BWf:' s»jnri .,SKTM»T-n»- r*S»»S ----- - Sg !»»■” - j^ e QP< T im e "for" .-■--.srs tM STbeeolr®®?™^ « >^_SieS5£S;| y ^;frn 2 (^ty-A stafe pffty af « gtaStc < ^ 5 i • ■it. ^^«tteDes;JkiIiei3i y^tdegam^aaitiyBei^. BiUiges pSeedfor S ^^a^Crops Z ^giMinrcgiBim^ ^ » m rn » M &.rfcog- «rtf.aK«aa eonKn» Aherim «* - S—; =.-ipanorBl-*4irtSr ^ ~ - - - tirf __ £T«tersBS wricnltiBa ^ i D.Ia3^BnM.w» (■■ttvca'Ros S ^ TH - ImiiMmiiT-- tte t a t ^ Mfc. Se dedmal tte if » popgee rf ;a« iMdOsijeBitMtf in ^ Ktf &» pare SSS3k«^3 i-i ■COABpOODC.'aB iiH wtrr loB i^ynttr and ttpgg inffl »ee l »tenbt dddetD jzstcct y ftm dA tfMimatKv-anmBc Ite 4jstfn^£<Sinneaee(^ op Ettt — ’- ' Denies » a_to_SMl “ EOLLicense^ giptfla tettouj-rf.^T totoK T tekle. open*- wO rir™ iiiiiu^^!iui»fas vrm^ n. Vcdaada? by □!»> t e ra E Btttjaiea:- Ia« *** IjRjaght brfm e 1® * MBIll»m frrph< f»« fW iw rftg gfelja lnlimmm te I m a Ouliuieiv enmml»- °te ....................... . ........ ... rvia » t a r Hew— ------•■ ' • - - - • - t t e aaLhk appiiaUffli te •?“ •* a »ake the tir..^ |fci«» T teuk lehad -«1«15® ? fa SqaeBter. 1351. aa 55 ^rftraaspamaiiloc ^ ^S^ta Idaho .H t ^ « Kate beer It- ■fitXl.nSL ___ aaeraria m lso daimeil te fl act cmt7 ia awyelga!/, ~TitrndaL lii Ite ^ 6 tt» etiarce hi or- to g»a«the cM e In ced- tt* •^tnrr.i. _ , , — _»tt. fc^tohb.eompfaintte toTsr.3 - O^.Cue xot^ 6e apteacRtttl Sum- dotalthe in- .*? the CTO- s today «iap£„ ^ ta »o ^ g .2 r ° * ^ cf leaera _ *«l-^uaar ^ *w tafcr^TT; «■bM cr an- ^ I acd mt aa - I AB .SHBE ' • J-lljjUjCfa>^ )pc^ Mimidi] IB ~ Ddb> vSS.fliU Bx «On«-ttn^ » > . rch iB n £ . CBX S tte vsasc <ff She Si cmtiitiLiiilty «SS ■<>««■ ih""-* 2h ^ BtgBftm.Jtte fe ee iiuauflc i waaie. , S T 'lnwa' ^ ^ K . r..ntec. assL c. w. ^ s»- SBX]Os.EhiBrXKteK. . on ^ s^. tans&i len iSRe < sn ^ teKfl-aam- ^ « tea.MeBfiB3afftfiKBM:aaflSaBfl|e Mr wlbM t»nnm vOB o s t e filic s w S Bd BT B . C . aawniHii aaoB 'X X. BO- ^ :«n& . SOBntaBtf ltetaE fl «hiw l ™ «C C^ttaag aae 3B«r- * [>^3?esfc4Slat^ irw afr! n m o a a . t o m t riL gair. mtfl n BepL Ja»M j;,B w fcW k B . ySyifthrmi Sffl^atOpenll . saOBBOBS. JIS b S 2 — 1t%en , - s wB&tAwfeTKmafivnKaac cn aBetfanwiiirffnf mfliijrfMgb- 9 -wa»tee&omfl.aeSdbds^Bte _ rtat»aft[ftaaBrrfWgrfrif^teftage- I _ JK apeeSBB la BK C80IQBBKS Xa^ >— ^ aiK.«ffis£>*D*Ba«- - ^ Li^---^ ------ 1 aji f Snre " | I ^^^^pieecsaFiiF ^ Arms liMpiiry th, 3 -wat—mcBk. *idi» ia-C«». m st te ac ab v«* «ff MOfa^ a*ter te - uim ^^ ■ 13 er ^vSCAidkHv Q® acsfl si Bfi >stttni:waBenSxsaifiDaciitt ^ K ieS^fifiS^nfB^iiaaDe-A bee 'aaeAnEtasn'BfenflttUtflaqjvSBx. so tf» : •If 'j s t t(elkHi£ iinftin anS'W afioeiAsf Snr> e n IC atfeaeb8siiTaa^««Bfii£fatf - - a, op igrC (BL ten A . Tn rSnt. - Eitinfi cBnmKrfkff-«ff-tt» C. & £1 _ lay-ftB Katia.— -— J Iien£.-CeB. gawacfl M. JUnanfl. ® k ! «e . * T te * «dBBr dtftrihtfnur.ia» fin 3be «=• ^ IT' ^ “sEaoaK to d —......... .. m*h » w ZueeJaHer ^ m a a e s a w n m H e fja ce la a s ytrortlM wtess te X33i«a „ os tans Ob Cir cn£. - -- sa to z. ,Aeb 7 gh-a& t^- B i&B t T . 3_ 'S tg B w M fis mdkjv t e n> o»- ^ ^ ttecAezsfitnsatei^tisecffaamk- ^ •niamtttaEeawK.«S*«BiT€m3>^ ja £ ^ ^ ;> ;i g “ catefag«eagt.a«aflflB«gW }»fhn;BB*lS , • “tte J TTTfi'lirim Ttflfflrr 3a f f KsrcB to * cW tt n » r xafl «:□! CBS- _ ™ Csas to tens .. ......... - ^ eC alt trpes fi* met. Tngn fatv . ^ tt- 2 te wasaxaomR. abbo i sS5ES ^ g s; p ir- Bmrfr, ynmi mjii -Tte AsKSBmoxt via d- ttKtaf boTtv bntf M t «Bfl: tte s s < -j^ caM fejE lea.— -. --- •• I AsOTied AEC.C isB...... n "' '— i ,"^ -* n s> H A V '/%T^WlHC.J^ A .VX ^ iw'L ' Iuiii.rB>«qT rtmw—Vrmi- pB ........................ .. ^n^ii--n»g ogtte'SV n t t e 'n t 3 C i te a f l> v iw M f l «TniTTaateB Sib . »T» m i W m il .H pt - _ 1 M — l5i. tte. l U K L g . CnffTTIli*- ^ ]&• 'itwTY tJtEC* •"'■fW* VfeBilS- Ss V. hOTBC.Bicais.iwsraS'** » bb ^ VQdC O IX .W »1> «»ayTW prCTgC ttP J0 ^ be tv» t»— ' 111 92aa- jg- • ta iaTvr^ ^ -------- -r --------- ,-. ----- ;_ BBl ” -Tte^ecfuaia *t te ' ^iT im mmliT rf^—^ -^i cd TtXSJ rfiT<n ■■..■ 680*3* &tT ***«,?* ' _ anatflnae-pBMg gflaamaat^-'«iP— 3 *-^X «rw rScx^‘ --------- d»al Vote fetrtoesc^i Si i S S ' m"SJ ’ B^bea «hn* tenw aa» «xp irla» . ' .«rnrtM i it <^ irrii»»^ of board . ^ Aseguta «m beIfae•»fll*ffe'* "* sa a ru* ' 5 Jw«ar3a>t7BT»] tbepruent M- tt»'Mlnl- ' ^_c«mtir cnrnnhH rirm fn .AB -irffl cma «tetten<m April 34 . jjetn-’ Hs Conrt r _ •yj- .n •. J • J t r f r o r t a d 3 onaimrf.to,t€st.cQiH. ^ &&:idcad Ms Attorney todayrito ' and TW t axrH rm «n talf^ ttt > tt iiw TU B*oDe^Cannon^.«ffice fiald-Httk- ^ T-| Idla Iriitiapbed. the offi^: [ * 1Roqnest 70 a «T»tTnifi|f Qy j sm t Letter fdHawB.” n At •W a iiaee . H eO fkHa aild be I V ^ oTer and'^telded *1 = anrffc^intetaViT »heaTje XUed tha : c cDBtSacOaiL ' ^ - lirieBt Shorn * -TO ieisWato«ta«rtr «p««- ; the a&l^eau^itQe bin I 7 an otcT - »• xhamaar-a*j«^r'«*»di»i-«t '. X n^xeSsr the adlnvastecbn leaSy - ^ wm tH iiH r in .-t or SO t,** he fl»< “A tsergihmnrIt overla thli " _1 aj^iJiweeonelndedthatlwould fce-»«Bcr <»-<hwart-«r-TeTeT tHhe atitmriTiteT^aESETwliST Z .: lOefl ibcjK tlllflB . I wasth ink lnc g{ tttK diaact gtw captlderaOonto Y «be Sad thatthe legliiyarebrlU 6 SttBritoiin^«rffiHrr3a » » VtaCT Izoade s •• “getitfle -rtP cittelae tat for this. < •" I asnac.Bst X teaettsc -accoid lac tarig-agjBuiaB icCAua anflenvcMB -j ** to » tna Ite Oeri^ GoK . X iB JcB tla iilold rcporteia It ' R tt natteSatm ttoB ofthe Ur ........ _ ax . sod te can oated them «Um tsated . Bm ' AdnHtm^cstQitfhe-votildcan j; JBB y toa i toa M - i BP” coinl st^ inu started W edneadaj e «a ■ -«oi i—i «■ rm» a. C«*™» « a £ Siilmiils - ? New Bureau 'S » * -■ ~~~ T " ~ ' — ....................................... a S —^QiangePlan ^ te ■^^« sttot OT . Aptfl 3 mp tog«7 to aearcBte thetf- p ffift iHm Tpi*wpwl ' ui m U fim-B iH ji 5* aaajdnnaa .-.detite' oTTTnaW Itatlo ir ^ BBadte9istJls3eutjR»iUe.oosL'' h am -ztae jflan m ild m erBB thezn^ n ^ tSni tf She o iciM llTatlnn<«eiiC7n wd tbe wcurityo ^ ar» 'im i’ri1>uaid .-Italw wm ld elre k X . jpeaBBKO t statas to the ASiS, d a- «U iai, 2 iaite& fipentlas».»-tent- « -----------« TDae jflD-lo crtK te s a iiJrte .«n- f ^ 31^ 'dttoew iMT ln linn gglca ym ^ I ^ *rttn wtn^-k «iitiiiii«tir«Tly Ja CD tl ‘“ie* Sunaereto ihe jto la the w » mrsaitlmK .or an leaa both hraaches ^ vats to pnt ittala eflectearlier. | _ la * fsecialsaenase to cangremJ »• Behower aid the p laa per- sntts^ter’cecaaliattoaaadm sa- NT '"-"*- ctf theled jmJpm snm s i- w rtMg^~lo~giitamy 7 ^ reqnae- = w Basts sBd «SI flak to schlere « ^ CM B taiaaaaa durte ^ neWT tm ttnn^ ntf SdtowstChe ka«t poHte^^* ^ ^ to twianKrtnP ^ eat vbidi'taieKpeeUtoT^L . C ^ SB oajcr.dew topawata: T^yerettSa l*___ « nm 3. <»»«»«■»> * [I.Qrders^hiifa aa- pofpas sahBJC toe.prebtWy.t^' Sv nfl eei& l^ .-loBjic_.w ltboot gi tmm gsx 'auloe-grlttiTac ._ ' ““ ^ li^ *tlll bSghtr ta («- Sa*e-Sms*.-*•»oy i««1y sit «3oei.Bnt .imU ltheen* ynteiaaxJtaCC -tirA .sets op BH aa'»-ded ta lM tJ > i*< ai :_ gaateiakr- jna ldra-roy.^ -^ u Ss s^am-Ma^taww -all ^ ^ to ». fa detiqjysfl-ttatoust , »> .»■ w tmw lfJIlBlU1 lUCgd -J**^*^— fa t- ~ iw^ if^rjd^yridatsean'tto derieeaIc -T\VINPALLS, IDAHO, ^ "~ M aqug€pmf F H lH l ' or tbe Inc- ard. Tit- • •-■-— c«r tent Inl. '' vlQ ' :' %*t''-.s nm . '• "..-'.u ito ik ~ ce: my be iT*. *1 ' ^ __^^^migniiimiiii FlBWdair ibwh to the Dr. TalU _ Bade Wednesdar la the iw rntath Qu, MexaociU hoepaal l>r Mn. BtoUnr ( er «tn hneprtiUqerd. ncehres tbe pt -At TreJert ta wWeh •'fBaiBrtod-wai ^ the heapJUl. trnder speaagnhlp or t ^ explalaed la the pfai^ae. .(Btalf ^ Ihls ^ ^ ^ ---------- 7 ------------- SAEC^raticfli "^= H in tsffi ,u WASHmOTON, Apii! 2 (U J^ m ln .lim unni'iipi-nnic.ii.tliiitif; Inff grounds'led- to epeciilatio wj. explosions are in the works. ' ^ The AEC said last night it i OT At6tolfc ^ata 'in lM b,^.;the J ^ crates at Eniwetok, 180 miles Jt i. ,1nm„ ♦),. ^ Newriiieffor Atomic Group ted. vfABHmaroK. Apru 3 an — can Bep. W. Sterllas Cole, a , N. Y, nld- jiewty eleLted-chalnaau uf tlio Joint day eooeressJoaal atomic enersy com* * atlttee, said today he will poah de- Tclopmeat of atomic power for peaceful‘pmpose^ _____ _- * ^ m » e mlDtU7 -aspeM"'of~itOinle inttgy-'arirftfettr^'W H ina*^^ ‘ of.^ he-told ft reporter. T h e empha- sis sow win be more ca diiUan tue o f fttomle p6*tr.** ::.“ n :7 I The atoailft eaersy ooamiisdon al- i i ' «ady~l»M~aCTctoped~aperlnienur reartars ’fdr~' p ^ iic lss . electric — power-toaa the heat gennatM la of- perts beHere that cnmnierclaf use ot loir emphasSrso'far h u heea .oa 'development of ttomlc ac*~ Dcy members think the time aow has rity ccme when additional time, mone? dve aad energy can- be- put into the nc, dvlllaa aspects of the atomic. - sa* Cole thw frtwuwitfiwi helm — «lta--s-three-sHmlh-deadlockTbe^ ea- tween -honse-aad senate eommlt- irj]] tee member*, was broken with his eo anshlmotis election yesterday. Sen. -flC Bonrke B, HIclcenlooper, ^ la, the was elected vice .ehalnaaa. ^ Ike, Trft Confer »- ^ On'GOP Leader ™ _WASHINaX0N..ApriL3.Wt5eiL. ” I Tftft., R , O , said after • i White Hotne visit todv he and President ^ H*3ibowBT»aTanS<ri5oaf a new » Bepabllcan wntUm»T chalnaanr— W>. «nM thf^ « l ^ th« ■ VBjIoua Icslslatlre tneasuRfl on the J . IBH^congrta^ ^ ifacture Start umii ■■ -JiJ-LTP in PI■lit ' ie ■ “reactors^—which In layiaana. lari- rei gaaeejneaM fumaces. loi The first reacton were, and ntUl __ j^-uaeiTTor-proaoring-rrnnrd fla- Btanahle-nitttttta!- lnehidtnpjTihit«>-^: nhira.- wtilelTsoalHCrtlie manufac^ those reactors Is aa unnecessaiy ^ ^ undesirable by-product disposed of : *“ by- elaborate WBter-c*»liajc systeais. : ^ ,»ut:iK(W. they.^^v«it.thoJjeflt..to ^ prodt2 ce powCT to.drlve Qaral'Tessels : aBd-Tatcf-JDdiKtrlal WBchlncty. So ^ thx-lntjuM jBtal-hrating a ; ^ to r^ belag tapped.—r " — ' ; ^ ■Two_tjgBL5JLmclfln_arc_la.^ - - T»ed iQ two snbmartaes to see wtych ■reifcs-bcst-rthe^thennal-Teactorrtn': «r> which the.apetd oc-cneiiy-ef-ZMU- : tnm>rrele»«ed^M»-the:flBalon-g a ceM ; Jo. Is rrlfttlTcly-io»; anti an lntm nedU j " ale reactor.'In wWtJi neutna re- ' MS' lease Is foster. - j lAH^raimSDAY, APKIL,2, 1953 ompletes Project ~ Dr. TalU rM d tflac MeaseHal prajeet was rwrntitlin af » plaqoe to the Ms«to Valler StcsUac a lAnoB. C. D. Hiatt, diaintab ot • tlMi plaqK. Mr«. LaiaeB ehatnnaacd the r*ed ■PM.pMiliaifl-fnr.iltepftnftjggrrt ship eC tbe 8«c«pttadat <taK The pnieot ts ufflneem ent H eBdnrtSB^ts cil 2 <UJ9—^An atomic energy com ♦>iitt if in tr^Ti^iVir p - n f io t oot >ectilation today that new hydroget wks. • [ght it is adding Blldni, scene of tw( to.;the racuic proving-ground-it op 0 miles to the. wesL imipifirioiLflflifl. flcroBunodafeJh! jvapirtiy »»-rpanflln|^ broglM stdml ai^nimproycd_nadfeMf.^w»p ^Or ^ Smpiiin^ weapon 111TI ***°**^°°* H-bo^e]Q )losl««s'a m C ..................8h. United JI, Y , to iMt n ^t *8 *nnotmee^ lie joint <od im lsslbo said oe»of—BUdn l— < y ego,, access^ tKcause of the " lim ltei isbde- of laiwetok.- ihftt 'TttaUe. rer for* ’eyew ltoesB '_lsttenfrom m ember ____ - ol lut.Iaira.tett. tuk.force. report -itom lc^~that-^-hydn>gen--«tp losioi yf^gyF w lpcd~uuL U ieialle*loaff 'islsiuS~o i empha . H was setoff. U sn tue Both . aiMni and .^iwetok ar in O tolla-oftha MaiahaU Island grouj slon al- captond tram Japan tn W orld w& iinenur iimu~umtM 'suttirunti«ii'the] electric tmder a Ualted Nations trusteesh ip to ^ W crt B ^ f “sej* win' t» the- acene of atomle^ftu: * *“■ *BaiaTnThe lalrly. near future. 1 eald ■constructionof technlciTK fsrhM cniaesthCT-w in h^lh'shartly.- «om te__AsJt_dld .ln_UM_c4»a.of-aiwe tun lUee to lc . thesUtedepartment U noU ow has (yio 2the-tlnlted-Jfations thatB1 mon^kjnj^Jd ItssurrouDd las water* a l Itothe ready been “closed for securlt; ^■ reasons." B helm.' --- S°S5; Mediators Enter . £ ^ Rail lin e Dispiitc FUTSBOBOH . April 3OB—Tw ( top goremnient- med iators, toda; ii* . stepped Into'round-the-clock nego ’*• Uatlons seek ing K tUement.of rsmal inPI* I'^Urosdstrikewhichhas sW oUe i Intoa nujorpliw In steel nrotfuc T tBOL . tfaL -M> .4J<Ucd .n« irly_M .00Q_WQ ft Wh ite «i r^.ent MaUnna l.raUways m ed lntlonTwnn •anewChn lrnum Pnuids OVeU and n ied l tn .~— ator Leverett BdwartU ' wrlved b ' ledthe w i«w« i tmrr, «♦ ajn feet of gnfl Jofnfd j»y on the talks .between .the"Brotherhoodo _____ Railroad .Trainmen and the Unloi d- 'RaUrosd u iu iiuu iy , w liuthr^wnn — *subsld lary ofa.S .SteelcarporaUon t About IJMO trainmen stoppM won Tuesday la protestto the d lsdpUh Ins oftwo conductors,balU ia oper , ^ atlonsof therailroad , wh ichper lari- ' ' - ■ ’ • 4 Men Picked for 2Si£ = N ^fiame^Baart uyvid' Jordan • said today Tour men^ha Bsed of acreed to serre on the new Idah, ysteais. fish and game commission and h Qeat .to cxpected.to.llne.up the-fifth-mem ■vessels bet later In the day.* --. cry. So He-decltned to-name the mem a.rrat^ bera-nntU-tbe^^ooaunlsslan-is oom r fai-.he —Jordaa^cald-he-would-meet-wltl j.wtilch the;epannls3lon'Mondiy~prifti‘~to'lt Btorrta" T4iuluiy’~sciiedQlM~a>e«ung. rf.neu- =g*«-I8Sle»tiIatux« .wiped oat-tB nuMjja aiw irni,c»ifnmlwdnn-and -cave.4ta Tmw<l- jw^r'tn n«m^ ^ UQ re- one with Its members serving at thi pleasure of the so^^emor. '■' '/] - : ~ .’- _____________ Iz li: 2.19M ^ ~ «T*S ■FWI b S ^H TOKYO. April 2 ' 0U9—I posdl to open talkttJa Pans of war.' The communists imbmittc ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ p ru ^ v ^ Hage.-:-i^e-nbte-wa^ H X jH afpFP — Gharges-are-pending-agai at 12:05 p.m. Thursday in' highways 93 and SO. .west oi Johnson. 64. route t, Pierce: Minker^light-Bt^he^tefSM None of: thciperM^S teen son and Ed Walker, Filer, p taken to Magic Valley Men shock and cuts. Owen' 1 Agenhroad, 29, escaped wii a skinned left ear.- H H H The eclllslon occurred :)>etfreen •nwt « ■ Biilck Johnson was drivti northandalMSDodseplciniptrui filJiyg Agenhroad was driving v est on hid u»Mi -u» way SO. The truck spun around, fa Deputy aiierlH PaulH on fom _________ the Bulck travettd IDS feet after tl crash. It seemed to have, ttavel t most of the dl>tance«n Its top. ro3 lag over on* and one-fouta tltti - . 1 . before laadhtg oo Its-rigM^ side m a gravel road north of tha teterse —Babuceto'the froar^tbe p i^ U'K? was-estlaa(ted-at-abotife~MOO-a] damage to tha can at more thi •gy com- »i.ooo. -^SMal.^ Hal o. Bardcaatle; T« hvdroo-en of^ ieek less drl oyarogen »„Khe<jn le„ ,or th i* aX temo tieforeJusticeof.thePeaceFra i leoftwo doein Shoshone., ndit op- _iluiH4UU»: ■i-.flaver lop.; t ' standard OU contpany .'was arrest idatuks IL S S 5S2:^SSi jpragttm ^a~oraftqriRgy-Dr-«^ itfriy B em ira'g OCTech«^ -owner. of -t ar“.w»p-. When amlgtud :before''Just f* weapons Dice. HtidcasUe Innoci -«aad—“H- «nd-demaaded-a-atx>msar-}afrtn a=i5fc~dr jMttw-wctf-iBt-iHinaeOTom ploslm at the, time for tho trial. - ------ =CTm itb. JtiVftTiiilp. Pair fiS Arrested for The alertness of a merchsat ; Iwetok are Uceman landed two Uontana tee land grouD ager»*-ln .-^ho'dty 'j«niirs~i. WorJdws? ;ftur»d^/endlngthelr eleht-d itw lith ea U*«-ol-crlme.-TAceerdlnr-to-PoU trusteeship. GlUette. the pi probably wlQ be turned over- i.Ti. --nn.t..» the r a r for prosecution under t m U ^ n S iffl^ iae.tlielt act, 7^?>?~I^tst^ 's are^Mg^Jean-Po jS n E T ^ Dougan.-l8..-MlsaouIa. Their a »™w-. . reits ended a series of thefU star ;? tog la-Missoula.-Bxtendlag-tn 1 Wyoming. PocaleDo and Twia pal 'n'c*r »*ol« 1M3 Doige w u spe ted by tho merchant poUcemsn wl ror security n^ttoal they were a m i la a'an __ ______ pidons manner, prowling in ahd o =r—---- nf aniTB. c ity nfrtwrn tt AA,- Oib » resu.on Addison avenue west.- lier . According to police. MeDougi took a-IMT Mercury In. Mlssou IS P U te March 24; but had car trouUe u 3 BB--T^ girl then took a 1M3 Dodge at Lei .ora today utown. Mont.. and took <13 tn qua Jock nego- ters and some cigarettes from tof rsiMU drive-ln theater there March 3S. M swoUen T h e y ^ k e lOto twoLdrive-ln th re lj? n i^ . aters at Cody. Wyo, but obtain. I.OOO_wafki nothingr-Boweverrtbey-haBd-palr ed part of their green car black, ai lUon-hoard atalB-a pair, ,nf. ,Wjomlas_Mceil and medl- plates from another car. They add arrived by a stolen sun rlsorrOn-Mirchr; deadlocked W ^ , thcn“^ S e '^ t ? 'a ^ I « ^ lerhood ot <C mu«b*4 •• p«s« j. m « u s> the Union *Tupii. - •'• ' S S S S TOKYO. April-J M W W « sD^worie c ; S.;signed a new treaty- Bdls^Dlih. friendihip. commerce and navlg ItSigoper- “ ®» -. vhleh per- . , . id-hauUng ir*-- • -------------'■ -..'.— tt jTBTB ica itusmessmen-Jb ffor Building a fw - _ J _Cne.oLUit.oldcaL'aD(UBnKst.iw K n a y n TnMs;j>UiidingsnarTirticr»Us*.j Mcconilclc buUdtng l n ^ e lw Me men .had chaaed**by*‘tiro*^ibaid^buitoeam new Idaho WednBiday.^^"-------------- ' on and Me ^^oy Hudson and -S.-I^ Crowl fifth aMar- .wto had formcd-the—Twin,JH — Holdlng-corporatlon for-thst pi the mem- pose, purchased Jhf*'bnUdlng J tn-ts oom- «143,00a andaon- opem tes HndffOi -------- ^ ------aboe-storeand^CrewleyhaathoTn meet- with lagetT>haTmKcy. ~Both1>UaHie»es s p r lc ^ 'W qaaitered la-thB-McComlek~bull 5^: m. , . .... . oai tlie -^31t«'lair'21rai of Blandfdrd^ -»ave.4h8 gtandterd coaipleted the transact* unc-a.neg. for-lhc hoMtng »»nnviration-- Tbi rtng at the Pelt, president, and Mel SavUIe. se ■. ' McComlck iBTWtlM Idiiho (ittBties '• , “/ , *T!SuVa'i3"o^°a:“" p>saMJfe OUJ)—United Nations nego(iators^a^ [a Panmnnjom llonday on the excha^ tibm itted their-proposal in a note hand jte-waS'addresaed-to.Gen-Maric-GIark; FPenffin^ilF^ section Mishai ing-against^DnHrfHHRFT igggT gH iiJnn iday in a collision at the interseeUon i .west o f Twin Falls, The driver, Chuli • Pierce, did nolntbpJor.a.stop^igniAi IBfeffectlSnT^ere-wereno-skidriniurk |{8 teemed to be'injiir^ s^otisly. Johi Filer, passenger hf a pickup? truck, wei ey Memorial hospital for treatment f( 3wen D. --------------------- ^^ --------— Greek Pledge :J>ctire«n a _ . VL, Try Renewed »tonhlgh- ^ W*aHDtOTON.Aiiiajl»iBS; 5: rofiaveled“®*» to get nor* Or* ^ ah lpownert to take a p ledge agate 'thepl^p teest—--- _-- r-MOO -and —VcCarthy^ action , to tba taoe-oi morethanaew protot by MutoalSecurity Z rector Haro ld X . B tassentata«'i satK 'Tw lnwhen , the senator leftoffwhen .: sklessdrlv- arranged yesterday's eoofer»c*w l a afternoonDuues. ““ Fiun rasarrest«l torcstlnUoos sahei^SttBe * ufmnsfna-tu n a m iS S io! ■»«»«« tO 'fat-a-aaBU*r.-agT«sfl«»;tn ^ JusUoe Oreek owsen .eC ahaat UO .n tteinooD as A aoorw ctose to«cCaithy^ mgt-vtthtfuareekrastdilnt^^afl thU talk ,the aehator. pnnptly ] " aewed dtseossfcas.w ith ttteown air . ofthoe 180 sh lpa; * BepM tanmrfM tor -H m ■ource.-whodecUaedla. named . «ldM cCarthy sent a -d - tad led "progress^ repqrt to DdO cv srchiatpo- meeting ftt ^ state departsKB t ~ itana teen- Stassen . whohadttnnslypr tirs~i.~m ; tested.UoCsrthyVamwunceaxe - eight-dayBatordayas Intrtngtngosoo V r-to-PoUceatate.departmettt^prtTOcAvA ,.* , the pair Pud again yestodar-that-sa d over- toagreem ents have-^taifortonste c tm rtw the fecta’* Stassen said th^ tmpalr t iSat acir- u«u fuidtu-afct>w lr^nd . J iarep Their'ar- redt— -.-.••i.-.-. • aefu start- ' - ■ SiS£18bfl9RfibbCT^ Plants Are Idle ^L lha.ar_ -<«(,4rila-natlffi^r«Tdto‘tbd^ M eDougaa * woilcen ov R M issou laa new -oontracfc ' . -- -r-- xouUeand T tM leth p lant, at CUco^ Ha .and thw^lm ._w lth3 .M 0 -un ioneaptor Ige at Lew - waareported“wwSIn?Tr-n*ll* 13tnquar- Approx imately 35 ,000 are empJoy es from a iq thelB p lants, ir^h 2S . . • uiiiscsssnsffi njey added TtpAii^ "uiausM caa" ieaviac uieu jooc M«u s>' M o wage ,deaund Is-lnvislved -- i1lirpttt»,-UM> «-<»w»p»wy ED ----- sakUAnoag-th«-laB iNe4ieUM ed-h i jRpsn^andptta llzatlon .— peaslon-plsif revto l t treaty- of and the ttrwy ih «f «r^tra oaylga-. The-company jiraats alongerco __ tract than the tm lon~aoea .- eii-BuyMii^Muclt^ " Here for $142,00 »e -100 t*g^ 7 -Aaothcflo^j^^^,ai-H>a jp^eaam^ iag,. w ta .be-pqrehased-byih^ lO ___ RealtycompanyforMM L . Crow ley . TbeM cCom l(± buOd lngwail a rw ln ..AUs structed bytba laU W illiam aa -that pur. Corn lck .Be also boU t the fttocti aid ing fornow ocra^fay A leunderli.Btc a-Hndwm 'B The balld ln« fcrmely waioccap is theOJ^ ^ .baaT^ - -■• lslB2»uare Tha'am statesportfaooftba Jy nlek'bulld- aiTwti^l flee space.^ ' EDITION :ZL-............. ......... ::iL.: -------------^ - • ■ , ,i, . PMCE 8 CENTS : >ts Red ators^affrccd today to a commonlst pro- e exchuice of dck and woimded.prlsoBcrs note handed to allied Ualson offlcers at the iric-GIarkrUrNrfar-east-cominander.-------- - ittad-jad^=^inasa-fe8mfaif-Gho<H-Efl»laKa-- — :—: ------- apparent concession on repat* * - ■— - rtatlnrall'prlflohert ofwM =r~ TI^^ t -; — which may clear-the;.wayior - reopeniDg full dress arpUstlca lh5IT I jpokesman aald after th«.-^- 9XlClrU meeting the X7. N. negoUaUng team ' win go to Panmunjom Monday to sraMnjtired laeet with uamuuiilat^tM entaai^ rseeUon o f However, he did i»t make It elear er, rharles' i*’ - so notified ikidrmate -^a'fbr'Cbmfrbirttrirwnrbeiqr- Usly. John* to d i ^ tb'declde whsUier is a truck, were '’caostnctlve'’ proiwsal the Mt* atment for U tha pe«» S aro to restaae. , At any rate, the tr. ir. oaatmaader “ *<* earlier thU week that^ agree* ment oa exchanging slek and _ & - wounded prisohert mdied m e d Oaifc, accompanied b»-tt SrJteay ■■ . larthy 2?SS:SS.^S.JSS5-f ^i^5=-a2iL2L»^j2E_ ---- . ' ^ nota-to; Oar* :wM:hand»d— LS^J2i-^ Ch«'».pr^»oeal aa'one "aimed . ' laiado-offlcen at PaiBainJottt^ ofeiaDcswUh today did not aet the tlaw fw ltoa- '- day% naetteg, ooL ^WPard-B.' Oar« , [day lock. Oatveaton,'Toe.,', repeteented .- ewt aro AtoarMorth nwa jnnfsW»w‘ coBUBinflff.-qfm. . , rMqwit;ftoar lOrtiiLH$rwt,MOBday te;-tba .; xit'XBO "X—» i t n t BMatlocL- M-nff •tdilnt;:after mIsncB5anefSW ^«pq«U Xor .promptly r»- eading the Xocean wir. -' h lUte owners iSia fonlcn atfatrr cemffllttee aC - tha mctliwal •MrmM* mn/t<Mnnnt == --------- ^ tha pcopdaal in a reeohiUon. A g a i r ~ 4. aembly aooreo aald Sooth Korea r £ S ? . .il! » « opp«ied to any annlstlce that, - t to & to te i«Dot.iaarahtee tha tmlflcatloo ^ gaa£i^ r»~T'.7::iz "Sgy.: U . N.-EiiVoy^- r U n d ec id e d o n 7- N ew R ed B id - - Started «-^ftn.day-3Sutac :hoUday~ ■■ today wMUur'jtnsila’B bbCT^ s s r a sssrrKS'" •e Idled <UUaa lor ineld-dlsanaatteat *lA‘tbdiy III mn tmcadent to a' wotkeia over nient reeohiUon sponsorw! by M ----- countries, led by the united States, at C U c o ^ Britain and Trance. ' ion eaptoyes. ------ Miner Change IT'ir-nrair* -Tfce-a«Bidmen»-nade- a -pnrsl|i ,- areemDioTed ■procedural change In the Western ■reempwyea deleUng a section that (2 ie' . eom*. a emphasUed missloo for Itk past work and re- nagrtlattoa afllxmed the resolution that set up 5^tiSi^?S^tteat~c<mi.— niauX Atb»ita mOTth. i-tnvislved la It waa the first time U» Srem*-- nyspokecnuo Un-had-not-ptefaced-any talk of— ■heUMed-hoe>^ dlsumameat-wlth-lta-demaad-that— plsif tevlslon a-ftrst.-atep mnst-be-the-prOhlbl«~: a longer con* Thtts. RnssU appeared-to.accept-:. Iocs. - the major part of thensoIoUons tha ----------- 1------ political committee approved :*“ i ---------- vote,-wlm-fiv»-ftbstenUon«r-'niatr* iicfc ....... . L2 0 0 0 ^ocS^ of - i3l'juite4_ ujd tnnaments; ellmlnaUoa I the fiwawr aU -nuijM^ weapons, tnelodi^ ba«tfrt«].^p61^ d^. Sot'c S atoBxlfrwestfMDs aad ths as*' ; IM^IOTD. energy-ftr peaee^pttp. • 71111amS.Jtoi* poa<»^^op*y«! * ;- ' the Ittuetnra — ...iLLl'! a of *baj^ ^ 3 ? g a 5 f.a r.ai‘ig £ 5a ^

ABAP Extractor SM20 Symptom: What does the SM20 collector … · KB 003 – ABAP Extractor SM20 Symptom: What does the SM20 collector extract from SAP and send to Splunk The SM20

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Page 1: ABAP Extractor SM20 Symptom: What does the SM20 collector … · KB 003 – ABAP Extractor SM20 Symptom: What does the SM20 collector extract from SAP and send to Splunk The SM20

KB 003 – ABAP Extractor SM20

Symptom: What does the SM20 collector extract from SAP and send to Splunk

The SM20 collector runs every hour

And executes function module /BNWVS/CL_EXT_SM20

Prerequisites: For this collector to work the SAP Audit log must be configured in SAP tcode SM19 and

active. If you can see the audit information in SM20 then it will be collected by SAP PowerConnect for

Splunk and sent to the Splunk server.

Fields: The following fields are sent to Splunk

Page 2: ABAP Extractor SM20 Symptom: What does the SM20 collector … · KB 003 – ABAP Extractor SM20 Symptom: What does the SM20 collector extract from SAP and send to Splunk The SM20

These fields map to the ABAP dictionary types available in tcode SM20.

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Reports: What reports can I run against this data?

Example1: Recording failed logins.

By running a search query where the login text contains the text “Failed” you can find the number of

failed logins per day.

source != audittrail EVENT_TYPE=SM20 ALGTEXT "Logon Failed" | timechart span=1d count by


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Drilling down on the raw data show us the IP address from where the user logged in from and their

terminal ID.

Page 5: ABAP Extractor SM20 Symptom: What does the SM20 collector … · KB 003 – ABAP Extractor SM20 Symptom: What does the SM20 collector extract from SAP and send to Splunk The SM20