Achieving Bologna goals: where does Europe stand before 2010? Prof. Andrejs Rauhvargers University of Latvia Chair of the Bologna Stocktaking Working group EAIR Forum, Vilnius, Lithuania, 23-26 August 2009

Achieving Bologna goals: where does Europe stand before 2010? Prof. Andrejs Rauhvargers University of Latvia Chair of the Bologna Stocktaking Working group

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Page 1: Achieving Bologna goals: where does Europe stand before 2010? Prof. Andrejs Rauhvargers University of Latvia Chair of the Bologna Stocktaking Working group

Achieving Bologna goals: where does Europe stand

before 2010?

Prof. Andrejs Rauhvargers University of Latvia

Chair of the Bologna Stocktaking Working group

EAIR Forum, Vilnius, Lithuania, 23-26 August 2009

Page 2: Achieving Bologna goals: where does Europe stand before 2010? Prof. Andrejs Rauhvargers University of Latvia Chair of the Bologna Stocktaking Working group

Fighting for Harmony - students, society and the academy in tune EAIR Forum, Vilnius, Lithuania, 23-26 August 2009

European Higher Education Area goals (Bologna declaration)

•promote citizens' mobility

•promote citizens' employability

• increasing the international competitiveness of the European of higher education

•Bologna declaration signed on 19 June 1999by 29 countries -EU, EEA and candidate countries of that time

Page 3: Achieving Bologna goals: where does Europe stand before 2010? Prof. Andrejs Rauhvargers University of Latvia Chair of the Bologna Stocktaking Working group
Page 4: Achieving Bologna goals: where does Europe stand before 2010? Prof. Andrejs Rauhvargers University of Latvia Chair of the Bologna Stocktaking Working group

Fighting for Harmony - students, society and the academy in tune EAIR Forum, Vilnius, Lithuania, 23-26 August 2009

Main tasks as seen in 1999• transparent and understandable HE

systems based on two (three) cycles: Bachelor’s; Master’s and Doctoral

• implementation of ECTS ,•employability•establishing quality assurance, • improved recognition • international cooperation•student and staff mobility•European dimension of studies

Page 5: Achieving Bologna goals: where does Europe stand before 2010? Prof. Andrejs Rauhvargers University of Latvia Chair of the Bologna Stocktaking Working group

Fighting for Harmony - students, society and the academy in tune EAIR Forum, Vilnius, Lithuania, 23-26 August 2009

Between 1999 and 2009:19 more countries have joinedProcess has become pan-EuropeanNew tasks/ aspects not foreseen in 1999:• moving towards student-centred, outcomes-based

learning • establishing overarching and national qualifications

frameworks• global dimension –cooperation with other World

regions, internationalisation of institutions in Europe• social dimension of the process

Page 6: Achieving Bologna goals: where does Europe stand before 2010? Prof. Andrejs Rauhvargers University of Latvia Chair of the Bologna Stocktaking Working group

Fighting for Harmony - students, society and the academy in tune EAIR Forum, Vilnius, Lithuania, 23-26 August 2009

Bologna Process Stocktaking 2009

• Based on National Reports

• Criteria and questionnaire approved by the Bologna Follow-up group

• In cooperation with Eurydice, EUA Trends team, ESU student review team,

• Data collection group (Eurostat/Eurostudent)

• Bologna working groups on Social dimension, Mobility, Global dimension, Qualifications Frameworks etc.

Page 7: Achieving Bologna goals: where does Europe stand before 2010? Prof. Andrejs Rauhvargers University of Latvia Chair of the Bologna Stocktaking Working group

Fighting for Harmony - students, society and the academy in tune EAIR Forum, Vilnius, Lithuania, 23-26 August 2009

Degree structurein 41 countries (85%) all or almost all students below doctoral level are enrolled in the Bologna two-cycle degree system while in 2007 stocktaking it was 71%.

23 11 10 4

31 10 3 31

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2009 "5"





Page 8: Achieving Bologna goals: where does Europe stand before 2010? Prof. Andrejs Rauhvargers University of Latvia Chair of the Bologna Stocktaking Working group

Fighting for Harmony - students, society and the academy in tune EAIR Forum, Vilnius, Lithuania, 23-26 August 2009

Degree structure - issues:

Low actual proportion of students in the Bologna three cycle studies in some countries e.g. RU, DE SI, AN, but also in AT, HU, FYR Macedonia

• Real reworking of programmes is still under question, poor implementation discredits the whole idea of introduction of the bachelor-master system

• In some countries certain regulated professions are not included and

• Levels of qualification in the EU directive 2005/36/EEC is not compatible with the Bologna cycles

Page 9: Achieving Bologna goals: where does Europe stand before 2010? Prof. Andrejs Rauhvargers University of Latvia Chair of the Bologna Stocktaking Working group

Fighting for Harmony - students, society and the academy in tune EAIR Forum, Vilnius, Lithuania, 23-26 August 2009

Access and admission to the next cycle• 90% of the countries report that access to the next

cycle is established but actual admission to the next cycle studies may include additional measures

other field of studies

same field of studies







entrance exam

additional courses

work experience

71 2


18 15

in some cases









sit entrance exam

complete additional


have work experience






in some cases


Page 10: Achieving Bologna goals: where does Europe stand before 2010? Prof. Andrejs Rauhvargers University of Latvia Chair of the Bologna Stocktaking Working group

Fighting for Harmony - students, society and the academy in tune EAIR Forum, Vilnius, Lithuania, 23-26 August 2009


•countries still don’t have sufficient data,

•Bachelor – acceptance and employability

• in some countries employability of bachelor graduates is still a problem, in some it improves and in some has not a specific problem

• too little involvement of employers:▫ relatively stronger in curriculum design

▫ less in quality assurance and governance

Page 11: Achieving Bologna goals: where does Europe stand before 2010? Prof. Andrejs Rauhvargers University of Latvia Chair of the Bologna Stocktaking Working group

Fighting for Harmony - students, society and the academy in tune EAIR Forum, Vilnius, Lithuania, 23-26 August 2009

Unemployment – Eurostat/ Eurostudent report report

•Educational level obviously correlates with employment: unemployment rate of low-educated people is higher than 16 %, while it was 10 % for highly educated people

•Recent graduates are more affected by unemployment than those who graduated at least 3 years ago:▫4-5 times higher unemployment in CZ, LU,

HU, MT, RO, SK▫same or bigger unemployment as lower

educated IT, PT, TR

Page 12: Achieving Bologna goals: where does Europe stand before 2010? Prof. Andrejs Rauhvargers University of Latvia Chair of the Bologna Stocktaking Working group

Fighting for Harmony - students, society and the academy in tune EAIR Forum, Vilnius, Lithuania, 23-26 August 2009

Unemployment rate of HE graduates

Eurostat, EU-LFS

Page 13: Achieving Bologna goals: where does Europe stand before 2010? Prof. Andrejs Rauhvargers University of Latvia Chair of the Bologna Stocktaking Working group

Fighting for Harmony - students, society and the academy in tune EAIR Forum, Vilnius, Lithuania, 23-26 August 2009

ECTS% of programmes using ECTS

Credits are linked with learning outcomes

Page 14: Achieving Bologna goals: where does Europe stand before 2010? Prof. Andrejs Rauhvargers University of Latvia Chair of the Bologna Stocktaking Working group

Fighting for Harmony - students, society and the academy in tune EAIR Forum, Vilnius, Lithuania, 23-26 August 2009

Learning outcomeslearning outcomes are understood as important

priority underpinning progress several other action lines – qualifications frameworks, student–centred learning, ECTS, recognition including recognition of prior learning, i.e. success of lifelong learning

Issues:• LOs culture is new to many countries• LOs are sometimes confused with overall goals of

subject courses and programs • LO’s are often seen as a separate task and not in

an integrated way

Page 15: Achieving Bologna goals: where does Europe stand before 2010? Prof. Andrejs Rauhvargers University of Latvia Chair of the Bologna Stocktaking Working group

Fighting for Harmony - students, society and the academy in tune EAIR Forum, Vilnius, Lithuania, 23-26 August 2009

Qualifications frameworks

• Proposal of qualifications framework prepared with cycles and credit ranges - 38 countries

• NQF proposal nationally discussed and approved - 18 countries

Page 16: Achieving Bologna goals: where does Europe stand before 2010? Prof. Andrejs Rauhvargers University of Latvia Chair of the Bologna Stocktaking Working group

Fighting for Harmony - students, society and the academy in tune EAIR Forum, Vilnius, Lithuania, 23-26 August 2009

Qualifications frameworks• NQFs fully implemented and certified with the European

overarching framework IE, UK-Sc, UK-EWNI, DE, NL, BeFl

• Close to completion – Nordic countries

Issues:• Superficial implementation,• Starting self-certification too early

Page 17: Achieving Bologna goals: where does Europe stand before 2010? Prof. Andrejs Rauhvargers University of Latvia Chair of the Bologna Stocktaking Working group

Fighting for Harmony - students, society and the academy in tune EAIR Forum, Vilnius, Lithuania, 23-26 August 2009

Implementation of European Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance

developed by: ENQA, EUA, EURASHE, ESU, approved 2005

External QA and European cooperationPractically all countries follow the pattern self-assessment/peer review/ publication of review results/ follow-up procedures

• European QA Register has started admitting first QA agencies

• Only 16 countries have evaluated their QA Agencies

• Less than half the countries are members of ENQA

• Foreign peers in expert teams – 2/3 of the countries

Page 18: Achieving Bologna goals: where does Europe stand before 2010? Prof. Andrejs Rauhvargers University of Latvia Chair of the Bologna Stocktaking Working group

Fighting for Harmony - students, society and the academy in tune EAIR Forum, Vilnius, Lithuania, 23-26 August 2009

Internal QA

more or less in place:- internal approval of programmes,

- quality assurance of staff

- QA strategy

Page 19: Achieving Bologna goals: where does Europe stand before 2010? Prof. Andrejs Rauhvargers University of Latvia Chair of the Bologna Stocktaking Working group

Fighting for Harmony - students, society and the academy in tune EAIR Forum, Vilnius, Lithuania, 23-26 August 2009

Internal QA

Less achievements:• development of learning

outcomes of programmes

• student assessmentmeasuring achievement of learning outcomes

The need of change is not always understood

Fully-fledged introduction of outcomes-based quality culture will take time after 2010

Page 20: Achieving Bologna goals: where does Europe stand before 2010? Prof. Andrejs Rauhvargers University of Latvia Chair of the Bologna Stocktaking Working group

Fighting for Harmony - students, society and the academy in tune EAIR Forum, Vilnius, Lithuania, 23-26 August 2009

Recognition - implementation of the Lisbon Recognition Convention (LRC)• LRC principles are not always transposed in national


• Outdated approaches such as “nostrification” and “equivalence” are still alive

• Recognition procedures vary greatly between and within countries

• Credits are often formally “recognised” but not properly transferred

• We have not established fair & coherent recognition across the EHEA yet

• Need to improve procedures is not always understood

Page 21: Achieving Bologna goals: where does Europe stand before 2010? Prof. Andrejs Rauhvargers University of Latvia Chair of the Bologna Stocktaking Working group

Fighting for Harmony - students, society and the academy in tune EAIR Forum, Vilnius, Lithuania, 23-26 August 2009

Tools to improve recognition• revise national legislation

• find an appropriate solution to the ‘triangle’ of the international legislation, national legislation and autonomy

• include recognition procedures among the issues assessed within both internal and external quality assurance.

• carry out discussion on recognition and terminology

• reach consensus on the understanding of “substantial differences”

Involves change of attitude/culture – will take time after 2010

Page 22: Achieving Bologna goals: where does Europe stand before 2010? Prof. Andrejs Rauhvargers University of Latvia Chair of the Bologna Stocktaking Working group

Fighting for Harmony - students, society and the academy in tune EAIR Forum, Vilnius, Lithuania, 23-26 August 2009

Recognition of prior learning• In a small group of countries RPL already works well• RPL is more often used for admission to HE rather

then for allocation of credits

• Difficulties for some countries in understanding the concept of RPL, need of staff training

• RPL may be included in national policy but not applied in practice

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

10 15 8 15

comprehensivelysomea littlenone

Page 23: Achieving Bologna goals: where does Europe stand before 2010? Prof. Andrejs Rauhvargers University of Latvia Chair of the Bologna Stocktaking Working group

Fighting for Harmony - students, society and the academy in tune EAIR Forum, Vilnius, Lithuania, 23-26 August 2009

Joint degrees• in 75% countries JDs are now legally possible

• Estimated number of joint programmes in Europe is over 2,300

• JD’s are mainly at master’s level

• Issues: joint quality assurance, issuing degree certificate jointly, sustainability, funding, registration, duration programmes

Page 24: Achieving Bologna goals: where does Europe stand before 2010? Prof. Andrejs Rauhvargers University of Latvia Chair of the Bologna Stocktaking Working group

Fighting for Harmony - students, society and the academy in tune EAIR Forum, Vilnius, Lithuania, 23-26 August 2009

Mobility- two-thirds of the countries report they have managed

to ease visa/work permit arrangements

- countries stimulate the development of programmes taught in a foreign language (mainly English), providing English or host country’s language support

- funding is not the only hindrance to mobility

- some countries complain that students are not interested

- students highlighted the lack of information available in their home country.

Page 25: Achieving Bologna goals: where does Europe stand before 2010? Prof. Andrejs Rauhvargers University of Latvia Chair of the Bologna Stocktaking Working group

Fighting for Harmony - students, society and the academy in tune EAIR Forum, Vilnius, Lithuania, 23-26 August 2009

Portability of grants and loans • portable grants AND loans:

Nordics, AT, Befl, DE, CH, FR, Pl, Pt a.o..• neither grants nor loans portable:









108 9

portable grants and loans

portable grants only

portable loans only

neither grants nor loans portable

Page 26: Achieving Bologna goals: where does Europe stand before 2010? Prof. Andrejs Rauhvargers University of Latvia Chair of the Bologna Stocktaking Working group

Fighting for Harmony - students, society and the academy in tune EAIR Forum, Vilnius, Lithuania, 23-26 August 2009

Student mobility data (Eurostat/UOE)- outbound mobility rate in the Bologna Area is

increasing +5 % annually since 2000

- but % of students enrolled abroad in Europe is quite low - 2.3 % of students with EU citizenship

- inbound mobility rates in Europe are 7 %, with around half being non-citizens of EHEA, growing

- Be, Fr, AT, UK and CH - inbound mobility rate above 14 %, similar to that of Canada (UK 22%)

- incoming students number is growing, but proportion of those coming from the EHEA has dropped

Page 27: Achieving Bologna goals: where does Europe stand before 2010? Prof. Andrejs Rauhvargers University of Latvia Chair of the Bologna Stocktaking Working group

Fighting for Harmony - students, society and the academy in tune EAIR Forum, Vilnius, Lithuania, 23-26 August 2009

Student mobility data (Eurostat/UOE)

• Students from highly educated backgrounds more often have a study period abroad (3 times more in some countries, but nearly equal CH and AT)

• Students from low-educated backgrounds consider funding issue as the main obstacle.

• Staff Erasmus mobility remains limited, (EU average

2%) but it is growing +7 % annually since 2001

• Staff mobility is higher in Pt, AT, Fi and most of the “new” EU member states (3-6%) and 14% in Malta

Page 28: Achieving Bologna goals: where does Europe stand before 2010? Prof. Andrejs Rauhvargers University of Latvia Chair of the Bologna Stocktaking Working group

Fighting for Harmony - students, society and the academy in tune EAIR Forum, Vilnius, Lithuania, 23-26 August 2009

Social dimension of the EHEA

• some countries carefully describe the situation, give a clear explanation of policy measures and clear strategies for the future,

• others provided hardly any information or even stated that they have no under-represented groups

• striking discrepancy between optimistic description in NRs vs. the data provided by Eurostat & Eurostudent

• all countries take actions to enhance participative equity, but usually don’t monitor the impact

• in spite of efforts, there is a way to go before “student body … should reflect the diversity of our populations” (London Communiqué)

Page 29: Achieving Bologna goals: where does Europe stand before 2010? Prof. Andrejs Rauhvargers University of Latvia Chair of the Bologna Stocktaking Working group

Fighting for Harmony - students, society and the academy in tune EAIR Forum, Vilnius, Lithuania, 23-26 August 2009

Social Dimension of the EHEA• In EU 17% of those whose parents have low education

graduated from HE but in 8 countries it less than 10% (CZ, HU, CY, LV, MT, PL, SI, SK)

• In average more than 50 % of those whose parents achieved higher education also completed higher education, in some countries it is over 75 %

• impact of the educational level of parents on successful completion of higher

•education is especially high in the Czech Republic, Hungary, Cyprus, Poland and Slovakia

•as well as in Belgium, Italy, and Luxembourg

* data from Eurostat/Eurostudent survey

Page 30: Achieving Bologna goals: where does Europe stand before 2010? Prof. Andrejs Rauhvargers University of Latvia Chair of the Bologna Stocktaking Working group

Fighting for Harmony - students, society and the academy in tune EAIR Forum, Vilnius, Lithuania, 23-26 August 2009

Social Dimension of the EHEA

• Share of part-time students is growing, (especially in the 30+ age group 37% to 48% since 2000.

• There is also a group of “de facto” part time students who study:▫ less then 30 hours per week - at least 20%- in all the

respondent countries,▫ less than 20 hours per week - at least 10% students in 18

of 20 respondent countries and at least 20% in half of the respondent countries

▫ less than 10 hours per week – up to 15-20% in some countries

▫ data from Eurostat/Eurostudent survey

Page 31: Achieving Bologna goals: where does Europe stand before 2010? Prof. Andrejs Rauhvargers University of Latvia Chair of the Bologna Stocktaking Working group

Fighting for Harmony - students, society and the academy in tune EAIR Forum, Vilnius, Lithuania, 23-26 August 2009

Structure of income sources – students living away from parents

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Page 33: Achieving Bologna goals: where does Europe stand before 2010? Prof. Andrejs Rauhvargers University of Latvia Chair of the Bologna Stocktaking Working group
Page 34: Achieving Bologna goals: where does Europe stand before 2010? Prof. Andrejs Rauhvargers University of Latvia Chair of the Bologna Stocktaking Working group
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Page 36: Achieving Bologna goals: where does Europe stand before 2010? Prof. Andrejs Rauhvargers University of Latvia Chair of the Bologna Stocktaking Working group
Page 37: Achieving Bologna goals: where does Europe stand before 2010? Prof. Andrejs Rauhvargers University of Latvia Chair of the Bologna Stocktaking Working group

Fighting for Harmony - students, society and the academy in tune EAIR Forum, Vilnius, Lithuania, 23-26 August 2009

So, where do we stand?

We have achieved a lot, but there are also things to do in the future:

- Structural reforms are relatively close to completion

- Success in internal quality assurance, system of credits, qualifications frameworks, lifelong learning and recognition depend much on the success in understanding and implementing learning outcomes

- Social dimension of the Bologna process remains unsolved. (serious) national strategies and evidence-based decisions are needed

Page 38: Achieving Bologna goals: where does Europe stand before 2010? Prof. Andrejs Rauhvargers University of Latvia Chair of the Bologna Stocktaking Working group

Fighting for Harmony - students, society and the academy in tune EAIR Forum, Vilnius, Lithuania, 23-26 August 2009

Thanks for your attention!