A UNIFIED FRAMEWORK FOR SOME INEXACT PROXIMAL POINT ALGORITHMS * M. V. Solodov B. F. Svaiter Instituto de Matem´ atica Pura e Aplicada, Estrada Dona Castorina 110, Jardim Botˆ anico, Rio de Janeiro, RJ 22460-320, Brazil. Email : [email protected] and [email protected] . Abstract We present a unified framework for the design and convergence analysis of a class of algorithms based on approximate solution of proximal point subproblems. Our development further enhances the constructive approximation approach of the recently proposed hybrid projection–proximal and extragradient–proximal methods. Specifi- cally, we introduce an even more flexible error tolerance criterion, as well as provide a unified view of these two algorithms. Our general method possesses global convergence and local (super)linear rate of convergence under standard assumptions, while using a constructive approximation criterion suitable for a number of specific implemen- tations. For example, we show that close to a regular solution of a monotone system of semismooth equations, two Newton iterations are sufficient to solve the proximal subproblem within the required error * Research of the first author is supported by CNPq Grant 300734/95-6, by PRONEX– Optimization, and by FAPERJ, research of the second author is supported by CNPq Grant 301200/93-9(RN), by PRONEX–Optimization, and by FAPERJ. 1

A UNIFIED FRAMEWORK FOR SOME INEXACT PROXIMAL POINT …w3.impa.br/~benar/docs/solodov/unif.pdf · 2006. 12. 26. · Method (HPPPM), proceeds as follows. Instead of taking ˜xk+1 as

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Page 1: A UNIFIED FRAMEWORK FOR SOME INEXACT PROXIMAL POINT …w3.impa.br/~benar/docs/solodov/unif.pdf · 2006. 12. 26. · Method (HPPPM), proceeds as follows. Instead of taking ˜xk+1 as



M. V. SolodovB. F. Svaiter

Instituto de Matematica Pura e Aplicada,Estrada Dona Castorina 110,

Jardim Botanico, Rio de Janeiro, RJ 22460-320, Brazil.Email : [email protected] and [email protected] .


We present a unified framework for the design and convergenceanalysis of a class of algorithms based on approximate solution ofproximal point subproblems. Our development further enhances theconstructive approximation approach of the recently proposed hybridprojection–proximal and extragradient–proximal methods. Specifi-cally, we introduce an even more flexible error tolerance criterion, aswell as provide a unified view of these two algorithms. Our generalmethod possesses global convergence and local (super)linear rate ofconvergence under standard assumptions, while using a constructiveapproximation criterion suitable for a number of specific implemen-tations. For example, we show that close to a regular solution of amonotone system of semismooth equations, two Newton iterations aresufficient to solve the proximal subproblem within the required error

∗Research of the first author is supported by CNPq Grant 300734/95-6, by PRONEX–Optimization, and by FAPERJ, research of the second author is supported by CNPq Grant301200/93-9(RN), by PRONEX–Optimization, and by FAPERJ.


Page 2: A UNIFIED FRAMEWORK FOR SOME INEXACT PROXIMAL POINT …w3.impa.br/~benar/docs/solodov/unif.pdf · 2006. 12. 26. · Method (HPPPM), proceeds as follows. Instead of taking ˜xk+1 as

tolerance. Such systems of equations arise naturally when reformulat-ing the nonlinear complementarity problem.Key words. Maximal monotone operator, proximal point algorithm,approximation criteria.AMS subject classifications. 90C30, 90C33.

1 Introduction and Motivation

We consider the classical problem

find x ∈ H such that 0 ∈ T (x) , (1)

where H is a real Hilbert space, and T is a maximal monotone operator (or amultifunction) on H, i.e., T : H → P(H), where P(H) stands for the familyof subsets ofH. It is well known that many problems in applied mathematics,economics and engineering can be cast in this general form.

One of the fundamental regularization techniques in this setting is theproximal point method. Using the current approximation to the solutionof (1), xk ∈ H, this method generates the next iterate xk+1 by solving thesubproblem

0 ∈ ckT (x) + (x− xk) , (2)

where ck > 0 is a regularization parameter. Equivalently this can be writtenas

xk+1 = (ckT + I)−1(xk) . (3)

Theoretically, the proximal point method has quite nice global and localconvergence properties [31], see also [20]. Its main practical drawback is thatthe subproblems are structurally as difficult to solve as the original problem.This makes straightforward application of the method impractical in mostsituations. Nevertheless, the proximal point methodology is important for thedevelopment of a variety of successful numerical techniques, such as operatorsplitting and bundle methods, to name a few. It is therefore of importanceto develop proximal-type algorithms with improved practical characteristics.One possibility in this sense is inexact solution of subproblems. In particular,approximation criteria should be as constructive and realistic as possible. Wenext discuss previous work in this direction.

The first inexact proximal scheme was introduced in [31], and until veryrecently criteria of the same (summability) type remained the only choice


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available (for example, see [42, 8, 12, 10]). Specifically, in [31] equation (3)is relaxed, and the approximation rule is the following:

‖xk+1 − (ckT + I)−1(xk)‖ ≤ ek ,∞∑


ek < ∞ . (4)

This condition, together with {ck} being bounded away from zero, ensuresconvergence of the iterates to some x ∈ T−1(0), provided the latter set isnonempty [31, Theorem 1]. Convergence here is understood in the weaktopology. In general, proximal point iterates may fail to converge strongly[18]. However, strong convergence can be forced by some simple modifications[40], see also [1]. Regarding the rate of convergence, the classical result isthe following. If the iterates are bounded, ck ≥ c > 0, and T−1 is Lipschitz-continuous at zero, then condition

‖xk+1 − (ckT + I)−1(xk)‖ ≤ dk‖xk+1 − xk‖ ,∞∑


dk < ∞ (5)

implies convergence (in the strong sense) at the linear rate [31, Theorem 2].It is interesting to note that by itself, (5) does not guarantee convergenceof the sequence. Only if T−1 is globally Lipschitz-continuous (which is arather strong assumption), then the boundedness assumption on iterates issuperfluous [31, Proposition 5].

Regarding the error tolerance rules (4) and (5), it is important to keepin mind that (I + ckT )−1(xk) is the point to be approximated, so it is notavailable. Therefore, the above two criteria usually cannot be directly usedin implementations of the algorithm. In [31, Proposition 3] it was establishedthat (4), (5) are implied, respectively, by the following two conditions:

dist(0, ckT (xk+1) + xk+1 − xk) ≤ ek ,∞∑


ek < ∞ , (6)


dist(0, ckT (xk+1) + xk+1 − xk) ≤ dk‖xk+1 − xk‖ ,∞∑


dk < ∞ . (7)

These two conditions are usually easier to verify in practice, because they onlyrequire evaluation of T at xk+1. Note that since T (x) is closed, the inexact


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proximal point algorithm managed by criteria (6) or (7) can be restated asfollows. Having a current iterate xk, find (xk+1, vk+1) ∈ H ×H such that{

vk+1 ∈ T (xk+1),ckv

k+1 + xk+1 − xk = rk,(8)

where rk ∈ H is the error associated with approximation. With this notation,criterion (6) becomes

‖rk‖ ≤ ek ,∞∑


ek < ∞ , (9)

and criterion (7) becomes

‖rk‖ ≤ dk‖xk+1 − xk‖ ,∞∑


dk < ∞ . (10)

One question which arises immediately if these rules are to be used, is howto choose the value of ek or dk for each k when solving a specific problem.Obviously, the number of choices at every step is infinite, and it is not quiteclear how the choice should be related to the behavior of the method onthe given problem. This goes to say that, in this sense, these rules arenot of constructive nature. Developing constructive approximation criteriais one of the subjects of the present paper (following [38, 37]). Anotherimportant question is how to solve the subproblems efficiently within theapproximation rule, once it is chosen. This question can be addressed mosteffectively under some further assumptions on the structure of the operatorT , e.g., T is the subdifferential of a convex function, T is smooth, T is a sumof two operators with certain structure, T represents a variational inequality,etc. Developments for some of these cases can be found in [36, 44, 37, 35, 39],where some Newton-type and splitting-type methods were considered. Wenote that the use of constructive approximation criteria of [38, 37] was crucialin those references. The case of a general maximal monotone operator wasdiscussed in [32], where subproblems are solved by bundle techniques, similarto [5]. In this paper we consider one more application, which has to do withsolving a system of semismooth (but not in general differentiable) systems ofequations. Monotone systems of this type arise, for example, in reformulationof complementarity problems.


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The next question we shall discuss is whether and how (9), (10) can berelaxed. A natural rule to consider in this setting would be

‖rk‖ ≤ σ‖xk+1 − xk‖ , 0 ≤ σ < 1 , (11)

where, for simplicity, the relaxation parameter σ is fixed (the importantpoint is not to have it necessarily fixed, but rather to keep it bounded awayfrom zero). The above condition is obviously weaker than (10). It is also lessrestrictive than (9), because a sequence {xk} generated by the proximal pointmethod based on it may not converge (unlike when (9) is used). We refer thereader to [38], where an example of divergence in a finite-dimensional spaceR2 is given. Hence, condition (11) cannot be used without modifications tothe algorithm. Fortunately, modifications that are needed are quite simpleand do not increase the computational burden per iteration of the algorithm.This development is another goal of this paper, following [38, 37]. We notethat conditions in the spirit of (11) are very natural and computationallyrealistic. We mention classical inexact Newton methods, e.g. [11], as oneexample where similar approximations are used.

We now turn our attention to the more recent research in the area ofinexact proximal point methods. Let us consider the “proximal system”{

v ∈ T (x),ckv + x− xk = 0,


which is clearly equivalent to the subproblem (2). This splitting of equationand inclusion seems to be a natural view of subproblems, the advantages ofwhich will be further evident later. In [38], the following notion of inexactsolutions was introduced. A pair xk+1, vk+1 is an approximate solution of (12)if {

vk+1 ∈ T (xk+1)ckv

k+1 + xk+1 − xk = rk (13)

and‖rk‖ ≤ σ max{ck‖vk+1‖, ‖xk+1 − xk‖} , (14)

where σ ∈ [0, 1) is fixed. Note that this condition is even more general than(11). The algorithm of [38], called the Hybrid Projection–Proximal PointMethod (HPPPM), proceeds as follows. Instead of taking xk+1 as the nextiterate xk+1 (recall that this may not work even in R2), xk+1 is defined asthe projection of xk onto the halfspace

Hk+1 := {x ∈ H | 〈vk+1, x− xk+1〉 ≤ 0} .


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Note that since vk+1 ∈ T (xk+1), any solution of (1) belongs to Hk+1, by themonotonicity of T . On the other hand, using (14), it can be verified that ifxk is not a solution then

〈vk+1, xk − xk+1〉 > 0 ,

and so xk 6∈ Hk+1. Hence, the projected point xk+1 is closer to the solution setT−1(0) than xk, which essentially ensures global convergence of the method.Recall that projection onto a halfspace is explicit (so it does not entail anynontrivial computational cost). Specifically, it is given by

xk+1 := xk − 〈vk+1, xk − xk+1〉‖vk+1‖2

vk+1 . (15)

It is also worth to mention that the same rule (14) used for global conver-gence also gives local linear rate of convergence under standard assumptions.Observe that if (xk+1, vk+1) happens to be the exact solution of (12) (forexample, this will necessarily be the case if one takes σ = 0 in (14)), thenxk+1 will be equal to xk+1, and we retrieve the exact proximal iteration. Ofcourse, the case of interest is when σ 6= 0. Convergence properties of HPPPMare precisely the same as of the standard proximal point method, see [38].The advantage of HPPPM is that the approximation rule (14) is construc-tive and less restrictive than the classical one. This is important not onlytheoretically, but even more so in applications. For example, tolerance rule(14) proved crucial in the design of truly globally convergent Newton-typealgorithms [36, 35], which combine the proximal and projection methods of[38, 34] with the linearization methodology. An extension of (14) to proximalmethods with Bregman-distance regularization can be found in [41].

Let us go back to the proximal system (12). Up to now, we discussedrelaxing the equation part of this system. The inclusion v ∈ T (x) can also berelaxed using some “outer approximation” of T . In [3, 4] T ε, an enlargementof a maximal monotone operator T , was introduced. Specifically, given ε ≥ 0,define T ε : H → P(H) as

T ε(x) = {v ∈ H | 〈w − v, z − x〉 ≥ −ε for all z ∈ H, w ∈ T (z)} . (16)

Since T is maximal monotone, T 0(x) = T (x) for all x ∈ H. Furthermore,the relation

T (x) ⊆ T ε(x)


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holds for any ε ≥ 0, x ∈ H. So, T ε may be seen as a certain outer approxima-tion of T . In the particular case T = ∂f , where f is a proper closed convexfunction, it holds that T ε(x) ⊇ ∂εf(x), where ∂εf stands for the standardε-subdifferential as defined in Convex Analysis. Some further properties andapplications of T ε can be found in [4, 6, 5, 7, 39, 32].

In [37], a variation of the proximal point method was proposed, whereboth the equation and the inclusion were relaxed in system (12). In addi-tion, the projection step of [38] was replaced by a more simple extragradient-like step. This algorithm is called the Hybrid Extragradient–Proximal PointMethod (HEPPM). Specifically, HEPPM works as follows. A pair (xk+1, vk+1)is considered an acceptable approximate solution of the proximal system (12)if for some εk+1 ≥ 0 {

vk+1 ∈ T εk+1(xk+1) ,ckv

k+1 + xk+1 − xk = rk,(17)

and‖rk‖2 + 2ckεk+1 ≤ σ2‖xk+1 − xk‖2 , (18)

where σ ∈ [0, 1) is fixed. Having in hand those objects, the next iterate is

xk+1 := xk − ckvk+1 . (19)

Convergence properties of this method are again the same as of the originalproximal point algorithm. We note that for εk+1 = 0, condition (18) forHEPPM is somewhat stronger than condition (14) for HPPPM, although itshould not be much more difficult to satisfy in practice. It has to be stressed,however, that the introduction of εk+1 6= 0 is not merely formal or artificialhere. It is important for several reasons, see [37, 39] for a more detaileddiscussion. Here, we shall mention that T ε arises naturally in the context ofvariational inequalities where subproblems are solved using the regularizedgap function [15]. Another situation where T ε is useful are bundle techniquesfor general maximal monotone inclusions, see [5, 32] (unlike T , T ε has certaincontinuity properties [6], much like the ε-subdifferential in nonsmooth convexoptimization).

The main goal of the present paper is to unify the methods of [38] and [37]within a more general framework which, in addition, utilizes an even betterapproximation criterion for solution of subproblems than the ones studiedpreviously. A new application to solving monotone systems of semismoothequations is also discussed.


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2 The general framework

Given any x ∈ H and c > 0, consider the proximal point problem of solvingthe system {

v ∈ T (y),cv + y − x = 0.


We start directly with our new notion of approximate solutions of (20).

Definition 1 We say that a triple (y, v, ε) ∈ H×H×R+ is an approximatesolution of the proximal system (20) with error tolerance σ ∈ [0, 1), if

v ∈ T ε(y) ,

‖cv + y − x‖2 + 2cε ≤ σ2(‖cv‖2 + ‖y − x‖2



First note that condition (21) is more general than either (14) or (18). Thisis easy to see because the right-hand side in (21) is larger. In addition, (14)works only with the exact values of the operator (i.e., with ε = 0).

Observe that if (y, v) is the exact solution of (20) then, taking ε = 0,we conclude that (y, v, ε) satisfy the approximation criteria (21) for any σ ∈[0, 1). Conversely, if σ = 0, then only the exact solution of (20) (with ε = 0)will satisfy this approximation criterion. So this definition is quite natural.For σ ∈ (0, 1), system (20) has at least one, and typically many, approximatesolutions in the sense of Definition 1.

We next establish some basic properties of approximate solutions definedabove.

Lemma 2 Take x ∈ H, c > 0. The triple (y, v, ε) ∈ H × H × R+ beingan approximate solution of the proximal system (20) with error toleranceσ ∈ [0, 1) is equivalent to the following relations:

v ∈ T ε(y) , 〈v, x− y〉 − ε ≥ 1− σ2


(‖cv‖2 + ‖y − x‖2

). (22)

In addition, it holds that

1− ρ

1− σ2c‖v‖ ≤ ‖y − x‖ ≤ 1 + ρ

1− σ2c‖v‖ , (23)

whereρ :=

√1− (1− σ2)2 .

Furthermore, the three conditions


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1. 0 ∈ T (x),

2. v = 0,

3. y = x

are equivalent and imply ε = 0.

Proof. Re-writing (21), we have

σ2(‖cv‖2 + ‖y − x‖2

)≥ ‖cv + y − x‖2 + 2cε

= 2cε + ‖cv‖2 + ‖y − x‖2 + 2c〈v, y − x〉 ,

which is further equivalent to (22), by a simple rearrangement of terms.Furthermore, by the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality and the nonnegativity of

ε, using (22), we have that

‖cv‖‖y − x‖ ≥ c〈v, y − x〉 − cε ≥ 1− σ2


(‖cv‖2 + ‖y − x‖2


Denoting t := ‖y − x‖ and resolving the quadratic inequality in t

t2 − 2‖cv‖1− σ2

t + ‖cv‖2 ≤ 0 ,

proves (23).Suppose now that 0 ∈ T (x). Since v ∈ T ε(y), we have that

−ε ≤ 〈v − 0, y − x〉 = 〈v, y − x〉 ,

and it follows that the right-hand side of (22) is zero. Hence, v = 0, andx = y. If we assume that v = 0, then (22) implies that x = y, and vice versa.And obviously, these conditions imply that 0 ∈ T (x). It is also clear from(22) that in those cases ε = 0.

The following lemma is the key to developing convergent iterative schemesbased on approximate solutions of proximal subproblems defined above.


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Lemma 3 Take any x ∈ H. Suppose that

〈v, x− y〉 − ε > 0 ,

where ε ≥ 0 and v ∈ T ε(y). Then for any x∗ ∈ T−1(0) and any τ ≥ 0, itholds that

‖x∗ − x+‖2 ≤ ‖x∗ − x‖2 − (1− (1− τ)2)‖av‖2 ,

wherex+ := x− τav ,

a :=〈v, x− y〉 − ε


Proof. Define the closed halfspace H as

H := {z ∈ H | 〈v, z − y〉 − ε ≤ 0} .

By the assumption, x /∈ H. Let x be the projection of x onto H. It is wellknown, and easy to check, that

x = x− av ,

where the quantity a is defined above. For any z ∈ H, it holds that 〈z −x, v〉 ≤ 0, and so

〈z − x, x+ − x〉 ≥ 0 .

Using the definition of x+, we obtain

‖z − x‖2 = ‖(z − x+) + (x+ − x)‖2

= ‖z − x+‖2 + ‖x+ − x‖2 + 2〈z − x+, x+ − x〉= ‖z − x+‖2 + ‖x+ − x‖2 + 2〈x− x+, x+ − x〉

+2〈z − x, x+ − x〉≥ ‖z − x+‖2 + ‖x+ − x‖2 + 2〈x− x+, x+ − x〉= ‖z − x+‖2 + (1− (1− τ)2)a2‖v‖2 .

Suppose x∗ ∈ T−1(0). By the definition of T ε,

〈v − 0, y − x∗〉 ≥ −ε .

Therefore, 〈v, x∗ − y〉 − ε ≤ 0, which means that x∗ ∈ H. Setting z = x∗ inthe chain of inequalities above completes the proof.


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Lemma 3 shows that if we take τ ∈ (0, 2) then the point x+ is closer tothe solution set T−1(0) than the point x. Using further Lemma 2, this canserve as a basis for constructing a convergent iterative algorithm. Allowingthe parameter τ to vary within the interval (0, 2) will make it possible tounify the algorithms of [38] and [37].

Algorithm 2.1 Choose any x0 ∈ H, 0 ≤ σ < 1, c > 0, and θ ∈ (0, 1).

1. Choose ck ≥ c and find (vk, yk, εk) ∈ H × H × R+, an approximatesolution with error tolerance σk ≤ σ of the proximal system (12), i.e.,

vk ∈ T εk(yk)‖ckv

k + yk − xk‖2 + 2ckεk ≤ σ2k(‖ckv

k‖2 + ‖yk − xk‖2) .

2. If yk = xk, stop. Otherwise,

3. Choose τk ∈ [1− θ, 1 + θ], and set

ak :=〈vk, xk − yk〉 − εk


xk+1 := xk − τkakvk ,

and go to Step 1.

Note that the algorithm stops when yk = xk which, by Lemma 2, meansthat xk ∈ T−1(0). In our convergence analysis we shall assume that this doesnot occur, and so an infinite sequence of iterates is generated.

We next show that Algorithm 2.1 contains the methods proposed in [38]and [37] as its special cases. First, as was already remarked, any approximatesolution of the proximal point subproblem satisfying (14) or (18) (used in[38] and [37], respectively), certainly satisfies approximation criterion (21)employed in Algorithm 2.1. It remains to show that the ways xk+1 is obtainedin (15) and (19) (used in [38] and [37], respectively), are also two special casesof the update rule in Algorithm 2.1. With respect to [38] this is completelyobvious, as (15) corresponds to taking τk = 1 in Algorithm 2.1 (with εk = 0,as in the setting of [38]). For the method of [37], on the other hand, thisissue is not immediately clear. Essentially, one has to show that under theapproximation criterion (18), there exists τk ∈ [1− θ, 1 + θ] such that τkak =ck, or equivalently, there exists θ ∈ (0, 1) such that (1−θ)ak ≤ ck ≤ (1+θ)ak.The following proposition establishes this fact.


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Proposition 4 Take x, y, v ∈ H, ε ≥ 0, c > 0 and σ ∈ [0, 1) such that0 /∈ T (x) and

v ∈ T ε(y)‖cv + y − x‖2 + 2cε ≤ σ2‖y − x‖2 .

Then(1− σ)a ≤ c ≤ (1 + σ)a ,


a =〈v, x− y〉 − ε


Proof. First note that by the hypotheses of the proposition, Lemma 2 is

applicable, and we have that v 6= 0 and a > 0.Furthermore, by our assumptions it holds that ‖cv + y − x‖ ≤ σ‖y − x‖,

from which by the triangle inequality, it follows that

(1− σ)‖y − x‖ ≤ c‖v‖ ≤ (1 + σ)‖y − x‖ . (24)

By the nonnegativity of ε and the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality, we have that

a ≤ 〈v, x− y〉/‖v‖2 ≤ ‖y − x‖/‖v‖ .

Combining the latter relation with (24), we conclude that

(1− σ)a ≤ (1− σ)‖y − x‖/‖v‖ ≤ c ,

which proves one part of the assertion.To prove the other part, note that under our assumptions

a =‖cv‖2 + ‖y − x‖2 − (‖cv + y − x‖2 + 2cε)


≥ ‖cv‖2 + (1− σ2)‖y − x‖2




(1 + (1− σ2)

‖x− y‖2



Using further (24), we obtain

a ≥ (c/2)

(1 +

1− σ2

(1 + σ)2

)= c/(1 + σ) ,


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which concludes the proof.

Proposition 4 implies that if we choose θ ≥ σ in Algorithm 2.1, then foreach k there exists τk ∈ [1 − θ, 1 + θ] such that τkak = ck. Hence, HEPPMfalls within the presented framework of Algorithm 2.1.

3 Convergence analysis

As already remarked, if Algorithm 2.1 terminates finitely, it does so at asolution of the problem. From now on, we assume that infinite sequences{xk}, {vk}, {yk} and {εk} are generated. Using Lemma 2 we conclude thatfor all k, vk 6= 0, yk 6= xk and

〈vk, xk − yk〉 − εk ≥1− σ2




+∥∥∥yk − xk


> 0 . (25)

Therefore, by the definition of ak,

ak ≥1− σ2



‖ckvk‖2 + ‖yk − xk‖2

ck‖vk‖2. (26)

Furthermore, using the fact that ‖ckvk‖2 + ‖yk − xk‖2 ≥ 2ck‖vk‖‖yk − xk‖,

we obtain thatak‖vk‖ ≥ (1− σ2

k) ‖yk − xk‖ . (27)

Proposition 5 If the solution set of problem (1) is nonempty, then

1. The sequence {xk} is bounded;


k=0 ‖akvk‖2 < ∞;

3. limk→∞ ‖yk − xk‖ = limk→∞ ‖vk‖ = limk→∞ εk = 0.

Proof. Applying (25) and Lemma 3, we have that for any x∗ ∈ T−1(0) it

holds that

‖x∗ − xk+1‖2 ≤ ‖x∗ − xk‖2 − (1− (1− τk)2)a2


≤ ‖x∗ − xk‖2 − (1− θ2)‖akvk‖2 .


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It immediately follows that the sequence {xk} is bounded, and that thesecond item of the proposition holds. Therefore we also have that 0 =limk→∞ ak‖vk‖. From (26) it easily follows that

ak‖vk‖ ≥ 1− σ2k


k‖ .

Using this relation and (27), we immediately conclude that 0 = limk→∞ ‖vk‖ =limk→∞ ‖yk−xk‖. Since εk ≥ 0, relation (25) also implies that 0 = limk→∞ εk.

We are now in position to prove convergence of our algorithm.

Theorem 6 If the solution set of problem (1) is nonempty, then the sequence{xk} converges weakly to a solution.

Proof. By Proposition 5, the sequence {xk} is bounded, and so it has at

least one weak accumulation point, say x. Let {xkj} be some subsequenceweakly converging to x. Since ‖yk − xk‖ → 0 (by Proposition 5), it followsthat the subsequence {ykj} also converges weakly to x. Moreover, we knowthat vkj → 0 (strongly) and εkj

→ 0. Take any x ∈ H and u ∈ T (x). Becausevk ∈ T εk(yk), for any index j it holds that

〈u− vkj , x− ykj〉 ≥ −εkj.

Therefore〈u− 0, x− ykj〉 ≥ 〈vkj , x− ykj〉 − εkj


Since {ykj} converges weakly to x, {vkj} converges strongly to zero and {ykj}is bounded, and {εkj

} converges to zero, taking the limit as j → ∞ in theabove inequality we obtain that

〈u− 0, x− x〉 ≥ 0 .

But (x, u) was taken as an arbitrary element in the graph of T . From maxi-mality of T it follows that 0 ∈ T (x), i.e., x is a solution of (1). We have thusproved that every weak accumulation point of {xk} is a solution.

The proof of uniqueness of weak accumulation point in this setting isstandard. For example, uniqueness follows easily by applying Opial’s Lemma


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[23] (observe that {‖xk − x‖} is nonincreasing), or by using the analysis of[31].

When T−1(0) = ∅, i.e., no solution exists, the sequence {xk} can beshown to be unbounded. Because one has to work with an enlargement ofthe operator, the proof of this fact is somewhat different from the classical(e.g., [31]). We refer the reader to [37] where the required analysis is similar.

We next turn our attention to the study of convergence rate of Algorithm2.1. This will be done under the standard assumption that T−1 is Lipschitz-continuous at zero, i.e., there exist the unique x∗ ∈ T−1(0) and some δ, L > 0such that

v ∈ T (x) , ‖v‖ ≤ δ ⇒ ‖x− x∗‖ ≤ L‖v‖ . (28)

We shall assume, for the sake of simplicity, that τk = 1 for all k, i.e., there isno relaxation in the “projection” step of Algorithm 2.1.

The following error bound, established in [39], will be the key to theanalysis.

Theorem 7 [39, Corollary 2.1] Let y∗ , v∗ be the exact solution of the prox-imal system (20). Then for any y ∈ H , v ∈ T ε(y), it holds that

‖y − y∗‖2 + c2‖v − v∗‖2 ≤ ‖cv + y − x‖2 + 2cε .

A lower bound for ak will also be needed. Using (26), we have

ak ≥ 1− σ2k

2(1 + (‖yk − xk‖/‖ckv


≥ 1− σ2

2(1 + (‖yk − xk‖/‖ckv

k‖)2)c .

Using also (23), after some algebraic manipulations, we obtain

ak ≥

1 +√

1− (1− σ2)2

1− σ2


c . (29)

We are now ready to establish the linear rate of convergence of our algo-rithm.

Theorem 8 Suppose that T−1 is Lipschitz-continuous at zero, and τk = 1for all k. Then for k sufficiently large,

‖x∗ − xk+1‖ ≤ λ√1 + λ2

‖x∗ − xk‖ ,


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whereλ :=

√α2 + 1

√β2 − 1 + αβ


α := (L/c)1 +

√1− (1− σ2)2

1− σ2, β := 1/(1− σ2) .

Proof. Define, for each k, xk, vk ∈ T (xk) as the exact solution of the

proximal problem 0 ∈ akT (x) + x − xk, where ak was defined in Algorithm2.1 (recall that ak > 0). Since vk ∈ T εk(yk), by Theorem 7 it follows that

‖xk − yk‖2 + a2k‖vk − vk‖2 ≤ ‖akv

k + yk − xk‖2 + 2akεk

= ‖akvk + yk − xk‖2 + 2ak(〈vk, xk − yk〉 − ak‖vk‖2)

= ‖yk − xk‖2 − ‖akvk‖2.

Using also (27) we get

‖xk − yk‖2 + a2k‖vk − vk‖2 ≤ ((1− σ2

k)−2 − 1)‖akv

k‖2. (30)

Therefore,‖vk − vk‖2 ≤ ((1− σ2)−2)− 1)‖vk‖2.

Now, since vk converges to zero (strongly) we conclude that vk also convergesto zero. Hence, for k large enough, it holds that ‖vk‖ ≤ δ, and, by (28),

‖x∗ − xk‖ ≤ L‖vk‖ = (L/ak)‖xk − xk‖ .

In the sequel, we assume that k is large enough, so that the above boundholds. By the triangle inequality, we further obtain

‖x∗ − xk+1‖ ≤ ‖x∗ − xk‖+ ‖xk − xk+1‖≤ (L/ak)‖xk − xk‖+ ‖xk − xk+1‖≤ (L/ak)‖xk − yk‖+ (L/ak)‖yk − xk‖+ ‖xk − xk+1‖ .

Note that because xk = xk − akvk and xk+1 = xk − akv

k, we have thatak‖vk − vk‖ = ‖xk − xk+1‖. Using this relation and (30), we obtain that

‖xk − yk‖2 + ‖xk − xk+1‖2 ≤ [(1− σ2k)−2 − 1]‖akv

k‖2 .


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Using the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality, it now follows that

(L/ak)‖xk − yk‖+ ‖xk − xk+1‖≤

√(L/ak)2 + 1

√‖xk − yk‖2 + ‖xk − xk+1‖2


(L/ak)2 + 1√

(1− σ2k)−2 − 1‖akv

k‖ .


‖x∗ − xk+1‖≤

√(L/ak)2 + 1

√(1− σ2

k)−2 − 1‖akv

k‖+ (L/ak)‖yk − xk‖


(L/ak)2 + 1√

(1− σ2k)−2 − 1 + (L/ak)(1− σ2


k‖ ,

where (27) was used again. Recalling the definition of λ, and using (29), weget

‖x∗ − xk+1‖ ≤ λ‖akvk‖ .

Using also Lemma 3, we now have that

‖x∗ − xk‖2 ≥ ‖x∗ − xk+1‖2 + ‖akvk‖2

≥ ‖x∗ − xk+1‖2 + (1/λ)2‖x∗ − xk+1‖2 ,

and it follows that

‖x∗ − xk+1‖ ≤ λ√1 + λ2

‖x∗ − xk‖ ,

which establishes the claim.

Remark 9 It is easy to see that we could repeat the analysis of Theorem 8with αk, βk and λk defined for each k as functions of ck and σk (instead oftheir bounds c and σ). Then the analysis above shows that if ck → ∞ andσk → 0, then αk → 0 , βk → 1, and hence, λk → 0. We conclude that underthe additional assumptions that ck → ∞ and σk → 0, in the setting of thissection {xk} converges to x∗ superlinearly.

In the more general case where τk ∈ [1−θ, 1+θ], under the same condition(28), the following estimate is valid:

‖x∗ − xk+1‖ ≤ λ + θ√(1− θ2) + (λ + θ)2

‖x∗ − xk‖ .


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4 Systems of semismooth equations and re-

formulations of monotone complementarity


In this section, we consider a specific situation where

H = Rn , T = F , F : Rn → Rn ,

and F is a locally Lipschitz-continuous semismooth monotone function. Aswill be discussed below, one interesting example of problems having thisstructure are equation-based reformulations [27, 16] of monotone nonlinearcomplementarity problems [25, 13]. A globally convergent Newton methodfor solving systems of monotone equations was proposed in [36]. The attrac-tive feature of this algorithm is that given an arbitrary starting point, it isguaranteed to generate a sequence of iterates convergent to a solution of theproblem without any regularity-type assumptions. This is a very desirableproperty, not shared by standard globalizations strategies based on meritfunctions. We refer the reader to [36, 35] for a detailed discussion of thisissue. We next state a related method based on the more general frameworkof Algorithm 2.1.

Algorithm 4.1 Choose any x0 ∈ Rn, 0 ≤ σ < 1, c > 0, and β , θ ∈ (0, 1).

1. (Newton Step)Choose ck ≥ c, σk ≤ σ, and a positive semidefinite matrix Hk. Computedk, the solution of the linear system

F (xk) + (Hk + c−1k I)d = 0 .

Stop if dk = 0. If

‖ckF (xk + dk) + dk‖2 ≤ σ2k(‖ckF (xk + dk)‖2 + ‖dk‖2) ,

then set yk := xk + dk, and go to Projection Step. Otherwise,

2. (Linesearch Step)Find mk, the smallest nonnegative integer m, such that

−ck〈F (xk + βmdk), dk〉 ≥ σ2k‖dk‖2 .

Set yk := xk + βmkdk.


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3. (Projection Step)Choose τk ∈ [1− θ, 1 + θ], and set

xk+1 := xk + τk〈F (yk), dk〉‖F (yk)‖2

F (yk) .

Set k := k + 1, and go to Newton Step.

The key idea in Algorithm 4.1 is to try solving the proximal point sub-problem by just one Newton-type iteration. When this is not possible, theNewton point is refined by means of a lineasearch. The following propertiesfor Algorithm 4.1 can be established essentially using the line of analysisdeveloped in [36].

Theorem 10 Suppose that F is continuous and monotone and let {xk} beany sequence generated by Algorithm 4.1. Then {xk} is bounded. Further-more, if ‖Hk‖ ≤ C1 and ck ≤ C2‖F (xk)‖−1 for some C1 , C2 > 0, then {xk}converges to some x such that F (x) = 0.

In addition, if F (·) is differentiable in a neighborhood of x with F ′(·)Lipschitz-continuous, F ′(x) is positive definite, Hk = F ′(xk) for all k ≥k0, and 0 = limk→∞ c−1

k = limk→∞ ck‖F (xk)‖, then the convergence rate issuperlinear.

Consider the classical nonlinear complementarity problem [25, 13], whichis to find an x ∈ Rn such that

g(x) ≥ 0, x ≥ 0, 〈g(x), x〉 = 0 , (31)

where g : Rn → Rn is differentiable. One of the most useful approaches tonumerical and theoretical treatment of the NCP consists in reformulating itas a system of (nonsmooth) equations [27, 16]. One popular choice is givenby the so-called natural residual [24]

Fi(x) = min {xi, αgi(x)} , i = 1, . . . , n , (32)

where α > 0 is a parameter. It is easy to check that for this mapping thesolution set of the system of equations F (x) = 0 coincides with the solutionset of the NCP (31). Furthermore, it is known [45] (see also [33, 17]) that Fgiven by (32) is monotone for all α sufficiently small if g is co-coercive (forthe definition of co-coerciveness and its role for variational inequalities, see


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[2, 43, 46]). Since F is obviously continuous, it immediately follows that forco-coercive NCP Algorithm 4.1 applied to the natural residual F generatesa sequence of iterates globally converging to some solution x∗ of the NCP,provided the parameters are chosen as specified. However, it is clear thatthis F is in general not differentiable. In particular, it is not differentiableat a solution x∗ of the NCP, unless the strict complementarity conditionx∗i + gi(x

∗) > 0 , i = 1, . . . , n, holds. This condition, however, is knownto be very restrictive. Hence, the superlinear rate of convergence stated inTheorem 10 does not apply in this context.

On the other hand, by Remark 9, Algorithm 2.1 does converge locallysuperlinearly under appropriate assumptions. Of course, it is important tostudy computational cost involved in finding acceptable approximate solu-tions for the proximal point subproblems in Algorithm 2.1. We now turn ourattention to this issue. Specifically, we shall show that when xk is close toa solution x∗ with certain properties, two steps of the generalized Newtonmethod applied to solve the k-th proximal subproblem

0 = Fk(x) := F (x) + c−1k (x− xk) (33)

are sufficient to guarantee our error tolerance criterion. As a consequence,local superlinear rate of convergence of Algorithm 2.1 is ensured by solvingat most two systems of linear equations at each iteration, and by takingck → +∞ , σk → 0 in an appropriate way.

Let ∂F (x) denote the Clarke’s generalized Jacobian [9] of F at x ∈ Rn.Specifically, ∂F (x) is the convex hull of the B-subdifferential [30] of F at x,which is the set

∂BF (x) = {H ∈ Rn×n | ∃{xk} ⊂ DF : xk → x and F ′(xk) → H},

with DF being the set of points at which F is differentiable (by the Rademacher’sTheorem, a locally Lipschitz-continuous function is differentiable almost ev-erywhere). Recall that F is semismooth [22, 28, 29] at x ∈ Rn if it isdirectionally differentiable at x, and

Hd− F ′(x; d) = o(‖d‖) , ∀ d → 0 , ∀H ∈ ∂F (x + d) ,

where F ′(x; d) stands for the usual directional derivative (this is one of anumber of equivalent ways to define semismoothness). Similarly, F is said tobe strongly semismooth at x ∈ Rn if

Hd− F ′(x; d) = O(‖d‖2) , ∀ d → 0 , ∀H ∈ ∂F (x + d) .


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When we say that F is (strongly) semismooth, we mean that this propertyholds for all points x ∈ Rn. By the calculus for semismooth mappings [14],if g is (strongly) semismooth, then so is F given by (32). In particular, ifg is continuously differentiable, then F is semismooth; and F is stronglysemismooth if the derivative of g is Lipschitz-continuous (see also [21]). Fur-thermore, at any point x ∈ Rn elements in ∂F (x) or ∂BF (x) are easilycomputable by explicit formulas, e.g., see [19]. It is known [19, 21] that ifx∗ is a b-regular [26] solution of NCP (which is one of the weakest regular-ity conditions for NCP), then all elements in ∂BF (x∗) are nonsingular (theso-called BD-regularity of F at x∗).

Consider {xk} → x∗, and assume that x∗ is a BD-regular solution ofF (x) = 0. The latter implies that x∗ is an isolated solution, and the followingerror bound holds [27, Proposition 3]: there exist M1 > 0 and δ > 0 suchthat

M1‖x− x∗‖ ≤ ‖F (x)‖ ∀x ∈ Rn such that ‖x− x∗‖ ≤ δ . (34)

Denote by zk the exact solution of (33), {zk} → x∗. By the well-knownproperties of the (exact) proximal point method [31],

‖zk − x∗‖2 ≤ ‖xk − x∗‖2 − ‖zk − xk‖2 ,

from which using xk − zk = ckF (zk) and (34), we obtain

‖zk − x∗‖ = O(c−1k ‖xk − x∗‖) . (35)

Suppose F is strongly semismooth. Clearly, Fk is strongly semismooth, andzk is a BD-regular solution of (33) (elements in ∂BFk(z

k) are nonsingular,once xk is sufficiently close to x∗, so that zk is also close to x∗).

Let yk ∈ Rn be the point obtained after one iteration of the generalizedNewton method applied to (33):

yk = xk − P−1k Fk(x

k) , Pk ∈ ∂BFk(xk) .

Since Pk = Hk + c−1k I , Hk ∈ ∂BF (xk), we have that

‖yk − zk‖ = ‖xk − zk − (Hk + c−1k I)−1F (xk)‖

≤ ‖xk −H−1k F (xk)− x∗‖+ ‖zk − x∗‖

+‖(H−1k − (Hk + c−1

k I)−1)F (xk)‖= O(‖xk − x∗‖2) + O(c−1

k ‖xk − x∗‖) + O(c−1k ‖F (xk)‖)

= O(c−1k ‖F (xk)‖) , (36)


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where the second equality follows from the quadratic convergence [28, 29] ofthe generalized Newton method applied to F (x) = 0, (35), and the classicalfact of linear algebra about the inverse of a perturbed nonsingular matrix;and the last equality follows from (34). By the Lipschitz-continuity of F , thetriangle inequality, and (35), we also have

‖F (xk)‖ ≤ M2‖xk − x∗‖≤ M2(‖zk − xk‖+ ‖zk − x∗‖)≤ M2‖zk − xk‖+ O(c−1

k ‖xk − x∗‖) .

Using (34) in the last relation, it follows that ‖F (xk)‖ ≤ O(‖zk−xk‖). From(36), we then obtain that

‖yk − zk‖ = O(c−1k ‖xk − zk‖) .

Denoting by yk the next Newton step for (33),

yk = yk − P−1k Fk(y

k) , Pk ∈ ∂BFk(yk) ,

we have‖yk − zk‖ = O(c−1

k ‖yk − zk‖) ,

and, using (36), we conclude that

‖yk − zk‖ = O(c−2k ‖F (xk)‖) . (37)

The left-hand side of the tolerance criterion (21) for proximal subproblem(33) can be bounded as follows:

‖ckF (yk) + yk − xk‖ ≤ ck‖F (yk)− F (zk)‖+ ‖yk − zk‖≤ 2M2ck‖yk − zk‖= O(c−1

k ‖F (xk)‖) , (38)

where the first inequality follows from the definition of zk and the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality; the second inequality follows from the Lipschitz-continuityof F ; and the last follows from (37). On the other hand, we have that

‖yk − xk‖ ≥ ‖xk − x∗‖ − ‖yk − zk‖ − ‖zk − x∗‖≥ ‖xk − x∗‖ −O(c−2

k ‖F (xk)‖)−O(c−1k ‖xk − x∗‖)

≥ M3‖F (xk)‖ , (39)


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where the second inequality follows from (37) and (35); and the last inequalityfollows with some M3 > 0, by the Lipschitz-continuity of F . Using (39) and(38), we conclude that the error tolerance condition (21) is guaranteed tobe satisfied for yk, the second Newton iterate for solving (33), if we chooseparameters σk and ck so that

c−1k = o(σk) .

With this choice, in the framework of Algorithm 2.1 yk is an acceptableapproximate solution of the proximal point subproblem. By Remark 9, con-vergence rate of {xk} generated by Algorithm 2.1 is superlinear.

In fact, comparing (36) and (38), we can see that for the first Newtonpoint the left and right-hand sides of the tolerance criterion are already ofthe same order. Since these are merely rough upper and lower estimates, asa practical matter, one might expect the error tolerance rule to be satisfiedalready after the first Newton step.


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Page 27: A UNIFIED FRAMEWORK FOR SOME INEXACT PROXIMAL POINT …w3.impa.br/~benar/docs/solodov/unif.pdf · 2006. 12. 26. · Method (HPPPM), proceeds as follows. Instead of taking ˜xk+1 as

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