Adeyl Khan, Faculty, BBA, NSU Basic Approaches to Leadership 12-1 C12

Adeyl Khan, Faculty, BBA, NSU 12-1. Adeyl Khan, Faculty, BBA, NSU What Is Leadership? Leadership The ability to influence a group toward the achievement

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Page 1: Adeyl Khan, Faculty, BBA, NSU 12-1. Adeyl Khan, Faculty, BBA, NSU What Is Leadership?  Leadership  The ability to influence a group toward the achievement

Adeyl Khan, Faculty, BBA, NSU

Basic Approaches to Leadership



Page 2: Adeyl Khan, Faculty, BBA, NSU 12-1. Adeyl Khan, Faculty, BBA, NSU What Is Leadership?  Leadership  The ability to influence a group toward the achievement

Adeyl Khan, Faculty, BBA, NSU

What Is Leadership?Leadership

The ability to influence a group toward the achievement of goals

Management Use of authority inherent in designated

formal rank to obtain compliance from organizational members

Both are necessary for organizational success


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Adeyl Khan, Faculty, BBA, NSU

Trait Theories of LeadershipTheories that consider

personality, social, physical, or intellectual traits to differentiate leaders from non-leaders Not very useful until

matched with the Big Five Personality Framework

Traits can predict leadership, but they are better at predicting leader emergence than effectiveness. 12-3

Leadership Traits

• Extroversion• Conscientiousness• Openness • Emotional Intelligence


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Adeyl Khan, Faculty, BBA, NSU

Behavioral Theories of LeadershipTheories proposing

that specific behaviors differentiate leaders from non-leaders


Trait theory

• leadership is inherent, so we must identify the leader based on his or her traits

Behavioral theory

• leadership is a skill set and can be taught to anyone, so we must identify the proper behaviors to teach potential leaders

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Adeyl Khan, Faculty, BBA, NSU

Imp. Leadership Behavioral StudiesOhio State University - two key dimensions

Initiating structure – the defining and structuring of roles

Consideration – job relationships that reflect trust and respect

University of Michigan- two key dimensions Employee-oriented – emphasizes

interpersonal relationships and is the most powerful dimension

Production-oriented – emphasizes the technical aspects of the job


Both are importantThe dimensions of the two studies are very similar

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Adeyl Khan, Faculty, BBA, NSU

Blake and Mouton’s Managerial Grid®Draws on both studies

to assess leadership style “Concern for People” is

Consideration and Employee-Orientation

“Concern for Production” is Initiating Structure and Production-Orientation

Style is determined by position on the graph


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Adeyl Khan, Faculty, BBA, NSU

Contingency TheoriesWhy trait and behavior

theories help us understand

leadership missing: the environment

in which the leader exists

Contingency Theory deals with this additional aspect of leadership effectiveness studies


Three key theories:

• Fielder’s Model• Hersey and Blanchard’s

Situational Leadership Theory• Path-Goal Theory

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Adeyl Khan, Faculty, BBA, NSU

Fiedler ModelEffective group performance depends on the

proper match between leadership style and the situation Assumes that leadership style (based on orientation

revealed in LPC questionnaire) is fixedConsiders Three Situational Factors:

Leader-member relations: degree of confidence and trust in the leader

Task structure: degree of structure in the jobs Position power: leader’s ability to hire, fire, and



For effective leadership: must change to a leader who fits the situation or change the situational variables to fit the current leader

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Adeyl Khan, Faculty, BBA, NSU

Graphic Representation of Fiedler’s Model


Used to determine

which type of

leader to use in a given


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Adeyl Khan, Faculty, BBA, NSU

Assessment of Fiedler’s Model


• Considerable evidence supports the model, especially if the original eight situations are grouped into three


• The logic behind the LPC scale is not well understood• LPC scores are not stable• Contingency variables are complex and hard to determine


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Adeyl Khan, Faculty, BBA, NSU

Fiedler’s Cognitive Resource TheoryA refinement of

Fiedler’s original model: Focuses on stress as the

enemy of rationality and creator of unfavorable conditions

A leader’s intelligence and experience influence his or her reaction to that stress

Research is supporting the theory.


Stress Level

• Low• High

Intellectual Abilities

• Effective• Ineffective

Leader’s Experience

• Ineffective• Effective

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Adeyl Khan, Faculty, BBA, NSU

Hersey & Blanchard’s Situational LeadershipA model that focuses on follower “readiness”

Followers can accept or reject the leader Effectiveness depends on the followers’ response to

the leader’s actions “Readiness” is the extent to which people have the

ability and willingness to accomplish a specific taskA paternal model:

As the child matures, the adult releases more and more control over the situation

As the workers become more ready, the leader becomes more laissez-faire

An intuitive model that does not get much support from the research findings


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Adeyl Khan, Faculty, BBA, NSU

House’s Path-Goal Theory The Theory:

Leaders provide followers with information, support, and resources to help them achieve their goals

Leaders help clarify the “path” to the worker’s goals

Leaders can display multiple leadership types

Builds from the Ohio State studies (Initiating structure Consideration) and the expectancy theory of motivation



• focuses on the work to be done


• focuses on the well-being of the worker


• consults with employees in decision-making


• sets challenging goals

Four types of leaders:

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Adeyl Khan, Faculty, BBA, NSU

Path-Goal ModelTwo classes of contingency variables:

Environmental are outside of employee control

Subordinate factors are internal to employee

Mixed support in the research findings 12-15

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Adeyl Khan, Faculty, BBA, NSU

Leader-Member Exchange TheoryLMX Premise:

Because of time pressures, leaders form a special relationship with a small group of followers: the “in-group”

This in-group is trusted and gets more time and attention from the leader (more “exchanges”)

All other followers are in the “out-group” and get less of the leader’s attention and tend to have formal relationships with the leader (fewer “exchanges”)

Leaders pick group members early in the relationship



A response to the failing of contingency theories to account for followers and heterogeneous leadership approaches to

individual workers

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Adeyl Khan, Faculty, BBA, NSU

LMX ModelHow groups are assigned is unclear

Follower characteristics determine group membership

Leaders control by keeping favorites close

Research has been generally supportive12-17

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Adeyl Khan, Faculty, BBA, NSU

Global Implications These leadership theories are primarily studied in English-

speaking countries GLOBE does have some country-specific insights

Brazilian teams prefer leaders who are high in consideration, participative, and have high LPC scores

French workers want a leader who is high on initiating structure and task-oriented

Egyptian employees value team-oriented, participative leadership, while keeping a high-power distance

Chinese workers may favor a moderately participative style Leaders should take culture into account

1. What kind of leadership style is prominent in Bangladesh? Explain with an example

2. What kind of leadership style is preferred by managers in Bangladesh? Explain with an example


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Adeyl Khan, Faculty, BBA, NSU

Chapter Learning ObjectivesAfter studying this chapter, you should be able

to: Define leadership and contrast leadership and

management. Summarize the conclusions of trait theories. Identify the central tenets and main limitations of

behavioral theories. Assess contingency theories of leadership by their

level of support. Contrast the interactive theories (path-goal and

leader-member exchange). Identify the situational variables in the leader-

participation model. Show how U.S. managers might need to adjust their

leadership approaches in Brazil, France, Egypt, and China.


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Adeyl Khan, Faculty, BBA, NSU

Summary and Managerial ImplicationsLeadership is central to understanding

group behavior as the leader provides the direction

Extroversion, conscientiousness, and openness all show consistent relationships to leadership

Behavioral approaches have narrowed leadership down into two usable dimensions

Need to take into account the situational variables, especially the impact of followers


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Adeyl Khan, Faculty, BBA, NSU

Yroom and Yetton’s Leader-Participation ModelHow a leader makes decisions is as

important as what is decidedPremise:

Leader behaviors must adjust to reflect task structure

“Normative” model: tells leaders how participative to be in their decision-making of a decision tree Five leadership styles Twelve contingency variables

Research testing for both original and modified models has not been encouraging Model is overly complex
