Program MARCH 21, 2013 | 10 ON THE PARK | NEW YORK SYMPOSIUM 2013 Absolute Return at 17.45 in the Columbus Lounge Please join us for the Absolute Return Symposium Cocktail Reception #arsymp Follow the event on Twitter Lead sponsors Co-sponsors Associate sponsors

Absolute Return Symposium

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Boaz Weinstein, Andy Redleaf, Steve Kuhn to headline Absolute Return Spring Symposium .

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March 21, 2013 | 10 on the Park | new York

SympoSium 2013

Absolute Return

at 17.45 in the columbus Lounge

Please join us for the Absolute Return Symposium Cocktail Reception

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Page 2: Absolute Return Symposium

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Want to stay informed of all the latest hedge fund news and performance data in the U.S.?hedge fund news and performance data in the U.S.?

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Page 3: Absolute Return Symposium

Welcome to the

absolute return Symposium 2013

Absolute Return Symposium 2013 | program 3

Welcome 3

At a glance program 4


keynote speaker: andrew redleaf 7

morning sessions 9-11 & 15

keynote interview: Boaz weinstein 13

Afternoon sessions 17-29

Workshops 19 & 23

Sponsors and exhibitors

Lead sponsors 30-31

Co-sponsors 32

Associate sponsors 33

Exhibitors 34-35

Endorser 35


with stock indices hitting all time highs, and with hedge funds reaping the benefit of rising markets, one chorus says the good ol’ days are back. As usual, many have a far more pessimistic view, but regardless of the macroeconomic climate, there will always be strategies that outperform. The Symposium, now in its tenth year, is devoted to helping attendees explore and debate the best risk-adjusted opportunities. We also allot considerable attention to the business of managing a hedge fund, an ever-more-regulated and investor-focused occupation that entails its own considerable risks.For the first time, the Symposium is being held in march instead of November and only four months after our 2012 event, which took place just following the devastation of Hurricane Sandy. November’s event was made possible by speakers and sponsors who braved difficult and hazardous conditions to be with us, for which we remain extremely grateful.

on the investment front, you will hear from Andrew Redleaf, the brilliant and unconventional chief of Whitebox Advisors, who recently wrote in Absolute Return about the need to protect against possible dramatic reversals in the stock and bond markets. Redleaf does not believe that risk is the source of returns; he looks for situations that favor the patient and the savvy.

Another speaker, Boaz Weinstein, founder of Saba Capital management, has made profits from obscure and idiosyncratic bets, such as his determination in recent years that when spreads widened it was often more profitable to hold CDS on the bonds of less-troubled European countries than to place more popular bets on the debt of their beleaguered neighbors.

Redleaf and Weinstein are joined by a top-shelf lineup of seasoned and emerging managers on our macro, credit and emerging markets panels and during our best ideas sessions. They will delve into the myriad options available to investors even, or especially, at a time when most stewards of capital have chosen safety before opportunity. our investor, regulation and Coo panels will discuss the evolving relationships and requirements that undergird successful large and small hedge funds.

To benefit fully from the event, we encourage you to participate as much as possible. Questions will be taken from the floor following each of the panels and keynote presentations, while the cocktail party and the refreshment breaks throughout the program will provide opportunities to explore discussions further.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all our sponsors and exhibitors for helping us to make this event possible. We hope you enjoy it.

The Absolute Return/HedgeFund intelligence team

hedgeFund Intelligence LimitedNestor House, playhouse yard, London EC4V 5EX u.K.T: +44 (0) 20 7779 7330 F: +44 (0) 20 7779 7331

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Page 4: Absolute Return Symposium



08.40 - 09.10

11.05 - 11.35

08.30 - 08.40

program at a glanceThursday march 21

08.00 - 08.30

10.40 - 11.05

4 Absolute Return Symposium 2013 | Program

When What Where page

09.10 - 09.55

09.55 - 10.40

12.25 - 13.10

11.35 - 12.20

main Reception andRegistration and coffee Tower East West Room

welcome remarks: christopher Garnett, director, Columbus RoomhedgeFund Intelligence conferences and euromoney conferences

keynote address: andrew redleaf, founder and cIo, Columbus Room 7whitebox advisors Introduced by Neil Sherman, managing director, investment banking, Credit Suisse

Macro: where do you find certainty in an uncertain world? Columbus Room 9» Renee Haugerud, founder, CIO and managing principal, Galtere» Tomas Jelf, chief economist, Prologue Capital» Cameron Small, managing director, Citi» Rajiv Sobti, managing partner and CIO, Karya Capital ManagementModerator » Josh Friedlander, editor, Absolute Return credit: how do you plan for the bond unwind? Columbus Room 11» Steven Kuhn, partner and head of fixed income trading, Pine River Capital Management» Derek Smith, managing principal and senior portfolio manager, BlueMountain Capital Management» Scott Stelzer, senior managing director, head of CMBS securities and trading, Cerberus Capital Management» Joe Stewart, managing director, head of cross asset, EM and hedge fund sales, Americas, UBS» David Warren, CEO, DW Investment Management and CIO, Brevan Howard Credit Catalysts Master FundModerator » Mark Johnson, editor, Euromoney Conferences

Coffee break Tower East West Room

keynote interview with Boaz weinstein, founder and cIo, Columbus Room 13Saba capital ManagementInterviewed by Rob Copeland, staff writer, Absolute Return

Investors: recalibrating their approach to the industry Columbus Room 15» Seema Hingorani, head of public equities and hedge funds, Bureau of Asset Management, NYC Office of the Comptroller» David Katz, president and COO, Larch Lane» Ryan Randall, senior investment officer, Fairfax County Retirement Systems» Nicole Solomon, portfolio manager and director of investments, Ocean Road Advisors» Maria Tapia, partner, Alternative Investment GroupModerator » Andrew Lapkin, president, HedgeMark International

regulation: rising to the challenges of transatlantic oversight Columbus Room 17» Christopher Hilditch, partner, Schulte Roth & Zabel » David Keily, general counsel and chief compliance officer, Visium Asset Management» Simon Lorne, vice chairman and chief legal officer, Millennium Management » Emma Rodriguez-Ayala, assistant general counsel, Mesirow Advanced Strategies Moderator » Marina Lewin, head of global business development, BNY Mellon Alternative Investment Services

workShoP: Profiting in a low volatility environment Hudson Room 19hosted by VelocitycapitalScott Weiner, managing director and head of quantitative strategy, VelocityCapital

Main or workshopsession

Page 5: Absolute Return Symposium

Lunch and networking Tower East West Room

Managing a hedge fund: what the new breed of coos need to know Columbus Room 21» Jonathan Bloom, COO, Eagle River Asset Management» James Canales, partner and COO, StoneWater Capital» Michael Carter, COO, Magnetar Capital» Andrew Rabinowitz, partner and COO, Marathon Asset ManagementModerator » Neil Wilson, managing editor, HedgeFund Intelligence

workShoP: alpha generation in cMBS Hudson Room 23hosted by cerberus capital ManagementScott Stelzer, senior managing director, head of CMBS securities and trading, Cerberus Capital Management

emerging markets: what happens when you become mainstream? Columbus Room 25» Peter Getsinger, managing partner, and CIO, Nexstar Capital Partners» Robert Koenigsberger, founder and CIO, Gramercy Advisors» Chris Osborne, CEO, Sberbank CIB USA» Xiao Song, portfolio manager, emerging markets, Contrarian Capital ManagementModerator » Christopher Garnett, director, HedgeFund Intelligence Conferences and Euromoney Conferences

Coffee break Tower East West Room

commodities: If it’s not about china then what is it about? Columbus Room 27» Jean-Marc Bonnefous, founding partner and principal, Tellurian Capital Management» Paul Crone, founder and CIO, Citrine Capital Management» Adam Dunsby, partner, SummerHaven Investment Management» Mark Rzepczynski, CEO, funds group, FourWinds Capital ManagementModerator » Richard Ryan, capital introductions, Newedge USA

Best Ideas: Four managers and a crystal ball Columbus Room 29» Worth Gibson, COO, Forest Hill Capital» Efrem Kamen, founder and managing member, Pura Vida Investments» Jeffrey Meyers, founder, Cobia Capital Management» Patrick Wolff, founder and managing member, Grandmaster Capital ManagementModerator » Josh Friedlander, editor, Absolute Return

Cocktail reception Columbus LoungeAbsolute Return is delighted to invite all registered attendees to the Symposium cocktail reception

14.50 - 15.35

16.00 - 16.45

16.45 - 17.45

13.10 - 14.00

15.35 - 16.00

17.45 - 19.00



Thursday march 21

When What Where page

Absolute Return Symposium 2013 | program 5

your comfort and safety at this event Please pay attention to the health and safety briefings• Fire/Emergency – in the event of an emergency, all visitors must leave the

premises immediately via the nearest safe exit and report to the designated assembly point. Do not re-enter the premises until you are advised it is safe to do so.

• Report all accidents/incidents to a member of our team.

• if you feel ill or are in any discomfort please let us know.

• Notify us of any allergies and let us know if you have a disability that would make it difficult for you to leave the building in an emergency.

• The local emergency number is 911.

14.00 - 14.45

Main or workshopsession

Page 6: Absolute Return Symposium


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Page 7: Absolute Return Symposium

Absolute Return Symposium 2013 | Program 7

Keynote speaker08.40

Neil Sherman Credit SuisseNeil Sherman is a managing director in the investment banking division of Credit Suisse, based in New york. He is a key account manager and manages some of the Bank’s largest hedge funds and other institutional relationships. Neil joined Credit Suisse in 2012. From 2006 until 2012, Neil was a managing director at J.p. morgan, where he held positions in prime services managing the global sales organization, investment banking coverage for financial institutions (specializing in hedge funds and other asset management companies), and investor client management (acting as a senior relationship manager). From 1983 until 2006, Neil worked at Lehman Brothers. Neil holds a BA from Johns Hopkins university and a JD from Emory university.

introduced by

Andrew Redleafwhitebox advisors

andrew redleaf, whitebox advisors, LLc’s founder and chief investment officer, has more than 30 years of experience trading in convertible securities and other optionality-driven markets.

Before founding whitebox, andrew was a founding partner of Deephaven asset Management and managed the Deephaven Market neutral Fund from 1994 through 1998. From 1980 to 1994, andrew was an options trader at the chicago Board options exchange (cBoe), the world’s largest options exchange. Before the cBoe, andrew was an options trader with Gruntal & company. andrew received his baccalaureate and masters degrees from Yale University in 1978 in only three years. During that time, he was awarded the Yale math prize for outBoothing undergraduate mathematician.

Page 8: Absolute Return Symposium

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Page 9: Absolute Return Symposium

Absolute Return Symposium 2013 | program 9

Renee Haugerud Galtere

Renee Haugerud is the founder, chief investment officer and managing principal of Galtere Ltd. Throughout her 30-year career, Renee has acquired expertise trading all asset classes, through posts in the u.S., Canada, the u.K., Switzerland, Australia, and Hong Kong. She began her career trading cash commodities in the united States and Canada for Cargill inc. and Continental Grain. At Cargill, she held global management roles on foreign exchange, fixed income, and commodities trading desks, finally returning to the u.S. as vice president/structural trading manager at Cargill’s corporate headquarters. Following her years at Cargill, Renee managed proprietary trading desks for NatWest markets and Hunter Douglas N.A before launching Galtere. Renee’s insights on behavioral finance and the interrelationship of macroeconomic trends have made her a sought-after speaker. She has been interviewed by CNBC, CNN, Barron’s, Forbes, Bloomberg and Time Magazine.

Tomas Jelf Prologue Capital

Tomas Jelf is chief economist at prologue Capital, heading up the firm’s macro research efforts. Tomas was previously chief market strategist at Nexus Capital, a Bermuda-based macro hedge fund where he led the firm’s research and strategy efforts. At that time Nexus was the sole manager for George Soros’ Quantum Fund. Before that, Tomas was senior market strategist at Nexus Research Corp in New york. Tomas began his career as a researcher at the united Nations in Geneva, monitoring and analyzing direct investment flows to Eastern Europe. He began his career in finance in 1997 as a currency strategist with Swissbank/uBS. Tomas has a degree in political Science from the university of Stockholm and a masters degree in international Economics from Bocconi university, milan.

Cameron Small Citi

Cameron Small is a managing director, responsible for global macro sales at Citi. The team delivers the major macro themes, drivers, concepts and methods to monetise, expressed across products and geographies. The customer base globally includes hedge funds, asset managers and supranationals. Before joining Citi, Cameron ran Dresdner’s emerging markets trading, macro trading at Cargill and started in FX derivatives at Bankers Trust in 1990. outside Citi, Cameron is an international bridge player.

Rajiv Sobti Karya Capital Management

Dr Rajiv Sobti is an experienced portfolio manager who combines over 25 years of market experience with strong academic credentials. From July 2008 until August 2011, Rajiv served as the chief investment officer of Nomura Global Alpha (NGA). Rajiv joined NGA from proxima Alfa institutional Advisor Lp (proxima Alfa), where he was chief executive officer and chief investment officer. Rajiv was also president of proxima Alfa investments (uSA) LLC (proxima uSA) from April 2004 until June 2008, having previously worked at BlackRock Financial management as a senior member of the investment strategy group and co-head of the fixed income group. Rajiv holds a BA with honors in Economics from St. Stevens College, an mBA in Finance from the indian institute of management, a phD in Finance from The Wharton School and was an assistant professor at mcGill university in montreal.

Macro: where do you find certainty in an uncertain world?

• Uncertainty, deleveraging, imbalances and government policy• currencies, commodities and unorthodox monetary policy• the German election, european banking union and the debt crisis: the final countdown?• Japan: a ticking time bomb?





Josh Friedlander Absolute Return

Josh Friedlander is editor of Absolute Return. He previously served as online editor of AR Magazine, and research editor and senior writer of Absolute Return. He joined HedgeFund intelligence in 2005 from Investment Dealers’ Digest, a weekly magazine covering Wall Street, and had previously reported on Wall Street and the pension industry for Institutional Investor News. Josh sits on the board of governors of the New york Financial Writers’ Association, the nation’s oldest organization devoted to business and financial journalism, where he served as president for 2009. He holds a bachelor of Arts degree in History from Connecticut College. in 2007, he was selected as one of the ‘30 under 30’ most promising young business journalists by Newsbios.com. m



Page 10: Absolute Return Symposium

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Page 11: Absolute Return Symposium

Absolute Return Symposium 2013 | program 11

Steve Kuhn Pine River Capital Management

Steve Kuhn is partner and head of fixed income trading at pine River Capital management, a $9.5 billion global asset management firm providing solutions to qualified clients across three actively managed platforms: hedge funds, separate accounts and listed investment vehicles. Steve is the lead portfolio manager for the pine River Fixed income Fund and co-portfolio manager for the pine River Liquid mortgage Fund. Before joining pine River in 2008, Steve served on the mBS desk at Goldman Sachs Asset management and Cargill and traded at Citadel. Steve graduated from Harvard university in 1991.

Derek Smith BlueMountain Capital Management

Derek Smith is a senior portfolio manager for fundamental trading strategies at Bluemountain responsible for managing the long/short and capital structure strategies as well as fundamental strategies in its credit portfolio. previously, Derek worked at Deutsche Bank as a managing director of global credit trading. Before that, he spent nearly 15 years working in various aspects of the fixed income, derivatives and credit markets at Goldman Sachs. While at Goldman Sachs, he worked with Alan Gerstein and Bryce markus, two of Bluemountain’s senior portfolio managers.

Scott Stelzer Cerberus Capital Management

Scott Stelzer joined Cerberus in 2008. previously, Scott held several positions at morgan Stanley from 1998 to 2007, including managing director in the global proprietary credit group. From 2002 to 2006, Scott was head of CmBS trading in the securitized products group at morgan Stanley. From 1996 to 1998, Scott traded CmBS at Salomon Smith Barney and was an acquisitions associate at JmB Real Estate investment Group. Scott is a graduate of the university of pennsylvania and received an mBA from the Wharton School of Business at the university of pennsylvania.

Joe Stewart UBS

Joe Stewart runs cross asset, Em and hedge fund sales in the Americas and has been with uBS for over 16 years (April 1996 to present). Joe began his career at merrill Lynch before joining uBS, initially trading uS Treasuries. moving to London in 1998, Joe created an interest rate strategy group, focused on then G-7 interest rate markets. in 2003, Joe accepted a role in credit sales in San Francisco. in 2007, he relocated to Stamford as a senior credit salesman covering both hedge funds and long only credit investors. Joe became head of high grade and derivative sales, Americas, in December 2008, from which has emerged his current role comprising of a rates, Em, and credit component for his cross asset team including the sales teams in mexico and Brazil.

David Warren DW Investment Management

David Warren is the chief executive officer of DW investment management, Lp (DWim), an investor adviser with $4.1 billion Aum which he founded in 2009, and the chief investment officer for Brevan Howard Credit Catalysts Fund. David was a partner and chief executive officer of Brevan Howard uS Asset management Lp before he launched DWim. previously, David spent 13 years at morgan Stanley where, as a managing director, he ran various groups in corporate, mortgage, and securitized product trading. David has a BS in Computer Science from yale university.

credit: how do you plan for the bond unwind?

• how to navigate the end of the great bull run in bonds• the best trades in sovereign debt• how to avoid crowding out in corporate credit• the outlook for the U.S. housing market and mortgage-backed securities





mark Johnson Euromoney Conferences

A graduate of Trinity College, Cambridge, mark Johnson has been a journalist for some 15 years. most recently, he was editor of the New york-based Global Finance magazine. mark has worked on a variety of Euromoney institutional investor titles, including editing the EuroWeek newspaper. He has also written on a wide variety of economic, financial and other topics for many domestic and international titles. Before becoming a journalist, mark worked in the u.K. public service, advising ministers and working on policy issues in the health and social security arenas.m



Page 12: Absolute Return Symposium

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Page 13: Absolute Return Symposium

Absolute Return Symposium 2013 | program 13

Keynote interview11.05

Rob Copeland Absolute ReturnRob Copeland is a staff writer for Absolute Return, breaking exclusive news on the hedge fund industry. He has written about corporate finance for The Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg News, Dow Jones Newswires and The Charlotte Observer. Before joining AR, he was a founding writer for the News Corp. global wire service, where his work appeared in The New York Post, Fox News and Fox Business, among others. Rob graduated from Duke university with a BA in Economics and History.

interviewed by

Boaz WeinsteinSaba capital Management

Boaz weinstein is the founder and chief investment officer of Saba capital Management, L.P.

Boaz founded Saba in 2009 as a lift-out of the Deutsche Bank proprietary credit trading group he started in 1998. as of February 2013, the firm manages $5.3 billion, including approximately $500 million in its tail hedge strategy. Previously, Boaz worked at Deutsche Bank for 11 years, the last eight as managing director (a title he received at age 27). In 2008, Boaz was promoted to co-head of global credit trading, overseeing 650 investment professionals. Boaz graduated from the University of Michigan with a Ba in Philosophy.

Page 14: Absolute Return Symposium

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Page 15: Absolute Return Symposium

Absolute Return Symposium 2013 | program 15

Seema Hingorani Bureau of Asset Management, New York City Comptroller’s Office

Seema Hingorani is head of public equities and hedge funds with the Bureau of Asset management in the New york City Comptroller’s office, which manages NyC’s pension fund assets of over $120 billion. Seema is a veteran investor and asset manager with nearly 20 years of experience, having worked in various investment roles at pyramis Global Advisors, Andor Capital management, pequot Capital management, and the T. Rowe price Group. Seema is a director of project Enterprise, a non-profit microfinance organization dedicated to supporting and to developing entrepreneurs and small businesses (most of which are women and women-owned) in under-resourced communities in New york City.

David Katz Larch Lane

David Katz is president and chief operating officer of Larch Lane and joined the firm in 2011. David was previously a co-founder and partner of Rocaton investment Advisors, an institutional investment consulting firm with $300 billion of assets under advisement. Before that, David was a managing director at BARRA RogersCasey, another institutional investment consulting firm. He began his career in 1989 at Goldman Sachs. David has over 20 years of business development, sales, marketing, client service, operations, and management experience.

Ryan Randall Fairfax County Retirement Systems

Ryan Randall, CFA, is an investment officer with the Fairfax County Retirement Systems, which includes three separate defined benefit retirement systems – Employees’, police officers and uniformed – with total assets of $5.7 billion. previously he was a sector analyst and director of public policy at passport Capital, LLC. Before joining passport in 2008, he was a portfolio manager for Randall Capital, LLC, and before that spent four years as a research analyst. until 2002, he was a director of wealth management at E*TRADE Financial Group, which he joined upon the acquisition of the company he founded in 1999.

Nicole Solomon Ocean Road Advisors

Nicole Solomon is a vice president and portfolio manager at ocean Road Advisors. Nicole manages the firm’s public market portfolios, including the hedge fund and long only mandates. ocean Road Advisors inc. is an investment management company founded in 2005 to oversee the family assets of Edward H. meyer, the former chairman, president and chief executive officer of the Grey Global Group and those of his son, Anthony E. meyer, a private investor and entrepreneur. Before joining ocean Road, Nicole spent six years at ivy Asset management, a multi-billion dollar fund of hedge funds.

maria Tapia Alternative Investment Group

maria L. C. Tapia is a partner of Alternative investment Group responsible for manager oversight and partner relations. She joined the firm in may 2002. previously, maria was president of Commonfund Securities, inc., a broker-dealer subsidiary that provides investment advice and client service to clients of Commonfund. maria also had fund oversight responsibility for global and international fixed income funds from 1991 to 2002. Before Commonfund, maria was a director of prudential Securities, inc.’s investment banking group.

Investors: recalibrating their approach to the industry

• what do investors want from hedge funds – and are they getting it? Is performance good enough – and at the right price?• what is the impact of more end-investors going direct and cutting out the funds of funds?• are consultants the new gatekeepers with the most power – and how are they using it to advise investors?• where do the current trends leave traditional hedge fund investors like family offices and private bank clients?





Andrew Lapkin HedgeMark International

Andrew Lapkin is president of Hedgemark international, LLC, with responsibility for the selection, due diligence and monitoring of funds on the Hedgemark managed account platform. previously, Andrew was president and chief operating officer of measurisk, a provider of sophisticated risk transparency and risk measurement solutions, where he worked with more than 1,000 hedge funds, representing over $650 billion in assets. He has extensive experience in hedge fund strategies, holding-based risk analytics and securities analysis, including value-at-risk, stress testing and position-based analytics for multi-manager, multi-asset class, global portfolios. Andrew was awarded an mBA in Finance and management from Columbia university and a BA in Economics from Lafayette College. m



Page 16: Absolute Return Symposium


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These illustrations do not depict actual clients or investment results. The value of investments and the income from them is not guaranteed and can fall as well as rise due to stock market and currency movements. When the investment is sold the amount received could be less than that originally invested. Past performance of any investment is not indicative nor a guarantee of future results. If distributed in EMEA, this advertisement is a fi nancial promotion for Professional Clients only. This is not investment advice. BNY Mellon is the corporate brand of The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation and may also be used as a generic term to reference the Corporation as a whole or its various subsidiaries. Products and services may be provided under various brand names and in various countries by the subsidiaries, affi liates and joint ventures of The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation where authorized and regulated as required within each jurisdiction. Not all products and services are offered in all locations. This material is not intended, and should not be construed, to be an offer or solicitation of services or products or an endorsement thereof in any jurisdiction or in any circumstance that is contrary to local law or regulation. Issued by The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation with respect to services other than investment management. Issued in EMEA, with respect to investment management, by BNY Mellon Asset Management International Limited, BNY Mellon Centre, 160 Queen Victoria Street, London EC4V 4LA. Registered in England No. 1118580. Authorized and regulated by the Financial Services Authority. BNY Mellon Asset Management International Limited is ultimately owned by The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation. ©2013 The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation. All rights reserved.

The ocean gets warmer. The Peruvian

anchovy harvest suffers. It raises the

price of fi shmeal, cattle feed, and beef.

for a university endowment. The endowment

funds the work of a brilliant marine biologist.

She studies the Peruvian anchovy.

Proving small fi sh can lead to big insights.

Invested in the world.

We turn global insights like theseinto powerful investment strategies


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The ocean gets warmer. The Peruvian

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Page 17: Absolute Return Symposium

Absolute Return Symposium 2013 | program 17

Christopher Hilditch Schulte Roth & Zabel

Christopher Hilditch, a partner and head of Schulte Roth & Zabel’s London office, advises a wide range of institutional and entrepreneurial managers on structuring and establishing investment funds, especially hedge funds and funds of hedge funds, and other innovative products. on an ongoing basis, he advises promoters and managers on operational issues, including prime brokerage arrangements, investment transactions and relations with investors. He also advises on regulatory issues affecting funds and their managers, as well as on corporate, securities and partnership law issues. Chris is listed as a leading hedge fund lawyer in Chambers UK, The Legal 500 UK, PLC Cross-border Investment Funds Handbook, The International Who’s Who of Private Fund Lawyers and Who’s Who of Professionals.

David Keily Visium Asset Management

David Keily joined Visium Asset management as general counsel and chief compliance officer in June 2011. He was previously chief operating officer and before that, head of marketing and investor relations at Catalyst investment management, where he worked from 2005 to 2011. From 2001 to 2005, David served as senior vice president, marketing and investor relations at KBC Alternative investment management. Before that he worked at Wasserstein, perella & Co. and at D.E. Shaw & Co. He has a JD from Stanford university as well as a phD and an AB in Slavic Languages and Literatures from Harvard university and Harvard College, respectively.

Simon Lorne Millennium Management

Simon Lorne is vice chairman and chief legal officer of millennium management. millennium management is a New york-based multi-strategy hedge fund manager with $7.8 billion in Aum and offices around the world. Simon is a former general counsel of the SEC (1993 to 1996), a former managing director at Salomon Brothers and Citigroup, and a former partner in the Los Angeles law firm of munger Tolles & olson LLp. He is an adjunct member of the faculty at the N.y.u. Law School and N.y.u.’s Stern School of Business, and is co-director of Stanford Law School’s Directors’ College.

Emma Rodriguez-Ayala Mesirow Advanced Strategies

Emma Rodriguez-Ayala is an assistant general counsel for mesirow Advanced Strategies, inc. She is responsible for assisting the general counsel of the firm, including providing legal advice with respect to all aspects of its business, directing relationships with external counsel and assisting in maintaining its operations in compliance with relevant legal and regulatory requirements. Before this, Emma was a founding and managing member of Sullivan Wolf LLC (f/k/a Rodriguez-Ayala Sullivan LLC), a boutique law firm providing legal services to investment management firms. previously, she was an associate in the investment funds, advisers and derivatives group at Sidley Austin LLp. She received a BS BA summa cum laude from Saint Louis university and a JD from the university of Chicago Law School.

regulation: rising to the challenges of transatlantic oversight

PLeaSe Be aware a ParaLLeL SeSSIon IS rUnnInG In the hUDSon rooM. See PaGe 19 For DetaILS

while hedge funds in the U.S. have been grappling with implementation of domestic rule changes following Dodd-Frank, there has also been a slew of regulatory change in the works in europe – including the alternative Investment Fund Managers (aIFM) Directive and UcItS IV. a panel from a group of leading firms discuss what they need to do in order to keep up with the new rules on both sides of the atlantic.





marina Lewin BNY Mellon Alternative Investment Services

marina Lewin is the head of sales for asset servicing Americas and the global head of sales for alternative investment services. in this role, she is responsible for developing and overseeing asset servicing’s overall sales strategy for insurance, corporate and public pension plans, endowments and foundations. Globally, marina is responsible for increasing BNy mellon’s market share with traditional and alternative investment managers, including hedge funds, fund of hedge funds, and private equity. marina also serves as a member of BNy mellon’s operating committee.m



Page 18: Absolute Return Symposium
Page 19: Absolute Return Symposium

Scott Weiner VelocityCapital

Scott Weiner is a managing director and head of quantitative strategy at VelocityCapital. Before joining the firm, Scott was managing director and u.S. head of equity derivatives and quantitative strategy at Deutsche Bank, where he was twice voted to the All-America Research Team in Equity Derivatives Research by Institutional Investor (ii). II also recently ranked Scott one of the top 10 equity research analysts on Wall Street for client responsiveness and investment ideas. His research has been published in Mathematical Finance as well as the Journal of Business and Economic Statistics. Scott holds a Finance degree from the Wharton School of the university of pennsylvania, and masters and doctoral degrees in Economics from the university of oxford.Sp



Absolute Return Symposium 2013 | program 19

workShoP: Profiting in a low volatility environment

• Volatility: what happened in 2012 • Vix-onomics: how to structure your portfolio • concepts for profiting in a low volatility environment


Hosted by: VelocityCapital

PLeaSe Be aware a ParaLLeL SeSSIon IS rUnnInG In the coLUMBUS rooM. See PaGe 17 For DetaILS

Page 20: Absolute Return Symposium


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Page 21: Absolute Return Symposium

Absolute Return Symposium 2013 | program 21

Jonathan Bloom Eagle River Asset Management

Jonathan Bloom has over 25 years of capital markets’ experience and is a founding member (2010) and the chief operating officer of Eagle River Asset management LLC – focused on fundamental credit research which is applied to corporate events. Formerly, he was a managing director at Citigroup, delivering sophisticated swap, financing and tax efficient transactions to the firm’s largest hedge fund clients. Before Citigroup, Jonathan worked on developing a hedge fund and was the head of synthetic prime brokerage sales at Banc of America Securities LLC. previously Jonathan was a senior manager at Arthur Andersen LLp and a floor member of the Chicago Board of Trade. He received a Juris Doctor degree from Chicago-Kent College of Law and a BS degree in Accounting from Northern illinois university. He passed both the illinois Bar and the illinois Certified public Accountant examinations.

James Canales StoneWater Capital

James p. Canales joined StoneWater Capital in 2009 as a partner and chief operating officer. James was previously with octane Research inc. where during various periods he served as chief investment officer, chief operating officer and head of risk for this Switzerland-based fund of hedge funds group. James previously was chief operating officer of parker Global Strategies, LLC a Connecticut-based fund of funds and was a partner at Aletheia Research and management, a predominantly traditional long-only manager. Before entering the financial industry, he spent 20 years in various senior management roles with firms in the distribution and manufacturing sectors. He holds a BS in Economics from Santa Clara university and completed the Advanced management College, an executive program offered by Stanford university. He also completed coursework in Economics and politics at the London School of Economics through iES.

michael Carter Magnetar Capital

michael Carter is chief operating officer and a member of the investment and management committees at magnetar Capital. He oversees the back office management team. Before joining magnetar in 2008, michael was a managing director in the hedge fund banking group of Lehman Brothers. During his 15 years at Lehman Brothers, michael worked in a variety of fixed income and banking areas including interest rate derivatives, securitization, structured credit and CDos. michael earned a BS in Business and minor in politics from Wake Forest university.

Andrew Rabinowitz Marathon Asset Management

Andrew Rabinowitz is a partner, chief operating officer and a member of the firm’s executive committee. He is responsible for global policies and infrastructure, business and client development and various strategies for firm-wide initiatives. Andrew joined marathon in 2001 from Schulte Roth & Zabel, where he was a practising lawyer. previously, Andrew was at Ernst & young as a CpA. He co-founded The R Baby Foundation, which has raised several million dollars for children’s hospitals in the united States. Andrew is a CpA in New york State and a member of the Bar in New york and Washington, D.C.

Managing a hedge fund: what the new breed of coos need to know

• how is the role of a coo changing?• adapting to the new world of more onerous investor and/or regulatory requirements• what does the ‘globalisation’ of the industry mean for coos?





Neil Wilson HedgeFund Intelligence Neil Wilson is managing editor at HedgeFund intelligence with responsibility for all of the group’s publications including EuroHedge, AsiaHedge, InvestHedge and Absolute Return, their associated weekly online news services, round tables and special reports. Neil has more than 25 years’ experience as a financial journalist, mainly specialising in derivatives and alternative investments. Neil was formerly European editor of MAR/Hedge, editor of Futures & Options Week, editor of Futures and Options World and assistant editor of The Banker. m



PLeaSe Be aware a ParaLLeL SeSSIon IS rUnnInG In the hUDSon rooM. See PaGe 23 For DetaILS

Page 22: Absolute Return Symposium

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Page 23: Absolute Return Symposium

Absolute Return Symposium 2013 | program 23

Scott Stelzer Cerberus Capital Management

Scott Stelzer joined Cerberus in 2008. previously, Scott held several positions at morgan Stanley from 1998 to 2007, including managing director in the global proprietary credit group. in this capacity, he was responsible for managing CmBS and all other commercial real estate security and loan trading activities. From 2002 to 2006, Scott was the head of CmBS trading in the securitized products group at morgan Stanley. From 1996 to 1998, Scott traded CmBS at Salomon Smith Barney and was an acquisitions associate at JmB Real Estate investment Group. Scott is a graduate of the university of pennsylvania and received an mBA from the Wharton School of Business at the university of pennsylvania.



workShoP: alpha generation in cMBS

• Importance of collateral/credit research in uncovering different risk/return profiles• Value of a long/short strategy• Market dynamics: new issue, fundamental trends, and market technicals• common misperceptions in cMBS collateral and capital structure


Hosted by: Cerberus Capital Management

PLeaSe Be aware a ParaLLeL SeSSIon IS rUnnInG In the coLUMBUS rooM. See PaGe 21 For DetaILS

Page 24: Absolute Return Symposium



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Page 25: Absolute Return Symposium

Absolute Return Symposium 2013 | program 25

peter Getsinger Nexstar Capital Partners

peter Getsinger has been involved in international business for 37 years and has 22 years of experience in Latin America. peter founded Nexstar Capital partners in January 2004 and has primary responsibility for investing and managing the assets of the fund as well as managing the activities and operations of Nexstar. Before forming Nexstar, he was head of global investment banking for Latin America at Deutsche Bank. He held the same role at Bankers Trust before its merger with Deutsche Bank. He previously headed fixed income sales for the uK, Europe, and the middle East at Lehman Brothers, and managed the fixed income sales effort and the international fixed income asset management business in Europe at Smith Barney in London. peter currently serves as a board director for Electro Dunas S.A.A. (peru) and has previously served on the board of Gpu Argentina Holdings, inc. He graduated from Williams College with a BA in American Civilization.

Robert Koenigsberger Gramercy Advisors

Robert Koenigsberger is founder, chief investment officer and the managing partner of Gramercy Advisors. Robert has over 24 years of investment experience dedicated to emerging markets with a specialization in fixed income securities and founded Gramercy in 1998. Robert serves as portfolio manager for Gramercy Argentina opportunity Fund and co-portfolio manager for Gramercy Emerging markets Fund and Gramercy Distressed opportunity Fund. in 2009/2010, he led Gramercy’s efforts in conceiving, organizing and facilitating the successful restructuring of Argentina’s defaulted debt – the first private sector led restructuring of a sovereign default. Robert is head of the investment committee and the asset allocation committee. Robert received a mBA in Finance from Wharton, a mA in international Studies with a concentration in Latin America from the university of pennsylvania and a BA with honors in Latin American political Science and History of Latin America from the university of California, San Diego.

Chris osborne Sberbank CIB USA

Chris osborne is chief executive officer of Sberbank CiB uSA (formerly Troika Dialog uSA). With over 20 years of international experience in consulting, finance and government, Chris has worked with corporate, asset management and government clients in a number of roles in New york, moscow and Washington. During his six years in moscow, Chris held positions in the u.S. State Department and in investment banking with Troika Dialog, the oldest and largest private investment bank in Russia. Chris then held positions at Erste Bank and Jpmorgan Chase in institutional equity sales, and headed the emerging markets division of medley Global Advisors. He returned to Troika in 2007. A chartered financial analyst (CFA), Chris received a bachelors degree from New york university and a masters degree in international Affairs from Columbia university.

Xiao Song Contrarian Capital Management

Xiao Song is the portfolio manager for Contrarian Emerging markets, L.p. in addition to managing this Booth-alone product, Xiao oversees all the firm’s investments in emerging markets. He joined Contrarian Capital management, L.L.C. in 2003 as a senior analyst for Contrarian Distressed Equity Fund, L.p. and Contrarian Long Short, L.p. where his responsibilities included sourcing, researching, and proposing distressed long and short investments across the capital structure. From 2001 to 2003, Xiao was an analyst in the mergers and acquisitions investment banking group at merrill Lynch & Co where he performed detailed fundamental analysis on current and prospective client companies across all industries. Xiao received a BS in Finance from the university of illinois in 2001. He is fluent in mandarin.

emerging markets: what happens when you become mainstream?

• the outlook for emerging market equities and bonds• the outlook in key emerging market regions and economies – including Brazil, russia, India and china• the impact of global macro headwinds, and a possible slowdown in global growth





Christopher Garnett HedgeFund Intelligence Conferences and Euromoney Conferences Christopher Garnett is director of Euromoney Conferences and director of HedgeFund intelligence Conferences. He has worked in various roles at Euromoney institutional investor since 1988. From 1991 to 1999 he worked for the company’s book publishing arm. Between 1999 and 2002 he lived in miami and was chief executive officer of the group’s LatinFinance publishing, online and conferences subsidiary, of which he is now president. He is a graduate of manchester and Edinburgh universities, holding BA and mSc degrees in Literature, philosophy and Language. He is married to a peruvian; they live in Wiltshire and have two children. A British subject, he speaks Spanish and French. m



Page 26: Absolute Return Symposium

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Page 27: Absolute Return Symposium

Absolute Return Symposium 2013 | program 27

Jean-marc Bonnefous Tellurian Capital Management

Jean-marc Bonnefous is the founder and managing partner of Tellurian Capital management LLp, an investment management firm specialising in energy and commodity investment strategies. Before that he was the global head of commodity derivatives at BNp paribas until 2006, based in New york and London. He built and managed the commodity derivative trading business at BNp paribas across a wide range of commodity assets including oil, natural gas, power, emissions, coal, metals and agricultural commodities. Jean-marc has been involved in commodity derivatives trading throughout his career and participated in the development of the oTC derivative market in oil, natural gas and base metals from the early 1990s. The Tellurian Commodity Ascend Fund is the firm’s flagship product.

paul Crone Citrine Capital Management

paul Crone is the founder and chief investment officer of Citrine Capital management. He has over 20 years of experience in the metal industry, including trading metals with and for big physical players, financial institutions and hedge funds. previously he was head trader at Touradji Capital management Lp (January 2005 to February 2012), helping the company to grow from $50 million Aum to $4 billion. Before this he was a consultant at Catequil (August 2004 to December 2004) and head metals trader at investec Bank (January 2001 to July 2004). His other roles have included senior vice president at AiG international Trading (April 1998 to December 2000) and senior dealer on the LmE floor at Sogemin metals (Natexis) (July 1994 to April 1998) and Triland metals (September 1989 to July 1994).

Adam Dunsby SummerHaven Investment Management

Adam Dunsby is a partner at SummerHaven investment management where he conducts research. Adam has 18 years of experience developing and implementing quantitative commodity and global macro strategies for investors. He is a co-author of Commodity Investing (Wiley Finance 2008) and received his phD in Finance from the Wharton School of the university of pennsylvania.

mark Rzepczynski FourWinds Capital Management

mark Rzepczynski is the chief executive officer of the funds group for FourWinds Capital management, where he oversees alternative investments in commodity markets globally. He heads the funds group investment committee and serves as director of a number of FourWinds Cm funds. previously, mark was managing partner of Lakewood partners LLC, a global macro hedge fund. Lakewood partners merged with FourWinds Capital management. mark also was: president and chief investment officer for John W. Henry & Co; taxable bond quantitative and credit research director for Fidelity management and Research; portfolio manager and research director at CSi Asset management; and head of the fixed income financial strategies group at First Chicago Capital markets. mark received his mA and phD in Economics from Brown university and a BA in Economics with honors from Loyola university of Chicago.

commodities: If it’s not about china then what is it about?

• what is the outlook for energy, metals, softs and agriculturals in light of renewed stimulus?• what will be the impact of china this year and next?• where are the best opportunities now the so-called super cycle is at an end?





Richard Ryan Newedge USA Richard Ryan is a director in Newedge’s alternative investment solutions group where he leads the capital introductions team in New york. His responsibilities include sales, marketing, and capital introductions across a variety of hedge fund strategies including global macro, commodity, managed futures, and currency trading. Richard also focuses on developing strategic relationships with institutional investors globally that allocate to alternative strategies (family offices, fund of funds, pensions, endowments, foundations, consultants, and managed account platforms). Before joining Newedge, he held positions at the Coleman Research Group and the university of Richmond’s Research Center. Richard holds a bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration from the university of Richmond with concentrations in Finance and marketing and a minor in Spanish. m



Page 28: Absolute Return Symposium

Forthcoming eventsForthcoming eventsAPRIL 2013

The Kuwait Conference

8 April 2013, JW Marriott, Kuwait City

The 8th Cumbre Financiera Mexicana

9 April 2013, The Four Seasons, Mexico City

The Kazakhstan-China Investors Forum

11 April 2013, Beijing

The 11th Brazil Issuers & Investors Forum (BIIF)

16 April 2013, The Unique Hotel, Sao Paulo

Egypt: The Investor Conference

16 April 2013, London

AsiaHedge Forum

23 April 2013, JW Marriott, Hong Kong

The Germany Conference

24-25 April 2013, Hotel Adlon, Berlin

MAY 2013

The Saudi Arabia Conference

7-8 May 2013, Al Faisaliah Hotel, Riyadh

The Forex Forum

7-8 May 2013, The Brewery, London

Euromoney Forex Survey Awards Dinner

8 May 2013, The Brewery, London

The Offshore RMB Funding Forum

8 May 2013, The Conrad, Hong Kong

SiLAS 2013: Structured Finance and

Securitization in Latin America

16-17 May 2013, Four Seasons, Miami, United States

The Bashkortostan Investment Forum

22 May 2013, Ufa, Russia

EuroHedge Summit

22-23 May 2013, Palais de la Bourse, Paris

The Ghana Finance and Investment Conference

22-23 May 2013, Accra

The Greece Conference

23 May 2013, Athens

Real Return IX: The Euromoney Inflation Linked Products


29 May 2013, Paris

The OECD Infrastructure Investment Summit

29 May 2013, Paris

The Australia Corporate Financing Forum

May 2013, Sydney

JUNE 2013

7th Andean Investment Forum

4-5 June 2013, Lima, Peru

The Canada-China Investors Forum

5-6 June 2013, Beijing

The Algeria Conference

6 June 2013, Algiers

The Japan Forex Forum

7 June 2013, Tokyo

The Australasian & Asian Covered Bond Investor Forum

11 June 2013, Sydney

Thailand and Greater Mekong Investment Forum

13 June 2013, Bangkok

The Eurasian Financial Forum

18 June 2013, Istanbul

Financing Solutions for Corporates: The Syndicated Loan

Borrowers Forum

21 June 2013, The Waldorf Hilton, London

The Global Borrowers & Investors Forum

25-26 June 2013, Hilton on Park Lane, London

The Sukuk Congress

27 June 2013, London

The Morocco Conference

June 2013, Marrakesh

Vietnam Investment and Banking Conference

June 2013, Danang

Credit Hedge

June 2013, London

Credit Hedge US

June 2013, New York

Euromoney Awards for Excellence Awards Dinner

June 2013, Dubai

Emerging Markets Hedge

June 2013, London

Emerging Markets Hedge US

June 2013, London

JULY 2013

The Euromoney Awards for Excellence

11 July 2013, The Brewery, London

Euromoney Awards for Excellence, Asia

18 July 2013, Hong Kong

The Latin America Australia Investors Forum


16 & 17 July 2013, Sydney, Australia


The Sweden Capital Markets Forum

3 September 2013, The Grand Hotel, Stockholm

AusHedge Forum

10 September 2013, Sydney, Australia

The Myanmar Investment Forum

10-11 September 2013, Nay Pyi Taw

5th Latin America China Investors Forum (LACIF)

10-11 September 2013, Beijing, China

The Euromoney/ECBC Covered Bond Congress

12 September 2013, Barcelona

2nd Latin America Korea Investors Forum (LAKIF)

13 September 2013, Seoul, Korea

The Jordan Conference

17 September 2013, Amman

The Egypt Conference

24-25 September 2013, Cairo

The Global Borrowers & Asia Investors Forum

24-25 September 2013, Singapore

InvestHedge Forum 2013

24-25 September 2013, London

InvestHedge Awards 2013

25 September 2013, London

The Cover Covered Bond Awards Dinner

September 2013, Barcelona

The China FX and Risk Management Forum

September 2013, Hong Kong

The Japan Capital Markets & Global Borrowers Congress

September 2013, Tokyo

The Nigeria Finance and Investment Conference

September 2013, Lagos

The Zimbabwe Investment Conference

September 2013, Harare

InvestHedge US

September 2013, New York

The Sterling Conference

September 2013, London

The Canadian Debt Capital Markets Investor Forum

September 2013, New York

Real Return VI: The Euromoney Inflation Linked Products


September 2013, New York

The 6th Infrastructure and Sub-Sovereign

Finance in Mexico Summit

September 2013, Mexico

South America Hedge

September 2013, Rio de Janeiro

Insurance Finance

September 2013, London


The Hangzhou Investment Forum

16-17 October 2013, Hangzhou, China

AsiaHedge Awards

24 October 2013, Hong Kong

The Italy Conference

29 October 2013, Milan


The Middle East Capital Markets Conference

12 November 2013, London

Middle East-Asia Investors Forum

18 November 2013, Abu Dhabi

The China Global Debt Capital Markets Forum

November 2013, Beijing

The Forex Forum USA

November 2013, New York

The Turkey-China Investment Forum

November 2013, Beijing


The Qatar Conference

10-11 December 2013, Doha

The Corporate Financing Forum

December 2013, European city


Page 29: Absolute Return Symposium

Absolute Return Symposium 2013 | program 29

Worth Gibson Forest Hill Capital

Worth Gibson has 20 years of experience in capital markets and has been with Forest Hill Capital since 2004. The firm, with approximately $663 million Aum, serves an international investor base that includes foundations and endowments, pension funds, and family offices. Worth manages the operations of the firm, serves on the investment committee and oversees investor relations and business development. Before joining Forest Hill, Worth was founder and president of Worth Haven Capital management, LLC where he was portfolio manager for the Worth Haven Strategic Growth portfolio, a separately managed account for individual investors. Worth holds a bachelor of Arts from the university of Arkansas at Little Rock. He serves on the Foundation Board of Directors for Catholic High School for Boys and is a member of the Foundation’s investment committee.

Efrem Kamen Pura Vida Investments

Efrem J. Kamen founded pura Vida investments in 2012 and is its managing member. From 2011 to 2012, he was portfolio manager at Waterfront Capital, a millennium affiliated fund, where he led an expansion initiative to add a healthcare business and was responsible for managing the healthcare portfolio. From 2007 until 2011, Efrem was a senior analyst at Diamondback Capital, responsible for medical device, diagnostic, and life science investments. previously, Efrem served as a director of Neovasc, a publicly traded cardiovascular device company, as an analyst at Citadel, and on the medical device equity research team at SG Cowen and Citigroup. Efrem graduated with a BA from Columbia College, Columbia university in 2001.

Jeffrey meyers Cobia Capital Management

Jeffrey meyers graduated from the Columbia university School of Engineering and Applied Sciences with a BS in mechanical Engineering in 1991 and from the university of California at Los Angeles with an mS in Atmospheric Science in 1993. in 1995, he began his career as a financial analyst at Cm Advisors, a start-up long/short hedge fund managed by Curtis macnguyen. He was a financial analyst at SC Fundamental LLC, a long/short value hedge fund managed by peter Collery and Gary Siegler, until1999 when he joined ivory Capital. in 2002-2003, he was a partner focusing on the technology sector at ibis Capital, before spending four years at intrepid Capital management helping to manage a $300 million small cap tech hedge fund. in 2008, he founded Cobia Capital management and manages a $25 million long/short value technology fund.

patrick Wolff Grandmaster Capital Management

patrick Wolff is the founder and managing member of Grandmaster Capital management. His business career started in 1997 and includes experience in strategy consulting, internet startups and banking. patrick joined Clarium Capital management in 2005 and served as a managing director and as a member of the firm’s investment committee. He left Clarium at the end of 2010 to launch Grandmaster Capital at the start of 2011. Between 1989 and 1995, patrick played chess professionally. He is a Grandmaster, was twice the united States chess champion and is the author of several books on chess. patrick holds a bachelor of Arts in philosophy from Harvard university and is a chartered financial analyst.

Best Ideas: Four managers and a crystal ball

Four talented fund managers will each make a case for one of the top investments in their portfolios and share their invaluable investment insights





Josh Friedlander Absolute Return Josh Friedlander is editor of Absolute Return. He previously served as online editor of AR Magazine, and research editor and senior writer of Absolute Return. He joined HedgeFund intelligence in 2005 from Investment Dealers’ Digest, a weekly magazine covering Wall Street, and had previously reported on Wall Street and the pension industry for Institutional Investor News. Josh sits on the board of governors of the New york Financial Writers’ Association, the nation’s oldest organization devoted to business and financial journalism, where he served as president for 2009. He holds a bachelor of Arts degree in History from Connecticut College. in 2007, he was selected as one of the ‘30 under 30’ most promising young business journalists by Newsbios.com. m



Forthcoming events

APRIL 2013

The Kuwait Conference

8 April 2013, JW Marriott, Kuwait City

The 8th Cumbre Financiera Mexicana

9 April 2013, The Four Seasons, Mexico City

The Kazakhstan-China Investors Forum

11 April 2013, Beijing

The 11th Brazil Issuers & Investors Forum (BIIF)

16 April 2013, The Unique Hotel, Sao Paulo

Egypt: The Investor Conference

16 April 2013, London

AsiaHedge Forum

23 April 2013, JW Marriott, Hong Kong

The Germany Conference

24-25 April 2013, Hotel Adlon, Berlin

MAY 2013

The Saudi Arabia Conference

7-8 May 2013, Al Faisaliah Hotel, Riyadh

The Forex Forum

7-8 May 2013, The Brewery, London

Euromoney Forex Survey Awards Dinner

8 May 2013, The Brewery, London

The Offshore RMB Funding Forum

8 May 2013, The Conrad, Hong Kong

SiLAS 2013: Structured Finance and

Securitization in Latin America

16-17 May 2013, Four Seasons, Miami, United States

The Bashkortostan Investment Forum

22 May 2013, Ufa, Russia

EuroHedge Summit

22-23 May 2013, Palais de la Bourse, Paris

The Ghana Finance and Investment Conference

22-23 May 2013, Accra

The Greece Conference

23 May 2013, Athens

Real Return IX: The Euromoney Inflation Linked Products


29 May 2013, Paris

The OECD Infrastructure Investment Summit

29 May 2013, Paris

The Australia Corporate Financing Forum

May 2013, Sydney

JUNE 2013

7th Andean Investment Forum

4-5 June 2013, Lima, Peru

The Canada-China Investors Forum

5-6 June 2013, Beijing

The Algeria Conference

6 June 2013, Algiers

The Japan Forex Forum

7 June 2013, Tokyo

The Australasian & Asian Covered Bond Investor Forum

11 June 2013, Sydney

Thailand and Greater Mekong Investment Forum

13 June 2013, Bangkok

The Eurasian Financial Forum

18 June 2013, Istanbul

Financing Solutions for Corporates: The Syndicated Loan

Borrowers Forum

21 June 2013, The Waldorf Hilton, London

The Global Borrowers & Investors Forum

25-26 June 2013, Hilton on Park Lane, London

The Sukuk Congress

27 June 2013, London

The Morocco Conference

June 2013, Marrakesh

Vietnam Investment and Banking Conference

June 2013, Danang

Credit Hedge

June 2013, London

Credit Hedge US

June 2013, New York

Euromoney Awards for Excellence Awards Dinner

June 2013, Dubai

Emerging Markets Hedge

June 2013, London

Emerging Markets Hedge US

June 2013, London

JULY 2013

The Euromoney Awards for Excellence

11 July 2013, The Brewery, London

Euromoney Awards for Excellence, Asia

18 July 2013, Hong Kong

The Latin America Australia Investors Forum


16 & 17 July 2013, Sydney, Australia


The Sweden Capital Markets Forum

3 September 2013, The Grand Hotel, Stockholm

AusHedge Forum

10 September 2013, Sydney, Australia

The Myanmar Investment Forum

10-11 September 2013, Nay Pyi Taw

5th Latin America China Investors Forum (LACIF)

10-11 September 2013, Beijing, China

The Euromoney/ECBC Covered Bond Congress

12 September 2013, Barcelona

2nd Latin America Korea Investors Forum (LAKIF)

13 September 2013, Seoul, Korea

The Jordan Conference

17 September 2013, Amman

The Egypt Conference

24-25 September 2013, Cairo

The Global Borrowers & Asia Investors Forum

24-25 September 2013, Singapore

InvestHedge Forum 2013

24-25 September 2013, London

InvestHedge Awards 2013

25 September 2013, London

The Cover Covered Bond Awards Dinner

September 2013, Barcelona

The China FX and Risk Management Forum

September 2013, Hong Kong

The Japan Capital Markets & Global Borrowers Congress

September 2013, Tokyo

The Nigeria Finance and Investment Conference

September 2013, Lagos

The Zimbabwe Investment Conference

September 2013, Harare

InvestHedge US

September 2013, New York

The Sterling Conference

September 2013, London

The Canadian Debt Capital Markets Investor Forum

September 2013, New York

Real Return VI: The Euromoney Inflation Linked Products


September 2013, New York

The 6th Infrastructure and Sub-Sovereign

Finance in Mexico Summit

September 2013, Mexico

South America Hedge

September 2013, Rio de Janeiro

Insurance Finance

September 2013, London


The Hangzhou Investment Forum

16-17 October 2013, Hangzhou, China

AsiaHedge Awards

24 October 2013, Hong Kong

The Italy Conference

29 October 2013, Milan


The Middle East Capital Markets Conference

12 November 2013, London

Middle East-Asia Investors Forum

18 November 2013, Abu Dhabi

The China Global Debt Capital Markets Forum

November 2013, Beijing

The Forex Forum USA

November 2013, New York

The Turkey-China Investment Forum

November 2013, Beijing


The Qatar Conference

10-11 December 2013, Doha

The Corporate Financing Forum

December 2013, European city


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Citi www.citivelocity.com

Credit Suisse www.credit-suisse.com

Citi, the leading global bank, has approximately 200 million customer accounts and does business in more than 160 countries and jurisdictions. Citi provides consumers, corporations, governments and institutions with a broad range of financial products and services, including consumer banking and credit, corporate and investment banking, securities brokerage, transaction services, and wealth management.

Citi Markets provides world-class financing solutions that are as diverse as the needs of the corporates, institutions, governments, and individual investors it serves in 160 countries and territories. The breadth, depth, and strength of its underwriting, sales and trading, and distribution capabilities span asset classes and currencies, sectors and industries, covering a vast array of products.

Citi’s research and analysis offer the highest-quality corporate, sector, economic, and geographical insights – from equity and fixed income research to market and product analysis – helping individual and institutional clients navigate a complex global marketplace.

On trading floors located in over 80 countries, Citi work around the clock to enrich the relationships, products, liquidity, and technology that define its market-making presence in Asia, Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Latin America and North America.

Additional information may be found at: www.citigroup.com | Twitter: @Citi | YouTube: www.youtube.com/citi | Blog: http://new.citi.com | Facebook: www.facebook.com/citi | LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/citi.

Credit Suisse AG is one of the world’s leading financial services providers and is part of the Credit Suisse group of companies. As an integrated bank, Credit Suisse is able to offer clients its expertise in the areas of private banking, investment banking and asset management from a single source. Credit Suisse provides specialist advisory services, comprehensive solutions and innovative products to companies, institutional clients and high net worth private clients worldwide, and also to retail clients in Switzerland. Credit Suisse is headquartered in Zurich and operates in over 50 countries worldwide. The group employs approximately 47,400 people. The registered shares (CSGN) of Credit Suisse’s parent company, Credit Suisse Group AG, are listed in Switzerland and, in the form of American Depositary Shares (CS), in New York.

For further information, contact:11 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10010 T: +1 212 325 2000

Lead sponsors

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UBS www.ubs.com

UBS draws on its 150-year heritage to serve private, institutional and corporate clients worldwide, as well as retail clients in Switzerland. Its business strategy is centered on its pre-eminent global wealth management businesses and its universal bank in Switzerland. Together with a client-focused investment bank and a strong, well-diversified global asset management business, UBS will expand its premier wealth management franchise and drive further growth across the Group. Headquartered in Zurich and Basel, Switzerland, UBS has offices in more than 50 countries, including all major financial centers, and employs approximately 64,000 people. UBS AG is the parent company of the UBS Group (Group). Under Swiss company law, UBS AG is organized as an Aktiengesellschaft, a corporation that has issued shares of common stock to investors. The operational structure of the Group comprises the Corporate Center and five business divisions: Wealth Management, Wealth Management Americas, the Investment Bank, Global Asset Management and Retail & Corporate.

Investment Bank The Investment Bank provides a broad range of products and services in equities, fixed income, foreign exchange and commodities to corporate and institutional clients, sovereign and government bodies, financial intermediaries, alternative asset managers and UBS’s wealth management clients. The Investment Bank is an active participant in capital markets flow activities, including sales, trading and market-making across a broad range of securities. It provides financial solutions to a whole range of clients, and offers advisory and analytics services in all major capital markets.

For further information, contact: Joe Stewart, head cross asset, EM and hedge fund sales, Americas 1285 Avenue Of The Americas, New York, NY 10019 E: [email protected] T: +1 203 719 1700

Newedge www.newedge.com/primebrokerage

With more than 20 locations across 15 countries and access to 85+ exchanges, Newedge offers a full range of execution and clearing services. Independently managed and regulated, Newedge is supported by two top-tier rated shareholders, Société Générale and Crédit Agricole Corporate & Investment Bank. Newedge’s agency broker business model puts clients’ interests first, minimising market risk and potential conflicts of interest.

Prime Brokerage. Newedge offers a full, global prime brokerage service across equities, fixed income, foreign exchange and commodities, cash and derivatives. The flexible open architecture approach provides clients a single interface, allowing maximum efficiency when trading multiple asset classes.

Single Point of Contact. Each client has a dedicated relationship manager supported by a team of people that clients can rely on to provide timely service. Each relationship manager constantly stays abreast of business imperatives and priorities to provide the solutions that can aid in a client’s success.

Capital Introduction. Newedge’s knowledge and depth of experience facilitates introductions of hedge fund managers to closely suited sophisticated investors. It covers investors globally, having dedicated coverage of specific investor types such as pension funds, global investors and family offices.

Financing, Risk Management and Reporting. Newedge offers innovative, risk-based cross margining and portfolio margining across instruments and asset classes. Financing and reporting options are specifically tailored to client requirements and through Newedge Pulse, an online web-portal, clients can access and customise reports to suit their specific needs.

Comprehensive UCITS III Solution. Newedge has developed a comprehensive UCITS offering to help service clients launching products in multiple jurisdictions and across many different hedge fund strategies. Newedge has taken a customised, open architecture approach to servicing UCITS compliant hedge fund strategies, giving clients full flexibility to tailor products to meet their own specific requirements.

For further information, contact:Duncan Crawford 10 Bishops Square, London E1 6EG E: [email protected] T: +44 (0)20 7676 8504

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BNY Mellon and Pershing Prime Services

BNY Mellon is a global investments company dedicated to helping clients manage and service their financial assets. Whether providing financial services for institutions, corporations or individual investors, BNY Mellon delivers informed investment management and investment services in 36 countries and more than 100 markets. As of December 31, 2012, BNY Mellon had $26.2 trillion in assets under custody and/or administration, and $1.4 trillion in assets under management. BNY Mellon is the corporate brand of The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation (NYSE: BK).

Pershing Prime Services, a service of BNY Mellon, delivers global prime brokerage solutions with substantial counterparty strength. Its solutions include global execution capabilities and order management, extensive access to hard-to-borrow securities and alternative sources of finance, cash management products and reporting tools, and custodial solutions. Its PrimeConnectTM suite automates the movement of collateral between custodian and prime broker providing hedge funds and ’40 Act funds transparency and control of collateral selection and management, helping customers mitigate risk, reduce expenses and increase operational efficiencies.

HedgeMark is a specialist in the structuring, oversight, and risk monitoring of hedge fund investments. It offers award-winning global risk and performance analytics, customized managed account infrastructure, and a managed funds platform for qualified investors. HedgeMark’s services have been designed to address the emerging industry and regulatory “best practice” standards for thoughtful and experienced institutional investors. The HedgeMark Funds Platform features a broad range of investment strategies, managed by many of the industry’s leading hedge fund managers. These managers have agreed to work with HedgeMark, managing funds pari passu to their flagship vehicles, all within an improved fiduciary structure. The foundation of HedgeMark’s business is its proprietary technology and risk monitoring systems, which are able to integrate returns-based analytics with position-level risk. Its team of nearly 100 investment, operational and risk professionals is led by well-established industry leaders with extensive experience.

When coupled with its affiliation with BNY Mellon, one of the world’s largest and highly rated financial institutions, HedgeMark believes a relationship with it offers the comfort and security of a highly regarded counterparty and the benefits of investment structures featuring transparency, liquidity, control and independent fund governance.

HedgeMark www.hedgemark.com

Co-sponsorswww.bnymellon.com Twitter @BNYMellon


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e sp



Sberbank CIB www.sbrf.ru/en/

Cerberus Capital Management www.cerberuscapital.com

Cerberus Capital Management, L.P. is one of the world’s leading private investment firms. Founded in 1992, Cerberus has been dedicated to distressed investing since its inception. The Firm has over $20 billion under management invested in four primary strategies: distressed securities and assets (mortgage-based securities, corporate debt, non-performing loans, structured loans), control and non-control private equity, commercial mid-market lending and real estate-related investments. Headquartered in New York City with affiliate and/or advisory offices in the United States, Europe and Asia, Cerberus is a truly global investor with a long-term investment horizon and focus on value creation. The Firm’s more than 130 dedicated investment professionals are integrated across all four of its investment strategies, bringing considerable expertise in assessing, acting upon and managing all Cerberus investments.

On January 23, 2012, Sberbank announced the acquisition of 100% of Troika Dialog’s equity capital. As a result of the subsequent integration, the Corporate & Investment Business was created, which has been operating under the Sberbank CIB brand since October 8, 2012. Sberbank CIB’s key areas of business are corporate financing, securities and derivatives trading, structured products, private equity investments, mergers and acquisition consulting, debt and equity capital procurement, as well as market research.

Key facts and figures:

• Services over 3,000 companies, including the corporate sector, financial institutions and state agencies

• Volume of the loan portfolio for ‘largest clients’ – 20.5% of the corporate loan market in Russia

• The leading market-maker for equity and fixed income products in Russia, making prices from 8am Moscow time until the New York Stock Exchange closes at midnight Moscow time

• One of the largest and most qualified analytical teams in Russia, the specialists from which are regularly featured at the top of international rankings of analysts

• Wide spectrum of research products

Associate sponsors

For further information, contact:Glen Abbott E: [email protected]: +1 646 885 3636

VelocityCapital www.VelocityCapitalMgt.com

VelocityCapital’s systematic tail risk strategies seek to produce convex returns during periods of high equity volatility (tail events). These transparent and liquid strategies represent the latest innovation in tail risk hedging. The strategies take advantage of characteristics of (1) VIX futures and (2) the convexity of daily resetting leveraged and inverse exposures, without suffering the high costs and fees generally associated with traditional tail risk strategies.

VelocityCapital Management LLC is a commodities pool operator and commodity trading advisor registered with the National Futures Association, and is a member of the VelocityShares™ group. VelocityShares is the leader in designing sophisticated exchange-traded products and tail-risk strategies for institutional investors.

For further information, contact:Steve Quinn VelocityCapital Mangement LLC 19 Old Kings Highway South Darien, CT 06820 E: [email protected]: +1 203 992 4308

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J.P. Morgan Alternative Investment Services www.jpmorgan.com/visit/hfs


J.P. Morgan’s Alternative Investment Services (AIS) group, part of the Corporate and Investment Bank (CIB), offers comprehensive solutions for hedge funds, private equity, real estate, hybrid and fund of funds strategies seeking to optimize efficiency, mitigate risk and enhance revenue. A division of JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A., AIS offers a vast array of services to alternative managers, including: fund administration, middle office services, derivative and collateral management, custody, tri-party repo, performance measurement, and cash management.

HSBC provides securities services and prime finance to financial institutions in both fast growing and mature markets across Asia-Pacific, the Middle East and North Africa, Europe and the Americas.

HSBC delivers a suite of fully integrated services to hedge funds and institutional asset managers including fund administration, safe custody and clearing, securities lending, cross asset margining and dedicated client service with transparent reporting as well as providing safekeeping and segregation of client assets and flexible financing solutions.

HSBC’s solutions aim to help clients enhance their performance and mitigate risk, today and in the future.

Nomura www.nomura.com

Nomura is a leading financial services group and the preeminent Asia-based investment bank with worldwide reach. Nomura provides a broad range of innovative solutions tailored to the specific requirements of individual, institutional, corporate and government clients through an international network in over 30 countries. Based in Tokyo and with regional headquarters in Hong Kong, London, and New York, Nomura has a unique understanding of Asia that enables the company to make a difference for clients through three business divisions: retail, asset management, and wholesale (global markets and investment banking). Nomura’s subsidiaries in the U.S. include Nomura Securities International, Inc. (a member of SIPC) and Nomura Corporate Research and Asset Management Inc.


For further information, contact:Paul BusbyE: [email protected]

Tony McDonnell E: [email protected]

For further information, contact:Dylan Curley, managing director 1 Chase Manhattan Plaza, Floor 19 New York, NY 10005 E: [email protected]: +1 212 552 6115

© Nomura Holdings, Inc. 2013. Nomura is the global marketing name of Nomura Holdings, Inc. and its direct and indirect subsidiaries worldwide including Nomura International (Hong Kong) Limited, licensed and regulated by the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission, Nomura Securities International, Inc., a member of SIPC and Nomura International plc, authorized and regulated by the Financial Services Authority and a member of the London Stock Exchange. This is not an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy any security in any jurisdiction nor does it purport to render professional advice. Use of electronic services is subject to Nomura’s terms of use. For more information, please go to www.nomura.com.

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Smarsh® www.smarsh.com

SEI www.seic.com/ims

Smarsh® provides hosted solutions for archiving electronic communications, including email, instant messaging and social media platforms such as Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. Founded in 2001, the company helps over 15,000 organizations manage and enforce flexible, secure and cost-effective compliance and records retention strategies.

Smarsh has helped its clients successfully navigate thousands of SEC examinations and e-discovery requests, and provides best practices and insight to firms registering with the SEC or facing compliance mandates for the first time. Smarsh clients promote investor confidence with a demonstrative commitment to transparent operation, regulatory compliance and data security.

The Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) delivery model enables clients to eliminate IT infrastructure costs and minimize operating burden, while benefiting from Smarsh expertise in hosting large volumes of mission-critical client data. Customizable solutions fit the needs, budgets and technological infrastructure of any business and are matched with unrivaled customer service.

SEI’s Investment Manager Services division provides comprehensive operational outsourcing solutions to support investment managers globally across a range of registered and unregistered fund structures, diverse investment strategies and jurisdictions. With expertise covering traditional and alternative investment vehicles, the division applies customized operating services, industry-leading technologies, and practical business and regulatory insights to each client’s business objectives. SEI’s resources enable clients to meet the demands of the marketplace and sharpen business strategies by focusing on their core competencies.

AIMA www.aima.org

As the global hedge fund association, the Alternative Investment Management Association (AIMA) has over 1,300 corporate members (with over 6,000 individual contacts) worldwide, based in over 50 countries.

Members include hedge fund managers, fund of hedge funds managers, prime brokers, legal and accounting firms, investors, fund administrators and independent fund directors. They all benefit from AIMA’s active influence in policy development, its leadership in industry initiatives, including education and sound practice manuals, and its excellent reputation with regulators worldwide.

AIMA is a dynamic organisation that reflects its members’ interests and provides them with a vibrant global network. AIMA is committed to developing industry skills and education standards and is a co-founder of the Chartered Alternative Investment Analyst designation (CAIA) – the industry’s first and only specialised educational standard for alternative investment specialists. For further information, please visit AIMA’s website.

Exhibitors / Endorser

For further information, contact:John Alshefski, senior vice president and managing director Investment Manager Services E: [email protected]: +1 610 676 1270

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save the date 22 & 23 May 2013PALAIS DE LA BOURSE, PARIS

The EuroHedge Summit 2013 is a major hedge fund event which attracts the industry’s elite from around the globe. The event offers incisive and topical content about hedge fund strategies and addresses the overall outlook for the hedge fund industry and financial markets, as well as the opportunities, challenges and risks across a range of investment strategies.

The EuroHedge Summit 2013 is a major hedge fund event The EuroHedge Summit 2013 is a major hedge fund event

Complete the booking form onlinewww.eurohedgesummit.comor call +44 (0) 20 7779 7222End-investors attend completely free of charge – email [email protected]

Subscribers register now for a 15% DISCOUNT

Join us in Paris this Spring. We are now taking bookings for the EuroHedge Summit! Book now to guarantee your place.

● Keynote speakers: Chris Hohn, TCI Fund and Martin Hughes, Toscafund

● Debate the overall outlook for the hedge fund industry

● Meet over 800 of the industry’s top managers and investors

● Learn from over 90 speakers from leading hedge fund and investment firms

● Enjoy Paris in the springtime!

EuroHedgeSummit 2013

EH Summit 2013 updated subs discount.indd 1 08/03/2013 17:31