PertanikaJ. Trap. Agric. Sci. 20(1): 65-74(1997) ISSN: 0126-6128 © Universiti Putra Malaysia Press Action Thresholds of Wet Rice Arthropods for Pest Management Decision-making in Malaysia S.T.S. HASSAN Department of Biology Faculty of Science and Environmental Studies Universiti Putra Malaysia 43400 UPM, Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia Keywords: arthropods, rice, pest management, thresholds, Malaysia ABSTRAK Nilai ambang tindakan untuk membantu penetapan ketentuan dalam pengurusan populasi perosak bagi 11 kategori artropod disarankan secara min densiti populasi per rumpun (x) dan perkadaran infestasi (P(l)) unit pensampelan di lapangan. Nilai ambang adalah nilai (x) dan P(I) pada titik tepuan lengkung regresi polinomial yang diperolehi daripada pemplotan (x) melawan P(I) bagi setiap kategori artropod. Nilai yang berkenaan bagi perosak masing-masing adalah: 3.38, 0.92 (Nephotettix spp.), 6.28, 1.00 (Nilaparvata lugens), 1.37, 0.72 (Cnaphalocrocis medinalis- Pyralidae) , 2.42, 0.90 (Recilia dorsalis), 3.81, 0.97 (Sogatella furcifera), dan bagi predator pula: 3.89, 0.98 (Cyrtorhinus lividipennis.), 2.39, 0.85 (Anatrichus pygmaeus- Diptera), 2.02, 0.82 (Odonata), 1.65, 0.81 (Casnoidea sp.), 1.61, 0.64 (paederus fuscipes), dan 1.60, 0.69 (labah-labah). pel) dipengaruhi secara bererti (P<O.OOl) oleh kategori artropod dan peringkat pertumbuhan tanaman. Nilai-nilai P(I) tercerap sangat berpadanan (kebanyakan i>0.90) dengan model taburan yang berasaskan serakan berkelompok dan serakan Poisson. ABSTRACT Action thresholds to aid pest population management decision-making of 11 categories of wet rice arthropods are suggested in terms of mean population density per hill (x) and proportion of infestation (P(I)) of the field sampling units. The thresholds are the (x) and P(I) values at the point of saturation of a polynomial regression curve obtained by plotting (x) against P(I) for each arthropod category. The respective values for pests are: 3.38, 0.92 (Nephotettix spp.) , 6.28, 1.00 (Nilaparvata lugens), 1.37, 0.72 (Cnaphalocrocis medinalis- Pyralidae), 2.42, 0.90 (Recilia dorsalis), 3.81, 0.97 (Sogatella furcifera), and for predators are: 3.89, 0.98 (Cyrtorhinus lividipennis), 2.39, 0.85 (Anatrichus pygmaeus- Diptera), 2.02, 0.82 (Odonata), 1.65, 0.81 (Casnoidea sPP), 1.61, 0.64 (paederus fuscipes), and 1.60, 0.69 (spiders). P(I) is significantly (P<O.OOl) affected by arthropod category and growth stage of the crop. The observed pel) indicated high fits (most i>0.90) to clumped- and Poisson-based distribution models. INTRODUCTION In a pest management system, its reliability and integrity in decision-making, and hence the out- put accruing from management actions and strat- egy, depend to a large extent on threshold values for action decisions. There are many types of threshold mentioned or described in the literature; economic threshold, damage thresh- old, injury threshold and action threshold. Simi- larities and differences between these threshold terms have not been critically clarified. The economic injury level and the economic thresh- old have been defined by entomologists (Stern 1973) and economists (Headley 1971). Never- theless, it is widely understood that when a pest density is above the threshold, some decisions or appropriate action should be made. It has been readily admitted that it is difficult to estimate economic thresholds under field conditions (Keerthisinghe 1984). Most threshold values given are static. How- ever, dynamic thresholds are more realistic

Action Thresholds ofWet Rice Arthropods for Pest

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Page 1: Action Thresholds ofWet Rice Arthropods for Pest

PertanikaJ. Trap. Agric. Sci. 20(1): 65-74(1997) ISSN: 0126-6128© Universiti Putra Malaysia Press

Action Thresholds of Wet Rice Arthropods for Pest ManagementDecision-making in Malaysia

S.T.S. HASSANDepartment of Biology

Faculty of Science and Environmental StudiesUniversiti Putra Malaysia

43400 UPM, Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia

Keywords: arthropods, rice, pest management, thresholds, Malaysia


Nilai ambang tindakan untuk membantu penetapan ketentuan dalam pengurusan populasi perosak bagi 11kategori artropod disarankan secara min densiti populasi per rumpun (x) dan perkadaran infestasi (P(l)) unit

pensampelan di lapangan. Nilai ambang adalah nilai (x) dan P(I) pada titik tepuan lengkung regresi

polinomial yang diperolehi daripada pemplotan (x) melawan P(I) bagi setiap kategori artropod. Nilai yangberkenaan bagi perosak masing-masing adalah: 3.38, 0.92 (Nephotettix spp.), 6.28, 1.00 (Nilaparvatalugens), 1.37, 0.72 (Cnaphalocrocis medinalis- Pyralidae), 2.42, 0.90 (Recilia dorsalis), 3.81, 0.97(Sogatella furcifera), dan bagi predator pula: 3.89, 0.98 (Cyrtorhinus lividipennis.), 2.39, 0.85 (Anatrichuspygmaeus- Diptera), 2.02, 0.82 (Odonata), 1.65, 0.81 (Casnoidea sp.), 1.61, 0.64 (paederus fuscipes),dan 1.60, 0.69 (labah-labah). pel) dipengaruhi secara bererti (P<O.OOl) oleh kategori artropod dan peringkatpertumbuhan tanaman. Nilai-nilai P(I) tercerap sangat berpadanan (kebanyakan i>0.90) dengan modeltaburan yang berasaskan serakan berkelompok dan serakan Poisson.


Action thresholds to aid pest population management decision-making of 11 categories of wet rice arthropods aresuggested in terms of mean population density per hill (x) and proportion of infestation (P(I)) of the fieldsampling units. The thresholds are the (x) and P(I) values at the point of saturation of a polynomial regressioncurve obtained by plotting (x) against P(I) for each arthropod category. The respective values for pests are: 3.38,0.92 (Nephotettix spp.), 6.28, 1.00 (Nilaparvata lugens), 1.37, 0.72 (Cnaphalocrocis medinalis­Pyralidae), 2.42, 0.90 (Recilia dorsalis), 3.81, 0.97 (Sogatella furcifera), and for predators are: 3.89, 0.98(Cyrtorhinus lividipennis), 2.39, 0.85 (Anatrichus pygmaeus- Diptera), 2.02, 0.82 (Odonata), 1.65, 0.81(Casnoidea sPP), 1.61, 0.64 (paederus fuscipes), and 1.60, 0.69 (spiders). P(I) is significantly (P<O.OOl)affected by arthropod category and growth stage of the crop. The observed pel) indicated high fits (most i>0.90)to clumped- and Poisson-based distribution models.


In a pest management system, its reliability andintegrity in decision-making, and hence the out­put accruing from management actions and strat­egy, depend to a large extent on thresholdvalues for action decisions. There are many typesof threshold mentioned or described in theliterature; economic threshold, damage thresh­old, injury threshold and action threshold. Simi­larities and differences between these thresholdterms have not been critically clarified. The

economic injury level and the economic thresh­old have been defined by entomologists (Stern1973) and economists (Headley 1971). Never­theless, it is widely understood that when a pestdensity is above the threshold, some decisions orappropriate action should be made. It has beenreadily admitted that it is difficult to estimateeconomic thresholds under field conditions(Keerthisinghe 1984).

Most threshold values given are static. How­ever, dynamic thresholds are more realistic

Page 2: Action Thresholds ofWet Rice Arthropods for Pest


(Wilson 1986), and can be easily used in exami­nation of varying feeding damage patterns dueto the pest concerned (Hassan and Wilson 1993).Notwithstanding these varying damage patterns,Benedict et al. (1989) maintained that mosteconomic thresholds for insects are nominaland not based on damage functions. Any thresh­old, especially a dynamic one, is not an easyparameter to quantify since there are many in­fluencing variables involved (Graham et al. 1972).

Rice is an important world crop since it is amajor staple food. However, despite being at­tacked by many arthropod pests, few attemptshave been made to quantify their damage thresh­olds (e.g. Sogawa and Cheng 1979; Hassan andIbrahim 1987) relative to other crops such ascotton. Consequently, prophylactic spraying ofchemical pesticides is still widely practised inmany parts of the world, with subsequent degra­dation of the ecosystem.

Based on the crude action threshold defini­tion as the mean population density where theproportion of infestation reaches the point ofsaturation (Hassan and Ibrahim 1987), this pa­per quantifies the action threshold of elevenarthropod categories in the wet rice ecosystemin Malaysia. The concomitant and relevant dy­namics of distribution in terms of proportion ofinfestation and mean density are also examined.


Study Areas

Studies were conducted at three separate loca­tions involving plantings of transplanted ricereplicated spatially and temporally. The threelocations were: plots at a rice estate at the BukitCawi village, Seberang Perak, Perak (4°7' N,101° 4' E); experimental plots at UniversitiPertanian Malaysia (UPM), Serdang, Selangor(3° 2' N, 101° 42' E); and a farmer's plots atSawah Sempadan, Tanjung Karang (SSTK),Selangor (3° 20' N, nn° 12'E). At the estate, twoplots, each measuring 253 x 57 m, were plantedwith 30-day-old seedlings of MR 84 variety on 12January 1986. A single simultaneous applicationof fertilizer, insecticide and weedicide was made26 days after transplanting (DAT). These chemi­cals were mixed fertilizer (nitrogen : phospho­rus : potassium at 17.5 : 15.5 : 10 w/w respec­tively) at 2.0 kg per ha, Acmaron® (a.i. endosulfan3%, inert materials 97% w/w) at 35 kg per ha,and Rumputox® (a.i. 2, 5-D butyl ester 45%,inert materials 55% w/w) at 2.0 kg per ha. At

UPM, four adjacent plots (each measuring 30 x26 m) were planted with 21-day-old seedlings ofMR 84 variety on 7January 1992. No insecticideswere sprayed during the entire sampling periodof 73 days.

At SSTK, two adjacent plots (each measur­ing 67 x 61 m) were established using MR 84variety. Direct seeding was done on 2 February1992, whereas transplanting was done on 17February 1992, 21 days after seeding in thenursery. The field was sprayed once with a syn­thetic pyrethrin insecticide (Fastac®), 40 DAT.At 20 and 40 DAT, mixed fertilizer N:P:K:traceelements (15:15:17:2 by weight) was applied. At60 DAT, another mixed fertilizer N:P:K:traceelements (12:12:17:2 by weight) was applied. Ateach site, transplanted seedlings were placed atthe normal spacing of 0.25 m.


At each site, six observers in two separate groupsof three conducted direct visual counting, re­corded on tape cassettes, of 22 categories ofarthropod; Nephotettix spp. (Homoptera:Cicadellidae), Nilaparvata lugens (Homoptera:Delphacidae), Cnaphalocrocis medinalis (Guenee)(Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), Recilia dorsalis(Motschulsky) (Homoptera: Cicadellidae),Sogatella furcifera (Horvath) (Homoptera:Delphacidae), Pelopidas mathias (Fabricius)(Lepidoptera: Hesperiidae), Cyrtorhinus spp.(Reuter) (Heteroptera: Miridae), Anatrichuspygmaeus (Lamb) (Diptera: Chloropidae),Orthoptera, Odonata, Casnoidea spp. (Coleoptera:Carabidae), Micraspis spp. (Coleoptera:Coccinellidae), Paederus fuscipes (Curtis)(Coleoptera: Staphylinidae); and the spider fami­lies Lycosidae, Oxyopidae, Agriopidae,Clubionidae, Thomisidae, Tetragnathidae,Salticidae, spider nymphs and parasitoids.

At the estate, with one hill as the samplingunit, 100 hills were examined at random in eachplot. Sampling was done on three consecutivedays every two weeks, at 0900-1200 h in oneplot, and 1500-1800 h in the other plot, from 23December 1985 until 30 May 1986 (total of 30sampling days). At UPM, weekly sampling wasconducted from 20 February until 2 May 1992(11 sampling days), and at SSTK weekly sam­pling was carried out from 23 April until 3 June1992 (7 sampling days) using one hill (for trans­planted) and one naturally-formed clump (fordirect seeding) as the sampling units. Weekly


Page 3: Action Thresholds ofWet Rice Arthropods for Pest


P(I) = 1 - e- x (3)

P(I) = 1-e-mx (4)

P(I) = 1 - e- x [In(axb-I)(axb-I _1)-1] (2)

P(I) = 1 - e- x [In(s2 x -I >(S2 X -I _1)-1] (1)

tween categories, and among models, using Ryan­Einot-Gabriel-Welsch multiple range test (Ryan'sQ test) (Day and Quinn 1989).

Since inspection of the r2 values indicatesbest fits (r2 > 0.90) with models 1 and 3, furtheranalyses only utilise these models. Examinationof the P(I) and x data indicated eleven speciescategories with minimum data points of 204;these species categories were then chosen forfurther analysis. The categories chosen com­prised five pests: Nephotettix spp., N. lugens, S.JurciJera, R dorsalis, C. medinalis and six preda­tors; spiders, Odonata, Casnoidea spp.,C. lividipennis., P. Juscipes and A. pygmaeus.

Pooling data across dates, times of samplingand the four studies for each species, P(I) valuesversus x were plotted using (1) the actual fielddata; (2) those derived from model 1 and (3)from model 3. A polynomial regression, up tothe fourth power was fitted for each plot. Foreach arthropod category, the most fit polyno­mial equation (highest r2) was then differenti­ated to obtain a value of where the first dy/ dx= 0 occurred. The corresponding P(I) value wasthen calculated. For each arthropod category,the three values of x obtained (field data, model1, model 3) were subsequently averaged to ob­tain the mean action threshold in terms of x /hill and P (I) .

Using pooled data (across times of samplingand methods of planting) from SSTK, for eachspecies category, values of P(I) and x weredetermined at each date, from actual field dataand from models 1 and 3. An exploratory dataanalysis (EDA) (STSC 1991) was done on thepooled observed P(I) data of the three sites, toexamine their distribution patterns. Dispersionof residuals versus expected values of the P (I)was also inspected. No transformation of datawas necessary since the normality and homoge­neity of variance criteria were not violated. Amulti-factor analysis of variance (STSC 1991) onP (I) was done with species and date as the maineffects. Varying dates represent various stages ofgrowth of the crop.(6)


In S2= In a + b In x

m x = - In [1 - P(I)]

where P(I) is the proportion of infestation, a &b are Taylor's coefficients, x the mean density,S2 the variance, and m the forced regressioncoefficient from the following equation

Taylor's coefficients (a,b) were estimated by re­gressing In S2 against In x from the relationship

Analyses: Mean Action ThresholdAt each location, for each combination of spe­cies category, date and time of sampling, themean density (x) and proportion of infestedhill (P(I)) were determined. For each species,values of P(I)s from four distribution models(Wilson and Room 1983); (1) derivation of nega­tive binomial, (2) substitution of Taylor's powerlaw (Taylor 1984), (3) Poisson and (4) modifiedPoisson were subsequently used separately toderive expected proportion of infestation (P(I))data.

visual examination of twenty hills/clumps perplot was conducted, at three-hour intervals, dur­ing each 24-h duration. At each site, the mannerof walking through the field was varied fromdiagonal to zig-zag and semi-eircular, to ensurea good coverage when sampling each plot. Threeborder rows in each plot were left unsampled.For sampling during the night, waterprooftorchlights, with 6V Superheavy Eveready® bat­tery, were used to examine the plants. All thespecies examined were easily recognized underthis light.

In each model, for each arthropod category,all the P (I) calculated were regressed againstP(I) observed to obtain the level of fit (r2). Ananalysis of variance on r2, using general linearmodels procedure (SAS 1990), was run witharthropod categories and models as the majorfactors. The r2values were then compared be-


For each arthropod category, threshold valuesin terms of mean numbers per hill (x) varylittle among observed, model 1 and model 3output (Table 1). Exceptions are in Nephotettixspp. and Pyralidae where there is an apparentdifference between observed (3.76, 1.10) and


Page 4: Action Thresholds ofWet Rice Arthropods for Pest


model 3 (2.96, 1.97) thresholds respectively.However, in terms of proportion of infestation(P (I) ), there are more noticeable differencesfor almost every arthropod category betweenobserved and model 3 values, the largest differ­ence being for Pyralidae (0.61 and 0.95 respec­tively). Hence it is reasonable to suggest that foreach species, output from models 1 and 3 simu­late the actual threshold (x) closely, hence thelow variation in threshold values obtained (Ta­ble 1). The larger difference in P (I) values isexpected since their values are determined bytheir positions on their respective polynomialcurves (Fig. 1). Since the P(I) and x relation­ship is curvilinear, and the curves are clearlydifferent comparing the arthropod categories, a

difference in x values between the categoriesdoes not result in the respective similar lineardifference in P (I) s. This differential attributecontrasting species is related to the difference inspatial distribution pattern of the species con­cerned. Various species categories of the cotton

crop also showed different distribution patterns(Wilson and Room 1983). However, in contrastto the high fits of models 1 and 3 for ricearthropods, cotton arthropods showed a high fitto model 2, but were similar to rice arthropodsin indicating the lowest fit to model 4.

The multi-factor analysis of variance on P (I)indicates that for each group of the P(I) fromobserved data, from modell and from model 3,the effects of arthropod category and growthstage of the crop were significant (P<O.OOl).The significance of the arthropod factor furtherclarifies the marked difference in values of P(I)when contrasting P(I) values between arthro­pods from observed, models land 3 statedearlier, and when contrasting the polynomialrelationships of P(I) and x between the variousarthropod categories (Fig. 1). The significanceof growth stage strongly suggests the possibilityof different values of action thresholds as thecrop grows. This conforms well with the notionof dynamic economic thresholds in tandem with


TABLE 1Suggested and published range (Way 1991) in brackets, of action thresholds of 11 caregories ofarthropds of wet paddy ecosystem. Values given are in terms of mean numbers per hill (x) and

the equivalent proportions of infestation (P(1) (n~138). Field data from Bukit Cawi, Perak(1986), Universiti Pertanian Malaysia and Tanjung Karang, Selangor (1992 crop season).

Observed Modell Model 3 MeanArthropodcategory X P(I) x P(I) x P(I) x P(I)

Nephotettix spp. 3.76 0.91 3.43 0.90 2.96 0.96 3.38 0.92(2-20)

Nilaparvata lugens 6.33 1.00 6.44 1.00 6.06 1.00 6.28 1.00(1-100)

Cnaphalocrocis 1.10 0.61 1.03 0.61 1.97 0.95 1.37 0.72medinalis (1-5)Recilia donalis 2.49 0.92 2.45 0.86 2.33 0.93 2.42 0.90

(no data)Sogatella JurciJera 3.87 0.95 4.04 0.96 3.52 1.00 3.81 0.07

(1-7)Cytorhinus sp. 3.97 0.99 4.01 0.94 3.68 1.00 3.89 0.98

(no data)Anatrichus pygmaeus 2.19 0.83 2.17 0.80 2.80 0.93 2.39 0.85

(no data)Odonata 2.07 0.83 1.85 0.76 2.13 0.87 2.02 0.82

(no data)Casnoidea 1.73 0.82 1.68 0.81 1.53 0.78 1.65 0.81

(no data)Paederus Juscipes 1.42 0.54 1.66 0.59 1.75 0.80 1.61 0.64

(no data)Spiders 1.58 0.64 1.66 0.65 1.56 0.79 1.60 0.69

(no data)


Page 5: Action Thresholds ofWet Rice Arthropods for Pest


NIIapatYata lugens

1.0Observed.t+, . • • • •


0.6 •0.4

0.2V.o.1 I+O.~x·0.05x'+O.o1x'

C 00

J 1.0Model

•• • • • •.5 0.8 •'0 0.6c0 0.41::&. 0.2

.. .0.80

e V.o.I5.0.35o<-o.05o<'.0.01x'

Q.. 0Model 3

1.0 • • • • •0.8


0.4,a .0.85

0.2v-o.l hO.•9x-o.07x'.O.Olx3

0-5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35

,M~n numbers per hill

Nsphotettix spp.






c 00

J Model 11.0 ~1..~.....0.8 • •••.5 , ...~•..

'0 0.6c •0 0.41:: ,'.0.94

&. 0.2v-o·02+O·88x-o.35o<1.0.07x'-o.01x·e 0


Model 31.0

_.~-0.8 ~.

0.6 •0.4

" -0.96

0.2 V.o·Ol.0.V8x-o.•1x'.0.08x'·0.01x·

0-1 0 2 3 4 5 6

,M~n numbers per hill

SogBtella furcifenl SpldMs1.0

Observed1.0 • 0.8

0.8 • ... :·t0.6

ii~:'''··0.6 • 0.4 · ..0.4

,a .0.94 0.2 • rt .0.97


C 0V.o.01 +O.97x-o.• 1x'.0.02x3-o.03x'

C 0 00 j 1.0

j Model 11.0 .. • CIl

0.8.! • .! • •.5 0.8 • .5 •

'0 0.6 .~.:;:-.... •••'0 0.6 c

,. ..c 0 0.4 •0 0.4 :e:e ,a .0.94 &. 0.2 ,f .0.96

&. 0.2e V_0.~.0.6:lx.0.16k·+0.02x·-o.01x' e 0


0 IQ.Q. 1.0

Model 3 Model 31.0 •• • 0.8 •••••0.8 0.6 /,'0.6 ,/ ,.,.0.40.4

.. -1.00 0.20.2 V·0.02+0.~x·0.26x"0.03x·-o.01x' V.l 00x 0.7x·.O.l5x'-o02.·

0 0-2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 -0.5 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0

lJI~n numbers per hill ,M~n numbers per hill

Fig. 1. (Cont.'d on next page)

PERTANIKAJ. TRap. AGRIC. SCI. VOL. 20 NO.1, 1997 69

Page 6: Action Thresholds ofWet Rice Arthropods for Pest



Reel/Is donIalIs c.noIdee IJPP.1.0 1.0

Observed • Observed0.8 • • 0.8 • •

~~.. •0.6 ·0.6 • ••

0.4 0.4 .:.r1.(l.9O 0.2 4% r2 .0.90

0.2~-c y.().O 1+Q.9Olt·(l.42ll·.0.11>'~.0la' C y.l.07•. 1.02x·.0.98.J~.3S"-o.01

.2 0 .2 0 .

I 1.0 • I 1.0 ..

~.... Model •0.8 • • 0.81- • ·

= J.,...+t# • = •-0 0.6 -.- -0 0.61- • ·

• •c • c ••0.4 • .2 0.4.2 ••1:: 1:: • ,0 .o.g7

&. 0.2,0.0.90 &. 0.2 •.4

2 y-O.o t.a.gl. ·0.42ll'.0.10.'·0.01.' 2 y-l.44.·2.06.·.'.ll6.'-o.6S.·-o.03

0 CL. 0 .CL. 1.0 ·

1.0 •Model 3 .,.... Model 30.8 0.8 ••0.6 0.6 •

•0.4 0.4 •••

".'.00 • ,. .1.00

0.2 0.2 .'y-o.Ol.0.\I9I(-o.48x2.0.11.s.o.01.· • y.l.00x·o.49x2.0.1S.'-o.02ll'

0 0 ..0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0

Mean numbers per hili Mean numbers per hili

0d8n8Ia PIyrIIIIdae1.0 • 0.8

Observed Observed0.8 ... • • • • •• • 0.6 • •0.6 I- ~. • -~•• .'..


0.4 l-. ~.


,2.0.90 • • ••0.2 1:. 0.2 ,0 .0.98-~ y-o.Ol.0.8h·0.03w·.0.3h'.().Io.' y.,.1S.·,.S1.·.2.17.'·1.21.·~.01

C 0 . . c 0.2 .2

J1.0 Model 1 I

0.8Model I

0.8 ~ • • •• ••= .; • = , .-0 0.6 •• -0 .~.#

c 0.4 ~,.. c •.;.#• .~ 1\.. 0

,2.0.g7 i: ••I


&. 0.2y.O.02.0.73.-0.03w·.0.23x'.().06" &. y-l.3S•.2.2S'''3.1'''.1.63,,-o.02

2 0 2 0CL. 1.0


Model 3 •..0.8 ;- •0.60.6 • # ....

,," .-0.4 .#0.4 /

.,,2.0.90 0.2

•• rl .1.000.2 • y-O.Ol.0.go.-0.63w2.0.3Ox·.().06.'•• y.'·00x-0.SOx2.0.1'.··0.03>·

0 00 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2

Mean numbers per hili Mean numbers per hili

Fig. 1. (Cont.'d on next page)

PERTANlKAJ. TRap. AGRIC. SCI. VOL. 20 NO.1, 1997

Page 7: Action Thresholds ofWet Rice Arthropods for Pest


2.0o 0.5 1.0 1.5

Mean numbers per hili

Paedetus fusc/pes


0.6 • •- ••0.4

0.2 ,0.0.94

0y.l.10ll.1.3Oxt .o.79l<'.c.17.'.c.Ol

C0 0.8

J •0.6 • • •

.5 • • •••'0 0.4 •••••c •0i! 0.2 ':.0.94

&. y.l.23.·',!>C,·+0.~.3.().22x''().02

e aa. 0.8 •

Nodel 3,

0.6 ."..

'"0.4 /0.2 ':.1.00




,. .1.00


------- .

CyrtotIJlnus sp.

o 2 4 6 8

Mean numbers per hili






c 0.2

I 1.0


'0 0.6c 0.40i! 0.2&. 0ea.







Observed ..0.6 ... , ••0.6 ....•0.4


0y.O.Ol +O.96x·O.62l<t.O.28xS.c.05x'


I 1.0

0.6Nodel I •• •."'.... •

.5 0.6 ....'0

.,.c 0.4

i 0.2,t .0.t7

&. 0y.0.ll9x·O.66.1.O.n.3·o.OO.'·0.01

ea. 1.0Nodel 3 ••• •

0.6 /'0.6 .#



0.,..0.01 +o.ll9x·O.~<''().02x'

0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5

Mean numbers per hili

Fig. 1. Pattern of changes in proportion of infestation (P(l)) with changing mean population density of 11 categories ofarthropods of wet rice, using data from actual observation, from model 1 (clumped) and model 3 (random) (Wilsonand Room 1983). The minimum data point for each diagram is 204. Data from Bukit Cawi, Perak (1986). UniversitiPertanian Malaysia (1992) and Tanjung Karang, Selangor (1992).


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crop growth phenology, proposed by Wilson(1986), and applied by Hassan and Wilson (1993)in the cotton crop ecosystem.

Values of thresholds presented in this paperare lower than some suggested thresholds of afew pest species used as guidelines for initiatingfield treatment. As an example, in the Philip­pines, a threshold of up to 23 N. lugens per hillhas been used in formulating sequential sam­pling plans (Shepard et al. 1986). Similarly inMalaysia, slightly higher values of threshold wereproposed earlier for Nephotettix spp. (GreenLeafhopper) (5 compared with 3.98), and Nlugens (Brown Planthopper) (7 compared with6.28) (Hassan and Ibrahim 1987). Most of theearlier suggested thresholds were also not de­rived from critical pest damage assessment stud­ies. Notwithstanding this, in comparison withthe range of values for various species compiledby Way et al. (1991) (Table 1), the thresholdssuggested in this paper are within the accept­able range given. Moreover, in this study thresh­olds for predators enable simultaneous determi­nation of status of their populations. Even in thecase of the generalist predators; Odonata,Casnoidea spp., P. fuscipes and spiders, in spite ofthe lack of precise feeding information, know­ing their population status enables pest controldecisions to be made on a more rationalbiocontrol perspective. Simultaneous samplingsof a number of pest species and their predatorsare deemed necessary in a tropical rice ecosys­tem, such as in Malaysia, due to the simultane­ous occurrence of these species. The existenceof a range of thresholds for each species ishardly a surprise since thresholds vary with lo­calities, agro-ecosystem conditions and practicesand economic constraints (Way et al. 1991).

In this study, five pest and six predatoryarthropods were considered simultaneously. Inany sampling plan for pest management deci­sion-making, the population status of predatorsshould also be considered. It is well known thatnatural enemies assist in regulating populationsof pests such as the green leafhoppers and brownplanthoppers (Kenmore et al. 1984; Way andHeong 1994). In an integrated managementplan, any bias involved in formulating manage­ment action/no-action decisions based on thelow thresholds of pests suggested in this paperwould be compensated by the low thresholds forpredators. Our studies were done in fields withno or minimal insecticide input. Hence reason-

ably high mean density of predators per hillwere recorded; e.g. Cyrtorhinus sp. 0.98 and spi­der nymphs 1.22 (Hassan unpub.). On the con­trary, except for Nephotettix spp. (1.73) and N.lugens (0.90), mean density for many pests wasrelatively low, e.g. R dorsalis (0.45), S. Jurcifera(0.63) and P. mathias (0.08). These findingsfurther substantiate the importance of predatorsin suppressing pest populations. Moreover, lifetable analysis of many insect pests on variouscrops indicates the overwhelming importance ofnatural enemies (Price 1987; Sterling et al. 1989).

Examination of the P (I) versus x relation­ship (Fig. 1) indicates most arthropod categoriesconform to the clumped distribution patternwhere the slope of increase of P(I) with increas­ing x is rather gradual, hence high levels of fitto model 1 are obtained, as noted earlier. Incontrast, N. lugens shows closer association toPoisson pattern i.e. random dispersion, where asmall increase in x leads to a large increase inP(I), hence x the point of saturation (i.e. thresh­old) is quickly reached. High levels of fit (mostr2>0.90) to polynomial regression (third- andfourth-order) and to clumped-based distributionof Wilson and Room's (1983) model 1, of P(I)versus x data found in this study have also beenrecorded for other arthropods such as spidermites on maize (Pickett and Gillstrap 1986). Itshould be noted that in many insect populationstudies, the observed data agreed with the ex­pected data of more than one frequency distri­bution models (Pieters and Sterling 1973). Hencein the study reported here, the high fits to bothclumped-based and random-based models arejustified.

In each arthropod category, the curvilinear

patterns of P (I) and x association are similarwhen comparing observed data, models 1 and 3.This reflects the very high fits of the negativebinomial and Poisson derived models of Wilsonand Room (1983) to the actual field data. Anoteworthy implication here is the suitability ofchoosing the hill as a sampling unit and directvisual counting as the sampling technique(Hassan et al. 1992).

In Nephotettix spp., some points appear asoutliers (Fig. 1). However the r2 values for ob­served, model 1 and model 3 output are still veryhigh (>0.90), indicating minimal influence of theoutliers. For the model 3 output, a perfect fit(r2=1.00) is registered for every species category,


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except for Nephotettix spp., N. lugens and Odonata.This is logical since in model 3 (Poisson), the

values of x obtained from actual observationsdirectly determine the values of P (I) .

In the absence of precise economic andinjury level thresholds for pest species of the wetrice ecosystem, the action thresholds presentedhere are of significant practical importance.Undoubtedly the level of usefulness of theseaction thresholds lies in actual testing whenimplementing pest management operations onlarge, medium and small acreage rice fields inMalaysia. However, it is admitted that the methodof determination of action threshold used heredoes not include pertinent variables such asdamage, plant compensation, yield potential,economic and marketing considerations. In con­clusion, the action thresholds presented can beused provisionally until better defined thresh­olds, based upon damage assessment studies andincorporating effects of many influencing vari­ables, are available


I am most grateful to the Bukit Cawi Rice Estate,Seberang Perak, Perak, the Farm Division, staff,research assistants and students of UniversitiPutra Malaysia, and the farmer at SawahSempadan, Tanjung Karang, for their variousassistance and co-operation. The research grantwas provided by the Malaysian National Scien­tific Research and Development Council (lRPAProject 1-07-05-064).


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(Received 3 July 1996)(Accepted 22 May 1997)

74 PERTANlKAJ. TRap. AGRIC. SCI. VOL. 20 NO.1, 1997