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DATA DICTIONARY: 1.Types of Database table and difference among them ? 2.Difference between Domain and Dataelement and Their Definitions ? 3.Different types of Views ? 4.What are indexes and Their usage ? 5.Events in Table maintenance generator ?(Breif idea is enough) 6.Why lock objects ? 7.Usage search helps ? 8.Difference between Include Structure and Append Structure? 9.What is delivary class ? 10.Difference among customizing,master and transactional data ? R/3 Architecture: 1.Definition 2.Types Work 3.Difference 4.Difference Reports: 1.Sysytem fields that we use in reports and interactive reports ? Ex: sy-cprog sy-repid sy-index sy-tabix sy-dbcnt sy-subrc sy-datum sy-uzeit sy-linno sy-lilli sy-lisel etc. 2.Order of Events execution ? 3.Can we write events in any order ? If yes,explain their execution order ? 4.Explain different events that we use in Reports and interactive reorts ? 5.explain about LOad-of-Program event ? 6.Difference between Open SQL and Native SQL queries ? 7.Difference among Select Endselect,Select with Joins and Select with For all e ntries ? 8.Difference between Modify and Update Statements ? 9.What is an Internal Table ? Explain Different types of internal tables ? 10.Difference among Pass by value,pass by reference and pass by value and return ? 11.Difference between subroutine and function module ? 12.Difference between Include and function module ? 13.What are the function modules we use in ALV ? 14.RFC definition and difference between RFC and BAPI ? Interface Programming: 1.Different methods in BDC ? 2.Difference between call transaction and session methods ? 3.Difference between Inbound and Outboud interface programming ? 4.How to capture/handle messages/errors in call transaction ? or Usage of each layer ? Processes and their functionality ? abap memory and SAP memory ? between Shared Memory and context area or Memory ?nt

5.Function modules for downloading and Uploading data to/from presentation serve r ? 6.How to read/write datasets from/to aplication server ? Conversions: 1.Difference between type compatability and convertibility ? 2.Breif idea on type conversions ? Ex: Source Target D T C N Forms: 1.Advantage of Smartforms over scripts ? 2.Function module to capture Smartform name ? 3.Different types of windows ? 4.Difference between Table and Template ? 5.Difference between paragraph format and character fommat ? Transction Codes: 1.SE09/SE10 2.SE11 3.SE16 4.SE24 5.SE36/SLDB 6.SE37 7.SE38 8.SE41 9.SE51 10.SE71 11.SM12 12.SE80 14.SE91 15.SE93 Maintain Transport Request ABAP Dictionary Table overview CLASS BUILDER LOGICAL DATA BASE BUILDER FUNCTION BUILDER ABAP EDITOR MENU PAINTER SCREEN PAINTER FORM PAINTER LOCK ENTRIES ABAP WORK BENCH MESSAGE CLASS MAINTAIN TRANSACTION CODES ETC. T D N C etc.