Adam Warlock

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Adam Warlock; Guardian of the Galaxy; Ex-Guardian of the Soul StoneAffiliations: Solo d10Buddy d6 Team d8Distinctions: Man God Reborn, I have Seen my Dark Future, One Facet of Many; (Soul Dutiful Guardian)Power Sets:Pinnacle Genetically Engineered BeingSuperhuman Strength d10Superhuman Durability d10Superhuman Reflexes d10Flight d8Superhuman Speed d10SFX-Space Flight: Warlock can travel at faster than light speed in space.Limit-Exhausted: Shutdown any 'Pinnacle Synthetic Being' power and gain 1 PP. Recover power by activating an Opportunity or During a Transition Scene.Quantum MageBlast d10Quantum Mastery d12Cosmic Senses d10Sorcery d10Telepathy d10Teleportation d10Transmutation d10SFX - Constructs: When using Quantum Mastery or Sorcery to create assets, add d6 to the pool and step up the effect die.SFX- Healing: You may add your Transmutation power when helping others recover stress. Spend 1 PP to step back other's or your own Physical Trauma or recover Physical Stress.SFX - Area Attack: SFX - Multipower: Limit - Growing Dread: Limit The Extent of Sorcery: In any pool containing Quantum Mastery or Sorcery, you may not cause physical stress with your effect die.Limit Quantum Jump: When using Teleportation within a planetry atmosphere or sealed environment, add a die to the doom pool equal to the power's rating.SpecialtiesAcrobatic Expert d8Cosmic Grandmaster d10Mystic Master d10Psych Master d10MilestonesFuture Threats1xp the first time when you warn your allies that rash actions may have dangerous ramifications.

3xp When you use your Cosmic Grandmaster Speciality in a transition scene to create a resource that helps you predict greater threats coming in the future.

10 xp when you use your Cosmic Grandmaster Speciality to deal with a threat that is clearly one of greatest threats to the cosmos in the current era or you decide you are wasting your time dealing with the threats of this age and you encase yourself in a cosmic cocoon to wait for some point in the future when you will be of more use.

Absolute Power1xp when one of your allies questions one of your actions as being too dangerous, extreme or heartless and you remain certain that you are right.

3xp when your action against a threat puts an ally in danger.

10xp when you sacrifice an ally to further what you consider to be the greater good or you realise that you are out-of-touch with lesser beings and martyr yourself to protect one.

HistoryWarlock was created by the group of researchers who called themselves the "Beehive." The goal of the researchers there was to create the perfect human being, the pinnacle of future human evolution. Fortunately for the denizens of Earth, the new being was a creature beyond the control of his creators. The creature whom they had created, then known only as "Him," emerged--and immediately sensed, upon his emergence, that his creators sought to use him for evil ends. He lashed out, damaging the complex and injuring his "fathers," and promptly escaped.Unfortunately for "Him," he was a being with no life experience due to his unique conception. He promptly encountered Thor, and attempted the abduction of the Lady Sif in order to mate with her. Thor naturally took offense to this kidnapping, and promptly beat the young Godling near to death. "Him" promptly retreated to the safety of a regenerative cocoon and thus was later reborn.Upon awakening from his cacoon, he encounters the High Evolutionary, who gives him the name "Warlock." The High Evolutionary requests Warlock's help in saving the artificially created planet, Counter-Earth, from the evil Man Beast and gives Warlock the green Soul Gem, which allows Warlock to capture souls of other beings. When he arrives on Counter-Earth, Warlock is given the name Adam by four teenagers who befriend him. After the Man Beast's defeat, Warlock leaves Counter-Earth to find a new purpose.Soon afterwards, Warlock came into contact with a malicious being known as the Magus, a twisted future incarnation of himself, totally insane and horribly powerful. As the head of the Universal Church of Truth, the Magus had ground billions of lifeforms across the cosmos under his heel. Warlock fought the Magus, but could not succeed on his own, for his future self possessed vast might. Eventually, with the help of Pip the Troll, Gamora, and the nefarious Thanos of Titan, Warlock succeeded in eliminating the Timeline from which the Magus sprang, thus canceling his existence retroactively throughout time. Then, in a brilliant, yet disturbing counter-move, Thanos projected Warlock two years into the future where he encountered his dying self, embittered, preparing to give birth anew to the Magus. Warlock then took the soul of his dying future self into the Soul Gem, thus ending the threat of his evil counterpart.When the Stranger attempts to steal Warlock's Soul Gem, Warlock learns about five other related gems. Thanos gains possession of these gems with the intention of destroying Earth's sun. When Thanos causes mortal harm to Pip and Gamora, Warlock takes their souls to end their suffering. Warlock then enlists the aid of the Avengers, Captain Marvel, and Moondragon to stop Thanos. During the battle, Warlock's younger self appears and takes the older Warlock's soul. Inside the gem, Adam is reunited with Pip, Gamora and others in a utopia known as Soul World.[36] Warlock's soul is temporarily freed from the Soul Gem, allowing him to turn Thanos to stone and save Earth.After being resurrected, Thanos once again collects the Infinity Gems, forming them into the Infinity Gauntlet. When the Silver Surfer and Drax the Destroyer oppose Thanos, he captures them in the Soul Gem. In the world of the Soul Gem, the Surfer meets Adam Warlock and convinces him that his help is needed again to defeat Thanos. Warlock agrees and Pip and Gamora decided to accompany him. Warlock transmits himself and his two friends into new bodies and leads a group of Earth's superheroes, defeating Thanos.Warlock obtains the Gauntlet, becoming a near-supreme being of the universe. The cosmic Living Tribunal, whose power and authority exceeds Warlock's, decides that Warlock cannot be trusted to keep the Infinity Gauntlet and instructs him to divide the gems among other beings of Warlock's choosing. Warlock keeps the soul gem for himself and gives one gem each to Pip, Gamora, Drax the Destroyer, Moondragon, and a reformed Thanos. Warlock dubs the group the Infinity Watch.The Infinity Watch disbands when the infinity gems are stolen by Rune, a vampire from a parallel universe. Warlock pursues Rune, recovering the gems and returning to his native universe. Warlock plays a role in protecting the universe several more times, including threats from clones of Thanos, the Heart of the Universe, and the interdimensional being Hunger.Eventually seeking solitude, he became psychically aware of a huge number of deaths and began writing down the names of the deceased. Driven mad by this task, he entered into a regenerative cocoon. Old ally Moondragon and her lover Phyla-Vell, the new Quasar, came seeking the Kree savior, eventually finding his cocoon. Accidentally reviving him too early, an amnesiac and angry Adam Warlock emerged, younger in appearance, with slightly altered powers. He then, reluctantly, took his allies with him as they evaded capture from a Phalanx attack force and sought aid from the High Evolutionary who had, for unknown reasons, set up a base orbiting the nearest star. He then explained his absence during the Annihilation Wave: the souls of billions upon billions of dead creatures contacted Adam and drove him insane. He needed to spin the cocoon in order to adapt to the trauma and try to aid the souls. Unfortunately, Adam's awakening was too early (again) and he was followed by seizures if he used his powers to often. He also learned that he was the prophesied Savior of the Kree. PersonalityBefore his first resurrection Warlock was a brooding, almost tragic figure.In his morose quest to find a purpose to his existence, he found some solace in becoming a force for good.He was possessed of almost imperceptible dry, dark humor, that at times emerged in his interactions with his friend Pip. After his first resurrection, he managed to divest himself of all good and evil, leaving only responsibility. This left Adam cool and collected, almost beyond words. While once compelling, he now possessed a force of personality that could not be denied. Abilities and ResourcesAdam Warlock possesses a number of superhuman properties and powers derived from his artificially determined genetic structure. His bone and muscle tissue is denser than human, endowing him with superhuman strength and resilience. Adam Warlock has various superhuman abilities such as enhanced strength, stamina, and agility. During his times as Him, Adam was even capable of manhandling Thor. His cells are constantly absorbing and storing cosmic energy. He can manipulate cosmic energy for a variety of effects, including augmenting his physical abilities and projecting energy. Once he turned into Adam Warlock and was granted the Soul Gem, he no longer relied on his own powers, and embraced the Gem's power.After being freed from the Soul Gem, he appeared to possess enhanced strength, cosmic awareness and physical manipulation (such as empowering entities with more strength or basic attributes). Adam Warlock is also capable of creating a regenerative cocoon in order to prevent death, to recover and heal himself, or to simply rest after an outgoing event. He is able to spin a cocoon around him at will in a matter of seconds. He did so infrequently during his short life, usually to protect himself from mortal harm, and usually he would emerge from the cocoon at a further level of physical or mental maturity. While in his evolutionary cocoon, Adam Warlock evolves to develop necessary powers and/or abilities.As a result of the deaths of billions of living beings during the Annihilation Wave, billions of souls contacted Adam. This emotional/metaphysical trauma nearly drove Adam completely insane. Warlock spun a cocoon in order to recover from the trauma. Warlock's early awakening from his most recent cocoon has meant a loss of control of his abilities; he now appears to have seizures when over-exerting himself. His powers have also essentially changed as well. He now calls himself a "Quantum Mage" and is able to control massive amounts of mystical/metaphysical energies as opposed to cosmic energies. It was explicitly asserted that he developed these abilities to counter-act the billions of souls contacting Adam. Adam Warlock can now cast spells with a variety of effects, including traveling faster than light and detecting wormholes and other special anomalies.