1 A Vision for Theodore Wirth Park Submitted to the Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board by the City of Lakes Nordic Ski Foundation December, 2010 (Annotated by the Friends of the Theodore Wirth Par 3) September, 2011 The purpose of this annotated version of the original “Vision” document is to correct some impressions given about golf, golfers, and the Theodore Wirth Par 3 by the City of Lakes Nordic Ski Foundation. Notwithstanding the fact that the Nordic Ski Foundation has issued a more recent document nominally modifying its position it is still important that we provide this response. Since the original “Vision” Document was addressed to the MPR B we feel it is necessary to provide our response to all board members as well as the Theodore Wirth Citizen’s Advisory Committee. At the outset we must say that this is not a criticism of skiers or a condemnation of their Foundation. The City of Lakes Nordic Ski Foundation is well know for its success stimulating the growth of cross-country skiing and other winter sports activities within the Minneapolis park system. They have contributed expertise and establish programs and activities involving school and neighborhood groups, youth and adults, and have helped make the City of Minneapolis prominent as a location for regional and national events for these sports. They have been successful at raising funds for their own programs, for activities programs facilities and equipment for the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board, and for various individuals. (below we will italicize the portions of the original vision document which are of particular concern) I. Introduction The Park Board is poised to start a new citizen s advisory committee process for Theodore Wirth Park, with the charge of improving the winter recreation facilities, adding active sports facilit ies, consolidating operations facilities and improving trails. The City of Lakes Nordic Ski Foundation has pa rtnered with the Park Board to improve and promote use of the park for the past eight years. (See appendix) . This document provides the Nordic Ski Foundations vision for Wirth Park  a vision that we believe is in line with the Park Board s charge to the advisory committee. The F oundatio n hopes that the Park Board formally adopts this vision as its overall framework in shaping the park through the advisory committee process. II. Executive Summar y While the strengths of Theodore Wirth Park are trails and silent contemplation this document focuses on trails. Hiking trails, walking trails, trails leading to quiet spaces, ski trails, mountain bike trails and asphalt bike trails Wirth Park is b uilt on t rails. Wirth Parks strength is also its weakness. In general, the trails are not signed or marked, they run through brambles of

A Vision for Wirth Park

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A Vision for Theodore Wirth Park

Submitted to the Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board by the City of Lakes Nordic Ski


December, 2010

(Annotated by the Friends of the Theodore Wirth Par 3)

September, 2011

The purpose of this annotated version of the original “Vision” document is to correct someimpressions given about golf, golfers, and the Theodore Wirth Par 3 by the City of LakesNordic Ski Foundation. Notwithstanding the fact that the Nordic Ski Foundation has issued amore recent document nominally modifying its position it is still important that we provide thisresponse. Since the original “Vision” Document was addressed to the MPRB we feel it isnecessary to provide our response to all board members as well as the Theodore WirthCitizen’s Advisory Committee.

At the outset we must say that this is not a criticism of skiers or a condemnation of theirFoundation. The City of Lakes Nordic Ski Foundation is well know for its success stimulatingthe growth of cross-country skiing and other winter sports activities within the Minneapolispark system. They have contributed expertise and establish programs and activities involvingschool and neighborhood groups, youth and adults, and have helped make the City ofMinneapolis prominent as a location for regional and national events for these sports. Theyhave been successful at raising funds for their own programs, for activities programs facilitiesand equipment for the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board, and for various individuals.

(below we will italicize the portions of the original vision document which are of particular concern)

I. Introduction 

The Park Board is poised to start a new citizen’s advisory committee process for

Theodore Wirth Park, with the charge of improving the winter recreation facilities, adding active

sports facilities, consolidating operations facilities and improving trails. The City of Lakes Nordic

Ski Foundation has partnered with the Park Board to improve and promote use of the park for the

past eight years. (See appendix).  This document provides the Nordic Ski Foundation’s vision for

Wirth Park – a vision that we believe is in line with the Park Board ’s charge to the advisory

committee. The Foundation hopes that the Park Board formally adopts this vision as

its overall framework in shaping the park through the advisory committee process.

II. Executive Summary 

While the strengths of Theodore Wirth Park are trails and silent contemplation this

document focuses on trails. Hiking trails, walking trails, trails leading to quiet spaces, ski trails,

mountain bike trails and asphalt bike trails – Wirth Park is built on trails. Wirth Park’s strength is

also its weakness. In general, the trails are not signed or marked, they run through brambles of

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buckthorn, they are often in a dilapidated state and there is no infrastructure  – like coordinated

and adequate maintenance facilities and a public building with related concessions – to support

the trail network. In fact, dilapidated is the common theme of the entire park. Rather than

spend precious resources analyzing a dartboard full of disparate ideas, the Park Board should, to

coin a new phrase, un-dilapidate the park and invest in making trail experiences better for all.

Investing in trails makes sense for several reasons. Over the past 30 years, with little

planning and almost no investment trails use in Wirth Park has skyrocketed:

(see Assumptions in the Appendix)• Cross country skiers now make approximately 55,000 trips to the park, logging more

than 500,000 kilometers  – or 310,000 miles – over little more than a 60 day season

• Conservatively, mountain bikers make some 50,000 trips to the park, logging some

250,000 miles.

• Everyday bikers make more than 250,000 trips through the park, logging more than one

million miles each year.

• Runners: 25,000 trips and more than 100,000 miles

• Walkers and hikers, including birder and nature watchers, make more than 75,000 tripsand log more than 150,000 miles

• In-line skaters, roller-skiers and other like users make some 10,000 trips, logging more

than 40,000 miles.

Trail use by young people in particular has increased dramatically. (See Appendix). From a

societal perspective, Wirth Park’s trails are more important than ever. Sedentary lifestyles and

obesity are at epidemic proportions. This is particularly true in North Minneapolis, where low- 

income and minority populations have the greatest health problems in the city.   The reader

should check with members of the North Minneapolis neighbo rhood community to see

how they feel about this statement. Because Wirth Park is North Minneapolis’ largest park,Wirth should be a place that helps inspire an active lifestyle throughout the year. Despite years

of neglect Wirth Park’s trails have been doing that. With a little investment and un-dilapidating,

Wirth Park’s trail infrastructure can inspire more and more people to stay active throughout the


III. Vision 

The Minneapolis parks system has lakes and riverfronts with asphalt walking and biking

trails. It has dramatic features like Minnehaha Falls. It has pocket parks within reach of most

citizens. It has soccer parks and baseball fields, and hockey rinks and ice arenas. What it does

not have is a park devoted to lifetime activities  – also known as active or silent sports . The

northern portion of Theodore Wirth should be that park.

Throughout this document, and in others produced by the Nordic Ski Foundation, and

others that are byproducts of their message, you will see references to lifetime, active and silent

sports. These terms are often accompanied by a list of sports. The lists always exclude golf, as

though golf is not a lifetime activity, or as though carrying a golf bag or playing 9 or 18 holes is not

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really being active. Whatever the original definition of silent sports, the terms lifetime, active or

silent, in this document are being used to ignore or diminish golf in comparison to the sports

favored by the Foundation. This is common propaganda technique designed to redefine the

reader’s thinking. When you see lifetime, active or silent in this document it is meant to

communicate that the author’s sports are better than the excluded sports.

The idea is to create a central location for silent sports like cross country skiing,

mountain biking, trail running, disc golf, cyclo-cross , hiking and perhaps BMX bike riding . These

cyclo-cross and BMX ideas also appeared in the subsequent North Wirth Park Study Team Report.

Both the City of Minneapolis Nordic Ski Foundation and the Minneapolis Off road Cycling

Advocates were represented in this Study Team. But in subsequent documents the MOCA, the

organization that maintains the mountain biking paths in North Wirth Park, has made it clear that

they did not propose and do not support establishing cyclo-cross, BMX or pump track facilities in

North Wirth Park and in particular do not support displacing the Par 3 with these facilities.

Therefore there is serious doubt as to the authority with which the Nordic Ski Foundation can speak

to or identify the needs of the cycling community. The central location would act as a hub for

these activities, with a central building , parking lot, and facilities catering to the silent sportscommunity. For instance, the building would contain a great room for meetings, a bike and ski

shop (a North Minneapolis version of the Midtown Bike Station), office space for organizations

devoted to increasing all, but especially youth participation in these activities, and a restaurant

or coffee shop. The proposal for a new facility of this kind is discussed later in this document

and will be commented upon at that point.

The trailheads for the various activities would all emanate from this central location. Over

time, this central location would help solidify this community and help young people develop a

passion for lifetime sports. Non-profit organizations would run programming designed to

encourage activity in North Minneapolis residents. This has already been happening to some

degree – with organizations like the Nordic Ski Foundation (see appendix), V3 (a North

Minneapolis based triathlon training club) and Trips for Kids all working with youth in Wirth Park

on a regular basis. Other organizations, like Bolder Options and Big Brothers/Big Sisters, have

expressed interest in further development at Wirth Park as well.

There is significant momentum for this idea. Cross country skiing, trail running and

mountain biking have blossomed over the past several years. The golf operation recently added

a disc golf course, cyclo-cross is a growing sport with a presence in Wirth , and there are strong

proponents of adding a BMX course to the park system generally. Other cities, like Portland,

Oregon and Boulder, Colorado, have added silent sports centers already. We have been told 

that successful cyclo-cross events have been held at Theodore Wirth Park for sometime. Thereis no indication that they have been done on the golf course or at the expense of any other of the

activities at the park. It seems as if a cyclo-cross course and a pump track are depicted in the

North Wirth Park Study Team Report on the current 17th hole just to help justify the Nordic Ski

desire to displace that hole in favor of permanent winter sports facilities. In any case, if better cyclo-

cross course or pump track facilities are needed we would like to hear from a cycling organization

about that and not the Nordic Ski Foundation.

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While ski, bike and running trails pass through the entire park, the most intense use and

the center of activity would be better placed on the northern side of the park, with the current

Par-3 building being the most likely location for the silent sports center. This site attracts users

from south Minneapolis and the suburbs, but is actually closer to North Minneapolis  – making it

well-suited to creating a mix of user groups.

While building on Wirth Park’s strengths, this would be a new signature park in the Park

Board system. The park would feature world class cross country ski trails, a feature that only a

northern city like Minneapolis could boast. With Wirth Park’s woods and hills, it could also

provide world class mountain biking and trail running experiences. This is what the Park Board

should strive for: a world class park that can be used by all and that will be particularly effective

at introducing and retaining young people to lifetime sports.

IV. Specific Plan 

To make this vision a reality, there are four primary areas to address: the golfcourses/winter recreation area, trails, maintenance and management.

A. Create World-Class Ski Trails 

Prompted by the 1922 National Ski Tournament and 1924 U.S. WinterOlympic Ski Team trials, both held in Glenwood Park (now Theodore Wirth Park),then-Park Superintendent Theodore Wirth wrote in the Board’s 1924 AnnualReport:

“ The prospects are that the Olympic winter sports games will be held in Minneapolis in 1928 or 1932.”  

The Olympic Games have not arrived in Minneapolis yet, but the Junior Olympics are comingthis March and, pending park improvements, a Paralympics World Cup is poised to come toWirth Park in 2012. It is our understanding that Minneapolis is under consideration for aParalympics World Cup Winter event in 2012. The Nordic Ski Foundation should becommended for promoting events such as this. There should be no reason why these eventscan’t be successful without damaging or having to modify the golf course or any of the facilities

for other park users.

For cross country skiing there are two distinct sections of trail: the

snowmaking/competition area (those trails on the north or west side of Wirth Parkway) and the

recreational trails, which run through the remainder of the park. There are six elements to ourplan to make the snowmaking/competition area into a premiere local, regional, national and

international destination for both everyday skiing and major competitions: 1. Move the 17th  and

18th  fairways, 2. Upgrade the snowmaking facilities, 3. Upgrade the lighting, 4. Create a

permanent staging area that is handicapped accessible and visible to the public, 5. Widen and

grade a short section of the “Back-40” section of trails, and 6. Build a dedicated year-round

welcome center for silent sports.

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1. Move the 17th

 and 18th


For better or worse the golf course and the winter recreation area are inextricably linked.

It is impossible to have an intelligent discussion of one without discussing the impact on the

other. The challenge is figuring out how the two can co-exist with the best chance for both to

succeed. After years of working on these problems, the Nordic Ski Foundation and the golf staff

have a solution: move the 17 th  and 18 

th   fairways of the 18-hole golf course .

The 17 th   and 18 

th   fairways are problematic for several reasons. First, neither are great golf 

holes. Among other problems, it is difficult to grow grass on the 17 th 

  fairway because it runs 

through a ravine-like area. The 18 th   is even worse. It is, apparently, not a good thing to end a 

course with a par-3 hole. But that is exactly what the 18 th   is. Moreover, the 18 

th  green is overly 

challenging  – with an uneven camber that causes balls to run back off of the green. This may 

be okay for championship golf, but it is frustrating   – and a terrible way to end  – for a municipal 

golf course. It is unnecessary for the City of Lakes Nordic Ski Foundation to feign concern over

whether a golf hole is great, or good, or bad. Clearly their objective is to advance ideas which

enhance their sport or “silent” sports in general, whether or not there is a negative effect on

golf or any other less favored sport. The Nordic Ski Foundation is not qualified to express

opinions on the quality of any golf hole; no more that the Friends of the Theodore Wirth Par 3

should be determining which ski trails are good and which are bad. There are no bad golf

holes at Theodore Wirth, either on the Par 3 or the 18 hole course. Some golfers may not like

a hole because it is difficult; other golfers like the same hole because it is a challenging. The

17th, a par 4, has a narrow fairway down into a valley with trees close on both sides. About at

the maximum of an average player’s tee shot it doglegs right with another 100+ yards before

you reach the green. The 18th, although a par 3, goes from an elevated tee to an elevated

green. Hitting and/or holding the green is very difficult. The green, because of its slope, is themost difficult one on the course. If we wanted to make this hole easier the slope of the green

could be changed at a relatively small cost. You can be sure that when you do get a good

score on these holes you are particularly pleased. These holes are consistent with the theme

of the course. With its hills, trees, and now its yardage, the Wirth 18 hole course is perhaps the

most challenging in the MPRB system. Historically it has been a home court advantage for the

Wirth teams that compete in the various leagues.

However, it is true that there are problems maintaining the grass on several holes both on the

18 hole course and the Par 3. These problems have to do with the location of trees and their

effects on air circulation and sunlight, or with drainage and the type of soil in certain areas,particularly at tees and greens. These are all solvable problems provided enough additional

money was available in the course budget. As for the erosion problems on the 17 th fairway a

careful study should be made to determine whether they are being caused by the increase in

winter sports activities in this area, particularly the additional snowmaking. We do not expect a

perfect course. The maintenance crew deserves particular praise for the job they do. Things

could be improved; but to a degree there are certain problems you have to expect if you want

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to play on a beautiful mature parkland municipal course.

Finally, as to ending the course with the 18 th hole as a par 3: The Nordic Ski Foundation, in

this document, has the case exactly the wrong way around. The USGA does frown on the last

hole being a par 3, but they are against it when they are considering a course for one of their

national events. Their feeling is that, if a championship comes down to the 72nd

hole, a playershould have to use his full range of shots on that last hole. So, they have asked courses to

modify their last hole or play the holes in a different order when a USGA event occurs. It

makes little difference to the regular user of the With 18 hole course whether or not the last

hole is a par 3. There may not be any USGA event scheduled for Wirth in the near future but if

one does come here the simple solution is to play the nines in the opposite order, the front

nine becoming the back nine and vice versa. In fact, that is the way the course was originally

designed. What is the 18 th hole now, was originally the 9th. The MPRB may have switched

the nines around with the idea of getting golfers off to an easier start, or maybe they thought

they could sell more nine hole tickets by starting the course on the easier (now front) nine.

The par 3 18th hole is sometimes referred to as “the shortest par 5 on the course”.

Second, it is impossible to run the winter recreation area without significantly impacting

the 17th  and 18

th  fairways. The snowboard hill runs right into the middle of the fairway  – with the

tow rope actually crossing the fairway itself. In fact, the last tow rope pole has to be removed

each spring and replaced again each fall in order to allow for golf to happen in the summer. The

cross country ski trails also crisscross the fairways  – creating sub-optimal conditions for both the

skiing and the golf.

Third, the winter recreation area is in desperate need of a pond for cold water. Currently

the water comes directly from the golf well  – with water at around 55 degrees. Optimalsnowmaking happens with near-freezing temperature water; in other words, water from a pond

where it can cool before use. But building a pond with the current golf alignment is problematic.

Moving the 17th

 and 18th  fairways will allow for the construction of a pond in a location near the

snowmaking system.

Finally, while the 17 th   and 18 

th   fairways take up relatively little space, they “ hem in ”  a 

large swath of land that could or should otherwise be home to the cross country skiing and 

endurance sports communities in the summer months . We understand, the Nordic Ski

Foundation wants more land so golf should have less. That’s pretty clear.

The 17 th   and 18 

th   fairways should be moved in order to disentangle golf and winter 

recreation while making both better. (See Appendix for proposed plans for new 17 th 

 and 18 t h 

fairways). The estimated cost to move the 17 th 

  and 18 th   fairways is $350,000 . As we

understand this proposal the changes would actually involve changing four holes on the 18 holecourse. The 18th hole would be removed entirely in favor facilities to support winter sports. Thepath of the 11th hole would be changed to go through what is now a wooded area so that sportsfavored by the Nordic Ski Foundation could have the hill that the 11 th is currently on. A new

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short par 3 would be added as the 12th hole, in that same currently wooded area. And the 17 th hole would be moved from the valley and instead go across currently wooded hills to a newgreen, thus leaving the valley for the exclusive use of sports approved by the Nordic SkiFoundation. It would be the 18 th and final hole on the course. It is not clear whether the cost ofall of these changes could be limited to the $350,000 figure. Certainly the figure does notinclude the lost revenue to the golf course during the construction period. The whole back nine

of the golf course would have to be closed during construction. If the construction period lastsone season and the lost revenues are half the normal revenues for a year, the lost revenuecould amount to as much as $500,000. And, after construction is complete, it would likely takeconsiderable additional time before the number of golf rounds returned to normal. This wholeidea is NOT regarded as an improvement for the benefit of golfers. And, it remains to be seen asto whether the resulting holes would be any easier to maintain. It comes about only because ofthe desire of the Nordic Ski Foundation to gain control of more of Wirth Park. Even the casualobserver might conclude that it would be far easier to move winter sports to another area (or finda way to minimize their adverse effects) than it is to move entire golf holes.

2. Upgrade the Snowmaking Facilities 

With minimal public investment, the Winter Recreation Area has become a premiere

destination for cross country skiing. Through private donations the Nordic Ski Foundation has

been able to work together with the Park Board on several infrastructure projects:

• upgraded the electrical transformer, replaced the old electrical panel and ran three-

phase 480 volt power to stations throughout the 2.5 kilometer Hap Lutter Snowmaking


• ran 6” water lines 7’ under the surface throughout the Hap Loop and added hydrants at

periodic intervals to facilitate snowmaking operations;

• purchased snow guns and booster pumps; and

• designed, created and widened this portion of the trail system to accommodate U.S. SkiAssociation and international standards for both ordinary and adaptive cross country


But the demands on this system have quickly outstripped its ability to produce. With

warm water from a well, the current system can only produce snow at extremely cold

temperatures. The current pumphouse cannot provide water for more guns. The system is

labor-intensive, requiring the dragging of heavy hoses and electric cords all around the course.

Necessary improvements include:

• Run electric lines and add power stations at more locations in order to avoid running

high-voltage extension cords;

• Run water lines and add hydrants in more locations to avoid running long lengths of fire


• Add a holding pond to ensure that water used to make snow is cold;

• Add a new pumphouse that can accommodate more snow-guns;

• Add submersible booster pumps at hydrant and electrical locations;

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• Add permanent “stick” snow guns at select locations;

• Acquire new snow guns; and

• Acquire a new snowcat-style grooming machine for pushing snow.

The estimated cost for upgrading the snowmaking facilities is $1.5 to $2 million.

3. Upgrade the Lighting System 

Lights are an essential element for a successful cross country ski area. During the heart

of ski season the days are short. Lights are the only way to extend the hours of operation  – 

significantly increasing the number of people who can use the park on a daily basis.

The current lighting system dates from around 1980  – when a series of street lights were

erected on a now obsolete ski trail. There are a number of different chains of lights – like strings

on a Christmas tree. And like strings on a Christmas tree, it seems that one chain or another is

always blinking off.

The wires for the lights are strung from pole to pole or from tree to tree. Some of the

lights themselves are also mounted in trees. Many or the trees have actually grown around the

lights over the years. The big problem here is the overhanging wires. During the snowmaking

process, ice builds up on the wires until the weight finally breaks the wires.

Modern lighting systems for cross country skiing have buried wire, and the lights are

directional (the lights shine along the trail so as not to blind the skiers), lower to the ground,

more efficient and more reliable.

Modern lights should be installed on the Hap & Judy Trails at Wirth Park. The estimated

cost for modern lights is between $150,000 and $200,000.

4. Create a Permanent Staging Area 

Over the past few years the Nordic Ski Foundation added a staging area on the top of

the hill near the snowboard area. This staging area is minimally sufficient for the upcoming

Junior Olympics, but has several problems.

• It is too small and cannot feasibly get bigger.

• It is at the top of some 120+ stairs. This has two impacts.

O First, it is very difficult for small children to access and use as a learning area

(one of the primary uses of a staging area for cross country skiing).

O Second, the stairs and the surrounding hilly terrain make the staging area almost

completely inadequate for paralympics/adaptive uses.

• It is invisible from the road. And

• It does not meet most national and international standards.

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On top of all that, the new 18 th   fairway would bisect the staging area, rendering it useless for its 

intended purpose.

There is a fairly simple and obvious solution. A new staging area should be built in the 

area around the first fairway of the Par-3 golf course . (An interest ing sequence of events:

Increase the winter sports use on a gol f fa i rway creat ing conf l ic t . Solut ion: Movethe gol f fa i rway to another locat ion which now inter feres wi th winter staging

faci l i t ies. Solut ion: Move staging fac i l i ties on to another gol f course fai rway.) This

area has several features to recommend it. It is already almost completely flat (a precondition of

a cross country staging area). It is immediately adjacent to the existing parking lot and Par-3

building site and, thus, it is easily accessible to both children and handicapped athletes. It is

easy to connect to the existing snowmaking loop, but is also immediately adjacent to easier

terrain that is more appropriate for sit-skiers and children. It is visible from the road. And,

whether the Par-3 continues as a golf course or is re-purposed, the new staging area can work in

conjunction with summer uses of the area.

The cross country staging area should move to the Par-3. There are three distinct partsto this move: 1. grading and site work, 2. lights, and 3. snowmaking ability. The grading work

should be minimal, with a price tag of less than $25,000. The lights and snowmaking projects

are potentially more significant. However, if done as part of broader lights and snowmaking

projects (see above), would add little to the overall cost.

Wirth Park has the opportunity to host a Paralympics World Cup in 2012. To host an

international event designed for people with various handicaps it will be necessary to have an

adequate staging facility in an area that can work for the athletes. The Par-3 staging area would

work whereas the existing staging area presents significant problems. The Nordic Ski

Foundation would like to see the staging area moved to the Par-3 location in the summer of2011.

5. Widen and Grade the “Back-40” section of trails 

The current “competition loop” consists almost entirely of challenging terrain with

numerous up- and down-hills. The loop is good for national competitions like the Junior

Olympics, Senior Nationals and even the World Cup, but it is lacking in easier terrain necessary

to host events like the State High School League’s cross country ski meet, the Paralympics

World Cup and the National and World Masters competitions.

The solution lies in widening and grading a few hundred meters of trails through the

Back-40 section of the park (near Twin Lake). This would create a 7.5 kilometer competition

loop that could accommodate a number of skill levels and events. (Note that this work could be

compatible with a plan to better access Twin Lake in the summer).

The cost to widen and grade these trails would be $10,000 - $20,000.

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6. Build a Dedicated Welcome Center for Silent Sports and Winter Recreation 

Theodore Wirth Park spans 743 acres. There are 25 kilometers (15 miles) of ski trails.

Well over thirteen miles of hiking and running trails. Four miles of mountain bike trails. Five 

miles of asphalt bike paths . (compare the statistics. The Par 3 is 1240 yards, or .7 miles. The 18

hole course is 6575 yards or 3.74 miles. Total playing length of both courses is only 4.74 miles) 

There are swimming beaches and wildflower and vegetable gardens. There is a tubing hill and

snowboard area. And yet, outside of dedicated golf buildings, there are essentially no public

buildings in the entire park. 

But even without any facilities various organizations have begun to use the park

extensively to introduce young people to a variety of outdoor activities, including biking and

mountain biking, orienteering, paddling, roller-skiing, capture-the-flag, triathlon training, gardening

and nature hiking. A few of the organizations that use the park to work with young people include

the Nordic Ski Foundation (Adventure Camps, Bryn Mawr Skis, Anwatin Ski Team, Farview Park

Ski Team, Trips for Kids mountain bike program), the V3 Triathlon Program (teaching NorthMinneapolis kids the basics of triathlon training), Bolder Options, Go!Training (a high-level cross

country ski program), the Minnesota Youth Ski League and the JD Rivers Garden Project.

For nine months of each year there is no indoor facility, no interpretative staff, and no

place that can act as a base of operations for these various groups. The park is such a good

place for these activities that these groups meet here anyway. But with a public building the use

of the park would increase dramatically.

A public building/welcome center should be built on the location of the current Par-3 

building. With the new cross country staging area right there, this building would act as the hub 

of activities for cross country skiing in the winter and mountain biking, disc golf, hiking and 

running in the summer months. Ideally, the building would house a bike shop, a restaurant 

and/or coffee shop, and a great room and office space that would be used by various non-profit 

partner organizations (organizations like the Nordic Ski Foundation, Bolder Options and V3) that 

have a specific mission to engage North Minneapolis youth . (It’s clear here: listed sports are in,

golf is out. What do you need a Par 3 clubhouse for if you are not going to have a Par 3


With the proposed change in the 17 th   and 18 

th   fairways, the current parking lot could be 

expanded to the north  – where the 17 th   green and fairway are now . There is no evidence that

any other locations have been considered for the parking lot expansion other than one which

would impact the current 17th

hole. Similarly the configuration or location of the Welcome Centerin the preceding paragraph does not consider options other than those that would havedetrimental effects on the Par 3. In fact in various documents the Welcome Center has beenreferred to by different names and different locations, but except for a recent MPRB staff report,has always been described as supporting a variety of sports, but not golf. There is no doubt thatexpanded and improved facilities of this kind are necessary to support the increased numbers ofwinter sports participants, and golfers, bikers and hikers in the summer. These improvements areneeded at the location of the Chalet, and/or in the Chalet itself, as well as at the location of the

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Par 3 building. The Friends of the Theodore Wirth Par 3 support the idea of improvements of thiskind for the benefit of all park users. However the character of the new facilities is also animportant consideration. Putting higher end for profit facilities such as a restaurant / coffee shopin the new center would make many potential users feel unwelcome. The center should have acommunity or park building atmosphere where users can rest and visit in between their rounds ofgolf or their use of the trails. Having a privately owned Bike shop, Ski shop, or expanded Golf

proshop in the facility would increase the pressure to make changes so as to generate profits,whereas these facilities are normally run by the MPRB so as to cover their costs at the most.Remember, the Par 3 is a place many golfers go to play at a price they can afford.

The estimated cost of a new Welcome Center building is $2.5 - $3 million.

B. Improve Trails Throughout the Park 

Trails are the backbone of Theodore Wirth Park. But, like the entire park, the trails have

been largely neglected for years. The trails and infrastructure surrounding the trails need to be

re-built. Improvements are needed in the ski trails, mountain bike trails, hiking trails and asphalt


1. Finish the Improvements of the Ski Trails 

The ski trail system itself is in relatively good condition. However, the Park Board needs

to address signage, bridges, and miscellaneous grading and soil stabilization in order to create

a top-quality ski trail network:

a. Add Signage 

Probably the largest impediment to greater use of the park’s ski trail network is signage.

Current signage consists of Nordic Ski Foundation-produced map boards and scattered

“carsonite” arrows. There is no consistent signage, trail junctions are often unmarked and skiers

are left to guess at the level of difficulty of the various trails.

Because of the challenge of knowing the trails and the difficulty of the trails, there are no

Park Board staff members who could complete this project independently. Instead, the Nordic

Ski Foundation recommends that the Park Board employ the Foundation to lead the signage

project. The estimated cost for this project is $10,000.

b. Add or Improve Necessary Bridges 

To accommodate modern ski trail grooming equipment, the trail system needs five new

or upgraded bridges. The estimated total cost for the four bridges is in the neighborhood of

$500,000. However, there is a Minnesota Department of Natural Resources administered

federal matching grant available for projects like these. That matching grant would effectively

cut the cost of these projects in half. The application for these grant funds is due in March. To

ensure that this opportunity is not wasted, the Nordic Ski Foundation recommends that the Park

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Board employ the Nordic Ski Foundation to apply for these grants on behalf of the Park Board.

The specific bridge projects include:

i. A bridge over the one-lane maintenance/access road leading to the rear side of

the Chalet.

ii. A second bridge over Wirth Parkway in the vicinity of the current par-3 building.

Iii. A concrete bridge from the golf course to the asphalt trail running through the

east side of the park needs to be updated or replaced.

iv. A wooden bridge running over Bassett Creek just south of Highway 55 needs to

be augmented with a new biking and skiing bridge that can accommodate a

snowcat grooming machine.

v. A new bridge needs to be erected over Wirth Parkway near the Quaking Bogparking lot. By connecting two large swaths of the park, this bridge would

benefit both cross country skiing in the winter and hiking in the summer.

c. Grading and Soil Stabilization 

There are a number of small grading and soil stabilization projects that should be

addressed throughout the park. In general, the work will not be difficult; grade and/or bring in

some soil, disperse some seed, and, in a few cases, place erosion control mats while the seed

comes in. The total cost of all of this work is probably $10,000 - $20,000. However, it is not

worth allocating resources to these projects without a shift in park maintenance practices.

Currently, Park Board employees routinely drive a variety of vehicles on the trails. Some

of this driving is necessary. Most is not. And driving on the trails while they are wet is almost

never necessary, but is, unfortunately, also common. Before spending more resources on

erosion issues, the Park Board needs to address the practices that cause the majority of the

erosion. (Note that by bringing the mowers, the garbage collectors and the forestry crew together

in one place, a new Wirth Park maintenance facility may help with this problem.)

2. Mountain Bike Trail Improvements 

The Nordic Ski Foundation cares about the mountain bike trails in Wirth Park for a

number of reasons. First, many if not most of the Foundation’s members are mountain bikers inthe summer months. Second, the Foundation runs the City of Lakes chapter of Trips for Kids – 

an organization that takes inner-city youth on mountain bike rides in Wirth Park. Third, the

Foundation runs Adventure Camps designed to teach the basics of lifetime sports, and

mountain biking is a main staple of the camp activities. Finally, a major component of the

Foundation’s mission is to engage inner-city youth, and mountain biking is one of the best ways

to do this.

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A good mountain bike system needs a variety of trails: technically and aerobically easy

trails for beginners, trails with challenging obstacles for more advanced riders, and longer trails

with significant climbs and descents for the more fit rider. The current trail system could easily

be augmented by adding trails for beginning riders as well as more physically challenging trails,

in order to attract riders who currently travel long distances to ride at Lebanon Hills or Murphy

Hanrehan in the south suburbs.

The Park Board should add technically easier trails for beginning level riders as well as

more physically challenging trails for riders who want more of an aerobic challenge. With the re-

alignment of the 17th  and 18

th  fairways of the 18-hole golf course, there is an opportunity to add

these trails without infringing on the golf operations.

The estimated cost to add five to seven miles of mountain bike trails is $50,000  – 


3. Hiking Trails 

Hiking, Nordic walking and trail running are increasingly popular activities. With its

wilderness feel and plethora of trails, Wirth Park lends itself to these activities. All told, there is

more than 13 miles of inter-connected hiking trail in the park. There are narrow intimate-feeling

trails and wider, more open trails. Both have their place. The problem is that very few people

can follow the trails without feeling lost, disoriented or, as a result, unsafe.

The Park Board should add unobtrusive signage to guide people through the park. The

Park Board could either hire an “expert” in this area or contract with the Nordic Ski Foundation

to mark the trails in an unobtrusive fashion. Because the Nordic Ski Foundation already knows

the trails and routes through the park, the Park Board should contract with the Nordic SkiFoundation to coordinate the signage through the park. Note that in the process of looking at

the trail network, the Park Board should retain both narrow, more intimate trails and wider trails

in the park.

4. Asphalt Trails 

There are a variety of asphalt trails in the park. With the exception of the main north-

south bike trail and the newer Luce Line segments, most of the trails need to be repaired or

replaced. Specific trails include:

a. East side trail running under Highway 55. This trail is in terrible condition and needs to

be replaced. Unfortunately, because the trail is in the Bassett Creek flood plain, wood

chips will not work. This section of park must have been a dump at one time as there is

old concrete and asphalt scattered throughout the area. During the re-paving process,

the old concrete and asphalt should be removed.

b. Various trails through the “Eloise Butler” quadrant (that portion of the park that lies

between Glenwood on the north, Interstate 394 on the south, the Bryn Mawr

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neighborhood on the east and Wirth Parkway on the west). There are a number of very

old asphalt trails through this section of the park. These trails should be converted to


c. North-south trail connecting Cedar Lake and Wirth Parkway. This short section of

trail is narrow and dangerous with older asphalt. This is the only piece between Webber

Park and Cedar Lake that has not been re-paved in the recent past. It should be re-


C. Maintenance facilities. 

The maintenance facility for the golf course/winter recreation area at Wirth Park is in an

abysmal condition. The cart barn is old and rickety with gaping holes in the walls. The

“office”/garage space is too small, it is infested with mice, it is depressing, and much of the

modern equipment used at the facility does not even fit through the vintage garage doors. The

road and parking area are in atrocious condition and eroding asphalt and gravel regularly wash

into the storm water system. Equipment sits out in the elements  – reducing its useful life and also

costing the Park Board in repair time and replacement costs when it is stolen or vandalized.

Any new maintenance facility should be a system-wide facility rather than a golf-and-

winter-recreation-only facility. Wirth Park is too big to have disparate crews acting without any

coordination. Currently, the forestry crew comes from one place, the lawn mowing in South

Wirth from another, the electricians form another and the golf maintenance from yet another.

This results in an annual game of “Who ’s on First?” There is no coordination in when activities

occur, resulting in waste and mismanagement. The solution: create one maintenance facility in 

Wirth Park that can act as a base for all of the crews . With a single, re-done base the various

maintenance crews can communicate, plan, and coordinate their activities through one central

facility. The Friends of the Theodore Wirth Par 3 agree that the maintenance facilities are in dire

need of upgrade and expansion. We support the idea of improvements of this kind. We do not

support the solution identified as Concept A appearing in the subsequent North Wirth Park Study

Team Report which places the new maintenance facility on ground currently used for one of the Par

3 fairways. It is not clear why sufficient improvement in maintenance facilities cannot be achieved

at the present location of the maintenance yard. There may be no need to move the location of the

maintenance facilities.

The estimated cost to re-build the maintenance facility is between $1 and $1.5 million.

D. Additional Thoughts Regarding Silent Sports Center

Ideally, the new Silent Sports Center would include activities like disc golf and BMX, wouldinclude areas of the park that are now in use as the Par-3 golf course, and would be run by a non-profit organization with a mission of youth involvement and a vested interest in thesuccess of the silent sports center idea. Turning the new center over to a private concern or anon-profit to run is a really, really, bad idea. In this regard there are two things that the MPRBcommissioners need to ensure. (1) That all users of the center and of the park activities,including Par 3 golfers, are treated equitably, and (2) the people working at and running the

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center are MPRB employees responsible to the commissioners.

a. Include additional activities 

The idea behind the silent sports center is to provide a myriad of silent sports activities

so that both adults and children are attracted to the area throughout the year. Ideally, the silent

sports center would include activities like BMX, disc golf (the Park Board added disc golf this fall,

but because it overlaps with the par-3 golf course its chance of success is minimal) and,

perhaps, a skate park. The Park Board should consider adding these activities along with the

mountain biking and skiing referenced above. That relat ions between golfers and disc

golfers at the Par 3 might fai l appears to be wishful thinking on the part of the

author. The Nordic Ski Foundation seems skeptical as to whether golfers can adapt

to anything new. In fact the integrat ion of disc golf at the Par 3 has gone very

well. Staff personnel at Theodore Wirth, at the init iat ive of the Par 3 staff , are

working with some disc golfers in the hope of sett ing up a regular weekly league at

the course.

b. Re-purpose the par-3 golf course.

As referenced with regard to skiing, the success of these activities will hinge to some

extent on the curb appeal. Can people see the activities from the road or bike path? Currently,

the par-3 golf course occupies the curb appeal location . ( i .e. The Nordic Ski Foundat ion

covets the curbside locat ion of the Par 3) . The par-3 also sits squarely between the

current mountain bike trails and the area currently used for the 17th and 18

th  fairways.

The par-3 golf course was added in the 1970s  – when golf was on the upswing. Since 

then numerous golf courses have come on-line throughout the area. However, in recent years,

the popularity of golf has declined, and hence both the 18-hole and par-3 courses at Wirth Park 

have significant excess golf capacity. (Request spreadsheet on golf play and revenues from 

golf staff). It is true that golf rounds in general and at the Theodore Wirth courses are down over

the last 15 years. The statistics provided by the golf staff show a significant drop around 2002-3

and another around 2005-6. However, since 2005 the rounds at the MPRB courses including the

Wirth 18 hole course and the Par 3 have remained stable. Over the same period (since 2000) the

local unemployment rate has continued to rise, particularly in the last 4 years. MPRB courses

have done relatively well in part because of efforts to keep the costs, and fees, down. The Par 3

remains your least expensive golf alternative in the MPRB system for which many golfers are

thankful. The Nordic Ski foundation might want to imply the loss in number of rounds is a trend.

We believe it is part of a cycle. In any case, while golf in some areas may have overbuilt in theshort term, this is definitely not the case for the MPRB system. Aside for the Fort Snelling 9 hole

course (which the MPRB manages but does not own) the MPRB has had the same number of golf

courses, and golf holes since it added the Par 3 in 1962. The Par 3 filled, and fills today, a unique

need (see “Value of the Par 3” at the end of the document). The MPRB has had the same

number of 18 hole courses, and holes since Hiawatha was completed in 1934. The MPRB has

not overbuilt and has, in the long term, no excess golf capacity.

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But golf rounds are not the only statistic that is relevant. The Par 3, and golf operations in

general, continue to do well financially. Except for occasional bad weather years, revenues

exceed expenses to the extent that the excess can be used to help cover the losses incurred by

other activities, help pay debt service, and make contributions to the general fund. Winter sports

generally, and cross-country skiing in particular (in spite of recent increases in revenue) do not

cover their costs through fees, and are not provided or managed with that objective in mind. They

are part of the wide variety of MPRB activities that are intended to be supported in whole or in part

by the tax dollar. To put this in context for individuals, a golfer playing 3 times a week at the Wirth

Par 3 will spend $300-$400 for rounds of golf in a season, a skier using the MPRB ski trail system,

city-wide, as many times a week as desired, will spend only $45 for a season pass.

At the same time, obesity has grown to epidemic proportions, particularly among poor 

and minority groups. The Nordic Ski Foundation might be better served if they simply stated

their own motives for the changes they recommend rather than claiming they are acting for

the benefit of others. That would be more genuine. But at times it would also make it more

evident that they simply want something that someone else has. We believe it is time for the

Park Board to consider bold action to help combat these problems. The area currentlyused for the par-3 golf course should be re- purposed. This does not mean losing the 

par-3 course entirely. Instead, with forward tees a par-3 could be built into the Front-9 of 

the 18-hole course. Because there is excess capacity in that course, the addition of a 

new par-3 on the Front-9 would help the Park Board retain more revenues at a lower 

cost. In fact there are efforts under way nationally to provide a wider variety of teeing options

on regulation courses. This is sometimes referred to informally as Family Friendly golf. The

PGA and USGA endorse more formal standards for this objective under their “Tee it

Forward” recommendation. In theory “Tee it Forward” would provide up to 8 different teeing

locations on each hole (or at least on the par 4’s and par 5’s) with total yardage on the

course ranging from 6900 yds down to 2100 yds. This extreme of course is not practical and

each course must decide how to implement the program for best results. The objective is to

give the players the option of playing a course from a tee consistent with their own skill levels

while maximizing their enjoyment and maintaining the place of play for all golfers on the

course. We can see how this concept is being applied by checking some courses on the

internet or by phone. More than half of the courses claiming to participate in this program

are resort courses. Some of these claiming to be Family Friendly are only referring to non-

golf amenities, or offer lower rates for kids on their regular course. . Many however have golf

training programs for kids and may have a pitch and putt course, or a par 3 course, or an

executive short course available for kids or less experienced family members. Many of these

courses have modified a regular 18 hole course to provide forward tees. When they have

forward tees they generally have no more than 4, maybe 5, tee positions on a hole and thetotal forward yardage is usually around 4900 – 5100 yds for 18 holes. These resort courses

usually have 54 or more golf holes, at least three courses, so there are plenty of golf

available on holes that are not part of the “Tee if Forward” c oncept. Also available for review

were many private courses or country clubs. Some of these had more than one course,

sometimes including a par 3 or executive course that provided their Family Friendly

opportunity. When they did have forward tees on their regulation 18, again they had no more

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that 4 or 5 tee locations on a hole (usually less on a par 3) and forward yardage was in the

4900-5100 yd range. The remainder of courses reviewed were community or public courses

in areas noted for golf including some local Minnesota courses. Some of these were turned

out to be only executive length (i.e. 9 hole) courses in the first place which provided forward

tees which brought the total yardage down to that of the 9 hole par 3. But most were

regulation 18 hole courses with forward tees again with no more that 4 tee locations on a

hole and the same total range for forward yardage of 4900-5100 yds. NOTE: 9 holes on one

of these “Tee it Forward” courses would consist of a yardage of about 2500 yds, or twice the

yardage of our 9 hole Theodore Wirth Par 3 (1240 yds).

U. S. Kids Golf is another variation of the “Tee it Forward” concept. In this program

sets of tee markers are provided so the course can place the forward tees anywhere on the

fairway it thinks appropriate and does not need to build new tee boxes each time the teeing

locations are changed. We contacted the seven local course identified under this program.

One turned out to be an executive 9 hole course which brought the yardages down to a par 3

length by using the forward tees. Only one claimed to have par 3 length forward tees on their

regulation 18 hole course. That was a private country club. The remainder had forward tee

yardage in the 5000 yd range for 18 holes, like the vast majority of courses participating in the“Tee it Forward” concept.

These same parameters are found when you look at the U.S.G A Junior Golf Program

standards. Play includes par 4s and par 5s, with teeing options, but with existing hazards,

some handicap scoring modifications, but with total yardages still in the 4000 -5000 yd range.

Whether on a resort course, a country club, or on most other regulation

18 hole courses, you can generally assume that the course will require that the

players playing the forward tees or in the Junior’s program have achieved a

certain skill level, and/ or are accompanied by a parent, and/or are restri cted to

certain playing times, and play with scheduled tee times. Theodore Wirth has

the good fortune of meeting the needs of their more experienced golfers on the

regulation 18 while providing an open door policy to a variety of golfers at its

Par 3. Theodore Wirth already has Family Friendly golf and the Par 3 is an

essential element in that achievement.

Why Par 3 tees should not placed on the front 9 at Theodore Wirth

Placing par 3 tees playing to the same front nine greens on the main course would be

seriously problematic. There are five fundamental problems with this. First: Pace of Play: A higher

proportion of expert golfers play the main course. They would have to wait for the less experienced ormore casual golfer to get to the tee and complete their shots and putts on the same hole. The par 3

player would feel pushed by the golfers playing the full length of the same hole. Neither type of golfer

would be satisfied. Fewer of both type of golfers would use the course. There would be a significant

drop in customers and revenue. Pace of Play may be manageable on a curse where forward tees are

maybe as much as 120 yds ahead of the first tee on a par 4 or par 5. But it becomes impractical to

place a Par 3 tee 300 yards or more ahead of the longest tee. Second: Par 3 golfers would have to

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make tee times. First come first serve par 3 golf would not be possible on a course making tee time

reservations on the same 9 holes for regular golfers. Third: Par 3 golfers would have to deal with a

water hazard on the first hole and sand traps on several holes that they don’t have to deal with now.

Fourth: The par 3 golfer would have to walk the full length of the front 9 of the main course to play 9

holes of par 3 golf. Instead of walking and playing approx. 1240 yards of golf in 9 holes they would have

to walk approx. 3100 yards to play approx 1240 yards. Fifth: The Par 3 can usually be played

in about an hour to an hour and a half. This is important to a lot of golfers looking for

a good experience but whose time is limited. The length of t ime required would at

least double. 

In the alternative, the Park Board could replace a portion of the existing par-3 with a 

smaller 6-hole practice course for children  Our Par 3 serves children, youth, adults, seniors,

elderly, the disabled, and golfers who only have time to play a short 9 holes or less. There are a

number of ways of managing golf so it works for children: insuring they are supervised, limiting the

number of strokes per hole, modifying the length of the holes, or limiting the number of holes they

play in a round. As their skill level progresses these modifications can be adjusted until they are

playing at level appropriate for the full par 3 course. So they may progress from playing five holesto playing the full nine. The Theodore Wirth Par 3 is designed in three loops, a five hole loop,

followed by a two hole loop, followed by another two hole loop. This gives any golfer a very

practical opportunity to walk in after playing five holes, or go on and walk in after playing seven, or

to finish the full nine, whichever is their desire. Of course you can’t do this if the full nine holes are

not there.

In a subsequent document the Nordic Ski Foundation has implied that there is a recent

trend to 6 hole par 3 courses. This is a complete myth. A search for 6 hole courses on the internet

yielded only a handful of results. Most of these courses were in England. Some were parts of

larger golf complexes of that included multiple 18 hole courses. It is likely that they added six holes

because that is what they had remaining room for. Six holes is not a magic number. All, except for

one, had par 4’s and/or par 5’s included in their layout. The one with only par 3 holes was listed as

a championship six hole course. Except for one which was just a pitch and putt, none of them were

designed with children, beginners or youth in mind. Mo re re ce ntl y th er e are so me

advocates for al lowing fewer hole s for a round of golf . Although, this is not reall y

a new idea either as i t appeared in golf journals as early as 195 1. The idea now is

to provide a course where the t ime, the cost, and the cha llenge is more f lexible

Forward tees are a part of this concept also But the mai n idea is to build or

modify a course so that i t can be played in loops (eg. a course may be three or

four 4 hole loops, or three 6 hole lo ops, or four three hole loops, much the same

way that many courses now have three 9 hole loops). The purpose of a “6 hole

course”, or loop, in this context is not the reduction in the number of holesavailable to play, but conf iguring the holes to maximize their use by a larger

number and variety of golfers. Of course this is easier to accomplish when

creat ing a course from scratch. I t is often very cost ly to convert an exist ing

course to this kind of conf igurat ion. In the l i terature on this subject you rarely see

that a course simply removes holes to help make the transit ion unless it is done

when part of the course is sold for commercial or resident ial development. There

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was at least one course mentioned where they increased the number of holes to

achieve their goal. The l i terature is solely about regulat ion golf courses and has

nothing to do with Par 3’s. Or with a driving range. A driving range is considered to be a

good revenue feature for a golf course. It would be a positive asset within the Theodore Wirth golf

complex. But it should be considered only as an addition to, not instead of, the Par 3 or any part

thereof. However three of the other MPRB 18 hole courses already have driving ranges and we

would not want to have a negative impact on other MPRB operations. Further, it would be difficult

to place, or add, a driving range without having an impact on the wooded areas around the

course. The preservation of the parkland nature of the course is one of our primary concerns.

The MPRB with three courses having learning centers and driving ranges, and its only Par

3 (at Theodore Wirth) is in a strong position to continue to develop lifetime golfers into the future.

The Theodore Wirth Par 3 is a unique asset of the MPRB and the community.

By re-purposing the par-3, the Park Board can create one system of mountain bike trails,

and activities like BMX, a skate park and independent disc golf will have the space and the

visibility to succeed. The Park Board should consider re-purposing the par-3 area.

c. Non-profit management

In order to be successful, the silent sports center must be run by an organization 

equipped to market to and recruit a variety of users . Moreover, with shrinking finances the Park

Board cannot afford to take on additional ongoing costs. By contracting with an organization 

like the Nordic Ski Foundation, the Park Board can provide better services and, at the same,

avoid additional expenses.

The Park Board should build the silent sports center and surrounding facilities with the 

idea of non-profit management in mind. The non-profit would run the new building, lease space 

to a restaurant or coffee shop and to a bike and/or ski shop, and run the concessions like disc 

golf, BMX, and cross country skiing. Ideally, the Nordic Ski Foundation would be a partner in the 

planning and development process.

One can understand after working at expanding winter programs, fundraising, and park

facilities improvements successfully for so many years that the Nordic Ski foundation might

develop a sense of entitlement and a proprietary perspective about the park and the proposed

new Welcome Center. In recent months it has become evident that there is not enough objectivity

to let any one user group or association take over the park or any of its facilities. This would only

lead to more conflict.

V. This plan maintains the natural character of the park 

Silent sports enthusiasts go to the park because they enjoy woods and trees and wildlife.

The intent of this plan is to leave the natural character of the park intact and to leave places for

silent contemplation. In fact, by re-purposing golf facilities and concentrating the majority of the 

more significant uses in the golf course section of the park , the plan is designed to actually

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decrease the impact on the natural areas of Wirth Park. (Again, the Nordic Ski Foundation sees

no value in golf. Note that this statement refers to golf and does not limit itself to the Par 3.)

The plans for the southern reaches of the park are modest:

• Add discrete signage for hiking and skiing;

• Remove and/or replace corroding asphalt trails;

• Grade and stabilize soil to prevent erosion in a few select locations;

• Add a bridge over Bassett Creek and another over Wirth Parkway near the Quaking Bog

parking lot.

There are no plans for more or wider trails in this section of the park. Instead, the idea is to

leave the area to the south of Highway 55 largely intact – except to un-dilapidate. Indeed, this

plan serves to move at least two more intensive elements that had been proposed for the

southern potion of the park to the golf course section instead:

• Consolidates the golf maintenance facility with the general use maintenance facility thathad been proposed at Glenwood and Xerxes;

• Moves proposed concessions from Wirth Beach area to Welcome Center in northern

portion of the park;

The hope is to capitalize on the natural character of Theodore Wirth Park. That is what

attracts all of us to the park.

VI. Conclusion 

Wirth Park has been largely neglected for years. The Park Board has an opportunity to

re-shape the park in a truly inspiring fashion. With this investment the park can go fromdilapidated feeling to world class, with an innovative silent sports center that can serve both

North and South Minneapolis, creating a truly unique regional park.

The Park Board should act boldly and with vision. Only by coming into the Advisory

Committee process with a cohesive vision can the Park Board hope to achieve a park that is

more than a potpourri of disparate ideas. This vision is in line with the Park Board’s direction to

address recreation and active sports facilities, operations facility consolidation, and trail

upgrades. The planning staff should go into the process with this broad vision and use the

advisory committee to shape the details of the plan.


Nordic Ski Foundation has been a Park Board partner for eight years.  

O Direct Investments:

Invested over $400,000 in cash improvements in the park

Invested over $200,000 in in-kind improvements, including donation of

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snowmobile and groomer

Invested roughly 14,000 of hours of volunteer time in the park

• Trails days – 100 people/year * 4 hours * 8 years = 3200 hours

• Loppet shoveling of trails – 9 years * 200 people in average year *

3 hours/person = 5400 hours

• high school shoveling under bridges  – 9 years * 50 kids * 2

hours/kid = 900 hours

• other general work on trails – 9 years * 10 people * 50 people =

4500 hours

o Managed various projects in the park, including:


trail development,

new staircases,

cross country skiing staging area

o Raised profile of park throughout the community

o Brought thousands of new visitors to the park

o Helped Winter Program increase revenues over 500%o In absence of planning attention, designed and purchased signage for cross

country ski trails

o Advised Park Board on website for winter recreation programming

o Brought national events like the Junior Olympics and – hopefully next year – a

Paralympic World Cup to the park

o Serve hundreds of kids in North Minneapolis every year:

Teach lifetime activities to 500+ elementary students each year (some

programs take place directly in Wirth Park, others take Foundation-

financed field trips to Wirth Park):

Bryn Mawr Elementary• Nellie Stone Johnson Elementary

• Cityview

• Hall

• Loring

Inspire middle school students to a more active lifestyle (using Wirth Park

as a base of activities):

• Anwatin Middle School

• Farview Park

• North Commons

• Harrison

Run ski camps and adventure camps in Wirth Park in conjunction with

Park Board

• Scholarships for underprivileged kids

Runs Trips for Kids mountain bike program in Wirth Park

• Work almost exclusively with North Minneapolis parks

• Foundation is volunteer-driven

• Includes

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o 400+ members

o 1,000+ annual volunteers

o 9,000+ event participants

o Hundreds of individual donors that have helped pay for improvements throughout

the park

Trail use by young people in particular has increased dramatically: 

• High school skiers swarm the park on most weekday afternoons in the winter.

O On an average winter day the park hosts six high school teams with 50 skiers per


O There are two to three days of racing per week  – oftentimes with two races

happening simultaneously. On these days, upwards of 500 students use the

park in a single afternoon.

• The Minnesota Youth Ski League has clubs across the state. The biggest club in the

state meets at Wirth Park  – with 200 children coming every Sunday through the winter.

• Students from Anwatin Middle School, Bryn Mawr Elementary and Farview Park ski inTheodore Wirth Park every week throughout the winter.

• The Mayor’s Challenge and the Midwest Junior Championships are now annual events

bringing nearly 1,000 skiers from across the Midwest

• The Junior Olympics will bring the best young skiers from across the country to Wirth

Park this year.

• The City of Lakes chapter of Trips for Kids brings groups of kids mountain biking each

week throughout the summer and fall.

• Children mountain bike with their parents on a regular basis

• North Minneapolis’ V-3 Triathlon program uses Wirth Park as a base for training.

In conjunction with the Park Board, the City of Lakes Nordic Ski Foundation runsAdventure Camps that bring kids to the trails of the park (mountain biking, roller-skiing,

orienteering, etc.) all summer.

• Local schools like Anwatin and Bryn Mawr Elementary use the park for adventure

learning throughout the year.

Assumptions on trail use by user groups:  

(The Friends of the Theodore Wirth Par 3 support the success of the programs and activities listed below, however inview of the Nordic Ski Foundation’s propensity to put a face on its presentations it would be a good idea if some

objective group or expert checked these assumptions)

o Cross country ski trips per year:

(2000 passes x 15 + 2000 loppet day + 600 Mayors Challenge + 10*250

(high school) + 500*15 (high school passes + 5000 (day passes) + 10,000

(uses by non-pass holders)+ 200*8 (MYSL) + 8*100 (Bryn Mawr) + 20*30

(Anwatin)+12*100 (adult groups)+40*20 (Go!Training) = more than

55,000 uses)

o Mountain bikers

180 days * 200 trips

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o Everyday bikers

250 days * 1,000 trips/day

Average four miles per trip

o Runners

250 days * 100 runners

Average 4+ miles per trip

o Walkers and hikers

300 days * 250/day

Average two miles per trip

o In-line skaters, roller-skiers and other like users

200 days * 50 trips/day

Average four miles per trip

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Improvements - Quick Reference Guide with Proposed Phasing:  



Timeline for



2011 Projects 

Hiking trail


$10,000 Spring 2011

Move 17th and 18th 


$350,000 Break ground

in 2011 for

spring 2012


Create a


staging area 

$25,000 Complete

work in fall

2011, in time

for 2012


World Cup

First phase of


upgrades  – add


capability to new

staging area 

$150,000 Complete

work in fall

2011, in time

for 2012


World Cup

Add ski trail


$10,000 Fall 2011




$1 - $1.5


Summer and

fall 2011

Upgrade the

Lighting on the


$150,000 -



2011 – in

time forParalympics

World Cup

Re-grade the 

Back-40 section of 

$10,000 -



work in fall

2011, in time

Foundation to raise private

funds for this project

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trails for 2012


World Cup

Grading and soil


$10,000 -




Foundation to raise private

funds for this project, butwould require change in Park

Board policies or practices

Re-purpose par-3

golf course 

$10,000 Fall 2011 Remove signage and


2011 Subtotal  $1.7 – $2.3




Second phase of



$500,000 Add pond and new pump


Add bridges $500,000 2011-2013 Federal matching grants

available. Start applying for

matching grants in March2011?

Add mountain

bike trails 

$50,000 -


Spring 2012 Would happen after 17th and

18th fairways are moved

Remove and/or


asphalt trails 

$500,000 2012-2013

Add BMX facility $50,000 -


2012 Possibility of grant funding

from Bikes Belong

Subtotal - 2012  $1.6 million 

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Build a Welcome 


$2.5 - $3


2012-2013 Possible bonding project?

Complete upgrade

of the 



$.8 - $1.3


2012-2013 Add water and electric

infrastructure, permanent

submersible booster pumps,

additional snow guns and

snow cat

Subtotal  – 2013

and beyond 

$3.3 - $4.3


Total  $6.6 - $8.2


Value of the Par 3

The Theodore Wirth Par 3 serves children, youth, adults, seniors, elderly, and the disabled. Expert,

veteran, casual, weekend, occasional and beginning golfers all share this golf course. The Par 3 is used

by youth golf programs including First Tee, the Minnesota Minority Junior Golf Association, the Fairway

Foundation, the MPRB Golf Academy and golf camp, as well as by several high school golf teams, both

boys and girls, both Minneapolis and suburban. A corporate league and a woman’s Park Board League

play the course each week. Hopefully soon there will also be a disc golf league.

Grandparents come in with grandchildren, fathers with daughters, mothers with sons, and couples on a

date. Many golfers drop in on the spur of the moment relying on the first come first serve policy. This

includes business people sent by local hotels who are looking for golf that they can fit into their limited

available time. The course is ideal for anyone wanting to get in a quick 9 holes or less. At the same timea golfer can also can spend much of the day there and play the 9 holes more that once. Various groups

hold golf events at the Par 3 over the course of a season including associations, clubs churches,

companies, and family reunions etc. In 2010 5 events of this kind were scheduled at the Par 3 and 31

events were scheduled at the 18 hole course. But Theodore Wirth has an advantage since people not

wanting to play in an event at the 18 hole course can go over and play, first come first serve, at the Par 3

and still be a part of the day’s festivities. The City of Minneapolis Employees Tournament schedules both

courses when it plays at the Wirth Par 3. Then there are the informal groups such as the Lincoln

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Teachers who play every Monday, the Puzzle Workers who play on Monday, Wednesday and Friday

mornings, and the Kings of the Par 3 who play on Fridays and Saturdays. All of these people enjoy the

hospitality, good fellowship, and great golf available at the Theodore Wirth Par 3.