Antiinflammatory Test of The Cashew Leaves Inflicted In Sole Foot of The Male Rats Presented by : 1. Graha Ayu Praptiwi 2. Junita Bri Hastuti 3. Ruri Oktavianti

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Antiinflammatory Test of The Cashew Leaves Inflicted In Sole Foot of The Male Rats

Presented by :

1. Graha Ayu Praptiwi

2. Junita Bri Hastuti

3. Ruri Oktavianti




KTI, JUNI 2014

Nama : Graha Ayu Praptiwi

Junita Bri Hastuti

Ruri Oktavianti

Judul KTI: Uji Antiinflamasi Daun Jambu Mete ( Anacardium occidentale Linn ) yang ditimbulkan pada Telapak Kaki Tikus Putih Jantan

Tahun Penulisan: 2014

Jumlah Halaman: 30 halaman


Inflamasi merupakan suatu respon protektif normal terhadap luka jaringan yang disebabkan oleh trauma fisik, zat kimia yang merusak atau zat mikrobiologi. Salah satu tumbuhan yang dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan obat tradisional untuk antiinflamasi adalah daun jambu mete. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh antiinflamasi ekstrak ethyl asetat dalam daun jambu mete pada telapak kaki tikus jantan dibandingkan dengan natrium diklofenak.

Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian eksperimental dengan tiga puluh tikus putih jantan berumur 2 3 bulan, berat 150 250 gram dan dibagi dalam enam kelompok. Tikus diadaptasi dan diberikan minum selama 18 jam. Tikus ditimbang berat badannya dan kedua kaki belakang diberi tanda sebatas siku kemudian diukur volume telapak kaki tikus dengan pletismometer sebagai volume sebelum diradangkan. Setelah 1 jam, keenam kelompok diinjeksi dengan karagenin 0,5% 0,5mL. Kemudian diukur volume telapak kaki tikus dengan pletismometer setiap 30 menit mulai dari menit ke-0 sampai menit ke-300.

Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ekstrak etil asetat daun jambu mete (Anacardium occidentale L.) dosis 450 mg/kg bb, 900 mg/kg bb, 1,8 g/kg bb mempunyai efek antiinflamasi terhadap edema pada telapak kaki tikus putih jantan yang diinduksi karagenin 0,5% 0,5ml. Dosis campuran antara ekstrak etil asetat daun jambu mete dosis 900mg/kg bb + natrium diklofenak 3,357mg/kg bb memiliki efek antiinflamasi yang lebih kecil jika dibandingkan dengan ekstrak etil asetat daun jambu mete dosis 450mg/kg bb dan 900mg/kg bb, tetapi mereka masih lebih rendah dari natrium diklofenak.

Kata Kunci : Daun Jambu Mete ( Anacardium occidentale Linn ), Volume Edema, Ekstrak Ethyl Asetat





Name: Graha Ayu Praptiwi

Junita Bri Hastuti

Ruri Oktavianti

Title of Research: Antiinflammatory Test of The Cashew Leaves (Anacardium occidentale L.) Inflicted In Sole Foot of The Male Rats

Year of Research: 2014

Number of Research: 30 pages


Inflammation is a normal protective response to tissue injury caused by physical trauma, damaging chemicals or microbiological substances. One of the plants that can be used as traditional medicine for anti-inflammatory cashew leaves. This research aimed to determine the effect of anti inflammation ethyl acetate extract of cashew leave (Anacardium occidentale L.) on edema in sole foot of male rats compared with natrium diclofenac.

This research was a laboratory design using experimental method. Thirty rats (2-3 month) of 150-250 gr were used in this study and divided into 6 groups (5 rats each). The rats were fasted and drinks water was given for 18 hours. Before rats were treated, the sole foot of rats were measured by pletismometer. After 1 hours, they were injected with karagenin 0,5% 0,5 ml. The edema volume in sole foot were measured every 30 minute until 300 minute.

This result showed it was concluded that ethyl acetate extract of cashew leave with doses 450mg/kg BW, 900mg/kg BW, 1,8g/kg BW and 900mg/kg BW + Na diclofenac doses 3,375mg/kg BW have the antiinflammatory effect on edema in sole foot of male rats induced by karagenin but those are still lower than natrium diclofenac.

Keywords: Cashew Fruit (Anacardium occidentale L.), edema volume, ethyl acetate extract

Inflammation is a normal protective response to tissue injury caused by physical trauma, damaging chemicals or microbiological substances. One of the plants that can be used as traditional medicine for anti-inflammatory cashew leaves. This research aimed to determine the effect of anti inflammation ethyl acetate extract of cashew leave (Anacardium occidentale L.) on edema in sole foot of male rats compared with natrium diclofenac.



Purpose & Methods of Research

This research was a laboratory design using experimental method. Thirty rats (2-3 month) of 150-250 gr were used in this study and divided into 6 groups (5 rats each). The rats were fasted and drinks water was given for 18 hours. Before rats were treated, the sole foot of rats were measured by pletismometer. After 1 hours, they were injected with karagenin 0,5% 0,5 ml. The edema volume in sole foot were measured every 30 minute until 300 minute.


This result showed it was concluded that ethyl acetate extract of cashew leave with doses 450mg/kg BW, 900mg/kg BW, 1,8g/kg BW and 900mg/kg BW + Na diclofenac doses 3,375mg/kg BW have the antiinflammatory effect on edema in sole foot of male rats induced by karagenin but those are still lower than natrium diclofenac.

Result of The Research



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