W. ROTHER AND M. Z,~HLE ABSOLUTE CURVATURE MEASURES, II ABSTRACT. The absolute curvature measures for sets of positive reach in R d introduced in [7] satisfy the following kinematic relations: Their integrated values on the intersections with (or on the tangential projections onto) uniformly moved p-planes are constant multiples of the corresponding absolute curvature measures of the primary set. In the special case of convex bodies the first result is the so-called Crofton formula. An analogue for signed curvature measures is well known in the differential geometry of smooth manifolds, but the motion of absolute curvatures used there does not lead to this property. For the special case of smooth compact hypermanifolds our absolute curvature measures agree with those introduced by Santal6 [4] with other methods. In the appendix, the section formula is applied to motion invariant random sets. 1. EQUIVALENT DEFINITIONS The present paper is a continuation of [7], which also contains motivations and references to the related literature. We first recall some notions introduced there. At the same time we correct an error in formulas (3)-(6) of [7], where certain projection Jacobians have to be inserted. In the sequel, X denotes an arbitrary subset of R d of positive reach (in the sense of Federer [1]) and B a bounded Borel set in R d x S d- 1 (or in Rd). Note that convex bodies and compact C2-submanifolds are special cases for X. In [7] the kth absolute curvature measure c~bs(x, B), k = 0 ..... d-1, is intro- duced by means of the natural invariant measure of the set of all (d- 1 - k)- planes locally colliding with X inside B. Thereby affine and linear subspaces of R d are considered as dements of sufficiently large Euclidean spaces via representation by multivectors. Let nor X be the unit normal bundle of X and G(X, d, k) its kth Grassmann bundle (denoted in [7] by G(X, k)), i.e. G(X, d, k)= {(x, n, V): (x, n)~nor X, V~G,(d-1, k)} where G,(d-1, k) is the Grassmann submanifold of G(d, k) of those k- dimensional linear subspaces of R d which are orthogonal to the unit vector n ES d-1. Let v" be the normalized rotation invariant measure on d- l,k G,(d-l,k). 17 v is the orthogonal projection onto the subspace V The function f(x, n, V) = (IIv~ x, V) maps G(X, d, k) onto the set sO(X, d, k) of parametrized k-dimensional affine subspaces (k-planes) locally colliding with X. Let P be the coordinate Geometriae Dedicata 41: 229-240, 1992. © 1992 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.

Absolute curvature measures, II

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W . R O T H E R A N D M. Z , ~ H L E

A B S O L U T E C U R V A T U R E M E A S U R E S , I I

ABSTRACT. The absolute curvature measures for sets of positive reach in R d introduced in [7] satisfy the following kinematic relations: Their integrated values on the intersections with (or on the tangential projections onto) uniformly moved p-planes are constant multiples of the corresponding absolute curvature measures of the primary set. In the special case of convex bodies the first result is the so-called Crofton formula. An analogue for signed curvature measures is well known in the differential geometry of smooth manifolds, but the motion of absolute curvatures used there does not lead to this property. For the special case of smooth compact hypermanifolds our absolute curvature measures agree with those introduced by Santal6 [4] with other methods.

In the appendix, the section formula is applied to motion invariant random sets.

1. E Q U I V A L E N T D E F I N I T I O N S

The present paper is a continuation of [7], which also contains motivations

and references to the related literature. We first recall some notions introduced there. At the same time we correct an error in formulas (3)-(6) of [7], where certain projection Jacobians have to be inserted.

In the sequel, X denotes an arbitrary subset of R d of positive reach (in the sense of Federer [1]) and B a bounded Borel set in R d x S d- 1 (or in Rd). Note

that convex bodies and compact C2-submanifolds are special cases for X. In [7] the kth absolute curvature measure c~bs(x, B), k = 0 . . . . . d - 1 , is intro-

duced by means of the natural invariant measure of the set of all ( d - 1 - k)- planes locally colliding with X inside B. Thereby affine and linear subspaces of R d are considered as dements of sufficiently large Euclidean spaces via

representation by multivectors. Let nor X be the unit normal bundle of X and G(X, d, k) its kth Grassmann bundle (denoted in [7] by G(X, k)), i.e.

G(X, d, k )= {(x, n, V): (x, n)~nor X, V ~ G , ( d - 1 , k)}

where G,(d-1 , k) is the Grassmann submanifold of G(d, k) of those k- dimensional linear subspaces of R d which are orthogonal to the unit vector n ES d-1. Let v" be the normalized rotation invariant measure on d - l , k

G , ( d - l , k ) . 17 v is the orthogonal projection onto the subspace V The function

f (x , n, V) = (IIv~ x, V)

maps G(X, d, k) onto the set sO(X, d, k) of parametrized k-dimensional affine subspaces (k-planes) locally colliding with X. Let P be the coordinate

Geometriae Dedicata 41: 229-240, 1992. © 1992 K l u w e r Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.

230 w . R O T H E R A N D M. Z A H L E

projections in d ( X , d, k) given by

P(y, v ) = v.

~ s is the s-dimensional Hausdorff measure in Euclidean space and Js the s- dimensional Jacobian function of a locally Lipschitz mapping in the sense of Federer [2].

For m = d - 1 + k ( d - 1 - k) the weighted Hausdorff measure

(1) gk(X, "):----= gd.k 1 I l(.)(y, V)Jk(a_k)P(fl , V)~'f'(d(y, V)) d ~(x,d,k)

is the natural motion invariant measure of k-planes locally colliding with X. (Cf. (1) in [7], corrected. The constant gd,k is defined there.) Using the co-area formula for the mapping P one obtains

.)) = ~ ~ d - 1 - k(d(X ' d, k) c~ P - I(V) ~ ('))vd,k(d V) (2) g k ( X , j~ (d,k)

where Va,k is the normalized motion invariant measure on G(d, k) (cf. (2) in [7] corrected). On the other hand, the co-area formula applied to the function f yields

#k( X, ") = 9a,~ f l(.)(f(x, n, V))Jmf(X , n, V)Jk<d_k) 3~ (x,a,k)

x P(f(x, n, V))~"(d(x, n, V))

since by Sard's theorem f is a.e. bi-unique. Therefore, the measure

(3) c~b_sl _k(X,B):= Cd, k f 1B(X, n)J.,f(x, n, V)Jktd_k)P(f(x , n, V)) d~ (X,d,k)

x ~¢gm(d(x, n, V))

= const ~k(X, f(G(X, d, k) c~ B x G(d, k)))

may be interpreted as the invariant measure of k-planes locally colliding with X inside the location-direction set B c R a x S a- 1. (Cf. (4) in [7] corrected. The constant Cd.k is defined there by certain normalization.) c~bs(x, ") is also said to be the kth absolute curvature measure of X in view of the following considerations.

Applying the co-area formula to the coordinate projection ~: G(X, d, k )~ nor X we get

CabStYB)=(a-~l)~r(k)-l~na - 1 - kl, xx ' or Xc3B f G n(d - 1,k) Jd-17z(x'n'V)-~

x Jmf(X, n, V)Jk( d_k)P(f(x, n, V))v~_ 1,k(dV)J~ a- l(d(x, n)),


where a(k)=~fk(S k) (cf. (5) in [-7], corrected). The expression under the integral may be calculated as follows. Any V~ G,(d, k) may be represented by

V = (V' ^ n)"

where V' is the (k-1)-space orthogonal to V and n. (W A W means the subspace of R e generated by the subspace W and the vector w, i.e. the corresponding unit multivector with identification of the signs.) In this notation the differential of f acts on the tangent space to G(X, d, k) at (x, n, V) through

Df(x , n, V)(O, O, u) = (0, u),

u ~ TvG,(d- 1, k),


Df(x , n, V)(v, w, (V' A Hvw) ±)

= (IIviV+(X, n ) I l v w + ( x , Ilvw)n, (V' A IlvW)-t),

(v, w)e Ttx,, ) nor X. (Here (a, b) means the scalar product of the vectors a, b.) Since the vector (x, n )Hvw+ (x, rlvw)n is orthogonal to I Ivw and equals 0

if Df(x, u, V)(v, w, (V' /x Hvw)±)skerDP(f(x , n, V)) (i.e. if Hvw = 0) we conclude that

Jk(a-k)P(f(x, n, V))J,,f(x, n, V) = [I A k(a_k)Pvl[ 11 A , , fv II

where the linear mapping fv is defined on T(x,,,v)G(X, d, k) by

iv (0, O, u) = (0, u), u E Tv G, (d - 1, k)

fv(v, w, (V' /x rIvw) ±) = (Hviv, (V' A rlvw)±), (v, w)s T(x,,)nor X,

and Pv is defined on the image space fvT~ .... v)G(X, d, k) by

Pv(z, W) = W.

(fv and Pv correspond to Df(x , n, V) and DP(f(x, n, V)), respectively, when the vector (x, n) I Ivw+ (x, Hvw)n from above is neglected.) Next one easily verifies that the right-hand side of the last relation equals

Je_~z(x, n, V)Je-~hv(x, n),

where hv is given on nor X by

hv(x, n) = (rlv~X, rIvn),


Dhv(x, n)(v, w) = (Hv~v, Hvw).

2 3 2 w . R O T H E R A N D M. Z . ~ H L E


Jd_l~(X, n, V)-lJmf(x, n, V)Jk(d_g)P(f(x, n, V))= Jd-lhv( x, n)

(cf. (6) in [7], corrected). The computation OfJd- xhv(x, u) (cf. [7]) leads to the following curvature representation of c~,bs(x, B): In an earlier paper it is shown that for almost all (x, n) s nor X there exist d - 1 generalized principal curvatures xl(x, n) . . . . , Xd- I(X, n) e ( - - 0% + oo] and directions of principal curvatures bl(x, n), . . . , be-l(x, n) which form, together with the unit normal n, a positively oriented orthonormal basis in R d. Then one infers the final formula

(4) C~,_k(X,B)=(d;1)a(k)-lfnorX~BfC..(d_~,k) d - 1

× 1--[ (1 + tee(x, n))- 1/2 E Xi(x)(X, n)... Xi(k)(X, n) j=l i(1)< -.- <i(k)

x IHvbi(1)(x, n) ^ ... ^ Hvbi(k)(X, n)l 2 v~_ a,k(dV)~ d- ~(d(x, n)).

If some of the ~cj are equal to 4- ~ then the product and the sum under the integrals are formal and the corresponding limits as xj ~ ~ are meant. (Cf.

(8) in [7].)

REMARK. Omitting the absolute value sign under the integrals we obtain the classical signed Lipschitz-Kill ing-Federer curvature measures in the case when 1B(x, n) does not depend on the direction n. For simplicity we consider in the sequel only such B identifying them with subsets of R d and using the

same notations.


Any p-plane A in R d will be parametrized as before by the pair (z, W) such that A -- z + W where W ~ G(d, p) (p-dimensional Grassmanian of R d) is the

direction space of A and z = H w i x for arbitrary xEA. Let Vd,p be the normalized rotation invariant measure on G(d, p). Then we introduce the motion invariant measure Ctd, v on the parameter space of p-planes d (d , p) by

O:d,p=fG(d,p) fwllt '(z 'W)dzv'~,v(dW)"

(For Lebesgue measure dz on W i we also write ~d-P(dz) and sometimes we identify the pair (z, W) with the plane A = z + W..) For ~e,p-almost all

A B S O L U T E C U R V A T U R E M E A S U R E S , II 233

A e d ( d , p ) the section set X n A is also of positive reach (cf. Federer [1]). Therefore, its absolute curvature measures C~b~(X n A, B) are determined. Our notions are correct in the following sense:

T H E O R E M 1. The absolute curvature measure c)bs(x n A, B) of the set X n A c R d agrees with the j th absolute curvature measure of X n A c A

(restricted to B n A) calculated with respect to the p-dimensional reference space A if j <<. p - 1.

Proof Recall that

-1,(X, B) = Ca,t, ,I~¢[ (X,B,d,k)Jk(a-k)P(Y, V)jt~m(d(Y, V)) C~1~1



~¢(X, B, d, k) = f (G(X , d, k ) n B x S d- I x G(d, k))

P: d ( X , d, k) --. G(d, k)

is the coordinate projection P(y, V)= E W e n o w ident i fy the p -p lane A = z + W w i t h the E u c l i d e a n p-space R p a n d

consider X n A as a subset of R p. Then the variant of f is the mapping

f,~ : G(X n A, p, k) ~ d ( X n A, p, k)

given by

f~(x, r~, P) = ( n ~ H w x , ~).

Analogously, P~v: d ( X n A, p, k) --, G(p, k) denotes the corresponding coor- dinate projection. Put j = p - 1 - k . In this notation it suffices to prove that

c(d, k + d - p) [ J(k + d- p)(p - k)P(Y, V)J'~q(d(Y, V)) J ~¢(XnA,B,d,k + d-p)

k) [ Jk(p-k)P~r@, [z)~'a'(d@, V)) c(p, (XnA,BnA,p,k)


d ( X n A , B n A , p, k ) = f ~ c ( G ( X n A , p, k ) n B n A x S p-1 x G(p, k)),

q = d - 1 + ( k + d - p ) ( p - 1 - k ) ,


r = p - l + k ( p - l - k ) .

234 w . R O T H E R A N D M. ZA.HLE

For, we introduce the auxiliary set

S={(~, V,, I~): (~, ~ / ) • ~ ( X n A , B n A , p, k),

IYVeG(d, d - p ) , W± V,, ~ ' n W = {0}}

(where A = z + W as before) and the mapping q~:S--* ~ ¢ ( X n A , B, d,

k + d - p ) by

~0(y, ~ v?)= (n(~ea,)~ y, ~ ® ~'). In this case the co-area formula applied to (p yields

Jq(p(y, V, W)J(k+d_p)(d_k)P((p(y , V, W))Jt~g(d(y, V, W))

= ~ J(k + d - p)(p - k) P(Y, V)~Vt~q(d(Y, V)). d d (XnA,B,d,k + d - p)

(For fff~-almost all (y, V)• d ( X n A, B, d, k + d - p ) the pullback (p- l(y, V) is a singleton.) Further, by construction we have

J(k+~-~(~-k)P((p(Y, v, fie))= Jk(~-,)P~(Y, v), a.e.

Let n here be the coordinate projection on S given by

~(y, ~, ffz)= (y, ~).

Then the integral on the left,hand side of the above equation agrees with

fd J,(~ k)P~(Y,~') f( Jq(P0~, V,, ~/) (XnA,BnA,p,k) I~: (~, V,,I~z) e S}

x J~(~, V,, lTV)~/t~q-~(dl~)Jf'(d(~, V)).

The inner integral is a constant which is equal to c(p, k ) c ( d , k + d - p ) - ~

(This value may be obtained, for example, by considering the well-known convex case.) Comparing the entire integral expressions one obtains the assertion. []

3. I N T E R S E C T I O N W I T H M O V E D P L A N E S

As a consequence of the proof of Theorem 1 and (3) we get, for almost all W • G(d, p) and z • W ±, the relation

(5) r~abs _k(X n (z + W), B) = c(p, k) ~ la(x) ,,Fp_ 1 3~ (Xn(z + W),p,k)

x J,f~v(X, fi, - z z v)Jk(~_,~Pw(fC~(x, ~, ~)w'(a(x, ~, ~)). This enables us to prove the following kinemat ic sect ion formula .



f d abs A B - Cp_ 1 - k( X n , )•d,p(dA) - y(p, d - 1 - k, d)C3~ 1 _k(X, B). (d,p)

Proof. It suffices to show that the integration of (5) with respect to W and z yields (3) up to a constant. For, we introduce the auxiliary space

M = x, IHwnl ' rIw~('IIv' w):(x, n, V)eG(X, d, k), WeG(d, p),

I Iwn ~ O, dimHw~{,}~ V = k}

and the mapping

y(x, ~, P, w) = (n~x , ~, w)

defined on M. j7 may be split into two orthogonal parts: since ~" c W, we have

(6) (lI~x, P,, w ) = (rI~4nwix+rIwx) , P, w)

= (rlw~x, O, W) + ( I I ~ I I w x , P,, O)

and the last two vectors are orthogonal. (Recall that ~" and W are considered as elements of certain Euclidean vector spaces.) Let g: M ~ d(d , p) be given by

g(x, ~, ~ w) = (nw~x, w).

Then g-l(z, W) may be identified with the set G ( X ~ (z + W), p, k) where the last component W is omitted. Further, for Hw~x=z we have

(II9A-Iwx, V, 0) = (f~v(X, fi, V), 0).

In this case (6) yields the following relationship between the Jacobians:

J~f(x , fi, V,, W) = J(o+a)(d-p)g(x, fi, V,, W)J~f~v(X, fi, V)

where ~ = ( p + 1)(d-p)+r and, as before, r = ( p - 1 ) + k ( p - 1 - k ) . From this and the co-area formula applied to the mapping g and then to

the coordinate projection ~: d (d , p) ~ G(dl p) with re(z, W) -- W we infer

flu lB(x)jeaf(x ' ~,, . . . . . . nw~x, ,nw~x, fi, vv )ak(p k)r w tJw ~x, fi, V))

× J.(._.)~(a(x, ~, P, W))~e~(d(x, ~, P, W))

=conSt fa(d,p) fW~ fa(ic~(z+W),p,k) l '(x)J'f(v(X' fi' P)

X 4(p- k)P~v (f(v (x, fi, ~'))2/g d- P(dz)vd,p(d W).

236 W. R O T H E R A N D M. Z ,~HLE

In view of (5) the last expression corresponds to the right-hand side of the assertion. We now will show that the left-hand side of the above equation agrees with C]~ 1 -k(X, B) up to a constant. For, define the auxiliary rotation mapping

h: G(X, d, k) x G(d, p) ~ M, a.e. by

Hw n h(x, n, V,, W ) = x, I-ff~wn[' nw~{.}~v, W)

whose ~-Jacobian equals 1. Taking into regard the relation

J , . f (x , n, V ) J k ( d _ k ) P ( f ( x , n, V)) IIw±x HW±X

=daf (h (x , n, V, W))Jktp-k)Pw ( fw (h(x, n, V, W))

x Jp(d_p~(goh(x, n, V, W))

which holds for almost all (x, n, V, W), we obtain by (3)

_ k(X, B) = const f l ts(X)Jmf(X, n, V)Jkld-k)P(f(x, n, V))~Cm(d(x, n, c ]bs 1 v)) J~ (X,d,k)

= const [ 1B(X)Jmf(X, n, V)Jk( ~_ k)P(f(x, n, 11)) 3~ (X,d,k) x Cr(d,p)

x ~ " + p~d- P)(d(x, n, V, W))

=const .fM 1B(X)J~f(X, fi, V,, . . . . . . nwix. pnwix, W)ak~p-k)rw tJw tx, fi, V))

x Jt,(a_t,)zt(g(x, fi, V,, W))jfk(a-l ')(h-l(x, fi, V,, W))jf~n(d(x, fi, V,, W))

according to the co-area formula for the mapping h. By construction, for almost all (x, fi, V,, W), aUfk(a-P)(h - l(x, fi, V,, W)) is a constant. Hence, the last expression agrees with the left-hand side of the former equation up to a constant, which may be determined by choosing a ball for X. []

REMARK. If X is a smooth compact hypermanifold in R d our absolute curvature measures agree with those introduced in Santal6 [4] up to certain constants. In this case Theorem 2 corresponds to the section formula (5.1) in [4] which is proved with classical differential geometric methods. Note that in distinction to Santal6's approach for lower-dimensional submanifolds our absolute curvature measures are determined for all orders and that they are the natural counterpart to-the signed-Lipsc_hitz-Killing-Federer curvature measures.



We now turn to the projection formula. In Schneider [5] the related result for convex bodies was extended to the convex ring by means of tangential projections. Here we will prove a similar relationship for sets of positive reach.

First recall the equivalent expression for the absolute curvature measures in terms of mean tangential projections: For any VE G(d ,d -1 -k )

H(X, B, V ±) := {y E Re: (y, V) E d ( X , B, d, d - 1 - k)}

is the set of orthogonal projections onto V ± of those x E X c~ B where x + V is a colliding plane. We write

H(X, V ±) := H(X, R d, V±).

In view of (2) we obtain

(7) ,bs _ f ~k( I I (X, B, V±))va,a_ 1 - k(d V) Ck (X,B)--ad,d-l-k ,)6 ( d , d - l - k )

for certain constant ad, d 1-k. (This formula establishes the relationship to Santalb's absolute curvature measures in the special case of smooth hypermanifolds.)

For an arbitrary WEG(d,p) we consider the tangential projections H(X, B, W) as subsets of the Euclidean p-space W and introduce the absolute

curvature measures C~bs(1-I(X, W), H(X, B, W)), 0 ~< k ~< p - 1, as follows: Denote G(W, k):= {VEG(d,k): V c W}. The set

d ( H ( X , W), H(X, B, W), p, p- - 1 - k) := {(y, U) E W e G(W, p - 1 - k):

(y, U • W ±) E d ( X , B, d, d - 1 - k)}

may be interpreted as the set of ( p - 1 - k) planes in W locally colliding with H(X, W) inside the Borel set H(X, B, W). Let P be the coordinate projection given on this set by P(y, U) = U. Then we define for r = p - 1 + k ( p - 1 - k)

C~,bs(H(X, W), H(X, B, W)=Cp, k f~(rI(X,VO,n(X,B,W),p,p l -k )

x Jv~k+ 1)P(Y, U)~r(d(Y, U))

which is compatible with the preceding notions and notations and with the variant in the convex case.

Let VW,k be the normalized rotation invariant measure on G(W, k). Similarly

238 w . R O T H E R AND M. Z A H L E

as in (6), one immediately verifies that

clb~(n(x, w), n ( x , B, W))

=ap,p_ l_k ~ ~gk({y:(y, U)ed(H(X, W), 36 (W,p- 1 - k)

r I (x , B, W), p, p - 1 - k})vw,~_ , _ k(dU)

which is equal to

-k f ~fk({yeRd: (y, U • W l) ap,p-1 JG (W,p l - k )

e ~¢(X, B, d, d - 1 - k)})Vw,p_l -k(dU).

Integrating the right-hand side over W ~ G(d, p) with respect to the measure vd,p one obtains in view of (7) the curvature measure C~b=(X, B) up to the


Thus we proved the following projection formula:

T H E O R E M 3.

~G abs Ck (H(X, W), H(X, B, W))Vd,.(dW) (d,p)

= 7(p-- l , d - l - k , d-1)-Ic~,b=(X,B), 0 ~ k ~ p - 1.


As an application we consider the absolute curvature measures of random sets with positive reach. (Corresponding results for Lipschitz-Kil l ing-

Federer curvature measures may be found in [6].) Let ~ be a random closed set of R d (in the sense of Matheron [3]) whose realizations a.s. have positive reach. Then similarly as in [6], it can be shown that C~,b=(4, ") is a random measure. If we assume additionally that 4 is motion invariant then the absolute curvature intensity measure ab= ECk (4, ") has the same property and by the uniqueness of Haar measure we obtain l:c~,b=(4, ' )=2~L d for Lebesgue measure L e and certain constant 2~E [O, oo] which is said to be the kth

absolute curvature intensity of 4. Let A be a p-dimensional affine subspace of R e and O ~< k ~< p - 1. Then

c~bs(~c~A, ") is a random motion invariant measure on A and


EC~,bs(~ n A, -) = ~kc~Aj~fP(( " ) ~ A) where the sectional absolute curvature

intensity 2k ¢~a does not depend on the choice of A. Theorem 2 yields the

following stereological relationship between these intensities.

T H E O R E M 4. Under the above conditions we have

2 ~ n a k + p - d = 7 ( p , k , d ) 2 k ¢, k > i d - - p .

Proof Let V be a p-dimensional linear subspace, B an arbitrary Borel set and x the H a a r measure on the rota t ion group SO(d) of R d with x(SO(d)) = 1. Regarding the expression

f . t ~ C~,b+sp-d(¢ n (g V + z), B n (g V + Z))ovfd-P(dz)x(dg) E O(cO JoY

we obtain by Theorem 2 and the mot ion invariance of 4, that it is equal to

7(P, k, d)Y_C~,bs(¢, B) = y(p, k, d)A~Ld(B).

On the other hand, we get by Fubini 's theorem

fso(d) fgv ~ ECk + p-d(¢ n (gV + z), n (gV + z))~ff a- P(dz)~:(dg) B

(" (" ~¢~(oV+z) ~eptu z))Wa-.(dz)K(dg) = l I " ~ k + p - d ~,t. Ut~, t~ ( o F "q- d SO(d) dgv-

and since ~ ( g v + ~ ) _ ~ a for all (g, V, z) we may continue with " ~ k + p - d - - ~ k + p - d

k + p - d O(d) V ± V + z

~ n A d = 2 k + p_ ~L (B).

Note added in proof We would like to thank a referee for ment ioning an

error in Section 4 of Par t I of this paper [7]. There the finiteness of r of the generalized principal curvatures has to be assumed.


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Authors' address:

W. R o t h e r a n d M. Z/ihle,

M a t h e m a t i s c h e Fakul t / i t ,

F r iedr ich-Schi l l e r -Univers i t / i t ,

0-6900 Jena,

G e r m a n y .

(Received, August 28, 1990)