Acupuncture and Herbs -1

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  • 8/10/2019 Acupuncture and Herbs -1


    The Treatment of Anxiety with Acupuncture

    Chief Complaint:spontaneous sweating, nervousness

    Western Diagnosis:anxiety

    Medical History:recent weight loss of 150 lbs, recent dramatic change in

    lifestyle from unhealthy, greasy, sweet and alcohol diet to a healthy one

    (hence the weight loss) many traumatic life events; deaths of close loved

    ones, divorce.

    Questioning exam:unstable emotions

    mental restlessness worse at night

    low energy

    sweating on palms and legs, worse with anxiety

    lots of dreams

    persistent low grade nausea

    occasionally morning bowel movement triggers vomiting and abdominal


    constant bac pain, tightness; better with movement

    Pulse exam:sin very damp

    clear sweat

    pulse sunen and wea in especially in the lung area, unsmooth

    Tongue exam:light purple, pale body color, thic, greasy, yellowish coating
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    M Diagnosis:lung and stomach !i deficiency, phlegm heat, !i stagnation

    Treatment Principle:remove obstructions, disperse fluids regulate stomach

    !i, tonify !i, calm spirit

    Point Prescription:1st treatment" aggressive energy

    #nd treatment" internal dragons

    $rd treatment" st$%, lu&, pc%, d', d#%, d&, li, ht% all contralateral except

    d#%, lu&

    Her!al "ormula:gan mai da ao tang with wen dan tang

    #ifestyle Prescription:replacement of coffee with herbal tea

    $esults:bac pain gone for several days after *+, felt a tangible weight lifted


    #nd treatment not as noticeable effect but felt calmer the whole wee

    $rd treatment felt very electrical went home and cried for aver an hour

    %ynopsis:continuation of moving !i, disperse fluids, dissolve phlegm.

    tonify lung !i


    /iposan oleh sofia di#$.0' 0 omentar

    Acupuncture Treatment of Acne $osacea

    Chief Complaint:*cne -osacea
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    Medical History:he patient is a 50 year old female whose *cne -osacea,

    localied mainly around her mouth and chin. /uring her adolescent years she

    was diagnosis with severe *cne by her physician. n her thirties she was

    diagnosis with *cne -osacea by a /ermatologist. 2or past two years the

    outbreas has been moderate to acute. 3er lesion is diameter of an eraser on

    a pencil. hey are pustules and painful. 4hen the lesion breas open, they

    bleed and is easily irritate. imply splashing water on her face to wash it or

    wiping her mouth area with dinner napin can cause the to lesions to bleed.

    he patient has consulted a /ermatologist and was prescribed topical

    metronidialoe cream, applied twice a day as treatment, which made no

    difference. +rythromycin was also prescribed and wored to some extent, but

    only as long as she was taing them.

    Questioning exam:6atient lies eating spicy foods; has flush chees and

    chin; hass occasional night sweats (d7t menopause); bowel movements re

    loose, #8$xday sometimes more and sometimes they are explosive and

    urgent; thirst 9 constantly consume water all day long because shea

    3istory teacher and tals all day.

    :ther symptoms included mild diy spells for the past year, generalied

    headaches with no specific location a few times a wee, stiffness in the

    trapeius, trouble falling asleep, and general stress. he is slightly irritable,

    especially before her menses, color red to darer red with some clots lasting

    for 5 days. he patient runs on the cold side.

    Pulse exam:Pulse:wiry, slippery, rapid

    esions feel hot and tender to the touch. esions mainly around mouth and

    chin. -edness in central areas of the face, forehead and chin.

    Tongue exam:-ed tip, thin to moderate white coat with yellow line in down

    the center of the tongue

    M Diagnosis:/iagnosis"

    1. 3eat toxin (acute)

    #. 3eat in ungs and tomach (chronic)

    :verindulgence of alcohol or spicy foods, causing excessive heat in the

    tomach and then steams the ung.

    6re8existing accumulated ung and tomach heat combining with attac by

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    heat toxin.

    /isharmonies of the penetrating and conception channels, causing blood heat

    stagnation in the sin and tissues of the nose area, giving rise to the lesions.

    Point Prescription:he patient did not want her face needled.

    +ars 6oints" +xternal ody points" 11, ? 5, , @ - $, A $, $%

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  • 8/10/2019 Acupuncture and Herbs -1


    pleen 10 pleen %, , 11, +ar shenmen, Iidney $, Iidney &, Iidney '.

    =oxa used on t $%, -en , %, B and Iidney points. 6atient could not lie on

    his stomach until several months into treatment, at which point added A>#$,

    A>1&, A>1B, A>15 and points around the shoulder to relax rhomboids.

    hese points were not all used concurrently, but varied over the course of


    Her!al "ormula:>egan with raw herb formula8his mother would pour it down

    feeding tube.

    iu 4ei /i 3uang 4an ?ia 4ei

    (added Hou Ji Ki, Lhe Jian Ki,

    -ou Hui, 2u Ki, /ang Hui, oranthi,

    >ai hao, etc.

    his formula was augmented as he began to Ccome bac to lifeD. teased him

    and called him CpinocchioD. 3e was lie the wooden boy who softened and

    whose movements became more fluid. *fter six wees of these herbs and two

    acupuncture treatments per wee, his large family had a big party and too

    him to ?L 6enny to buy undershorts because he could finally control his

    urination and bowel movements. 4ithin a few months he could blow isses at

    his mother, articulate words, yell at me (liver !i stagnation emerged as he

    strengthened, but then again he had finally entered puberty and was an

    adolescent in all ways, including his demeanor.)(/ did grow, develop, voice

    deepened, etc.).

    #ifestyle Prescription:/ was receiving speech and occupational therapy at

    the hospital twice weely. 4hen learned he loved marine life we searched

    for dolphin therapy on the internet and found a site in outhern 2lorida where

    he ended up going !uarterly with his family. 3is parents felt that he made

    huge developmental strides from his time in the water with the animals.

    $esults:*s written above, / was helped in a big way by raditional Lhinese

    =edicine. 4hen he began to feed himself and the feeding tube was removed,

    his improvement slowed to a Cnot8so8dramaticD pace E because he fought

    taing the herbs which had helped him so significantly E and had also

    become a CmoodyD teenager.

    %ynopsis:4hen last saw /, he was waling, taling (not totally clearly, but

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    we could understand his words). 3e was attending school for a half day with

    his nurse as his shadow. 3e could shower himself, tae himself to the

    bathroom, spend time laughing with his friends, and was securing a voice8

    prompt computer system so he could be on email to his friends and family. 3e

    could wal by himself and even on stairs E but at the time saw him last, he

    was still experiencing spasticity in his forearms and fingers and could not

    perform fine motor sills. 3e doctors were mediating this a small amount with

    !uarterly botox inGections into the Goints, but without significant success. t is

    so interesting that when /Fs brain began to function again, it was as though

    he were an infant going through early stages of development E his function

    returned in the same CorderD as if he were developing for the first time.

    / no longer lives in the same city as but touched my life significantly.

    learned so much in treating and in nowing him. 3e is very brave young man.


    /iposan oleh sofia di##.0 0 omentar

    The Acupuncture Treatment of 'ascular Headache

    Chief Complaint:right temporal pain

    Western Diagnosis:vascular headache

    Medical History:* woman aged 0 complained headache for #0 years. the

    right temporal pain began #0 yeas age, often preceded by nervous tension or

    over8fatigue, and aggravated during menses. he experienced boring pain in

    the right temporal region accompanied by cramping pain of the right eye. the
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    bouts usually subsided after $85 days, sometimes with slight pain remaining.

    Questioning exam:right hemicrania precipitated b tension, fatigue and

    menses; flushed face; restlessness; irritability; poor appetite with bitter feeling

    in mouth; constipation.

    Pulse exam:fine taut pulse, wea at the left cubit.

    Tongue exam:tongue with thin yellow coating.

    M Diagnosis:haoMang headache.

    in this case, the bouts of hemicrania accompanied by right8eye pain, irritability,

    and taut pule were caused by endogenous wind from iver due to exuberance

    of Mang;restlessness and insomnia were due to disturbance of mental activity

    of iver8Mang; and flushed face bitter taste in mouth, constipation and yellow

    tongue coat were caused by iver8fire arising from transformation of Mang.

    2urther, inhibition of pleen by an overactive iver caused poor appetite.2ine

    pulse wea at the left cubit indicated deficiency of Iidney8Min,as this results in

    failure to nourish iver8Min, predisposing to exuberance of yang.

    Treatment Principle:

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    Chief Complaint:muscle spasms

    Medical History:6atient presents as $& year old female. C6erfect healthD until

    onset of current symptoms 5 months ago. *ctive lifestyle8 feels best after

    exercise. 4ell balanced and moderate diet.

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    $0, H>$, H>1, and -$.

    Tongue exam:ongue body thin, extremely pale, and had lots of transverse

    cracs. >ody was very !uivery and unable to patient unable to stic it out. 1$, 1, 15, 1B, #0, #$

    *fter that, alternated tonifying treatments with clearing treatments.

    onifying treatments included"

    :pening the Lhong (6 P 6%) or -en (A& P I %)

    A> 15, 1&, 1B, #0


    B needles around naval

    Llearing wind included different combinations of the following

    Mang 4ei =o (? 5 P H> 1), H> #0, 1#, H> $1, H>$

    Lupping with 6o um :n on bac and shoulders

    3andwor on shoulders, channel

    iger thermie on 1#

    Her!al "ormula:4omenFs 6recious as directed from Holden 2lower

    #ifestyle Prescription:nstructed to avoid chicen, caffeine, and alcohol

    increase cooed leafy greens

    $esults:-esults were great and she was symptom free after % treatments in

    # wees. then instructed her that wanted to see her weely through $

    menstrual cycles. 3owever, she was feeling so good and was busy, so she

    failed to come in for $ wees and stopped taing her herbs. n the third wee

    she had a period. he period was very heavy and painful. *ll of her symptoms

    returned, we began again and results are coming slower this time. t has been

    # months since she resumed treatment and was doing well until her last

    period when her symptoms moved from the bac of her nec to the front of

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    her nec (from ai Mang to Mang =ing). reatment has been modified and

    weFre continuing to wor on it.


    /iposan oleh sofia di01.1& 0 omentar

    Acupuncture and Her!s for (terine "i!roids

    Chief Complaint:Aterine pain

    Western Diagnosis:2ibroids

    Medical History:*sian female,age 0 presents with uterine fibroids for 1

    years. *sthma since age %, medicated with steroids for many years; during

    acute attacs her brother (physician) would intravenously inGect her with asteroid coctail; at age #5 she began daily use of ventolin spray; allergies to

    pollen, cats and coconut; whole family history of sin or lung problems

    (ecema, vitiligo, lung infections)

    Questioning exam:6atient reports her initial symptoms were deep, cramping

    pains about two wees prior to menses. :ther symptoms include fatigue and

    lumbar tenderness correlating to uterine pain. he is prone to hayfever,

    congested sinuses and slight wheexing. low digestion with bloating,gas and

    constipation. he reports blurry vision and floaters, cold extremities anddry,itchy sin. he patient is exhausted by her illness,generally difficult to fall

    asleep and poor sleep the wee before her menses. 3er husband does not

    acnowledge her fibroids.

    Pulse exam:Pulse:deep,slippery,slightly thin, also slightly wiry on right side

    *bdomen" soft,deep palpation reveals small mass on right side, cold to touch
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    Tongue exam:ongue" pale,dusy,swollen,teethmars, slight yellow coat

    /ar,puffy circles under eyes

    M Diagnosis:>lood @ 6hlegm tagnation in Aterus

    6 @ I/ Mang /eficiency

    Q >lood /eficiency

    ong term steroid use damages I/8disrupt water8unable to move blood and

    fluids8creates stagnation in lower Giao

    Treatment Principle:=ove >lood, ransform 6hlegm in Aterus

    onify Iidney and pleen


    Point Prescription:H> 1 @ ? 5, I/ $, Q $, $% @ $&, -+< , moxa

    lower abdomen, $%, ginger moxa -+< B

    Her!al "ormula:Hui Khi 2u ing 4an

    #ifestyle Prescription:Lontinue acupx #x7w

    +liminate dairy products for $ mos8to eliminate phlegm

    =assage, ai Ji, =oxa8all to increase energy flow to uterus


    ?ournal8write down everything you would lie to create in your life

    $esults:he has been receiving acupuncture for several years. he believes

    the L= is helping shorten the duration and lessen the intensity of her pain

    %ynopsis:2ibroid tumors are S1 reason for hysterectomy in A

    according to Laroline =yss, fibroids represent our creativity that was never

    birthed; including fantasies of ourselves; fibroids can result when we are

    flowing energy into dead8end Gobs and relationships that we have outgrown.


    /iposan oleh sofia di01.1% 0 omentar

    Chinese Medicine Treatment of (terine "i!roids and Cysts
  • 8/10/2019 Acupuncture and Herbs -1


    Chief Complaint:severe lower abdominal pain, uterine hemorrhage

    Western Diagnosis:uterine fibroids, ovarian cyst

    Medical History:& y.o. female with a history of heavy menses with clots and

    cramping and increasing in fre!uency. :ccasional hot flashes but after two #8

    year courses of estrogen supplementation didnFt want to continue hormone

    replacement. 2re!uent bladder infections following intercourse. 3istory of

    narcotic and alcohol addiction (past) and high blood pressure triggered byanxiety.

    Pulse exam:iver small and not descending to Iidney.

    6ain in lower left !uadrant of abdomen, sensitive on palpation. nguinal lymph

    swelling. 6ale complexion.

    Tongue exam:ong center crac, very pale body. -ed dots at tip.

    M Diagnosis:/ai =ai blocage preventing liver from descending to idney.

    /eficient iver blood leading to heart fire.

    Treatment Principle:/rain /ai =ai. upport iver >lood. =ove >lood inlower burner.

    Point Prescription:4ored with /ai =ai and i7H> divergent meridian both

    with acupuncture and essential oils. 3ad 6t. use castor oil pacs.

    Her!al "ormula:4ored with modifications of Hui Khi 2u ing an, adding

    among others Hui >an to eep hot flashes in chec, yin chen hao and7or !ing
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    hao to help drain latent toxic heat from the dai, and /an hen to calm spirit

    and help move blood. 3ad patient apply carrot and benoin +: to i /=

    points to consolidate >lood ($ days on $ days off for several wees) and

    mugwort oil to /ai =ai points (with castor oil on abdomen, also $ days on $

    days off).

    #ifestyle Prescription:-ecommended yoga stretches for opening psoa and

    abdomen, breathing meditation to connect with and move stagnation in uterus

    and ovaries.

    $esults:*fter initial treatment, 6t went in for a scheduled /@L and

    laparoscopy previously arrange with :>Hyn. /uring surgery, HM< discovered

    Ta large ovarian cystF and decided to remove entire ovary (R) *ll bleeding

    stopped and 6t was told the operation sent her into menopause. n the 5

    months since initial treatment and surgery, the menses has returned and

    normalied in fre!uency and duration, now with no pain or clotting. 6atient no

    longer has bladder infections following intercourse and no longer experiences

    anxiety or the associated 3>6; she has stopped taing pharmaceuticals for


    %ynopsis: thought it was a good case because not a lot of people are

    woring with +:Fs on extraordinary or divergent vessels and have been very

    impressed with the results.