A Surprising Diversity and Abundance of Xyloglucan Endotransglucosylase/Hydrolases in Rice. Classification and Expression Analysis 1 Ryusuke Yokoyama, Jocelyn K.C. Rose, and Kazuhiko Nishitani* Department of Developmental Biology and Neurosciences, Graduate School of Life Sciences, Tohoku University, Sendai 980–8578, Japan (R.Y., K.N.); and Department of Plant Biology, 228 Plant Science Building, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York 14853 (J.K.C.R.) A search of the recently completed genomic database of rice (Oryza sativa) identified a 29-member xyloglucan endotrans- glucosylase/hydrolase (OsXTH) gene family. This first report of a complete XTH family from a monocotyledonous species reveals that the OsXTH family is comparable in size with that of the dicotyledon Arabidopsis thaliana, which consists of 33 AtXTH genes. This is surprising because xyloglucan, the specific substrate of XTHs, is considerably less abundant in cell walls of monocotyledons than dicotyledons and is not typically ascribed an important structural role in monocotyledons. As a first step toward determining the roles of rice XTHs, the expression patterns of all 29 OsXTH genes were examined using a quantitative DNA microarray procedure with gene-specific oligonucleotide probes. The analysis showed that most members of the rice XTH family exhibited organ- and growth stage-specific expression. This was confirmed by quantitative real-time reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction analysis of representative OsXTH members. This revealed in more detail the temporally and spatially controlled expression profiles of individual OsXTH genes at particular sites in rice. Previous reports indicated that grasses have relatively greater xyloglucan endotransglucosylase activities, one of the two enzyme activities catalyzed by XTHs, than in equivalent tissues in dicotyledons. This observation, together with the tissue-specific and growth stage-dependent expression of a large rice XTH gene family, suggests that xyloglucan metabolism plays a more central role in monocotyledon cell wall restructuring than has been reported previously. The most widely adopted models of the structure of primary cell walls in dicotyledonous plants view the hemicellulose xyloglucan as a structurally impor- tant glycan (Carpita and Gibeaut, 1993), cross-linking and tethering cellulose microfibrils, and thereby forming the basic load-bearing framework of these so-called type I walls (Carpita, 1996). Other models place less emphasis on xyloglucan cross-links but still envisage xyloglucan as interacting closely with the microfibrils (for review, see Cosgrove, 2000). Xylo- glucans are found in type I cell walls in various tissues at different developmental stages, including the cell plates formed in dividing cells (Moore and Staehelin, 1988), the primary walls in growing cell, and fully differentiated secondary walls. Given its proposed important structural role, there is consid- erable interest in understanding the biochemical ba- sis of xyloglucan synthesis, integration into the wall and subsequent modification: all processes that are considered to be a fundamental part of cell growth and differentiation. The xyloglucan endotransglucosylase/hydrolases (XTHs) are a family of enzymes that specifically use xyloglucan as a substrate and that catalyze xyloglu- can endotransglucosylase (XET) and/or xyloglucan endohydrolase activities. Thus, XTHs are thought to play an important role in the construction and re- structuring of xyloglucan cross-links, although this has not yet been demonstrated. XTHs typically are encoded by large multigene families in dicotyledons (for review, see Nishitani, 1997; Rose et al., 2002); for example, in Arabidopsis, 33 open reading frames (ORFs) potentially encoding XTH proteins have been identified from the genome sequence database (Yokoyama and Nishitani, 2001b). Expression analy- sis of these genes has revealed that most of the family members exhibit distinct expression patterns in terms of tissue specificity and that they respond differently to hormonal signals (Xu et al., 1996; Akamatsu et al., 1999; Yokoyama and Nishitani, 2001a, 2001b; Naka- mura et al., 2003). The ubiquitous occurrence of xy- loglucans in various cell types, and the cell type- specific expression profiles of the XTH genes (Yokoyama and Nishitani, 2001b; Rose et al., 2002), together with recent studies of XET action in vivo (Vissenberg et al., 2000, 2001; Bourquin et al., 2002), 1 This work was supported by the Ministry of Education, Cul- ture, Sports, Science, and Technology of Japan (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Priority Areas no. 15031202 and Grant-in- Aid for Scientific Research [B] no. 15370016) and by the Program for “Development of Fundamental Technologies for Controlling the Process of Material Production of Plants” from the New En- ergy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (Japan). * Corresponding author; e-mail [email protected]; fax 81–22–217– 6700. Article, publication date, and citation information can be found at http://www.plantphysiol.org/cgi/doi/10.1104/pp.103.035261. 1088 Plant Physiology, March 2004, Vol. 134, pp. 1088–1099, www.plantphysiol.org © 2004 American Society of Plant Biologists

A Surprising Diversity and Abundance of Xyloglucan

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Page 1: A Surprising Diversity and Abundance of Xyloglucan

A Surprising Diversity and Abundance of XyloglucanEndotransglucosylase/Hydrolases in Rice.Classification and Expression Analysis1

Ryusuke Yokoyama, Jocelyn K.C. Rose, and Kazuhiko Nishitani*

Department of Developmental Biology and Neurosciences, Graduate School of Life Sciences, TohokuUniversity, Sendai 980–8578, Japan (R.Y., K.N.); and Department of Plant Biology, 228 Plant ScienceBuilding, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York 14853 (J.K.C.R.)

A search of the recently completed genomic database of rice (Oryza sativa) identified a 29-member xyloglucan endotrans-glucosylase/hydrolase (OsXTH) gene family. This first report of a complete XTH family from a monocotyledonous speciesreveals that the OsXTH family is comparable in size with that of the dicotyledon Arabidopsis thaliana, which consists of 33AtXTH genes. This is surprising because xyloglucan, the specific substrate of XTHs, is considerably less abundant in cellwalls of monocotyledons than dicotyledons and is not typically ascribed an important structural role in monocotyledons. Asa first step toward determining the roles of rice XTHs, the expression patterns of all 29 OsXTH genes were examined usinga quantitative DNA microarray procedure with gene-specific oligonucleotide probes. The analysis showed that mostmembers of the rice XTH family exhibited organ- and growth stage-specific expression. This was confirmed by quantitativereal-time reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction analysis of representative OsXTH members. This revealed in moredetail the temporally and spatially controlled expression profiles of individual OsXTH genes at particular sites in rice.Previous reports indicated that grasses have relatively greater xyloglucan endotransglucosylase activities, one of the twoenzyme activities catalyzed by XTHs, than in equivalent tissues in dicotyledons. This observation, together with thetissue-specific and growth stage-dependent expression of a large rice XTH gene family, suggests that xyloglucan metabolismplays a more central role in monocotyledon cell wall restructuring than has been reported previously.

The most widely adopted models of the structureof primary cell walls in dicotyledonous plants viewthe hemicellulose xyloglucan as a structurally impor-tant glycan (Carpita and Gibeaut, 1993), cross-linkingand tethering cellulose microfibrils, and therebyforming the basic load-bearing framework of theseso-called type I walls (Carpita, 1996). Other modelsplace less emphasis on xyloglucan cross-links but stillenvisage xyloglucan as interacting closely with themicrofibrils (for review, see Cosgrove, 2000). Xylo-glucans are found in type I cell walls in varioustissues at different developmental stages, includingthe cell plates formed in dividing cells (Moore andStaehelin, 1988), the primary walls in growing cell,and fully differentiated secondary walls. Given itsproposed important structural role, there is consid-erable interest in understanding the biochemical ba-

sis of xyloglucan synthesis, integration into the walland subsequent modification: all processes that areconsidered to be a fundamental part of cell growthand differentiation.

The xyloglucan endotransglucosylase/hydrolases(XTHs) are a family of enzymes that specifically usexyloglucan as a substrate and that catalyze xyloglu-can endotransglucosylase (XET) and/or xyloglucanendohydrolase activities. Thus, XTHs are thought toplay an important role in the construction and re-structuring of xyloglucan cross-links, although thishas not yet been demonstrated. XTHs typically areencoded by large multigene families in dicotyledons(for review, see Nishitani, 1997; Rose et al., 2002); forexample, in Arabidopsis, 33 open reading frames(ORFs) potentially encoding XTH proteins have beenidentified from the genome sequence database(Yokoyama and Nishitani, 2001b). Expression analy-sis of these genes has revealed that most of the familymembers exhibit distinct expression patterns in termsof tissue specificity and that they respond differentlyto hormonal signals (Xu et al., 1996; Akamatsu et al.,1999; Yokoyama and Nishitani, 2001a, 2001b; Naka-mura et al., 2003). The ubiquitous occurrence of xy-loglucans in various cell types, and the cell type-specific expression profiles of the XTH genes(Yokoyama and Nishitani, 2001b; Rose et al., 2002),together with recent studies of XET action in vivo(Vissenberg et al., 2000, 2001; Bourquin et al., 2002),

1 This work was supported by the Ministry of Education, Cul-ture, Sports, Science, and Technology of Japan (Grant-in-Aid forScientific Research on Priority Areas no. 15031202 and Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research [B] no. 15370016) and by the Programfor “Development of Fundamental Technologies for Controllingthe Process of Material Production of Plants” from the New En-ergy and Industrial Technology Development Organization(Japan).

* Corresponding author; e-mail [email protected];fax 81–22–217–6700.

Article, publication date, and citation information can be foundat http://www.plantphysiol.org/cgi/doi/10.1104/pp.103.035261.

1088 Plant Physiology, March 2004, Vol. 134, pp. 1088–1099, www.plantphysiol.org © 2004 American Society of Plant Biologists

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indicate that XTHs are involved in a wide range ofphysiological processes. This is reflected in the largesize of the Arabidopsis XTH (AtXTH) family, whereeach gene appears to play a particular role in mod-ulating wall architecture in a temporally and spa-tially specific manner.

The primary cell walls from commelinoid mono-cotyledons, which include cereals such as rice (Oryzasativa), have a number of major structural and com-positional differences from those of dicotyledonousspecies and are termed type II walls. Most studiesreport that type II walls have relatively little xyloglu-can, and the predominant glycan that cross-links thecellulose microfibrils is instead glucuronoarabinoxy-lan (GAX; Carpita and Gibeaut, 1993). For example,xyloglucan and GAX account for approximately 20%and 5%, respectively, of walls from suspension-cultured cells from dicotyledons, whereas in culturedmaize (Zea mays) cells, they account for approxi-mately 5% and 40%, respectively, of the wall (Rose etal., 2000). The walls of cereals and grasses also con-tain (1,3)(1,4)-�-d-glucan (mixed-linkage glucan),which is considered to act as another cross-linkingglycan. Moreover, the relatively small amounts ofxyloglucans in type II walls are structurally quitedifferent from those found in type I walls in terms oftheir size and branching patterns and are typicallydescribed as not being involved in cross-linking cel-lulose microfibrils (Carpita, 1996). Kato et al. (1982)showed that rice xyloglucans consisted of glucanbackbones with single xylosyl residues without fur-ther substitution, the frequency of which is much lessthan that in dicots. Thus, rice contains a differenttype of xyloglucan as a minor component. Given thequantitative and qualitative differences in xyloglucanand its very different structural roles in the twodistinct types of cell walls in flowering plants, itwould be logical to predict that the XTH gene fami-lies of the two classes also would have evolved quitedifferently and that XTHs would be less numerous,diverse, and abundant in plants with type II walls.

The genome sequence of rice subsp. Japonica cvNipponbare has been published recently (Goff et al.,2002) by the International Rice Genome SequencingProject. The availability of this resource, togetherwith the Arabidopsis genome sequence (ArabidopsisGenome Initiative, 2000), provides the first opportu-nity to undertake comparative phylogenetic analyses(Sasaki and Burr, 2000; Buell, 2003) of the wholecomplement of orthologs and paralogs of a givengene family in a dicotyledon and a commelinoidmonocotyledon. Analysis of the draft sequences ofthe rice genome has revealed a large rice XTH(OsXTH) gene family with 29 members, a numberthat, contrary to expectations, is similar to that of theAtXTH gene family. This surprising finding raisesinteresting questions about the biological importanceof XTHs in species with type II walls. To investigatethe functions of the rice XTHs further, as well as their

evolutionary significance, we have classified the 29OsXTH genes on the basis of a systematic nomencla-ture and characterized the expression patterns of thewhole complement of this gene family using DNAarray expression profiling. The potential roles ofthese proteins and their substrate xyloglucans inplants with differing wall types are discussed.


Identification of 29 Rice XTH Genes

The presence of XTH genes in the Poaceae wasnoted as early as 1993, when the first cloning ofwheat XTH cDNA (originally termed TaEXT1) wasreported (Okazawa et al., 1993). This was followed bythe isolation and characterization of a maize XTHgene, the expression of which is up-regulated underflooding conditions (Saab and Sachs, 1996). Morerecently, four rice XTH genes were cloned and two ofthem implicated in contributing to internodal stemgrowth (Uozu et al., 2000). However, it was not until2002 that an outline of the rice XTH gene family wassuggested on the basis of the partially completeddatabase of the rice genome sequence. Now that thedraft sequence of the rice genome is almost complete,many putative genes encoding XTHs have been de-posited through automated annotation processes andreleased from Web sites, as represented by the RiceGenome Program (Rice GAAS; http://rgp.dna.affrc.go.jp/giot/INE.html) and The Institute forGenomic Research (TIGR; http://www.tigr.org/tdb/e2k1/osa1; Table I).

A list of putative XTHs was compiled by searchingthese databases for ORFs with characteristic se-quences that are highly conserved among XTHs.Some ORFs were rejected because they containeduncharacteristic amino acid sequences located in thepredicted C-terminal regions or lacked the signatureDEIDFEFLG motif (see Fig. 1) that includes the resi-dues responsible for the catalytic activity and is con-served among all the XTHs thus far characterized(Yokoyama and Nishitani, 2001b; Rose et al., 2002). Itwas apparent that in several cases, the gene struc-tures annotated by the Rice GAAS do not matchthose annotated by TIGR (http://www.tigr.org/tigr-scripts/tgi/T_index.cgi?species�rice). In these cases,the coding regions of these predicted genes weremanually reinterpreted based both on the conservedstructural features of XTHs and on the sequence da-tabase of full-length cDNAs released from theKnowledge-Based Oryza Molecular Biological Ency-clopedia (http://cdna01.dna.affrc.go.jp/cDNA/).After full analysis and re-annotation, 29 unique ORFsencoding putative rice XTH (OsXTH) genes wereidentified (Fig. 1). Four of the 29 genes had alreadybeen reported as OsXTR1, OsXTR2, OsXTR3, andOsXTR4 (Uozu et al., 2000), and these were renamedwith permission from the original authors (Uozu etal., 2000) according to the recently proposed unified

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nomenclature system for XTH genes (Yokoyama andNishitani. 2001b; Rose et al., 2002). The finalizednomenclature of these four genes, together with therest of family, is listed in Table I and at http://labs.plantbio.cornell.edu/XTH.

PSORT analysis (http://psort.nibb.ac.jp/) pre-dicted a signal peptide for entry into the secretorypathway for each of the 29 putative OsXTH proteins.All the OsXTHs possess the diagnostic amino acidsequence motif DEIDFEFLG, which is conserved notonly in XTH proteins (Nishitani, 1997) but also in thefamily 16 glycoside hydrolases, a class of hydrolasesthat includes �-glucanases from members of theBacillus genus (Henrissat et al., 2001). In 26 of theOsXTH proteins, one or more N-linked glycosylationsites were identified adjacent to the C-terminal side ofthe DEIDFEFLG motif, whereas no glycosylation sitewas found in OsXTH19, -20, or -21 (Fig. 1).

Phylogenetic Relationships betweenOsXTHs and AtXTHs

To investigate the evolutionary relationships of theXTH family of genes in rice and Arabidopsis, a phy-logenetic analysis was performed using full-lengthprotein sequences (Fig. 2). It was shown previouslythat AtXTH members could be classified into three

groups and this classification has been applied to abroad range of plant species (Nishitani, 1997; Camp-bell and Braam, 1999b; Yokoyama and Nishitani,2001b; Rose et al., 2002). However, upon superimpos-ing the dendrogram of OsXTHs over that of AtXTHs,the divergence between Groups I and II of the AtXTHwas no longer apparent. However, the third groupwas clearly distinct from Groups I and II, indicatingthat the XTH genes could be divided appropriatelyinto two major subfamilies: Group I/II and Group III.Given the two-subfamily classification for the XTHgene family, the Group I/II subfamily contained 18OsXTH genes and 26 AtXTH genes, whereas theGroup III subfamily consisted of 11 OsXTH genesand seven AtXTH genes. In dicotyledons, membersof Group III have been shown to catalyze xyloglucanhydrolysis (xyloglucan endohydrolase activity)rather than xyloglucan transglucosylation (XET ac-tivity; Farkas et al., 1992; Fanutti et al., 1993; Tabuchiet al., 2001). However, it has not been demonstratedstrictly that all members of this group exhibit thischaracteristic. Apparently, rice contains a greaternumber of Group III members than Arabidopsis, al-though the functional significance of this is unclear.

The structures of individual OsXTH genes weredetermined based on their genomic sequences. Withfew exceptions in Arabidopsis XTHs, gene structure,

Table I. Identification of XTH genes in the rice genome

Systematic Gene Name Previous Gene Name RiceGAASa GeneBankb Chromosomec

OsXTH1 OJ2027_B02.20 AP003899 7OsXTH2 OsXTR1 OSJNBa0007D07.03 AC136481 11OsXTH3 OsXTR4 OSJNBb0015D13.12 AL606650 4OsXTH4 OJ1217_D10.02 AP003907 8OsXTH5 P0031C02.06 AP004657 8OsXTH6 OSJNBa0041A02.39 AL606638 4OsXTH7 OSJNBb0015N08.21 AL662996 4OsXTH8 P0682A06.10 AP004705 8OsXTH9 OSJNBa0041A02.36 AL606638 4OsXTH10 P0028E05.21 AP005445 6OsXTH11 OsXTR2 P0028E05.28 AP005445 6OsXTH12 P0028E05.24 AP005445 6OsXTH13 P0669G10.02 AP005398 2OsXTH14 P0669G10.04 AP005398 2OsXTH15 OSJNBa0012F14.38 AP004784 6OsXTH16 OSJNBb0015N08.20 AL662996 4OsXTH17 P0682A06.21 AP004705 8OsXTH18 P0028E05.26 AP005445 6OsXTH19 OJ1384D03.12 AC113930 3OsXTH20 OSJNBa0001O14.09 AC025783 10OsXTH21 OJ1624_G09.09 AP003839 7OsXTH22 OJ1136_C04.15 AP004026 2OsXTH23 OsXTR3 B1053A04.21 AP005859 2OsXTH24 OSJNBb0060O08.26 AC120506 3OsXTH25 OSJNBa0027L23.23 AC018929 10OsXTH26 P0576F08.35 AP004886 2OsXTH27 OSJNBa0023I19.12 AP079037 10OsXTH28 OSJNBa0060E18.16 AC118981 3OsXTH29 P0705B06.23 AP005430 9

a Gene no. assigned by RiceGAAS (http://RiceGAAS.dna.affrc.go.jp, February 6, 2003). b GenBank accession nos. of the GenomicDNA. c Chromosome no.

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Figure 1. Alignment of the amino acid sequences of 29 OsXTH proteins, constructed using the ClustalW program and drawnwith the Boxshade program. Identical and similar amino acid residues are shown on black and gray backgrounds,respectively. The DEIDFEFLG motifs are indicated by letters on top of the alignment. Signal peptide sequences, as predictedby the PSORT program, are represented in lowercase.

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such as exon organization, is well conserved withineach group. For example, one feature common toAtXTH Group II genes is that the well-conservedDEIDFEFLG motif is located in the second exon(Yokoyama and Nishitani, 2000, 2001b; Rose et al.,2002). In rice XTHs, on the other hand, the number ofexons varies from two to five and is independent ofthe subfamily (Fig. 3). Furthermore, unlike Arabidop-sis, the DEIDFEFLG motif is not confined to thesecond exon but is found in either the first, second, orthird exons. Of the 14 OsXTH genes that consist ofthree exons, four genes encode the motif in the firstexon, and there are eight genes in the second andthree genes in the third (Fig. 3).

Expression profiles of OsXTH Genes

Because members of the OsXTH gene family sharesimilar sequences in their coding regions, a sequence-specific detection procedure is required for the anal-ysis of their expression. To satisfy this requirement,an oligonucleotide microarray was used that allowsboth specific measurements and a comprehensivesurvey of the mRNA levels of the whole complementof OsXTHs. For this purpose, and based on the 3�non-coding regions of OsXTH genes, amino-modified 70-nucleotide probes were designed thatwere specific for individual OsXTH genes (Table II).To generate OsXTH-specific microarray slides, theseamino-modified 70-nucleotide probes were spottedand immobilized on the surface of TaKaRa-Hubbleglass slides (TaKaRa Biosciences Co., Ltd., Ohtsu,Japan) that had been coated with activated polyesterscapable of covalently linking amino-modified oligo-nucleotides with high efficiency.

The oligo DNA microarray was used to examinethe expression levels of all OsXTH mRNAs in seed-lings that had been grown for 3, 7, or 14 d. Theendosperm was first removed from the seedling leav-ing coleoptiles, leaves, and roots. These growthstages were chosen because vigorous cell expansionoccurred during these periods, both in the shoots and

Figure 3. A schematic diagram of the OsXTH gene structures. Whiteboxes, exons; lines, introns; Blue boxes, Putative signal peptidesequence; red boxes, DEIDFEFLG motifs that correspond to thecatalytic sites of the proteins.

Figure 2. Dendrogram generated using ClustalW and TreeViewPPCsoftware, based on the predicted amino acid sequences of AtXTHsand OsXTHs, which are shown in red and blue, respectively. TheXTH members are classified into two subfamilies based on the clas-sification for Arabidopsis XTH genes in which the AtXTH membersare classified into three groups (Yokoyama and Nishitani, 2001b).

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roots. At least three microarray hybridizations wereperformed for each assay point using Cy3/Cy5-labeled cDNA that had been independently reversetranscribed from equal quantities of mRNAs fromindividually harvested rice plants. The expressionlevels of individual OsXTH genes were determinedfrom the Cy3/Cy5 fluorescence intensity ratios in themicroarray image, which were normalized using arice actin gene (accession no. AU091532) as an inter-nal standard. Transcription levels of the actin gene inthe same RNA samples used for the microarray anal-ysis were determined by quantitative real-time re-verse transcriptase (RT)-PCR analysis.

The microarray hybridization analysis revealedthat 25 members of the 29 OsXTH gene family mem-bers found in the rice genome were expressed in therice plants used in this study; 21 genes were tran-scribed at relatively high levels, and four genes(OsXTH8, -10, -13, and -14) were expressed at lowerlevels (Table III). These results indicate that the 25OsXTH ORFs are actually transcribed, and the corre-sponding genes are functional. Expression of the re-maining family members, OsXTH5, -6, -7, and -26,was not detected under the conditions used (TableIII). At present, it is not known whether or not thesefour genes are functional because they might be ex-pressed in minor tissues that were not examinedduring specific developmental stages or in response

to biotic or abiotic stimuli that were not used in thepresent study.

Table III also indicates that the expression of mostmembers of the OsXTH gene family exhibit growthstage-dependent expression patterns; the expressionof OsXTH9, -11, -21, and -23 decreased as growthproceeded, whereas that of OsXTH1, -4, -15, -16, -19,-22, -24, -25, and -28 increased during the sameperiod.

To examine the organ-specific expression profilesof these genes, a comparison was made of the expres-sion levels in shoots, which are composed of coleop-tiles and leaves, and in roots in the 14-d-old seedlingswith the endosperms removed (Table III). Althoughseven OsXTH genes (OsXTH1, -2, -4, -13, -15, -16, and-25) were expressed preferentially in roots, there waswith little or no expression in the shoots, which sug-gested that their expression was root specific. In con-trast, seven OsXTH genes (OsXTH3, -11, -19, -21, -23,-27, and -28) were predominantly expressed in theshoots. OsXTH24 was expressed equally in bothtissues.

To more precisely quantify transcript levels of theOsXTH genes whose expression patterns were foundto change during shoot growth, the expression pro-files of eight representative genes (OsXTH9, -11, -19,-21, -22, -23, -24, and -28) were analyzed during shootgrowth, from d 3 to 14, by quantitative real-time

Table II. Gene-specific probes used for oligoDNA microarray

Gene Name probe Sequence (5� to 3�)


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RT-PCR (Fig. 4). These genes were chosen becausetheir expression levels were found to decline(OsXTH9, -11, -21, and -23) or rise (OsXTH19, -22, -24,and -28) during shoot growth (Table III). The resultsobtained using the RT-PCR experiments were consis-tent with those obtained with the microarray analy-sis, as seen by comparing the solid versus the brokenlines in Figure 4. The only differences in the magni-tudes and kinetics of the changes in expression levelswere seen with OsXTH22 and -23. Thus, the resultsvalidate the usefulness of the oligonucleotide DNAmicroarray procedure.

Real-time RT-PCR was also used to determine thetranscript levels of the eight genes in coleoptiles andthe first to third leaves at particular growth stageswhen the respective organs were at their early ma-ture stages (Fig. 5). Three OsXTH genes (OsXTH9,-21, and -23), exhibited higher expression in the co-leoptiles than in the leaves. The expressions of thesethree genes in the whole seedlings decreased from d3 to 14 (Fig. 4). It should be noted that the d 3 shootswere composed chiefly of coleoptiles and small juve-nile leaves within the coleoptiles and that as thegrowth stage proceeded from d 3 to 14, leaves suc-

cessively developed, and the coleoptiles senesced.Thus, the decline of the expression levels of the threegenes in the whole seedling from d 3 to 14 mightreflect changes in organ weights occurring duringshoot development, i.e. shrinkage of the coleoptilesby aging and the massive leaf development. On theother hand, three other XTH genes (OsXTH19, -22,and -28) whose transcript levels in whole shoots werefound to increase during seedling growth showedhigher expression levels in the leaves than in thecoleoptiles. Again, this transition of expression pat-terns might be attributed to the development ofleaves during the growth stage (Fig. 5).

To more precisely examine the correlation betweencell expansion and transcript abundance of theOsXTH genes whose expression was up-regulatedduring shoot development (OsXTH19, -22, -24, and-28), more detailed expression analysis was per-

Figure 4. Quantitative analysis by real time RT-PCT of transcriptabundance of eight representative OsXTH genes expressed in 3-, 7-,and 14-d-old seedlings of Arabidopsis. Ratios of transcript levels in 7-and 14-d-old seedlings to those in 3-d-old seedling are shown. Tocompare the data obtained by the real-time RT-PCR analysis withthose obtained by the microarray analysis, the data shown in Table IIIare superimposed as broken lines. Error bars � SE based on threereplicates of the same sample.

Table III. Expression patterns of the OsXTH

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formed in the third leaves (Fig. 6). Figure 6 shows thespatial pattern of blade elongation (Fig. 6A) and tran-script abundance of the four OsXTH genes along the25-mm-long blade of the third internodes (Fig. 6B).The elongation zone was restricted to the basal 5-mmregion above the collar and little or no elongationwas observed in the upper regions (Fig. 6A). Of thefour genes, OsXTH22, -24, and -28 were predomi-nantly expressed in the elongation regions (0–10 mmabove the collar), whereas OsXTH24 was expressedequally along the blade. OsXTH19 was expressedalmost exclusively in the basal 10-mm region andshowed the greatest correlation with the blade elon-gation rate, implying a role for OsXTH19 in leaf cellexpansion.

Finally, the expression of the same four OsXTHgenes was examined in the internodes of mature12-week-old rice plants. Figure 7 shows the abun-dance of the gene transcripts in the three regions ofthe internodes: the dividing/elongating zone at thebasal region, the premature nonelongating zone inthe middle region, and the mature nonelongationzone in the upper region. Interestingly, OsXTH 19

was specifically expressed in the dividing/elongat-ing zone, suggesting that it functions in cell expan-sion in both leaves and internodes of rice plants.

In conclusion, the combined expression profiles ofthe OsXTH genes, particularly those expressed in theshoots, reveal that they are expressed at specific sitesand that each exhibits a unique “expression finger-print,” implying involvement in divergent andspecific processes. What, then, are their biologicalfunctions?

Biological significance of OsXTHs in Xyloglucan-PoorRice Cell Walls

In Arabidopsis, 33 putative AtXTH genes havebeen identified and classified on the basis of theirgenome structures and occurrence in the expressed

Figure 6. Expression profiles of four OsXTH genes along the thirdleaf in 14-d-old plants. A, Elongation of each region of the leavesduring a 2-d period. B, Transcript levels of the four genes in individ-ual regions along the third leaf as measured by quantitative real-timeRT-PCR analysis. The relative abundance of individual mRNAs ineach region is shown as percentages of the total copy number in thewhole leaf. Error bars � SE based on three replicates of the samesample.

Figure 5. Expression levels of the eight OsXTH genes in coleoptilesand leaves. Coleoptiles and first to third leaves were excised sepa-rately from 3- to 14-d-old seedlings and subjected to RNA extraction.Transcript levels were determined by quantitative real-time RT–PCRand are shown as the number of RNA molecules in 1 pg of total RNA.Error bars � SE based on three replicates of the same sample.

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sequence tag (EST) database (Yokoyama and Nishi-tani, 2001b). These genes are thought to encode pro-teins that are responsible for either the moleculargrafting or disassembly of xyloglucan molecules inthe walls of various cell types. The ubiquitous natureof XTH expression and the extensive size of the genefamily probably reflect the diverse roles of XTHs andthe fact that their specific substrate is the principalhemicellulose in type I walls. In contrast, relativelyfar less xyloglucan is present in the primary cell wallsof commelinoid monocotyledons, such as is rice, andits structure is different from that of xyloglucan intype I walls (Kato et al., 1982; Carpita and Gibeaut,1993). As a consequence, current models of type IIwall architecture do not attribute a structurally im-portant role to xyloglucan but, rather, suggest thatGAX and perhaps mixed-linkage glucan cross-linkthe cellulose microfibrils, thereby forming the keyload bearing framework. Therefore, it is surprisingthat not only is the number of OsXTH family mem-bers comparable with that of the AtXTH family, but

that most members of the OsXTH family are ex-pressed and in a pattern that is similar to that seen inArabidopsis, with the majority showing increasedmRNA expression levels during elongation growthbut a few declining in abundance. Moreover, previ-ous studies in rice (Uozu et al., 2000) and othermonocotyledons such as barley (Hordeum vulgare;Smith et al., 1996) and maize (Pritchard et al., 1993;Wu et al., 1994; Palmer and Davies, 1996) also haveseen correlations between tissue growth rate andXTH mRNA abundance and/or XET activity.

However, perhaps an even greater paradox is thattwo surveys of a phylogenetically broad range ofplant species indicate that total extractable XET en-zyme activity in both growing aerial (Fry et al., 1992)and root (Wu et al., 1994) tissues is considerablygreater in grasses than in dicotyledons, based oneither a fresh weight or specific activity basis. Ifxyloglucan has only a minor structural role in type IIwalls, as is asserted in current models, why are theXTH gene family complexity, mRNA expression lev-els, and enzyme activity in monocotyledons compa-rable with, or even more pronounced, than in specieswith type I walls?

One likely explanation is that the xyloglucan intype II walls has a more important structural functionthan is generally described and that although quan-titatively less abundant on a relative basis because ofthe presence of substantial amounts of GAX, xyloglu-can polymers make a significant contribution to wallproperties, whether as inter-microfibril cross-links orin some other conformation. In this way, this popu-lation of xyloglucans might be targeted for modifica-tion during cell wall restructuring in conjunctionwith other polymers such as GAX. Consistent withthis idea, Inouhe et al. (1984) have shown that Mr ofxyloglucan in coleoptile sections of oat (Avena sativa),a Poaceae, substantially decreases when auxin in-duces their elongation growth, a typical auxin actionthat was demonstrated in Vigna angularis, a dicotyle-donous plant (Nishitani and Masuda, 1981). It is notclear why rice has a proportionally greater number ofXTH genes in the Group III subfamily, a group thathas been associated with xyloglucan hydrolysis (Roseet al., 2002). The functional basis of the subfamilygrouping is still unknown and will remain so untilsubstantial biochemical data describing the cognateenzyme activities have been generated. Furthermore,the higher levels of XET activity in the Poaceae, incombination with a far less abundant xyloglucan sub-strate, might argue for a more, rather than less, im-portant role, all other things being equal. A caveat tothis observation is that the enzyme activities (Fry etal., 1992; Wu et al., 1994) were not assayed using thenative xyloglucan substrates, although the differ-ences are still striking.

An alternative possibility is that xyloglucan doesplay a fairly insignificant structural role in type IIwalls and that the abundance of XTH genes and

Figure 7. Expression profiles of four OsXTH genes along the inter-nodes in 12-week-old plants. A, Schematic description of the threezones, defined as: 1, the dividing/elongating zone with intercalarymeristem; 2, premature nonelongating zone; and 3, mature nonelon-gating zone (Uozu et al., 2000). B, Transcript levels of the fourOsXTH genes in regions of the internodes as determined by quanti-tative real-time RT-PCR. The transcript levels are shown as the num-ber of RNA molecules in 1 pg of total RNA from each sample. Errorbars � SE based on three replicates of the same sample.

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related mRNA expression and enzyme activities re-flects xyloglucan modification throughout the plantthat results in subtle and not structurally critical wallreorganization. This seems unlikely because in thiscase one might predict that the OsXTH and AtXTHgene families would exhibit substantial differences ingene number, organization, and expression.

A third explanation is that in some circumstances,XTHs may be involved in the modification of hemi-celluloses other than xyloglucan. As stated previ-ously, rice cell walls contain large amounts of GAXand (1–3),(1–4)-�-d-glucan (Carpita and Gibeaut,1993; Carpita, 1996), and whereas all XTHs fromdicotyledons tested to date specifically use xyloglu-can as a substrate (e.g. Fry et al., 1992; Nishitani andTominaga, 1992), it is conceivable that XTHs fromrice and other monocotyledons may act on otherpolymers, such as (1–3),(1–4)-�-d-glucans. To ourknowledge, no studies have been reported that haveaddressed the substrate specificity of XTH proteinsfrom a commelinoid monocotyledonous species. Athree-dimensional structure, although imminent (Jo-hansson et al., 2003), has yet to be published for anyXTH, limiting predictions of the relative orientationof different polysaccharides relative to the proposedXTH catalytic site. The DEIDFEFLG motif that iscritical for cleavage of the �-1–4 linkages in the xy-loglucan backbone (Campbell and Braam, 1999a) isconserved among most XTHs but shows some diver-gence in specific predicted XTHs from both mono-cotyledons and dicotyledons (Fig. 1). Variation inamino acid residues at and around the catalytic site islikely to cause a significant change in the mode ofenzyme action and potentially substrate specificity.To address this issue, comparative biochemical anal-ysis of individual XTH proteins from species withtype I and type II walls will be necessary. Such anapproach, in combination with cell wall analysis,might offer an opportunity to explore new aspects ofXTH function in plants, particularly in the context ofdifferent cell wall types.


Database Search for Sequence Analyses

Sequence information for genes, proteins and cDNAs was retrieved bysearching public databases with a keyword search or BLAST algorithm atthe Rice Genome Research Program (http://rgp.dna.affrc.go.jp), the TIGRRice Genome Project (http://www.tigr.org/tdb/e2k1/osa1/), and theKnowledge-Based Oryza Molecular Biological Encyclopedia (http://cdna01.dna.affrc.go.jp/cDNA/). To ensure accuracy in the annotations ofthe rice (Oryza sativa) XTH genes, they were reexamined by three proce-dures: multiple sequence alignments of predicted amino acid sequences,comparison of the genomic coding sequences and corresponding full-lengthcDNA sequences, and verification of the correctness of the ORF and intronorganization on the basis of the conserved structural features of the XTHgenes thus far identified. The protein localization site was predicted usingthe PSORT program (http://psort.ims.u-tokyo.ac.jp). Multiple sequencealignments were constructed using ClustalW (http://spiral.genes.nig.ac.jp/homology/) and were displayed with the software available at the BoxshadeWeb site (http://www.ch.embnet.org/). The dendrogram was generatedusing ClustalW and TreeViewPPC software, based on the predicted OsXTHand AtXTH amino acid sequences.

Preparation of Oligonucleotide Microarray forOsXTH Genes

Oligonucleotide sequences that were specific for individual OsXTH geneswere designed based on the 3�-untranslated region (UTR) of each gene, fromsequences in the EST, full-length cDNA, and genome databases. The puta-tive 3�-UTR region of any genes that were not found in an EST or full-lengthcDNA database were predicted based solely on the genomic information.The 70-nucleotide oligonucleotides from the 3�-UTR regions of individualOsXTH genes were designed such that they did not share more than 60%identity with equivalent regions of other OsXTH genes. In cases where suchspecific sequence was not found in the 3�-UTR, sequences within the 5�-UTRwere selected so that the degree of homology was minimized. The 70-nucleotide oligonucleotides were synthesized with amino-modified 5� ter-mini, then spotted and immobilized onto TaKaRa-Hubble slides using anOmniGridder printer (GeneMachines, San Carlos, CA) by Hokkaido SystemScience Co., Ltd. (Sapporo, Japan) to generate OsXTH microarray slides.Negative charges inherent in the polyester surface of the microarray slideprevent nonspecific adsorption of negatively charged nucleic acids. Thisresults in reduction of the background signal because of nonspecific bindingof Cy3/Cy5 dye-labeled compounds, thereby increasing the signal-to-noiseratio. A broader dynamic range was achieved compared with conventionalcross-linking procedures using polycarbodiimide-mediated immobilization.

Plant Material

Rice subsp. japonica cv Nipponbare seeds were germinated under waterand water cultured for 3, 7, or 14 d in a growth chamber at 28°C with a dayperiod of 14 h under fluorescent lamps at a photon flux density of 500 �molm�2 s�1. The 3-, 7-, and 14-d-old seedlings were harvested, frozen in liquidnitrogen, and subjected to total RNA extraction. To investigate organ-specific gene expression, the 14-d-old seedlings were divided into shootsand roots, which were separately subjected to RNA extraction. To analyzethe correlation between leaf development and gene expression, the thirdleaves in the 14-d-old seedlings were selected for uniformity of blade length(25 mm) and divided into 5-mm regions and either excised and immediatelyfrozen in liquid nitrogen for subsequent RNA extraction or marked with inkand allowed to grow under the same conditions for an additional 2 d,followed by measurements of the lengths, to assess growth rate. For analysisof the internodes, the 14-d-old seedlings were transferred to a pot with soiland grown under the same light and temperature conditions for an addi-tional 10 weeks. The second or third internodes of the 12-week-old plantswere divided into dividing, elongating, and nongrowing zones according tothe procedure described by Uozu et al. (2000) and then frozen before RNAextraction. Total RNA was extracted according to the method of Chomczyn-ski and Sacchi (1987).

Preparation of Fluorescent Probes andMicroarray Hybridization

Cy3- and Cy5-labeled cDNA probes were prepared using the CyScribePost-Labeling Kit (PRN5660, Amersham Biosciences Corp., Piscataway, NJ).In brief, 50 �g of total RNA from each sample was used as the template forreverse transcription, which was performed using oligo(dT) as the primerand a nucleotide mix containing amino-allyl dUTP. Thus, the first strandcDNAs synthesized were purified by alkali treatment followed by columnpurification using the CyScribe GFX purification kit and reacted with mono-functional Cy3/Cy5 reactive dye in the presence of sodium bicarbonate (pH9.0). The Cy3/Cy5-labeled cDNAs were purified using AutoSeq G-50 col-umns (Amersham Biosciences), dried, and dissolved in 6.5 �L of water.

Hybridization and washing of the DNA microarray were performed asrecommended by the manufacturer (Amersham Biosciences) with modifi-cations as follows. The Cy3/Cy5-labeled cDNA solutions (6.5 �L) weremixed with 1 �L of salmon sperm DNA solution (0.1 �g �L�1), 7.5 L ofhybridization buffer, and 15 �L of 100% (w/v) formamide, followed byhybridization at 42°C overnight. After hybridization, the microarray slideswere washed successively with a solution containing 2� SSC and 0.1%(w/v) SDS at room temperature for 10 min, three times with a solutioncontaining 2� SSC and 0.1% (w/v) SDS at 55°C for 10 min, and finally threetimes with a solution containing 0.1� SSC and 0.1% (w/v) SDS at room

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temperature for 10 min. Immediately after the washes, the hybridized slideswere dried by spinning in a centrifuge.

Image Acquisition and Analysis

The hybridized and washed microarray slides were scanned at 570 nmfor Cy3 signals and at 660 nm for Cy5 signals using a laser fluorescencescanner (GenePix 4000B, Amersham Biosciences). The fluorescence intensitydata were acquired with the photomultiplier gain set at the highest level,and the data were processed by GenePix Pro version 3.0 software (GenePix4000B, Amersham Biosciences) to subtract the local background on themicroarray slides. The Cy3 and Cy5 signal images were normalized usingthe signals for the actin gene as an internal standard. The expression level ofthe actin gene per amount of total RNA in the same sample was quantifiedby real-time RT-PCR using the primers 5�-ttcttcggacccaagaatgc-3�(forward)and 5�-aacaaaagagagaacaagcaggag-3�(reverse). Microarray hybridizationwas repeated at least three times for each experiment, and the mean valuesof three experiments are given with ses.

Quantitative Real-Time RT-PCR

The oligonucleotide primers used for the RT-PCR analysis were designedbased on the nucleotide sequences in the 3�-UTR of the eight OsXTH genes(OsXTH9, -11, -19, -21, -22, -23, -24, and -28) according to the proceduredescribed previously (Yokoyama and Nishitani, 2001b). The following se-quences correspond to primers used for the RT-PCR analysis: OsXTH9, 5�-agtggagtggagacgcgc-3� (forward) and 5�-cctgcgtgagttcgatcga-3�(reverse); Os-XTH11, 5�-tgatcataacgtacgctacgca-3�(forward) and 5�-caaaacacattcattattcgcca-3�(reverse); OsXTH19, 5�-gccatgcatcttcagtttcaca-3�(forward) and 5�-aatagtagatacgtgttggtgctcgt-3�(reverse); OsXTH21, 5�-agtggattcacgagtgccg-3�(forward) and 5�-ttacctttcccaaaatccaaaca-3�(reverse); OsXTH22, 5�-tacgccgccatgtatactcca-3�(forward) and 5�-caaacgattaattgacaaacaggg-3�(reverse);OsXTH23, 5�-gcatatgatggttactattacactactagattctat-3�(forward) and 5�-ctagcac-ctactacctttacaaactatacataca-3�(reverse); OsXTH24, 5�-ggctctagctccatcataattctttg-3�(forward) and 5�-tcgtgaagaagcagcagtaacaa-3�(reverse); and OsXTH28, 5�-gccgctcgcgatggt-3�(forward) and 5�-ggaaactataatcacgtacgacatcac-3�(reverse).Quantitative one-step RT-PCR was performed using a SYBR Green RT-PCRReagents kit in an ABI Prism TM 5700 Sequence Detection System (Perkin-Elmer Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA) according to the protocolprovided by the supplier.


We thank Professor Makoto Matsuoka (Nagoya University, Chikusa,Nagoya, Japan) for his invaluable discussions and helpful suggestions con-cerning the growth pattern of rice plants.

Received October 24, 2003; returned for revision December 15, 2003; ac-cepted December 15, 2003.


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