Accessing & Submitting Homework myitlab Microsoft Office Professional 1 CSP 1203

Accessing & Submitting Homework myitlab Microsoft Office Professional 1 CSP 1203

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Accessing & Submitting HomeworkmyitlabMicrosoft Office Professional 1CSP 1203

Log in to myitlabGo to http://myitlab.comClick on Sign InEnter Login Name & Password

Login name should be your student email address,[email protected]

Select Course

Day Section 01Night Section 300

Go to Course Content tab

Select Week

Week Content Screen

Pop-up Warning

Homework Screen

Download selection

Compressed (Zip)Individual files

Open or Save File

Upload File

MUST click on FINISH: Submit for Grading for the file to be graded!

To Check GradeSelect the Grades tab and the week

Select the Homework assignment and click on View Submissions

Score Report

SummaryMarked-upSelect attempt

Summary Report

Identifies error(s)

Marked-up Report
