A Tangled Love Story

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  • 8/14/2019 A Tangled Love Story



    aFriends Foreve


    A Tangled Love St

  • 8/14/2019 A Tangled Love Story


    A Tangled Love Story


    I was an averaged gir l. N obody ever paidat t ent ion t o me. I was a geek. A f r ingie. -youknow, t hose kids whod be your f r iend whet her ornot your popu lar. Yup! I , Elaine M anson, was af r ingie. WA S! N ot unt il I t r ansf er r ed schools! It r ansf er r ed t o a c lass of 15 st udent s! Ibef r iended everyone just as t hose popular kid s didin my old school. I inst ant ly became popular. Ibef r iended Emily, N icole, Tor i, and A llison. Iwor ked day and night t o be, and st ay popular. I twas like t hat . I had a boyf r iend. H e broke myhear t . Cou ld I love again? I m st ar t ing t o like t hisguy. But it seems like someone else likes him t oo.What should I do? T ake act ion, wit h f ear t hat myhear t will br eak again, harder t his t ime, or just

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    give up and let my hear t r emain broken longer .What shou ld I do? A nd it s not only me, N ikki, andEmily t oo. L uc ky A lly and T or i, t hey dont have

    t hese problems.

    Chapt er 1The int roduct ion and beginning.(a year bef ore t he present , a memory Elaine Manson)

    El hey! Psssst ! T or i was calling me t hr oughclass. I daydr eam a lot . I t was f or eign language class. I

    usually f all asleep now . When I r ealized I f ell asleep again,I sat upr ight quic kly hoping no one will not ice. no use

    covering it up El, you f ell asleep again. Class ended 5minut es ago Emily said behind me. She was r ight . Thec lassroom was empt y. I searched arou nd f or a cloc k. it s11:35 det . L unc h st ar t ed 5 minut es ago. t hat was N ikki

    (she doesnt like it when we call her by her r eal name,N icole). She likes t o c all us det as in shor t cu t t o du det .

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    L ike t he gir l version of dude. umm sor ry guys, I j ust getso bored wit h F.L . It s not my f ault t each er L . is so

    bor ing t eacher L s r eal name is L or ena L or enz. She isr eally t he most bor ing t eacher ever . yeah, well dont say

    sor ry t o us girl, were f ine wit h it . It s Tor i you should besaying sor ry t o. You know how she get s when shes lat e f orL unch. it s a miracle t hat girl is f it wit h t he f ood she eat s

    t hat was A llison, but we call her A lly of shor t . Shes t allwit h beaut if ul long brown hair t hat she braids int o a

    ponyt ail. She has pret t y grayish eyes. Im so d if f er ent f romher. I have brownish-blonde hair whic h I like t o ponyt ailbut inst ead of t he back, I make it int o t he side. L ike aret ro look and I have green eyes. Tor i has st r awberr y-blonde hair t hat is shor t but wit h dimensions. I t r eally

    Sui t s her baby-blue eyes. Emily has red layered long hair .She may have f reckles underneat h her h azel-br own eyesbut it r eally looks good on her. N ikki has shiny-black hairt hat she cu t s shor t unt il it only r each es her should er s.She has pret t y bangs t hat r each just above her eyebrowsand pret t y dark -violet eyes.

    yeah, what ever . So, where is she anyway? shewent out t o get a bag of chips in t he vendingmachine out side, shell pr obably be back lat er N ikki said . anyways, t eacher L t old us t o t ell yout hat your e gonna be t he escor t of t his new dudet he whole day t oday El! yeah, what ever . Wherest he dude now N ik? I was wondering if t he dudemight look cut e. H eres t he t hing, A lly can sor tof know what your e t hinking. I t s weir d. It s liket elekinesis but it s not . Were just so close t hat wet hink alike you know? So heres what she saiddont f all in love wit h t he guy El, he might be

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    t r ouble just like K yle usually it s annoying whenshe does t hat , but t his t ime, shes r ight . I used t ohave a boyf r iend named K yle. H e only liked me t o

    get t o T ori. Of cour se I dumped him when I heardhim t alking t o his f r iends about it . When Toriheard it , she ignored t he dude f or ages.c mon, let s go get t he dude I ushered t hem as Igot out of my chair and pic ked up my bag, no waygir l, we have our plans. See you in our next class.T ry not t o dit ch us f or t he dude, kay? somet imes

    Emily says st uf f so blunt ly she doesnt even knowt hat it of f ended me. She said it cause she t oo hasa boyf r iend. Well not r eally boyf r iend, just f r iendswit h benef it s. Shes been cr azy bout t he dude f orages. kk . See yall in my next c lass. I t s algebrar ight ? I t old t hem as I walked t o t he main of f ice.I st opped by my licker t o dr op of f my bag.

    So t here I was t alking t o t he school secr et aryt eacher K at her ine. We call her t eacher K f orshor t . umm exc use me t eacher K at herine, um..I m here cause t eacher L orena t old me t o guidet he new k id around t he school. H ave you seenhim? I was supposed t o get him here. I asked t het eacher in my most innocent lit t le kid voice and

    f ace. I t always works. oh , yes yes deary. H is r ightover t here. Be nice t o him now. A nd t hank youf or giving your t ime f or t his kid. Bye now! peoplet hink I m a chi ld even if I m already 15. I may bet he youngest of my f r iends. Were all 15 but wer e

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    born on dif f erent mont hs. M e on t he 27 t h ofD ecember . Emily on t he 3 rd of N ovember . N ikkion t he 20 t h of Sept ember . A lly on t he 13 t h of July

    and T or i on t he 16t h

    of February. I looked t o t hewait ing ar ea where a guy was sit t ing. H e wasdif f er ent f rom all t he ot her guys, in ot her wayshes t he same. I dunno. He just seems di f f erent .H e has ju t black hair . Fair skin and green eyes.H es t aller t han me by a bit . H as a broad back.H es wear ing cargo pant s and an violet c lot h shir t .

    Wit h shoes I t hink ar e conver se. Rich huh? I wentover and int roduc ed myself . H e must ve sensed mecoming cause he looked up. hi, I m your guide t oschool t oday. N ice t o meet you. U m. J ust inhe said in r eply t ot my st ammering. Ju st inhmm I like t hat name. hi. UmJust in. M ynames Elaine. N ice t o meet you. I hope we can be

    f r iends. I t hink wer e in t he same grade, so well behaving t he same classes I t hink. You can ask mef or , and about anyt hing. Cmon let s go t o t hecaf et er ia I t ook my hand out t o him. He ignoredit and st ood up by himself . lead t he way he said .so, um how old are you? I m 15 I said t rying t ost ar t a conver sat ion. same he replied. T hat was

    t he only conver sat ion we had all t hroughout t heway. When we f inally r eached t he caf et er ia, Ilooked around in search of my f r iends. I f oundt hem in our t able. T he so called popular t able. Iguess t hey saw me coming cause t hey waved. I

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    went t o t hem br inging my new f ound f r iend. Whent hey saw t he dude I brought , Tor i immediat elyst ood up and greet ed him. Typical Tor i t o act all

    nice arou nd a new dud e. Were popular c ausewere nice and f un. N ot cause we dress awesome,or wer e rich or wer e mean. nope. I t s all c ause ofkindness. We only let t he new kids sit on our t ablet hough. H e sat beside me as I int rodu ced myf r iends. guys, I said t o t hem. t his is Just in.Just in, I said. t hese ar e Emily and T or i I said

    point ing t o t hem. and t his is A llison I saidpoint ing t o her . please, just call me A lly she saidin reply t o my int roduct ion. and t his is N icole Isaid point ing t o N ikki. no, please. Ju st call meN ikki . Really, I mean it . she said. She hat es itwhen you call her N icole. She t hinks your e mad ather or somet hing. hi J ust in said shyly. A shy guy

    eh? I looked t o Emily and T or i. I t seems t hey t hinkso t oo. Emily looks st r essed. Hm somet hingmust ve came up.

    A f t er lunch , I said good-bye t o my f r iends as Iwent around t he school wit h J ust in showing himt he school. I int roduc ed him t o most of t he

    people who passed by us and t old h im about t heschool and i t s r ules. They r eally picked t he r ightgir l f or t his. Im popular so I know almosteveryone. I m r eally popular among t he lit t le kid scause I m ext r a-f r iendly t o t hem. Tor i is good wit h

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    t he guys. Emily is good wit h school work and it srules. A lly knows t he ru mor s and t he happeningsaround while N ikki has t he t rend t hing going on. I

    do well wit h bef r iending anyone. H ave a t enseat mosphere going on? I can ease it up wi t h myhumor and f r iendliness.

    I act ually got t o know J ust in a bit . Seems like hest he best f r iend of M ike. The dude who is a FWBwit h Emily (f r iends wit h benef it s). A nd was

    st udying at anot her school unt il now when hisf amily moved. Seems like he is in our subd ivision.When I say our , I mean me, Emily, N ikki , A lly andT or is subdivision. We live in 1 big subdivision. H esc loser wit h N ikki t hough. I guess 6 houses down.

    I t was like t hat f or a whole year . We becamef r iends and we played games. Were really c lose.H e is t he closest guy I ever had. M y f r iends seemt o like him t oo. Emily isnt so happy-go-luckyanymor e af t er he came here but she loosened upaf t er a f ew mont hs. Just in became popular wit ht he dudes, ad ju st as he said, hes M ikes best

    f r iend. I have f un in our games and when we play,it s usually only t he 2 of us playing and t he game isusually t ag and i t would last f or weeks when 1 ofus wou ld f inally give up. t hat s usually me. I knowit s ch ildish but it s f un. People t ease me t hat I like

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    him and st uf f but I dont . it also wor ks vice ver sa.People t ease him, but he doesnt like me. Ofcour se, weve had our f ight s and st uf f but we

    always say sor ry bef or e t he day ends. I like playingt ennis while he likes socc er . It was like t hat f or awhole year .

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    Chapt er 2Conf essions and secret s hidden(present life of Elaine Manson)

    M y lif e has been going great . I t s all t hanks t o myf r iends. I m t ur ning 16 now. Im sit t ing under t heacacia t r ee out side t he school sit t ing wit h Emily.T he sof t gr een grass under u s f eels good andN ovembers wind is passing t hr ough us. T his is oneof t he moment s I ll never f or get . It seems so f akeyet it s r eal. I t s lunch t ime and it s meat loaf day. Ihat e meat loaf so I packed a sandwich. M e andEmily ar e neighbor s. She t oo, packed a sandwich.T una and sardines f or her while I have bacon andegg. I looked t o her sur pr ised on what I see. Shewas crying. oh Em! Youre crying! What happened.You can t ell me! I said c omf or t ing her. I t was sosudden I d idnt know what else t o say. it snot hing El, it s just t hat I f eel wrong inside shesobbed more. I pu t my had on her back andpat t ed i t . what happened Em? Yoou can t ell me.T hen, we can solve it t oget her . Youll f eel bet t eraf t er you t alk about it st upid isnt it ? Well, I

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    didnt know what t o say. She was crying out ofnowhere. What was I supposed t o do? pr omise meyou wont hat e me f ir st she said. Wow! I t is bad.

    I t s enough f or her t o t hink I d hat e her. Ipromise. It cant be t hat bad I said. it is. A ndmaybe wor se what is you r pr oblem anyway?well. I t allst ar t ed last year she said inbet ween sobs I r eally do like M ike but . I f eellike I like Just in t oo I didnt know what t o say. Iwas speechless. I d ont know why, but my chest

    st ar t ed t o f eel heavy t hen. I dont know why, butit s a f eeling I dont like. I r eally r eally like M ikebut now Im conf used. A nd what s more shecont inued I was t alking wit h M ike and I might vement ioned a f eeling I have wit h J ust in. I dontknow what t o say. He just said not hing af t ert hat . she said sobbing. and I asked Just in if he

    liked someone. H e st art ed blushing and said heliked me t hat was it . The pain in my chest gr ewand I f eel as t hough I want t o f all. I r eally dontknow why. Im so annoyed now wit h t his f eeling. Idont f eel like cr ying. I t s like guilt , but it isnt .umm.. I t s okay Em. Youll f ind t he r ight choice t omake. I believe in you. Pr et end what Just in said

    never happened and also t he one wit h M ike.For get it and live on happily. t hat s all I could say.

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    A f t er t he day ended, I keep having t hat weird

    f eeling in my chest . I r eally hat ed it . It get s wor seevery t ime I see Just in. I dont know why. I m justhappy we werent having one of our games. H et ried t o t alk t o me but t I just walk away wit houtsaying anyt hing. I f eel guilt y about doing t hat t ohim even of he did not hing wr ong, but I just cantt ake t he f eeling. I t is like a numbing pain. So, here

    I am now. I n my bedr oom sit t ing on my bean bagchair . I love beanies. I was hugging my t eddy-dogt hat I had ever since I was 3. It st ill looked okay.I t s but t was a beanie. I r eally love it . It knows allmy secret s and i t s been wit h me t hr ough joy andhardships. I was t hinking everyt hing t hr ough.I guess I r eally t hou ght hard c ause I f ell asleep. I

    had a dream.

    I t was mor e of a memor y. I see Just in, me and myf r iends. We were t oget her and happy. M ike waswit h Emily. She had t he happiest smile of all. Thent he scene changed. I see me when I was 11 wi t h myso-called boyf r iend K yle. We were in a Fer r is

    wheel. I was eat ing cot t on candy. Then he lookedme in t he eye and said I like you. I smiled and Isaid I liked him back t oo. I can see my happy f ace.T hen t he scene changed int o t he t ime when Iheard t heir conver sat ion. I hear mur mur ing. Then

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    sud denly I see t he smile in my f ace break. M yhear t br oke. Then t he scene changed again. I waswit h J ust in. Playing one of our games. H e was it . I

    was running f rom him. I h id behind t he acaciat r ee. He f ound me and c aught me. I was laughingand smiling. The smile I t hought t hat never wouldbe rest or ed. Even my f r iends couldnt make mesmile t hat big of laugh t hat hard . I see myselff alling int o t he grass laughing. Then t he wholescene changed again. I was st ill wit h Just in. I was

    clumsy. Someone pushed me and I f ell int o t henearby st air s. M y f oot was sprained. I could ntwalk. Ju st in got angry at t he guy who pushed meand he ushered him t o say sor ry. Then he pickedme up and lovers-car r ied me t o t he nur se. I wascrying hard. T he nur se massaged it and she let itget bet t er . Just in asked if I was okay, and I said

    yes. I smiled t ruly. He went out and my f r iendscame rushing in. t he were all over me. I gave t hemt he best smile I could . Then everyt hing changedagain. I was wit h Emily. It was t he Scene f romt oday. She was t alking t o me about her pr oblemsand what Just in said t o her . I saw my f ace. I t wasf ul l of sor row and sadness. Emily t ells me about

    Just ins conf ession and I see how my f ace breaks.T hat s when it hit me. I liked t he dude. I r eallyliked t he dude. H ow could I not have seen it ! Iwas denying it all t his t ime when it was t rue. I didlike him! H ow c ould I have missed his f eat ur es?

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    H is at t it ude and charisma. H ow cou ld I have notseen it ?!

    I woke up and f ound t hat I was cr ying. How c ouldI have not seen it ?! But t hen I r emembered whatEmily said about Just in liking her back. I r ealizednow what t he pain in my chest was. Jealousy andgr ief .

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    Chapt er 3Birt hday f or Emily Surprise f or Nikk(How Nikki met Kevin, the life of Ni

    N ikki dear , would you mind doing some groceryshopping at K ur t s supermarket would you? t hat smy mom. She always let s me do t he shopping.M om! Why not let K elly do it ? K elly is my youngersist er. shes old enough t o do i t . Shes like11!Why not let her do it t his t ime?! I added. N ikki! Iasked YOU t o do it . N OT her! my mom said. Sheget s mad easily. f ine! But I bet t er get paid f ort his. t hank you sweat ie. Get t he money f rom t heGrocery M oney jar my mom put up t hat J ar eversince I was 10. I wou ld be t he one t o shop always.I st ammered down t he st air s and t ook some money. I went out t he door and put on my jacket . I t scold at night on N ovember . I t ook more money

    t han needed. I just r emembered Emilys Bir t hday iscoming up t his weekend. I t s t he 1 st of N ovemberand it s T hur sday. Were bringing her t o t he beach.which means a road t r ip. I need t o prepare and Ialso need a gif t . Elaine got her s already. Shes

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    get t ing Em a charm bracelet . A lly is get t ing her amood r ing. Tor i wou ldnt t ell me what shes get t ingher . I m planning t o get her a new book. Emily is

    t he only one of us, exc ept Elaine, who likesr eading. Elaine t hough can read f ast er . I ar r ivedat t he groc ery. I bought t he st uf f mom want edme t o get , bread, milk, cer eal and cof f ee. I gotmyself some chips, sodas a map of t he place wer egoing and some sunscreen. I also t ook some gum,candies, jaw br eaker s, jelly beans, gummies,

    choc olat e and ot her snacks. I went over t o t hebooks and magazines sec t ion and t ook a copy ofsevent een, k-zone, and t ot al gir l I know some oft hose magazines ar e chi ldish, but I like t hem. It ook a cool looking book t hat was paper back and.I t hink it had somet hing t o do wit h love. Emilylikes t hose books. Elaine likes M anga, A nime,

    N ovels, classic s and t hose f ic t ional ones. I car r iedt he magazines and t he book t owards my kart whenI bumped int o someone. I d int see who. M y st uf ff ell on t he ground so picked t hem up. um sosor ry. Just had a lot in my mind. A nyt hing I can dot o help you. You know, as a sor ry t he guy whobumped me said . I looked up t o see a guy wit h a

    hat t hat said summer in N ovember. he hadbroad shoulders and br own H air . A great smile.H e was as t all as her. K evin, nice t o bump int oyou , I mean meet youhehe f unny guy-wanna behuh? N ikk i, and I dont need your help. Im f ine.

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    T hank you. Bye now. I walked t o my kart and pu tmy st uf f in it and I pushed it t oward s t hecou nt er . I paid and came out wit h 2 bags of

    grocery. A s I was walking t o my house I kept ont hinking about t he dude who bumped me. Hisname was K evin. H m. K evin.. I got t ar emember him cause he was H -O -T H ot ! Sizzling!God!! Was he muscular or what ?! M aybe he wor ksout 5 t imes a day or somet hing. He wasnt t hoset ypes who are so f ull of muscles. H e was t he t ype

    who doesnt have shown muscles but it s just c leart hat he has t hem.

    I came back home and dropped t he plast ic bagwit h moms grocery in it and kept my plast ic bag inmy room. M e and my f r iends all got cell phonesand pr ivat e landlines. We got t hem f or our 13 t h

    birt hdays. I f elt like calling but I decided not t o. I just logged on t o our privat e chat room and gotT or i, Elaine, A lly and Emily. Our conver sat ionwent like t his:

    Nikki_gal:Hey guys, guess what? I met a guy at Kurts! he looks

    soooo freakin cute! Jet hair. Broad shoulders. H-O-THOT!

    Tori_luver:OMG Nikki! Did u make a move? F he s really that hot,than he shouldnt be goin out free like that. Pls tell me u

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    made a move on him! How did u meet such a HOT guylike that?!

    Nikki_gal:I was doin some grocery for mom n I bumped in2 him.N, of course I didnt make a move on him! I hardlyknew him!

    Ally_cute123:Nikkis right Tor, she hardly knows d dude. I hope hessingle though.

    Tori_luver:I hope I get 2 c that hunk of a man soon. Lucky Em, shefound her so-called luv of her life. I wanna meet myLuv of my life 2!

    Mike_Emily:So called?! Wat do u mean so-called?! Iv luved him

    since d start of my life!

    Tori_luver:Den y arent u called BF GF huh? Y s it friends widbenefits? Ur obsessed girl! Look @ ur user name.Mike_Emily. Y not use ur other email? DKitty_Emilly227? I liked dat1 better.

    Nikki_gal:Okay, anyway, I got d stuff fr our trip on sat. u pple gotd stuff ready?Princess_Elaine352463:Yea, got them. Beach ball, swim suits, shades, Sodas, n Igot d resort booked until Sunday night. We leave 8:00

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    pm sharp. 1 whole penthouse.

    Tori_luver:I hav d boys commin. I got Mike u know Em. I also gotJake to come and his Brother Cole to drive us there.I couldnt get Justin to com though. Hell listen 2 u El!Get him 2 com. I used my flirts wid him but he stillwont go.

    Princess_Elaine352463:Ill c wat I can do. Hey Ally, u got us d songs on a CDalready? How bout d movies n pop corn?

    Ally_cute123:Yea, I got em all already.I even got d radio.

    Nikki_gal:Kk. Bye now. Gotta get som Zs.

    T hen I logged of f . I r eally had a gr eat sleep.Somet imes my f r iends f ight but usually Elaine willcool t hem down. I hope f or a good day. Then I f ellasleep.

    Chapt er 4

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    Just in, come t o t he beach(Elaine t rying to get Just in t o come. Only Half -day school.)

    I looked around t he school. Where is he?! I dontknow how I got t he conf idence t o even look athim af t er what I did and what I learned. I lookedaround all t he heads unt il I f inally f ound him. A s Igot nearer t o him, my conf idence sank. N o! I havet o do t his. I t old myself . 5 st eps t ill I r each him.H ere I am. um. Ju st , I m sor ry about yest erday.Just had somet hing in my mind I said . I didntr eally look him in t he eye. I was looking at t hef loor let t ing my hair f all t o my f ace. oh, Elaine!You got me scared a lit t le t here when yousuddenly showed up. Yea. I t s okay. Um whyarent you looking me in t he eye? uh , it s not hing.I just want ed t o invit e you t o t he par t y wer et hr owing f or Emily you know? Everyone is 16. Well,Emily is st ill t urning 16. So will you come? I gavemy best shy smile but I st ill didnt look him in t heeye. yeah, sure I ll go. Wait ! A re you coming t oo?yea Im coming. Um, so be at Tor is houset omor row at 8 a.m. sharp. Bye! I said waving t ohim as I leave. Finally! It s over .

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    So, Sat ur day night came f ast . I t old t he guysabout Just in coming. A nd now, here I am in Tor isroom looking at myself in t he mir ror . The gir ls ar e

    f ixing up t he st uf f . I was wear ing a bikini.Per iwinkle color of cour se. I was also wear ing amalong. it s a kind of clot h or covering. It s like amix bet ween a mat and a blanket . I t s big and r edwit h palm t r ees shaded black . I put it around mywaist . L ike a skir t . I put on a jacket over it andf ixed my shades. I was also wearing t hose st r aw

    hat s and slippers. M y bag was alr eady in t he car .Only my pur se is wit h me. I t cont ains money, mycell and my address book. Emily was wearing asund ress wit h shades and a jacket wr appedaround her waist like me. N ikki was wear ing at ube t op and shor t mini shor t s. She t oo had a

    jacket wr apped on her waist . A lly was also wear ing

    a t ube t op but she was pair ing it up wit h longloose skir t s. St ill, wit h a jacket wr apped on herwaist . T or i was wear ing cargo pant s over herbikini. Wit h a jacket on her waist t oo. A ll of uswere wearing slippers and shades.We went down t o f ind all t he boys present andst ar ing. M ike of cou r se st ar ing at Emily, but it

    seems as t hough shes not looking at him back. If ollowed her gaze and f ound it locked on J ust in.H e t hought , was st ar ing at me. It was f lat t er ing,but shamef ul t oo. We checked if we had all t hesupplies. Cole dr ove a jeep. It f it s all of us and

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    When we ar r ived at t he resor t , people were

    alr eady t here. D ancing and part ying. It s weirdt hat wer e on t he beach on N ovember . A nyway. If ell asleep in t he car. I t was a long t r ip. A nyway, Iwoke t o f ind my head r est ing on Just ins shou lder.M ost of us were asleep t oo. I woke everyone andwe unpacked our st uf f and got set t led in ourrooms. A f t er t hat , we ar r anged our selves in t he

    beach. A nd we par t ied like weve never par t iedbef ore.

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    Chapt er 5A familiar face on the beach(Nikkis summer in November)We f ixed our st uf f and ar r anged our selves on t hebeach . Tor i and A lly wit h Cole and Jake on t hebeach. Elaine dr awing a shell on her mat wit h

    Just in wat ching. Emily singing karaoke wi t h someot her people while M ike is wat ch ing her dr unk.What is wi t h my f r iends? J eez! They all have someone wit h t hem! I headed back t o t he Resor t . Imust ve spaced out again cause t he next t hing Iknew, I bumped again on someone. I looked up t osee who it was. Sur pr ise sur pr ise! I t s mr . bump!

    K evin! hey he said. Seems like he recognizes me.hey your self I said . I usually say t hat t o people Imeet . hey, your e t hat gir l I bumped int o at t hegrocery. Um what was it . I guess he wast rying t o get my name. N ikki, it s shor t f orN icole I said wit h t he best f lirt y smile I could d 0.u m yeah. H i! Kevin he said t aking my hand and

    shaking it . um do you want t o st ay here or goout of all t hese noise. Theres a place over t herewhere t he music cant r each . he said point ing t omy lef t . Was he t rying t o get me alone or was hereally t rying t o help. Eit her way, I m f ine wit h it

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    just as long as it s f ar f rom here. okay, lead t heway I said. H e t ook me t o a gulf . It was hidd enf rom t he rest of t he beach by a pat ch of t rees,

    but he was r ight . It was f ar f rom t he noise.youve been here bef or e? I asked him. H e seemst o know where he was going. yeah. I come hereevery year . Ju st on dif f er ent mont hs he said. I thas a gr eat view of t he oceans. So, youll be herelong? he asked no, ju st f or t he weekend I said .t hen youll pr obably need some company, how

    bout me guid ing you all t hr oughout yourweekend. How bout it ? did a H OT guy act uallyask me out ?! OM G! A nd I do need company. yeahsur e. Id like t hat and we wat ched t he sun sett oget her.

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    Chapt er 6Conf essions on a boat(Elaine with Justin)

    I t was already dark. I was t aking pict ur es of t hewildlif e here wit h Just in. We headed back t o t heresor t . The gir ls and t he boys pent hou ses wereseparat ed. we went on our separat e ways when wereached t hem. When I ent er ed t he room, seemslike t he gir ls were alr eady sleeping. A ll exceptEmily who was wat ching a movie. I sat down nextt o her and t old her what I did. OM G El, I t ot allyf orgot about Ju st in t he whole t ime. Now I mposit ive M ike is t he one I love. I f elt r elief wit ht hose words. I kissed him so wer e of f ic ially BFGF now. I guess it s saf e t o t ell her about myf eelings f or Just in. okay Em, r emember when Ialways deny t hat I like Just in, well, I t hink I mst ar t ing t o like him now. A f t er I spent a day wit hhim, he r eally is nice. O M G!!!! OM G!!!!! Oh El! I

    knew you would end up wit h him, OH ! L ook at t het ime! I t s 11: pm, bet t er get some Z s, good nightEl night Em, oh, and H appy bir t hday. I hope youf ound ou r gif t s. Hope you like t hem. Tor i gave younew c lot hes you know. yea, I f ound t hem.

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    Well, night El night .

    I cou ldnt sleep. I c hecked t he t ime. I t s 12

    midnight now.. *click* *clunk* *click* *clunk* I heard noise out side my window. I looked t o seewhat it was and f ound J ust in t hrowing smallrocks. what ?! I whispered t o him come down!Want t o show you s0met hing he replied in t hesame whisper. I was st ill wear ing my bik ini. I put ona t ank t op and some cargo pant s. A nd a jacket on

    my waist . I slowly went down st air s and ou t t hedoor . Just in was t here wear ing plain whit e shir tt hat looks more of an undershir t and I guessswimming t runks t hat go down t o his knees.c mon he said where ar e we going? i t s asur pr ise he said. H e lead u s t o a boat . It was t hekind of boat t hat ru ns on mot or. We rode it t o a

    gulf . The beach was f illed wit h grass and f lowers.I t was hidd en f rom view by a pat ch of t r ees. Ir ent ed t he boat and f ound t his place. Thoughtyou might like it he said. I climbed ou t t he boatint o t he grass. oh wow it s beaut if ul Ist ammered. I sat on t he grass. He did t he same.uh , El, I brought you here t o t ell you somet hing

    yeah?u m a year ago, you wer e really kind t o me whenI was new. I m grat ef ul f or t hat but umyeah what is it ? I asked. Then he saidum I r eally like you. M ore t han a f r iend

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    I was shoc kedr eally? I r eally like you t oo bu t , um, I t hought youliked Emily I said as I hid my f ace wit h my hair.

    oh, you know about t hat t hen? Well, I just didntknow what t o t ell her t hen. You know, you lookreally cu t e when you h ide your f ace wit h your hairlike t hat t hen he t ook my ch in wit h his hands andhe kissed me.

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    So, t hat was it . N ikki had her love, Emily f oundher s and I f ound mine. It t ur ns out J ake likes A llyand A lly likes him back. Cole and T or i aret oget her . A nd I have Just in. This will be aweekend I will never f orget . L if e went on greataf t er t hat .

    A nd so my L ove St or y is complet ed as all myf riends t oo.

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    The End

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    A Tangled Love Story



    (1st volume)