Achu Final Project

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  • 8/18/2019 Achu Final Project






  • 8/18/2019 Achu Final Project


    Introduction :

    This industry analysis report is prepared aiming to know the various Business activities

    undertaken in KKD educational needs, this study analysis the various operations undertaken in

    KKD and also gives a brief about the functioning of various departments of KKD educational

    needs, and finally to study in depth about the financial decisions about KKD , this study attempts

    to analyze the working capital management of the company.

    The goal of working capital management is to ensure that the firm is able to continue its

    operation and that it has sufficient cash flow to satisfy both maturing short term debt and

    upcoming operational expenses.

    orking capital is used in KKD educational needs for the following purpose!" #aw material,

    work in progress, finished goods, inventories, sundry debtors, and day to day cash re$uirements.

    The KKD educational needs , keep certain funds which is automatically available to finance the

    current assets re$uirements.

    The various information regarding %orking &apital 'anagement( such as classification,

    determinants, sources have been discussed relating to KKD educational needs .,

    #atio )nalysis has been &arried out in KKD using *inancial +nformation for last five

    accounting years i.e. from -- to -/0 , #atios like orking capital Turnover #atio, 1uick 

    #atio, &urrent #atio, +nventory Turnover #atio, Debtor Turnover #atio, &reditors turnover rario

    have also been analyzed. ) 2tatement of &hanges in orking &apital has also been analyzed.

    )t KKD educational needs ., the working capital management has shown increase in the period

    of study. This shows working capital is managed effectively and all the other departments are

    working in perfect co"ordination to ensure the progress of KKD educational needs ., but + have

    given some 2uggestions 3 &onclusions on the basis of my industry analysis.

  • 8/18/2019 Achu Final Project



    orking capital is the life blood and nerve centre of a business. 4ust as circulation of blood is

    essential in the human body for maintaining life, working capital is very essential to maintain the

    smooth running of a business. 5o business can run successfully without an ade$uate amount of 

    working capital.

    There is operative aspects of working capital i.e. current assets which is known as funds also

    employed to the business process from the gross working capital &urrent asset comprises cash

    receivables, inventories, marketable securities held as short term investment and other items

    nearer to cash or e$uivalent to cash. orking capital comes into business operation when actual

    operation takes place generally the re$uirement of $uantum of working capital is determined by

    the level of production which depends upon the management attitude towards risk and the factors

    which influence the amount of cash, inventories, receivables and other current assets re$uired to

    support given volume of production.

    orking capital management as usually concerned with administration of the current assets as

    well as current liabilities. The area includes the re$uirement of funds from various resources and

    to utilize them in all result oriented manner. +t can be stated without exaggeration that effective

    working capital management is the short re$uirement of long term success.

    The importance of working capital management is indisputable6 Business liability relies on its

    ability to effective management of receivables, inventory, and payables. By minimizing the

    amount of funds tied up in current assets. *irms are able to reduce financing costs or increase the

    funds available for expansion. 'any managerial efforts are put into bringing non"optimal level

    of current assets and liabilities back towards their optimal levels.

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      orking capital means the funds 7i.e.6 capital8 available and used for day to day operations

    7i.e.6 working8 of an enterprise. +t consists broadly of that portion of assets of a business which

    are used in or related to its current operations. +t refers to funds which are used during an

    accounting period to generate a current income of a type which is consistent with ma9or purpose

    of a firm existence.

    +n )ccounting!


    Many scholars’ gives many defnitions regarding term working capital some o 

    these are given below.

    According to  Weston & Brigham

      “Working capital reers to a frm’s investment in short-term assets cash,

    short term secrities, acconts receivables and inventories.

    Mead Mallott & Field 

      “Working capital means crrent assets!.

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    :ffective management of working capital is means of accomplishing the firm;s goal of ade$uate

    li$uidity. +t is concerned with the administration of current assets and current liabilities. +t has the

    main following ob9ectives"

    /. To maximize profit of the firm.

    . To help in timely payment of bills.

    0. To maintain sufficient current assets.

    . To discharge current liabilities.

    ?. To increase the value of the firm.

    @. To minimize the risk of business.


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     "he need or working capital arises de to the time gap between prodction and

    reali#ation o cash rom sales. Working capital is mst or every bsiness or

    prchasing raw-materials, semi fnished goods, stores $ spares etc and the

    ollowing prposes.

    1. To purchase raw materials, spare parts and other component.

      A manactring frm needs raw-materials and other components parts or

    the prpose o converting them in to fnal prodcts, or this prpose it re%ires

    working capital. "rading concern re%ires less working capital.

    2. To meet over head expenses.

      Working capital is re%ired to meet recrring over head e&penses sch as

    cost o el, power, o'ce e&penses and other

    manactring e&penses. 

    3. To hold fnished and spare parts etc.

      (tock represents crrent asset. A frm that can a)ord to maintain stock

    o re%ired fnished goods, work in progress $ spares in re%ired %antities can

    operate sccesslly. (o or that ade%ate %antity o working capital is


    4. To pay selling & distribution expenses.

      Working capital is re%ired to pay selling $ distribtion e&penses. *t

    incldes cost o packing, commission etc.

    . Working capital is re%ired or repairs $ maintenance both machinery as well

    as actory bildings.

    !. Working capital is re%ired to pay wages, salaries and other charges.

    ". *t is helpl in maintain ncertainties involved in bsiness feld.

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    #$%'() *+'T+-

    +n "he asis o oncepts


    +n "he asis o "ime


    ross Working apital


    /et Working apital


    0ermanent 1 2i&ed Working apital


     "emporary 1 2lctating Working apita


    *nitial Working apital


    3eglar Working



    (easonal Working apital


    (pecial Working apital


    #$%'() *+'T+- +(+)//(T

    Working apital Management reers to management o crrent assets and

    crrent4iabilities. "he ma5or thrst o corse is on the management o crrent

    assets ."his is nderstandable becase crrent liabilities arise in the conte&t o 

    crrent assets.

    *mportance stems rom two reasons6-

    • *nvestment in crrent assets represents a sbstantial portion o total investment.

    • *nvestment in crrent assets and the level o crrent liabilities have to be geared

    %ickly to change in sales. "o be sre, f&ed asset investment and long term

    fnancing are responsive to variation in sales. 7owever, this relationship is not as

    close and direct as it is in the case o working capital components.

    *-+00''*+T'$( $ #$%'() *+'T+-

  • 8/18/2019 Achu Final Project


    '. $n The asis o *oncepts

    1 )ross #or5ing *apital  ross working capital is the amont o nds invested in varios components

    o crrent assets. rrent assets are those assets which are easily 1 immediately

    converted into cash within a short period o time say, an acconting year. rrent

    assets incldes  ash in hand and cash at bank, *nventories, ills receivables,

    (ndry debtors, short term loans and advances.

     "his concept has the ollowing advantages6-

    i. 2inancial managers are proondly concerned with the crrent assets.

    ii. ross working capital provides the correct amont o working capital at the

    right time.

    iii. +t enables a firm to realize the greatest return on its investment.

    iv. +t helps in the fixation of various areas of financial responsibility.

    v. +t enables a firm to plan and control funds and to maximize the return on investment.

    2or these advantages, gross working capital has become a more acceptable

    concept in fnancial management.

    2 (et #or5ing *apital

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      "his is the di)erence between crrent assets and crrent liabilities. rrent

    liabilities are those that are e&pected to matre within an acconting year and

    inclde creditors, bills payable and otstanding e&penses.

      Working apital Management is no dobt signifcant or all frms, bt its

    signifcance is enhanced in cases o small frms. A small frm has more investment

    in crrent assets than f&ed assets and thereore crrent assets shold be e'ciently


      "he working capital needs increase as the frm grows. As sales grow, the frm

    needs to invest more in debtors and inventories. "he fnance manager shold be

    aware o sch needs and fnance them %ickly.

    '. $n The asis o *oncepts

    1 ermanent 6 ixed #or5ing *apital

    0ermanent or f&ed working capital is minimm amont which is re%ired to

    ensre e)ective tili#ation o f&ed acilities and or maintaining the circlation o 

    crrent assets. 8very frm has to maintain a minimm level o raw material, work-

    in-process, fnished goods and cash balance. "his minimm level o crrent assts is

    called permanent or f&ed working capital as this part o working is permanently

    blocked in crrent assets. As the bsiness grow the re%irements o working capital

    also increases de to increase in crrent assets.

    a 'nitial wor5ing capital

     At its inception and during the formative period of its operations a company must

    have enough cash fund to meet its obligations. The need for initial working capital

    is for every company to consolidate its position.

    b %egular wor5ing capital

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      3eglar working capital reers to the minimm amont o li%id capital

    re%ired to keep p the circlation o the capital rom the cash inventories to

    acconts receivable and rom accont receivables to back again cash. *t

    consists o ade%ate cash balance on hand and at bank, ade%ate stock o raw

    materials and fnished goods and amont o receivables.

    2 Temporary 6 luctuating #or5ing *apital 

     "emporary 1 2lctating working capital is the working capital needed to meet

    seasonal as well as noreseen re%irements. *t may be divided into two types.

    a 0easonal #or5ing *apital

      There are many lines of business where the volume of operations are differentand hence the amount of working capital vary with the seasons. The capital required to

    meet the seasonal needs of the enterprise is known as seasonal Working capital.

    b 0pecial #or5ing *apital

     "he apital re%ired to meet any special operations sch as e&periments

    with new prodcts or new techni%es o prodction and making interior advertising

    campaign etc, are also known as special Working apital.


    9. 0olvency o the business7 Ade%ate working capital helps in maintaining

    the solvency o the bsiness by providing ninterrpted o prodction.

    :. )oodwill 7  ('cient amont o working capital enables a frm to make

    prompt payments and makes and maintain the goodwill.

    ;. /asy loans7 Ade%ate working capital leads to high solvency and credit

    standing can arrange loans rom banks and other on easy and avorable


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  • 8/18/2019 Achu Final Project


    e&tent the maintenance o a company’s credit standing and provides or sch

    emergencies as strikes, Coods, fre etc. *t permits the carrying o inventories at a

    level that wold enable a bsiness to serve satisactorily the needs o its

    cstomers. *t enables a company to operate its bsiness more e'ciently becase

    there is no delay in obtaining materials etcD becase o credit di'clties.

    '(+:/8;+T/ $ #$%'() *+'T+-7

      When working capital is inade%ate, a company aces many problems. *t

    stagnates the growth and it becomes di'clt or the frm to ndertake proftable

    pro5ects or non-availability o working capital nds. Ei'clty in implementing

    operating plans and achieving the frm’s proft targets. +perating ine'cienciescreep in when it becomes di'clt even to meet day-to-day commitments. 2i&ed

    assets are not tili#ed e'ciently ths the frm’s proftability wold deteriorate.

    0acity o working capital nds renders the frm nable to avail attractive credit

    opportnities. "he frm loses its reptation when it is not in a position to honor it

    short-term obligations thereby leading to tight credit terms.

    :+()/%0 $ /=*/00'>/ #$%'() *+'T+-7 

    Too much working capital is as dangerous as too little of it. :xcessive working capital raises


    /. +t results in unnecessary accumulation of inventories. Thus chances of inventory mishandling,

    waste, theft and losses increase.

    . +ndication of defective credit policy and slack collection period. &onse$uently, it results in

    higher incidence of bad debts, adversely affecting profits,

    0. 'akes the management complacent which degenerates in to managerial inefficiency.

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    . "he amont o cash re%ired paying day-today e&penses o the bsiness.

    ?. "he average amont o cash re%ired to make advance payments.

    @. "he average credit period e&pected to be allowed by sppliers.

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    '('09/: 0T$* 



    $/%+T'() *

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    Ater determining the level o working capital, a frm has to decide how it is to

    be fnanced.

    *n that M, it was fnancing the working capital rom the ollowing or common

    sorces. "hey are,

    1. 09+%/07

       "he M has issed the e%ity shares or raising the nds. "he 8%ity shares do

    not have any f&ed commitment charges and the dividend on these shares is to be

    paid sb5ect to the availability o s'cient nds. "hese nds have been in5ected

    rom the company’s own personal resorces and rom the members.

    2. T%+:/ *%/:'T7 

     "he trade credit reer to the credit e&tended by the sppliers o goods in the

    normal corse o bsiness. "he frm has a good relationship with the trade creditors.

    (o that sppliers send the goods to the frm or the payment to be received in

    tre as per the agreement or sales invoice. *n this way, the frm generates the

    short-term fnances rom the trade creditors. *t is an easy and convenient method

    to fnance and it is inormal and spontaneos sorce o fnance or the frm.

    3. +( *%/:'T7 

    ommercial banks play an important role in fnancing the trade $ indstry

    ank provides short-term, medim term $ long term fnance to an indstrialist or a

    bsiness man.

    1. -oans7  "he M F0I"G 4"E., has taken loan rom the commercial bank or

    working capital re%irement or a certain period at certain interest rate.

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    2. *ash *redit 6 $verdrats7 Jnder cash credit1overdrat rom1arrangement o 

    bank fnance, the bank specifes a determined borrowings1credit limit. "he

    borrower can draw1borrow p to the stiplated credit1overdrat limit. Within the

    specifed limit1 line o credit, any nmber o drawals1drawings are possible to the

    e&tent o his re%irement periodically. "his orm o fnancing o working capital is

    highly attractive to the borrowers becase, frstly, it is Ce&ible in that althogh

    borrowed nds are repayable on demand, banks sally do not recall cash

    advances1roll them over and, secondly, the borrower has the reedom to draw

    the amont actally otstanding. 7owever, cash credit1overdrat is inconvenient

    to the banks and hampers credit planning.

    4.  *;0T$/% +:>+(*/07

       "he M FpvtG 4imited ollow the practice o collecting advance money rom

    the cstomers as soon as orders are placed and beore the actal delivery o the

    goods. (ch an advance received rom the cstomers constittes one o the short-

    term sorces o fnance.

    ertain K o the price o the goods to be sold to the cstomers is collected in the o 

    an advance. (eller can tili#e the advance money so collected or meeting these

    rgent fnancial obligations.

    :/T/%'(+(T0 $ #$%'() *+'T+- %/8;'%//(T0

  • 8/18/2019 Achu Final Project


    *n order to determine the amont o working capital needed by the frm a nmber o 

    actors have to be considered by fnance manager. "hese actors are e&plained


    1. (ature o usiness7

      The 5ature of the business effects the working capital re$uirements to a great

    extent. *or instance public utilities like railways, electric companies, etc. need very little

    working capital because they need not hold large inventories and their operations are

    mostly on cash basis, but in case of manufacturing firms and trading firms, the

    re$uirement of working capital is sufficiently large as they have to invest substantially

    in inventories and accounts receivables .

    B&' is a production firm, there for working capital re$uired is more in period of production as

    compared to other period.

    "# Production Po$ici%&:

      "he prodction policies also determine the Working capital re%irement.

     "hrogh the prodction schedle i.e. the plan or prodction, prodction process


     "he M has small prodction process.

    3. *redit olicy7

      "he credit policy relating to sales and a)ects the working capital.

     "he credit policy inCence the re%irement o working capital in two ways6

    9. "hrogh credit terms granted by the frm to its cstomers1byers.

    :. redit terms available to the frm rom its creditors.

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    The credit terms granted to customers have a bearing on the 'agnitude of orking capital by

    determining the level of book debts. The credit sales results is higher book debts 7re available8

    higher book debt means more orking capital.

    +n the other hand, i liberal credit terms are available rom the sppliers o goods

    L"rade creditors, the need or working capital is less. "he working capital

    re%irements o bsiness are, ths, a)ected by the terms o prchase and sale, and

    the role given to credit by a company in its dealings with reditors and Eebtors.

    *n M company raw materials are prchased with a credit or cash and fnished

    goods are sold on cash basis and also credit basis.

    4. *hanges in Technology7

     "echnology sed in manactring process is mainly determined need o 

    working capital. Moderni#e technology needs low working capital, where as old and

    traditional technology needs greater working capital.

    . 0i@e o the usiness ;nit7

     "he si#e o the bsiness nit is also important actor in inCencing the

    working capital needs o a frm. 4arge (cale *ndstries re%ires hge amont o 

    working capital compared to (mall scale *ndstries.

    !. )rowth and /xpansion7

     "he growth in volme and growth in working capital go hand in hand,

    however, the change may not be proportionate and the increased need or working

    capital is elt right rom the initial stages o growth.

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    ". :ividend olicy7

    Another appropriation o profts which has a bearing on working capital is

    dividend payment. 0ayment o dividend tili#es cash while retaining profts acts as a

    sorce as working capital "hs working capital gets a)ected by dividend policies.

     "he M ollows liberal dividend policy will re%ire more working capital than

    company that ollows a strict dividend policy.

    A. 0upply *onditions7

    * spply o raw material and spares is timely and ade%ate, the frm can get

    by with a comparatively low inventory level. * spply is scarce and npredictable or

    available dring particlar seasons, the frm will have to obtain raw material when it

    is available. *t is essential to keep larger stocks increasing working capital


    B. ar5et *onditions7

     "he level o competition e&isting in the market also inCences working capital

    re%irement. When competition is high, the company shold have enogh

    inventories o fnished goods to meet a certain level o demand. +therwise,

    cstomers are highly likely to switch over to competitor’s prodcts. *t ths has

    greater working capital needs. When competition is low, bt demand or the prodct

    is high, the frm can a)ord to have a smaller inventory and wold conse%ently

    re%ire lesser working capital. t this actor has not applied in these technological

    and competitive days.

    1C. usiness *ycle7

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     "he working capital re%irements are also determined by the natre o the

    bsiness cycle. siness Cctations lead to cyclical and seasonal changes which, in

    trn, case a shit in the working capital position, particlarly or temporary working

    capital the variations in the bsiness conditions may be in two directions6

    9. Jpward phase when boom condition prevail,

    :. Eownswing phase when economic activity is marked by a decline.

     11. roft -evel7

    0roft level also a)ects the working capital re%irements as a concern higher

    proft margin reslts in higher generation o internal nds and more contribting to

    working capital.

    $%+T $% :/T/%'(+T'$( $ #$%'() *+'T+-7




    1 8("*MA"*+/ +2 *;%%/(T +00/T0

    1   Minimm desired cash and ank balances.


    2  *nventories

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      3aw material




      2inished stock


    3 Eebtors


      "otal rrent Assets

    8("*MA"*+/ +2 *;%%/(T -'+'-'T'/0

    1 reditors


    2 Wages


    3 +verheads


      "otal crrent liabilities

      (/T #$%'() *+'T+-

      F"otal rrent assets N "otal rrent







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    Add 6 Margin or contingency net

    Working capital re%irement

    *$$(/(T0 $ #$%'() *+'T+-

     "he components o working capital are6

      *+09 +(+)//(T

      %/*/'>+-/0 +(+)//(T

      '(>/(T$%< +(+)//(T

     *+09 +(+)//(T7 

    ash is the important crrent asset or the operation o the bsiness. ash is


    asic inpt needed to keep the bsiness rnning in the continos basis, it is also

    the ltimate otpt e&pected to be reali#ed by selling or prodct manactred by

    the frm.

     "he frm shold keep s'cient cash neither more nor less. ash shortage willdisrpt the frm’s manactring operations while e&cessive cash will simply remain

    ideal withot contribting anything towards the frm’s proftability. "hs a ma5or

    nction o the fnancial manager is to maintain a sond cash position. ash is the

    money, which a frm can disbrse immediately withot any restriction. "he term

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    cash incldes coins, crrency and che%es held by the frm and balances in its bank


    (//: $% 9$-:'() *+09

     "he need or holding ash arises rom a variety o reasons which are,

    1. Transaction otive7

      A company is always entering into transactions with other entities. While

    some o these transactions may not reslt in an immediate inCow1otCow o cash

    F8.g. redit prchases and (alesG, other transactions case immediate inCows and

    otCows. (o frms keep a certain amont o cash so as to deal with rotinetransactions where immediate cash payment is re%ired.

    2. recautionary otive6

      ontingencies have a habit o cropping p when least e&pected. A sdden

    fre may break ot, accidents may happen, employees may go on a strike,

    creditors may present bills earlier than e&pected or the debtors may make

    payments earlier than warranted. "he company has to be prepared to meet these

    contingencies to minimi#e the losses. 2or this prpose companies generally

    maintain some amont in the orm o ash.

    3. 0peculative otive7

      2irms also maintain cash balances in order to take advantage o 

    opportnities that do not take place in the corse o rotine bsiness activities. 2or

    e&ample, there may be a sdden decrease in the price o 3aw Materials which is not

    e&pected to last long or the frm may want to invest in secrities o other companies

    when the price is 5st right. "hese transactions are prely o speclative natre orwhich the frms need cash.

    $D/*T'>/0 $ *+09 +(+)//(T

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    0rimary ob5ect o the cash management is to maintain a proper balance between

    li%idity and proftability. *n order to protect the solvency o the frm and also to

    ma&imi#e the proftability. 2ollowing are some o the ob5ectives o cash


    9. "o meet day to day cash re%irements.

    :. "o provide or ne&pected payments.

    ;. "o ma&imi#e profts on available investment opportnities.

    . "o ensre e)ective tili#ation o available cash resorces.

      %/*/'>+-/0 +(+)//(T7

      3eceivables or debtors are the one o the most important parts o the


    Assets which is created i the company sells the fnished goods to the cstomer bt

    not receive the cash or the same immediately. "rade credit arises when a company

    sales its prodcts or services on credit and does not receive cash immediately. *t is

    an essential marketing tool, acting as a bridge or the moment o goods throgh

    prodction and distribtion stages to cstomers.

     "he receivables inclde three characteristics

    9G *t involve element o risk which shold be carelly analysis.

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    :G *t is based on economic vale. "o the byer, the economic vale in goods or

    services passes immediately at the time o sale, while seller e&pects

    an e%ivalent vale to be received later on.

    ;G *t implies trity. "he cash payment or goods or serves received by the byer

    will be made by him in a tre period.

     A company gives trade credit to protect its sales rom the competitors and to

    attract the potential cstomers to by its prodcts at avorable terms. "rade credit

    creates receivables or book debts that the company is accepted to collect in the

    near tre. "he cstomers rom who receivables have to be collected are called as“"rade Eebtors! receivables constitte a sbstantial position o crrent assets.

    ranting credit and crediting debtors, amonts to the blocking o the company’s

    nds. "he interval between the date o sale and the date o payment has to be

    fnanced ot o working capital as sbstantial amonts are tied p in trade debtors.

    *t needs carel analysis and proper management.

      '(>/(T$%< +(+)//(T7

      *nventories are goods held or evental sale by a frm. *nventories are

    ths one o the ma5or elements, which help the frm in obtaining the desired

    level o sales. *nventories incldes raw materials, semi fnished goods, fnished


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  • 8/18/2019 Achu Final Project


     1#1 Co()*n+ Pro,i$% :

    A-out KKD Educ*tion*$ n%%d& :

    KKD has been rated as one of the fastest growing company in the +ndian education industry for 

    the past six years , KKD is a pioneer in facilitating education using breakthrough technologies.

    ith dedicated teams of business and academic experts, the company has been on the forefront

    of heralding the next advancement in learning, thus becoming a distinctive player in bridging

    geographical and cultural borders.

    KKD;s unrivalled reach in providing a blend of traditional and digitized content to the schools,colleges and retail segments has helped in offering $uality education to students even in the most

    remote parts of Tamil nadu . The company;s efforts has borne fruit in an extensive and well"

    connected network of schools, colleges and retail training centers that deliver best"in"class


    KKD.& policy of reaching the schools had became a role module for the companies who wants to

    emerge in this educational industry , they work with a motto in schools % you name it we give it


    Hi&tor+ o, KKD

    KKD.& Ro*d(*)


    • KKD has been registered as a organization in the year -->

    • Aikeminded people 9oined hands and it was converted as a artnership organisation

    • :nters educational resource supplies and starts targeting 2chool sectors


  • 8/18/2019 Achu Final Project


    • KKD begins signing 'oCs with leading universities and strategic partners


    • :nters into the student guidance arena with counseling services for those aspiring to

    study abroad

    • Becomes the first education company to provide education on the move through mobile


    • :nters the pre"school segment with the launch of its brand, Kinderstand


    • :nters the Teacher Training arena Elobal +nstitute of Teachers; Training

    &B2: curriculum based FKenbridge 2chools; launched• :nters the vocational education space through its subsidiary Ginsol

    /=+(0'$( +(: :'>/%0''*+T'$(

      8&pansion o the company is nder progress. "he company is

    planning to enlarge its bsiness activities crrently they are manactring school

    note books alone and they are planning to come p with manactring o school

    niorms. "he nds re%ired or e&pansion is borrowed rom bank throgh term

    loans. 8&pansion o the company is likely to give 9B N 9: employment opportnities.


    $verview o : educational needs7

  • 8/18/2019 Achu Final Project


    (ame o the


    : educational needs , *hennai



    roprietor Mr. (. Oasi

    Type o company 0artnership

      +rea o operation  hennai

    (ature o usiness (chool needs soltions providers


    oimbatore , 0ondy , Iellore , "hirvannamalai ,


    (o. o departments  = L2ive Eepartments.

      (umber o



    (umber o wor5ing


    > days in a week.

  • 8/18/2019 Achu Final Project


    >'0'$( +(: '00'$( $ : /ducational needs


      “"o lfll the growing demand o school sector and satisy their needs !


    9. "o provide employment.

    :. Pality prodct

    ;. Ma&imm satisaction to cstomers

    . "o develop the establishing the organi#ation in the city

    $D/*T'>/0 $ : educational needs7

    •  "o e&pand their market into other states.

    •  "o moderni#e the organi#ation by sing the hi-tech machines in the

    prodction process.

    •  "o increase the prodctivity.

    •  "o prodce chemical into di)erent area.

    •  "o know the cstomer attitde towards alm hemical.

    %$:;*T %$'-/7?

  • 8/18/2019 Achu Final Project


       "he OOE ompany is engaged in the (pply o school need prodcts like

    Eesktop $ laptop’s , school note books , (chool niorm and corporate niorms ,

    (chool stationeries , and a complete soltion o school needs .

    +D$% %$:;*T0 $ T9/ *$+(<

    Eesktops and 4aptops 

    (chool /ote books

    (chool (tationeries

    (chool Jniorms

  • 8/18/2019 Achu Final Project



    0#$T +(+-

  • 8/18/2019 Achu Final Project



    1. 8ntry o competitors.

    2. 0rodct sbstittion.

    $%)+('0+T'$( 0T%;*T;%/

    MA/A*/ E*38"+3




    / E80"2*/A/8








    y *n-




  • 8/18/2019 Achu Final Project


    :/+%T/(T+- 0T;:'/0 $ : /ducational needs 7

      ;%*9+0/ :/+%T/(T

      +:'('0T%+T'$( :/+%T/(T

      9;+( %/0$;%*/ :/+%T/(T

      '(+(*/ :/+%T/(T

      +%/T'() :/+%T/(T

      ;%*9+0/ :/+%T/(T7

       "he prchase o'cers and assistance head the prchase department. "hey

    clearly take the re%isition rom varios departments and orward to the prchase

    o'ces and then the prchase o'cer arranges to the prchase re%ired materials

    rom the best seller available in the market.

      "he prchase department plays a very important role in the company

    where the dealing made between the prchase o'cers and sellers is convenient

    then it can be help in redction o the price o the materials and their by which will

    also reslt in increase o proft.


    0rchase the good %ality materials.

    7ave a better dealing at present and tre with the spplier.

    0rchase only and re%ired materials.

    ollecting all the re%ired inormation and getting the good price

  • 8/18/2019 Achu Final Project


    T9/ '$%T+(T 0;-'/%0 $ : educational needs

    T+-/ 09$#'() 0;-'/%0 %+# +T/%'+-0.

    0-.($ 0;-'/%0 -$*+T'$(

    1 74 hennai

    2 Acer hennai

    3 8ka enterprises (ivakasi

    4 *" hennai

    3aymonds hennai

    ! A4AR* */EJ("3*8( O+47A0J3

    " A3A" 78M*A4 (A"A3A

      +:'('0T%+T'$( :/+%T/(T7

  • 8/18/2019 Achu Final Project


    Administration Eepartment takes care o the whole activities happening in

    and arond the company. 0ersonal Manager is concerned with the most e'cient se

    o people to achieve organi#ation and individal goals. *t is the way o managing

    people at work so that they give the best to the organi#ation. Administration

    department also takes care o the planning, organi#ing, directing, controlling,

    procring and developing and integrating o the company and hman resorces to

    the end. *t also looks ater the fnancial matters o the company.


    Maintenance o fles, records etc.,

    ollecting and presenting the data in the orm o sel inormation rom the


    Maintenance o time management in the company.

    *nsring smooth rnning o the o'ce fles by interacting with e&ternal

    agendas as re%ired.

    ood relation between the employer and employee.

    Maintaining the fnancial matters o the company.

    ood relations with spplier and cstomers.

    Maintenance o salary, wages records.

      9;+( %/0$;%*/ :/+%T/(T7

    7man resorce is an department which ensres smooth rnning o the

    bsiness with tili#ing the essential resorce o a bsiness called manpower.


    Manpower planning or varios departments.

    (alary planning and allotment o salaries.

    Maintaining proper compensation pack.

    8nsre greater working cltre in OOE

    '(+(*/ :/+%T/(T7

  • 8/18/2019 Achu Final Project


    2inance is an essential component o the bsiness to maintain its operations

    e)ectively. "his dept. is concerned with day-to-day activities like prchases, sales

    salary etc. and proper management and maintenance o acconts o concerned



    3ecording day to day transactions in a systematic manner.

    Maintaining proper acconts o prchases and sales.

    Maintaining proft $ loss A1c and 0reparing the alance sheet o M


    0aying the interest on loans at right time.

    Maintain $ paying the ta&’s $ insrance. Make se o available fnance resorces properly.

    Maintain li%idity o assets properly to earn the ma&imm proft.

      +%/T'() :/+%T/(T7

      Marketing Eepartment is also a one o the important department in the

    company. "his department is important becase it gives a clear pictre o how mch

    to prodceH Which will also help in the investment to he made and to prchasedepartment to prchase raw materials."he marketing department has a procedre,

    by which it is done i.e., ft receives the order rom the byers and orwards the order

    to the prodction department and as per the order prodction department prodces

    the re%ired prodction and it makes the packing o materials and sends it to the

    byers as per the order.


    8nsres revene or the company.

    0lanning and ensring targets to be achieved on timely basis.

    3eport the day to day activities o the marketing department.

    0resenting new ideas to the company or new prodct lanch.

    8nsres every step to be taken or the ne&t level o the company’s growth.

  • 8/18/2019 Achu Final Project



  • 8/18/2019 Achu Final Project


    Indu&tr+ Pro,i$%:

    Educ*tion &c%n*rio *nd n%%d& in Indi*:

    The +ndian &onstitution resolves to provide $uality education to all and in an effort to

    fulfill the educational needs of the country specifically for the diverse societies and

    cultures of the country the government has chalked out different educational categories!

    :lementary education, 2econdary education, Higher education, )dult education,

    Technical and Gocational education. Despite serious handicaps of means and resources,

    the country has built up during the last =- years, a very large system of education and has

    created a vast body of men and women e$uipped with a high order of scientific and

    technological capabilities, robust humanist and philosophical thought and creativity. +t

    would be worthwhile to observe the trends in the different sectors of education from post+ndependence period to the present scenario.

    S%ctor& o, Educ*tion

    E$%(%nt*r+ Educ*tion

    )t the time of +ndependence, only fourteen percent of the population was literate and only one

    child out of three had been enrolled in primary school. The need for universal education for all

    children in the age group of >"/< years recognized as a crucial input for nation building, wasgiven due consideration in successive *ive Iear lans and has resulted in a manifold increase of

    spatial spread, infrastructure facilities, increased coverage of various social groups6 but the goal

    of providing basic education to all continues to be elusive. The elementary education system of

    +ndia has expanded into one of the largest in the world The number of primary schools increased

    from ./= lakhs in

    /=-"=/ to >./ lakhs in /?"@6 the corresponding increase in upper primary schools was from

    -./< lakhs to /.@= lakhs /. These @./? lakh schools together enrolled ///- lakh children as

    compared to / lakh in /=/. Cniversal provision of education has been substantially achieved

    at the primary stage 7classes +"G8. )n estimated = percent of the rural population living in

    @.>,--- habitations has a primary school within a walking distance of / Km and about @=

     percent of the rural population has an upper primary school within a walking distance of

  • 8/18/2019 Achu Final Project


    0 Kms . 'ore than /=- million children are currently enrolled covering around - percent of the

    children in the age group of >"/< years. #ecent surveys on literacy rates indicate a phenomenal

     progress in the nineties and indicate a significant rise in the literacy level. 7#efer Table /./8

    )ccording to the 5ational 2ample 2urvey estimates, the literacy rate has increased about /

     percentage points in a period of six years from =./ in // to >"// increased from percent in

    /=-"=/ to ./< percent in/@". Aikewise, the grossenrolment of //"/< years age group

    increased from /.? percent in /=-" =/ to =?.=@ percent in /@". Eirls enrolment has grown

    at the primary stage from -.< million in /=-"=/ to "/< are out of

    school of whom about >-J are girls6 about //.0million are adult illiterates in the age

    group /=.0= of whom about > percent are women. Eiven the demographic pressures the

    numbers are likely to increase further. Cniversalisation of elementary education thus,

     poses a formidable challenge to +ndia! the numbers of children dropping out, not

    attending school regularly and never enrolled are immense. 1uality of education is poor,

    teachers are inade$uately trained and have lack of motivation. The &onstitution of +ndia

    refers to free and compulsory education for all children up to the age of /

  • 8/18/2019 Achu Final Project


    making education effective, en9oyable and relevant to the children. )lso, a ma9or concern

    is to improve the skills and motivation of teachers, promoting the participation of 

    communities in the running of schools and enrollingretaining girlsworking children of 

    urban poor and children with special needs in schools.

    )lso, in +ndia, a large universe of working children exists such as the street children,

    neglected and destitute children, children of sex workers and children practicing as sex

    workers. 'any of these have been targeted through non" formal initiatives but never 

    mainstreamed. )lso, along with access and retention, the $uality of education provided to

    them is $uestionable.

    S%cond*r+ Educ*tion

    2econdary education serves as a bridge between elementary and higher education and

     prepares young persons in the age group of /> crores. )gainst this, the enrolment figures of /?"@

    show that only .?- crore are attending schools. Thus, two"thirds of the eligible

     population remains out of school system.

    Hi34%r Educ*tion

    )t independence in /

  • 8/18/2019 Achu Final Project


    +t was only /0 per /--,--- in /?. The number of

    women;s colleges has recorded a substantial increase from ?@- colleges in /@>@? reaching a

    figure of //= in />"?. Lf the total enrolment, women;s enrolment accounts for 0< percent.

    Lut of the total number teachers in higher education, rofessors and #eaders account for /.@

    and >. J respectively, in the Cniversity

    Department and Cniversity &olleges. +n the affiliated colleges there are/0. J senior 

    teachers and @/.? J lecturers. There were / students for one teacher in />" ? as

    compared to / students per teacher in />=" >>. The number of students has reached the level of 

    >.?= million and there are 0,/,--- teachers in the higher education system. ) special emphasis

    has come to be laid on women;s education. The enrolment of women at the beginning of /?"@

    was .0-0 million, 0< percent of them being of the postgraduate level. )t the beginning of the

    year /"---, the total number of students enrolled in the universities and colleges was ?

  • 8/18/2019 Achu Final Project


    vocation and attained e$ual importance.

    &urrently vocational education and training is being offered by a variety of Eovernment

    and 5on"government +nstitutions nation"wide! a8 2chools with vocational stream at the

    M level b8 +ndustrial Training +nstitutes 7+T+s8 c8 &ommunity olytechnics d8 5ational

    Lpen 2chool e8 Lpen Cniversities, 2elected &ollege Cniversities f8 Krishi Gigyan

    Kendras g8 5on Eovernment Lrganisations e8 2pecial +nstitutions.

    )lthough substantial expansion in facilities has taken place in the last /- years with new

    schemes, new courses and new institutions, these have been unable to meet the challenge

    and demand of industry, employment and the public.

    During the past five decades, there has been a phenomenological expansion of technical

    education facilities in the country and it has played a significant role in the process of 

    economic and technological development of +ndia by producing high $uality manpower 

    needed for various sectors and by providing essential services through research and

    innovations. 2trong linkages between technical institutions and industry were developed.

    2everal new initiatives have been effected such as the Technology Developement

    'issions, modernization and removal of Lbsolescence, research and development etc.

    The thrust areas of technical education is to provide pro9ect based financial support for 

    creation of infrastructure in terms of modern laboratories in the thrust areas, a strong base

    for advanced level work by identifying programmes and courses by institutions, taking

    into account the country;s and regional needs with special attention to rural society and

    disadvantaged sections and develop horizontal and vertical linkages with other 

    institutions, research laboratories, industry and user agencies through multiplicity of 

     programmes including consultancy.

    Different state governments have taken a variety of initiatives to promote +T education. +n

    addition, several innovations are taking place outside the Eovernment system. +n most

    cases replication of such innovations is ne ither time consuming nor expensive.

  • 8/18/2019 Achu Final Project


    A$$oc*tion *nd E5)%nditur% on Educ*tion

    The concept of Finvestment in education; was explicitly adopted by the Eovernment of 

    +ndia in the 5ational olicy on :ducation, />@. Keeping in view the growing

    re$uirements of the education system, the Eovernment of +ndia promised to allocate at

    least six percent of national income to education from the public exche$uer, a goal set for 

    realization by the end of the 5inth *ive Iear lan i.e., by --. The educational explosion that

    has taken place in +ndia during the post"independence period in terms of number of students,

    schools and colleges, and teachers, is also reflected in the growth of expenditure on education 7at

    least in current prices8. +n absolute terms, the educational expenditure increased from #s /./

     billion in /=-"=/ to #s.

  • 8/18/2019 Achu Final Project


    student numbers in higher education. +nflation has had an adverse effect on education. *or the

    Vocationalisation of Secondary Education, an amount of #s /-- crore was

     provided under the 5inth *ive Iear lan. By /, about // crores was spent on the

    implementation of the programme. *or the year ---, an amount of #s /-.=- crore was

     budgeted. The expenditure went down in the first two years of the plan. )n amount of

    #s. /-- crores was provided for the programme of vocationalisation during

    the th *ive Iear lan. The Budget for the current financial year has been enhanced from

    #s. /-.= crores in /"--- to #s. 0= crores in ---"--/. *or Information Technology, the

    existing plan allocations of the 'inistry for Technical :ducation sector have been to tune of

    around #s =-- crore, total 5inth lan outlay is #s 0?= crore.

  • 8/18/2019 Achu Final Project






  • 8/18/2019 Achu Final Project


    0*$/ $ T9/ 0T;:

  • 8/18/2019 Achu Final Project


    ♦  "he fndings o the stdy are based on the inormation retrieved by the selected


    %/0/+%*9 /T9:$-$)

  • 8/18/2019 Achu Final Project


     "he primary data is that data which is collected resh or frst hand, and or frst time

    which is original in natre. *n this stdy the 0rimary data has been collected rom

    0ersonal *nteraction with 2inance manager .

    0/*$(:+%< :+T+7

     "he secondary data are those which have already collected and stored. (econdary

    data easily get those secondary data rom records, annal reports o the company

    etc. *t will save the time, money and e)orts to collect the data. "he ma5or sorce o 

    data or this pro5ect was collected throgh annal reports, proft and loss accont o 

    = year period rom :BB@-:B9; $ some more inormation collected rom internet and

    te&t sorces.

    0+-'() :/0')(

    (ampling nit 6 2inancial (tatements.

    (ampling (i#e 6 4ast fve years fnancial statements.

    Tool Csed for calculations! " '2":xcel.

    T$$-0 ;0/: $% +(+-

  • 8/18/2019 Achu Final Project





  • 8/18/2019 Achu Final Project


    T+-/ .1  "able showing the /etworking capital o OOE between the year :BB@-


    (/T #$%'() *+'T+- G *;%%/(T +00/T0?*;%%/(T -'+'-'T'0

     Qears rrent Asset rrent



    :BB@-:BB ;B.BB :B.BB ;@@??>=.BB =?99@@9.BB

    :B9B-:B99 B??>9?.BB :@:B?.BB >:>.BB =>=.BB ??@9BB?.BB

    'nterpretations 7 *t is inerred that there is a gradal increase *n the year on

    year networking capital. *t is increased on an average o

  • 8/18/2019 Achu Final Project









  • 8/18/2019 Achu Final Project


     "hese are the ratios which indicate the speed with which assets are

    converted or trned over into sales.

    9. *nventory "rnover 3atio.

      :. Eebtors1 Acconts receivables "rnover 3atio.

    3.  reditors1Acconts 0ayables "rnover 3atio.

    1. Working apital "rnover 3atio.

    3. *;%%/(T %+T'$7? *t is a ratio, which e&press the relationship between the

    total crrent Assets and crrent liabilities. *t measres the frm’s ability to meet

    its crrent liabilities. *t indicates the availability o crrent assets in rpees or

    every one rpee o crrent liabilities. A standard ratio between them is :69.

    T+-/ .2 "able showing rrent ratio Analysis o OOE edcation between


    rrent 3atio S rrent Assets 1 rrent 4iabilities


     "he standard ratio or crrent ratio is :69 it is observed that all the year

    the crrent ratio is more than : , which is a good sign or OOE edcational


     Qears rrent






    :BB@-:BB ;B.BB :B=.BB :.9?.BB :@:B?.BB ;.:9

    :B99-:B9: 99BB;>>.BB =>=.BB :.@?

  • 8/18/2019 Achu Final Project


  • 8/18/2019 Achu Final Project



     "he %ick ratio o OOE edcational needs showing a better li%idity and the cash

    pertaining shold be ok the consective years shows a better improvement in the

    %ick ratio.

    *9+%T .3 *hart 0howing 8uic5 %atio o : educational needs







    8uic5 %atio

    Pick 3atio

     "A48 =.< Table showing +0$-;T/ -'8;': %+T'$

    +bsolute -iKuidity %atio G *ash & an5 alance

      *urrent -iabilities


     Qears ash $ ank




    Absolte 4i%idity



    :B99-:B9: 9?:B@9=.BB ;@@@.BB B.=.BB B.

  • 8/18/2019 Achu Final Project


    *n OOE year on year the absolte 4i%idity ratio increases which the li%idity

    position is in a good position which helps the company’s growth in a better way.

    7A3" =.< hart showing Absolte li%idity ratio





    B.9B?9.BB 9::B9.BB 9@ "imes



    B>99.BB 9?.< "imes

  • 8/18/2019 Achu Final Project



     "he inventory trnover ratio shows gradal increase and also it seems to be healthy

    so the company has a better inventory trnover ratio.

    7A3" =.= chart showing inventory trnover ratio




    'nventory Turnover ratio

    *nventory "rnover


    1.  T+-/ .! "able (howing *nventory holding period

    'nventory 9olding eriod G :ays in a year

    'nventory turn over ratio

  • 8/18/2019 Achu Final Project



     "he inventory holding period seems to %ite good since its less than one month it

    shows a positive charge which is good or the tre o the company

    7A3" =.> hart showing inventory holding period





    +-/0 T;%($>/% %+T'$7?

     Qear Eays in a Qear *nventory "rnover


    *nventory 7olding 0eriod



    ;>= 9:.?= "imes :@.>; Eays



    ;>= 9 Eays



    ;>= 9@ "imes : Eays


    ;>= 9?.< "imes :B.;< Eays

  • 8/18/2019 Achu Final Project


    :ebtors Turnover %atio G (et 0ales

      +verage :ebtors

     Qear /et (ales Average


    Eebtors "rnover


    :BB@-:BB 9=

  • 8/18/2019 Achu Final Project


    3.  :/T$%0 *$--/*T'$( /%'$: 7?

    +verage *ollection eriod G :ays in a = @.@@ "imes = >.;: "imes =?.?= Eays



    ;>= 9=.= .?: "imes ;?.== Eays

  • 8/18/2019 Achu Final Project








    :ebtors *ollection eriod

    Eebtors ollection


    T+-/ .A Table showing creditors account payable turnover ratio

    *reditors Turnover %atio G (et urchases

      +verage *reditors.







    reditors "rnover






    9>?;=9=.BB >.@ "imes







    :>[email protected] @.@@ "imes






  • 8/18/2019 Achu Final Project



    The table shows that the creditors are paid promptly on timely basis

    in 55d

    *9+%T .A *hart showing *reditors turnover period












    T+-/ .B Table showing *reditors payment period

    +verage ayment eriod G :ays in a

  • 8/18/2019 Achu Final Project


    '(T/%%/T+T'$(7*t indicates that the company has taken the steps to prompt

    payment to the creditors.

    7A3" =.9B hart showing average payment period








    +verage ayment eriod

    Average 0ayment


    T+-/ .1C Table showing wor5ing capital turnover ratio

     Qear Eays in a Qear reditors "rnover


    Average 0ayment




    ;>= >.@ "imes =:.: Eays



    ;>= =.B "imes ?9.?9 Eays



    ;>= ?.9; "imes =9.9 Eays



    ;>= @.@@ "imes = @.@@ "imes

  • 8/18/2019 Achu Final Project


    #or5ing *apital Turnover %atio G (et 0ales

      (et #or5ing *apital

     Qear /et (ales /et Working





    9=.BB ?.?= "imes





    =?99@@9.BB =.

  • 8/18/2019 Achu Final Project


    *H ;(: -$# 0T+T//(T0

    0rinciples o working capital or calclation prpose

    *;%%/(T +00/T0

    9 * the crrent assets increase as a reslt o this, working capital also


    : * the crrent assets decreases as a reslt o this working capital decreases.

    *;%%/(T -'+'-'T'/0

    * the crrent liabilities increases as a reslt o this working capital decreases.

    * the crrent liabilities decreases as a reslt o this working capital *ncrease.

    St*t%(%nt o, C4*n3%& in Wor9in3 C*)it*$:

     "he prpose o preparing this statement is or fnding ot the increase or decrease

    in working capital and to make a comparison between two fnancial years.

  • 8/18/2019 Achu Final Project


    Table 17 0tatement o *hanges in #or5ing *apital or the

  • 8/18/2019 Achu Final Project


    I+?I (et #or5ing






    'ncrease in #or5ing




     TT TT  3!ACA.


    T$T+- 221!.









      *n the above table, it is seen that dring the year :BB?-B@ and :BB@-B there

    was a net increase in working capital o 3s ;>@B@=.BB. *t indicates an ade%ate

    working capital in OOE edcational needs,

     "his is becase o

    9. *ncrease crrent assets sch as (ndry debtors by 3s ?>:=?9.BB, other crrent

    assets by 3s 9?;:B.BB and

    decrease in 0rovisions by 3s 9

  • 8/18/2019 Achu Final Project


    Table 27 0tatement o *hanges in #or5ing *apital or the

  • 8/18/2019 Achu Final Project


    ITotal *urrent






    I+?I (et #or5ing






    'ncrease in #or5ing




     TT TT  31BC32.


    T$T+- "11AA1.









    *n the above table, it is seen that dring the year :BB@-B and :BB-9B there was

    hge net increase in working capital by 3s ;9B;:=.BB As ompare to :BB?-B@ and


     "his is becase

    9. "here is *ncrease in crrent assets sch as *nventories by 3s >:@>9>.BB, (ndry

    debtors by 3s :?=?9.BB, 

    ash $ ank balance by 3s [email protected], 4oans andAdvances by 3s 9BB:.BB.

  • 8/18/2019 Achu Final Project


    :. "here is *ncrease in crrent liabilities sch as (ndry creditors by 3s 9@9@>9:.BB,

    0rovisions by 3s :?>9B.BB.

    Table 37 0tatement o *hanges in #or5ing *apital or the

  • 8/18/2019 Achu Final Project


    I+Total *urrent +ssets BBB!4!.




    *;%%/(T -'+'-'T'/0

    (ndry creditors ;;

  • 8/18/2019 Achu Final Project


    9. "here is *ncrease in crrent assets sch as *nventories by 3s 99?=;=.BB, other

    crrent assets by 3s 999:?>.BB and

    decrease in (ndry debtors by 3s ;9=:=?.BB, ash $ ank balance by 3s

    99;>[email protected].

    :. "here is Eecrease in crrent liabilities sch as (ndry creditors by 3s @;

  • 8/18/2019 Achu Final Project


    ash $ ank balance 9B;;9=:.BB 9?:B@9=.BB >@?>>;.BB TT  

    +ther crrent assets 9@>@;.BB :B>:B>.BB 9>=:;.BB TT  

    4oans and Advances :?9:>:;:.BB TT 9?:.BB

    I+Total *urrent +ssets BC""!1".




    *;%%/(T -'+'-'T'/0

    (ndry creditors :>[email protected] TT :[email protected]

    0rovisions 9?:@.BB 9:;BBB.BB TT 9B=9>B:.BB

    ITotal *urrent






    I+?I (et #or5ing






    'ncrease in #or5ing



     TT TT 



    T$T+- "1132B.









    *n the above table, it is seen that dring the year :B9B-99 and :B99-9: there was

    also net increase in working capital by 3s @>

  • 8/18/2019 Achu Final Project


  • 8/18/2019 Achu Final Project


    ash $ ank balance 9?:B@9=.BB 9?@;@.BB :=@9:; .BB TT  

    +ther crrent assets :B>:B>.BB 9@==@=.BB TT :B>:9.BB

    4oans and Advances :>>>:;:.BB ;B>>9>?.BB ;;=.BB TT  

    I+Total *urrent +ssets 11CC342




    *;%%/(T -'+'-'T'/0

    (ndry creditors :>[email protected] ;B=?@

  • 8/18/2019 Achu Final Project


    *n the above table, it is seen that dring the year :B99-9: and :B9:-9; there was

    also net increase in working capital by 3s [email protected], ash

    $ ank balance by 3s :=@9:;.BB 4oans and Advances by 3s ;;=.BB and

    decrease in *nventories by 3s :>::B.BB, other crrent assets by 3s :B>:9.BB.

    :. "here is *ncrease in crrent liabilities sch as (ndry creditors by 3s ;@@=B.BB

    and decrease in 0rovisions by 3s9:;BB.BB.

    CHAPER <


    orking capital of KKD educational needs was increasing and showing positive working

    capital per year.

    The KKD educational needs has higher current and $uick ratios i.e., .@? and .0-


  • 8/18/2019 Achu Final Project


  • 8/18/2019 Achu Final Project


  • 8/18/2019 Achu Final Project


     "he fnancial stats o OOE edcational needs is good.

    *n the last year the inventory trnover has increased, this is good sign or the


     "he company’s li%idity position is very good With regard to the investments in

    crrent assets there are ade%ate nds invested in it. are shold be taken by the

    company not to make rther investments in crrent assets, as it wold block the

    nds, which cold otherwise be e)ectively tili#ed or some prodctive prpose. +n

    the whole, the company is moving orward with e&cellent management.


  • 8/18/2019 Achu Final Project


  • 8/18/2019 Achu Final Project


    -'+'-'T< +$;(T +00/T0 +$;(T

    0$;%*/0 $ ;(:0 '=/: +00/T0

    (hare capital 9BBBBBB.BB ross block 9B9;;>B.BB

    3eserves and srpls @:?:9B.BB 4ess6 Eepreciation =9;==.BB

    -$+( ;(:0 /et lock =???;?>99.BB

    *;%%/(T -'+'-'T'/0 (ndry debtors =.BB

    (ndry creditors ;B=?@>9>?.BB

    T$T+- 2141"A31.

