Addendum 6, Part 2: Taylor Swift Over all these years the most significant contributor to coalition interests and objectives from the music industry is Taylor Swift. She became the most celebrated partner - achieving supra-celebrity status 1 - because of how much more she contributed in comparison to others in the organization. She joined the coalition in March 2008 with this instance of Photographic Diplomacy: 2 [prison certainty, isolation-deprivation (romance)] 1 In coalition discourse ‘supra-celebrity status’ is attributable to partners who are revered by those who themselves are celebrities or are exceptionally high profile because of the station in life that involved great wealth, enormous success and major influence in their industries and endeavours.

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Addendum 6, Part 2: Taylor Swift

Over all these years the most significant contributor to coalition interests

and objectives from the music industry is Taylor Swift. She became the

most celebrated partner - achieving supra-celebrity status1 - because of how

much more she contributed in comparison to others in the organization.

She joined the coalition in March 2008 with this instance of Photographic



[prison certainty, isolation-deprivation (romance)]

1 In coalition discourse ‘supra-celebrity status’ is attributable to partners who are revered by

those who themselves are celebrities or are exceptionally high profile because of the station in life that involved great wealth, enormous success and major influence in their industries and endeavours.

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During the period of her membership her interviews were geo-ed:

Taylor Swift: Addresses the Isolation-Deprivation Issue

and Chinada’s Addiction to Stalking

Taylor appeared on ‘Regis& Kelly on March 14, 2008 and proved again her commitment to what’s important to the Canadian lawyer’s and

advancing coalition interests and objectives. Not only did Regis and Kelly employ the diplomatic lexicon several times during the post-performance interview, so did Taylor.

To Regis’ question about the hit ‘Our Song’ she’d just sung “does this boy know you’ve written a song about him?”, she replied: “[protracted Diaz M.] Yea, I don’t think his new girlfriend is too much of a fan; but

ah…”. He followed up with “The song that you did [that launched your career] was the ‘Tom McGraw’ song”. She replied again with a geo-political frame of mind that high profiled how the security apparatus behaves: “It was called ‘Tim McGraw’. I’m like [Diaz M.] not a stalker”.

Taylor Swift: Another Geo-Political Contribution

On April 28, 2008, Taylor appeared in the East-West Corridor to show she’s committed to coalition objectives and to what the still Dogville trapped Canadian lawyer wants for his country:

[justice, Diaz M.]

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Taylor: Glowing; and Again Demonstrating the Coalition’s Resolve to Imprison the Militarily Posturing

The day before the Academy of Country Music Awards, on May 17, 2008, coalition partners choreographed a photograph that shows Taylor just glowing; and which speaks volumes of their resolute intent on bringing justice to – putting behind bars – those who are scheming to end western civilization as we know it

[prison certainty, justice, condemnation, Presidential quantum]

Just how much coalition partners wanted to elevate her to the peak of non-

international attention in the back-channel environment was observed during

a spring 2008 episode of ‘Shark’:

‘Shark’: “Brad Swift” – 32 More Canadian Lawyer Acknowledgments and

Linking Him With Country Music’s Darling Taylor Swift

In the May 6, 2008 episode the Canadian lawyer was identified as “Brad” another 32 times. That would make it a total of 77 times when one includes the 45 observed during the ‘Law & Order’ episode on April 30th as documented in Dick Wolf’s ‘Law & Order’: Acknowledging the Canadian Lawyer 45 Times and Describing Canada’s Malfeasant Community as a Cult. In lexiconic terms ‘77’ = 14 = a quantum


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It wasn’t difficult for East-West audience members to draw the conclusion the producers of ‘Law & Order’ and ‘Shark’ got together in early 2008 to plan this coordinated effort to flood the Corridor with the Canadian lawyer’s name to keep his international persona at its multi-year peak level.

Shark: Ah [chuckle] hey – hey Duke, ha ha; how are ya pal?

Geez, it’s been, what, eight years, huh?

[…] Duke: Follow me.

Shark: Ah, must have been one hell of a party. Duke: Yea, well the party’s over for him – Brad Swift; my

former head of casino operations. This is his place.

Her coalition activity didn’t stop throughout the entire summer, autumn and

winter. Her mid-summer promo material was saturated with the lexicon

Summer 2008 [Chinada, isolation-deprivation (romance)]

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August 13, ‘08

[Chinada, Diaz M., Oprah-Taylor M., isolation-deprivation (romance)]

August 14, ‘08 [lab monkey theme*, condemnation, coalition identifier]

* Bananas to her immediate right

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September 7, ‘08

[Diaz M., isolation-deprivation issue]

She won a 2008 Geo Award for this instance of Photographic Diplomacy:

December 31, ‘08 [Presidential quantum, ‘key to my heart’ isolation-deprivation theme]

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She embraced the geo-gesture named after her:

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Coalition partners saw early in Taylor’s career exceptional talent and a

development trajectory of mega-superstardom; and that satisfied the criteria

for recruitment into the global community of democracy, rule of law, human

rights and free market capital advocates. Consequently, they were very

meticulous in designing her early geo-contributions, like assigning a lexiconic

number to her - one according to public culture was antithetical to her

persona. Why was the number 13 chosen, as that is understood to be the

sign of bad luck? The thirteenth amendment to the U.S. Constitution

abolishes slavery - the condition I was unknowingly in during the first

decade of the R&D program. So right from the get-go she wore, and

proudly, that number on her wrist during all public appearances and concert


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‘Enslavement’ is always qualified to mean ‘servitude’; where a victim of

government conduct is trapped in a circumstance that deprives him or her of

freedom - unfettered autonomy - to chart one’s own career path and be the

exclusive beneficiary of that which is produced by one’s labors. As was

argued in Addendum 1:

Article 4 of the United Nation’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that “no one shall be held in servitude”. The Supplementary Convention on the Abolition of Slavery, the Slave Trade, and Institutions and Practices Similar to Slavery also states “[N]o one shall

be held in … servitude”. The International Labor Organization’s Convention (No. 29) Concerning Forced or Compulsory Labour (Link) defines forced or compulsory labour as “all work or service which is exacted from any person under the menace of any penalty for for which the said person has not offered himself voluntarily”. (The phrase “under the menace of any penalty” is not applicable here.) In Disposable People: New Slavery in the Global Economy (University

of California Press, 1999 Link), author Kevin Bales states that to be a slave is “to be controlled by another person or persons so that your will does not determine your life’s course, and rewards for your work and sacrifices are not yours to claim”.

On January 29, 2009, she was interviewed by Canada’s music video TV

station at the Toronto studio. Both the host and teenage security apparatus

operatives in the audience sought to intimidate her; the purpose being to

send the message to the coalition that nobody associated with the

government, wealthy or Chinese are going to capitulate to any demands.

Not only was she not intimidated, she with total confidence fired right back

at them at every opportunity; generating the following communiqués:

the coalition is going to be successful and those responsible will face the consequences;

indicating the coalition has been willing to settle outstanding differences

but that offer has been refused; and

stating on the record she loves working with the coalition to bring down a repulsive government structure.

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[Execution M. behind enemy lines theme]

Where Taylor begins to turn music videos into geo-platforms is in one of her

first smash hits ‘White Horse’, released on February 7, 2009. Attired in the

color of quantum she laments having discovered the love of her life is taken

and she is but a fling on the side. Scenes before learning of the betrayal are

choreographed to include the Clooney M. and when playing cards the China-

identifying eight of spades is in the foreground. The set where her

emotions are on full display contains the colors of Chinada.

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Demonstrative of her commitment not just to coalition interests and

objectives, but also to mine - seeking to contribute to the mitigation of the

‘isolation’ component of my nightmare - Taylor commences her first

headlining tour on my birthday, April 23rd.

Taylor Swift Plots First Headlining Tour by Jonathan Cohen Billboard.com

January 30, 2009 Read article

Taylor Swift will embark on her first headlining tour this spring, beginning April 23 in Evansville, Ind.

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Taylor became famous not just for her lyrics, musical capabilities and videos,

but also embracing all new forms of social media. Her video blogs, visual

diaries of her experiences and trips on the road were also turned into

vehicles to condemn the Chinada High Command. When touring in London,

England (video) she and her two bandmates wardrobe themselves in

Chinada punishment certainty for the segment, script a ‘Dogville’ reference

and in post-production (i) a lexiconic gesture was timed to create a coalition

identifier (ii) added a double NBC Maneuver at the end and (ii) the runtime

was 4:55 - a coalition identifying triple quantum ratifier:

Caitlin: Did you know that dogs and bees could smell beer?

Liz: No way! Caitlin: And the human head weighs eight pounds. Liz: [2:01: Diaz M.]

Some of her diplomacy is complex and some more straightforward, like her

May 28, 2009 Photographic Diplomacy.

Hear No Evil

See No Evil

Speak No Evil

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Also in May 2009 she produced a video blog mobilizing her fans to vote for

her on the Country Music Television Awards website. She micro-managed

its production to condemn the Chinada alliance, praise the coalition and

agree with partners the Canadian lawyer’s entitled to his damages:

Taylor: 0:28: Clooney M. (Sorkin China identifier)

Technician: 0:33: Clooney M., 0:55: Clooney M. (coalition identifier X2; quantum ratifier X2) Backdrop: 2:44: China (China identifier) Dancer #1: 2:53: prison certainty, quantum; 3:19 & 3:44: protracted Zeta-Jones M.s (coalition identifier X3, China identifier X3, quantum ratifier X1)

Taylor: 3:36: Branson M. to "we worked really hard on [the music video]" – translated much time and concentration were dedicated to producing this diplomacy production; 4:12: Preston M. (coalition identifier X4, quantum ratifier X1) Dancer #2: 4:55: quantum, protracted Russell M., 5:03: Eva M.,

Damon M., Preston M.; Dancer #2: prison certainty & presidential quantum (quantum ratifier X4 – 4X5 = twenty (human experimentation theme), coalition identifier X1)

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In June 2009 she gives an interview with Time Magazine (video), and as had

been the case since March 2008 exploits this opportunity to the max.

Question: [X] asks how long does it take you to write a song?

Taylor: It depends. I’ve written songs in fifteen minutes. And also on the other end of the spectrum I’ve taken a year to finish a song. But most of the time the songs I write end up being finished in thirty minutes or less. You know all the songs that have been singles, like ‘Love Story’ I wrote that on my bedroom floor in about [0:44] twenty minutes. So usually when I get on a role with something

it’s really hard for me to put it down unfinished. Question: How do you appear so genuinely happy when according to

your songs you’ve suffered so much heartbreak?


[1:24: Erin M.] It’s been a pretty awesome year. There’s

been a lot to be happy about.


Question: Where do you find the inspirations for your songs? Taylor: I find inspiration in human emotion: the way we treat

each other; the way we make each other feel; and the pattern of it - and how, you know, it repeats itself so often but we never learn from it.

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[...] Question: And the reader asks “I grew up [2:40: Cl.M.] listening to

heavy metal and rock, and I find your songs very catchy”.


Question: How do you find balance between your personal and your

professional life?

Taylor: Finding balance between my personal and professional life is kind of interesting because they bleed together. [4:35: Z-J M.] You know I write songs about the...

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After high profiling twenty years being an MK-Ultra R&D by using the

number 20 her use of the geo-gesture timed to “There’s been a lot to be

happy about” is an assurance that the final result will make up for the pain,

suffering, injury and loss; and the Clooney M. to “I grew up” references such

a lengthy period of time being incessantly tortured with stealth cognition


Her third lexiconic gesture to “I write songs about” is indicating on the

diplomatic record that some of her authorship is coalition-related. The first

to be recorded was ‘Change’ (video), which underscores the partnership’s

commitment to fundamentally reform Canada’s system of authoritarian rule

and expel unlawful and unconstitutional Chinese interests. Plus, and as

importantly, it delivered more cognitive emancipation from the nightmare-

delivering hope like Gwen Stefani’s ‘The Sweet Escape’ that one day I’d be

out of Dogville.

It’s just a sad picture, The final blow hits you Somebody else gets what you wanted again You know it’s all the same Another time and place Repeating history, and your getting sick of it [Cold War The Sequel] But I believe in whatever you do

And I’ll do anything to see it through Because these things will change Can you feel it now? These walls that they put up to hold us back will fall down It’s a revolution, the time will come for us to finally win We’ll sing hallelujah…

We’ll sing hallelujah… Oh… Oh, oh.. So you’ve been outnumbered Raided and now cornered It’s hard to fight when the fight ain’t fair [Two gov’ts vs. me] We’re getting stronger now From things they never found

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They might be bigger, but we’re faster and never scared You can walk away and say we don’t need this But there’s something in your eyes, says we can beat this

These things will change Can you feel it now? These walls that they put up to hold us back will fall down It’s a revolution, the time will come for us to finally win We’ll sing hallelujah… We’ll sing hallelujah… Oh… Oh,oh..

Tonight we’re standing on our knees To fight for what we worked for all these years The battle was long, it’s the fight of our lives Will we stand up champions tonight? It was the night things changed Can you see it now? When the walls that they put up to hold us back fell down

It’s a revolution, throw your hands up, cause we never gave in We’ll sing halleluiah… We’ll sing halleluiah… Hallelujah

During the summer of 2009 she was in Toronto for an interview with the

Canadian version of America’s Country Music Television. Behind enemy

lines, so to speak, she juxtaposes Kidmanesque coercive diplomacy with

quantum entitlements.

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Question: Something -- something that hasn’t changed at all about you and your surrou... -- obviously, things have changed about your lifestyle and the way you move around; and your obligations from day-to-day. But something that

hasn’t changed at all? [...] Taylor: One thing that hasn’t changed, um, my relationship with

my family, my relationship with Abigail, my best friend. Like, I literally, you know, since we were freshmen in high school I would walk into her house unannounced and not

knock. And every single time her dogs bark at me. It’s really going on five years of me walking in unannounced; and they see me and they always bark. That’s never changed: it’s been five years of walking in there. Like you think they’d recognize me.

Question: You probably don’t want it to change. You go in and they

don’t bark one day and you... Taylor: Something’s weird here. Something’s off, you know.

The interviewer, Paul McGuire, proved himself loyal to Chinada interests

when interviewing Carrie Underwood in April 2010 (video). He reacts with

typical arrogant belligerence [@ 1:22] to her non-stop use of the lexicon.

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In August 2009, this magazine cover articulates in the loudest of ways one

of the major consequences for engaging in all the serious criminality and

human rights abuses that occurred since the late 1980s and persisting when

demanded they be halted:

[prison certainty]

Her ‘Fearless’ tour swung through Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on August 1,

2009; and while on stage she made another contribution (video) – one that

on one level goes to the heart of why America has historically become the

most successful democracy in the world and on another is part of the

analysis which determines the fate of those who delusionally thought they

could take on a galvanized world and spread a form of governance and style

of capitalism that runs contrary to everything that is good and moral. As

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she introduced one of her hit songs, she geo-politicized the word “choices”,

referring to the kinds that are acceptable and which attract praise and their


This song is about choices [0:28: Diaz M.]. There are good choices

[0:37: George W. M.] [...] [0:52: Beckinsale-Clinton M.] [...] And then there are bad choices.

During a concert in England she executed the ‘gun to the temple’ Richie-

Santelli Maneuver several times. Coalition cameras were at the ready to

snap this photo for the archive. During ‘Love Story’ there was one executed

to “dreaming about the day when you wake up and find…”, seeking to

impress upon the malfeasant that their lives as they know it are over. And

she ended a song with “I’m not bullet proof” and then executed another one

(video @ 4:17) to engage in more coercive diplomacy.

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Taylor’s Twitter account was, like her music videos and video blogs, a means

of delivering geo-content to the East-West Corridor of Diplomacy. During an

October 2009 concert she and her opening act and close friend Kelli Pickler,

authored these two Tweets on October 8th, which added to the archive

category of lab monkey condemnation and quantum ratification.

Taylor: Girl in the front row wearing a banana costume, I applaud you.

Kellie: That was my first time giving a banana a high 5.

Just how totally dedicated she was to the coalition since joining is also

observed when an initiative she knew could put her professional and

personal reputation on the line. In a very bold move she, Like HRH Price

Harry high profiled the ‘Nazi’ component of Canadian governance - that

which engages in enslaving, torturous human experimentation for military,

political and territorial expansion purposes:

Taylor Swift: High Profiles the ‘Nazi’ Constituent of Canadian Governance

Just how serious the threat posed by the China-Canada alliance can be gauged in many ways. One is to observe the coalition’s growing size. Another is to review the many thousands of individual diplomatic communiqués. Another is to focus on coercive diplomacy. And yet another approach is to observe how some coalition partners are willing to take a publicity hit that circles the globe for doing what is most

profoundly of a politically incorrect nature.

Another mega-star has decided that the risk to reputation is worth making a statement of principle because the subject-matter involves the most serious circumstance facing the early 21

st century: the coalition’s “most Geo Award

acknowledged uber-supernova amongst superstars” Taylor Swift She attended the birthday party of a musical colleague on October 24, 2009 and enthusiastically danced right into controversy of the same caliber as two other coalition partners. The colors of Canada stand out in these carefully scripted instances of Photographic Diplomacy, as does the bullet to the brain depiction. This initiative earns Taylor her 9

th Geo Award nomination.

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[plus bullet hole in the forehead communiqué……………^]

Taylor Swift’s Swastika Shock

by Danielle Berrin jewishjournal.com October 29, 2009 Taylor Swift doesn’t know fan with Nazi symbol OneIndia.in October 30, 2009

Taylor Swift in racism row after posing with fan wearing swastika daubed on shirt Daily Mail (UK) October 20, 2009 Best of the Rest: Taylor Swift poses for picture with fan wearing swastika

New York Daily News October 30

th 2009

This was Prince Harry’s formulation in January 2004 when back-channel

diplomacy was just getting under way.

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American singer-songwriter Miley Cyrus did the same on February 4, 2009

when she posed with friends and made slanty eyes in a way that raised

questions whether she was racist towards the Chinese.

[China condemnation, Canada punishment certainty, justice]

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She too attracted condemnation from around the world as these headlines


Is Miley Cyrus racist for slant-eye photo? Daily Contributor (Philippines) February 4, 2009 Miley Cyrus: I’m Not Racist Fox News (United States) February 5, 2009

Miley Cyrus denies racist pose BBC (United Kingdom) February 6, 2009 Miley Cyrus Denies Racial Slur The Celebrity Truth (Australia) February 6, 2009

Miley Cyrus defends ‘racist’ photograph Welt Online (Germany) February 6, 2009 Miley Cyrus “goofy face” photo taken out of context Reuters India

February 6, 2009

Canadian-born Lorne Michaels, the producer of ‘Saturday Night Live’, offered

Taylor what no other musical artist had been - to both host and perform;

which she did on November 7, 2009. Much of it was geo-ed, like during the

‘Digital Short’ segment - a spoof of the mega-hit vampire film franchise

‘Twilight’. Her choreographed Beckinsale-Clinton M. red flagged the script

describing the Chinada High Command as “blind” to what the coalition’s

demanded and how capitulation attracts the severest of consequences.

Taylor: What’s wrong? Cop: We found an old blind man [Taylor: B-C M.] strangled to

death. Looks like it was an accident. Taylor: Strangled [O-S M.]? By accident?

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Near the end of the hour-and-a-half show she’s cast as a well known singer

who’s cutting a track for an album. Putting her in the company of bunnies

refers to Jay Leno’s April 7, 2006 ‘knock the Canadian Prime Minister’s teeth

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out’ comedy sketch.3 The color of the backdrop signals justice for everyone

who his government made suffer.

Promo photos were designed to incorporate the colors of the lexicon.

[China, justice]

3 As documented in Addendum 5

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[justice, condemnation]

All these video stills and more were provided by the coalition by way of

postings on the superiorpics.com website - the one that served as the

delivery mechanism for Photographic Diplomacy.

In addition to being the most celebrated partner for all she did, Taylor also

took on another role: ‘evidence magnet’. Being the coalition’s one and only

supra-celebrity, the Canadian security apparatus mobilized various kinds of

assets to react to what she did, to enthusiastically demonstrate their

psycho-pubescence and unwillingness to resolve the conflict. The country’s

mass media resources, for example, were used; including scrambling the

signal whenever she was on television.

On November 20, 2009 she was interview by NBC’s Matt Lauer. As with all

coalition broadcasts involving her, it was VCR recorded. Here is

photographic evidence of what was done to engage in arrogant belligerence:

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As 2009 ends Taylor continues to prove she’s going the extra mile to help

the coalition. A brilliantly designed photoshoot is undertaken; one that

delivers just before the New Year an unmistakable ‘China’ theme.

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Fortune cookie message: “Your warmth radiates onto all others around you”

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Here she’s effects an Execution Maneuver – which is self-explanatory.

The launch of her next album in October 2010, ‘Speak Now’, offers a whole

new series of opportunities - song titles, lyrics, music videos, interviews,

public appearances and a world concert tour. Plus, it affords more chances

for Chinada malfeasance, making her an even more successful evidence


In the music video to ‘Back to December’ she, among other things, inserts

Kidmanesque coercive diplomacy, and when watched on Canada’s country

music channel the TV signal was repeatedly scrambled.

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When she traveled to Toronto for interviews to promote the new album, she

was surrounded by the security apparatus and turned into a diplomatic pawn

to brag how young children no older than 6, 7 and 8 were recruited into the

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security apparatus. They were instructed by the program’s directors to

employ the kinds of ‘secret’ hand signals that gave rise to the lexicon.




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… .̂.. …v…


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...^... …v…

Taylor knew she was walking into a den of authoritarians who enjoyed being

enslavers, experimenters, torturers and perverts; so in addition to

employing the lexicon throughout she wore a wedding engagement style

diamond ring very conspicuously on her middle finger, raising it repeatedly

to effect the Powell Maneuver and to generate isolation-deprivation

condemnation with respect to me being prohibited from having romance and

a family for over twenty years to advance the MK-Ultra R&D program.

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One of her most poignant communiqués was what she thinks of the coalition

and how much she wants to contribute to what I was then and am now

seeking to achieve:

“With storytelling [Pt2: 0:51: Diaz M.] I fell in love with [it]”.

Several hours later she appears on the national music video station

MuchMusic. The live broadcast was observed and taped. Most of the so-

called ‘fans’ in the audience were hand-picked operatives; strategically

positioned in the room for maximum effect.

To draw a sharp contrast between the coalition’s embodiment of democracy,

capitalism and morality and the host, the latter chose an outfit, hairstyle and

make-up to appear as a demoness. And she stared down the American

superstar for the benefit of the hundreds of thousands of tweens and teens

recruited into the security apparatus who were watching from home.

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These next photos vividly capture how like during the earlier interview Taylor

is surrounded by the assets of the State to give the home viewing audience

the impression the Chinada High Command is in full control and the coalition

is incapable of effecting its reform and accountability agenda. Facial

expressions like that of the host convey a to-the-gut hatred for her and what

she stands for.

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Producers arrogantly arrange for a male Asian teen to be present. He’s

wardrobed in the color of quantum to mock the coalition’s determination to

deliver damages to me for what was suffered and lost for over two decades.

Taylor, noting this aggressive arrogance, employs the lexicon when the

Asian asks a question. The scripted query is about what she and her band

do just before beginning a concert. She replies in a way that underscores

the psychopathology of Canadian governance:

“My band and I – somehow I think it was my guitar player, Grant; he’s got the crazy [Branson M.] black hair; wears eyeliner – he was – we were coming up with something to say before going on stage…”

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Sensing the end of the interview is coming, Taylor goes on the diplomatic

offensive; employing a coalition-identifying triple Clooney M. when the

camera is directly on her; generating the communiqué that coalition

business and contributions are constantly discussed and strategized. It

comes when she’s answering a question probing into the kind of relationship

she has with bandmates, describing an incident on a plane ride that included

heavy turbulence that caused her and one of them to develop a sister-like


After that we were sisters. Like there are moments like that with every single one of them [Cl.M.X3] that we always talk about.

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On the swing through Toronto she also has a lengthy sit-down interview with

Ben Mulroney of Etalk4. He’s the son of the Conservative Party of Canada’s

Prime Minister from 1984 - 1993 when the MK-Ultra R&D program

commenced and all steps were taken as documented in Chapter 2 to ensure

its longevity. It was his Asian co-host who uttered the infamous “lab to

slab” utterance on May 1, 20065, the combination experimentation

confession and death threat, that led President Bush to engage in very

aggressive coercive diplomacy, declare ‘war’ the next day and two and a half

weeks later looked as if he had appointed me Deputy Secretary of Defense.

These select photos of their body language convey the immense tension in

the room.

4 The Canadian entertainment news program she appeared on not only was a regular

platform for all things psycho and pubescent throughout the years, but is also a security apparatus recruitment and retention mechanism for children, preens and teens. There’s a compilation of its contributions to protecting the status quo and bragging about MK-Ultra R&D, deployment and global proliferation in Addendum 13.

5 … as documented in Chapter 4

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In March 2010 Taylor discovers three of her fans started a campaign to get

what she so freely gives to those who adore her - “A Hug from Taylor Swift”.

In response she creates “challenges” that would procure what was so

coveted. She first ‘challenged’ them to undertake an initiative that would

eventually lead to what they wanted (video). She also engages in

Photographic Diplomacy, choosing an Oprah-Taylor M. and the colors of

Canada and quantum.

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Her violin virtuoso band-mate, Caitlin, executes a George W. M. and Eva M.

[@ 1:51] timed to “we’re kinda thinking these guys seemed like – seemed

very dedicated” and [@ 2:01], “they would be game for some fun, like some

challenges or something like that”. The first states the obvious about Taylor

and her friends’ commitment to coalition objectives. The second articulates

how defending against the Chinada threat is a most difficult but not always

serious undertaking.

Her other band-mate, Liz, attired in quantum, reacts to her reflection that

Taylor’s initiative will “start simple”; executing a Clooney M. [@ 2:28] to

underscore the simplistic thought processes of the Chinada malfeasant.

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The challenge, to walk a little ol’ lady across the street, was embraced by

her fans in a way that impressed her to the core. During her thank-you

video she engages in coercive diplomacy again; this time adding the

communiqué that the malfeasant know the sting of international justice is

coming. She red flags it with a geo-gesture and employing the Taylor

Identifier a quantum ratifying five times which recalls the 13th Amendment

to the U.S. Constitution that abolishes slavery.

I was thinking about it and since my lucky number is 13 and it’s always a good thing when I see the number 13, maybe it would be cool to incorporate the most creative -- the most creative incorporation of 13; like bake 13 cookies for someone who doesn’t expect it [1:11: Beckinsale-Clinton-Powell M.]; or like plant 13 tulips

in someone’s yard.

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She uses her video blog talents to celebrate my birthday.6 On April 23rd she

posts challenge number three (video) and includes a Clooney M. timed to

“that was unbelievable – I didn’t expect anything that insane” [@ 0:16] -

articulating outrage over the development of stealth cognition technologies

and torturing victims with the results of enslaving human experimentation

and the mental state of those who engaged in that internationally prohibited

activity over a twenty year period.

Taylor’s second gift involved a specially scripted and choreographed

‘interview’ posted on YouTube on the 22nd as it wouldn’t be discovered until

the next day. She includes some back-channel activity and coercive


Interviewer #1: I dare you to get on a flatbed truck, semi-truck, and

do something that nobody has ever ever done in Nashville, Tennessee. [...] I dare you to get on a

6 … replicating what she did the year before in launching her first headlining tour. The

upload date of the video is April23, 2010.

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flatbed truck [Taylor: 4:39: Faith M.; Pacino M.] and perform as you drive down Music Row.


Taylor: [4:56: Diaz M.] You didn’t tell me date or time. You

just said [McCain M.] I had to do it. So on a technicality I could do it at 4 o’clock in the morning and nobody would know.


Interviewer #1: We dare her right her to do it, Taylor Swift, -- we dared her to drive down Music Row on a flatbed semi-truck and she said she would do it [Taylor: 5:20: George W M.] at 4 o’clock in the morning.

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Interviewer #1: You’ve got so many fans out there, though. Taylor: Oh yea, the bus. There’s a lot of people out there.

It’s really exciting.

Interviewer #2: I think you have the biggest line. You’re tied with

Chris Young, right? Taylor: Well, we should be able to wipe him out [6:34: Staul


Her present consisted of a birthday card ‘tailored’ to identify me as the


Taylor: How you doin’? Interviewer #1: Fantastic, fantastic. Um, this is a great thing for you

guys to do. Taylor: [0:17: Cl.M.] Oh, it’s really cool. What made you

wanna do this?

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Interviewer #2: Is [your success] surreal a little bit? Taylor: It’s very surreal. And you know I give myself five

seconds a day [to appreciate it; 1:01: Beckinsale-Clinton M.]. And then the rest of the day I’m tryin’ to figure out how I’m going to make it last.

Interviewer #1: Everyone wants to see it, I’m sure. Interviewer #2: Happy late birthday, right?

Taylor: [3:28: Diaz M.] Somebody brought me a birthday

card; which is very nice.

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[First initial ‘B’ in right corner. Birthday card:: birthday cake with eight candles] She reads her inscription: “For Someone Special” [...] It says: “Taylor I admire you so much and want you to know you are very talented. I’m a big fan and wish you all the luck in everything you do. Happy 17

th birthday. Lots and lots of Love. […] Your

birthday card was just read on TV [3:59: Beckinsale-Clinton M.]

View video

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Two months later she explicitly articulates the ‘mind-reading’ aspect of the

MK-Ultra capability. During a Q&A published in the June 2011 edition of

USA Weekend she answers a fan inquiry this way:

If you could have any superpower in the world, what would it be? Alyson Gelinas, 20, Hanson, Mass.

Healing people. Being able to heal people would be an amazing superpower. You don’t really need mind-reading. If you had mind-reading, you’d go crazy from what people actually think of you. That was what I thought of first, but I couldn’t handle mind-reading.

Nobody ever give me mind-reading!

To make sure it’s observed by the malfeasant as related to their illegalities

the publisher chooses the age of the fan to be twenty and posts it on page

five of the online edition.* And the primary colors of the edition's cover are

quantum and justice:

* Note what else the publisher did to ensure this interpretation. The questions before and

after contain the lexicon: “Who are your top three music idols? Lila Scher, 14, St. Paul, Minn.” and “What are the most-played songs in your iPhone right now? Andy Rose, 38, Cumberland, R.I.”. The first services the Custodian’s international persona and the second articulates the partnership’s top priority: the coalition – Chinada conflict

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The following year her three birthday gifts7 were creatively celebratory,

geo-political and very touching:

7 Several partners not only acknowledged this particular occasion, they turned my ‘lawyer’s’ birthday, September 21st, into something to celebrate. The objective of the latter is to condemn the sabotage of my legal career to make way for the MK-Ultra R&D program. Appendix 110 describes this in more detail and comprises a compilation of initiatives from a plethora of coalition partners (2006 - 2009) and instances of Chinada reacting.

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Five dollar bill = quantum ratifier President Lincoln - Emancipation Proclamation

that abolished slavery

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For 2012, this:

[Chinada, quantum, isolation-deprivation (marriage, family)]

Contributions of the amount and quality that accumulated since spring 2008

didn’t go unnoticed. The Geo Awards, described in Addendum 11, were a

way to acknowledge what she’d done that outshined most of her coalition

partners. The title ‘Partner of the Year’ was bestowed on her in 2009, which

was justified for the following reasons:

It speaks volumes for her extraordinary personality, incredible creative abilities and tenacious resolve to pursue causes that are important to

her that during 2009 when she rose from virtual unknown in the country music genre to a world class supernova amongst superstars

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she also generated reams of coalition product. Often it was diplomacy that rose to the level of quality that garnered Geo Award nominations – more than any other coalition partner not only in a twelve-month period but also ever.

In 2010 when the recipient of the coalition’s highest accolade for a second

time in a row, this:

Upon a review of the diplomacy archive it is undeniable her

contributions in 2010 were, like the year before, beyond extraordinary. Second, what also justifies this honor is the statistic that her geo-persona was employed more than any other coalition partner’s during that period. Initiatives involved, inter alia, films, TV news, shows and commercials, promoted products and Wall Street’s closing numbers being regularly massaged – all to celebrate what the most Geo Award honoured partner represents to the partnership and the 21

st century:

the highly admirable attributes of democracy, capitalism and the modern family Third, what also adds most substantially to the reason for this most prestigious honor being awarded to Taylor for a second year in a row is the fact she’s become even more of a lightning rod within the Chinada High Command this year; triggering belligerent diplomacy that helps

to prove how much of a threat it is and thus assists in demonstrating the need to employ the most aggressive methodologies to contain China and fix Canada.

Both because she was twice-in-a-row ‘Partner of the Year’ and as a result of

her non-stop contributions she received another honor:

Partner of the Year Taylor Swift Receives the Uber-Achievement Geo Award

Upon the completion of Taylor’s extended ‘Fearless’ concert tour on June 5, 2010, there was absolutely no doubt she earned the coalition’s highest honor. From the very start of her rise to the top of the music world in early 2008 when she announced her coalition partnership to the finish of her three-continent tour she proved her tenacious resolve

to advancing partners’ interests and objectives and thus it is totally appropriate she be awarded the Uber-Achievement Geo Award.

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Taylor swiftly proved she wanted to be seen as a most committed member of the democracy, rule of law and human rights community. She began to geo-politicize almost everything she did as her fame and fortune increased – from

an empirical perspective – exponentially. She went from an opening act for top billing country music stars to a headliner in record time; sold more albums than any other artist in the world in 2009 and her concerts sold out in mere minutes. Then came the awards, setting a record in many categories. And, most remarkable and demonstrative of her high intellect and maturity, no matter how much she was showered with attention, praise and industry accolades, she never forgot what was most important; namely

the coalition’s desire to confront the 21st century’s most serious danger.

Revelatory of her determination to turn her rise to stardom into a global stage for the coalition and 15-month concert tour into a non-stop platform for a peaceful, secure and prosperous world was commencing the three-continent show on the Canadian lawyer’s fifty-first birthday, April 23, 2009. As she planned it she incorporated the lexicon in several ways; for example,

scheduling 8 costume changes and choosing to perform 16 songs in the two-hour show. And her wardrobe was specially tailored to incorporate the primary themes of the back-channel diplomacy: prison certainty.

As the tour moved to the United Kingdom, Australia and Japan, she took her

resolve to maintain her high profile in the East-West corridor with her. Concerts, interviews, photoshoots and simply walking out of the hotel front doors into crowds and waiting paparazzi were carefully scripted to add initiatives that had as their purpose to service the worldwide condemnation of what Canada had become and what China sought to achieve.

Then there are the Geo Awards. She received one in 2008 in the Isolation-Deprivation (Romance) category. And in 2009 she garnered the most number of nominations, far surpassing any other coalition partner in the history of the awards: (i) & (ii) Uber-Fashion Theme, (iii) Most Geo-Politically Creative Lyrics, (iv) Most Geo-Politicized Television Show, (v) Best Behind Enemy Lines Theme; Lab Monkey Theme, (vi) Best ‘Isolation-Deprivation

(Marriage) Theme’, (vii) Best Isolation-Deprivation (Romance) Theme, (viii)

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Most Cleverly Geo-Politicized Magazine Covers and (ix) Best Initiative High Profiling the ‘Nazi’ Component of Canadian Governance.

The Uber-Achievement Geo Award signifies a partner has done something extraordinary to advance the coalition agenda – something so beyond the norm or makes a contribution or a series of them of an exceptionally kind. Therefore, there is no doubt Taylor is most deserving of this high honor.

She was so committed to the coalition achieving its goals, her contributions

so massive, so incredibly ingenious, she was awarded the ‘Partner of the

Year’ honor in 2011 for a third time. Doing so led to many partners in

different sectors and industries working overtime to produce a plethora of

initiatives that honored her.

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