' 'la^vs 0/ New York-^By Aullioriiy 1 £ m fa $USiuf53 (£^0, ,3wis County Ofctel Directory. -* 0 £ ,,nnnnd not bofore.lt£ twentieth ..-, •'. .'.'.' fiLl oas-wfe, as cerrtfied by ibe'Sec fiary ol su,? ire "aJUlTi 'ch.p.7. parti, Rfe*l«d &.te Re^-d s'a^N^.rh.w^onSW.'ctop.'^ l' .CHAPTER -159. A\ \('T.n,^i,.,„iii, - ...i- ..n' Inrn. . fj'llowi:' rk.;t mi-lv-ouiitv eeiiri. nn<i mn™ - •,iou ofUft-H aclron or ,iroceediiiir ^'-'MJ^ COUNTY JUDGE— I Henry K. Turner, LowvilleL BOUNTY CLtfRh.- P Walter R. Fcter, Turin. I D*p. Co. Clerk, Win. W. Doig, Marifnahnrgb, SHEIUPP— CIIPKIW Rav. Marliosuufefl. DISTRICT ATTORNEY— I [.. C. Krlhni.i. MttrfimburgU*. MBUB Bit OK ASSAM HLV-- It. T. Hough- West Leytfen.. iXHJNTVTHRA.stJitER, ; Di'mlnto I'eaao, MartiushiUftU. SCTTS. OFPO.O&-r j •' mron! Porlcr, I.nwviHn, ... ' / AII.M:J. Parker. HarrMttuigh, I Kbi-zcrSpencci, Leyden, COUONEIW— Wi V. JUSTICES ( K. K. 'N lTTOR\E"\ Lnwvillc.'N s tloruey Marti CT Olliro i.O. Chirk. I'lccr Kiv<e"r, !, W iters. llmt-ovilltN- SHr4./ B. SYLVESTER, AM) L'OI'.NSLl.OK AT . V. S. W. 1UZEN, and Counsellor at 1 Hl.ur S l.,L«w«Cq..^.Y in A. J. ST^PIIKNS' Bio LAW 19-1 aw (•k. L. C. KILHAMV . Attorney and Counsu lor art Law, Mnrtinsburgh. Lcivis (fc ... N Y. . l\. B. —All business entrusted lo his cur. Ja.nnry I, I.-'G'IM •i.ffer.-ni,] -m- rioiice t h e r e i n u-iiiiui,.- EDWAKD A. BliOVVN, John M. MiiscoH, ; Attorney & Counselor at Law, J'lh'I.X, A'. }'. ',> '•rttfc xkw sw*ai 1 • - . ? , i - v x-r • '• . NEW STOCK OF t*OODS! loi I lie Full an.I Winter trade, oatrebrtiug ih pott pi SVhrtol Books, '»'•' - ' , .. School Books, ; " ifcibcellanedus Books, ; •Miscellaneous'Books, * , Blank, BopK ,• " . Blank Btiok*, . .Stationery, Stati'oliery, of.llll khl«V, ' ..lull ltilld»>- XrV-AuX*Xj PAPBBi, Window Piifieif, Oil Sim den, S lairs, (tjks, Pens ami Pejnkiiivc-*;Oil Paint". WiUer Colors, Iinislirf,Ciiii*iisH.Vaniish, , Pallet,;, French LitlioKrnpV.S, - iiOQKSTORfe, ' iHlli.lR 10 pit i- befor. villutidil: It. ', lTi.it HENRY E. TURNER, Attorney and Coinivdor at Law, {.OWVILLE.LEWIS COUNTY, N, Y. IW 1>t)!cr in ./. O'Do.mJt's A'nr lirick Store. Aim. I. MERENESS, Attorney nnet Counsellor at Law, .11 \ ( ! T L V S l i l ' l i t i l l . , \ . ( V . M'ii.lcV-UH.,,-1,.) DOCTOR CONE. DR. J. A. NTCIIOLS, H. SIIRALTB, \-MIIO\AM R tiAlii DKES'SF.R ANI JOHN DOIG, ' •;ii i.\ i)Ri.!t;s,Mr.i>iciN.\i..P-\rNTs, 1J.-ISII.-3, l»v,--S/„lVs, U'iiui.nv-lifuas i If.', l-.'.vi. r',','.,'^"! v'.-'p.'ne u'lne'/au,' ill. it., iiii.l. IIH'V ivill Ivooim ln> (ilfici biiv. Clicnp, nntl tl.f l„- kil.l! <><C.On,\» in l.mvvillo. Tcn.-lii'i-H' Kupplio.l oiir;v».;il.lc tPi-mf. M. J. MURRAY. iht '-Journal. & llbpublitan ESTABLISH'MEIIT. WP jiVo now priKjiareil to do all kind; PF Pi.A^ ^ fA'Nry ' Ri>;T<NG, K. Collins Kellogg, oru.F.r? IN f DRY aOGDS, GROCERIES, ! RTOI^ AND SII01CS, CROCKERY, itc, I I \ ill \ ^ M VNCIIT^ILR P \SS &,C0.," I >| s \ | | \ \ | ) I 1 M i l Dl \I.EItf*IN M 1 CSr-S^C^ DIOlEtlES. ( 1 OL( I \\ VI 1 Mi.. Willi INCREASED ion. We m.) pi-pninl I.. ,l„ ..II kinrls of work nt S^Pfi-.foiis'l^iri.ijr iv.nk in lliis.li>|.iilmpiit, lillliixl it« ll.p tv,i.,t,.e(. lo .-nihil I ho JOJ'U- JAI, & RKI'I'IIIJCAN PRI.NTJ,\(i Of l-'IUEv Fire Insnranee Agency. ^TNA INSDRANCi-: COM PA.NY , O.N 1'INENT liN'.VCRA.NCi:! CAPITAL—r,iif);nc-o. JIOiME INSliitA.NCF. COMPANY, iNV-iv York Ciiv. ' . iCAIMTAE—$l.(«Hi>m HARTFORD INSUR/JNCK COM PA.NY, - -• Unittford, Conn. * CAPITAi,—$noo.0(in MONTGOMERY COCNTY MUTT A I. INSURANCE COMPANY. - CanajrlKinip, ;N. Y. CAPITA!,—$ I Ifyiuo i.VOR'I'HERA'iV.Y. I WS!;RAA'C;E COMPAA'Y, S P].itis=biirph, N. Y. CAPITAL—$inn,noo. AfiRl* tH,TL"RAl. I A'^URAjyCE COMPAA'Y, W,.ieitt>iv... A'. Y. CAPITAL—$mn,non. MORRIS CHASE, ASci)t, ' LnwviMr-. New Paint Shop ! T he R.ib-ciibprplwg lea veto inform llie cilir.Pii- oi this plnc-p nnd tl.e ...Ijoioff to«-,(= , thai tllf-v i M i (It Spices : i (. nidi 11 \ ma ^.,11 1 1) ICL ") roEBiai^ FEUISS, &c VII I \[[ N V.. 49m6 I 001 & YVIIITE ^ N i s i It N.Y. it Li 1 I T d and I 1/ / u l ( ti.jilteve. o i VTWOOD ,. Vttoine) &. Counsellor at Law C \RTH«, N ^ Office I Craliigers Block. iWillerd & Stutdevant, W f t i l [ dh) r^ iiil (.mnnihM.ni MirchaiUs, Ii ^ -i- t Mi IN! W-YORK. Dickinson, Comsiuck & Co., iliuyni'xt'j & omwi, "ll" (r- IP^O s •fi.and it vishiop ) llll e best .- i- llO 115 "fc LIM)\ tV i(T, I \ \ I AM 1 I I S V 1)1 \( ( US IN ITU,I\\ &, U^Il!.^ICA^ \[ \ R B II M O \ L M E X T ? 1 0 \I P S T O M S , \! w i I \ r- .-an nffor.l V/ 1 II \( I J fl N \ 13tf COUGrfLAN LAN&EY &• CO. - V I I es atl W holes it Der/ers in ih»l>. Lips, Su.iu nud Fur Goods. UMBRI LLAS P \R VSOLS, i mi o \ No 14 ( <h J^-tM r r v A I M tr I) V 1 I I I \ 1 I GOOD 8, Sf< mtlninl S| 1M | \c»-Vo.k. I tie U I, ,H Hotel. RUT&6N RE A \\ M I I I I lie 8 / 111 l. Is ol I 1 ( ll \PTEI V^;^c^Lv.i^^?;t ( - ^p^xdkS^ i »le ajnoantot tbe omciiJ^ h * , 1 ,8t0 I e he d,p.id ..d jSATSSg^ t r Benerallmrf, and To, rfw pkyi^ivrfi .J, «nd d>ma»d.M raay UT^^^ 1 >• •» r-t ry ol Slate, j prrt*ediD, wiih ih.„!L e iv , , mihi, officaAarl do e.rtlfy tb»? ?s" . " o m ' ^ * Uan » ciri « K «^»W»« MM of tbe-il^ kIRB\ HOLSiv I o i t I it tort \ i \ Will KNOW N HOr - I , Ilnvinj ,. , " ? / ""'Only Us ^ ,"' ' * " l p V ,K "I> j o t Silver Plating. i'Jtfl^'h^S-kKry^* SBrer Plating and R<*pa|riig, Miliar thoroughly anderstoods hisbusincM Dot* in a ok* Mr. Miliar thoroughly or and plate* in tbe «>le of a Finished Worknai P«ft«u.r»jr 8t$mto|iipaid to CoacB-Makwiak- jSj' <**i *^r^r^Dew«y' ^^ntetA&ijgj^am, .• do well u ipon-u's before gointr Hseivlieip. : i |f3r'Corr:i.re Painime. Si-n nj-.d Ornaiv 'niiiliug.Gfniningand Paper H.inaing liea'.iv 'dints and Colors Biixed lo order, on r -aso JOHN'U. RAG AN. For Sale or to Let. I Apri on Sho,1. Tim premise* u.erii higeofWpst Mnntnsbnrjrli. tt ... fo.n Mecbani.:. For nailU-n lis offire. I;;GO. Dickinson, Comstock & COv WHOLESALE CITY Ding, Grottry, Paint, (lil nntl »Seed Store, 117 Genesee-'Stroet, Utica. Dickinson ; Comstock & Co, Jt-hNCi-jnTea, Dickinson, Comstock*& Co., Jobbers in Stj«nr. : Dickinson, Comstock, & Co., . Joiiber.jiiCoir.-e. Dickinson, Coinstock & Co., Dickinson, Coinstock & Co., Jol.hprsin Paints. Dickinson. Oomstock & Co., Dickinson, Comstock & Co., Jobbers ill DieSiulT^. Dickinson, Comstock & Co., Jobbers in Meoi.i.ie?. Dickinson, Comstock & Co., Jobbers in ClasP. Dickinson, Comstock & Co., Jobbers in Seeds.' Dickin^jBi, Comstock & Co., Jobberain Buiniiiit Fluid. Dickinson, Comstock & Co., Jobbers in Tolnieio Hn.l St cars. Dickinson, Comstock & Co., J,obber3 in Kerosene & Con! Oils. I860' SPRING TRADE 1860 J. M. RICE & Co., Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers ii: .1 .- READY MADE CLOTHIIVG, AHD JOBBERS IN - Pitec Goods .and Tailor's Trfmrntugg,— No. 63 Genesee Street, TJtica. t J. M. RICK, - C. NETTLETON,- H. E. IlEAt'H, C AB1NE T \y A HE, , % J oSjTc o N o y t R. , ' G j UTICA, March 1£60. ENTLEMEN .—\Ve would respectfully in^ vile vour ntlention to our oxteriiiv« and *ettifleeted Flock oi l he above gocda, maoufflc- "f't? *-V« •"* t^peoially adapted to the wanlf I 1 l ?*. ,r *««'orth*)COtumg80t|BOfl,.»liieh for tan- LlS2!5L* l i.* , wH« ,i *«*««*WPI can ootbe •« T5f* ?" r W "xperUmee in this bu * ioKf tbf r wMlryMlMftl^ftailitiM fcnporel a^asis ^ferwanfaitl «rhh ^tuan^-, 3j»«^itiN : -'i V '•_'"-'"" M i I N E 'J jofiyTci IliireTiovedhiiWARliROONlS,, to a bullditif f " DATAH S t B E K T . ' ,l!e huts refitted tnfinnrttylo ncotrtma Jiuua room, .(Jul a now nrTerinc n choice lot d( \ FU R N-I T U R E , ' bought loi•Cnsh.wliieh he will ne'll for^ooil. pay, ul i. siniill profit. Every niili'locoiled fo^Inlhn line of Houaa Furniture,or. ^ CABINET WAKE, eti'n be found,»t Ilia Rooms and anv article ol Office Furniture not usually manufactured, will be made to older on' Sho'rf No lice, * SOFAS, TETE A-TETES.OTTOMANS, LOUNtJErf, DIVANS, TklJLES, LEAF AN-D MAIiltf.E'ldPS, ' STANDS, BUREAUS, DRESSING CASES CARD STANDS, JfA.CKS.und CENTER TABLES. BUREAU! DESKS, HOOK CASES. Ami tin . .. , , ^ 9 \UI-UI 'VNTP ' ' * ' ' i i "ipj % loo k ing G 1 asses ' READY MADU •S©f f l l g v l'-.rti,•.ihiatl.-iilioi, pai.llolhiFbrniK-l,. Cof- ,m .l«.ll.i/,-. k.- ] >le„nstairtly.„1|,uiiil, of M.i- n.'iiiiy,- iieriy, Walniil, Pine, &c , ( fiitinlied ip ::::u:ir°i f ; ^ ol":"^;! i rl!^r!: eB,,,l '•" i,1, ^ JOIIN CONOVKIJ.' EXTRACTING TEE'IH WITHOUT ) A IN. 5 Y D R . J . A . NICHOLS. OR Y.ST AL BATTFRY >I A G N E T IV MACHINES! J U S I' C M J - AT MV OFFICII, lt.ke asea.tin tlieOiicralioL' C| m j r , !U..I [will, 1111 •TOOIIIACUECUJl^I). a c c o n l i u s ' T o " ; ^ hUeV, i!n°n' TEETH FILLED ! " F F I C E i i . L..wvi'[|... ,tvrr |>(;u, el nll( | T; 0«|, .i*j( H..lwj,.e'Slo,^ from the T:r*l I.. 1 lie n S l, IceiT.Ii.of eve r « . , . o I i.;, ln dt l ,err*M.llhr lime a iiv Office IU Copaulingen, oi-cr li. A. Scovill'i NEW MILLINERY GOODS. M RS! j : SWAN ^ „nw redeivbiR dailv fro, New York, tho fjjirtest ami cheapest stoc -I Millinery.Oootis ever oflerett in Ibis eounly. ronlniiis evetytliiii£\iFti;rlly Jrfpt in a. first-clns - MILLINERY STOBE. nffi.li •11 them 20 I STRAW lOODS.nltbe low est prices. Favors ..re-cordiallv solicited. MBS, J. L. SWAN. Loivi'ille A|>ril 25.186(1. GE^TS 1 FURNISHING JOODS,cr»iisisiiii<r in p; iria, Wrappers a.Kl^iav »,Nec!< Ties. Stocks nnd Colla»s. it ;; D. A.' WITH & CVs. f AW BLANKS. 3^'AW 'ttl ^,niU.N— . t - ^ l L n m,t,sin.enl M. J.MCRRAY. Lowvlllc, Eeb.a^d.Slfin. CLARS'S SYR UP. Tbe loodand hahilxV civilizp.l ii.ttn indnrn a sreat majority an i.n|ftire coll^ili(ln ol the bb.o lliesotiire ul n a-Tiit vilriel v of : painful r'i.-eusf iviiicli.listuib the hnppiiiess of almost evpjv fai ilv in the land. A, mi e. safe nn,l n-reeal.le'.e.n CLARK . TRY CI,A R k ' S SYRUP, i.he'grenl blood Puii- lier lirr Weeklies?, T/JYCLAKK'S SYRUP, the Great Blood Pn i ilfie.Jor Dyspepsia. T R V C L A R K ' S S.Y.R.-UP for any delicate fe- TRY CLARK'S .SVRUP for Scrofula'jftiun- .lice, &,.-... or tt'rv blood .di-sense. CLARK'S SVRUP, in nil case8 of Se.rnal In- cajiariiv, or diseases cA tbe Spine and Kidneys, is ''CLUWS''SVRUP changes the » bole rrtmli- lion -.ftbe blood.aiJ.l kill, the poison iibich feeds III.- fire of disease. CLARKE SYR iPis nllVeeelahle nnd no min- eral, and Ittal is wl ai lite human bioorl needs'. U/.A RK'S SYKHJP, for Sore Tliroai, is magi cnl.. .- CLARK'.- SYRUP for Weakly Delicate Fe- .Hales or Sicklv.Pimv Children, is smrej CLA/JJv'S .S'YIiUP is all Rools rod no Miner- •il.-*50n'ivill'be Eiven for an v Si-«iu lotmd.in i,. * C/.AIiKS SYRUP cures nay Weaknevs' in I'emalessor S.-r-.f'iilous (;iiild^n.'mnPi<7il|,v. . CLARK'S SVlUJP.-Thi.s Yesemble Pfepira- lioi, i 3 «orkin<r wonders all oi Tr the world.^1..! lor Liver. Wombs or St-roniila Complaihts, and Female >Veak«e»«es, General Debility, iris per- lecilv masical, and'in qua t bottler,"and is, like wine loilrink. F.u- salein \H..HI\ .wboleenle, bv V.Mc.CLUREanu A,C GRANT L CO., Stale For sale by JOHN POIG, l.owville. 2yh ffl^ r SATtuci^s^^iijAj vmwm& nwm t&ftttmmi* V HOOFLAND'S ^l Ulc % GBB4T -"T* STANDARD REMEDIES- i^ through years ef trial. Unbounded aatlsbttloo i* rendered by thtm in all casan HOOPLAHS'8 GERMAN BITTER8 tivn Complaint, Dyapepaia, : MBty. ntaaaaaa oftha Xidnaya. aad aU «Boases attting from adborderedlhrar.orvaak. o irtu, Mamrnr *i Saeanr AJmanacforproot Parol, "6centape?BoUIa. nooflands BaLsamie Cordial IttTCGtlTaLTeCU Oaucha, Cold*, a Heaneatu, Bn Oiaap, PnMtnaaiia, taeipiaBt »od hM perAratca tbo moat aitot>i*>&( corea'«T«r igaam C O X V I R B t B D C O S « V | t r a » « . I ^TieaaJt IM««^ mmmmmtm, being w«U known tbro«shonk*o«j« and anrnrH, k0* a»jsaaH*Bdaatoa »—' "-— 'r- 1 - 1j tjijiTiWr' aff pr%and wtlh great axaebtso, sod ap«i aMkfcaoatii, -Mf: benarOatfaartfcratcantefi.ud. K~C**^i~L .IW. —dioi— *r. bRvanft »T TrgWiiSZ* dranMaoJoMlMYamedicioa. e^tSer^lhiiK '{aftr**.*' ^ CMa *-* B ' b " ** *»**»• 4 -^ j*--* T-r^- * 1 "•wiiiiiilinMi.jiJ 3 %^*«>?v-f«B5^r*- == *---sssss. *:' MMtal %. mm^ ¥H^WIND d HORSES. , Thia pwpBration ia in clmn*u-^a«.%rlill : "ib> Arata, who feftd it to their) hora«» l # » o » Mir*e MMN.t ) l W * r nbotil a we^k nt a lime, which no ddablia UMICRUM of Ibnir r^narknblo#p«ed,nud nfuilinfc. It was iutrodiicedjnlo E(iif(MUif cored the recipe froin n'n Aitnbian fihitk at** , from whom fie purcha.ed o Horse, during his resi- i j„ ^y r j a nn j which lie afterworda ' England nnd knoiyln tho DARLEY n n . n n J A R . l r d m whif.U sprlaiiir the larjreat most splendid horses ever known, li A-ill nc . ty prevent but elfectuully cJre the above named mpluiut; ilolednsea ilia brmithinf! upparmus. .• reniokina- from lh<> nir cells the Ivmpy or se- cretion, which in hfnvea <:, O*B llie.n, cftpaing a difReully ofbreiitbing by itsinclion on the dist-ns- -A part, cauaesllm innciini^a mrmbrnnco to re- rculnlion ol the blood, an^ roslorcx die VCBBCU I heir natural size. Il uiny be used nt till limes wiib perfect safe .., and mav likcwisebe given lo Horned Calllc, as well a»horaea. I'ric.o L'S cts. CAUTION.—Every pncknpe 0^ (he K e ni»'nf Darky's Arnbinn Heave Reinedv," benrs llie rilten aignotitre oT Hnrd & Co- "All other is .•puriou?, and *l oiU'tlJ be avoided a« so much poi- son. Remember this. [). W. H'JRD Sole Proprietor, 67 Maiden l.nne. New York. Forsala by John Doijr. I, RiclmrdFon. I...*: vitle ; Jnines Peden, Mnninsbiirir ; Holdeii & Deycv, Turin; Ruylnou &. AnglcCopcnljDuen. 43ni(; :EA8f-NaW«n»»* M, S«r^nt, (rftbe irii <*fUr«J«»ii«" the County of Lewia, by _, „ , - . . . up ,„.„iudeiiW ofMortgaire, bearing date ibe orjJe«1f«rk,. IZ&Tytovtkfof ofAwmtt, tUouaft.^fight 3d d « t « l » d lufrflier t h e i r 1 i « ^ r W r t d a a d ^ y f i » ? . « o w o , u r e the W™»n° il.. J-J ~,,i-m l.n.l. I fijJg| pavmint to be made on tl» firak dav J w u « y WW* With taWreBt pn thet whole aura ftonf tfie8*'»U*of.AngU8t,l 55>«*d interest pavuole ahntwIW va aH anmimtip«id.i»«Og«K*Kl atwlcon ito .aid Permelia J. Wunn. the ^remisea Iter daaerlibed. Said rijorlgage waagiveu to B pavment "Ofthe pnreliase money of the r$* [wtiry A*P, «• wifeinjrttie Cotmiy %. I* w %'^1 >xet»terf»»^ f "" And iMlf <H» town oTjSf°°»ft|p"» n T~' 1 """•" i« i gugB bearing date tliat d«J upon certain land. *ud real ert.te ailuale in the town of Monta- , ^ "-_..J •...^n.i'i.r de«eribed ana Ru* afortWiiald, horeinal>i power of sale therein contained in the affice I.fthe Clerk of the County ofLt^i»,m LC her 8.. of Mortgagee, at page 9 7 6 ^ c , th« '«Nh ^ y of Ma'ih, 1838 ; and vvherea-, the -aid Mongage.wa. duly assigned and trana- ferredby the said John N. Fairbanks to Uin- wan>S«lt.ok,oii the 10th day of January I8t>9, v»lncii usaignment vtis recorded inse Ji liewia County Cleiftc'sOrHce on the 31s day " lti^W, in ¥H>ok U. of Mortgage, ,ot pngt 281); A n d ft-hereoa the said Hinman Selleck )i (ill the, owner nqd holder of said Mortgage, nil default lifts been made in the payment ol he sum of one hundred B^venly-nine dollars na twenty-eight conts,(fl79, %*-iU0) whict^ idai >»<M'< to be due llieroon at the dute of therufo e notice is hereby given thiil npursu-ince of a power of salts contained i What Everybody Wnnts. , THE FAM[LY DOCTOR. CONTAINING Simple Rcmrrties', Easily Obtained, for tin Cure of Dis.-'ixe in all forms. ' Professor KENHY 8. TAYLOR, M, D. ll Tell* You llot^lo ntleud upon llie sick, an. bow ii.rook iorlllem ; lioiv to pre pare DiiuKs, Poulllices, &c, »ni how a, Cu.u: l i.jf,,;,,., inli-cti,,, If Ttlh \<m Of Ibe various ,'i,ea,es ol Cl.il UTelU You •IhesimploniKofC,. .|.,Chol, ,„ 'lulnmum.On f< , Dia,.l.uea, Ring- // T,lh Yvu 'I he MM,,H„m, off MnlhnmK Cbole, !:li,'a,l,r,'".kill'oeyH Ibel.^nemedie'sl. // Tells You I lie -iiuploms ol If. It ^ •ell* } •ell> ,J on " uti The IV. r Disl l-evi- P.IUI o'l C Wlii earl, Il.nuoi i liaSe, \V V omuls, l!n,ken Hone Sore-. While '.Sue rs. Whitlow.-, li,,il s S H and Seiolubi.- e vnrions db-ea,:,.* ol W ildbirih and of.VlensIn es.liainnness, &,-..& The work ia written in plain hmgnajre, frfc In-m medical terms, so aa lo be easily uinlersiood, while its simple recipes may soon si-.ve y aiLlna nv nnd open tvpo; is illustra'le.l u'itb aplM-opd'ale ei'i- »raviuj;s, lind will be forwailleil lo yen, address, neallv bonml and postage pn,id, onreeeijit ol $1. S22LiX!?^^ menta to'aIlVucb"are very liberal. For single copies of (lie Rook, crforterms lo aptents, with other information, tipplv to or nd- dies.s, Jt^llIN E. POTTER Pnblixhtr, No. GI7 Sansom Street, Philadelphia. P„. What Everybody Wants,- EVERYBODY'S LAWYER fOUKSELLO i"&V BUSINESS BY FHA-NK..CK08BY « Tells YOU How |od,„w^ Partnersbip Pupers and ? » PR- * e n e i a l forms for A- p-cements ol all kinds, P.ill, of IfaTellsYou. Hoiv tomakr an AssiE,,mei ttillvCreditws.iiml'tbei"!' ft Tells Yon !''» It Tells Yon W|,„i con-i-mtes L'-belan.l Slander Dower, tlie"wife".s l!?al| t Vtivfa- pct-ly, Divoiceand Alimony. It Tells You Tin; Kaws for Meebaric' Lf'ins in every Slulc^ind tbe Naiui al'iz-i- lion .Laws, of Ibis cuumrv. nnd how lo comply will, llie same. It-Tells YOU 'I lie La^scon.-ernini; Peisfonsand "" : bow lo ohii,i,i ore. and the I're- l Empiion Laws to Public Lanes. ItTTellsYou The Laivs for Patents, v. ill, mode It Tells You It Tells You The Ta f Fc. your Will , Ad.nini.-turonan Estn -, F.s 11la 1.1 tial Powers of boil, jhc G?neial nxd Slate Goiernn-ents. It Tells You How to keep out of Law.hv show- iii-lmiv to do your business l e - pnllv.lhusM ' proper by its timely coiiKiilini^n. Single copien yy ill be sent bv maiLpostace'^nid. to Every- Farmer, Fverv Mecbanic, Every Man ol llnsinc.-^ and Everybody in line State, oli receipt of $1 Oll.oriii ln.v'stjleofutitdine forfl 25. E^" $l,0M a Y'ear'canbe made by enlerprisin* men evtry where, in selling the obovb" work, ns utir indncpinents aie very liberal. For single copies of the Hook, nrforterm* Ni Agents, wilh oilier inloi nialiou, apply to oraddre^ I JOHN E. POTTER, Publisher. No..GI7 Sansom Si., Philadelphia, P„, €lear the Ttack! THE €ARs"ARE~CdB*t\G!! ^^e^^f^^^^-- Mr. H. KAfiR would)inform the inlubilants «»r Uiis place and vicinity, thai J»e is dealing nt 1* > uno-Forter, and has, and intends to keep ou ha n I - good au«ortmeiit of First-Olass Instruments, Airmiu: which will be tound Bonrdinnn, Crav . ;f.°l Alb8I »y. ind Chickennp'g of Boston.' All thewe who wish to purchase, wiU do well 1 , all ami aee for ihen.selves, before purchaeinV ilsewhere. i V 1 tSf Room in O'DonnelTs Block, aeeond ftodi,' Come one'eome all, apd give me a eall. PianoaiTiwed by Hermon Rahne's and Miwfu. tion guaranteed. LowiHe, April 10th, i860. ' HV KA ^ R ' Wall Paper. , ^^ k 2^ f t^L v e r r"* e a ^' ** of entire- SrKajpasfi «sjaa»w ^ 'SSKsS?^* ^"^ff^Slftw?- *™C aid Morijuge an<) of the Statu i and provided, t b e |) jaid Mi ribed ortgage, d by said ll that tract or pjreel of land sil iWn of Montague aforesaid, in ,,.3, County or Lewi, and Sta; ork, known and described as j)i o. 15, and bounded as fallow*, to wrt; Ke- nning on the South line o| HJid L->tj.i a :,int V* cl«. 53 Iks ftom the 8. E. corner ,f.e..r, runs, thence N.2 deg. E. 25 chs ience N. 8/J deg. \V. !() e.bs , thence S. ile" \V '<!•") chs. to the 3. line of said Lot, f begin. ; Ijpgiil Jfotfe descrilfedin aa'tJ mortgage f-uhat; ntial^J 1 the All that tract or parcel of luwl aituMe Town of Levdin. inlhe Courfy of Lewis and Stale 61 New York, being apartol Col Number ninety- eiabt(9B) in [rinian'a Triangle,and bounded «u^ described a* fojllows. to wit : ' - Beginning at lha uorth west corner of said lot No. ninely eight (98), thence south twenty sever and oneJialt degrees east thirty lour (-J4) chain) to the south west comer of said lot ; thence norll sixivtwo and one half degrees east along tin south lino of said Lot No OS thirty seven < huins- (37) to ibe soulh west corner of filty acres of land conveyed by Jghnson olid Je: se Tulcotl to Duniel Kent, theiice iiorlbcrly along the west line of ibe si.id flflv acresioflanJ thirty four (34) chains ami Gjt> (SO. - ) links to tbe north line of said lot. lhenco sou lit suelv two di grees west along saWline Uni- ty scveu-(:l7l chains and forty eight (48) links to the place of beginning, conlaining one hundred twenty seven and fifty four hundredths 1127,5-1) acres of land, (surveyed by E. Spencer August 14, ,Jfe^i 1 *0»W* fer's Sarsaparij •A- ^"3 K1 * 11 4 r « me dy. in which, w/ mvt ^ j ^ * .ft 5 , ? ^ . ? * " ^ altera;;" ^extract * other M •*> w «rasto, te»*»1 be^de. •'It is a concentrated eltrr«»»~" B^saparill., fo copbined wi^ 3J. W «f stall greater\alterative r«u,.. . . *' V !e> eJOcliuius to tl in^np Iti-enty-fiv, Mmtr PI), wa nflb-r , k P. H.ll M. Iv in tb the 27ib .1 LiberP v of A up of Morlg e e J8I>5, iiMJo'cl 011 piifiesu(i7, ike. - And whereas, defiih.1t has been made i incut of tbe money secured lobe pan Mortgage, ond there is claimed 10 he me said Mortgage, including both prir ill be ...Id 1 l«... und. 11 Martinsburgh ,e fifth day of July next, nt In o'clock, in the forent ib.-itdjy. Dated at Miirlinsburgb, Api 186'1. UltNMAN SEI.LICK, ^si-ij Ana. I Mmu.Mss, sltfy. iaJ» BROWN Jounty Jiiclgo of he wis Co icreby sriveii to all person- I linst-Cilbert Bruitianl, deer i l.iwu ufLoyden, that they present lh-sum*, with the v. tiithe Administrator, .L.tnei , dwelling bouse.,. Ley den .' Isl-dnv of June. L-GO. |).,led Nov L'Oih, IS.".! 1. J A.MIiri B K A I N A K D , Ad RY RARNES.A.h SI1ER1FI-"S SA li v s v ,;i y Jonulban W. Smith and Aw is Couirlv Clerk's Oil Edds, p-ige-17 &.<: * The Irrepressible Conflict! W M.L. ilAUCOCK is bound that ibe C flitfl tor hi-li prices shall be irrepressi aild isoflerin^tiis stock of " IfliWifl, tef Farming Implements, Stoves, and Tin-Ware. The Celebrated Deer Cas-t & Steel Plows. , F)ier's Patent Churns, Peckham's Improved Dairy Stoves, Milk-Paus, Churns, Cultivator-Teeth. Axes, ^fliovel--. Fishe's Hoes, .Wash Tubs, Tails, Pipe- Skt-ins. Garriage- Tri in mini's, .\;»ils, Table. & Pofc' e: Cuttlerj, Whips, Gn'i;ri-Stones'; Cistern & Chain. Pupips, -'Lea(1-Pipe, STOVE TRIMMINGS, Common and: Russia -Stove-Pipe, Zinc, Door r i'J,imn>ings l o'f all kinds. l=^Aho, Planes, B.oafl-Ases, Boring Machines, H^nd, 'Cross Cut, and Mill m \£L-Wr f&, Files, and all/kinds, of Carpenters Tools. In fact a Farmer and Mechanic can find anything and everything they may want. HIS STOCK' OF .COOK ITOVIi; Was never more -oninlefe thao now; among which may be found the Jollow (ng rirst class Stoves: Governor, Centurin; Wander- er,' Hunter, Northern Light, Superior, Oneida, St. Nicholas^ or To Win, and Conquest. AJf oi" which are warranted to giv,e 'if ttjp satisfaction. ; iN. R -SVVF.K'NEV ivill ..hvays he found in the nand n elm .-of 11 ind LyUn. ilortgnge, cure tbeti Moiiiyn/c, ,vthe ten and 1-wiK rinds mid A. Surgenl, bis heamiR dale ll id eight hunilre lounl Hpccificd as tlic-sunir. be ved to the said ,! '"orairfaiats ^ reputed » care. It is lwhcved!h»^ - edy is iranted *y thtm who « S f f f t % motw emaplamts, and that one whieh^Jl cximplishtften-cure must pro>- c of,-" ** 1 vice to this large, class if our a'ffli n '!! ,l8e "I dttons. How completely this r„T ,ed ^H do it has boea proven by CKnerim™f 0iln H of the worst caies to be^fooWS \ZA complaints: • • ^eibllo^ ScEOFtJI.^. AND ScROrULOttS ?nv^ EKCPTIOXS AND ERVI'TIVE Bt« A C E H » , • P I M P L E S , BLOTCUES T ASES > RHEUM, BCALD HEAD, STra,^ 5 !!^^ WTic AWECTHWS, MERccnuL n 81 ^ JJROPSY, NEURALGIA OR T10 lu ' Uls *m DEBILITT, DTBPKPSIA J.^, I^ 0CEE " ERYSIPELAS, ROSE, OR ST ^-fiif tit * ( ' •and indeed the whole eUs.< oTeotn.x.^ 8 hl fa-om IMPURITY JOP THE BLOOD. T h i s c o m p o u n d v.-iil bs f 0 motcr of bialtli, when talien in pel the foul Immcn-9 which fet'- that season of the rem- iu- ,1'",•'"', Ll, *hl Eion of them many mnklin- (fi--01 ^ *VM inthobuU, Multitudes t-a°n U- •' arenini,i * rernedy, spnro l!iernse!i-fi froVt' foul eruptions and nk-eraus nJ-W the system wi'I strive K),.;,]';.' » .. if-not agisted to'do fef^^^K^ channels of tlio body by an uhura-'-- ° ru,,Jlt 1 Clcunsc out .tliy find its iinpuritic pimplet, c-rujitioi a of lifn' llll. S.,o; "+J>y" s.nmUU. .A.PH •. S. BA' TERM'S.^ lo papers-" I, extept JC % sof it, ]>oi-;l se mnny pic i\onb.J7 ue;;. \Ve«l, to tbe place ol 'brj;inniii£ eon- tainifig Eleven and fo.tv five (11. 15:100) bund- rilihsacrcsof bin '.be the same mo'e orless. bv Asa Francis and liar ui'eot Deed, dated May M itbeClcrk'sOllJceofLtwi. i, at 101 o'clock. A. M.,in I il narff-.l, will »t 1 ( |A| ARB >e sold e law Ibe Co nt If oh riUth. t publi office 0 intv of lock A' I860. PERMELIA.! A. BR JWS.A' nur- F„h M ion nrd yflb: . MUNN, y, L A be higher Brown, in 30 dav oi tdav. ' Mo ow •ille.N. Y. MORTGAGE SALE. IVIIEREAS-Nathaniel M. Sargent, of the W Town of Leyden, in ihe County of Lewi^nnd Lydia A. Sargent, his wife, by a certain indenture of-MoriKtige. beoring dale tbe fifth day ol' Janna- iv, 18^7, to secure tbe payment lo "Permelia J. Alunn, ofthe same place, of five hundred dollars,, yvitb.'Uteieat theron as follow£>viz : —Three years after the date of said morlgaga, with onnnaHnter- est thereon, mortgaged and coureyed to said.Per- melia J. Munii, tbe premises hereinafter, ond in said mortgage described subslantially as follows, viz:—All that trod or parcel of land, situate fn die town #f Leyden in the county of Lewis and State of A'eiv York, being apart of lot number ninety eight (98) in Inman's Triangle, and bound- ed und described as follows to iv t : Beginning at the north [west corner ol said lot No. Ninety eight (98) thence-south tiventy seyen and one hall'degrees east thirty fourcbiins 10 tbe soulh west corner of said lot- thence north sixty of said lot No. 93, thirty "seven tt (37j B cbafus" to tbe ^ontb west corner of 611 v acres ol land couveyed by Johnson and Jesse Talcolt to Daniel Kent ; ihence uorlherly along the yvest line ol'said lifty acre* of land thirty tour chains {'M) andliltv (5U) links io the North hoe ol said lot, thence "south surly lyvo degress we*t along said line lliiitv sev- en (37) chains and forty eight (48) links "laihe, place ol beginning, conuiuing.one Hundred tyveuly seven jgid hlty tour liuudredlhs (127,511 acres ot land, assuivryed by L. Syiencer, August 14, l«:-5, U'bi'jb said inorlgage willi ihe power of sale Iheieincomaiiied. was duly recorded in the Lewis County Clerk's Office on the l-Uli day of January 'clock . M., 11 pages 348, &c. No proceedings at biw olle^t the amount secuif J any pun ihereol ; 1 lit ue on suid mortgage am l",i?$u'i:{,b\=>, including p And wheieasulso ih'c ^otaudLydiaA.Saige : been instituted ' lid Nalhu pied by Josepl 'il deg. east Ugh' :fnd Conducl A l-'arjnei-.^id Me. oek^t. Pui ,,,, e- I will do any Lind do{ .."no p.'t-v, 'T!, i me before*pur . HARCOCK. W^fcaw* Ibrge StoeV of H Try ! Try^ IW* Kind Header, don't Let tffls opportani K. COLLINS KELLOGG, is again in NcHv York, RU V|lNG' CUEAP. , ffld i'BBii ' -* !> lerks office oll.e •Vliich last named 11 beJ.eivisCouniv C March, -liJ58.ul 9 oh isofthc ick A. M , thcsl have 1, c often no cuniti bitter and pait the use of the which flood the justly d-spi.^1 with inipo.iiti(>; comjiound Sa; such a reitfedy load of oWo-iii think we Kayo tnes which are •the diseases it secure their co tern, the rctncl cording to dire ) IVaa.h M, licit-, if: •u pro;.ci-ti( fill (li.^ppo ni-trke! tu Ulirl li.n and chca ^apai-ilht, 51 :s shall res. which re ground for rres^stihle- \ s intended mpiete era - should 1.. t-ons,on th 1. *:y*ZW Tra »R. J.'C. AVER & CO., 4 LU'IVE }, L, it A >S. Price, SI per Eioltlo ; Six Bottlco Aycr's Cherry Pectoral j has v, n for it •ery variety of Throat and l.i-.\-' Com.ii that it is cntixely nnnecessjii-yjor ri-tom-o the evidence of its virtues, when-vet- it has I.- employe!.• As it has loni been i;i ennftan; throughout this section, we need not do m than assure the people its quality is kept up the best'it ever lias betn, and that itraayl),? lied on to do for their relief all it has ever b found to do: ""•' Ayer's Cathartic P: TOR Ti Cosft'twiess, JauAdice, Dyspepsia, Lulir/iia, Dysentery, Foul Stomach, Krysiiitlis, Hesddcia, Piles, Rheumatism, Bntptioits and .S'i- ;i Dmsm, Liver Complaint, Dropsy, Tr/in; I'lvtm cd Salt Bheum, Worms, Gout, Keural^a.tuttJ^ ner Pill, and for Purifying, the Blood. *• They are sttgar-coated, so that the most -EM- tij-e can talsc them pleasantly, and VM? are lis bes* aperient in the world'for all tho purpoa of tt family p'iysic. '< Price 25 cents per Box; Five Boxes for SLO0- Great numbers of Clergymen," PbvslciuH; Statesmen, and eminent personages, ^J"*] their names to certify the unparalWrf tise*" ness of these remedies, but our space>»«' not permit the insertion of them. Tl«ft?, below named furnish gratis our AMERICAS £. HANAC in which they ai-o gl\-?n; with ffaf* descriptions of .th» above comphM«B>i(' rreatment that shoulcl be followed for theitr Do not be puV off lay unprincipaled d( with, other preparations they mate r on. Demand IYER'S,-and take no 01 sickTvant the best aid tliGTSjs.for them, ii ^ they should ha\-e it. remedies* are for sale-by Fur Sale ' by \TvlJp Ricbardsfm, L.iwvrjlr. U»-.rs5 ,tlay v iberefore bv virtue of powers <n contained and therewith recorded, force the sa 1 of sale therf and ptirsiiunl 10 tbe H .„„ ...-^„„1UBtr , lu provided, notice is hereby givenilntsafd moi|o-a<re will be foreclosed and die premises 1 herein res'pe'e described und above set.lorth. wii) tie sold .(publicauction to the highest bidder m the bu itjice 01 I'.dward A. llrown, in L»wville in th County ofi^ivis on thcS.'Xh day of June next at [1 -'-•' 'A.M. Oaied April <(lh.ia60. PEHMELIAJ. MUNN,Mortgagee. KD« > A. Bn« VILLMTyHOUSE, Jfo.-70/DOlHHCK STREET, ROME- N. T., DUNBAR &) COWLES, Proprietors. , __ Mortaage Snip. r|EFAUI.T having been made in (he pay.nen< I *-r. , ol a certain sum of, money secured* io b. paid by n ceriam indenture of Mnrlgaeo bearing dnic December 31sl, 1S53, made execute-! and rle^ liVeted by Jolin, A, Palmer, nnd Lucieiin bl u wile, ofthe town of West Pun,,, Conniv of Lew ^n::*c^:ft,^^f T tn!'c±^-! Stale aforesaid ofthe second- part, to secure the payinem of-ibree hundred dollars to be p»i,l ns e "" "'"' "'' ' rest 011 Ibe whole sum is the first MVO vears, and "" ' ' ' tbe Ily •d easy agec.- The otU patrons cordial ivtlcome s will always find here II 1> COWL' S. [21n,31 A "ed T1; : ' S s 9 r B ^ i|T ig?'W.i.. -e hereby rewiBiredio pay ftte a< .icconnL ..-,„..„.,„ vn* heumrer«^B<.dw«horttde»»»L *&. all rmrsons hav.np c.| tlittte ag,.in« t^ aaid Williams, wj» ,, rB * to ino»r>iy stores in Turin. , WALf«i?h.nftTfcR, - D-««IM.y 30,l,ffi iSnee6, " n,M - WH; «»-- which w foil. tube paid nnnuajlv, I then one hundred d eau lliree,years to be paid a.ii -'*«»*« war duly recorded ,„ me .—... ol the Clerk ol Ibe Countv of Lewia on ih» 3011, day Mav, 1860, a, , o'clJck P, M?. h,°B«ok U.orMortgflges,' page 404, on which said mort- gage there is thuuiedto he due on (be first puWi- cation of ibis nni.ee. ihe sum ol $300, nBd no'legal proceedings eiihp-1.1 law or equityi ba»inF£beei 4i»tnoted to col%ci the said monev. or any n n , lliereofc.Biroed lo be dne, noth-e is lierehv give. Sp^'^sflB^^ ^^•^sftfcsiaaft'- 8 ^ GEO. wTciiASB. jggjrfil ,y3 I ^f Hg f ^ * ". -.aBLACR I OST TO trted by leaving . —, -—."^ .= hereby given ihat by v.rti| 0 ol.tbepowerof 8ftle in suid.mort- ?..« contanjfd and of j(w> Sfa t, l(e in such ense ,made « B| p r o » « e d , t h « feUowfag .lesc ribed pr e,„! isestowit: AP dial certain pieceTor parce> of uH> hei»f part ol.Lo> N. «», h, township 1 ^ C 4 to ' ! o West 'I urn, MortMid and' bo,,„Jed a' f„i|«w " viz : rtunnmg Nj 37 deg.'3(1 m. E 14 ..I,. r,, ._ !i ' S. W, cwner of the lot lor a beefnm^ „ " i" " ,e tbepce W.37 01^ l.aJfdegN! 14 H s fl»V^'l n,n3 N t!ir"/« ve n VMabaff 1 W E .7 c i,Si l ' P T centred the eol(,lhenc« .iol n ^|,^"•^7 1 .• < * , ?' :e ?0 if ,0 .... east iW *^u ,&*Tsa b : tiBBOti^&^tt. P L l SI Tbi\Tip T R i*«^«to*wranii n , . •' '^ I{ iri ER . 1 C<»uoty J«dg# «f Lenta Administrates, ,shaU u continue tx) occupy tltt bidw PtBRCK,; position they/now hold amongwj greai[ remedies of the day,i.d*0 will bdntinue to spare neither tjfl^ I iK>r e^^ehse in procuring the Bj&j md Purest material, and c i M pounki them in the most. thoro»#;| *a^er. ;'• Address all orders to •'•-' HilHM Mffifc, Pittstot*M^ i lai PhjmictMM ordetiaiT ft«a C"^ Braft.Wfll do waft to write ft*lt« «O«*»«M but Dr. ITlMtu'*, P*m - ^MvaKPn. To tJuwawfrg" 1 WtU forward par ia^-l, P«tf* •'"•-•" o»evfc«*fm»4lwa one »W 4f Venalgj m*Rrfoic;i, r; ««• one vial tf > anaiig |ding Bo? ' a s t se )ifte it les -DR'.^M'LANE'S- CELEBRATED -Vl^VltPUGBJ LIVER; PILLS. •\X)TE beg leave 1 tp'ca.ll the atteir I tion of the Trade, apd m I -especially the Physicians 'of tbl .country, to two of the"most pff ular remedies now before the pi^l lie. We refer to Br. C!mj. 3TLane f s .Celrbiratfd Vermifuge, and Liver- PttsM We do not' recominend thenvasf universal Cure-alls; but simply fo?| what their name purports, viz.: THE VERMIFUGE,, For expelling W o r m s from tk4 human system. It has also beaj administered with the most satis- % factory results to various Animals j subject to Worms. THE LIVER PILLS, For the cure of LIVER COMPLAINTS,I all BILIOCS DERANGEMENTS, S\CK| HEAD-ACHE, ^:C. In cases of - t ' FEVER AND AGUE, preparatory to, or after taking Qui-1 nine, they almost invariably make I a speedy and permanent cure. I As specifics for the above-m*! tioned diseases, they are UnrivaU I and .never known to fail when ad* I ministered in accordance with-the I directions. f Tjheir unprecedented popularly I Lhas induced the proprietors, I ..FLEMING BROTHERS, PITTSBURGH PA. to dispose of their Drug business,] in wiiich they have been success- j folly engaged for the last Twentf.] Years, and they will now give their j undivided time and attention tol their manufacture. A nd being fc j termined that Dr. M'Lane^ fie^j brat^d Vermifuge and Liver P^j ..•r^mdir i< n-.t wb rH'.-lei'fi-.i: L- to Uie I member 1 re seen 1> •o nearly' t louks'm l-.K-^ed: chill air' tTeiit' on a edih- chat fl t<- a k re mspira tilude tt.'. ow 45 rM and ibe 1 Miin i-ee. •k, I nit it •uslvifcav e ana Ca ie Stat •••ukeJ : m.iiwa. - thi-ee-1 .• heart': I thick wi' Js I slMl ve J[ e t!il f- cheris) gb t(1 gO v to o kliey mel |titude, w into the 1 oirit t indistin 1 their cot -lie's gr [habof. il! not - inible and the. b ;ional viev. |ly aiul vi * A pile ib ranees. were bro 1 (last moiT and ore, a met two let! 1 the E: enue E-. fry, to tr Itc import One I other A' my lipn ofdi «d a tr; - su feJ itpt to B not M 1? H ; |ady on 1 antj --.. |le of j- jourse, ; •rvatloD.! 'im m^%; : ^

a^asis M fcnporel - NYS Historic Papersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031789/1860-06-20/ed...' 'la^v s 0/ New York-^By Aullioriiy 1 £m fa $USiuf53 (£^0, ,3wis County Of ctel

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Page 1: a^asis M fcnporel - NYS Historic Papersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031789/1860-06-20/ed...' 'la^v s 0/ New York-^By Aullioriiy 1 £m fa $USiuf53 (£^0, ,3wis County Of ctel

' 'la vs 0/ New York- By Aullioriiy 1 £ m fa $USiuf53 ( £ ^ 0 ,

,3wis County Of ctel Directory. -* 0 £ , , n n n n d not bofore.lt£ twentieth . .- , •'. .'. '. ' fiLl oas-wfe, as cerrtfied by ibe'Sec fiary ol s u , ? i r e " a J U l T i ' ch .p .7 . par t i , Rfe*l«d &.te

Re^-d s ' a ^ N ^ . r h . w ^ o n S W . ' c t o p . ' ^ l'

.CHAPTER -159. A \ \ ( ' T . n , ^ i , . , „ i i i , - . . . i - . . n ' Inrn.

. f j ' l lowi: '

rk.;t mi-lv-ouiitv eeiiri. nn<i m n ™ -•,iou ofUft-H aclron or ,iroceediiiir ^'-'MJ^

COUNTY J U D G E — I • Henry K. Turner , LowvilleL

BOUNTY C L t f R h . - P Walter R. F c t e r , Tur in . I

D*p. Co. Clerk, Win. W . Doig, Marifnahnrgb, S H E I U P P —

CIIPKIW Rav. Marliosuufefl. D I S T R I C T ATTORNEY— I

[.. C . Krlhni.i. MttrfimburgU*. M BUB Bit OK ASSAM HLV--

It. T . Hough- West Leytfen.. iXHJNTVTHRA.s t J i tER, ;

Di'mlnto I'eaao, MartiushiUftU. S C T T S . OFPO.O&-r j

•' mron! Porlcr, I.nwviHn, ... • ' / AI I .M:J . Parker. HarrMttuigh, I Kbi-zcrSpencci , Leyden,


J U S T I C E S ( K. K.

'N l T T O R \ E " \


s tloruey Marti

C T Olliro

i . O . Chirk. I'lccr Kiv<e"r, !, W iters. llmt-ovilltN-


. V.

S. W. 1UZEN,

and Counsellor at 1 H l . u r S l . , L « w « C q . . ^ . Y

in A. J . S T ^ P I I K N S ' Bio





L . C. K I L H A M V .

Attorney and Counsu lor art Law, Mnr t in sbu rgh . Lcivis (fc .. . N Y. .

l\ . B. — All business en t rus ted lo his cur.

J a . n n r y I , I.-'G'IM

•i.ffer.-ni,] -m- rioiice t h e r e i n u-iiiiui,.-

E D W A K D A . BliOVVN,

John M. MiiscoH, ;

A t t o r n e y & C o u n s e l o r a t L a w , J'lh'I.X, A'. }'. ',>

'•rttfc xkw

s w * a i 1 • - . ? , i - v x-r • '• •


loi I lie Full an.I Winter trade, oatrebrtiug ih pott pi

SVhrtol Books, ' » ' • ' - ' , . . School Books, ; "

ifcibcellanedus Books, ; •Misce l laneous 'Books , *

, Blank, B o p K ,• " . Blank Btiok*,

. .Stationery, Stati'oliery, •

of.llll khl«V, ' . . lull ltilld»>-

XrV-AuX*Xj P A P B B i ,

Window Piifieif, Oil Sim den, S lairs, (tjks,

Pens ami Pejnkiiivc-*;Oil Paint". WiUer Colors, Iinislirf,Ciiii*iisH.Vaniish, ,

Pallet , ; , French LitlioKrnpV.S, -

iiOQKSTORfe, '

iHlli.lR 10 pit i- befor.

vil lutidil: It.

' , lTi.it


Attorney and Coinivdor at Law,

{.OWVILLE.LEWIS COUNTY, N, Y. IW 1>t)!cr in ./. O'Do.mJt's A'nr lirick Store.

Aim. I. MERENESS, Attorney nnet Counsellor at Law,

.11 \ ( ! T L V S l i l ' l i t i l l . , \ .(V.




H. SIIRALTB, \ - M I I O \ A M R t i A l i i DKES'SF.R ANI

J O H N D O I G , ' •;ii i.\ i )Ri .! t ;s ,Mr. i>iciN.\ i . .P-\rNTs,

1J.-ISII.-3, l»v,--S/„lVs, U'iiui.nv-lifuas

i If.', l-.'.vi. r',','.,'^"! v ' . - ' p . ' n e u ' l n e ' / a u , '

ill. it., iiii.l. IIH'V ivill Ivooim ln> (ilfici l« biiv. Clicnp, nntl tl.f l„- kil.l! <><C.On,\» in l.mvvillo.

Tcn.-lii'i-H' Kupplio.l oiir;v».;il.lc tPi-mf.


i h t '-Journal. & llbpublitan


W P jiVo n o w priKjiareil t o d o a l l k i n d ;

PF Pi.A^ ^ fA'Nry ' Ri>;T<NG,

K. Collins Kellogg, oru.F.r? IN


! R T O I ^ AND SII01CS, CROCKERY, i t c ,

I I \ ill \ ^

M VNCIIT^ILR P \SS &,C0.," I >| s \ | | \ \ | ) I 1 M i l Dl \ I .EI t f* IN

M1 C S r - S ^ C ^ D I O l E t l E S .

( 1 OL( I \\ VI 1



ion. We m.) p i -pnin l I.. ,l„ ..II kinrls of work nt

S^Pf i - . fo i i s ' l^ i r i . i j r iv.nk in lliis.li>|.iilmpiit, lillliixl i t« ll.p tv,i.,t,.e(. lo .-nihil I ho JOJ 'U-

JAI, & R K I ' I ' I I I J C A N PRI.NTJ,\(i O f l-'IUEv

F i r e I n s n r a n e e A g e n c y . ^ T N A INSDRANCi-: COM PA.NY ,


CAPITAL—r,iif);nc-o. JIOiME INSliitA.NCF. C O M P A N Y ,

iNV-iv York Ciiv. ' . iCAIMTAE—$l.(«Hi>m

H A R T F O R D INSUR/JNCK COM PA.NY, - - • Unittford, Conn.

* CAPITAi,—$noo.0(in M O N T G O M E R Y COCNTY M U T T A I.

I N S U R A N C E COMPANY. - CanajrlKinip, ;N. Y. C A P I T A ! , — $ I Ifyiuo

i.VOR'I'HERA'iV.Y. I WS!;RAA'C;E COMPAA'Y, S P].itis=biirph, N. Y.

C A P I T A L — $ i n n , n o o . AfiRl* tH,TL"RAl. I A'^URAjyCE COMPAA'Y,

W,.ieitt>iv... A'. Y. C A P I T A L — $ m n , n o n .

M O R R I S C H A S E , ASci)t, ' LnwviMr-. New Paint Shop !

T he R.ib-ciibprplwg lea veto inform llie cilir.Pii-oi this plnc-p nnd tl.e ...Ijoioff to«-,(= , thai tllf-v

i M i ( I t S p i c e s :

i (. nidi 11 \ m a ^ . , 1 1 1 1) ICL ")

r o E B i a i ^ F E U I S S , &c V I I I \[[ N V.. 49m6

I 0 0 1 & YVIIITE ^ N i s i It N . Y .

it Li 1 I T d and

I 1/ / u l ( ti.jilteve.

o i VTWOOD ,.

Vttoine) &. Counsellor at Law C \ R T H « , N ^

Office I Cral i igers Block.

iWi l l e rd & S t u t d e v a n t , W f t i l [

dh) r iiil (.mnnihM.ni MirchaiUs,

I i ^ - i- t M i I N ! W-YORK.

Dickinson, Comsiuck & Co.,

iliuyni'xt'j & omwi, " l l " (r- IP^O s

•fi.and it vishiop ) l l l l

e best .-i- l lO 115

" f c LIM)\ tV i(T, I \ \ I A M 1 I I S V 1)1 \ ( ( US IN

I T U , I \ \ &, U^Il!.^ICA^

\ [ \ R B I I M O \ L M E X T ? 1 0 \I P S T O M S ,

\! w i I \ r- .-an nffor.l

V/ 1 II \ ( I J fl N \ 13tf

COUGrfLAN L A N & E Y &• CO. -

V I I es atl W holes it Der/ers in

ih»l>. Lips, Su.iu nud Fur Goods. UMBRI LLAS P \ R VSOLS,

i mi o \ No 14 (

<h J -tM r r v

A I M tr I)

V 1 I I I \ 1 I GOOD 8, Sf<

m t l n i n l S | 1 M | \ c » - V o . k .

I tie U I, ,H Hotel.

RUT&6N RE A \ \ M I I I I lie 8 / 111 l . Is ol I 1

( ll \ P T E I

V^;^c^Lv.i^^?;t (

- ^p^xdkS^ i »le ajnoantot tbe omci i J^ h * ,

1, 8 t 0

I e he d,p.id ..d j S A T S S g ^ t r Benerallmrf, and To, rfw p k y i ^ i v r f i

. J , «nd d>ma»d.M raay U T ^ ^ ^ 1 >• •» r-t ry ol Slate, j prrt*ediD, wiih ih.„!Le

i v , , m ihi, officaAarl do e.rtlfy tb»? ?s" . " o m ' ^ * Uan»c i r i«K « ^ » W » « MM of t b e - i l ^

k I R B \ HOLSiv I o i t I it tort \ i \

W i l l KNOW N HOr - I , I lnv in j

, . , " ? / " " ' O n l y Us ^ , " ' ' * " l p V , K "I> j o t

Silver Plating.

i'Jtfl^'h^S-kKry^* SBrer Plating and R<*pa|riig,

Miliar thoroughly anderstoods hisbusincM Dot* in a o k *

Mr. Miliar thoroughly or and plate* in tbe « > l e of a

Finished Worknai P«ft«u.r»jr 8t$mto|iipaid to C o a c B - M a k w i a k -

j S j ' < * * i * ^ r ^ r ^ D e w « y '

^^ntetA&ijgj^am, .•

do well u ipon-u's before gointr Hseivlieip. : i | f3r 'Corr:i .re Painime. Si-n nj-.d Ornaiv 'niiiliug.Gfniningand Paper H.inaing liea'.iv 'dints and Colors Biixed lo order, on r -aso

J O H N ' U . RAG AN.

For Sale or to Let.

I Apri

on Sho,1. Tim premise* u.er i i h i g e o f W p s t Mnntnsbnrjrli. tt ... fo.n Mecbani.:. F o r nailU-n lis offire.


Dickinson, Comstock & COv W H O L E S A L E CITY

Ding, Grottry, Paint, (lil nntl »Seed Store,

117 Genesee-'Stroet, Utica.

Dickinson ; Comstock & Co, Jt-hNCi-jnTea,

Dickinson, Comstock*& Co., Jobbers in Stj«nr. :

Dickinson, Comstock, & Co., . Joi iber . j i iCoir .-e.

Dickinson, Coinstock & Co.,

Dickinson, Coinstock & Co., Jol .hprsin Paints.

Dickinson. Oomstock & Co.,

Dickinson, Comstock & Co., Jobbers ill DieSiulT^.

Dickinson, Comstock & Co. , Jobbers in Meoi.i.ie?.

Dickinson, Comstock & Co., Jobbers in ClasP.

Dickinson, Comstock & Co., Jobbers in Seeds.'

Dickin^jBi, Comstock & Co., Jobberain Buiniiiit Fluid.

Dickinson, Comstock & Co., Jobbers in Tolnieio Hn.l St cars .

Dickinson, Comstock & Co., J,obber3 in Kerosene & Con! Oils.


J. M. RICE & Co.,

Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers ii:

• .1 .-


- Pitec Goods .and Tailor's Trfmrntugg,—

No. 63 Genesee Street, TJtica. t

J . M. RICK, -C. NETTLETON,-H. E. I l E A t ' H ,

C AB1NE T \y A HE,

, % J oSjTc o N o y t R. , '

G j U T I C A , March 1£60.

ENTLEMEN .—\Ve would respectfully in^ vile vour ntlention to our oxteriiiv« and

*et t i f lee ted Flock oi l he above gocda, maoufflc-" f ' t ? • *-V« • " * t^peoially adapted to the wanlf I1 l?*. , r*««'orth*)COtumg80t|BOfl,.»liieh for tan-L l S 2 ! 5 L * l i . * , w H « , i * « * « « * W P I can ootbe •« T 5 f * • ? " r W "xperUmee in this bu * io K f t b f r wMlryMlMftl^ftailitiM fcnporel

a^asis ^ f e r w a n f a i t l «rhh

^ t u a n ^ - ,

3j»«^itiN:-'i • V '•_'"-'"" M

i I N E 'J


I l i i r e T i o v e d h i i W A R l i R O O N l S , , to a bullditif

f " DATAH StBEKT. ' , l !e huts refitted tnfinnrttylo ncotrtma Jiuua room, .(Jul a now nrTerinc n choice lot d( \

F U R N - I T U R E , ' bought loi•Cnsh.wliieh he will ne'll for^ooil. pay, ul i. siniill profit. Every niili ' locoiled fo^Inlhn line of Houaa Furn i tu re ,o r . • ^

CABINET WAKE, eti'n be found,»t Ilia Rooms and anv art icle ol Office Furniture not usual ly manufactured, will be made to older on'

Sho'rf No l i c e , * S O F A S , T E T E A - T E T E S . O T T O M A N S ,

LOUNtJErf, DIVANS, T k l J L E S , L E A F AN-D M A I i l t f . E ' l d P S ,

' S T A N D S , B U R E A U S ,


C A R D S T A N D S , JfA.CKS.und C E N T E R T A B L E S . BUREAU!

D E S K S , HOOK C A S E S . Ami tin

. .. — , , ^

9 \UI-UI 'VNTP ' ' * ' ' i i "ipj %

loo k ing G 1 asses '


•S©f f l l g v l '-.rti,•.ihiatl.-iilioi, pai. l lolhiFbrniK-l, . Cof-

,m . l« . l l . i / , - . k.- ]>le„nstairtly.„1 | ,uiiil , of M.i-n.'iiiiy,- iieriy, Walniil , Pine, & c , ( fiitinlied ip

::::u:ir°if;^ol":" ;!irl! r!:eB,,,l'•"i,1,^



5 Y D R . J . A . N I C H O L S .




lt.ke asea.tin tlieOiicralioL' C | m j r , !U..I [will, 1111

•TOOIIIACUECUJl^I). acconlius 'To";^ hUeV, i!n°n'

T E E T H F I L L E D !

" F F I C E i i . L..wvi'[|... ,tvrr |> (;u,e l n l l ( | T ; 0 « | , .i*j( H. . lwj , .e 'Slo,^ from the T:r*l I.. 1 lie n S l , IceiT.Ii.of eve r « . , . o I i . ; , l n d t l , e r r * M . l l h r lime a iiv Office IU Copaulingen, oi-cr l i . A. Scovill'i

NEW MILLINERY GOODS. M RS! j : SWAN ^ „nw redeivbiR dailv fro,

New York, tho fjjirtest ami cheapest stoc -I Millinery.Oootis ever oflerett in Ibis eounly.

ronlniiis evetytliiii£\iFti;rlly Jrfpt in a. first-clns


nffi.li •11 them 20


l O O D S . n l t b e low est prices. Favors ..re-cordiallv solicited.

MBS, J . L. SWAN. Loivi'ille A|>ril 25.186(1.


JOODS,cr»iisisiiii<r in p; iria, Wrappers a.Kl^iav

»,Nec!< Ties. Stocks nnd Colla»s.

it ; ; D. A.' WITH & CVs.

f AW BLANKS. 3^'AW ' t t l ^,niU.N— . t - ^ l L n m , t , s i n . e n l • M. J . M C R R A Y .

Lowvlllc, Eeb.a^d.Slf in .

C L A R S ' S S Y R U P . Tbe loodand hah i lxV civilizp.l ii.ttn indnrn

a sreat majority an i.n|ftire coll^ili(ln ol the bb.o lliesotiire ul n a-Tiit vilriel v of: painful r'i.-eusf iviiicli.listuib the hnppiiiess of almost evpjv fai ilv in the land. A, mi e. safe nn,l n-reeal.le'.e.n

C L A R K . T R Y CI,A R k ' S S Y R U P , i.he'grenl blood Puii-

lier lirr Weeklies?, T / J Y C L A K K ' S S Y R U P , the Great Blood Pn

i ilfie.Jor Dyspepsia. TRV CLARK'S S.Y.R.-UP for any delicate fe-

T R Y CLARK'S . S V R U P for Scrofula'jftiun-.lice, &,.-... or tt'rv blood .di-sense.

CLARK'S S V R U P , in nil case8 of Se.rnal In-cajiariiv, or diseases cA tbe Spine and Kidneys, is

' ' C L U W S ' ' S V R U P changes the » bole rrtmli-lion -.ftbe blood.aiJ.l k i l l , the poison iibich feeds III.- fire of disease.

C L A R K E SYR i P i s nllVeeelahle nnd no min­eral, and Ittal is wl ai lite human bioorl needs'.

U/.A RK'S SYKHJP, for Sore Tliroai, is magi c n l . . . -

CLARK'.- S Y R U P for Weakly Delicate Fe-.Hales or S ick lv .P imv Children, is smrej

CLA/JJv'S .S'YIiUP is all Rools rod no Miner-•il.-*50n'ivill'be Eiven for an v Si-«iu lotmd.in i,. *

C / . A I i K S S Y R U P cures nay Weaknevs' in I'emalessor S.-r-.f'iilous (;iiild^n.'mnPi<7il|,v. .

CLARK'S S V l U J P . - T h i . s Yesemble Pfepira-lioi, i3 «orkin<r wonders all o i T r the world.^1. .! lor Liver. Wombs or St-roniila Complaihts, and Female >Veak«e»«es, General Debility, i r is per-lecilv masical, and ' in qua t bottler,"and is, like wine loilrink. F.u- salein \ H . . H I \ .wboleenle, bv V.Mc.CLUREanu A , C G R A N T L CO. , S ta le

For sale by JOHN P O I G , l.owville. 2yh

ffl^ r SATtuci^s^^iijAj

vmwm& nwm

t&ftttmmi* V HOOFLAND'S

^lUlc% G B B 4 T -"T*

S T A N D A R D R E M E D I E S -i^ through years ef trial. Unbounded aatlsbttloo

i* rendered by thtm in all casan

H O O P L A H S ' 8

GERMAN BITTER8 tivn Complaint, Dyapepaia,

: MBty. ntaaaaaa oftha Xidnaya. aad aU «Boases attting from adborderedlhrar.orvaak.

o irtu, M a m r n r *i

Saeanr AJmanacforproot Parol, "6centape?BoUIa.

nooflands BaLsamie Cordial I t t TCGtlTaLT eCU

Oaucha, Cold*, a Heaneatu , Bn Oiaap, PnMtnaaiia, taeipiaBt

»od hM perAratca tbo moat aitot>i*>&( corea'«T«r igaam

C O X V I R B t B D C O S « V | t r a » « . I



mmmmmtm, being w«U known tbro«shonk*o«j« and anrnrH, k0* a»jsaaH*Bdaatoa » — ' " - — — 'r-1- 1j tjijiTiWr' aff pr%and wtlh great axaebtso, sod ap«i aMkfcaoatii, -Mf: benarOatfaartfcratcantefi.ud. K~C**^i~L .IW. —dioi— *r . bRvanft »T T r g W i i S Z *

dranMaoJoMlMYamedicioa. e ^ t S e r ^ l h i i K

'{aftr**.*' CMa*-*B'b" ** *»**»• 4 - ^ j*--* T-r^- * 1 "•wiiiiiilinMi.jiJ

3% *«>?v-f«B5 r*- •==*---sssss.

*:' MMtal %.

mm^ ¥H^WIND d HORSES. ,

Thia pwpBration ia in clmn*u-^a«.%rlill :"ib> Arata, who feftd it to their) hora«» l # » o » Mir*e MMN.t ) l W * r nbotil a we^k nt a lime, which no ddablia UMICRUM of Ibnir r^narknblo#p«ed,nud

nfuilinfc. It was iutrodiicedjnlo E(iif(MUif

cored the recipe froin n'n Aitnbian fihitk at** , from whom fie purcha.ed o Horse, during his resi-i j„ ^ y r j a n n j which lie afterworda '

England nnd knoiyln n« tho DARLEY n n . n n J A R . l r d m whif.U sprlaiiir the larjreat most splendid horses ever known, li A-ill nc . ty prevent but elfectuully cJ re the above named

mpluiut ; ilolednsea ilia brmithinf! upparmus. .• reniokina- from lh<> nir cells the Ivmpy or se­

cretion, which in hfnvea <:, O*B llie.n, cftpaing a difReully ofbreiitbing by itsinclion on the dist-ns--A part, cauaesl lm innciini^a mrmbrnnco to re-

rculnlion ol the blood, an^ roslorcx die VCBBCU I heir natural size. Il uiny be used nt till limes wiib perfect safe

. . , and mav likcwisebe given lo Horned Calllc, as well a»horaea. I'ric.o L'S c t s .

CAUTION.—Every pncknpe 0^ (he Keni»'nf Darky ' s Arnbinn Heave Reinedv," benrs llie rilten aignotitre oT Hnrd & Co- "All other is

.•puriou?, and *l oiU'tlJ be avoided a« so much poi­son. Remember this. [) . W. H ' J R D

Sole Proprietor, 67 Maiden l.nne. New York. Forsala by John Doijr. I, RiclmrdFon. I . . .*:

vitle ; Jnines Peden, Mnninsbiirir ; Holdeii & Deycv, Tu r in ; Ruylnou &. AnglcCopcnljDuen.


:EA8f -NaW«n»»* M , S « r ^ n t , ( r f tbe irii <*fUr«J«»ii«" the County of Lewia, by

_ , „ , - . . . „ u p , „ . „ i u d e i i W ofMortgaire, bearing date ibe o r j J e « 1 f « r k , . I Z & T y t o v t k f o f ofAwmtt, . » tUouaft.^fight

3d d « t « l » d lufrflier t h e i r 1 i « ^ r W r t d a a d ^ y f i » ? . « o w o , u r e the W™»n°

il.. J-J ~ , , i - m l . n . l . I fijJg| pavmint to be made on t l » firak dav t» J w u « y WW* With taWreBt pn thet whole aura ftonf tfie8*'»U*of.AngU8t,l 55>«*d interest pavuole ahntwIW va aH anmimtip«id.i»«Og«K*Kl atwlcon

ito .a id Permelia J . Wunn. the ^remisea Iter daaerlibed. Said rijorlgage waagiveu to B pavment "Ofthe pnreliase money of the

r $ * [wtiry A*P, « • wifeinjrttie

Cotmiy %. I * w % ' ^ 1 >xet»terf»»^ f "" And iMlf <H» town oTjSf°°»ft|p"» n T~' 1 """•" i« i g u g B bearing date tliat d«J upon certain land. *ud real ert.te ailuale in the town of Monta-

, ^ " - _ . . J •...^n.i 'i.r de«eribed ana Ru* afortWiiald, horeinal>i

power of sale therein contained in the affice I . f the C le rk of the C o u n t y ofLt^i»,m LC her 8.. of Mortgagee , a t page 976 c , t h« '«Nh ^ y of M a ' i h , 1838 ; and vvherea- , t he -aid M o n g a g e . w a . duly ass igned and trana-fe r r edby t h e said J o h n N. F a i r b a n k s to U i n -w a n > S « l t . o k , o i i t h e 10th d a y of J a n u a r y I8t>9, v»lncii usa ignment vtis r e c o r d e d inse Ji l iewia C o u n t y Cleiftc'sOrHce on the 31s day

" • lti^W, in ¥H>ok U . of M o r t g a g e , ,ot

pngt 281); A n d ft-hereoa t h e said H i n m a n S e l l e c k )i

(ill the, o w n e r nqd holder of said Mor tgage , nil defaul t lifts been m a d e in t h e p a y m e n t ol he sum of one hundred B^venly-nine dol lars na t w e n t y - e i g h t c o n t s , ( f l 7 9 , %*-iU0) whic t^

i d a i >»<M'<

to be due ll ieroon at t h e dute of

therufo e notice is he reby g iven thiil npursu- ince of a power of salts c o n t a i n e d i

What Everybody Wnnts. ,


Simple Rcmrrties', Easily Obtained, for tin

Cure of Dis.-'ixe in all forms. '

Professor KENHY 8. TAYLOR, M, D.

ll Tell* You l lo t^ lo ntleud upon llie sick, an. bow ii.rook iorlllem ; lioiv to pre pare DiiuKs, Poulllices, & c , »ni how a, Cu.u : l i.jf,,;,,., inli-cti,,,

If Ttlh \<m Of Ibe various , ' i ,ea,es ol Cl.il

UTelU You • I h e s i m p l o n i K o f C , . . | . ,Chol, ,„ ' lulnmum.On f< , Dia,.l.uea, Ring-

/ / T,lh Yvu 'I he MM,,H„m, off MnlhnmK Cbole,

!:li,'a,l,r,'".kill'oeyH I b e l . ^ n e m e d i e ' s l .

// Tells You I lie - i iuploms ol



^ •ell* }

•ell> ,J



uti The IV. r Disl l-evi-


o'l C Wlii

earl, Il.nuoi i l iaSe, \V

V omuls, l!n,ken Hone

Sore- . While ' .Sue rs. Whitlow.-, l i , , i l s S H and Seiolubi.-e vnrions db-ea,:,.* ol W ildbirih and of.VlensIn e s . l i a i nnnes s , &,-..&

The work ia written in plain hmgnajre, frfc In-m medical terms, so aa lo be easily uinlersiood, while its simple recipes may soon si-.ve y aiLlna nv

nnd open tvpo; is illustra'le.l u'itb aplM-opd'ale ei'i-»raviuj;s, lind will be forwailleil lo yen, address, neallv bonml and postage pn,id, onreeeijit ol $1.

S22LiX!?^^ menta to'aIlVucb"are very liberal.

For single copies of (lie Rook, c r for terms lo aptents, with other information, tipplv to or nd-dies.s, Jt^llIN E. P O T T E R Pnblixhtr,

No. GI7 Sansom Street, Philadelphia. P„ .

What Everybody Wants,-



« Tells YOU How | o d , „ w ^ Partnersbip Pupers and ? » P R - * e n e i a l forms for A-p-cements ol all kinds, P.ill, of

IfaTel lsYou. Hoiv tomakr an AssiE,,mei


ft Tells Yon !''»

It Tells Yon W|,„i con-i-mtes L'-belan.l Slander

Dower, tlie"wife".s l!?al | t Vtivfa-pct-ly, Divoiceand Alimony.

I t Tells You Tin; Kaws for Meebaric' Lf'ins in every Slulc^ind tbe Naiui al'iz-i-lion .Laws, of Ibis cuumrv. nnd how lo comply will, llie same.

It-Tells YOU 'I lie La^scon.-ernini; Peisfonsand "" : bow lo ohii,i,i o re . and the I're-

l Empiion Laws to Public Lanes. ItTTellsYou The Laivs for Patents, v. ill, mode

I t Tells You

It Tells You The

Ta f Fc. your Will ,

Ad.nini.-turonan Estn

-, F.s 11la 1.1

t ial Powers of boil, jhc G?neial nxd Slate Goiernn-ents.

It Tells You How to keep out of Law.hv show-iii-lmiv to do your business l e -pnl lv . lhusM '

proper by its timely coiiKiilini^n.

Single copien yy ill be sent bv maiLpostace'^nid. to Every- Farmer, Fverv Mecbanic, Every Man ol llnsinc.-^ and Everybody in line State, oli receipt of $1 Oll.oriii ln.v'stjleofutitdine forfl 25.

E ^ " $l,0M a Y'ear'canbe made by enlerprisin* men evtry where, in selling the obovb" work, ns utir indncpinents aie very liberal.

For single copies of the Hook, nr for term* Ni Agents, wilh oilier inloi nialiou, apply to o r a d d r e ^ I JOHN E. POTTER, Publisher.

No..GI7 Sansom Si., Philadelphia, P„ ,

€lear the Ttack!

THE €ARs"ARE~CdB*t\G!!


Mr. H. KAfiR would)inform the inlubilants «»r Uiis place and vicinity, thai J»e is dealing nt 1* > uno-Forter, and has, and intends to keep ou ha n I - good au«ortmeiit of

First-Olass Instruments, Airmiu: which will be tound Bonrdinnn, Crav .

; f . ° l A l b 8 I »y . ind Chickennp'g of Boston. ' All thewe who wish to purchase, wiU do well 1 ,

all ami aee for ihen.selves, before purchaeinV ilsewhere. i V 1

tSf Room in O'DonnelTs Block, aeeond ftodi,' Come one'eome all, apd give me a eall . PianoaiTiwed by Hermon Rahne's and Miwfu.

tion guaranteed.

L o w i H e , April 10th, i860. ' H V K A ^ R '

Wall Paper. , ^ ^ k 2 ^ f t ^ L v e r r " * e a ^ ' * * of entire-

SrKajpasfi «sjaa»w 'SSKsS?^* "^ff^Slftw?- *™C

aid Mor i j uge an<) of the S ta tu i and p r o v i d e d , tbe |)

jaid Mi ribed

or tgage , d by said ll tha t t rac t or p j r e e l of land sil iWn of Montague aforesaid , in , , . 3 , C o u n t y o r L e w i , and Sta; o rk , k n o w n a n d descr ibed as j)i o. 15, and bounded as fal low*, to w r t ; Ke­nn ing on the Sou th l ine o| HJid L->tj.i a

:,int V* c l « . 53 Iks ftom t he 8 . E. co rne r , f .e . . r , r u n s , t h e n c e N . 2 d e g . E. 25 chs ience N. 8 / J deg. \V. !() e.bs , t h e n c e S . ile" \V '<!•") chs . to t h e 3 . l ine of said Lot ,

f begin .

; Ijpgiil J f o t f e

descrilfedin aa'tJ mortgage f-uhat; ntial^J

1 the All that tract or parcel of luwl aituMe Town of Levdin. in lhe Courfy of Lewis and Stale 61 New York, being a p a r t o l Col Number ninety-eiabt(9B) in [rinian'a Tr iangle ,and bounded «u^ described a* fojllows. to wit : ' -

Beginning at lha uorth west corner of said lot No. ninely eight (98), thence south twenty sever and oneJialt degrees east thirty lour (-J4) chain) to the south west comer of said lot ; thence norll s ix ivtwo and one half degrees east along tin south lino of said Lot No OS thirty seven < huins-(37) to ibe soulh west corner of filty acres of land conveyed by Jghnson olid Je: se Tulcotl to Duniel Kent, theiice iiorlbcrly along the west line of ibe si.id flflv acresioflanJ thirty four (34) chains ami Gjt> (SO.-) links to tbe north line of said lot. lhenco sou lit suelv two di grees west along saWline Uni­ty scveu-(:l7l chains and forty eight (48) links to the place of beginning, conlaining one hundred twenty seven and fifty four hundredths 1127,5-1) acres of land, (surveyed by E. Spencer August 14,

, Jfe^i1 *0»W* fer's Sarsaparij •A- ^"3K1*114 r«medy. in which, w/


^ j ^ * . f t 5 , ? ^ . ? * " ^ altera;;" ^extract * other M

•*> w«rasto,


b e ^ d e . • ' I t is a concentrated eltrr«»»~" B^saparil l . , f o copbined wi^ 3 J . W

«f stall greater\alterative r«u,.. . . *'

V !e>

e J O c l i u i u s to tl in^np Iti-enty-fiv,

Mmtr PI), wa

nflb-r , k P.




i n

tb the

27ib .1 LiberP

v of A up of Morlg ee J8I>5, iiMJo'cl

011 piifiesu(i7, ike. -And whereas, defiih.1t has been made i

incut of tbe money secured lobe pan Mortgage, ond there is claimed 10 he me said Mortgage, including both prir

ill be ...Id 1


und. 11

M a r t i n s b u r g h ,e fifth day of

Ju ly nex t , nt In o 'c lock , in the forent ib.-i tdjy. Dated at Mi i r l i n sbu rgb , Api 186'1. U l t N M A N S E I . L I C K , ^si-ij

A n a . I M m u . M s s , sltfy.

i a J»


Jounty Jiiclgo of h e wis Co icreby sriveii to all person- I l i n s t - C i l b e r t Brui t ianl , deer i l . iwu u f L o y d e n , t ha t they present l h - s u m * , wi th the v. t i i t h e A d m i n i s t r a t o r , .L.tnei , d w e l l i n g b o u s e . , . Ley den .' Isl-dnv of J u n e . L-GO. |). ,led Nov L'Oih, IS.".! 1.

J A.MIiri B K A I N A K D , Ad

RY R A R N E S . A . h



y Jonulban W. Smith and

Aw is Couirlv Clerk's Oil Edds, p-ige-17 &.<:

* The Irrepressible Conflict! WM . L . i lAUCOCK is bound that ibe C

flitfl tor hi-li prices shall be irrepressi aild isoflerin^tiis stock of

" IfliWifl, tef Farming Implements, Stoves,

and Tin-Ware.

The Celebrated Deer Cas-t &

Steel Plows. ,

F)ier's Patent Churns,

Peckham's Improved Dairy


Milk-Paus, Churns, Cul t iva tor -Teeth . Axes, ^fliovel--. Fishe's Hoes,

.Wash Tubs, Tails, Pipe-Skt-ins. Garriage-

Tri in mini's, • .\;»ils, Table. & Pofc' e: Cut t ler j , Whips,

Gn'i;ri-Stones'; Cistern & Chain. Pupips, -'Lea(1-Pipe,

STOVE TRIMMINGS, Common and: Russia -Stove-Pipe, Zinc,

Door ri'J,imn>ingslo'f all kinds. „ l=^Aho, Planes, B.oafl-Ases, Boring Machines, H^nd, 'Cross Cut, and Mill

m \£L-Wr f&, Files, and all/kinds, of Carpenters Tools. In fact a Farmer and Mechanic can find anything and everything they may want.


.COOK I T O V I i ; Was never more -oninlefe thao now; among which may be found the Jollow (ng rirst class Stoves:

Governor, Centurin; Wander­

er,' Hunter, Northern Light,

Superior, Oneida, St. Nicholas^

or To Win, and Conquest.

AJf oi" which are warranted to giv,e 'if ttjp satisfaction. ;

iN. R -SVVF.K'NEV ivill . .hvays he found in the

nand n e lm .-of 11

ind LyUn. ilortgnge,

cure tbeti Moiiiyn/c, ,vthe ten and 1-wiK rinds mid

A. Surgenl, bis heamiR dale ll id eight hunilre lounl Hpccificd as tlic-sunir. be

ved to the said

, ! '"orairfaiats ^

reputed » care. It is lwhcved!h»^ -edy is iranted *y thtm who « S f f f t % motw emaplamts, and that one whieh^Jl cximplish tften- cure must pro>-c of,-" ** 1 vice to this large, class if our a'fflin'!!,l8e "I dttons. How completely this r„T,ed ^H do it has boea proven by CKnerim™f0ilnH of the worst caies to b e ^ f o o W S \ Z A complaints: • • eibllo^

ScEOFtJI.^. AND ScROrULOttS ?nv^ E K C P T I O X S AND E R V I ' T I V E B t « A

C E H » , • P I M P L E S , BLOTCUES T ASES> R H E U M , B C A L D H E A D , S T r a , ^ 5 ! ! ^ ^ WTic A W E C T H W S , MERccnuL n 8 1 ^ J J R O P S Y , N E U R A L G I A OR T10 l u 'Uls*m D E B I L I T T , D T B P K P S I A J.^, I ^ 0 C E E " E R Y S I P E L A S , R O S E , OR S T ^-fi if •tit*(' •and indeed the whole eUs.< oTeotn.x.^8 hl


This compound v.-iil bs f0

motcr of bialtli , when talien in pel the foul Immcn-9 which fet'-that season of the rem- iu- , 1 ' " , • ' " ' , L l , * h l Eion of them many mnklin- (fi--01 ^ *VM i n t h o b u U , Multitudes t-a°n U- •' a r e n i n i , i * rernedy, spnro l!iernse!i-fi froVt' foul eruptions and nk-eraus nJ-W the system wi'I strive K),.; ,] ' ; . ' » .. if-not agis ted to 'do fef^^^K^ channels of tlio body by an uhura-'-- ° ru,,Jlt 1 Clcunsc out .tliy find its iinpuritic pimplet, c-rujitioi

a of lifn' llll. S.,o;

"+J>y" s . n m U U .

. A . P H •. S. BA'

TERM'S.^ lo papers-"

I, extept



s o f it, ]>oi-;l

se mnny pic

i\onb.J7 ue;;. \Ve«l, to tbe place ol 'brj;inniii£ eon-tainifig Eleven and fo.tv five (11. 15:100) bund-r i l ihsacrcsof bin ' .be the same mo'e orless.

bv Asa Francis and liar ui'eot Deed, dated May M i tbeClc rk ' sOl l JceofLtwi . i, at 101 o'clock. A. M.,in I

il narff-.l,

will »t 1

( | A |


>e sold e law Ibe Co

nt If oh r iUth .

t publi office 0 intv of lock A' I860.




ion nrd


. MUNN, y, L

„ A

be higher Brown, in 30 dav oi

t d a v . '

Mo ow •ille.N. Y.

M O R T G A G E S A L E . I V I I E R E A S - N a t h a n i e l M. Sa rgen t , of t h e W Town of Leyden, in ihe County of Lewi^nnd Lydia A. Sargent, his wife, by a certain indenture of-MoriKtige. beoring dale tbe fifth day ol' Janna-iv, 18^7, to secure tbe payment lo "Permelia J. Alunn, ofthe same place, of five hundred dollars,, yvitb.'Uteieat theron as follow£>viz : —Three years after the date of said morlgaga, with onnnaHnter-est thereon, mortgaged and coureyed to said.Per­melia J . Munii, tbe premises hereinafter, ond in said mortgage described subslantially as follows, viz:—All that t rod or parcel of land, situate fn die town #f Leyden in the county of Lewis and State of A'eiv York, being a p a r t of lot number ninety eight (98) in Inman's Triangle, and bound­ed und described as follows to iv t :

Beginning at the north [west corner ol said lot No. Ninety eight (98) thence-south tiventy seyen and one hall'degrees east thirty fourcbi ins 10 tbe soulh west corner of said lo t - thence north sixty

of said lot No. 93, thirty "seventt(37jB cbafus" to tbe ^on tb west corner of 611 v acres ol land couveyed by Johnson and Jesse Talcolt to Daniel Kent ; ihence uorlherly along the yvest line ol'said lifty acre* of land thirty tour chains {'M) andliltv (5U) links io the North hoe ol said lo t , thence "south surly lyvo degress we*t along said line lliiitv sev­en (37) chains and forty eight (48) links "laihe, place ol beginning, conuiuing.one Hundred tyveuly seven jgid hlty tour liuudredlhs (127,511 acres ot land, assu ivryed by L. Syiencer, August 14, l«:-5,

U'bi'jb said inorlgage willi ihe power of sale Iheieincomaiiied. was duly recorded in the Lewis County Clerk's Office on the l-Uli day of January

'clock . M., 11 pages 348, &c. No proceedings at biw

olle^t the amount secuif J any pun ihereol ; 1 lit ue on suid mortgage am l",i?$u'i:{,b\=>, including p And wheieasulso ih'c

^ o t a u d L y d i a A . S a i g e

: been instituted '

lid Nalhu

pied by Josepl

'il deg. east

• Ugh' :fnd Conducl

A l-'arjnei-.^id Me.

oek^t. Pui ,,,, e-I will do any Lind do{

.."no p.'t-v, ' T ! , i me before*pur


W ^ f c a w * Ibrge StoeV of H

Try ! T r y ^

IW* Kind Header, don't Let tffls opportani

K. COLLINS KELLOGG, is again in NcHv York, RU V|lNG' CUEAP. , ffld i'BBii ' -*

!> lerks office o l l .e

•Vliich last named 11 beJ.eivisCouniv C March, -liJ58.ul 9 oh

i s o f t h c

ick A. M ,

thcsl have 1, c

often no cuniti bitter and pait the use of the which flood the justly d-spi.^1 with inipo.iiti(>; comjiound Sa; such a reitfedy load of oWo-iii think we Kayo tnes which are •the diseases it secure their co tern, the rctncl cording to dire

) IVaa.h M, licit-, if:

•u pro;.ci-ti( fill (li.^ppo

ni-trke! tu Ulirl li.n and chca

^apai-ilht, 51 :s shall res.

which r e ground for rres^stihle- \ s intended

mpiete era - should 1.. t-ons,on th


*:y*ZW Tra

» R . J . ' C . A V E R & CO., 4 L U ' I V E }, L, i t A >S.

P r i c e , S I p e r Eioltlo ; Six Bottlco

Aycr's Cherry Pectoral j has v, n for it

•ery variety of Throat and l.i-.\-' Com.ii tha t it is cntixely nnnecessjii-yjor ri-tom-o the evidence of its virtues, when-vet- it has I.-employe!.• As it has l o n i been i;i ennftan; throughout this section, we need not do m than assure the people its quality is kept up the bes t ' i t ever lias betn, and that itraayl),? lied on to do for their relief all it has ever b found to do: ""•'

Ayer's Cathartic P: TOR Ti

Cosft'twiess, JauAdice, Dyspepsia, Lulir/iia, Dysentery, Foul Stomach, Krysiiitlis, Hesddcia, Piles, Rheumatism, Bntptioits and .S'i- ;i Dmsm, Liver Complaint, Dropsy, Tr/in; I'lvtm cd Salt Bheum, Worms, Gout, Keural^a.tuttJ^ ner Pill, and for Purifying, the Blood. *•• They are sttgar-coated, so that the most -EM-tij-e can talsc them pleasantly, and VM? are lis bes* aperient in the world 'for all tho purpoa of tt family p ' iysic. '<

Price 25 cents per Box; Five Boxes for SLO0-

Great numbers of Clergymen," PbvslciuH; Statesmen, and eminent personages, ^ J " * ] their names to certify the unparalWrf tise*" ness of these remedies, bu t our space>»«' not permit the insertion of them. Tl«ft?, below named furnish grat is o u r AMERICAS £. H A N A C in which they ai-o gl\-?n; with ffaf* descriptions of .th» above comphM«B>i( ' rreatment that shoulcl be followed for theitr

Do not be puV off lay unprincipaled d( with, other preparations they m a t e r on. Demand I Y E R ' S , - a n d take no 01 sickTvant the best aid tliGTSjs.for them, ii they should ha\-e it.

remedies* are for sale-by

F u r S a l e ' by \TvlJp

Ricbardsfm, L. iwvrj l r . U»-.rs5

,tlay v iberefore bv virtue of powers

<n contained and therewith recorded, force the sa 1 of sale therf and ptirsiiunl 10 tbe H . „ „ . . . -^„„ 1 U B t r , l u

provided, notice is hereby givenilntsafd moi|o-a<re

will be foreclosed and die premises 1 herein res'pe'e described und above set.lorth. wii) tie sold

.(publicauction to the highest bidder m the bu itjice 01 I'.dward A. llrown, in L»wville in th

County ofi^ivis on thcS.'Xh day of June next at [1 -'-• ' ' A . M . Oaied April <(lh.ia60.

P E H M E L I A J . MUNN,Mortgagee. K D « > A. Bn«


DUNBAR &) COWLES, Proprietors.

, __ Mortaage Snip. r | E F A U I . T having been made in (he pay.nen<

I *-r. , ol a certain sum of, money secured* io b. paid by n ceriam indenture of Mnrlgaeo bearing dnic December 31sl, 1S53, made execute-! and rle^ liVeted by Jolin, A, Palmer, nnd Lucieiin blu

• wile, of the town of West Pun,,, Conniv of Lew

^n::*c^:ft,^^fTtn!'c±^-! Stale aforesaid ofthe second- part, to secure the payinem of-ibree hundred dol lars to be p»i,l ns e "" "'"' " ' ' ' rest 011 Ibe whole sum is

the first MVO vears, and "" ' ' ' tbe


•d easy agec.-The otU patrons cordial ivtlcome s will always find here

II 1> COWL' S. [21n,31

A "ed*£ T1;:'S s 9 rB ^ i | T i g ? ' W . i . .

-e hereby rewiBiredio pay ftte a< .icconnL . . - , „ . . „ . , „ vn* heumrer«^B<.dw«horttde»»»L *&. all rmrsons

hav.np c. | t l i t t t e ag , . in« t ^ aaid Williams, wj» , , r B

* to ino»r>iy stores in Turin.

, WALf«i?h.nftTfcR, -

D-««IM.y 30,l,ffiiSnee6,"n,M- WH;«»--

which w

foil. tube paid nnnuajlv, I then one hundred d

eau lliree,years to be paid a.ii - ' * « » * « w a r duly recorded ,„ m e

. — . . . ol the Clerk ol Ibe Countv of Lewia on ih» 3011, day Mav, 1860, a, , o'clJck P , M?. h,°B«ok U.orMortgflges,' page 404, on which said mort­gage there is thuu ied to he due on (be first puWi-cation of ibis nni.ee. ihe sum ol $300, n B d no'legal proceedings eiihp-1.1 law or equityi ba»inF£beei 4i»tnoted to col%ci the said monev. or any n n , lliereofc.Biroed lo be dne, noth-e is lierehv give.

Sp^'^sflB^^ ^^•^sftfcsiaaft'-8^

GEO. wTc i iASB. jggjrfil , y 3 I ^ f H g f ^ * " .



t r t e d by leaving

. — , -—."^ .= hereby given ihat by v.rti |0 o l . t b e p o w e r o f 8ftle in suid.mort-? . . « contanjfd and of j(w> S f a t , l ( e in such ense ,made « B | p r o » « e d , t h « feUowfag .lesc ribed p r e , „ ! i s e s towi t : AP dial certain pieceTor parce> of uH> hei» f par t ol.Lo> N. «», h, township1^ C 4 t o ' ! o West 'I urn, MortMid and' bo,,„Jed a' f„i|«w " viz : r tunnmg Nj 37 deg.'3(1 m. E 14 ..I,. r,, ._ !i ' S. W , cwner of the lot lor a b e e f n m ^ „ " i" " , e

tbepce W.37 0 1 ^ l . aJ fdegN! 14 H s fl»V^'ln,n3

N t ! i r " / « v e n V M a b a f f 1 W E . 7 c i , S i l ' P T c e n t r e d the eol( , lhenc« . i o l n ^ | , ^ " • ^ 7 1 . • < * , ? ' : e

?0if ,0 ....east iW *^ u , & * T s a b :

tiBBOti^&^tt. PLlSITbi\TipTR i*«^«to*wranii n , . •' ' ^ I { i r i E R . 1 C < » u o t y J«dg# «f Lenta


,shaU u continue tx) occupy tltt bidw


position they/now hold amongwj greai[ remedies of the day,i.d*0 will bdntinue to spare neither tjfl I iK>r e^^ehse in procuring the Bj&j md • Purest material, and c iM pounki them in the most. thoro»#;| *a^er . ;'• Address all orders to

•'•-' HilHM Mffifc, Pittstot*M^ i l a i PhjmictMM ordetiaiT ft«a C"^ Braft.Wfll do waft to write ft*lt« « O « * » « M but Dr. ITlMtu'*, P*m

- ^MvaKPn. To tJuwawfrg" 1 WtU forward par ia^-l, P«tf* • ' " • - •" o»evfc«*fm»4lwa

one »W 4f Venalgj

m*Rrfoic;i, r;

««• one vial tf > anaiig

| d i n g Bo? ' a s t se

)ifte it les


- V l ^ V l t P U G B J

LIVER; PILLS. •\X)TE beg leave1 tp'ca.ll the atteir I

tion of the Trade, apd m I -especially the Physicians 'of tbl .country, to two of the"most pff ular remedies now before the pi^l lie. W e refer to

Br. C!mj. 3TLanefs .Celrbiratfd

Vermifuge, and Liver-PttsM W e do not' recominend thenvasf

universal Cure-alls; but simply fo?| what their name purports, viz.:

THE VERMIFUGE,, For expelling Worms from tk4 human system. It has also beaj administered with the most satis- % factory results to various Animals j subject to Worms.



preparatory to, or after taking Qui-1 nine, they almost invariably make I a speedy and permanent cure. I

As specifics for the above-m*! tioned diseases, they are UnrivaU I and .never known to fail when ad* I ministered in accordance with-the I directions. f

Tjheir unprecedented popularly I Lhas induced the proprietors,


PITTSBURGH PA. to dispose of their Drug business,] in wiiich they have been success- j folly engaged for the last Twentf.] Years, and they will now give their j undivided time and attention tol their manufacture. A nd being fc j termined that Dr. M'Lane^ fie^j brat^d Vermifuge and Liver P ^ j

..•r^mdir i< n-.t wb rH'.-lei'fi-.i:

L- to Uie I member 1 re seen 1>

•o nearly' t louks'm l-.K-^ed: chill air'

tTeiit' on a edih- chat fl t<- a k re mspira tilude tt.'. ow 45 rM

and ibe 1

• Miin i-ee.

•k, I nit it •uslvifcav e ana Ca

ie Stat •••ukeJ :

m . i i w a .

- thi-ee-1 .• h e a r t ' :

I th ick w i '

J s I slMl

ve J [ e t ! i l f- che r i s )

g b t(1 gO

v t o o

kliey mel |titude, w into the 1

oirit t indistin

1 their cot -lie's gr

[ h a b o f . il! not -

inible and the. b

;ional viev. |ly aiul vi

* A pile ib ranees. were bro1

(last moiT and

ore, a met two let!

1 the E: enue E-.

fry, to tr Itc import

One I other

A' my lipn ofdi

«d a t r ; - sufeJ

itpt to B not M 1? H ;

|ady on 1 antj --..

| le of j -jourse, ;


'im m^%;:^