The purpose of our church is not to know everyone else. The purpose is to introduce more people to Christ.” - Pastor Josh Burton Faith is the essence of a Christian. No one in our church would want to be accused of not having faith. Ephesians 2:8 tells us, “you are saved ... through faith.” Paul also wrote in 2 Corinthians 5:7, “For we walk (live) by faith, not by sight.” Hebrews 11:6 says, “without faith it is impossible to please God.” To the Christian faith is a way of life, but faith is challenging. For the non-believer, the difficulty of faith (putting their trust in what they cannot see) is what keeps them lost and bound to Hell. For the believer, the difficulty of faith can prevent us from continuing to see the power of God in our lives. After the disciples could not exercise their faith to reach a lost and demon-possessed boy, Jesus rebuked them in Matthew 17:20 saying that with just a little faith, the size of a mustard seed, nothing is impossible. How do we know if we have that little, yet powerful, amount of faith? Through our actions. James 2:18 says, “…I will show you faith from my works.” A great example of this is when God promised Joshua that he would separate the waters of a flooded Jordan River in Joshua chapter 3. God said in verse 13, “When the feet of the priests who carry the ark of the LORD, the Lord of all the earth, come to rest in the Jordan’s waters, its waters will be cut off.” God emphatically commanded the people to literally step out in faith into dangerous waters before he would continue fulfilling his promises. The Lord has emphatically commanded us to make disciples of all people. We have been doing so and are seeing great victories. In 2014 we operated in faith by bringing in new staff and expanding ministries and I exhort us not to stop. For 2015, we must continue to create avenues for people to come and experience the life-changing work of Jesus Christ. This will stretch us in new ways but by faith we can step out into the waters and see the power of God. Some of the actions steps we will take will be expanding our discipleship groups so more of our new members have opportunities to become connected in intimate settings. We would also like to purchase transportation to continue reaching the tremendous amounts of students the Lord is bringing us. This will also challenge us to give more financially. And on Easter Sunday we will begin an earlier service at 9:15 am. We would prefer not to have to do this but our auditorium is relatively small and we are still reaching people. Remember, the purpose of our church is not to know everyone else. You probably don’t know everyone now. The purpose is to introduce more people to Christ. All these decisions require faith. In spite of what seems difficult we are a people living for a God who requires our lives be characterized by trusting in Him through every circumstance as we move forward in our faith. Pastor Josh First Pottsboro Newsletter March/April 2015 For more info on what is happening in the church visit: fbcpottsboro.com/InTheKnow New Members in Jan & Feb -Scooter Cunningham -Charma Farris -Tyler Farris -Stephanie Faubion -PJ Flenner -Jennifer Gibson -Verne Preston -Wes Rogers A Word From Pastor Josh

A Word From Pastor Josh - static1.squarespace.comstatic1.squarespace.com/static/5225e4dce4b01cea4fda407d/t/54fde75... · A Word From Pastor Josh. ... this would provide just over

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“The purpose of our

church is not to know

everyone else. The

purpose is to introduce

more people to Christ.”

- Pastor Josh Burton

Faith is the essence of a Christian. No one in our church would want to be accused of not having faith. Ephesians 2:8 tells us, “you are saved ... through faith.” Paul also wrote in 2 Corinthians 5:7, “For we walk (live) by faith, not by sight.” Hebrews 11:6 says, “without faith it is impossible to please God.” To the Christian faith is a way of life, but faith is challenging.

For the non-believer, the difficulty of faith (putting their trust in what they cannot see) is what keeps them lost and bound to Hell. For the believer, the difficulty of faith can prevent us from continuing to see the power of God in our lives. After the disciples could not exercise their faith to reach a lost and demon-possessed boy, Jesus rebuked them in Matthew 17:20 saying that with just a little faith, the size of a mustard seed, nothing is impossible. How do we know if we have that little, yet powerful, amount of faith? Through our actions. James 2:18 says, “…I will show you faith from my works.”

A great example of this is when God promised Joshua that he would separate the waters of a flooded Jordan River in Joshua chapter 3. God said in verse 13, “When the feet of the priests who carry the ark of the LORD, the Lord of all the earth, come to rest in the Jordan’s waters, its waters will be cut off.” God emphatically commanded the people to literally step out in faith into dangerous waters before he would continue fulfilling his promises.

The Lord has emphatically commanded us to make disciples of all people. We have been doing so and are seeing great victories. In 2014 we operated in faith by bringing in new staff and expanding ministries and I exhort us not to stop. For 2015, we must continue to create avenues for people to come and experience the life-changing work of Jesus Christ. This will stretch us in new ways but by faith we can step out into the waters and see the power of God.

Some of the actions steps we will take will be expanding our discipleship groups so more of our new members have opportunities to become connected in intimate settings. We would also like to purchase transportation to continue reaching the tremendous amounts of students the Lord is bringing us. This will also challenge us to give more financially. And on Easter Sunday we will begin an earlier service at 9:15 am. We would prefer not to have to do this but our auditorium is relatively small and we are still reaching people.

Remember, the purpose of our church is not to know everyone else. You probably don’t know everyone now. The purpose is to introduce more people to Christ. All these decisions require faith. In spite of what seems difficult we are a people living for a God who requires our lives be characterized by trusting in Him through every circumstance as we move forward in our faith.

Pastor Josh

First Pottsboro Newsletter March/April 2015

For more info on what is happening in the church visit: fbcpottsboro.com/InTheKnow

New Members in Jan & Feb

-Scooter Cunningham -Charma Farris

-Tyler Farris -Stephanie Faubion

-PJ Flenner -Jennifer Gibson -Verne Preston -Wes Rogers

A Word From Pastor Josh

What is going on in Kindle Student Ministry?

We are getting ready to go to North Texas Easter Retreat in Davis, OK

at the Falls Creek. We are also getting ready for this summer, which

will be a lot of fun and excitement. We will be going to Wild Week at

Latham Springs in Aquila, TX July 7-11, we will also be going out to

the lake a few times this summer. I am excited to see the students

grow, we had 11 students go to the Easter retreat last year and we

are expecting around 30 students this year. I look forward to see what

God is going to do this year.

Youth Spotlight

I’d like to talk about one of our students, so this time I want to tell you

about Jimmy (Scooter) Cunningham. Scooter is a great student and

has grown spiritually. When he first started coming to the youth group

he did not hesitate to start asking his friends to come. He is always the

first one wanting to pray when asked, and has the ability to reach

people. I will ask you to pray for him as he grows and pray for the rest

of our students, that God will work in their lives. Also pray that the

students will be receptive of the Gospel.

Till He Comes, Victor Quintanilla

Children’s Corner Hello, church! These next few months are going to bring a lot of

change for our kiddos here at FBC. We are beginning to decorate the

hallways and the nursery. I will also be implementing many new

procedures to ensure the safety of all of our little ones.

I’m very pleased to announce that we now have an RA’s class (taught

by Blake) AND a GA’s class (taught by Leah) for our 5th-6th graders!

What an awesome answer to prayer! I will continue to teach the K-4th

grade coed class until we need to split into more grade divisions. How

cool is it to have grown so much that we need three teachers?

God is so good!

In Children’s worship on Sunday mornings, we have begun the “Buck

Denver: What’s in the Bible?” video series. This 13 part video series

will go through the entire Bible, from Genesis to Revelation. I think it

will be a great way for the kids to really get to know what’s in God’s


We also have many upcoming events, including an Easter outreach,

VBS outreach, and summer camp. There are a few fundraisers in the

works so be ready to hear about them and please be ready to serve!

In order to do everything God has planned for this ministry, it’s going

to take all of us working together. Love you guys!

In Him, Meagan Hunter

For more info on the Youth and Children visit:

fbcpottsboro.com/students or fbcpottsboro.com/children

Youth In The Spotlight

April is going to be a HUGE month for First Baptist! On Easter Sunday, the Praise Team will play two services for the first

time. I cannot believe that we have grown so much that we are having to transition to two services—this is a great problem to

have! God is moving in and through all of us! I hope that one day, we will all be able to be united in one service if we are ever

blessed enough to have a bigger facility.

With two services comes many questions—many of them being about diversity in style and in music. I can answer those

questions quickly and easily—there will be no difference. I have a conviction that the Lord has put on my heart to do the same set

list in both services. I don’t think it is wise to “segregate” the

church because of style. We only have a size complication, not

a style complication. The heart of worship is surrender. Music

is an avenue of worship. It is all about what we give to the Lord,

not about our preferences or what we get out of the service. For

this reason, the Praise Team will continue as usual in serving

the Lord through music – this is where our heart is.

God Bless, Jenna Toland

With growth comes growing pains. This is not much of a

revelation to anyone, I’m sure, but the truth of this

applies to many things and in ways we sometimes don’t

realize. The Lord has blessed our fellowship mightily

over the past several months and, while it does not

measure up to the first Pentecost in which 3000 people

were added to the church, the growth has been enough

to produce some growing pains.

It is interesting to note how the early church handled

their growing pains. Now, I understand that caution

should be exercised when applying historical narratives

to our lives since many accounts are descriptive of the

events and not necessarily prescriptive of the way we

should live. With this in mind, I don’t think God would

have us sell our possessions and property and distribute

the proceeds to all as anyone has a need. However, the

principle is still applicable – we should be willing to

sacrifice what God has blessed us with to meet the

needs of the brethren.

We have several areas in which our growing pains are

being felt. One of these is our youth ministry. The youth

group has grown significantly recently and is, of course,

also one that is feeling some of these growing pains the

most. More specifically, the need for transportation to

and from the church is growing almost weekly.

The largest obstacle to meeting this need is the monthly

expenses such as gas, insurance, etc. a vehicle would


I would like to encourage you to prayerfully consider

your financial contributions to the church. Is your heart

that of the early church? Are you meeting the scriptural

and spiritual mandate to tithe to the Lord? Could you

perhaps increase your giving? We have had an average

attendance since the first of the year of over 114 each

Sunday. If one additional dollar was given for each

person each week, this would provide just over $450.00

each month. From estimates we have received, this

would roughly meet a gas/insurance budget for a church

van and remove a significant obstacle to the youth

ministry. If each of us will act as the early church did and

have that kind of heart toward one another and live

sacrificially toward one another, the Lord says we will be


In Christ, Troy Kelso

From the Deacon’s Desk

From Acts 2:41-47 (labeled a Generous and Growing Church)

“So those who accepted his message were baptized, and that day about 3,000 people were added to them. And they devoted

themselves to the apostles’ teaching, to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread, and to the prayers. Then fear came over everyone,

and many wonders and signs were being performed through the apostles. Now all the believers were together and held all things in

common. They sold their possessions and property and distributed the proceeds to all, as anyone had a need. Every day they devoted

themselves to meeting together in the temple complex, and broke bread from house to house. They ate their food with a joyful and

humble attitude, praising God and having favor with all the people. And every day the Lord added to them those who were being saved.”

Notes from Jenna ♫

For more info on the Music Ministry or ways to get involved at First Baptist, visit us at: fbcpottsboro.com/worship

April 1 Fleeta Curtis

10 Carson Daniel 11 Jason Mowdy & Elwanda Medart 21 John Burton


2 David Nixon

3 Greg Gilley & Gay Gentry

4 Tyler Farris

10 Joann Towery

15 Bob Hash & Sammy Brown

21 Joseph Faubion

24 Rhealynn Owens

26 P.J. Flenner & Maddi Elizondo

First Pottsboro Newsletter March/April 2015

For more info on what is happening in the church visit: fbcpottsboro.com/InTheKnow

Giving Needed Each Month - $10,950.00

Contact Us

First Baptist Pottsboro

400 N. Houston

Pottsboro, Texas 75076



First Pottsboro Staff

Josh Burton, Pastor

[email protected]

Victor Quintanilla, Students

[email protected]

Meagan Hunter, Children

[email protected]

Jenna Toland, Music

[email protected]

Service Times


Discipleship Groups | 9:30a

Service | 10:45a

Evening Bible Study | 6:00p


Fellowship Meal | 5:30p

Discipleship Groups | 6:30p


Average Attendance: 104

Baptisms: 2

New Members: 2


Total Giving: $9,646.64


Average Attendance: 116

Baptisms: 4

New Members: 5

(1 letter & 4 baptisms)

Total Giving: $10,399.94

Facts and Figures

Don’t see your birthday here? Email us your info at

[email protected]

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 Discipleship Groups -9:30A Service - 10:45a Service - 6:00p



4 Fellowship Meal - 5:30p Discipleship Groups - 6:30p

5 6 7



- 12p

8 Discipleship Groups -9:30A Service - 10:45a Children’s Volunteer Meeting - 5:00p Service - 6:00p

9 10

11 Fellowship Meal - 5:30p Discipleship Groups - 6:30p

12 13 14

15 Discipleship Groups -9:30A Service - 10:45a Service - 6:00p

16 GBA Meeting

@ FBC Van Alstyne -


17 18

Provide BSM Lunch - 11:30-12:30p

Fellowship Meal - 5:30p

Discipleship Groups - 6:30p

19 20

Spring Begins


22 Discipleship Groups -9:30A Service - 10:45a Service - 6:00p

23 24 25 Fellowship Meal - 5:30p Discipleship Groups - 6:30p

26 27 28

Spring Clean Fellowship

29 Discipleship Groups -9:30A Service - 10:45a

5th Sunday

Singing - 6:00p

30 31

For more info on Upcoming Events visit: fbcpottsboro.com/Upcoming-Events

MARCH 2015

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 Easter Park Outreach - 5:30p

No Discipleship



Falls Creek


Falls Creek

Good Friday


Falls Creek


Sunrise Service - 6:00a

Service - 9:15a

Service - 10:45a

No Night Service

6 7 8

Fellowship Meal - 5:30p Discipleship Groups - 6:30p

9 10 11


Service - 9:15a

Service - 10:45a

Deacons Meeting - 5:00p Service - 6:00p

13 14 15 Fellowship Meal - 5:30p Discipleship Groups - 6:30p

16 17 18

Kids Bake Sale

Fundraiser @ Brookshire’s

19 Service - 9:15a Service - 10:45a

Church Conference -


20 21 22 Fellowship Meal - 5:30p Discipleship Groups - 6:30p

23 24

Mission Arlington


Mission Arlington

26 Service - 9:15a Service - 10:45a Service - 6:00p

27 28 29 Fellowship Meal - 5:30p Discipleship Groups - 6:30p


APRIL 2015

For more info on Upcoming Events visit: fbcpottsboro.com/Upcoming-Events