are authentic antiques; a couple of parson's benches against the wall, some lovely old watercolor landscapes which appear to be of the local area and a couple of tables with old fashioned brass lamps on them. All contribute to the overall charm and character of the place. It is like most of the town, understated but tasteful.

After only a few more minutes Dennis comes out of his office, turning off the overhead fluorescent lights as he goes. Pretty soon the only lights left on are the brass ones in the lobby. It leaves a rich glow on the walls.

Taking her elbow, he guides her out the door, stopping to carefully lock the double doors. Down the steps and they are on the sidewalk. "As you probably know, the town is very small, we walk almost everywhere. Betsy's is just down here," pointing to the left.

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"I haven't had much of a chance to spend time here, other than the market for groceries, but the antique stores look charming. I'm looking forward to spending some time in them.

"They're mainly for the summer trade, that's what we call the tourists. The population swells in the summer, then goes back down to the normal five hundred or so people who are year-rounders."

"I guess I will make the 'or so'. "

They had been walking as they talked and arrive at the diner quickly. Dennis opens the door for her and upon entering, her senses are assaulted with the most wonderful aromas imaginable.

"I can't believe my nose. What kind of restaurant is this? It smells like Cajun spices, but that can't be, can it?"

"Yes. I'm very impressed you recognize it. Betsy moved North a long time ago, but didn't bow to Yankee tradition completely. She kept some of her family's Southern recipes. Tonight must be catfish."

Victoria felt like someone had just slammed her in the stomach. The mention of catfish brought back all the memories of Brian and their dinner together. She couldn't do this, not now, not yet.

Noting the pain crossing her face, Dennis leans down, "What's the matter? Did I say something to hurt you?"

"No, of course not. You're too nice to have to put up with me right now. I'm ...."

Dennis didn't let her finish; he guided her to a booth in the rear, away from the other diners and helped her in. After sliding in on the other side, he took one of her hands, "I think I know how you feel. And I believe I know what you were going to say. My wife died three years ago and I'm still a mess when I see certain things, or hear certain music."

"How did you know?" Questioningly she looks up into the kindest blue eyes she's ever seen. "It's only been two months, I don't know if I'll ever get over it."

"Feel like talking about it?"

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"I guess. We weren't married, yet. We really hadn't known each other for very long. But in that time we felt like we had been together forever...we were so comfortable with each other."

"Yes, that's how it is when you are lucky enough to find your one true soul mate. I had that, but not very many do, I'm afraid."

At that point a very pretty young woman came up to the table, "Evening Dennis, Miss. Do you know what you would like tonight?"

"Sorry, we haven't even looked at the menu." Dennis answers. "Polly, I would like to introduce Victoria. She'll be taking over Stephanie's job at the paper. Victoria this is Polly, another one of the best cooks in town. She helps Betsy with the cooking and generally everything else it takes to run this place."

"I'm very pleased to meet you, Polly. I look forward to eating here often. What's good tonight?"

"We don't want the fish, what else would you suggest?" Dennis interjects before Polly had a chance to recommend it. They settled on the Yankee pot roast, a staple on the menu nearly every night.

They enjoy each other's company and feel comfortable with one another. Dinner passed pleasantly and before they knew it, it was 9:00. Betsy was waiting to close up.

"Sorry, we got to talking and forgot to watch the time." Dennis apologizes for them. He paid the bill and they exited to the now darkened night. The few old lampposts on Main Street glowed. Fireflies could be seen flitting in darkened corners.

"I'll walk you back to your car. Is that Range Rover job yours?" Pointing at the only other car parked in front of the newspaper office.

Smiling proudly, Victoria nods, "and she is all paid for too! I love this car."

"By the looks of it, I should be working for you. I don't think we have another one here in town. We can certainly keep track of you!"

"Well, it was a bit excessive, but I really needed a 4-wheel drive and I fell in love with her, nothing else compares. And secretly I've always wanted one. Now that I'll be here during winter it's worth it."

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They had reached the driver's side door, Victoria punched the remote, the interior lights winked on and the door clicked unlocked. She put out her hand to shake Dennis', "Thanks boss. I had a great dinner, and appreciated our little talk. I look forward to working with you."

Dennis shook her hand, holding it a bit too long, "See you in the morning. Drive safely."

He stood there, watching her turn and head back out of town. Then got in his ten year old Jeep and went home.

On her drive home, Victoria pondered, "No sparks when we shook hands, like with..." Enough! Life goes on, she thinks to herself.

Chapter 35

The next couple of months seem to fly by. She and Dennis have become good friends. Victoria is up early every morning, doing her chores before she leaves for 'work'. It seems as though she should be paying Dennis. She was enjoying the work so much. Mandy seemed to miss her in the beginning but she settled down to the routine.

Apparently she spent her days watching birds and napping in the sun slanting through the windows. When Victoria came home she almost always found Mandy stretched out on the rag rug in the living room, sound asleep in a patch of sun.

Victoria was happy, at least as happy as she could be. Dennis was a pleasure to work with and she was getting to know some of the people in town. Several times a week she ate lunch at Betsy's, striking up a friendship with Polly. They weren't too far apart in age and enjoyed each other's company. A couple of times they even went to the movies together.

Polly finally confided that she was in love with Dennis. She had been since the fifth grade. They had grown up together, he was four years older so he seemed to look on her as a little sister. That wasn't the way she wanted to be pictured. Victoria decided something should be done about the situation and was working on a way to get them to see what they felt for each other.

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It was almost time for Stephanie to leave for college, thus Dennis would be alone, and probably lonely. That's when Victoria planned to get them together. She was still working out the details, but if it was right, it would work.

Chapter 36

It was early one Saturday morning when Victoria awakened to someone knocking on her front door. Mandy jumped down from the bed and started to go out the bedroom door. Victoria flashed on the time Martin had terrorized her, she flew out of bed, grabbing the startled cat.

"Sorry, Sweetie. We don't know who is there. Let's take a look." Victoria said soothingly to Mandy. Still carrying her, Victoria carefully edged her way down the staircase. When she reached the bottom, she inched her way to the wall next to the door. Peering through the front window, there was no one to be seen. Instead...

There on the front porch, sitting on a huge easel, was the most beautiful painting of an Egret. It was almost life size, posed in the marshes of Mississippi...

Shocked, Victoria dropped Mandy, grabbed the door handle and swung the door wide open, still no one. She cautiously neared the painting, suddenly frightened this could be some kind of a trap. She knew immediately it was Brian's painting, without looking for the signature.

Then, from the side of the house appeared the last person on earth she expected to see . . . Brian!

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She flew to his arms, starting to kiss him with abandon. She was holding onto him so tightly, she would never let him go again. She took his breath away. He picked her up, swung her in his arms and carried her back upstairs, calling to Mandy to follow. He went through the front door kicking it closed as they passed, and they landed on the sofa.

Suddenly, she pulled back her head and stared him right in the eyes. Then she started hitting him on his chest with her hands. "Where have you been? Do you have any idea what I've been through these past months? My God, you're alive!"

He watched the different emotions flash across her face, waiting until she was out of breath before starting to speak. "Yes, I do know. I've been doing the same. I never knew it could hurt so much to miss someone the way I've missed you. But it had to be if we are going to live together for the next hundred or so years." He finished up with a lopsided grin.

"What do you mean? What are you saying? I don't understand what's going on here."

"I'll start at the beginning. We had planned a setup with Martin. I was to be hit in the cross fire and 'killed'. A little Hollywood magic and a bullet proof vest for extra insurance, and I'm dead. But as you know, it went all wrong. You were not supposed to be anywhere near. I could have truly died when I heard you were in the hospital, Laurel said you didn't want to live."

"I didn't," she responded shaking her head. "What about your parents? How could you put them through that?"

"This was the only way I could quit the Agency and live a reasonably normal life without fearing someone might be sneaking up on us. They were aware of the plan from the beginning. I explained I wanted to marry you and get away from that life. They were all for it, and that's one reason why they both wore sunglasses. So no one could see their eyes. But I couldn't chance you knowing. We figured everyone would be paying attention to you and you might give it away. I'm so sorry. Say you forgive me, say it was worth it in the end."

"I don't know what to say. I'm very hurt you couldn't trust me. I could have pulled it off, too! What do you mean, 'they wore sunglasses', were you there? It would be just like you to attend your own funeral!"

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"How did you like my grandfather? Quite a family resemblance, don't you think?" Brian said with the same wink she had seen at the funeral.

With that, Victoria reared back and hit his arm as hard as she could. "How could you do that to me? That was you? You crumb, you slime, you, you..."

Brian just leaned down and kissed her until he felt her go limp, the anger spent. Then she started responding to his kisses. All the pent up emotion from the past months was brought to the surface. They responded to each other as if they had never been apart.

Suddenly Victoria pulled back, "Wait a minute, I'm expecting company this morning. Laurel and Ken are due."

"Well, actually, no they're not. The other thing I have to tell you is that they eloped last night." He paused to enjoy the surprise and shock cross her face. "Yup they eloped to Maryland. Said to tell you they'll call and we can all get together here when they get back from their honeymoon."

"Fine thing, you know more about my best friend than I do. Why didn't Laurel call me?"

"Because she didn't want to give away my surprise. She knew you could have a hard time if she was getting married, and you didn't have anyone. I'm assuming you don't have anyone?"

"Hum, for me to know, and you to find out." She giggled.

Brian was the one who now looked shocked. He gasped, not knowing what to say.

"My beloved, there is only one soul mate per person, you know. I've already gotten my quota so, there you go. I'm taken...and...so are you!"

"Got me!" Then he started tickling, kissing and caressing his soul mate.

Mandy is standing in the middle of the room observing. She slowly blinks her huge gold eyes, thinking to herself, 'now I've got a dad, too!'

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One year later - Oak Grove, Oregon

There is a small chic restaurant, that is well known to locals and tourists alike. It is a charming country French cottage-style building, built on a bluff overlooking the Pacific. The entire west facing wall is comprised of windows. Customers come from near and far to have cocktails and dinner gazing out at the spectacular sunsets over the ocean.

The last customers for the day are focusing on the oil paintings hung on the old rose brick walls. "Who is the artist?"

"These are exceptionally beautiful."

"Does he sell his paintings locally?"

"I think I've seen these in a gallery in New York, could that be possible?"

Mrs. Townsend smiles proudly, she hears these comments almost every day, but she is always proud to say, "Yes, as a matter of fact, my son is the artist. There is a gallery here in town that represents his work. But they are also in New Orleans, Los Angeles and New York."

"I can't believe we found your lovely restaurant here on the Oregon coast, and so close to Portland. It's more like one we dined at in New Orleans. Even the atmosphere feels the same as ones in the French Quarter, amazing." Comments another customer.

" Well, to keep it in the family, my daughter-in-law is the chef and co-owner. She designed the building after her family's home, right there in the French

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Quarter. And she is about to present me with my first grandchild." This is followed by a huge grin on Mrs. Townsend's face.

The group nods and smiles admiringly, pausing to ask directions to the local gallery. As the door closes on them, they can still be heard commenting on the restaurant and the art.

"Mother, are we about ready to close up? We have to leave soon if we're going to meet Dennis and Polly's plane. Oh, I can't believe they're finally coming out here." Victoria's voice conveys the excitement in seeing her dear friends again. "They're visiting on their way to Tahiti for their honeymoon."

"We'll pick up Ken and Laurel on the way. It's going to be a wonderful visit." Brian adds, as he slips his arm around his one and only soul-mate.

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Don’t miss out on the first book in our series, Tahiti Adventure: The Case of

the Eyes

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February 2005—New York City

The thin sliver of light from the head-mounted light cuts through the dimly lit second floor gallery of the loft apartment in SoHo. Scanning the walls, going from painting to painting, it finds its mark. Quietly the thief moves in, the light now reflecting the polished steel frame of the selected work of art. Choosing the appropriate tool, he starts to free the painting from its frame. Suddenly the thunderstorm raging outside escalates and flashes of eerie blue brighten the room. Turning, the thief douses the light and picks up a silhouette at the top of the stairs. Just as suddenly, the gallery is once again plunged into darkness. When quiet returns, the headlamp flicks on and the black-gloved hands reach up to finish the job. Calmly, he rolls up his treasure and prepares to descend the stairs. When he reaches the stairway, once again lightening illuminates the darkness.

A woman in a sheer negligee is standing in his way. She looks into his eyes through the slits cut in the mask, recognition flashes across her face. In horror, she recoils, backing away. Her heeled slipper catches on the top step of the antique spiral staircase and she tumbles down the stairs, her head hitting against the filigree wrought iron banister, landing crumpled on the wooden parquet of the main floor. The thief follows, taking two steps at a time. Pulling off his mask, he kneels and feels for a pulse. It’s faint, but it’s there.

Not aware he is speaking aloud, “I never meant this to happen, why couldn’t you have stayed in the bedroom as I asked? You could have divorced me on the grounds of desertion as I asked in my note. I have to leave, I’ve got a buyer. I have to be in Europe Tuesday.” In three steps he is at the phone dialing 911. Quietly he says, “There has been an accident, send an ambulance immediately,” while the operator verifies the address, he silently lays down the phone and disappears into the blackness of the raging storm.

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Author's bio

The author was born and raised in Southern California. She spent many summers of her childhood at the beach, sailing and swimming. After attending college, she worked for several years in the architectural field before opening her own interior design firm.

She and her husband love to travel and had the opportunity to visit many overseas locations. One of their favorite being Tahiti, which they fell in love with on their first trip. Those trips were the inspiration for this novel.

She and her husband currently live in his home state of Mississippi with their two completely spoiled kitties.


Victoria Sullivan is an ornithologist. She's taking time off from teaching to work on her Master's Thesis relating to the Great White Egrets. She picked southern Louisiana and Mississippi because of the large population of these birds. She also decided it was the perfect place to reacquaint herself with her southern heritage and to enjoy the Cajun foods she so loves.

There is another reason she wants to get away, Victoria is contemplating a change in her life, and that includes her present boyfriend. She certainly wasn't looking for romance. She didn't know what was in store for her, there are changes coming, but not exactly what she was expecting. She will be thrown into dangerous situations along with her best friend Laurel. Together they will have some interesting adventures.

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