For Administrators February 26 & 27, 2009

Achieving Administration Excellence For Administrators February 26 & 27, 2009

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February 26 & 27, 2009

• Mission• Discovery• So What?

• Achieving Administration Excellence• Admin Excellence Champion• System & Website Consolidation• McGill MarketPlace• Department Chair Competency Profile & 360°

• Near Term Objectives• Open Discussion

Transform Medicine’s Administrative Support Services into one focused effort that will enable the best possible service levels in Student Centered Stewardship, Human Resources, Financial Services, Facilities Management and Stakeholder Affairs; and to therefore:Free-up the Faculty of Medicine and all of its units to continue to make and even increase breakthroughs in medicine.

Interviewed over 25 Department Administrators – some several times

Faculty Stakeholders – Medicine & Science Met & built alliances with University units:

◦ Student Life & Learning◦ Human Resources◦ Financial Services◦ University Services

Dr. Arnie Aberman - University of Toronto

35+ autonomous units in different sectors:◦ Faculty Administration◦ Basic Sciences◦ Clinical◦ Schools

3 governing bodies with different systems Diversity in administration practices Unsung heroes who make it all work!

Faculty Administration Champion Recognition One Administrator Training Program Administration Systems support – Minerva,

Banner, & Crystal Reports Orientation & Mentoring Continuous feedback Ongoing 2 way communications Input into decisions that affect you More resources?

Scheduling Courses into System →Students into Courses → Courses into Classrooms

Progress management systems Understanding the student support network Making SIS work for you and the Student Academic advising

Academic/MD Recruiting & Hiring including:◦ Immigration ◦ Incumbent & Spousal Relocation◦ Appointments & Reappointments

Annual Reports – Academic & Research Accomplishments - i.e. STAR Program

Performance Management & Progressive Discipline

Simplification – HRIS, Forms, & Processes Pay (OT, POPs, Casual, & Stipends) HRIS Training

Forecasting & Budgeting Expense Reporting Receivables & Payables Research Fund Management:

◦ Grant Application◦ Post Award◦ Grant Administration

Banner code and account management and updates

FIS Training

What does it mean to be Building Director? What are my responsibilities? How do I do the job? Environment Space management – labs, classrooms,

offices, and new recruits Equipment & maintenance Receiving & distribution Infrastructure – Power, Water, Heating,

Ventilation, AC

Events management Alumni & Donor Relations Communications Campaigning

Achieving Administration Excellence Our Admin Excellence Champion System & Web Application Consolidation Procurement Excellence – MMP Department Chair Competency Profile & 360° Near Term Objectives Open Discussion

◦ Issues & Concerns◦ Opportunities◦ Priorities






Core systems, policies & procedures for ALL of the administrators of the Faculty

Department of Anatomy & Cell Biology will be developed as the Core Admin Excellence Model

Full support and participation of:◦ Sandra Botbol◦ Professor John Bergeron, PhD

Clinical Administration systems, policies & procedures that are particular to departments that are aligned with the Teaching Hospitals and the MUHC-RI

Department of Medicine will be developed as the Clinical Admin Excellence Model

Full support and participation of:◦ Teresa Alper◦ Dr. David Eidelman

School Administration systems, policies & procedures that are particular to the Schools.

School of Physical & Occupational Therapy will be developed as the School Admin Excellence Model

Full support and participation of:◦ Manon Trudeau◦ Professor Maureen Simmonds PhD

Alignment of the Administration Collaborative initiatives with the goals of the Faculty and its units

Counsel & Guidance Challenging for “out of the box” thinking

and inspiring “best administration practices”

Champion the Administration Excellence recommendations & implementation plans within the Faculty & University

Mastery in all aspects of department administration: Student Centered Stewardship – undergrad to post-

grad to doctoral to post doctoral Human Resources – recruitment to retirement or exit Financial Services – financial management of the

Faculty, its departments, and research funds Facilities Management – responsible management of

all facilities Stakeholder Affairs – relations with donors, alumni,

students & faculty








Champion Administration Excellence Administrator Advocate Where to go when you don’t know Development of the function:

◦ Training & Continuous learning◦ Policies & Procedures◦ Systems◦ Sharing of “Best Practices”◦ 2 Way Feedback

Learning Collaborative Continuity

New Administration Website – http://www.mcgill.ca/facmedinternal/

Intranets tailored to each unit- i.e. http://www.mcgill.ca/facmedinternal/commscie/

MMP Resource Data Mining for FIS & HRIS Queries Banner Resource Tailored FIS Training

WithAnatomy & Cell Biology

February 25, 2009

• Mission• Learning Collaboratives• Administration Excellence Goals• Administration Excellence Modules• Financial Services & Procurement• McGill MarketPlace• Next Steps

Goal:Best-in-Class procurement practices for MedicineModel of Excellence:Department of Anatomy & Cell BiologyTool:McGill MarketPlace “MMP”

◦ Web based purchasing tool to◦ Get it right the first time & ◦ Significantly reduce administrivia

Proactive management of funds and budgets

Users will not go back to PCards:◦ Just as fast◦ Better control over spending◦ Significant reduction in administrivia

When it hasn’t worked & why?◦ Spending over budget◦ Routines not respected◦ Approvals not in place

PCard - Pro◦ You order goods with a phone call◦ Your goods are delivered

PCard – Con◦ After the fact reconciliation – you must

approve on MOPS and add a FOAPAL;◦ You must store original invoices in

orderly fashion for 7 years – subject to after-the-fact compliance reviews;

◦ You cannot easily identify what was purchased without going back to original invoice;

◦ Card sharing – you cannot easily identify who made the purchase – vulnerability to fraud;

◦ The charges are automatically charged to your FOAPAL without approval;

◦ Significant delays for replacement cards.

MMP - Pro◦ Accessible 24/7;◦ Same day order turn around time and in

many cases next day delivery;◦ New PRs on repetitive orders in

minutes;◦ You decide who can make purchases in

MMP;◦ You can approve the transactions

before the order is made and charged to your FOAPAL;

◦ Track what purchases are being made and by whom;

◦ Vendors understand conditions up front;◦ Invoices sent directly to Accounts

Payable;◦ You cannot buy goods with insufficient


Preparing for Unit enablement

It is your virtual shopping mall at McGill

You can:◦ View, compare, search for products◦ Order products charging FOAPALs◦ Shop from multiple online catalogs using a

shopping cart◦ Save a list of favorite products◦ View order history

Can assign FOAPAL per line item or globally Can have zero $ line item User shopping profiles will allow for FOAPAL

favorites Purchase Requisitions approved locally by FFM

(Fund Financial Manager) or delegate All Purchase Orders will be sent to vendor

Can assign FOAPAL per line item or globally Can have zero $ line item User shopping profiles will allow for FOAPAL

favorites Purchase Requisitions approved locally by FFM

(Fund Financial Manager) or delegate All Purchase Orders will be sent to vendor

Provide a one-stop shop for all purchasing of goods & services requirements

Save money across the University by negotiating better pricing

Easier access to purchasing data Improvement of processes and financial controls

Provide a one-stop shop for all purchasing of goods & services requirements

Save money across the University by negotiating better pricing

Easier access to purchasing data Improvement of processes and financial controls

Single access point for your purchases Secure environment for making purchases which

reduces risk of abuse ( i.e. PCards) Increases control over who can make purchases Instant validation of available funds

Better tracking of expenditures to budgets Better control over purchasing & therefore

spending Elimination of duplicate orders Significant reduction in “wrong charges” i.e.

incorrect FOAPALs being used Significant reduction in PCards which frees us up

from the bureaucracy necessary to replace PCards

Reduces administrative tasks such as: ◦ No post purchase reconciliations to PCards (no

need to approve in MOPS)◦ All invoices will be sent directly to Financial

Services◦ Document retention is managed centrally

therefore no need to keep paper records in departments or labs

◦ Frees up department heads, administrators, PI’s…to proactively manage their funds and budgets

MMP Tutorials http://www.mcgill.ca/purchasing/buy/marketplace/tutorials/#1

Procurement Administration Tutorials http://www.mcgill.ca/financialservices/training/tutorials/procureadmin/

Approvals Tutorials http://www.mcgill.ca/financialservices/training/tutorials/approvals/

MMP Tutorials http://www.mcgill.ca/purchasing/buy/marketplace/tutorials/#1

Procurement Administration Tutorials http://www.mcgill.ca/financialservices/training/tutorials/procureadmin/

Approvals Tutorials http://www.mcgill.ca/financialservices/training/tutorials/approvals/

Roles & responsibilities surrounding MMP◦ Shopper◦ Requestor◦ Approver

Roles & responsibilities surrounding MMP◦ Shopper◦ Requestor◦ Approver

Finance controls

Roles & Responsibilities clarifiedRoles & Responsibilities clarifiedShopper Requestor Approver

Search products in the on-line catalogs.Add products to a cart.Enter a delivery date.Enter internal and vendor notesThe shopper will assign the cart to a requestor who will assign FOAPAL(s) and place the order

All employees are automatically established as shoppers

Prepares and completes ordersReceives carts from shoppers to complete

−Notification by email.−Will find the cart assigned in their pending carts.−Assign FOAPAL(s)

Fund Financial Managers (FFM) are automatically deemed as RequestorsFFMs may sponsor other employees to be RequestorsOnce a Requestor, they can place orders on any FOAPAL in any amount.

Intercepts and reviews orders originated by others, to assess whether:

−Meets the objectives of the fund(s) charged−Is legitimate, reasonable and an appropriate use of funds−Adheres to policies and guidelines−Complies with any restrictions imposed by external funding sources

By default, the Approver is the FFMThe FFM may name one or more delegates and establish $$ limits fund by fund.

You will be invited to a McGill Marketplace implementation workshop where you will learn: How to get setup in MMP;

Know what role you have in MMP;

How to make it work efficiently for you;

How to track & expedite your orders;

How to perform approvals (if implicated);

How to manage these events and records.

You will be invited to a McGill Marketplace implementation workshop where you will learn: How to get setup in MMP;

Know what role you have in MMP;

How to make it work efficiently for you;

How to track & expedite your orders;

How to perform approvals (if implicated);

How to manage these events and records.

The Faculty of Medicine commits to providing you with an ongoing support system to ensure a smooth and easy transition to using McGill MarketPlace;

With your support, by April 30th, Anatomy and Cell Biology will be the MMP Benchmark for the Faculty of Medicine.

The Faculty of Medicine commits to providing you with an ongoing support system to ensure a smooth and easy transition to using McGill MarketPlace;

With your support, by April 30th, Anatomy and Cell Biology will be the MMP Benchmark for the Faculty of Medicine.

This presentation can be found at:http://www.mcgill.ca/facmedinternal/presentations/

This presentation can be found at:http://www.mcgill.ca/facmedinternal/presentations/

Competencies 360° Evaluation

Composure Ethics & Values Integrity & Trust Interpersonal Savvy Strategic Agility Decision Quality Hiring & Staffing Intellectual Horsepower Organizing Managing Vision & Purpose Betrayal of Trust Lack of Ethics & Values

Initiated by Dr. Eidelman Professional Development Web based – 20 minutes 41 out of 44 Evaluators

◦ 1 Self Evaluation◦ 2 Supervisors◦ 27 Direct Reports◦ 11 Colleagues

Scale of 1 to 4 Radar to show one picture 3 Open ended questions:

◦ Your overall assessment?◦ Priorities for second term?◦ Additional comments?

Complete the Student Centered Stewardship Module for April 30, 2009

Consolidate & Simplify the Academic/MD Recruiting → Hiring → Appointment Process by May 31, 2009

MMP Implementation one department at a time through Core Departments → Schools → Clinical Departments by May 31, 2010

Address and resolve critical resource issues