Training for Apartment Locators You made it!!! Congratulations and Thank You!!! To enter the building press “#” 220 on the call box. That will ring my phone and I can buzz you in. Enter the elevator and press 7 for the 7th floor. The Club Room is on the 8th floor. One flight of stairs. You can do it :-) Follow the signs and enjoy the coffee and treats provided by Stupid Good Coffee. By Ashley D. Stanley


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Training for Apartment Locators

You made it!!! Congratulations and Thank You!!!To enter the building press “#” 220 on the call box. That will ring my phone and I

can buzz you in. Enter the elevator and press 7 for the 7th floor. The Club Room is on the 8th floor. One flight of stairs. You can do it :-)

Follow the signs and enjoy the coffee and treats provided by Stupid Good Coffee.

By Ashley D. Stanley

By Ashley D. Stanley

“Best Practices of Social Media for Your Apartment Locating


Best Practices Video: Tom Peters

Tom Peters is co-author of In Search of Excellence—the book that changed the way the world does business. Tom’s bedrock belief: “Execution is strategy—it’s all about the people and the doing, not the talking and the theory.”

Ashley's Apartments LLC

Ashley D. Stanley, Real Estate Broker/Owner

Training Objectives

Identify two forms of social media you understand and will regularly use.

Demonstrate your ability to post, like, comment, and share on these forums.

Demonstrate your ability to connect with other agents, customers, or clients through these platforms by friending or following.

Active Listening Acronym

Ice Breaker Activity

Training Format: Pairs

1. Find someone whose name begins with the same letter as yours. Can be first, middle, or last name.

2. Answer the form on p. 8 by using Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube, or LinkedIn.

3.The first group to answer all 10 statements will receive a $10 GC to Stupid Good Coffee ($5 each).

Improve Your Social Presence

Update Your Marketing Tactics

Reports, Reports, Reports

Make a Social Media Channel


Use Hashtags (#) Strategically

Build a Page Customers Will


~ Holly Homer, co-founder of Kids Activities Blog

Activity: Tips to Strengthen Your Marketing Plan

#1 Add Value Propositions to Profiles

#3 Create Targeted Calls To Action

#8 Humanize Your Voice

#14 Nip Negative Comments in the Bud ~ Patricia Redsicker, Marketing writer and Professional blogger.

#19 Strive to Learn New Skills

#23 Write Hashtags ~ Joe Pulizzi, founder of the Content Marketing Institute

Case Problem

Lives in Uptown (Dallas)

Works in a Co-working space in West End (DEC)

Spends his free time in Bishop Arts

Has a LinkedIn Profile, Twitter Acct., and Business Blog

How would you proceed with contacting him for an apt.?

Post Session Survey

I hope you enjoyed your time today!

Your feedback is important.

Please take a moment to fill out the survey on page 22.

Veterans R Moving US(972) 835-8387

Make It A ...


STRATEGY: Best Practices, Love 'Em and Hate 'Em [Video file]. Retrieved from #https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-bKtRgVW7u4

Homer, Holly. (2014, November 12). Holly Homer of Kids Activities Blog: Expert Interview {TB023} [Web log]. Retrieved from http://iblogmagazine.com/holly-homer-expert-interview-tb023/

Pulizzi, Joe (2015, February 2). You Are Publishing Too Much (and Failing)[Web log]. Retrieved from http://contentmarketinginstitute.com/author/joepulizzi/

Veterans R Moving US. TX DMV# 006757898C | US DOT #243871. Retrieved from http://www.veteransrmovingus.com/about-us/

Redsicker, Patricia (2014, May 7). 4 Tips for Handling Negative Social Media Comments [Web log]. http://wordviewediting.com/4-tips-for-handling-negative-social-media-comments/