Actionscript Basics

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  • 7/27/2019 Actionscript Basics


    Actionscript basics

    W E B - A N D M U L T I M E D I A D E S I G N

  • 7/27/2019 Actionscript Basics


    This document is a short introduction to the programming language that enables you to create

    highly interactive Flash movies, and that makes things possible that without scripting would

    be a no-go. It is NOT a comprehensive tutorial on actionscript and NOT a reference. For more

    information on actionscript Id suggest you have a look at the actionscript dictionary that

    comes with ash and/or get a hold of that great book by Colin Moock, called Actionscript the

    denitive guide (published by OReilly).

    So what is actionscript

    Actionscript is an almost full edged programming language that allows to to control your ash

    movies in a lot of ways. For instance you could use it to:

    - import and control sound and pictures dynamically

    - control animations- dynamically set text

    - connect Flash to a database or other external data

    - load new movies into an already existing movie

    - create games

    - create drag-and-drop actions

    - etc.

    The basic structure

    The structure of this language is in a lot of ways similar to for instance javascript. In short that

    would mean that it makes use of object, properties, events and methods (well get to that) andis written using dot-notation (well get to that also).

    Theres an important difference with Javascript also. Apart from the fact that objects, properties

    etc. in actionscript differ from the ones in javascript, javascript is very strict in its case-

    sensitivity. Where in javascript anObject is something else than ANOBJECT or anobject,

    Actionscript basics

    Date: 19 september 2003

    Version: as_012003

    W E B - A N D M U L T I M E D I A D E S I G N

  • 7/27/2019 Actionscript Basics


    these would (for now) be the same in actionscript (almost always). That is to say; with every

    new version of ash the case-sensitivity becomes more strict and will probably end up like in

    javascript. Therefore its important to impose strict case-sensitivity onto yourself already; be

    prepared for the future.

    About objects, properties, methods and events

    Actionscript is an object based programming language. What is an object in Flash? Well for

    instance; a button, a movieclip, a texteld, sound, XML the movie itself! Objects themselves

    are meaningless. They get their meaning through their properties, events and methods, like a

    car is nothing without wheels, seats, an engine, the ability to move etc. So lets have a look at

    what gives meaning


    All of these objects have properties. For instance; a movieclip has the following properties:

    position (dened by x- and y-coordinates [_x and _y]), alpha (transparency: _alpha), size(dened by width and height [_width and _height]) etc.

    If youd have a look at the actionscript panel, youd nd more if you expand the properties. In

    the reference/and or in the actionscript dictionary you can nd more info on the meaning of a

    specic property. See the below image. Properties can be read and most properties can be set

    also. Youll nd info on that in the dictionary and/or reference.

    Example: suppose wed have a movieclip with the instancename myClip on stage. We could read

    its width with the following small piece of code:

    myClip._width; // reads the property and returns it

    Using trace(myClip._width); would put the value to the output window.

    Actionscript Basics

    W E B - A N D M U L T I M E D I A D E S I G N

  • 7/27/2019 Actionscript Basics


    We could set the same property with this:

    myClip._width = 100;

    Textelds also have properties and one of them is text; referring to the text that is displayed in

    the texteld. Suppose we have a dynamic (!) texteld with the instancename myDynamicField_

    text, then we could put the text Hello World in that texteld by writing this code on the

    timeline were the texteld resides:

    myDynamicField_text.text = Hello World;

    As you will have noticed; not all properties are written with an underscore (_). Especially the

    somewhat newer properties like text for textelds have to do without them. Its a long story but

    basically it this has to do with actionscript more and more adhering to a standard in scripting

    languages; the socalled ECMA standard. If youre not sure about the underscore thing, check thedictionary. By the way; you wont nd any underscores in properties in the javascript language.

    Javascript has been around longer than actionscript.


    Methods are basically the same as functions and a function is (simply put) a command to do

    something. You can recognise functions through the brackets ( ) that always come with them.

    Some very basic methods are:

    - play( );

    - stop( );

    - gotoAndPlay( );- gotoAndStop( );

    Example: if wed have an animation of 20 frames on out main timeline and wed put a stop(); in

    the rst frame of the timeline, then our movie would not play. The playhead would enter that

    frame, read the action, and do what is required. If wed put the stop(); action in the last frame,

    then our animation would play only once and stop at frame 20. Putting a gotoAndPlay(1); in the

    last frame would make the movie loop endlessly.

    In the previous case were gaining control over the main timeline. We could also control the

    timeline of a movieclip. For instance:;

    would tell the movieclip with the instancename myClip to play.

    Every object has a specied set of methods to go with it. When you get further into actionscript

    you will discover that you can elaborate on the standard methods that come with those object,

    by adding/writing your own.

    Actionscript Basics

    W E B - A N D M U L T I M E D I A D E S I G N

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    Actionscript not only is object-based; it is also event-based. The concept of events is quite

    simple: if this happens (the event) then the following will happen (a command will be carried

    out). If I turn the ignition key, my car will start (hopefully). In (fake) actionscript terms we

    would write something like:

    myCar.onTurnkey = carStart();

    Here myCar is the object, onTurnkey the event and carStart the function or command that has

    to be performed. One of the most commonly events used in ash is an event that applies both

    to movieclips and buttons: onRelease. Generally when a user clicks button, something will

    happen. If we would want to state what has to be done when a user clicks a button with the

    instancename myButton_btn, we would write (in the rst frame of the timeline the button is


    myButton_btn.onRelease = function() {

    trace(I clicked the button with the name myButton_btn);


    Clicking the button would put the message I clicked the button with the name myButton_btn

    to the output window.

    Find out more about objects, properties, events and methods by having a peek in the

    actionscript dictionary. There you will also nd simple examples that often you can easily test,

    to see how it works.

    About the whole timeline thing

    Flash is rst of all a timeline based application. Everything and anything inside a ash movie

    is a timeline. Every symbol that you have created is a timeline even if only you have used only

    one frame of that timeline. Actionscript wouldnt be worth a penny if it wouldnt enable you to

    control multiple timelines at the same time; if it wouldnt be able to let you control the main

    timeline from within the timeline of a movieclip or the other way around.

    To get a clear understanding, you must know the following. Apart from the main timeline or the

    timeline of a movieclip, its good to know that each ashmovie also resides on its own level.

    Flash movies can be stacked and in that stack each movie has its own level. In each level there

    will always be a main timeline, which in ash is called _root. That main timeline or _root can

    obviously contain other timelines, e.g. movieclip instances.

    To refer to that main timeline from within a movieclip, we have two options; an absolute

    reference _root (which will allow you to controll the main timeline from wherever you are, as

    long as you are on the same level) or a relative reference _parent. The _parent reference will

    take you one step up in the timeline heirarchy. If youd have to do two steps up, then the

    syntax would be _parent._parent. Easy, right?! Also check the nal example of this little paper.

    Actionscript Basics

    W E B - A N D M U L T I M E D I A D E S I G N

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    Controlling movieclip timelines from main timeline (or _root)

    We already saw that you can control the timeline of a movieclip, or a property of a movieclip,

    by referring to its instancename. Using that dot-notation you are able to walk down (or up) the

    hierarchy of timelines that are nested into eachother.

    Example: if we would have a movieclip with the instancename myClip on our main timeline, and

    we made sure that it doesnt play by adding a stop() action in the rst frame of myClip, then

    this script on the main timeline:;

    would make myClip to start playing. Similarly:


    would make the timeline start to play on which the action resides. So if its on the main

    timeline, it would start the main timeline. If its written inside myClip, it would play myClip.

    Example: if we would have a movieclip with the instance name myMainClip on the main timeline

    and inside myMainClip there would be a movieclip called myNestedClip, then we could acces

    myNestedClip from the main timeline with


    If we are writing script on the timeline of myMainClip then we would access myNestedClip with


    Controlling the main timeline (or _root) from within a movieclip

    In some cases you want to be able to control the main timeline from within a movieclip. For

    instance: you want the main timeline to continue playing when an animation inside a movieclip

    has nished. So actionscript has a two ways of referring to the main timeline: _root and _

    parent. The differences between these two? Where _root is an absolute reference that will always

    allow you to reach the main timeline, however deeply nested the timeline is that does the call.

    If youre using _parent as a reference then, this is a relative reference, that is referring to the

    timeline in which the current timeline is nested. Okay lets make this clear with an example.

    We have the following situation: we have a movie with a dynamic texteld called myText that

    resides on the main timeline. Also on that main timeline we have a movieclip called myMainClip.

    Inside myMainClip well nd the following: a button called myNestedButton and a movieclip

    with an animation called myNestedAnimation.

    What we want to achieve in the example

    We want the button to start the animation and put the text animation is playing into the

    texteld. And we also want the text animation has nished to be displayed when well, the

    animation has nished.

    Actionscript Basics

    W E B - A N D M U L T I M E D I A D E S I G N

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    So lets rst have a look at the script

    that controls the actions that have to

    be performed when the user clicks the

    button. This it what the button has to


    - put the text animation is playing in

    the textbox

    - make the animation start playing

    NB Obviously youll have to put a stop()

    action in the rst frame of the animation

    timeline, to prevent it from starting to

    play ;-).

    Where do we put the action? Wellactually there are two more or less logical options options. We could put it on the main timeline,

    or we could put it on the timeline where the button resides, which is inside the movieclip

    myMainClip. Lets have a look at the rst option; the script on the main timeline (obviously we

    prefer this to keep as much code as possible in one central location).

    From main timeline:

    1. myMainClip.myNestedButton.onRelease = function() {

    2. myText.text = animation is playing;

    3.;4. };

    1. First we refer to the button inside the movieclip, and assign a function to the onRelease


    2. Then were referring to the texteld (which is on the main timeline) and adress its property


    3. Then we adress the movieclip myNestedClip which is inside myMainClip and tell it to start


    4. we nish this function

    But if we dont care too much about codecentralisation we could also write some code that

    will perform the same, on the timeline of the movieclip myMainClip, where the button actually

    resides. It then looks like this.

    From the nested timeline:

    1. myNestedButton.onRelease = function() {

    2. _root.myText.text = animation is playing;


    4. };

    Actionscript Basics

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    main timeline

    myMainClip timeline

    myNestedAnimation timeline

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    1. First we refer to the button that is on the same timeline as were this script is written and

    assign a function to the onRelease event.

    2. Then were referring to the texteld (which is on the main timeline) and adress its property

    text. The texteld is one level up on the main timeline. Therefore we have to adress it with

    _root (or _parent).

    3. Then we adress the movieclip myNestedClip which is on the current timeline and tell it to

    start playing

    4. we nish this function

    Now that wasnt to hard, was it? Lets nish with the nal action, that takes care of the second

    requirement for this little thingie. Here youll see _parent in action more clearly. The requirement

    was to put the text animation has nished in the texteld, as soon as the animation has

    nished playing. The most logical place for this script would be the last frame of the animation.

    So if we go to edit myNestedClip and select the last keyframe, we would write:

    1 stop();

    2. _root. myText.text = animation has nished;


    1 stop();

    2. _parent._parent. myText.text = animation has nished;

    Se the difference between the two? In the rst possible solution were making one huge stepto the main timeline (where the texteld is placed) using the absolute reference _root. In the

    second solution were taking one step at the time using the relative reference _parent which will

    take you up one step in the timeline. And as the texteld resides two steps up, we use _parent._


    In this case the use of _root is perfectly ne, but suppose a situation where inside myMainClip

    would be a second nested movieclip called mySecondNestedClip. From the animation

    (myNestedClip), we could target that using _parent.mySecondNestedClip.

    Thats it for now folks. Its not hard, but just looks hard because its a little abstract at rst. To

    get a better view on what you are trying to do, its wise to draw a scheme of your application/

    movie on paper, just like I did above. It will help you understand the structure of your

    movie, because it will give you helicopterview. Other than that, just sit at your computer and

    experiment around. And dont forget about that actionscript dictionary that comes with ash.

    Good luck.

    Actionscript Basics

    W E B - A N D M U L T I M E D I A D E S I G N