Page 1 of 4 भारत सरकार अंतरविभाग अंतरउपयोग क (इसरो) आंबािाडी वितार पी.ओ. अहमदाबाद – 380 015 (भारत) दूरभाषः +91-79-2691 3051/98 फै स नं. : +91-79-2691 5835/02/48 Government of India Department of Space SPACE APPLICATIONS CENTRE (ISRO) Ambawadi Vistar P.O. Ahmedabad – 380 015 (INDIA) Telephone: +91-79 – 2691 3051/98 Fax No.: +91-79 – 2691 5835 / 02 /48 Email: [email protected] Date: 11-05-2017 निविदा चिा सं.: सैक / पीट/ 06 / 2017-18 Tender Notice No.: SAC / PT / 06/ 2017-18 भारत के रारपतके लिए और उनकी ओर से ि. धान, एिं भंडार, अंतरउपयोग , अहमदाबाद तननलिखित के लिए मोहरबंद तनविदाएं आमंित करते : For and on behalf of the President of India, Sr. Head, Purchase & Stores, Space Applications Centre, Ahmedabad invites sealed tenders for the followings: . सं . Sr.No निविदा ि. Tender No. संित वििरण Brief Description नियत नतथि (अपराि 3 बजे तक) Due on (Up to 3 pm) 1 AHDI 201600317501 Providing Reception & House Keeping Services for 2 years at SAC & Bopal Campus Guest Houses (Pre-Bid on 17/05/2017;1030 hours at Reception Building No. 30D, SAC Campus) 07/06/2017 2 AHAD 201600310201 Providing Catering Services at SAC & Bopal Guest Houses at Ahmedabad for a Period of Two Years (Pre-Bid on 18/05/2017;1030 hours at VIP Dining Hall, Main Canteen, SAC Campus) 07/06/2017

निविदा सूचिा संसक पीटी / 06 · Relations (P&PR), SAC/ Authorized Focal Person from P&PR. 3.2 The activities for manning the front office shall

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Page 1: निविदा सूचिा संसक पीटी / 06 · Relations (P&PR), SAC/ Authorized Focal Person from P&PR. 3.2 The activities for manning the front office shall

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भारत सरकार

अंतररक्ष विभाग

अतंररक्ष उपयोग कें द्र(इसरो) आंबािाडी विस्तार पी.ओ.

अहमदाबाद – 380 015 (भारत) दरूभाषः +91-79-2691 3051/98

फैक्स नं. : +91-79-2691 5835/02/48

Government of India

Department of Space


Ambawadi Vistar P.O.

Ahmedabad – 380 015 (INDIA)

Telephone: +91-79 – 2691 3051/98

Fax No.: +91-79 – 2691 5835 / 02 /48

Email: [email protected]

Date: 11-05-2017

निविदा सूचिा सं.: सैक / पीटी / 06 / 2017-18 Tender Notice No.: SAC / PT / 06/ 2017-18

भारत के राष्ट्रपतत के लिए और उनकी ओर से िरर. प्रधान, क्रय एि ंभडंार, अतंररक्ष उपयोग कें द्र, अहमदाबाद तनम्नलिखित के लिए मोहरबदं तनविदाएं आमतं्रित करत ेहैं:

For and on behalf of the President of India, Sr. Head, Purchase & Stores, Space Applications Centre, Ahmedabad invites sealed tenders for the followings:

क्र. स.ं


निविदा ि.ं

Tender No.

सकं्षिप्त वििरण

Brief Description

नियत नतथि

(अपराह्ि 3 बज ेतक)

Due on (Up to 3


1 AHDI 201600317501

Providing Reception & House Keeping Services for 2 years at SAC & Bopal Campus Guest Houses (Pre-Bid on 17/05/2017;1030 hours at Reception Building No. 30D, SAC Campus)


2 AHAD 201600310201

Providing Catering Services at SAC & Bopal Guest Houses at Ahmedabad for a Period of Two Years (Pre-Bid on 18/05/2017;1030 hours at VIP Dining Hall, Main Canteen, SAC Campus)


Page 2: निविदा सूचिा संसक पीटी / 06 · Relations (P&PR), SAC/ Authorized Focal Person from P&PR. 3.2 The activities for manning the front office shall

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तनविदा दस्तािेज क्रय प्रभाग, सकै से प्राप्त ककए जा सकत ेहैं तथा ये इसरो की िेबसाइट www.isro.gov.in और सकै की िेबसाइट www.sac.gov.in पर भी उपिब्ध हैं। इच्छुक तनविदाकार इस ेिेबसाइट से डाउनिोड कर सकत ेहैं तथा अपने प्रस्ताि `.545.00 प्रत्येक (रेिांककत डडमांड ड्राफ्ट के रूप में) के तनविदा शलु्क के साथ प्रस्ततु करें। अपना प्रस्ताि प्रस्ततु करत ेसमय लिफाफे के ऊपरी भाग पर तनविदा स.ं तथा तनयत ततथथ लििें।

यदद दस्तािेज डाक द्िारा मगंाए जा रहे हैं तो तनम्न बातों को नोट करें:

1. तनविदा दस्तािेज मगंाने के लिए भेज ेजा रहे तनिेदन पि पर तनविदा सचूना सखं्या तथा तनविदा सखं्या दोनों लििी जाए ंतथा तनविदा शलु्क ` 545.00 प्रत्येक (ककसी भी राष्ट्रीयकृत बैंक द्िारा जारी रेिाकंकत डडमांड ड्राफ्ट के रूप में) के साथ माि क्रय एि ंभडंार अथधकारी, अतंररक्ष उपयोग कें द्र, अहमदाबाद- 380

015 को भेजा जाए।

2. जजस लिफाफे में इस प्रकार का तनिेदन भेजा जा रहा हो उसके ऊपरी भाग पर "तनविदा दस्तािेजों के लिए अनरुोध" लििा जाए। प्रत्येक तनविदा दस्तािेज के लिए अिग तनिेदन पि एि ंअिग डडमाण्ड ड्राफ्ट भेजा जाए।

3. तनविदा शलु्क (अप्रततदेय) का भगुतान रेिाकंकत डडमाण्ड ड्राफ्ट (माि एमआईसीआर डीडी) के रूप में ककया जाए जो अहमदाबाद में देय हो तथा िह माि िेिा अथधकारी, सकै अहमदाबाद-380 015 के नाम पर लिया जाए।

4. डडमाण्ड ड्राफ्ट के पीछे विके्रता का नाम एि ंतनविदा सखं्या दजज होनी चादहए।

5. तनयत ततथथ बढाए जाने के तनिदेन पर कोई विचार नहीं ककया जाएगा।

6. डाक द्िारा तनविदा दस्तािेज की त्रबक्री तनयत ततथथ से 10 ददन पिूज बदं कर दी जाएगी।

7. यदद विके्रता व्यजक्तगत रूप से आकर तनविदा दस्तािेज प्राप्त करना चाहत ेहैं, तो िे तनयत ततथथ से एक ददन पिूज तक क्रय प्रभाग (त्रबजल्डगं न.ं 30-ए, कमरा न.ं 57) में ककसी भी कायज ददिस पर 1400 से 1600 बज ेके बीच सपंकज करें।

8. मोहरबदं प्रस्ताि प्राजप्त की समय सीमा प्रत्येक तनविदा के सामने तनददजष्ट्ट तनयत ततथथ को 1500 बज ेतक रहेगी।

9. अतंतम समय सीमा से पिूज प्राप्त बोलियााँ उपजस्थतत तनविदाकारों/उनके द्िारा प्राथधकृत प्रतततनथधयों की उपजस्थतत में उसी ददन 1530 बज ेिोिी जाएंगी।

10. ऊपर तनददजष्ट्ट ततथथ को यदद छुट्टी घोवषत की जाती है तो सकै का अगिा कायज ददिस तनविदाओ ंकी प्राजप्त एि ंिोिने के लिए तनयत ततथथ माना जाएगा।

Page 3: निविदा सूचिा संसक पीटी / 06 · Relations (P&PR), SAC/ Authorized Focal Person from P&PR. 3.2 The activities for manning the front office shall

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11. वििबं/देरी से प्राप्त प्रस्ताि स्िीकृत नहीं ककए जाएंगे।

12. जजन पादटजयों ने समय से बोिी जमा कराई है तथा तनविदा िोिने में भाग िेना चाहत ेहैं, िे अपने प्राथधकृत प्रतततनथध का नाम उस विलशष्ट्ट तनविदा में उजल्िखित तनधाजररत ततथथ से एक ददन पिूज सथूचत कर दें। वििबं से/अतंतम क्षणों में प्राप्त प्रिेश हेत ुअनरुोध पर विचार नहीं ककया जाएगा।

13. तनम्नलिखित िगज के तनविदादाता को तनविदा के साथ ईएमडी में छूट के लिए उथचत दस्तािेजी साक्ष्य प्रस्ततु करने पर ईएमडी के भगुतान से छूट दी जाती है )यदद िाग ूहो( :

सकै में अथधकृत विके्रता के रूप में पहिे से पजंीकृत/पेनािीकृत विके्रता| भारतीय प्रतततनथध को शालमि न करत ेहुए सीधे प्रस्ताि प्रस्ततु करने िािे विदेशी विके्रता कें द्रीय पीएसय/ूएईपी तथा स्िायत तनकाय

सकू्ष्म एि ंिघ ुउद्यम िादी एि ंग्रामोद्योग आयोग

राष्ट्रीय िघ ुउद्योग तनगम

भारत सरकार के आदेशानसुार ईएमडी के भगुतान से विशषे रूप से छूट प्राप्त कोई अन्य स्थापना

14. तनविदा मलू्यांकन प्रकक्रया के दौरान अपनी तनविदा को िापस िेने िािे विके्रताओ ंकी ईएमडी जब्त कर िी जाएगी। विफि विके्रताओं की ईएमडी तनविदा अिाडज करने के बाद, तनविदा अिाडज करने के 30 ददनों के अदंर ब्याज के त्रबना ईएमडी िौटा दी जाएगी।

Tender documents can be bought from the Purchase Division, SAC and are also available on ISRO

website www.isro.gov.in and SAC website www.sac.gov.in. Interested tenderers may download the

same from the website and submit their offer along with tender fee of ` 545.00 each (In the form of

Crossed Demand Draft). While submitting your offer superscribe Tender No., and due date on the

envelope. Govt. dept., PSUs (both Central & State) and Units registered with NSIC/MSME/KVIC are

exempted from Tender fees, subject to submission of supporting documents.

If the documents are requisitioned by post, the following points shall be noted:

1. Request letter shall be sent for requisitioning tender documents indicating tender notice number

and tender number together with tender fee ` 545.00 each (In the form of Crossed Demand Draft issued by any Nationalized Bank) to the Purchase and Stores Officer, Space Applications Centre, Ahmedabad - 380 015 only.

2. The Envelope containing such request shall be super-scribed with “Request for Tender Documents”. Separate request letter and separate Demand Draft shall be sent for each tender document.

3. The tender fees (non-refundable) shall be paid in the form of CROSSED DEMAND DRAFT (MICR

DD ONLY) payable at AHMEDABAD in favour of The ACCOUNTS OFFICER, SAC, Ahmedabad - 380 015 only.

4. Vendor name and tender number shall be indicated on the reverse side of the Demand Draft.

Page 4: निविदा सूचिा संसक पीटी / 06 · Relations (P&PR), SAC/ Authorized Focal Person from P&PR. 3.2 The activities for manning the front office shall

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5. No request for extension of the due date will be considered.

6. The sale of the tender documents through POST shall be closed 10 days prior to due date.

7. In case vendors desire to collect the tender document in person, they may contact Purchase Division (Bldg. No. 30-A, Room No. 57) on any working day between 1400 to 1600 hrs up to one day before the due date.

8. Deadline for the receipt of the sealed offers shall be up to 1500 hrs on the due date mentioned

against individual tender.

9. Bids received before the deadline shall be opened in the presence of attending tenderers/their authorized representatives on the same day at 1530 hrs.

10. In the event any date indicated above is declared as holiday, the next working day at SAC shall be

considered as the due date for receiving & opening of tenders.

11. Late/Delayed offers will not be accepted. 12. Parties, who have submitted bids in time and want to participate in tender opening, may inform

their authorized representative’s name one day in advance of the due date indicated against the particular tender. Delayed requests / requests for entry at eleventh hour will not be entertained.

13. The following categories of bidders shall be exempt from paying EMD subject to submission of appropriate documentary evidence with the bid in support thereof (if applicable): Vendors already registered/empanelled with SAC as authorized vendors. Overseas bidders submitting offers directly without involving an Indian Representative. Central PSUs/PSEs and autonomous bodies Micro and Small Enterprises Khadi and Village Industries Commission National Small Industries Corporation Any other establishments specifically exempted from paying EMD by an order of the

Government of India.

14. The EMD of bidders who withdraw their bid during the tender evaluation process shall be forfeited. EMD of unsuccessful bidders shall be refunded without interest after the tender has been awarded, within 30 days of the award of the tender.

Page 5: निविदा सूचिा संसक पीटी / 06 · Relations (P&PR), SAC/ Authorized Focal Person from P&PR. 3.2 The activities for manning the front office shall

भारत सरकार

अंतररक्ष विभाग

अतंररक्ष उपयोग कें द्र(इसरो) आंबािाडी विस्तार पी.ओ.

अहमदाबाद – 380 015 (भारत) दरूभाषः +91-79-2691 3051/98

फैक्स नं. : +91-79-2691 5835/02/48

Government of India

Department of Space


Ambawadi Vistar P.O.

Ahmedabad – 380 015 (INDIA)

Telephone : +91-79 – 2691 3051/98

Fax No. : +91-79 – 2691 5835 / 02 /48

Email: [email protected]

निविदा सूचिा सं.: सैक/पीटी /06/2017-18 Tender Notice No.: SAC/PT/06/2017-18

क्र. स.ं


निविदा ि.ं

Tender No.

सकं्षिप्त वििरण

Brief Description

नियत नतथि

(अपराह्ि 3 बजे तक)

Due on (Up to 3 pm)

1 AHDI 201600317501

Providing Reception & House Keeping Services for 2 years at SAC & Bopal Campus Guest Houses (Pre-Bid on 17/05/2017;1030 hours at Reception Building No. 30D, SAC Campus)


Page 6: निविदा सूचिा संसक पीटी / 06 · Relations (P&PR), SAC/ Authorized Focal Person from P&PR. 3.2 The activities for manning the front office shall
Page 7: निविदा सूचिा संसक पीटी / 06 · Relations (P&PR), SAC/ Authorized Focal Person from P&PR. 3.2 The activities for manning the front office shall
Page 8: निविदा सूचिा संसक पीटी / 06 · Relations (P&PR), SAC/ Authorized Focal Person from P&PR. 3.2 The activities for manning the front office shall

SAC Guest House (Main Campus & Bopal Campus) Page 1







1.1 SAC Guest House, Ahmedabad is situated at Jodhpur Tekra, Satellite Road, Ahmedabad provides accommodation arrangement primarily for ISRO/DOS Officials as well as officials from other Central Govt. Departments. SAC Guest House comprises of well-furnished 30 rooms (Including 6 executive suits).

1.2 SAC, Bopal Campus Guest House, Ahmedabad is situated at Bopal, Near Delhi Public School (DPS), Ahmedabad provides accommodation arrangement primarily for ISRO/DOS Officials as well as officials from other Central Govt. Departments. SAC-Bopal Guest House comprises of well-furnished 72 rooms (Including 4 executive suits).

SAC, Ahmedabad is looking for a qualified and a well-established Service Provider who has the potential to manage the SAC Guest House at SAC, Campus and SAC-Bopal Campus.

2.0 SCOPE OF WORK 2.1 The scope of work to be carried out under the Service Contract is essentially

maintenance and smooth running of both SAC Guest Houses (SAC Campus and Bopal Campus) round the clock by engaging suitable personnel and shall include: A Manning of Front office by Supervision B House Keeping services by positioning suitable personnel and C Keeping relevant updated inventories, records, reports etc.

3.0 Manning of Front Office by Supervision:

3.1 Manning of Front Office by the well-educated (preferably fluent in English,

Hindi & Gujarati) well-mannered and trained Supervisory level personnel on round the clock basis or as directed by Head, Publications and Public Relations (P&PR), SAC/ Authorized Focal Person from P&PR.

3.2 The activities for manning the front office shall include: * Receiving notification of arrivals of guests from P&PR

* Making the rooms ready for occupation by guests by changing linen such as bed sheets, bed covers, pillow covers, towels etc.

* Servicing and maintaining of guest rooms including toilets and attached kitchen wherever applicable.

* Welcoming the guests, taking to respective room and making their stay comfortable.

Page 9: निविदा सूचिा संसक पीटी / 06 · Relations (P&PR), SAC/ Authorized Focal Person from P&PR. 3.2 The activities for manning the front office shall

SAC Guest House (Main Campus & Bopal Campus) Page 2

* Preparation of bills and collection of room tariff charges from the guests and remitting the same with endorsement of Authorized Focal Person of P&PR, SAC on the same day with proper accounting entries in the registers. (The Room tariff charges shall be as decided by SAC authorities and the revision of room tariff charges if any will be provided by Authorised Focal Person of P&PR). Further it should be ensured by the reception desk that Catering charges are paid by the guest before checking-out the Guest house.

* Preparing, maintaining and submitting Room Occupancy Report & other requisite records as directed by Head, P&PR, SAC, Ahmedabad..

* Attending the room calls of inmates/guests and to provide wake-up calls at the appropriate time, if any, requested by the guests.

* Daily cleaning of all rooms and common areas of the property (i.e. entrance, terrace, passages etc.).

* Maintenance of the Check-in and Check-out register on daily basis.

3.3 Providing round the clock counter service/room service to the inmates and guests at both Guest Houses.

4.0 Housekeeping Services:

4.1 The Successful service contractor shall be fully responsible for the Housekeeping Services at both SAC Guest Houses (SAC Campus and SAC-Bopal Campus), Ahmedabad.

4.2 Regular maintenance and cleaning as under:

Daily cleaning of all rooms, toilets/bath rooms and attached kitchen wherever applicable.

Daily cleaning of all common areas like lounges, entrance, doors, windows, glass panels, stair cases, office rooms, common toilets, corridors, passages, terrace and parking area of Guest house etc.

Changing of bed sheets and pillow covers in all rooms irrespective of the occupancy.

Removal of Cobwebs and settled dusts on all places above floor, once in a week and as and when needed.

Cleaning of rooms and getting the same ready after check-out. Providing a small toilet soap in all the rooms on every check-in basis. Providing toilet kit of good quality to all occupants (kit contains one piece

each of soap cake, shampoo sachet, oil sachet, comb, razer, tooth paste, tooth brush). [quote the same as optional]

Providing Detergent sachet to all occupants for washing the cloths in Washing Machine. [quote the same as optional]

Providing support to guest for operating washing machine, as and when required.

Providing Mosquito refilling in all the Occupied rooms. Spraying air-fresheners in all the common areas, rooms and also as and

when required. The cleaning should be made using high quality cleaning materials, such as; 1) Colin Spray, 2). Naphthalene Balls, 3) Odonil, 4) Liquid Washing Soap,

5) Brushes, 6) Brooms & Dust Pans, 7) Sponge/Cotton Wool, 8) Glass/Table/Floor Dusters, 9) Sanitary cleaning agents, 10) Min Cream,

Page 10: निविदा सूचिा संसक पीटी / 06 · Relations (P&PR), SAC/ Authorized Focal Person from P&PR. 3.2 The activities for manning the front office shall

SAC Guest House (Main Campus & Bopal Campus) Page 3

11) Brasso & Silvo Cream, 12) Mansion Polish, 13) Dettol & Disinfectants, 14) Scrubbers, 15) Hit Spray, 16) Harpic /Phenyl, 17) Mops (Dry & Wet), 18) Steel Wool, 19) Floor cleaning agents of Diversy lever like R2/R7 etc. 20) Refilling of Tissue papers in toilets. 21) Air-fresheners 22) Mosquito Refilling.

4.3 Changing of linen, pillow covers, towels in all the occupied rooms daily or as and when occupancy changes. Changing of bed covers and blankets will be on need basis. While linens, towels, pillow cover, bed covers, blankets etc. will be provided by SAC, the responsibility of laundry will rest with the contractor.

4.4 To ensure proper working of ACs, Water Geysers, water coolers, RO plants, TV set, Set-Top box (ensuring validity), Washing Machines, Tea-Kettle, shoe shiner, Iron & its folding table and other requirements at both SAC Guest Houses (SAC Campus and Bopal Campus). In case of any fault/defect, the same need to be repaired/ rectified through the Authorized Focal Person by calling concerned maintenance Engineer or In-Charge, CMG. If not rectified within the stipulated time the same need to be brought in the notice of Head, P&PR, SAC.

4.5 Thorough cleaning of all floors, closets, washbasins, sinks, Guest house premises including parking area etc. of the guest house, attached-kitchen, toilets, bathrooms using high quality cleaning materials, dusting of all furniture/ fittings of the said area, cleaning of attached kitchen of the hostel room every day.

4.6 Providing sachet of milk powder, tea/coffee and sugar cube/sugar free. [quote the same as optional]

4.7 Maintain high standard of cleanliness with standard cleaning agents and in hygienic condition. The staff deployed should be medically fit and free from diseases. The employees deployed by contractor should produce a medical fitness certificate from the Govt. Doctor/Dispensary/Hospital and Police verification report from concerned Police station.

4.8 Attendance should be maintaining preferably by Computer Access System or Card Punching System or at least Manual Attendance Register by the contractor for the staff deployed and the same to be duly certified by Authorised Focal Person from P&PR, SAC on daily basis before submitting the bill.

4.9 Maintenance of stock records of items, materials, equipment etc. provided by SAC and submitting the records as and when required by the Authorised Focal Person of P&PR.


5.1 Nationality: The Service Provider shall employ Indian National above the age of 18 years only. Head, P & PR reserves the right to expel any labours of the Service Provider without assigning any reason thereof.

Contractor is required to depute minimum of following man power along with defining their scope of work.

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Name of post


Essential Qualifications SAC GH

Bopal GH

Manager 01 Graduate and having good experience in the similar field (Preferably Diploma in Hotel management)

Supervisor 01 02 Graduate having good experience in the similar field

Reception Clerk 01 02 - Do -

House Keeping Persons 04 08 Should possess good experience in the similar field

5.2 Additional personnel if required shall be deployed by the Contractor at his own


5.3 Contractor should provide proper Uniform and photo ID card to all the staff deployed and should also ensure that staff are in neat & clean uniform with displaying I-card on person while on duty.

5.4 Contractor should pay the salary not less than the minimum wages as fixed by

Labour Commissioner to their staff and revised as and when applicable. 5.5 Manpower deputed by the Service Contractor shall have no claims/ right in the

regular employment in SAC/ISRO/DOS, Ahmedabad.


The Service Tenderer shall submit the Quotation in Two Parts:– Part-1 (Technical and Commercial), Part-2 (Price Bid) as per the format in the Tender Document.

7.0 PERIOD OF CONTRACT WORK 7.1 Duration of the Contract: The contract initially will be for a period of two

years (unless it is curtailed or terminated by SAC, owing to deficiency of service, sub-standard quality of workforce deployed, breach of contract, reduction of cessation of the job requirements with 30 (Thirty) days notice.)

7.2 The Contract shall be extended on the same terms and conditions for a further

a period of maximum one year, if found satisfactory.

7.3 The Tenderer should be experienced in having undertaken at least one similar contract in the past five years and capable of managing the Housekeeping activities of a single establishment with minimum of 50 rooms with housekeeping facility. The Tendere’s office should be located in or around 50 km radius of Ahmedabad. The Tenderer shall provide all local contact information like address, landline, Mobile, FAX Nos, name of contact person(s), etc. In case there is no such office in or around 50 km radius of Ahmedabad, Tenderer shall submit an undertaking along with their offer to the effect that they will establish such an office within three months of release of Service

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Contract. Failing which, Service Contract will be cancelled and Security Deposit shall be forfeited.

7.4 The successful Tenderer shall not be allowed to transfer, assign, pledge or

sub-contract its rights and liabilities under the contract to any other agency without the prior written consent of SAC.

7.5 The Tenderer should have the yearly turnover of Rupees twenty-five lakhs or

more and should submit the report of every financial year to SAC. 7.6 The Tenderer is required to enclose photocopies of the following documents

along with the Quotations failing which their bids shall be summarily /out rightly rejected and will not be considered any further:

(a) Copy of Registration Certificate; (b) Copy of PAN Card; (c) Copy of the last 03 years IT Return filed by Tenderer; (d) Copy of Service Tax Registration Certificate; (e) Copy of P.F. Registration Certificate; (f) Copy of E.S.I. Registration Certificate; (g) Certified document in support of financial turnover of the Tenderer; (h) Statement of Bank A/c in the name of Tenderer; (i) Details of agreement(s) made by Tenderer for the last 5 (five) years with

proof of their service receivers, for providing similar services; (j) Undertaking to be furnished by the Tenderer that he/she/they have no legal

suit/criminal case pending against him/her/them or its proprietor or any of its Directors or having not been earlier convicted on grounds of moral turpitude or for violation of laws in force. The Tenderer shall comply with the statutory rules connected with Contract Labour [Registration and Abolition Act] 1970, and Central Rules 1971, Employees Provident Fund Act, Employees State Insurance Act, Minimum Wages Act, Payment of Wages Act, Workmen’s Compensation Act and shall submit necessary registration documents whenever called for. The Tenderer shall be bound by the details furnished by him/her to SAC authorities while submitting the tender or at subsequent stage. In case, any of such documents furnished by him/her is found to be false at any stage, it would be deemed to be a breach of terms of contract making him/her liable for legal action besides termination of the contract.

8.0 General Terms & Conditions: - 8.1 The Tenderer should have minimum five years of similar type of experience in

managing housekeeping/catering for minimum 50 rooms in reputed organization/institution. Proof should be attached along with the offer. The Tenderer should have registered and full-fledged office in Ahmedabad having telephone, fax, e-mail facility, etc.

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8.2 The Successful Contractor shall deploy well-educated, experienced personnel having basic knowledge of English and preferably Hindi & Gujarati also for carrying out the job.

8.3 Supervisors should be made available round the clock for taking instructions

from the Authorised Focal Person and to oversee the day-to-day operations. 8.4 All persons deployed to work should attend to the duty in proper neat & clean

uniform (as prescribed by the Purchaser) displaying Photo-ID and the staff deployed will be courteous and well behaved.

8.5 The Successful Contractor shall get the police verification of the personnel

deployed for duty inside the campus. 8.6 The Successful Contractor shall be responsible for any theft, pilferage or

misbehavior by any of his employees engaged for carrying out the work. The contractor shall be responsible for maintaining the stock of the linen and all other items. A stock register of all the items shall be maintained and shall submit the same to the Authorised Focal Person of P&PR every month before submitting the bill.

8.7 The Successful Contractor shall deploy sincere people for the up-keep of the guesthouse.

8.8 Purchaser shall bear no responsibility, what-so-ever for the damages/injuries

sustained by the contractor’s men during operation of the contract and the contractor shall make his own arrangements for Insurance of his men deputed for the works.

8.9 The Successful Contractor should be registered under ESI Act, (ii) should be

registered under Service Tax registration (iii) should have license issued by Labour Commissioner (iv) should have registered under Provident Fund Act and attach necessary documents along with the offer.

8.10 The Successful Contractor shall comply with the statutory rules connected

with Food Control Act, labour Registration and Abolition, Employees Provident Fund, Employees State Insurance, Minimum Wages Act, duly considering the future revisions during contract period, payment of Wages Act, Workmen’s Compensation Act and contractors all risk policy (CAR policy) and shall attach necessary registration documents along with the offer.

8.11 Furniture & Fixture, Bathroom/Toilet Hardware, Electronics Appliances like

ACs, TVs, Set-Top Boxes, Washing Machines, Water Geysers, Water Coolers, RO Plants, Electrical kettles, Fans, Tube light, lamps, linen, mattresses, door mates, flip-flops and other items like electricity and water supply will be provided by the Purchaser, free of cost for smooth running of guest houses. It shall be the duty of the contractor to maintain/upkeep proper working of all items. Contractor should maintain an Inventory Register and submit the same to Head, P&PR on monthly basis. In case of damage/lost/pilferage of any item above listed, inform the same to Head, P&PR immediately in writing. The Inventory Register should be verifiable at

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any given time. Any shortage found during the verification would have to be replaced by the contractor with an item of similar quality; otherwise, the cost of the items will be deducted/recovered from the Bills.

8.12 Purchaser reserves the right to ask the contractor to remove any of its

employees from service if, in the opinion of Head P&PR, they have been found to be indulged in any activity/behaving which is against the letter and spirit of the contractor.

8.13 The Successful Contractor shall maintain Attendance Register, and a copy of the same shall be submitted along with bills while calming monthly payment.

8.14 The Successful Contractor will be responsible for compliance of all statutory provisions relating to Minimum Wages, Provident Fund, and Employees State Insurance etc. in respect of the workforce deployed at SAC.

8.15 The Successful Contractor should have the yearly turnover of Rupees twenty-five lakhs or more and should submit the report of every financial year for the last three years to SAC. The Contractor should preferably have ISO Certification.

8.16 The Successful Contractor shall maintain all statutory registers under the

applicable Law. The successful contractor shall produce the same, on demand, to the Authorised Focal Person or any other authority under Law.

8.17 In case, the Successful Contractor fails to comply with any statutory/taxation liability under appropriate law, and as a result thereof, if SAC is put to any loss/obligation, monetary or otherwise, SAC will be entitled to get itself reimbursed out of the outstanding bills, to the extent of the loss or obligations in monetary items.

8.18 The successful Contractor shall be solely responsible for the redressal of grievances/resolution of disputes relating to workforce deployed. SAC shall, in no way, be responsible for settlement of such issues whatsoever.

8.19 SAC shall not be responsible for any damages, losses, claims, financial or other injury to any person deployed by successful Contractor in the course of their performing the functions/duties, or for payment towards any compensation.

8.20 Any other terms & conditions or clause not covered in this document shall be in accordance with the concerned Labour and other statutory rules/acts.

8.21 Parallel/ Adhoc Contract: Purchaser reserves the right to enter into parallel/

adhoc contract(s) with one or more parties during the currency of this contract for availing same or similar service.

8.22 Purchaser reserves the right to appointing any other Service Provider for services referred to in the above contract to meet an emergency. Purchaser’s decision shall be final in this matter.

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8.23 Termination: Purchaser reserves the right to terminate the contract without assigning any reason by giving a prior notice of 30 days.

8.24 If, in the opinion of the Sr. Head, Purchase & Stores, SAC, Ahmedabad (whose decision shall be final and binding on the service provider.) the service provider fails at any time to render the services under this contract satisfactory, he may his option get the work done by other parties at the service provider’s risk and cost. Any extra expenditure involved in this regard shall be recoverable from the service contractor.

8.25 The Successful Contractor, while submitting the offer, shall submit all necessary documentary proof in support of their claim. In case if SAC reserves the right to reject the said including black listing of the bidder/ Service provider.

8.26 Earnest Money Deposit:

The Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) OF Rs.2,85,000/- (Rupees two Lakhs Eighty Five Thousand Only), refundable (without interest), should be necessarily accompanied with the Technical Bid in the form of Demand Draft / Pay Order/ Banker’s Cheque drawn in favour of Accounts Officer, SAC failing which the tender shall be rejected summarily. The DD/PO/BC towards EMD shall be enclosed along with Technical Bid. In case, if it is enclosed with Price Bid, the offer will not be considered.

The EMD in respect of the agencies which do not qualify the Technical Bid

(First Stage)/Financial Bid (Second competitive stage) shall be returned to them without any interest. However, the EMD in respect of the successful tenderer shall be adjusted towards the Performance Security Deposit.

8.27 The conditional bids shall not be considered and will be out rightly rejected in

very first instance. 8.28 Focal Point: Head, P & PR (079 2691 3402) or his Authorized Focal Person

shall be the contact person for all matters relating to this service contract.

8.29 Security Deposit:

An amount equivalent to 10% of the Annual Contract Value shall be remitted by the service provider through Account payable D.D./ Fixed Deposit (FDR) favour of Account Officer, SAC as Security Deposit towards the successful completion of the Contract. The conditional bids shall not be considered and will be out rightly rejected.


Payment will be made on monthly basis before 7th of every month against submission of bill duly certified by the Manager/Contract–in-charge and approved by Head P&PR, SAC at the end of every month. Bills in triplicate shall be forwarded to the “Senior Accounts Officer, SAC Ambawadi Vistar P.O. Ahmedabad – 380 015” for arranging payment.

The Successful Contractor has to submit proof along with his claim every month (from second month onwards) for the following.

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1) Wages disbursed to his employees in previous month.

2) Provident fund remittance & ESI remittance. Proof for the no. of personnel

deployed for a particular month.

The amount indicated in Purchase Order will only be paid after calculation on monthly basis for the period of two years of service contract. The Service contractor should ensure that they are paying the minimum wages to the labours engaged as per prevailing rates prescribed by Govt. of India time to time. Service tax, if applicable shall be paid extra against documentary evidence.

Income Tax as applicable will be deducted or recovered at source on monthly basis from the payment mode to the service provider as per Income Tax Act. Certificate of deduction at source shall be issued by the Accounts Officer, SAC.

8.31 Arbitration in case of difference of opinion:

Any difference of opinions or disputes that arise during the execution of contract will be mutually discussed and settled between Sr Head, Purchase & Stores and Successful Contractor.

Any disputes of difference of opinion the remains unresolved thereafter will be referred to arbitration by single Arbitrator appointed by Director, SAC, Ahmedabad. The arbitration shall be conducted in accordance with Indian Arbitration & Conciliation Act, 1996 as amended or any other act in effect at the time. Decision of the arbitrator shall be final and binding on both the parties.

8.32 Jurisdiction:

Indian law shall apply to the provisions of this order & jurisdiction shall be with the courts of Ahmedabad only.

8.33 One copy of this RFP may be singed and submitted along with quotation

conforming acceptance of all terms & conditions of RFP.

8.34 Rate Schedule:

Sr. No.

Particular / Details Amount (in Rs.) Per Month in figure &


(1) Providing Reception & Housekeeping services of SAC & Bopal Campus Guest Houses, Ahmedabad. As per terms & conditions stipulated in the work.

(2) Service Tax as applicable

8.35 Annexure – A, B, C & D are to be submitted along with quotation.

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Annexure - A


1 Name & Full postal address of the Service Provider: (including Phone No, Mobile No, Fax No. and email ID)

2 Status of the firm : Proprietor/Partnership/ Pvt. Ltd./ Public Ltd-Co/Joint Venture

3 Name of the Proprietor/ Partner/ Director

4 Year of Establishment

5 Nature of Business undertaken

6 Annual Turnover of the firm for the last 3 years

7 Name of your Bankers

8 Number of labourers under the Company’s rolls

9 Details of works presently undertaken

10 Details of their clientele (list to be attached along in the copies of work order / contract)

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SAC Guest House (Main Campus & Bopal Campus) Page 11

Annexure - B

Compliance Statement

No. Particulars Yes/ No

1 Copy of registration certificate of the firm/Company

2 Copy of PAN Card

3 Copy of Income Tax Returns for the last 03 financial years

4 Copy of Service Tax Registration

5 Copy of E.P.F Registration

6 Copy of E.S.I. Registration

7 Copy of Bank Account Details of the Tenderer

8 Copy of License issued by Labour Commissioner

9 Details of similar work carried out in the past

10 Undertaking the agency/company/firm is having no legal

suit/criminal case pending against them or its proprietor or any of

its Directors or having not been earlier convicted on grounds of

moral turpitude or for violation of laws in force.

11 Signed declaration (As per the format given in the Tender


Note: In order to evaluate the offers, all the above conditions will have to be fulfilled by the

Tenderers failing which the offers will be summarily rejected. Such of those

tenderers/agency/company/firm does not have earlier similar experience in these

services will not be consider and summarily rejected.

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SAC Guest House (Main Campus & Bopal Campus) Page 12

Annexure - C


(On letter head of Agency/Firm of the Tenderer)

1. I/We have carefully read and understood all the terms and conditions of the tender for

providing Catering Services and undertake to abide by them.

2. I/We also agree to abide by all the statutory requirements as prevailing from time to time.

3. I/We will also agree to bring in the required good quality of raw food material.

4. I/We hereby undertake that our company/firm do not have any legal suit/criminal case

either pending against me/us/proprietor or any of our Directors ( in case of company) or

being contemplated and have not been earlier convicted on the grounds of moral

turpitude or for violation of laws in force.

5. The information/documents furnished along with the above application are true and

authentic to the best of my knowledge and belief. I/We, am/

6. are aware of the fact that furnishing of any false information/fabricated document would

lead to rejection of my/our tender at any stage besides liabilities towards prosecution

under appropriate law.

Signature of authorized Signatory

Date: ________________ Full Name: _____________________ Place: ________________ Seal:

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Annexure - D


Sl. No. Particulars/ Details

Amount (in Rs.)Per Months in Figure &



Providing Reception and Housekeeping Services at SAC Campus Guest House, Ahmedabad.

As per terms & conditions stipulated in tender


Any additional charges if any



In figure & words

Note: In case of any dispute, the amount in words will only be considered.

Signature of authorized Signatory Date: ______________ Full Name: _______________________ Place: ______________ Seal:

Page 21: निविदा सूचिा संसक पीटी / 06 · Relations (P&PR), SAC/ Authorized Focal Person from P&PR. 3.2 The activities for manning the front office shall


We are proposing to invite Tenders in Two Parts Viz. Part I Technical and Commercial & Part II Price.

All Tenderers are requested to follow carefully the following instructions before preparing their offer.


Part – (a) Technical

i. This part should contain detailed specifications of the items quoted by you along with Technical literature and leaflets if any.

ii. A compliance statement showing the compliance of the item quoted by you with that of item tendered by us should be prepared and enclosed to this.

iii. Any other information called for in the tender related technical and specifications can also come in this part.

iv. Prices should not be indicated in this cover.

Part – (b) Commercial terms: (WITHOUT PRICES)

i. The commercial terms applicable for the item quoted by you should be indicated in this part.

ii. If any compliance statement is called for the commercial terms / contractual terms and conditions, the same is to be attached in this part.

iii. Prices should not be indicated in this part. However, a copy of the price bid (without prices) can be enclosed in this part to enable to understand whether all the items required to be quoted by you have been quoted in the price bid. Alternatively, a statement is to be made indicating that you have quoted prices for all the items as per the tender and enclosed in the Price Bid as per the format.

iv. The Commercial terms such as delivery terms, delivery period, payment terms, Warranty, validity of the offer, installation & commissioning, duties and taxes etc., shall come into this.

Note: 1. Either Technical Specifications or terms & conditions as above should be very clearly

reflected item-wise with reference to the items called for in the tender.

2. Please note that the PRICE SHOULD NOT BE indicated in this part.

3. Technical and Commercial part as described above shall be prepared and put it in a

sealed cover & super scribed and addressed as follows:


The Sr. Head Purchase & Stores

Space Applications Centre Ambawadi Vistar P.O. Ahmedabad – 380 015


Page 22: निविदा सूचिा संसक पीटी / 06 · Relations (P&PR), SAC/ Authorized Focal Person from P&PR. 3.2 The activities for manning the front office shall


i. The prices applicable for the items, item-wise in response to the tender shall come

into this part. ii. Tenderer shall indicate very clearly item-wise prices with reference to their

technical offer. iii. Price part prepared as above shall be enveloped and superscribed as follows:

III The Technical & Commercial envelope (Part I) and Price cover (Part II) prepared as

above along with ‘Tender fee cover’ (if applicable) should be inserted in another envelope and superscribed as follows:

Important Note: Being a Two-Part Tender, fax quotations will not be accepted. Please ensure your offers are received by mail before due date and time. In case you are going to download the documents from our website and submitting the offer, you are requested to submit the DD towards Tender fee in a separate cover along with a covering letter duly superscribing on the cover “Tender fee in respect of File No. __________________”. Quotations submitted contrary to above instructions are liable to be rejected.

Tender No. : Due Date : PART II : PRICE BID

The Sr. Head Purchase & Stores Space Applications Centre

Ambawadi Vistar P.O. Ahmedabad – 380 015


Tender No. : Due Date : PART I & PART II ARE INDIVIDUALLY SEALED AND KEPT INSIDE: (DD towards Tender fee also is kept inside)

The Sr. Head Purchase & Stores Space Applications Centre

Ambawadi Vistar P.O. Ahmedabad – 380 015


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1. Tenders should be sent in sealed envelopes super scribing the relevant tender No, and

the due date of opening. Only one tender should be sent in each envelope. Unsigned bids shall be rejected.

2. Late tenders and delayed tenders will not be considered. Unsigned bids shall be rejected. 3. Tender fee & bid security (EMD) exemption for MSME. 4. Sales Tax and/or other duties/levies legally leviable and intended to be claimed should be

distinctly shown separately in the tender. 5. As a Government of India Department, this office is exempted from payment of Octroi

and similar local levies. Tenderers shall ensure that necessary Exemption Certificates are obtained by them from the Purchase Officer concerned to avoid any payment of such levies.

6. a) Your quotation should be valid for at least 120 days from the date of opening of the tender. b) Prices are required to be quoted according to the units indicated in the annexed tender form. When quotations are given in terms of units other than those specified in the tender form, relationship between the two sets of units must be furnished.

7. Preference will be given to those tenders offering supplies from ready stocks and on the basis of FOR destination/delivery at site.

8. (a) All available technical literature, catalogues and other data in support of the specifications and details of the items should be furnished along with the offer. (b) Samples, if called for, should be submitted free of all charges by the tenderer and the Purchaser shall not be responsible for any loss or damage thereof due to any reason whatsoever. In the event of non-acceptance of tender, the tenderer will have to remove the samples at his own expense. (c) Approximate net and gross weight of the items offered shall be indicated in your offer. If dimensional details are available the same should also be indicated in your offer. (d) Specifications: Stores offered should strictly confirm to our specifications. Deviations, if any, should be clearly indicated by the tenderer in his quotation. The tenderer should also indicate the Make/Type number of the stores offered and provide catalogues, technical literature and samples, wherever necessary, along with the quotations. Test Certificates, wherever necessary, should be forwarded along with supplies. Wherever options have been called for in our specifications, the tenderer should address all such options. Wherever specifically mentioned by us, the tenderer could suggest changes to specifications with appropriate response for the same.

9. The Purchaser shall be under no obligation to accept the lowest or any tender and reserves the right of acceptance of the whole or any part of the tender or portions of the quantity offered and the tenderers shall supply the same at the rates quoted.

10. Corrections, if any, must be attested. All amounts shall be indicated both in words as well as in figures. Where there is difference between amount quoted in words and figures, amount quoted in words shall prevail.

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11. The tenderer should supply along with his tender, the name of his bankers as well as the latest Income-Tax clearance certificate duly countersigned by the Income-Tax Officer of the Circle concerned under the seal of his office, if required by the Purchaser.

12. The Purchaser reserves the right to place order on the successful tenderer for additional quantity up to 25% of the quantity offered by them at the rates quoted.

13. The authority of the person signing the tender, if called for, should be produced. 14. We are exempted from the payment of Central Excise & Custom Duties vide notifications

issued by Govt. of India. 15. In case, the vendors are falling under the category of MSME, registered under NSIC and

would like to avail exemptions, their quotations should be accompanied with necessary registration certificate with declaration to consider their offer. Quotation received without such declaration and valid registration certificate will not be considered for exemptions under Public Procurement Policy.

16. No request for extension for due date for submission of tenders will be entertained.


(a) The term ‘Purchaser’ shall mean the President of India or his successors or assigns. (b) The term ‘Contractor’ shall mean, the person, firm or company with whom or with which

the order for the supply of stores is placed and shall be deemed to include the Contractor's successors, representative, heirs, executors and administrators unless excluded by the Contract.

c) The term ‘Stores’ shall mean what the Contractor agrees to supply under the Contract as specified in the Purchase Order including erection of plants & machinery and subsequent testing, should such a condition is included in the Purchase Order.

d) The term ‘Purchase Order’ shall mean the communication signed on behalf of the Purchaser by an Officer duly authorised intimating the acceptance on behalf of the Purchaser on the terms and conditions mentioned or referred to in the said communication accepting the tender or offer of the Contractor for supply of stores or plant, machinery or equipment or part thereof.


Tender offering firm prices will be preferred. Where a price variation clause is insisted upon by a tenderer, quotation with a reasonable ceiling should be submitted. Such offers should invariably be supported by the base price taken into account at the time of tendering and also the formula for any such variation/s.


On acceptance of the tender, the Contractor shall, at the option of the Purchaser and within the period specified by him, deposit with him, in cash or in any other form as the Purchaser may determine, security deposit not exceeding ten percent of the value of the Contract as the Purchaser shall specify. If the Contractor is called upon by the Purchaser to deposit, ‘Security’ and the Contractor fails to provide the security within the period specified, such failure shall constitute a breach of the Contract, and the Purchaser shall be entitled to make other arrangements for the re-purchase of the stores Contracted at the risk of the Contractor in terms of Sub-Clause (ii) and (iii) of clause 10(b) hereof and/or to recover from the Contractor, damages arising from such cancellation.

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4. GUARANTEE & REPLACEMENT: (a) The Contractor shall guarantee that the stores supplied shall comply fully with the

specifications laid down, for material, workmanship and performance. (b) For a period of twelve months after the acceptance of the stores, if any defects are

discovered therein or any defects therein found to have developed under proper use, arising from faulty stores design or workmanship, the Contractor shall remedy such defects at his own cost provided he is called upon to do so within a period of 14 months from the date of acceptance thereof by the Purchaser who shall state in writing in what respect the stores or any part thereof are faulty.

(c) If, in the opinion of the Purchaser, it becomes necessary to replace or renew any defective stores such replacement or renewal shall be made by the Contractor free of all costs to the Purchaser, provided the notice informing the Contractor of the defect is given by the Purchaser in this regard within the said period of 14 months from the date of acceptance thereof.

(d) Should the Contractor fail to rectify the defects, the Purchaser shall have the right to reject or repair or replace at the cost of the Contractor the whole or any portion of the defective stores.

(e) The decision of the Purchaser notwithstanding any prior approval or acceptance or inspection thereof on behalf of the Purchaser, as to whether or not the stores supplied by the Contractor are defective or any defect has developed within the said period of 12 months or as to whether the nature of the defects requires renewal or replacement, shall be final, conclusive and binding on the Contractor.

(f) To fulfil guarantee conditions outlined in clause 4 (a) to (e) above, the Contractor shall, at the option of the Purchaser, furnish a Bank Guarantee (as prescribed by the Purchaser) from a Bank approved by the Purchaser for an amount equivalent to 10% of the value of the Contract along with first shipment documents. On the performance and completion of the Contract in all respects, the Bank Guarantee will be returned to the Contractor without any interest.

(g) All the replacement stores shall also be guaranteed for a period of 12 months from the date of arrival of the stores at Purchaser's site.

(h) Even while the 12 months guarantee applies to all stores, in case where a greater period is called for by our specifications then such a specification shall apply in such cases the period of 14 months referred to in para 4 (b) & (c) shall be the ‘asked for’ guarantee period plus two months.


The Contractor will be held responsible for the stores being sufficiently and properly packed for transport by rail, road, sea or air to withstand transit hazards and ensure safe arrival at the destination. The packing and marking of packages shall be done by and at the expense of the Contractor. The Purchaser will not pay separately for transit insurance, all risks in transit being exclusively of the Contractor and the Purchaser shall pay only for such stores as are actually received in good condition in accordance with the Contract.

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6. DESPATCH: The Contractor is responsible for obtaining a clear receipt from the Transport Authorities specifying the goods despatched. The consignment should be despatched with clear Railway Receipt/Lorry Receipt. If sent in any other mode, it shall be at the risk of the Contractor. Purchaser will take no responsibility for short deliveries or wrong supply of goods when the same are booked on 'said to contain' basis. Purchaser shall pay for only such stores as are actually received by them in accordance with the Contract.

7. TEST CERTIFICATE: Wherever required, test certificates should be sent along with the despatch documents.

8. ACCEPTANCE OF STORES: (a) The stores shall be tendered by the Contractor for inspection at such places as may be

specified by the Purchaser at the Contractor's own risk, expense and cost. (b) It is expressly agreed that the acceptance of the stores Contracted for, is subject to final

approval by the Purchaser, whose decision shall be final. (c) If, in the opinion of the Purchaser, all or any of the stores do not meet the performance or

quality requirements specified in the Purchase Order, they may be either rejected or accepted at a price to be fixed by the Purchaser and his decision as to rejection and the prices to be fixed shall be final and binding on the Contractor.

(d) If the whole or any parts of the stores supplied are rejected in accordance with Clause No. 8 (c) above, the Purchaser shall be at liberty, with or without notice to the Contractor, to purchase in the open market at the expense of the Contractor stores meeting the necessary performance and quality Contracted for in place of those rejected, provided that either the purchase, or the agreement to purchase, from another supplier is made within six months from the date of rejection of the stores as aforesaid.

9. REJECTED STORES: Rejected stores will remain at destination at the Contractor's risk and responsibility. If instructions for their disposal are not received from the Contractor within a period of 14 days from the date of receipt of the advice of rejection, the Purchaser or his representative has, at his discretion, the right to scrap or sell or consign the rejected stores to Contractor's address at the Contractor's entire risk and expense, freight being payable by the Contractor at actuals.

10. DELIVERY: (a) The time for and the date of delivery of the stores stipulated in the Purchase Order shall be

deemed to be the essence of the Contract and delivery must be completed on or before the specified dates.

(b) Should the Contractor fail to deliver the stores or any consignment thereof within the period prescribed for such delivery, the Purchaser shall be entitled at his option either: (i) to recover from the Contractor as agreed liquidated damages and not by way of penalty,

a sum of 0.5% per week of the price of any stores which the Contractor has failed to deliver as aforesaid or during which the delivery of such store may be in arrears subject to a minimum of 10%, or

(II) to purchase from elsewhere, without notice to the Contractor on the account and at the risk of the Contractor, the stores not delivered or others of a similar description (where others exactly complying with the particulars, are not, in the opinion of the Purchaser,

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readily procurable, such opinion being final) without cancelling the Contract in respect of the consignment (s) not yet due for delivery, or

(iii) to cancel the Contract or a portion thereof and if so desired to purchase or authorise the purchase of stores not so delivered or others of a similar description (where others exactly if complying with the particulars are not, in the opinion of the Purchaser, readily procurable, such opinion final) at the risk and cost of the Contractor. In the event of action being taken under sub-clause (ii) & (iii) of clause 10 (b) above, the Contractor shall be liable for any loss which the Purchaser may sustain on that account, provided that the re-purchase or if there is an agreement to repurchase then such agreement is made within six months from the date of such failure. But the Contractor shall not be entitled to any gain on such re-purchase made against default. The manner and method of such re-purchase shall be at the discretion of the Purchaser, whose decision shall be final. It shall not be necessary for the Purchaser to serve a notice of such re-purchase on the defaulting Contractor. This right shall be without prejudice to the right of the Purchaser to recover damages for breach of Contract by the Contractor.


As soon as it is apparent that the Contract dates cannot be adhered to, an application shall be sent by the Contractor to the Purchaser. If failure, on the part of the Contractor, to deliver the stores in proper time shall have arisen from any cause which the Purchaser may admit as reasonable ground for an extension of the time (and his decision shall be final) he may allow such additional time as he considers it to be justified by circumstances, of the case without prejudice to the Purchaser's right to recover liquidated damages under clause 10 thereof.


Wherever erection of a plant or machinery is the responsibility of the Contractor as per the terms of the Contract and in case the Contractor fails to carry out the erection as and when called upon to do so within the period specified by the Purchaser, the Purchaser shall have the right to get the erection done through any source of his choice. In such an event, the Contractor shall be liable to bear any additional expenditure that the Purchaser is liable to incur towards erection. The Contractor shall, however, not be entitled to any gain due to such an action by the Purchaser.

13. PAYMENT: Contractor's bill will be passed for payment only after the stores have been received, inspected and accepted by the Purchaser i.e. after satisfactory completion of services as certified by the end user.

14. MODE OF PAYMENT: Normally payment will be made for the accepted stores within 30 days from the date of receipt of the materials.

15. RECOVERY OF SUM DUE: Whenever any claim for the payment of, whether liquidated or not, money arising out of or under this Contract against the Contractor, the Purchaser shall be entitled to recover such sum by appropriating in part or whole, the security deposited by the Contractor, if a security is taken against the Contract. In the event of the security being insufficient or if no security has been taken from the Contractor, then the balance or the total sum

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recoverable as the case may be, shall be deducted from any sum then due or which at any time thereafter may become due to the Contractor under this or any other Contract with the Purchaser. Should this sum be not sufficient to cover the full amount recoverable, the Contractor shall pay to the Purchaser on demand the remaining balance due. Similarly, if the Purchaser has or makes any claim, whether liquidated or not, against the Contractor under any other Contract with the Purchaser, the payment of all moneys payable under the Contract to the Contractor including the security deposit shall be withheld till such claims of the Purchaser are finally adjudicated upon and paid by the Contractor.


The Contractor shall warrant and be deemed to have warranted that all stores supplied against this Contract are free and clean of infringement of any Patent, Copyright or Trademark, and shall at all times indemnify the Purchaser against all claims which may be made in respect of the stores for infringement of any right protected by Patent Registration of design or Trade mark and shall take all risk of accidents or damage which may cause a failure of the supply from whatever cause arising and the entire responsibility for sufficiency of all means used by him for the fulfilment of the contact.


In the event of any question, dispute or difference arising under these conditions or any conditions contained in the Purchase Order or in connection with this Contract (except as to any matter the decision of which is specially provided for by these conditions), the same shall be referred to the sole arbitration of the Head of the Purchase office or some other person appointed by him. It will be no objection that the arbitrator is a Government servant that he had to deal with matter to which the Contract relates or that in the course of his duties as Government servant he has expressed views on all or any other matters in dispute or difference. The award of the arbitrator shall be final and binding on the parties of this Contract.

If the arbitrator be the Head of the Centre/Unit – (i) In the event of his being transferred or vacating his office by resignation or otherwise, it

shall be lawful for his successor-in-office either to proceed with reference himself, or to appoint another person as arbitrator, or

(ii) In the event of his being unwilling or unable to act for any reason, it shall be lawful for the Head of the Centre/Unit to appoint another person as arbitrator. If the arbitrator be a person appointed by the Head of the Purchase Office – In the event of his dying, neglecting or refusing to act or resigning or being unable to act, for any reason, it shall be lawful for the Head of the Centre/Unit either to proceed with the reference himself or appoint another person as arbitrator in place of the outgoing arbitrator. Subject as aforesaid the Arbitration & Conciliation Act 1996 and the rules thereunder and any statutory modifications thereof for the time being in force shall be deemed to apply to the arbitration proceedings under this Clause. The Arbitrator shall have the power to extend with the consent of the Purchaser and the Contractor the time for making and publishing the award. The venue of arbitration shall be the place as Purchaser in his absolute discretion may determine. Work under the Contract shall, if reasonably possible, continue during arbitration proceedings. In the event of any dispute or difference relating to the interpretation and application for the provisions of the Contracts, such dispute or difference shall be referred by either party to Arbitration of one of the Arbitrations in the

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Department of Public Enterprises. The Arbitration Act 1996 shall not be applicable to arbitration under this clause. The award of the Arbitrator shall be binding upon the parties to the dispute provided however any party aggrieved by such award may make a further reference for setting aside or revision of the award to the Law Secretary, Department of Legal Affairs. Ministry of Law & Justice, Government of India. The parties to the dispute will share equally, the cost of arbitration as intimated by Arbitrator.


Where counter terms and conditions printed or cyclostyled conditions have been offered by the supplier, the same shall not be deemed to have been accepted by the Purchaser, unless specific written acceptance thereof is obtained.


Successful tenderer will have to furnish in the form of a bank guarantee or any other form as called for by the Purchaser towards adequate security for the materials and properties provided by the Purchaser for the due execution of the Contract.


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(Seal of the Company)

Tender No.: ...................................... Due on: ......................................

Ref. No.: ....................................... Date: ........................................

TENDER FORM From: ................................................


................................................. To: The Sr. /Purchase & Stores Officer, ..................... (Name of the Centre/Unit) .......................................................... Dear Sir, I/We hereby offer to supply the stores detailed below at the price hereunder quoted and agree to hold this offer open till…………… I/we shall be bound to supply the stores hereby offered upon the issue of the Purchase Order communicating the acceptance thereof on or before the expiry of the last mentioned date. You are at liberty to accept any one or more of the items of stores tendered for or any portion of any one or more of the items of such stores. I/We, notwithstanding that the offer in this tender has not been accepted in whole, shall be bound to supply to you such items and such items and such portion or portions of one or more of the items as may be specified in the said Purchase Order communicating the acceptance:

Sl. No.

Description Quantity Unit Rate Rs.

Delivery Date

Note: All the rates should be given both in figures and words

Place at which delivery will be made

Date by which the ordered item/s will be supplied

2. I/We have understood the items of the tender annexed to the invitation to tender and have thoroughly examined the specifications/drawing and/or pattern quoted or referred to herein and am/are fully aware of the nature of the stores required and my/our offer is to supply the stores strictly in accordance with the requirements subject to the terms and conditions stipulated in the enquiry and contained in the Purchase Order communicating the acceptance of this tender either in whole or in part.

Signature of Tenderer Date: ………………………


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Sr. No.

Commercial terms Compliance/Remarks/Comments by Vendor

1. Delivery terms -Ex-works/FOB/ FCA etc. 1.1 Purchaser is having an air consolidation

contract and their freight forwarder will arrange to collect the consignment from your premises/will take the responsibility for onward transmission from the point of delivery as per INCOTERMS 2010. This is applicable for import cases.

2. Packing charges inclusive/exclusive. 3. Delivery period – in weeks/months 4. Payment terms :

Our standard term is - Sight Draft (import) /within 30 days from the date of acceptance (indigenous).

5. Country of origin – to be declared in the invoice.

6. Name and address of the Indian Agent. 7. Percentage of agency commission included in

the quoted price – payable in Indian Rupees only directly to the Indian Agent.

8. Validity of the offer- minimum of 120 days from the date of opening.

9. If you are an Indian Agent, please enclose the authorization letter of your Principal and confirm that whether you have enrolled with DGS&D as per rules.

10. In a tender, either the Indian agent on behalf of the Principal/OEM or Principal/OEM itself can bid but both cannot bid simultaneously for the same item/product in the same tender.

11. If an agent submits bid on behalf of the Principal/OEM, the same agent shall not submit a bid on behalf of another Principal/OEM in the same tender for the same item/product.

12. Cost of spares included in the price bid not included.

13. Will you be able to provide consumables/spares for 10 years?

14. 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4

Taxes and duties : Taxes in India to the account of Purchaser. Outside India to Seller’s/Contractor’s account. Please indicate your Tax Registration Number. Wherever installation involved, Income Tax @ 2% will be deducted from the bill and a certificate issued. Installation in India will attract Service Tax @ 12.36%. If required, orders for supply and installation can be issued separately. Work order will attract work contract tax as per

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14.5 14.6 14.7 14.8

rules. Please confirm whether you have included WCT in your offer. Customs Duty Exemption Certificate (CDEC) will be issued by Purchaser. Hence no CD is to be included in your offer wherever applicable. Please indicate rate of the Sales Tax/VAT applicable. Octroi Duty/Entry Tax exempted. Exemption certificate will be issued, if required. Purchaser is eligible for full Excise Duty exemption. Excise Duty exemption certificate will be issued.

15. No Insurance is required at Purchaser’s cost. 16. For Single part bids one separate sealed envelope

are to be sent duly superscribed as follows : 1. TECHNICAL & COMMERCIAL BID

Please refer instructions.

17. Wherever EMD/tender fee is payable – provide the same in the form of crossed Demand Draft in favour of The Accounts Officer, SAC, Ahmedabad along with the bid but in a separate cover or along with technical bid. On the back side of the D.D, please write your company’s name.

18. Language to be used in all correspondence – English

19. Measurements – Metric system to be followed 20. Whether prequalification of your facility

procedure completed (if applicable).

21. Warranty period – We need minimum 3 years from the date of acceptance. In case the product has a standard warranty of 1 year, confirm that additional 2 years warranty cost is indicated in the price bid/prices. However the warranty requirement if projected in RFP shall prevail.

22.1 Defective/rejected items if any, are to be replaced free of cost.

23. Confirm whether you will be able to provide samples if called for, free of cost.

24 Approximate weight (net and gross) of the consignment.

25. Instruction/operational manual to be supplied free of cost.

26. Supply and installation is subject to Purchaser’s acceptance.

27. LC extension charges to your account, in case of delay from your side.

28. Items from latest production batch only are to be supplied.

29. Wherever Export Licence required, payment will be made after getting export licence and after confirmation by the supplier, with a copy of Export Licence.

30. 30.1

Bank Guarantees (from Nationalized/ Scheduled Bank/ Bank approved by Purchaser. Advance payment for the equal value valid till

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30.2 30.2.1 30.3

the completion of contract/acceptance, is to be provide by you. Towards issue of “Free Issue Material” by Purchaser for the value of the material issued, is to be provided. The Bill of material for the material used for the Fabrication work and available balance to be prepared by you and countersigned by the User Department is to be sent along with the final bill for arranging the balance/payment. Towards Performance of the Contract and Product for 10% value valid till the expiry of warranty period.

31. Security Deposit: An amount equivalent to maximum 10% of annual contract value shall be remitted through Account Payee DD/Fixed Deposit Receipt (FDR) in favour of Accounts Officer, SAC as Security Deposit towards performance of contract. Security Deposit will be released only after satisfactory completion of the contract. Security Deposit is to be submitted to SAC by the successful bidder (wherever applicable ) on awarding the contract

32. Training – free of cost – to be imparted at Purchaser’s site.

33. Bank charges wherever applicable shall be paid by Purchaser/Contractor to their respective Bankers.

34. Arbitration proceedings – Within India as per provisions of Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996.

35. Liquidated Damages - @ 0.5% per week for the delayed portion – maximum 10% of the contract value.

36. Force Majeure conditions applicable? 37. Acceptance of Fall clause.

“The rates as per the charges of the Contract should not in any event exceed the lowest rates, the supplier charge to any other party or organization. If at any time during the period of contract, the supplier reduce the charges to any other party, then they shall forth-with notify such reduction to Head, Purchase & Stores, SAC and reduce the contract rates subsequently, from the date of coming into force of such reduction” .

38. You are requested to indicate the registration number; you have for Sales Tax/Service Tax as the case may be with concerned Government authorities. Also you are requested to provide company registration details wherever applicable along with copy of the company registration certificate. The offers received without the above information will be summarily rejected.

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भारत सरकार

अंतररक्ष विभाग

अतंररक्ष उपयोग कें द्र(इसरो) आंबािाडी विस्तार पी.ओ.

अहमदाबाद – 380 015 (भारत) दरूभाषः +91-79-2691 3051/98

फैक्स नं. : +91-79-2691 5835/02/48

Government of India

Department of Space


Ambawadi Vistar P.O.

Ahmedabad – 380 015 (INDIA)

Telephone : +91-79 – 2691 3051/98

Fax No. : +91-79 – 2691 5835 / 02 /48

Email: [email protected]

निविदा सूचिा सं.: सैक/पीटी /06/2017-18 Tender Notice No.: SAC/PT/06/2017-18

क्र. स.ं


निविदा ि.ं

Tender No.

सकं्षिप्त वििरण

Brief Description

नियत नतथि

(अपराह्ि 3 बजे तक)

Due on (Up to 3 pm)

2 AHAD 201600310201

Providing Catering Services at SAC & Bopal Guest Houses at Ahmedabad for a Period of Two Years (Pre-Bid on 18/05/2017;1030 hours at VIP Dining Hall, Main Canteen, SAC Campus)


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Ph No:Fax

079-2691 3067

079-2691 5848/02/35

Date :11/05/2017


Dear Sirs,

Please submit your sealed quotation , in the Tender Form enclosed here along with the descriptive catalogues /

pamphlets /literature ,superscribed with Our Ref.No. and Due Date for the supply of the following items as per

the terms & conditions mentioned in Annexure( Form No:

S.No. Description of Items with Specifications Unit Quantity


As per attachments. )

Tender Due: 07/06/2017on15:00

2016-003102-01Our Ref No :









SPECIFIC TERMS As per attachments.


We are exempted from Payment of Excise Duty/Custom Duty.





For and on behalf of the President of India The Purchaser


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Ref. No.: - AHAD 201600310201 1) Pre-Bid: Pre-Bid will be held on 18/05/2017, at 10:30 Hours, Venue: VIP Dining Hall Main Canteen, SAC Campus, Ahmedabad. Interested parties should send their confirmation on or before 17/05/2017 at [email protected]. It is to be noted that quotations in sealed cover are to be submitted only after pre-bid meeting.

2) RFP- As per the Attachment.

3) Please submit Compliance statement for the Technical/Commercial Specifications alongwith your offer

4) Please submit your quotations in sealed cover only. Quotations by fax/e-mail not valid.

5) SECURITY DEPOSIT: - Security Deposit shall be obtained at 10% of the value of the Purchase Order. Security Deposit can be submitted through Bank Guarantee or fixed deposit receipt from any of the Scheduled Banks executed on non-judicial stamp paper of appropriate value, and should be valid for a period of sixty days beyond the date for completion of the Purchase Order. In case the vendor fails to furnish the security deposit within the specified date or extended due date, the Purchase Order/Contract shall be cancelled, and the EMD made earlier shall be forfeited. In the event of non-execution of the Purchase Order or breach of any terms and conditions of the Purchase Order, the Security Deposit shall be forfeited. After completion of period as mentioned above, the Security Deposit will be returned without any interest.

6) In case the bidders fail to comply to our Standard Terms and Conditions, it may please be noted that applicable cash flow implications for each terms and conditions individually will be loaded in the prices quoted for commercial comparison of the offers.

7) Please note that this is a TWO-PART TENDER. Send your quotation as per attached instructions only. Quotation not conforming to the instructions will be rejected. Fax & email quotations will not be accepted. Technical & Commercial Compliance statement confirming compliance with all the point of Tech & Commercial annexures enclosed with the tender document shall be submitted along with the offer. In the absence of the same, your offer shall be summarily rejected.

Pankaj Kumar Dhakar Purchase & Stores Officer

Page 37: निविदा सूचिा संसक पीटी / 06 · Relations (P&PR), SAC/ Authorized Focal Person from P&PR. 3.2 The activities for manning the front office shall

Government of India

Space Applications Centre




Space Applications Centre (ISRO), Ahmedabad is maintaining two

guesthouses one at SAC Main Campus, Jodhpur Tekra and another at

Bopal area providing transit accommodation to various officials of ISRO, as

well as officials from other Central Govt. Departments.

SAC Main Campus Guest House Comprises of 30 rooms, out of

which is 24 standard rooms and 6 VIP rooms.

Bopal Guest House comprise of 72 rooms, out of which is 68

standard rooms and 4 VIP rooms.

Now, SAC proposes to outsource the Catering Services and the day to

day management activities of the guest house to a professional agency

having required competence in Catering field. The detailed scope of

activities and terms & conditions are as below.

1.0 Scope of Work:

1.1 To provide Catering Services by preparation of food items and

maintenance of canteen and dining area by positioning

cooks/Attendants/Supervisors. All activities shall be carried out

on round the clock by engaging suitable staff(s). The details of the

work to be carried out under each category shall comprise.

a. Arranging food requirement of the guests.

b. Preparation of bills and collection of food charges from the guest

with proper accounting entries in register.

2.0 Catering Services:

2.1 The Service Provider should provide centralized dining facility in the

dining hall for all the guests lodged in all the blocks of the Guest

house at rates prescribed by SAC. The Service Provider shall

prepare the food items in the Guest house kitchen and serve

breakfast, lunch and dinner, etc. in the dining hall, as per the

following timings:

Bed Coffee /Tea (to be served in rooms) 05:30 Hrs to 07:00 Hrs.

Breakfast 07:30 Hrs to 09:30 Hrs.

Lunch 12:00 Hrs to 14:00 Hrs.

Evening Tea 16:00 Hrs to 18:00 Hrs.

Dinner 19:30 Hrs to 21:30 Hrs.

However, the Service Provider shall be liable to extend services at

other times also, as intimated by the Sr. Catering Manager or other

designated officers of SAC.

Page - 1

Page 38: निविदा सूचिा संसक पीटी / 06 · Relations (P&PR), SAC/ Authorized Focal Person from P&PR. 3.2 The activities for manning the front office shall

2.2 There shall be room services for bed coffee and tea, as required by

the guests.

2.3 Providing round the clock service to the inmates and guests at

Guest House.

2.4 Thoroughly cleaning of all floors, closets, washbasins, sinks etc. of

the guest house dining area, kitchen toilers, bathrooms using high

quality cleaning materials, dusting of all furniture / fittings of the

said area, cleaning of kitchen and pantry utensils including their

pantry inside hostel room every day.

2.5 Collecting all soiled items & linen and getting it washed at the

expense of Service Provider.

2.6 Service Provider should ensure the following:

1. Production and service of break-fast, lunch, dinner, Special lunch/

dinner, tea/coffee, high tea etc. as indicated in Annexure – D and

serve at respective venues within the office premises.

2. Maintain high standard of cleanliness in the kitchen, utensils,

dining tables, serving plates, glasses etc. with standard cleaning

agents and in hygienic condition. The staff deployed should be

medically fit and free from diseases. The employees so deployed by

service provider should produce a medical fitness certificate from

the Govt. Doctor.

3. The infrastructure like fully equipped kitchen with all modern

facilities, furnished dining hall, lounge and recreation rooms,

utensils, water coolers, wet grinder, cold rooms, refrigerators, fly

catches, crockery, cutlery, door mattress, etc. shall be provided by

SAC. The adequacy and essentiality of any of the items will be

decided by SAC and the decision shall be final.

4. The Service Provider should ensure that the equipment and

utensils provided by SAC at its disposal under the contract are

maintained well and handled carefully. The Service Provider shall

compensate SAC for any loss etc. arising due to the negligence or

mishandling of the equipment etc by Service Provider’s staff. Any

shortfall of the items should be intimated to SAC instantly.

5. The equipment and other items provided by SAC under the

contract should be accounted properly and the inventory of the

items shall be checked by a team consisting of representative of

SAC and the Service Provider on monthly basis.

6. All provisions, groceries, vegetables, etc. required for preparation

of break-fast lunch and dinner shall be arranged by the Service

Provider. The groceries and vegetables used should be of high

quality with regard to hygiene and cleanliness. SAC will not

provide any transport facility to bring the items.

Page- 2

Page 39: निविदा सूचिा संसक पीटी / 06 · Relations (P&PR), SAC/ Authorized Focal Person from P&PR. 3.2 The activities for manning the front office shall

7. Collection and disposal of food waste (bio-degradable & nonbio-

degradable) should be carried out in an eco-friendly way outside

the premises of the campus by the service provider, at his own

expense. Any complains in this regard, the service provider will be

held responsible.

8. The Service Provider shall prepare and serve the Break-fast, Lunch

dinner and other items as per the menu & rates attached.

9. Maintenance of stock record of materials, kitchen equipment s,

utensils, crockery etc. provided by SAC and providing the records

as and when required by the officer –in-charge or his nominee.

10. Service provider should ensure that food bills are collected from

Guests and co-ordinate with reception / housekeeping for final

settlement before check out and follow the billing instruction given

by Sr. Catering Manager / Competent Authority as and when


3.0 The service provider should use standard brand materials viz.

1. Oil - Sunflower oil of reputed brands.

2. Tea - Brooke-bond / Wagh Bakri Tea-dust or of equivalent


3. Coffee - Nestle / Bru Coffee powder or of equivalent brand

4. Milk - Amul Shakti

5. Rice & other ingredients- Good Quality of rice, (any brand like

Masuri/ Gjarat 17/ Tibbar etc.) wheat, Atta, (Good Quality

wheat such as Tukdi, Dawoodkhani etc) Dal & other

ingredients etc.

6. Fresh Vegetables

All raw materials used for food production should be of standard

brands approved by FSSAI.

A register shall be maintained by the service provider and shown to

the officer-in-charge as and when required for inspection of material etc.

Terms & conditions of food:

(a) The rates shall be firm during currency of the contract and no

escalation in the rates of the food items shall be allowed, for

whatsoever reason.

(b) The cooks have to follow the scheduled menu and other instruction

given by Guest House in charge.

(c) Items such as milk, bread, eggs, vegetable etc. should be bought

fresh & stored properly. Spoiled or substandard items should not be

used at any point of time.

Page - 3

Page 40: निविदा सूचिा संसक पीटी / 06 · Relations (P&PR), SAC/ Authorized Focal Person from P&PR. 3.2 The activities for manning the front office shall

(d) Any damage caused to the materials supplied by Department shall

be replaced by the service provider at his own cost.

(e) Items should be prepared and served hygienically and must be of

high quality.


It shall be the responsibility of the Service Provider to provide

manpower and maintain the Guest house services. The service

provider should engage adequate number of manpower with

appropriate qualification for the above works, and the minimum

number of persons to engage shall not be less than as prescribed


Position Nos of Staff



For SAC Campus

For Bopal Campus

Catering Supervisor 1 1

Graduate with good experience in the catering



1 2

03 years’ experience in

cooking in Industrial Canteens/Hotels/Guest House and capable of

preparing South Indian Dishes/North Indian

Dishes/Non-vegetarian/Continental etc.

Catering Attendant 3 5

Minimum SSLC pass preferably with catering experience.

The above manpower requirement is applicable only for minimum

occupancy for both guest houses. Extra manpower may be required

according to the magnitude of the work undertaken by the Service

Provider. Expenses for extra manpower will be borne by the Service

Provider. Staff should be provided 24 X 7.

Additional manpower, if required for F&B service shall be deployed

by the Service Provider at their own cost.

4.1 Accommodation and transportation for the manpower provided

by the Service Provider shall be the sole responsibility of the

Service Provider.

4.2 Additional manpower if required shall be deployed by the

service provider at his own expense.

4.3 All the above deployed manpower should be in proper and

clean uniform while on duty (Gloves/Head Gears/Aprons) and

display ID Card.

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Page 41: निविदा सूचिा संसक पीटी / 06 · Relations (P&PR), SAC/ Authorized Focal Person from P&PR. 3.2 The activities for manning the front office shall

4.4 Before deployment of the above manpower they should

produce medical fitness certificate from Government Hospital.

5.0 Responsibility of the Service Provider:

5.1 Duration of the Contract: The contract initially will be for a period

of two years (unless it is curtailed or terminated by SAC, owing to

deficiency of service, sub-standard quality of workforce deployed,

breach of contract, reduction of cessation of the job requirements

with 30(Thirty) days’ notice.)

5.2 The contract may be extended on the same terms and conditions for

a further period of one year if found satisfactory.

5.3 The contract shall not be allowed to transfer, assign, pledge or sub-

contract its rights and liabilities under the contract to any other

agency without the prior written consent.

5.4 The Service Provider shall comply with statutory rules connected

with Labour (Registration and abolition Act) 1970 and Central

Rules, 1971, Employees Provident Fund Act, Employees State

Insurance Act, Minimum Wages Act, Payment of Wages Act,

Workmen’s compensation act and shall submit necessary

registration documents whenever called for.

5.5 The Service Provider should strictly follow all the rules in force with

regard to labour relation and welfare. The labourers of the Service

Provider should be covered by EPF, ESI and other similar statutory

welfare measures.

5.6 The contactor shall be responsible for any theft, pilferage or

misbehavior by any of their employees engaged for carrying out the

work. The Service Provider shall be responsible for the polite, decent

and courteous behavior of their labourer towards the guest and

officials of SAC/ Department. The Service Provider should

indemnify SAC for any loss or damage caused due to the negligence

or intentional activities of their employees. If SAC feels that the

behavior or conduct of any of the Service Provider’s staff is not

conducive to SAC or if any labourer is unsuitable to work in SAC

under any other reasons, the Service Provider is liable to change the

labourer/staff forthwith. The decision taken by SAC in this respect

shall be final and binding.

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Page 42: निविदा सूचिा संसक पीटी / 06 · Relations (P&PR), SAC/ Authorized Focal Person from P&PR. 3.2 The activities for manning the front office shall

5.7 The Service Provider and their manpower should follow all the

security regulations and instructions issued by SAC.

5.8 The manpower deputed by the Service Provider shall have no

claim/right in the regular employment in SAC/ISRO Ahmedabad.

5.9 The Tenderer is required to enclose the photocopies of the following

documents alongwith the Quotation, failing which their bids shall

be summarily/out rightly rejected and will not be considered any


(a) Copy of Registration Certificate of firm/company

(b) Copy of PAN Card

(c) Copy of IT returns for the last 03 Financial years

(d) Copy of Service Tax Registration certificate

(e) Copy of P.F. Registration certificate

(f) Copy of E.S.I Registration Certificate

(g) Copy of Income & Expenditure A/c or Profit & Loss A/c and

Balance sheet for the last 3 years

(h) Bank Account Details of the Tenderer

(i) Copy of License issued by Labour Commissioner

(j) Details of Contracts made by Tenderer in the past with proof of

their service receivers, for providing similar services along with

performance certificate duly endorsed by contractor.

(k) Undertaking to be furnished by the Tenderer that he/she/they

have no legal suit/criminal case pending against him/her/them or

its proprietor or any of its Directors or having not been earlier

convicted on grounds of moral turpitude or for violation of laws in


In case, any of such documents furnished by him/her is found to

be false at any stage, it would be deemed to be a breach of terms of

contract making him/her liable for legal action besides termination

of the contract.

6 General Terms & Conditions: -

1. The Service Provider should be experienced in having undertaken

atleast one similar contract in the past and capable of managing

the Catering activities of a single establishment with minimum of

50 rooms with catering facility. Service Provider’s office should be

located in or around 50 km radius of Ahmedabad. Service Provider

shall provide all local contact information like address, landline,

mobile no., fax, name of contact person(s), etc.

In case there is no such office in or around 50 km radius of

Ahmedabad, Service Provider shall submit an undertaking along

with their offer to the effect that they will establish such an office

within three months of release of Service Contract. Failing which,

Service Contract will be cancelled and Security Deposit shall be


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Page 43: निविदा सूचिा संसक पीटी / 06 · Relations (P&PR), SAC/ Authorized Focal Person from P&PR. 3.2 The activities for manning the front office shall

2. The Service Provider should have a registered and full- fledged office

preferably in Ahmedabad having telephone, Fax/E-mail facilities, etc.

3. The service provider shall deploy well-educated, experienced personnel

having basic knowledge of English for carrying out the job, especially

those who have to communicate with the Guests and VIPs.

4. A Manager / Supervisor should be made available throughout the day

for taking instruction from the officer in-charge and to oversee the day-

to-days operations.

5. All persons deployed to work should attend to the duty in proper

uniform (as prescribed by the purchaser) and the staff deployed will be

courteous, well behaved and should ensure proper grooming with

hygienic appearance.

6. The service provider shall get the police verification of the personnel

deployed for duty inside the campus.

7. Nationality: The Service Provider shall employ Indian National above

the age of 18 years only. The designated officer, Sr. Catering Manager,

SAC reserves the right to expel any labourers of the Service Provider

without assigning any reason thereof.

8. While submitting the offer, the Service Provider shall submit all

necessary documentary proof in support of their claim. In case if SAC

reserves the right to reject the said including black listing of the

bidder/Service Provider.

9. The service provider shall be responsible for maintaining the stock of

the linen, crockery, and cutlery etc. A stock register of all the items

shall be maintained and shall submit the same to the officer-in-charge

every month before release of the payment.

10. Purchases shall bear no responsibility, what-so-ever for the damage

/injuries sustained by the services provider’s men during operation of

the contract and the service provider shall make his own arrangements

for Insurance/compensation of his men deputed for the works.

11. The service provider shall comply with statutory rules connected with

Food Control Act, Labour Registration and Abolition, Employees

Provident Fund, Employees State Insurance, Minimum Wages Act as

per clause the Service Provider shall pay the minimum wages

prescribed by the Central or State Government, as applicable from time

to time. The Service Provider is responsible for the deduction of the

employer’s and employee’s contribution towards EPF and ESI from the

wage payable to the labourers and remitting the same with the

respective authorities. The Service Provider is solely responsible for the

payment of leave salary, bonus etc. if any, to the labourers employed by

them. Further, the Service Provider should issue a wage slip to the

works engaged by them. Duly considering the future revision during

contract period, payment of Wages Act, Workmen’s compensation Act

and service providers all risk policy (CAR policy) and shall submit called

for necessary registration documents along with the offer.

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Page 44: निविदा सूचिा संसक पीटी / 06 · Relations (P&PR), SAC/ Authorized Focal Person from P&PR. 3.2 The activities for manning the front office shall

12. Cooking vessels and other items like electricity will be provided by

the purchaser, free by cost. It shall be the duty of the service

provider to keep the utensils in clean and dry conditions always.

Cooking is to be done using LPG gas only. No other means of

electricity like induction heater or hot plate or hot plate or electronic


13. The service provider has to make arrangements to provide LPG gas

cylinder. The charge of LPG gas cylinder including transportation

and incidental charges shall be borne by the service provider. The

service provider shall have to make his own alternative

arrangements in case of non availability of LPG cylinders. In case

the supply of Gas-pipeline becomes functional in future, the

charges for actual usage will be borne by the Service Provider.

14. The Service Provider shall provide all raw materials of goods and

standard quality at his cost and will thoroughly clean the same

before cooking. The service provider shall prepare individual bills

and collect payment from the user, other personnel. SAC will not be

responsible for collection of payment or for any compensation for

loss incurred because of failure of the service provider to collect

funds or keep proper accounts. It shall be audited by SAC as and

when required.

15. The service provider shall pay utmost care in preparation of food in

a most hygienic way.

16. The service provider shall maintain the dining and mess neat and

clean. Used utensils and food remains shall be immediately

removed from the dining tables. The utensils/cutlery should be

thoroughly cleaned and dried with no marks left on them before

serving to the staff members and guests.

17. Purchaser reserves the right to ask the service provider to remove

any of its employees from service if in the opinion of Sr. Catering

Manager, they have been found to be indulged in any activity

/behaving which is against the letter and spirit of the service


18. As all the utensils / cutlery would be provided by the purchase, it

shall be the responsibility of service provider to ensure its safety

and keep a stock register for the same, which should be verifiable at

any given time. Any shortage found during the verification would

have to be replaced by the service provider with an item of similar

quality; otherwise, the cost of the items will be deducted from the


19. The service provider shall maintain Attendance Register which

should be checked by the contact person and a copy of the same

shall be submitted along with bills while claiming monthly payment.

The attendance register should be updated and will be called for

verification at any time by the Purchaser.

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Page 45: निविदा सूचिा संसक पीटी / 06 · Relations (P&PR), SAC/ Authorized Focal Person from P&PR. 3.2 The activities for manning the front office shall

20. The service provider will be responsible for compliance of all

statutory provisions relating to Minimum Wages, Provident Fund

and Employees State Insurance etc. in respect of the workforce

deployed at SAC.

21. The service provider shall maintain all statutory register under the

applicable Law. Service provider shall produce the same on demand

to the concerned authority of SAC or any other authority under


22. In case, the service provider fails to comply with any statutory /

taxation liability under appropriate law and as a result thereof, if

SAC is put to any loss / obligation, monetary or otherwise, SAC will

be entitled to get itself reimbursed out of the outstanding bills, to

the extent of the loss or obligations in monetary items.

23. The service provider renderers shall be solely responsible for the

redressal of grievances / resolution of disputes relating to workforce

deployed. SAC shall, in no way, to be responsible for settlement of

such issue whatsoever.

24. Any other terms & conditions of clause not covered in this

document shall be in accordance with the concerned labour and

other statutory rules /Acts.

25. Parallel / Adhoc Contract: SAC reserves the right to enter into

parallel/Adhoc contract (s) with one or more parties during

currency of the contract for availing same or similar service.

26. Termination: SAC reserves the right to terminate the contract

without assigning any reason by giving a prior notice of 30 days.

27. Focal Point: Sr. Catering Manager (079 2691 3201) shall be the

contact person for all matters relating to this service contract.

28. Qualification of Tenderers: The Service provider shall submit the

quotation in Two-parts- Part1 (Technical & Commercial), Part-2

(Price Bid) as per the format in the Tender Document.

29. Earnest Money Deposit: EMD of Rs. 2,50,000/- refundable

(without interest), should be necessarily accompanied with the

Technical Bid in the form DD/Banker’s Cheque/Bank

Guarantee/Fixed Deposit Receipt(FDR) made in the name of

Accounts Officer, Space Applications Centre & payable at par at

Ahmedabad. The DD/PO/BC towards EMD shall be enclosed

with the Technical Bid. In case, if it is enclosed with Price Bid,

the offer will not be considered.

Foreign Vendors, registered vendors or vendors who have already

applied for renewal of registration, Central

PSUs/PSEs/Autonomous Bodies, Micro & Small Enterprises, KVIC,

NSIC etc shall be exempt from the payment of EMD.

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Page 46: निविदा सूचिा संसक पीटी / 06 · Relations (P&PR), SAC/ Authorized Focal Person from P&PR. 3.2 The activities for manning the front office shall

Bids received without EMD shall be treated as invalid and shall

not be considered.

The EMD in respect of the agencies which do not qualify the

Technical Bid (First Stage)/ Financial Bid (Second Competitive

stage) shall be returned to them without any interest. However, the

EMD in respect of the successful Tenderer shall be adjusted

towards the Performance Security Deposit.

30. Security Deposit:

An amount equivalent to 10% of the Annual Contract Value shall be

remitted by the service provider through Account payable D.D./

Fixed Deposit (FDR) favour of Account Officer, SAC as Security

Deposit towards the successful completion of the Contract.

31. The conditional bids shall not be considered and will be out rightly



Payment will be made on monthly basis before 7th of every month

against submission of your bill duly certified by the contract –in-

charge and countersigned by Head P&GA, SAC at the end of every

month. Bills in triplicate shall be submitted to the Senior Accounts

Officer, SAC Ambawadi Vistar P.O. Ahmedabad – 380 015 for

arranging payment.

Service Provider has to submit proof along with his claim every

month (from second month onwards) for the following.

1) Wages disbursed to his employees in previous month.

2) Provident fund remittance & ESI remittance. Proof for the no. of

personnel deployed for a particular month.

The Service Provider should ensure that they are paying the

minimum wages to the labourers engaged. Service tax, if applicable

shall be paid extra against documentary evidence.

Income Tax as applicable will be deducted or recovered at source on

monthly basis from the payment mode to the service provider as per

Income Tax Act. Certificate of deduction at source shall be issued by

the Accounts Officer, SAC.

33. Arbitration in case of difference of opinion:

Any difference of opinions or disputes that arise during the execution

of contract will be mutually discussed and settled between SAC

Contract –in-charge and Service Provider.

Any disputes of difference of opinion the remains unresolved

thereafter will be referred to arbitration by single Arbitrator

appointed by Director, SAC, Ahmedabad. The arbitration shall be

conducted in accordance with Indian Arbitration & Conciliation Act,

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Page 47: निविदा सूचिा संसक पीटी / 06 · Relations (P&PR), SAC/ Authorized Focal Person from P&PR. 3.2 The activities for manning the front office shall

1996 as amended or any other act in effect at the time. Decision of

the arbitrator shall be final and binding on both the parties.

34. Jurisdiction:

Indian law shall apply to the provisions of this order & jurisdiction

shall be with the courts of Ahmedabad only.

35. Purchaser serves the right of appointing any other Service

Provider for services referred to in the above contract to meet an

emergency. Purchaser’s decision shall be final in this matter.

36. If, in the opinion of the Sr. Head, Purchase & Stores, SAC,

Ahmedabad (whose decision shall be final and binding on the

service provider) the service provider fails at any time to render

the services under this contract satisfactory, he may at his option

get the work done by other parties at the service provider’s risk

and cost. Any extra expenditure involved in this regard shall be

recoverable form the service provider.

37. One copy of this RFP may be singed and submitted along with

quotation conforming acceptance of all terms & conditions of RFP.

38. Rate Schedule:



Particular / Details Amount (Rs.)

Per Month

(1) Providing Catering SAC & Bopal

Campus Guest Houses, Ahmedabad. As per terms & conditions stipulated in the work.

(2) Service Tax as applicable

Page- 11

Page 48: निविदा सूचिा संसक पीटी / 06 · Relations (P&PR), SAC/ Authorized Focal Person from P&PR. 3.2 The activities for manning the front office shall

Annexure –A


1 Name & Full postal address of

the Service Provider: (including Phone No, Mobile

No, Fax No. and email ID)

2 Status of the firm: Proprietor/Partnership/ Pvt. Ltd./ Public Ltd-

Co/Joint Venture

3 Name of the Proprietor/ Partner/ Director

4 Year of Establishment

5 Nature of Business


6 Annual Turnover of the firm for the last 3 years

7 Name of your Bankers

8 Number of labourers under the Company’s rolls

9 Details of works presently undertaken

10 Details of their clientele (list to be attached along in the copies of work order /


Page 49: निविदा सूचिा संसक पीटी / 06 · Relations (P&PR), SAC/ Authorized Focal Person from P&PR. 3.2 The activities for manning the front office shall

Annexure – B

Compliance Statement

No. Particulars Yes/ No

1 Copy of registration certificate of the firm/Company

2 Copy of PAN Card

3 Copy of Income Tax Returns for the last 03 financial years

4 Copy of Service Tax Registration

5 Copy of E.P.F Registration

6 Copy of E.S.I. Registration

7 Copy of Bank Account Details of the Tenderer

8 Copy of License issued by Labour Commissioner

9 Details of similar work carried out in the past along with

performance certificate

10 Undertaking the agency/company/firm is having no legal

suit/criminal case pending against them or its proprietor or

any of its Directors or having not been earlier convicted on

grounds of moral turpitude or for violation of laws in force.

11 Signed declaration (As per the format given in the Tender


Note: In order to evaluate the offers, all the above conditions will have to be

fulfilled by the Tenderers failing which the offers will be summarily

rejected. Such of those tenderers/agency/company/firm does not have

earlier similar experience in these services will not be consider and

summarily rejected.

Page 50: निविदा सूचिा संसक पीटी / 06 · Relations (P&PR), SAC/ Authorized Focal Person from P&PR. 3.2 The activities for manning the front office shall

Annexure –C


(On letter head of Agency/Firm of the Tenderer)

1. I/We have carefully read and understood all the terms and conditions of

the tender stated from Nos. 1.0 to 36 in RFP (page no. 1 to 11) for

providing Catering Services and undertake to abide by them.

2. I/We also agree to abide by all the statutory requirements as prevailing

from time to time.

3. I/We will also agree to bring in the required good quality of raw food


4. I/We hereby undertake that our company/firm do not have any legal

suit/criminal case either pending against me/us/proprietor or any of our

Directors (in case of company) or being contemplated and have not been

earlier convicted on the grounds of moral turpitude or for violation of

laws in force.

5. The information/documents furnished along with the above application

are true and authentic to the best of my knowledge and belief. I/We,

am/are aware of the fact that furnishing of any false

information/fabricated document would lead to rejection of my/our

tender at any stage besides liabilities towards prosecution under

appropriate law.

Signature of authorized Signatory

Date: ________________ Full Name: __________________________

Place: ________________ Seal:

Page 51: निविदा सूचिा संसक पीटी / 06 · Relations (P&PR), SAC/ Authorized Focal Person from P&PR. 3.2 The activities for manning the front office shall

Annexure –D


Particulars Rate

A 1 Lunch / Dinner 2 Vegetable (submit)

Rice Dal/ Sambar / Kadi Chappathi / Poori

Pickle + Papad + Curd


2 Vegetarian Special Lunch / Dinner for official meeting

Juice Soup

Plain Rice 2 Vegetarian dishes Plain Rice (white) (or) Veg. Pulao (or) Veg.Biryani (or)

Veg. Fried Rice (any one) Dal (or) Sambar (or) Kadi Salad, Pickle, Papad, Curd, Farsan

Ice cream (or) Sweet


3 Non Vegetarian Special Lunch / Dinner for official meeting

(As in item No. 2 + one Non-Veg. dish) Chicken (or) fish (or) mutton


B Breakfast

1 Milk (200 ml) 20.00

2 Omelet (Double with 2 slices bread ) 25.00

3 Omelet (Single with 2 slices bread) 18.00

4 Cornflakes (50 gems cornflakes) with 1 glass milk (200ml) 30.00

5 Butter Toast (4 slices + 10 gms butter + 20 gms Jam) 25.00

6 Uppma / Potato Powa / Chatney/ Sambar 35.00

7 Idli (3 pieces + Sambar + Chatney) 35.00

8 Uttappam (2 pieces + Sambar + Chatney) 35.00

9 Dosa (2 pieces) / Masala Dosa+Sambar, Chatney 35.00

10 Poori Shak (4 Poories + 150 gms subji) 35.00

11 Alu Parotha with curd (2 Pieces) 35.00

C - Tea / Coffee (125 ml) 10.00

D - Dinner / Lunch for staff working in Technical Area (Rice (150gms), Chappathi / Poori – 04 Nos. (80gms.)

Dal (150gms), Vegetable Curry (150gms) & Curd (80 gms)


E - Tea/ Coffee (125 ml) for staff working in Technical Area 05.00

F - High Tea (one item each from a, b & c with Tea / Coffee (125 ml)) (a) Dosa (02 Nos)/Idli (03 Nos) /Uppuma (200 gms) /Poori

(04 Nos) /Uthappam (2 Nos)/Masala Dosa (01 No.)/ Vadapav (01 No.)/Pav Bhaji (01 set) with necessary

accompaniments (b) Vada (01 No.)/ Cutlet (01 No)/Pakoda (02 Nos.)

/Sandwich (01 No)

(c) Sweet / Plantain / Pastry (01 No.)


G - Snacks (Vada/ Samosa/Veg. Sandwich/ Cutlet) 10.00

H - Soft Drinks/Mineral Water (subject to market rates)

Page 52: निविदा सूचिा संसक पीटी / 06 · Relations (P&PR), SAC/ Authorized Focal Person from P&PR. 3.2 The activities for manning the front office shall


We are proposing to invite Tenders in Two Parts Viz. Part I Technical and Commercial & Part II Price.

All Tenderers are requested to follow carefully the following instructions before preparing their offer.


Part – (a) Technical

i. This part should contain detailed specifications of the items quoted by you along with Technical literature and leaflets if any.

ii. A compliance statement showing the compliance of the item quoted by you with that of item tendered by us should be prepared and enclosed to this.

iii. Any other information called for in the tender related technical and specifications can also come in this part.

iv. Prices should not be indicated in this cover.

Part – (b) Commercial terms: (WITHOUT PRICES)

i. The commercial terms applicable for the item quoted by you should be indicated in this part.

ii. If any compliance statement is called for the commercial terms / contractual terms and conditions, the same is to be attached in this part.

iii. Prices should not be indicated in this part. However, a copy of the price bid (without prices) can be enclosed in this part to enable to understand whether all the items required to be quoted by you have been quoted in the price bid. Alternatively, a statement is to be made indicating that you have quoted prices for all the items as per the tender and enclosed in the Price Bid as per the format.

iv. The Commercial terms such as delivery terms, delivery period, payment terms, Warranty, validity of the offer, installation & commissioning, duties and taxes etc., shall come into this.

Note: 1. Either Technical Specifications or terms & conditions as above should be very clearly

reflected item-wise with reference to the items called for in the tender.

2. Please note that the PRICE SHOULD NOT BE indicated in this part.

3. Technical and Commercial part as described above shall be prepared and put it in a

sealed cover & super scribed and addressed as follows:


The Sr. Head Purchase & Stores

Space Applications Centre Ambawadi Vistar P.O. Ahmedabad – 380 015


Page 53: निविदा सूचिा संसक पीटी / 06 · Relations (P&PR), SAC/ Authorized Focal Person from P&PR. 3.2 The activities for manning the front office shall


i. The prices applicable for the items, item-wise in response to the tender shall come

into this part. ii. Tenderer shall indicate very clearly item-wise prices with reference to their

technical offer. iii. Price part prepared as above shall be enveloped and superscribed as follows:

III The Technical & Commercial envelope (Part I) and Price cover (Part II) prepared as

above along with ‘Tender fee cover’ (if applicable) should be inserted in another envelope and superscribed as follows:

Important Note: Being a Two-Part Tender, fax quotations will not be accepted. Please ensure your offers are received by mail before due date and time. In case you are going to download the documents from our website and submitting the offer, you are requested to submit the DD towards Tender fee in a separate cover along with a covering letter duly superscribing on the cover “Tender fee in respect of File No. __________________”. Quotations submitted contrary to above instructions are liable to be rejected.

Tender No. : Due Date : PART II : PRICE BID

The Sr. Head Purchase & Stores Space Applications Centre

Ambawadi Vistar P.O. Ahmedabad – 380 015


Tender No. : Due Date : PART I & PART II ARE INDIVIDUALLY SEALED AND KEPT INSIDE: (DD towards Tender fee also is kept inside)

The Sr. Head Purchase & Stores Space Applications Centre

Ambawadi Vistar P.O. Ahmedabad – 380 015


Page 54: निविदा सूचिा संसक पीटी / 06 · Relations (P&PR), SAC/ Authorized Focal Person from P&PR. 3.2 The activities for manning the front office shall





1. Tenders should be sent in sealed envelopes super scribing the relevant tender No, and

the due date of opening. Only one tender should be sent in each envelope. Unsigned bids shall be rejected.

2. Late tenders and delayed tenders will not be considered. Unsigned bids shall be rejected. 3. Tender fee & bid security (EMD) exemption for MSME. 4. Sales Tax and/or other duties/levies legally leviable and intended to be claimed should be

distinctly shown separately in the tender. 5. As a Government of India Department, this office is exempted from payment of Octroi

and similar local levies. Tenderers shall ensure that necessary Exemption Certificates are obtained by them from the Purchase Officer concerned to avoid any payment of such levies.

6. a) Your quotation should be valid for at least 120 days from the date of opening of the tender. b) Prices are required to be quoted according to the units indicated in the annexed tender form. When quotations are given in terms of units other than those specified in the tender form, relationship between the two sets of units must be furnished.

7. Preference will be given to those tenders offering supplies from ready stocks and on the basis of FOR destination/delivery at site.

8. (a) All available technical literature, catalogues and other data in support of the specifications and details of the items should be furnished along with the offer. (b) Samples, if called for, should be submitted free of all charges by the tenderer and the Purchaser shall not be responsible for any loss or damage thereof due to any reason whatsoever. In the event of non-acceptance of tender, the tenderer will have to remove the samples at his own expense. (c) Approximate net and gross weight of the items offered shall be indicated in your offer. If dimensional details are available the same should also be indicated in your offer. (d) Specifications: Stores offered should strictly confirm to our specifications. Deviations, if any, should be clearly indicated by the tenderer in his quotation. The tenderer should also indicate the Make/Type number of the stores offered and provide catalogues, technical literature and samples, wherever necessary, along with the quotations. Test Certificates, wherever necessary, should be forwarded along with supplies. Wherever options have been called for in our specifications, the tenderer should address all such options. Wherever specifically mentioned by us, the tenderer could suggest changes to specifications with appropriate response for the same.

9. The Purchaser shall be under no obligation to accept the lowest or any tender and reserves the right of acceptance of the whole or any part of the tender or portions of the quantity offered and the tenderers shall supply the same at the rates quoted.

10. Corrections, if any, must be attested. All amounts shall be indicated both in words as well as in figures. Where there is difference between amount quoted in words and figures, amount quoted in words shall prevail.

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11. The tenderer should supply along with his tender, the name of his bankers as well as the latest Income-Tax clearance certificate duly countersigned by the Income-Tax Officer of the Circle concerned under the seal of his office, if required by the Purchaser.

12. The Purchaser reserves the right to place order on the successful tenderer for additional quantity up to 25% of the quantity offered by them at the rates quoted.

13. The authority of the person signing the tender, if called for, should be produced. 14. We are exempted from the payment of Central Excise & Custom Duties vide notifications

issued by Govt. of India. 15. In case, the vendors are falling under the category of MSME, registered under NSIC and

would like to avail exemptions, their quotations should be accompanied with necessary registration certificate with declaration to consider their offer. Quotation received without such declaration and valid registration certificate will not be considered for exemptions under Public Procurement Policy.

16. No request for extension for due date for submission of tenders will be entertained.


(a) The term ‘Purchaser’ shall mean the President of India or his successors or assigns. (b) The term ‘Contractor’ shall mean, the person, firm or company with whom or with which

the order for the supply of stores is placed and shall be deemed to include the Contractor's successors, representative, heirs, executors and administrators unless excluded by the Contract.

c) The term ‘Stores’ shall mean what the Contractor agrees to supply under the Contract as specified in the Purchase Order including erection of plants & machinery and subsequent testing, should such a condition is included in the Purchase Order.

d) The term ‘Purchase Order’ shall mean the communication signed on behalf of the Purchaser by an Officer duly authorised intimating the acceptance on behalf of the Purchaser on the terms and conditions mentioned or referred to in the said communication accepting the tender or offer of the Contractor for supply of stores or plant, machinery or equipment or part thereof.


Tender offering firm prices will be preferred. Where a price variation clause is insisted upon by a tenderer, quotation with a reasonable ceiling should be submitted. Such offers should invariably be supported by the base price taken into account at the time of tendering and also the formula for any such variation/s.


On acceptance of the tender, the Contractor shall, at the option of the Purchaser and within the period specified by him, deposit with him, in cash or in any other form as the Purchaser may determine, security deposit not exceeding ten percent of the value of the Contract as the Purchaser shall specify. If the Contractor is called upon by the Purchaser to deposit, ‘Security’ and the Contractor fails to provide the security within the period specified, such failure shall constitute a breach of the Contract, and the Purchaser shall be entitled to make other arrangements for the re-purchase of the stores Contracted at the risk of the Contractor in terms of Sub-Clause (ii) and (iii) of clause 10(b) hereof and/or to recover from the Contractor, damages arising from such cancellation.

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4. GUARANTEE & REPLACEMENT: (a) The Contractor shall guarantee that the stores supplied shall comply fully with the

specifications laid down, for material, workmanship and performance. (b) For a period of twelve months after the acceptance of the stores, if any defects are

discovered therein or any defects therein found to have developed under proper use, arising from faulty stores design or workmanship, the Contractor shall remedy such defects at his own cost provided he is called upon to do so within a period of 14 months from the date of acceptance thereof by the Purchaser who shall state in writing in what respect the stores or any part thereof are faulty.

(c) If, in the opinion of the Purchaser, it becomes necessary to replace or renew any defective stores such replacement or renewal shall be made by the Contractor free of all costs to the Purchaser, provided the notice informing the Contractor of the defect is given by the Purchaser in this regard within the said period of 14 months from the date of acceptance thereof.

(d) Should the Contractor fail to rectify the defects, the Purchaser shall have the right to reject or repair or replace at the cost of the Contractor the whole or any portion of the defective stores.

(e) The decision of the Purchaser notwithstanding any prior approval or acceptance or inspection thereof on behalf of the Purchaser, as to whether or not the stores supplied by the Contractor are defective or any defect has developed within the said period of 12 months or as to whether the nature of the defects requires renewal or replacement, shall be final, conclusive and binding on the Contractor.

(f) To fulfil guarantee conditions outlined in clause 4 (a) to (e) above, the Contractor shall, at the option of the Purchaser, furnish a Bank Guarantee (as prescribed by the Purchaser) from a Bank approved by the Purchaser for an amount equivalent to 10% of the value of the Contract along with first shipment documents. On the performance and completion of the Contract in all respects, the Bank Guarantee will be returned to the Contractor without any interest.

(g) All the replacement stores shall also be guaranteed for a period of 12 months from the date of arrival of the stores at Purchaser's site.

(h) Even while the 12 months guarantee applies to all stores, in case where a greater period is called for by our specifications then such a specification shall apply in such cases the period of 14 months referred to in para 4 (b) & (c) shall be the ‘asked for’ guarantee period plus two months.


The Contractor will be held responsible for the stores being sufficiently and properly packed for transport by rail, road, sea or air to withstand transit hazards and ensure safe arrival at the destination. The packing and marking of packages shall be done by and at the expense of the Contractor. The Purchaser will not pay separately for transit insurance, all risks in transit being exclusively of the Contractor and the Purchaser shall pay only for such stores as are actually received in good condition in accordance with the Contract.

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6. DESPATCH: The Contractor is responsible for obtaining a clear receipt from the Transport Authorities specifying the goods despatched. The consignment should be despatched with clear Railway Receipt/Lorry Receipt. If sent in any other mode, it shall be at the risk of the Contractor. Purchaser will take no responsibility for short deliveries or wrong supply of goods when the same are booked on 'said to contain' basis. Purchaser shall pay for only such stores as are actually received by them in accordance with the Contract.

7. TEST CERTIFICATE: Wherever required, test certificates should be sent along with the despatch documents.

8. ACCEPTANCE OF STORES: (a) The stores shall be tendered by the Contractor for inspection at such places as may be

specified by the Purchaser at the Contractor's own risk, expense and cost. (b) It is expressly agreed that the acceptance of the stores Contracted for, is subject to final

approval by the Purchaser, whose decision shall be final. (c) If, in the opinion of the Purchaser, all or any of the stores do not meet the performance or

quality requirements specified in the Purchase Order, they may be either rejected or accepted at a price to be fixed by the Purchaser and his decision as to rejection and the prices to be fixed shall be final and binding on the Contractor.

(d) If the whole or any parts of the stores supplied are rejected in accordance with Clause No. 8 (c) above, the Purchaser shall be at liberty, with or without notice to the Contractor, to purchase in the open market at the expense of the Contractor stores meeting the necessary performance and quality Contracted for in place of those rejected, provided that either the purchase, or the agreement to purchase, from another supplier is made within six months from the date of rejection of the stores as aforesaid.

9. REJECTED STORES: Rejected stores will remain at destination at the Contractor's risk and responsibility. If instructions for their disposal are not received from the Contractor within a period of 14 days from the date of receipt of the advice of rejection, the Purchaser or his representative has, at his discretion, the right to scrap or sell or consign the rejected stores to Contractor's address at the Contractor's entire risk and expense, freight being payable by the Contractor at actuals.

10. DELIVERY: (a) The time for and the date of delivery of the stores stipulated in the Purchase Order shall be

deemed to be the essence of the Contract and delivery must be completed on or before the specified dates.

(b) Should the Contractor fail to deliver the stores or any consignment thereof within the period prescribed for such delivery, the Purchaser shall be entitled at his option either: (i) to recover from the Contractor as agreed liquidated damages and not by way of penalty,

a sum of 0.5% per week of the price of any stores which the Contractor has failed to deliver as aforesaid or during which the delivery of such store may be in arrears subject to a minimum of 10%, or

(II) to purchase from elsewhere, without notice to the Contractor on the account and at the risk of the Contractor, the stores not delivered or others of a similar description (where others exactly complying with the particulars, are not, in the opinion of the Purchaser,

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readily procurable, such opinion being final) without cancelling the Contract in respect of the consignment (s) not yet due for delivery, or

(iii) to cancel the Contract or a portion thereof and if so desired to purchase or authorise the purchase of stores not so delivered or others of a similar description (where others exactly if complying with the particulars are not, in the opinion of the Purchaser, readily procurable, such opinion final) at the risk and cost of the Contractor. In the event of action being taken under sub-clause (ii) & (iii) of clause 10 (b) above, the Contractor shall be liable for any loss which the Purchaser may sustain on that account, provided that the re-purchase or if there is an agreement to repurchase then such agreement is made within six months from the date of such failure. But the Contractor shall not be entitled to any gain on such re-purchase made against default. The manner and method of such re-purchase shall be at the discretion of the Purchaser, whose decision shall be final. It shall not be necessary for the Purchaser to serve a notice of such re-purchase on the defaulting Contractor. This right shall be without prejudice to the right of the Purchaser to recover damages for breach of Contract by the Contractor.


As soon as it is apparent that the Contract dates cannot be adhered to, an application shall be sent by the Contractor to the Purchaser. If failure, on the part of the Contractor, to deliver the stores in proper time shall have arisen from any cause which the Purchaser may admit as reasonable ground for an extension of the time (and his decision shall be final) he may allow such additional time as he considers it to be justified by circumstances, of the case without prejudice to the Purchaser's right to recover liquidated damages under clause 10 thereof.


Wherever erection of a plant or machinery is the responsibility of the Contractor as per the terms of the Contract and in case the Contractor fails to carry out the erection as and when called upon to do so within the period specified by the Purchaser, the Purchaser shall have the right to get the erection done through any source of his choice. In such an event, the Contractor shall be liable to bear any additional expenditure that the Purchaser is liable to incur towards erection. The Contractor shall, however, not be entitled to any gain due to such an action by the Purchaser.

13. PAYMENT: Contractor's bill will be passed for payment only after the stores have been received, inspected and accepted by the Purchaser i.e. after satisfactory completion of services as certified by the end user.

14. MODE OF PAYMENT: Normally payment will be made for the accepted stores within 30 days from the date of receipt of the materials.

15. RECOVERY OF SUM DUE: Whenever any claim for the payment of, whether liquidated or not, money arising out of or under this Contract against the Contractor, the Purchaser shall be entitled to recover such sum by appropriating in part or whole, the security deposited by the Contractor, if a security is taken against the Contract. In the event of the security being insufficient or if no security has been taken from the Contractor, then the balance or the total sum

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recoverable as the case may be, shall be deducted from any sum then due or which at any time thereafter may become due to the Contractor under this or any other Contract with the Purchaser. Should this sum be not sufficient to cover the full amount recoverable, the Contractor shall pay to the Purchaser on demand the remaining balance due. Similarly, if the Purchaser has or makes any claim, whether liquidated or not, against the Contractor under any other Contract with the Purchaser, the payment of all moneys payable under the Contract to the Contractor including the security deposit shall be withheld till such claims of the Purchaser are finally adjudicated upon and paid by the Contractor.


The Contractor shall warrant and be deemed to have warranted that all stores supplied against this Contract are free and clean of infringement of any Patent, Copyright or Trademark, and shall at all times indemnify the Purchaser against all claims which may be made in respect of the stores for infringement of any right protected by Patent Registration of design or Trade mark and shall take all risk of accidents or damage which may cause a failure of the supply from whatever cause arising and the entire responsibility for sufficiency of all means used by him for the fulfilment of the contact.


In the event of any question, dispute or difference arising under these conditions or any conditions contained in the Purchase Order or in connection with this Contract (except as to any matter the decision of which is specially provided for by these conditions), the same shall be referred to the sole arbitration of the Head of the Purchase office or some other person appointed by him. It will be no objection that the arbitrator is a Government servant that he had to deal with matter to which the Contract relates or that in the course of his duties as Government servant he has expressed views on all or any other matters in dispute or difference. The award of the arbitrator shall be final and binding on the parties of this Contract.

If the arbitrator be the Head of the Centre/Unit – (i) In the event of his being transferred or vacating his office by resignation or otherwise, it

shall be lawful for his successor-in-office either to proceed with reference himself, or to appoint another person as arbitrator, or

(ii) In the event of his being unwilling or unable to act for any reason, it shall be lawful for the Head of the Centre/Unit to appoint another person as arbitrator. If the arbitrator be a person appointed by the Head of the Purchase Office – In the event of his dying, neglecting or refusing to act or resigning or being unable to act, for any reason, it shall be lawful for the Head of the Centre/Unit either to proceed with the reference himself or appoint another person as arbitrator in place of the outgoing arbitrator. Subject as aforesaid the Arbitration & Conciliation Act 1996 and the rules thereunder and any statutory modifications thereof for the time being in force shall be deemed to apply to the arbitration proceedings under this Clause. The Arbitrator shall have the power to extend with the consent of the Purchaser and the Contractor the time for making and publishing the award. The venue of arbitration shall be the place as Purchaser in his absolute discretion may determine. Work under the Contract shall, if reasonably possible, continue during arbitration proceedings. In the event of any dispute or difference relating to the interpretation and application for the provisions of the Contracts, such dispute or difference shall be referred by either party to Arbitration of one of the Arbitrations in the

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Department of Public Enterprises. The Arbitration Act 1996 shall not be applicable to arbitration under this clause. The award of the Arbitrator shall be binding upon the parties to the dispute provided however any party aggrieved by such award may make a further reference for setting aside or revision of the award to the Law Secretary, Department of Legal Affairs. Ministry of Law & Justice, Government of India. The parties to the dispute will share equally, the cost of arbitration as intimated by Arbitrator.


Where counter terms and conditions printed or cyclostyled conditions have been offered by the supplier, the same shall not be deemed to have been accepted by the Purchaser, unless specific written acceptance thereof is obtained.


Successful tenderer will have to furnish in the form of a bank guarantee or any other form as called for by the Purchaser towards adequate security for the materials and properties provided by the Purchaser for the due execution of the Contract.


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(Seal of the Company)

Tender No.: ...................................... Due on: ......................................

Ref. No.: ....................................... Date: ........................................

TENDER FORM From: ................................................


................................................. To: The Sr. /Purchase & Stores Officer, ..................... (Name of the Centre/Unit) .......................................................... Dear Sir, I/We hereby offer to supply the stores detailed below at the price hereunder quoted and agree to hold this offer open till…………… I/we shall be bound to supply the stores hereby offered upon the issue of the Purchase Order communicating the acceptance thereof on or before the expiry of the last mentioned date. You are at liberty to accept any one or more of the items of stores tendered for or any portion of any one or more of the items of such stores. I/We, notwithstanding that the offer in this tender has not been accepted in whole, shall be bound to supply to you such items and such items and such portion or portions of one or more of the items as may be specified in the said Purchase Order communicating the acceptance:

Sl. No.

Description Quantity Unit Rate Rs.

Delivery Date

Note: All the rates should be given both in figures and words

Place at which delivery will be made

Date by which the ordered item/s will be supplied

2. I/We have understood the items of the tender annexed to the invitation to tender and have thoroughly examined the specifications/drawing and/or pattern quoted or referred to herein and am/are fully aware of the nature of the stores required and my/our offer is to supply the stores strictly in accordance with the requirements subject to the terms and conditions stipulated in the enquiry and contained in the Purchase Order communicating the acceptance of this tender either in whole or in part.

Signature of Tenderer Date: ………………………


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Sr. No.

Commercial terms Compliance/Remarks/Comments by Vendor

1. Delivery terms -Ex-works/FOB/ FCA etc. 1.1 Purchaser is having an air consolidation

contract and their freight forwarder will arrange to collect the consignment from your premises/will take the responsibility for onward transmission from the point of delivery as per INCOTERMS 2010. This is applicable for import cases.

2. Packing charges inclusive/exclusive. 3. Delivery period – in weeks/months 4. Payment terms :

Our standard term is - Sight Draft (import) /within 30 days from the date of acceptance (indigenous).

5. Country of origin – to be declared in the invoice.

6. Name and address of the Indian Agent. 7. Percentage of agency commission included in

the quoted price – payable in Indian Rupees only directly to the Indian Agent.

8. Validity of the offer- minimum of 120 days from the date of opening.

9. If you are an Indian Agent, please enclose the authorization letter of your Principal and confirm that whether you have enrolled with DGS&D as per rules.

10. In a tender, either the Indian agent on behalf of the Principal/OEM or Principal/OEM itself can bid but both cannot bid simultaneously for the same item/product in the same tender.

11. If an agent submits bid on behalf of the Principal/OEM, the same agent shall not submit a bid on behalf of another Principal/OEM in the same tender for the same item/product.

12. Cost of spares included in the price bid not included.

13. Will you be able to provide consumables/spares for 10 years?

14. 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4

Taxes and duties : Taxes in India to the account of Purchaser. Outside India to Seller’s/Contractor’s account. Please indicate your Tax Registration Number. Wherever installation involved, Income Tax @ 2% will be deducted from the bill and a certificate issued. Installation in India will attract Service Tax @ 12.36%. If required, orders for supply and installation can be issued separately. Work order will attract work contract tax as per

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14.5 14.6 14.7 14.8

rules. Please confirm whether you have included WCT in your offer. Customs Duty Exemption Certificate (CDEC) will be issued by Purchaser. Hence no CD is to be included in your offer wherever applicable. Please indicate rate of the Sales Tax/VAT applicable. Octroi Duty/Entry Tax exempted. Exemption certificate will be issued, if required. Purchaser is eligible for full Excise Duty exemption. Excise Duty exemption certificate will be issued.

15. No Insurance is required at Purchaser’s cost. 16. For Single part bids one separate sealed envelope

are to be sent duly superscribed as follows : 1. TECHNICAL & COMMERCIAL BID

Please refer instructions.

17. Wherever EMD/tender fee is payable – provide the same in the form of crossed Demand Draft in favour of The Accounts Officer, SAC, Ahmedabad along with the bid but in a separate cover or along with technical bid. On the back side of the D.D, please write your company’s name.

18. Language to be used in all correspondence – English

19. Measurements – Metric system to be followed 20. Whether prequalification of your facility

procedure completed (if applicable).

21. Warranty period – We need minimum 3 years from the date of acceptance. In case the product has a standard warranty of 1 year, confirm that additional 2 years warranty cost is indicated in the price bid/prices. However the warranty requirement if projected in RFP shall prevail.

22.1 Defective/rejected items if any, are to be replaced free of cost.

23. Confirm whether you will be able to provide samples if called for, free of cost.

24 Approximate weight (net and gross) of the consignment.

25. Instruction/operational manual to be supplied free of cost.

26. Supply and installation is subject to Purchaser’s acceptance.

27. LC extension charges to your account, in case of delay from your side.

28. Items from latest production batch only are to be supplied.

29. Wherever Export Licence required, payment will be made after getting export licence and after confirmation by the supplier, with a copy of Export Licence.

30. 30.1

Bank Guarantees (from Nationalized/ Scheduled Bank/ Bank approved by Purchaser. Advance payment for the equal value valid till

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30.2 30.2.1 30.3

the completion of contract/acceptance, is to be provide by you. Towards issue of “Free Issue Material” by Purchaser for the value of the material issued, is to be provided. The Bill of material for the material used for the Fabrication work and available balance to be prepared by you and countersigned by the User Department is to be sent along with the final bill for arranging the balance/payment. Towards Performance of the Contract and Product for 10% value valid till the expiry of warranty period.

31. Security Deposit: An amount equivalent to maximum 10% of annual contract value shall be remitted through Account Payee DD/Fixed Deposit Receipt (FDR) in favour of Accounts Officer, SAC as Security Deposit towards performance of contract. Security Deposit will be released only after satisfactory completion of the contract. Security Deposit is to be submitted to SAC by the successful bidder (wherever applicable ) on awarding the contract

32. Training – free of cost – to be imparted at Purchaser’s site.

33. Bank charges wherever applicable shall be paid by Purchaser/Contractor to their respective Bankers.

34. Arbitration proceedings – Within India as per provisions of Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996.

35. Liquidated Damages - @ 0.5% per week for the delayed portion – maximum 10% of the contract value.

36. Force Majeure conditions applicable? 37. Acceptance of Fall clause.

“The rates as per the charges of the Contract should not in any event exceed the lowest rates, the supplier charge to any other party or organization. If at any time during the period of contract, the supplier reduce the charges to any other party, then they shall forth-with notify such reduction to Head, Purchase & Stores, SAC and reduce the contract rates subsequently, from the date of coming into force of such reduction” .

38. You are requested to indicate the registration number; you have for Sales Tax/Service Tax as the case may be with concerned Government authorities. Also you are requested to provide company registration details wherever applicable along with copy of the company registration certificate. The offers received without the above information will be summarily rejected.