ABN79002823305 Facsimile: SMS (02)6622 1914 SJS (02) 6622 2460 Email: [email protected] Website: www.trinitylismore.nsw.edu.au 1 Dawson Street, Lismore 2480 Telephone: (02) 6627 6600 20 th February, 2017 Dear Parents/Carers of our Year 7 2017 students, I hope that for those who were able to attend, you like myself, found the Parent Welcome Function on Friday evening a wonderful opportunity to meet and chat. The relaxed vibe in the TSC certainly seemed to indicate that much meeting, greeting and networking was happening. Evenings like this don’t simply happen and so I would like to take this opportunity to thank Brother John and the Executive for affording us this opportunity. Special thanks in particular to Mr Loadsman, Mrs Ensby, Mrs Simko and the trusty team for the excellent planning and presentation of the evening. The efforts of and hospitality shown by our staff and senior students, who volunteered to serve the delicious refreshments and nibbles, were also very much appreciated. Having our Year 7 Tutors, Heads of House and College Counsellors available to meet with families was also significant as they were able to provide observations and feedback on your sons’ and daughters’ transition and progress to this point. Compliments and sincere thanks to our talented College musicians for the wonderful contribution they made to making the evening such a success. Finally, thanks to Ms Kirra Pendergast from Safe on Social for the extremely informative session she presented on social media. Food for thought! Last Tuesday, Mr Tim Kelly from Lismore Catholic Schools Office was our guest here at the College and our thanks go to him for his very interesting and thought-provoking presentation on Cyber Safety. The Year 7 students heard much about the pitfalls associated with the use of digital technology, relevant legal matters and effective strategies for using their digital resources safely and courteously. Parents and Carers I urge you to have discussions with your sons/daughters about what they heard and learnt during the presentation and please stay strong and be vigilant when setting guidelines and firm boundaries about sensible and age- appropriate use of technology. Continue to have conversations to keep the lines of communication open and to encourage responsible use of digital technology. Friday 17 th February was a chance for students to demonstrate their talent and skills in the pool, earn points for their House and to qualify for selection to compete at the Lismore Diocesan Swimming Championships. The level of enthusiasm shown by our Year 7 students was especially pleasing and congratulations must go to all who participated and made the day the success that it was. Next week, Mr Barlow will name the students who have made it through to the next level and who will be offered a position in the Trinity Team to compete at the Lismore Diocesan Swimming Championship. It was wonderful to see a number of Year 7 parents, carers and grandparents able to come along to support their sons and daughters at this event. I realise that due to work and other

ABN79002823305 Facsimile: SMS (02)6622 1914 …...2017/02/20  · ABN79002823305 Facsimile: SMS (02)6622 1914 SJS (02) 6622 2460 Email: [email protected] Website: 1 Dawson

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Page 1: ABN79002823305 Facsimile: SMS (02)6622 1914 …...2017/02/20  · ABN79002823305 Facsimile: SMS (02)6622 1914 SJS (02) 6622 2460 Email: admin@trinitylismore.nsw.edu.au Website: 1 Dawson


SJS(02)66222460Email:[email protected]:www.trinitylismore.nsw.edu.au


20th February, 2017 Dear Parents/Carers of our Year 7 2017 students, I hope that for those who were able to attend, you like myself, found the Parent Welcome Function on Friday evening a wonderful opportunity to meet and chat. The relaxed vibe in the TSC certainly seemed to indicate that much meeting, greeting and networking was happening. Evenings like this don’t simply happen and so I would like to take this opportunity to thank Brother John and the Executive for affording us this opportunity. Special thanks in particular to Mr Loadsman, Mrs Ensby, Mrs Simko and the trusty team for the excellent planning and presentation of the evening. The efforts of and hospitality shown by our staff and senior students, who volunteered to serve the delicious refreshments and nibbles, were also very much appreciated. Having our Year 7 Tutors, Heads of House and College Counsellors available to meet with families was also significant as they were able to provide observations and feedback on your sons’ and daughters’ transition and progress to this point. Compliments and sincere thanks to our talented College musicians for the wonderful contribution they made to making the evening such a success. Finally, thanks to Ms Kirra Pendergast from Safe on Social for the extremely informative session she presented on social media. Food for thought! Last Tuesday, Mr Tim Kelly from Lismore Catholic Schools Office was our guest here at the College and our thanks go to him for his very interesting and thought-provoking presentation on Cyber Safety. The Year 7 students heard much about the pitfalls associated with the use of digital technology, relevant legal matters and effective strategies for using their digital resources safely and courteously. Parents and Carers I urge you to have discussions with your sons/daughters about what they heard and learnt during the presentation and please stay strong and be vigilant when setting guidelines and firm boundaries about sensible and age-appropriate use of technology. Continue to have conversations to keep the lines of communication open and to encourage responsible use of digital technology. Friday 17th February was a chance for students to demonstrate their talent and skills in the pool, earn points for their House and to qualify for selection to compete at the Lismore Diocesan Swimming Championships. The level of enthusiasm shown by our Year 7 students was especially pleasing and congratulations must go to all who participated and made the day the success that it was. Next week, Mr Barlow will name the students who have made it through to the next level and who will be offered a position in the Trinity Team to compete at the Lismore Diocesan Swimming Championship. It was wonderful to see a number of Year 7 parents, carers and grandparents able to come along to support their sons and daughters at this event. I realise that due to work and other

Page 2: ABN79002823305 Facsimile: SMS (02)6622 1914 …...2017/02/20  · ABN79002823305 Facsimile: SMS (02)6622 1914 SJS (02) 6622 2460 Email: admin@trinitylismore.nsw.edu.au Website: 1 Dawson

commitments, it is not always possible or easy for families to avail themselves of this opportunity. Please know though, that you are all very welcome if and when you can attend these types of College occasions. To that end, I invite and encourage as many parents and carers as possible to ‘do themselves a favour’ and come along to the Pre-Participation Swimming Carnivals in the TSC 15th March at 9:00am to experience the amazing atmosphere generated by the students’ and staffs’ enthusiasm. Really something NOT to be missed! REMINDERS Deadline for Return of Vaccination Forms Parents/Carers who are wishing to have their Year 7 sons/daughters participate in the free immunisation program offered at the College, are to return their signed consent forms to the SJS Office by Monday 6th March. Please ensure the student’s Base Class is clearly labelled on the front of the form. **HOMEWORK POLICY - Year 7 is intended as a year for settling into high school. It is a time for students to adjust to the difference between Primary and Secondary education - to become used to many teachers rather than one and to learn new subjects. Homework in the first five (5) weeks of Year 7 should be limited to a total of 30 minutes per night. The focus of this homework will be English, Mathematics and TAS as this supports the College’s Literacy, Numeracy and ICT foci. Homework may also be given for Visual Arts / Music and History / Geography as these are only single Semester courses. Regular homework should be done each night. Homework is inclusive of revising and learning material from the day's lessons, reading set novels and texts, completing assignments and projects, study, and preparation for assessment tasks and examinations. If there are any concerns regarding homework please make a note to relevant teachers in the Student Planner.

Medication Form Signed Please - Medication Form in Planner (page 188) – Should a student require the assistance of pain relief (i.e. Panadol) during College hours, it is imperative that the form on page 187 is completed and signed by you their carer/parent. Without such consent our staff are unable to render this type of first aid. Please check that your son/daughter has attended to this matter before next week. Correct Sign In and Sign Out Procedure – Parents and Carers please help us by encouraging your sons/daughters to follow the correct process when either signing in late or signing out early. Signing In Late Procedure – Either parents/carers are to accompany the late student to the Office OR the student needs to have their planner signed (including the reason) by their parent or guardian. They report to the Front Office and present their College ID card for processing purposes. Signing Out Early Procedure – The day before or on the morning of the planned departure, Parents/Carers must fill in and sign the relevant section of the planner (page 230) including reason for the departure. The student must then have this counter signed by either myself or their Head of House (before or during Tutor Group). Students then need to either show their current class teacher or report directly to the Front Office to complete the sign out process. This is a Duty of Care matter and we really appreciate your assistance with this.

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Student Use of Mobile Phones at the College - I have spoken with Year 7 regarding the correct and appropriate procedures when bringing mobile phones and using them at school during school hours; for safety, security and pastoral reasons, the College Office needs to be their first point of contact not the student’s mobile phone. Students will only access their mobile phones before school, at Recess, at Lunch and after school to check for messages. The College requires and would very much appreciate your support on this matter. Please feel free to contact my fellow Trinity staff or myself if we can be of any further assistance. It has been really delightful having had the opportunity this past week to speak to and/or meet many of you the parents/carers and I have been particularly appreciative of your very kind and affirming feedback. Please feel free to contact me, via phone, email or in person, if I can be of assistance. All feedback is considered constructive and helpful.

Warm regards,


Mrs Sharyn Gill-Andrews Year 7 Transition Co-ordinator Email: [email protected] Phone: 6627 6619