A step forward in diagnostics: ORTHOPHOS panoramic X-ray systems. ORTHOPHOS ORTHOPHOS Plus ORTHOPHOS Plus Ceph, ORTHOPHOS Plus DS ORTHOPHOS Plus DS Ceph

A step forward in diagnostics: ORTHOPHOS panoramic X-ray ... Plus pan-ce… · The ORTHOPHOS Plus DS Ceph provides the basis for realizing digital panoramic and cephalometric X-rays

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Page 1: A step forward in diagnostics: ORTHOPHOS panoramic X-ray ... Plus pan-ce… · The ORTHOPHOS Plus DS Ceph provides the basis for realizing digital panoramic and cephalometric X-rays

A step forward in diagnostics:ORTHOPHOS panoramic X-ray systems.


Page 2: A step forward in diagnostics: ORTHOPHOS panoramic X-ray ... Plus pan-ce… · The ORTHOPHOS Plus DS Ceph provides the basis for realizing digital panoramic and cephalometric X-rays


Versatile performers:the ORTHOPHOS family

The ORTHOPHOS Plus and ORTHOPHOSPlus Ceph use conventional film cas-settes. In the case of the ORTHOPHOSPlus DS and ORTHOPHOS Plus DS Cephall the imaging, processing and archivingfunctions are performed digitally. If youwant to enter the digital age at a laterdate – no problem. All the models in thenew ORTHOPHOS series can be upgradedto digital technology.

Panoramic X-rays have now be-come standard practice in first-time examinations. However,

as soon as the patient’ssymptoms are associat-

ed with the mandibu-lar joints and/or themaxillary sinuses youhave no option butto extend the scopeof the X-ray investi-gation to these re-

gions. Such complexapplications are beyond

the capabilities of conven-tional panoramic X-ray units.

The ORTHOPHOS Plus, ORTHOPHOS Plus Ceph, ORTHOPHOS Plus DS andORTHOPHOS Plus DS Ceph offer a choiceof 16 different programs covering theentire spectrum of oral and maxillofacialX-ray imaging regions.

An investment that pays dividends

Robustly designed and technically sophis-ticated, the ORTHOPHOS X-ray systemsenable you to solve complex clinical prob-lems immediately using your own internalresources. The images turn out right everytime – thanks to the multipulse genera-tor, the dependable patient positioningsystem, automatic exposure preselection (in the film-based models) and automaticimage preprocessing (in the digital sys-tems). The digital X-ray systems displaythe images directly on the monitor, with-out any intermediate processing steps.The ORTHOPHOS Plus DS Ceph providesthe basis for realizing digital panoramicand cephalometric X-rays on the basis ofCCD sensor technology. Sirona’s manyyears of experience in the area ofpanoramic and cephalometric radiogra-phy are your passport to optimum reli-ability, plus perceptible user benefits.

Simple operation and upgrading

The ORTHOPHOS X-ray systems aredesigned for optimum user-friendliness.Thanks to the 3-point fixing device,patient positioning involves only a fewsimple steps. The multitimer initiates the imaging process quickly and safely.Upgrading is a quick and simple proce-dure. All the new-generation film-basedORTHOPHOS models can be converted to digital imaging at a later date. Updatesto the operating software and applicationprograms are supplied on convenientmemory cards (a feature common to allthe ORTHOPHOS models).

All in keeping with the changing needs ofyour dental practice.

ORTHOPHOS Plus – a major step forward indiagnostics.

The benefits in brief

■ Reliable diagnosis16 panoramic programs

■ Brilliant image qualityAutomatic exposurepre-selection and image preprocessingrespectivelyMultipulse generator

■ Easy operationMultitimer

■ Cost-effectiveSturdy constructionTried-and-tested technology

■ Future-compatibleDigitally upgradableMemory card technology

A major step forward:ORTHOPHOS panoramic X-ray systems.

Accurate diagnosis andeffective treatment are prerequisites for a successful dental practice. TheORTHOPHOS X-ray systems offer a broadrange of programs and thus foster acomprehensive diagnostic approach.Their razor-sharp images provide asound and meaningful basis for clearlyfocused therapy.

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Pinpoint accuracy

The imaging unit orbits around thepatient’s head in a smoothly coordinatedsequence of movements. Each orbit isoffset against the previous one. A systemof microprocessors calculates the correctorbits for each individual patient.Precision you can see with your own eyes.

Any exposure errors are corrected by theautomatic image preprocessing system.The multipulse generator ensures excellentdefinition and an evenly balanced imagedensity. This makes repeat exposures athing of the past. You can process the im-age on the monitor in any way you choose.The original image remains stored in thecomputer memory. The computer archivesthe X-ray images for future reference.

Seeing is believing: theORTHOPHOS X-ray systems deliverrazor-sharp images every time. Themultipulse generator emits consis-tently “hard” radiation, while auto-matic image preselection/imagepreprocessing ensures optimum ex-posures. The result? Brilliant X-raysthat provide the basis for accuratediagnosis.

Repeat X-rays cost time andmoney. All the film-basedORTHOPHOS models offer au-tomatic exposure preselectionin the standard panoramaprogram. The dose levels aredetermined individually foreach patient in turn based onmeasurements carried out at the beginning of the X-rayprocedure. The X-ray imagestherefore turn out right everytime.

Digital imageprocessing andarchiving

The digital ORTHOPHOSPlus DS and ORTHOPHOSPlus DS Ceph models offer theuser digital image acquisition,processing and archiving functions.


The passport to high-quality X-rays.

ORTHOPHOS alwaysselects the correctorbit, irrespective ofwhether the patienthas a large, normalor small-sized jaw.

The benefits in brief

■ Razor-sharp imagesAutomatic exposure preselection/imagepreprocessing

■ Computer-controlled orbitsHighly integrated microprocessors

■ Consistently hard radiationMultipulse generator

■ Reduced radiation dose

Top right:An indispensablediagnostic aid: thestandard panoramicX-ray.

Bottom right:ORTHOPHOScalculates the preciseorbit for eachindividual patient.

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ORTHOPHOS – continuous motor-driven height adjustment.

Thanks to the 3-point fixingsystem the patient has no trouble in keeping still. The special bitesegment and the chin, temple andforehead supports ensure idealpositioning. Light localizers providea quick and precise means of deter-mining the Frankfort horizontal andthe mid-sagittal planes.

At the touch of a button themotor drive adjusts theORTHOPHOS to the individualheight of the patient. The bitesegments and the hygienicprotective sleeves are stored inthe built-in draw, where theyare immediately accessible.

Convenient features:Light localizers andmultitimer

In panoramic radiography asingle millimeter can make abig difference. Patient posi-tioning has a determining in-fluence on image quality. Forthis reason the ORTHOPHOSX-ray units deploy light localiz-ers. The 3-point patient fixingsystem prevents kinetic blurringand “technical” asymmetries.

In addition, the patient’s cranial circum-ference is measured via the temple andforehead support. The ORTHOPHOS unitthen automatically selects the optimumorbital curve. In the event of anomaliesin the patient’s anterior teeth you candetermine yourself to what extent theorbital curve should be corrected. A final

glance in the mirror – and you’re ready tostart. The exposure procedure is triggeredusing the multitimer control unit. With itseasy-to-understand icons the multitimeris child’s play to operate. It is available asa hand-held unit attached to a spiralcable or as a permanently installedremote control.

Digital recording

At the end of the X-ray procedure theORTHOPHOS units present a read-

out of all the various settings (e.g. exposure time) in the digi-tal display. The digital modelsORTHOPHOS Plus DS andORTHOPHOS Plus DS Cephstore this data as well as othermajor parameters (height set-ting, forehead support setting,temple width) together with the X-ray image. This enablesyou to reproduce X-rays underidentical conditions.

A triple benefit:The three-point patient fixing system.

ORTHOPHOS – all accessories within easyreach.

The benefits in brief

■ Convenient motor-driven settingsHeight adjustment and forehead support

■ Practical light localizersFrankfort horizontal/mid-sagittal plane

■ Reliable 3-point fixing Bite, forehead and temple supports

■ Simple operationMultitimer control unit

■ Outstanding hygieneSterilization and/or protective sleeves

■ Clear digital displaysReproducibility, plus operator assistance


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needs. Such processed X-ray images makeit a lot easier to explain to patients theneed for complex courses of treatment.

In addition, SIDEXIS is fully network-capable and interfaces with the widely

available practice man-agement programs as

well as withorthodonticanalysissoftware.The imagecapture cardis integrated

directly into the ORTHOPHOS unit. In other words, you’renot dependent on any particular PC inyour practice network. And this results ingreater flexibility.Your local dealer will be glad to supplyfurther details.

Equipped for the future

All the film-based models in the new ORTHOPHOS series can be upgraded to digital technology at a later date.

Digital technology reduces radiationdoses. In the case of panoramic X-raysthe dose can be up to 50% lower bycomparison with conventional film-basedunits. In the case of digital cephalometricX-rays the radiation dose can be reducedby as much as 70%.


The future of radiology lies in digital technology. In addition tosaving space it significantly reducesthe amount of radiation. The X-rayimage appears immediately on themonitor. The built-in computer au-tomatically compensates for anyexposure errors. This means that youreceive flawless images every time.The software package SIDEXIStakes care of image archiving andpatient data management and – ifrequired – can interface directlywith your practice managementprogram.

The darkroom is thus rendered super-fluous. In place of a conventional filmcassette these digital X-ray units feature a two-dimensional line sensor. Prior totriggering the X-ray you simply enter thepatient’s name on the PC and select thedesired program on the ORTHOPHOS unit.After a mere 60–100 seconds the imageappears on the high-resolution PC moni-tor. The X-ray image and the relevantexposure data (radiation time, mA, kV,etc.) are stored automatically in the

The digital dimension: ORTHOPHOS Plus DSand ORTHOPHOS Plus DS Ceph.

patient file index. It goes without sayingthat each image (both the original andany post-processed versions) can berecalled within seconds.

SIDEXIS:convincing images

A picture says more than a thousandwords. With just a few mouse clicks theSIDEXIS software enlarges importantdetails and creates inverse, pseudo-coloror relief images in line with your specific

Facing page:ORTHOPHOS digital –brilliant real-timeimages; reducedradiation doses.

The benefits in brief

■ Razor-sharp real-time imagesNo film processing, no scanning,no readouts

■ Environmental protectionNo darkroom, no chemicals

■ Reduced radiation dosesRadiation dose reductions ranging from50% (panoramic) to 70% (cephalometric)

■ SIDEXIS softwareSimple and effective image processing;automatic patient-related archiving;interfaces with practice management andorthodontic measurement programs

■ Future-orientedSubsequent upgrading to digitaltechnology; memory card technology

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Cephalometric and panoramicradiography in a single unit. TheORTHOPHOS Plus Ceph producesfilm-based images, the ORTHOPHOSPlus DS Ceph is fully digital. Bothmodels offer a choice of 16 panora-ma programs, plus sophisticatedcephalometric capabilities. This putsyou in the position to fulfil all or-thodontic and oral surgery require-ments.

You can choose from a wide variety ofcephalometric techniques: lateral; poste-rior-anterior or anterior-posterior in the direction of radiation; hand X-rays.

Two-fold benefits for oral surgery andorthodontics: ORTHOPHOS Plus Ceph andORTHOPHOS Plus DS Ceph.

Principle of digital cephalometricradiography

Principle of film-based cephalometricradiography

Save valuable time: interfacing withorthodontic analysis software

Using our software package SIDEXIS youcan transfer the X-ray images directly toyour orthodontic analysis program – e.g.Computer Forum’s “Dental Vision”. Thisprogram is available as an optional extratogether with the ORTHOPHOS Plus DSCeph. The images can be measured di-rectly on your PC (either immediately orat a later date). Once again, you have thechance to save valuable time for yourpractice. Ask your local dealer whetheryour preferred analysis program is al-ready compatible with SIDEXIS.

ORTHOPHOS Plus DS Ceph:Low radiation dose thanks to shortexposure times

In conventional cephalometric applica-tions the entire skull is exposed to apyramid-shaped X-ray beam. TheORTHOPHOS Plus DS Ceph techniqueoffers a unique method: The motorizedimage receptor scans the patient‘s headfor approx. 15 seconds using a flat fan-shaped beam.The actual exposure time, however, is only 270 milliseconds. Compared with afilm-screen combination with a sensitivityof S = 250, the radiation dose can be re-duced by up to 70%. By comparison witha S = 400 film-screen combination thedose reduction is in the region of 50%.


Secondary diaphragm

X-ray radiation

X-ray radiation

ORTHOPHOS – theideal solution forfilm-based anddigital cephalometricradiography.

The benefits in brief

Cephalometric radiography■ Panoramic and cephalometric

radiographyCombined in a single unit

■ Panoramic or cephalometricradiographyQuick and easy change-over

■ Film-based or digitalDigital technology is available exworks or as a retrofit option

Digital cephalometric radiography■ Radiation dose reduction

Up to 70%■ Patient-related image archiving

Fully automatic■ Software interfaces

For practice management and ortho-dontic measurement programs

■ Razor-sharp real-time imagesNo film processing, no scanning,no readouts

■ Environmental protectionNo darkroom, no chemicals

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Visible benefits:the 16 ORTHOPHOS programs.

Panoramic X-rays have becomean indispensable tool in the area ofdental diagnostics.This is especiallytrue in the case of first-time examina-tions, due to the large number ofpathological findings and secondaryfindings that this X-ray techniquereveals.

By comparison with a series of individualexposures the standard panoramic X-ray(Fig. 1) extends the diagnosable region by approx. 70% and reduces the skinsurface dose by approx. 90%.

The additional projection techniquessupported by the ORTHOPHOS Plus/PlusCeph and the ORTHOPHOS Plus DS/Plus DS Ceph facilitate the comprehen-sive diagnosis of the entire jaw region –i.e. temporomandibular joints, maxil-lary sinuses and the anterior teeth.These sophisticated X-ray systemsalso offer special programs for implan-tology and for low-dose follow-up X-rays.

















Program 1:Standard panoramicimage

Program 2:Normal image, re-stricted to the denti-tion region withoutascending branches

Program 3:Maxillary sinuses,two images on onefilm

Program 4:Lateral view of thetemporomandibularjoints, ascendingbranches

Program 5:Temporomandibularjoints in direction ofirradiation, posterior/anterior

Program 6.1/6.2Lateral view of thetemporomandibularjoints, closed/openmouth on one film

Program 7.1/7.2:Temporomandibularjoints in direction ofirradiation, posterior/anterior, open/closedmouth on one film

Program 8:Lateral multi-layerimage of the tem-poromandibularjoints

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Remote Control optionally available


















Program 9:Multi-layer image ofthe temporomandib-ular joints in direc-tion of irradiation,posterior/anterior

Program 10:Normal X-ray forchildren (considerabledose reduction)

Program 11:Normal X-ray withconstant 1.25 foldmagnification formeasuring applica-tions

Program 12:Thick layer, anteriorregion

Program 13:Paranasal sinuses

Program 14:Left side reduced-dose follow-up X-ray

Program 15:Right side reduced-dose follow-up X-ray

Program 16:Multi-layer image of the lateral toothregion

Transverse layer extension kit – also available in a digital version

The special programs for transverse tomo-grams create an enhanced decision-making basis in the area of oral surgeryand implantology. Sirona has realized anextremely low depth of field (in someprograms less than 0.9 mm). In otherwords, you receive X-ray images of out-standing diagnostic relevance.

The extension kit is available factory-fitted or else as a retrofit option.

An extension kit is also available for the digital ORTHOPHOS Plus DS and ORTHOPHOS Plus DS Ceph X-ray units.Existing systems can be upgraded at a later date. The special Sirona sensor en-sures very low depths of field and hence excellent image quality.

For further information please order ourbrochure “Transverse Layers”.

Various adjustment devices are available forquick and precise patient positioning purposes– for example, the new TSA rule.

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16 plus 4: the additional cephalometric functionssupported by ORTHOPHOS Plus Ceph andORTHOPHOS Plus DS Ceph.

1 2 3

In addition to the 16 panoramicprograms the ORTHOPHOS PlusCeph and ORTHOPHOS Plus DS Cephoffer you the choice of four cephalo-metric projections, thus makingthese X-ray units genuine all-rounders for orthodontics and oralsurgery.

The settings are precise, stable andreproducible at any time – thanks to themotor-driven height adjustment and thepatient fixing system consisting of ear tip supports and nose support. TheORTHOPHOS features an individuallyadjustable soft-tissue filter. In the

ORTHOPHOS Plus DS Ceph this functionis performed electronically. In both casesyou have access to easily recognizablepatient profiles – a prerequisite for high-quality lateral/posterior-anterior/anterior-posterior X-rays and hand X-rays.

Sirona’s many years of experience withsensor-based digital panoramic andcephalometric X-ray systems are a guarantee for optimum reliability.Thousands of installed systems world-wide – including more than 1,000 ORTHOPHOS Plus DS Ceph units –provide convincing practical proof.




Lateral view of skull


Posterior-anteriorview of skull

Standard formats supported by the ORTHOPHOS Plus Ceph and ORTHOPHOS Plus DS Ceph:18 x 24 cm asymmetrical,18 x 24 cm symmetrical

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Technical data ORTHOPHOS units

Radiation generator Multipulse generator

X-ray tube SR 90/15 FN

Focal spot size according to IEC 336/82 0.5 mm x 0.5 mm

Total filter 2.5 mm AL

Tube voltage 60 – 90 kV

Tube current 9 – 16 mA

Nominal voltage 230 V, 50 – 60 Hz

Nominal current 12 A

Line internal resistance max. 0.8 Ohm

Fuse 16 A (slow blowing)

Power consumption 2.8 kW

Permissible line voltage fluctuations +6, –10%

Panoramic rotation times 19 s – 108 s

Panoramic exposure times 4.9 s – 25.3 s

Ceph film switching times 0.1 s – 4.0 s (17 steps)

Ceph Digital

Radiation time 15.7 s

Effective exposure time approx. 270 ms


ORTHOPHOS Plus, Plus DS 1100 x 1490 – 2120 x 1160 mm*

ORTHOPHOS Plus Ceph 1855 x 1490 – 2120 x 1160 mm*

ORTHOPHOS Plus DS Ceph 1800 x 1490 – 2120 x 1180 mm*

* (width x height x depth)

ORTHOPHOS in figures.

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Equipment features ORTHOPHOS Plus ORTHOPHOS Plus Ceph ORTHOPHOS Plus DS ORTHOPHOS Plus DS Ceph

Panoramic programs1 – 16 ● ● ● ●

Transverse layers (17–23), digital (17–26) ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲

Cephalometric radiographyImage/cassette format 18 x 24 symm./asymm. ● ●

Cassette format 24 x 30 ▲

Digital radiographyDigital ● ●

Digitally upgradable ● ●

Patient positioningLight localizer for FH and mid-sagittal plane ● ● ● ●

Precise layer position determination by ● ● ● ●automatic measurement of the skull width

Automatic exposure preselection ● ●

Automatic image preprocessing for ● ●optimum exposure in all programs

Compensation for anomalies in the anterior tooth region ● ● ● ●

Digital displays for height adjustment, ● ● ● ●forehead support position, anomaly compensation, exposure values,help messages

Operation, service, upgradabilityMultitimer ● ● ● ●

Remote Control ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲

Memory card technology ● ● ● ●

● standard ▲ optional

All the features at a single glance.

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Subject to technical changes anderrors in the text.Order No. A91100-M47-A638-02-7600Printed in Germany2013C6808 WS 0301XYZ.

Sirona Dental Systems GmbHFabrikstrasse 31 · D-64625 BensheimE-mail: [email protected]://www.sirona.de