Upcoming Events: YOGA-SHABBAT SERVICE THIS SATURDAY MORNING 25 MARCH – Yoga-Shabbat Service this Shabbat morning at 10:00. Please bring yoga mats if you have your own, water boles, a towel and ‘comfy’ clothes. This month, the yoga will be taken by Dr Marianne Felix (see her bio aached). PESACH schedule (11 April—17 April 2017) Services: Erev Pesach 10 April at 18:00; Fesval Morning service 11 April at 10:00; 7th day service at Beit Emanuel Sederim: Children’s Seder 11 April at 12:45; Community Seder 11 April at 18:00 (see below) Calendar Friday 24 March: *Kabbalat Shabbat Service (18:00) *Kids’ Club Acvies (18:00) *Netzer Night (18:00) Saturday 25 March: *Cheder (8:30) *Torah breakfast (8:45) *Shabbat Morning Regular Service and Yoga-Shabbat Service (10:00) *Youth Service & Acvies (10:00) Wednesday 29 March: Bet David and Bet David Kehillah AGMs (18:00) Friday 31 March: * FAMILY Kabbalat Shabbat Service including welcoming of 2017 ManCom (18:00) Saturday 01 April: * Cheder (8:30) *Torah breakfast (8:45) *Shabbat Morning Service (10:00) *Youth Service & Acvies (10:00) Sunday 02 April: *Cemetery Clean Up Westpark Cemetery (10:00) *Unveiling for the late Jeff Frank—WPC (10:00) Friday 07 April: *Kabbalat Shabbat Service including welcoming of 2017 Kehillah Commiee (18:00) *Kids’ Club Acvies (18:00) *Netzer Night (18:00) Saturday 08 April: * Cheder (8:30) *Torah breakfast (8:45) *Shabbat Morning Service (10:00) *Youth Service & Acvies (10:00) Bar Mitzvah of Dillon Horvath Aufruf Jody Farber and Tom Jackson Rabbi Adrian M Schell Rabbi Emeritus: Hillel Avidan Ad Kan עד כאןShabbat HaChodesh Vayakel—Pehudei 24/25 March 2017 26/27 Adar 5777

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Page 1: Ad Kan ןאכ דע - Bet Davidbetdavid.org.za/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/AdKan...Ad Kan ןאכ דע Condolences • We extend our condolences to Jacob Thobakgale and his family on

Upcoming Events:

YOGA-SHABBAT SERVICE THIS SATURDAY MORNING 25 MARCH – Yoga-Shabbat Service this Shabbat morning at 10:00. Please bring yoga mats if you have your own, water bottles, a towel and ‘comfy’ clothes. This month, the yoga will be taken by Dr Marianne Felix (see her bio attached).

PESACH schedule (11 April—17 April 2017) Services: Erev Pesach 10 April at 18:00; Festival Morning service 11 April at 10:00; 7th day service at Beit Emanuel Sederim: Children’s Seder 11 April at 12:45; Community Seder 11 April at 18:00 (see below)


• Friday 24 March: *Kabbalat Shabbat Service (18:00) *Kids’ Club Activities (18:00) *Netzer Night (18:00)

• Saturday 25 March: *Cheder (8:30) *Torah breakfast (8:45) *Shabbat Morning Regular Service and Yoga-Shabbat Service (10:00) *Youth Service & Activities (10:00)

• Wednesday 29 March:

Bet David and Bet David Kehillah AGMs (18:00)

• Friday 31 March: * FAMILY Kabbalat Shabbat Service including welcoming of 2017 ManCom (18:00)

• Saturday 01 April: * Cheder (8:30) *Torah breakfast (8:45) *Shabbat Morning Service (10:00) *Youth Service & Activities (10:00)

• Sunday 02 April: *Cemetery Clean Up Westpark Cemetery (10:00) *Unveiling for the late Jeff Frank—WPC (10:00)

• Friday 07 April: *Kabbalat Shabbat Service including welcoming of 2017 Kehillah Committee (18:00) *Kids’ Club Activities (18:00) *Netzer Night (18:00)

• Saturday 08 April: * Cheder (8:30) *Torah breakfast (8:45) *Shabbat Morning Service (10:00) *Youth Service & Activities (10:00)

Bar Mitzvah of Dillon Horvath

Aufruf Jody Farber and

Tom Jackson

Rabbi Adrian M Schell Rabbi Emeritus: Hillel Avidan

Ad Kan כאן עד

Shabbat HaChodesh


24/25 March 2017

26/27 Adar 5777

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Yom Huledet Sameach to the following


Len Gerber Jack Bancroft

Leonard Gordon Anthony Soll

Lauren Kupritz Caryn Margolius

Tarryn Jarvis

Children under 14:

Jamie Cohen

Thank you

• To Monica and Steven Solomon for sponsoring

and hosting the Welcome dinner for new

members and to Gail and Roger Scheuble for

joining us and the soup (see picture taken by

Vicky Heger, right)

• To Greg and Ruth Jordan for sponsoring this

week’s brocha in honour of their wedding

anniversary and Greg’s birthday

• Adri Powell for her contribution towards the

brocha fund

Janet Dorfan remembered by Deborah and Louise Isaacs Betty Aronson remembered by Adrienne Yates Harris Maselle remembered by Brett Maselle Dorin Fermo remembered by Kathleen Fermo Fred Bailey remembered by Melanie Bailey Molly Smollan remembered by Doug Smollan Elsie Borstein remembered by Martin Borstein

Zichronam livracha, may their memory be for a blessing.

Weekly Yahrzeits

Refuah Sheleimah/ Speedy Recovery

• Dr Arnold Levin

• Arthur Kruger • Isaac Livni

• Marlene Nelson • Rachelle Rossi-Zalmans

• Judah Thobakgale

• Madeleine Rose-Hicklin • Carole Hicklin

• Warren Bonn (son of Cherise & Ian Bonn and cousin of Ryan Brittan)

Ad Kan כאן עד


• We extend our condolences to Jacob Thobakgale and his family on the passing of his cousin, Helena Mphelo

Please contact the office to report a hospitalisation/illness

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Torah Sparks: Shabbat haChodesh—Time is relevant Torah Reading

Shabbat haChodesh –

Parashat Vayakel—


Exodus 35:1-40:38

Reading Ex 40:12-38

(Plaut 633; Hertz 389)

Haftarah: Ezekiel


(Plaut 1457; Hertz 1001)

Rosh Chodesh Nisan is

on Tuesday (28 March)

Our Torah portion:

*Moses teaches the

rules of Shabbat. And

asks the Israelites for a

donation of gifts and

those who are skilled

help build the Mishkan

[Tabernacle] under the

direction of Bezalel and


* A statistical summary

of the materials used for

the Tabernacle and an

account of producing

the priestly vestments

are recorded. Moses

blesses the Israelites for

the work they did.

* Upon God's

instruction, Moses sets

up the Mishkan and the

priests are anointed and


* In the concluding

verses of the book a

description is given of a

cloud that covers the

Mishkan by day and a

fire that burns by night,

indicating God's

Presence therein.

The spiritual cycle of the Jewish year depends on an interaction

among the flow of holidays, the marking of Rosh Chodesh (the new

month) and the weekly Shabbat (Sabbath) observance. The holidays

and fast days sometimes permeate the surrounding Shabbatot

(plural of Shabbat) with holiday themes. These special Shabbatot

may create the mood for an upcoming festival, reflect or enhance

festival themes, or ease the transition from a festival back into the weekly flow of


This Shabbat we celebrate Shabbat HaHodesh. Shabbat HaHodesh occurs either on

the Shabbat before Rosh Chodesh Nisan (this year on Tuesday) or on Rosh Chodesh

itself. The traditional maftir reading is Exodus 12:1-20, which details eating

the Passover sacrifice, with “your loins girded, your sandals on your feet, and your

staff in your hand”; eating bitter herbs and unleavened bread; and putting blood on

the doorposts; and it lists the Passover laws.” The haftarah for our Shabbat, Ezekiel

45:16-46:18, describes the sacrifices that the Israelites are to bring on the first of

Nisan, on Passover, and on other festivals in the future Temple.

The first day of Nisan is also important as the occasion for God’s commandment,

sanctifying the new moon, which begins the additional Torah reading, “This month

shall mark for you the beginning of the months; it shall be the first of the months of the

year for you.” This commandment moved the determination of months from God’s

agenda into the hands of the Jewish people–giving them control over time and the

theological/liturgical cycle. (Source: http://www.myjewishlearning.com/)

It is deeply significant that the first national mitzvah that God gave us, while still in

Egypt on the very threshold of redemption, was to take control of our time. A slave

has scant need for a calendar: he sleeps and wakes, eats and works, lives his entire

existence, according to his master’s timetable. Only a free person can determine his

own schedule, and only a free nation can determine its own calendar.

“Anything that can be done at anytime by anybody will be done at no time by

nobody.” All major ideas of Judaism, even though they are intangible, are made

accessible by being embedded in time. Therefore, it is of great importance that we

mark our time, that we continue to be aware of our “Jewish time”, and not to get lost

in the secular calendar. As Jews we give great space to the world around us, and we

are even willing to embrace different traditions into our own. This is good, and

important. But we need to be careful not to become slaves again, slaves again of

someone or somewhat who determines time for us. On our way to Pesach, it is not

only of importance to clean out our cupboards, but also our calendars. Let’s make

space for some more Judaism, for Shabbat, festivals and time with our (extended)

Jewish family.

Shabbat Shalom Rabbi Adrian M Schell

Ad Kan כאן עד

Please be sure to visit the new ORT-JET website (www.ortjet.org.za) to see their exciting updates to their team, social media and events. You can also find them on Facebook (ORT JET Business Community) or YouTube channel (ORTJET SA).

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TAKE – HOME ORDERS FROM OUR BET DAVID KITCHEN: Home-made delicacies are now available from our own kitchen! Place your orders by Monday (for collection on Friday 12h00) with Sharon on 011-7837117/[email protected] SUPPORT KEHILLAH’S ‘COLLECT A BREAD TAG PROJECT’ TO BUY A WHEELCHAIR: Please collect your Plastic seals from bread bags and place in the jar provided at the back of the shul. Monthly Feeding Schemes Food Collection: 26 March Between 09:00 – 13:00 at Pick n Pay Hyde Park, Morningside and South Road. Please contact Lesley Shipton on 082 535 0701 or Lesley Rosenberg on 083 2366823 if you can help for an hour or more. Please continue to bring non-perishable groceries to shul for our feeding schemes. Kehillah’s 50/50 CLUB: Only R180 per year enters you in the draw. The more people who participate the larger the monthly prize. Join the fun way to fundraise and win at the same time! Nappy and Sanitary Towel collection: Thank you to all have brought and continue to bring nappies and sanitary towels. Please remember this is an ongoing project and all donations are always welcome. Boxes can be found in the shul. Monthly Meetings: Should you wish to join our next meeting (Wednesday 19 April) please RSVP to the office.

Friday evening: 18:00 Kabbalat Shabbat Service

Kids’ Club Youth Activities: 18:00—19:00 (for ages 3 –10) weekly with Kendyll,

Netzer Nights: Monthly, third Friday evening of the month (for ages 11—18) 24 March

Family Shabbat Service: 18:00 31 March

Monthly Birthday Blessings: 31 March

Shabbat Morning: 8:30—12:00 Cheder (Term 1: 14 January—1 April)

10:00 Shacharit Service

10:00 Yoga Shabbat Service 25 March

10:00—12:00 Children’s service and activities with Kendyll every Saturday

Rabbi Adrian M Schell : [email protected] (for emergencies SMS 076 448 6672)

Office: [email protected] (Glynnis); [email protected] (Sharon)

Management Committee: [email protected]

Bookkeeper: [email protected] (Diane)

Youth: [email protected] (Kendyll)

+27 11 783 7117 (Mon - Thurs 9:00 - 14:30; Fri & Erev Yom Tov 9:00 - 13:00

www.betdavid.org.za / http://www.facebook.com/BetDavidSandton CSO 24 Hour Emergency 086 18 000 18 / Hatzolah 0860 100 101

Banking Details: Acc name: Bet David ; Branch: FNB Wierda Valley ; Acc no: 59210012529 (IBT no: 260950)

Regular Shabbat Service Info

Winter Camp and Shabbaton! The annual Winter Camp is coming up in July this year once again. While we will still

be teaming up with the Midrand Lutheran Church for four days of interfaith learning

and fun, this year we will also be offering our first congregational Shabbaton. From

Friday 7 July to Sunday 9 July, parents and congregants are invited to join us in

Magaliesburg for a special Shabbat and weekend of (wild) learning and fun.

Forms will be available in the shul or via email from Kendyll soon. For all details, costs

and information please see flyers in the shul and attached.

(One of the special options we are offering is instead of paying one lump sum of the

camp fees, start by paying 1/4 of the cost now and every month leading up to camp.)

Ad Kan כאן עד

The 45th Annual General Meeting of Bet David and the 43rd AGM of Bet David Kehillah will take place at Bet David on Wednesday 29 March 2017. We will be laying the foundation stones for the new shul on this day too. The foundation stone ceremony will begin at 6pm, followed by wine and cheese before the AGM at 6:45pm. Please ensure your RSVP to the office by this Friday 24 March for catering purposes.

Special Notices

Clean-up of the Children’s Section at West Park Jewish Cemetery.

Once again it is time to pay our respects to the children buried at West Park Ceme-

tery by cleaning the area in which they are buried. Please join us for this great mit-

zvah. We meet at the steps outside the Ohel at 10 am on 2 April - bring gloves, garde-

ning equipment (such as a rake, small fork or spade), hat and water. We hope to see

lots of you there - it's 2 hours of your time doing something that makes a huge diffe-
